Physical processes of processing of vegetable raw materials. Methods for processing plant waste

Health 03.06.2019


Standardization of oil extracts is carried out according to the content of active substances, acid number (free acid content), dosing accuracy. If indicated in separate articles, the residual content of the extractant that was used to prepare the extract is determined.

Storage. Oil extracts are stored in a hermetically sealed dark glass container, protected from light and in a cool place.

St. John's wort (Extractum Hyperici oleosum) oil extract, St. John's wort-

oil (Oleum Hyperici) was proposed for the treatment of trophic leg ulcers. Extraction is carried out in a jacketed percolator.

Hot water (55-65°C) is fed into the shirt and the percolator is heated. The extractor is loaded with crushed St. Hot infusion is carried out for 3 hours. After that, the oil is drained, the grass is pressed under pressure. The resulting oil extract is filtered and used to prepare ointments on various bases. The therapeutic effect of St. John's wort oil is associated with the phytoncidal action of derivatives of dianthrone, hypericin and pseudohypericin contained in the plant, as well as flavonoids, essential oil and resinous substances.


An urgent problem of phytochemical production is the complex processing of plant materials. In the food, pharmaceutical, essential oil industry, vegetable raw materials are used extremely inefficiently. Large-tonnage production wastes after obtaining juices from fruits and berries, essential oils and biologically active substances are practically thrown into the dump. The rational use of these wastes will make it possible to obtain a number of biologically active substances and valuable food products from the same object.

The situation that has recently developed in the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine and other CIS countries is characterized by an increase in the need for phytochemicals. medicines against the background of a decrease in the natural reserves of MP, partial or complete absence of specialized organizations for the cultivation of MP and largely due to its irrational use


use, in which different groups of biologically active substances remain in the waste plant material, differing in physicochemical properties and therapeutic effects.

Increasing the efficiency of the use of medicinal products can be achieved by improving the technology of production of herbal medicines, using waste for complex processing, expanding the range of dosage forms or increasing the volume of their production.

One of the directions of rational use of raw materials

and to reduce the cost of manufactured drugs is the development of technologies for the complex processing of medicinal herbs, which make it possible to obtain several pharmacologically active substances and drugs from one plant object. This provides for the appropriate preparation of medicinal products, followed by extraction with extractants of different polarity, for example, first with liquefied gases and low-boiling organic solvents, then with alcohols or alcohol-water mixtures, and water or aqueous solutions of inorganic substances. This technology makes it possible to obtain several complexes: lipophilic, containing essential and fatty oils; fat-soluble vitamins, sterols, fatty acid; triterpene

and steroidal saponins; polyphenolic compounds; glycosides; macromolecular compounds - polysaccharides, proteins, etc.

AT In recent years, the SNTsLS (Kharkov) has developed technologies for the processing of medicinal products, which make it possible to obtain biologically active substances from food industry waste (pulp of chokeberry fruit, rowan fruit, sea buckthorn and tomatoes) by successive extraction with solvents of different polarity, on the basis of which drugs of various pharmacological properties have been developed. actions. Yes, based onchokeberry developed: Aronia oil (substance); ointment Aromelin; Aronia balm; dense extract of Aronia and protein-polysaccharide complex; dye recommended for use in the food and pharmaceutical industries. Through complex processing fruits of mountain ash isolated hydrophilic and lipophilic concentrates; sorbilin - an oily carotene-containing drug; suppositories with rowan oil. The protein polysaccharide fraction and the antisclerotic drug Lycopersicol were obtained from tomato seeds. Com-


A plex approach is used to obtain preparations from grape seeds, eucalyptus leaves, sage, etc.

Thus, substances of different chemical nature can be isolated from one type of raw material, on the basis of which preparations of various pharmacological orientations are created and various dosage forms are developed: solutions, ointments, suppositories, capsules, extracts, granules, syrups, biologically active additives, cosmetics.

An example of complex processing of raw materials is the preparation of preparations from rose hips and sea buckthorn, while the raw materials are divided into pulp and seeds and extracted separately.

8.7.1. Sea buckthorn preparations

Complex processing of sea buckthorn fruits allows to obtain the following preparations:

sea ​​buckthorn fruit juice

sea ​​buckthorn pulp oil

sea ​​buckthorn seed oil, called sea buckthorn oil

vitamin R concentrate.

The raw materials are mature fruits of sea buckthorn (Fructus Hippophaёs), which are juicy false drupes, commonly called berries. Fruits are harvested at the beginning of winter, after frost they lose their astringency and bitterness, and become sour-sweet. The fruits are juicy, orange, contain about 16% seeds, and about 9% fatty oil in the pulp.

The listed preparations can be obtained according to three technological schemes:

The final product according to scheme 1 is a preparation called "Sea buckthorn oil", obtained by extraction with sunflower oil;

According to the technological scheme 2, the extraction of the pulp of fruits or seeds separately is carried out with organic solvents.

Scheme 3 provides for the extraction of raw materials with liquefied gases(with freon-12) according to the technology developed in GNTsLS (Kharkov).



This scheme was developed and implemented at the Biysk Vitamin Plant (Biysk, Russia) and makes it possible to obtain only two preparations.

Obtaining juice from sea buckthorn fruits. Fresh or pre-thinned

born fruits of sea buckthorn are conveyed to the crusher, where in the process of crushing (without violating the integrity of the seeds) free juice is separated, which is removed by a pump. Crushed fruits are loaded into special bags made of belting or filter mesh and placed in a centrifuge for 35-40 minutes. The squeezed juice from the centrifuge enters the settling tank, and the raw pulp of sea buckthorn fruits is sent for drying. During centrifugation, the solid phase (5-10% of solids) passes into the juice in the form of finely dispersed suspended particles of fruit pulp. The yield of juice is about 70%.

Juice purification. When defending the juice during the day, it is divided into two layers: the lower one is clarified and the upper one is compacted pulp. After removing the pulp layer, the clarified juice is sent to the separator. The precipitate (fuza) formed in the separator, together with the previously separated pulp, is sent for drying. The separated juice after immediate pasteurization is sent to the packaging and labeling stage.

Drying raw pulp and pulp with fuzz. These intermediate products are

hold about 50% water, so they are dried in a vacuum roller dryer to a residual moisture content of 3-7%. With gentle drying, the loss of carotenoids due to thermal decomposition does not exceed 15%.

Extraction of dry pulp. Extraction is carried out in a battery of percolators equipped with jackets, by countercurrent periodic extraction. Hot water (55-65°C) is supplied to the shirt and the percolators are heated. The first extractor is loaded with dry pulp in bags made of filter cloth and sunflower oil heated to 60-65°C is pumped in. Hot infusion is carried out for 1.5 hours. After loading the second percolator with pulp, oil is pumped through the first diffuser. Loading and infusion in all subsequent percolators is carried out in a similar way. The extraction process is carried out in countercurrent, i.e. as you move from the first to the last extractor, sunflower oil, by dissolving the fatty oil of the pulp and the carotenoids, tocopherols, etc. contained in it, is enriched; simultaneously in


in the opposite direction, the concentration of these substances and natural oil in the pulp decreases.

When an oil extract is obtained from the last percolator (after 24 hours) that meets the requirements of the AED for the content of carotenoids and tocopherols, the first extractor is turned off, the waste oil, called the “end” oil, is drained and the meal is unloaded. The "end" oil goes back to the supply tank with sunflower oil. Fresh raw materials are loaded into the first extractor, which is fed with an extract from the latter, and fresh oil is fed into the second percolator. The next portion of the finished product is obtained from the first percolator. Subsequent drains of the finished product are carried out from the "head" extractor, which becomes loaded with fresh raw materials, and the fresh extractant is fed into the "tail" extractor containing the most depleted raw materials.

Obtaining sea buckthorn oil. Each time, the amount of the finished product, called "diffusion" oil, must be equal to the mass of the raw material in the extractor. Oil extracts are combined and standardized: carotene and carotenoids should be at least 0.13-0.18%; tocopherols not less than 0.11%; chlorophyll compounds not more than 0.1%; acid number not more than 14.5. If the extract contains more active ingredients, then “terminal oils” are added to it, i.e. bathe. After that, the extract is filtered and packaged in dark glass bottles of 100 ml.

The yield of sea buckthorn oil is 80-85%, carotenoids - 78-88%. The preparation "Sea buckthorn oil" is an oily liquid

an orange-red bone with a total carotenoid content (in terms of β-carotene) of at least 1.8 g/l and an acidity of not more than 14.5.

The disadvantage of the technology is not the complete depletion of raw materials, part of the carotenoids and vitamins P and E remain in the pulp.

Oil recovery. The spent pulp holds up to 50% of sunflower oil, so it goes to the screw press for pressing. During the operation of the press, the temperature is maintained within the range of 70-90 ° C for better oil extraction. The oil pressed on the press is called waste oil. It is cleaned of suspended impurities in a centrifuge and reused for extraction. The obtained squeezed pulp, containing about 7-10% sunflower oil, the remains of pulp, carotenoids, tocopherols, and vitamin P, is used in animal husbandry as a multivitamin agent.



Shnaidman L.O. with employees proposed another scheme for the complex processing of sea buckthorn fruits using organic extractants. This scheme includes the following stages:

Getting juice. Sea buckthorn fruits are sorted, removing rotten and low-quality ones, after which they are subjected to steam blanching. On the conveyor, the berries are fed into the crusher and roller press for squeezing the juice. Juice enters a special filter that prevents the ingress of pulp, and then into the collection. The resulting juice is transferred to a separator for oil extraction, and from the separator to mixers for purification, where it is mixed with EDE-10 P anion exchanger in an amount of 5% by weight of juice and then to a filter press. From the filter press through the collectors, the juice enters the bottling line.

Sea buckthorn pulp oil from the separator is fed to the suction filter, then to the collector and to the bottling line.

Drying pulp. The pulp is fed to a vacuum-roller dryer for drying to a content of 90% solids. Dry pulp is crushed in crushers and transferred to a separator, where the seeds are separated from the pulp by air blowing, and then they are separately processed.

Extraction of oil from fruit pulp. The pulp of the fruit is crushed into powder

shock and subjected to extraction in a circulating apparatus equipped with a condenser, evaporator and collector. The extraction is carried out with 4-5 times the amount of methylene chloride at a temperature of about 40 ° C. The solvent is distilled off in the evaporator, and the oil from the evaporator is transferred to a vacuum apparatus for distillation in a carbon dioxide environment (to protect biologically active substances from oxidation) of methylene chloride residues with the addition of a small amount of water (to remove extractant at a lower temperature) at a pressure of 650-700 mm Hg. under vacuum. From the vacuum apparatus, the oil is pumped into the collection, from where it is sent for packaging.

According to the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of April 7, 1990 No. 335 “On organizational structure State Committee of the USSR for Supervision of Safe Conduct of Work in Industry and Nuclear Energy” in 1990, the Department for Supervision of Bakery Enterprises was organized in the structure of the USSR Gospromatomnadzor.

The creation of supervision was preceded by an extremely alarming situation that prevailed at the enterprises of bakery products. From 1971 to 1990, 104 explosions occurred at the enterprises of the USSR bakery products system: 42 at feed mills, 34 at elevators and grain dryers, and 28 at flour mills. 395 people were injured, of which 101 died. The most severe consequences (destruction of building structures, technical devices, loss of life) were in grain elevators and flour mills. To a certain extent, this is due to the fact that these facilities were designed and built without the necessary means of explosion protection for buildings and structures, since the explosion safety requirements were not fully reflected in industry regulations. In addition, the development of these events was facilitated by the low level of knowledge in the field of ensuring explosion safety during the operation of production facilities and grain storage and processing facilities, both for managers and engineering and technical personnel, workers.

Implementation since 1990 state supervision and control over the state of safety at the enterprises of the bakery system, increasing the professional knowledge of the engineering corps about the causes of industrial accidents and measures to prevent them contributed to a significant reduction in accidents and injuries at these facilities. So, in 1990-2000. 30 accidents were recorded.

Until 1997, the list of supervised enterprises included only enterprises of the bakery system with production facilities and facilities classified as category “B” in terms of explosion and fire hazard. In 1997, with the entry into force of the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”, the scope of supervision was expanded to include all enterprises, regardless from their departmental subordination, organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership. Hazardous production facilities (HPOs) of the enterprises of the brewing, baking, pasta industry, and the country's agro-industrial complex were taken under supervision.

As of January 1, 1993, the number of enterprises under supervision was 923, as of January 1, 2000 - 1916. In 2003, over 2,900 enterprises operating more than 7,200 HIFs - elevators, feed mills, flour mills and cereals - were already under state control and supervision. factories, alcohol and brewing industries, etc. In 2010, the number of organizations ( legal entities) operating at explosive and flammable storage and processing facilities of plant raw materials supervised by Rostekhnadzor has already amounted to more than 4,700. About 14,000 HIFs for storage and processing of plant raw materials were in operation, including more than 400 workshops (sites) of woodworking industries and about 20 workshops (sections) for unpacking and sorting of raw materials from linen, weaving, textile and spinning industries.

One of the most important tasks in the operation of facilities for the storage and processing of plant raw materials is to ensure explosion safety, especially considering the fact that production processes are accompanied by the release of combustible dusts, and this leads to an increased risk of accidents (dust explosions) and threatens in the event of emergency (abnormal) situations of life and health of people.

The formation of dust-air mixtures, which are not inferior in terms of explosion characteristics to vapor-gas-air mixtures of hydrocarbons and liquefied gases, is the most significant sign of the danger of the technological processes of these enterprises, but not the only one. The use at enterprises of a large number of pressure equipment, lifting mechanisms, gas consumption systems, complex systems and energy supply complexes in conjunction with dust-air mixtures can significantly increase the characteristics of explosive industries - hybrid dust-gas-air mixtures in their characteristics significantly exceed the explosive hazard of both dust and gas-air mixtures.

A large part of the supervised facilities was put into operation in the 1960s-1980s of the 20th century. Over the past years, many of them have not fully paid attention to the renewal of equipment and energy facilities, modernization and technical re-equipment, and therefore their fixed assets are significantly depreciated. All this characterizes the cumulative danger that invariably accompanies the operation of these facilities and the technological processes of dust-forming industries, and therefore the issues of ensuring their safe operation do not lose their relevance.

Since 1997, the regulation of safety requirements at the enterprises of the industry has been carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of July 21, 1997. With the establishment of state supervision, explosion safety rules, instructions and methods aimed at preventing accidents and injuries were developed. The organization of work in accordance with the requirements of the specified regulatory framework and the implementation of state control contributed to the reduction of accidents and fatal injuries during the operation of supervised storage and processing facilities for plant materials. The identification of priority measures to ensure the industrial safety of fire and explosion hazardous objects of storage and processing of plant raw materials was facilitated by the certification at enterprises since 2003 technical means explosion safety of equipment, buildings and structures.

Thus, from 2002 to 2010, 20 accidents occurred at these facilities, more than 90% of which were not related to explosions. In total, since 1997, there have been seven dust explosions at fire and explosion hazardous storage and processing facilities for plant raw materials (including woodworking facilities) plant origin.

Three accidents occurred in 2010: two fires (violation of the requirements for the operation of electrical equipment) and one explosion of wood dust at a woodworking enterprise. There were no casualties, direct material damage exceeded 35 million rubles, damage ecological environment not registered.

For 9 months of 2011 accidents and accidents with fatal there were no plant raw materials at explosive and fire hazardous storage and processing facilities. At the same time, more than 100 incidents have been registered, about 80% of which are related to the failure or damage of technical devices (destruction of parts of the working parts of fans of aspiration systems, conveyors and elevators, malfunction of remote temperature control in silos), the rest - with a deviation from the process mode .

The distribution of the causes of these incidents is of some concern, since, under appropriate conditions, incidents can initiate various emergency situations and lead to personnel injury.

At present, supervision and control over compliance with safety requirements during the operation of facilities is carried out by Rostekhnadzor on a regular basis, including in terms of the implementation of action plans, as part of the implementation of which, many enterprises carry out work that, in general, does not require significant financial costs and is not associated with large-scale technical re-equipment (equipment of technical devices with explosion-discharge devices, speed control relays, devices for monitoring the run-off of the elevator belt, monitoring the chain break of scraper conveyors, magnetic protection, etc.).

The legally established procedures for regulating industrial safety during the operation of facilities are mostly implemented. All organizations operating the facilities have insurance contracts for the risk of liability for causing harm during the operation of HIFs, plans for the elimination of accidents and the protection of personnel, provisions on production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements, explosion safety technical passports and action plans to bring facilities to regulatory industrial safety requirements. In accordance with Article 11 of the Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”, almost all enterprises operating facilities supervised by Rostechnadzor organize production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements, regulations have been developed on the organization of production control, which are agreed with the territorial bodies of Rostechnadzor in the prescribed manner appointed responsible for the organization and implementation of production control.

Remains difficult situation with the organization of production control at enterprises with a small number of employees, where it is often formal. The industrial safety management system at many enterprises for the storage and processing of plant raw materials is still missing or is limited only to the organization of production control, without being organically connected with the management structure of enterprises as a whole.

At fire-explosive objects of woodworking industries Special attention is given to the issues of training and certification of managers, specialists and workers of the main professions in the field of industrial safety; developing technical passports explosion safety, plans for liquidation of accidents, passports for aspiration networks and pneumatic conveying installations.

A problematic issue for the facilities of these production facilities is the assignment without an appropriate calculation justification of the premises of workshops for the production of chipboard, fiberboard and plywood (according to project documentation) for fire and explosion hazard to category "B".

The main and significant problems in ensuring the industrial safety of hazardous facilities for storage and processing of plant raw materials include insufficient rates of modernization of existing industries and renewal of fixed assets, contributing to their physical deterioration.

There are frequent cases when, in order to ensure proper safety of operation of facilities, they are limited to the development and implementation of compensating organizational and technical measures, and when a scope of work requiring large capital investments is required to bring facilities in line with the established requirements, the measures are not carried out or carried out with deviation from the deadlines and not in full.

In 2010, Rostekhnadzor employees conducted about 3,400 inspections of compliance with industrial safety requirements during the operation of storage and processing facilities for plant raw materials, during which more than 18,000 violations were identified and ordered to be eliminated. These are mainly the insufficient organization of production control, the non-compliance of the areas of easy-to-reset structures and systems of aspiration installations with regulatory requirements, as well as the absence (or non-compliance with the requirements) of vestibule locks, etc. About 1.5 thousand administrative penalties were imposed, more than 20 of them - administrative suspension of activity.

At the same time, the implementation of measures to equip facilities with control devices dangerous parameters, control, emergency protection, auto-lock, alarm, protection against static electricity, thermometry and others, as well as to eliminate violations of existing industrial safety requirements under regular control and monitoring of Rostekhnadzor, allows maintaining satisfactory subcritical explosion and fire safety of most supervised facilities.

Phased renewal of fixed assets, introduction new technology and modern energy-saving and environmentally friendly technologies, technical means of control, emergency protection and regular monitoring of the state of processes, as well as increasing the automation of technological processes have not lost their relevance. The implementation of these measures will significantly reduce the risk of accidents.

At the same time, the need to apply new technologies, as well as scientific methods of industrial safety management, in turn, is associated with the training of specialists working at facilities. Insufficient professional training personnel involved in the operation of HIFs will not allow ensuring unconditional compliance with industrial safety requirements by supervised organizations, effectively servicing new technologies and modern equipment.

The issue of increasing the explosion and fire safety of supervised facilities is a priority. Its implementation, with a constant increase in the workload of the production capacities of enterprises in the grain processing industry, associated with an annual increase in the gross harvest of grain crops, will also contribute to the preservation of the grain stock and, as a result, will have a positive impact on the food security of the Russian Federation.


In modern conditions of a market economy, the problem of the full use of raw materials is a top priority. An important role in solving this problem should be played by the organization of rational processing of plant materials into extracts for use in food production.

The main raw materials for the production of extracts are medicinal plants, wild-growing or cultivated fruits and berries containing a significant amount of biologically active substances.

The technology for processing fruit and berry and medicinal raw materials into extracts includes the following main stages.

During the processing of fruit and berry raw materials, some fresh fruits are dried, while the other part is frozen and stored at a temperature of minus 18 °C. When fresh berries are frozen, a partial loss of moisture occurs and the cellular structure is destroyed, which facilitates the release of juice.

When using fresh medicinal and technical raw materials, after inspection, they are dried to an “air-dry state”, which, depending on the type of raw material, varies between 12-14% residual moisture, which does not affect its quality.

At the next stage, the dried and frozen raw materials are crushed. The crushed fruit and berry and vegetable raw materials are extracted at a mass ratio of the system raw material ÷ extractant 1:10-1:15 at a temperature of 40-50 °C. Water, ethanol or their solutions in different concentrations are used as solvents. The use of such extractants makes it possible to vary the range of extracted substances or to divide extractive substances into fractions, and using them sequentially, one can achieve almost complete extraction of extractive substances from plant materials. In this case, it is possible to obtain extracts not only of different biological activity, but also of a completely different type of action.

Concentration of extracts is carried out to a content of 55-60% of solids in a vacuum evaporator at 48-50 ° C, which ensures the safety of thermolabile substances of plant origin, due to which the resulting concentrates have chemical and microbiological stability

The ingredients formed during the processing of vegetable raw materials (meal, cake or fiber) necessary for the formation of granules are dried and subjected to additional mechanical grinding to 0.01-0.02 mm to achieve optimal sizes particles in the finished extract.

The granulation process is carried out according to the "semi-wet" method. The calibrated granules are sent for drying, which is carried out at a temperature of 50-55 ° C to a residual moisture content of 5-6%.

The pressing of tablets (briquettes) from granules is carried out at a pressure of 50-150 MPa, which is due to the individual compressibility of granules obtained from various fruit and berry or vegetable raw materials.

Finished products are packaged and packaged in polymer containers and sent to the finished product warehouse, where they are stored at a temperature of 20 °C.

The advantage of these technologies is mild temperature regimes and the absence of other effects that have a destructive effect on biologically active substances contained in raw materials of plant origin during its processing, which makes it possible to obtain any composite biologically active mixtures (liquid, granular, tableted) from various fruits. -berry and medicinal-technical raw materials of fundamentally new properties and qualities.

Bibliographic link

Kravchenko S.N., Drapkina G.S., Postolova M.A. TECHNOLOGY OF PROCESSING PLANT RAW MATERIAL // Basic Research. - 2007. - No. 8. - P. 68-69;
URL: (date of access: 04/29/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

1. general characteristics vegetable raw materials and technologies for their processing
1.1 Herbal products
1.2 Technological approaches to the processing of plant materials
2. General characteristics of hydrolysis plants
2.1 Hydrolysis production overview
2.2 Hydrolysis waste
3. Recycling solid waste hydrolysis production
3.1 Physical and chemical processing
3.2 Biotech processing
3.2.1 Biochemistry of plant biopolymers

3.2.3 Examples of biodegradation technologies for plant materials
4. Feed production
4.1 Feed composition
4.2 Feed additives
4.3 Microbial feed additives
1. General characteristics of plant raw materials and technologies for its processing

Resources of plant biomass are constantly renewed through photosynthesis, and today they already serve as an important source of raw materials for obtaining various organic substances and materials, including those used for chemical processing into certain types of monomers, polymers and polymer materials: fibers, films and plastics.
However, the latter direction has not yet reached such volumes as to quantitatively compete with substances and materials based on mineral organic raw materials - oil and gas. However, the situation is changing significantly in favor of the use of renewable plant resources, as oil and gas prices are constantly rising and serious shortages of these types of raw materials are expected for the foreseeable future.
This is also facilitated by the rapid development of biotechnological processes for the processing of plant raw materials, which have significant advantages over traditional thermochemical and chemical technologies in terms of high yield of target products, economy and environmental friendliness.
The disadvantages of the use of renewable plant raw materials are the limited raw material base and range of use, the lack of mass production of equipment, and the difficulty of automation.
Renewable plant resources are an almost inexhaustible source of polysaccharides - cellulose, hemicellulose, starch - which are microbiologically converted into various types of substances and compounds used in a wide variety of industries.

Herbal Products
Vegetable raw materials have a wide and varied application in the food, pulp and paper, chemical, textile, medical, pharmaceutical, perfumery, cosmetic, and many other industries.
Among plant resources, 8 groups are distinguished:
1. Medicinal plants. Plants of this group contain various biologically active substances (alkaloids, glycosides, coumarin, vitamins, etc.), which, when they enter the human body, have a therapeutic (healing) effect. Such vegetable raw materials are used in medicine and pharmacy. Based on them, medicines are produced, dosage form and the action of which is very diverse.
2. Forage plants are food for wild and domestic animals.
3. Fatty oil plants, from the fruits or seeds of which vegetable (edible) or technical oils are obtained.
4. Essential oil plants contain a variety of essential oils, which are mixtures of various substances (alcohols, esters, terpenes) and have a peculiar smell (for example: celandine, nettle). Such plants are used in the cosmetic and perfume industry for the production of cosmetics and perfumes, in medicine and pharmacy for the production of medicines.
5. Honey plants. All plants that produce nectar and produce pollen form a good basis for beekeeping. They are also widely used in the food industry.
6. Poisonous plants. Some types of poisonous plants are used as insecticidal, antifungal agents.
Vegetable raw materials have a wide variety of applications in the food industry, woodworking, textile, pharmaceutical and medical, chemical industries. And also today great value purchases renewable plant materials.
Edible plants - Vegetable (salad) plants are used as food in the form of salads, soups, second courses (for example, ferns).
- Spicy-aromatic and spicy-flavoring plants, united in one subgroup, contain volatile and pleasantly smelling essential oils, glycosides, tonic and other substances and are traditionally used in the food industry.
- Drinking plants are used to make drinks and give them a peculiar taste and aroma, as well as surrogates for tea and coffee (for example: St.
- Starch-bearing and cereal plants for the production of starch or (in dry and ground form) as an additive to flour when baking bread.
Technical plants - Dye plants contain coloring chemicals in their various parts, most often glycosides. Are used in chemical, food, etc. branches.
- Tanning plants contain tannins (tannins). Extracts obtained from tanning raw materials are widely used in the leather, textile, aviation industries, as well as in medicine.
- Fibrous plants in terms of physics - the mechanical properties of their organs are suitable for use in the textile industry and folk craft (willow weaving).
- Specially - technological plants are distinguished by a number of useful properties that allow them to be used to optimize certain technological processes, protect food products from spoilage during storage and for other purposes (for example: lingonberries, celandine).
At the same time, plant raw materials can be processed using both traditional thermochemical and chemical processes (pyrolysis, acid hydrolysis) and microbiological technologies: enzymatic hydrolysis, microbiological conversion, etc. (Fig. 1)
Rice. 1 Processes for processing vegetable raw materials and their products
Wood processing technologies.
To obtain various types of organic substances, methods of thermal and thermochemical processing of plant raw materials have been developed for a long time, mainly wood materials and agricultural products, including their waste. These methods are pyrolysis (thermal decomposition without access to air), acid hydrolysis, as well as complex processes that combine pyrolysis and hydrolysis. In this case, a number of valuable substances are obtained, some of which can be the starting material for obtaining various types of monomers.
New processes of catalytic (acidic) pyrolysis of plant materials with the use of inorganic acids, salts and various inorganic compounds - flame retardants as catalysts are promising. In this case, furfural, levogducosan (1,6-anhydro-b-D-glucopyranose) and other organic substances are also formed, on the basis of which various monomers can be obtained to obtain polymeric materials - fibers, films, plastics.
During the hydrolysis of plant materials in the presence of acids, various chemical reactions occur, but at different rates for different components. There are two main groups of reactions:
cellulose > hexoses;
hemicelluloses > dextrins > pentoses + hexoses.
In addition, secondary reactions can proceed at lower rates:
pentoses > furfural;
furfural > humic substances + formic acid;
hexoses > hydroxymethylfurfural;
hydroxymethylfurfural > humic substances + levulinic acid + formic acid.
By choosing the hydrolysis conditions, secondary reactions can be minimized.
The most promising is the two-stage hydrolysis of wood and other plant waste under pressure using low-concentration sulfuric acid as a catalyst:
In the hydrolysis of plant raw materials, its full integrated use is necessary, which makes it possible to create more economical technologies. In this case, the main waste is lignin. However, due to the difficulties in using significant amounts of lignin for hydrolysis, it is preferable to use plant materials containing a minimum of lignin, since its utilization is the most complex and energy intensive.
Therefore, starch-containing agricultural products and agricultural residues containing a minimum of lignin and some starch, such as corn cobs, are an important feedstock. Their acidic or, preferably, enzymatic hydrolysis makes it possible to obtain various low molecular weight substances, especially glucose for its subsequent biochemical processing into various monomers and polymers for the production of fibers and films, in particular lactic acid and aliphatic polyesters - polyalkanoates.
Delignification of wood. The essence of delignification processes is to remove lignin from woody biomass to obtain cellulose. The most large-scale use of wood pulp is the production of paper and cardboard, as well as various chemical derivatives of cellulose. Currently, new, more environmentally acceptable technologies for producing cellulose are being developed, in particular, based on the methods of oxidative delignification of wood with oxygen in an environment of caustic soda or soda (oxygen-alkaline and oxygen-soda delignification). The process of delignifying wood with the cheapest and most environmentally friendly reagent - molecular oxygen - has such advantages as the absence of foul-smelling sulfur-containing gas emissions, low toxicity of wastewater, and easier bleaching of pulp at a subsequent stage.
Wood gasification. Because biomass carbohydrates n contain a lot of oxygen and moisture, much less water vapor is required in the gasification process than in the gasification of fossil coals. The reaction of oxidative gasification of plant biomass is carried out in an autothermal mode by adding oxygen or air.
A method for wood gasification based on steam cracking of wood volatiles in a fixed bed of an aluminum-nickel catalyst is proposed. In this case, the yield of gaseous products increases from 50 to 90% compared to the non-catalytic process. The high H2/CO ratio (1.96) makes it possible to use the produced synthesis gas for the production of methanol without a CO steam conversion step.
The processes of oxidative gasification of crushed plant biomass in a fluidized bed of an oxidation catalyst seem to be promising. On this basis, it is possible to create combined processes for processing biomass with the simultaneous production of fuel gas or synthesis gas, as well as porous carbon materials.
Liquefaction of wood and lignin. The creation of economical methods for obtaining liquid hydrocarbon mixtures from wood waste will solve the problem of their disposal and achieve savings in petroleum feedstock. Promising directions for obtaining liquid fuels are associated with the development of processes for the catalytic reduction of plant biomass and its components with hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and other reducing agents.

Technological approaches to the processing of plant raw materials
Depending on the type of product obtained, the following technologies for processing vegetable raw materials are distinguished: thermochemical and chemical processes (pyrolysis, acid hydrolysis), microbiological technologies: enzymatic hydrolysis, microbiological conversion, etc.
In the last quarter of the 20th century, industrial microbiological methods and technologies for processing lignocellulosic plant raw materials began to develop intensively. However, they have a number of features compared to the long-known processes of starch hydrolysis, the main ones are:
pre-treatment of plant mass, including activating treatment;
cultivation of microorganisms and obtaining enzyme preparations;
actual biochemical transformations of the feedstock into the target product (glucose or other hexoses);
separation of the resulting biomass and isolation of the target product (glucose, etc.);
The choice of strains of microorganisms largely determines the effectiveness of biochemical processes.
Microbiological degradation of plant materials is carried out under aerobic or anaerobic conditions, by periodic and continuous methods using various technologies and instrumental solutions.
The choice of a specific technological scheme should be determined based on the type of plant material used, the type of microorganisms and many other factors. Wherein great importance has an optimization of the nutrient medium containing sources of carbon, nitrogen, as well as phosphorus, sulfur, alkali and alkaline earth metal ions, trace elements and other minerals. Conditions for cultivating microorganisms, including the pH of the medium, the concentration of components, temperature play an important role in ensuring maximum productivity, minimizing adverse reactions and ensuring the maximum yield of the target product.
Isolation and purification of the resulting intermediate or finished product is carried out depending on the composition of the reaction medium and the properties of the isolated component using various methods, which are also used in traditional chemical technologies: filtration, centrifugation, extraction, sorption, ion exchange, membrane separation, electrodialysis, and others.
As mentioned earlier, the processing of plant materials is also carried out using thermochemical and chemical processes (pyrolysis - thermal decomposition without air access, acid hydrolysis, etc.).
Pyrolysis or dry distillation of wood is one of the ancient methods of its processing to obtain various products, including charcoal, tar, turpentine, etc. Currently, pyrolytic processes for the processing of wood and other plant materials make it possible to obtain various products used in organic processes. synthesis.
Hydrolysis of vegetable raw materials is the most promising method for the chemical processing of wood, since, in combination with biotechnological processes, it makes it possible to obtain feed and food products, biologically active and medicinal preparations, monomers and synthetic resins, fuel for internal combustion engines and a variety of products for technical purposes. Hydrolysis production is based on the reaction of hydrolytic cleavage of glycosidic bonds of polysaccharides of the biomass of lignified plant raw materials with the formation of monosaccharides as the main reaction products, which are subjected to further biochemical or chemical processing, or are part of the commercial product. The hydrolysis process and hydrolysis production are described in more detail in Chapter 2.
General characteristics of hydrolysis plants
The hydrolysis industry combines industries based on the chemical processing of plant materials by catalytic conversion of polysaccharides into monosaccharides. It produces from non-food plant materials - waste from logging, sawmilling and woodworking, as well as agriculture - fodder yeast, ethyl alcohol, glucose and xylitol, furfural, organic acids, lignin and other products. The national economic importance of the hydrolysis industry lies primarily in the fact that it uses huge resources of plant waste to produce valuable products (pulp and paper and microbiological industries), the production of which in other industries consumes a significant amount of food and feed products (grain, potatoes , molasses, etc.).
Based on the technologies of hydrolysis of plant biomass in the 30-70s. of the last century, a hydrolysis industry was created in the USSR (more than 40 hydrolysis and biochemical plants), where the following raw materials were used: woodworking waste (wood chips, slab, shavings, sawdust) and pulp and paper (sulfite liquors) industry, agricultural waste (corn cob, sunflower husk, straw, etc.), as well as some types of food processing waste. By the end of the 1980s, the enterprises of the hydrolysis industry in the USSR produced the following products: ethyl alcohol - 15 million decalitres per year; fodder yeast - 400 thousand tons per year; furfural - 30 thousand tons per year; carbon dioxide - 25 thousand tons per year; xylitol - 3 thousand tons per year;
In addition, hydrolysis plants produced furfuryl and tetrahydrofuryl alcohols, tetrahydrofuran, xylitan, feed sugar, ligno briquettes, nitrolignin, medicinal lignin and other products. In the second half of the 20th century, hydrolysis plants were built in China, Bulgaria, Brazil and Cuba using the technologies developed at VNIIGIDROLIZ. The range of possible sources of raw materials for the production of hydrolysis products studied at VNIIGIDROLIZ covers both traditional Russian species and exotic ones for us: bagasse, dates, etc. etc.
To date, 16 hydrolysis plants operate in Russia, producing mainly ethyl alcohol and alcohol-containing products. At the same time, the level of production of traditional products dropped sharply, with the exception of the production of ethyl alcohol. So, for example, the production of fodder yeast has decreased by more than 10 times, furfural - by 5 times, and xylitol is not produced at all.
It should be noted that, as is known, acid and salt catalysts are used in the hydrolysis process. At the same time, the most widely used technology is hydrolysis with dilute sulfuric acid. The results of many years of research in the field of hydrolysis with concentrated acids (sulfuric and hydrochloric) allow us to conclude that such technologies are promising. Foreign researchers adhere to a similar opinion.
In the city of Kansk (Russia), for a number of years, a pilot plant with a capacity of 600 tons of glucose per year has been successfully operated, on which the technology for the production of crystalline glucose by the hydrolysis of wood with highly concentrated hydrochloric acid was implemented.
Thus, Russia has the necessary scientific, technological and industrial capabilities for the production of fuel ethanol. At the same time, taking into account the fact that our country is in the area of ​​risky farming, and on the other hand, has significant wood reserves, the production of ethanol using hydrolysis technologies seems appropriate.
Under certain conditions, the existing capacities of enterprises with a hydrolysis profile can become an object of investment, which will significantly increase (2-3 times) the production of ethyl alcohol, as well as restore the production of other profile products. Through the use of technologies for the integrated use of raw materials, the implementation of energy-saving technologies, including the utilization of hydrolytic lignin as an energy fuel, the cost of ethanol can be reduced by at least 2 times.
The hydrolysis technology includes the substantiation and characterization of technological parameters and schemes of the process of hydrolytic processing of plant materials to obtain a hydrolyzate - aqueous solution monosaccharides, the main intermediate product of production. Technological schemes, characteristics and modes of operation of the main equipment form the basis of the technological regulation of production.

Overview of hydrolysis plants
Hydrolysis-yeast production.
Feed yeast is produced using the following types of carbohydrate raw materials: hydrolysates of wood and plant waste from agricultural production and dealcoholic stillage from hydrolysis-alcohol production; sulfite liquors and pre-hydrolyzates of sulfate-cellulose production; de-alcoholized vinasse - waste from the production of ethyl alcohol during the processing of sugar beets.
Microorganisms are also cultivated on hydrocarbon raw materials. Feed microbial biomass can also be obtained by using oxidized hydrocarbons as feedstock, primarily methanol and ethanol.
The main stages in the production of fodder yeast are: obtaining and preparing a hydrolyzate for biochemical processing, continuous cultivation of yeast (fermentation), concentration and drying of yeast.
Getting ethanol.
In alcohol production, the technology of hydrolysis and preparation of the hydrolyzate for biochemical processing differs little from the corresponding processes in yeast production. The difference is that wood is used in alcohol production. conifers, during the hydrolysis of which a higher yield of hexoses is achieved in comparison with pentose-containing raw materials. In order to obtain a high concentration of monosaccharides, hydrolysis is carried out at a lower hydromodulus value for cooking acid (about 12) and the substrate is not diluted before fermentation.
Technology of furfural and its derivatives.
Unlike alcohol and yeast production, which are based on the biochemical processing of hydrolyzate monosaccharides, furfural production is based on the processes of chemical transformations of monosaccharides. The processing parameters of plant raw materials in furfural production should ensure the hydrolysis of hemicelluloses and the dehydration of the resulting pentose monosaccharides. On an industrial scale, furfural is obtained exclusively from plant materials, and therefore this product is produced only at hydrolysis enterprises.
Food xylitol technology.
Xylitol is obtained by hydrogenation of hemicellulose hydrolysates of pentosan-containing raw materials containing mainly xylose. Vegetable pentazan-containing raw materials are the only source of xylitol, which is produced only by the hydrolysis industry.
The technological process of obtaining food xylitol can be divided into the following main stages: mechanical preparation and chemical refinement of pentosan-containing raw materials; two-stage pentose-hexose hydrolysis of raw materials; preparation of pentose hydrolyzate for the hydrogenation process; hydrogenation of xylose solution; purification of the xylitol solution; concentration of the xylitol solution; and crystallization of the xylitol.
Technology of carbohydrate feed.
Currently, the needs of agricultural production in carbohydrate feed are increasing, but far from being fully satisfied. In this regard, new directions for processing vegetable raw materials are being developed in the hydrolysis industry with the production of feed vegetable-carbohydrate additives and feed hydrolytic sugar. On Fig. 2 shows a general scheme for obtaining feed from plant materials by various methods.

E - extrusion; GR - hot grinding; KODVM - fodder saccharified wood fiber mass; RUK - vegetable-carbohydrate feed additive; RUBK - vegetable-carbohydrate protein feed; RMD - herbal and mineral supplement
Rice. 2 General scheme for obtaining feed from plant materials by various methods
Hydrolysis production waste
The output of the main and by-products from processed raw materials characterizes the level of technology perfection and largely determines the economic efficiency of production. The depth of use of raw materials also affects the environmental friendliness of production. The lower the yield of target products, the more solid, liquid and gaseous wastes are formed that pollute the environment.
In recent years, the development of hydrolysis industries and the stable operation of a number of operating enterprises are limited primarily by environmental factors, the significance of which for a long time underestimated.
To fundamentally solve the problem of protection environment it is necessary to use environmentally optimal technology, including the complex processing of raw materials, treatment and use of wastewater and gas emissions.
Significant environmental pollution occurs as a result of gas emissions (dust-gas, steam-gas, gas-air). High pollution of gas emissions limits the work of a number of enterprises.
Hydrolysis enterprises are characterized by constant and periodic emissions, hot and cold, high and low at discharge points, organized (provided by the technological scheme) and unorganized (caused by leakage of equipment and communications). Due to the imperfection of technological processes and equipment, an aerosol enters the atmosphere containing air, non-condensable gases, water vapor and organic impurities, fine liquid drops and solid particles (dust) of the feedstock, lignin, yeast, ash, etc.
A significant amount of emissions from the main production (80-90%) falls on inventory, converters, dryers. Emission points are screens, fermenters, settling tanks, collectors and other equipment.
The negative impact of combined-cycle emissions on the environment is primarily associated with the presence of furfural. The sanitary state of the atmosphere is also affected by the release of living cells of the producer (asporogenic yeast) from fermenters with exhaust air and protein products in the exhaust air after spray dryers.
In addition to emissions from the main production shops, there are emissions from boiler houses.
At present, exhaust air purification should be carried out at all yeast-producing enterprises. So, with the technology of continuous cultivation of yeast during fermentation in the fermenter, the following happens: passing near the aerator, the circulating nutrient medium is further enriched with atmospheric oxygen. As a result of the circulation of small bubbles, the average residence time of air in the fermenter and the degree of its utilization increase. Large bubbles once pass through the fermenter. The exhaust air passes through a filter or Venturi scrubber to remove microbial cells and is discharged into the atmosphere. Thus, it is necessary to seal the fermenters at all plants and organize the purification of exhaust air. Also of particular importance is the issue of condensation of furfural-containing vapors formed in inventories, collectors and settling tanks.
Thus, the widespread use of methods of dry and wet cleaning of emissions with highly efficient dust and gas trapping installations is necessary when creating a low-waste and waste-free technology for hydrolysis production.
The main polluting effluent of the hydrolysis-yeast production is the spent culture liquid (WCL) or the so-called post-yeast mash (PDB). It is 30-35% of the total amount of pollution by volume. Per 1 ton abs. dry raw materials in OKZh contains 100-150 kg of dry substances; their concentration is 0.9-1.3%.
Due to the high content of impurities, ACL belongs to highly concentrated wastewater and requires deep purification and disposal.
Vacuum evaporation of VCL makes it possible to obtain a condensate of secondary vapors suitable for use in the main production instead of fresh water, and a post-yeast residue (PDO) in the form of a liquid concentrate or in a powder state after drying.
Industrial enterprises have two water supply systems: technical water for production needs and drinking water for household needs. Industrial and domestic wastewater is discharged through separate sewerage systems and is treated at various or common treatment facilities. When creating circulating water supply systems, separate treatment of industrial and domestic wastewater is necessary.
At the enterprises of the hydrolysis industry, the main wastewaters are: YCL of yeast and alcohol-yeast production; wastewater from other production and auxiliary workshops; conditionally clean (normatively clean) water after heat exchange equipment; storm general area and household drains.
According to their functional purpose, all wastewater treatment methods are divided into intrashop wastewater treatment and off-site treatment.
Intra-shop local treatment is used to partially remove certain types of pollution for the purpose of subsequent use of treated water in the circulating water supply system or in closed water use cycles along the main process flow, to reduce the overall level of pollution of wastewater sent for more complete treatment to off-site treatment facilities of an industrial enterprise, or to city wastewater treatment plants. With intrashop cleaning, it is possible to use mechanical, chemical, biological and electrochemical methods.
Off-site wastewater treatment is used to treat general runoff. Mechanobiological treatment combines mechanical purification of wastewater from suspended solids and biological purification from dissolved impurities.
The main dissolved contaminants are removed during biological (biochemical) wastewater treatment. This method is based on the ability of microorganisms to assimilate organic and inorganic wastewater compounds.
To intensify the processes of biological wastewater treatment, methods of targeted selection of cultures of microorganisms, aerobic stabilization of cultures, the use of chemical mutagens, etc. are being tested.
Biological wastewater treatment is carried out in aerotents or aerofilters.
In the hydrolysis industry, the main type of equipment for biological wastewater treatment is aeration tanks-mixers, in which the treated wastewater and activated sludge are dispersed into the aeration tank along the longitudinal wall and the sludge mixture is also removed. At the second stage of biological treatment, where the concentration of contaminants is reduced, it is possible to use displacer aerotanks, in which the incoming water does not mix with the water previously supplied for treatment.
The most radical method of protecting water bodies from pollution is the transition to technological schemes with completely or maximally closed water use schemes.
When creating non-waste technological processes, it is of great importance to find ways for the rational use of excess activated sludge from treatment facilities.
Wastes from hydrolysis production are large-tonnage and include: process hydrolysis lignin (THL), sludge, sewage sludge in primary settling tanks, excess activated sludge after biological wastewater treatment, and industrial effluents. Especially in large quantities, TGL is formed, the yield of which is 30-40% of the mass of the processed raw materials, or 3.5 million tons / year.
Thus, the problem of lignin utilization is a serious and multifaceted task of hydrolysis production. The problem of solid waste from hydrolysis production is considered in more detail in Chapter 3.

Processing of solid waste from hydrolysis industries
As mentioned earlier, solid waste processing is of the greatest interest in the issue of hydrolysis production waste disposal.
Hydrolysis solid wastes include biopolymers, which are divided into: starch derivatives, cellulose polymers, lignin-based polymers.
Starch is a high molecular weight polysaccharide. It is formed by two polysaccharides - amylose and amylopectin. In plants, there are processes of starch breakdown, the products of which are sources of energy and the main material for biosynthesis. In industry, molasses, alcohol, artificial rubber and other important products are obtained from starch.
Starch is the main reserve nutrient of many plants. In potato tubers it contains an average of 15-18%, in other vegetables and fruits - much less.
Cellulose (fiber) is a polysaccharide characterized by a high degree of polymerization; it is mainly used to build the cell walls of plant tissues. The chemical resistance of cellulose is high. This compound does not dissolve in water even when boiled.
Its molecules decompose under the action of strong acids when heated and under pressure. This process is used to obtain technical alcohol from non-food raw materials. Cellulose is digested in the complex stomach of ruminants, where there are bacteria that decompose fiber and facilitate its digestion.
It has been established that an increased content of cellulose is associated with the mechanical strength of tissues, transportability and keeping quality of vegetables and fruits. The cellulose content in fruits ranges from 0.5 to 2%, in vegetables - from 0.2 to 2.8%.
Lignin is a macromolecular substance associated with cellulose. Present in lignified plant tissues. In a noticeable amount (tenths of a percent), lignin accumulates in table beets during overripe and coarsening of vascular fibrous bundles. In other fruits and vegetables, its content is negligible.

Physical and chemical processing
The most common physical and chemical method of solid waste processing is incineration.
As mentioned earlier, the most tonnage type of hydrolysis production waste is lignin. Therefore, it is necessary to consider in more detail the methods of physicochemical processing of lignin.
Currently, the industry uses various schemes for the preliminary preparation of lignin and its combustion in boiler houses.
The most effective schemes for the preparation and combustion of fuel with preliminary grinding of lignin. Semi-open circuits and direct injection circuits find practical application, according to which lignin is dried with flue gases of a steam boiler in descending pipes-dryers, and crushed and dried in mill fans.
Lignin carbonization methods. On the basis of technical lignin, it is possible to obtain a variety of carbonaceous materials (in particular, lignin coals) as a result of its thermal or chemical carbonization. Kollaktivite is a multifunctional sorbent - active carbon obtained as a result of chemical carbonization of technical lignin with concentrated sulfuric acid. Main practical use collactivit finds to purify pentose hydrolyzate in xylitol production.
Oxidation of lignin with nitric acid. Of the numerous methods of chemical processing of hydrolytic lignin to obtain its derivatives, the methods of oxidation and nitration of lignin with nitric acid have found practical application. The resulting lignin derivatives are used in drilling oil and gas wells as reagents to reduce the viscosity, shear stress and fluid loss of fresh and mineralized clay solutions.
Lignin rust converter. The rust converter is a multicomponent composition based on modified hydrolytic lignin. Lignin is able to form complex compounds with iron oxides and other iron compounds.
Rust converter is used in the preparation of metal for painting and to prevent its corrosion in many sectors of the economy.
Obtaining medical lignin. Medical lignin is used to treat acute gastrointestinal diseases of an infectious and non-infectious nature, accompanied by dysbacteriosis and intoxication. The technology for obtaining lignin for medicinal purposes is relatively simple. Hydrolytic lignin is purified from impurities, activated by alkali treatment at elevated temperature, washed from alkali and crushed.

Biotech processing 3.2.1 Biochemistry of plant biopolymers

In nature, there are a number of microorganisms that produce certain enzymes necessary for the processing of plant materials. Such enzymes include cellulases, pectinases, xylanases, laccases, peroxidases, tyrosinases, etc.
First of all, these are microscopic fungi.
In general, fungi that destroy wood are divided into four groups:
1. Brown rot fungi - belong to the subdivision of basidiomycetes, destroy mainly wood polysaccharides.
2. White rot mushrooms - belong to the subdivision of Basidiomycetes, destroy mainly lignin, but are capable of destroying polysaccharides.
3. Soft rot fungi - marsupial and imperfect fungi, destroy polysaccharides and lignin.
4. Mushrooms are blue marsupials and imperfect fungi, they live mainly due to residual proteins in parenchymal cells. Limited destruction of polysaccharides.
Bacteria are capable of destroying polysaccharides and lignin, however, their morphological properties (colonial growth) do not allow them to act as highly effective decomposers in solid-phase fermentation.
White rot mushrooms produce various enzymes that promote the absorption of lignin. Some of the fungi give mainly laccase, others give peroxidase and tyrosinase. The process of enzyme production is different depending on whether the enzyme is used inside or outside the hyphae.
The lignocellulosic complex of the plant substrate consists of three main components: cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. The ratio of components differs in different substrates.
The most easily degraded is hemicellulose, which consists of such monomers as xylose (xylan), arabinose (araban) and mannose (mannan). A complex of enzymes specific for this substrate breaks down polysaccharides into oligomers, and then into sugar monomers. Cellulose consists of a glucose monomer and is densely packed into microtubules, which are also cleaved by a complex of cellulase enzymes: C1 - enzymes loosen microfibrils, Cx - enzymes form oligomers, and glucosidose (cellobiase) cleaves monosugars. The most resistant to enzymatic degradation is lignin, which consists of various phenolic monomers, which can also be combined in various ways.
Combined destruction of all wood components was found in all types of wild mushrooms. An enzyme has been found that requires cellobiose (cellulose decomposition product) to degrade lignin in conjunction with locase. This enzyme was named cellobiose quinone oxyreductase. Subsequently, it was shown that the presence of cellobiose quinone oxyreductase is not necessary for the decomposition of lignin by the fungus Phanerohaete chrisosporium. The presence of laccase is absolutely necessary. The change in lignin under the influence of white rot fungi is to increase the content of carbonyl and carboxyl groups.
The most effective cellulase producers are fungi. Enzymatic systems of fungi contain, as a rule, multiple forms of both forms of cellulases. The main producers of cellulases are fungi of the genera Trichoderma, Fusarium, Chaetomium, Dematium, Stachybotrys, Styzanus, Aspergillus, etc.
The most studied cellulase producer, which is of great practical importance, is the soil fungus Trichoderma viride (reesei). It secretes at least 2 cellobiohydrolase isoenzymes. The optimal catalytic action of most fungal cellulases occurs at pH 4-5.
Among anaerobic bacteria, the best known producer of cellulases is Clostridium thennocellum. The structure of the cellulases of these bacteria differs significantly from the cellulases of fungi. This microorganism secretes large supramolecular formations, which contain at least 14 different proteins, including cellulase molecules, the so-called cellulosomes (total mol. w. more than 2 million). Similar formations are found in some other anaerobic bacteria, including. in the stomach of ruminants.
Active producers of xylanases and pectinases are fungi of the genus Trichoderma and Aspergillus.

3.2.2 Microorganisms-degraders of plant materials

Biological factors, or agents of biodegradation of plant raw materials, wood are living organisms that can have a destructive effect on it, among such microorganisms are bacteria, fungi.
Bacteria destroy wood to a limited extent, they reproduce by cell division and cannot move in wood, except for that which is under water. Bacteria tend to colonize wood cells using proteins as food sources. There is no doubt that lignin can be destroyed not only by fungi, but also by bacteria. However, its decomposition is so slow that it seems to be completely negligible in comparison with other metabolic processes of bacteria. Complex compounds (lignin, cellulose) are inaccessible to yeast.
Thus, microscopic fungi are the most active decomposers of plant raw materials; mold fungi play an important role in the process of destruction.
The plant substrate contains readily available organic substances such as soluble sugars, oligosaccharides, and starch. These compounds are consumed by all microorganisms and, first of all, by competitive mold fungi - Trichoderma, Penicillium, Aspergillus, Mucor, etc. Such mushrooms are also called "sugar".
Hardly accessible compounds in the form of polysaccharides: cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin are utilized by fungi that have the corresponding complexes of hydrolytic enzymes: cellulases, pectinases, xylanases. By breaking down the cellulose from the lignocellulosic complex, these fungi leave the lignin intact, giving the substrates a darker, brown appearance. Among them are such competitive molds as Trichoderma, among which Trichoderma viride is promising in obtaining xylanases, and Aspergillus niger - pectinases.
The destructive effect of the fungus of the genus Phanerochaete, which causes "white rot", and the fungus of the genus Fusarium are also well known.
Wood biodamage agents mainly belong to the following groups of fungi: Coniophora, Tyromyces, Zentinus, Serpula, Gloeophyllum, Trametes, Pleurotus, Schizophyllum.
Fungi that primarily destroy lignin include Polystictus versicolor and some others (for example, Stereum hirsutum). There are also fungi that act simultaneously on lignin and cellulose; such are Pleurotus ostreatus, Ganoderma applanatum, Polyporus adustus, Armillaria mellea.

Examples of technology for biodegradation of plant materials
Most plant matter is in the form of durable polymers such as cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin, which are used with little or no use by the animal body as nutrients. In order to improve the digestibility of plant raw material components, physical, chemical and biological methods of polymer degradation and their conversion into more valuable products are being intensively developed.
Various groups of microorganisms are used for the bioconversion of carbohydrates of vegetable raw materials: bacteria, yeasts, microscopic fungi.
Currently, there are at least five areas of bioconversion of plant raw materials (including waste from livestock farms, which can be considered as waste from the processing of plant materials): obtaining protein concentrates for food and feed purposes from the green mass of plants; microbial proteinization of starch- and cellulose-containing raw materials for the production of food and feed products; methane digestion and fractionation or aerobic treatment of livestock waste both to obtain high-quality organic fertilizer, feed additives, biogas (for energy purposes) and to protect the environment; conservation of feed in order to preserve and even increase their nutritional value; complex processing of vegetable raw materials.
New prospects are opened by solid-phase fermentation of substrates moistened up to 50-60% humidity. For such fermentation of starch- and cellulose-containing agricultural raw materials (grain, bran, straw, husk, stalk, etc.), filamentous fungi can be used. Under laboratory and semi-production conditions, with the help of a yeast-like culture of Endomycopsis fibuliger, grain products with a protein content of 18–20% were obtained, and with the help of Trichoderma lignorum, straw products with a protein content of 12–18% were obtained. In terms of biological value, the protein of these products is not inferior to the protein of yeast. The mycelial mass contains less nucleic acids than yeast. The resulting product can serve as a source of B vitamins and hydrolytic enzymes.
Work is also underway on the microbial degradation of lignin, which opens up the prospect of obtaining microbial protein at the expense of not only plant cellulose and hemicellulose, but also lignin, the most durable polymer of the cell wall. Unfortunately, there is still no high-performance equipment for solid-phase fermentation of vegetable raw materials on an industrial scale.
Thus, the biodegradation of plant raw materials and by-products of agriculture and industry solves both production and environmental problems. It's about about achieving two goals in a single process: recycling (biodegradation) and the transformation of unnecessary raw materials into useful products (bioconversion).
4. Feed production
4.1 Feed composition

Feed production is a complex of organizational, economic and agrotechnical measures used to create a forage base for livestock.
For normal animal husbandry, it is necessary that the feed contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and vitamins in certain proportions.
A variety of feeds that are used in animal husbandry differ in composition and nutritional value and belong to different classification groups.
Feeds are grouped depending on their origin and the most important qualities (nutrient content per unit mass, physical properties, physiological effects, and others).
By origin (based on the classification of specialist G.O. Bogdanov), the feed is divided into green, juicy, coarse, concentrated, feed waste from industrial production, food waste, feed of animal and microbiological origin, mineral, non-protein nitrogenous and other additives, vitamin feed, antibiotics.
Green fodder is a green mass that is fed to animals in the pasture and in a mowed form. For green fodder, legumes and cereals and their mixtures are grown - peas, vetch, corn, rye, oats, cereals and legumes, as well as sunflower, rapeseed and some others.
Juicy food. This group includes silage feed, haylage, root tubers and gourds.
In Russia, fodder beets, fodder carrots, rutabaga, turnips, potatoes, fodder pumpkins, and zucchini are grown from root, tuber and melon crops.
Silage feed is the aforementioned succulent feed, which is preserved by a preservative - lactic acid, which accumulates during silage as a result of lactic acid fermentation.
Roughage is hay of natural and artificial hayfields - hay of legumes and cereal grasses, hay and grass flour, haylage, straw of grain crops.
Greens, juicy and roughage are also called voluminous.
Concentrated feed contains more than 0.65 feed units per 1 kg (a feed unit is a unit for measuring and comparing the overall nutritional value of feed. Feeding rates for farm animals are calculated on the basis of a feed unit). This group includes grain cereals and legumes (whole and crushed grain, turf, flour), concentrated feed and some waste from industrial production (cake, meal, sifting, grain chaff, malt sprouts, and the like). Concentrated compound feeds are mixtures of various dry crushed grain feeds with additions of minerals, vitamins, antibiotics and other biologically active substances. Concentrated compound feeds are designed to supplement the basic diet of coarse and succulent feed.

4.2 Feed additives (feed balancing)

Today there are two problems in animal husbandry: 1) feed balancing and 2) waste processing. At the same time, there are feed additives that are waste products of any area. Such bioconversion helps to solve both of these problems.
In general, the economic and biological meaning of animal husbandry is the conversion of plant polymers into polymers of animal origin, which have a higher nutritional or technological value for humans. Accordingly, animal husbandry is based on two foundations, two “pillars”. The first base is compound feed, in which vegetable polymers are densely packed and supplemented with the necessary balancing components of animal, microbial, synthetic and mineral origin. The second base is animals and birds that act as a biological converter. As the rate of anabolic processes in modern breeds and crosses becomes ever faster, thanks to advances in genetics and breeding, the limiting factor in the development of the industry is the ability to digestive system with the appropriate speed to involve nutrients in biosynthetic processes inside the body. Hence, there is a need for functional support of the digestive system with the help of a complex of feed additives that increase the efficiency of feed absorption.
The generally accepted classification of feed additives is as follows:
technical additives that act directly on the feed, such as organic acids; sensory additives that affect the palatability of the feed, such as flavors; nutritional additives that provide the necessary level of amino acids, vitamins and trace elements in the diet; zootechnical additives that improve the use of nutrients in the feed, for example, enzymes, antibiotics; coccidiostatics and histomonostatics; Of greatest interest is group 4 - zootechnical additives - but here some clarifications and additional classification according to biological criteria are needed. The main regulators of the digestive system include feed enzymes, feed antibiotics, probiotics and prebiotics. They have a different biological nature and, accordingly, different primary mechanisms of action. However, they all exercise their influence on the health and productivity of the animal, apparently in a similar way, namely, through the regulation of the microbial population in the gastrointestinal tract, gastrointestinal tract.
This has been particularly well studied for feed antibiotics. Antibiotics are products of microbiological or chemical synthesis that inhibit the reproduction of other microorganisms. Under the action of antibiotics, the number of microorganisms in the intestine is reduced. At the same time, the risk of developing diseases caused by opportunistic microflora is reduced, and, at the same time, part of the nutrients previously consumed by intestinal microbes goes to the host organism. Both processes lead to increased safety and productivity. However, the use of antibiotics is inevitably accompanied by negative phenomena: the destruction of beneficial intestinal microflora, environmental risks. In countries with high hygiene requirements for livestock products, the use of feed antibiotics is either completely prohibited or severely limited. In search of an alternative to antibiotics, experts began to pay more attention to feed enzymes, probiotics and prebiotics.
Feed enzymes belong to the class of hydrolases and have the ability to destroy plant polymers that are inaccessible to the digestive systems of higher animals. Feed enzymes are isolated from fungi or bacteria. Feed enzymes do not act directly on intestinal microbes, however, they affect their food base. Xylanases and glucanases, which form the basis of enzyme compositions, destroy non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) of cell membranes, making starch and grain protein more accessible to the bird's digestive system. Feed enzymes are also capable of destroying soluble NCPs, thereby reducing the viscosity of chyme and accelerating its passage through the intestines. Together, these factors allow you to keep the intestinal microflora at a controlled, favorable level for the host organism. The competition from microbes for food resources is reduced, and, although not to the same extent as in the case of antibiotics, the risk of developing opportunistic microflora is reduced.
Probiotics are live beneficial microorganisms, normally, as a rule, part of the intestinal biocenosis, but in insufficient quantities. This group of feed additives will be discussed in more detail in the next section.
Table N 1
Advantages and disadvantages of various types of feed additives
Feed additives
Mechanism of action and positive effect
Limitations and disadvantages
Feed enzymes, incl. phytase
Destruction of soluble and insoluble non-starch polysaccharides; hydrolysis of phytates; decrease in the viscosity of chyme; increasing the availability of nutrients.
Failure to influence the species composition of the intestinal population.
Feed antibiotics
Destruction of a part of microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract; redistribution of nutrients in favor of the host organism, reducing the risk of disease
Inability to destroy the NCP; destruction of beneficial microflora; negative environmental and sanitary effects.
Adsorption on the intestinal epithelium, synthesis of organic acids; exclusion of pathogenic microflora.
Inability to destroy the NCP
Creation of favorable conditions for beneficial microflora and displacement of pathogenic microflora.
Inability to destroy the NCP
Finally, prebiotics are a new group feed additives, not yet fully developed and not strictly defined. Prebiotics include organic compounds of small molecular weight (oligosaccharides, organic acids), derivatives of yeast cells, etc., which favor the development of beneficial microbes and prevent the development of harmful microorganisms. With some roughness, we can say that the prebiotic is either food or some other kind of synergist for the probiotic.
The main characteristics of feed additives, their advantages and disadvantages are briefly summarized in Table N 1.

Microbial feed additives
Probiotics (Greek pro - for + bios - life) are live microbial feed additives that have a beneficial effect and improve the intestinal microbiological balance of the animal's body. Probiotics are means of artificial regulation of the normal intestinal flora of animals, usually lactobacilli. Previously, this definition also covered secreted substances (to semantically contrast with antibiotics). Eubiotics is a more specialized concept that refers to preparations from microorganisms that are representatives of the normal intestinal microflora of animals and are also intended to normalize the intestinal flora (bifidumbacterin, bifikol, lactobacterin).
When introduced into the gastrointestinal tract with food or as a separate therapeutic and prophylactic drug, the probiotic microorganism colonizes the intestines, displaces pathogenic organisms from the intestinal epithelium, creates acidity unfavorable for pathogens, releases some other antimicrobial factors, and improves immunity. As a result, the intestinal microflora is modified in the desired direction.
To date, there are a large number of probiotic preparations used in animal husbandry. Let's briefly consider some of them.
Bioplus 2B
It consists of two strains of microbial cultures - B. subtilis and B. licheniformis. They complement each other in the spectrum of antibacterial antagonistic activity, production of enzymes and amino acids and, which is very important, do not suppress resident microorganisms. The use of BioPlus 2B does not lead to the formation of resistant strains of pathogenic bacteria, which is observed in the case of the use of antibiotics. The bacteria that make up the BioPlus 2B preparation synthesize the enzymes amylase, lipase and protease, while digestion is significantly improved. Animals gain weight faster, feed is saved. The drug is stable and technologically convenient for use.
This drug is intended for the prevention and treatment of diarrheal diseases of piglets, calves, broiler chickens, normalization of the microbial balance in the digestive tract. Created on the basis of a pure culture of Lactobacillus amylovorus BT-24/88, isolated from the intestines of piglets. Increases the safety of livestock and the efficiency of rearing animals.
Cellobacterin is an association of microorganisms isolated from the rumen of ruminants with high cellulolytic activity and the ability to produce organic acids (lactic, acetic, etc.). Due to the cellulolytic activity, Cellobacterin, like feed enzymes, destroys non-starch polysaccharides of the feed. However, if in feed enzymes each enzyme molecule works separately in solution, then in bacteria, complementary enzymes are assembled into specialized blocks on membranes, which allows them to destroy even dense structures of cell membranes. Therefore, Cellobacterin effectively increases the digestibility of not only cereals, but also sunflower meal and bran. Due to the formation of low molecular weight organic acids and. possibly, a number of other antimicrobial factors Cellobacterin performs the function of a classic probiotic, i.e. displaces opportunistic microflora.


Andreev A.A., Bryzgalov L.I. Feed yeast production. - M.: Timber industry, 1986. - 248 p. Biryukov V.V. Fundamentals of industrial biotechnology. - M.: Ed. "Spike", "Chemistry", 2004. - 296 p. Bolshakov V.N., Nikonov I.N., Soldatova V.V. "Utilization of waste from the brewing industry through microbiological processing" "Ecology and Industry of Russia" No. 10, pp. 36-39, 2009. Vorobieva LuI. Technical microbiology. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1987. - 168 p. Vavilin O.A. Atmosphere protection from industrial emissions hydrolysis plants. - M.: Timber industry, 1986. - 176 p. Vyrodov A.A. etc. Technology of wood chemical production. - M.: Timber industry, 1987. Geller B.E. Some problems of development of the raw material base of chemical fibers // Chemical fibers. 1996, No 5, pp. 3-14 Glick B., Pasternak J. Molecular biotechnology. Principles and application. Per. English Ed. N.K. Yankovsego. - M.: Mir, 2002. - 589 p.; Ivanov S.N. paper technology. 2nd ed. - M.: Timber industry, 1970. Kislyuk S.M. "Classification of feed additives from the point of view of the manufacturer and consumer" "JUBILEE COLLECTION for the tenth anniversary of the company "Vitargos-Rossovit", p.30-31, 2009 Kislyuk S. M. "Microbiological approach to optimizing the use of plant materials in animal feeding" "RatsVetInform" № 2 p.18-19, 2005Kislyuk S.M. "Optimization of the set of feed additives in the diets of farm animals using Cellobacterin" "Agro-industrial complex market" No. 11 (37) p.67, 2006 Feed production / A.F. Ivanov, V.N. Churzin, V. I. Filin.-Moscow "Spike", 1996.-400s Forage production / N.V. Parakhin, I.V. Kobozev, I.V. Gorbachev and others - M .: KolosS, 2006.-432s B. N. Kuznetsov, M. L. Shchipko, S. A. Kuznetsova, and V. E. Tarabanko, New Approaches in the Processing of Solid Organic Raw Materials, Krasnoyarsk: IHPOS SO RAN, 1991. Levin, B. D., On the utilization of hydrolytic lignin [Text] / B.D. Levin, T.V. Borisova, S.M. Voronin // Achievements of science and technology for the development of the city of Krasnoyarsk. - Krasnoyarsk: KSTU, 1997. - P. 38-39. drugs: ref. allowance. - M .: Higher. school., 1987. - 191 p. Lobanok A.G., Babitskaya V.G., Bogdanovskaya Zh.N. Processing of cellulose-containing waste into valuable products with the help of microorganisms. - M.: ONTITEImikrobioprom, 1981. - 43s. Morozov E.F. Furfural production: issues of catalysis and new types of catalysts. M.: Lesn. prom-st, 1988. Mosichev M.S., Skladnev A.A., Kotov V.B. General technology of microbiological productions. - M.: Light and food industry, 1982. - 264 p. Nepenin N.N., Nepenin Yu.N. Cellulose technology. 2nd ed. Vol. 1 and 2. - M.: Timber industry, 1976-1990. Nikitin V.M. Theoretical foundations of delignification. M.: Lesn. Prom-st, 1981. Ogarkov V.I., Kiselev O.I., Bykov V.A. Biotechnological directions for the use of plant materials // Biotechnology, - 1985. - No. 3. - S. 1-15. Osadchaya A.I., Podgorsky V.S., Semenov V.F. and other Biotechnological use of crop waste. Ed. V.S. Podgorsky, Ivanov V.N. - Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 1990. - 96 p. Osipova L.V. The use of plant products as raw materials for the production of organic products and polymeric materials. - Chemical industry abroad, -1989, No. 8. pp.48-60. Perepelkin K.E. Renewable plant resources and products of their processing in the production of chemical fibers // Chemical fibers. 2004, No 3, p. 1-15. Perepelkin K.E. Past, present and future of chemical fibers. - M.: Ed. MSTU, 2004. - 208 p. Vegetation. Cellulose (articles). In book: Biological encyclopedic Dictionary. - M.: Ed. TSB, 1986. Rogovin Z.A. Chemistry of cellulose. - M.: Chemistry, 1972. - 520 p. Rogovin Z.A., Galbraikh L.S. Chemical transformations and modification of cellulose. Ed. 2nd. - M.: Chemistry. 1979. - 208 p. Salovarova V.P., Kozlov Yu.P. Ecological and biotechnological bases of conversion of plant substrates. - M.: Ed. University of Friendship of Peoples, 2001. - 331 p. Samylina, I. A. Ways of using vegetable raw materials / I. A. Samylina, I. A. Balandina // Pharmacy. - No. 2. - 2004. - S. 39-40. Semenov M.V., Vasilkovich L.A. The use of lignin as a fuel. - Hydrolysis and wood chemical industry, -1980, No. 2, pp. 15-17. Handbook of fodder production / Ed. V.G. Iglovikov. - M.: VNIIMK, 1993. - 218 p. Fengel D., Wegener G. Wood: chemistry, ultrastructure, reactions. M.: Lesn. prom-st, 1988. Kholkin Yu.I. General principles classification of hydrolysis methods// Hydrolysis and wood chemical industry. 1986. - No. 5. - S. 9-10. Kholkin Yu. I. Technology of hydrolysis production. Textbook for high schools. - M.: Lesn. Prom-st, 1989. - 496 p. Chudakov M.I. Industrial use lignin. M.: Lesn. prom-st, 1983. Sharkov V.I., Sapotnitsky S.A., Dmitrieva O.A. etc. Technology of hydrolysis productions. - M.: Timber industry, 1973. - 408 p. Yakovlev V.I. Technology of microbiological synthesis. - L.: Chemistry, 1983. - 272 p.
Biryukov V.V. Fundamentals of industrial biotechnology. - M.: Ed. "Spike", "Chemistry", 2004. - 296 p.
Perepelkin K.E. Renewable plant resources and products of their processing in the production of chemical fibers // Chemical fibers. 2004, No 3, p. 1-15.
Medicinal plant raw materials and preparations: Ref. allowance. - M .: Higher. school, 1987. - 191 p.

Ogarkov V.I., Kiselev O.I., Bykov V.A. Biotechnological directions for the use of plant materials // Biotechnology, - 1985. - No. 3. - S. 1-15.
Ivanov S.N. paper technology. 2nd ed. - M.: Timber industry, 1970.
Samylina, I. A. Ways of using vegetable raw materials / I. A. Samylina, I. A. Balandina // Pharmacy. - No. 2. - 2004. - S. 39-40.
Glick B., Pasternak J. Molecular biotechnology. Principles and application. Per. English Ed. N.K. Yankovsego. - M.: Mir, 2002. - 589 p.;

Fengel D., Wegener G. Wood: chemistry, ultrastructure, reactions. M.: Lesn. prom-st, 1988.
Perepelkin K.E. Past, present and future of chemical fibers. - M.: Ed. MSTU, 2004. - 208 p.
Vyrodov A.A. etc. Technology of wood chemical production. - M.: Timber industry, 1987.
Nikitin V.M. Theoretical foundations of delignification. M.: Lesn. Prom-st, 1981.
Vyrodov A.A. etc. Technology of wood chemical production. - M.: Timber industry, 1987.
Kuznetsov B.N., Shchipko M.L., Kuznetsova S.A., Tarabanko V.E. New approaches in the processing of solid organic raw materials. Krasnoyarsk: IHPOS SO RAN, 1991.

Ogarkov V.I., Kiselev O.I., Bykov V.A. Biotechnological directions for the use of plant materials // Biotechnology, - 1985. - No. 3. - S. 1-15.
Geller B.E. Some problems of development of the raw material base of chemical fibers // Chemical fibers. 1996, No 5, p.3-14

Kholkin Yu. I. Technology of hydrolysis production. Textbook for high schools. - M.: Lesn. Prom-st, 1989. - 496 p.
Kholkin Yu.I. General principles for the classification of hydrolysis methods// Hydrolysis and wood chemical industry. 1986. - No. 5. - S. 9-10. Andreev A.A., Bryzgalov L.I. Feed yeast production. - M.: Timber industry, 1986. - 248 p.
Morozov E.F. Furfural production: issues of catalysis and new types of catalysts. M.: Lesn. prom-st, 1988.
Sharkov V.I., Sapotnitsky S.A., Dmitrieva O.A. etc. Technology of hydrolysis productions. - M.: Timber industry, 1973. - 408 p.
Sharkov V.I., Sapotnitsky S.A., Dmitrieva O.A. etc. Technology of hydrolysis productions. - M.: Timber industry, 1973. - 408 p.

Sharkov V.I., Sapotnitsky S.A., Dmitrieva O.A. etc. Technology of hydrolysis productions. - M.: Timber industry, 1973. - 408 p.
Vavilin O.A. Protecting the atmosphere from industrial emissions from hydrolysis plants. - M.: Timber industry, 1986. - 176 p.
Osadchaya A.I., Podgorsky V.S., Semenov V.F. and other Biotechnological use of crop waste. Ed. V.S. Podgorsky, Ivanov V.N. - Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 1990. - 96 p.
Sharkov V.I., Sapotnitsky S.A., Dmitrieva O.A. etc. Technology of hydrolysis productions. - M.: Timber industry, 1973. - 408 p.
Sharkov V.I., Sapotnitsky S.A., Dmitrieva O.A. etc. Technology of hydrolysis productions. - M.: Timber industry, 1973. - 408 p.

Sharkov V.I., Sapotnitsky S.A., Dmitrieva O.A. etc. Technology of hydrolysis productions. - M.: Timber industry, 1973. - 408 p.
Chudakov M.I. Industrial use of lignin. M.: Lesn. prom-st, 1983.
Nepenin N.N., Nepenin Yu.N. Cellulose technology. 2nd ed. Vol. 1 and 2. - M.: Timber industry, 1976-1990.
Rogovin Z.A. Chemistry of cellulose. - M.: Chemistry, 1972. - 520 p.
Vegetation. Cellulose (articles). In: Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary. - M.: Ed. TSB, 1986.
Rogovin Z.A., Galbraikh L.S. Chemical transformations and modification of cellulose. Ed. 2nd. - M.: Chemistry. 1979. - 208 p.
Semenov M.V., Vasilkovich L.A. The use of lignin as a fuel. - Hydrolysis and wood chemical industry, -1980, No. 2, pp. 15-17.
Levin, B.D. On the utilization of hydrolytic lignin [Text] / B.D. Levin, T.V. Borisova, S.M. Voronin // Achievements of science and technology for the development of the city of Krasnoyarsk. - Krasnoyarsk: KSTU, 1997. - S. 38-39.
Levin, B.D. On the utilization of hydrolytic lignin [Text] / B.D. Levin, T.V. Borisova, S.M. Voronin // Achievements of science and technology for the development of the city of Krasnoyarsk. - Krasnoyarsk: KSTU, 1997. - S. 38-39.
Bolshakov V.N., Nikonov I.N., Soldatova V.V. "Utilization of waste from the brewing industry through microbiological processing" "Ecology and Industry of Russia" No. 10, pp. 36-39, 2009.

Yakovlev V.I. Technology of microbiological synthesis. - L.: Chemistry, 1983. - 272 p.
Vorobieva Lui. Technical microbiology. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1987. - 168 p.
Vorobieva Lui. Technical microbiology. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1987. - 168 p.
Vorobieva Lui. Technical microbiology. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1987. - 168 p.
Vorobieva Lui. Technical microbiology. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1987. - 168 p.
Lobanok A.G., Babitskaya V.G., Bogdanovskaya Zh.N. Processing of cellulose-containing waste into valuable products with the help of microorganisms. - M.: ONTITEImikrobioprom, 1981. - 43s.
Salovarova V.P., Kozlov Yu.P. Ecological and biotechnological bases of conversion of plant substrates. - M.: Ed. University of Friendship of Peoples, 2001. - 331 p.
Mosichev M.S., Skladnev A.A., Kotov V.B. General technology of microbiological productions. - M.: Light and food industry, 1982. - 264 p.
Osipova L.V. The use of plant products as raw materials for the production of organic products and polymeric materials. - Chemical industry abroad, -1989, No. 8. pp.48-60.
Handbook of fodder production / Ed. V.G. Iglovikov. - M.: VNIIMK, 1993. - 218 p.
Feed production /N.V. Parakhin, I.V. Kobozev, I.V. Gorbachev and others - M.: Kolos, 2006.-432p.
Kislyuk S.M. "Classification of feed additives from the point of view of the manufacturer and consumer" "JUBILEE COLLECTION for the tenth anniversary of the company "Vitargos-Rossovit", p.30-31, 2009
Feed production /A.F. Ivanov, V.N. Churzin, V.I. Owl.-Moscow "Spike", 1996.-400s

Kislyuk S. M. "Microbiological approach to optimizing the use of plant materials in animal nutrition" "RatsVetInform" No. 2 p.18-19, 2005
Kislyuk S.M. "Optimization of a set of feed additives in the diets of farm animals using Cellobacterin" "Agro-industrial complex market" No. 11 (37) p. 67, 2006

In the current market conditions, one of the main problems is the use of raw materials. A very serious role in solving this problem is played by the organization and formation of an effective system called the processing of medicinal plant materials into extracts, which are subsequently used to manufacture all kinds of food products.

The main material for the manufacture of extracts are plants, berries or fruits specially grown or harvested in the wild, which contain a large amount of various biologically active components.

Methods for obtaining extracts:

How is the processing of vegetable raw materials

Processing of plants, berry-fruit and medicinal material, consists of the following steps:

1. During the processing of fruit and berry materials, a separate part of fresh fruits is specially dried, and the other part is frozen and stored at a temperature of -18 degrees. During the freezing of fresh berries, a partial removal of moisture is carried out and the destruction of the cellular structure occurs, which further helps to facilitate the process of juice transfer.

2. During the use of fresh medicinal materials, the raw materials are checked for quality, and then they are transferred to drying until an air-dry state is reached.

3. At the next stage, the frozen and dried material is thoroughly crushed, and then the plant material is extracted. The use of such extractants makes it possible to change the range of obtained elements or to separate the extracted materials into small portions. Using them in turn, it becomes possible to achieve the full effect of extractive elements extraction from the used plant material. It becomes possible to produce products with a variety of biological efficiencies and with perfect various types impact.

4. The resulting concentrates are characterized by increased microbiological and chemical stability.

5. Components obtained at the end of the processing of medicinal raw materials, such as fiber or cake, are subsequently used to create granules.

6. The granulation procedure is carried out according to the "semi-wet" method. The resulting granules are sent for drying.

7. Compression of tablets is carried out at a pressure ranging from 50 to 150 MPa. This is due to the personal peculiarity of the granules, which are obtained from all kinds of herbs.

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