In real life, there are Cinderellas. Cinderella in real life

Career and finance 27.06.2019
Career and finance

The most interesting thing is that all the characters of the fairy tale have correspondences in

real life. Let's tell, for example, the story of Cinderella from real life.

Emma's parents divorced when she was little. The girl stayed

with Mother. Soon the father remarried. His two daughters new wife

they were jealous of their stepfather when Emma came to visit them, and constantly repeated,

that he gives her too much money. A few years later, Emma's mother left

married, the girl had to move in with her father, because her mother and stepfather

were more interested in drinking than in their daughter. Emma's new home

felt happier as her stepmother visibly showed her

dislike, and her father could not intercede for her. Everything got to her

Last but not least, her sisters teased her. She was a shy teenager

the boys ignored her. The sisters had many companies, in

who never invited Emma.

But Emma had one advantage. She knew what others did not know.

The father had a mistress, a divorced woman named Linda, who wore

expensive jewelry. Secretly from the rest, Emma and Linda became friends and

We often talked for a long time about my father. Linda gave Emma a lot of advice about

a variety of cases and was for her actually a good fairy. Her especially

it was disturbing that Emma lived so alone.

One morning Linda said: "Your stepmother has left, the sisters have gone

on a date, why are you sitting alone? What is so good about it? Take my car

put on my best dress and go to the dance. Maybe you will meet

there since good guy.

And exactly at six o'clock come to me, we will

dinner." Emma decided that her father and Linda wanted to be alone, so

agreed to Linda's proposal.

At the dance, Emma met a handsome guy named Roland. They are

began to meet. However, Roland's friend, who did not part with the guitar, showed

more attention to her. Soon she began to visit this Prince more often, who

seemed to be a very poor man. Emma didn't want the Prince to show up to her.

at home, because she was afraid that her parents would not approve of his free manners and poor

clothes. Therefore, Roland came for her. At this time, his girlfriend was waiting for them for

corner, then the Prince would join in, and the four of them would have fun.

Her father, stepmother and sisters believed that she was dating Roland. This is very

amused Emma.

In fact, the Prince was not poor. He came from a wealthy family

received a good education, but wanted to stand on his own two feet and become

artist. Gradually, he achieved this and even gained fame. Emma and him

decided to tell their parents about their relationship before they found out the truth from

sides. For Emma's sisters, this was a complete surprise. They used to

thrilled listening to recordings of the Prince's performances on the radio, and now they were burning with

jealousy, having learned that their "poor Cinderella" is marrying him. But Emma is not

reproached them for their past mistreatment of her, endowed them with free

tickets to the concerts of her Prince and even presented them to some of his

Is a Cinderella story possible in our time? I get asked this quite often. Have I seen similar examples among friends, have I practiced myself? Hm. “This story used to be a fairy tale, but now there are no princes at all,” most girls will say. But, nevertheless, many of our contemporaries firmly believe in the reality of such a turn of events.

As before, modern Cinderella are convinced that if you endure, suffer, work hard, deny yourself everything and be good, then there will certainly be a prince on the notorious white horse, who will definitely find her, marry her and they will live a long happy family life. Cinderellas live with such ideas for a long time: they grow up, study, obey their mothers in everything, work, read the right books and wait, wait, wait ... However, in reality everything happens differently.

I see no reason to consider this story as the real life of an outcast girl in the family. The family scapegoat, to whom all aggression is directed, is a fairly common phenomenon. Being a devalued and rejected member of the family, such a person often becomes a carrier of a symptom that is a reflection of family trouble. But personally, I have a number of questions related to the long stay of Cinderella in such enslaving conditions. Why does Cinderella do nothing in reality? Why is he not trying to take his rightful place in the family? Why suffer humiliation and insults? How is her patience and humility supported? After all, everyone has a chance to change their life for the better.

Now the story of Cinderella is presented in a somewhat simplified version: a wealthy "prince" takes a girl from the lower social stratum as his wife. All this has become very distorted ... Yesterday she arrived in Moscow with a wide open eyes in a hideous leopard print suit, and already tomorrow she is driving around in a new donated Bentley, all tastefully dressed in brands, with updated size 5 breasts, huge lips and toilet-colored veneers. She has her own, albeit small, but received “as a gift from her beloved, God, how happy I am” apartment in Moscow. And then you have to erase from your memory 2-3, or even 5 years of life, kilometers of dicks, lies to various “favorite” men in order to achieve the goal, and, most importantly, invent a legend for those around you in the manner of that very Cinderella.

No, it happens that a girl is so smart and punchy, or she just got lucky to be in the right place at the right time, that by the will of fate she gets exactly the same Prince - one and forever, but this is 1%, or maybe 0.1%. The remaining 99% leave their stable morals outside the sparkling city of dreams, remember the names of trendy places to rent (Soho, Duran, Siberia ... add a couple of your "fish places" here) and, perhaps, soon they will have a car under the ass, an apartment in the center and the ability to post photos from Lazurka and Dubai on Instagram.

As for my personal experience about Cinderella, neither I nor my friends and acquaintances had such stories. And I firmly believe that a couple should be created from people of approximately the same social status. Otherwise, all this promises a huge number of difficulties. Mistresses? No. I'm not one of those men who asserts himself when here is "girl, sit down with me in the s-class, I'll show you Moscow!". Even in a traffic jam, I want to flirt with a girl in a good car more than in some kind of Daewoo Matiz. It's all sort of subconscious. What is the point of looking for a beggarly mistress from Muhosransk? To invest tons of money so that by the time the ugly duckling has turned into a beautiful lady, you are already tired of her? Or even worse - she waved her hand to you? The girls are smart-assed: they will take everything they can from you, put themselves in order - and dump them in search of an “even better and happier” life.

Summarizing: the story of Cinderella, of course, has a place to be in our time, but with a negligible probability and with a large number of reservations. Oh, yes, if your childhood friend, who left 5 years ago for Moscow upon arrival, tells you about how a certain prince made a princess out of her - don’t believe it right off the bat, maybe she “achieved everything herself”;)

For a scenario analyst, a Cinderella story has it all. There are many interconnected scenarios, and a huge number of nooks and crannies in which you can make amazing discoveries, and millions of real prototypes for each role.

In our country, Cinderella is known for the fairy tale "Crystal Slipper". This is a translation from French work Charles Perrault, first published in 1697 and first translated into English by Robert Sambert in 1729. The dedication to the Comtesse de Granville makes it very clear that Sambert is well aware of the screenplay impact of such stories. He says that Plato "wanted children to imbibe such tales with their mother's milk, and recommended that nannies teach them to children." The moral in Perrault's tale is, of course, a parental prescription.

Regrettably, beauty for women is a real treasure;
Everyone tirelessly praises the beautiful view,
But the thing is priceless - no, even more expensive! -
Elegance, to put it another way: lad.
Kohl fairy gossip little Sandrillon
Instructed and taught so
What did Cinderella deserve the crown
So, this story is not a trifle.

The last lines describe the parental pattern that Cinderella received from her godmother, which is similar to the pattern described for "lady" in chapter six. Perrault also wrote a second morality, in which he emphasizes the need for parental permission if the child hopes to achieve anything.

What's better, we know ourselves,
To be known as wise men, brave men,
More luxurious to be than the first dandy,
Have some talent
Defined by heaven.
All this can be earned
But the best gifts will remain useless,
Until he decides to bewitch for them,
At least a gossip, at least an amiable kumanek ...

Sumber's translation was slightly modified by Andrew Lang for his Blue Book of Fairy Tales, which remains one of the most popular children's books to this day. It is from her that children get their first idea of ​​Cinderella. In this mild French version, Cinderella forgives her stepsisters and finds rich husbands for them. The "Tales of the Brothers Grimm", which are also very popular in our country, contains a German version. it bloody story, which ends with the pigeons pecking out the eyes of the sisters. The tale of Cinderella is also found in many other nations.

Now, having become acquainted with the origin of the tale, one can recognize the Martian point of view on Cinderella - in the version of Perrault, with which children in English-speaking countries are most familiar. We will discuss the numerous scenarios included in this tale and easily recognizable in real life. As in the case of Little Red Riding Hood, the Martian and real life tell us what is very important, namely what happens to the characters after the story ends in the book.

B. A Cinderella Story

According to Perrault, there was once a nobleman who married a second marriage to a widow, a proud and arrogant woman, such as one does not often meet. (No doubt this is often the case with such brides; besides, they are also frigid.) She had two daughters who looked like their mother in every way. The nobleman had a daughter from his first marriage, kind and sweet, who inherited these qualities from her mother, who was the best in the world.

After the wedding, the stepmother began to treat Cinderella very cruelly. She could not stand beauty and her other virtues, because in comparison with her her own daughters seemed even more disgusting. The poor girl endured everything patiently and did not dare to complain to her father, who was under the heel of his wife and would not have believed Cinderella. When the job was done, the poor girl would go to a corner and sit on a pile of ashes, for which she was nicknamed Coal Ass or, more politely, Cinderella.

It so happened that the son of the king was giving a ball and invited all the nobility, including the two sisters of Cinderella. Cinderella helped them get dressed and comb their hair. And in the meantime they taunted her, because she was not invited, and she agreed that such a magnificent ball was not for her. When they left, Cinderella began to cry. But then she came godmother fairy and promised that Cinderella would also go to the ball. The fairy told Cinderella: "Go to the garden and bring a pumpkin." The fairy turned this pumpkin into a golden carriage. The mice became horses, the rat turned into a fat, cheerful coachman with long mustaches, and the lizards turned into lackeys. Cinderella received Nice dress, precious jewelry and small crystal shoes. Her godmother warned her not to stay at the ball after the clock had struck twelve.

At the ball, Cinderella made a sensation. The prince gave her all his attention, and the king, despite his venerable age, could not help but look at her, and whispered with the queen all the time. At a quarter to twelve, Cinderella left. When the sisters returned, she pretended to be asleep. The sisters told her about the beautiful unfamiliar princess. Cinderella smiled and replied: "Oh, she must have been really beautiful! How I would like to see her! Lend me some of your clothes so I can look tomorrow." But they said that they would not give their clothes to Coal Ass, and Cinderella was delighted, because she did not know what she would do if they agreed.

The next evening, Cinderella was having so much fun that she forgot to leave before the clock struck twelve. Hearing the chime of the clock, she jumped up and ran as agile as a doe. The prince ran after her, but could not catch up, although on the run she lost one crystal slipper, which the prince picked up. A few days later, to the sound of trumpets, a decree was read out that the prince would marry the girl who would fit the shoe. The prince sent servants throughout the kingdom to try on the shoe for all women. After the sisters unsuccessfully tried to put on the shoe, Cinderella, who recognized her, said with a laugh: "Let me try." The sisters laughed and began to mock her. But the courtier, who was sent on this task, said that he was ordered to try on everyone. He asked Cinderella to sit down and found that the shoe hugged her leg like it was made of wax. Great was the astonishment of the sisters; they were even more amazed when Cinderella took a second shoe from her pocket and put it on. Then her godmother appeared and with a touch of a magic wand turned Cinderella's dress into a luxurious and majestic outfit.

Seeing that she was the beautiful princess, the sisters rushed to her feet and said: "Forgive us." Cinderella hugged them and forgave them. She was taken to the prince, and a few days later they were married. Cinderella settled the sisters in her palace and on the same day passed them off as two wealthy courtiers.

B. Intertwining Scenarios

So much in this story interesting features it's hard to decide where to start the discussion. First of all, the quantity actors much more than meets the eye. In order of appearance, these are the following characters:


(Coachman, Lackeys)

(Guests at the ball)



Two courtiers

It turns out nine main characters, several episodic and completely wordless characters with one line and many others. The most interesting thing is that almost all of them are not as simple as they seem, as we will soon see.

Another feature is the clarity of the script turns, which is generally typical for children's fairy tales. Cinderella starts out as a normal person, then turns into the Victim, then the mocking Persecutor, and finally the Savior. The stepmother and her daughters from the Persecutors become the Victims, especially in the German version, in which the stepsisters cut off part of their foot to fit the shoe. This story produces two more classic roles that we saw in the game "Alcoholic". Supplier's role in this case the godmother, who provides Cinderella with everything she needs, plays the roles of the Simpletons - those two courtiers who marry evil sisters.

Let us now consider the scenarios of all the characters participating in the action. It takes a little time to realize how many scenarios are revealed in this simple story.

Cinderella. She has happy childhood, but then she must suffer until a certain event. The most important scenes, however, are structured in time: Cinderella can have fun as she wants, but only until midnight, and then must return to her previous state. Cinderella is clearly avoiding the temptation to play "Isn't that awful?" even with his father and suffers in silence until the action begins. And it starts with a ball. Here she plays with the prince in "Try to Catch Me", and later, with a stage grin "I know something", with her sisters. The climax comes in the crushing game "Oh, what does she say!": Cinderella with a sly smile receives the denouement, which is due to her according to the scenario of the Winner.

Father. The script requires the father to lose his first wife and marry a domineering (and supposedly frigid) woman who will make him and Cinderella suffer. But, as we shall see, he has something up his sleeve.

Stepmother. She has a Loser scenario. She also plays in "Oh, what does she say!", captivating her father and forcing him to marry her, but immediately after the wedding she reveals her evil nature. She lives for her daughters and hopes to get a royal payoff from them for her evil behavior, but ends up defeated.

Step sisters. Their anti-scripts are based on a mother's admonition, "Think of yourself first, and let others pay the price," but the final outcome is determined by the prohibition: "You must not succeed." Since this is the same prohibition received by the stepmother herself, it is clearly inherited from the previous generation. The sisters play "The Clutch", first mocking Cinderella (or Coal Ass, as they call her), and then asking for forgiveness and getting it.

Godmother. This is the most interesting of all the characters. What motivates her to dress up Cinderella for the ball? Why didn't she just talk and console her, instead of sending her to the ball in all her splendor? The situation is as follows: the stepmother and half-sisters went to the ball, only Cinderella and her father remained in the house. Why is the godmother so eager to get rid of Cinderella? What happened "at the ranch" when the father and godmother were left alone, sending everyone else to the ball? Order not to stay after midnight - The best way to ensure that Cinderella stays at the ball long enough and at the same time returns home first. Thus, the godmother avoided the risk of being discovered by other women, because the appearance of Cinderella warned her. From a cynical point of view, the whole story resembles a conspiracy to ensure that the father and godmother can spend the evening together.

Prince. The prince, of course, is a bungler and, undoubtedly, will receive after his marriage what he deserves. He let the girl go twice in a row without finding out who she was. Then he could not catch up with her, although she was limping in one shoe. Instead of looking for her himself, he sends his friend to do it. And finally marries a girl of dubious origin and upbringing less than a week after they met. Despite the outward impression that he is winning her over, these are all signs of the Loser scenario.

King. The king glances at the girls and is chatty. He is incapable of warning his impulsive son.

Courtier. This is the simplest of the images of the plot. Instead of showing carelessness or arrogance, instead of laughing at Cinderella with his sisters, he simply follows the order with a sense of duty. And he does not run away with Cinderella, as a less noble person might do, but delivers her safely to his employer. He is honest, efficient and principled.

two courtiers- these are, of course, simpletons who allow themselves to be married to two dubious girls, about whom they know nothing and whom they only get to know on their wedding day.

D. Cinderella in real life

The most interesting thing is that all these characters can be found in real life. Take, for example, the story of Cinderella.

Ella's mother divorced when the girl was very young. Ella stayed with her mother. Soon after, her father remarried. From his second wife he had two daughters, and this woman was jealous of Ella when she came to visit her father. She also grumbled that her father gave her too much money. A few years later, Ella's mother also remarried, and Ella had to move in with her father, because her mother and stepfather were more interested in drinking than in raising her daughter. Ella felt unhappy in her new home, because her stepmother made it very clear that she did not love her, and her father did not protect her. She always got everything last, and her sisters made fun of her. She grew up very shy and had little to no dates in her youth, although her sisters led active lives. But they didn't invite her.

But Ella had one advantage. She knew something the others didn't. Her father had a mistress, a divorced woman named Linda, who owned a jaguar and very expensive hippie necklaces; Linda smoked marijuana. Ella and Linda formed a secret friendship and often had long conversations about their relationship with Ella's dad. In essence, Linda gave Ella a lot of advice about a variety of things and was her godmother. She was particularly worried that Ella was not dating anyone.

One afternoon Linda said:

Your mother has left, your sisters have gone on dates, why don't you go too? It's boring to be alone at home. I'll give you my car and some clothes, and you can go to the dance. There are a lot of guys at the rock and roll ball that you can meet. Come to me at six, we'll eat, and I'll pick you up.

Ella guessed that Linda wanted to spend the evening with her father, and agreed.

Linda decided that Ella looked very good.

Don't hurry home,” she said, handing her the keys to her beautiful car.

At the dance, Ella met a guy named Roland and started dating him. But Roland's friend, the guitarist, became much more interested in her, and soon Ella was already secretly meeting with this guitarist, the Prince. She did not want the Prince to come to their house, because she knew that her stepmother would not approve of his appearance - he was not very neat. Therefore, Roland came for her and took her on a date with his girlfriend, then they met with the Prince and the four of them went somewhere. The father, stepmother and half-sisters believed that Ella was dating Roland, and friends often laughed and joked about this.

In fact, the Prince was not poor. He came from a very wealthy family and received a good education, but he wanted to make his own career in show business. He became more and more famous. And when he became very famous, he and Ella decided to tell her family true story until it becomes known from someone else. For the sisters who admired Prince's records, it was a complete surprise when Ella announced that she had received such a husband as a reward. But she did not harbor a grudge against them and often gave back marks to Prince's concerts. She even introduced the sisters to his friends.

D. After the ball

We have already seen that Little Red Riding Hood's childhood adventure with the wolf (her grandfather) had big influence for her adult life.

Knowing the behavior of real people, it is not difficult to guess what happened to Cinderella after the wedding. She found that the life of the Princess is very lonely. She wanted to play some more "Try to Catch Me" with the Prince, but he wasn't interested. She laughed at her sisters when they came to visit, but this did not amuse her either, especially since now they could not answer her. The king sometimes looked at her strangely; he was not so old as she thought, but not so young as he wanted to appear; at any rate, she didn't want to think about such things. The queen was very nice to her, but behaved, as befits, with royal dignity. And Cinderella herself had to keep the same with the courtiers. In due time, she had a son, whom she and everyone around were waiting for, and then there were many holidays and fun. But Cinderella had no other children, and since nannies and governesses took care of the little duke, Cinderella was very bored, especially during the day when her husband went hunting, and in the evenings when he played cards with friends.

A little later, Cinderella made a strange discovery. She tried to keep this discovery a secret, but she was most interested in the kitchen maids and cleaners who cleaned the hearths. Cinderella found all sorts of excuses to stay where they work. Soon she began to give them advice, drawing on her rich experience in such matters. Traveling around her little kingdom in a carriage, sometimes with her son and his governesses, sometimes alone, walking through towns and villages, she discovered what she had known for so long: in the kingdom, thousands of women tidied kitchens and shoveled ashes from hearths. She began to linger and chat with them about their work.

Gradually, she developed the habit of regularly visiting the poorest homes, where women have to do the hardest work. Cinderella put on her old clothes and sat with them on the ashes, talking or helping in the kitchen. Soon rumors spread throughout the kingdom about what she was doing, and the Prince even quarreled with her because of it, but she insisted that this was what she wanted most of all, and continued to do her own thing. One day a court lady, who was also very bored, asked permission to go with her. Over time, others became interested. Very soon, dozens of noble ladies put on an old dress every morning and went to the city to help poor housewives in their menial work, while gossiping and receiving a lot of the most diverse and interesting information.

Then the princess had the idea to gather all such women and talk about the problems they face, and she founded the "Ladies' Society for Helping Dishwashers and Cinderellas", herself becoming its president. Now, when foreign chimney sweeps, vegetable sellers, dishwashers, and scavengers came to the city, they were invited to the palace, they spoke in the Society and told how these things were in their countries. Thus, Cinderella found her place in life and, together with her new friends, benefited the kingdom.

B. Fairy tales and real people

Looking at society, reflecting on clinical practice, it is not difficult to find analogies with all the characters in the Cinderella fairy tale, starting with Cinderella herself, her family, the Prince and King, and ending with a cheerful mustachioed coachman who does not utter a word and who began life as a rat. There are also "trying on shoes" who seem to be pointing their finger at the sky, but hit the nail on the head.

The therapist can listen to the patient and mentally select a story that matches what he hears; maybe when he gets home he can look through Stit Thompson's Folklore Index; but it is easier to ask the patient to tell his life like a fairy tale. Here is an example of Drusilla, who was not a patient, but a participant in a workshop on fairy tales.

One of Drusilla's ancestors invented the well-known gadget many generations ago, which is why he is still remembered in the world of housewives. The story begins with Drusilla's mother Vanessa, who was descended from this patriarch. Vanessa's father died when she was very young, and she lived in the house of her great uncle Charles. Charles lived in a huge ranch near Los Angeles; the ranch had a large swimming pool, tennis court, private lake, and even a golf course. Vanessa grew up in such an environment and met people from different countries. However, she was not very happy and ran away with a Filipino named Manuel at the age of seventeen. Their two daughters, Drusilla and Eldora, grew up on a plantation in the Philippines. Drusilla was her father's favorite. Eldora grew up like a boy, she became an athlete, rode excellently, archery and played golf. Her father sometimes beat her, but he did not lay a finger on Drusilla. Once, when Eldora was already eighteen, her father wanted to punish her. By that time, Eldora had grown to his height and was much stronger. As he walked toward her, Eldora cringed as usual, but suddenly Drusilla noticed a strange transformation. Eldora straightened up, tensed her muscles and said to her father: "Don't you dare touch me again." She glared into his eyes, and this time his father became embarrassed and stepped back. Shortly thereafter, Vanessa divorced him and left with her daughters to live on the estate of Uncle Charles.

Drusilla now lived on a large estate, where she met the foreigner she married. From him she had two children, but she always wanted to do something with her own hands and became a weaver, and eventually a teacher of weaving. It was because of her interest in weaving that she came to the workshop on fairy tales.

Drusilla was asked to tell her story in the form of a fairy tale, using scenario analyst terminology: Frogs, Princes, Princesses, Winners, Losers, Witches and Cannibals. And here's what she did.

There was once a King who conquered many lands that were inherited by his eldest son. The kingdom passed from generation to generation. Since the eldest son inherited everything, the youngest received almost nothing. One of these poor sons had a daughter, Vanessa. Her father died hunting. The king, Vanessa's uncle, took her to his palace, where she lived for some time and met the Prince from a distant unknown land. The prince took her away from that kingdom to his own across the sea. There were many unusual flowers and strange plants in his kingdom. However, after a while, Vanessa realized that her Prince Manuel was actually the Frog. And Manuel was also surprised to realize that the beautiful Princess he married turned out to be a Witch. Manuel and Vanessa had two daughters. The eldest, Eldora, was a Frog, like her father, and he did not love her and often punished her when she was still small. Youngest daughter, Drusilla, was a Princess and Manuel treated her like a Princess.

Once a fairy came to Eldora and said: "I will protect you. When your father tries to hit you, tell him to stop." And so, the next time Manuel wanted to punish Eldora, she suddenly became very strong and told her father that he no longer dares to beat her. Manuel was indignant and decided that it was his wife Vanessa who turned Eldora against him. So Vanessa decided to leave him. They left a distant kingdom and returned to Uncle Charles's kingdom, where the sisters lived happily. One day the Prince came there and fell in love with Drusilla. They married with great triumph, they had two beautiful daughters, and since then Drusilla lived happily, raised her daughters and wove wonderful carpets and tapestries.

All participants of the seminar liked this story very much.

Cinderella in real life

The most interesting thing is that all the characters in the fairy tale have matches in real life. Let's tell, for example, the story of Cinderella from real life.

Emma's parents divorced when she was little. The girl stayed with her mother. Soon the father remarried. The two daughters of his new wife were jealous of their stepfather when Emma came to visit them, and constantly said that he gave her too much money. A few years later, Emma's mother got married, the girl had to move in with her father, because her mother and stepfather were more interested in drinking than in her daughter. In the new house, Emma did not feel happier, because her stepmother clearly showed her dislike, and her father could not stand up for her. She got everything last, her sisters teased her. She was a shy teenager, the boys did not pay attention to her. The sisters also had many companies in which Emma was never invited.

But Emma had one advantage. She knew what others did not know. The father had a mistress, a divorced woman named Linda, who wore expensive jewelry. Secretly from the rest, Emma and Linda became friends and often had long conversations about their father. Linda gave Emma a lot of advice on a variety of things and was actually a good fairy for her. She was especially worried that Emma lived so alone.

One morning Linda said: “Your stepmother has left, your sisters have gone on a date, and why are you sitting alone? What is so good about it? Take my car, put on my best dress and go to the dance. Maybe you'll meet a nice guy there. And exactly at six o'clock come to me, we will have lunch. Emma decided that her father and Linda wanted to be alone, so she agreed to Linda's proposal.

At the dance, Emma met a handsome guy named Roland. They started dating. However, Roland's friend, who did not part with the guitar, showed more attention to it. Soon she began to visit this Prince more often, who seemed to be a very poor man. Emma did not want the Prince to appear at her house, as she was afraid that her parents would not approve of his free manners and poor clothes. Therefore, Roland came for her. At this time, his girlfriend was waiting for them around the corner, then the Prince joined in, and the four of them had fun. Her father, stepmother and sisters believed that she was dating Roland. This greatly amused Emma.

In fact, the Prince was not poor. He came from a wealthy family, received a good education, but wanted to stand on his own feet and become an artist. Gradually, he achieved this and even gained fame. Emma and he decide to tell their parents about their relationship before they find out the truth from the outside. For Emma's sisters, this was a complete surprise. Previously, they were thrilled, listening to the recordings of the Prince's performances on the radio, and now they were burning with jealousy when they learned that their "poor Cinderella" was marrying him. But Emma did not rebuke them for their past mistreatment of her, gave them free tickets to her Prince's concerts, and even introduced them to some of his friends.

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Cinderella In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived and there was a forester - a petty, eternally drunk, cowardly bastard. He had a daughter, Cinderella. He once took and married a very vicious aunt who had two vicious daughters. They began to smear his drunkard, and at the same time

This story originates in St. Petersburg. In the early 1990s, a girl named Lena Barysheva lived there. In the 90s in Russia, everyone earned as best they could. Lena earned with her body. And once, like in a fairy tale, she met an American millionaire of Jewish origin, Boris Kilishez.

You will say that this is almost the plot of the famous film "Pretty Woman" with Julia Roberts but in real life everything happens quite differently than in the movies ...
It is difficult to say what the American found in this girl, because her only advantage was Beautiful face and great figure. But love turned out to be very evil - Boris fell head over heels in love with a girl and decided to marry her.

Boris was complete opposite Lena. He was far from stupid. The FBI followed him, as they suspected him of laundering large sums of money for criminal organizations. He bought and sold real estate, invested in various funds and conducted trading operations, confusing the flow of money to such an extent that it was impossible to trace their true origin. It is unlikely that a person engaged in such a thing could be stupid.

Boris gave his wife a pass to a fairy tale full of luxury and money. It doesn’t fit in my head, why would a successful and smart man marry a hard currency prostitute?
When Boris brought Lena to New York, she declared that she wanted a house with a pool inside the house. And really, how can a St. Petersburg prostitute live in a house with a swimming pool in the yard?! But Boris spoiled his wife and literally the next day bought her a luxurious mansion with a swimming pool inside Staten Island for $4 million.

Boris spent very little time at home, as work took a lot of time. Lena was only happy about this and constantly invited friends to their mansion. Boris did not spare money for his wife and gave her very expensive gifts - executive cars and jewelry, some of which cost tens of thousands of dollars.
As they say, you get used to good things quickly. Lena began to take everything for granted. Once a friend of Boris Kilishez very well described Lena: “It was real wife new Russian - spoiled, lazy and stupid. All day long Lena sunbathed, swam and played tennis. She liked to play cards and drink. Her friends said that it was impossible to overdrink Lena.

Soon Lena crossed all boundaries. She began to do what she wanted, without thinking about the consequences. In November 1999, Lena met an African-American from Brooklyn named Messiah Justice (Messiah Justice - "The Justice of the Lord"). Mesaya was a petty drug dealer and thief. They met in a very specific way - Mesaya was driving a borrowed car in New York when Elena asked him for directions at a traffic light. Later, she said that she knew the road perfectly, she just wanted to seduce the guy. On the same day they had fun in the hotel room. After that night, Lena gave her new boyfriend a $75,000 watch with diamonds.

Lena did not even think of hiding her lover, she began to take him to places where she was well known. Naturally, there were kind people who told Boris about the adventures of his wife. The relationship of the spouses became very aggravated, but not because of Elena's betrayals. Boris was furious when he found out that she had returned the $90,000 jewelry he gave her. Elena also gave one of bank cards Justice for petty expenses. The lover did not deny himself anything, not even suspecting that he was spending mafia money ...

Upon learning of the expenses on the card used by Lena's lover, Boris fell into a rage. He decided to divorce his wife, warning that he would take everything from her. Friends asked the millionaire if he was afraid that he would be killed. But Boris was very influential person and he was sure he was safe.
But everything did not happen at all as Boris thought. He was last seen alive on March 28, 2000. He stopped answering his mother's calls, and Lena and her children left for Disneyland at that time. When Boris's mother called her, she claimed that Boris was with them, but was constantly not around. Elena returned to New York on April 6, but without her husband. According to his wife, he went on a business trip.
On April 12, Boris's mother forced her daughter-in-law to write down a statement to the police about the disappearance of her husband. That day, she never wrote a statement - she was so drunk that she fainted at the police station and was taken to the hospital with alcohol poisoning.

At first, the disappearance of Boris Kilishez was attributed to the specifics of his business, but his partners themselves were on the wanted list. After the police found out that Lena gave different testimonies, the police suspected his wife and her black lover of Boris's disappearance. But the police could not prove their guilt. At the end of April, the police found a barrel with the corpse of Boris Kilishez. A 38-caliber bullet was found in the back of the man's head. The case was closed two days after the discovery.

The body was so swollen that a barrel had to be cut open to get it out. When Mesiah Justice was brought to the police station, he confessed to everything. Mesaya said that on March 28, at about 10 pm, Lena called him. When he arrived at the mansion, he saw a body lying on the carpet in the basement of the building where Boris lived, after deciding to divorce his wife. Lena said that she shot Boris, hiding before that in the wardrobe.
Lena forced her lover to help her get rid of the corpse. Mesaya stuffed the body into a plastic barrel and threw it into the Atlantic Ocean. He agreed to testify against Lena in court, having entered into an agreement with the police.

Lena is serving her life sentence in Bedford Hill Women's Prison. Lena constantly talks about her fabulous life to journalists. She had everything - and lost it because of her stupidity. Mesaya Justice received two years in prison for "illegal transportation of a corpse" and Lena Kilishez was sentenced to life imprisonment. This is how fairy tales end wonderful life in real life. The story of Lena Barysheva is the story of the realization american dream which she destroyed with her own hands.
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