Photo galleries. Seven real ways to make money with your car

Technique and Internet 06.11.2017
Technique and Internet


First of all - what do you need a car for? It's one thing if you have big family, you often go to the country, plan to travel. Then the best way out is to buy an SUV. It is quite expensive (from 1,000,000 rubles), but you can always buy it on credit or ask about used SUVs, which will be noticeably cheaper. It is convenient to drive in a small car in the city. Almost all companies produce small cars, and they are inexpensive (on average from 300,000 rubles). Once you decide what kind of machine you need, it will be easier to decide on the quantity of money, and with the purchase method.

For most of us, even 300,000 rubles is an impressive amount. Therefore, it makes sense to take a car loan. Of course, having a loan means overpaying for car, but many find it easier for 3-5 years to give every month not a very large part of the salary (from 10,000 rubles), the longer it takes to save, especially since part of money will still "eat" inflation. Thus, in order to take out a car loan and not inflict a serious blow to our budget, most of us need to get a salary increase or promotion, or cut some expenses.

The process of obtaining a car loan is quite simple. You need to come to a car dealership, choose a car, its equipment and optional equipment. Employees of the credit department of the car dealership will select banks with the most favorable loan rate for you (as a rule, car dealerships work with several banks at once) and calculate the approximate amount of the down payment, insurance and monthly payments. After that, you will need to collect all the documents (provide a passport, international passport, a certificate from work about your salary) and wait for the decision of the banks, and then choose the most convenient option. After making the first installment car can be picked up.

Some people prefer to buy used cars. There is a certain risk in this - the previous car owner can sell you a faulty car. However, if you are confident in the seller and in the car, then this is also a good way to quickly buy car. A used car is not always a cheap car, but it is still easier to earn half a million rubles than a million.

Actually, if you have already defined a goal (for example, to buy a Ford Focus), determined how much you will need to invest in it, then it will be easier to make money on it than it seemed initially. In general, making money for a specific goal is easier than for an abstract one, since a specific goal (a specific car) is a motivator. To begin with, try to estimate how much of money you need to save for a car in a month to earn for it, for example, in two years. The amount, of course, will not be small. To save this amount monthly, there are the following ways:
1. start keeping a diary of expenses, analyze them, reduce spending on unnecessary things (for example, you can dine at home more often than in a cafe - the car is worth it).
2. look for a part-time job. Most of us work from 9 to 18, five days a week. Part of the remaining time can be invested in your car- for example, take on additional work projects and get more, earn extra money at home (this is especially true for journalists, translators, programmers).
3. Seek promotion at work.
It is best, of course, to use all the methods described. You probably shouldn’t expect quick results, but you can save up a certain amount to buy your car pretty soon.

AT modern world The car has long ceased to be a luxury. Any representative of the so-called middle class has a car, or even more than one. With the purchase of a car, the costs do not end, on the contrary, this is only the beginning. The content of the beloved swallow is poured monthly into, and money, as you know, does not lie on the road. It is high time to learn how to not only spend your budget, but also earn money with your personal car.

Let's talk about how to make good money with a car

Car owners are resourceful people, and you can’t take them with your bare hands. Many have already found ways to use their personal wheels for the benefit of the family. I, in turn, will tell you about a few interesting ways how to make money with a car.

How to quickly and easily make money on a personal car? Ways to earn money

Of course, the leading positions in the rating of payback for maintaining a car and its profitability are occupied by taxi drivers and cargo carriers. In cities, taxis are always in demand. You can turn the steering wheel yourself, or you can rent your car.

Be that as it may, you will definitely not be left without income. If you are a happy owner of a good (i.e. not killed) car, and are looking for an easy way to make money with your car, you will get what you want anyway. There are practically no restrictions for a taxi, neither by age category nor by gender, so even if you are a woman, this will not prevent you from becoming a taxi driver and having no. True, I am skeptical of this idea, but not because I do not trust women drivers, but because the profession of a taxi driver is rather risky, and it is better if you are not a fragile woman, but a strong, self-confident man.

How to make money on a truck, being engaged in cargo transportation

In second place in popularity was the transportation of various goods, which gives excellent opportunity make money with a car. This type of activity is just perfect for truck owners. There is also a wide range of vehicles, ranging from GAZelle trucks, which can be operated with high profits within the city, for example, to transport furniture from one apartment to another, and ending with heavy cross-country tractors that feel great on bad roads and are not afraid off-road.

Other ways to make money on a personal car

If you don't want to be in the business of transporting people or transporting goods, you can still find ways to make money with a car. For example, how do you like advertising placement? By contacting any advertising agency, you can get a good deal with them by allowing you to put advertising stickers on your car. In different regions, this type of advertising is paid differently, but in any case, your income will be at least 10,000 rubles per month. That's certainly easy money: and the car is with you, and the money is dripping!

Having at your disposal a brand new or at least a decent foreign car, you can try to get a job as a luxury driver. In megacities, such a service is always in demand. Well, think for yourself, what is not an opportunity make a lot of money with a car? I think it's a pretty bad choice. In order to get a profitable order, you only need to submit an ad for top-level transportation. , and you can try to earn extra money accompanied by weddings and other special occasions.

Even if you stay without an official job for some time, you can always earn good money by car, because the prices for VIP travel for one trip range from 700 to 3000 rubles. And besides, in order to provide this kind of service, it is not at all necessary to have a car, exactly from a magazine cover. Your swallow must have an attractive appearance and cozy lounge.

How can you make money on a car without recycling? You can, for example, meet foreigners at the airport and arrange city tours for them, showing them architectural monuments, or, making out-of-town trips, acquaint guests with the nature of your country. native land. And if you're well brought up, you know foreign languages and have nice car, you definitely need to try your hand at this kind of car business.

With the current economic situation in the country, when so many enterprises are completely closed, or significantly curtail their activities, motorists are also looking for additional ways earnings. And in their thoughts, they often come to the conclusion that a business with a private car or in some way connected with it can give a good increase in income.

At the same time, the majority does not even think that business, or entrepreneurial activity, often becomes for the person who deals with them, a matter that has to be given with all his heart. After all, an attempt to extract income from your business, as with, is a serious and difficult task, involving high activity.

At the same time, the business itself can be the most diverse: large and small, sole and joint, under the control of someone or in the role of an independent leader.

What is the point?

An attempt to organize a business on any technique is a separate large variety of entrepreneurship. Use of personal vehicle greatly simplifies the conduct of their business, and often is its main form.

At the same time, we must not forget that this is associated with significant costs for the maintenance of the used car and, of course, for gasoline. Therefore, many entrepreneurs driving personal cars, especially small ones, are often limited by its features and functionality.

There are many ways to make money with your own car. Most often, this is the transportation of various goods and goods intended for sale, or taxi services.

At the same time, a small entrepreneur is so free in his actions that he has the opportunity to change jobs quite often - in the morning providing taxi services, and in the evening acting as a personal driver in a wealthy family.

The person behind the wheel can overestimate the specifics of the market on a daily basis. Considering that profitable this moment spheres are constantly changing (due to both internal economic factors and external, social and political ones), this is a definite plus and allows you to respond flexibly to market needs.

However, it is always necessary to keep abreast of the economy. Because constant amendments to the laws governing commercial activity, new rules and restrictions, changes in taxes and duties - all this can unsettle any unprepared person. Unfortunately, many novice businessmen do not take this into account and “burn out”, which has a purely negative effect on the overall economic atmosphere in the country.

Business options on a personal car

As noted above, a driver with his own transport is a fairly free subject of the economy, and if business is the only source of income, and there is no employment in other areas, then you can choose from several options for earning. At the same time, not all of them imply a sufficiently high income, and some types can be quite combined with each other.

  • Courier work.

This includes the delivery of the widest range of consumer goods: from pizza to clothing. This work can be quite profitable, but is highly dependent on the availability of orders. This, respectively, depends on factors such as time of day and year, the number of offers (i.e. competition), and the availability of convenient and fast routes. Of course, if you have your own online store, well-created and advanced, the conditions for running such a business will be the most convenient and interesting.

  • Taxi or private transport.

It has already been noted above that it is especially important for a taxi driver to take into account the convenience of the car for customers, i.e. the presence of a spacious interior and trunk. Undoubtedly, in modern conditions it is impossible to engage in private transportation without additional technical means: GPS navigators, counters, DVRs, etc. Due to recent changes in legislation, it will be quite difficult to fulfill many orders without a child car seat.

  • Advertising on cars.

Much here depends on how well developed the field of advertising in a particular city and even area. The size of the car, the desire of the owner to spoil the standard appearance of the car contributes its own specifics. Most often, this type of earnings on a car does not bring sufficient income and is only concomitant.

  • Earn money by renting a car.

As a rule, this is not quite a business, but a small, relatively easy (but stable) income. If the car owner rarely uses his car, then he has the right to lease it, receiving a reward for this. A huge disadvantage of this practice is that a third-party user rarely takes care of someone else's property, which means that depreciation will go much faster.

  • Cargo transportation.

Among Russian car owners, there are often happy owners of light trucks. Such cars make it possible to organize a business related to freight transportation. Moreover, you can work as small as possible (house moving, delivery of bulky goods from urban shopping centers), and quite large (transportation of goods between cities).

  • Personal driver.

In large cities, the services of a personal driver are increasingly required. Naturally, only people with great and good experience, who are able to profitably teach themselves from a professional point of view, are hired for such work. Yes, and the car must be new and representative enough. But the work will be permanent and highly paid.

  • Help on the road.

Becomes more and more in demand as more residents move from the category of pedestrians to a group of drivers. Newcomers on the road often need a wide variety of assistance, and an experienced driver in his own car can easily organize a business related to the provision of services on the city's roads. Delivering gasoline, changing a wheel, helping to start with a dead battery - these are the easiest options.

Of course, only the main, most common and well-known ways to make money on cars were named here. There are other, more specific, rare and lucrative opportunities. It is possible that in the process of trial and error you will be able to discover them for yourself.

One way or another, in the modern world, a car is no longer only “not a luxury, but a means of transportation”, but often the most accessible and intuitive way for the owner to derive benefits for themselves.

Attentive attitude to the condition of your car and its competent use will allow you to find money in difficult times, and it is quite possible to start a profitable business. Of course, not all citizens are ready to play the role of a courier or “disfigure” their personal car with incomprehensible advertising, but, in general, it is almost always possible to make money on a personal car.

Earnings on a car - additional nuances.

For a person who is thinking about how to make money on a personal car, first of all, it is important to have a good knowledge of the roads and routes that he will use. If his activity is related to the delivery of goods (as a rule, special models of vans or trucks are used for this), this also means an excellent knowledge and understanding of the logistics itself.

Commercial activities related to the transportation of goods are also constantly affected by changes in existing legislation. For example, the wide resonance among truckers caused by the introduction of the Platon traffic control system shows that ignorance of the laws, as well as the inability to defend their legal rights and property, a low legal culture in general, can be very costly.

As in any business, competition will play a huge role, both healthy and imposed by existing restrictions and market features. This is especially true for taxi drivers using their own cars (popularly - "bombed").

There are frequent cases of crowding out "private traders" by large transport services. There are many reasons for this: this, of course, and much larger financial opportunities, and more favorable service conditions (for example, low and affordable rates for the majority of the population, holiday promotions, etc.)

And, of course, a business on your own car, its profitability and success, depend on the choice of the vehicle itself. If you specifically purchase a car for business, it is necessary that the costs of both gasoline and repairs (which will undoubtedly be very noticeable) pay off, moreover, rationally. Therefore, in any case, you should not use small, “female” car models with a small capacity for business.

In addition, you need to understand that from the moment you start a business, it is the car that is the main source of income. This means that it is necessary to constantly and competently monitor its technical serviceability, carry out all types of diagnostics in time, start car repairs before the damage becomes critical.

Life is unpredictable. A person cannot know what will happen to him next and how his life will turn. If today he has a job and a stable income, then how will his fate develop further - big question. There are cases when a person, after losing his job, fell into the deepest prolonged depression. To prevent this from happening, it is important to have such an alternative income tool as a car. In this article, we will analyze how to make good money on a car.

What costs should you prepare for when deciding to make money on your car?

Before you search the Internet for information on how you can make money on a car, you should clarify for yourself: what will be the price of the issue. The first important indicator for calculations is the cost of the service. For example, if a car was bought for 600,000 rubles, then for 120,000 kilometers traveled, it will lose 300,000 rubles in price, that is, its half price. The cost of car repairs should also be taken into account. If the car is new, then there will probably be practically no costs for the first three years. If a used car was bought, for example, for 370,000 rubles, then in addition to losing half the price for 120,000 kilometers traveled, it is necessary to add on the cost of repairs - this is about 12,000 rubles a year. For five years, this is 60,000 rubles.

If we take into account the car wash and the small expenses for the purchase of some important “knick-knacks”, the cost of 1 km is 10 rubles. We will not discuss the question of how to make money on your car, taken on credit, since such a car must be protected until its owner repays its obligations to the bank in full. It is also not profitable to carry out calculations for such a car because the cost will be too high due to the monthly payments that the car owner sends to the bank. In this scenario, 1 km of the road will cost the motorist at least 15 rubles.

What car is suitable for making money on it?

It’s worth mentioning in advance: a “female” small two-seater car will not allow the car owner to earn money consistently and well. The ideal option would be a four-seater car, in which you can carry at least 4 people and put their things in a spacious trunk. The ideal option is a station wagon car. These are Chevrolet Lacetti, Skoda Fabia Combi, Peugeot 508, Seat Ibiza ST. These cars are universal: with their help you can earn money both in small towns, and in megacities, where a number of stringent requirements are put forward for cars.

In villages and urban settlements, there are no requirements for the class that the car has, as well as for the model and year of its release - the main thing there will be such one thing as spaciousness, as well as good cross-country ability. For such an area, the time-tested well-known Niva 4x4 may be an ideal option, as an alternative, you can consider an all-wheel drive Chevrolet Niva.

Before you make money on a car, you should prepare it for work: you need to take care of the technical part in order to avoid various incidents along the way. Daily technical inspection should be taken with special attention- after all, neglecting this issue can result in a breakdown on the road, useless downtime of the car and the cost of repairing a failed unit.

How to make money on your car: interesting and profitable ways

Man is inventive by nature. Our parents, as well as grandparents, who also had cars, could not even think that you can make good money on an iron horse. Today's reality shows that a car can safely feed and provide a motorist with a stable income. Below we analyze a number of interesting and profitable options.

Many companies operate in megacities and large cities today due to the good development of small businesses in the country. Almost every such organization needs a car courier. They publish announcements about the search for a motorist with their car in newspapers and on the Internet. To contact the employer, you just need to call the phone number indicated on the website / in the newspaper. Regardless of the profile of the company, almost always such a key requirement is presented to the candidate as accident-free driving experience.

How to make money on a car as a pizza delivery driver?

Typically, pizzerias need a worker who will work from 18 to 24 hours. On weekends, a courier is usually needed from 10 am to 21 pm. It is at this time that companies deliver food to the house. Auto couriers are paid differently, in small towns the payment is small. In metropolitan areas, prices are much higher. By the way, you don’t need a large car to work on pizza delivery. The employer will give preference to a courier with a small car (cars such as Daewoo Matiz, Lifan or Fiat 500 are suitable). Therefore, the more hours spent on work, the higher the auto courier will have a salary. For an 8-hour working day, a courier on his car can earn from 1200 to 1800 rubles. If labor activity will be carried out 12 hours a day - then earnings will be even more impressive. In addition to this, it should be said: in expensive pizzerias, couriers are given tips. Therefore, it is very profitable to get a job in a prestigious company. In Moscow, pizza delivery couriers receive about 40,000 rubles. But there is one caveat: the auto courier must strictly comply with the established rules of the company. For their violation, such a measure of punishment as a fine is required. It's about about late pizza delivery. For example, if pizza delivery occurs later than in 30 minutes, the courier will be fined. But the penalty will be due only if the client complains to the office about a particular courier. Practice shows that a pizza delivery driver must constantly “spin” - a slow courier in his car is unlikely to work in such companies for a long time. In order to deliver orders promptly, you should know the area in the service area well, know the rules well traffic(so as not to “run into” fines) and it is desirable to have a driving experience of more than 10 years. Ideally, extreme driving skills will not interfere (this applies to auto couriers who work in Moscow, which is crowded with traffic jams). If the courier gets a fine, he must pay it from his own pocket, no matter how regrettable it may sound. Some companies also withhold the amount of the fine from the salary, thus stimulating the employee to treat traffic rules more responsibly. It is very convenient to deliver pizza late in the evening and at night - there are no traffic jams in megacities, so products can always be delivered on time. But there are not as many calls at this time of day as we would like.

Features of working as a courier for the delivery of goods from online stores

Delivery of products from online stores is more interesting, because, in addition to the ability to drive a car, it implies the ability to communicate with different people. A person who wants to make money by car, delivering products from online stores, must understand that he is responsible for transporting goods. If the products are fragile - in case of damage - the courier will be obliged to reimburse the full cost of the damaged products. If the job of delivering pizza does not require a car with a spacious trunk, then working as a courier for the delivery of products from online stores most often means that the auto courier has his own car with a station wagon body. When applying for such a job, a person must understand that he will be required to travel at least 70 km per day. But you can also make good money here. However, it should be said in advance about this: auto couriers who deliver expensive goods are often robbed. Knowing this, you should pay more attention to your own safety and install additional door locks (if delivery of expensive products/equipment is meant).

How to make money on a car, working as a private cab driver?

To make good money on a car, it is not necessary to work for “Daddy Karl”. You can safely work for yourself, independently managing your time. For this, a private cab driver would be an excellent option. To find clients, it is not necessary to travel around the city in search of a client. It is enough just to “pick up” people at bus stops in the morning and evening rush hour. On weekends, mass recreation areas can become “bread” places. For one carriage of a passenger, you can get up to 1000 rubles. Do you agree well? But there is one “but”: in good profitable places, there are usually already private cabbies. In order not to arouse in them a desire for revenge, they will have to “share” at least a third of the profit with them.

How to make money on a car, getting a job as a taxi driver?

Taxi driver is one of the most profitable and therefore respected professions. To try yourself in this, you should start looking for companies that are interested in personnel. You can work as a taxi driver both officially and illegally. Below we consider in detail each of the options.

How to make money as a taxi driver unofficially?

Usually, business cooperation with any company begins with the conclusion of a formal employment contract. But some companies, in order to save money, are looking for taxi drivers for informal employment. If the car owner wants to get a job as soon as possible in order to earn money on a car, you can agree to this option, but then you should understand that you should not count on such a benefit as a social package. When agreeing to this type of income, it should be understood that companies need a responsible, hardworking employee who will work hard, and also always come to the customer’s call on time. If a car enthusiast is a responsible person, he can easily cope with such a task. The disadvantage of this work is the constant risk of getting a fine for illegal transportation (today the fine for illegal transportation of passengers is 2,500 rubles, and the fine for not having a license with you is 5,000 rubles). But it is not so easy for traffic police officers to fine an illegal cab driver. It is possible to fix illegal transportation only if the motorist is “baited”.

How to make money as a taxi driver by formalizing your activity?

If the car owner decided to become a taxi driver not on a temporary basis, but on a permanent basis, he will have to draw up a certain package of documents. First, you will need to complete a simple registration, as well as pay a small tax. Any modern technically prepared car is suitable for a taxi. In the capital, the Department of Transportation is not picky about taxation machines, in Russian regions this one is tougher. So, the car owner will have to do the following steps:

  • Apply special visual signs to the car that will help the client understand that a taxi has arrived. The symbolism described above is also necessary for representatives of the traffic police structure.
  • To place information on the dashboard of a car with the designation of fares, it is also important to display information about the person-individual entrepreneur.
  • Place a business card on the dashboard, which will contain business cards of the car owner with a photo, and also display information such as the contact details of the Department of Transportation of the city within which the taxi driver operates.
  • It is extremely important to systematically pass the vehicle inspection in accordance with the rules developed for persons acting as cabbies. The driver must provide favorable conditions for transportation, otherwise customers will complain to the Department of Transport, which will have the right to take away the license for transportation from the car owner.

A self-employed taxi driver will not be able to earn as much money as he can with cooperation with a taxi dispatch service. Thanks to dispatchers, you can constantly receive a large number of orders. But it should be understood that dispatchers will have to pay a commission for their activities. It can be different: both 10% and 30%. So that this nuance does not “hit your pocket” much, it is better to find a company with small commissions.

If the taxi brand is known to everyone (that is, well-promoted), the taxi driver will not have downtime, as orders will pour in one after another. It is profitable to work with a taxi dispatch service, since usually it is she who calculates the cost of each specific route, and also announces to the taxi driver the amount that he must take from the client. Almost all taxi companies provide their employees with GPS navigators for taxis, in which the taxi driver only needs to enter the route coordinates. The device will do the rest of the work itself (it will be able to calculate the time spent waiting for the client, travel time, determine the mileage, and also calculate the final cost of the trip).

Many are concerned about the question: how to make money as a taxi driver more money? There is one secret: many resourceful motorists manage, working in symbiosis with the dispatch service, to look for regular customers by distributing their business cards. So in a few years you can form a stable small customer base. Over time, regular customers will call the driver directly, which will allow the car owner to save on paying a commission to the dispatcher.

How to become a personal driver and earn on your car?

A personal driver is needed today by many high-ranking officials and leaders. Sometimes such a person is needed large families with a good income. But most often, companies need a personal driver. To become one, you must have:

  • modern technically sound car;
  • many years of trouble-free driving experience;
  • a car with a high level of comfort (it is important that the car has air conditioning, a built-in multimedia center with navigation, sometimes a leather interior is required).

If you manage to find a job at a company, the company will pay for fuel costs (this happens in most cases). Fuel reimbursement can take place on different conditions. It is advisable to first agree with the employer that the cost of refueling the car will be compensated by check. There are companies under the terms of which compensation for the cost of fuel occurs according to passport data. This option is less favorable for the driver, because the car usually consumes more fuel than it is written in the passport. If such a compensation scheme is chosen, the personal driver must understand that the amount of his “net” earnings will be less than the actual salary by 2000-3500 rubles. An important point is insurance. It is important that the company provides insurance for the car. The downside of this employment option is its monotony, so a person who is thinking about how to become a personal driver should prepare for this in advance.

How can you make money on an expensive car, servicing ceremonial events?

The owner of a business class car can choose such a type of income as servicing celebrations. To do this, you need to contact the company that is engaged in the relevant activities. The more expensive the car looks, the more demand for it will be. It has been noticed that such cars as Lincoln Stretch, Cadillac, Hummer, Chrysler, Infiniti are in the greatest demand today. Luxury car rentals are usually paid by the hour. You should prepare for the fact that part of the earnings will go towards paying for the company's services. But cooperation with such firms makes sense, since it is they who guarantee a stable loading of customers on 6-8 hours in a day. Negative side medals - business-class cars are allowed to work, the age of which does not exceed 5 years. Cars whose interior is smoky or in poor condition are not allowed to work.

Having earned a good amount on the maintenance of ceremonial events, you can think about another type of business that is also related to cars. The material will tell about the profitable idea of ​​​​opening a car wash: “Profitable business: a car wash in your city!”.

Renting a car is a good way to make money

When deciding to rent it out, you need to look for car rental companies. This type of business is suitable for those who have their own car, but practically do not use it in everyday life. Also, making money on a car in this way will be interesting for those who have a second car that is idle. You can make good money this way, but you should be prepared for the fact that tenants will not spare the car, since it is not their property.

Ideally, the iron horse should be repaired and maintained by its owner, since there have been stories when car rental companies demanded large sums from car owners, but in fact used the funds only partially, putting a certain part of the funds into their pockets.

You should carefully sign the contract with the company that rents the car. The contract should spell out all the moments to the smallest detail. You can not miss such an item as car theft or an accident. The firm must indicate in the contract the amount that it will be ready to reimburse in the event of the incident described above.

To understand how much you can earn, it would be appropriate to analyze the prices using the example of a specific situation. So, a Ford Focus 3 car with automatic transmission and air conditioning was rented. Five days of rent cost 10,000 rubles, the tenant gives 1,000 rubles as a deposit, which will be returned later. If the car is taken for a smaller number of days, renting one day is even more expensive. Good rates, don't you agree? Of course, a certain percentage of the 10,000 rubles will be returned to the car rental company, but a considerable amount will be paid to the owner of the car. Therefore, making money on your car in this way is very profitable.

While renting a car brings its owner a stable income, you can do work for the soul. For those who are looking for themselves, the material will be useful for reading:.

Advertising on a car is a profitable option for additional income

An iron horse can be safely used both for main work and for part-time work. Good way- advertising on the car. This way of earning is elementary. The car should be pasted over with advertising symbols. To start making money in this way, you should find a company specializing in this type of activity, submit an application and arrive on a specific day, after washing the car well. Pasting a passenger car is quite fast - a maximum of 2 hours. Crossovers, as well as SUVs, due to their large dimensions, are pasted over longer - up to 3-4 hours. But again, it all depends on the area of ​​the body, which will be used for advertising.

Today we will talk about such a topic as working on a private car. Let's look at a few ways that will suit everyone.

The notorious hero of the novel "12 Chairs" Ostap Bender once uttered a phrase that later became winged:

"A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation."

Good words. Only for the present time is not entirely relevant. Today, for fifty percent of car owners, their vehicle is an indicator of success. But it is also a great source of additional income. I think that even the owner of a Lexus or Infiniti will not refuse to earn extra money by giving a ride to a passenger. True, that's just "bombed" on the "Hummer" I have not yet met ...

You can always find a job on a private car. For some it may be, as I said, a part-time job, for others it may be the only source of existence. On the Internet, you can now find many ideas on how to use a personal car to replenish your wallet - one is more fantastic than the other.

I advise you not to flatter yourself - you are unlikely to be able to find a job like Jason Statham's hero in the film "Transporter", so the best option would be to consider proven, working, trouble-free ways to work on a personal car.

Method 1: as a taxi

Private cab or own taxi service as a method of earning appeared almost immediately after the man invented the vehicle. And most likely, it will be relevant, in demand, and financially effective until the “bright future” comes, in which people begin to move in space with the power of thought.

I put this method first for several reasons. First, his popularity, accessibility, and the ability to adjust your work schedule. Let's decipher the meaning of each paragraph.

Popularity. Private cabs are in demand everywhere: in huge cities, in small towns, and in small villages, people need taxi services, so this option is almost a win-win. In addition, getting a taxi driver's license is easy.

Repaint your car yellow, put an identification mark - checkers, pay for a license, collect and submit a package to the permitting authority required documents(application for permission, copies of: passport, vehicle registration certificate, vehicle ownership document, and IP registration certificate).

Method 2: work as a courier

Everything is simple here. You enter into an agreement with any company that requires courier services with its own car, and calmly deliver products to addresses. If I'm not mistaken, now the cost of shipping goods, documents, etc. at one point is from one hundred to five hundred rubles within the city limits. Many manage to combine work as a car courier and a taxi driver. In this case, it is important to correctly calculate everything in time in order to have time to deliver the passenger and arrive at the place of delivery of the cargo by the specified hour.

Important advice about the contract: you need to insist that the agreement includes clauses about compensation cellular communication, fuel, car depreciation, and prescribe actions in case of unforeseen situations (refusal of the addressee from receiving, his absence on the spot, etc.).

You can see how to open your own courier service.

Method 3: a personal driver in a personal car

This item is more suitable for owners of cars of prestigious brands, because the clients of a personal driver are the commanding staff of various companies, or big businessmen who are unlikely to agree to travel on budget domestic models.

Of course, a personal driver is limited in the freedom of his actions, but the fee is worth it. Such work can bring up to several hundred thousand rubles, depending on the region of work, and the class of the car.

Often such work is overtime, with a "floating" schedule, or may be associated with some additional responsibilities, both pleasant (accompanying the chef to the sauna, or to a banquet), and not very (the need to be present at negative moments, risk).

Method 4: making money on advertising placed on a car

I must say right away that you won’t earn much on this, but this method will be good if you use it, combining it with some other method. It will not be difficult to find clients, you just need to contact any advertising agency, where all such orders “flock” to.

There are some nuances here that you need to know.

Method 5: car rental

This method was invented not so long ago, but is already gaining momentum. You can rent a car to both a company and an individual. This is the easiest way to make money on a personal car, because you do not need to make any effort to generate income. Of course, there are also special moments here that should not be overlooked.

Most often these are questions regarding the technical condition of the machine. You must understand that a car is rented from you in order to exploit it mercilessly, and therefore record the serviceability of the car, the slightest scratch, all repairs made, and replacement of spare parts.

Of course, for the correct drafting of the contract, it is better to contact a professional lawyer, or look for a sample of such an agreement among your friends who may have been in your situation.

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