Deer types. Axis - the most beautiful representative of the deer family Reproduction of Indian deer

Interesting 08.09.2019

With a deer - one of the most beautiful representatives of the animal world - we begin our acquaintance almost from childhood. On a reindeer sleigh New Year Santa Claus goes home. The good deer helps Gerda to get to the Snow Queen. The king from the fairy tale of the same name by Carlo Gozzi turns into this animal. According to Baron Munchausen, a whole cherry tree once grew on the antlers of a deer. As we get older, we learn that in Scandinavian mythology, deer graze in magical herds belonging to the gods, and that they also eat buds, flowers and branches in the crown of the World Tree, symbolizing the elements of Time, and that the deer is one of the most common in heraldry of animals... And from history we learn that hunting this graceful beast was an exclusively royal privilege and that a commoner was threatened with the death penalty for accidentally killing a deer. In Christianity, deer represent hermitage, piety and purity, and are often a symbol of the human soul, longing for divine enlightenment, or God himself.

Here is what literature, mythology, religion and history tell us about the deer. What can science tell us about it?

Here is a photo of a red deer.

Science is not so exalted in metaphors and, avoiding symbolism, dryly informs us that the deer is a representative of the family artiodactyl mammals, the modern classification of which includes 51 species. She tells us, with barely perceptible sadness, that some species of deer have become extinct - for example, the Schomburgk deer and the bighorn deer - and a number of species, found mainly in Asia, are on the verge of extinction. We can also be surprised to learn that deer are not always large animals: for example, the smallest one - pudú - is no larger than a hare, and the largest - elk - is the size of a horse. We also learn something interesting about his horns: for example, that this is a distinctive feature of the male, and only two species - water and northern - stand out in this respect from the whole family. The water deer has no antlers at all, while the reindeer has antlers on both males and females. The shape of the horns depends on the species to which their owner belongs. They are updated every year.

The distribution range of deer covers Eurasia and America, in the south reaching the northwestern part of the African continent. Individual representatives brought by man for their own needs can be found in Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea and on some Caribbean islands. That is, the habitat for these animals can be a variety of climatic zones.

The deer feeds mainly on various parts of plants, grass and reindeer moss, but the habitat also plays an important role in its nutrition. Many species are solitary, but there are those that prefer to live in herds, the size of which depends, again, on the species and habitat. For the most part, these herds are harems of 4 to 11 individuals, in which one male protects from encroachment by his females. They mark their territory with urine and special secretions from the head and leg glands. The same marks serve them for a kind of communication between relatives and the definition of “friend or foe”. Males are terrible owners, and not a single mating season passes without a duel between males for the right to be the leader in the group and mate with females. The stag that loses the duel is usually removed. One female usually leads one or two cubs.

For a number of northern peoples, deer are still the main horse-drawn transport and means of transportation. In their life and life, the deer occupies such an important place that, for example, in the language of the Evenk people there are several dozen words to designate not only the type of individual, but also its age, appearance, etc.

When we get a general idea about this animal, an exciting geographical and biological journey through its species will begin, where an amusing difficulty will await us. In a number of sources, one can find the assertion that in nature there are only 25 species, and what an extensive classification considers as a type of deer - elk, roe deer and muntjacs - is actually just their closest relatives. Also, these sources will attribute the American white-tailed and black-tailed deer to the genus of roe deer. However, we will not delve into clarifying such subtleties, but only briefly get acquainted with the main types of deer, which include:

  1. water deer.
  2. noble.
  3. spotted.
  4. northern.
  5. white-faced.
  6. barasinga.
  7. deer lyre.
  8. Philippine spotted.
  9. Philippine sambar.
  10. Indian sambar.
  11. axis.
  12. pig deer.
  13. Calamian.
  14. deer Kul.
  15. deer of David.
  16. American whitetail.
  17. American blacktail.
  18. marsh.
  19. pampas.
  20. northern pudu.
  21. Peruvian.
  22. South Andean.
  23. big mazama.

The differences between the species are in their geographical distribution, size and appearance of their representatives and lifestyle.

And only then science will tell us a little about each species. Unfortunately, everything she told us will not fit into the scope of this article, so this time we will limit ourselves to short story about some Asian species of deer, as representing greatest variety in the animal world of the Earth, and about a large family of red deer.

Let me introduce myself…

It has the largest number of subspecies that are found in a vast area from North Africa to Southeast China and North America. In Russia, it can be found in the forests of some southern regions, in the Sayans and in the forests of Sikhote-Alin. It was also brought to a number of countries in South America, to Australia and New Zealand, where it underwent excellent acclimatization.

The most preferred habitat for it is broad-leaved, subtropical and taiga forests, river banks and mountain alpine meadows. In a sense, the red deer can be called omnivorous: in addition to grass, bark and leaves, its menu includes cereals, legumes, needles, chestnuts, various nuts and seeds of various plants.

In some regions of Russia - in particular, in Altai, in Primorye, in the North Caucasus - it is also found dappled deer, so named because of the presence of white spots on the body of a red-red color. It is relatively low, reaching only 112 cm in height and weighing from 75 to 130 kg. (depending on age) with a body length of 160 - 180 cm. In winter, it
elegant wool fades.

In nature, the population of the sika deer is very small, so for some time now it has been bred on special farms. It is bred not only for the sake of maintaining numbers, but also for the sake of young horns - antlers. In Chinese folk medicine decoctions from them have been used since ancient times as a remedy, which has a good effect, among other things, on male potency. Deer change their antlers in April, and already in June antlers acquire the properties that make them so highly valued.

- a resident of coniferous forests and mountainous regions of eastern Tibet and two Chinese provinces bordering it, capable of living at an altitude of up to 5 km. The Russian traveler N. Przhevalsky first told the whole world about him in 1883. White-faced deer is enough large view reaching a weight of up to 200 kg. and a height of 130 cm, which does not prevent him from easily and gracefully climbing the slopes of the Tibetan Plateau. The coat of the white-faced deer is short in summer and long in winter. Its color also changes: in summer it is brown, in winter it is closer to gray. In addition, the deer has a white color on the front of the head and neck (because of which it got its name) and high and wide hooves. White-faced deer live in groups consisting of either males or females with calves. They feed mainly on herbs.

The white-faced deer is an object of hunting primarily due to the fact that its antlers are valued in Chinese medicine as high as the antlers of his spotted counterpart. Until now, it has not disappeared only due to the fact that it lives in relatively inaccessible areas and over a vast range, however, the International Conservation Association environment categorized it as "Vulnerable".

(“deer with twelve horns”) lives in most of India, Pakistan and the Republic of Bangladesh, eastern Iran and southern Nepal. It got its name from a large number processes of the horn, which can reach up to 14, or even up to 20 pieces. The growth of the barasinga is slightly higher than the white-faced deer, but in weight it is slightly inferior to it. His horns are noteworthy - their average length is 75 cm, but science knows cases when they reached a meter length. The deer's coat is monophonic, has a light brown color, in summer it is slightly lighter than in winter. In some representatives, barely noticeable spots can be seen on the body.

Barasinga's native habitat is wetlands, meadows and protected areas, in particular, the Dudhava forest, which once saved these animals from complete extinction. The deer feeds on grass, leads mainly a morning and evening lifestyle, and rests during the rest of the day. He has an excellent sense of smell, which helps him avoid danger from his main enemy - the tiger.

At one time, this species was often found in the Indian animal world, but the reclamation of swamps and their plowing in the 20th century led to a sharp reduction in its population. In addition, the deer has become an object of hunting due to its delicious meat and the use of antlers to prepare a special meal that is used in Indian traditional medicine in diseases chest. Now its numbers are slowly growing.

The closest "relative" of barasinga is deer lyre living in some regions of Indochina. This species was first discovered in 1839 in Indian state Manipur ( East End India).

It got its name due to the shape of the horns, resembling a lyre. To date, there is the following classification of its subspecies listed in the International Red Book:

  1. manipur deer.
  2. tkhamin.
  3. Siamese.

They differ in the place of residence, which is reflected in the names. Manipur deer lives only in one place - the Keibul-Lamjao National Park near Loktak Lake (Manipur state). Habitat thamin deer- the eastern part of India, Myanmar (formerly Burma) and Thailand, and lives in Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Hainan Island and southern China. Their appearance is the same. In its coloring, the lyre deer is similar to barasinga, its height is about 110 cm, body length is up to 180 cm, weight is up to 140 kg. Females are noticeably smaller than males.

These deer lead a solitary lifestyle, breaking it only for marriage, prefer to live in marshy plains and rugged terrain with sparse shrubs. Like the barasinga, the lira deer feeds on grass.

- the largest deer living on the Hindustan peninsula. Its weight reaches up to 320 kg., And the average height is up to 140 cm. It is also famous for the length of the horns - in other individuals they reached 129 cm. The color of the coat is monophonic light gray-brown. In addition to the countries of the peninsula, Indian sambar is common in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, in southern China and in the countries of Southeast Asia. East Asia, where its habitat reaches the islands of Borneo and Sumatra.

It is acclimatized in Australia, Turkey, Chile, Azerbaijan, New Zealand and the USA. The deer lives near the water, along the banks of the rivers, feeds on grass, leaves and various fruits. It is predominantly nocturnal, during the day it hides in the thickets of forests, where it is able to move silently, despite its size.

In the forest foothills of the Himalayan mountains and in Sri Lanka lives axis- a deer of small size and weighing up to 100 kg. with a reddish-gold coat color, over which numerous small white spots are scattered. Of all the Indian deer, it is found most often, found everywhere, except for dry, devoid of any vegetation areas. As an acclimatized species, it can be found in the forests of Armenia.

It feeds on grass and various vegetation, lives in large herds, in which there is a place for everyone: adult males, females and young animals. In captivity, the axis is able to live up to 15 years, while in nature its life span is shorter due to the presence of formidable and "influential" enemies - the Bengal tiger, red wolf, leopard, hyena, jackal, crocodile.

- Another Asian inhabitant of small sizes (weight up to 50 kg., Length up to 110 cm., Height up to 70 cm.). In appearance, it resembles an axis, only without spots on the coat and with shorter legs. The coloration of males is darker than females, the lower part of the body and tail is lighter in both. The tail of a pig deer is fluffy.

His lifestyle is solitary. Females with deer sometimes gather in small herds. The natural habitat of this animal is flat terrain. Eats grass. The distribution area basically coincides with the continental range of the Indian sambar (except for Afghanistan and Iran). Acclimatized in Ceylon, USA and Australia.

Rare Asian species that are on the verge of extinction include Philippine sika deer, Calamian and Kuhl deer. The main reasons for the catastrophic decline in their population are the isolated island way of life and the declining habitat. In more detail about these species, as well as about the deer of David, which can be found only in European and Russian zoos and the Chinese reserve Daphyn-Milu, we may talk in other articles.


No matter how sorry it is, we will have to interrupt the journey through the species of deer, although each species is interesting, unique in its own way and deserves to be told at least a couple of words about it. Perhaps someday we will return to this topic and find out, for example, how the swamp deer differs from the pampas deer and why the northern pudu is considered the smallest deer in the world ...

Deer is an animal of the chordate type, mammal class, artiodactyl order, deer family (deer) ( Cervidae). The article provides a description of the family.

Own modern name the deer received thanks to the Old Slavonic word “deer”. So the ancient Slavs called a slender animal with branched horns.

Deer: description and photo. What does the animal look like?

The sizes of the representatives of the family vary greatly. The height of the reindeer ranges from 0.8 to 1.5 meters, the body length is 2 meters, and the weight of the deer is about 200 kg. A small crested deer barely reaches 1 meter in length and weighs no more than 50 kg.

The most slender body is distinguished by the red deer, which has a proportional build, an elongated neck and a light, slightly elongated head. The eyes of a deer are yellow-brown in color, with deep lacrimal grooves located nearby. The broad forehead is slightly concave.

Some types of deer have thin, graceful limbs, others have short legs, but all are united by well-developed leg muscles and the presence of fingers spaced apart and connected by membranes.

Deer teeth are a good indicator his age. According to the degree of grinding of fangs and incisors, curvature and angle of inclination, a specialist can accurately determine the age of a deer.

All species, except for the hornless water deer, are distinguished by branched antlers (called antlers), and only males differ in such bone formations.

Reindeer is the only species of deer in which females have antlers on a par with males, but much smaller.

Most deer species found in temperate latitudes, shed their antlers every year. In their place, new ones immediately begin to grow, consisting first of cartilage, then overgrown with bone tissue. Deer antlers grow depending on its diet: the denser the diet, the faster the antlers grow. Deer living in the tropics do not shed their antlers for years, and the inhabitants of the equatorial belt do not lose them at all.

The main function of deer antlers is protection and attack, and the chances of a particular male individual to win in a duel for a female deer depend on their power. Reindeer use their antlers as tools, digging snow with them to get to moss reindeer. The span of the horns of a mature male deer is 120 cm.

The deer sheds its antlers

And this deer has grown antlers of an atypical shape

Deer skin is covered with fur, thin and short in summer, and longer and thicker in winter.

The color of deer fur depends on the species and can be brown, coffee-brown, red-brown, brownish, gray, red, plain, with spots and marks.

Deer is an animal that is among the twenty fastest.

The speed of a deer fleeing a chase can reach 50-55 km/h.

Deer live in Europe and Asia, in Russia, feel at ease in North and South America, Africa, Australia and New Zealand. In conditions wildlife The average life expectancy of a deer is 15-20 years. In zoos and reindeer farms, with good care, deer live up to 25-30 years.

Deer are animals that are quite unpretentious to the environment. They feel great on the plains, and in areas with mountainous terrain, and in wetlands, and in the zone of tundra mosses and lichens.

Many species are overpopulated wet places, choosing to live in areas near water bodies. Preferring mainly a nomadic lifestyle, deer live in forests with their forb meadows in summer, wander into impenetrable thickets in winter, as there are usually fewer snow drifts and it is easier to find food under a thin layer of snow.

Deer are herbivorous animals whose diet depends on species affiliation and area. In spring and early summer, deer feed on cereals, umbrellas, and legumes. Reindeer food in summer - nuts, chestnuts, mushrooms, berries, plant seeds.

During the warm season, deer eat buds, leaves and young shoots of trees and shrubs: maple, mountain ash, viburnum. The deer will not refuse, and other fruits. In winter, deer are forced to eat bark and branches of plants, needles, acorns and lichens.

Animals make up for the lack of minerals in the body with salt extracted from salt licks, and also chew the earth rich in mineral salts, drink water from mineral springs. Replenishing the protein deficiency, deer gnaw their own discarded antlers and are forced to eat bird eggs.

Deer species, names and photos

The modern classification of the deer family includes 3 subfamilies, 19 genera and 51 species. In addition to deer, fallow deer, pudu, roe deer, as well as mazams, muntjacs, axis, sambars and barasinga are representatives of the family.

The most interesting varieties of deer are considered to be the following:

  • Noble deer(Cervus elaphus)

It belongs to the genus true deer and includes 15 subspecies. Representatives of the species are united by a characteristic white spot under the tail, which rises above the coccyx. There is no spotting in the color of the red deer in summer. Deer antlers are distinguished by a significant number of branches (especially in the European deer), which form a characteristic crown at the end of each antler. Depending on the subspecies, the size of a deer can be 2.5 meters in length and 1.3-1.6 meters at the withers, with a weight of over 300 kg (maral and wapiti). A small Bukhara deer weighs a little less than 100 kg and grows up to 170-190 cm.

The diet of the animal in the spring-summer period consists of various legumes, grass and cereals. In winter, deer feed on shoots of shrubs and trees, fallen leaves, various mushrooms, chestnuts, as well as tree bark. With a lack of food, deer can eat spruce or pine needles, lichens and acorns. Of great importance for the normal life of these mammals is the salt balance, which they maintain on natural or artificial solonchaks.

The red deer lives on a rather vast territory, covering Western European, Scandinavian countries, Algeria, the Moroccan Republic and China, as well as both American continents, Australia and New Zealand. The main condition is the presence of a nearby fresh water body. red deer live in one specific area in herds of up to 10 individuals, although after the mating season their number can increase to 30.

  • or caribou(Rangifer tarandus)

It stands out among relatives with an upper lip completely covered with hair and the presence of horns in individuals of both sexes. The body size of an adult male is 1.9-2.1 meters with a weight of 190 kg, the female reindeer (which also has the name vazhenka) grows up to 1.6-1.9 m and weighs up to 123 kg. The reindeer is an animal of a squat physique, devoid of the grace inherent in deer and having a slightly elongated skull shape.

Food reindeer: grass that grows in abundance in the tundra, leaves of shrubs, mushrooms, various berries. With a lack of protein nutrition, deer find bird nests and eat bird eggs laid in them and even young chicks. Reindeer also feed on small rodents - lemmings. The main food for deer in the tundra in winter is reindeer moss. The reindeer compensates for the lack of minerals in poor food by eating its own antlers, eating sea ​​water or visiting salt marshes.

Reindeer live in the tundra and taiga in Eurasia, North America and the islands of the Arctic Ocean. Numerous herds of reindeer live in the plains and mountainous taiga regions, graze on the endless tundra and swampy expanses, making spring and winter migrations in search of food.

  • water deer(Hydropotes inermis)

The only hornless deer in the family. The size of the species is 75-100 cm in length, the height of the deer is 45-55 cm, and the body weight is 9-15 kg. An adult male deer is distinguished by saber-shaped curved fangs (teeth), protruding noticeably from under the upper lip. The skin is dyed brown.

The main food of deer is the leaves of bushes, young green grass, as well as juicy river sedge. Animals cause significant damage to agriculture, making devastating raids on cultivated rice fields and destroying not only weeds, but also cultivated shoots.

AT vivo water deer live in the floodplains of the rivers of the eastern and central parts of China and the Korean Peninsula. The hornless deer was introduced to England and France, where it successfully adapted to the local climate. These animals lead a solitary lifestyle, finding a mate only for the rut period. In search of food, they swim several kilometers, migrating between numerous islands in river deltas.

  • or mila(Elaphurus davidianus)

A rare species of deer that completely died in nature at the beginning of the 20th century. Nowadays, they are trying to restore the population in Chinese reserves, where the species originally existed. Representatives of the species acquired their name thanks to Armand David, a French priest and naturalist.

The body length of an adult deer is 150-215 cm, height at the withers can reach 140 cm, and the weight of a deer reaches 150-200 kg. An exceptional feature of this species is that David's deer change their antlers twice a year. These animals have an elongated narrow head, atypical for deer, as well as long curly hair on the body.

The food of the David deer consists of grass, young branches and leaves of shrubs, sugar cane and a variety of algae.

Unfortunately, in natural conditions, the habitat of this species is no longer observed. All known individuals live in nature reserves and zoos. David's deer are herding animals. Even before and after the mating season, they prefer to stay in small groups of up to 10 individuals. During the rut for the right to possess a harem of females, males arrange real battles, using not only horns, but also teeth, as well as forelimbs in the battle.

  • white-faced deer(Przewalskium albirostris)

The animal has a large body up to 230 cm long and an impressive weight of up to 200 kg. The height of the deer at the withers is 1.3 m. This species got its name due to the white color of the neck and front of the head. Distinctive feature species are high wide hooves and large antlers of a white deer.

The white-faced deer feeds on various herbs growing in the spacious alpine meadows. Animals are happy to eat as food. numerous species clover, meadowsweet, large-flowered beetle, angelica and motley fescue. In addition, they often eat foliage from undersized shrubs.

The white-faced deer lives mainly in coniferous forests eastern Tibet and some Chinese provinces. Animals are found in the mountainous regions of the Alps, located at an altitude of more than 3500 meters above sea level. They form communities, the number of which does not exceed 20 individuals. In search of food, deer often migrate to altitudes up to 5000 m.

  • crested deer(Elaphodus cephalophus)

The animal has a black-brown crest on its head, up to 17 cm long. Adult deer grow to a size of 110-160 cm with a body weight of 17-50 kg. The color of the deer can be dark brown or dark gray. The horns are short and not branched, barely visible from under the crest.

In addition to the characteristic plant food, consisting of leaves of trees and shrubs, grass and various berries, crested deer often eat small carrion, which is the protein component of the diet.

Deer live on the territory of South and East Asia in forests spread at an altitude of more than 4500 m. Very cautious animals lead a solitary and isolated way of life. They meet with representatives of the opposite sex only during the rut. They are most active at dawn or dusk.

  • White-tailed deer (virgin deer) (Odocoileus virginianus)

The most common member of the family, lives in North America.

It got its name for the interesting color of the tail, the top of which is brown and the bottom is white. Northern part The population has a height at the withers up to 1 m, and a body weight of about 150 kg. Representatives of the population living on the Florida Keys grow up to 60 cm at the withers and weigh only 35 kg.

In spring and summer, deer eat green growth of shrubs or trees, succulent grass, and flowering plants. In addition, they raid agricultural fields, where they destroy crops of cereals. In autumn, deer feed on fruits, berries and nuts. In winter, these animals have to be content with fallen leaves and branches.

White-tailed deer live on mountain slopes and in spacious forests, as well as on the vast expanses of the prairies and savannahs of South and North America. Most of the time, Virginian deer lead a solitary lifestyle, gathering in small herds only during the mating season.

  • pig deer(Axis porcinus)

It got its name for the original manner of movement, reminiscent of a move. The height of the deer at the withers is 70 cm, the length of the body is 110 cm, the weight of the deer is about 50 kg. The animal has a fluffy tail, males are darker than females.

Deer live in the flat landscapes of Pakistan, India, Thailand and other states of South Asia. The species has also been introduced to Australia and the United States. These animals lead a solitary lifestyle, rarely gathering in small herds.

Reindeer graze mainly at night, preferring to rest during the daytime, hiding in densely overgrown shrubs. The deer's diet does not depend on the seasons and consists of a variety of grasses, as well as branches and leaves of low shrubs.

  • South Andean deer(Hippocamelus bisulcus)

The animal has a stocky build and short legs adapted for movement in mountainous landscapes. The size of a deer is 1.4-1.6 m in length, weight reaches 70-80 kg. The height at the withers is 80-90 cm. The deer's coat is brownish or gray-brown in color with white spots on the throat.

Deer live in the mountains of Chile and Argentina, where they live alone, gathering in small groups during the rut. Due to a sharp decline in the population, this species of deer is listed in the International Red Book.

The spring and summer diet of the deer consists of a variety of herbaceous meadow vegetation. In winter and during snowfalls, they find food in wooded valleys. Here, the deer's food consists of leaves and young branches of shrubs and trees.

  • Dappled deer(Cervus nippon)

It grows in length up to 1.6-1.8 m with a weight of 75-130 kg. The size at the withers is 95-112 cm. The summer color of the deer is distinguished by a bright red-red color with white spotting, in winter the color fades.

Spotted deer eat not only mushrooms, nuts, leaves, and oak or alder shoots, but also a variety of herbs and berries. In winter, they find fallen leaves, last year's grass and acorns under the snow. In famine years, sika deer feed on bark deciduous trees. Individuals living near the sea coast are happy to eat algae thrown ashore and restore the mineral balance of the body with the help of sea salt.

Spotted deer lead a herd life, gathering in small groups of 10-20 individuals. The distribution area of ​​​​this species captures the plains, mountainous and foothill areas. northern hemisphere. The sika deer lives on Far East, in middle lane Russia and the Caucasus.

With a deer, as with an attractive outwardly animal, we get acquainted with childhood. Every child watched fairy tales with the participation of this kind magnificent character.


However, science without sentimentality informs us that the deer belongs to artiodactyls, whose classification includes more than 50 species. She also says that many species of deer have long since died out, and some are on the verge of extinction.

In addition, not everyone knows that such an animal as a deer is not always large, since the smallest one is not higher than a rabbit, and the largest one is the size of a horse.

As for deer antlers, this is one of the hallmarks of the male, only a few categories - northern, as well as water - stand out in this respect from the family.

In the deer of the northern horn, not only males, but also females have antlers, and the aquatic species has no antlers at all. The appearance of the horns directly depends on the variety to which the deer belong. They are updated annually.

This animal feeds mainly on various plants, however great importance in this matter has its habitat.


There are various types of deer, which we will talk about in more detail.


This species of deer lives in Korea, as well as China, in France, England, and is also kept in zoos.

The animal is small in stature, has no horns, has fangs, and also a small tail. Color brown.

Lives in thickets of swamps. It feeds on plants. Differs in caution.


Lives in Iran, Pakistan, Nepal. The number of deer horns reaches 14 pieces, and sometimes 20. The growth of the animal is average. Wool brown monophonic, sometimes with spots.

The deer lives in places of marshes, meadows, forests. The animal feeds on grass, has a sharp sense of smell, with the help of which the animal avoids all sorts of danger.

Once this species was often found among the animals of India, but due to swamp reclamation, their population has significantly decreased.

In addition, deer began to be hunted for its excellent tasting meat and the use of antlers to create flour used in medicine for diseases of the chest.

For this period of time, the number of this species is inexorably increasing.


A relative of the barasinga deer is the lira, which lives in the Indochinese regions. This variety was first discovered in the 19th century in the eastern Indian part.

The name is derived from the horns that look like a lyre. Now there is a certain classification of special subspecies of the lyre deer, which differ in habitat, which is directly reflected in the names.

Thus, the Manipur deer lives exclusively in the state of Manipur next to a lake called Loktak.

The Tkhamin deer lives in India, Thailand, in the southern part of China.

Deer are solitary, violating this principle only for marriage, live in marshy places. The lira, like the barasinga, feeds on vegetation.

Indian sambar

It belongs to one of the large varieties that lives in Hindustan. Body weight more than 300 kg, average height reaches 120 cm.

A deer is known for the length of its horns reaching 130 cm. The coat has a light brown or gray color. In addition to the states of the peninsula, the sambar lives in Afghanistan, the southern part of China.

The deer is acclimatized, the photo of which can be seen on the site, also in Turkey, America, Australia. The deer lives near water, eats fruits and various plants.

It is awake at night, and during the daytime it hides in the forest, where, despite its size, it moves as silently as possible.

deer axis

Axis forest deer live in the foothills of the forests. It has a body weight of up to 100 kg, small size. The coat is reddish in color with small snow-white spots.

Of the Indian species of deer, the axis is the most common, found everywhere, in addition to dry areas in which there is no vegetation. As an acclimatized variety, it is found in the Armenian forest area.

It feeds on vegetation, including grass, lives in small herds. Lives in captivity for 15 years, in freedom the life span is much less due to the presence of enemies: a tiger, a leopard, a crocodile, and also a hyena.

deer pig

Considered a resident of Asia. Has a small size. In appearance, the animal is similar to the axis, but is devoid of spots and has not so long legs. Males are darker in color than females. The tail is fluffy.

Lives alone. On rare occasions, they gather in small herds. Habitat - plain.

It feeds on vegetation. The deer lives in America, in Ceylon, and also in Australia.

We have talked only about some types of deer species that are widespread in the present period of time.

Each of the listed deer species is unique and unrepeatable in its own way, therefore, it deserves to be constantly discussed.

Deer photo

Axis, also known as the Indian deer, is common in India, Pakistan, Ceylon, Thailand, Burma, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.

In addition, Indian deer were brought to Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Brazil and Hawaiian Islands. In nature, there are two subspecies of axes.

Features of the appearance of axes

These deer are small with long legs. Throughout the body there is a fairly even spotting, and it remains throughout all seasons. The Indian deer is considered the most beautiful in the family. In females and males throughout life, the coat remains a bright red color with well-defined white spots. There are no spots only on the head.

The horns of the axes are three-pointed, the stumps are quite long. The horns curve strongly backwards. Reindeer shed them usually in August, but sometimes it can happen at other times as well.

Axises reach a height at the withers of 75-97 centimeters, and grow up to 110-140 centimeters in length, their weight varies between 75-100 kilograms.

Axis habitats

Indian deer were known to the Romans. Animals were specially brought to hunting farms and parks.

These animals are well acclimatized in those places where there is no severe cold and there is not too high snow cover.

Axis are the most common deer in India.

In Europe, there are herds of Indian deer over 150 years old. These deer have become so prolific in New Zealand that they have become a threat to forests, in connection with this, in some national parks they even had to be shot.

At home, axises live in subtropical and tropical forests. They try to stay close to rivers, as they hide from predators in the water. Indian deer prefer to graze in forest glades overgrown with grass, they avoid dry places and high mountains.

Indian deer lifestyle

Axises feed on grass and foliage of shrubs and trees. They live in small groups, but sometimes gather in herds, which can contain more than 30 goals. They roam in herds, gathering from 10 to several hundred together. Indian deer are often found near villages.

Reproduction of Indian deer

Like other tropical deer, the axis does not have a specific period in which they would shed their antlers. The breeding season is also not clearly defined. But at the same time, the peak of the rut is observed in May.

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