Yulia Kharlamova: “Let people know the truth about Garik! Julia Leshchenko Garik Kharlamov Yulia Leshchenko.

Interesting 09.09.2019

The scandalous story of the divorce of Garik Kharlamov and his wife Yulia Leshchenko, it seems, is not at all over. Despite the fact that the couple had previously officially divorced, the Moscow court recognized the fact of the divorce as invalid. Thus, the famous humorist and his wife are married again.

Yulia Leshchenko was outraged that they were divorced without her presence and filed a complaint. The court decided to recognize the claim of the offended wife of the artist, and now Garik Kharlamov is married again. Recall that the scandal Russian show business erupted after the Comedy Club resident left his wife for actress Christina Asmus. For a long time, the lovers did not want to publicly admit the fact of their romance, but then they succumbed to feelings and appeared on the street in an embrace. After the press began to write about the relationship between Garik Kharlamov and Christina Asmus, the actor said that he did not leave his wife.

According to him, their relationship with Yulia Leshchenko had long outlived its usefulness, and long before meeting Christina, the couple broke up. For several months, Garik lived separately from his wife and only then began to meet with Asmus. The couple has no children, so Kharlamov does not see a problem at all in divorce. However, the humorist's wife Julia does not think so and is trying to get him not only to admit the fact of treason, but also a decent amount. Journalists became aware that Garik Kharlamov's wife wants to deprive him of half of his fortune and demands ex-husband 270 million rubles.

Former spouses do not want to disperse peacefully

At that time, Christina Asmus tries to enjoy the romance with the artist and literally soars in the clouds with happiness. Now young people are filming together in the new film "Easy in sight", where they play a couple in love. They spend a lot of time together on the set, and recently Christina Asmus commented on the affair with Garik Kharlamovdispelling many rumors.

Garik Kharlamov and Kristina Asmus star in the comedy "Easy to Remember"

Let's hope that the story of the divorce of Garik Kharlamov and his wife Yulia Leshchenko will end without casualties.

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The court annulled the marriage of showman Garik Kharlamov and Yulia Kharlamova and ruled on the division of jointly acquired property. Earlier, at the request of Yulia, the court ruled on Kharlamov's divorce from actress Christina Asmus

The Lublin Court of Moscow today ruled on the division of the jointly acquired property of Comedy Club resident Garik Kharlamov and his housewife wife Yulia Kharlamova (nee Leshchenko). The property was valued at more than 23 million rubles. And although the judge formally divided the couple's property in half, Yulia got a quarter - about 6 million rubles.

The same judge earlier today terminated the marriage of the artist with the star of the series "Interns" Christina Asmus.

Litigation over the division of the jointly acquired property of Garik and Yulia Kharlamov lasted more than six months.

In total, a Comedy Club resident and his wife Yulia, who once worked as an administrator in a nightclub, lived together for seven years, while they were officially married for only two years. The family broke up in December 2012, after the actor's wife found out about her husband's infidelity with Christina Asmus.

On March 14 of this year, Kharlamov divorced in the Magistrate's Court of the Meshchansky District. However, later this decision was made, since Yulia was not present at the trial.

Meanwhile, on June 8, the showman managed to marry new sweetheart and thus ended up in the position of a bigamist.

That is why his first wife demanded in the Lublin court to dissolve her husband's marriage with Kristina Asmus and cancel the record of registration of their marriage in the local registry office. We add that now Garik and Christina are expecting a baby.

How the court divorced Kharlamov and Asmus

This lawsuit was considered by the court today.

Kharlamov's lawyer Oleg Sopotsinsky did not object to his satisfaction: the divorce of Garik and Christina was necessary in order to comply with legal formalities.

Retiring to the deliberation room for a few minutes, Judge Oksana Demyanenko satisfied Yulia's demands.

What was shared

After that, she proceeded to consider the claim for the division of the jointly acquired property of the Kharlamov spouses.

In the list of what the parties claimed were: three sofas, two armchairs, pillows, a cabinet for video, a coffee table, tulle, curtains, Italian kitchen set worth more than 1 million rubles, dishwasher and washing machines, a coffee maker, a BMW car bought on credit for almost 2 million rubles, as well as a joint portrait of a couple, estimated at 1.5 million rubles. Legal battles also unfolded for the money Garik Kharlamov kept in a safe deposit box and on his 8 bank accounts, and the funds that he received and continues to receive for filming under an agreement with various companies, including Comedy Club Production (Comedy club production).

The value of the property has been clarified by the parties more than once. At today's meeting, the amount of 6.8 million rubles and 508 thousand dollars was finally announced.

I must say that initially Yulia, who also asked the court to decide on a divorce, claimed half of the property. However, when it turned out during the trial that Garik had lost more than 5 million rubles in Internet poker in two years of marriage, she demanded two-thirds.

In turn, the showman put forward a counterclaim, in which he asked to leave him two-thirds of the property. He motivated his request by the fact that his housewife wife did not contribute to the replenishment family budget.

Free of charge, the lawyer was ready to give the client's wife only a family portrait, which, however, turned out to be cut. By the way, initially, it was believed that the author of the work was Alexander Shilov, People's Artist of the USSR, then the parties thought that his son painted the canvas.

However, today it turned out that neither one nor the other is the author. At the meeting, the judge examined a rather impressive canvas, with cuts along two edges. The inscription on the back from a certain Emil read: "Live happily ever after." Under the canvas itself was the signature of a certain Shilov G.V.

Then a dispute broke out over the point at which they stopped family relationships couples and, accordingly, from what date the showman's income should be divided.

Witnesses of parting

The representative of Garik Kharlamov in court, lawyer Oleg Sopotsinsky insisted that this happened before the new year. His procedural opponent, lawyer Yulia Kharlamova, Yulia Mayorova, claimed that they started talking about divorce only at the end of January. At the same time, her client took her things from her husband's apartment in Grokholsky Lane.

To clarify the issue, the court interrogated the plaintiff's friend Ilona Malinova as a witness. She said that she has been friends with Yulia for 10 years and that she is even the godmother of her son.

According to her, the discord in the family of a friend occurred in December last year. But then there was no talk of divorce. “Garik suggested living separately for two or three months, thinking about relationships in order to overcome the crisis of seven years. They had parted before, and Julia did not think that there would be a divorce, ”the girl said.

She added that Garik did not say anything about his new beloved wife, although she asked if he had someone. The artist raised the issue of divorce in the 20th of January. Arriving to pick up her things at her husband's apartment, Yulia found a postcard from her husband's mother and sisters. In it, they congratulated Christina Asmus on the New Year.

“We found a crumpled canvas in the corner. There was a cut. It was as if the painting had been torn off the wall and it was coming apart at the seams. I was shocked by what I saw, ”said Malinova about the fate of the portrait of Garik and Yulia.

She stated that it was her husband who forbade Yulia to work. The girl kept house, studied at the pop-jazz department at the Institute of Contemporary Art. Her husband did not refuse her funds: Yulia traveled abroad several times a year. “He gave her money himself so that she would not sit at home, would not be bored and would not call him,” said a friend of the plaintiff.

About hobby gambling

Heard at the request of the defendant's representative, Garik Kharlamov's friend, actor Artak Gasparyan, assured the court that the showman's passion for gambling had no effect on the family's budget. “They did not need anything and lived better than 95% of the citizens of our country,” he assured.

Gasparyan also said that at the end of last year, Garik asked him to borrow 50 thousand euros for Yulia, so that after breaking up with him, "everything would be fine." Friends did not draw up promissory notes.

The representative of Kharlamov asked to set off this amount when dividing the property.

In the debate of the parties, the lawyers stood their ground. “Yulia Vasilievna did not take any part in increasing the family budget. It does not matter why she did not work, did not raise children. The very fact of this suggests that it is necessary to deviate from the principle of equality of shares,” Oleg Sopotsinsky insisted.

“In numerous interviews, Igor Yuryevich said that he needed a non-working wife, not a careerist, but a housewife. The financial situation was stable, and there was no need for the wife to work, ”Yulia Mayorova convinced the court.

Time to decide

Judge Oksana Demyanenko took an hour to make a decision. As a result, she decided that the marriage ended on December 31, 2012. She divided the property as follows. Kharlamov received furniture in his apartment in Grokholsky Lane with a total value of 1 million 98 thousand rubles. And Yulia - half of her price (549 thousand rubles). The judge also decided to pay the woman half of the money in her husband's accounts. This is 811 thousand rubles and 176 thousand dollars. In total, Yulia was awarded 1 million 360 thousand rubles and 176 thousand dollars.

The judge left the BMW car behind her, but indicated that Yulia would have to give Garik a large part of the cost of the car - 1.6 million, since it was he who paid for the car taken on credit. The judge awarded the ill-fated picture to Yulia, without taking into account its value.

Thus, as a result, Yulia Kharlamova in rubles, after she gives up the cost of the car, will get about 6 million rubles.

The fate of the money that is paid to the showman under contracts with various companies, as well as expensive Italian cuisine and household appliances, the judge left unresolved.

She terminated the couple's marriage and removed the arrest from Garik Kharlamov's bank accounts.

Leaving the court, Oleg Sopotsinsky explained that, most likely, the judge came to the conclusion that this property was not subject to division. “Overall, we are satisfied with the outcome of the case. The decision of the court is balanced,” he said, noting that he would decide the issue of the possibility of appealing the judicial act after consultations with his client.

His opponent, Yulia Mayorova, admitted that she had not yet had time to analyze the announced figures, but said that she did not agree with part of what she heard. Therefore, the lawyer did not rule out that the decision would be appealed to the Moscow City Court.

Garik "Bulldog" Kharlamov is a famous domestic actor of the humorous genre. Fame came to him for the first time thanks to the famous KVN, in which he played for several years. And since then, he has received a huge demand in the field of humor. For several years now, the artist has also been a permanent resident of the famous Comedy Club. The jokes of this man are often heard here and there, and most even went to the people.

The artist starred in many humorous programs that have become very popular among viewers. Among other things, Kharlamov starred in comedies, each of which found success on the screen.

He is very charismatic and his appearance alone causes laughter - this is how KVN attendant Mikhail Galustyan spoke about Kharlamov. Garik Kharlamov pronounces all his jokes in the most serious tone, but his facial expressions do all the work for him.

All relevant information about it can be found at official page on the TNT website. Here you can read any information about him, including height, weight, age. How old is Garik Kharlamov is easy to calculate. He is already 37 years old.

With a height of 188 centimeters, a man weighs 85 kilograms. Of course, he is slightly overweight, but he plays sports and eats right, trying to return his figure to normal. Finding a photo of Garik Kharlamov online in his youth and now is also not difficult at all.

Biography and personal life of Garik Kharlamov

Kharlamov is a very bright and charismatic artist on the modern domestic stage. He is very smart, talented and creative. In addition, he has a wonderful sense of humor. The mixture of these qualities made him a celebrity among contemporary comedians.

He was born in the Russian capital, at the end of February 1980. Interestingly, the boy was originally named Andrei. But then he was renamed Igor. The name Garik stuck to the boy in school years. And only parents still continue to call the man Igor.

At school, the boy could not boast of special academic performance. Yes, and he did not differ in special perseverance either. The guy was very fond of literature and history, but because of his hooligan nature, he changed many schools.

After the divorce of his parents, the guy lived with his mother - Natalya Kharlamova. And after graduation, dad - Yuri Kharlamov - took his son to Chicago, where he left for permanent residence. There, in America, Garik, while still a teenager, entered famous school acting class at Harend, where he was taught by an actor named Billy Zane. After studying, Garik worked part-time at McDonald's, and also sold mobile phones.

Garik returned to Moscow after five long years of living in America, when his mother gave birth to twin sisters. To help the family financially, he told jokes on the subway and sang along with the guitar on the Arbat. But do not think that he does not have higher education. Kharlamov graduated from the State University with a degree in personnel management.

As for the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful, Garik met him for the first time precisely in the process of studying at the university. As for the major league, there he played in such teams as the Ungold Youth and the Moscow Team. In total, Kharlamov performed at KVN for seven years. But it was an indispensable school that gave a lot to a man for the future.

Biography and personal life of Garik Kharlamov began new round after the development of the stand-up genre. The idea to create the Comedy Club came to the mind of several KVN artists at once, after their joint trip to America. Among them were Garik Kharlamov, Garik Martirosyan, Tashem Sargsyan and Artak Gasparpyan. The guys conducted a very close study of the humorous stand-up sphere and came to the unanimous conclusion that this genre could become a worthy competitor for KVN. And thus, the first release of the project took place in 2003, and instantly earned the audience's sympathy.

In this program, Kharlamov paired with Timur "Chestnut" Batrudinov for four years. The return of the resident to the program took place in 2011.

Famous performances have become a real business card for the Comedy Club and brought a stunning success to the project. In addition, they also brought fame to Igor himself. The man began acting in comedy films and soon became a professional.

For the first time, as an actor, Kharlamov made his debut with a tiny role in Yeralash. Later, he starred in such films as "The Club", "Shakespeare never dreamed of", as well as "Touched". But the true popularity of Garik Kharlamov as an actor was brought by "The Most best movie”, where he performed several images at once. Despite the fact that the film collected a very decent box office, the reviews about it were not always enthusiastic, and Kharlamov himself admitted that the picture was not without certain shortcomings. But even this did not prevent him from starring in the second part of the film a few years later, which this time was received much better and the reviews about it were much more positive. Kharlamov, in turn, performed the main roles, receiving the final recognition of his acting skills.

Family and children of Garik Kharlamov

Today, we can say with all confidence that Garik is absolutely happy, because he has everything that he can wish for himself. He has a beautiful wife, a smart daughter and a great wealth. The family and children of Garik Kharlamov are very important to him, and he, first of all, takes care of them.

Recall that the current marriage for the artist is not the first, but it is worth noting that then Garik himself started a rumor that he already has a family that lives in America. As it turned out, this was just a joke, but then, for the first time, most of his fans believed it. In fact, he was talking about godchildren - they are the ones who live in the USA. And on vacation they often come to the Russian Federation.

The parents of a popular artist have been divorced since Garik himself was still a teenager. His dad lives permanently in Chicago, he has new family. Garik's mother also remarried. Kharlamov has step-twin sisters.

Daughter of Garik Kharlamov - Anastasia Kharlamova

The daughter of Garik Kharlamov, Anastasia Kharlamova, was born at the beginning of 2014, when Igor was married for the second time. It was he who gave his daughter that name. While the young mother and baby were still in the hospital, he arranged a beautiful nursery for the baby. Until the very discharge, the artist visited his beloved girls in the hospital every day. And he met his beloved wife and daughter with an armful of roses and a bunch of helium balloons.

Now little Nastya is four years old, and the girl is brought up by her grandmother, since her parents are often busy filming. Like mom and dad, Nastya is growing up as a creative person. Garik himself often says that he is a comedian, his wife is a dramatic actress, and his daughter will become a singer.

The ex-wife of Garik Kharlamov - Yulia Leshchenko

For the first time, Garik Kharlamov married a certain girl eight years ago. The girl was an unknown person, so gossip quickly spread that she was a relative of Lev Leshchenko. But it turned out that now ex-wife Garika Kharlamova - Yulia Leshchenko has nothing to do with the popular performer. The girl worked in the capital's nightclub, it was there that she met her future husband for the first time.

A little later, new rumors appeared in the news - this time that Kharlamov's young wife became pregnant. But this also turned out to be untrue. The family broke up two years after the marriage. And now between the former spouses exclusively friendly relations.

Wife of Garik Kharlamov - Christina Asmus

First of all, it is worth noting that the couple hid their relationship for quite some time. But after the official divorce from his first wife, Garik finally decided that it was enough to hide already. Thus, in the middle of 2013, they eventually got married. And the following year, Garik Kharlamov's wife, Christina Asmus, gave birth to a long-awaited daughter to the resident of the Comedy Club.

Immediately after giving birth, Christina had to return to work, because it was at that time that the series Interns was being filmed, in which she played one of the main roles. And yet, despite the sometimes excessive employment, the girl always finds time for her beloved husband and daughter.

Instagram and Wikipedia Garik Kharlamov

Popular comedian, like many famous people, is not devoid of profiles in social networks. He is very sociable, especially when it comes to fans. Instagram and Wikipedia Garik Kharlamov are the main pages that can tell in detail about this person. So, for example, in the Internet encyclopedia there are a lot of facts regarding his biography and personal life. But on Instagram, Garik Kharlamov maintains a whole comedy blog, where he often publishes jokes of his own composition.

He also loves to chat with fans about his journey through the humorous Olympus. And on Instagram, he often publishes photos of his relatives.

0 6 June 2013, 17:38

It seems that a divorce is coming in the domestic celebrity world that can compete with the litigation of Moore and Kutcher: today it became known that Garik Kharlamov's wife Yulia Leshchenko succeeded in canceling the divorce decision made by the court. The reason for this is the desire of the former lover to share everything "acquired by joint work" equally.

But back in December of last year Petty-bourgeois court Moscow declared the divorce of Kharlamov and Leshchenko valid. However, she ex-wife she was not present at the meeting, so she filed an appeal to annul the decision to dissolve the marriage - and got her way. Now the case will be considered by another court - Lublin - where Leshchenko herself filed a counterclaim for divorce, but already with the division of property.

By the way, according to Kharlamov's lawyer, the Comedy Club star offered his wife to disperse peacefully, promising "worthy financial conditions." Now Julia will have to prove that everything she claims was bought in marriage.

So what about in question: in addition to bank accounts, Leshchenko plans to equally share appliances and kitchen utensils (which she estimated at one million 300 thousand rubles), a sofa, cabinet and coffee table (all together - one million 216 thousand rubles), as well as a picture of the famous painter Alexander Shilov - one and a half million rubles.

We will be able to learn about the results of the "sharing" at the end of June - the hearing on the case is scheduled for June 25 this year. Recall that before getting married, Garik Kharlamov and Yulia Leshchenko lived in civil marriage, and in 2010 legalized their relationship. The couple broke up at the end of 2012. Then it became known about the relationship between Kharlamov and his colleague Christina Asmus.

After a high-profile divorce from Comedy Club resident Garik Kharlamov, his wife Yulia gave candid interview in which she told the whole truth about her husband's infidelity. Full text can be read on the site "7 days", and the site gives the most interesting moments from the confession of Yulia Kharlamova.

“I received an honest answer not from the lips of my husband, but together with the whole country”

If I had known that my husband was being taken away from me, I would have fought for Garik to the end. After all, I loved him more than life! But after he deceived me for almost a year, there was no health, no strength, no desire left for this. All these months, I have repeatedly asked my spouse the question: “Garik, have you got another one?” But she received an honest answer to him not from the lips of her husband, but together with the whole country - from the newspapers ... Then Garik, in a half-joking manner, defended himself and his mistress on Twitter: “I have been in a state of divorce for more than 5 months”, “I don’t live with my wife 3 months”, “No children. Nobody took me anywhere! On this, perhaps, everything. Thank you. Curtain. Oh yeah... I'm dating." “Oh, yes ... And the quarrel with his wife is greatly exaggerated here!”

I decided on this interview not out of revenge: since our story is now put on public display, let people know my truth as well. Garik first spoke to me about a divorce only at the end of January - a week before all this hype ... I was struck with an electric shock: did I really deserve this? Last year my life turned into a painful detective story: I felt everything, saw signs ...

Only now the puzzle has come together: a smiling woman's face, eternally amazed eyes... Once it even flashed on the screen of his mobile phone! But Garik even then found an excuse ... Now I know the name of the lovebird, but I don’t recognize the person I married. It’s as if “my” and “her” Garik are fighting in it ...

About dating at work

It's funny, we met at my place of work. And the decision to leave her was my first sacrifice for him. Garik simply demanded it ... He immediately drew attention to me: I met the Comedy Club artists at the entrance to our club. Always with a smile, in an evening dress, with makeup ... When I decided to approach, I introduced myself: "Yulia Leshchenko, manager." For 21 years, I was a successful girl: I rented an apartment in the center, had two mobile phone, who constantly rang, and many in Moscow already knew me as a party organizer ... I started earning at the age of 16, back in Volgodonsk. After the divorce of her parents, she became independent early. She taught dances to children, saved up a small amount - and fled to the capital. And having settled down in a nightclub as a manager, she showed herself so actively that she soon went up the career ladder ...

I had a rule - do not start novels at work. Although I understand Garik's jealousy: well-to-do drunken clients were constantly spinning around me. And Kharlamov, against their background, looked like an immature 24-year-old youth. The guys from the Comedy Club were not yet stars, I knew them more from KVN - everything was just beginning for them. And they performed with the show in our club. Their performance was sold out, and the director decided to invite them every week. For two months, Garik and I looked closely at each other: both are free, young, cheerful ... Once we ended up in one common company on neutral territory - and started talking ...

Only when they already lived together, Garik admitted to me: “I really liked you at first sight.”

Garik for some time courageously endured my schedule: squeaky trills of both mobiles and male voices at the other end of the line. I sometimes jumped out of bed at 3 in the morning and left. And Garik could suddenly rush into the club "with a check." And after about three months of our acquaintance, he suggested: “All this is unpleasant for me, and my relatives will not like it either. Come on, get out of work. For starters, just relax…”

"I fell in love with him with all his habits"

His friends thought our marriage was weird. In seven years, we have never gone on vacation together: always with a large and noisy company. Yes, and Garik loves his work so much that he is not interested in resting: neither swimming, nor sunbathing, nor traveling ... I persuaded him to somehow go to the Emirates, so he complained all his vacation: “What are we doing here? It's so boring here!" I found chess - and played with the rest. I said: "Next time, decide for yourself where we are going." - "I feel good in Moscow too."

I fell in love with him with all his habits: for example, Garik is too passionate about computer games. Disappears on the set for several days, will come home - and to the joystick. At first, I was jealous of the computer: “Well, at least look at me,” and he: “Wait, I have a responsible shootout!”

open relationship

We agreed that our relations are “free”. Not in terms of bed, but in the fact that no one controls anyone. I never went to his meetings with friends. If she tried to complain about the lack of attention, Garik brushed it off: “Yul, so many people get me at work, I just want to lie down at home and not be touched by anyone.” And I accepted it: at home I provided him with peace. She pushed her feelings aside and began to live only in his interests. In response, he also gave me complete freedom of action. Only I didn’t need her: I wanted a husband, a normal family!

Beginning of the End

The last time I gathered our friends in July last year. Everyone has already agreed that at 8 pm we meet in a restaurant, and in the morning Garik said offendedly: “I have to be on the radio at 10!” I heard about it for the first time ... At the meeting, he stayed only an hour, left, and they still raised toasts for me for a long time: “Yulechka, thank you for the holiday!” Garik, at home, literally attacked me: “You deliberately arranged everything so that I couldn’t stay!” Previously, he was not annoyed with his wife over such trifles .... And then for the first time, like a cold shower, the thought came over me:

Garik, you got another one?

He hesitated for a second. And desperately protested:

No, what are you! Probably, a seven-year crisis of relations is approaching, I was warned about it ...

This explanation seemed logical to me. After all, Garik and I already experienced the first crisis of “three years”, prescribed by love statistics, at the age of 2.5: we decided to get married, and then suddenly broke up because of a mere trifle ...

"We really wanted a baby"

We did not have a honeymoon, but the honey year began: the relationship moved to another level. Garik was very proud of his new status, he began to take me into the light more often and it was important to represent: “My beloved wife Yulia!” Although we did not really welcome all these parties, sometimes Garik said: "Congratulate the birthday man and leave right away." We generally stopped quarreling - we only made plans for the future. Garik matured before our eyes, became so responsible: he was the first to talk about children, about country house.... And I was already dreaming: “How much better will Garik become with the birth of a child?”

Leaving for a rented apartment last December, I called his mother. “I love your son and did everything to save our marriage,” and told her what was happening to us recent months. She reproached me: "Yes ... it's a pity ... But you don't have a child." “We really wanted - God did not give ...”, - I answered through tears ...

After the wedding, we even came up with a name for our child and decided from what date we would deal with this issue. And for the last year and a half, my husband and I have been working towards this goal, but it has not worked out. They passed the tests - both of them are doing well, they just didn’t give us a child from above ... Now I am increasingly thinking: why?

In July last year, I felt that we had a strained relationship, which I attributed to his fatigue. Garik tried to send me somewhere far away: “Something you haven’t gone anywhere for a long time.” I even celebrated my birthday separately from him - with friends abroad. She returned - her husband was somehow detached ...

He was just caught up in the difficult filming of his new show, so the excuses about being busy sounded plausible. “I will be in emergency for almost three months. If you want, go somewhere,” Garik suggested again. And I had a dream to get to the sacred mountain Kailash in Tibet. I knew that they were making a move around her - clearing karma. And then I decided that the time had come: “I will go to Tibet and I will pray: I will ask for health for my husband and that we have a son.”

"I lost him"

Once we were lying side by side on the bed. He uploaded pictures from his phone to his computer. His shooting images from the show flash on the screen: a pirate, a parrot, a doctor ... My husband sent them to my phone every day for me to evaluate. And suddenly, between his heroes of four and five days ago, a girl’s face appears: white hair, a smile, goggle eyes ... Without makeup, I didn’t recognize Christina Asmus in her then. Apparently, he sent his photos to his mistress, and she sent hers in response ... Garik himself did not expect her to appear on the screen - once, and quickly deletes it! I ask: "What kind of face is this?" - "Which face?" - "Women's!" - "There is no face!"

I explain popularly: "You just deleted a woman's face from the phone."

“What are you, Yul, there was nothing!” - mows like a fool. I leave the room. In the bathroom I wash my face with cold water, it hurts me. And I blamed myself, I was looking for the causes of our crisis ...

She returned from the bathroom, and Garik continues to get out - he already has the Internet open: "You see, it's you on Twitter, you probably saw something." “There wasn’t a face, so there wasn’t!” - as I cut. What's the point of discussing what we both know!

The next day, Garik repentantly says: "Yul, I'm sorry ... There was a fool - it led." I forgave:

I understand that a man can get carried away, but if you need a wife, don't hurt her, tell the truth. Play, but don't flirt... Do you have another one?

I didn't have anything with anyone. And remember: you are my wife once and for all!

In October, after all these nervous upheavals, my girlfriend and I flew to America, deciding: “I will return and look at him with a fresh look.” brought him a huge new clothes and souvenirs. I sat opposite - I show everything, I smile ... And he again squints with his eyes ...

"You have another"

It didn't let go... The tension between us only grew. We're about to break down ... Conflicts began. I put an end to it: “I won’t leave you anywhere else. I want a family, a child, so that my husband is near! We walked up, dashed off, we are no longer children, Garik! - “What kind of nonsense? I am such a person! Don't oppress my freedom!"

I lost him: we have no joint lunches or dinners. At home, the husband constantly goes out with the phone, the ringer is turned off ...

But this is my apartment.

And I'm still your wife!

He was stunned: Garik didn’t even know how to rent an apartment ... And in December we went to different rooms. Then they decided: "We'll live separately until March." I thought I'd better go myself: he's used to the fact that I'm always at home. Suddenly bored?


On December 25, Garik and I had an anniversary - 7 years. He did not write me anything ... I went to the salon and dyed my hair from blonde to brunette. New stage. The next day, I congratulated him myself, thanked him for the years of happiness, and then sent a photo in a new image. He replied: “How cool you are!” After a couple of days, he writes: “Something inspired me ... Send more of your photos.” I refused...

So he played with me: sometimes I miss, sometimes I don’t miss ... Before leaving, Garik asked: “Let's meet together New Year". He first: "Yes, yes," and then refused. These days, only friends saved me, for which I want to thank them very much.

When I arrived to pick up the rest of my belongings and saw that something had changed in the apartment... Above the bed there was a wall-sized painting, on which Garik and I held each other's hands... An empty place! The frame is broken, the canvas is crumpled and lying on the floor. Is Garik really capable of this: he is calm and will never raise his voice. Who then broke the memory of us?

In the corridor on the floor - a mountain of gifts. And one is unpacked. Something pushed me to him, took a postcard, and there: “Kristinochka! Happy New Year, lots of love and creative success!” - and the signatures of his mother and sisters. I slid to the floor ... On New Year's Eve, I wanted to congratulate my mother-in-law, but she did not pick up the phone. And the girl who destroyed her son's family has already made a gift! I was just in shock, only one question was pounding in my head: “Well, how is it?”

Garik called: “Did you take everything? When are we getting divorced? I didn't tell him about my find. Simply stated:

You have another woman.

And even then he did not confess ... And a few days later a yellow newspaper came out, and I found out who Christina was.

On the same day I went to court and filed for divorce and division of property, since we failed to reach a peaceful agreement. And it's not that I want to make money on it - I have every right to get what I am entitled to by law.

Leaving our house for the last time, I said goodbye to every room, because I put my soul into our home. 2012 took away my home, family, love... But I don't despair: my whole life is ahead!

I do not wish harm to him or her. Let them be happy. Time will tell how strong their union will be. But breaking other people's families is not The best way establish a personal life and once again light up in the press. I advise Asmus to think about it.

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