Flu treatment. Treatment of influenza folk remedies.

Pregnancy and children 25.01.2018
Pregnancy and children

From year to year we see the same picture: colds come, nights get longer, we start to sneeze, a runny nose appears, and we are faced with such a problem as a seasonal flu epidemic. During this period, there is a noticeable surge in various respiratory diseases. In order not to add to the list of those who are sick this season, we must know the preventive measures that prevent the flu. If there is a possibility that we are sick, we need to know what flu symptoms 2017 and how to treat it.

Statistics say that every cold season around the world the globe up to 6 million adults and children fall ill, and about 200 thousand cases are fatal. Main Feature and at the same time the danger of the virus is its rapid mutation. Human body, having recovered from this season's strain, remains unprepared for the next season's strain, and this year was no exception.

Quite recently, the swine flu passed, which, unfortunately, not everyone could survive, as a new one appeared this year. flu 2017 known as the Hong Kong flu. Let's figure out what kind of flu it is, why it is dangerous, and how not to catch this infection.

Hong Kong flu is a type A strain of the virus. It can occur both in moderate and in severe severity. under consideration flu in adults, as in children, can be expressed as:

  • headaches
  • sore throat
  • elevated temperature
  • nosebleeds
  • aches all over the body
  • irritable reaction to light

The danger of this virus lies in its rapid development, which can lead to serious complications of the respiratory system - pneumonia or bronchitis.

flu symptoms

Probably, few people can say that he immediately goes to the doctor with a sharp rise in temperature to 39 0 and with the appearance of a dry cough. This is what the main problem the spread of influenza and the cause of its severe consequences. It is necessary to understand that it is these seemingly not very serious signs that can indicate the onset of the flu.

Usually, influenza in children It manifests itself in the same way as adults, so there is no particular difference between the symptoms. It is very important to distinguish influenza from SARS.

The nature of the manifestation and course of an infectious disease depends not only on the specifics of the virus itself. Experts in the field of medicine believe that in people with a weak immune system, as well as in the presence of respiratory disorders, there is a possibility of a complex form of the course of the disease in question. In this case, the likelihood of complications is very high.

As stated earlier, flu symptoms in children similar to adults, but at the same time, the flu in question occurs in a more aggressive form in young children. As soon as the parents have discovered the initial symptoms, which may be characteristic of both the flu and SARS in their child, in no case should this be left unattended. Indifference and inaction can lead to negative and even sad consequences for your child.

The following manifestations in the body are the first signs of the presence of influenza:

  • pain in joints and muscles
  • malaise
  • fever, especially sudden

The next processes in the body after the body temperature has risen are chills and fever with heavy sweating. As soon as you notice flu symptoms in adults or children, seek medical attention right away to:

  • establish an accurate diagnosis
  • assess the state of health
  • make a general inspection
  • control the development and course of the disease

Many do not pay attention to the first symptoms of influenza, which leads to a sharp deterioration in health, the intensive development of the disease and the infection of others.

Signs that signal the presence of a virus in the body are the following manifestations:

  • loss of appetite
  • lethargy and nervousness
  • weakness in the body
  • sleep anxiety, sleep deprivation

After such signals, the following symptoms appear:

  • cough
  • runny nose
  • muscle "ache"
  • pain in the throat

Muscle pain is especially severe in people who suffer from problems with:

  • heart
  • immunity

flu treatment

Once you understand that the behavior of the body indicates the presence of a virus in it, you must proceed to the following steps:

  1. Compliance with the home regime.
  2. Seek medical attention - call an ambulance or a doctor at home. If in the first hours of the manifestation of the infection to find out what treatment to use, the likelihood of a speedy recovery without consequences is quite high.

Vaccination remains the main preventive method of modern medicine. Due to the fact that viruses "mutate" from year to year, our body can pick up an infection every season, because its structure changes, and the body cannot recognize last year's virus in it, but flu shot increases the chance of avoiding the flu. Vaccination is also carried out during illness, this ensures a mild course of the disease and is a prevention for possible negative consequences.

Need to know what incubation period influenza quite short and on average can be 3-6 days. An infected person may not even realize that he carries the virus in his body, so it is often very difficult to understand at what point the infection occurred.

It is important to know that immunomodulating therapy is an excellent method in the fight against the infection in question.

During acute influenza it is necessary:

  • consume large amounts of liquid
  • regularly treat the mucous membrane with oxolinic ointment
  • include more vitamins in your diet

If you feel a serious illness in the body, do not hesitate, call a doctor home - this will be the best option not only for you, but also for those around you, because you are a carrier of the infection. Flu Complications can be catastrophic, therefore, everyone must know how to treat the flu because your health and the health of those around you can depend on this knowledge.

  • You don't have to take everything flu medicines, which will fall under your arm, if this does not aggravate the development of the infection, then it will clearly affect the microflora of your body and the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
  • Antibiotics for flu taken only if prescribed by the attending physician. You need to understand that taking antibiotics with minor changes in the body is a useless, stupid and dangerous undertaking. They do not affect viruses in any way.

It must be understood that for effective treatment any illness, including the flu, A complex approach, which consists of the use of different types medicines and procedures, the main purpose of which is to maintain immunity and prevent complications.

Preventive measures are equally important for strengthening immunity, so you need to know what actions are included in the list of preventive measures:

  1. Vaccination. It is mandatory to get vaccinated against influenza. This will reduce many times your chances of getting sick, and the likelihood that the disease will pass quickly and without consequences, in this case large enough.
  2. Avoid large crowds. As everyone knows, it is the person who is the carrier and the very source of the virus. The logical chain is quite simple - the larger the crowd, the more likely it is to "catch" the virus.
  3. Face mask. Such protection is necessary for the patient when communicating with healthy people, but at the same time, such a mask will in no way save an adult from infection with viruses, so as a preventive method it is ineffective.

  1. Ventilate the room you are in more often. Infections spread very quickly and "mutate" in warm and dry air.
  2. Wash your hands often. This rule has been repeated to us since childhood every day, but in fact, frequent and thorough hand washing is an excellent preventive method in the fight against various diseases and infections.

Influenza is not a harmless disease that will go away on its own and this must be understood. The flu may pass, but its consequences will disturb you for a long time. Be careful and take care of your health!

Video: Influenza - prevention, treatment and symptoms

Every year with the onset of a wonderful autumn season approaching another surge of infection of people with an acute viral infection, and simply put - the flu. Despite the preventive measures taken by doctors, this disease again and again makes its forays and puts tens of thousands of people to bed.

The danger of the virus lies in its ability to mutate. That is why each new strain is somewhat different from its previous counterparts, has increased resistance to the usual methods of dealing with the disease. Recognizing him is not easy.

However, doctors have identified the main signs of influenza in adults, if you find them in yourself, you should immediately seek medical help. A visit to the doctor is indicated if there is:

  • temperature increase, as a rule, sharp, reaches 39-40°C;
  • feeling of weakness, lethargy;
  • breaking pains in muscles and joints;
  • the appearance of a rash on the skin;
  • acute headache radiating to the temples and eyeballs;
  • digestive tract disorder: diarrhea, twisting pain in the abdomen;
  • bouts of nausea, vomiting.

Influenza is characterized by the sudden onset of symptoms, which distinguishes it from acute respiratory infections, which can begin with sneezing or a runny nose with a slight increase in body temperature.

How is the disease progressing?

Influenza viruses are divided into three types: A, B and C. The last two affect only people, and the first is a threat to domestic animals, livestock, birds and, accordingly, can be transmitted to humans.

Influenza A is the most severe. It is rarely possible to do without complications.

Influenza type B has a less frightening clinical picture, and the C virus may not give itself symptoms at all, which is why it is called atypical.

There are three forms of the course of the disease, and it is quite easy to distinguish between them.

  • Influenza in a mild form does not cause a strong increase in temperature (no more than 38 ° C), symptoms such as cough and runny nose are often absent, intoxication of the body is mild.
  • The form of moderate severity is characterized by an increased febrile state and a brighter intoxication.
  • The severe form is characterized by rapid development, when the temperature can rise above 40 ° C, there is a sharp pain syndrome, loss of sleep, and even a change in consciousness. In such cases, complications occur most often. All this speaks of a typical flu.
  • The disease in a lightning-fast form quickly flows into pneumonia and has the highest percentage deaths in sick people.

Staying in the external environment for more than eight hours, the virus dies. Deadly for him sunlight, disinfectants and alkali. And at a negative temperature, he feels great, and therefore attacks in the cold season.

Having entered the body, the virus makes itself felt after a few hours, especially if a person has a weakened immune system. Otherwise, it may take up to three days. This time is enough for the virus to multiply and get into the blood, and with it spread throughout the body. When the first signs of the disease are already present, the following symptoms appear:

  • nasal congestion with a slight discharge of mucus;
  • dry "barking" cough;
  • lack of appetite;

Influenza is very dangerous for its complications in the form of development against its background of other bacterial infections. Without timely proper treatment, the disease can result in meningitis, pneumonia, and even death of the patient.

If the fight against the virus is carried out under the supervision of the attending physician, then after two or three days positive changes occur in the form of normalization of temperature, improvement in general well-being. The patient no longer suffers from pains in the head, or they are significantly weakened, the cough softens and becomes wet, nausea and diarrhea disappear.

How is the virus transmitted?

In most cases, infection occurs by the so-called airborne route, that is, the infection is transmitted from a sick person along with exhaled air, as well as when sneezing and coughing. Through the mucous membrane of the nose and mouth, the virus enters the body of a person who is close to the patient, multiplies and enters the bloodstream, causing influenza and symptoms in adults.

A common form of transmission of the disease is also physical contact: handshakes, hugs or kisses. You can get infected through objects that a sick person has touched.

The most dangerous in this respect are deservedly considered public places: transport, shops, ATMs, restaurants and cafes. In the midst of an epidemic, it is best to minimize visits to such places.

People working in a large team are also at risk, but should, as far as possible, protect themselves from the disease. Precautionary measures:

  • frequent hand washing with soap;
  • use of antiseptic sprays and hand gels;
  • eating foods rich in vitamin C, in particular citrus fruits;
  • use of a protective mask.

You also need to ensure that you do not touch your face with unwashed hands, do not drink or eat from someone else's dishes.


Alas, even compliance with safety rules does not give an absolute guarantee that the disease can be avoided. Few people have the opportunity to isolate themselves during the epidemic, so children's hospitals are overcrowded as soon as the first flu symptoms appear in babies, and for some reason it is often customary for adults to self-medicate and delay contacting a doctor until it becomes completely hard.

A very common mistake is unauthorized therapy, which is completely unacceptable in the fight against the virus. It is very important to understand and remember that the flu without proper treatment can give terrible complications in the form of pneumonia or pulmonary edema and lead not only to urgent hospitalization, but also to a deplorable ending.

As a rule, the following conditions are necessary for the patient to recover.

  • Bed rest for at least the first two or three days. The body weakened by the disease needs rest and rest. Do not waste your energy even on a TV or computer. To get a little distraction, it will be good to listen to an audiobook while lying down with your eyes closed.
  • Frequent warm and plentiful drinking in the form of tea with lemon, cranberry juice or compotes. An infusion of wild rose or blackcurrant leaves is perfect. All these drinks will not only replenish the reserves of vitamin C in the body, but also help to remove toxins from it formed as a result of the activity of the virus.
  • Room ventilation.
  • Gargling with a solution of salt, soda, infusion of sage or chamomile.
  • Washing the nose with salt water.

If the disease proceeds without complications, the symptoms usually disappear by the end of the first week, but it will take about the same amount of time for the body to finally recover.

With the flu, appetite usually disappears, but this is not a reason to refuse good nutrition, you may just need to slightly reduce the portion.

The menu should be varied, but not heavy. Fatty and fried foods are harmful even to a healthy person; in principle, it is better to refuse them forever. Given the irritability of the intestines, light soups, cereals, boiled or fresh vegetables, fruits will be useful. It is better to remove smoked and pickled, as well as spicy dishes from the diet, even if they are vegetable.

Folk remedies

Influenza, its symptoms and treatment in adults - all this requires observation by a doctor as a prerequisite. In addition to this, it will be very useful to use time-tested folk methods. There are many very simple ways treat the flu, which are available at home to absolutely everyone. For example:

  • cut head onion and put in small saucers not only in the room where the patient is located, but throughout the apartment, you can also use garlic;
  • wrap finely chopped garlic cloves in gauze and breathe, bringing close to the nose;
  • in the absence of elevated temperature, to relieve cough and runny nose, inhalation can be done by adding salt and a drop of asterisk balm to boiling water, remove from heat and breathe over the dishes, covered with a towel, and then immediately go to bed;
  • squeeze the juice of one lemon, add 100 g of natural honey and stir in a liter of warm water, drink a glass every two hours;
  • three medium cloves of garlic and a whole lemon scroll in a meat grinder and mix with half a glass of honey, take a teaspoon three times a day;
  • an infusion of thyme and plantain is an excellent remedy for a painful cough.

Prevention measures

  • Completely rest. This means spending time outdoors, moving around and sleeping at least 7 hours a day.
  • Follow the routine. It is very good when the body gets used to eat at the same time and fall asleep in the same way. By the way, it is better to go to bed before 23:00.
  • Forever break with bad habits: alcohol and smoking. By ceasing to poison the body with these poisons, you can really increase immunity.
  • Make friends with hardening: wiping and dousing with cold water, a contrast shower, exercising in the fresh air.
  • Observe the rules of personal hygiene.
  • Eat right, giving preference to fruits, vegetables and other light and healthy foods.

These universal rules will help preserve health and prolong youth, with a greater degree of probability of avoiding disease. Treatment, if it is still needed, is much more reliable to entrust to doctors.

We will study the data on the epidemic of this disease in 2016, paying special attention to the first clinical manifestations, drug therapy, as well as preventive measures for such a serious illness as influenza.

Influenza forecast in 2016

Scientists do not predict outbreaks of this disease in 2016. But this does not mean that you should not take any measures to prevent this disease. After all, the influenza virus is considered the most dangerous disease of all viral infections.

This disease poses the greatest danger to people with chronic diseases (bronchial asthma, lung diseases and of cardio-vascular system suffering diabetes), as well as a weakened immune response. Children, pregnant women and the elderly are at particular risk.

In 2016, experts predict the highest activity of such strains as:

H1N1- is a subtype of the virus swine flu. It was about him in 2009 that the whole world became aware, due to the fact that he was the source of the epidemic throughout the world.

This strain poses the greatest danger due to the complications it causes, which often end in death. These include pneumonia, sinusitis, and inflammation of the meninges.

H3N2- is a subtype of type A influenza. In Russia, it did not cause epidemics before, but became known since last year. Therefore, it can be called "young".

Its main danger lies in the fact that it is not yet sufficiently studied and among its main complications is the effect on the vascular system.

Yamagata virus- is a subtype of influenza type B, is also a new little-studied strain that has difficulties in diagnosis. But WHO experts do not call it the most dangerous, because complications are very rare.

The first symptoms appear already 1-2 days after infection. The virus, having got on the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs, multiplies on the epithelial cells lining them at an incredible speed. In the first few hours, the pathogen destroys these cells, leading to their death.

The main characteristic symptom of the disease is high fever. Its rise to high numbers (38.5-40°C) occurs very sharply and stays at a high level for about 3 days.

Other symptoms of the 2016 flu include:

  • headache;
  • dryness in the nasopharynx;
  • chills;
  • muscle pain;
  • dry cough;
  • lacrimation;
  • decreased or complete lack of appetite;
  • sore throat;
  • photophobia;
  • chest pain;
  • weakness in the whole body;
  • aches in the joints;
  • increased sweating.

Rarely with the flu is a runny nose.

How to distinguish the flu from a cold (ARI)

Reminder: protection against swine flu

It is necessary to protect yourself from the flu both individually and as a whole world, as soon as a new dangerous virus is discovered. From this point on, the development of a new vaccine begins.

  1. Vaccination.
    • The vaccine does not guarantee that the vaccinated patient will not get sick: it protects against several strains of seasonal flu, and the developers cannot guess which one will be this year, plus the viruses themselves mutate. But still, vaccinated citizens are less likely to get sick, and even if they do, the flu is usually better tolerated.
    • It is necessary to be vaccinated before the epidemic, and not in its midst, and if the person is already sick. (Now, most likely, it is useless to do the vaccination).
  2. Wearing a mask.
    • It is usually worn by healthy people, but in order not to infect others healthy people, wearing a mask is necessary for a sick person.
    • For healthy people, the mask remains a means of preventing influenza: you need to wear it when visiting public places (in transport, a clinic, a store).
  3. Hygiene.

    Although the virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, the hands are an indirect transmitter:

    • The patient's hands are usually full of viruses. He touches them with other objects (handrails, handles, etc.), which are then taken by healthy people.
    • Infection occurs when a person touches his face with dirty hands or takes food with them.
    • The requirement to wash hands many times a day is not an empty phrase. This is flu protection.
    • Carry wet wipes with you and use them to wipe your hands when you are out of the house.
    • Refusing to shake hands during the flu is not an act of impoliteness, but a manifestation of education and love for one's neighbor.
  4. Fresh air.

    The flu virus loves warm rooms with stagnant dry air, so during an epidemic you need to be in the fresh air as much as possible.

    Remember that your enemy with the flu is not a draft, but a closed window:

    • If there is a sick person in the house, and the room is clogged, then everyone will soon fall ill.
    • If you have not yet become ill, but only brought the virus with you, then in an unventilated warm apartment, it will begin to multiply at a wild rate.
  5. Maintain optimal temperature and humidity in the room:

    • temperature - 20 ° C (quite cool, but this is the most healthy temperature in the season of epidemics);
    • humidity - 50 - 70%.

    In winter, the house is extremely dry, so it is advisable to have a humidifier or keep water containers open.

  6. Healthy mucous membranes.
    The normal condition of the mucous membranes is the primary protection. This is not only about microbes, but about dry mucous membranes, which is often observed in winter for reasons:
    • dry air;
    • drug use:
      • drops in the nose, for example, naphthyzinum;
      • diphenhydramine, suprastin, etc.

Moisturizing the mucous membranes is good to do with a spray, using any bottle of spray drops:

  • Physiological or ordinary saline solution (a teaspoon of salt per liter of water) is poured into a bottle.
  • Spray the solution into the nose as often as possible, especially in crowded places.

Arriving home, you need to do a “general” nose wash to remove the viruses that have settled in it:

  • holding one nostril, “drink” the saline solution with the other;
  • repeat the same with the second nostril.

Flu symptoms: comparison with SARS

The symptoms of SARS and the flu are very similar. The main differences relate to the general condition of patients, temperature, onset and duration of the disease:

SARS symptoms

  • With ARVI, the general condition as a whole can be satisfactory, despite weakness. Local symptoms predominate - sore throat, runny nose, cough.
  • SARS begins with a slight sore throat, nasal congestion, coughing. Then the symptoms gradually, within one or two days, increase.
  • The temperature rarely reaches values ​​above 38.5°C and lasts two to three days.
  • There are symptoms of a runny nose, sneezing, tearing, dry cough intensifies (in a week it becomes productive - with sputum).
  • There are plaque on the mucous membranes, redness and friability of the throat.
  • ARVI passes on average in a week.
  • Recovery occurs immediately - the patient is actively included in his former life.

swine flu symptoms

  1. General condition - severe:
    • possible nausea, vomiting, pain in the joints and muscles, headaches - symptoms of intoxication;
    • chills, sweating, increased photosensitivity and pain in the eyes;
    • complete loss of power.
  2. Lightning onset with a rise in temperature to high values ​​\u200b\u200band a deterioration in well-being in a few hours.
  3. The temperature rises to 39 ° and above and lasts about five days, reacting poorly to taking antipyretics.
  4. Symptoms of a runny nose and nasal congestion are absent with a sore throat.
  5. Dry cough almost from the first hours.
  6. Swine flu causes complications:
    • viral pneumonia (in its advanced form it is irreversible);
    • thrombosis (increased blood clotting).
  7. The duration of the acute period of influenza is from a week to ten days.
  8. Recovery occurs slowly, within two to three weeks after the acute period has passed:
    • All this time, the patient has a feeling of fatigue and weakness.

Swine flu 2016: how to treat it

There is still no cure for the flu.

  • Antibodies of the body's immune system fight viruses, so the treatment of influenza goes through strengthening the immune system.
  • Except own forces The body is helped by antiviral agents that destroy the structure of the virus and prevent their reproduction, but each type of flu needs its own medicines.
  • Antibiotics do not treat the flu - they are useless and can lead to complications.

You can eat garlic, drink tea with lemon, ginger root - all this is useful, but it is a prevention, not a cure, if a person is already sick.

H1N1 flu medications

The only effective antiviral drug for H1N1 influenza is still Tamiflu (oseltamivir) - not to be confused with teraflu!

There is also zanamivir, but it is difficult to find it in domestic pharmacies.

  • The action of Tamiflu is based on the blocking of neuraminidase, a protein that is part of the H1N1 virus.
  • You need to drink Tamiflu in the first two days of illness - in the subsequent days, its effectiveness, like any antiviral agent, decreases sharply.
  • It is impossible to take it as a self-medication and “just in case”, since the medicine has many severe side effects.
  • The medicine is prescribed by a doctor for a severe form of the flu or for patients at risk (the elderly, debilitated, chronically ill, asthmatics, etc.).

Tamiflu is mainly distributed to hospitals, and this is doubly reasonable:

  • medicine in a pharmacy is expensive, but in a hospital it should be free;
  • reception is prescribed when it is really needed.

In most cases, the H1N1 flu is relatively easy to tolerate, thanks to the body's defenses: this is also evidenced by statistics, so most patients do not need Tamiflu or zanamavir.

General rules for the treatment of influenza

  1. Bed rest from the very first day: no courageous dedication at work with subinfection of others:
    • Most flu victims are workaholics who carry the disease on the go.
  2. For flu symptoms, it is preferable to call a doctor or an ambulance at home:
    • Sitting in line for many hours will add three extra viruses to the patient, including the same H1N1, which the person may not have had at the entrance to the clinic.
  3. The patient needs to be well wrapped up, but the room itself should be fresh and humid:
    • it is necessary to ventilate the room where the patient lies several times a day;
    • constant humidification of the air in the room is required.
  4. Plentiful drinking is a prerequisite for treatment. You need to drink not just a lot, but a lot:
    • teas with chamomile, calendula, linden, raspberry, black currant;
    • compotes from apples, dried fruits, dried apricots;
    • rosehip decoctions;
    • milk with honey and soda.
  5. It is unnecessary to take food to the sick until he wants to himself. Therefore, you should not persuade to eat "for strength", especially children.
  6. Temperatures above 38 - 38.5 degrees do not need to be knocked down: when high temperature Viruses die en masse.
    • Fever above 39 is lowered with flu with paracetamol or ibuprofen: taking aspirin is dangerous!
    • If the temperature is under forty, it will alleviate the condition of the patient by wiping the forehead, hands and feet with a solution of vinegar or an alcohol solution.

When a doctor's call is necessary

Due to the danger of swine flu, it is recommended to call a doctor at the slightest suspicion of H1N1.

However, in practice, during an epidemic, it is not easy to wait for the arrival of a health worker - they are not enough for all patients. The family doctor simply does not physically have time to bypass all the patients. With SARS, a delay of 10-20 hours is not terrible, but with the flu it is life-threatening.

In what situation do you need immediate Ambulance?

  • with loss of consciousness;
  • convulsions;
  • intense pain of any localization;
  • sore throat without runny nose
  • headache with vomiting;
  • temperature above 39 °, not falling half an hour after taking antipyretics;
  • the appearance of a skin rash;
  • swelling of the neck.

If you are being treated for SARS or influenza, then in the following situations you definitely need a doctor:

  • On the fourth day there is no improvement.
  • The temperature is kept on the seventh day.
  • After the improvement, it suddenly worsened again.
  • Severe condition with moderate signs of SARS.
  • Pallor, shortness of breath, thirst, severe pain, purulent discharge - alone or in combination.
  • Increased cough, long dry cough, coughing fit with deep inspiration.
  • Weak effect of antipyretics.

What complications should be feared

IMPORTANT: at the first symptoms, call a doctor. You do not need to go to the clinic, because you can infect those who came there healthy or pick up another infection.

Only doctor can appoint highly qualified assistance. But self-medication can lead to irreversible complications. If you start treatment for swine flu in the first 48 hours, the flu can be overcome painlessly. If later, then complications in the form of severe pneumonia are provided to you.

While the statistics do not give a serious reason for panic. It is possible that doctors, as always, exaggerate.

http://advices4lady.org/302-gripp-2016-simptomy/ and http://zaspiny.ru/novosti-mediciny/svinoy-gripp-2016.html

The onset of cold weather is usually associated with poor health, extreme fatigue and the need to maintain immunity. But do not forget during periods of cold snap and serious influenza viruses. They can lead to serious illness. Therefore, proper prevention and knowing the details about the signs and manifestations of the flu will help protect against infection. Adults should learn as much as possible about possible viruses in 2016-2017 and the rules for their treatment. After all, according to the forecasts of doctors, they can hit the population different types viruses that differ in manifestation and complications. Influenza 2016 2017 can have different manifestations in children and adults. And the features of the symptoms and treatment of the disease are somewhat different.

Medical forecast for influenza in 2016-2017: what kind of flu is expected and how will it manifest itself?

The onset of flu symptoms is an important signal for urgent treatment for both children and adults. Therefore, you need to know in advance what kind of influenza epidemics are predicted by doctors for the end of 2016 and the beginning of 2017. Doctors are leaning towards one of the following types of influenza: H1N1 or H3N2, a group B virus. All of them appeared earlier and led to a fairly large number of human deaths. Symptoms of each type of flu in adults and children manifest themselves in different ways, but they are all equally dangerous for people. Do not forget that these viruses are constantly mutating, which can lead to even more terrible consequences of their appearance, difficulties in treatment.

What characterizes different types of influenza predicted by doctors: differences between diseases

Flus from group A (H1N1 and H3N2) are characterized by a slight manifestation of temperature (about 37-38 degrees), which lasts a long time. Additionally, the disease is accompanied by poor health, runny nose and cough. But the symptoms of influenza group B in humans differ in other ways. To a greater extent, the strain affects well-being: it can lead to dizziness, nausea and severe headaches. According to preliminary forecasts of doctors, such a flu, despite the terrible manifestations of the disease, should be less afraid. But for people with poor immunity, such symptoms should signal the need for urgent medical treatment.

Flu symptoms in 2017 in adults - the main signs of illness

The main signs of influenza groups A and B include a painful condition in which body aches, severe overwork, and drowsiness may occur. Group B strain also implies a high temperature, which can be accompanied by dizziness, and in especially difficult cases will even lead to fainting. In addition, when a disease appears, you can confuse the symptoms of influenza and SARS in humans, mistaking malaise for a common cold. So about the symptoms different types influenza needs to be known before the next epidemic.

What are the signs of viral diseases for strains of groups A and B in 2016-2017?

The general signs of malaise and malaise in different strains are similar, but the rest of the symptoms are different, which allows you to accurately determine the appropriate treatment. The following symptoms will help you identify group A virus influenza:

  • stable temperature up to 38 degrees;
  • chills;
  • minor headaches;
  • runny nose, cough.

The strain of group B differs from other types in that it does not affect the upper respiratory tract, but intoxication of the body. Therefore, headaches and muscle pain in this type of disease will be very strong.

What symptoms will accompany the flu in children in 2017?

The manifestation of viral diseases in children is most dangerous during the periods of November-December. At this time, quite often babies have to come into contact with potential infected. Therefore, all parents need to know exactly how the 2017 flu manifests itself: the symptoms of the disease, methods of prevention and treatment.

What flu symptoms can occur in children in 2016-2017?

The most dangerous manifestations of strains include aches and severe headaches. If adults can take a pill that will help them get rid of such symptoms, even for a short time, it is very difficult for children to cope with such signs. Other symptoms that a child may experience as a result of a viral illness include:

  1. Heat.
  2. Dizziness, weakness.
  3. Strong chill.
  4. Mild runny nose, dry cough.

Despite treatment prescribed by a doctor, flu-like symptoms in children may not only not go away, but even get worse.

What methods should be used to treat influenza 2016-2017 in adults and children?

Pre-vaccination can help prevent influenza virus infection in children and adults. It allows you to minimize the likelihood of the disease, to prevent the need for subsequent treatment in case of damage to the body. The main advantage of influenza vaccination is its rapid implementation and high efficiency. This is an important plus for both children and adults: one injection allows you to protect yourself from the virus of the disease.

Proper flu treatment: how to get rid of the virus in children and adults?

When the disease proceeds according to the symptoms described above, medications are determined according to its group. If the strain manifests itself only in individual signs, then the doctor prescribes treatment for babies and adults according to the following scheme:

  1. The state of the body (treatment should not worsen well-being).
  2. The age of the patient (in some dangerous cases, treatment for adults is also applicable for adolescents).
  3. Features of the development of the disease.

For example, if the flu occurs without a temperature, and the rest of the symptoms fit the strain, separate studies and verification of analyzes are needed. They will help determine the degree of damage to the body by the virus and choose the correct treatment. The most difficult selection of medicines for strains from the same group (Hong Kong and Swine). Features of the treatment of adults and babies from these viruses are somewhat different even with similar symptoms. Therefore, the exact symptoms and treatment are determined exclusively by a qualified specialist.

Newly mutated influenza viruses can lead to very serious illnesses that require accurate diagnosis to treat. That is why both adults and children need to be aware of the primary symptoms that accompany the flu 2016 2017. If you correctly recognize the disease and seek medical help in time, you can avoid the negative consequences of the flu virus. Correct treatment will eliminate complications and achieve a quick recovery of the patient. For adults and children, various medications are prescribed to allow for treatment with minimal harm to the vital systems of the body.

On the pages of this article we will talk about the symptoms and causes of influenza in adults and children, give specific advice on the treatment of influenza in adults and children. We want to warn you that these recommendations and the drugs named are not guidelines for your specific treatment for influenza. In your particular case, the treatment is always prescribed by a doctor, and can be either medication or flu treatment. folk remedies.

Treatment of influenza in adults

Treatment of influenza in adults with drugs

For the treatment of influenza in adults, oral paracetamol preparations (Panadol, Coldrex), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Solpaflex, Brufen). Antigrippin is also indicated for treatment at an age dosage;

For liquefaction and discharge of sputum in the treatment of influenza symptoms, mukaltin, licorice root, marshmallow tincture, etc. are indicated;

With an increased cough reflex, pectussin is prescribed for the treatment of influenza; with a dry cough, tusuprex, broncholithin, or glauvent are indicated;

With a persistent painful cough, libexin is prescribed; in cases of wet cough and difficult sputum, bromhexine is prescribed;

In cases of nocturnal cough in adults, dextromethorphan is prescribed;

It also shows the appointment of ascorbic acid, multivitamins, antihistamines (tavegil, suprastin) for flu symptoms.

For the treatment of influenza in adults, a plentiful drink is always prescribed (hot tea, cranberry or lingonberry juice, alkaline mineral waters in combination with milk.

Etiotropic treatment of influenza

Such treatment in adults is indicated with the help of rimantadine. It is used in cases of severe and moderate influenza in adults. In addition to rimantadine, arbidol can be prescribed for the treatment of influenza. It is important to note that prophylactic courses of these drugs at the time of the influenza epidemic or your contact with a sick person can significantly reduce the risks possible development symptoms of influenza, or lead to the fact that the disease will proceed in a milder form.

The human leukocyte interferon (HLI) preparation has proven itself well for the treatment of influenza in adults and children. It should be taken by all patients with this infection, regardless of age and severity of the clinical picture of the disease. AT severe cases when influenza occurs with symptoms of toxic damage to the human body, symptomatic therapy is carried out in a hospital setting.

How to get rid of the flu?

The first thing you need to provide the patient is a comfortable comfortable place to rest. He must sleep a lot, drink a lot and sweat a lot. At the same time, it is recommended to wrap the head and neck, change clothes more often, and ventilate the room.

It is mandatory to drink a course of antiviral drugs, which will be the main artillery in the fight directly against the flu. Medicines for the treatment of influenza must be prescribed by a doctor.

In addition to antiviral drugs You can take a course of anti-inflammatory pills. It all depends on the patient's condition, if it is severe, then pills are the best method to quickly get him out of the heat, and the pain effect. Neither the first nor the second is beneficial to the body.

The next thing to consider is nutrition. A sick person with the flu should eat properly. Since the appetite will definitely disappear, even a small amount of food should contain as many vitamins and minerals as possible. Steam meat or fish, spinach, beets, carrots, potatoes can be removed. Don't forget fruit.

In the treatment of influenza, it is better to include multivitamin complexes and fish oil. These substances will serve both as nutritional supplements and as additional forces to fight the disease.

Brew a lot of tea. Raspberries and honey are the main sweets. Tea should exclude tea as such and consist of currant, raspberry, mint, chamomile, rosehip and elecampane leaves. The more the patient drinks, the better.

If there is no temperature, but the throat hurts or the nose is stuffy, you can use thermal procedures. Steam your feet, do inhalations, and use rinses.

Treatment of influenza with folk remedies

Treatment of influenza with folk remedies

  • In the treatment of influenza, honey-garlic gruel is effective: grate peeled garlic on a fine grater, mix 1: 1 with honey (preferably lime) and take 1 tablespoon before bedtime and drink warm water.
  • Mix carrot juice with milk and honey in half. Consume 1 tablespoon six times a day for treatment.
  • Mix two tablespoons of fresh olive oil. 2 yolks. 1 teaspoon wheat flour and 2 teaspoons honey. Take 2 teaspoons 7-8 times a day for flu symptoms.
  • 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of wild rose, 1 tablespoon of currants, 1 tablespoon of raspberries - pour boiling water over 1 liter. Withstand 15 minutes, drink 3 times a day for 0.5 cups before meals for the treatment of influenza in adults and children.
  • For flu, grate peeled garlic, mix with honey (preferably lime) in a ratio of 1: 1. Take with warm water, one tablespoon once or twice a day and always at bedtime to treat flu symptoms.

Influenza Herbal Blend:

  • Chamomile - 2 hours
  • Oregano -2.5 hours
  • Mint - 2.5 hours
  • Mother and stepmother - 3 hours
  • St. John's wort - 3 hours
  • Eucalyptus - 0.5 hours
  • Valerian - 1 hour
  • Corn silk - 2 tsp
  • Rose hips - 1.5 tsp.
  • Hawthorn - 1h.

Two parts of herbs are combined with 8 parts of tea and brewed and taken to treat influenza. It improves health.

Decoctions based on folk remedies for the treatment of influenza

A decoction of the root of elecampane for the treatment of influenza: pour one teaspoon of crushed elecampane root with one glass of water, boil over low heat for half an hour. Take one tablespoon every hour throughout the day.

A decoction of pine buds for flu symptoms: place one tablespoon of pine buds in an enamel bowl, pour one glass of hot boiled water, close the lid and keep in a water bath for half an hour, cool at room temperature for 10 minutes, strain, squeeze out the remaining raw materials. Bring the volume of the resulting broth with boiled water to one glass. Take half to one third of a glass two to three times a day after meals for the treatment of flu symptoms as an expectorant and disinfectant.

Treatment of influenza with tinctures based on folk remedies

  • Infusion of calamus for the treatment of influenza in adults and children: Pour one teaspoon of calamus powder with one glass of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, one hour, strain. Take one quarter cup three times a day half an hour before meals. Can be sweetened. Take for the treatment of flu, cough, chest pain.
  • Infusion of black elderberry flowers for flu symptoms: Pour two teaspoons of dried black elderberry flowers with one glass of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, one hour. strain. Take half a glass two to three times a day. Drink slowly, in small sips, with short breaks.
  • Infusion of high elecampane root, pour one teaspoon of crushed elecampane root with a glass of boiling water (daily dose). Insist 10 hours. Drink in small sips to treat the flu.
  • Infusion of common centaury, chamomile, three-leafed watch - mix equal amounts of common centaury herb, chamomile flowers and three-leaf watch leaves. Pour one tablespoon of this mixture with one glass of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, one hour, strain. Take one glass of infusion three times a day for flu with elevated temperature.
  • Infusion of willow bark, coltsfoot leaves and oregano herb in treating flu symptoms: Mix 20 grams of willow bark, 20 grams of coltsfoot leaves and 10 grams of oregano herb. Pour one tablespoon of this mixture with one glass of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, half an hour, strain. Take for treatment hot half a cup three to four times a day for influenza, rheumatism, colds.
  • Infusion of willow, chamomile, linden, wild rose for flu symptoms in children and adults: mix equal amounts of willow bark, chamomile flowers, lime blossom and rose hips. Pour one teaspoon of this collection with one glass of boiling water. Infuse for 10 minutes, strain the infusion and squeeze out the plant mass. Take one-third cup of warm infusion three times a day 15 minutes before meals to treat flu.
  • Infusion of linden and raspberry in the treatment of flu symptoms: mix equal amounts of linden flowers and raspberries. Pour one tablespoon of this mixture with one glass of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, one hour, strain. Take half a cup three to four times a day for flu.
  • Infusion of linden flowers and coltsfoot leaves for flu symptoms: mix equal amounts of linden flowers and coltsfoot leaves. Pour one tablespoon of this mixture with one glass of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, half an hour, strain. Drink warm half a glass three to four times a day for treatment.
  • Onion infusion in the treatment of flu symptoms: grate the onion, pour half a liter of boiling milk, but do not boil. Insist in a warm place. Drink half of the hot infusion at night, and the other half in the morning, also hot.
  • Infusion of raspberry branches for flu symptoms in adults and children: pour one tablespoon of finely chopped raspberry stalks with one glass of boiling water, boil for 10-20 minutes. Insist two hours. Drink in small sips throughout the day for healing.
  • Infusion of raspberries for flu symptoms: pour two tablespoons of dry or 100 grams of fresh raspberries with one glass of boiling water. Infuse for 10-15 minutes, add a tablespoon of honey, stir. Taken warm as a diaphoretic at bedtime for the treatment of influenza, when using it, you must beware of drafts.
  • Infusion of blackcurrant twigs for the treatment of flu symptoms: Finely chop the blackcurrant twigs. Pour a handful of finished raw materials with four cups of boiling water, boil for five minutes. Insist, wrapped, one hour, strain. Taken hot several times a day, at night drink with honey for treatment.
  • Infusion of black currant leaves for flu symptoms: Pour one teaspoon of crushed black currant leaves with one glass of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, three to four hours, strain. Take half a glass four to five times a day.
  • Tincture of blackcurrant berries for the treatment of influenza: pour one glass of blackcurrant berries with one glass of vodka or 50-degree alcohol. Add a glass of sugar syrup to it. Infuse for 30 days (or more) in a dark place, shake occasionally. Take one glass for colds and flu. You can pour a tablespoon of liquor into a glass of hot tea and drink. This flu remedy is for adults only.
  • Eucalyptus leaf tincture in the treatment of flu symptoms: Pour 20 grams of dry crushed eucalyptus leaves with alcohol. Close tightly. Insist 7-8 days. Strain and squeeze the remainder into a tincture. Take 20-25 drops diluted in one quarter cup of boiled water for treatment.

Teas for the treatment of influenza based on folk remedies

  • Perfectly fights flu symptoms and strengthens the immune system in general, sea buckthorn tea with honey. Take one tablespoon of sea buckthorn and rub it thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained, then add one tablespoon of honey and pour one glass of boiling water over it. Give the patient such tea as often as possible - this will significantly speed up the healing process.
  • To prepare the next flu remedy, you will need fresh or dried blackcurrant leaves. Take a small amount of leaves and pour a glass of boiling water, then add a little honey. The resulting solution should be drunk 3-4 times a day with flu symptoms.
  • Take equal proportions of raspberry leaves and berries, pour boiling water over it and infuse, wrapped in a warm cloth, for 15-20 minutes, then dilute honey to taste and drink it warm several times a day for treatment.
  • An excellent remedy for flu treatment is linden tea, add lingonberry juice and juice maple tree. Drink as desired throughout the day.

Influenza Prevention in Adults

Treatment of flu symptoms with folk remedies according to Mikhail Libintov's recipes

In the prevention of influenza among folk remedies, onion and garlic occupy a large place. They must be eaten or at least chewed without swallowing for 2-3 minutes several times a day, since large quantities of onions and garlic cannot be taken by patients in the stage of exacerbations of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver. So that others do not "suffer" from the smell of, for example, garlic, you should eat a little parsley.

Prevention of influenza with folk remedies - Mikhail Libintov's recipes

  • Finely chop 2-3 cloves of garlic, pour 30-50 ml of boiling water, leave for 1-2 hours and strain. Bury in the nose 2-3 drops in each nostril 1-2 times a day. (Infusion for the treatment of influenza should be prepared for 2 days.)
  • It is also recommended to hang a gauze bag with finely chopped garlic around your neck. To prevent small children from getting sick, tie such a bag to the crib or place a saucer with chopped garlic next to it.
  • As a prophylactic measure for influenza, you can chew a leaf of eucalyptus in the morning and, when in contact with a flu patient, keep a small part of the leaf in your mouth (between the cheek and gum).
  • In the evening, it is necessary to rinse the nasopharynx with fresh raw beetroot juice, adding 1 teaspoon of a 2% solution of table vinegar to 1 glass of juice to prevent influenza.

Flu treatment according to Mikhail Libintov's recipes

  • Drink hot tea with lemon or raspberry jam as often as possible to treat flu, as well as warm milk with honey (1 tablespoon per 1 cup).
  • Rinse the nasal cavity and pharynx every hour with an infusion of onion and honey (1: 1) or a solution of table salt, soda and iodine; inhale the solution through the nose and remove through the mouth.
  • Put 5 drops of fresh aloe or kalanchoe juice into your nose every 2-3 hours for 2-3 days to treat flu.
  • Grate the onion, pour 0.5 l of milk brought to a boil, let it brew in a warm place; drink half of the hot infusion at night, and half in the morning, also hot with flu symptoms.
  • Pour 10 g (1 tablespoon) of pine buds with a glass of boiling water, close and soak in a water bath for 30 minutes, cool at room temperature, strain and squeeze out the remaining raw materials. In the resulting infusion, add boiled water to a glass for treatment.
  • Pour 20 g of dry crushed eucalyptus leaves with alcohol, close tightly and let it brew for 7-8 days. Then strain and squeeze. Take tincture of 20-25 drops, diluting it in 1/4 cup of boiled water to treat flu.
  • Chop raspberry sprigs, cut at any time of the year, pour boiling water at the rate of 1 tablespoon of stems per 1 glass of water, boil for 10-20 minutes and let it brew for about 2 hours. Drink in small sips, but often throughout the day for flu symptoms.
  • Pour a teaspoon of crushed rhizomes and elecampane roots with 1 glass of hot water, let it brew for 10 hours, strain. Drink in small sips for healing.
  • Pour 2 teaspoons of dried black elderberry flowers with 1 cup of boiling water, wrap well, soak for 40-50 minutes, strain. Drink the infusion slowly in small sips of half a glass 4-5 times a day for flu symptoms.
  • Pour equal amounts of linden flowers and raspberries with boiling water at the rate of 1 tablespoon of the mixture per 1 glass of water, wrap, let it brew for 1 hour, strain. Drink half a glass 3-4 times a day to treat the flu.
  • A pinch of a mixture consisting of equal amounts of leaves or flowers of black currant and linden flowers, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes and strain. Take 1 cup warm as a tea 3-4 times a day for flu.
  • For persistent headaches, take honey with apple cider vinegar (2 teaspoons moda, 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar for 1 glass of water). Drink every day for 30 days to treat flu symptoms in children and adults;

Treatment of flu symptoms according to Yuri Longo's recipes

With mild symptoms, the flu resembles a common cold, and with severe symptoms, fever, headache, aching legs, lower back, and always cough and runny nose. The disease is dangerous because with a cold it easily turns into pneumonia, and in addition, with the flu, all sorts of other diseases come to life. At the first symptoms of influenza, you should immediately take a laxative and try to sweat well: drink a very hot infusion of linden or raspberry, lie down in bed and surround yourself with bottles of hot water, wrap yourself up, which will lead to rapid and profuse sweat. The mouth and nose must be washed with flu symptoms with a solution of potassium permanganate ( Pink colour). Folk remedy:

  • Grate a medium-sized raw onion, pour a bottle of boiling milk, but do not boil, let it brew for 20 minutes in a warm place so that it does not cool down. Drink this infusion for the treatment of influenza hot at night. If someone cannot immediately drink the whole bottle, then drink half in the evening and the other half in the morning, but always hot. So a few days. The flu passes without any complications.
  • From 15 to 20 grams of wormwood should be insisted on half a liter of vodka for flu symptoms. The longer to insist, the better, but not less than 24 hours. The dose depends on the individual, but approximately one hundred to two hundred grams should be taken three times a day 15 minutes before meals and again at bedtime.
  • Soak a woolen cloth or woolen rag with vinegar, olive oil and camphor; put it on your chest at night, Put a compress of horseradish grated on the back of your neck. Fill long woolen stockings with hot chaff and put on the patient. This remedy has been tested on many flu patients.

Treatment of influenza according to the recipes of Natalia Frolova

For the treatment of influenza and other symptoms of acute viral infections, according to the method of Natalia Frolova, herbal medicine is necessary. To prepare a folk remedy, take senna or buckthorn bark, or jostra, immortelle, knotweed, St. John's wort, or black elderberry flowers, 50 g of each component. Mix. Pour three tablespoons into a vessel with three glasses of cold water, heat over low heat. Boil one minute. Drink 3-4 cups warm or hot 20 minutes before meals. Children give 1/4-1/2 cup to treat flu.

Recipes for the treatment of influenza folk remedies Ksenia Zagladina

The most important thing at high temperature - do not try to feed the patient. Food for him in this state is poison. With influenza and other viral diseases, herbal treatment helps well. Take senna or buckthorn bark, or gestra, immortelle, knotweed, St. John's wort or black elderberry flowers, 50 g of each component. Mix all the herbs you have prepared. Pour three tablespoons of the resulting mixture into a vessel and pour three glasses of cold water, heat over low heat. Boil exactly 1 minute. Drink 3-4 cups warm or hot 20 minutes before meals to treat flu symptoms.

Recipes for the treatment of influenza from the Ural healer Ivan Prokhorov

At home, 3-4 drops of fir oil - on an enamel pot with boiling water. Inhale the steam by covering your head. After inhalation, rub the chest with oil and cover with a warm blanket. Rub the oil into the collar zone of the back, chest, massage the feet with oil over the reflex zones 4-5 times a day after 5-6 hours. After each procedure, wrap the patient in compress paper, cover with a warm blanket, put on warm socks, give a diaphoretic infusion of herbs. You can put 1 drop in each nostril to treat the flu.

Treatment of influenza with folk remedies according to Vanga's recipes

To prevent flu symptoms:

  • 1 tablespoon of calendula flowers pour a glass of boiling water and boil for a few minutes. Insist for an hour, strain and take 1-2 tablespoons before meals 3 times a day for flu symptoms.
  • Grate fresh onion. Put the resulting mass on two layers of gauze. Apply a 10-minute compress on the lower part of the nose, previously lubricated with sunflower oil. Do the procedure 3 times a day for the treatment of influenza.
  • Grate 2 lemons (pitted), chop 2 heads of garlic. Mix the resulting slurry and pour a liter of boiled water. Keep for 3 days in a dark place at room temperature. Store the filtered infusion in a cold place. Take a tablespoon on an empty stomach to treat flu symptoms.
  • Grate a glass of beets, pour in 1 tablespoon of vinegar, let the mixture settle. Squeeze out the juice, gargle with it, swallow 1-2 tablespoons of juice with the flu.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of kerosene to a glass of water. Drink half a glass, and gargle with the rest of the folk remedy. You can make a compress to treat the flu and its symptoms.
  • Suck a slice of lemon for an hour, then swallow. This remedy is especially effective at the beginning of the treatment of influenza.
  • In the old days, fresh cabbage leaves were tied to the throat and wrapped in a woolen scarf or shawl. Leaves should be changed every two hours until the inflammatory process stops.

Treatment of influenza according to the recipes of Grigory Rasputin

To replenish lost water and quench your thirst during the bath procedure, we recommend drinking some liquid (tea, kvass, juice, mineral water). The best drink after a steam bath is well-brewed tea with fresh jam or buckwheat honey, which helps with flu symptoms. Tea is better than water, quenches thirst and eliminates dry mouth. As an excellent folk remedy, strong tea with baked milk is tasty and healthy. Good vegetables and fruits rich in glucose, vitamins and minerals. As drinks in the bath, pure spring water, kvass on berries or fragrant herbs can also be recommended.

If you want to treat a cold and cause intense sweating, it is better to brew tea with lime blossom or raspberry. It is useful to add mint, St. John's wort, currant and strawberry leaves to tea. It is useful to make up for the loss of water after the bath with rosehip infusion.

The main measures to prevent influenza in adults are:

  • Hardening of the body;
  • Vitaminization of food;
  • Rejection of bad habits;
  • Doing healthy lifestyle life;
  • During the immunization and vaccination;
  • Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene at the time of an outbreak of an epidemic, or at the time of your care for a patient with this infection;
  • Prophylactic administration of antiviral drugs.

We hope that we were able to give you a comprehensive answer to your question about the treatment of influenza in adults.

flu symptoms in adults

Early on in the development of signs and symptoms of the flu, adults experience a mild cold, muscle aches and backaches, loss of appetite, ringing in the ears, dizziness, cough, and sometimes sore throat, numbness, and hoarseness. Headaches begin. Fever may worsen in the evening. Influenza develops very quickly and lasts 7-10 days. The main danger of influenza is that, without proper treatment, it can cause serious complications. One of the most common complications of flu symptoms is pneumonia, which, if not properly treated, can be fatal. Patients suffering from symptoms of lung or heart disease, as well as pregnant women, are more likely to develop viral pneumonia. After an attack of the flu, the body needs to be restored with the help of simple, nutritious foods.

Causes of the flu

Influenza is caused by three types of influenza virus - A, B and C. The symptoms of type A virus are the most dangerous. The flu is spreading all over the world, reaching countries of many millions, and acting amazingly fast. Too much exposure to cold or dampness, exhaustion of the body by disease, unhealthy lifestyle - all this makes a person extremely vulnerable to the influenza virus.

Flu symptoms in adults

Influenza is an acute viral infection transmitted by airborne droplets. And within a few hours after infection, the first symptoms may appear, or within 1-3 days after contact with the sick person. Influenza symptoms are different from SARS or ARI.

How to identify the first symptoms of the flu?

If nothing foreshadowed trouble and you were not sick, but within a few hours a chill appeared, the temperature rose above 38 degrees, severe headaches appeared, signs of intoxication, then you have the flu.

Flu nasal discharge may be scanty or absent, eyes hurt in bright light, dry and infrequent cough, accompanied by severe chest pain. Antipyretic drugs do not help well, and if they bring down the temperature, then by very a short time.

Due to intoxication of the body, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting may occur. All this indicates the active reproduction of viruses in your body and the defense mechanisms of the immune system that have turned on. In addition, there may be profuse sweating and severe aching in the bones.

A severe form of the flu can develop immediately. Then the body temperature instantly rises to 40 degrees or more, hallucinations, seizures, convulsions appear. Such a reaction of the body is characteristic of the strongest intoxication. Here you need to urgently call an ambulance for assistance and hospitalization.

Antibiotics for influenza do not have any positive effect, since there are no bacteria in the body, and they are powerless against viruses. Therefore, they cannot be taken with the flu, otherwise it will finally undermine the body's defenses, and the flu will give very serious complications. Complications in severe cases can be irreversible damage to the kidneys, cardiovascular system, lungs and brain. That is why you should not carry the flu on your feet. At the first symptoms, stay at home and call your doctor.

You know how to identify the first flu symptoms and when they appear, drink as much liquid as possible, fruit drinks, tea, lemon juice, mineral water, milk. Take antipyretic drugs: coldrex, panadol or paracetamol, instill vasoconstrictor drops in the nose, take antihistamines and expectorants. All this can be done even before the arrival of a doctor who will conduct an examination and prescribe additional treatment.

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