Orvi in ​​children: is it possible to treat without drugs? Symptoms and treatment in children orvi

Pregnancy and children 07.11.2017
Pregnancy and children

Who among us has not experienced colds? Let someone get sick every winter, and even more than once, while others meet with a cold extremely rarely, but in general terms everyone is familiar. Young children are especially susceptible to colds.

This is due to the fact that their immunity is only being formed and cannot always withstand negative external influences.

And what is hidden behind such a simple and familiar word "cold"? In fact, this is a whole class of diseases most different nature. Some of them are caused by bacteria, some by viruses. Here we will talk about the latter. SARS - acute respiratory viral infections - usually this is how the disease is indicated in the child's medical record.

The fact is that ARVI can cause about a dozen different viruses, and without specific research, even a very experienced doctor cannot always determine which of them is in question in a particular case.

ARVI is transmitted by airborne droplets. When coughing out respiratory tract a sick person produces sputum in the form of tiny droplets that we and our children can inhale. In addition, you can “catch” a cold through the personal belongings of sick people: dishes, cutlery, toys. Children are particularly vulnerable because they often exchange their belongings.

Difficulties in diagnosis are just one of the most important arguments for refusing self-treatment of SARS in a child. Only a doctor can prescribe an adequate treatment. But there are certain nuances. As a rule, the child receives medical assistance only a day after the onset of the first symptoms. But after all, these days are the most important, especially when it comes to the treatment of SARS in infants. At this stage, there is a chance to prevent the disease from developing at all.

In fact, there are a few things parents can do before the doctor arrives, because there are a few things in common in treating viral colds in children: regimen, diet, managing symptoms, and taking antiviral drugs. Let's talk about all this in more detail.

Since the main symptom of SARS is weakness and fever, the first thing to do is limit the child's mobility . With the flu, bed rest may well be needed at all, in other cases it is not worth putting the child by force. As a rule, children themselves tend to run and jump less.

Often, parents try their best to heat the room in which the child is located, and completely forget that the patient needs oxygen. And batteries and radiators actively burn it out in the air. Therefore, the room in which the child is located must be regularly ventilate . Naturally, at the time of airing the baby from the room must be taken out.

Equally important is adequate diet . First, food should be fractional: in small portions, but more often than usual. This is due to the fact that almost all the forces of the body during the period of illness are thrown into the fight against the virus. Other systems at this time work a little worse. There is no need to load the stomach and intestines with large amounts of food. Secondly, during illness, you must carefully monitor the calorie content of food. Heavy, fatty foods are best avoided altogether. In addition, the child should receive as many vitamins as possible. This will help restore a weakened immune system after an illness.

It is also important that the child receives more liquid . ARVI is almost always accompanied by an increase in temperature, and hence increased sweating. This is fraught with large water loss, which young children endure very hard.

Medical treatment

The regimen and diet are, of course, important, but, alas, it will not be possible to do without medical treatment. And here you need not to confuse anything and not to overdo it. First of all, never let your child antibiotics. Their task is to fight bacteria, but they are completely ineffective against viruses. At the same time, antibiotics will still kill the beneficial microflora of the body. Which is completely undesirable during the period of illness.

Treatment of SARS in children at home should be symptomatic. Is it worth it to torture a child for a whole day, until the doctor comes, and force him to endure the temperature, headache, runny nose? Of course not.

This is especially true for elevated temperatures. It is important to remember that the temperature below 38 in children is not brought down, as this is a sign of the body's active fight against the virus. But really, children do not tolerate high temperatures well. They may have seizures and other signs of nervous system disturbance.

Treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in children under 1 year old, and in some cases in older children, requires special care. Even when choosing antipyretic . Some drugs have age restrictions, for example, Aspirin, familiar to many, is not recommended for children under 6 years of age. Other drugs require careful attention to the dosage, especially if it is chosen based on the weight of the child. Carefully read the instructions, and even better, consult a pharmacist at a pharmacy, which medication and in what form to purchase.

By the way, rectal suppositories are best suited for young children. This is due to the fact that fever often causes the child to vomit, with which the medicine is taken out of the body. In addition, the drug is quickly absorbed into the blood from the rectum. Yes, and inserting a candle in the ass is easier than forcing a child to drink a tasteless medicine. A baby can simply spit out a tablet or syrup.

The second common symptom of SARS is a runny nose. It gives a lot of problems to an adult, what can we say about a child? Usually to fight the common cold recommend choosing vasoconstrictor drugs that are quite effective in combating nasal congestion.

However, some points must be taken into account. You have to be very careful with them. Everything is very strict with dosages, and excess is fraught with addiction and reduced efficiency. To increase the effectiveness of vasoconstrictor drugs, it is recommended to rinse the nose with saline before taking them. The mucous membrane is cleared, the medicine is better absorbed and lasts longer.

Of course, there are other symptoms, such as sore throat, cough, and so on. But they require much more serious action, and without consulting a doctor, you should not choose medicines. However, on the first day, both cough and sore throat are usually not very pronounced, so with getting rid of these symptoms, it is quite possible to wait until the doctor visits.


For a long time it was believed that there is simply no specific treatment for SARS. Doctors said that the main thing is to relieve symptoms and observe bed rest. However, in the 70s, doctors created the first antiviral drugs, which have since been successfully used, including in the treatment of colds.

However, it is not worth buying any antiviral drug indiscriminately in a pharmacy. First of all, because there are several groups of antiviral drugs, and in order to choose, you need to have at least a little idea of ​​how each of them act on the virus.

The first group - homeopathy . It includes such popular drugs as Aflubin or Oscillococcinum. These drugs are believed to stimulate the immune system. But in fact, the mechanism of their work is not really known.

In some cases homeopathic preparations really give very good and fast results. In others, they have no effect. And it is impossible to predict in advance how this or that drug will work in a particular case. When taking homeopathic remedies, it is recommended to adhere to the one-day rule. If the medicine does not help on the first day, it is better to refuse it.

The second group - chemicals . Among them are Arbidol, Tamiflu, Rimantadine. These drugs are very effective, but, unfortunately, mostly against the influenza virus. Given that parents are unlikely to be able to diagnose the flu in a child on their own, it makes sense to take these medicines only if an epidemic has already been declared in your region.

The third group includes interferons and drugs that stimulate the production of their own interferons in the body. Interferons are very effective in the fight against viruses, and not with any one kind, but with all at once. Particularly among this group are medicines like Grippferon, Kipferon and Viferon.

These drugs are available in different dosage forms. The last two are produced in the form of candles, and Grippferon in the form of nose drops. In both cases, absorption occurs through the mucous membrane, which accelerates the entry of the drug into the blood. In addition, Gippferon enters the blood exactly in the place where the viruses multiply.

By the way, some doctors prescribe Grippferon for viral rhinitis. Whereas it does not relieve the common cold by itself. However, this drug will certainly protect against the viruses of your child, so you should not categorically refuse it.

What can be said about drugs that stimulate the production of interferon in the body? During the period of illness, they are no longer effective, because by the time the body accumulates the right amount of interferon, the child will already feel very bad.

The same can be said about the fourth group of antiviral drugs - immunomodulators . They are suitable for the prevention of disease, as well as a means of restoring immunity after illness.

Folk methods

Since the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in children under 3 years of age is often associated with various difficulties in the form age restrictions, often parents have to resort to folk remedies. This is especially true for lower temperatures. For example, if a child's temperature does not subside even after taking antipyretics, you can try to help him in folk ways. Take clean water temperature is about 36 degrees, undress the child and wipe the chest, back and limbs with it. Let the baby lie naked after that. If he feels uncomfortable like this, cover the child with a thin diaper or sheet. Of course, this is not the most pleasant procedure, but it is very effective.

It is well known that they are good for colds herbal teas : steamed currant leaves, dried raspberries, lemon balm, linden or chamomile. Tea with raspberry jam or honey is also suitable. Just do not dissolve honey in hot tea. High temperature destroys almost all the beneficial substances contained in it. It is better to eat honey "bite" with herbal teas. Helps with colds and lemon. Here it can be added to tea, especially since the child is unlikely to agree to eat it in its pure form.

A decoction of chamomile will help in the fight against the common cold. Small children are not recommended vasoconstrictor drops, as they tend to affect cardiovascular system. Some advise to bury in the nose of a child breast milk. However, this should not be done. Its effectiveness in the fight against the common cold is very doubtful, but for bacteria it is a very nutrient medium. It is better to use breast milk for its intended purpose - that is, to feed it to a child. It also stimulates the immune system.

Prevention of SARS in children

Every parent should know the symptoms of SARS in children and methods of treatment, but it is much more important to have an idea about prevention. Frequent SARS is a sign of weak immunity. And for the body, permanent illnesses do not end in anything good. Therefore, the prevention of colds is of great importance.

Above, we have already talked about two categories of drugs that can be taken as prophylactic drugs: immunomodulators and drugs that stimulate the production of interferon. It makes sense to drink both during epidemics, as well as in the off-season, when viruses are especially active. But don't limit yourself to just that.

There are many non-drug ways to strengthen the immune system. First of all, I would like to mention proper nutrition . Vitamins are very important for immunity, so the child should always get enough vitamins from food. Try to give him fresh fruits and vegetables, seafood and dairy products more often.

No less important is Fresh air . The child should walk more. In addition, his room must be constantly ventilated. In general, the climate in the apartment should be favorable: the temperature is about 20 degrees, the humidity is 50-60%.

Sports and hardening also have the most beneficial effect on immunity. However, here it is important not to overdo it. Do not start hardening abruptly. For starters, wiping with a towel dipped in cool water will be enough. Then you can move on to the contrast shower. And only after getting used to it, you can proceed to dousing with cold water.

Of great importance for the prevention of SARS is hygiene . Colds are transmitted, including through the personal belongings of patients. Therefore, it is important upon returning from a walk or visit public places to wash hands. And during epidemics, you should try to avoid contact with sick children.

Especially often children catch SARS after visiting the clinic. Try to go to this establishment only on days healthy child unless, of course, the child is healthy. If this is not possible, reduce his contact with other children to a minimum. Do not let them exchange toys and cuddle.

If your baby has more frequent colds, more than 3-4 times a year, it makes sense to consult an immunologist. Perhaps he will be able to establish the cause of weakened immunity and eliminate it.

When the child is still sick, you should not take him to kindergarten or send him to school. First, it won't do him any good. Remember that a sick child needs rest. Secondly, the patient is contagious, and after your child, his classmates or classmates will also catch the virus. In especially acute cases, the disease goes around in circles in children's groups: when the first sick people recover and go to school, they pick up the virus from those who have not yet had time to get sick.

ARVI lies in wait for us and our children literally at every step, however, subject to the coordinated actions of parents and the doctor, it will be possible to cure a cold quickly and without complications. The main thing is not to panic.

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AT two years old expands the baby's contacts with outside world, which naturally leads to an increase in the incidence of colds and SARS. With a cold, a runny nose and cough, malaise and fever appear, which must be quickly and correctly treated. If this is not done, complications may develop.

Usually, colds in children are not severe, accompanied by a not very high temperature, runny nose and cough. But, often children can endure SARS hard, and then it is necessary to choose the right cold remedy for children 2 years old.
Given the fact that two-year-old babies still have immature immunity and can get sick often and for a long time, it is worth consulting a doctor at the first symptoms of a cold. With a fever, you should immediately call a doctor at home, and if it rises more than 39.0-39.5 degrees, an ambulance is needed. When the temperature is high, children are more likely to develop seizures. If you have a runny nose and cough, even without signs of a cold, you should also consult a doctor. Often, banal mild colds without adequate treatment can turn into complications in the form of otitis media, bronchitis and pneumonia.
If your child 2 years old began to get sick, what should be done first? It is important to immediately put the baby to bed, call a doctor and give plenty of fluids before he arrives. If the baby does not want to eat, you should not force-feed him, it is better to drink a lot. If there is a temperature above 38.5 degrees, you need to give the child an antipyretic without waiting for the doctor. The dosage of drugs for children is usually indicated on the packaging of the products - they are available in syrups or suppositories. You should not give your child adult antipyretics, even by reducing the dose - this is extremely dangerous.
In the future, with colds in a child of 2 years, after examination, the doctor will determine how to treat all manifestations. Often, with banal colds, symptomatic treatment is used - against a runny nose, cough, as well as drugs to stimulate the immune system, vitamins.
But if there are all signs of an orvi in ​​a child of 2 years old, how to treat a baby if it is not possible to see a doctor? It is important to provide the child with bed rest, drink plenty of water. warm liquid(not hot), and peace. In the presence of a runny nose, rinsing with salt water or special drops, as well as the use of vasoconstrictor drops, can make breathing easier. When coughing, especially dry coughs, syrups or solutions that are suitable for age help. Typically, such drugs are based on medicinal herbs and are safe for babies. They loosen phlegm and reduce inflammation. With a wet cough, expectorants are shown that help cough up sputum and remove it from the bronchi.
You should not put cans or mustard plasters on a two-year-old, their benefits are doubtful. If there is no temperature, you can carry out thermal procedures - steam the legs, make a compress on the breast or rub the crumbs with special ointments. When coughing, inhalations with decoctions of herbs or cough preparations are indicated.

SARS in children is the most common cause visits to the pediatrician. In everyday life, parents call this condition a cold. But in the certificate or card, the doctor indicates the mysterious abbreviation SARS. What it is? What are the symptoms of the disease and how to help the child cope with the disease?

Characteristics of the disease

Acute respiratory viral infection, or SARS for short, in children is large group diseases caused by various viruses. The causative agent quickly affects the respiratory system and can be rapidly transmitted by air.

SARS includes the following infections:

  • parainfluenza;
  • reoviral;
  • adenovirus;
  • rhinovirus;
  • coronavirus;
  • enteroviral;
  • respiratory syncytial.

The course of pathology

The child's medical history consists of several stages.

Consider how the disease proceeds:

  1. Viremia. The virus enters the blood. At this time, there are symptoms of general intoxication: weakness, lethargy, loose stools, nausea, subfebrile temperature.
  2. The defeat of internal systems. The most commonly affected is respiratory. However, the virus can spread to the gastrointestinal tract, heart, kidneys, liver, and even nervous system. At this stage, there are signs that characterize inflammatory processes in the affected organs. With an infection localized in the gastrointestinal tract, it may begin. In case of brain damage, the child has headaches, discomfort in the eyes, sleep disturbance.
  3. Connecting a bacterial infection. The mucous membrane loses its protective functions. Pathogenic microorganisms can easily penetrate into the affected tissues, where they begin to multiply. The clinic is observed as follows: mucus discharged from the bronchi or nasal cavity becomes purulent, may acquire a greenish-yellow hue.
  4. development of complications. The original virus, combined with a new infection, can lead to the development of a variety of unpleasant consequences. Moreover, complications can occur not only in the respiratory system. Sometimes the genitourinary, nervous, endocrine systems, as well as the digestive tract, suffer.
  5. Recovery. Often, the pathology is quickly cured. After it, unstable short-term immunity remains.

Disease duration

It is difficult to predict how long the disease will last. Often children get sick from 3 days to 2 weeks. How many days SARS will last depends on the child's body itself.

Incubation period also does not differ in specific terms. Depending on the pathogen, it can be several hours (for influenza) or be 2-7 days(with parainfluenza).

Causes of the disease

The only reason for the appearance of ARVI in children is infection with a virus from a sick person.

However, there are factors that weaken the body. They ensure the unimpeded spread of infection.

Risk factors

Why does a child often get ARVI?

Most often, the causes are hidden in the following states:

  • lowering the body's defenses;
  • drafts, hypothermia, walking in wet shoes;
  • contact with sick patients;
  • a sharp change in the weather;
  • anemia, hypovitaminosis, weakening of the body;
  • hypodynamia, low physical activity;
  • incorrect or insufficient hardening.

Symptoms of the disease

It is important to recognize the signs of SARS in a timely manner and not confuse them with other ailments.

Parents should be alert for the following symptoms:

  • decreased appetite;
  • chills accompanied by trembling;
  • lethargy;
  • pain and irritation in the throat;
  • body aches;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • sneezing, coughing;
  • the appearance of sweating;

In the initial stages, the symptoms of SARS are similar to influenza and pneumonia. To diagnose the disease, you need to seek help from a pediatrician.

Features of the course of the disease in children of different ages

In infants colds are rarely observed. Such babies receive the necessary protection against viruses with mother's milk. However, even such crumbs can get sick.

Depending on age, children may experience various symptoms:

  1. In newborns, the first signals of illness are: poor sleep, anxiety, loss of appetite, excessive capriciousness, tearfulness, defecation disorder.
  2. A month old baby has difficulty breathing. Such a baby has not yet learned to breathe through his mouth. The baby becomes very restless while suckling, may refuse to eat, and push away the bottle or breast. Cleaning the nose will return the baby's appetite.
  3. A 2-month-old baby signals a cold with unpleasant shortness of breath, accompanied by a long whistling exhalation. A similar clinic is called asthmatic syndrome. In addition to her, the crumbs show signs of intoxication: cyanosis or grayness of the skin, apathy, lethargy, fever.
  4. At the crumbs 3-4 months respiratory organs may be affected. The mucous membranes of the bronchi and nasopharynx suffer. Cough and runny nose occur. In some cases, the lymph nodes (submandibular, parotid) increase. There is redness of the eyes, lacrimation.
  5. Babies up to a year old can face an unpleasant complication - croup. This is a condition in which the larynx swells and becomes inflamed. Often it occurs in babies under 1 year old. It is necessary to pay attention to coughing with SARS. If he is "barking", accompanied by heavy breathing, anxiety, asthma attacks and cyanosis, then immediately call an ambulance.
  6. In a 1-year-old baby, the infection can affect not only the respiratory system, but also involve the digestive tract in the process. ARVI with abdominal syndrome is often observed. Such symptoms are manifested by stool disorder, abdominal pain, and resemble signs of either acute.
  7. A baby at 2 years old may encounter,. A 2-year-old baby is not yet able to say what worries him. Therefore, pay attention to his well-being. Clinically, this manifests itself as an obsessive, hoarse voice.
  8. A small patient of 3 years and older children initially experience an increase in temperature. Then there is lethargy, fatigue, apathy. This clinic is accompanied by symptoms characteristic of SARS.

Dangerous symptoms

If you experience the following symptoms, you should seek medical help as soon as possible:

  1. Hyperthermia. If the thermometer shows 38.5 C and the temperature rises rapidly, and the body does not respond to any antipyretics, call an ambulance. In addition, remember how long the child's temperature lasts. Hyperthermia can be observed for 2-3 days. If it lasts 5 days or more, this is a dangerous symptom.
  2. Impairment of consciousness, fainting,.
  3. Violent headache. The child cannot bend the neck and bring the head to the chest.
  4. Rash on the body. Symptoms may indicate an allergy. But sometimes SARS with a rash signals accession.
  5. Pain in the sternum when breathing, difficulty in inhaling, exhaling, feeling short of breath, coughing with pink sputum. Dangerous discomfort in the chest, which does not depend on breathing and is accompanied by swelling.
  6. Sputum from the respiratory tract is brown, green, with blood streaks.

Complications of the disease

Statistics show that 15% of children who have had SARS develop complications.

If you have unpleasant symptoms, contact your pediatrician. If the need arises, you will be redirected to narrow specialists.

It is difficult to determine the virus that caused the disease.

But in some cases, pathologies caused by various pathogens differ in symptoms:

  • flu is characterized by pain in the eyeballs and superciliary arches;
  • with parainfluenza, the course of the disease is easier, but there is a “barking” cough;
  • rotavirus affects the gastrointestinal tract, so diarrhea is often observed with SARS;
  • characterized.

Laboratory methods

For diagnostics use:

  • RIF (taking a smear from the mucosa);
  • serological methods of examination;
  • consultations of an otolaryngologist, pulmonologist;
  • radiography of the lungs;
  • pharyngo-, rhino- and otoscopy.

Treatment of the disease

The treatment regimen depends on the causative agent of the disease.

home methods

Often the child does not need hospitalization. The exception is severe cases or children's age up to a year.

Therefore, parents need to know how to treat their child at home:

  1. Bed rest. Limit your child's physical activity as much as possible. If he refuses to lie in bed, interest him in a book or a quiet game.
  2. Optimal conditions. The room must be ventilated frequently and provided normal humidity air.
  3. Food. Don't force feed. Food should be nutritious and light.
  4. ;
  5. immunostimulants: Immunal, Riboxin, Isoprinosine, Imudon, Bronchomunal, Ribomunil, Methyluracil, IRS-19.
  6. But remember that self-medication is a common cause of complications. Therefore, only a pediatrician will prescribe an effective treatment.

    Medical therapy

    The main focus of treatment is on antiviral drugs. But the child also needs symptomatic therapy.

    Treatment of SARS in children includes:

    1. . In addition to those listed above, the following can be prescribed:, Amizon.
    2. Homeopathic medicines. This is a common treatment for children. Can be recommended: candles Viburkol, Oscillococcinum, Aflubin, EDAS-103, Gripp-Heel, EDAS-903.
    3. Rubbing the sternum with ointments and balms containing oils medicinal plants and those with a warming effect, such as Dr. Mom.
    4. Use for heating mustard plasters. Children under 1 year of age are not allowed.
    5. Washing the nose. Solutions are effective sea ​​water: No-salt, Salin, Aquamaris.
    6. Nose instillation. Combined drops are useful, providing a vasoconstrictor, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect.
    7. In case of gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhea, vomiting), either Regidron is prescribed.
    8. Bronchodilators are recommended for shortness of breath. They dilate the bronchi. Assign: Eufillin, Ephedrine.
    9. Antihistamine medicines. They reduce congestion, reduce swelling. Can be assigned: Diazolin, Claritin, Tavegil.
    10. Gargling. Recommend chamomile, sage, Furacilin.
    11. Expectorants and mucolytics. They thin the mucus and stimulate its excretion. The therapeutic effect will provide: Bronholitin, Mukaltin, ACC.

    Use of antibiotics

    Often parents have a question: what antibiotic is better to give a child with ARVI? It is important to remember that this disease is not treated with antibiotics. Therefore, resorting to their help, especially on your own, should not be.

    But there are situations when antibiotics are included in the treatment regimen. These are advanced forms of SARS, which are characterized by the presence of complications. After all, an attached bacterial infection can only be suppressed by antibiotics.

    Most often prescribed:

  • Biseptol;
  • Spiramycin;
  • Cefuroxime.

Folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies only welcome. However, it should not replace therapy prescribed by a specialist.

  • rinsing the nasal cavity with saline;
  • inhalations over eucalyptus or boiled potatoes;
  • the use of honey;
  • rosehip broth, tea with lemon;
  • alcohol rubbing, if hyperthermia is observed.

Prevention of SARS and influenza

During an epidemic, it is necessary to adhere to such prevention:

  • limit contact with sick people, especially during the first 3 days;
  • avoid mass events;
  • use a protective mask in crowded places;
  • observe hygiene.

If a child is often sick with ARVI, then the following prevention should be provided:

  • provide a nutritious diet containing fruits and vegetables;
  • regularly walk in the fresh air;
  • do sport;
  • introduce onion, garlic into the diet (these are natural immunostimulants with antiviral, bactericidal effect);
  • ensure proper sleep;
  • harden the body;
  • before walking or visiting kindergarten apply Oxolinic ointment.

An excellent prevention of SARS and influenza is a vaccination against these ailments.

doctor pays attention

  1. Is it possible to walk with a child with SARS? There is no single answer here. Look at the patient's well-being. Walking in the fresh air is an excellent therapy and adaptation to weather conditions. But if the child has a fever, coughing, runny nose, then it is better to postpone the exit to the street.
  2. The basis of frequent colds is reduced immunity. In these children, ARVI is severe and often leaves behind complications. Be sure to boost your immune system with healthy lifestyle life, balanced diet. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe immunostimulants.
  3. Please note that cough after SARS may last for about 2-3 weeks. If it dragged on for a longer period, be sure to contact the ENT or pediatrician. These symptoms can characterize bronchitis, and sometimes pneumonia.

SARS in children is an inflammatory disease that affects the mucous membranes of the respiratory system. Its occurrence is provoked by a variety of respiratory viruses. The pathology is characterized by: fever, general malaise, cough, runny nose. There is a sore throat, conjunctivitis may occur. Treatment includes: compliance with the regimen, antiviral and symptomatic therapy.

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ARVI is an acute respiratory disease that affects the respiratory tract, caused by various viruses.

Usually, under the abbreviation ARVI, it is customary for people to understand the common cold and consider it synonymous with influenza. This is not true. Unfortunately, the viruses united in the ARVI group cause not only a runny nose (which, by the way, is not typical for the flu).

There are a great many of these viruses (in addition to the influenza virus, these are parainfluenza, and rhinoviruses, reoviruses, adenoviruses, etc.). Despite the great diversity, they all have much in common - unstable in the external environment, very sensitive to the action of disinfectants and drying.

Special antiviral drugs that effectively suppress the disease exist only for the influenza virus (more precisely, viruses - since there are many of them). In this article, we will consider the most common forms of SARS, and especially laryngotracheitis with stenosis of the larynx (formerly called “false croup”) as life-threatening.

How does infection occur?

The source of infection is always the patient.

The maximum contagiousness is observed in the first 3 days of illness. The more pronounced runny nose and cough, the more "contagious" the patient. The duration of the infectious period is about 7 days. Susceptibility is very high - each of us has the sad experience of the annual cold.

The route of transmission is airborne. Children in the first 3 months of life are relatively stable, although even newborns can get sick. Immunity is unstable, short-term. In addition, it is produced to a specific specific virus and even its subspecies, which means that when infected with another virus, the same disease reappears (for example, a runny nose). As a rule, ARVI is characterized by seasonality - autumn-winter: "when it's cold and everyone gets sick."

What happens in the body (signs of SARS)?

The virus penetrates into the cells of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, where it multiplies, causing an inflammatory reaction with the occurrence of edema, increased mucus production. Once in the bloodstream, viruses spread throughout the body, causing such manifestations of the disease as fever, headache, and a feeling of “brokenness”.

Such symptoms are called "intoxication". To the greatest extent, such changes are characteristic of the influenza virus.

Moreover, this virus is able to selectively affect the nervous tissue and blood vessels. This explains deaths flu. Other viruses from the ARVI group mainly cause swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx. This is especially true for the parainfluenza virus. As a result of such edema, the lumen of the larynx narrows, less air enters the lungs, and suffocation occurs. This disease is called laryngitis with stenosis of the larynx, or "false croup", and can be deadly. In other cases, the virus causes swelling of the nasal mucosa, which leads to a runny nose.

How is the disease - symptoms?

Most often, SARS viruses cause acute nasopharyngitis (“naso” - nose; “pharyngs” - pharynx - that is, inflammation of the nose and pharynx). The symptoms of this disease are well known to everyone in the form of perspiration or dryness in the throat, runny nose. It is not necessary to describe them in detail. One should only pay attention to the fact that for a small child of the first month of life, a runny nose is a serious problem - because such children still do not know how to breathe through their mouths, nasal breathing prevails in them, and ensuring patency of the nasal passages is extremely important.

In addition, many very serious illnesses begin with a runny nose (or rather, they join it), which means that you need to increase vigilance, look after the patient more carefully.

Another, more serious lesion of the upper respiratory tract is laryngitis (“laryngs” - larynx) or tracheitis (trachea - a breathing tube through which air enters the bronchi). More common is a combined lesion, i.e. laryngotracheitis. Almost every adult is familiar with the feeling of "soreness" behind the sternum or the appearance of a hoarse voice.

This is accompanied by a dry obsessive cough, which does not bring relief, on the contrary, after it the discomfort intensifies: “as if someone had worked with emery” - as one of the patients said. The same is experienced by the child, only he expresses his complaints not so figuratively. This is not dangerous until laryngeal stenosis (or “false croup”) has developed. Similar phenomena occur with diphtheria, but even with such a dangerous disease, they do not proceed as rapidly and dramatically as with ARVI. As a rule, the age of children is from 3 months to 3-5 years, in boys 2-3 times more often than in girls.

Against the background of a runny nose (it may not be) there is a so-called "barking cough", frequent and painful, hoarseness of voice. Body temperature may remain normal or rise slightly. So far, this is laryngitis and you can limit yourself to calling the local pediatrician (but the doctor must be called for sure!). If, in the described picture, the child develops difficulty in breathing, it is seen how the intercostal spaces or (worse) the sternum sink down during breathing, the wings of the nose swell, the child 3-5 years old tries to sit, leaning forward, complains of difficulty breathing - you need to immediately call " ambulance” or “ambulance”.

I will not describe here all the stages of the development of laryngeal stenosis, because severe forms of this disease should be treated only in a hospital, and mild forms often turn into severe ones. Help before the arrival of a doctor or the arrival of an "ambulance" is described in the chapter "Treatment" (see below). With timely hospitalization, problems, as a rule, do not arise. St. Petersburg has accumulated a lot of experience in treating such patients, and therefore, if the local doctor offers you hospitalization, you must agree. With home treatment, deterioration of the condition is possible in a matter of hours, and severe forms cannot be cured outside the hospital at all, since special equipment is required (oxygen tent, aerosol inhaler, etc.) and a specialist who works around the clock with the patient.

Another manifestation of SARS is the well-known bronchitis. In addition to coughing (not as dry and intrusive as with laryngitis), respiratory wheezing appears with bronchitis. You can listen to the baby's breathing by simply putting your ear to your chest (preferably through a napkin). Usually they are very afraid of bronchitis, and if the doctor hears wheezing when breathing, the patient's relatives begin to worry. Ordinary viral bronchitis is not dangerous.

You should focus on the well-being of the child. If the baby is playing, he does not have difficulty breathing, then okay. However, in newborns and very young children, so-called bronchiolitis or obstructive bronchitis occurs. This is already very serious. As a rule, against the background of a low temperature, the baby becomes restless, easily excitable. Shortness of breath is noted - the child breathes often and heavily. If something like this occurs in a small child, you must do the same as with stenosis of the larynx - immediately call an ambulance or an ambulance. This condition is much more dangerous than stenosis, immediate hospitalization is indicated.

Unfortunately, this disease can overlap with an existing runny nose or bronchitis. Therefore, even when treating mild forms of SARS, you need to carefully monitor the child and, of course, postpone all trips if possible (especially if the child is small). The younger the patient, the higher the likelihood of severe forms or complications, especially for children in the first year of life.

A few words should be said about influenza. Actually it is very dangerous disease. During the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918-1921. 20 million people died. “Spanish flu” was called the flu, and the treatment of this disease even now leaves much to be desired.

The disease begins with a high fever, headache, there may be pain in the joints, a “feeling of weakness”, vomiting. Nosebleeds are possible. Runny nose is not typical. Usually the disease develops during an epidemic and therefore the diagnosis is not a problem. The severity of the condition corresponds to the patient's well-being. In severe cases, hospitalization may be required. Worst of all, often under the guise or against the background of the flu, one deadly disease develops - meningococcemia. Therefore, if the child is diagnosed with the flu, he is pale, the temperature is more than 38 ° C - examine his body for a rash. If you see a rash (any, anywhere) - be sure to call the ambulance. It is better to disturb the doctor once again than not to notice meningococcemia in time.

Complications with SARS:

Usually, all SARS pass within a week. Remember: “If a runny nose is not treated, you will get sick for a week, and if treated, it will pass in 7 days”? If the patient has not recovered in a week, then most likely he has complications. As a rule, complications develop when various bacterial pathogens (most often streptococci and/or staphylococci) join the underlying disease.

For example, when a child with a runny nose, after a period of normal temperature, its increase is again noted, and the mucus from the nose becomes viscous and green from transparent and watery - this is already bacterial nasopharyngitis, which is treated with antibiotics. In any case, you should know that if, against the background of the beginning recovery, the condition worsens again, you must definitely call a doctor and be mentally prepared to use antibiotics (even if you have heard a lot of bad things about antibiotic therapy). Many of the complications (representing, in fact, completely independent diseases) can be dangerous. For example, sinusitis, otitis, pneumonia. Therefore, it is best to prevent them, and if they have developed, then treat them “under the full program” at home or in a hospital.

SARS treatment:

Unfortunately, there is no specific treatment for SARS. True, there are drugs for the treatment of influenza such as "Remantadine", but it only helps with influenza caused by a specific pathogen and is not used in young children. Therefore, on your own, without the appointment of a pediatrician, do not give it to your child.

Currently, there are many drugs for the treatment of SARS, but most of them do not match the advertising and prices. Best of all, if it's just a runny nose, use the old home remedies that every mother knows, and even more so a grandmother (after consulting with the pediatrician first). A problem in the treatment of a runny nose can occur in young children of the first month of life (who cannot breathe through their mouths).

In this case, it shows:
1. Instillation into each nasal passage 5-10 drops of breast milk before each feeding (approximately every 4 hours). It is good to do this for a child who has not yet become ill, if someone in the family is sick.
2. Before each feeding, clean the nasal passages from mucus (thin cotton wicks dipped in vaseline oil) and suck out the mucus with soft rubber syringes.
3. You can use special drops to treat a runny nose (for example, Galazolin or Naphthyzin). These drugs cause constriction of the blood vessels and thus reduce swelling - “the nose starts to breathe”.

But they must be used very carefully - because at a high dosage they are absorbed into the bloodstream and can cause poisoning in a small child. You need to use them strictly according to the instructions, no more than 3 times a day, 1-2 drops in each nasal passage, and be sure to make sure that the drops you bought are labeled “Children's”.

Laryngitis or laryngotracheitis without laryngeal stenosis is well treated with cough suppressants (like Libexin). In the West, codeine tablets are used for this purpose. There are a great many of these drugs and it is best to use the one that your doctor, who has seen the patient, will prescribe.

If you have a suspicion of stenosis of the larynx, then before the arrival of the ambulance or ambulance you need to:
1. Reassure the child by taking him in his arms - give him an upright position (in which it is easier to breathe).
2. Provide fresh air supply.
3. If possible, humidify the air that the child breathes (steam in the bathroom; wet but clean diapers hung on hot batteries).

You need not to worry, to be calm, to know that even if it is a stenosis of the larynx, then in our time no one dies from this disease in a hospital.

Bronchitis without shortness of breath is also treated with “antitussive” drugs, only the cough should not be suppressed, but relieved by thinning the sputum. Bromhexine and other drugs called mucolytics are well suited for this purpose. But self-medication is not necessary here either - a doctor's appointment is mandatory. If bronchitis is accompanied by respiratory failure, and even with any respiratory failure (when it is clear that the child is difficult to breathe) - you need to immediately call an ambulance and transfer the child to a hospital where there is intensive care - and the sooner the better.

With all uncomplicated forms of acute respiratory viral infections, abundant drinking is shown (which the child loves), less is better, but more often, you need to feed without allowing violence. For the treatment of temperatures above 38.0 ° C, children's "Paracetomol", "Panadol", etc. are used. After 3 days of normalization of the temperature, you can walk. In general, the treatment of the problem will not be, if complications are avoided. For this, it is necessary, if possible, to limit the contacts of a sick child. Visits can be dangerous, first of all for him, and secondly for visitors.

Prevention of SARS, influenza (how to avoid the disease)?

It is difficult to avoid this disease. Every year, almost all my friends and their children get a runny nose. Advice on restricting movement is difficult to implement, and dangers are also public transport, and shops, and even a clinic. And yet, if possible, communicate with as few people as possible during epidemics. Gauze and disposable paper surgical masks have proven themselves well. They are good for the healthy (so as not to get infected) and the sick (if you are sick, but participate in social life). They look ridiculous, so no one wears them and infect each other. But in vain! However, this is a matter of habit and freedom of choice. Actually they help.

For small children during epidemics or if there are patients in the family, it is good to instill breast milk or Interferon into the nose - as well as milk, 5 drops 4 times a day. by the very the best way is hardening. start it better in summer, when it's warm. Adults and older children can take a cold shower every morning and continue this throughout the year. Tested on myself - it works, (I don’t remember a cold for 3 years). How to harden young children - your pediatrician knows - you need to decide this individually. But the most important thing is not to be lazy. Do this all the time and you won't get sick.

The most common ailment among adults and children are colds. In medicine, this condition is called SARS. Many patients ask the question, how, what drugs to use and how quickly the previous state will be restored. But to answer these questions, you need to understand what children have.

The main reason for the development of colds is the penetration of the virus into the body. But microbes do not always lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition. It all depends on how strong the immune system is.
Therefore, in medicine it is customary to single out several factors.

  1. Hypothermia of the body.
  2. Contact with patients.
  3. Abrupt changes in weather conditions.
  4. Drafts and walking in wet shoes.
  5. Lack of vitamins and minerals, resulting in anemia, hypovitaminosis or beriberi.
  6. Low physical activity.
  7. Failure to carry out hardening procedures.
  8. Wrong nutrition.

Symptoms of SARS in children

Before you start treating SARS in children, you should understand how the disease manifests itself.
The first signs include the following.

  • Deterioration of the patient's condition.
  • General malaise and weakness.
  • The temperature rises to 38 degrees.
  • The appearance of nasal congestion.
  • Paroxysmal sneezing.
  • Sore feeling in throat.
  • Aches in muscle and joint structures.
  • The manifestation of pain in the head.

At the same time, the signs of SARS in a child are usually divided into stages.

  1. Viremia. When the virus enters the blood, the child has symptoms of intoxication of the body. This stage is characterized by:
    the appearance of loose stools;
    a slight increase in temperature to 37.8 degrees.
    At the same time, ARVI occurs with vomiting, nausea and severe upset of the digestive system.
  2. Damage to internal organs. First of all, it starts to suffer respiratory system. The virus also penetrates the digestive organs, heart muscle, kidneys and brain. As a result, the child may experience:
    discomfort in the eyes;
    sleep disturbance.
  3. Accession of a bacterial infection. When a virus enters, the immune system fails severely. In the meantime, while she is trying to produce antibodies, to viral infection bacterial joins. Then other symptoms appear in the form of:
    cough with mucus;
    runny nose;
    the presence of secretions, which at first have a transparent consistency, and after a few days become yellowish or greenish.
  4. Development of adverse effects. If treatment is started late, the patient risks getting complications. Microbes can infect the entire human body and manifest themselves in the form of:
  5. convalescence. After seven to ten days, the patient returns to normal. At this point, it is worth thinking about strengthening the immune function.
    On average, the duration of the disease is from seven to fourteen days. How many days a cold will last depends on the child's body. The incubation period is two to seven days.

Features of the appearance of SARS in infants

In infancy, SARS is extremely rare. In the first six months, they receive immune cells through their mother's milk. After that, their body begins to independently adapt to the conditions of the external environment.

There are several distinctive features colds in a one-year-old child and babies in the first months of life. They include the following.

  1. The appearance of the first signs of a cold in the form of:
    bad sleep;
    excessive anxiety;
    crying for no particular reason;
    loss of appetite;
    defecation disorders.
  2. The manifestation of difficult breathing in the first two months of life. The baby still does not know how to breathe through the mouth, and with a cold, the vessels in the nasal cavity expand. Therefore, the baby may refuse to suckle the breast. To fix the problem, vasoconstrictor drops, saline, and an aspirator can be used.
  3. The occurrence of unpleasant shortness of breath. Such a process in medicine is commonly called asthmatic syndrome. In addition, the baby may have other signs of the disease in the form of:
    blueing of the skin;
    raising the temperature.
  4. The manifestation of tearing and redness of the visual organs.
  5. Enlarged subcervical lymph nodes.

Dangerous symptoms of SARS

If a patient has ARVI, symptoms and treatment in children must be recognized immediately. The thing is that the child may have a dangerous condition. When a small patient has these symptoms, you need to urgently seek help from a doctor. They are referred to.

  • Hyperthermia. It is characterized by an increase in temperature above 38.5 degrees. This condition can be observed for two or three days. If a heat lasts more than five days, this is a dangerous signal.
  • Impaired consciousness, fainting and convulsive states.
  • The occurrence of severe pain in the head. A child with this condition cannot bend his head towards the thoracic region.
  • The appearance of a rash on the skin. These symptoms often indicate an allergic reaction. But such a sign characterizes the addition of a meningococcal infection.
  • Pain in the chest area during breathing, difficulty in inhaling and exhaling air, feeling of lack of air, coughing with pinkish sputum.
  • The appearance of sputum that has a greenish, brownish tint or the presence of streaks of blood is observed.

Diagnosis of SARS in children

Before starting the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in children under one year old and older, it is necessary to correctly diagnose. To do this, you need to call a doctor at home or visit him yourself. Based on complaints, he will conduct an examination and prescribe an examination, which includes the following.

  • Conducting PCR analysis.
  • Taking a smear from the mucous membrane of the nose and oropharynx.
  • Conducting a serological study.
  • Consultation with a pulmonologist and an otolaryngologist.
  • Performing a chest x-ray.
  • Conducting pharyngoscopy, rhinoscopy and otoscopy.

The process of treating SARS in children

Often, with ARVI in children, the treatment process is carried out at home. An exception can only be those situations if the child is less than a year old and he is in serious condition.

First of all, the doctor gives several important recommendations which must be observed. They are referred to.

  • Bed rest for several days.
  • Frequent ventilation of the room and humidification of the air.
  • Balanced and fortified diet. If the baby does not want to eat, do not force him. Food should be soft and light.
  • Compliance with the drinking regime. Adults should offer their child plenty of warm drinks. If he refuses, then give one spoon every fifteen minutes.

The following medications are prescribed for the treatment of SARS.

  • Ibuprofen or Paracetamol, which have an antipyretic effect. They should be given at a temperature above 38 degrees.
  • Arbidol, Remantadin, Tamiflu or Acyclovir. These drugs have antiviral action. You need to take them up to two times a day for a week.
  • Kipferon, Viferon or Interferon. Such drugs increase the amount of interferon in the blood, causing the immune system to cope with viruses.
  • IRS-19, Riboxin, Imudon. The drugs have an immunostimulating effect.

Also, children are treated in other ways. This includes the following.

  1. Washing the nasal passages with a solution of sea or table salt. In infancy, it is impossible to wash, but it is necessary to clean the nose. To do this, you need to drop a few drops into each nasal passage, and after two to three minutes, clean the nose with an aspirator.
  2. Taking homeopathic remedies. Such drugs are absolutely safe for a small organism. These include Angtigrippin for children, Oscillococcinum, Anaferon, Ergoferon.
  3. Rubbing the chest area with various warming ointments in the form of Doctor Mom or Asterisk.
  4. The use of mustard plasters on the feet.
  5. The use of sorbents if a child has a cold accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. These include Enterosgel, Smecta, Regidron.
  6. The use of bronchodilators for shortness of breath. They are prescribed for shortness of breath to expand the bronchi.
  7. Gargling with herbal solutions.
  8. Taking antihistamines. These drugs are prescribed to reduce swelling of the mucous throat and nasal congestion.

Many parents are wondering if we are treating ARVI in a child correctly. In order not to guess, you do not need to self-medicate, consult a doctor.
It is also worth noting that antibiotics for a viral infection are not known. They only fight bacteria. The only exceptions are difficult situations when various complications arise.

Prevention of SARS in children

To protect the child from infection, it is necessary to direct all efforts to strengthening the immune function. It is worth noting that children under seven years of age get sick at least three to four times a year. The thing is that the immune system is only going through the stage of development. Therefore, such a process is considered normal.

Prevention of SARS in children includes the following.

  • Limit contact with sick people.
  • Avoidance of crowded places.
  • Compliance with hygiene measures after visiting the street.

If children often get sick, then a few more recommendations must be followed.

  1. Eat carefully. Foods must be rich in vitamins. You need to give up sweets, buns, carbonated drinks. At the same time, eat a lot of vegetables, fruits, drink dairy and sour-milk products.
  2. Walk outside every day.
  3. Do exercises and carry out hardening activities.
  4. Lubricate the nose with oxolin ointment before going outside.
  5. Go to the pool or other sports sections.
  6. Sleep well and watch less TV.

As a preventive measure, two or three times a year you need to drink vitamin complexes and take funds that include interferon. These drugs include

  • Drops of Interferon or Grippferon.
  • Cytovir-3 in syrup.
  • Anaferon and Ergoferon tablets.
  • Viferon in candles.
  • IRS-19 in the form of a spray.

Also, every night before going to bed, you need to give a glass warm milk. It not only removes harmful substances from the body, but also creates a protective film on the mucous membrane.

When the first signs appear, it is necessary to urgently call a doctor, especially for children under three years old.

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