Singer Alexey Goman personal biography. Alexey Goman biography of the singer, personal life, his wife and daughter

Auto 21.06.2019

Goman Alexei Vladimirovich was born on September 12, 1983 in Murmansk. Having inherited musical abilities from parents, Alexei and his brother showed an interest in music from an early age. But the parents did not want to overshadow the childhood of their sons by cramming scales and solfeggio. In addition, they considered the profession of a musician unpromising.

However, musical genes took their toll. At my brother's Alexei he learned the first chords of playing the guitar, and began to study vocals at the local palace of culture, where he met Gennady Petrovich Metelev, who invited the talented guy to join the trio (two boys and a girl). The trio was a success in Murmansk, won prizes at various competitions and even brought commercial benefits - the musicians were often invited to sing in restaurants.

At that time, Alexei's repertoire consisted, among other things, of the fashionable songs of the Prime Minister group, whose producers, Evgeny Fridland and Kim Breitburg, would become the producers of the project a few years later " National artist"and sign a long-term cooperation contract with Alexei. And Kim Breitburg will give Alexei a "calling card" - the song "Russian Guy", for which the country voted. But this will be later, but for now, a magnificent Alexei Goman, graduate student of Proflyceum? 14, future ... "electrician for the repair of electrical equipment of urban transport (trolleybuses)"!

Alexei's family was the most ordinary. My father worked as a mechanic and an electrician, and my mother, despite studying at the conservatory, still later disassembled torpedoes in the military unit. Alexei He loved his parents very much, and believes that he became a good person thanks to them. The people's artist lost both his father and mother early. And for him, this is perhaps the saddest story. His father died of asthma when Lesha was 15 years old. And the mother - three years later - from pneumonia. After the death of his parents, he stayed with his older brother.

Singing electrician

"In the Proflitseum, or more simply, in the vocational school, I entered after finishing 9 classes high school 48. Went there in company with a friend, because he could not stand the school curriculum in algebra, geometry, chemistry and geography. The teachers said I was smart but lazy. They were right - homework just "killed" me and I copied them from friends at recess!" - admits Alexei.

Trolleybus depot? 2, where Alexei Goman repaired trolleybuses, led the future star to the idea that the depot was just a stage before something big. Soon the guy takes up textbooks and enters the first year of the Murmansk Pedagogical University in the department of "social and cultural activities". The Pedagogical University is not only a prestigious university in Murmansk, but something more - a cultural hearth of the city, a place where the most interesting creative events take place: performances, concerts, competitions and KVN-s are staged: A real phenomenon that was born in the depths of the institute and gained fame throughout Murmansk and beyond, became the musical "Notre Dame de Paris". He was born thanks to a teacher French Nina Ivanovna Kurganova, Head of the French Consulate in St. Petersburg and Evgeny Goman, the elder brother of Alexei, who by the time he graduated from the university became famous for his performances in the student theater and was the host of a popular weekend show on the Europa Plus radio station in Murmansk.

Star Trek

Evgeny invited talented and proven people to play in his production, in whose honorable number his two brothers fell - cousin Artem Bolshov, leader of the Murmansk group "Ozon" (Phebus's party), and his own Alexei Goman. Having performed one of the main parts - the poet Gringoire, Alexei Goman became a real idol of the youth of the region, went on tour, won competitions and felt the first gentle rays of glory and success. And the television version of the performance was included in the golden fund of the regional television.

"I believe in my destiny and the people who meet on my way!" - He speaks Alexei. Obviously, a simple northern boy has a rare opportunity - to attract positive people who believe in Alexei's star no less than he does. Surely one of these people was the curator of the institute group Alexei gomana, who told him: "Murmansk is a good city, but small. You are very talented. You should not sit in a small city waiting for something new. Big cities and opportunities await you!" It was he who suggested that Alexei transfer to the Faculty of Cultural Studies of the St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts. Krupskaya, where Alexei studies to this day, combining studies, touring and recording new songs.

"Russian guy"

Once, while relaxing in Sochi, Alexei I saw information about the qualifying rounds for the "People's Artist", and the future winner, without hesitation, changed his ticket to Murmansk and, interrupting his vacation, flew to Moscow. At the same time, Lesha saw a prophetic dream in which Larisa Dolina ran after him, and he asked to take himself into some kind of project. Seeing the singer on the jury, he realized that this was fate.

The most intense feeling in my life Alexei Goman experienced, entering the final ten "People's Artist". And the victory in the competition simply surprised Alexei, although this surprise did not diminish his joy and euphoria. A six-month appearance on the central television channel, the attention of the press and the rotation of songs performed by Lesha on the radio did not cause star fever. Having starred in his first video for the song "Russian Boy" (music by Kim Breitburg, words - Sergey Sashin), the "folk" had to shoot from military weapons. "Kalashnikov", as well as the uniform of the special forces, fell on the shoulder and growth of the singer.

Remaining a homely person, Lesha, however, does not suffer from numerous tours. His favorite pastime is writing funny, amateur songs for a narrow circle of people and solitude with his favorite laptop, bought with the first big money he received for winning the competition.

Mr. GoMan misses his home, his family and his cat Gumba. Does not consider himself a star - too early. Alexei Goman- a simple Russian guy doing his job well. He is in demand and can no longer imagine his life without a stage.

Currently Alexei Goman has already released two solo albums "Russian Guy" and "Ray of the Golden Sun". Doesn't forget Alexei and the project "People's Artist". In the next season, duet gomana and Muscovite Marina Devyatova was recognized by the jury as the best.

Participation in the "Slavianski Bazaar"

In July 2006 Alexei Goman for the first time took part in the international festival "Slavianski Bazaar" as a participant of the competition! Before this event, he had already performed in Vitebsk, but always as a guest. Now Alexei decided to test his strength in the song contest "Slavianski Bazaar", in which, in addition to him, very strong performers from the most different countries world - from of Eastern Europe, South America and Ukraine. In addition to Alexei gomana our country was represented by the singer Oksana Bogoslovskaya. The jury distributed their votes not in favor of Alexei - it was Bogoslovskaya who received the grand prix, another singer from Moldova, Natalia Gordienko, became the second, and Alexei Goman took an honorable third place! The artist was not upset - the main thing for him was not victory, but participation in this wonderful holiday.

Recently, Alexander Shaganov and Kim Breitburg wrote a new song "May" for Alexei, which is successfully rotated on the country's radio stations. And the audience saw the video for this song on all the leading music channels. Now Alexei works with a wonderful musician Igor Javad-Zade. He prefers to record all the songs with him, believing that he cannot find a better musician and arranger for his songs. So there was "Wound up" and "Lying in bed."


He shoots video and photo films, an active Internet user, composes songs with Masha Zaitseva, and with his brother Evgeny Goman- music for the next musical.

Directing for Lesha gomana- a separate world, the opportunity to create beauty:
"I have two goals in life: the first - I want to create something and the second - to teach something. And people can only be taught through pleasure: through cinema, theater, holidays. So the director, it seems to me, owns these magical I have great respect for Tim Burton - he creates completely different realities in his paintings. real stories, interesting destinies... Now I want to do it on a different level. So directing for me is a recipe for making beautiful worlds."

From sports Alexei prefers mountain skiing, winter camping and traveling. Likes Norway, Latvia, Paris, Tunisia. Favorite book is The Master and Margarita. I was struck by the fact that Lucifer is not evil. The Artist himself believes that evil can be loved. He reads many books on the philosophy and history of Christianity. And Lesha's childhood dream was rather strange: he wanted to see what would happen after life ("I know that in this life it will not come true").

Personal life

March 2009 Alexei Goman officially formalized relations with the soloist of the group "Assorted" Maria Zaitseva. This happened after six years of civil marriage. True, the decision to sign, it seems, turned out to be completely spontaneous.

It turns out that the artists signed for the company. Friends said they were going to get married, and Alexei relations with Maria were legalized on the same day and in the same registry office. After the official part, they went with newlywed friends to a cafe.

Masha and I want to get married, - said Goman.- Perhaps even this summer. That's when we throw a party for relatives and friends.

By the way, honeymoon trip Alexei and Maria committed even before going to the registry office.

In February, we had a few free days, and Masha and I flew to Goa. Sasha Panayotov and Tair Mammadov made up the company for us, - explained Alexei.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that the guys finally decided on an official marriage. On the sidelines, there are even legends about how idyllic the relationship of the newlyweds is. They almost never quarrel, and Mary's wisdom can only be envied.

Now the couple continues to live in the apartment of Masha's parents. And, I must say, this does not embarrass anyone at all. In the relationship between parents Zaitseva and Alexei gomana there is complete understanding. A rare case when the mother-in-law is not just not an enemy, but, on the contrary, has become a friend!


Photo: Georgy Kardava. Style: Valeria Balyuk. Producer: Oksana Shabanova He participated and won in People's Artist"- you won't believe it - 13 years ago, but still the same: a charming Russian guy with a perky sparkle in his eyes. PEOPLETALK found out why Alexey Goman(32) disappeared so abruptly from the radar of domestic show business and what he is doing now.

I was born in 1983 in Murmansk. He studied at a school with an English bias until the fourth grade, in the middle school up to the ninth, and then went to school to become an electrician for the repair of electrical equipment of trolleybuses. Then I was lost: my father was gone, and I did not understand what I wanted to do next. It was difficult for me at school: teachers loved me, I was always a very charming child, but I studied poorly, I never did my homework. And yes, he was lazy. ( laughing.) Just then a friend came to visit me and said: “Let's study together, we will repair trolleybuses. And if we are lucky, then at the age of 21 we will be able to drive these trolleybuses.” It was, of course, aerobatics. And I went. But as soon as I got to the school, I started singing in restaurants - this was my main income. This also happened by accident. I played in a band at the Children's House of Creativity. Once we were noticed by such an old uncle, a wonderful musician and labukh with many years of experience, and he said: “Guys, let's sing in restaurants.” We immediately agreed - the money paid is very good. And we worked for a year in an Azerbaijani restaurant, we also hosted weddings, birthdays and corporate parties. Naturally, I don’t know anything about trolleybuses. By the way, I also handed over the practice conditionally: I came to the depot, treated the workers with cognac and went to work in a restaurant. ( laughing.)

I studied at the Murmansk University of Culture and Arts as a director of mass theatrical performances. I was invited to enter by the dean of the university, because I participated in all the singing competitions held in Murmansk, and had many diplomas, awards and thanks, and even invited me to participate in the student musical Notre Dame de Paris, which we did for the French ambassador. I sang the part of Gringoire. By the way, my brothers - the elder and the cousin - also participated there. In general, the older brother has always been a role model: I was drawn with triples for good behavior, and he studied well and behaved perfectly. He even went on an exchange student to America in the 11th grade, lived there for a year and a half and graduated from high school. Of all Murmansk, only he and two girls won the competition.

I studied for a year at the university in Murmansk, and they began to say to me: “What are you doing here, go to St. Petersburg or Moscow.” And I went to northern capital, entered the Institute of Contemporary Art in the correspondence department. But then the "People's Artist" began, I passed the casting and moved to Moscow. For me, "People's Artist" is something magical. Then only the first two "Star Factory" died down. For people like me who sang in restaurants and dreamed of becoming artists, it was amazing. We saw that a common person can get on television, win and start a singing career. When the casting was announced, many people came up to me and said: “You have to go.” And for some reason I didn't pay attention to it. But then I saw the advertisement and decided to submit the application. I came to Moscow to nowhere - I was sheltered by some acquaintances of acquaintances. But there was nothing to lose, really. There was nothing else in Murmansk, my mother died three years after the death of my father, I entered St. Petersburg - there is a fallback option. What to lose?
Pants and jacket, Trussardi; polo, Lacoste; shoes, Alberto Guardiani; strap, Dockers I don't know how I won - by some miracle, honestly. You know, I have been like this all my life - a lot of support from people, but professionals treat me with distrust.

The jury predicted victory Sasha Panayotov(32) and Lesha Chumakov(35). Lesha was already a ready-made artist, he gave concerts in Tyumen, and Sasha had a project behind him “ Become a star". Remember this one? This is the very first competition that appeared on Russian television, even before the Star Factory. Sasha went to the final and was supposed to get into the Other Rules group, but he was not taken in the end. Thank God, he is, of course, a solo singer. And when I saw him backstage, I thought: “What? What the heck? You already had a chance, why did you come here? ( laughing.) When there was a competition, the producers shrugged their shoulders, they say, we can’t do anything - I always came out ahead by voting. Sasha overtook me once when I forgot the words in the song “Komarovo”, and he was given another lyrical beautiful ballad. ( laughing.) At some point I already started freaking out, why do you bother me with such songs. (Laughs.) You see, I am a provincial person, I came to big Moscow, looked into the mouths of my producers, and then there was Panayotov and Chumakov nearby, whom they always set as an example to me. Moreover, the main song of the project, " rock it"Remember? She was invited to sing everyone from the qualifying round, except for me. They didn't even take me into account. But if people really loved me the way I am, what could I do. I can’t look at myself in the “People’s Artist” without tears, to be honest. ( laughing.) A completely different person - a nice guy, of course, but somehow squeezed. I wouldn't vote for myself.

It seems to me that Larisa Alexandrovna Dolina (60) saw in me and Sasha her life pain. Mass fame in Russia brought her “Weather in the House”, and before that she sang jazz. So I personified "The weather in the house", and Sasha - jazz. And I won all the time. ( laughing.) They said that I was "soviet", that's why they vote for me. I tried to keep it out of my mind. After the "People's Artist" I signed a contract for eight years. I was ready to work, but after 5 years, the producer, apparently, got bored of doing all this. FROM Evgeny Fridlyand(49) we recorded two full albums, but when I left him, nothing changed. And then I started working on my own. Participated in various projects such as " ice Age"and" School of Drama ", filming and concerts.
Now I don’t really understand if I want to join our show business. I just don't like him. I have not had a TV for a long time, I only watch news on the Internet, but if I see some live broadcasts from Russian concerts ... Well, as much as possible already. 2016 is in the yard, and nothing has changed for us. These people, of course, are already native to the whole country - but the same faces. There are cool interesting artists, but few people know them. By the way, I heard about the #2Masha project, where my ex-wife sings? They succeed - without television, radio and promotion. I have no pretensions to be popular. I want to be creative, not fill people's minds. I write songs for the table, I already have a lot of them. Of course, these are not the compositions that will immediately appeal to the public. But I am very happy on stage. So far this is the only thing I'm sure of. Someday I'll get into my desk with songs and choose the best for the new album. I'm not in a hurry with this. Because of this, my friends want to beat me.
In the "People's Artist" I did not pay attention to Masha Zaitseva (33), because for me she was such a well-mannered, pure and immaculate girl with a core inside. And if in relation to the rest of the girls I allowed myself some crazy thoughts, then with Masha everything is not so. We fell in love with each other after the project, during the tour. Somehow quickly everything happened, within a year we came together. And they lived together for 11 years, and then parted. Trite love has passed. For 11 years, a lot has happened, we both quarreled and reconciled. It happened that I said something to her, but she did not hear me at all. She told me something, I did not understand her. Full compatibility. (laughing.) But I always had a core inside me - this is my woman, you just need to be patient. The world around will fall apart, but you will hold on to this rod and save yourself from the hurricane. And she was sure that she could not live without me ... But in Last year we began to deceive ourselves and each other: when you no longer feel anything for a person, but you continue to believe that the core remains. And one day we just talked. She said, "You know, I can live without you." I replied: “But I have nothing to fight for.” That's how it happened. I have great respect and love for her. native person, we are a family: 11 years is a term. You know, like in many families: a child appears and the marriage collapses. In our situation, Alexandrina's daughter has absolutely nothing to do with it, but we still fell under this statistic. It was embarrassing, of course. Now I see her very often. I'm going to visit today. After breaking up with Masha, I dated a girl for two years, and in this relationship everything was in the best traditions of the novel: you fall in love, you lose your head, you become very emotionally dependent on your partner. And we parted with her when we still had feelings for each other. I just had to make a decision: we go further together or not. A woman always wants to know if she has a future with you. I couldn't make such a promise.
Shirt, Trussardi; trousers, 0909showroom; strap, Dockers

At some point, I climbed into all dating sites: “ Mamba», « Tinder”, what else is there ... And in all this time I have never gone on a date. They write to me, put likes and super likes, but I don’t understand at all why I registered. Probably just at some point I wanted easy sex, and I decided to look. Didn't find anything and gave up on it. Not to say that I was looking for a long time. ( laughing.) I was not recognized on the streets, even when I participated in the "People's Artist". Only if you looked. I'm very good at hiding. (laughing.) I don't like making long grandiose plans. And the dream girl is a grand plan. I give life a chance to surprise me. I've always liked blondes blue eyes- please, 11 years of marriage with Masha: dark hair and dark eyes.

Jacket and trousers, 0909showrom; shirt, Uniqlo; footwear, Vagabond I'm afraid of not pulling myself together at the right moment and not getting out of a difficult situation.

I'm afraid to give up, I was close to this. A state of such apathy that it was all the same. But got out. I am an unpredictable person in Moscow, so I am rarely seen anywhere. Usually I am either on my own or in a very narrow group of friends.

My motto is evasive: "To live well, so that no one will feel bad for it."

Singer Alexei Goman, a recent participant in the Ice Age show on Channel One, is now writing new album and develops acting career. He is no longer the simple guy that the audience used to see him, but a real man with clear goals and loving father for his daughter Alexandrina.

Photo: Olga Tuponogova-Volkova

Alexei Goman has been known since the days of the People's Artist project, which ended in 2003. Then the song "Russian guy" brought him victory. On the show, he met his future wife, Maria Zaitseva, who now sings in the N.A.O.M.I. and participates in the third season of The Voice.

In the Ice Age, Alexei's partner was the famous figure skater, European champion, master of sports Yana Khokhlova. Despite the fact that before the project, Alexei did not even skate, their pair was able to get around many strong rivals. In November, Yana and Alexei still dropped out of the show. But fans of the vocal talent of Alexei Goman have a reason to rejoice: he is working on a new album. In addition, the artist can now be seen in the theater. It is quite possible that his screen debut is also not far off.

Lyosha, what do you think, what was not enough for you and Yana to continue participating in the Ice Age?

Time to practice, maybe. At that time, I was already the only male artist who had not skated before Period. I myself got up on them somewhere in the middle of July. Two months of preparation - and the project began. And in the last show we had to compete with Tatyana Totmyanina and Artur Smolyaninov - can you imagine what a couple this is? Therefore, Yana and I did not particularly count on victory. Unless they hoped that Tatyana Tarasova would say: "We leave everyone." (Smiling.) Of course, I wanted to get into the top ten pairs that would no longer be nominated. We were the last to drop out, after us the nominations were canceled altogether. A little embarrassing. But I am grateful to the project: I learned a lot, got acquainted with interesting people and touched the world of sports.

Skating rinks are opening all over Moscow now. Will it be possible to meet you there?

But how! You have to apply what you've learned somewhere. It's very cool that in shows like Ice Age, you have to constantly train. Otherwise, as a very lazy person, I would try to avoid stress. (Smiling.)

You are lazy?!

What more! This has been bothering me all my life. Even at school, I heard teachers say to my parents: “Your boy is smart, good, artistic. But so lazy! It just didn't exist for me. homework, never did it and received, of course, very bad marks. But somehow I got out, and the final grades “drew” good for me. He always found an approach to teachers, knew how to make me laugh and where to pause. I was loved for the fact that I always participated in amateur performances and defended the honor kindergarten and schools.

That is, you have some kind of inner tool, charm.

Yes, I feel people, and I like to use it - in a good way. Nothing to be proud of here, just a fact. In fact, performance is much more important than the ability to achieve something in this way. I've been given a lot, but I'm lazy. And I always have an internal struggle - to pull myself together or relax. On shows like Ice Age or Dancing with the Stars, I literally forced myself to work. The jury members most often put me in last place, and the audience, on the contrary, pulled me to the first. I had to prove that I was not a camel. (Smiling.)

You often participate in TV projects. Is it interesting or necessary?

If an artist does not appear on the screen, he is forgotten very quickly. Not on TV - not anywhere. And then, it's great when there is an opportunity to get some new skill. It will come in handy at work as well. So I was offered to dance - but I have never danced in my life. I wanted to try it, went to the show, enjoyed it. Skates too - give me, I think, I'll try. It's nice to watch from the sidelines. But there is also back side: after the broadcasts, people call, offer to participate in programs of a different kind and want me to discuss someone's sex life. I'm certainly not ready for this demagoguery. (Smiling.)

What happens in your musical life?

I'm currently working on an album that I promised my fans a year ago. I want to do everything right, very well. I treat my songs very reverently, I constantly remake something. I am known as a simple Russian guy who sings patriotic songs. I really love Russia, it's my home, my country, but music is a completely different story, and my album will be in a different style. Already found an arranger, looking for musicians. I am always open to cooperation with talented people. After the "People's Artist" I worked for eight years under a contract. He was such an honest, executive worker, did not get into the affairs of the producer, never tried to make the necessary acquaintances, did not have a list of people who could be called "if anything." Therefore, when the contract ended, I had, in fact, to start all over again.

I read on your website that you play in the theater.

I studied at the theater school of German Sidakov. I really want to get into movies and series. I recently had the opportunity to play leading role in the play, but had to refuse due to participation in the "Ice Age". Now I play a small role in another production. Not ready to give up the stage anymore. Even when I was little, I understood that there are only two ways in my life: music and theater. In general, the scene. I have always been drawn, shall we say, to exposition. It's great when you can get emotions that you would not want to experience in your life, play a person who is in difficult conditions, and at the same time know that you will now go home and have a peaceful dinner.

Is it true that your mother did not want you and your brother to become artists?

Yes. She herself graduated music school and college, then had to enter the conservatory. All my childhood I worked out while my friends were walking. But the career failed. Our father told her: either you stay in Murmansk and raise children, or you leave to study. I would never do that to my wife. Is it possible to put someone before a choice? In general, my mother stayed to educate us, she did not do anything at all. creative work- disposal of torpedoes from submarines. And then something broke in her. In addition, at that time in Murmansk, the most likely future for a musician was to sing in restaurants. Of course, my parents didn't want to. But my brother and I still came to this. I sang in restaurants, then in the choir. In general, he made music his profession: he came to St. Petersburg, entered the Institute of Culture and Arts, received a deferral from the army, and almost immediately after that he got into the show "People's Artist".

Have you never served in the army?

After the institute, I came to the draft board with the thought: "Well, that's it, I'm going to the army." Now they serve a year, a new uniform and all that, but then the army was generally tin. Many of my friends left, and I saw how they returned. That's why I didn't want to join the army. But I did not have to look for options: it turned out to be unsuitable. I got asthma from my dad.

Wow! How did you feel in St. Petersburg, where such humid climate?

It was difficult there, everything flew into the lungs ... Now I can’t say that I am suffering. I carry an inhaler with me for every fireman, but the last time I used it was five years ago. Moscow is a normal, warm city. But his father had health problems, because of this he was annoyed, and his character began to deteriorate over time. In general, you know, this is not a very pleasant story ... (thinks.) He used to be such a funny, humorous uncle. But when you are constantly lacking oxygen, it is difficult to enjoy life. Then the alcohol began to appear. The father passed away too soon. And practically on my hands. I had to figure it out for another ten years, because everything that happens to us is deposited inside and it is not clear at what moment it can manifest itself. There are no people for whom the death of loved ones somehow passes without a trace. I love my father very much. Mom loved him very much. Probably, every woman in her life relies either on a man, or on herself, or on children. My mother did not rely on herself, she always lived for someone. When my father passed away, my brother and I were already quite independent. The people around us always envied our parents, because we were good guys, did not cause problems, everyone loved us. Such cute guys, attracting attention. And my mother didn't worry about us at all. Five years later, our grandmother died, and a few months later, my mother also left. It felt like she dropped her hands. We tried to pull it out, saying: “Well, live for us, come on.” But nothing happened. It was not an easy period. I am grateful to my parents, because there was a lot of love in our family. My brother and I grew up in love. This allows us to love life and the people around us. And now I know how to raise my one year old daughter. Trusting relationships with parents, when they do not instruct you, but give you the choice to live as you want, but at the same time a little something - they will definitely lend a helping hand, protect, lull you to sleep, this is very important.

I listen to you, and it seems to me that you lack this rear now ...

Of course. Family, rear - this is necessary. Maybe that's why I lived with my wife for so many years. We were twenty years old when we started a relationship. Eleven years together, three years officially married. Our wedding was funny: we came in jeans and jackets, listened to the speech in the registry office - and that's it. We did not pursue marriage, we just really wanted a child, but we did not succeed for a long time. And it happened when our relationship changed a lot. And just a few months after the birth of Sandra, we broke up. A year has already passed.

How did it happen?

There is such a vulgar statistic: when a child appears, many families break up. I really didn’t want it to happen to us either, on the contrary, we expected some kind of upsurge from this event. In principle, the matter, of course, is not in the child, it all started much earlier. No, we did not have quarrels and scandals, we always built relationships on trust, talked, did not violate each other's freedom. I was not a womanizer, I did not run after every skirt. Masha is a wonderful hostess, cooks very tasty and even opened her own restaurant. You have no idea how I eat all this year after breaking up! I looked at her and saw how beautiful she was. There were no claims. But there was no chemistry, no sense of magic. Love is gone. We analyzed everything and understood: Masha no longer feels like she can’t live without me, and I don’t have a feeling of some kind of core in a relationship that would be worth holding on to. And, when we explained ourselves, it became easier for both of us.

How are you building your communication now?

Friends, we have a good relationship. Now we even cooperate, I often turn to her for advice on work - she also sings. And I write lyrics for her songs. Masha gave me a lot to make me feel worthy person. Now I want to be alone, although there are not enough pokes in the back that would force me to do something. I am only thirty-one years old, and I have already managed to live in marriage and have a child. For a man, this is not age at all. You could say I'm just now becoming a man. That's why I like single life. I know for sure that in the next five years I serious relationship Not needed. Because of this, I now have problems in my personal life: I tell girls everything directly, and in such truth there is no romance and passion.

What is a "serious relationship"? Immediately pulled down the aisle?

No, you know, when you meet a person and you understand that there are some prospects with him. And now there will be no prospects with me, I already have a family. Maybe I will return to the topic of remarriage if I fall in love. For now, it's hard for me to imagine. I want to focus on myself and my work. I want to grab everything at once. And now, more than ever, I see many ways for my realization.

How do you communicate with your daughter? Are you taking her home for the weekend?

I can't bring her to my bachelor pad. We did this: we bought our wife an apartment next to her parents, and I come as soon as I can. If not for Sandra's grandparents, Masha and I would not have coped. Oh, they'll kill me when they read it! They don't like being called that, they prefer "Lyola" and "Danya". ( smiling.) I am very grateful to them for understanding our decision with Masha and this did not affect our good relations with them. They became parents to me too.

Aren't you afraid that you might miss something in raising your daughter?

This is an embarrassing moment. But if Masha and I had not parted, everything would have been exactly the same, only I would have spent the night at home and saw the child when he was already sleeping. And so I come. Everything that is done is for the better. And if at some difficult moments I used to think about why Masha and I spent so much time on each other and what it was all about, now I look at our daughter and understand: in order for her to appear. It will be necessary to explain to her when she grows up why her parents are such idiots that they did not save the family. She'll understand, she's a smart girl. Although Masha and I no longer have love as a man and a woman, but as a father and mother we are very good. We love her and she feels it.

Alexey Goman - a young performer from Russia - has become an example for many girls and guys who, like him, were born in a family far from the world of show business, but at the same time they have talent and want to become famous. He himself did not even expect that one day he would become famous and start earning his living with what he considered a pleasant hobby.

The childhood of Alexei Goman

The singer was born in Murmansk.

His father was a simple mechanic and electrician, and his mother worked in a military unit. But at the same time, the singer's mother school years She graduated from a music school and had a diploma from the conservatory. It is not surprising that it was she who noticed the talent of her son.

Alexei's mother decided that her son should enjoy his childhood and carefree games with friends, and not spend hours in the stuffy classes of a music school in order to acquire not only a musical education, but also an aversion to this art form. Instead, she studied with him on her own and, together with her eldest son, taught him how to play the guitar.

Alexey Goman repeats in many interviews that he is very grateful to his parents. According to the singer, it was thanks to his father and mother that he not only grew up as a good person, but also fell in love with music, and later became famous.

But, unfortunately, Alexei lost his parents very early. When the boy was only 15 years old, his father died. And three years later, her mother also died of a serious illness. The boy was left in the care of his older brother.

Education and first performances

Alexey Goman, whose biography is full of ups and downs, admitted that he graduated from grade 9 and then went to get an education elsewhere, as schoolwork seemed unbearable to him. At the same time, he studied well. As Alexei himself said, he was a lazy but smart student.

Together with his friend, he received a profession. If life young man had not changed so dramatically, he would have continued to repair trolleybuses in Murmansk. But it is by doing heavy physical labor, Alexei realized that it was not enough for him that he had. The future singer wanted to develop.

The young man took up self-education and soon entered the Pedagogical University, one of the most prestigious higher educational institutions Murmansk. The university is not only the place where residents of the city and the region receive education, but also one of the centers of local culture. It was here that the musical Notre Dame de Paris, known throughout Murmansk and even beyond its borders, was born.

One of the creators of the musical was brother Alexey. This talented young man gave roles only to those actors he trusted. And among them was Alexei Goman. The singer's biography would be incomplete if it were not said about the role of the poet Gringoire, which brought the young performer the first rays of fame.

National artist

Aleksey Goman became famous all over the country after he took part in the People's Artist show. As the singer himself says, he was vacationing in Sochi when he saw the casting announcement. And then the young man decided to take a chance. Instead of going home after the rest, he went to Moscow.

Alexei, as he himself claims, did not hope to win. But still, he moved further and further to the coveted last three participants. The audience with pleasure cast their votes for a young and talented performer who sang songs brightly and with soul. For several weeks that the project was going on, Alexey became famous not only throughout Russia, but also in the near abroad. He had a real army of fans.

Alexey won the show People's Artist. After that, his career took off. He became a welcome guest at many concerts, talk shows and corporate parties. Even years after the end of the project, Alexey remains at the top of the musical Olympus.

Singer's personal life

Goman Alexey changed his life very much. The singer's wife supports him in all endeavors and is a real strong rear. Alexey met his wife, soloist of the Assorti group Masha Zaitseva, thanks to the People's Artist project. Young people created not only strong family, but also a creative tandem. Masha helps her husband compose songs, which then become Russian hits.

The relationship between Alexei Goman and his wife has been going on for more than five years. The young performer carefully tries to protect his personal life from public attention. With great inspiration, he talks about his creative plans, of which he has a great many.

Alexey Goman is famous performer and a composer who is still quite young in his circles. His childhood was spent in distant Murmansk, where he was born on 09/12/83. Parents were representatives of simple working professions, the family also had an eldest son. Mother graduated from the conservatory, but her career did not work out. From her own experience, she immediately realized that her son also has vocals, which in the future can help him arrange his life. Last news 2017 from the personal life of Alexei Goman is only positive. He continues to engage in creative work and delight listeners.

The mother taught her children to play the guitar, but never forced them to attend music school. They grew up in such a way that no one limited them in anything. But in the life of young Alexei there were several tragic events in a row. At the age of fifteen, he lost his father, and a few years later he lost his mother.

He could not get a school education and already in the ninth grade he went to study at a school. Accordingly, he worked part-time in a trolleybus depot. Of course, he often thought about what would await him ahead, and how life would develop in the future. He decides to enter the Pedagogical University in his hometown, where he became famous. The singer's career was not always smooth. In fact, children and personal life for Alexei Goman are a separate story. He is ready to talk about it. for a long time do not stop.


The musical "NotreDamedeParis", which Alexei's brother wanted to stage, became the starting point. A selection of those wishing to take part was carried out at the Pedagogical Institute, but it was necessary to pass a special audition. As a result, the Gringoire party went to Gauman. After the speech, he was greeted with a standing ovation. So joyful, Alexey has never been in his life. His professionalism and natural vocal abilities showed what he is capable of.

Later, while relaxing at a resort in Sochi, he got acquainted with a brochure of one of the competitions, where he could show his vocal abilities. The so-called "People's Artist" is a competition in which Alexei was able to easily prove his talent. Having easily overcome the qualifying stage, he reached the final and won.

"Slavianski Bazaar" - the next stage in musical career Goman. Having taken an honorable third place, he was also convinced that he was really talented and could show himself from the very different parties. In 2009, he organizes his own musical group and organizes a variety of tours and performances throughout Russian Federation. At that time, he already had a personal life, photos of Alexei Goman with children appeared, but there were no own ones yet. In general, the artist developed not only in terms of career, but also in terms of family life.

Already in 2004, he released his first album "Russian Guy", then several more appeared. One of these musical collections "May" became the most purchased. The works of the young guy were highly appreciated not only by listeners, but also by critics. Goman had an incredibly beautiful and piercing voice. Alexey's voice can be heard at various festivals and concerts. At the moment, many professional producers invite the singer to cooperate, but he is only interested in solo career and works only on the musical directions that interest him.

In 2014, he received the most important award for him - "For Merit to the Fatherland".

In addition to all this, there are several other various awards and orders in his piggy bank. The talented Aleksey Goman continues to delight his fans with new songs and excellent work. In 2017, there is very little news about the personal life of Alexei Goman and his biography, as he is engaged in an active career. Recordings of new songs and works do not stop.


Popularity after participating in the project "People's Artist" came immediately. The young guy began to be invited to various television shows. Many saw him in Dancing with the Stars, where, together with Lyudmila Chegrinets, they achieved third place. This experience helped him quite a lot, as he learned to perform in front of the audience, to dance. Many fans were once again convinced of the skill of their favorite singer.

Alexei Goman was not going to become a famous actor, he just decided to try himself in the role, he succeeded. Maybe in the near future we will be able to see him in various leading roles. After he took part in his brother's musical, which was a turning point, the guy realized how much he could not live without a stage.

He could also be seen in episodes of some films. Already in 2014, Alexei Goman became a member of the Ice Age show. According to Alexei, this was the most difficult test in his life, which he overcame. Together with Yana Khokhlova, they performed, but could not win. In the future, if offers are received, he will in no case refuse to participate in new shows.

Alexey Goman: biography, personal life

For the first time he met his love on the same project "People's Artist". Throughout the competition, he did not show his sympathies in any way, but after it ended, he began to invite his beloved Maria Zaitseva on dates. In general, after a few months they were already living together. AT civil marriage lived for about six years and only after that they signed.

In 2012, the daughter Alexandrina was born, this event was supposed to unite the family, but everything happened quite the opposite. In 2013, Alexey moved to another apartment. Despite all the differences, they continue to communicate and maintain a common relationship. For 2017, there is a break in the personal life of Alexei Goman. As it became known, they still have not officially terminated their marriage. In his interviews, Alexei has said more than once that he is not going to meet with anyone yet and is still pursuing a career.

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