Monitoring the formation of subject and meta-subject results in teaching English. Diagnosis of meta-subject results Diagnostic work to identify meta-subject results

Career and finance 23.11.2020
Career and finance

Meta Diagnostics subject results in accordance with GEF LLC

geography teacher

MAOU "Lyceum №9"

The new standard, developed within the framework of the activity paradigm of education, aims at the development of the student's personality on the basis of mastering the methods of action. In the concept of standards, “the emphasis is shifted from studying the foundations of sciences to ensuring the development of universal educational activities based on the material of the foundations of sciences”

The standard includes the requirements:

    to the results of the development of the BEP the structure of the BEP to the conditions for the implementation of the BEP

The second standard, which focuses on results, establishes three groups of educational outcomes:

    requirements for personal results requirements for metasubject results requirements for subject results

Meta-subject results are the results mastered by students on the basis of several academic subjects, methods of activity that are applicable both in the educational process and in solving life problems.

The object of evaluation of meta-subject results is the formation of UUD students - regulatory, cognitive and communicative.

The materials developed by the deputy director for educational work of the lyceum Shishlyannikova Tatyana Orestovna and an employee of the quality department Yulia Sergeevna Litvinova were taken as the basis for diagnosing metasubject results.

Main diagnostic work:

    Starting diagnostic work in geography (grade 5) Final diagnostic work in geography (grade 5)

Diagnostics is a set of monitoring and evaluation methods aimed at solving the problems of improving the educational process, students (taking into account their individual capabilities and needs), as well as improving teaching and education methods.

Diagnostics includes:

    control verification evaluation accumulation of statistical data, their analysis forecasting identification of dynamics, trends of the pedagogical process

The peculiarity of the control and measuring materials of diagnostic work on the assessment of universal educational activities is that their assessment is carried out according to tasks in which a specific universal action is evaluated and this action acts as a result.

Based on the results, an assessment is made (direct or indirect) of the formation of the majority of cognitive learning activities and skills of working with information, as well as an indirect assessment of the formation of a number of communicative and regulatory actions, and all data are entered in the table for UUD.

Starting and final diagnostic work:

    works check subject and meta-subject (cognitive UUD) results; compiled, conducted, checked, processed by the teacher; the purpose of the work is to control the dynamics of achieving the planned results of the OOP LLC.

Comparison of starting and final diagnostics:

Tested cognitive ELCs:

    Logical actions Sign-symbolic actions Actions for solving problems (problems) Actions for working with information and reading

Positive dynamics in most classes of absolute and qualitative progress. In general, there is a positive dynamics in the level of development of cognitive UUD. When organizing the educational process (in) give Special attention development of UUD. It is necessary to organize additional methodical work to increase the level.

Rules for evaluating results:


We evaluate the results - subject, meta-subject and personal!

The results of the student are actions (skills) for the use of knowledge in the course of solving problems (personal, meta-subject, subject).

Teacher performance is the difference between student performance at the beginning of the course and at the end of the course.


The teacher and student together determine the grade and mark.

Self-assessment algorithm (main questions after completing the task)

one . What was the purpose of the task(s)?

2. Did you get the result (solution, answer)?

3. Performed correctly or with an error?

4. On your own or with someone else's help?



In the tables of educational results (subject, meta-subject, personal) and in the portfolio of achievements.

The main sections of the portfolio of achievements:

– Indicators of subject results (diagnostic works, data from results tables, samples of design, creative and other works in various subjects).

– Indicators of meta-subject results (cognitive UUD).

- Indicators of personal results (primarily in extracurricular activities).



Any number of tasks for each action, but each of the actions is estimated at 2 points (a total of 8 points in the work)

    2 points for logical actions 2 points for sign-symbolic actions 2 points for actions to solve problems (problems) 2 points for actions for working with information and reading

Evaluation criteria:

    Level assessment of meta-subject results: Increased level - more than 6 points Basic level - 5, 6 points Reduced level - 3, 4 points Insufficient level - less than 3 points

Marking assessment of meta-subject results may be different at the discretion of the teacher.

    100% - 75% = "5" 74% - 51% = "4" 50% - 26% = "3" 25% or less = "2"

CIM package

    The text of the work Codifier UUD Table No. 1 "The results of the starting / final CI" Table No. 2 "Analysis of academic performance based on the results of the starting / final CI" Tables No. 3 (a, b) "Analysis of the level of formation of cognitive UUD based on the results of the starting / final CI"

Table 1

Cognitive UUD

Job number

Cognitive logical actions:

Define concepts, define concepts

Generalize, integrate information from various sources, make simple predictions

Identify similarities and differences, make comparisons,

Grouping, seriation, classification

Establish causal relationships and provide explanations based on established causal relationships

Establish analogies, build logical reasoning, inference, draw conclusions

Cognitive sign-symbolic actions:

Use sign-symbolic means and models in solving educational and practical problems

Convert models from one sign system to another (tables, charts, graphs, charts, drawings)

Cognitive actions to solve problems (problems):

Own a number of general techniques for solving problems (problems)

Conduct research (observations, experiments and measurements).

Use methods of cognition specific to the subjects of the social and humanitarian cycle

Cognitive activities for working with information and reading:

Search for information

Focus on the content of the text, answer questions using the information explicitly given in the text.

Interpret information, answer questions using implicit information

Assess the reliability of the information provided, build value judgments based on the text.

Create own texts, apply information from the text in solving educational and practical problems

Methodological advice on the topic
"Diagnostics of meta-subject results of students"
from 02.11.2015
At present, the school still continues to focus on learning, releasing into life a trained person - a qualified performer, while today's information society asks for a trained person who is able to independently learn and relearn many times over a constantly lengthening life, ready for independent actions and decision-making. For life, human activity, it is important not for him to have savings for the future, a stock of some kind of internal baggage of everything learned, but the manifestation and ability to use what is, that is, not structural, but functional, activity qualities.
A measure of a person's ability to engage in activity is a set of competencies. For school educational practice, the following key competencies can be distinguished:
mathematical competence - the ability to work with numbers, numerical information - possession of mathematical skills;
communicative (linguistic) competence - the ability to enter into communication in order to be understood, possession of communication skills;
information competence - knowledge of information technologies - the ability to work with all types of information;
autonomization competence - the ability of self-development - the ability to self-determination, self-education, competitiveness;
social competence - the ability to live and work together with other people, relatives, in a team, in a team;
productive competence - the ability to work and earn money, the ability to create your own product, the ability to make decisions and be responsible for them;
moral competence is the willingness, ability and need to live according to universal moral laws.
In other words, the school should teach the child: "teach to learn", "teach to live", "teach to live together", "teach to work and earn" (from the UNESCO report "To the New Millennium").
According to the Federal State Educational Standard, one of the characteristics of the “portrait of a basic school graduate” is formulated as follows:
Section 1, paragraph 6: The standard is focused on the formation of the personal characteristics of the graduate (“portrait of the graduate of the basic school”):
who loves his land and his Fatherland, knows Russian and his native language, respects his people, their culture and spiritual traditions;
aware and accepting the values ​​of human life, family, civil society, multinational Russian people, mankind;
actively and interestedly knowing the world, realizing the value of labor, science and creativity;
able to learn, aware of the importance of education and self-education for life and work, able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice;
socially active, respecting the law and order, commensurate their actions with moral values, aware of their duties to the family, society, the Fatherland;
respecting other people, able to conduct a constructive dialogue, reach mutual understanding, cooperate to achieve common results;
consciously fulfilling the rules of a healthy and environmentally sound lifestyle that is safe for humans and their environment; oriented in the world of professions, understanding the importance of professional activity for a person in the interests of sustainable development of society and nature.
The standard establishes requirements for the results of mastering by students of the main educational program of the main general education: personal, metasubject, subject. Meta-subject results should be understood as results that include inter-subject concepts mastered by students and universal learning activities (regulatory, cognitive, communicative), the ability to use them in educational, cognitive and social practice, independence in planning and implementing educational activities and organizing educational cooperation with teachers and peers, building an individual educational trajectory. FGOS IEO and LLC regarding the requirements for the meta-subject results of schoolchildren involve ensuring continuity. At all stages of school education, the formation of the personality of students, their mastery of universal methods of educational activity, which ensure success in cognitive activity, are provided. Often teachers erroneously combine the concepts of meta-subject results and inter-subject connections and general educational skills. Undoubtedly, as part of the meta-subject results, there are general educational skills that are formed in various lessons and extracurricular activities, which is explained by such quality as their universality. But they make up only a part of the metasubject results. In addition, they find their application not only in school subjects and extracurricular activities, but most importantly, they are used in everyday life, they form the basis of successful activity.
GEF defines meta-subject results as methods of activity mastered by students on the basis of one, several or all academic subjects, applicable both within the framework of the educational process and in solving problems in real life situations.
The developers of new generation standards invest in the content of meta-subject results, first of all, the formed ability to use inter-subject concepts and universal educational actions (regulatory, cognitive, communicative) in educational, cognitive and social practice. AT primary school UUD should ensure the mastery of key competencies that form the basis of the ability to learn, and meta-subject concepts. In the basic school, the following are added: independence in planning and implementing educational activities and organizing educational cooperation with teachers and peers, building an individual educational trajectory. AT high school is complemented by mastering the skills of teaching and research, project and social activities.
The table contains excerpts from the standard on the content of the requirements for meta-subject results, demonstrating the continuity of primary, secondary and high schools.
Requirements for meta-subject results of mastering the main educational program

Primary school Primary school Senior school
mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activity, the ability to independently determine the goals of one's learning, set and formulate new tasks for oneself in study and cognitive activity, develop the motives and interests of one's cognitive activity, the ability to independently determine the goals of activity and draw up activity plans;

Mastering ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature, the ability to independently plan ways to achieve goals, including alternative ones, to consciously choose the most effective ways solutions
formation of the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation; to determine the most effective ways to achieve the result, the ability to correlate one’s actions with the planned results, to control one’s activities in the process of achieving the result, to determine the methods of action within the framework of the proposed conditions and requirements, to independently carry out, control and adjust activities;
use all possible resources to achieve the set goals and implement action plans;
choose successful strategies in different situations;
the formation of the ability to understand the reasons for the success / failure of educational activities and the ability to act constructively even in situations of failure to adjust their actions in accordance with the changing situation;

Mastering the initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection, the ability to assess the correctness of the implementation of the educational task, one's own ability to solve it; one's actions;
possession of the basics of self-control, self-assessment, decision-making and the implementation of a conscious choice in educational and cognitive activities; the ability to independently evaluate and make decisions that determine the strategy of behavior, taking into account civil and moral values;
possession of the skills of cognitive reflection as awareness of the actions and thought processes, their results and grounds, the boundaries of one's knowledge and ignorance, new cognitive tasks and means to achieve them.
mastering the logical actions of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification according to generic characteristics, establishing analogies and cause-and-effect relationships, constructing reasoning, referring to known concepts, the ability to define concepts, create generalizations, establish analogies, classify, independently choose the grounds and criteria for classification , establish cause-and-effect relationships, build logical reasoning, reasoning (inductive, deductive and by analogy) and draw conclusions possession of the skills of cognitive, educational, research and project activities, problem-solving skills;
ability and willingness to independently search for methods for solving practical problems, applying various methods knowledge;

The use of sign-symbolic means of representing information to create models of objects and processes under study, schemes for solving educational and practical problems, the ability to create, apply and transform signs and symbols, models and schemes for solving educational and cognitive problems
mastering the skills of semantic reading of texts of various styles and genres in accordance with the goals and objectives; semantic reading
willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue;
readiness to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own;
willingness to constructively resolve conflicts by taking into account the interests of the parties and cooperation;
definition of a common goal and ways to achieve it;
the ability to agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities;
exercise mutual control in joint activities, adequately assess their own behavior and the behavior of others; the ability to organize educational cooperation and joint activities with the teacher and peers;
work individually and in a group: find a common solution and resolve conflicts based on the coordination of positions and consideration of interests; the ability to communicate productively in the process of joint activities, to take into account the positions of other participants in the activity, to effectively resolve conflicts;
express your opinion and argue your point of view and evaluate events formulate, argue and defend your opinion planning and regulating your activities;

Active use of speech and ICT tools for solving communicative and cognitive tasks; formation and development of competence in the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) the ability to use the means of information and communication technologies (hereinafter referred to as ICT) in solving cognitive, communicative and organizational tasks in compliance with the requirements of ergonomics, safety, hygiene, resource supply, legal and ethical standards, information security standards;
the ability to work in the material and information environment of primary general education (including with educational models) in accordance with the content of a particular academic subject
continuing to consciously build a speech statement in accordance with the tasks of communication and compose texts in oral and written form, the ability to consciously use speech means in accordance with the task of communication to express one's feelings, thoughts and needs; proficiency in linguistic means - the ability to clearly, logically and accurately express one's point of view, to use adequate linguistic means;
usage various ways search (in reference sources and open educational information space on the Internet), collection, processing, analysis, organization, transmission and interpretation of information in accordance with the communicative and cognitive tasks and technologies of the subject, including the ability to enter text using the keyboard, fix (record) in digital form the measured values ​​and analyze images, sounds, prepare their speech and perform with audio, video and graphic accompaniment; observe the norms of information selectivity, ethics and etiquette proficiency in oral and written speech, monologue and contextual speech readiness and ability for independent information-responsible activities, including the ability to navigate various sources of information, critically evaluate and interpret information received from various sources;

Mastering the initial information about the essence and characteristics of objects, processes and phenomena of reality (natural, social cultural, technical, etc.) in accordance with the content of a particular subject, the formation and development of environmental thinking, the ability to apply it in cognitive, communicative, social practice and professional orientation determine the purpose and functions of various social institutions;
mastering the basic subject and interdisciplinary concepts that reflect the essential connections and relationships between objects and processes. Features of the assessment of meta-subject results are associated with the nature of universal learning activities. To achieve meta-subject results, the content of the main educational program of the MOAU secondary school No. 1 of Svobodny included the "Program for the development of universal educational activities", including the formation of students' competencies in the use of information and communication technologies, educational, research and project activities. This program provides:
development of students' ability to self-development and self-improvement;
the formation of personal value-semantic guidelines and attitudes, regulatory, cognitive, communicative universal educational activities;
the formation of the experience of transferring and applying UUD in life situations to solve the problems of general cultural, personal and cognitive development of students;
increasing the efficiency of students' assimilation of knowledge and learning activities, the formation of competencies and competencies in subject areas, teaching, research and project activities;
formation of skills of participation in various forms of organization of educational, research and project activities;
mastering the methods of educational cooperation and social interaction with peers. senior schoolchildren and adults in joint educational, research and project activities;
formation and development of students' competence in the use of information and communication technologies.
The goal of the UUD development program is to provide organizational and methodological conditions for the implementation of the system-activity approach, which is the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard, in order to form the ability of primary school students for independent educational goal-setting and educational cooperation.
The achievement of meta-subject results is ensured by the main components of the educational process - academic subjects. Assessment of meta-subject results can be carried out in the course of various procedures (during the final verification or complex work on subjects; current, thematic or intermediate assessment, etc.). Based on the fact that in adolescence the activity of interpersonal communication becomes the leading activity, communicative learning activities acquire priority in the development of UUD during this period. In this sense, the task of the elementary school "to teach the student to learn" is transformed into a new task for the main school - "to initiate educational cooperation." The teacher today must become a constructor of new pedagogical situations, new tasks aimed at using generalized methods of activity and creating by students their own products in the development of knowledge. V.A. Sukhomlinsky noted: “All our plans, all searches and constructions turn into dust if the student has no desire to learn.”
By virtue of their nature, being essentially orienting actions, meta-objective actions constitute psychological basis and are an important condition for the success of students in solving educational problems. Accordingly, the level of their formation can be qualitatively assessed and measured. First, the achievement of meta-subject results can be checked as a result of performing specially designed diagnostic tasks aimed at assessing the level of formation of a particular type of UUD. Secondly, the achievement of meta-subject results can be considered as an instrumental basis (or as a means of solution) and as a condition for the successful completion of educational and educational-practical tasks by means of educational subjects. That is, depending on the success of the test tasks in the Russian language, mathematics, literature, geography and other subjects, taking into account the mistakes made, we can conclude that a number of cognitive and regulatory actions of students have been formed. And finally, the achievement of meta-subject results can be manifested in the success of complex tasks on an inter-subject basis. Of course, a number of communicative and regulatory actions are difficult or impossible to evaluate in the course of standardized work. For example, the ability to work in a group, listen and hear the interlocutor, coordinate their actions with partners, etc. In this case, in the course of internal assessment, recorded in the portfolio in the form of assessment sheets for the observation of a teacher or a school psychologist, the achievement of such actions can also be assessed.
In order to track the progress of each child along the path of his development and the effectiveness of his own pedagogical work monitoring is needed, which allows assessing the effectiveness of ongoing activities and making timely and informed decisions. It needs to be done regularly. There are a number of forms, methods, tools for monitoring meta-subject results that I would like to introduce you to. Among the methods of control are observation, design, testing. Forms of control: individual, group, frontal forms; oral and written questioning; personalized and non-personalized. Control tools: UUD tasks, observation map, test, monitoring map, self-assessment sheet or diary.
In accordance with the OOP LLC, the main procedure for the final assessment of the achievement of metasubject results is the defense of the final individual project. According to the school regulation, such a defense involves a public speech with a presentation of your project. The meta-subject universal educational actions include “the ability to consciously use speech means in accordance with the task of communication to express one's feelings, thoughts and needs; planning and regulation of their activities; possession of oral and written speech, monologue contextual speech. Speech-presentation is a public speech-representation of a product of intellectual / creative activity independently created by the student. The presentation of the student should be an oral message on a specific topic and be presented in a free form, without reading a written prepared text. In the process of speaking, you can use pre-prepared supporting materials: a speech plan or abstracts. Many resources can be found on the Internet. different forms assessing student performance. I offer one of the options.
Evaluation sheet of oral public speaking
General assessment criterion Refined assessment criterion Number of points
Score for criterion Total
1. The content of the speech The content of the speech corresponds to the stated topic, goals and objectives 15 30
The necessary examples and arguments are given 15 2. Speech design of the speech Free, without reading the prepared written reading, presentation of the material (it is possible to rely on a plan or theses) 15 35
3-part composition (introduction, main part, conclusion) 10 Intelligibility of pronunciation, selection of necessary speech means 10 3. Efficiency of speech Interest and attention from those present in the audience (cheers, questions, comments, applause, head nods) 10 35
Originality, brightness, unusual performance 10 Compliance with the rules (from 3 to 5 minutes) 5 Self-assessment 10 Total 100 points
Before the performance, as a preparation, students can be offered a technical task in the form of 3 memos, which are written in a language understandable to the student:
1. "How to prepare an oral public presentation?"
2. "How to make a speech successful?"
3. "How to evaluate your performance?"
Memo #1
How to prepare an oral public presentation?
1. Think over the topic and goals of your public speech, select the necessary material, make a selection of the necessary information. Strictly ensure that the content of the statement does not deviate from its topic and goals.
2. Think over the composition of the speech, consisting of 3 parts (there should be an introduction, main part, conclusion). Prepare and learn the first phrase in advance, prepare the linking words of sentences in your oral text.
3. Create a written text of the speech or draw up its plan (you can abstract). It is advisable to prepare the accompanying electronic materials or diagrams and tables in chalk on a blackboard.
4. Pick up interesting examples and strong arguments that prove your thoughts and judgments.
5. At home, conduct a practice presentation (one or more) based on the created theses or plan. Try not to read the written text, but to express it in a free form.
Memo #2
How to make a presentation successful?
1. Introduce yourself if necessary.
2. Clearly formulate the topic and goals of your presentation. Make sure that the content of your speech is consistent with the stated topic and goals.
3. If necessary, use a pointer or accompanying electronic materials prepared in advance during the presentation.
4. Avoid words that clog our speech, such as "as if", "means", "well", "so to speak", etc. Use the right words of formal business and scientific styles. 5. Speak each word of the speech distinctly, clearly, legibly, with the necessary logical pauses and at an average pace.
6. State the prepared material enthusiastically, freely, without reading it from the written text.
7. Be tactful and respectful towards your listeners. Watch how carefully they listen to you.
8. Keep the time allotted for your presentation: spend 3 to 5 minutes in your presentation.
9. Be sure to note the strengths and weaknesses of your presentation and voice your self-assessment.
Memo #3
How to evaluate your performance?
1. Check positive sides your presentation (you can use the suggested criteria).
2. Point out the shortcomings of your presentation, what didn't work out.
3. Think about what made you successful and what caused your disadvantages.
4. Rate your performance on a 10-point scale.
An additional source of data on the achievement of individual meta-subject results can be the results of the performance of test work compiled by the teacher, taking into account the meta-subject, in all subjects. The developers of the Federal State Educational Standard identify several meta-subjects that can be used in organizing the educational activities of schoolchildren: "Knowledge", "Sign", "Problem", "Task". Within the framework of the “Knowledge” meta-subject, the child learns to work with knowledge systems; in the classes of the “Sign” meta-subject, schoolchildren develop the ability to schematize, they learn to express with the help of diagrams what they understand, what they want to say, what they are trying to think or think, what they want to do; studying the meta-subject "Problem", schoolchildren learn to discuss issues that are in the nature of open, to this day insoluble problems, students master the techniques of positional analysis, the ability to organize and conduct a polypositional dialogue, they develop the ability to problematize, goal-setting, self-determination; within the framework of the “Task” meta-subject, schoolchildren develop the ability to understand and schematize conditions, model the object of the task, design methods for solving, and build activity procedures for achieving the goal. The universality of meta-objects consists in teaching schoolchildren general techniques, techniques, schemes, patterns of mental work that lie above objects, but at the same time are reproduced when working with any subject material. The principle of meta-subjectivity is to focus students on the ways of presenting and processing information when studying a sufficiently large number of academic disciplines based on generalized methods, techniques and methods, as well as organizational forms of student and teacher activity. The key competence should be considered the ability to learn, the ability of the individual to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience, and not just the development by students of specific subject knowledge and skills within individual disciplines.
Evaluation of the correctness of the implementation of the educational task in the framework of the application of the meta-subject "task". We set educational tasks: 1. establish correspondence 2. Insert missing words 3. Complete the sentence 4. Complete the table. 5. Distribute into groups.
Evaluation criteria:
1 criterion: self-test according to the standard (correctly made “+”, incorrectly “-”);
Criterion 2: analysis of your mistakes (what you need to work on)
Criterion 3: identifying the causes of errors
Filling out diagnostic sheets. Annex 2 presentation
As part of the use of the meta-subject "knowledge", "meaning", you can use the following tools. Appendix 3 presentation.
As part of the application of the meta-subject "problem", the method of conducting the experiment is very effective, it is possible to use it in the lessons of the natural science cycle. Annex 4 presentation.
Self-assessment of students in public speaking in the classroom. Self-assessment sheet. Annex 5 presentation
Evaluation of the achievement of the results of semantic reading. Annex 6 presentation
Evaluation of skills to organize joint activities with the teacher and peers Appendix 7 presentation
Achieving modern educational results is possible only if they are integrated (integrative). In order to more or less adequately assess educational results, the assessment of individual educational achievements of students should have the following general requirements:
1. The evaluation must be integrative, i.e. take into account the ratio of different aspects of educational results (subject, competence ( universal ways activities), social experience (extracurricular and extracurricular achievements) 2. Dynamic, i.e. take into account individual progress when summing up the results of a student's education over a certain period of time;
3. Support the initiative and responsibility of students, i.e. create conditions for the possibility of presenting children's work for evaluation to another (adult, classmates) on their own initiative;
4. Be presentable, i.e. have special places (natural and/or virtual) for public presentation of their educational achievements by students;
5. Be technological, i.e. use in the lessons of different assessment scales, procedures, forms of assessment and their correlation.
6. Be open, i.e. the possibility of participation of all subjects of the educational process in the assessment of individual results and the quality of education of schoolchildren.
Let's go back to OOP OOO. Tasks for the use of UUD can be based both on the material of educational subjects and on practical situations that occur in the life of a student and are important to him (ecology, youth subcultures, everyday practice-oriented situations, logistics, etc.). There are two types of tasks, related to UUD:
tasks that allow within the framework of the educational process
form UUD;
tasks that allow diagnosing the level of formation
In the first case, the task can be directed to the formation whole group interconnected universal learning activities. Actions can belong to one category (for example, regulatory) or to different ones.
In the second case, the task can be designed in such a way as to show the student's ability to apply some specific universal learning action.
In the primary school, it is possible to use, among other things, the following types of tasks:
1. Tasks that form communicative UUD:
taking into account the position of the partner;
organization and implementation of cooperation;
on the transfer of information and the display of subject content;
communication skills training;
role-playing games.
2. Tasks that form cognitive UUD:
projects for building a strategy for finding solutions to problems;
tasks for seriation, comparison, evaluation;
conducting an empirical study;
conducting a theoretical study;
semantic reading.
3. Tasks that form the regulatory UUD:
for planning;
for orientation in the situation;
for forecasting;
for goal setting;
to make a decision;
for self-control.
The development of regulatory UUD is also facilitated by the use in the educational process of a system of such individual or group learning tasks that give students the functions of organizing their implementation: planning the stages of work, tracking progress in completing the task, following the schedule for preparing and providing materials, finding the necessary resources, distributing responsibilities and quality control of work performance, while minimizing step-by-step control by the teacher. Distribution of material and typical tasks according to various subjects is not rigid, the initial development of the same UUD and the consolidation of what has been mastered can occur during classes in different subjects. The distribution of typical tasks within the subject should be aimed at achieving a balance between the time of mastering and the time of using the corresponding actions.
Tasks for the use of UUD can be both open and closed. When working with tasks for the use of UUD for performance evaluation, it is possible to practice the technologies of "formative evaluation", including binary and criteria-based evaluation.

The object of evaluation of meta-subject results at the stage of primary general education is the formation of the student's regulatory, communicative and cognitive universal actions, the content of which is presented in the sections of the planned results: "Regulatory learning actions", "Cognitive learning actions", "Communicative learning actions", "Reading: work with information".

Main the content of the assessment of meta-subject results: assessment of the ability to learn, i.e., such mental actions of students that are aimed at analyzing their cognitive activity and managing it. These include:

The ability of the learner to accept and maintain the learning goal and objectives; the ability to plan one's own activity in accordance with the task set and the conditions for its implementation and to look for means of its implementation; the ability to control and evaluate one's actions, to make adjustments to their implementation based on the assessment and taking into account the nature of errors, to show initiative and independence in learning;

Ability to carry out information search, collection and selection of essential information from various information sources;

The ability to use sign-symbolic means to create models of the studied objects and processes, schemes for solving educational, cognitive and practical problems;

The ability to carry out logical operations of comparison, analysis, generalization, classification according to generic characteristics, establishing analogies, referring to known concepts;

The ability to cooperate with the teacher and peers in solving educational problems, to take responsibility for the results of their actions.

The peculiarity of control and measuring materials for the assessment of universal educational activities is that their assessment is carried out according to assignments presented in three forms, which are included both in control work in individual subjects, in complex work on an interdisciplinary basis and in a separate diagnosis (proposed by "School 2100" diagnostics of metasubject results is pedagogical, it can be used by any teacher (as opposed to psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, which is carried out school psychologist)):

Diagnostic tasks in which a specific universal action is evaluated and this action acts as a result;

Tasks in the course of performing tests in subjects where universal learning activities are an instrumental basis, the success of the work depends on how the student owns special and meta-subject actions;

Tasks in complex work that allow you to evaluate universal learning activities based on information skills.

Control of meta-subject results formed within the framework of extracurricular activities is possible within the framework of the implementation of complex control work on an interdisciplinary basis, diagnostics carried out by the administration, psychologist, teachers as part of the study of educational work, extracurricular activities, monitoring the state of teaching by class.

Based on the results of the work, an assessment is made(direct or indirect) formation of the majority of cognitive learning activities and skills of working with information, as well as an indirect assessment of the formation of a number of communicative and regulatory actions.


1. Diagnosis of meta-subject and personal results in grades 1-2, grades 3-4 (according to A.G. Asmolov) Moscow, Balass, 2011

2. Final verification work on the subjects of UUD as an instrumental basis, (according to the method of G.S. Kovaleva, O.B. Loginova )

3. Complex work on an interdisciplinary basis and work with information (according to G.S. Kovaleva, O.B. Loginova).

4. Olympiad and creative tasks, projects (extracurricular activities).

5. Diagnosis of the formation of educational activity of students (author Repkin G.V.)

"Regulatory learning activities"

Here is what the table looks like "Levels of Formation of Regulatory Actions of Students" according to Repkin G.V.

No. p / p F.I. student September 09__ /_10_ May _10_/11__
educational and cognitive interest (personal uud) Goal setting (regulatory uud) Training actions regulatory yud) assessment actionsregulatory ur educational and cognitive interest (personal uud) goal-setting regulatory uud) Training actions regulatory control actions (regulatory yud) assessment actions (regulatory yud)

You see in it two types of UUD - these are personal, regulatory. Exactly as recommended in the manual "How to design universal learning activities." But there is no single Repkin table in the manual, it is divided into actions. You will find a single table in the magazine "Zavuch" No. 1 for 2009. Let's take a look at them.

Development analysis goal setting in elementary school allows you to identify six levels of it from the lack of goal setting to self-setting goals (table) (Repkin's diagnostics)

Tab. Levels of formation of goal-setting.

Levels Formation indicators Behavioral indicators of maturity
1. Lack of purpose The demand is only partially understood. Involved in work, quickly distracted or behaves chaotically. Can accept only the simplest goals (not implying intermediate goal-requirements) Poorly distinguishes learning tasks different type; there is no reaction to the novelty of the task, cannot identify intermediate goals, needs operational control from the teacher, cannot answer questions about what he is going to do or has done
2. Acceptance of a practical task Accepts and performs only practical tasks (but not theoretical ones), does not orientate in theoretical tasks Realizes what needs to be done in the process of solving a practical problem; in relation to theoretical tasks cannot carry out purposeful actions
3. Redefining a cognitive task into a practical one Accepts and performs only practical tasks, does not focus on theoretical tasks Realizes what needs to be done and did in the process of solving a practical problem; in relation to theoretical tasks cannot carry out purposeful actions
4. Adopt a cognitive goal The accepted cognitive goal is preserved during the performance of educational actions and regulates the entire process of their implementation; the requirement of the cognitive task is clearly met Willingly carries out the solution of a cognitive task, without changing it (without replacing it with a practical task and without going beyond its requirements), can clearly give an account of his actions after the decision has been made
5. Redefining a practical problem into a theoretical one Faced with a new practical task, he independently formulates a cognitive goal and builds an action in accordance with it. The inability to solve a new practical problem explains the lack of adequate methods; is clearly aware of its purpose and the structure of the found method.
6. Self-setting learning goals Independently formulates cognitive goals, going beyond the requirements of the program Puts forward meaningful hypotheses, learning activity takes the form of an active study of modes of action

The next component is the level of formation of control.

Tab. Levels of control development.

Levels Formation indicators Additional diagnostic feature
1. Lack of control The student does not control learning activities, does not notice the mistakes made. The student does not know how to detect and correct a mistake even at the request of the teacher, is uncritical about the corrected errors in his work and does not notice the mistakes of other students
2. Control at the level of involuntary attention Control is random involuntary, noticing an error, the student cannot justify his actions Acting unconsciously, foresees the correct course of action; he corrects mistakes made uncertainly, makes mistakes in unfamiliar actions more often than in familiar ones
3. Potential control at the level of voluntary attention The student is aware of the rule of control, but the simultaneous implementation of educational actions and control is difficult; student corrects and explains mistakes In the process of solving the problem, control is difficult, after solving the student can find and correct mistakes, he does not make mistakes in repeated actions
4. Actual control at the level of voluntary attention In the process of performing an action, the student focuses on the control rule and successfully uses it in the process of solving problems, almost without making mistakes. Corrects mistakes on his own, controls the process of solving the problem by other students, when solving a new problem, he cannot correct the control rule for new conditions
5. Potential reflexive control When solving a new problem, the student applies the old inadequate method, with the help of the teacher, discovers the inadequacy of the method and tries to make adjustments. Tasks that correspond to the learned method are performed flawlessly. Without the help of a teacher, he cannot detect the discrepancy between the learned mode of action and the new conditions.
6. Actual reflective control Independently detects errors caused by a discrepancy between the learned method of action and the conditions of the task and makes adjustments Controls the compliance of the actions performed with the method, when conditions change, makes adjustments to the method of action before starting the solution

Grade as a component of learning activity can be characterized by such properties as adequacy, reliability, completeness (A.V. Zakharova, L.V. Bertsfai). There are six levels of formation of the assessment action as a component of educational activity (G.V. Repkina, E.V. Zaika, 1993):

Tab. Levels of evaluation development.

Levels Indicators Behavioral indicators
1. Lack of appreciation The student does not know how, does not try and does not feel the need to evaluate his actions - either independently or at the request of the teacher Entirely relies on the mark of the teacher, perceives it uncritically (even in the case of a clear understatement), does not perceive the argumentation of the assessment; cannot assess his strength in relation to the solution of the task
2. Adequate hindsight Able to independently evaluate their actions and meaningfully substantiate the correctness or erroneousness of the result, correlating it with the scheme of action Critical of the marks of the teacher; cannot evaluate his capabilities before solving a new task and does not try to do it; can evaluate the actions of other students
3. Inadequate predictive assessment When starting to solve a new problem, he tries to assess his possibilities regarding its solution, but at the same time he takes into account only the fact of whether he knows it or not, and not the possibility of changing the methods of action known to him. Evaluates problems already solved by him freely and reasonably, tries to evaluate his capabilities in solving new problems, often makes mistakes, takes into account only the external features of the problem, and not its structure, cannot do this before solving the problem
4. Potentially adequate predictive estimate Starting to solve a new problem, with the help of a teacher, he can evaluate his capabilities in solving it, taking into account changes in the methods of action known to him. Can, with the help of a teacher, justify his ability or impossibility to solve the problem facing him, based on an analysis of the methods of action known to him; does it with difficulty
5. Current Adequate Predictive Score Starting to solve a new problem, he can independently assess his capabilities in solving it, taking into account changes in known methods of action. Independently substantiates his strength even before solving the problem, based on a clear understanding of the learned methods and their variations, as well as the limits of their application

Let's move on to the component learning activities.

Level Level name Main diagnostic feature Additional diagnostic features
1. Lack of learning activities as integral units of activity Cannot perform learning actions as such, can only perform individual operations without their internal connection with each other or copy the external form of actions Is not aware of the content of educational activities and cannot give an account of them; neither independently nor with the help of a teacher (with the exception of a direct demonstration) is unable to perform learning activities; Skills are hard to develop and extremely unstable
2. Performing learning activities in collaboration with the teacher The content of actions and their operational composition are realized, they begin to perform actions, but without external help they cannot organize their actions and bring them to the end; in cooperation with the teacher works relatively well Can give an account of his actions, but finds it difficult to implement them in practice; teacher's help is accepted relatively easily; works effectively with step-by-step control, there are practically no independent learning activities
3. Inadequate transfer of learning activities The child independently applies the learned method of action to the solution of a new problem, but is not able to make even small changes in it in order to adapt it to the conditions of a particular problem. The assimilated method is applied “blindly”, not correlating it with the conditions of the problem; such a correlation and restructuring of the action can be carried out only with the help of a teacher, and not independently; under constant conditions, is able to successfully perform actions independently
4. Adequate transfer of learning activities Knows how to detect discrepancies between the new task and the learned method, tries to independently rebuild the method known to him, but can only do this correctly with the help of a teacher Fully analyzes the conditions of the problem and clearly correlates them with known methods; easily accepts the indirect help of the teacher; is aware of and willing to describe the reasons for his difficulties and the features of the new mode of action
5. Independent construction of educational activities When solving a new problem, independently builds a new mode of action or modifies the method known to him, does it gradually, step by step, and in the end, without any outside help, correctly solves the problem. Critically evaluates his actions, at all stages of solving the problem he can give an account of them; finding a new way is carried out slowly, uncertainly, with frequent recourse to re-analysis of the conditions of the problem, but at all stages completely independently
6. Generalization of learning activities It is based on the principles of constructing methods of action and solves a new problem “on the fly”, deriving new way from this principle, and not from a modification of a well-known private method Mastering a new method, he realizes not only its composition, but also the principles of its construction (i.e. what it is based on), realizes the similarity between various modifications and their connection with the conditions of the tasks

The last component of learning activity that we will consider is educational and cognitive interest. In the new standards, it is related to personal universal actions. But in Repkin's diagnostic table, it is present along with regulatory ones.

Here are the evaluation criteria.

Levels of formation of educational and cognitive interest. (personal)

Level name Main diagnostic feature Additional diagnostic features
1. Lack of interest Almost no interest is detected (exception: positive reactions to bright and funny material) Impersonal or negative attitude towards solving any educational problems; more willing to perform habitual actions than master new ones
2. Reaction to novelty Positive reactions occur only on new material concerning concrete facts (but not theory) Lives up, asks questions about new factual material; is included in the performance of the task associated with it, but does not show long-term stable activity
3. Curiosity Positive reactions arise to new theoretical material (but not to methods of solving problems) Lives up and asks questions often enough; joins tasks often, but interest quickly disappears
4. Situational learning interest Arises on ways to solve a new particular single problem (but not a system of problems) Involved in the process of solving the problem, trying to independently find a way to solve and bring the task to the end; after solving the problem, interest is exhausted
5. Sustainable educational and cognitive interest Arises on a general way of solving a whole system of problems (but does not go beyond the studied material) Willingly joins the process of completing tasks, works for a long time and steadily, accepts proposals to find new applications for the found method
6. Generalized educational and cognitive interest It arises independently of external requirements and goes beyond the scope of the studied material. Definitely focused on general ways of solving a system of problems It is a constant characteristic of the student, the student shows a pronounced creative attitude to the general way of solving problems, seeks to obtain additional information, there is a motivated selectivity of interests

"Cognitive learning activities"

Table No. 1 "Formation of problem solving competence"

Table No. 2 "Formation of information competence"

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    Rationale for the choice of topic. Relevance of the topic. Identification of the problem. Formulation of the problem. Setting the goal of the project. Design stages. Applications Conclusions. Bibliography.

Rationale for the choice of topic

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(from the statements of Asmolov A.G.)

The child learns better and will learn more:
    interests and needs . when he learns what suits him opportunities . when in the learning process he can use what he has personal experience when he can apply his knowledge and experience
active .
    UUD provide high efficiency in solving life problems and the possibility of self-development of students

Problem Identification

New social demands define educational goals as a general culturalpersonal and cognitive development students providing the key competence of education as "teach to learn".
provide the student's ability to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. This is a reliable way to improve the quality of education
PROBLEM To find out with the help of diagnostics to what extent the educational process ensures the achievement of specific personal and meta-subject results, the development of specific universal educational activities.

Goals research work:

    Adjust your own activities Determine how effectively the potential of textbooks is used To see the possibilities of an individual approach to the development of each student (in what skills he is successful, and in what skills he needs the support of a teacher and parents)

Design stages
Stage 1

    Study the literature on this subject. The place of universal educational actions in the educational process. Target - to reveal the content of universal educational activities that can be formed at the initial level of education.

Universal learning activities

    In a broad sense, the term "universal learning activities" means the ability of the subject to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. In a narrower sense, this term can be defined as a set of student actions that provide social competence, the ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process, cultural identity and tolerance.

Types of universal learning activities

    cognitive Regulatory Communicative Personal

Cognitive UUD

    Working with information Working with training models The use of symbolic means, general schemes solutions Performing Boolean Operations
    comparisons analysis and synthesis generalizations

Regulatory UUD

goal setting Forecasting Planning Control Correction Grade

Communicative UUD

Planning for Learning Collaboration Asking questions Construction of speech statements Leadership and coordination with a partner

Personal UUD

Actions of meaning formation Actions of self-determination Actions of moral and ethical assessment

Design stages
Stage 2

    Carry out diagnostics at the entrance to the 3rd class, at the exit from the 3rd class; at the entrance to the 4th grade, at the exit of the 4th grade The purpose of the stage is to track the development of UUD
for each student.
    Compare results with the national level To form the most positive attitude towards testing among students, to aim them at achieving high results.

Design stages
Stage 3

Draw up tasks to improve the quality of UUD
    The goal is to develop the student's ability to independently set a learning task. design ways to implement it monitor and evaluate your achievements develop cognitive interests, initiative and curiosity, motives for knowledge and creativity

self-determination 1. Formation of the foundations of a person's civic identity:
    Feelings of belonging to their homeland, people and history and pride in them
2. Formation of a picture of the world of culture as a product labor object-transforming human activity:
    Acquaintance with the world of professions, their social significance and content.
Moral and ethical orientation
    Orientation in the moral content of both one's own actions and the actions of other people, the development of ethical feelings (shame, guilt, conscience) knowledge of basic moral standards (fair distribution, mutual assistance, truthfulness, honesty, responsibility);

Task for assessing the assimilation of the norm of mutual assistance

Mom, leaving for work, reminded Andrei that he needed to eat for lunch. She asked him to wash the dishes after eating, because she would return from work tired. Andrei ate and sat down to watch cartoons, but did not wash the dishes. In the evening mom and dad came home from work. Mom saw the dirty dishes, sighed and started washing them herself. Andrei became sad, and he went to his room.Questions:
    Why did Andrew feel sad? Did Andrew do the right thing? Why? What would you do in Andrew's place?
The task of taking into account the motives of the characters in solving a moral dilemma
    A little boy Serezha wanted to help his mother wash the dishes. He washed the cup and wanted to put it on the table, but he slipped, fell and dropped the tray on which the cups stood. Five cups were broken. Another boy, Petya, when his mother was not at home, wanted to take jam from the buffet. The shelf on which the jar stood was high, and he stood on a chair. Trying to get jam, he snagged a cup. She fell and broke.
    Which child is more to blame? Who deserves punishment? Why?
You are on the bus. Suddenly stranger starts running towards the exit. At the same time, he pushes hard and shouts: “Get out of the way! We got up here, you can’t go through !!!”
    What do you think about this situation. Choose ONE more precise wording. Circle the letter (A, B, C, D)
    This man is bad This man did bad This man is in a hurry, he's just really in a hurry
This man is evil

Evaluate the actions of people. Which of these actions are good, which are bad, and which cannot be unambiguously called good or bad. In the boxes next to the description of the act, write down the letters (A, B, C) A is definitely good deed B - definitely a bad deed
B - actions that cannot be unambiguously called good or bad
    Kolya teases and makes fun of another boy Anya doesn't want another girl to come to the school party and tells her the party is cancelled. Misha heard another guy teasing, insultingly ridiculing him. Misha was offended, and he asked the guy to shut up. But he continued to tease, then Misha hit him hard. The teacher distributes control tests, among them there were several unsigned ones. Olya recognized her work and saw that it had a bad mark. Sighing, the girl admitted that it was her job. Natasha was almost hit by a car, she got a big abrasion on her forehead. At home to her grandmother, who has a bad heart, the girl said. That she was playing on the playground and accidentally scratched herself Pasha saw that the big boy was pushing the girl and snatching her knapsack. Pasha shouted: “Stop!” - and pushed the boy with all his might

Personal universal actions

    They allow to make the teaching meaningful, provide the student with the significance of solving educational problems, linking them with real life goals and situations. Focused on awareness, exploration and acceptance life values and meanings, allow you to orient yourself in moral norms, rules, assessments, develop your life position in relation to the world, people, yourself and your future.


    The formation of universal educational activities in the educational process is carried out in the context of the assimilation of various subject disciplines. The requirements for the formation of universal educational activities are reflected in the planned results of mastering the programs of the subjects "Russian language", " Literary reading”, “Mathematics”, “World around”, “Technology” Each academic subject, depending on the subject content and ways of organizing the educational activities of students, reveals certain opportunities for the formation of UUD.

Used Books.

    Abakumova I.V. Learning and meaning: meaning formation in the educational process (psychological and didactic approach). Asmolov A.G. Cultural-historical psychology and construction of worlds. M.: MPSI; Voronezh: MODEK, 1996. Asmolov A.G. Psychology of Personality. Cultural and historical understanding of human development M.: Meaning, 2007 .Davydov V.V. The theory of developmental learning. M.: INTERO, 1996. Leontiev A.N. Activity. Consciousness. Personality. Moscow: Politizdat, 1974. Tsukerman G.A. Types of communication in education. Tomsk: Peleng, 1996. Through Forms to Thoughts: On the New University Educational Model / Ed. Yu.M. Afanasiev. M.: Publishing house of GTGU. 2006 Asmolov A.G., Burmenskaya G.V. and others. Cultural-historical system-activity paradigm of designing school education standards.

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