Djungarian hamster description for children. Djungarian hamster, description of the breed

Career and finance 18.09.2019
Career and finance

The first pet of a child can be a Djungarian hamster: care and maintenance will not require large amounts of money or time. Everything about Djungarian hamsters at home can now be read on the Web, so that the Djungarian live a relatively long and happy life and brought only joy to the owners.

Many are interested in where Djungarian hamsters live in nature in order to provide their pet with conditions that are as close to natural as possible. Dwarf hamsters are very widespread. They live in the steppes and semi-deserts of Kazakhstan, Asia, Russia (Western Siberia, Altai region). The name was given by the name of the province in northwestern China - Dzungaria. Sungur hamster (Phodopus sungorus) is an alternative name for the Dzhungari.

Thrifty rodents are loners. Each animal equips a hole with 4-6 entrances, up to a meter deep, where a pantry, a bedroom, and a latrine are located in various branches. They emerge from their burrows at dusk and at night. They feed on grass, seeds, berries, and insects.

Every day, the sungurik runs several kilometers in search of food.

On the grassy plains, tiny hamsters have many enemies - birds of prey, ferrets, ermines. To prevent the babies from becoming extinct, nature endowed them with a camouflage color and amazing fertility.


Dwarf hamsters are no more than 10 cm long and weigh 40-50 g. The animal is covered with thick short fur. The natural color is most common: the back is gray-brown, with a pronounced black stripe along the spine. The tummy is light, the paws are also white from the inside. The eyes are black, bulging, shiny.

Djungarian hamster colors

The natural color occurs most often, but in nurseries, by selecting spectacular mutations in wool, it was possible to obtain unusual colors. Tangerine repeats natural in pattern, but the fur is not dark, but light brown, red. Color "sapphire" - gray-blue.

The rarest is the "pearl", the white Dzungarian hamster. pearl color characterized by the loss of a dark stripe along the ridge. The Djungarian hamster is never black or albino. Such a color variation indicates that this is, and not sungurik.

A pet of an unusual color requires a responsible attitude: a “colored” rodent is less resistant to adverse conditions and stress. So, red hamsters are carriers of the lethal gene, so individuals of the same color should not interbreed with each other.

AT wild nature dark Djungarian hamsters are subject to seasonal molting. They brighten: turn white or gray, although a dark stripe on the back remains. In an apartment, such a phenomenon is a rarity, because the temperature does not drop below 16 C, and daylight hours are constant.

Maintenance and nutrition: equipment

It is not difficult to take care of a dzhungarik, even children can cope with this task. But for this you need to properly organize a hamster life. The main rule is that the hamster must have its own home. If you want to start, you will need 2 cells.


Despite the tiny size of the pet, the cage should be as large as possible, at least 50x30 cm. Single-tiered cages are recommended to avoid injury. Instead of the usual lattice structure with a plastic pallet, you should look at closed "dunes" and cages with plastic inserts. Pipes and tunnels will help the animal feel at home. Good options:

Ferplast "Duna Fun"

Fop "Charlie Prestige"

IMAC Fantasy, 58x38x38.5 cm

A thick layer is poured at the bottom - corn or cellulose, and white paper towels or napkins are placed in the house to build a nest.


A hamster needs to run several miles daily to stay healthy. In captivity, such activity can only be ensured with the help of. For a dwarf, the diameter should be 16-18 cm. It should not have crossbars, the surface should be solid or fine mesh so that the foot does not get stuck.

In addition to the wheel, they use . In it, the animal will be able to safely move around the apartment. It's good if the owner organizes a playground: a labyrinth, tunnels.

Canteen equipment

The feeder is most often a small ceramic bowl: heavy enough not to tip over and easy to clean. Mandatory, and a bowl of water is undesirable. It is better to hang a closed container: a nipple or ball drinker.


The basis of the diet is grain mixture - ready-made food for dwarf hamsters. Because of the fast metabolism, the hamster eats a lot. To keep the pet healthy, they use food from trusted manufacturers: Versele-Laga "Mini Hamster Nature", JR Farm, Vitakraft. An inexpensive domestic option can be Chica BIO “Food for Djungarian hamsters».

In addition to grains, the pet is given juicy food (vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs), and occasionally protein food (boiled chicken, low-fat cottage cheese). Contrary to a common myth, a hamster cannot eat everything, eat “from the table”. We'll have to carefully study, and stick to it.

In addition to food, they buy treats in the pet store - edible sticks and spikelets, a mineral stone for grinding teeth.

Other accessories (optional)

A small carrier cage is useful for taking your pet to the veterinary clinic when moving. Homa is planted in it during the general cleaning of the cage.

If the owner cares about the cleanliness of the fur and the absence of unpleasant things, they buy a bathing container and special sand for chinchillas.

Care and feeding

If you explain to your child how to care for a hamster, the little owner will feel responsible for the pet. Hamsters are fed every day, in the evening, when the animal wakes up. Change the water in the drinker, it should always be fresh.

Spotting is carried out daily in the cage. It is necessary to remove the remains of succulent feed in a timely manner in order to prevent spoilage and decay (revision of stocks). Remove accumulations of feces and wet bedding, adding fresh filler if necessary. Hamsters are clean, and organize a special toilet corner in the cage.

It is very important to keep the animal clean so that it does not get sick, but general cleaning with a complete change of bedding is stressful for hamsters. Wash the cage no more than once a week, using a sponge and fragrance-free laundry soap. Process all accessories: bowl, wheel, toys. The drinking bowl is dismantled and washed (the iron spout is cleaned of plaque and poured over with boiling water).

It is better to clean the cage according to the schedule (every 7-10 days), without waiting for a strong smell to appear. Even with heavy contamination, toxic substances must be avoided. chemicals like chlorine. To remove white spots from urine and eliminate the smell, use vinegar (apply for 15 minutes).

Hamsters have a very sensitive psyche. The rearrangement in the cage makes them nervous, especially with regard to the "pantry" - food reserves that the animal instinctively creates. With the regular destruction of the pantry, he becomes desperate, unsuccessfully trying to find a more secluded place in the cage. Therefore, you need to clean the pet's house selectively, removing only products that are prone to spoilage. To reduce stress during general cleaning, some old filler and napkins from the nest are left in the cage.


Dzhungariki have an independent character, and are not too eager to communicate. To wean the animal from biting and fearlessly picking up, it will have to be patiently tamed day after day. Raising a hamster once and for the rest of your life will not work: if you do not contact him for 1-2 weeks, the pet will run wild again, and accustoming to hands starts anew.


It is not difficult to take care of jungars, the chores become even pleasant for the owner, who is sincerely attached to his pet. Cute habits and appearance make this variety of dwarf hamsters the most common household pet. With proper care, the animal will live 2 years or more. Although for a person this period seems regrettably small, in captivity hamsters live much longer than their wild counterparts.

If you are considering a Djungarian hamster as your pet, then before making a choice, we recommend that you also get acquainted with. Syrian hamster almost as popular as the jungarik, but significantly different from its counterpart.

Dzungarian hamster (dzhungarik): care and maintenance at home

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Djungarian hamsters are cute fluffy animals, to which our article is dedicated today. This is very unusual view which is loved by many people. In the wild, it is found in the steppe regions and semi-deserts. It comes from the genus of upland and outwardly differs from other hamsters in that it has a prominent dark stripe on its back.

The Djungarian hamster loves to live alone, and if he is given someone to settle, then there will be constant battles for the territory. In their essence, they are very cruel, albeit cute in appearance. There were cases that they can even kill each other, fighting for their place under the sun. Dzungaria have their own characteristics, which we will talk about.

To make life more pleasant not only for your hamster, but also for you, you need to lead proper care for the Djungarian hamster. In short, he must have good nutrition, a clean cage, a large territory, physical activity, cleaning the Djungarian hamster. We will examine all these questions in order. Among other species, the Djungarian hamster is considered a whimsical and capricious animal, but usually people like it even more.

Cell. The choice of cage must be approached consciously, because the comfort and coziness of your hamster, and, accordingly, life expectancy depends on it. On average, the life span of a Djungarian hamster is about 2 years, but if you lead competent care, then the life span will be longer. There have been cases that some people have a hamster lived for 5 years. The normal size will be considered a length of about half a meter, a width of 30 centimeters.

Sports for the hamster. Your pet needs to move, he is not lazy in life and loves an active lifestyle. At a minimum, set the wheel in his lair. As much as possible, make labyrinths, various slides, moves, which is enough for imagination.

Be sure to keep a hamster's tooth sharpener in the cage. They like to gnaw on anything, twigs or sticks from a pear or apple tree, or another fruit tree are best suited.

It is important to make a balanced diet for the Djungarian hamster. He must receive all the necessary vitamins.

From fruits and vegetables, give the jungarik carrots, apples, corn (preferably dried), legumes - both beans and peas.

Hamsters love oatmeal, nuts and seeds.

He also likes sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds. Quite unusual for a hamster, but still, he eats chicken fillet (boiled), and boiled eggs.

Do not forget about specialized food for hamsters. And special mixes of fruits that are fed to rodents.

The hamster does not really like to drink, due to its origin. The Djungarian hamster was bred in places where he did not have direct and constant access to water. That's why he doesn't drink much. But still, you need to hang a drinker, and make sure that the water is fresh.

Breed features

The specificity of the Dzungarian hamster is such that it has seasonal molt. As a rule in winter period he sheds and changes the color of the coat to light, naturally a dark stripe remains. A hamster can completely change its color in about a month and a half.

The following colors are distinguished:

  • Gray with white belly;
  • With a bluish tint and a white belly;
  • Creamy orange with a white belly.

Of course, there are some other colors of hamsters, but these are the main ones.

How to clean a cage

To avoid an unpleasant smell, you need to clean the hamster cage in time. You need to do this about once a week. For bedding in the cage, use either sawdust, or straw, or a specialized filler. Don't forget to clean your hamster's cage of food debris, this should be done more than once a week. He can hide the food in his house and the food can start spoiling there.

An important quality of the Djungarian hamster is its toilet habit. Yes Yes! As a cat goes to the tray, so the Djungarian hamster can learn to go to the toilet in the tray.

To do this, you need to track down where the hamster peed, and put a small tray with filler in this place, and put some of the sawdust on which he went to the toilet. In subsequent times, he should already go to his tray. This will allow you to keep the cage odor-free.

How to wash a hamster

Another feature, based on the origin of the dzhungarik, this hamster cannot be washed! The cleaning of the hamster and its fur occurs with the help of specially sand. Apparently in the wild, he is accustomed to wash and cleanse himself in this way. In the pet store, you can buy it under the guise of special sand for chinchillas.

How cute are these small and soft lumps.

a) gray Djungarian hamster; b) creamy red Djungarian hamster


If you suddenly think of mastering the breeding of Djungarian hamsters, then they breed very quickly and efficiently. After wearing out, the female must be placed in a separate cage, she can be aggressive.

The gestation period averages about 3 weeks. Brood can be up to 11 hamsters. Moreover, the female can conceive a new offspring within a day after giving birth. And it is better to protect the cubs from the mother, as they can eat them. If we consider young Djungarian hamsters, then they are ready to mate already a month after birth, but it is recommended to do this no earlier than 3 months later.

Where can I buy a Djungarian hamster

If you are determined to get yourself a little friend, then this can be done at a specialized pet store, in the market or using message boards on the Internet. The price of a Djungarian hamster is about 500-600 rubles. They are considered the most expensive among their relatives.

If you do not have a cage, then immediately add it to the cost of a hamster. This also includes food, sawdust, a wheel, and so on.

We will end here, I think you have received enough useful information to buy a Djungarian hamster. Good luck to all!

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- This is a small rodent from the hamster family, which, due to the complete absence of odors, its cleanliness and ease of maintenance, is considered a popular pet.

The growth of such a pet is up to 5 cm, and the weight is up to 45 grams. This type of rodent has hairy feet, a dark stripe on the back, usually gray and a very short tail, which is often almost invisible when the animal is sitting. The fur is distinguished by significant white patches.

The Dzungarian hamster has a pointed muzzle, small ears, and its digital tubercles are hidden under thick hair that covers the soles of its paws. The body length of an adult is up to ten centimeters. The belly of the rodent is light, and its back has an ocher-gray or brownish-gray color. The paws of this rodent are white, the ears are white on the inside, and a black narrow strip runs along its spine. In nature, in summer, a grayish color prevails in hamsters, and in winter, its coat becomes white with a silvery-white tint. Djungarian hamsters are especially active at night. Times of Day, and their burrows have a nesting chamber, several burrows and entrances. The life expectancy of the Djungarian hamster is three years.

This species is distributed in dry steppes and semi-deserts of the south. Western Siberia, East Kazakhstan, in Khakassia.

Maintenance and care of the Djungarian hamster

Cage for a hamster
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Djungarian hamsters are easy to keep at home, they do not require careful care. True, in comparison with them they are more unpretentious. For example, a cage for a Djungarian hamster should be spacious enough, since the animals are very mobile. Also, the Djungarian hamster needs a chalk stone for grinding teeth. When feeding such pets, it is necessary to take into account their predisposition to diabetes, therefore, foods rich in monosaccharides, such as vegetables, fruits and honey, are best excluded from the diet or limited.

It is not recommended to keep more than one Djungarian hamster in a cage, as these hamsters are very territorial and show aggression towards each other in a confined space. When kept together, Djungarian hamsters live in a state of permanent stress, and in fights they can injure each other up to the point of killing.

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The main component of the Djungarian hamster's diet is grain food, in addition to which it is recommended to give crunchy treats that give him not only pleasure, but also bring great benefits, grinding down his constantly growing incisors. In addition to solid feed, apples, raspberries, pears and carrots must be included in the diet of animals.

Djungarian hamster is recommended to feed no more than twice a day in the morning and evening. In this case, the pet must be given such an amount of food that the rodent can leave a small part of it the next day. This is due to the fact that the need for food depends on the individual properties of his body. It is strictly forbidden to include citrus fruits, sunflower seeds and nuts in the diet of the Djungarian hamster, the use of which will have a very bad effect on his health.

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    Litter, which can be used as fine sand or pressed sawdust of medium fraction, which absorb moisture well and perfectly absorb odors. It is strictly forbidden to use cotton wool, napkins, rags and newspapers as bedding

    A special toilet for small rodents with absorbent material that is used as a filler

    Roots, branches and tubules can serve as climbs

    A house that can be attached to the cage wall

    A wheel with transverse ledges and a bottom without a grate, which is selected according to the size of the pet

    Drinking bowl with a volume of fifty milliliters, the water in which it is recommended to change daily

    A feeder with a width of three to ten centimeters, which must be selected taking into account the size of the rodent

Djungarian hamsters are not recommended to be kept in narrow aquariums with high walls, because the air inside them is poorly ventilated, and bacteria will begin to multiply on their sweaty walls, which will negatively affect the health of the rodent.

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Domesticated Djungarian hamsters often differ from wild ones in color. But all Djungarian hamsters have a narrow dark stripe on their back. There are the following types of color: 1. standard - brownish-gray, white belly, 2. sapphire - gray-bluish, white belly, 3. pearl - dull white with gray intervals, 2. mandarin - red-cream ..

These hamsters have a seasonal adaptation: in winter they molt, and their fur becomes almost completely white, gray blotches disappear, only a stripe on the back remains. Molting largely depends on the light regime of the day. With a short day length, the hamster changes color in 6 weeks. This process is due to the production of melatonin, a hormone of the pineal gland.

Djungarian hamster - breeding

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Djungarian hamsters breed well, their broods are larger than that of the Syrian hamster, however, it is better for animals to live at home alone, as living together can cause them confusion and aggression. Usually in the litter of Djungarian hamsters from 1 to 11 cubs, which are fed with mother's milk for nineteen days.

AT natural environment habitat Djungarian hamsters breed from March to September, in captivity they breed all year round. A month after birth, they already need to be planted and separated by gender. Puberty occurs from 4-6 weeks, but there are opinions that such an early pregnancy can be dangerous for the female. It is recommended to start mating from 4 months. The gestation period is 18-22 days. A pregnant female should create calm, comfortable conditions of detention, since in case of stress, the female can kill and eat her offspring. Also, the female can be aggressive towards the male. The female is ready for fertilization within 24 hours after birth.

Of all the furry-legged hamsters, Djungarian hamsters can form viable hybrids only with Campbell's hamsters. Although Djungarian/Campbell's hamster hybrids are very suitable for home living, they should not be welcomed, as hybrids often have problems with reproduction, and often they produce non-viable offspring. Therefore, when breeding hamsters, it is important to ensure that both hamsters are Djungarian hamsters. If you take good care of them, they will live long.

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Before childbirth, it is recommended to make a complete disinfection of the cage, and use a one-story house for childbirth. Newborn youngsters are forbidden to stroke, touch and touch with their hands, because the female hamster, smelling a foreign smell, can eat her offspring. During pregnancy, as well as feeding the young, it is necessary to separately and in small quantities include protein foods in the diet of the female, which may include boiled chicken meat, boiled egg yolk, and non-fat cottage cheese.

The sex of a jungar at the age of at least 3-4 weeks, namely, these are usually sold in pet stores, is diagnosed quite simply. First of all, place the hamster on its back in your palm so that you can hold it with your thumb. upper part body of a jungar. At the same time, the back of the pet is in a free position, and you can easily see the sexual characteristics of the rodent with the help of your second hand. Make sure that the hamster does not hurt, do not squeeze his fragile body strongly, be careful. Having caught a moment of relative calm, take a look at the hamster's genitals. If there is a distance of 0.5-1 cm between them and the anus, and a formed gland similar to a navel is clearly visible in the center of the abdomen, then you have a male in front of you. If the distance between the anus and the genitals is insignificant, and the gland is almost invisible, then your Djungarian hamster is a girl. In addition, female Djungarians can be distinguished by 2 rows of papillae running from the hamster's chest to the lower abdomen.

Djungarian hamster - diseases

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Injuries dzhungars get, as a rule, when they fall or other unfortunate circumstances during their running around. The main symptoms are curvature of the limbs and problems in the movement of the pet. The state of the rodent may be accompanied by shock. You should show the jungar to a veterinarian who will give recommendations for recovery depending on the severity of the injury.

If your jungarik sniffles and sneezes, and his activity is significantly reduced, it is likely that your beloved pet has been exposed to viral infection. The principle of such diseases is no different from human ailments, so the virus can easily be transmitted from a person to a dzhungarian, and vice versa. As such, there is no treatment, but try to provide your rodent with fresh vegetables and fruits. This will increase his immunity and speed up the healing process.

If your pet has stuck eyelids, it is possible that a bacterial infection has developed into conjunctivitis. As a treatment, it is recommended to gently rinse the eyes of the jungar with salted water. If your rodent's pupil area is gray and the lens of your eye is rather cloudy, your hamster may have cataract. Usually this disease of the jungars manifests itself in old age, it is not subject to treatment. Just accept your beloved pet as it is.

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The sudden refusal of your rodent from any food may be due to injury to his teeth. Check if your Djungarian hamster's incisors are broken off. In addition, there are times when the dzhungarik is hindered by his too long teeth. In such situations, you should align your pet's teeth. It is best to have your hamster's incisors trimmed by a qualified veterinarian.

If your Djungarian has flaky skin or hair loss, it is quite possible that these are symptoms of diseases such as dermatophytosis or eczema. Usually, these ailments are associated with the constant stress of the Djungarian hamster or an allergy to something new in the rodent's cage. You should seek help from a veterinarian. He will prescribe you the courses of antibiotics necessary for the recovery of the pet.

If your djungarian constantly combs himself, and a lot of wounds and red spots have formed on his body, your hamster probably lives lice or mites. In this case, it is recommended to contact the veterinarian and find out which lotion or aerosol is suitable for your jungarik and will not harm his health. Do not use medications unless you are sure they are safe for rodents.

Severe diarrhea accompanied copious secretions with a very unpleasant odor, loud bubbling in the hamster's stomach - signs of intestinal diseases. Bacterial infections of this kind can be cured without problems with the help of special medical preparations. Be sure to seek help from a veterinarian.

Djungarian hamster, also known as the Siberian hamster or simply dzhungarik, is one of the three representatives of the genus of upholstered hamsters of the upland family. Djungarian hamsters are common in Western Siberia, northwestern China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan. Closely related to Campbell's dwarf hamster, they can interbreed and produce hybrid offspring, which is however not recommended.

Male Djungarian hamsters have a single gland that leaves them with a masculine scent. It is located just below the center of the abdomen of animals. These glands often stick out and look like bulges, and are sometimes covered with an oily secretion.

Dzungarian hamsters (in English winter white dwarf hamster - white winter dwarf hamsters) got their name because in the wild the areas in which they live are covered with snow in winter, and therefore they have to change their coat to white in order to disguise themselves from predators.

Djungarian or hybrid hamster?

In pet stores and some breeders, hybrid hamsters are sold under the guise of Dzungarian ones. You can get a purebred Dzungarian from a seller who has a certificate of the animal's pedigree. Purebred Jungra hamsters have many advantages. They tend to be slightly larger, well developed and balanced, and show a more pleasant disposition. Hybrid hamsters are prone to several genetic defects, including diabetes.

Appearance and colors

Like Campbell's hamsters, they have the same number chromosomes and grow the same size - on average 7 to 10 cm in length and weight from 35 to 65 grams. Compared to other breeds, Dzungaria have a more rounded body shape with fur-covered paws.

One of better ways to distinguish the Djungarian hamster from the Campbell - the Djungarians have a smoother transition of the line of the head to the nose. Dzungarians are also much softer to the touch and have a smoother coat than Campbells. Their colors include standard (brown grey), sapphire (grey bluish), pearl (matte white with gray markings), and mandarin (creamy red). Other colors are possible, but are more likely to be Campbell hybrids. Both breeds have a dark stripe on their back.

Behavior and character

Djungarian or Siberian hamsters are quite calm animals and are easily tamed, which makes them great pets for a wide variety of owners. When fully tamed, they love to sit on a person's arms and enjoy light strokes. Compared to Campbell's hamsters, they are more timid.

Like social animals

Djungarian hamsters are very social animals and do best with other similar hamsters in pairs or even-numbered groups. It is always interesting to watch a group of jungars and their interaction and they get a much more diverse experience compared to, for example, loners - Syrian hamsters.

Dzungarians can also live comfortably with hybrid animals from other litters if they get to know each other in comfortable conditions. Single hamsters can live healthy and prosperous lives as long as you give them regular attention and have a nice big cage filled with things.

Group relations and possible skirmishes

You can maintain a good relationship between Djungarian hamsters by simply providing them with a large cage with enough rooms and plenty of toys and food bowls so they don't have to fight over their use. Dwarf hamsters do well in environments where they have plenty of space, but multi-story cages and tube modules are not the best choice for them.

If you suddenly hear an increasingly loud or prolonged squeak, check the cage as soon as possible, as one of their hamsters may have been intimidated. Hard fighting (sometimes to the death) can happen, but it's not a good thing for owners, and especially for their pets.

Lifespan - how long do Djungarian hamsters live?

In the wild, dzungaria typically live for about 12 months, but at home, where they are provided with excellent nutrition and care, they can live for 2-3 years. Some owners report that their hamsters have lived to be 4 years old, which is truly outstanding in the hamster world. If you want your beloved hamsters to live as long as possible, provide them with the right nutritious diet, plenty of exercise as well as interesting toys and attention.

How to care for Djungarian hamsters?

Djungarian hamsters should be provided with a relatively large environment with enough food, toys, bedding and a running wheel. If you are keeping two or more hamsters, make sure they have some wheels and toys to help prevent territory fights.

Experts say that purebred Djungarian hamsters, unlike Campbell's hamsters, are not prone to diabetes. However, low-sugar foods are recommended for them. A small piece of fruit as a rare treat is great for adding variety to your hamster's diet.

Reproduction and pregnancy

Djungarian hamsters are very similar to Campbells when it comes to breeding. Females become sexually mature at the age of 3-4 weeks, and males are capable of fertilization at the age of 4 to 5 weeks. Early pregnancy not recommended and can be dangerous for the female. Mating is recommended at the age of not earlier than 4 months. The duration of pregnancy in Djungarian hamsters is 18-25 days. The number of cubs in a litter is from 2 to 11 (average 4-6).


Like most other species, Djungarian hamsters are in heat approximately every 4 days. Once the male smells the unique smell of heat from the female, he will try to mate with her many times. Mating can continue continuously for up to several hours.

Facts - some interesting facts about Djungarian hamsters

  • In winter, Djungarian hamsters molt and change their fur to white in order to blend in with the snow in their wild habitat and hide from predators. Domesticated dzungars, as a rule, do not change their fur.
  • Dzungaria are more active during the daytime compared to their closest relatives, Campbell's hamsters.
  • These hamsters are able to form hybrids with Campbell's hamster.
  • Djungarian hamsters are much easier to tame compared to other dwarf hamsters.
  • This type of hamster is very social and more attached to its owners than other kartik species.
  • Djungarian hamsters breed faster than Syrian hamsters and can become pregnant on the same day as the previous litter.
  • They do not have a breeding season and are able to breed all year round.


The Djungarian hamster is a rodent from the family of hamsters of small size with a characteristic color and cheerful good-natured disposition. The complete absence of smell, as the animal is clean, as well as the ease of keeping fluffy animals at home makes them popular among pets.

Are you unable to get a large pet for some reason? Then a domestic Djungarian hamster is perfect for you. This species is one of the most popular among its brethren, as it does not have bad habits and does not spread its wool around the apartment. With these animals does not arise big problems. He is an excellent host and loves to play. There is only one drawback in hamsters - it is a nocturnal animal. At night, extraneous sounds can be heard from the cage: rustling, crackling or squeaking in the absence of communication. If this annoys you, then equip your pet's home in such a way that he can always do something on his own.

The volume and color of rodents

The weight of the dzhungarik is approximately 45 grams, and the height does not exceed 5-6 cm, which means that it will be very difficult to scare the enemy. Beautiful rodent fur changes color depending on the season.

Peculiarity appearance this is a dark stripe on the back of the animal, which distinguishes the dzhungarik from other relatives. Domestic rodents have such common colors as:

  • mandarin,
  • sapphire,
  • pearl.

In winter, the Djungarian hamster sheds, the coat color becomes white.


In the wild, hamsters rarely live up to one and a half years of age, since in the wild they face the following dangers:

  • predators;
  • lack of food;
  • illness;
  • harsh climate.

At home, surrounded by love, care and attention, your pet's life will be longer. On average, domestic Djungarian hamsters live twice as long as their wild relatives, that is, the animals live up to 3-4 years.

We wrote about the lifespan of other species.


The question “why does the Djungarian hamster bite” is quite simple to answer. All rodents, even small hamsters, show aggression and bite. Djungarian hamsters are no exception here. This character trait should be taken into account if the hamster is purchased for kids. Despite the fact that a hamster bite does not pose a danger to humans, but don’t say it, the bite is sensitive.

We wrote about why hamsters bite and how to wean these little fluffies from a bad habit.

Care and maintenance

Despite the minimum effort spent on keeping the Djungarian hamster at home, you should learn the rule: without care and proper nutrition, your pet will not be able to survive.

Sometimes it is quite difficult to keep track of a mischievous animal so that it does not fall from a height, therefore, when an animal falls, it is better to seek qualified help, and not play doctor. If there is no opportunity to contact a veterinarian, pay attention to, in it we told how to deal with a rodent that fell from a height.

Jungars get sick and colds. The main symptoms that your ward is sick are decreased activity, sneezing or sniffling. If the hamster does not eat well or completely refuses to eat, then he has problems with his teeth (teeth injury or too long incisors interfere with him).

Care is easy

Djungarian hamster requires quite easy care, which is expressed in regular cleaning of the home:

  • cleaning the cage or aquarium at least 2 times a week;
  • partial cleaning of dirty filler;
  • once a month washing the bottom of the cage with laundry soap

Do not place the cage near a heater, window, TV or computer. Excess heat drafts and loud noises and bright lights will lead to illness and stress of the animal, which will destroy it.

In order to determine whether you are properly caring for your pet, you should pay attention to the following symptoms indicating impending danger:

  • decreased activity of your pet;
  • lethargy and drowsiness;
  • hard breath;
  • dullness and brittleness of the coat.

The Djungarian hamster carries out all hygiene procedures on its own, using its paws and tongue, it cleans its body from dirt and foreign objects.

At home, it is difficult for a fidget to throw out his energy in full, so a running wheel or should be placed in his home.

In addition to entertainment, a hamster needs:

  • sleeping house;
  • feeding equipment (feeder and drinker);
  • bedding made of sawdust or special for absorbing odors from the needs of the hamster.

We described in detail how to choose a cage for a hamster and equip it.

In pet stores and on the market you will be offered a huge selection of fillers, but it is best to use corn, as it absorbs liquid and odor better, and therefore it will have to be changed less often than others.

In view of the fact that bathing hamsters is not recommended, they should occasionally arrange sand baths. It is necessary to arrange baths when the pet's fur has fallen off or lost its luster. For such baths, pour sand into the container and then run the pet into it. Hamsters with great pleasure wallow in such a bath.

Jungar food

The easiest option for feeding hamsters is to purchase ready-made food. But if you do not want to buy dry food for your pet, but at the same time, you want to know how to feed the Djungarian hamster , you should seek advice or advice from a specialist veterinary clinic.

Purchased food includes grain (oats, corn), peas, seeds, and nuts. Animals are very fond of these foods, so you can prepare the mixture yourself, including these ingredients.

Djungarian hamster loves:

  • fresh cucumbers and tomatoes,
  • zucchini and corn,
  • lettuce and plantain leaves,
  • dried fruits (dried apricots, dates, prunes)
  • fresh apples and pears.

In the diet of hamsters should be protein, which means that 2 times a week he can eat low-fat cottage cheese, chicken meat or boiled eggs.

Be careful that your pet does not eat the bones - they act like poison on the hamster.

We discussed in detail how to feed a hamster at home.

Salt, sugar and spices, onions and garlic, milk and sour cream, citrus fruits and melons, sorrel and mint, any pastries and confectionery, mushrooms and sausages, cabbage and almonds.

You can find a complete list of foods prohibited for use by hamsters at.

And if you don’t know your favorite boy or girl, a reminder on how to determine the sex of Djungarian hamsters, as well as rodents of other species, is located.

Observing all the rules for the care and maintenance of Djungarian hamsters, joyful and long life your animal is provided. Remember how long your pet will live and how much time it will please its owners depends primarily on you.

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