The best photos of oxymiron. Oksimiron (Oxxxymiron) - Biography, personal life, photo, Versus Oksimiron is talking to a girl

Interesting 02.08.2019

Rapper Oxxxymiron (Miron Fedorov) was born in 1985 in St. Petersburg. After 9 years, the future artist moved with his parents to Germany, where, in fact, he began to take his first creative steps, performing under a pseudonym. Photographs of Oksimiron from this period of his life have been preserved in a small number.

At the age of 15, Miron was waiting for another move. This time, the rapper was brought to England, to the city of Slough, where he shows success in his studies and in 2004 enters Oxford at the Faculty of English Literature. The artist himself says that studying at Oxford did not greatly affect his erudition. Photos of Oksimiron from Oxford are also presented in small numbers.

2008 can be considered the starting point in Oksimiron's career. The artist had a promising job in one of the London offices, but at the same time he fruitfully collaborated with rappers from Optik Russia. In 2010, Miron quit his job, rented cheap housing in one of the London ghettos, left Optik Russia and started recording his first album, Eternal Jew. After the release of the record, Oxy goes on a small tour with his colleague Shockk.

In the future, Miron will have a conflict with Shockk, a series of battles on the Restaurateur site, the release of the second full-length album, packed concert halls and rising to the podium of Russian rap.

Photo of Oksimiron with a girl

But first, let's deal with the rapper's personal life, the backstage of which is no less interesting. Oksimiron is credited with relationships with at least four friends:

  • ex-wife in England;
  • Sonya Dukk;
  • Sonya Grese;
  • Olga Seryabkina from the Serebro group.

Rumor has it that Miron got married in London in 2007. The performer himself never announced his marriage in England, and photo Oxxxymiron with the alleged ex-wife there are only two. Ex-wife Oksimiron in this photo is second to the left of the rapper:

And here she is in a red dress:

However, information about Oxxxymiron's marriage is more like bad joke haters. Myron's only deep relationship was with Sonya Dukk. Almost nothing is written about them on the Internet, but it is known for sure that the couple has been together for several years. Photos of Oksimiron with Sonya Dukk only confirm the depth of their relationship.

Another Sonya in Miron's life is Sonya Greze, whose name was mentioned during the battle of Oxy against Purulent. There is none on the web joint photo Oxxxymiron with Sonya Grese, although in public they declare that they maintain warm friendly relations. Sonya herself looks like this:

Oksimiron's most stellar girlfriend is Olga Serebkina from the Russian pop group Silver. In August 2015, Oksimiron rescued the Silver group at one of their concerts: when the girls had problems with the equipment, Miron went on stage and read out an excerpt from the battle against Joniboy. After that, a lot of rumors appeared on the Internet about the relationship between Oksya and Serebkina, but there are no photos of Oksimiron and Olya confirming these rumors. The artists have only a few selfies from social events and photos from the very concert where he helped the girls.

It is also known that Miron had a relationship with ex-girlfriend Pasha Technique. intimate photos Oksimiron with ex girlfriend The technique was posted on the Internet by Pasha Technician himself. For ethical reasons, we did not publish them.

Photos of Oksimiron (Oxxxymiron) at concerts

The artist began to gather large halls during a tour in support of the Gorgorod album, which was released in 2015. Oksimiron photos from this tour are available in abundance.

After the release of the album, Oxy even appeared on TV in the Evening Urgant program.

In 2017 Oxxxymiron started new round his career. The first half of 2017, the rapper sat in the shadows and worked mainly on a collab with Reebok, and in August 2017.

After the defeat from Purulent, Miron released several feats, announced about and performed well in the international.

On November 6, 2017, Oksimiron for the first time in his career gathered a full hall in the Olympic, which can accommodate 35 thousand spectators.

If you come to our library, we will give you the Torah with the commentaries of the sages in Russian. And you will be able to touch not only the source of the world's major religions, but also the work of rapper Oxxxymiron. If you appreciate what he does and want to understand more deeply, then start with Jewish traditions.

Why is rap even talked about in the synagogue?

I am a historian, curator of the synagogue library, and they may object to me: “Why are you Jews getting into rap with us?” But contemporary art is a space where walls and barriers have long since collapsed. All formalities, such as religion, nationality, sex, gender, age, are very conditional, one flows into another, everything is free and open. Rap today is part of culture and history. There are no borders, the membranes are very thin, we can all exchange experiences and worldviews.

Oksimiron is more interesting than Pharaoh

For the first time I heard the names Oksimiron, Pharaoh and ATL in an interview with Sergey Shnurov to Yuri Dudyu. ATL didn't hook me, Pharaoh was talking about doing something to his friend's girlfriend five minutes ago - it's very dark. Viktor Tsoi, for example, also has a lot of depression, but it is clear that he is uncomfortable in this, and he wants to get out, but this rapper is already fine. Then I got to Oksimiron. He had less harshness and vulgarity, and I learned about his Jewish origin, which increased my interest.

If you appreciate the work of Oksimiron and want to understand it deeper, then start with Jewish traditions

Why Oksimiron did not agree to an interview with Dud

His statements show how well-read a person he is, deeply analyzing the world around him. The tragicomic nature of Dud's situation lies in the fact that his entire project was created to interview Oksimiron. Of course, he wanted to talk to him, because he is fashionable, interesting and rich. But Yura, when he tried to negotiate with him, said that Oxy would soon have big tours, and the show would help him gather the halls. This hurt Miron as a person who subtly feels the media space. He knows what will happen tomorrow, what will be fashionable in a year or two. He always disappeared on time for several years, paused and appeared when needed. And all this 100% worked for his image, image and popularity.

Miron has a feature that is inherent in many Jews of creative professions of the last 150-200 years - this is a sense of their own path. Marc Chagall's mother told him that he would never become an artist, and that he would rather be a clerk, like dad, or a merchant, but he had his own vision. The same with Brodsky - he felt that he was being led by a star. The same goes for Myron. When he was offered to take part in a TV show in the early 2000s, he understood that this was a dying format, and refused. We came to this only in 2017, when even such screen stars as Vanya Urgant started talking about it.

Our rockers are hopelessly outdated, because they are still guided by the ways of broadcasting creativity that have lost their influence. It suffocates them, does not allow them to be alive and relevant. Rappers have long given up on this and are moving in the underground. I felt last year that YouTube is a force.

How chutzpah helped Oksimiron

In the 19th century, knowledge and information become the main value. But what did the Jews do for the previous three thousand years? Passed information! And so it turned out that all their potential, informational and cultural, was revealed in this century. Do not tell Miron about this, he will not like it: I believe that now we are seeing a repetition of the same model. Jews don't have to be rap singers brilliant physicists, create Google, produce Dr. Dre. They must keep the commandments, learn the Torah, comprehend themselves and this world. The self-development that psychologists tell you about is an old Jewish trick that is already 3300 years old: do something useful all the time, do not stop, know when to speak and when to restrain yourself. In my opinion, all these national traits are reflected in Myron.

Here we also see a repetition of another old scenario: a Jew breaks into a different culture and reveals his talent in it. Because tradition says that when the Jews left Egypt and approached Mount Sinai, they received chutzpah - this is what boldness, arrogance is called. In fact, this is a special energy that the Almighty gave to the Jews so that they keep the commandments. She began to go instead of religion to secular things, and they became laureates Nobel Prize, Brodsky and Trotsky. Miron thinks so or not, but his chutzpah is manifested in the way he writes texts, works with diction and presentation.

Miron has a feature that is inherent in many Jews of creative professions of the last 150-200 years: this is a sense of one's own path

Battle with Purulent

The battle with Cripple is a competition between a loser and an excellent student. Battle with ST - a perfectionist with a romantic. But the meeting with Purulent is a clash between provincial and European Russia. Glory is an amazing character. His speech contains the slogan of the country, which is now being imposed on us from everywhere, and some people adhere to it: I don’t want to take responsibility for my life, fate, let someone take it instead of me, I don’t want fame. It comes from this: how much do you think it costs to live in Russia? Mine, Glory, Miron, yours - exactly zero. And this position is in Purulent: I will proudly be a nobody, and I will not make any efforts. He understands that he means nothing to his country.

But he also has a contradiction - he knows that he is a man. And this is the interlocutor of God, his partner in correcting the world. And so he has such intonation, resentment, that we are great, but we are underestimated. Some Russians have this, but it is especially evident in Slava. Why did he, such an underground, go on TV, and the whole anti-hype turned into hype-glamour? Because of this contradiction: it seems that he came from the outback, no one needs him, and then suddenly they are called to another world, to the TV, and it seems that they noticed another part of his personality. And Miron has long felt that he is a man, and treats himself with respect. But at the same time, he feels disagreement with this world. And "Gorgorod" is just about what surrounding reality need to be corrected.

Recorded by Valeria Chuchman

Oksimiron (oxxxymiron, Twitter - norimyxxxo) is a Russian rap artist. The artist's life is full of various events that he describes in his texts. Today Okismiron is a popular performer. But it was not always so.

In this article we will tell the biography of the rapper and about his creative way, about Oksimiron's music labels.

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Oksimiron, biography - who is, his story

Real name - Fedorov Miron (Wikipedia). He was born in St. Petersburg on January 31, 1985. Oksimiron's parents intelligent people- dad is a theoretical physicist, and mom is a librarian. Miron studied at a regular school in St. Petersburg No. 185.

At the age of nine, Miron and his parents change their place of residence. The family moves to Germany, the city of Essen. Miron enters the prestigious Maria Wechtler Gymnasium. According to Miron, his relationship with new classmates was not ideal. He would later describe them in his song "Last Call".

He composed his first rap at the age of 13. At this time, he organized a group with friends. He took the pseudonym MIF, an abbreviated form of the name and surname. In an interview with one publication, Oksimiron said that the group was organized jointly with Saga, who was one hundred percent sure that Miron was the first Russian rap artist. But Miron himself did not have such confidence.

Student years

At the age of fifteen, he moved to the UK. Here he graduated from high school and Oxford Institute. He studied English medieval literature. As he later tells in an interview, the institute did not give him anything, just show-offs. It's just a good institute, where he was accepted, and he chose such a direction, because none of the Russians studied in this direction.

It is worth noting that Miron was diagnosed in 2006 "affective insanity". For this reason, he was expelled from the institute, but managed to enter again. In 2008, his studies ended. At the institute, he did everything, but did not study. He was on the student council. It was there that he made his first useful contacts.

After graduation, he realized that he did not need to work in the office. Moreover, the received profession was not in demand. As Miron himself said in an interview, he worked in different jobs:

  • Seller.
  • Translator.
  • Loader.
  • Tutor.
  • Consultant and entertainer.

But he decided to return to music. Moreover, his circle of friends supported him in this. He took on a new pseudonym "Oxxxymiron".

Oxymiron's work in 2001 and a seven-year vacation

At the beginning of his career Miron met many rappers and even managed to release several tracks:

  • Best MS.
  • Stone Age of Russian Poetry.
  • There was also another track that is currently lost - it's a freestyle bardcore demo.

In 2001, he participated in the first hip-hop rap battle. ru. I only made it to the second round. He was removed from the competition due to the fact that he did not send a track for the second round on time.

From an interview with oxymiron found out that he wrote not very good lyrics. That is why he decided to leave this field of activity. He did not perform for several years in a row.

Creativity since 2008–2010

After seven years of inactivity, he returns to music and to rap. In 2008, he released the track "London Against All". After that, he was noticed by the German label of Russian-speaking emigrants - Optik Russiarude. There he met Dmitry Hinter and got his first listeners. In the same year, Miron shoots his first video "I'm a hater."

In 2009 he returned to the hip-hopa battle. This time he managed to reach the semi-finals. At the end, according to this version, the Miron portal became the winner in various categories:

  • He became the best MC of the battle.
  • He became the breakthrough of the battle.
  • It became a discovery in 2009.
  • He won the Best Hip Hop Artist nomination.

In 2010 year Myron leaves the label. He explained this by saying that his interests do not coincide with the interests of the label.

Creating your own label

After Miron left the former label, the question arose of a new one. And he found it, or rather invented it himself. Its new logo is called Vagabund. Translated from German, this is the Wanderer.

In the autumn of the same year, Oksimiron and Schok go on a big tour of the countries of the former Soviet Union. The name of the tour is the October event.

Two albums were released under this label:

  • Schok - From the big road.
  • Oksimiron - Eternal Jew.

Miron's album received many positive reviews. These albums came out at the same time September 15, 2011. After that, the composition of the label began to tour the CIS countries.

In the same year, Miron decides to leave the label and gives the last concerts as part of this team. After a conflict with Roma Zhigan, Miron gives a free concert and leaves for London.

Creative life since 2012

In 2012 Miron creates an Internet release called miXXXtape I. The most successful lines from songs that were recorded from 2008 to 2011 are voiced there.

A year later, the second release comes out: "miXXXtape II: Long way home." This release features songs that were recorded in 2012–2013. In between, excerpts from Miron's performances at the famous rap battle Versus are inserted. The excerpts are mixed. Excerpts from the battle between Oxymiron and Cripple. This is the third edition of the battle, in which Miron won. The video was the first on the site's official channel to get more than 4 million views.

In 2014 Miron accepted a challenge from rapper Dunya. The event was open. And Oksimiron won this dispute.

The release of Miron's second album was scheduled for August 8, 2014. But for some reason, its release was postponed.

In 2015 Miron continued to participate in battles on a well-known rap site. The third season began with a competition between Oksimiron and Joniboy. By tradition, Myron won the battle. He did not leave a single chance to his young opponent. All judges voted for Miron. The video of the battle gained 1 million views in one day. It was a hit record. This is what drew attention to the person of Miron, the famous Canadian battle KOTDruen and one of the best MCs in the world - Dizaster.

Other rappers were Oksimiron's rivals, for example, in 2016, ST. Myron also won the battle dry. It is worth noting that this video was blocked on the YouTube channel.

In August 2017 of the year, the most anticipated duel between Oksimiron and Glory of the CPSU, also known as Purulent, took place. It all started with a battle between Purulent and Ernesto Shut up. Slava decided to dedicate the entire second round to Oksimiron. In his statements, Purulent accused Miron of hypocrisy and doing everything for the sake of hype. Miron did not wait long and challenged Slava to a rap battle.

Before this battle, none of the rappers lost their fights. This time, Oksimiron turned out to be on the side of the loser. He lost to Slava CPSU dry. There were five judges at the battle, who voted for Slava. About 10 million people watched the video in one day.

Album release and other commemorative events

The long awaited album is out! November 13, 2015 and was called "Gorgorod". In the same year, a video was presented for the song "Londongrad" from the series of the same name. A video was also shot for the song "City Under the Sole".

In 2017, Miron became the face of the Reebok Classic brand in our country. He also became the head of the booking agency, with which he has collaborated since 2012.

Creativity Miron does not leave anyone indifferent. Probably, in our country there is no such person who would not know his name and did not hear his tracks. It is impossible to say that everyone likes him, but still he has a lot of fans. In an interview, he said that many listen to him, “because they think that I graduated from Oxford, that's why I write such tracks. But actually it is not". Yes, he studied and was educated at a prestigious university. As he himself said, this education gave - nothing.

He has a difficult life, which is reflected in his texts, maybe not in all. To say that he is the best rap artist in our country is probably true. But only because he does his job and does it well.

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Well, friends, it's time to "yellow" and grow a couple of stories about the personal lives of musicians. We will start, as you may have guessed, with Oksimiron.

Yandex is full of requests like “ex-Oxy”, “Oxy's girlfriend”, etc. The rapper himself does not comment on this, so we will collect information from rumors, fragments of phrases in songs and mentions in interviews. Three topics are found on the Internet for the query "Oxymiron's Girl": a bunch of photos of him with Sonya Dukk, a story about an alleged relationship with Sonya Grese, and a story about his ex-wife in London. Let's talk about everything in order.

The Internet is full of photos of Oksimiron and Sonya - a short-haired blonde with a wide smile. In fact, this is the only girl about whom you can say for sure - this is former Oksimiron. It is strange that there is little information about their relationship on the Internet, practically none (unlike the same Sonya Grese).

By the way, the lines of Joniboy in the battle with Oxy were about her:

I just saw your chick or guy Chick or guy, chick or guy I just don't understand something

Your ex has less hair than I have on my scrotum.

2) Ex-wife in London

There is no official information about Oksimiron's wife, as well as reliable photographs. He mentioned her in the song "Yeti and Children": "I became a star. You would be totally crazy to see how I live with my wife in a one-room kennel. The rest is speculation and gossip.

They say that Miron got married in the summer of 2007, but only close friends were at the wedding, and all the photos remained in personal archives. A year later, the couple divorced, so far Oksimiron is not married.

The Internet is full of photoshopped pictures, but two of the photos seem to be called real. On the first, this is allegedly the extreme girl on the right, on the second - in a red dress. It seems like a lie, but we still show you these pictures:

3) Sonya Grese

On the Internet, you can’t find a single photo where Sonya would be with Oksimiron. But there is a lot of information that they met, that Sonya does not advertise this relationship, because she does not want to advance at the expense of ex boyfriend etc. The only thing that can be said for sure: Miron and Sonya were friends or good acquaintances.

If you dig deeper, the story of their relationship even more resembles fiction. Sonya was friends with Oksimiron's girlfriend - Sonya Dukk, hung out in the company, but there are no traces of the relationship between Grese and Miron.

Apparently, they were in the same company, and gossip about their relationship was born just like thousands of other strange rumors on the Internet.


We explain all the incomprehensible words from the battle of Oksimiron and Purulent

Continuing to talk about the main event of last night - the Versus battle between Oxxxymiron and Purulent, we will explain everything that you most likely did not understand. At least we'll try. Trust me, it's not easy for us either.

What other personality? That I drink urine? Or the fact that you dated Sonya Grese?

This is the territory of post-truth, it does not matter what kind of infa is real.

What personalities, the number of punches decides here!

Sonya Grese

Sonya Grese is supposedly Oksimiron's ex-girlfriend, whom he met after he was married (whom is unknown).

When Ernesto Shut Up battled Purulent, he said: "At 15, when you were initiated into punks, you drank piss out of a sneaker." And he answered him: “These were not sneakers, these were my“ patrols ””.

Fix the time of death - 17:03!

1703 - the year of foundation of St. Petersburg, the hometown of Miron Fedorov. Also 1703 is the name of the bar where Versus battles traditionally take place. And Oksimiron also has a tattoo on his neck - 1703.


You are not Slovo or Versus, fake branch, impostors.

Die, Slovo SPB!

You are the budget version of Versus

Purulent - funny cosplay on me.

We are waiting for the screensaver, as Cheney drives the Lexus to the 1702 bar.

Dan Cheney and Restaurateur

In the second round, Oksimiron criticized Slovo SPB (the battle team of opponents of Versus), spoke about their envy of Versus and hypocrisy towards his “big brother” Slovo, from whom they had once separated.

"Versus" begins with a similar splash screen. In it, the Restaurateur (creator, organizer and presenter of Versus) drives his BMW in 1703.

Cheney - Dan Cheney, organizer and presenter of Slovo SPB.

What? Was he rooting for Russia so much that he was losing ganglia on his nerves?

But when there were rallies, where were you sitting?

In England!

In his album "Gorgorod" Oksimiron criticized the political system modern Russia, but the rapper himself lived in the UK from the age of 15, where he graduated from Oxford.

I took your favorite thing from you like kidnapping

After all, thanks to me, grime in Russia is fast-flow battles!

Oksimiron is the main domestic grime artist, which he himself reminds of all the time.

Kidnapping is the kidnapping of children (or people in general).

Fast-flow - reading for speed, taking into account the rhythm.


Is everything learned? Krasava, a man tormented by Ramzan.

Ernesto Shut Up vs. Purulent

Here Miron refers to Purulent with Chechnya, when he read in a battle with Ernesto Shut up: “But for fun I’m telling the truth: once after the operating section I told a Muslim woman that she had a pig’s heart.” It all ended with a public apology.

Don't trust the Jew

'Cause when he says he throws you a lifeline

Your career is going down.

Oxxxymiron vs. Johnyboy

Here Purulent made a reference to Oksimiron's battle with Johnyboy, to whom Miron told that he was throwing him a "lifeline".

You considered Guf [garbage], and now you seem to be dragging yourself with him.

Either you are an opportunist, or only over the years could appreciate Guf's talent.

Oxxxymiron vs. ST

This is a reference to Oksimiron's battle with ST, when Miron said: “There has been a burry talent in Moscow for a long time, and it's not you,” meaning, of course, Guf.

The album is so [rubbish] that Noyz praises it.

You said he was a graphomaniac to the core.

And he praises Gorgorod, and not, for example, your first Mixxxtape.

This is not accidental, because the garden is a tortured [garbage].

I see not 11 tracks, but 11 terms of raping myself.

Noize MC and Oxxxymiron

“The Oksimiron album made a very strong impression on me, probably this is the most important record of this year for me,” Noize MC said about the Gorgorod album.

The best photos of Oksimiron

Rapper Oxxxymiron (Miron Fedorov) was born in 1985 in St. Petersburg. After 9 years, the future artist moved with his parents to Germany, where, in fact, he began to take his first creative steps, performing under the pseudonym MC Mif. Photographs of Oksimiron from this period of his life have been preserved in a small number.

At the age of 15, Miron was waiting for another move. This time, the rapper was brought to England, to the city of Slough, where he shows success in his studies and in 2004 enters Oxford at the Faculty of English Literature. The artist himself says that studying at Oxford did not greatly affect his erudition. Photos of Oksimiron from Oxford are also presented in small numbers.

2008 can be considered the starting point in Oksimiron's career. The artist had a promising job in one of the London offices, but at the same time he fruitfully collaborated with rappers from Optik Russia. In 2010, Miron quit his job, rented cheap housing in one of the London ghettos, left Optik Russia and started recording his first album, Eternal Jew. After the release of the record, Oxy goes on a small tour with his colleague Shockk.

In the future, Miron will have a conflict with Shockk, a series of battles at the Restorar, the release of the second full-length album, packed concert halls and rising to the podium of Russian rap.

Photo of Oksimiron with a girl

But first, let's deal with the rapper's personal life, the backstage of which is no less interesting. Oksimiron is credited with relationships with at least four friends:

  • ex-wife in England;
  • Sonya Dukk;
  • Sonya Grese;
  • Olga Seryabkina from the Serebro group.

Rumor has it that Miron got married in London in 2007. The performer himself never announced his marriage in England, and there are only two photos of Oxxxymiron with his alleged ex-wife. Oksimiron's ex-wife in this photo is second to the left of the rapper:

And here she is in a red dress:

However, information about Oxxxymiron's marriage is more like a cruel joke of haters. Myron's only deep relationship was with Sonya Dukk. Almost nothing is written about them on the Internet, but it is known for sure that the couple has been together for several years. Photos of Oksimiron with Sonya Dukk only confirm the depth of their relationship.

Another Sonya in Miron's life is Sonya Greze, whose name was mentioned during the battle of Oxy against Purulent. There is not a single joint photo of Oxxxymiron with Sonya Grese on the network, although in public they declare that they maintain warm friendly relations. Sonya herself looks like this:

Oksimiron's most stellar girlfriend is Olga Serebkina from the Russian pop group Silver. In August 2015, Oksimiron rescued the Silver group at one of their concerts: when the girls had problems with the equipment, Miron went on stage and read out an excerpt from the battle against Joniboy. After that, a lot of rumors appeared on the Internet about the relationship between Oksya and Serebkina, but there are no photos of Oksimiron and Olya confirming these rumors. The artists have only a few selfies from social events and photos from the very concert where he helped the girls.

It is also known that Miron had an affair with Pasha's ex-girlfriend Technique. Pasha Technik himself posted intimate photos of Oksimiron with his ex-girlfriend Technician on the Internet. For ethical reasons, we did not publish them.

Photos of Oksimiron (Oxxxymiron) at concerts

The artist began to gather large halls during a tour in support of the Gorgorod album, which was released in 2015. Oksimiron photos from this tour are available in abundance.

After the release of the album, Oxy even appeared on TV in the Evening Urgant program.

In 2017, Oxxxymiron began a new round of his career. For the first half of 2017, the rapper sat in the shadows and worked mainly on a collab with Reebok, and in August 2017 he lost a battle to Purulent.

After the defeat from Purulent, Myron released several feats, announced the filming of the movie "Empire V" and performed well in the international battle against Dizaster.

On November 6, 2017, Oksimiron for the first time in his career gathered a full hall in the Olympic, which can accommodate 35 thousand spectators.


He is often compared to Eminem, because in the biographies of both these guys there is a thorny road to fame. Oksimiron (Oxxxymiron) is called an erudite who revived Russian rap. This well-read guy will not go into his pocket for a word: in Versus Battle ah Miron Fedorov won more than once. Although the guy appeared on the hip-hop scene in 2008, his popularity has not subsided so far: fans memorize Oxy's couplets, and some even get tattoos with his portrait.

Childhood and youth

Miron Yanovich Fedorov (real name of the singer) was born on January 31, 1985 in the city on the Neva (Leningrad, USSR). The future rap artist grew up in the average intelligent family: father was educated as a theoretical physicist and worked in the scientific field, and his mother worked in the local library. Initially, the boy studied at the local Leningrad school No. 185, but then, when Oxy was 9 years old, the Fedorov family moved to historical city Essen (Germany).

Oksimiron in 2017

Emigration was due to the fact that the head of the family was offered a new position. Miron often recalled that he, a Russian boy who did not know German language It was difficult to adapt in a foreign country. He entered the elite Maria Wachtler gymnasium, but each new lesson was unbearable torture, because classmates accepted Fedorov indifferently: major boys and girls constantly made fun of a new student. By the way, later all these events and emotional experiences of Miron will be reflected in an early song called “ Last call» (2009).

Oksimiron in childhood

When the young man was 15 years old, he and his parents moved to Slough (Beckshire, UK). According to Miron, in this godforsaken town, programs a la “Cops at gunpoint” were constantly filmed: pious keepers of order confiscated bags of powder and various crystals from criminals, filming what was happening on camera. However, this is not surprising, because at that time Slough was considered a hot spot where, as in the TV series Breaking Bad, the drug trade flourished.

Oksimiron in childhood

The school where the future rapper studied was half Pakistani, and there were many chavs among the students (chav is a derogatory nickname for a certain group of white people in the UK, as a rule, these are white teenagers from working families who are distinguished by antisocial behavior). Although Miron's environment was similar to what Irvine Welsh describes in his novels, the guy developed warm relationship with classmates.

Oksimiron in his youth

Therefore, nothing prevented the gifted young man from plunging into his studies: the guy pored over textbooks and pleased his parents with good grades in his diary. On the advice of an English history teacher, the rapper entered Oxford. Miron chose the specialty "English medieval literature". At the university, studying with the rapper was difficult: it was difficult for Fedorov to adapt to a society that consisted of Anglo-Saxons from the elite, while he positioned himself as a "native of the peasants." In 2006, Miron was diagnosed with bipolar personality disorder. For this reason, he was expelled from the university, but then recovered again. In 2008, Oksimiron received a diploma.


Oxy started making music back in early age. It started in Germany: because of emotional experiences, a 13-year-old boy under the pseudonym Mif began to plunge headlong into rap. Initially, he performed recitatives in German, but later began to use his native language. At that time, Miron thought that he would become a kind of innovator, the first person who thought of rapping in Russian. Then there were no Russian emigrants around the guy, so he did not suspect how deeply he was mistaken.

Rapper Oksimiron

However, the illusion did not last long: after a trip to his homeland, the guy found out that the niche of Russian rap had long been occupied, having found cassettes of the Baltic clan and Ch-Rap, the repertoire of which he perceived as primitive counting rhymes. In the 2000s, when Miron and his family moved to England, he got the Internet. Thanks to him, the guy appreciated the scale of Russian rap. Around the same time, a gifted young man appeared on the Hip-Hop.Ru website, where he demonstrated his skills to users.

Later, Oxy realized that although his repertoire differs from the uncomplicated work of his colleagues in the shop, it still does not reach perfection. Therefore, Fedorov stopped putting his songs on public display and rapped for himself.

Oksimiron graduated from Oxford

After graduating from Oxford, Miron was not just anyone: he worked as a cashier-translator, office clerk, builder, tutor, etc., sometimes he worked 12-15 hours a day without days off. The fact is that in England, the leaders of small companies are afraid to take poor smart people with diplomas from influential universities, while prestigious companies are staffed by an elite - people from wealthy families. Therefore, with an Oxford diploma, you can get out of rags to riches only outside the United Kingdom.

Oxy said that, like Raskolnikov, he had to live in a basement without a door, and later he moved to an unfurnished apartment, which was rented out by a Palestinian fraudster. At this time, the singer met another performer - Shokk.

Rapper Oksimiron

In 2007, Oxy made friends in Green Park with a local Russian party, due to the influence of which the young man began to record songs again. Thus, in 2008, the track "London against everyone" was released. The gifted guy was immediately noticed by the popular OptikRussia label, through which Fedorov acquired the first wave of fans. At the same time, Miron delighted fans with his debut video "I'm a hater."

A year later, Oksimiron took part in the independent rap battle The talented performer reached the semi-finals and became the winner in several categories, for example, "Best Battle MC", "Opening 2009", "Battle Breakthrough", etc. Later, Fedorov left the OptikRussia label due to a mismatch of creative interests.

Oksimiron logo

In 2011, Miron, together with his partner Shokk and manager Ivan, created the Vagabund label, which included debut album rapper "Eternal Jew". Due to a conflict with Roma Zhigan, Fedorov left the label and gave a free solo concert in Moscow as the final tour. Later he moved to London.

In 2012, Oksimiron presented the Internet release of the miXXXtape I mixtape, and in 2013 the second collection of songs miXXXtape II: Long Way Home was released, which contained compositions released in 2012–13 (Lie Detector "," Tumbler", "Before winter", "Not of this world", "Signs of life").

In 2014, the guy recorded the song “I'm Bored of Life” with LSP, and then their fans heard the common track “Madness”. Later, due to disagreements between the guys, a conflict arose. In 2015, Oxxxymiron delighted admirers of his work with a video for the song "Londongrad", which he wrote specifically for the adventurous series of the same name, in which Nikita Efremov and Ingrid Olerinskaya played the main roles.

Oksimiron tattoo

In the same 2015, Oxy released the album Gorgorod, which included popular singles such as Intertwined, Lullaby, Polygon, Tower of Ivory”, “Where we are not”, etc. It is noteworthy that this album is a kind of musical novel: all the tracks are intertwined with a single plot and arranged in a common chronological order. The story tells about the life of the writer Mark: the listener learns about the conflict of this man with a literary agent, about his unhappy love, creativity, etc. At the same time, Fedorov released the sensational video "City Under the Sole" and the track "Immersion".

It is worth saying that Oksimiron is a regular on the Internet show on YouTube "Versus Battle" (Versus Battle). The essence of the program is that representatives of rap and hip-hop culture compete with each other in verbal art. Issues with Miron instantly gain more than a million views. He defeated Kripl, Dunya and ST, but the most famous and expected fight was the versus between Oxy and Joniboy (2015).

This battle entered the history of hip-hop as the most viewed in a day. According to rumors, the guys began to clash long before the battle, so the fans were waiting for this epic fight to happen. Joniboy became the initiator of the duel. Some people who are not indifferent to hip-hop believe that by doing so Denis Vasilenko (Johnyboy) dug a hole for himself: although young man there was a good text, it is really difficult to resist the charisma and erudition of Oksimiron.

Personal life

For many fans, Miron Fedorov is a mysterious person. The rapper does not like to advertise his own personal life, and even more so love relationship. According to some information, the guy was married.

Oksimiron and Sonya Dukk

Also, netizens attribute novels to Oxy with Sonya Dukk and Sonya Grese, as he often appeared with these girls in photographs. Grese on her page did not confirm, but did not refute the guesses of subscribers either. On the this moment it is not known whether Miron has a girlfriend: the rapper does not publish pictures with his lover on Instagram.


The life of rappers is so bright and diverse that without conflicts that arise on the basis of creativity, nowhere. Oksimiron is no exception. In the winter of 2015, a member of the Centr rap gang, Ptah, criticized Fedorov's work to the nines in an interview. Miron, in response, mentioned a provocateur in the track "Deja Vu", after which Centr threatened Oxy that they should not be touched.

Oksimiron and Bird

In 2012, Miron was invited to the Russian Urban Music Awards (the concert was organized by, with whom Fedorov had a tense relationship). During Miron's performance, a certain masked man came out, who began to read the track "Tumbler" to the soundtrack. Fedorov remained behind the scenes. Thus, the performer demonstrated that he was not ready to be sold for money in order to perform on such shows.

Oksimiron and Yuri Khovansky

Almost every netizen knows about the conflict between Yuri Khovansky and Noize MC. But the famous blogger went too far: he recorded a video in which he insults Ivan and challenges the rapper to a battle. At the end of the video, Khovansky breaks the album famous artist and throws it into the toilet. Miron reacted to such an act on his Twitter and wrote:

“Yura, you played too much. The fact that our subculture kindly laughed at your parodies does not mean that you now have carte blanche for swine.

Khovansky, in turn, deleted that ill-fated video and released a clip called "Forgive me, Oksimiron."

Oksimiron now

In 2017, YouTube viewers witnessed a battle between Oksimiron and rapper Slava KPSS (Purulent), who is a representative of the battle platform SlovoSPB. The fact is that Purulent touched on Oxy in the text from the previous battle:

“What is the opinion of this hype-hungry pig if he says he loves cool battles, but still hasn’t battled with a battle MC?”

Miron almost never reacts to attacks against him, but this case was an exception: Fedorov said on his Twitter that he would certainly cool the ardor of his instigator, but lost. In August 2017, the long-awaited battle between Miron Fedorov and Vyacheslav Karelin took place. The tournament was broadcast on YouTube video hosting and received 10 million views per day. Oksimiron attributed his defeat to the presence of a large amount of lyrics in the performance, while Purulent's hype is popular.


  • "Eternal Jew" (2011);
  • "miXXXtape I" (2012);
  • "miXXXtape II: Long Way Home" (2013);
  • "I'm bored with life" (single, 2014);
  • "Madness" (single, 2015);
  • "Dive" (single, 2015);
  • "Gorgorod" (2015).
The old-timers of my VK dug up a strange rarity, pieces of audio of a certain never-released interview at the end of 2011, taken by I don’t remember who for I don’t remember what on stairwell building on Khokhlovka, in the courtyard of which I gave a free concert that evening.

We transcribed this interview by highlighting 11 quotes. It is interesting to know what he thought about, how he thought in 2011 of a person who, a few years later, will become one of the main artists in Russian rap.

1. The target audience rap is teenagers. In Russia, a lot of rappers shout: "I do not rap for youngsters!". I started listening to rap myself when I was 13 years old. I don't think it's embarrassing, it's just a fact: rap is a subculture that is geared towards teenagers.

2. I don't consider my rap to be highly intellectual. There, relatively speaking, I express myself in the same way as I express myself in everyday life, but apparently, for people who do not read books at all, this is already highly intellectual. I could show off, look for some really complicated terms and so on, but I'm not interested.

3. My first performance - if you count the very small, fucking 50 people, then in London, but it's more like an apartment. The first normal one was in 2009 in Kyiv, but it was also bad. The first really good one was a couple of days later in Odessa.

4. There are certain stupid processes going on all over the world, this is not purely Russian problem. It has always been, I am not one of those who say that it was better before, or vice versa. It was always something bad, something good.

5. I have absolutely no brain in the direction of business. I am not friends with money, they quickly flow away, and I could not be engaged in business, I soberly assess my abilities.

6. The clip "It's thick, it's empty" cost 10 euros - for a pack of cigarettes.

7. My parents always read a lot and there were always books at home, and I read them from a young age. People often say that my vocabulary something to do with Oxford. I didn’t really do a damn thing in Oxford and kicked dick.

8. I can list my favorite literary characters, but I don't see myself in them. One of my favorites is Mr. Svidrigailov.

9. There used to be napkins and notepads, but now I have fallen victim to progress and still write on a laptop. But this is bad, because you can sit at a laptop for 5 hours, then erase everything, and nothing will remain. And in the notebook, everything crossed out will remain, so it's more correct.

10. In my youth I tried to write poetry, but the problem is that I was very strongly influenced by Brodsky, I realized that all this is a wildly secondary and uninteresting product, so I haven’t written poetry at all since I was 15. Rap is a more decorative genre, there is not such a big responsibility. I never wrote prose.

11. Mild manic depression - I was diagnosed, the problem is that I do not know if psychology and psychiatry can be trusted. Here they tell me that I do not have manic depression. But the diagnosis was made, I was prescribed multi-colored pills, I did not take them.

Photo from Oksimiron's VK page

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