Is it possible to mount a stretch ceiling to the ceiling. Features of the methods of fastening stretch ceilings. Stretch ceiling systems.

Design and interior 04.10.2018
Design and interior

Today it is the best solution for apartments and houses. It helps to give the room more volume, hide the shortcomings of the base floor and wires, and protect against leaks and noise. Their installation is easy and does without annoying construction debris. And one more indisputable plus - very effective.

Reliable fastening to the ceiling: stretch ceiling as a component of interior design

AT recent times in the market of building finishing ceilings occupy not the last place. It became possible to choose a vinyl canvas of different structures. There are matte, satin, glossy. It can also be with seams and seamless.

All work on the installation and installation of the ceiling is recommended to be carried out after the completion of all finishing work. This is due to the fact that the ceiling material is very delicate and requires special and careful handling. Therefore, in order not to damage the canvas and not spoil the mood in anticipation of a spectacular result, experts recommend excluding all possibilities of contact between the canvas and sharp objects.

A special mood will give the room a combination of stretch ceiling with plasterboard. Work must be carried out with the utmost care. If you do not consider yourself a professional installation, it is better to seek help from specialists.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the role of lamps. They occupy not the last place in the mount stretch ceilings.

Mounting methods

In general, the technology of fastening a stretch ceiling involves the use of various fixing methods.

Among them, the most common are:

  • Harpoon;
  • Harpoonless;
  • Cam.

Each of them is distinguished by the level of complexity of measurements, cutting of fabric, installation and terms of work.

The reliability of the entire structure depends on the quality of the chosen method of fastening.

As a rule, specialists choose exactly the installation method that is ideal for a particular room, taking into account all its features.

Common ways of attaching a stretch ceiling to the ceiling

To fix the stretch ceiling, are used various ways. But all methods are united by a baguette mount. Its essence lies in the fact that a profile is attached around the entire perimeter of the room, to which, in turn, the material of the stretch ceiling is mounted. And after that, the common features in the installation end, because depending on the size of the room, it depends which type of fastening will be chosen.

First of all, the installation takes into account the evenness of the base ceiling. If it is relatively flat and the light source is a large chandelier, then ceiling mounts are used. With curvature, it is better to fix the ceiling to the walls.

If you decide to take such a desperate step as self-installation of the ceiling, then consult with experts, watch video tutorials.

Basically, three main installation systems are used: harpoon, harpoonless and cam.

The harpoon method is the most complex and time-consuming. It requires accurate measurements and maximum compliance of the canvas with the parameters of the room. If the specialist decided to fix the ceiling in this way, be prepared for the fact that the installation will last more than one day.

Advantages and disadvantages of fastening methods

One of the advantages of this method is the possibility of reinstalling the ceiling if necessary. There are many more disadvantages.

These include:

  • The complexity of the installation process;
  • The presence of a welded seam (harpoon);
  • Application for installation only ;
  • The presence of sagging in the center;
  • The indent from the main ceiling is 5 cm;
  • The welded harpoon is the weak link in the system.

The next method is harpoonless or wedge. It is also called the bead fastening method. This is the most accessible view installation, so it is used more often.

The benefits include:

  1. Possibility of using with plastic, foam plinth or flexible insert;
  2. Availability of technology;
  3. In case of leakage, it is possible to dismantle only the damaged part of the web;
  4. Can be used in round rooms.
  5. not yet invented universal system.

Disadvantages of wedge installation:

  • The inability to dismantle the ceiling;
  • The presence of a centimeter gap between the ceiling and the wall;
  • Possible loose fastening;
  • This method cannot be used when installing with a foam plinth and the presence of round level transitions.
  • The cam method is more complicated than the harpoonless one.

But among its obvious advantages:

  • The ability to attach the canvas as high as possible;
  • No gaps;

The disadvantages of this method include the impossibility of mounting ceilings in large rooms without the use of additional stiffeners. Before the master proceeds with the installation of the ceiling, discuss not only the structure, pattern, cost, but also other nuances of installation work.

Possible ways of attaching a stretch ceiling to the ceiling: diagrams

For each type of tension structure, its own fastening system is selected, the scheme of which is not only individual, but also worked out to the smallest nuances.

The fastening system reflects to some extent the nationality of the manufacturer.

There are Dutch and French types of fasteners that are popular when installing decorative canvases. The bead (wedge) fastening system was developed by Russian craftsmen. It is used in the installation of vinyl ceilings of domestic manufacturers. This fastening system is not designed for denser structures. But, nevertheless, the use of a glazing bead (wedge) during installation significantly reduces the cost of the installation process.

Frequently asked question: is it possible to mount a stretch ceiling to the ceiling

When installing a stretch ceiling, depending on your wishes, there may be decorative elements and other finishes. It all depends on the possibilities of the premises and the qualifications of specialists. One of the frequently asked questions from customers to installation companies is: "Can a stretch ceiling be attached to the ceiling?".

If the master shrugged indifferently, then it is better to refuse his services. An experienced craftsman will draw your attention to how exactly the builders laid the slabs. Only on how even the base ceiling is. It depends on this whether the profile will be fixed to the ceiling or walls.

Installation of stretch ceilings (video)

Work on the installation of a stretch ceiling begins with the creation of its frame, which consists of profile elements located along the upper perimeter of the room. Today we will tell you how to install a profile for stretch fabrics on one's own.

The content of the article:

An important function is assigned to the stretch ceiling frame: it holds the canvas in a taut position, preventing its deformation and sagging. In this case, the frame profiles experience significant loads, which are evenly distributed along the entire length of the elements. The technology for mounting profiles depends on the type and quality of the surface of the walls or ceiling, as well as on the material of manufacture of the baguettes themselves.

General principles for fastening a profile for a stretch ceiling

Stretch ceiling profiles are made of durable plastic or aluminum and are divided into several main types:
  1. Wall profiles. They are used to fix the ceiling canvas to the walls of the room along its entire perimeter.
  2. Universal profiles. They serve to work with curvilinear and volumetric structures of stretch ceilings.
  3. Ceiling profiles. Suitable for fastening the edges of the web to the ceiling base surface, if there is no possibility of mounting the profiles on the walls.
In addition to the above main types of profiles, their modifications are used, designed for certain places of their installation, connection conditions and depending on the complexity of the ceiling design.

The existing sizes of stretch ceiling profiles allow them to be easily joined together and it is convenient to place mounting holes on them. When installing the ceiling frame, you need to take into account some of the nuances:

  • Aluminum baguettes are good when used on straight sections of walls, in other cases they have to be cut when fastening for installation in problem areas.
  • Plastic profiles are less durable, but light and perfectly cope with the curvature of the walls, providing a snug fit to them.
It is important to know that the docking of individual baguettes in the corners of the room is unacceptable. They have a rather large load when the web is tensioned, which can easily break at the junction of the corner profiles. Therefore, when installing baguettes in the inner corners of the room, only their back wall is cut, then at the place of the cut, the profile is bent at the desired angle, ensuring its snug fit to the installation site.

Preparing the premises for the installation of a profile for stretch ceilings

In order to qualitatively assemble the frame of a stretch ceiling from profile elements, it is necessary to prepare a room for convenient and safe work, to equip workplace materials, equipment and tools.

It is recommended to complete the finishing work in the room before starting the installation of profiles for stretch ceilings: install windows and doors, level and plaster the walls. On "later" you can leave wallpaper pasting, since when the ceiling is stretched with a heat gun, they can be deformed when the air in the room is heated.

To prepare the room for the installation of the ceiling frame, it is necessary to arrange free space at a distance of 1 m from the walls along the perimeter of the room for ease of movement along it during work, it is advisable to cover furniture and equipment to prevent debris and dust from getting on them.

To ensure the safety of work when drilling walls to fix profiles, you should pay attention to the location of hidden electrical wiring. In this case, you can navigate by the placement of sockets, junction boxes and switches.

Most often, the wiring runs horizontally at the level of the boxes, and then descends vertically to each device distributing electricity. In dangerous directions, you need to make marks that will later come in handy when planning the location of the frame.

Materials and tools for fastening a profile for a stretch fabric

When installing a profile for attaching a stretch ceiling, you will need a stepladder, a hammer, a screwdriver, a hacksaw, a puncher, a paint cord, dowels and self-tapping screws, a drill and a drill with a diameter of 6 mm.

In addition to tools, you will need plastic or aluminum profiles with a standard length of 2.5 m. Their number is selected depending on the perimeter of the room, taking into account the small margin that is needed when cutting and joining the frame elements. Preparation of profiles for installation is carried out by pre-drilling mounting holes in them.

There are rules for this process:

  1. Holes in plastic baguettes are drilled in their stiffeners, and in aluminum profiles - in special shelves along their entire length.
  2. The pitch of the holes should be no more than 150 mm. It is not recommended to make a larger distance, since under load the profile can bend in places between the fasteners.
  3. The distance between the first hole and the edge of the profile is assumed to be 40-60 mm.

Marking the surface for fastening profiles for stretch ceilings

Before fixing the profile for a stretch ceiling, it is necessary to mark its future location. It can be done with a laser level or hydraulic level.

Professional marking of the fastening lines of the profile frame of the stretch ceiling is carried out using optical instrument- laser level:

  • With the help of its beam, identical marks are made in each corner of the room, lying in a strictly horizontal plane.
  • The beam marks are fixed on the wall with a pencil, and then connected into a straight line of the planned location of the profiles.
  • If all corners of the room are visible, laser level marks can be applied from one point of its installation. In other cases, the device is transferred to a convenient place, and the layout continues with the level beam tied to existing points.
In the absence of such a device, you can use a hydraulic level - a hose filled with water and equipped with two glass tubes. In this case, the marking process will take longer, but the accuracy of its result will be quite high.

To work with the hydraulic level, you need to draw water at room temperature into the hose, preventing air bubbles from entering it. In order to avoid errors when marking, the hose must not be kinked. The principle of operation of the hydraulic level is based on the property of water: the preservation of the horizon of its surface in a calm state. Therefore, the same liquid levels in the glass tubes of the hose will correspond to marking points located in the same horizontal plane.

In practice, this work looks like this:

  1. There are two people involved in the process. At a distance of 5-15 cm from the ceiling, an angular mark of the first marking point is made. A flask (tube) of a water level is applied to it.
  2. After that, one of the installers goes to an unmarked corner, puts a hose tube to it and, raising or lowering it, achieves the coincidence of the water level with the first mark.
  3. When the fluid oscillations in the hose stop, a second mark is made. In this case, the water levels in the tubes attached to both marks must be the same. This procedure must be repeated in all corners of the room.
  4. After applying the corner marks, their distances to the ceiling are measured. From the value of the smaller of them you need to measure 50 mm. This will mark the height of the stretch ceiling. It should be moved to all corners of the room, guided by the hydraulic level marks.
  5. After that, the labels are connected by lines. This is done with a painter's cord. It is stretched between the marked points and abruptly released, leaving a trace in the form of a straight line.
  6. The procedure is repeated for all walls of the room.
The final marking for the installation of stretch ceiling frame profiles is completed.

Profile installation technology for fixing the stretch web

Work on fixing profiles on the walls is performed in the following order:
  • Proper installation of stretch ceiling profiles starts from the most inaccessible corner of the room. The prepared baguette is applied to the wall exactly along the marking line. Drilling points for plastic dowels are marked through the profile holes.
  • After preparing the holes and driving the dowels into them, the profile is attached to the wall using self-tapping screws. Their length should correspond to 30 mm, with a diameter of 6 mm. Screws of this size will ensure that the baguettes are firmly fastened and will not allow them to bend or come off the walls when the ceiling sheet is tensioned.
  • After fastening the first corner profile, you can fasten the next element. It is mounted exactly end-to-end with the previous baguette with careful horizontal adjustment. Successful joining of profiles for stretch ceilings should not have protrusions and deviations from the marking line.
  • Having reached the inner corner, it is necessary to determine the location of the profile incision. To do this, turn it outward with the back wall so that the groove for attaching the web is at the bottom. Then one end of the profile must be rested against a corner, and the other end should be directed along the marking line when overlapping on a fixed baguette.
  • At a distance of 10 mm from the planned joint, a mark is placed with its shift towards the corner. The back wall of the profile is cut along it. Then it is bent along the notch, repeating the inner corner of the wall, and attached to it with dowels and screws.
  • Having reached the line of baguettes to the outer corner of the room, one end of the profile must be rested against the end of the fixed baguette and draw a line on its back wall along the corner of the room. This will be the first cut.
  • Then, in the direction of attachment, you need to make the next mark, 20 mm from the first line. There will be a second profile incision.
  • Further, on both marks, cuts should be made on its back wall, and the baguette material between them should be removed. For a plastic profile, this operation can be performed with a construction knife, and for an aluminum profile, with pliers. Then the baguette needs to be bent at the corner in the center of the notch and secured.
After attaching the profiles, their joints should be sealed with adhesive tape. Instead, gray household tape purchased at a hardware store is often used.

Fastening profile for stretch ceiling to different surfaces

In addition to brick and concrete walls, the premises may have loose or porous enclosing structures made of foam concrete, limestone, wood or plasterboard lining. The structure of the material of such walls makes it difficult to securely fix dowels and screws. Therefore, the fastening of stretch ceiling profiles on these surfaces has its own nuances.

If self-tapping screws screwed into loose walls do not hold the profiles well, there are two ways out of this situation: you can screw additional screws into one fastener hole or use spacers. Often, one or two additional self-tapping screws are quite capable of solving the problem of reliable fixation of the profile. Otherwise, you need to install a jib.

The work is done like this:

  1. A piece of baguette 150 mm long is used. A hole needs to be drilled in one of its ends. Then the jib must rest against the profile and the ceiling.
  2. Through the hole in the baguette, make a mark on the ceiling and drill to install the dowel.
  3. After driving it, you need to take a spacer and, pulling it up with a self-tapping screw, rest it on a baguette. The spacer and profile must be rigidly fixed, excluding any movement along the wall.
In the case of installation of a stretch ceiling profile on wooden partitions or walls, long screws with dimensions of 51-110 mm should be used. Such fasteners can help out well when placing wall blocks under a thick layer of plaster. The rest of the profile fastening technology remains unchanged.

Often the walls are leveled using drywall sheets. If at the same time a stretch ceiling was provided, then fixing its frame to walls made of gypsum plasterboard will not be difficult. Self-tapping screws fixing the baguettes are screwed into a pre-installed under drywall additional profile 60x28. In this case, they have a standard mounting pitch - 120-150 mm. When there is no profile, the baguette is fastened with a “herringbone” to the GKL sheets with a screwing pitch of 80-150 mm.

How to install a profile for a stretch ceiling - look at the video:

Applying the above recommendations, you will be able to qualitatively install the profiles of the stretch ceiling frame, which will surely cope with the task assigned to them. Good luck with your work!

How are stretch ceilings attached? Such designs are becoming increasingly popular among owners of their own homes when decorating the interiors of rooms and premises in offices.

Designs are distinguished by originality and excellent appearance. When they are arranged, the surfaces acquire absolute evenness, without noticeable joints. How to fix stretch ceilings will tell the article.

Surface features

Stretch ceiling - a sheet of material, which is fixed under the main ceiling with special baguettes.

The shape of such a ceiling is:

  • Rectangular.
  • In the form of a circle.
  • Oval.
  • Irregular shape.

For the manufacture of coatings are used:

  • PVC film.
  • Fabric that has been treated with a polymer compound (see).

Such materials make it possible to produce a ceiling using a seamless method, but only for surfaces of small sizes. To finish a large area, the prepared sheet is cut into pieces, subsequently they are joined and sewn together.

A wide variety of color palette allows you to choose a fabric:

  • Monophonic.
  • Consisting of several shades.
  • Having drawings applied to a PVC film.

According to the color of the ceiling, maybe:

  • Delicate pastel.
  • Bright, any color.
  • Imitating marble, wood or metal surface.

By the number of shades, materials have:

  • Film ceilings - more than forty shades.
  • Ceilings with a satin texture can have up to ten colors.
  • Matte ceilings are limited to a color palette with pastel shades.
  • Metallic ceilings have the least amount of color.

The advantages of tension structures are:

  • Perfectly flat surface.
  • Allows you to eliminate many surface defects, such as:
  1. putty of attachment points;
  2. sealing cracks and existing seams;
  3. installation of plates at different levels.
  • The seams on the soldered sections of the film are practically invisible.
  • Stretch ceilings do not have too large seams.
  • Ease of installation. So, when using drywall, a lot of dust and various construction debris are generated during the work. In addition, the removal of furniture and other things that create a lot of inconvenience is required. Such moments are absent in the construction of a stretch ceiling. In this case, when making it, it is enough to warm up the room and stretch the canvas. After that, it remains only to fix it.
  • Functionality. The canvas after installation takes up only up to five centimeters of space, which allows it to be used in a room with low ceilings.
  • Structures serve for heat and sound insulation.
  • They can also be mounted in the kitchen (see), the materials are fireproof, and it is possible to attach any kind of lighting device to them.
  • Service life not less than 10 years. When the house shrinks, cracks do not appear on the structures.
  • The stretch ceiling can hold water, as seen in the photo. The accumulated moisture is easily pumped out, and the ceiling returns to its original form.
  • Such a system on the ceiling does not collect condensate, which allows the use of structures in rooms with high humidity.

  • Aesthetics. Apart from great variety colors and shades, the ceiling can be matte or glossy, which will visually increase the space of the room.
  • To create a more beautiful surface, you can use LEDs and light generators. The effect of this will be great.

In addition to the advantages, stretch ceilings also have disadvantages:

  • It is quite easy to damage them with a sharp object (see).
  • The high price of the material.
  • Ceiling installation is not very simple.
  • Special equipment is required.
  • In the ceiling, you can not use lamps with a power of more than 50 watts. Otherwise, they will begin to heat the canvas, and this will contribute to the loss of its elasticity.

How to prepare for the installation of the structure

Before fixing the stretch ceiling, you will need to perform the following steps:

  • Remove all unnecessary from the surface of the base:
  1. plaster;
  2. traces of whitewash;
  3. various pollution.
  • Foam all cracks and holes with mounting foam, which will avoid inflating the canvas from the wind.
  • If possible, it is necessary to make free passage to the walls. In this case, the furniture set can simply be moved and then covered with a film.
  • If there is hanging wiring, it must be fixed to an existing base.

Tip: Before starting to warm up the room, for PVC ceilings, you should remove plastic windows, if any, sloping corners.

What are the ways of fastening stretch ceilings

Proper installation of a stretch ceiling - fastening it in baguettes. There are two types of fasteners, which differ from each other in different constructive approaches. In addition, the fixation option depends on the material of manufacture of the canvas.

Mounting method can be:

  • Harpoon (see).

Such fastening can only be used for mounting PVC sheets. With this connection method, two elements are involved:

  1. aluminum profile with a special groove, mounted on the walls;
  2. spiked harpoon is a PVC polymer product.

The mounting process is as follows:

  1. the canvas is attached to the profile and a harpoon is inserted into it;
  2. after it snaps into place, a sufficiently strong and reliable connection is obtained.
  • clip-on. Its difference from the harpoon:
  1. clip baguette is a single product, without additional devices;
  2. For its manufacture, a durable plastic is taken that can withstand fairly high loads. This option is most often used for fabric canvases.
  • Shtapikovy or wedge.

A distinctive element in it is the baguette itself, which has a U-shape and is made of aluminum. To fasten the canvas, a special bead is used, which can be made of plastic or wood. In this case:

  1. the edge of the canvas is inserted into the groove of the baguette;
  2. a bead is attached here;
  3. the open edge of the system is closed with a plinth.

This is the simplest and most reliable version of a do-it-yourself device of this design.

How to install a stretch ceiling

In order to better imagine what the stretch ceiling is attached to, you should first watch the video. When carrying out the installation of the ceiling in a room where there are no protrusions and communications on its surface, the instruction suggests that the film be fixed using a special baguette profile.

For this:

  • With the help of a hydraulic level, the lower corner of the room is determined.
  • Two centimeters retreat from it, which will be required to fix the profile.
  • A mark is applied.
  • In the same way, the zero level is measured and applied around the entire perimeter of the room.
  • A special folding protractor measures the corners of the room. This is very important in order to make a clear docking of the profile elements in the corners.
  • The profile rail is being prepared.

Tip: If the rail is longer than the width of the room, its edges should be cut at an angle that is equal to half the angle of the room. If the rail is shorter than this width, it is necessary to cut one of the corners at an angle of 90°, and the other at 45°, which will allow to achieve the correct abutment of the profile elements. The missing part of the profile is sawn in the same way, but the bevel is performed at the opposite angle. Sawed segments are glued with glue.

  • Prepared profiles with dowels or self-tapping screws are mounted on the wall at a pre-marked level.
  • The heat gun or fan heater is turned on to heat the room under repair to a temperature of 40°C.
  • The film is unwound, heated to a temperature of approximately 60 ° C. In this case, it is necessary to try not to bring the film close to the heating equipment.
  • The material can begin to stretch on the ceiling.
  • It is necessary to start fastening the canvas from the base angle, a mark is made on the film.
  • After fixing the base corner, the canvas is fixed diagonally in the opposite corner.

  • The sides of the canvas are attached - from the corners of the room to the center.
  • Decorative caps are inserted that hide the film fasteners.
  • Light fixtures or a chandelier are installed.

Having arranged such a ceiling, you can create a cozy and quite aesthetic room.

Installation of a stretch ceiling in a standard apartment can be completed in one day, provided that a team of professionals with special installation equipment and experience is working. To figure out how stretch ceilings are attached, you need to know the main design features of the ceiling system, installation methods and the properties of the material from which the stretch ceiling film is made.

Stretch ceiling design

The design of the ceiling system consists of a frame, it is also called a baguette and a flat film stretched over it.

Stretch ceiling frame

The structural elements of the frame are usually made of aluminum profile or PVC profile, as these are light and durable materials that do not weigh down the construction of the crate. To install the frame, a little space is required, from four to five centimeters, between the ceiling and the stretch ceiling. If professionals know how a stretch ceiling is attached, then they leave the space necessary for placing communication lines, alarms, electrical wires for built-in spotlights or a chandelier.

Depending on the design of the structure, the frame can be made in both visible and invisible versions. If a visible structure of the stretch ceiling frame is chosen, then it is standardly decorated in a matte white color scheme. Also, special colored masking tapes are used to decorate the frame, which hide the edges of the stretch ceiling frame structure.

Due to the fact that the frames of stretch ceilings are easily amenable to mechanical deformation and have a certain flexibility, the fastening allows you to hide all the irregularities and defects of the ceiling, as well as align all the parameters of the room even in the presence of uneven walls.

Stretch ceiling mount

There are several options for mounting a stretch ceiling.

Due to the fact that the profile of the crate is flexible and can take any shape, you can decorate the room in an original and stylish way.

  • The classic version of a flat stretch ceiling, which can be installed at a certain angle, visually expanding the space of the room.
  • Stretch ceiling fastening to the ceiling in the form of a wave, made at different levels, looks very impressive in living rooms or dining rooms.
  • Mounting stretch ceiling "Dune" allows you to create three-dimensional hills, whose smooth lines allow you to smooth corners in rooms of irregular shape or in rooms with several doorways. Mounting systems for such stretch ceilings allow you to make the most daring design decisions.
  • Smooth transition from walls to ceiling in the form of a dome or arch allows you to make the room spacious and bright.

After the frame is installed, a stretch ceiling film sheet is inserted into it, which is attached to the profile by means of clip-latches or harpoon hooks, depending on the chosen mounting option, and the eaves are also attached to the stretch ceiling.

Harpoon system for fastening a stretch ceiling

The main advantage of this system of fastening stretch ceilings is the possibility of its dismantling during operation. Mounting a stretch ceiling using the harpoon method is more expensive than conventional fastening using the clip method, as it requires a lot of labor and the availability of certain components. But, nevertheless, if it becomes necessary to dismantle the structure due to pipe leakage or other unforeseen repair work, then the ceiling canvas can be reinstalled.

This system of fastening stretch ceilings allows you to combine stretch ceiling structures with plasterboard structures, when installing two-level stretch ceilings or, if necessary, to hide engineering communications niches.

When installing a harpoon system for fastening stretch ceilings, an accurate measurement of the parameters of the room is required. A harpoon fastening system (which looks like a small hook) made of a soft PVC profile is attached to the crate according to the exact cutting in the workshop.

Tip: a company that installs stretch ceilings must calculate the percentage of shrinkage of the stretch ceiling fabric during operation.
Of course, there are various ways to fix stretch ceilings, but the harpoon method is the most reliable and durable.

Clip system for fastening stretch ceilings

This fastening system is designed for mounting fabric stretch ceilings, it is often referred to as a "clothespin" in everyday life. The methods of fastening and mounting with a clip system mainly involves a fabric base, they came to us from France and this installation method is named after the famous French textile company Clipso.

The principle of fastening the web to the frame is as follows: a tension fabric web is inserted into the frame of the structure and secured with latches in the form of clips. Ceilings with a clip-on fastening system must have a web margin of at least ten centimeters on each side around the perimeter. After mounting the ceiling structure, the surface is smoothed with a building hair dryer.

It is worth considering that this installation method is environmentally friendly and after it no cleaning of the premises is required.
In addition, they have the ability to "breathe", which means that the room will always be fresh and cool.
These ceiling systems are ideal for decorating bedrooms and children's rooms.

Wedge fastening system

Saya is a simple fastening system that takes its name from the wedge-shaped PVC profile. Due to the fact that the system is fixed in place and, if necessary, the ceiling sheet is cut to the shape of the crate, this method of fastening is relatively cheap, but the results of fastening can be unpredictable in emergency situations.

Attention. A stretch ceiling fixed in this way cannot be completely dismantled.
Since the ceilings are fixed with the wedge method in place, the cleaning of construction debris is also possible.

Stretch ceiling installation sequence

Consider the sequence of installation of a stretch ceiling in stages:

  • A profile is mounted along the perimeter of the wall of the room, into which the canvas is subsequently inserted. The stretch ceiling frame can be fixed both to the walls and to the ceiling of the room using self-tapping screws for wood or concrete.
  • The canvas with the help of a mounting spatula is tucked into one of the sides of the frame.
  • Next, the canvas is heated with a burner or a building hair dryer to a certain temperature so that it becomes elastic.
  • After heating, the canvas is evenly stretched and fixed along the perimeter of the frame, to which it is attached using special latches, different for the selected fastening system.
  • The gaps between the frame of the structure and the walls are masked with special decorative inserts, matched to the color of the canvas.
  • The fastening of the curtains must be provided in advance - the cornice is mounted directly on the frame of the structure.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the installation of ceiling tension systems should be trusted only to companies with extensive experience that have adequately proven themselves in the market for this type of construction services. If you follow the recommendations, then a stylish, modern and environmentally friendly stretch ceiling will decorate the room.

  • After mounting the ceiling, cutouts are made in the canvas for mounting lamps and other communications.
  • From the foregoing, we can conclude that the installation of ceiling tension systems should be trusted only to companies with extensive experience that have adequately proven themselves in the market for this type of construction services. If you follow the recommendations, then a stylish, modern and environmentally friendly stretch ceiling will decorate the room for many years.

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