Quests with the opening of expeditions. golden land

Tourism and rest 14.01.2021
Tourism and rest

On August 16, 1896, gold was found on the Klondike River in Alaska. From that moment on, the “gold rush” began here, capturing the minds of many thousands of people. Now this area is open to tourists, like some other gold-bearing places.

Open Air Museum of the Era, Alaska

Hope, or Hope, was the name given to their first city by the Alaskan prospectors who built it on the banks of the Klondike. Now it has been preserved in its original form, and is a real museum. From the settlement founded more than a hundred years ago, it differs only in the presence of electricity. Hope is now home to the descendants of those who came here hoping to get rich. They work in logging, hunting or looking for gold in the few remaining mines. Well, and, of course, the residents of the settlement receive the main income from tourism. Tourists are even allowed to try to mine gold themselves, of course, for a fee. And there are always those who want to.


On an industrial scale, gold is not mined, gold mining is at the mercy of amateurs and tourists. It is enough just to pay money for a permit, and you can freely travel around the country and look for grains of gold, participate in gold mining competitions. This brings great profits to the state, because tourists, attracted by the brilliance of gold, usually do not skimp on the purchase of goods and services.


Here, too, you can mine gold and even allowed to take it out of the country without paying customs duties. You just need to pay a few tens of dollars for a license and purchase the appropriate entourage - metal detectors, maps, equipment. In addition, if it turns out that the site chosen by the tourist has an owner, then you will have to pay him for permission to search for gold. All this adds up to a tidy sum, but what can compare with the sight of shiny grains of sand mined on your own!

California, USA

Not far from the city of Jamestown there is a real “Gold Mining Club”, where a beginner will be taught all the wisdom of gold prospectors. For this, theoretical seminars and workshops are held. Those who want to get rich in three days will be taught how to wash gold, find gold veins by various signs and with the help of a metal detector. US citizens and those with a residence permit in this country can purchase their own gold mining site here, and those who were not able to purchase it are allowed to try their hand at gold mining on the lands of the club.


The Golden Fields deposit, which has been actively functioning for about a hundred years, is now a place of tourism and amateur gold mining. In order to become a prospector, it is enough to buy a ticket, get equipment, and be instructed. For a complete acquaintance with the history of gold mining, excursions to abandoned mines are organized.

Tankavaara, Finland

In this village there is a gold museum, under the patronage of which every year, since 1977, competitions of amateur miners have been held. Well, gold can be mined here all year round, having passed the appropriate training in advance, having received permission and inventory.

Tasks with the opening of expeditions With the opening of expeditions, new tasks became available, a list of which can be viewed at the link. After the quest "Song of the Wind" opens 5 parallel quest lines. Each of the lines is connected in meaning with the villages on the Klondike map. Game map Klondike The Klondike map consists of 10 parts, each of which has its own name. On the this moment Only 1 part of the map is open, with the settlements that are on it: Song of the Wind, Eagle's Nest, Indigo, Polar Side, Ukhty. The names of the parts of the Klondike map are listed below. Wolf Steppe Khan's Marsh Dragon's Wing Polar Bear Plateau Eternal Ice Cold Land Golden Canyon Nameless Forest Dead Sea Emerald Valley Settlements on the Klondike Map Below are the settlements that were discovered first in expeditions. Each of these settlements has its own unique landscape, resources, vegetation, scenery and collections. Basically, to get to distant villages, you will have to transit through the nearest settlements, since teams with huskies and huskies cannot carry sleds too far without stopping. Song of the Wind Eagle's Nest Ukhty Village Polar Side Indigo Buildings in New Settlements Each of the buildings is located in a different village on the map. To complete the building, you need to carry materials from the home station on a sled. It is impossible to bring everything you need for construction at one time, so the function of partial acceptance of materials in new unique buildings has been added. Windmill Eagle's Nest Cottage Sacred Stone Temple Sleigh with huskies To go on an expedition, you will need a sleigh with huskies or huskies. By default, at the beginning of the game, you have a small sled that you can gradually improve in the buildings of each of the settlements that you visit. Teams differ from each other in the speed of movement on the map, the cargo they can carry, the number of days on the road without stopping, as well as the amount of food needed to feed the dogs. Huskies eat porridge, huskies eat fish. Porridge Fish Small sled Light wind Large sled Eagle sled Shaman sled Cargo sled Indigo sled Modern sled Expedition equipment This is part of what you will need to collect before the expedition. Without these items, you cannot survive in the desert, tundra and dense forests of the Klondike. Expeditionary inventory is created once in the buildings of new settlements, it is reusable. It can also be bought with emeralds. Inventory must be carried with you in a sleigh. Sleeping bag Tent Kerosene lamp Shaman hat Kerosene canister Rope ladder Shotgun Skis Ammo Long rope Gems Gems come across in treasures and resources that you bring from expeditions. Don't sell them from stock. They are used to improve the sleigh and exchange for fish. Soon they will be widely used. Small Ruby Large Ruby Huge Ruby Moonstone Moonstone Large Moonstone Diamond 5 carats Diamond 15 carats Diamond 30 carats Valuable Antiques These gold and platinum figurines are very valuable and should not be given to friends. You can find an antique dealer in the resources and treasures that you bring from expeditions. Try to break all the resources in the new settlements the first time (combo), so you can collect the maximum treasure. Figurines can be profitably exchanged for other valuables in the game. Ancient Coin Pyramid Horoscope Ancient Sign Eagle Crocodile Figurine Goddess Hand Demon Mask Dragon Wolf Clock Idol Expedition Treasures A list of all treasures and resources that can be obtained on expeditions. To see what is inside the treasure, you can only bring it home. To watch a video of what drops out of the treasure, click on the desired resource image. Bundle of Grass Big Bundle of Grass Bundle of Logs Big Bundle of Logs Bundle of Brushwood Big Bundle of Brushwood Barrel Barrel Barrel Barrel Barrel Barrel Big Barrel Big Barrel Big Barrel Small Stone Medium Stone Large Stone Small Ore Medium Ore Large Ore Small Lump of Coal Medium Lump of Coal Large Lump Coal Stone Clay Piece Clay Block Bird's Nest Bird's Nest Bird's Nest Gold-bearing Pebble Gold-bearing Stone Gold-bearing Lump Crystalline Lucky Crystal Small Treasure Good Treasure Large Treasure Treasure Chest Large Chest Small Find Small Find Good Find Good Find Big Find Big Find Crate Food to restore energy New types of food , which can only be obtained in expeditions by digging under resources or unloading house treasures brought from expeditions. Edible mushroom Honey Honey Plum Apple Sausage Rusk Canned food  New materials with the opening of expeditions With the opening of expeditions, new materials have appeared, some of which can be created at your station, and some in unique buildings of new settlements on the Klondike map. Toad Chair Fur hat Bag Vegetable stew Carrot sticks Pickled carrot Dyed flax Blue extract Red extract Fruit tree Birdhouse Packed food Sofa Chest of drawers Cage Horseshoes Iron wheel Rails Stove Scenery of settlements on the expedition Scenery that will be waiting for you on the expedition. Some of them can be created in the buildings of the villages on the Klondike map, and some of the decor is unique, but you can take it home with you by loading it on a sled. Windsong Fence Windsong Fence Windsong Fence Windsong Fence Windsong Pole Windsong Post Fence Wow Fence Wow Fence Wow Wow Fence Wow Dugout Wow Dugout Wow Telegraph Pole Telegraph Pole North Sign North Sign Pointer Pointer Well Ukhta Log

At the end of the XIX century. (1896) a short but bright era of the Klondike and Yukon began. The gold rush that swept the far polar regions was accompanied by all the characteristic "attributes": an accidental discovery, newspaper hype, furious competition between prospectors who sought to be the first to get to the place and capture the best sites.

The path to gold ran through lifeless mountain ranges, glaciers sliding into valleys. Here summer lasts less than two months, and the snow melts only on the southern slopes of the mountains, there are no housing and roads. The white silence of fierce winters killed many pioneers. Before getting into the coveted valley of the Yukon River, the gold miners had to overcome the most dangerous Chilkoot Pass, walk one and a half thousand kilometers through wild, untrodden, harsh mountainous places. This was not California with a mild subtropical climate. The cost of any mistake in the selection of equipment, clothing or route here was life.

Nevertheless, people stubbornly strove into the valleys lost in the snow in the hope of getting rich quickly. Those who were lucky found gold in the upper reaches of the Yukon, on its right tributaries - the Klondike, the Indian, the Bonanza, Eldorado, Hunker, etc.

The situation improved when a road was built to the Yukon from the port of Skagway, bypassing the infamous Chilkoot Pass, and in 1900 a narrow gauge Railway connected this port with the gold-digging village of Dawson. The stage of industrial development of deposits has begun. The prospector's pick and shovel were replaced by steam thawers, exploration drilling rigs, hydraulic monitors, and gigantic, largest electric dredges in the world.

In total, about 7 thousand tons of precious metal were mined in Canada. This is the third result in the world after South Africa and the USA. Canada also holds third place in terms of explored gold reserves. Yukon and Klondike are the most famous, but by no means the only gold-bearing regions of the north of the American continent. In 1864 (three years before the sale of Alaska to the United States), Russian mining engineer Doroshin found gold deposits on the Kent Peninsula near Anchorage. Almost at the same time, during the preparatory work for laying a telephone cable, gold was discovered on the Seward Peninsula. And in 1880 came the turn of the largest ore deposit in Alaska - Juneau, which gave a huge amount of gold - 237 tons.

The first marine deposit was explored near the Bering Sea, which glorified the city of Nome. Soon, unusually rich ancient placers were discovered on the coast, and after them - under water. The source of gold was gold-bearing conglomerates, the layers of which came ashore. The waves eroded them, enriching the coastal sand with gold. At the beginning of the XX century. the largest alluvial gold deposit in Alaska, Fairbanks, was discovered. This happened in the American part of the Yukon Valley, in the basin of its left tributary, the Tanana River. The geology here is the same as in the Klondike, so the experience gained there was very useful in exploration and production.

By the mid 80s. 20th century almost 1 thousand tons of gold were mined in Alaska. Nowadays, there is a revival of interest in its deposits, primarily in underwater coastal placers located at a depth of up to 90-100 m (modern technologies make their development justified). Such deposits have been explored for hundreds of kilometers along the southern coast of the peninsula.


“Exhausted people sat down in the snow to rest a little, and did not get up again. Only seven froze to death, but how many amputations of legs, arms, fingers were performed in Dawson hospitals the next day! this winter. At dawn, Dawson's alcohol thermometers showed seventy-five degrees below zero. The participants in this campaign were mostly beginners and had no idea what frost was.

J. London. "Smoke Bellew"

A loan secured by land has been known since ancient times, when there was, in fact, money.
In ancient times, fertile land was most valued, in our time everything is not so simple. A large amount can be obtained by pledging a piece of land in the status of individual housing construction, SNT. Agricultural land also did not lose much in status.
But there is a special story about a loan secured by land from the time of the "gold rush".
Thousands of people went to the Klondike River after gold was discovered there. Many went on the last money, pawning all the property in their homeland.
Jack London, for example, also went to the Klondike. In order to make this trip, his sister took out a home loan. Jack London spent thousands of dollars on the trip, never found gold, but it was then that he wrote several of his famous stories.
Jack London, one might say, was lucky. Many prospectors were ruined by an unsuccessful enterprise. They, like great writer, mortgaged houses, land, left families with nothing - and went to mine gold.
Among those who gathered near the Klondike River, of course, there were many swindlers.
People bought plots of land for huge, at that time, money, in the hope that the enterprise would pay off. Lucky units. New arrivals were often greeted by scammers. They allegedly staked out and bought out the gold-bearing area, but for some reason they could not continue mining on it and now they wanted to sell it.
As evidence, they brought new arrivals to the site, located, as a rule, away from the rest, and “under great secrecy” showed them “ gold mine and sometimes even gold bars.
Obsessed with greed, the newcomer began to dig - and, indeed, stumbled upon a gold-bearing rock. Not remembering himself, he gave the last money to the rogue, and he instantly disappeared from the camp.
Beginners began to dig early in the morning, and by noon their wheelbarrows and even carts were heaped with mountains of “gold”. When they, bursting with pride, tried to sell the precious metal, buyers and miners ridiculed them. The "gold" turned out to be a worthless mineral, pyrite, which, indeed, looked like a precious one. But experienced miners distinguished real gold from pyrite without difficulty, by the tooth: gold was much softer.
Thus, pyrite, which was not for nothing called "fool's gold", ruined hundreds of people.
Thanks to the "gold rush" we know the largest loans secured by land. When the gold veins were depleted, the gold-bearing area was given as a pledge to usurers, who also came to the Klondike to seek their earnings. The owners showed the gold allegedly mined at the site for only a few days, and demanded Better conditions bail and a lot of money.
Moneylenders, who had not yet figured out the situation, and believing that such land could always be sold profitably, accepted the plot as collateral and gave out a large sum for it.
It is clear that gold miners instantly disappeared, and there were no buyers among people who had been looking for gold for a long time.
Thus, the Klondike enriched some and ruined others.
Land there for many years after the end of the main wave of the "gold rush" was in price, and the moneylenders, who issued a loan secured by even an "empty" plot, did not fail.
After a not too long time, some miners replaced others, and for every piece of land there was a buyer.

successful walkthrough "Klondike" you will be provided with knowledge of secrets, tricks and many nuances that will greatly simplify the gameplay, because you have been given a responsible task - to find the missing expedition. Our knowledge base contains the most basic of them. We hope that by using them, you will be able to find your father along with his colleagues.

First of all, it is worth noting that the entire gameplay is simply saturated with various secrets, which makes the game even more interesting.


It is best to extract such a resource as coal manually, using only energy, so you get not only the necessary resource, but also additional experience, or maybe you are lucky and you will find some of the elements of the collection.

Regarding stonemasons, it is worth using them to break large stones into rubble. When the main character will also have the opportunity to break large boulders, then it is worth using the stonemason. The same can be said for lumberjacks, during deforestation with the help of lumberjacks, the chances of finding something useful are greatly reduced.

If you want to hire your friends to work in a sawmill or a quarry, then it is worth hiring those who have very few friends and visit the game quite rarely. For you, this will only be a plus. You can hire three people for each of them.

The game also provides assistants, who will help completely disinterestedly. These assistants are the Eskimos, who will meet you immediately upon arrival at the station. Everyone else has to pay.

When hiring workers, it is worth remembering that they need housing. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the additional construction of residential buildings immediately. The better the living conditions of the worker, the better he works and agrees to do his job for a lower salary.


During the passage of tasks, it is necessary to collect as many products from animals as possible. Each of the animals has its own life limit, after which it dies, turning into a golden statue, which only its owner can open. Collection items and many other useful things can fall out of such statues. Also, while cleaning the area from weeds, do not rush to remove all the grass, because your animals need to graze somewhere, otherwise you will have to buy hay.

Limits on animal resources, upon exhaustion of which animals die:

  • for sheep wool in the amount of 25 units;
  • for birds 25 nests;
  • for a cow, milk in the amount of 50 units;
  • for a thoroughbred cow, milk in the amount of 200 units;
  • for a thoroughbred sheep wool in the amount of 200 units;
  • for a rabbit, grass in an amount of a maximum of 26 units.

Friends Neighbors

The passage of this game project will be much more interesting together with friends and not only. Co-op will be much more productive. Add yourself new friends, send them gifts, you may receive useful things in return.


Having found a gold mine, you should not relax. In this game project, she changes her position weekly. Therefore, you are constantly in search of a gold mine. Every time you dig under a new building, because the gold mine will bring you useful things in large quantities.

It is also worth remembering that more gold falls during the last energy strike on a resource such as pyrite. The resulting gold can be sold to purchase useful items or other resources. If you put a stonemason on this process, he will be able to mine only ordinary stone.

It will not be redundant if you dig next to your friend's new building, because it is much easier to find a gold mine. Digging in a new place where no one has dug before is very rewarding. Sometimes in this case, very interesting things fall out in the form of a treasure from a pile of gold and experience.

Every week, twenty veins appear on each lot in any of the locations. At the same time, veins can be found anywhere and buildings, stones, grass with decorations are no exception. The more items you concentrate in one place, the more likely it is to find a gold mine. It is worth noting that the search for gold veins is quite a profitable occupation that allows you to get rich.


In order to earn money in the game, you should not sell products from the warehouse, they will still be useful to you in the future. If you still need to make money quickly, then it’s worth selling in small batches, because you don’t know what kind of resource, and at what point you may need it.


Finding any item from the collection is quite difficult, so before exchanging or selling the collection, you should think carefully about whether it is really necessary. At any time, you may need one of the collections. It is worth noting that the most interesting collections can be obtained from golden animal monuments.

Important point

When you send your Eskimo assistants to work, you can do other things yourself - extract and develop other Natural resources: ore, clay, coal and pyrite. By extracting minerals, you get energy, experience and money. But the last unit of the resource is worth extracting yourself, thanks to this you will increase your experience. Sometimes it will bring gold and parts of the collection.

One of the secrets

Every day in the game you are given 100 shovels for free. They should definitely be used to dig neighbors and friends. With the help of a shovel, you can even take eggs from nests from a neighbor, provided that the egg is covered with some kind of plant.

To get eggs, you must first click on the thing that covers the eggs, and then on the nest itself.


During the gameplay, you need to control and take care of increasing the energy level. The hero's energy grows rather slowly. At the beginning of the game, her level is 15. In the process of passing, its level gradually increases. Upon reaching level 20, you will receive twenty energy.

There is also the possibility of increasing the limit, but this is a short period of time. When the energy level drops and approaches more and more to zero, then try to break stones, saw trees and some other resources, the more the better. Energy caches are under all of these resources. Also, energy can be found in bread, various pastries, rabbits and golden monuments.

  • Game tips from Klondike.
  • Workers.
  • Resources.
  • Animals.
  • Shovels.
  • Golden veins.
  • Friends neighbors.
  • Coins.
  • Collections.
  • Energy.
  • Adventures.
  • Questions about animals.
  • Questions about energy, emeralds, coins.
  • Questions about neighbors.
  • Questions about materials and collections.
  • General issues.

Video resources for the passage of the game "Klondike"

Where to find a gold mine

how to make a million

We recommend reading
