The best months to travel to Thailand. When is the best time to fly to Thailand? Holidays in Thailand in the spring

Technique and Internet 12.06.2019
Technique and Internet

Lovely corner Earth, a tropical paradise, beloved by tourists for the warm sea, hot sun and incredible beauty of natural exoticism - this is Thailand with its many beaches. What happiness is experienced by those who, after a dank cold, severe frosts, landing at the airport of Bangkok and Phuket, fall into the gentle warmth and beauty of the tropics. Each of them thinks at such moments about how wonderful life is! Visiting the capital is a great pleasure. If you still do not know where it is better to relax in Thailand and which resort to choose, then the review will help you decide.

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Favored by Russians, the inexpensive resort is located on the east coast of the Gulf of Thailand (165 km from Bangkok). Pattaya is the center of nightlife and entertainment, where everything is at stake in the tourism industry. Countless bars, restaurants with interesting programs, discos, competitions do not let tourists get bored. looking at the snow-white skyscrapers rising against the backdrop of azure waves, you will never believe that there was once a miserable fishing village here. Now it is a beautiful city with excellent infrastructure. It is surrounded by picturesque national parks, virgin forests.

The beaches of Pattaya itself are not very clean, the water is rather muddy, but very warm, comfortable, so they are full of people. A truly heavenly vacation awaits everyone on its islands, of which there are more than a dozen: Ko Lan, Ko Sichang, Ko Sak and others. Ferries, boats go to the islands, the cost of the trip is from 30 baht, depending on the distance. There are wonderful clean beaches (the disadvantage is a thin layer of sand), the cleanest sea, excellent beach equipment. Staying in Pattaya is every day new discoveries, interesting excursions in the surroundings: the city of ancient temples in Cambodia - Angkor; Laos, floating hotels of the amazing Kwai River, winding through the thickets of the jungle. This is a sea of ​​positive emotions from the surrounding exotic, which can rarely be seen in other places.


The picturesque island, washed by the waters of the Andaman Sea, is located in the southwestern side of Thailand, 863 km from Bangkok, from where you can fly by plane. But from other places in the country, you can come to Phuket along a wide, half-kilometer-long bridge laid from the mainland. Therefore, there is no ferry service here, as on other islands. Its name is translated as "hill", which is true: from a distance, the island looks like a high hill (the highest point is 529 m).

A truly heavenly vacation awaits everyone here: beautiful sand, clear sea with constantly warm water, picturesque umbrellas of coastal palms, enchanting landscapes, a sea of ​​entertainment and many impressive excursions. Phuket is an expensive, fashionable resort, with luxurious hotels, many restaurants, bars, nightclubs, and discos. However, even people with a modest budget have the opportunity to have a great rest here, find housing, food, get a good “portion” of the most wonderful impressions and a good rest. From here, unforgettable excursions to Singapore, to the natural pearl - national park Khao Sok and other amazing places in the region.

Koh Samui

This is the third largest island in Thailand, until the 70s of the last century it was practically inaccessible to tourists, since it was in almost complete isolation from the mainland. Thanks to this, there is preserved virgin nature of pristine beauty, the main brainchild of which are coconut palms. Stunning landscapes conquer at first sight: white-sand beaches, transparent crystal of emerald-blue waves, bright exotic greenery, sparkling waterfalls.

Now a developed tourist infrastructure has been created on Koh Samui with a network of bungalow hotels, restaurants, cafes, eateries. Many people like it very much excellent Gym equipped with modern equipment. Delicious, plentiful and inexpensive food with Thai national dishes of rice and shrimp generously flavored coconut milk or oil. Here you can eat for life everything that is prepared from these extraordinary fruits, bring home super-healthy coconut oil. Children are delighted with visiting the sheep farm, where they feed the animals, watch them, stroke the lambs.


This southern province of Thailand is located on the border with Malaysia, on the Andaman Sea, 800 km from Bangkok. The inhabitants themselves call it the country of a thousand islands (there are more than 200 of them) and love their land very much.

There is still no mass invasion of tourists, so the unimaginable beauty of the surrounding landscapes is preserved in its original form. Every island in Krabi is true paradise, where there is everything for a wonderful holiday: velvet sand, the purest water, red corals, palm thickets.

It will be a great pleasure to see natural treasures here, such as parks, limestone caves, huge accumulations of shells. Phang Nga Bay amazes with the views of its marine landscapes with unrealistic beauty of lagoons, mysterious underwater caves and turquoise waves. The picturesque islands of Tarutao Park with unique tropical landscapes cause admiration.

Phi Phi

If someone has already managed to visit many places in Thailand, but has not yet been to Phi Phi, then it will seem to him that he has not seen anything before. The archipelago, consisting of 6 islands, is a fantastic sight beyond reality. The land of fabulously beautiful landscapes, where the serene sea is adjacent to the mighty mountain spurs covered with green array where flocks of fishing boats turn white on the emerald water.

There are places here, looking at which, you can’t believe that you see it in reality. Huge sheer cliffs, standing like formidable sentries, on both sides of a narrow strait; or hanging horizontally over the shore - hardly anywhere else you can see this! On the wonderful beaches of the islands with incredibly clean sand and the sea, a wonderful active holiday is provided: diving, snorkeling, fishing, boating are done here. There are very interesting tourist sites in the vicinity: the Viking Cave (Phi Phi Ley Island), Maya Bay, famous for filming the Hollywood movie "The Beach" with Leo Caprio; an impressive visit to the observation deck (about Phi Phi Don), from which you can see the stunning beauty of the entire archipelago.


Few people know that “chang” means “elephant”, and this name was not given to the island by chance: it is the second largest island in Thailand, located on the southeastern border with Cambodia, about 400 km from Bangkok. Chang, almost completely covered with impenetrable jungles, picturesque mountains, is a real reserve of exotic species of flora and fauna. Therefore, since 1982 it has been given the status of National marine park in order to preserve rare natural resources. Those who love a quiet, secluded vacation will find amazing landscapes with wonderful waterfalls, peaceful silence, and gentle sea on the island. There is no fuss here, life flows smoothly, you can leisurely walk through the picturesque surroundings, fish.

What pleasure will experience lovers of photography and diving: undersea world of these places is insanely beautiful with the colorful coral reefs, bizarre algae, fabulous coloring of fish and others. marine life. Beach party Mini Fullmoon Party will give an unforgettable romantic experience: dancing on the sand in the pearly moonlight to passionate, sensual music! Rest among such beauty will be remembered for a lifetime as the most pleasant event of a lifetime.


It is located not far from the Koh Samui is also famous for a large number of beaches (20), which are not constantly crowded, although tourists of various stripes and occupations are very fond of this charming island. According to the atmosphere prevailing on the island, it is compared with Goa in India. There are legends about the karmic force lurking here, so you won’t see anyone on Koh Phangan: yogis, prano-eaters, freaks, dreadlocks and the most ordinary tourists.

Here they can offer inexpensive bungalows, cheap dinners. But it is better to book a place in advance, otherwise you will have to settle in an expensive hotel. Those who want to splash around in the clear waters, lie down on the soft sand, and gain strength come here. Walking on scooters on hills; pedestrian promenades through the exotic jungle; incredibly beautiful views; observing the local fauna is a great pastime!


A small but very picturesque island popular among tourists for its magnificent landscapes, where majestic cliffs coexist with lush greenery, where there are violent ebbs and flows and wonderful beaches. Many of them have rental equipment for diving, snorkeling (swimming under water with a mask) and other types of entertainment. Particularly famous is Chalok Baan Khao beach, where divers come from all over the world. There is an opportunity to learn diving for everyone under the guidance of professional instructors. The rest also have something to do: group climbing, boat trips to amazing places, paintball games - no one will be bored.

Hua Hin

The oldest mainland resort in Thailand is located in a cozy corner of the coast of the Gulf of Thailand, which was chosen by King Rama 7 for his summer palace, and this laid the foundation for the development of the resort. The Royal Family still prefers to stay here. This fact left a certain imprint on the atmosphere of the resort: peace and order reign here, radiant cleanliness and silence at night.

Luxury hotels with 4-5 stars offer upscale rooms, luxurious suites, which are affordable for wealthy people. Families with children mostly like to relax here. A long beach with white sand is equipped with excellent infrastructure, many golf courses - everything is there for an aristocratic holiday.


This bustling 12-million metropolis is called “Krung Tep – the city of angels” by the inhabitants, although in translation its name sounds like “the city of wild glory”. Probably, the people know the very difficult history of the capital and are grateful that it is now flourishing, being an administrative, business, cultural, historical and industrial center. At first glance, Bangkok impresses with its sky-high skyscrapers, luxury hotels, luxurious palaces and shopping malls, not inferior in beauty, scope and architecture to the famous cities of the world. An eccentric clot of inexhaustible energy lives in it, overflowing. The diverse polyphony of the Thai mega-centre at first deafens, and then you gradually begin to get used to the city symphony.

Looking more closely, you can see that next to the ultra-modern architectural masterpieces are ancient Buddhist pagodas and monuments. ancient history. There are more than 4 hundred of them (pagodas), it is impossible to visit them all, but you should definitely get to the Grand Palace and Wat Phra Keo. This huge architectural complex consists of several majestic buildings, inside which there is something to see and admire. Here is an emerald Buddha statue - a unique shrine of the Thais, everything here is striking in its rich splendor and beauty.

Ready to receive guests all year round. For residents of Russia, accustomed to cold winter and moderate summer, Thailand seems like a paradise country. After all, the gentle and warm sea is added to the hot climate here. But even tropical living conditions are far from always the same, because the season in Thailand is different.

There are two types of separation of holiday conditions in Thailand:

  • By the time of year.
  • At the place of rest.

Let's look at the first point first.

During the year, the climate of Thailand undergoes some changes. And we can talk about the most and least comfortable time spent in the country.

Change in the following sequence.

November - February

The most popular time for tourists. The departed gives place to cool air - a tropical winter has begun. It is not for nothing that in Russia these months are considered the coldest of the year. Rest in Thailand at this time is the most comfortable, but also the most expensive. The country is flooded with millions of tourists.

Price tags for accommodation, meals and excursions skyrocket by 20-40%. At this time, many compatriots come here for "wintering", including those with small children. For those who have health problems, it is also better to choose these particular months for travel. The air temperature during the day is about 28-30 degrees Celsius, and at night about 22. The bright sun and fairly dry air make the stay very pleasant, especially on the coast and islands. But do not forget about sunscreen;

March, April

At this time, there is practically no rain, but the air becomes hotter by 3-5 degrees, which, of course, cannot but affect the comfort of your stay. If by the sea such a difference is compensated by a pleasant breeze - a breeze, then in the depths of the country, especially where "rain" forests, the air becomes excessively humid and stuffy. Not everyone likes the scorching sun. For example, in cities it is better to escape under the air conditioner at this time. If in the countries of Southern Europe the hottest time of the day is called "siesta" and prefer to relax, then in Thailand they simply won’t work if they don’t "sanuk" and not "sabay"- that is not a pleasure.

This season in Thailand, all the street life begins to appear only closer to sunset. Prices at this time of the year are quite high, as many people like "roast" under the sun. But you have to be very careful. For northerners, such solar activity is not typical, so you need to be under direct rays as little as possible. Be sure to use protective creams on the beach, and do not neglect closed clothing outside of it. Even if there is no sun, the ultraviolet makes its way through the clouds and harms the skin. Be careful!

May– august

This is the most favorite season in Thailand for Russians, but unfortunately at this time in the country it's raining . In different regions of the country, its intensity is different. Even the Thais themselves and our compatriots who have been living in Thailand for many years do not give forecasts about the amount of precipitation. However, the so-called "rain season" will not become an obstacle to a good rest. It does not rain all the time, only 3-5 days a week, for a maximum of 2-3 hours. The rest of the time is dry. And even if the sun is not shining, you will get your dose of ultraviolet through the clouds. Be sure to use protective creams even during these months.

May-August is especially attractive because prices for everything in Thailand are reduced, sometimes by 20-30%. There are fewer tourists from Europe, more and more of our compatriots who enjoy savings and lower prices;

September October

If you once saw what a tropical downpour is, then you are unlikely to confuse it with other precipitation. It's raining in Thailand "like from a bucket". In autumn, this spectacle is usually observed for 2-3 hours almost every day. Therefore, during these months there are fewer tourists in Thailand. Prices are minimal when compared with other seasons. Do you doubt when it is cheaper to go to Thailand? Make no mistake, it's September and October. This is the cheapest season in Thailand for a holiday if you close your eyes to the incessant rains.

The combination with hot air gives the feeling of a sauna, especially away from the coast. For example, in Bangkok, such weather is hard to experience if you do not have an air conditioner at your side. In addition, the downpour fills the streets and temples with liquid so quickly that literally after a 20-minute rain, you will have to wander ankle-deep in water on excursions. However, moisture on the ground disappears as quickly as it appears.

But it stays in the air all the time. This weather is not suitable for people with problems in cardiovascular system, with joints and bones. high humidity and heat is a great environment for bacteria. For example: tuberculosis, other infectious diseases. What did not cause trouble at home - in a colder climate, here can "grow" in a matter of days. Keep this in mind.

Need to know

Before visiting Thailand, it is better to consult a doctor. By the way, doctors do not advise changing the climate even healthy people less than 2 weeks. An organism that has received stress in the form of acclimatization will not feel the benefits of a week-long trip. If there is not enough time or money for a longer trip to Thailand, as well as to other tropical countries, then it is better to choose another vacation spot for yourself.

Now let's talk about Where is the best place to relax in Thailand? , for georeferencing.

The islands and the province of Krabi are considered the most expensive and comfortable vacation. The latter due to its natural beauty. The climate on the islands is milder due to coastal winds. is located to the south, and other islands and, unlike the latter, it is located in the Andaman Sea

Indian Ocean. Due to this, the climate here is slightly different - drier and hotter. On the other hand, he is more open to external natural disasters.

Islands located in the Gulf of Thailand are protected from unpredictable things such as tsunamis.


In 2004, it was Phuket that was hit hard by a huge wave that rolled into the southern provinces of Thailand. The islands of the Gulf of Thailand were much more fortunate. There was no damage or casualties. At least they were not comparable to those in Phuket.

But let's not talk about sad things.

Thailand has a very long coastline. It consists of thousands of large and small islands. Choosing where to relax in Thailand is a problem. There are so many interesting places here.

The most popular mainland resort is. Since this is a large city, it is quite dirty here. It's not even so much about the abundance of tourists, but about the features of the seabed. Compared to nearby islands, such as Koh Chang, there is more rainfall here. But rest here is 20-30% cheaper than on the last one.

But Thailand lives not only by the sea alone. There are more than a hundred natural national parks on its territory, including more than 20 marine reserves. You can go north - inland, where no tourist has gone before.

Climate in the north of the country

The climate here is quite different than on the coast. Northern Thailand is not high mountains rather than hills. Nature is sometimes similar to northern Russian, with deciduous trees and lack of palm trees. If on the coast the night temperature does not fall below 20-25 even in winter months, then in the north at night it practically never rises above 20-22 degrees. During the day, the air warms up no higher than 30-35. Comfortable enough for travel. We can say that the climate of the north of Thailand is similar to middle lane Russia, when there is a hot summer. The seasonality of precipitation is comparable to the rest of the territory.

Minus the north in the complete absence of the tourism industry in these regions. On the other hand, it can be an advantage for those who love adventure. If such places as Bangkok, Pattaya and Phuket have been on everyone's lips for many decades, then the north of the country remains unexplored. And perhaps in vain.

The further south we go, the hotter it gets. During the rainy season, the ground is no longer so cool, and the evaporating moisture hangs in the air, creating "bath" Effect. Therefore, the popularity of coastal recreation is also due to climatic factors. Here the air does not stagnate, it is renewed by the breeze, due to this it is more comfortable and it is easier to breathe.

Summing up, we can say that Thailand will be glad to see you at any time of the year. The rainy season is compensated by low prices for accommodation and food, while the cool season is comfortable, attracts a maximum of tourists from all over the world and, of course, is characterized by increased prices. What you choose for yourself is up to you!

Have a nice trip!

Hello dear readers!

Are you going to Thailand? In this article, you will find out what time of the year is best for have a good rest in Thailand.

The main criteria for choosing the time of year are weather And peak tourist season , during which there is a massive influx of tourists from all over the globe and these circumstances are inextricably linked with each other.

Climate in Thailand

Thailand is located in two climatic zones: subtropical monsoon climate prevails in most of the country and equatorial on the Malay Peninsula. This results in both temperature differences and differences in humidity levels.

Therefore, it happens that, for example, in Bangkok it can rain, be stuffy and steamy, and on the Andaman coast it will be clear, sunny and dry. There are even differences between the resorts and the islands themselves.

Despite the short distance, it happens that on Phuket we will be met torrential rains, and on Koh Samui will be beautiful sunny weather and vice versa.

three seasons

There are three weather seasons in Thailand: hot, rain And cold. However, it is warm here throughout the year.

hot period starts here in March and lasts I'm at home. It is characterized by lack of precipitation, high temperature and high humidity air, especially in the central part of the country and Bangkok.

This leads to the fact that the perceived temperature in the capital is much higher than the real one and reaches 38°C!

The rainy season falls on the period from late May to October. However, this does not mean that there are continuous heavy rains all over Thailand at this time.

Most of the precipitation occurs in August and September. Rain at this time short but pretty plentiful.

At this time of the year, rain can be found everywhere, but despite this, sunny and hot days can also please tourists. It rarely happens that it rains continuously for whole days.

Cold season in Thailand lasts November to February. “Cold” is only a conventional name, since throughout the year we are dealing with high temperatures reaching over 30 °C.

During this period, there is practically no precipitation, although occasionally it can rain a little.

Humidity is much less, although it also remains high in Bangkok and the suburbs.

Best time to travel

Best time to travel to Thailand is definitely cold season, during which you will not be disturbed by too high temperatures and rains. At this time, the weather is optimal throughout the country.

This period is ideal for both sightseeing trips and relaxing on the beach. Some prefer the very beginning of the rainy season, as during this period the air becomes fresher.

However, it should be remembered that because of dropping out more and more often or even continuous rains May be limited access to some places, such as national parks . However, the early rainy season should not prevent you from relaxing in the south of Thailand, on one of the local beaches.

Strongly it is recommended not to travel in hot weather due too high temperatures and air humidity. And if you still find yourself there during the hottest time, from March to May, it is best to immediately go to the coast to compensate for the heat by swimming in the sea.

Most travel agencies organize trips to Thailand during the cold season. It leads to massive influx of tourists to local resort towns.

Thailand is a very fashionable destination not only among tourists from Europe and Russia, but also closer to Australia. Summer in Australia, and at the same time, the holiday season begins around December. Therefore, places like Phuket are filled with tourists at this time.

If you want a more relaxing holiday, then you can choose another, not the most comfortable time of the year, or find a place that is not the most popular.

So, best time for a trip to Thailand is the period November to February. This is the time when Nice weather will accompany both visiting monuments and getting to know the culture and customs, as well as relaxing on the beach.

Some believe that every season is good, and the choice depends solely on the purpose of the trip. For example, you can always go to the sea, and at any time of the year there is a place where, both the weather and other factors will accompany the best vacation.

When is the best time to go on holiday in Thailand?

Do you want to visit Thailand, but do not know when is the best time to go to this country? It is a real art to guess when ideal conditions will reign in the country, the weather that is perfect for a particular tourist. to someone the best vacation there will be visits to Thai resorts during the heat wave, and for some, the rainy season will not interfere with entertainment. Of course, for the bulk of tourists, Thailand is more interesting during the “cool” period, but there are no strict criteria for the seasons.

When to go to Thailand for heat lovers?

The heat season in the resorts of this country usually begins in March and ends in May, reaching its peak in April. If tourists are not afraid of the generous sun and rather difficult weather for an unprepared body, it is better for them to go to Bangkok (where it is especially hot, but there is an opportunity to get discounts on shopping) or to the islands (measured beach holiday would be ideal). It is not very good to go diving during this period of time, since in March-May a lot of plankton appears in the seas, but it is quite possible to have fun with surfing.

Rest for those who are not afraid of rain

In the period from June to October (peak - September), the weather reigning in the resorts can be safely called wet and rainy. But this is not a reason to refuse a trip here - the rains, although they are intense, pass in a few minutes, cooling the air and saturating it with freshness. Those who are not afraid of humidity should visit resorts in the southern part of the country - it is always warm here even when it is cloudy. Perhaps at this time the beach vacation will not be implemented so successfully, but fishing, excursions, shopping and similar entertainment will be excellent. Moreover, the rainy season has a good effect on prices - discounts can be obtained both for tours and for hotel accommodation.

Time for connoisseurs of coolness in Thai resorts

If you want to relax with the weather comfortable, not too hot and not too humid, you should go to Thailand during the "dry" season, which lasts from November to February. Minimum rainfall, pleasant sun, optimum temperature air and water give guests of Thai resorts an even tan on the islands of Koh Samui and Phuket, as well as great pleasure from staying in the country without stuffiness and other similar troubles. However, such a pleasant vacation can also be accompanied by troubles - high service prices and lack of free rooms in hotels.

Holiday season from November to February

In Thailand, you can relax all year round - there is a division into seasons here, but it is so conditional that only Russian tour operators adhere to it. If our compatriots decide to go to this country on vacation, they will have to remember the following information. The "high" season in Thai resorts takes place during the period November-February, when the weather can be said to be "cool and dry." "Low season" is rainy season from June to October and hot season from March to May.

When is the cheapest time to go to Thailand?

Russian tourists can relax in Thailand without spending too much money during the so-called "low" seasons - a period of tropical rains and excessively dry heat. The criteria for the seasons are blurred, as in this country there are many tourists at any time of the year, and the service, both in rain and in cool weather, remains consistently high.

Unlike Russia, Thailand has only three seasons, and they are called “dry”, “wet” and “rainy season”. We are often asked: is it possible to go to Thailand during the rainy season? These seasons relate more to central and northern Thailand, while the resorts are located in the south, and therefore it is believed that this country is suitable for year-round visits, with a few nuances.

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January - mid-May- the ideal time to visit any resorts in Thailand. As a rule, there is no rain at all, they gradually begin in April - Thais on this occasion celebrate the Songkran holiday, their New Year. If a trip to Thailand is scheduled for the period of the Russian May holidays, then keep in mind that in Northern Thailand - Chiang Mai - it is already quite humid, the comfort is not the same. For those who want to avoid the crowds of tourists in high season in Thailand, we recommend the Hua Hin resort located near Bangkok: there are no Russians there at all:

June August- smart period of visiting Thailand. It is believed that the wet season has arrived. The number of tourists is noticeably decreasing, but at the same time, prices for hotels and resorts in Thailand are falling. At the same time, the rains are short, they fall mainly at night, and bring not so much discomfort as freshness and coolness. Combined with sale tickets to Bangkok, which on these dates are barely more expensive than tickets to European destinations, a holiday in Thailand in the summer can be a great alternative to Europe, on the beaches of which there is nowhere to fall an apple. From the resorts of Thailand during this period, Phuket is quite comfortable:

September - mid-November- a great time to visit Koh Samui and the small islands nearby. On Koh Tao in September is the best time for snorkeling or diving.

November December– quite humid in Phuket, but at the same time this is the period of the most low prices. A great chance to stay in some secluded boutique hotel, which will cost several times cheaper than in the high season. On Koh Samui, rest can darken the sky, periodically covered with a white haze - but it all depends on the wind, it can clear up within a few minutes. Tip for this period - go to the Koh Chang Islands:

January- the traditional peak of the season for Russians in Thailand, our New Year holidays. It coincides with the best time to visit any resorts in Thailand. If for some reason you choose this period, we advise you to buy tickets and book hotels several months in advance. In December, direct (or with a convenient connection) tickets to Bangkok are much more expensive, you have to come up with a difficult route, and not the best options remain from hotels.

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