Six steps to the perfect kitchen

Design and interior 08.11.2017
Design and interior

Most families spend quite a lot of time in the kitchen: cooking, daily meals, and just home gatherings for tea, and receiving guests. Therefore, it is very important that comfortable and multifunctional furniture surround us, which at the same time would also please the eye. It is important to choose the right piece of furniture in the kitchen, carefully consider all the nuances, up to the system of their opening. If, then the task becomes more complicated, because you will have to enter all the necessary elements, while trying to leave free space for movement and make the room visually more spacious. But there are no unsolvable tasks, and for any kitchen you can find the perfect furniture.

No. 1. Determine what furniture is for

Some aspects of the use of the kitchen may differ in different families, so the furniture in different situations need different. Before buying a whole kitchen or its individual parts, it is important to clearly define the scenarios for using this room, so that later it does not turn out that some pieces of furniture are not functional, not needed, but some are not enough at all.

So, the kitchen can be in the apartment "for beauty", no matter how strange it may sound. If the owners are not lovers of cooking and they do it extremely rarely, then minimalism should reign in the kitchen: only the most necessary items in order to fulfill the simplest things if necessary. If the hostess is a business woman who wants spend less time cooking, then the organization of space will need to be approached with all care so that all objects are located very close, and it takes a minimum of time to complete some action.

For those who like to cook something delicious to please your family, and all those who spend a lot of time in the kitchen creating another culinary masterpiece can be advised to pay attention to kitchens with the maximum possible number of shelves, cabinets and bedside tables that can fit into space. But do not forget that it is very difficult to transfer communications, so you should choose furniture sets very thoughtfully, or opt for modular systems.

If a lot of time is spent in the kitchen outside of cooking, for example, for family conversations, tea drinking and also often there are guests, then it is important to pay attention not only to the working area, but also to the dining area. It should be as comfortable as possible and conducive to long gatherings. It would be nice if this is possible: different finishes, zoning of the bar counter, etc. are used. By the way, which often becomes a decoration, it is a great option to separate the space, but at the same time use every square centimeter of the area to good use. A combined kitchen and living room, in which you can place a dining area, is convenient, stylish and fashionable, and the kitchen space is increased by one and a half to two times, and much more useful things in the form of furniture and appliances can be accommodated.

No. 2. Furniture color

It would seem that it is not so difficult to choose the color of furniture for the kitchen, but in order to end up with a harmonious stylish room, you need to think through a lot of details in advance. You can use the services of an experienced designer, or you can try to cope on your own by scrolling through successful examples on the Internet. It would be best if the furniture is selected in the kitchen, which is being renovated: you can immediately choose the right color for the walls, linoleum or tiles and other details. It is worth deciding right away whether one color or a pair will be used, what color it will be, and start from the selected shades when choosing everything: from the furniture itself to curtains and accessories.

As for specific colors, it all depends on your preferences, and kitchens can now be of all imaginable and unimaginable shades. There is a well-known rule here: light shades visually expand the space, so if you have a small kitchen, then you should not ship it dark furniture, which will harmoniously look in a spacious room. You can opt for bright colors: orange, green, yellow, red, and then the kitchen will become stylish interesting place. You can even use contrasting juicy shades, but remember at the same time that they are appropriate only in spacious rooms. In small rooms, light and pastel shades are saved, and so that the kitchen does not look very boring and faded, just add a few bright accessories: curtains, tablecloths or napkins. Besides, for miniature kitchens suitable shades such as light green, light blue, light yellow, peach, light gray, etc.

By the way, psychologists have long proved that our the mood depends on the color that surrounds us. To improve appetite, in the design they use bright colors characteristic of fruits and vegetables: green, yellow, orange, red. White in this case remains neutral, but is able to enhance the impact of other colors. If, however, it is not in your plans to cause appetite, but it is planned for the coming years proper nutrition and diets, then for the kitchen you can choose colors such as gray, olive, marsh, blue, purple, blue.

Illumination degree also affects the choice of color scheme. If the kitchen faces south, then the sun will constantly shine, and to make the room visually a little cooler, you can use cold colors: blue, green, purple, blue, gray. If the situation is just the opposite, then your option is sunny warm shades: yellow, peach, sand, orange.

No. 3. Deciding on style

Choosing the right color is only the first step, then you should decide on the style of the kitchen, which will determine the style of the furniture. There can be a lot of options: as many as there are on this moment. The choice should be based on your own tastes, as well as on some features of the premises.

Classic style certainly will not go out of fashion, at least in the next few decades, so this kitchen will always be relevant. True, such a decision will cost the owner not very cheap, since the style involves the use of natural wood or materials that are as close as possible to it in terms of properties and appearance. Such kitchens are usually massive, so they are suitable for more spacious rooms with high ceilings and large windows.

Modern- A great option that will fit into any kitchen with any size. The main thing here is simplicity and functionality, and every detail is thought out, there is only the necessary furniture, which amazes with the conciseness of its forms. In addition, Art Nouveau kitchens are most often performed in light colors, and dark, contrasting and flashy colors do not belong here.

Country style kitchen is comfort, beauty and functionality. The so-called rustic style is very well suited for arranging kitchens, however, this will require a sufficient amount of space. Everything natural is held in high esteem: wooden or wicker furniture, clay pots, linen textiles.

High tech- one of the most modern interior styles. With him, the kitchen looks like it is from the future, and all thanks to the presence of modern technology and furniture with clear outlines, made of metal, glass or plastic. Such kitchens conquer with their simplicity, bordering on maximum convenience.

Close to hi-tech and modern minimalism, in which there are only the most necessary pieces of furniture, but at the same time they can be made of almost any material. The main thing in style is simplicity, the presence of free space and a single color scheme.

In addition, there is also many other styles, which are also used in the kitchen, but less often: Japanese with its simplicity and compactness, Scandinavian with a predominance of light shades, Provence with an abundance of floral prints.

No. 4. furniture material

No matter how stylistically different and dissimilar the pieces of furniture for the kitchen are, there are not so many materials for making them.

Let's start from frame material which is hidden from our eyes. Wooden kitchens These are executive-class kitchens that are distinguished by environmental friendliness and high quality. But such material will require a special approach in difficult kitchen conditions, since it does not tolerate moisture well.

Due to the high cost of wooden furniture, its analogues are increasingly used. For example, MDF furniture is environmentally friendly and easy to maintain. Since such plates are plastic and flexible, furniture can have any shape, and at the same time it is also affordable. The disadvantages include not the highest durability and high risk cladding peeling.

Chipboard also has good performance: modern processing technologies allow such furniture to withstand Negative influence moisture and temperature, remaining in its original form for a long time. The cost is also acceptable, but the shape will be simpler than that of MDF, since the material does not bend well.

Another alternative to wood is multiplex, a material obtained by gluing thin sheets of natural wood different breeds. The result is a material that is resistant to deformation and moisture.

As for facade of kitchen furniture, then the range of materials used is expanding. In addition to the chipboard and MDF mentioned above, specially treated wood is also used, which will not warp under the influence of moisture. Plastic, glass and metal inserts can also be used.

MDF may be enameled, in this case, the facade of the kitchen will be resistant to moisture and deformation, it will retain its original appearance for a long time, and at the same time there are a lot of appearance options: a bunch of colors, glossy and matte surfaces etc. If used as a cover PVC film, then the quality of the furniture is reduced: these are not the most durable sets, but in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sink and oven The film will soon begin to peel off and fade.

Kitchen furniture may have plastic facade: in this case, the material is glued to the base of chipboard or MDF. The quality depends on the type of plastic and how it is processed. In any case, this is a material whose disadvantages are more than offset by its advantages: a diverse appearance, resistance to sunlight and aggressive chemicals, moisture, etc. But laminated chipboard, although it remains the most budget option, will last a very short time and is suitable for office space or as a temporary option.

Today, furniture designers combine aluminum profile with other materials: plastic, wood, plates, glass, and the result is stylish and original furniture, however, aluminum may darken over time. But glass elements, which are easy to combine with any material, have been held in high esteem for many years: they give lightness to the kitchen and originality to the furniture.

As for furniture interior space, then the modern proposal is simply amazing. The kitchens combine pull-out shelves, bedside tables, revolving shelves, corner cabinets with completely different opening / closing mechanisms. You need to choose such an option so that all the elements are convenient to use and that they are located as ergonomically as possible. Also, do not forget that storage spaces can be expanded with all sorts of shelves, hooks, etc.

No. 5. Correct countertop

Choice of countertop material. This is the place where all kitchen processes take place, such as cutting, washing, cleaning, etc., which are accompanied by constant exposure to moisture, splashes of grease, possible mechanical deformations, so the material of the countertop must be such that it can withstand all this and not lose its strength in the next few years. original appearance.

Today, countertops are made from the most different materials. A few words about the most popular of them.

No. 6. We draw up a project

It is important not only what quality furniture you buy, but also how you put it, which will determine the comfort and ease of use. That is why it is better to measure all the parameters and decide what and where will stand: you need to take into account the location of communications, and layout features, and personal convenience. Doesn't interfere draw a diagram or create a model in special programs. On a scale, we arrange all the necessary furniture, household appliances, and chairs, etc. to choose the best one later.

If it is not so difficult to equip the dining area, then the work area requires close attention, because it is important that you can cook something conveniently and quickly there. Stove, sink and refrigerator- key elements - should be located in close proximity, so take this into account in your project. There are several options for the location of these elements:

No. 7. Proper kitchen table

The kitchen table must be comfortable. Ergonomists considered and found that there must be at least 70 cm of space for each seated at the table to feel comfortable. It is from this that one should build on when choosing a kitchen table, knowing the number of people who regularly gather at it. In case of guests are provided tables-transformers with retractable additional slats that can increase the table by 2-4 times.

For classical cuisine fit wooden table or its imitation. But for more modern kitchens, you can choose a table from glass, or even plastic or metal, or their combinations. Transparent glass tables on metal legs - an excellent addition to a small kitchen, because for all its functionality they do not clutter up the space, and since a person sees everything that is at the table, the countertop is not perceived as some kind of object: therefore, the room seems more spacious.

Round tables they are not so traumatic, because they are devoid of corners, and more people can be accommodated there, and the atmosphere is created more trusting. However, the round table cannot be pushed completely against the wall, so there may be some placement problems. oval tables have the same characteristics, but at the same time they are even more “capacious”.

Square and rectangular tables– a real classic, comfortable and functional. But if square tables set in a corner are only an option for two people, then a rectangular table is suitable for the whole family. Moreover, if you put it in the center, then you can receive a solid company of guests. Triangular, irregular or polygonal tables- the option is not for everyone, but it will attract attention and, with the proper approach, will even become convenient.

Chairs to the table are selected in the appropriate style: material, the presence of decorations, backs and handles - all this is individual. The main thing is that the whole set should fit and be comfortable and practical.

No. 8. Choice of household appliances

If you have an old refrigerator or Washer, you will have to work hard to choose the right kitchen, or make it to order. But if you need everything completely, then in the store you can choose a complete set so that there are no problems when combining: a guarantee that all items will match each other. True, if you take furniture and appliances separately, you will be able to save a decent amount.

By the way, today built-in appliances- it is not only fashionable and stylish, but also very comfortable. It allows you to organize the space as ergonomically as possible, and even save about 20% of the area, not to mention the harmonious appearance. But there are also disadvantages: you have to buy new technology, and if you want to change the arrangement of furniture in the kitchen, problems will arise.

No. 9. We decorate the kitchen

Accessories must be present in the kitchen in optimal quantities. As a decor, you can use quite functional things: curtains, tablecloths, napkins, pillows with bright interesting colors. If at the same time the colors match, then the kitchen will turn out incredibly stylish. Beautiful dishes, salt and pepper shakers, cutlery, glasses and other items, even accessories are excellent kitchen decorations. In addition, appetizing paintings or photographs, plants, decorative lamps. Even ordinary kitchen utensils hung on the wall can become a decoration and create a cozy homely atmosphere.


The functionality and style of the kitchen largely depend on the chosen furniture, which is why this issue should be approached with all responsibility and seriousness. Furniture should be practical, functional, withstand difficult conditions that are not uncommon in the kitchen, fit the parameters, but at the same time please the eye. The task is not the easiest, but with the proper approach it can easily be solved.

The kitchen is one of the most favorite places in the house, where they prepare food, arrange friendly conversations and gatherings. There is nothing better than relaxing with a cup of coffee or tea with friends and family.

Before you go shopping for kitchen furniture, you should listen to the advice of experts, measure, draw a plan.

It is preferable to choose a kitchen cabinet from a chipboard for furniture, better laminated, it is more heat-resistant and moisture-resistant. The laminated surface is easier to clean with household chemicals.

The ends of the body parts must be treated with a special edging material. It is usually produced on the basis of PVC, which gives the furniture an aesthetic and attractive appearance, and extends the service life.

Which material to choose

More than 40 types of wood are used for the production of kitchen furniture. For kitchens, as well as sofas, they use solid wood and a multiplex. Multiplex furniture is cheaper than solid wood, but is more durable and less susceptible to water.

The most popular materials for the production of kitchens are MDF and chipboard. Chipboard products are the cheapest, so when buying, ask the seller for a quality certificate or a hygiene certificate, which indicates the amount of emission of harmful substances, such as formaldehyde.

MDF (Medium Density Fibreboard) furniture is more durable and environmentally friendly. Furniture based on MDF does not swell, tolerates high temperature fluctuations and kitchen steam well, does not warp and has high strength. MDF is flexible in production and easily molded into a variety of shapes.

The facade of furniture (drawers, doors, shelves) is often made of chipboard with a special coating, for example, laminate. I cover the edges in 2 ways: postforming and softforming. Postforming - finishing material goes to the main plane to the ends. Such a coating is better and more expensive, without seams, which distinguishes it from softforming.

In the production of kitchen furniture, metal (aluminum) is found, coated with a special composition that increases wear resistance. High-strength glass is used on the doors of cabinets and shelves.

Choosing the right color and style for your kitchen


Doesn't age and will never go out of style. Wood furniture, beautiful, carved, massive size. Wooden furniture is expensive, but if the house has high ceilings and windows, it will fit perfectly. To match such an interior of dazzling whiteness, the ceiling with stucco, the wallpaper of the classic version - vertical stripes with gilding, piping or drawings.


Appeared in Germany in the 20th century. main feature- convenience. Domestic manufacturers have created a fairly rich selection of such kitchens using MDF and chipboard. In such a kitchen, everything is thought out to the smallest detail, there is nothing superfluous, there are built-in household appliances. No heaviness is felt. The kitchen in modern style looks modern, without pretentiousness.

Kitchen interior design video


Also called rural style, very romantic. Choose natural materials. The country style is characterized by wicker furniture, bunches of onions or garlic on the walls, flowers in clay pots. They try to hide household appliances, with the exception of small things, for example, toasters and kettles. Masters sometimes decorate them to look like brass. Country combines simplicity and functionality.

High tech

The opposite of country. If warm, natural material is used in country style, then hi-tech is displayed in the form of glass and metal. The facades are often painted, chrome is present in the decoration, the built-in appliances are the most modern. The style suggests beauty, spaciousness, comfort and minimalism.

Color matching

Choosing a kitchen style is half the battle. Color plays a huge role in design. In order to determine the color, you need to know some values.

  1. Blue - peace and a feeling of freshness.
  2. Green - harmony and tranquility.
  3. Yellow and orange - comfort and mood improvement.
  4. Blue - suppresses appetite.
  5. Red - causes aggression and irritation.

It is fashionable to combine colors to create coziness and mood. If the kitchen is small, choose furniture light tone to visually enlarge the room. You can experiment with the color of furniture, with curtains, wallpaper.

Photo examples of the interior

Selection of accessories

Creating your own kitchen is a fascinating and time-consuming process. Facades are the form, and the content indicates the meaning and purpose.

Box arrangement. Boxes for sale: with a double bottom, rubber mats, with all kinds of dividers and delimiters.

An interesting device is the unbuttoned clip-on loops. They are easy to remove and turn 180 degrees. An interesting mechanism, called the “move argument”, is supplied by sliding elements. Found in German manufacturers. The remaining 2-3 centimeters of the path, the box or door, overcome themselves, then close tightly. The most practical drawers that can withstand a load of up to 80 kg and fully retractable.

Choosing a countertop

The choice of countertops is huge, manufacturers take into account the taste and content of buyers' wallets. For example, a table top tempered glass it is expensive, and from a laminated MDF board it is much cheaper. Someone likes natural stone - marble or granite, someone prefers ceramic dust pressed with rubber mass.

They also make countertops from Corian, a special material. Acrylic resin and mineral fillers are taken as the basis. It turns out an artificial stone, with high strength and durability.

Kitchen layout

The convenience and comfort of the kitchen depends on the layout. corner kitchen considered the most popular, it is compact and fits well into a small room. Corner cabinets are so spacious that it gives the impression of bottomlessness.

The next most popular kitchen in one line. It is used in narrow rooms or where they plan to make a large and spacious dining area.

fashion trends recent years- island or peninsular cuisines. Such options are suitable for large-sized rooms.

The ideal kitchen is comfortable and bright, where it is so harmonious that you do not feel constrained and uncomfortable. It is not desirable that huge shelves or beams hang overhead during cooking. You should take into account the location of sockets, channels for ventilation, convenient water supply.

If you take into account the style of your own life and the preferences of family members, you will get unique world where there is warmth and comfort.

When wondering how to choose a kitchen, you should think through everything to the smallest detail, it may not hurt to seek help from a designer, because on this difficult path you will have to take several serious steps.

Step One: Designing a Kitchen Project

The first is the exact dimensions of the kitchen. As a rule, the kitchen space is rarely large, and you want every centimeter of it to be used to good use. After measurements are taken from all the walls, it is advisable to draw a room on a scale and start developing a kitchen project, arranging furniture, sink and household appliances from the most rational point of view.

Sample kitchen project

Professionals in the field of culinary arts suggest placing kitchen equipment in the sequence of actions when cooking: refrigerator, cutting surface, sink, table for cutting food, stove. When developing a kitchen project, you should observe the distance between the working areas for the most comfortable work, it should be no more than two outstretched arms.

Types of kitchen layout

Designers identify five options for planning a kitchen space:

  • L-shaped;
  • linear;
  • L-shaped;
  • U-shaped;
  • island.

The classic and most functional option for square rooms is the L-shaped layout of the kitchen, which retains the possibility of free movement along the working triangle of kitchen areas: washing, storage and cooking.

L-shaped kitchen layout

The linear arrangement fits perfectly into narrow spaces. Built-in appliances are placed under the tabletop to help save space. Such an arrangement of working areas would be rational: on both sides of the long wall of the sink located in the center, cutting tables are mounted, along the edges of which a refrigerator and a stove are placed. In small rooms, to clear the passage on the opposite side, a folding dining table is mounted and other furniture for the kitchen is placed.

Kitchen with a linear layout

The elongation of the room is well concealed by a two-row or L-shaped placement of furniture and household appliances. As an option, a refrigerator and a sink are placed on one side, and a stove and a desktop on the other. This layout has one drawback - there is no way to clearly highlight the dining area.

L-shaped kitchen layout

For a spacious room, a U-shaped kitchen layout is suitable, in which all items line up along three walls. It allows you to place a sufficient number of places for storing food supplies and appliances.

U-shaped kitchen layout

Very interesting and popular today are kitchens - islands. In large rooms, a table with a sink, stove or bar is taken out in the middle. Which kitchen is better to choose entirely depends on your desire, imagination and possibilities.

Kitchen island for large spaces

When creating a kitchen project Special attention attention is paid to ergonomics and comfort, a minimum amount of time should be spent on cooking, so it is necessary that the composition is easy to use.

Step two: determine the style of the kitchen room

Like any room, the kitchen room must be decorated in the same style. Photos on the Internet, proposals for styling kitchens in furniture stores, in designer catalogs demonstrate what styles of kitchens are, present a variety of models, colors and textures.

classic kitchen

The classic does not go out of fashion and does not age, so the classic design of the kitchen is the most popular in the modern housing stock. it beautiful kitchens, often made of pure wood, massive, carved and quite expensive. In a small kitchen, such furniture will not look good, but for a high-volume room with large windows, this is an ideal option, giving solidity, tranquility and grandeur to the atmosphere. Such a kitchen will be a favorite place for all household members.

Kitchen in classic style

Modern style

Kitchens in a modernist style are chosen by successful, self-confident city dwellers who prioritize convenience. Convenience, comfort, well-thought-out layout of the working and dining areas are taken as the basis in this direction. Calm colors, lack of trifles, multifunctional furniture, built-in appliances, a lot of light and open space characterize modern kitchens.

Spacious modern kitchen

Rural country style

This style combines the functionality and convenience of designing a kitchen space with charming simplicity, light artistic mess, and homeliness. Household appliances are hidden behind wooden facades, wicker furniture is often used, textile decoration, sanitary equipment is decorated in brass.

Cozy kitchen in country style

High-tech kitchen

Restraint of strict lines, glass and metal, painted chrome furniture facades, the latest home appliances fundamentally distinguish the high-tech kitchen from the rustic-style space. There is no place for trinkets on tables and shelves, no clutter of space, the kitchen should be spacious, bright and comfortable for the hostess.

High-tech kitchen

Have you decided on the style of the kitchen? Go ahead. On the agenda is the choice of color design and lighting for the kitchen.

Step Three: Color the Kitchen Space

Solving the problem, how to choose the color of the kitchen, in which color scheme decorating the room plays an important role, because the overall impression made by the interior depends on the main color of the kitchen space. In addition, it affects not only the mental mood, but also the desire to eat. Blue color adds freshness to the room, green - peace and harmony, orange improves mood and appetite. Improves appetite and red color, the opposite effect gives blue and its shades.

Monochrome in the kitchen

Monochrome combinations have become very popular in the interior of the kitchen. When decorating, only one color is used, diluting it with different shades. An excellent solution would be not only black and white colors, but also gray tones. Zoning of the room is achieved with the help of shades, bright accessories dilute the interior, making it less boring. Monochrome interiors make it possible to experiment with styles, which can result in an originally designed room, expensive and aristocratic.

Monochrome kitchen with bright accents

Kitchens in contrast

Kitchen space color scheme this case based on the use of opposite shades. Most interior styles are based on contrast. Color combinations are interesting:

  • white with black;
  • orange with blue;
  • green with red;
  • yellow with purple.

Contrasting kitchen in green and red tones

Apply contrasts in the interior of the kitchen should be moderate, it is best to use them on the facades. So that too saturated combinations do not cause irritation and discomfort, you can use a tricky trick: arrange accessories in a contrasting color, which can be easily and inexpensively replaced at any time. An inexpensive option would be to replace a boring interior using plastic facades, which are also simply replaced with new ones.

Kitchen with contrasting red cabinets

Kitchens in one tone

The best option for a monochromatic kitchen interior are light pastel colors. Such interiors seem boring, but when using correctly placed accents, it will look no worse than contrasting combinations. Diverse textured surfaces will give expressiveness to a plain kitchen space. In this case, it all depends on the imagination and capabilities of the owner of the apartment.

Solid white kitchen

Adjacent colors in the interior

Colors that are adjacent in the spectrum give a very organic and eye-pleasing combination. Yellow with orange, purple with blue look interesting. Similar combinations of shades are possible even in small kitchens and in any interior direction. Painting a wooden facade or using plastic will help, if necessary, easily change the interior.

Adjacent tones in the interior of the kitchen

The main techniques used in the selection of colors for the kitchen will help determine the question of how to choose the color of kitchen furniture:

  • facades are selected lighter than the floor, but darker than the walls;
    the floor covering should be several tones darker than the ceiling;
  • three primary colors are used in an approximate ratio of 6:3:1 with a predominance of shades of a light palette;
  • upholstery and facades should be in contrast with the walls (bright walls and calm shades of facades or furniture color expression and neutral background);

Upholstery and facades should be in contrast with the walls

  • the apron and countertop are not recommended to be done in the same tone as the facades;
  • contrasting combinations will give uniqueness even to small kitchens where dark shades are undesirable.

Adjacent tones will give uniqueness to a small kitchen

These simple tricks will help create an exclusive interior in a kitchen of any size, making it comfortable, stylish and cozy.

Step Four: Kitchen Lighting

But even a well-chosen color scheme of the kitchen can look unattractive in poor lighting. Dim light turns even the most stunning color into a gloomy and unattractive. Dark tones in the kitchen are appropriate only with properly placed fixtures, while bright and neutral ones require additional lighting. The kitchen should have three levels of lighting: above the work table, in the dining area, and general overhead lighting.

desktop light

The work surface requires the best lighting, so local lighting is needed here. Ideal for this purpose are overhead lights mounted on the bottom of the cabinets.

Local illumination of the work surface

They perfectly illuminate the cutting table, making the kitchen comfortable, cozy and safe. Such illumination is a round lamp or elongated lamp with a plastic housing that protects the lamp from steam, moisture and greasy deposits. As an alternative, you can use LED strips, which also provide spectacular lighting in a variety of colors.

Neon lights

The original way to illuminate the desktop will be shelves glowing from the inside or the glass bottom of hanging cabinets. An interesting option is the kitchen apron, which has built-in LED lighting.

Illuminated kitchen apron

Dining area lighting

The dining table should also be adequately lit. To do this, you can use different options.

The most popular way now is the original pendant lamp, decorated with a beautiful lampshade or ceiling. It is located directly above the center of the dining area, and the ideal solution in this case would be the presence of a mechanism that regulates the length of the hanging cord. The average distance from the light bulb to the table should be within one and a half meters. If you raise the lamp higher, the room will become bright and solemn, lower it down to the table, more comfortable, soft and homely. Lamps are desirable to take matte, gently scatter light. Otherwise, he will cut the eyes of those sitting at the table. It is not recommended to purchase a fabric lampshade in the kitchen. It is quite difficult to clean it, and it will get dirty, even with an excellent hood, quite quickly. Plastic or glass shades will be more practical.

Lighting the dining area with a pendant lamp

Another way to light up a dining table is to use several small shades. For standard tables, 2-3 such lamps are enough. You can place them in different ways: in one pile, or along the center line at an equal distance from each other. Above a round and square table, one lamp in the center is enough, if the table model is elongated or it serves as a bar counter, then two or three suspensions that evenly illuminate the dining table would be ideal.

Lighting the dining area with a group of lamps

To illuminate the table, moved up to the wall, you can use sconces, the light of which is directed downwards. This method is not very successful, as it is not always appropriate in terms of style, it illuminates only part of the countertop, and diffuses the light very much.

Dining room lighting can be well arranged using a busbar system or a suspended plasterboard structure with built-in spotlights. Such a module can play the role of an element that divides the kitchen space into zones. Luminaires can also be built into the canopy made of furniture laminated chipboard or MDF.

Illumination of the dining area with spotlights

Ceiling light for the kitchen

The general lighting of the kitchen should be planned uniform, as neutral as possible. All lighting options can be used partially or simultaneously. For basic lighting of the room, spotlights built into the ceiling, a chandelier, an LED strip, a pendant lamp are ideal.

The overhead light in the kitchen should be uniform

When developing a project for a kitchen lighting system, try to make the zone lighting turn on in parts. In addition to ease of use, this will help save electricity by turning on exactly as much light as is required at the moment.

Step five: materials for the kitchen

The question of what material to choose a kitchen from is much more serious than it seems at first. If for a living room or bedroom the choice of interior materials depends only on the taste and desire of the owner, then the design of the kitchen room requires a special approach, since not all materials will withstand high humidity, exposure to steam and temperature changes.

Facade materials

The face of the kitchen is the facade, which determines the design of kitchen furniture, the general style direction of the room. The amount of materials used for the body and facade of the furniture is enormous. The facades of furniture made of chipboard and MDF are covered with a film, laminated or painted with enamel.

They produce facades made of aluminum profile or frame, decorated with glass or plastic. Before choosing materials for the kitchen, it is necessary to evaluate all their properties and shortcomings.

Natural wood coated with a water-repellent composition is ideal for kitchen furniture, products made from it are durable, resistant to deformation, designed for a long service life. With proper and careful care, they serve for decades, only slightly changing under the influence of sun rays. This is not a very plastic material, so create curved, wavy lines natural wood will not work. But the design in a classic style will give respectability and solidity to the kitchen interior.

Kitchen with natural wood facades

Multiplex is a more budgetary material, similar in environmental properties to natural wood. It consists of glued strips of trees of different species, resistant to moisture, high temperatures, steam flows.

Multiplex facades are resistant to high humidity

Much lower in cost, but according to the characteristics, MDF is also a suitable material for the kitchen. This material consists of compressed wood shavings impregnated with special resin compounds, which give special strength and moisture resistance. In terms of resistance to deformation and strength, MDF is superior to some types of wood. Its plasticity allows you to create original forms of facades, use a variety of different types coatings. The most durable coating is plastic, which is easy to care for. Painted MDF looks much more interesting than film coated, but it also costs a little more. The film also has a drawback - it can peel off over time, especially in places exposed to water and high temperatures.

Kitchen with MDF facades

The lowest in price, but less durable and environmentally friendly material is chipboard. Low grades of this material easily soak in a humid environment, deform, therefore, when purchasing a kitchen from chipboard, one must be prepared for the fact that in a few years the body will have to be replaced.

Economical option - chipboard kitchen

Countertop materials

The kitchen countertop is most often exposed to chemical and physical effects, so when choosing a material, you should first of all pay attention to practicality.

Natural stone is a noble material, beautiful, respectable, and lasts almost forever. However, he has one feature, he is very fragile and with a strong blow, chips can form. Constant contact with products and chemicals may change color, especially in light-colored stones. These disadvantages do not have an artificial stone, which is a mixture of stone chips with environmentally friendly resins. In appearance, it is in no way inferior to natural stone, but is more resistant to various kinds of external influences.

Practical stone countertop

Steel is the most suitable material for high-tech kitchen worktops. Work surfaces made of steel are easy to clean, are not afraid of water, fire, are very durable and look great.

Steel kitchen worktop

Laminate for countertops is much more budgetary than tables made of stone and steel, although it is practically not inferior in strength to them. Laminated surfaces are easy to clean, withstand high temperatures Plus, they have a wide range of colors to choose from. These characteristics apply only to high-quality laminates, inexpensive ones quickly deform and lose their attractiveness.

Laminated worktop

Natural wood is the most beautiful material for countertops, giving warmth, comfort, and a pleasant atmosphere to the kitchen space. To keep wooden countertops in excellent condition, they should be treated regularly with special oil formulations that create a water-repellent coating.

A natural wood countertop must be regularly treated with oil formulations.

Kitchen accessories

The facades and body of a furniture set are just a picture, a form behind which the main contents, the filling of the kitchen, its internal components are hidden, which should be comfortable, practical, ergonomic.

The most popular kitchen accessories are drawers, the arrangement of which is so diverse that one could write a separate treatise. Drawers can have a double bottom, removable rubber mats, contain linear and vertical dividers, be completed with plastic and wooden trays for storing cutlery.

Drawer storage system in the kitchen

When choosing a sink, preference should be given to rounded stainless steel products. These sinks are aesthetically pleasing and easy to use. The sink installed in the corner significantly saves kitchen space. It is better to place a dish dryer directly above the sink or at arm's length from it.

Corner sink will significantly save space in the kitchen

Convenient and very practical for cooking are retractable work surfaces, roll-out tables. Corner cabinets are often equipped with retractable rotating elements that save the corner space of kitchen sections.

Retractable work surface

Some manufacturers mount a rotating shelf with containers for various types of garbage in such cabinets.

Almost all factories install separate shelves with special slots for storing wine bottles.

Built-in wine bottle storage

Modern kitchens are inconceivable without handrails and railings fixed on the wall. They allow you to always have at hand the necessary small items of kitchen utensils. The bar counter is often decorated with a metal pole with rotating shelves.

Bar counter with revolving pole

Showcases with built-in sockets and lighting, special niches for small household appliances: toasters, blenders, coffee makers deserve special attention.

Kitchen fittings

A small, but quite important and noticeable detail in the appearance of the kitchen is fittings that completely change the interior of the kitchen. Like all other parts of the kitchen, handles should be ergonomic, beautiful and practical. The most convenient is the shape of the handles in the form of a bracket or U-shaped.

For rustic country styles, Provence, handles are used - buttons, less convenient, but completely merged into the style space.

Accessories for the kitchen in country style

Modern kitchen cabinets are often mounted without handles, as all fittings are hidden inside. The doors open by pressing on the surface of the cabinet.

Modern kitchen front without handles

You should also be interested in the “door closer” mechanism, which is installed on doors, drawers and other sliding elements. The mechanism allows the last centimeters of the closing movement to be done slowly and smoothly, which prevents loud slamming of the doors. For the convenience of caring for facade elements, unbuttoned loops are sometimes installed on them. With their help, the doors can be removed or rotated 180 degrees to easily remove dust and dirt in the surface.

Lifting mechanism for kitchen cabinets

There are many other accessories that make working in the kitchen easier. One has only to remember that the installation of each of them, even the most insignificant, will increase the total cost of the kitchen. Little things decide a lot, but they are sometimes the main reason for price premiums: the more details in the headset, that is, shelves, drawers, glass and mirror decor elements, the higher the final amount will be.

Step six: choosing models of kitchen furniture

The question of how to choose furniture for the kitchen is not at all idle. Most of the time, almost every family spends in the kitchen: cooking, meals, gatherings over a cup of morning coffee, evening tea, receiving guests. Therefore, kitchen furniture should be, first of all, comfortable, functional, and at the same time organically fit into the style orientation of the space. It is especially important to choose the right furniture for small kitchen spaces, as everything you need should fit in so that there is free space to move around. However, there are no unsolvable problems, in any situation you can find best option problem solving.

Furniture for the kitchen should be comfortable and functional

Appointment of furniture in the kitchen

The first thing to do is determine what furniture is needed in your kitchen. Each family uses the kitchen differently. For those who do not like to cook or do not have free time for it, the kitchen serves more to decorate the apartment. In this case, the minimum set of the most necessary furniture would be ideal.

If the hostess loves to please the family with new delicious meals, then she will need a large number of systems for storing food, kitchen appliances. It is only necessary to carefully consider the placement of furniture cabinets and tables regarding communications.

Think carefully about the placement of cabinets in the kitchen

The kitchen, which is often used as a dining room, should have a large dining area. If possible, it should be separated visually or with the help of furniture from the cooking area. Ideally for this purpose, a bar counter will serve, which performs several functions at once: it separates the dining room from the working area, replaces the dining table, and serves as a storage system. A good option is to combine the living room and kitchen. This is a very fashionable and stylish direction, convenient and comfortable arrangement of furniture increases the space visually and realistically, allowing you to place more necessary furniture and appliances in the kitchen.

Zoning the kitchen space

Before purchasing furnishings, be clear about what types of kitchen furniture you will need in your home so that the room is comfortable, functional and contains all the necessary items.

Choosing a dining set

The main item in the kitchen-dining room is the dining table. Ergonomics experts calculated that the distance of 70 cm would be optimal for comfortable placement of each person present at the table. Using this formula, it is worth calculating the size of the kitchen table, first determining the average number of people constantly gathering at it. For unforeseen cases, transforming tables are suitable, increasing the surface up to four times.

Transforming table for organizing a dining area

Kitchen furniture should look perfect in the interior of the kitchen. Tables for the classic kitchen are chosen from wood or imitation. For stylish modern and high-tech kitchens, tables made of glass, metal, plastic or their combinations are suitable. Tables with a glass top on metal legs are perfect for small spaces. They do not clutter up the room, glass is not perceived as an object, so the kitchen seems more spacious.

Glass dining table suitable for a small kitchen

Rectangular and square tables, comfortable, ergonomic and functional, have become classics of the genre for the kitchen. The whole family can freely accommodate at a rectangular table, and if you put it in the center, you can take big company guests.

A good option for the kitchen - round tables. They do not have sharp corners, so they are less traumatic. At such a table, you can accommodate more guests, and the atmosphere of gatherings will be closer and more friendly. The downside is that such a table requires a location in the center of the room, since it will not work to move it to the wall.

Round table in the interior of the kitchen

Oval tables have similar characteristics, they differ only in greater capacity. Irregularly shaped tables in the form of a triangle or with a polygonal top are not suitable for everyone, but they will attract attention with their unusualness, and in some situations can be very convenient.

Original triangular table

The chairs are selected in the appropriate style direction, the main thing is that the set looks stylish, is convenient, practical and comfortable, does not occupy the entire kitchen space, and leaves room for the hostess to maneuver. For a large room, you can choose a soft sofa, the kitchen will become even more comfortable and pleasant.

A soft sofa in the dining area will make the kitchen more comfortable

Household appliances in the interior of the kitchen

It is impossible to imagine a kitchen interior without household appliances. If the old refrigerator and washing machine still serve you properly, then most likely the furniture set will have to be made to order in order to fit the size of the equipment. If absolutely everything is to be replaced, then it is better to choose a complete set so as not to complicate the design with combination options. If you can choose the color of kitchen appliances, you should focus on what is ideal for the chosen design of the room.

Choose only the appliances you need for your kitchen. The technical devices you have purchased, such as a double boiler, a microwave oven, can be practically not used, taking up space and reducing free space. Calculate the number of burners needed on the hob, consider the parameters of the refrigerator.

Place only necessary appliances on kitchen surfaces

Built-in appliances look convenient and stylish, which creates the most ergonomic space, gives a neat look. But this option has its downsides. Firstly, you will have to initially purchase all the equipment, and subsequently there may be problems with the replacement, failed equipment and furniture arrangement.

Ergonomic built-in appliances

Comfort, style, functionality of the kitchen are more dependent on the chosen furniture, so this issue must be addressed responsibly and seriously. Furniture should be practical, pleasing to the eye, withstand temperature extremes, high humidity, ideally match the parameters. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide which kitchen to choose, the design and color of the furniture, and the style of the interior. Dare, fantasize, try. You will succeed!

Photo gallery - how to choose a kitchen

A kitchen designed in a single color scheme can become the most original and attractive room in the house. To make it easier for you to choose, we offer a selection of photos of kitchens in different shades, bright, unusual, but at the same time functional and cozy.

1. White kitchens

There are a lot of bright elements in this white kitchen that did not allow the interior to become sterile and too cold.

Think white is impractical? Believe me, you will have to clean up in such a kitchen no more often than in a room decorated in a different color scheme.

For fans of minimalism, such a laconic kitchen will suit perfectly.

The snow-white interior of this kitchen was perfectly complemented by pale blue chairs and the same mosaic on the kitchen apron.

If perfect white interior seems too boring for you, just add bright accents

In the interior of a white kitchen, glass furniture, such as a dining table, will look very appropriate.

But here there are quite enough bright accessories - you can’t call this interior cold and boring

Scandinavian style kitchen. This direction prefers rather simple, light facades, which are usually combined with a wooden table top - a tribute fashion trend use natural materials

In a white interior, any greenery always looks especially advantageous.

And this is a high-tech option - it turned out that the white color suits such modern interiors as well as possible.

2. Green kitchens

Fresh greenery has always been associated with spring and renewal. No wonder it's one of the most popular options when decorating a kitchen.

Shine, gloss and rich green color of this kitchen are suitable for creating interiors in modern style

Photo printing was used in the design of the kitchen apron, and the facades dazzle with their brilliance

Look, three fairly bright colors - red, silver and light green - and how harmonious it looks

There are many shades of green, so you can choose the one you like best. For example, in this kitchen, both light green and green are perfectly combined.

Of course, such a kitchen is not an option for everyone. But as an example of the use of green in the design, it fits perfectly.

If classic appeals to you, be sure to pair bright greens with beiges, browns, and whites. However, this combination can be called universal, which is clearly demonstrated by this functional kitchen.

Green facades look especially advantageous against the background of wood.

Light green kitchen with the same apron. Its monotony is diluted with tiles with original colors and light yellow facades of symmetrically arranged drawers and cabinets.

Simple, modern, functional. Nothing fancy but very attractive

3. Yellow and orange kitchens

Cheerful- yellow goes well with calm gray, so countertops can be made just like that

If the kitchen is bright orange, and even glossy, it is better to leave the walls neutral, white or beige.

Orange and black coexist harmoniously in this kitchen. By the way, this combination is considered one of the attributes of the African style. It was decided to emphasize such an exotic orientation with photo printing depicting palm trees on a kitchen apron.

In this case, a bright golden hue was chosen for the design of the kitchen. Slightly softens the golden sheen of a neutral gray apron

Unusual, asymmetric kitchen with a non-standard arrangement of cabinets and built-in appliances. Compact and very modern solution

Kitchen for fans of "high-tech" style. Streamlined shapes, an abundance of technology and shiny metal - high-tech in action

Yellow and orange are said to increase appetite. In such a bright kitchen, your children will definitely not leave a crumb on their plates.

The original version of the arrangement of furniture in a small kitchen

Have you ever seen such an unusual kitchen apron? The owners decided to take advantage of the possibilities of photo printing on glass

The brilliance of this kitchen is simply dazzling. For lovers of calm classics, of course, it will not work, but for fans of gloss and glamor - quite

4. Red kitchens

Red and white interior can make any room original and very attractive.

This option is suitable only for devoted fans of red. Everyone else has such an abundance bright color will be resented

The red color of the facades goes well with the aluminum parts of the kitchen.

The three primary colors are white, red and black. This design solution has already been recognized as a classic and looks great in modern kitchens.

Noble burgundy or dark red color will be a good alternative for those homeowners who do not accept scarlet or crimson.

A slightly muted red color of the facades will not irritate, it looks fresh and unusual

Now it will not be difficult to choose furniture and household appliances to match.

A noble combination of dark red and black. Evaluate how well the dining group is located under the glossy stretch ceiling and white walls soften dark tones furniture

In this kitchen, red fronts don't look too bright or out of place at all thanks to the light gray backsplash and white hardware.

The convex shape of the cabinets and the gloss of the facades made this kitchen very unusual, some kind of cosmic one. But at the same time, neutral walls and an apron helped to avoid an overabundance of shine.

5. Blue, light blue and purple kitchens

Blue color will make any room "cooler"

If, according to experts, yellow increases appetite, then blue, on the contrary, will help those who are on a diet not to overeat.

One of the trends of the season is a lilac shade.

If you think that stylish solutions are not for small kitchens, take a look at this option. The kitchen is standard, angular, but thanks to the unexpectedly bright colors it turned out to be extraordinary and attractive.

The combination of white and blue is considered one of the main features of the marine style. But also in modern kitchens looks very fresh and attractive

The muted blue color perfectly emphasizes the classic design direction of this kitchen. The interior looks respectable and bright at the same time.

Another beautiful shade of blue is azure. The color of sea waves, very gentle and at the same time bright

It was decided to make the lower part of the facades darker - a good design move.

The pale blue shade of the facades can be chosen if you want to decorate the kitchen in a Mediterranean style.

Blue goes well with wood, so you can design a kitchen not only in a Mediterranean style, but also in a country style.

Anna Sedykh,

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