Anti-scratch car glass polish. Car glass polish: what is best for car windshield

Auto 03.05.2018

I have little driving experience. I continue to learn how to drive and maintain my car from more experienced drivers.

The other day I made another “discovery”: it turns out that there is a polish for windshield car.

I see my neighbor in the garage is applying something to the windshield from a bottle that looks like an inverted fungus. Apply in a circular motion.

He said hello and asked what he was doing. The neighbor explained that he was applying windshield polish. I didn't even know there was such a thing.

How to use waterproof polish

I asked a neighbor to teach me how to polish the windshield. My neighbor told me to wash and dry the windshield. Then he took his windshield polish, turned the bottle upside down and with a sponge built into this bottle began to apply on the windshield of my car.

The transparency of the glass has decreased. We recorded about 10 minutes. While we were waiting for this time, the neighbor explained that the kit includes the windshield polish itself and a special napkin, which after 10 minutes will need to thoroughly wipe the glass.

The neighbor also explained that windshield polish repels water.

We thoroughly wiped the windshield with four hands. The glass shone and became transparent. But this is not the most important thing.

Most importantly, windshield polish is real. When I go somewhere in the rain, the flickering of the wipers distracts me a lot. Water flows off the glass treated with polish. There is no need to use wipers in light to medium rain. Visibility is so good.

I really want to buy myself a windshield polish like a neighbor in the garage. But, unfortunately, I didn’t remember the name of this set, and I also can’t meet my neighbor.

Currently, the market is filled with all kinds of auto chemicals that allow you to do it yourself. No exception and means for eliminating scratches and polishing the windshield. How not to make a mistake when choosing from all this variety? How to find the right tool the best way solve your problems? Let's try to figure it out in order.

Why is it necessary to polish the windshield?

The reasons leading to the need to polish the windshield are as follows:

  • "Glass aging";
  • wipers;
  • Inaccurate washing of glasses or cleaning them from ice;
  • Crushed stone and gravel from under the wheels of cars driving ahead.

Glass aging does not happen by itself, if a car sits in a hangar for 20 years, its glass will not become more cloudy than when it leaves the factory assembly line. Aging is conventionally called the imperceptible process of exposure to a windshield of fine abrasive in the form of dust and sand. The windshield acts as a shield from the wind, it saves passengers and the driver from a mass of dust particles, grains of sand, pebbles and insects. This process is similar to sandblasting, it is not surprising that over time the optical quality of auto glass deteriorates. Any objects can leave traces behind them, the longer we operate the car, the more damage occurs on the windshield.

They exist for prompt cleaning of glass from water, snow and dirt, on the other hand, during operation they cause microscopic scratches. Windshield washer fluid should be used to reduce friction damage.

The motorist himself can often scratch the glass, cleaning it from snow, ice and dirt. Dust, sand and dirt can cause minor damage glass, falling on a rag or brush. At first, it is completely imperceptible, but then there are more scratches, and the glass becomes cloudy.

Crushed stone is notorious among motorists, flying out from under the wheels of a car in front, it can make a noticeable crack in the windshield or, in case of a big failure, break it.

All these reasons lead to the need to polish car windows, and, therefore, to additional costs of time and money.

How to restore the transparency of the windshield

To restore the optical properties of glass, it is necessary to remove all scratches, small and large, as well as chips and cracks, from it. It must be understood that polishes are not able to completely eliminate all damage, these products can only deal with minor micro-scratches.

Tools for grinding and polishing

Very often, motorists confuse grinding products with, and this is not true, since grinding usually precedes polishing, and during it the glass is treated with abrasive materials.

The whole process looks something like this:

  • Abrasive treatment (to eliminate the largest scratches);
  • Processing with conventional and filling polishes (in order to eliminate haze to the maximum and fill cracks with special substances with optical properties);
  • The use of insulating polishes to protect glass.

During the initial processing of glass, GOI paste is sometimes used, first they are treated with coarser types, gradually coming to a paste with fine abrasive, which gives the glass a shine.

Most often, power tools are used to grind and polish scratches, manual processing requires more time and effort. Manually, you can “finish” the windshield all day, and with the help of a grinder, the whole process will take about two hours.

Choosing a polish brand

According to their composition, polishes can be divided into wax and Teflon. Wax polishes are more affordable, very common, but more archaic. Wax covers the surface of the windshield and does not allow dust to adhere to it, repels moisture. Teflon works on the same principle, only unlike wax, its properties are much stronger, any types of dirt do not linger on it. A thin layer of Teflon is absolutely transparent, and most importantly, it is a powerful insulator against abrasive, which leads to a dull glass. Experts believe that the regular use of Teflon polishes can greatly push back the grinding work in time.

Consider the most popular brands of glass polishes:

  1. Turtle Wax;
  2. sonax;
  3. Doctor Wax.

Car care company Turtle Wax specializes in car care products, there are shampoos from this manufacturer, and polishes help keep your car windows in “good shape”. Using the products of this company, you can get rid of small scratches. At the same time, the price of Turtle Wax auto chemicals is low.

Sonax products give good results, remove minor damage and stains. The range of this brand is quite wide, there are polishes containing abrasive substances, so protection occurs simultaneously by chemical and mechanical methods.

In order for glass to look good and retain its original transparency, it must be properly cared for. If this is not done, then after a certain period of time the material will fade, small scratches and scuffs that will impair light transmission. To restore all parameters, you will need a glass polish.

This is a special substance that is necessary for cleaning the surface from various types of pollution and removes shallow scratches. The mixture works only in tandem with a special tool that evenly distributes the paste over the entire glass and, with the help of a quick rotation of a soft roller, polishes the product to a shine.

Types of polishes for glasses of various configurations

Glass is used to make many items, so there are a lot of polishes for it. Different brands have their own characteristics and composition of chemical elements, so one cannot speak of universality. As components for the preparation of the mixture, many substances are used that have different effects on the treated surface.

The choice must be made depending on the degree of damage. In total there are two large groups polishes, differing in aggregate state. All other differences will no longer be so obvious and you can find out about them only after reading the annotation to the tool. As for the main groups, there are:

1. Hard polishes. This includes any substance that comes in solid or paste form. One of the most famous polishes of this type is GOI paste. It is a very hard green material that is well suited for repairing deep scratches.

When using, it is necessary to plan several strips of paste with a sharp knife and gently rub them on the glass with a felt cloth, without applying any effort. This method is only good for small items, such as watches, as it takes a lot of time. For larger operations, you will have to use a different method, which will include the use of electronic devices.

2. Liquid glass polish, which goes on sale in the form of a liquid or aerosol. Working with this type of substance requires due skill. The liquid will quickly drain over a vertical surface, so you need to work quickly and break the entire operation into sectors in order to manage to grind the applied substance in the allotted time.

The aerosol adheres to the surface quite well, but its amount in the can will be small, since an atomizer is additionally introduced into the composition. Manual work will be inefficient, so you need to use a special machine with soft circles.

Car window polish

It is the protective polish " Liquid glass» most commonly used in the automotive industry. It began to be produced relatively recently, but the substance has already gained good fame for itself and has firmly entered the everyday life of all car washes. The main advantages are low cost and quality of processing.

When using this material, the top layer is removed exactly as much as necessary to eliminate the scratch. The polishing procedure is carried out quite often, since the state of domestic expensively contributes to the flight of stones from under the wheels, which leave marks on the windshield. Any interference worsens the view, so they need to be eliminated.

You can order a window polishing service at almost all service car washes Vehicle. In this case, the driver can rely on standard substances that are available in the office or bring his own. One of the best options for this moment Willson Glass Guard liquid glass polish is considered.

It not only allows you to remove all defects, but also creates an additional protective layer that will, as far as possible, protect the glass from any kind of negative impact. It can be purchased at any automotive chemical store.

Polishing technology

If it is possible to get a special machine, then you can carry out the operation with your own hands. Car glass polish is used according to the following scheme:

  • 1. The first stage traditionally consists of cleaning the glass surface from all kinds of contamination. To do this, you need to take a good shampoo, which will not only wash off the top dust, but also allow you to remove the hardened layers of dirt. After that, you need to wait until the glass dries or wipe it dry yourself.
  • 2. Next comes the glass polish from scratches. It is applied to required quantity, after which they begin to work with the machine. During the operation, it is important to constantly move the device in order to evenly distribute the working mixture over the surface and remove the same layers at absolutely every point. Incorrect polishing can lead to non-uniform light transmission of the glass, which will greatly complicate further operation in sunny weather.
  • 3. If the initial processing did not work, you can take a harder disk or change the paste and repeat the procedure again. In especially difficult cases, you will have to order grinding, which takes place according to a slightly different scheme.
  • 4. In case successful completion polishing it is worth thinking about sticking a protective film on the glass. At a price it will cost a ridiculous amount, but it will allow you to keep the glass in perfect condition much longer. You can take the transparent option, which will not affect the throughput level at all.

According to reviews, the "Liquid Glass" polish does an excellent job with its tasks. It is very easy to work with it, so a beginner who has never dealt with such operations before can handle it. The only negative is that the material is not suitable for deep scratches, here you need to use stronger substances.

The price of polish "Liquid glass" is not a small amount. But with economical use of one container is enough for several years of operation.

The condition of automotive glass is affected by temperature changes, precipitation, impurities contained in water, and so on. During operation, the appearance of scratches, cracks, turbidity on the surface cannot be avoided. The modern chemical industry brings to the automotive market a wide range of products that help to solve these problems. Thanks to the variety and availability of funds, shiny, well-maintained cars are increasingly found on the streets. To get such a result in updating a car, it is important for the owner to choose the right glass polish.

Useful qualities of polishes

Properly selected and used according to the instructions, car glass polish will eliminate cracks and scratches, and add shine. Proper use of the product is the key to maintaining the effect for a long time. With a windshield polish, you can put it in order and provide the driver with a clear clear view and traffic safety for a long time.

The means and other methods of application differ. For example, polish can be applied manually or machined (using a grinder, drill, in rare cases a grinder).

Among the most popular among motorists are the compositions of such brands:

  • Turtle Wax;
  • sonax;
  • Doctor Wax.

Turtle Wax offers a range of products on the market that can be used in complex care. For example, before starting work, car windows and bodywork can be washed with this brand of shampoo.

Special and universal products, such as windshield polishes, allow you to care for your car daily or occasionally without leaving a trace of scratches. Turtle Wax makes it easy to keep your car in perfect condition.

Doctor Wax products perfectly polish car windows, eliminating microscopic scratches, cracks and micro-marks. Auto glass polishes of this brand, as well as Turtle, carefully remove the film with traces of dust, dirt, old compounds, insects and other things.

Powerful cleanersDoctor Wax with the finest abrasives in one application, they remove a layer of dirt, polish the surface, providing impeccable transparency to the glasses.

Sonax brand products give a professional result: removing small scratches, faded eroded spots. Polishing is carried out chemically and mechanically at the same time. As with Doctor Wax products, there are those in the Sonax product range that contain abrasives.

Glass polishing

Car windows are polished not only from the outside, but also from the inside. The work is carried out by specialists in a car repair shop or by car owners on their own. Glass can be polished manually or with a tool. Having chosen the right product, for example, Turtle Wax polish, they begin to prepare the car and the workplace. Wash glass thoroughly before polishing. Ideally, if the treatment products are of the same brand, for example, the Turtle Wax mentioned above.

If the work is done manually, then the composition is applied to a napkin and rubbed in a circular motion on the glass. When using a tool, Turtle polish is rubbed with polishing wheels at low machine speeds.

When working with a grinder or drill, do not press them hard against the glass to avoid damaging it.

It is recommended to work on small areas, gradually increasing the surface area to be treated. Moisten Turtle or other product with a spray bottle constantly to keep it from drying out. At the end of the polishing process, it is necessary to carefully wipe the glass, check for defects and, if necessary, repeat the procedure.

Restoring and protecting car glass is a concern for everyone who drives a car. Of all the products that serve this purpose, car glass polish is the most popular. It allows you to competently get rid of defects on the windows of the car and protect against new damage.

Drivers are well aware that the surface of car windows loses its original appearance over time. They become cloudy, covered with scratches, chips and microscopic dents. This is due to the fact that they are affected by negative external factors:

  • ultraviolet radiation - because of it, windows turn yellow and cloudy over time, losing their transparency;
  • particles of sand and dust - with their help, the headwind causes significant damage to the windows of the car, leaving potholes and recesses;
  • gravel and stones flying from under the wheels of other cars;

The condition of automotive glass is affected by temperature changes, precipitation, impurities contained in water, etc.
  • branches of trees growing near the road;
  • ice floes, rain, etc.;
  • wipers for cleaning car windows - small dust particles get under the rubber bands, which act as an abrasive, leaving behind characteristic grooves.

It is impossible to avoid the influence of the factors listed above, otherwise the car must be continuously kept in the garage. Even the most careful operation over time leads to the appearance of defects and damage. Glass polish eliminates them, restoring windows to their original appearance.

Polishing can be done manually or by machine. The second approach is more efficient because it provides:

Properly selected and used according to the instructions, car glass polish will get rid of cracks and scratches, add shine
  • high productivity;
  • processing uniformity;
  • saving time and effort;
  • accuracy.

Manually, you can achieve the desired result, but it will take much more time. In addition, to make hand-finished glass look like new, you need good skills in this kind of work.

Types of glass polishing agents

Modern industry gives car owners a wide choice of a wide variety of tools for polishing car windows. On the shelves of car dealerships you can see in large quantities, Germany, Poland, the Netherlands and from domestic manufacturers.

Polishing agents fall into three categories:

  • Protective. This group is designed to protect the surface from all sorts of negative impacts. Such substances after application create a protective film that avoids the appearance of defects.
  • Optical. Means from this group fill all potholes and scratches with their microparticles, as a result of which a visual feeling is created that the car windows are completely new.
Glass is used to make many items, so there are a lot of polishes for it.
  • Abrasive. This category is designed to remove scratches and dents from the surface, making it smooth and shiny. Abrasive operates on the same principle as. With the help of abrasive particles, it smooths out all scratches and micro-roughnesses, removing any protrusions in the relief.

The composition of the polishes are different - the most common products based on Teflon and wax.

Teflon is a unique protective material because, once applied, it prevents any dirt or moisture from adhering. In addition, a thin Teflon film is highly transparent, so it does not affect the light transmission of windows in any way. The protective Teflon coating prevents matting due to the abrasive action of fine grains of sand and road dust.

Wax-based glass polish has more modest protective properties, and lasts less time. However, many drivers use it with success, since the cost of wax is much lower than Teflon.

For manual polishing of windows, GOI pastes with varying degrees of graininess are used. The fourth number is the most large size grain, it is recommended for removing scratches and dents. The triple helps to cope with the matting effect, which appears from the impact of grains of sand that come across in the oncoming air flow. Two - fine finishing, which allows you to even out the overall relief and achieve maximum uniformity.

As components for the preparation of the mixture, many substances are used that affect the surface to be treated in different ways.

Step-by-step process of abrasive glass polishing by machine

Abrasive polishing is carried out in a well-lit and ventilated area. It does not allow the presence of dirt or dust. For the work to be successful, the conditions must be "sterile".

As mentioned above, it is recommended to use a grinder for abrasive processing - handmade will give less results with more effort. Therefore, we choose a machine and polishing wheels with different degrees of graininess - from coarse grain to felt and foam rubber, which are used at the finishing stage.

The most popular companies producing different types polishes - Sonax, TurtleWax, 3M, DoctorWax

The workflow looks like this:

  • Carefully wash the windows with which we are going to work, and wipe them dry.
  • We carry out degreasing with the help of special tools.
  • We examine the surface in good light and find the largest scratches and chips, marking them with a marker.
  • We apply a coarse abrasive paste to these areas and begin to grind. At the same time, we make sure that the surface does not overheat - otherwise it may not withstand high temperature and burst. The pressure on the tool must be such as to strike a reasonable balance between performance and caution. With a strong pressure, we can get a crack, and with a weak one, the work will move too slowly and to no avail.
  • After the areas with the most noticeable defects are processed, we change the circle in the direction of decreasing the grain size and apply the next type of abrasive paste with a finer grain. We perform grinding of the entire surface, leveling the relief and getting rid of haze. At this stage, it is necessary to eliminate the differences so that the difference in the relief is no more than one particle of abrasive. Make sure that the circle does not remain in one area for a long time - this creates the danger of grinding the holes.
  • For glass with medium damage, when there are scratches, grinding with abrasives will be required.

    If serious scratches or chips are found, use an optical polish that will fill the defect with its microparticles and make it invisible.

    For work, it is better to choose a grinder that maintains a constant number of revolutions with any effort that you apply to it. This will ensure uniform processing and efficiency. Polishing and grinding are labor-intensive and time-consuming operations. Therefore, the amount of time and effort spent on work, as well as the quality of the surface, largely depends on the quality of the tool.

    Manual polishing with GOI paste

    Manual polishing is performed using GOI paste. Occupation is labor-intensive, taking a lot of time and effort. The process looks like this:

    • The windows of the car must be carefully washed and wiped dry.
    • We perform surface degreasing.
    • We carry out a preliminary inspection and mark the most damaged areas of the surface with a marker.
    • On a microfiber cloth we apply GOI paste with the largest grain size - four. For efficiency, you can drop a little gasoline on a cloth. Next, we process with a napkin the areas that were previously marked with a marker. We continue the operation until we smooth out the edges of scratches and potholes.

    Polished car windows do not need frequent washing, which means that sponges and rags will leave fewer marks in the form of scratches and scuffs
    • On another napkin we apply GOI paste with a smaller grain size - three, and polish it over the window, eliminating the difference in the height of the relief. At this stage, we get rid of the "abrasive haze", which appeared due to the impact of grains of sand and dust.
    • We take a new napkin and apply a “deuce” on it, it will provide a final alignment and allow you to remove microscopic furrows from previous pastes.
    • We apply a protective-type finishing polish and carefully polish it in a circular motion, monitoring the uniformity.

    Hand work will not give the result that you can get with a grinder. Therefore, try to purchase or borrow a tool so as not to waste time and energy on unproductive work.

    Polish selection

    The market is crowded various types means for polishing automobile glasses. Japanese, German, Polish, Russian companies offer a wide selection of auto chemicals for every taste and in various price categories.

    To provide car windows with proper care, try not to save on polishing products - a lot depends on their quality. Of the most popular brands, Turtle Wax, DoctorWax, Sonax are popular.

    If you can not decide which tool to prefer, consult with the salesmen in the car shop - they will acquaint you with the features of different brands and give you useful advice.

    It is important to understand that cloudy matte car windows, covered with scratches and chips, spoil the exterior and negatively affect the safety of the driver and passengers. Practice shows that the deterioration of visibility due to poor visibility through broken windows causes a large number of traffic accidents. Therefore, taking care of the windows of your car, you take care of your safety and the safety of the car.


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