In real life, there are Cinderellas. Like in a fairy tale: the stories of modern Cinderella

Interesting 27.06.2019

Internet dating has become a fairy tale for modern girls. They used to believe in princes, then in suitors from abroad, or rather in the myth that they exist and are better than those who are nearby. But stories about divorce proceedings with foreigners, which are filled with newspapers, magazines and television programs, have debunked this tale and a new one has come to replace it. Today, unfortunately or fortunately, communication and acquaintance on the Internet have become an almost mandatory part of our lives.

Provincial Cinderella and Metropolitan Prince

For online dating, everything was pretty banal. If we add that he lived in Moscow, and she lived in the provinces, then everything was just perfect for the beginning of the fairy tale about Cinderella. After several days of communication, he asked for a photo, and whether the mood was good, or something else, but she quickly sent him a picture.

He sent her compliments, and communication turned into a more informal form. This went on for quite some time, everything went smoothly. The conversation was interesting and pleasant. After another message on ICQ, he sent her a smiley in the form of a bouquet of flowers, and she (because the mood was not very good) wrote something like that everyone can send a smiley, but the guys forgot how to give bouquets of fresh flowers. But to his surprise, he not only was not offended, but asked for the address where to deliver the flowers ...

She did not expect such a turn of events, the whole office thought to give the address or not to give it ... But after some torment and weighing the pros and cons, the address was sent. It became more and more interesting, and if you add that he was young, handsome, smart, and not married, then it was generally a dead end. After all, this, in principle, could not be, there must be a catch in something. Of the various pitfalls that she could find in him, only one was his increased efficiency. But on the other hand, is it bad that the guy works in order to provide for his future family, and also - he said that he was not going home, because no one was waiting there.

Communication with him began to take up most of the time: during the day in ICQ, then - mobile phone. It was online and non-stop communication. She kept joking with him that there were no flowers ... And then one day, while cleaning at home, the doorbell rang. Exactly!!! The messenger brought a bouquet of roses. First a pleasant surprise, then a strange feeling that he really exists not only in her imagination. The stupor that seized her did not last long. She sent him an SMS thanking him, and he pretended that it was a trifle.

Everything about him was strangely simple. It's just a bouquet, if you want to communicate - communicate, if you don't want - don't communicate. With him, for the first time, she didn't have to pretend. She could be herself, fool around, talk about everything without hesitation and unnecessary complexes. He was very busy and serious, and she added a little "lightness".

"You will be a my girlfriend?"

Time passed so unobtrusively and somehow very imperceptibly ... About a year passed ... And they both got bogged down in this more and more. One day he texted “Will you be my girlfriend??”, and she jumped around the house and shouted: “Yes, yes, yes!”, But then the mind took its toll, and she wrote to him that they were adults, and the presence of a girl implies at least kisses and hugs, and when there are almost 1000 km between people, this is problematic.

But from that moment she knew that she was dear to him in her own way, since he is one of those people who are very difficult to get to say something that they do not want to say. For better or worse, he did not lie and said what he wanted, openly.

First meeting

Time passed ... Once he invited her to visit. Given that he did not live alone, this became a problem for her. She asked, “As who will I come?”, And he still simply answered, “As my girlfriend.” But the circumstances were such that she could not come: work, study. Although probably at that moment it was necessary to go ... who knows ...

But after a while, she was still passing through Moscow - 2 hours at the station - that's all that was offered. Agreed to meet. But as soon as she was in Moscow, he said that he could not come. It was very strange, a man who for a year, spoke about the desire to meet, could not come to the station in his city. Therefore, everything that boiled up, she sent him via SMS. But as soon as he appeared on the horizon, all the anger against him disappeared. And these 2 hours flew by unnoticed, the sympathy was mutual, and it was evident.

After the meeting, both finally realized that all this was true. Communication not only did not stop, but gained momentum. Talking on the phone was an almost obligatory ritual before bed. He called her when there was free time or not, it seemed that it had become an obligatory part of life. I really wanted to transfer all this to real life, but it's all real. The virtual and real worlds are so intertwined these days that it is sometimes difficult to decipher the boundaries of each.

He cared about where she was, what she was doing, who she was with. Sometimes even notes of jealousy slipped through, everything was real. Once, when she was at a New Year's corporate party, he called, or rather, he called several times. And for the last time, noticing that she was a little drunk, he asked her to go home. He had an amazing ability to make her do exactly the way he wanted.

She herself did not notice how easily and without pressure she yielded. So it was this time, he just said that it would be good for her to go home already, it was not categorical: “Quick home”, which is how guys like to show their importance. It was very soft and at the same time convincing, or maybe the voice was enchanting, but she soon got ready to go home.

"She will be a good wife and mother to my children"

Everything went on as usual, only it was no longer possible to call it “just communication”, although it was also difficult to call it a full-fledged relationship. However, there was no desire to stop communication. And then one day, like a bolt from the blue, to Her question: “How are you?”, He answered: “Everything is fine, I'm getting married.”

That's so easy and simple. Beads of cold sweat broke out on her back and her ears roared. There were a lot of thoughts. She answered him that this could not be true, so in order to get married, you must at least communicate and meet at least a little with your future wife .. and he talked with her almost around the clock: in the morning at home, on the way to work, at work, on the way home, at home. There was only one question: “When did you communicate with her? When did you get to know her? To which he, with his usual simplicity, replied that they had known each other for a long time, something like classmates, and she had been in love with him for a long time.

Then there was the next question, quite expected: “Do you love her?” ... And he said something that stuck in her memory and explained by what principle many very successful guys choose their wives: “she will be a good wife and mother for my children.” After that, she wished him happiness and sent him to ignore, deleted the phone and all contacts.

A few months passed.. she missed him, besides, curiosity got the better of her and she texted him: “hello”. he answered right away, said that he was bored, and his wedding-marriage was a joke. He wanted to see Her reaction, but did not expect such a turn. No one knows exactly what he expected, but obviously not the reaction he received.

Crystal slipper not on the leg

What can I say, the conversation continued. Again and again, breathtaking like a roller coaster. It's been almost 2 years now, it's getting scary. Indeed, sometimes real relationships do not last so long, during this time there was a lot that they experienced together, like this on the phone and using the Internet.

She decided to go anyway.

She could spend only one evening with Him, in the morning there was a train back. they agreed on a time in advance, she arrived a little earlier and stayed with a friend. He had to call when he was free. Sensation and feelings were so intense at that moment that they seemed ready to burst from tension. And so she went to his city, not noticing the time, fatigue and bad weather. It seems that everything became unimportant, including distance.

Everything went on as usual, everything was decided and planned. She arrived and went to her friend, as agreed, and he sent an SMS that he was busy, but he would definitely call back when he was free. But he did not call back, did not answer SMS, and then turned off the phone altogether ... And no explanations, nothing ...

Leaving this city, she promised herself that she would never write to him again, never call him and remove him not only from her contact list, but also from her life. And she kept her promise.

And they lived happily ever after?

And she kept her promise for more than 2 years, but once she opened her old mailbox and saw that it was online, she could not resist and wrote: “Hello.” He answered very quickly, it was evident that he was glad to "meet". After 10 minutes of communication, she asked what had been tormenting her all this time: “Why? Why didn't you come then? After all, I thought that I feel and understand you. Is everything that was, was just a figment of my imagination and my fantasy. After all, everything was real: you and me, and my feelings, and I thought yours too ?? Am I wrong that much?"

I sent the message, and my hands shook, and tears welled up in my eyes, it seemed that there was not all this time, it seemed that it was yesterday. And he replied: “Don’t you understand that if I had arrived then, I would not have let you go anywhere and you would have stayed with me, you would have been my wife.” It was unexpected, but confused her even more: “Well, what's wrong with that?”. And he said: "We played too much and it turned out that I was not ready to see you on my side of the screen, so I decided to break the Stopcock!". Like this, but then he said that he regretted it and in this way life taught him a lesson that everything in life must be brought to the end and not abandoned in the middle of the path, but he waited for her to write to him.

And now he is ready to meet, perhaps because the "danger" has passed, but she is not ready to plunge into it again, because for Her then it was not a game. The instinct of self-preservation works, no matter what, and the memory that it was painful does not let you go to this meeting.

Unfortunately, his family life did not work out, although she always saw him as ideal husband and he, during their communication, never went beyond his image. Everyone has flaws, but his virtues easily compensated for them. There was only one problem, he did not let anyone close enough to him that they could hurt him, it was simply vitally important for him to control the situation.

Unfortunately, she did not understand the reason for his not coming, but now it was becoming unimportant. After talking to him, she was able to put it in the past.

And no one will ever know what would have happened if he had come to her then ... Maybe it would have been a fabulous “they lived happily ever after”, or maybe she would have been in the place of his divorced wife.

Therefore, no matter how he and she meet, online dating is quite real, it is important to bring any relationship to its logical conclusion, even if the ending is unpleasant for one of the parties.

Little is known about those times. The times of the Franks are the time of fairy tales, legends. But every fairy tale or legend at its core always has a real story. After all, how is a fairy tale created? At first there was some kind of event, about which then rumors spread throughout the kingdom, gossip, on the basis of which the people composed fairy tales and legends. Yes, by and large, all history textbooks, both in the past and in the present, are a collection of fairy tales and stories that people have put together throughout the history of mankind.

Over time, quite real stories acquired new fantastic details, some facts were lost, others were distorted, the only thing that remained unchanged was the main plot of the story and its moral.

The story of Bertrada of Laon has served as the basis for many folklore tales. A very fascinating story came out of the story of the marriage of the future King of the Franks Pepin to the young daughter of Count Laon - Charibert I. It is believed that her entire legendary biography is completely fictional and has a folklore story about a slandered and substituted bride as a source. But despite this, Bertrada is real herself and has a very real father, husband and sons: Charlemagne and Carloman.

Bertrada was the sole heiress of Count Charibert de Laon, who probably belonged to the Hugobertid family. It is not known whether he had any other children in the past, but it is believed that at the time of the engagement of the young Bertrada, she did not have any living brothers and sisters. Bertrada's mother, presumably Gisela of Aquitaine, died when she was still a child, and the girl was raised by her grandmother, her father's mother, Bertrada of Prüm, the founder of the monastery in Prüm, after whom the girl was named, a very respected woman, both within the county and and beyond.

In 743, the young Bertrada, 14 years old, was engaged to Pepin, who at that time was in his 20th year. Pepin III the Short (714 - 768) - majord of the Franks in 741-751, and then the king of the Franks from 751. Younger son Charles Martell and Rotrud. The first king of the Carolingian dynasty.

Young people did not know each other and never saw each other, however, at that time such marriages were in the order of things, because all segments of the population clearly understood that marriage was a kind of deal between families, designed to improve the material and social situation of children, and not at all to satisfy the pleasures of love. Therefore, marriages were often concluded in such a way that the spouses first met only in the marital bed.

So, Bertrada goes to the groom with a small retinue, in which, according to one version, there is a certain close relative, according to another, the bride's nanny, along with her daughter, who is the same age as Bertrada, and they are a bit similar. What happens next is shrouded in mystery. But the bride did not reach the place of her wedding. Perhaps it was a conspiracy of relatives, perhaps an adventure of people who want to raise their social status, or maybe all together, but the fact remains that the servants were either bribed or intimidated ... It is assumed that Charibert's heiress was to be killed, so that the fact of substitution is not disclosed. But something went wrong. Perhaps someone saved Bertrada from death, or maybe the girl turned out to be smarter and smarter than her "fellow travelers", she managed to understand in time that a conspiracy was being prepared and escape ... The Pretender arrives at the place and gets married.

According to legend, the new mistress turned out to be arrogant and evil. The people did not like the impostor, and Pepin himself was cold to his young wife, but she nevertheless gave birth to children. Feelings feelings, and the heir to be obliged. But Pepin still liked to spend time apart from his wife, for example, hunting.

And then one day, after a long hunt, he decided to stop at the house of an old forester on the outskirts of the village to rest, where he liked a pretty maid who served food and drinks. And without thinking twice, Pepin asks the forester for permission to spend the night with her on the cart. By the way, many historians consider this episode of the legend to be real, which was described in a document of the 11th century. For those uninitiated in the etiquette of that time, I will explain that it was useless to ask the consent of the peasant women to the lord, but the forester had to be respected according to the rules of hospitality, at least with a formal question. Although it is clear that the forester could hardly refuse the master.

Either Pepin won over the girl, or something else, but she tells him her story that she is actually Bertrada, the daughter of Count Charibert, who miraculously escaped death at the hands of traitors. And that she is hiding here because she fears for her life.

One can imagine Pepin's feelings. He literally immediately arranges a confrontation with her grandmother, which, fortunately for the girl, turned out to be alive, as well as with all possible witnesses. And although 8 years have passed since the substitution, all witnesses say that the current mistress is definitely not the daughter of Count Heribert. And the grandmother recognizes her granddaughter in the forester's maid. But how to confirm that the forester's maid is definitely Bertrada? There were no photographs then, and an elderly woman may be mistaken. Indeed, it is difficult to remember the face of a person whom you have not seen for 8 years, and besides, Bertrada, when she left her father's house, was only 14 ...

But! Oh, happiness for the girl that she was a clubfoot due to hypertrophied flat feet, in which the feet were deformed and she had to wear specially sewn shoes for her. Leather shoes always take the shape of the foot that wore them ... Here the story of the shoe is quite logical, unlike a fairy tale.

Naturally, the shoes do not fit the impostor, but Bertrada is just right, looking ahead, I will say that she went down in history as Bertha Big-footed. The deceit was revealed, justice triumphed, all the guilty were hanged, burned and quartered, but to be honest, I did not find reliable information about what was actually done with the impostor, whose name was either Leutburg or Leutberg and her children, in whose number historians disagree and believe that there were five of them.

The marriage with the impostor is declared invalid, and Pepin marries the real Bertrada, with whom he lived until his death. Later there will be a lot of confusion with historians finding out how many women King Pepin III was married to: one or two.

The legend also says that on that night the next great king of the Franks, Charlemagne, was conceived on a cart.

You know, once upon a time, I also dreamed of marrying a prince ... Of course, it's so cool - bam and in kings! But no, it’s not so simple ... Years passed, and the prince didn’t really want to be found, I remember even laughing with my girlfriends: “No, what is it? Either there is no prince, there is a horse, then there is no horse, but there is a prince! you will meet the prince and what? He will last with you for a long time!”…Ambush!!! I looked at myself from the outside and I think, mdaaa .... the case was neglected, except for a pretty muzzle and a young body, he had nothing to offer him! Honestly, at that time I didn’t really shine with my mind, and if I did, it was in the wrong place ... And I threw myself into the abyss of self-improvement: I started reading “smart” books (yes, imagine what kind of books they were, given my level at that time), began to go to the theater more often, watch documentaries, learn languages, go to the gym ... in short, darkness! And what is the result??? Bummer specific! I think something like that! It seems that she’s all so smart, it’s already scary ... and the prince has generally caught a trace ... But, thank God, another clever thought came after one (yes, then they didn’t indulge in their visit, it’s now .. damn .. they go in crowds, peace they don’t!) ... In general, this thought struck me even more: “You dear (this is me to myself) should be a princess not outside, but inside, and if this is not there, then sit and be content with what you have” ...

Then I started asking myself questions and answering them honestly, like
- do you really love English language? Not!
- Do you like classical music? Not!
- Do you like opera? Not!
- Do you like to read the classics? Not! That is, not in the general mass, but I sometimes read some!

That's how sad it all was! And there were so many questions whole volume write ... but that's not the point ... the main thing is that with these questions and answers the conclusion came - you don’t pull on the princess, well, nothing! Then I began to analyze what was the matter and it turned out that in a fairy tale only Cinderella can jump into princesses, but in life the level doesn’t reach it, you need to grow up to that, you understand? This Cinderella jumped all the steps from the "mud" and ended up at the top in the "princes", but this does not happen in life, you have to go through all the steps, otherwise it will turn out to be a pseudo princess, that is, a fake, outwardly all packed, but inside is still the same mess ... like this ... You can’t force yourself and force yourself to love what you don’t like, to be interested in what you don’t give a damn about ...

But not everything is so sad, there is always a way out!
Today I answer firmly “YES” to all the questions that I have listed above, now I have already grown up to them, but this is a huge work, spiritual knowledge and growth ...
If now you have a classic, both literary and musical, does not evoke emotions, postpone this matter until you can consciously appreciate it .... You will love it, but over time, it’s just too early now ... An example with classics is figurative and I cited, as the most common among Cinderella princesses ...

And yet, you need to clearly understand and be honest with yourself, figure out what you are doing for yourself, and what you are doing for HIM - this is important! If you don’t like something, and you are sure that without this HE will not accept you, you should think about whether he is such a prince if he is unable to accept you the way you are .... And this is important because you anyway, you will never become perfect, you can be very close to the ideal, but not to them ... This is me to the fact that if your prince is unable to accept your shortcomings, then he may not be worth such sacrifices. And they (disadvantages) will be, for one simple reason, that each person sees the other from the height of his flight and perhaps he will regard your dignity as a disadvantage - that's the point! And how do you like this: “She is so perfect that it infuriates!” or “she is so perfect that I am afraid to approach her!”???? Horror is simple! So think what's what! If everything in life were so simple, I wanted to be a princess and became ... But I'm sure that you yourself understand this, you just don't see a way out, but there is one, take a closer look and you will find it ...

And lastly, remember that everyone has their own ideal and it’s not a fact that the one you are striving for coincides with the ideal that your prince dreams of ... just don’t ask him for parameters, data, qualities, etc. his ideal .... just watch him, be as attentive as possible and you will understand by his behavior, according to words, actions, reactions, etc., what he really wants ... After all, words often diverge from deeds, he can say that you look great today, for example, look at this moment in his eyes - in THEM it is there or there is an absent, indifferent or shifty look ... Believe me, it is not necessary to say everything, sometimes a man will look at you like that, that you know for sure that you are for him the most beautiful and words are absolutely not needed!

I wish you all success! Be happy and confident in success! And you will succeed!

One of the most famous Cinderellas in the world is our compatriot, supermodel Natalia Vodianova. From birth, her whole life could seem hopeless: her father left the family, did not take part in raising her daughter and did not help her mother, who was forced to single-handedly pull three girls on her shoulders, one of whom, Oksana Vodyanova, is sick with cerebral palsy. Natasha grew up and, as the eldest, became a support for her mother, worked a little with her - she sold fruits in the market, although she herself was still a schoolgirl. As soon as she turned 15, Natasha decided to start an independent life. She was already quite mature and understood more about life than many of her peers. Vodianova continued to trade in an ordinary street shop, but ironically, it was at this place that luck smiled at her - she was accidentally seen and noticed by a modeling agent. And he made an offer that turned her whole life upside down - to sign a contract and immediately go to Paris to work as a fashion model. Starting to earn and receive orders did not work right away, but gradually things went uphill. Success came from shooting for the cover of the German Elle and a new contract with Calvin Klein. When Vodianova conquered the fashion world, there appeared on the horizon and Prince Charming- an integral part of the Cinderella tales - Justin Portman, English lord. Secular society contributed to their acquaintance, a relationship quickly began between them - a stormy romance, followed by a wedding and the birth of children. In 2011, Vodianova divorced her prince and found a new one. Now the “Russian Cinderella” is dating 34-year-old billionaire Antoine Arnault, son of Bernard Arnault, owner of the LVMH concern (represents the brands Louis Vuitton, Givenchy, Guerlain, Kenzo, Chaumet, Hennessy, TAG Heuer, etc.).


Kate Middleton

Last year, Cinderellas arrived in the ranks - now the Duchess has become one of them. Cambridge Katherine Middleton. She was born in ordinary family from the village of Balkbury in Berkshire. As a child, Kate Middleton went to a regular school, loved sports and led the life of an ordinary teenager. When it came time to continue her studies after school, she decided to study at the University of St. Andrews - the choice was fateful, because it was there that Catherine met the grandson of Queen Elizabeth II - Prince William. A friendship began between them, and a little later a romantic relationship - the couple traveled together and appeared at various events, but after graduation they were increasingly separated by work and business. William received a military education, Catherine worked, and in 2007 they decided to leave. In the same year, they got back together and were no longer separated: in November 2010, the prince and Kate announced their engagement. April 29, 2011 Kate became the wife of Prince William, and along with the Duchess of Cambridge. About 2 billion people around the world watched the wedding ceremony with delight - a happy ending to another story of another Cinderella.

Charlene Wittstock

Charlene Wittstock was born in the Zimbabwean town of Bulawayo in a family of emigrants from Europe. Her parents instilled in her a love for sports, and when the girl was still not strong on her feet, her mother began to swim with her. Water became her element - at the age of 18 she managed to win the South African swimming championship and after 4 years to take part in Olympic Games. The girl continued to travel from country to country for competitions and, being in Monaco in 2000, she met Prince Albert. The second time they brought them together again sports career Charlene - already in 2006 during her competitions in Turin. Charlene charmed Albert - their romance lasted until 2010, and after that they announced their engagement. The chic ceremony took place on July 1, 2011. True, the celebration was overshadowed by rumors about the betrayal of the groom. Later, Albert recognized as his children a 19-year-old daughter and a seven-year-old boy from different women, and the bride, after such news, tried to run away from the crown.

Is a Cinderella story possible in our time? I get asked this quite often. Have I seen similar examples among friends, have I practiced myself? Hm. “This story used to be a fairy tale, but now there are no princes at all,” most girls will say. But, nevertheless, many of our contemporaries firmly believe in the reality of such a turn of events.

As before, modern Cinderellas are convinced that if you endure, suffer, work hard, deny yourself everything and be good, then there will certainly be a prince on the notorious white horse who will definitely find her, marry her and they will live a long happy life. family life. Cinderellas live with such ideas for a long time: they grow up, study, obey their mothers in everything, work, read the right books and wait, wait, wait ... However, in reality everything happens differently.

I see no reason to consider this story as the real life of an outcast girl in the family. The family scapegoat, to whom all aggression is directed, is a fairly common phenomenon. Being a devalued and rejected member of the family, such a person often becomes a carrier of a symptom that is a reflection of family trouble. But personally, I have a number of questions related to the long stay of Cinderella in such enslaving conditions. Why does Cinderella do nothing in reality? Why is he not trying to take his rightful place in the family? Why suffer humiliation and insults? How is her patience and humility supported? After all, everyone has a chance to change their life for the better.

Now the story of Cinderella is presented in a somewhat simplified version: a wealthy "prince" takes a girl from the lowest social stratum as his wife. All this has become very distorted ... Yesterday she arrived in Moscow with a wide open eyes in a hideous leopard print suit, and already tomorrow she is driving around in a new Bentley donated, all tastefully dressed in brands, with updated size 5 breasts, huge lips and toilet-colored veneers. She has her own, albeit small, but received “as a gift from her beloved, God, how happy I am” apartment in Moscow. And then you have to erase from memory 2-3, or even 5 years of life, kilometers of dicks, lies to various "beloved" men in order to achieve the goal, and, most importantly, to invent a legend for those around you in the manner of that same Cinderella.

No, it happens that a girl is so smart and punchy, or she was just banally lucky to be at the right time in the right place, that by the will of fate she gets exactly the same Prince - one and forever, but this is 1%, or maybe 0.1%. The remaining 99% leave their stable moral principles outside the sparkling city of dreams, remember the names of trendy places to rent (Soho, Duran, Siberia ... add a couple of your "fish places" here) and, perhaps, soon they will have a car under the ass, an apartment in the center and the ability to post photos from Lazurka and Dubai on Instagram.

As for my personal experience about Cinderella, neither I nor my friends and acquaintances had such stories. And I firmly believe that a couple should be created from people of approximately the same social status. Otherwise, all this promises a huge number of difficulties. Mistresses? No. I'm not one of those men who asserts himself when here is "girl, sit down with me in the s-class, I'll show you Moscow!". Even in a traffic jam, I want to flirt with a girl in a good car more than in some kind of Daewoo Matiz. It's all sort of subconscious. What is the point of looking for a beggarly mistress from Muhosransk? To invest tons of money so that by the time the ugly duckling has turned into a beautiful lady, you are already tired of her? Or even worse - she waved her hand to you? The girls are smart-assed: they will take everything they can from you, put themselves in order - and dump them in search of an “even better and happier” life.

Summarizing: the story of Cinderella, of course, has a place to be in our time, but with a negligible probability and with a large number of reservations. Oh yes, if your childhood friend, who left 5 years ago for Moscow upon arrival, tells you about how a certain prince made a princess out of her - don’t believe it right off the bat, maybe she “achieved everything herself”;)

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