Cabbage development. Description and photo of caterpillars and cabbage butterflies

Pregnancy and children 16.06.2019
Pregnancy and children

Butterfly cabbage belonging to the family of whites. In spring and summer, it is found in home gardens.

The butterfly feeds on nectar, and its caterpillars eat only cabbage leaves, after which the insect got its name.


This insect is small in size, its length is about 3 centimeters. The outer side of the wings of the cabbage butterfly are white in color with a few black spots along the edges.

Females have a few more round black spots in the center of the forewings; males do not have them. The inner surface is light green, therefore, sitting on a head of cabbage with folded wings, it is practically not noticeable.

The body of the butterfly is covered with fine hairs, with the help of which it transfers pollen from flower to flower, helping plants to reproduce. Each leg has two tenacious claws that can easily hold on to the bark of trees. Long sensitive antennae serve as an organ of touch and smell.


Butterfly cabbage lives throughout the territory of Eastern Europe, North Africa, East Asia and in some regions South America. She can be found on forest edges and glades, in gardens and orchards where cruciferous plants grow - shepherd's purse, colza, rapeseed, radish and different kinds cabbage.

In search of food, butterflies make long flights over long distances. The ability to migrate, natural strength and adaptability to difficult conditions are characteristic of all representatives of the whitefish family. Some individuals of these insects living in the forests of Asia are distinguished by great endurance. The most beautiful and largest specimens of these tropical insects are born during the rainy season.


Butterfly proboscis is intended only for obtaining nectar. The adult is completely harmless, but its offspring cause great harm to agriculture. Farmers protect their land and crops in many ways. Some people treat the fields with specialized preparations, but this is an ineffective procedure; competent farmers try to clear their fields of grass and debris as much as possible in the fall.

Butterfly caterpillars are extremely gluttonous and, if left unchecked, can destroy the entire cabbage crop. This shows their similarity with many other species. Its relatives, which do not harm plants, produce caterpillars that eat the leaves of garden trees.

Reproduction and the transformation cycle

The female cabbage butterfly lays its eggs on a cabbage leaf. One individual can lay about two hundred eggs.

Small larvae are selected from them, resembling worms - caterpillars. They eat a lot and gain a lot of weight. The powerful jaws of the cabbage bug are adapted for biting and chewing solid food, which allows them to continuously eat cabbage leaves.

Caterpillars of cabbage butterflies have a light green color that matches the color of the cabbage leaf. As it grows, it sheds, changing color along with the new skin - the body of an adult becomes yellow-gray with black specks.

It grows rapidly, after 3-4 weeks it is ready to turn into a chrysalis. To do this, the cabbage butterfly caterpillar moves to a secluded place - to the nearest fence or tree trunk, attaches to it with a silk cobweb, from which it spins a cocoon around itself. Then she freezes and begins to slowly pupate.

A doll with a cabbage butterfly is the most vulnerable stage in life. She develops in her silk cocoon and she has no adaptations for protection. Therefore, it is important that the cocoon is in a safe place.

After a few days, the shell bursts, and a formed insect with soft folded wings is born.

  1. She straightens them and dries them in the sun for several hours.
  2. After the cabbage wings have spread and strengthened, the young insect begins to take care of producing offspring.
  3. Butterflies live for about twenty days.

Cabbage whitefish is an insect that is found on the territory of Russia almost everywhere, with the exception of Far North. It is a malicious pest of plants of the cruciferous (cabbage) family. In addition to cabbage, it causes serious damage to mustard, rapeseed, radish, rutabaga, and so on.

AT recent times The number of pests and the area of ​​their distribution have increased markedly. This is explained by numerous violations in the cultivation of cruciferous crops.

What is a pest?

In the classification of animals, the whitefish is a representative of the class Insects (Insecta), the Lepidoptera order (Lepidoptera), the Whitefly family (Pieridae). Adult insects are quite large. The size of the wingspan can reach 55-60 mm. The color of the cabbage white is white, there are dark spots at the base.

A characteristic feature of the appearance of the butterfly is the presence of a crescent-shaped black spot on the front wings at the top. This spot reaches the center of the outer part of the wing. The color of the hind wings below is yellowish with black scales. Insects are characterized by sexual dimorphism. Male and female individuals differ in the structure of the genital organs, and the female is slightly larger than the male.

The lemon-yellow eggs are ribbed and pin-shaped. In length, they can reach 1.2 mm. The color of the larvae of the cabbage white is gray-green with the presence of dark brown spots and dots located on the body in transverse rows. In addition, there are yellow stripes on both sides of the body, and a light yellow stripe along the back. Juveniles have a black head, while adults have light spots on it.

The body of the caterpillar is covered with hairs and bristles. In length, it can reach 40-50 mm. There are poisonous glands on the body of pests, which, if they get on human skin, can cause irritation, as well as cause the death of some birds that eat them. The pupae are greenish-yellow in color and angular in shape. They are also distinguished by black dots located on the sides and on the back.

Features of the development of cabbage whites

Butterfly flight begins in early spring - under favorable weather conditions, this happens already in April. They are diurnal, especially active on sunny and hot days. Windy weather is not tolerated well. Usually found near cabbage plantations. Optimum temperature 20-25°C is considered for normal development.

Females lay eggs on the underside of the leaf in groups of 20-200 pcs. After 1-2 weeks, caterpillars emerge from the eggs, which initially stick together. They feed on the pulp of the underside of the leaves, while the upper skin remains untouched.

After some time, the caterpillars disperse throughout the plant and eat leaves mainly from the edges. Adults are found predominantly on the upper part of the leaves and tend to damage them very badly. The diet of caterpillars includes cabbage, radish, swede and other plants of the cruciferous family. In addition, they eat plants of other families. It can be nasturtium, mignonette, capers.

The duration of the development of caterpillars depends on weather conditions and can last from 2 to 4 weeks. After that, they turn into pupae. Usually they can be found on trees, walls of buildings, fences, and only in rare cases - on cabbage leaves. The pupae become butterflies in about 10-15 days.

Egg laying by new generation butterflies is carried out in July-August. The development of the second generation of caterpillars occurs massively, provided that the first generation has not been destroyed by vegetable growers. In the southern regions, cabbage whites, in the absence of a fight against it, can develop 3-5 generations in one season.

Folk methods of struggle

Butterflies of cabbage whites, due to which the number of pests is constantly growing, can be caught with the help of “sweet” hand-made traps. To do this, you need a cropped plastic bottle or pour a small amount of thick sugar syrup on a regular plate, after adding a few tablets of brewer's yeast to it.

The trap should be placed in a garden bed or aisle. The more such devices in the garden, the more pests that are tightly stuck in the sweet bait. This method also has a drawback: many beneficial insects can also be trapped.

Of the other effective folk methods of dealing with whites, the following can be distinguished:

  1. The pre-collected wormwood needs to be dried a little, and then chopped well and boiled for 15 minutes in a small amount of water. Then the broth must be removed from the fire and wait until it has completely cooled down. After that, diluting it abundantly with water (10 liters per 1 kg of wormwood), you can spray vegetables. The procedure should be carried out once every 7 days.
  2. Mustard powder should be dissolved in hot water (10 g of raw materials per 1 liter of water) and left to infuse. After 2-3 days, you need to add a little water to the solution, and then start spraying the heads of cabbage.
  3. Spraying can also be carried out with an infusion of burdock leaves. Preparing it is very simple: the crushed leaves are placed in a bucket, filling it by almost a third. After that, water is added to the bucket and left to infuse for 2-4 days.
  4. Helps in the fight against cabbage whites and infusion of potato tops. To prepare it, you will need freshly cut tops, which must be folded into a bucket filled with water and left to infuse. After 3-4 hours, the infusion should be filtered, a little soap added to it, and then the infected vegetables should be processed.
  5. To combat the caterpillar of cabbage whites, you can use chamomile. However, it will take quite a lot of it - 1 kg of dried product per 10 liters of water. The mixture must be infused for 12-14 hours, and then filtered and, adding a little soap, spray.
  6. A quick way to protect the crop from white caterpillars is to use dry tobacco dust, which is applied directly to the leaves.

In addition, many gardeners use a simple way to secure future harvest from the attacks of cabbage whites, which involves growing cabbages next to tomatoes. Cabbage does not tolerate the smell of tomato leaves, so it will not settle on such heads of cabbage.

Measures to combat cabbage white

An individual infected with this disease is very easy to identify, since its body acquires a bright lemon color. Entomophage insects, such as mites or ground beetles, cause significant damage to the whitefish population. Since these cabbage pests emit a liquid that is poisonous and dangerous to birds, they rarely feed on white caterpillars.

Chemical methods of struggle

When growing cabbage in small areas, it is recommended to use bacterial compounds that have a minimal effect on heads and leaves. Biological products that repel and destroy butterflies can be used throughout the growing season. Processing should be stopped immediately before harvesting. The most popular remedies are Bitoxibacillin, Fitoverm and Lepidocide.

With a strong spread of cabbage whites in a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden, toxic insecticides should be used. Chemicals are allowed to be applied only during the period when the leaves are formed. If insecticides are used at a later period, toxic substances can accumulate in the plant.

The spraying procedure must be carried out in the morning, in the absence of wind and precipitation. It is important to treat the leaves well on the underside, where pests can hide and oviposition is located. Of the effective drugs, Karate, Karbofos, Kinmiks and Aktellik can be distinguished.

Preventive measures

For preventive purposes, mechanical means are used, as well as methods in which some drugs are used:

  • immediately after the start of the flight of butterflies on the site, all wild plants of the cruciferous family must be removed. The first generation of caterpillars does not cause much harm to cultivated plants. However, it should be remembered that it is they who form the second, most dangerous generation;
  • mulching the beds on which plants of the cabbage family are grown with green grass disorientates whites with a specific smell;
  • the use of birch tar for spraying plantations with cabbage. This tool can scare away another malicious pest cruciferous - a flea;
  • the undersides of cabbage leaves should be inspected regularly for egg-laying whites.

Cabbage whites are pests that can cause great damage to the crop. The fight against them must begin immediately after their discovery, using chemical and folk remedies that complement each other. You can protect your site from pest attacks by keeping the site clean and performing simple recommendations specialists.

The cabbage butterfly is a diurnal representative of the Lepidoptera order of the insect class. Its other name - whitefish symbolizes its color: white wings with small black dots in the center. Whites can be seen already in the spring in April or May, fluttering over the first green plants.


Some hobbyists of lepidoptera breed butterflies in their home aquariums. How many cabbage butterflies live in an artificial environment depends on care. They eat at home the same plants as in nature.

But the cabbage butterfly gained fame not due to its early appearance. It is a dangerous pest of gardens and vegetable plantations. Its larvae are capable of damaging most of the plantings in a season. vegetable crops, although this is not the only one. Cabbage beds are especially affected by the invasion of caterpillars. This explains why the insect was so named.


Common cabbage in its life cycle goes through several stages of development. An adult butterfly is called an imago. It has a small elongated torso, a clearly defined head with eyes located on it, oral apparatus, long antennae. A stable position of balance is helped by 3 pairs of legs.

The decoration of the cabbage insect is large milky or white wings with a noticeable darkening along the edge. The upper wing of females has a dark upper corner and two black spots in the middle. Top edge the lower wing is decorated with one speck. The lower wings of the female are yellow.

On a note!

The description of the cabbage butterfly is very similar to appearance another representative of the family of whites - turnips. This butterfly also has white wings with black dots, but it is inferior in size to the cabbage pest.

In males, the wings are almost snow-white with the same darkened corner. The spot is present only on the lower wings in the same place as in females. The wingspan of both sexes is 50-60 mm. Photos of cabbage butterflies clearly demonstrate external differences and help determine the sex of the insect.

Reproduction and development of all stages

The mating period falls on the first warm days of spring. For laying eggs, the female chooses cruciferous weeds. These include:

  • shepherd's bag;
  • colza;
  • sverbig;
  • hiccup;
  • dyeing woad.

White cabbage butterfly lays eggs on the back of the leaf. During her short life, one female is able to lay 200-300 eggs. The average lifespan of a whitefish in the adult stage is a month. After 7-10 days, bright yellow larvae appear from the masonry - the second stage of insect development. The length of the caterpillars is 3-4 cm. They actively eat the leaves of plants and increase in size.

Every 5-7 days, the caterpillar of the cabbage butterfly molts. During its lifetime, the larva passes 4 molts. As it develops, it also changes color to bright green with a blue tint. In the photo of cabbage caterpillars, yellow and black dots are visible on the sides of the body. At the final stage, the caterpillar crawls away from the food plant in search of a secluded place for pupation. That's what many do.

If the pupation process occurs during the warm period of the year, then after a couple of weeks a new butterfly appears from the chrysalis. Under favorable conditions in the southern regions, up to 4 generations of cabbage appear during the season. The pupae can be seen attached to wooden fences, sheds, trunks of large plants.

On a note!

The yellow-green cabbage chrysalis at the end of summer no longer turns into an adult. The life processes of the pupa go into diapause, and it remains in this state to wait for spring. And with the first warm spring days the transformation resumes and a butterfly emerges from the cocoon.

Nutrition of larvae and adults

The second and third generation of insects are becoming a real disaster for summer residents and gardeners. The first month of summer is the most favorable for breeding cabbage butterflies. Favorite insect forage crops appear in the garden:

  • cabbage;
  • radish;
  • turnip;
  • horseradish;
  • turnip;
  • radish;
  • garlic;
  • capers.

Egg laying is most often left by the pest on the underside of the leaves of these vegetable crops. The caterpillars that have appeared begin to actively feed on juicy young leaves. First they eat the outer side, then move on to the central part. By damaging the leaves of vegetable crops, the caterpillars disrupt the processes of photosynthesis in the plant, thereby causing irreparable damage to the future crop.

On a note!

When the larvae eat the cabbage leaves to the ground, they move on to the inner leaves of the head. This leads to the destruction of the entire plant.

An adult whitefish does not damage vegetation. Cabbage butterflies eat nectar and pollen of wild flowers:

  • dandelion;
  • chamomile;
  • alfalfa;
  • coltsfoot;
  • meadow seaweed.

The length of the life span of an adult butterfly depends on weather conditions. Optimal for her are warm, dry, windless days with an average temperature of 20-25 degrees Celsius. This explains why many cabbage butterflies can be seen on vegetable plantations in the southern regions.


Kapustnitsy are by no means such homebodies as they are considered. Entomologists have repeatedly observed mass migrations of butterflies. It has been noticed that with southern regions they fly north in summer. They move along a clearly defined route and even obstacles will not make them deviate from the chosen direction. In calm weather, the speed of the cabbage varies in the range of 7-14 km per hour. In the presence of wind, butterflies are able to overcome up to 36 km per hour.

Butterfly cabbage: harm or benefit

The beauty of the insect cannot be compared with the consequences that the voracity of cabbage white caterpillars leads to. With each new generation, it causes damage to entire vegetable plantations. People have learned at different stages of its development.


In addition to cabbage caterpillars, cabbage leaf beetles are also pests of cabbage beds. Their larvae and adults actively destroy the foliage of garden plantings.

An adult white butterfly can be useful in nature. Fluttering from flower to flower in search of food, she carries flower pollen on her paws. In this way, it pollinates many plants.

The white cabbage or, colloquially, the cabbage butterfly, is associated by many people with the beginning of spring. When the first warm days come, light-winged beauties are already fluttering over the young grass with might and main. But these seemingly harmless insects cause irreparable harm to agriculture, so when they appear, gardeners and gardeners begin to sound the alarm.

Description and features of development

According to the description cabbage butterfly belongs to the family of whites. The size reaches six centimeters, the wings are white with black spots. The flight is uneven, landing, the butterfly folds its wings and immediately becomes invisible to birds due to the greenish tint covering inner part wings.

It is quite widespread in all countries of Eastern Europe, Japan and North America. Favorite habitats - parks, gardens, forest glades. Found in rural settlements where there are cruciferous plants.

The lifespan of a cabbage butterfly depends directly on temperature conditions. At air temperatures below 20 degrees Celsius, the process of turning a caterpillar into a butterfly can take from 13 to 38 days. At a constant temperature in the range of 20-26 degrees Celsius, the development from an egg to the natural death of an adult (adult butterfly) takes an average of 30-75 days, during which the cabbage will undergo 3 transformations and 4 molts.

The development phases of cabbage are as follows:

An adult butterfly is absolutely harmless and feeds on flower nectar, but the gluttonous children of cabbage - caterpillars leave huge holes in the leaves after their meal.

Fighting methods

Caterpillars devour not only cabbage leaves, they do not disdain radishes, turnips, rutabaga, capers, nasturtiums and other crops. There are several ways to deal with cabbage white caterpillars.. One of them is the small-bellied rider, which lays its eggs in the body of the caterpillars.

The emerging larvae feed on their entrails, which contributes to the rapid death of insects. The mature larvae of the small belly bore holes in the body of the dying caterpillar, go outside and begin to weave cocoons and pupate here. The rider infects about 90% of the larvae of the whitefish. For greater efficiency, small-bellied cocoons are laid out in places of a large accumulation of cabbage larvae.

When destroying caterpillars, whites use a bacterial culture of wax moth, which provokes the rapid death of pests. Affected individuals stop growing, become lemon yellow, the insides turn into gruel, which contributes to the death of insects.

One of simple ways destruction is considered to be inspection of the lower cabbage leaves and crushing of butterfly eggs, and they also resort to the help of insecticides: at the beginning of the season they are sprayed with young shoots to prevent the appearance of pests.

Spray decoctions can be prepared independently. The ingredients for them are collected in the garden or bought at the store..

  • The easiest spray solution is to mix a bottle of valerian with three liters of water.
  • Mix 500 g of sifted ash with 10 liters of boiled water, defend. A clear liquid is poured into another container, to which two tablespoons of tar soap are added and mixed well.
  • Pour boiling water over the leaves of burdock, wormwood and yarrow, insist for several days. Then filter and spray cultures.

Drugs and prevention

When pests damage a large area of ​​the garden, the chemicals Kinmiks, Aktellik, Lepidocide are used. Processing is best done on early stage leaf formation.

Bacterial preparations - Fitoverm, etc. are used throughout the entire season of growth and ripening of vegetables.

For prevention, the following measures are taken:

  1. loosen the soil;
  2. landing sites are burned in autumn;
  3. do not allow the growth of cruciferous weeds;
  4. differentiate the place of planting vegetables.

At the right methods pest control, as well as regular preventive inspections of vegetable crops, you can not be afraid of mass pest attacks and not worry about the harvest.

Butterfly cabbage can be found in the garden in almost all regions, with the exception of colder, northern regions. Cabbage butterfly caterpillars damage both leaves and heads of cabbage, destroying the crop. When a cabbage white appears in the garden, the owners risk losing part of the crop of cabbage, turnips and radishes.

The task of gardeners is to start the fight against this pest in time, using various means of control, not forgetting about preventive measures. To cope with cabbage whites will help various chemical substances, as well as products prepared according to folk recipes. Various helpful tips help protect the garden from the invasion of these pests.

Cabbage white prefers plants of the cruciferous family. The caterpillars of this butterfly feed on the leaves of cabbage, radish, turnip, radish, mustard, horseradish. The more gardeners grow these plants, the more likely the appearance of cabbage butterflies. Moreover, the main harm is caused not by butterflies, but by their larvae.

Butterflies lay their eggs on the underside of leaves. After being born, the caterpillars immediately begin to actively eat the leaves of the plant. The eggs are distinguished by a bright lemon hue, while the female is able to lay up to 200 pieces at a time.

What it looks like and how to identify

Life features:

  • The wings of this butterfly are pure white, with prominent dark spots on the males. The wingspan of the insect is about 5-6 cm.
  • The cabbage butterfly is considered one of the most dangerous pests in the garden. As a result, people have developed negative attitude to these butterflies, plus everything, the insect reproduces quite quickly and actively, destroying the crop. If timely measures are not taken to destroy them, then you can be left without a crop of some crops.
  • Up to two hundred of these pests can be born in just a week, after an adult has laid eggs. This is possible if the temperature environment is within +26 degrees and below, and the humidity is about 60%.
  • After hatching, the larvae are quite small, ocher in color. During this period, they still cannot cause serious damage. As they grow older, they begin to feed more actively and eat the juicy part, leaving only veins.
  • When the caterpillars are still small, they do not hold on large groups, but as they grow older, the groups break up and the larvae keep apart. The caterpillars have a greenish body, and light stripes run along the back. On the sides you can see yellow spots. By such signs, it is not at all difficult to recognize the pest.
  • After 1 month, the caterpillars turn into pupae, and after another couple of weeks, butterflies appear from them.

Harm caused by cabbage butterflies

Grown up adult caterpillars are rather gluttonous and for a short time destroy cabbage leaves and other plants if left unchecked. The result of the activity of the larvae is the remaining veins from the leaves.

In addition, caterpillars can provoke diseases of crops such as cabbage, radish, horseradish, mustard and other members of the cruciferous family. The result of their vital activity is particles of excrement that remain between the leaves. They get inside, attract harmful insects and worsen the state of greenery.

First of all, you need to regularly bypass the plantings of the above crops and check them for the presence of larvae. If there are few of them, then you can collect them with your hands, and destroy the eggs, which are not difficult to detect by their bright, lemon color. If there are too many of them, then it is better to resort to another, more effective way struggle. Doing nothing, underestimating these pests, there will be nothing left of the harvest.

Some helpful tips:

  • Pest control must be comprehensive. In the course must go various ways control, both mechanical and chemical, with the inclusion of preventive treatments of plants.
  • The sooner caterpillars or oviposition are found, the sooner they can be eliminated.
  • Follow the rules for sowing various crops, knowing that crops such as radishes, turnips, levkoy attract cabbage butterflies, after which voracious larvae appear on the plants.
  • For processing cabbage, you can use both folk remedies and insecticide solutions. If chemicals are used, then you need to remember that they are used only at the stage of leaf formation. With more later periods processing chemicals can accumulate inside the cabbage head, which can harm human health. Biological products do not require such restrictions and can be used at any stage of crop development.

Folk remedies

Many gardeners use decoctions and infusions prepared on the basis of natural ingredients. Their advantages are that they are harmless to humans, but have a detrimental or repellent effect on pests.

How to use it correctly:

  • Crops are processed in dry, calm weather.
  • As a rule, processing is carried out in the morning.
  • Be sure to follow the correct concentration so as not to harm the crops.
  • To get the maximum effect, the treatment is repeated every couple of weeks.

Against the cabbage butterfly apply:

  • Concentrate coniferous tree . For cooking effective remedy you need to take 200 g of spruce or pine branches, or cones, as well as 2 liters of hot water. The raw materials are folded in an enamel bowl and poured with boiling water, after which it is infused for 1 week. After that, the solution is filtered and placed in the refrigerator. For processing crops, 1 part of coniferous concentrate and 10 parts of water are taken.
  • Herbal decoction. Harvested green mass herbs such as yarrow, wormwood and burdock leaves. Equal parts of these plants are put in a bucket and poured with boiling water, after which they are left to infuse for 2 days. Boiling water should be three times more than raw materials. After 2 days, the product is filtered and cabbage beds are processed with it.
  • Ash and soap solution. To prepare the product, you will need 10 liters of hot water and 500 g of sifted ash. The components are mixed and thoroughly mixed, after which the product is left to settle. The resulting clear liquid is poured into another container. After that, a couple of tablespoons of liquid soap are added to the product. After mixing, the product is used immediately.
  • The use of valerian. This product with a characteristic, bright aroma negatively affects both caterpillars and butterflies, which are unlikely to want to lay their eggs in such conditions. To prepare the solution, you need to take a bottle of valerian and dissolve in 3 liters of warm water. Immediately after preparation, planting cabbage should be treated with this solution.
  • Filled sugar syrup trap. This trap allows you to catch butterflies that have flown into the garden to lay their eggs. To prepare the bait, a thick sugar syrup is boiled, with the addition of a small amount of yeast (20%). The prepared mass is laid out on saucers and placed in the aisles. It remains only to check from time to time how many butterflies flew to this bait. In addition to this pest, other insects will also gather, including pests of the garden and vegetable garden.

Of course, it is better to give preference to biological products that are not capable of harming cabbage plantings. Due to the fact that such substances can be used in any growing season, you can fight the cabbage butterfly all summer. Before the start of harvesting, processing can already be stopped.

Effective biological products:

  • Fitoverm.
  • Bitoxibacillin.
  • Lepitocide.

With large areas of planting, chemical toxic substances are better suited, but even then during the formation of the leaves of the plant.

Processing of crops is carried out in the morning, when there is no precipitation and wind. It is desirable to process the lower part of the leaves, where the butterfly lays its eggs.

To effective drugs relate:

  • Kinmiks.
  • Karbofos.
  • Actellik.
  • Karate.

It's important to know! The use of chemical control agents requires the use of personal protective equipment. Eye protection, protection of the skin and respiratory tract are especially needed.

If you take care of planting garden crops in advance, you can prevent the appearance of a butterfly on plantings of cabbage and other crops. On the preventive actions it will take much less effort and money for a gardener than to fight a pest.

There are a number of rules that should not be violated when planting plants, which will help preserve the crop. Otherwise, by the fall, part of the crop may be missing, and any gardener does not want this.

Ten proven rules that will protect the garden from cabbage whites:

  • If you treat wooden structures with a strong jet of water, this will help get rid of the pupae.
  • Weeds should be constantly fought, as many of them, the cruciferous family, attract this pest. You should constantly get rid of field yarutka, colza, shepherd's purse.
  • Crops such as turnips, levkoy, radishes and radishes cannot be planted nearby, as they lure cabbage whites. After that, they move to cabbage leaves, as they are more juicy and fleshy.
  • To scare off pests, plants can be planted next to the cabbage, which repel pests with their aroma. It can be mint, lemon balm, valerian or marigold. This will help protect the garden from other, no less dangerous insects.
  • To reduce the likelihood of egg-laying on cabbage plantings, at the end of May they can be covered with a mosquito net or agro-cloth: butterflies simply will not be able to physically reach young plants.
  • Carrots, dill and parsley attract natural enemies of cabbage butterflies. Therefore, the correct alternation of beds is an important factor influencing the appearance of these pests in the garden.
  • It is much more difficult to care for cabbage monoplantations, especially if the areas are large. In such conditions, the butterfly is more difficult to scare away. Mixed plantings are easier to care for, so the risk of crop loss is drastically reduced.
  • If you regularly check reverse side leaves, it is possible to detect oviposition in a timely manner. In this case, they are easy to destroy mechanically.
  • If necessary, it is possible to use biological preparations for the entire vegetative period. These drugs are not toxic to humans, but they have a detrimental effect on the larvae of the cabbage white.

We must not allow pests to take over the garden, otherwise the harvest may not wait. When planting cabbage on the site, it is better to take measures in advance to prevent the appearance of cabbage butterfly larvae. To do this, you should use a number of rules that do not require the cost of either money or human effort. Otherwise, you will have to spend a lot of money and energy on pest control. In addition, there is a risk of poisoning if you use chemicals fight. All the rules are simple and feasible, and if we add agrotechnical measures to these rules, along with folk remedies, then 100% crop protection can be ensured.

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