How to spell oxymoron in English. Former Oksimiron

Interesting 02.08.2019

Miron Fedorov was born on January 31, 1985 in St. Petersburg. His family represented a typical Soviet intelligentsia. My father was a scientist, engaged in developments in the field of theoretical physics. Mother worked in the library. In 1994 the whole family moved to Germany. My father got a job there. But after a while it became clear that with the collapse of the GDR, former Soviet physicists were no longer in such demand.

Miron studied at the Wechtler school. Teaching was conducted in German, because at that time there were not enough immigrants in Germany to open Russian-language schools. Relations with classmates were very tense. German children did not like the Russian visitor, because of which they regularly conflict situations. Later, Miron will reflect his hatred for classmates in the song " Last call", which he wrote under the impression of the film" Class ". According to the plot of the Estonian tape, two students who are tired of bullying arrange a massacre against classmates.

AT youth Oksimiron tries to throw out his aggression through creativity. Music attracts him the most. Oksimiron gets his first experience in rap. He composes texts in German under the pseudonym Mif. Interest in music makes me try myself in different directions. But the lack of the necessary data returns Miron to rap. At the age of 15, he begins to read in Russian. The lack of communication with Russia gives Miron reason to believe that he is the only Russian-speaking rapper. But after a trip to St. Petersburg, he realizes that this is far from the case.

After grade 9, Oksimiron's family moved to England. There are no problems with classmates. Myron demonstrates excellent language skills. Having learned German, he is fluent in English by the age of 16. At school, he devotes himself entirely to his studies. In addition to school, he reads a lot. According to Miron himself, he spent almost all of his time reading books. free time. Moreover, these were quite serious works like Lafcraft or Nietzsche. At school, he was taught by a teacher from Oxford, who saw the talent in the Russian emigrant.

The teacher advised him to try to enter the philological faculty of a famous university. Miron passed the interview largely due to his literary English, which he learned by reading the classics. Myron studied to be a historian of the Middle Ages. But in 2006, doctors diagnosed him with manic depression, which led to expulsion from the university. Oksimiron himself spoke about this. The track "Spontaneous spontaneous combustion" tells about the problems with the rapper's psyche. After a short break, Miron is restored at the university and receives a diploma.

After graduation, it turns out that the certificate of one of the most prestigious universities in the world does not at all guarantee getting a decent job. Here the biography of Oksimiron reminds life path legends like Eminem or Dr. Dre. He works as a loader, seller, guide and many others. Gets acquainted with the extensive representation of Russian emigrants in Europe. It reminds him of his passion for rap. Miron combines his name with a literary term and begins to write songs under the pseudonym Oksimiron.

Oxxxymiron, can be described as a battle, combat. The texts are filled with hatred and witticisms about opponents. After Oksimiron's participation in the famous online battle, he is invited to the Optik-Rush label. There he records joint songs with Shock, Dandy, First Class and other immigrant rappers. It was on this label, which was produced by the German Kul Savash, that Oksimiron gets his first popularity. In 2010, he leaves Optika. But at the same time he continues to cooperate with Shock. Together with him, they create the label "Vagabunt", which means "wanderer" in German.

It was at this time that a wide Russian audience learns that there is such a rapper Oksimiron. Albums by Oxy and Shock are released in mid-September. The collection of tracks "Eternal Jew" is a real breakthrough in Russian rap. A complex combination of rhymes and punches does not leave fans of the genre indifferent. Oksimiron's style is different from all other Russian MCs.

Myron reads in the style of English grime. That is, a fast recitative is superimposed on the dub-step backing track. In the texts, along with obscene language, there are truly bookish definitions and archeology, which makes the rapper even more unusual.

In 2010, there was a conflict with Roma Zhigan during the Oxy and Shock tour in Russia. In his texts, Shock insulted Zhigan. To take revenge, the rapper broke into the apartment where Mirok, Shock and his girlfriend were. Together with several people in masks, they beat Shock and forced him to ask for forgiveness, while filming what was happening on camera. After this conflict, Oksimiron breaks ties with the Vagabund label and continues his solo career.

miXXXtape I was released online on March 12, 2012. A year later, on October 18, miXXXtape II: Long Way Home was released. The second mixtape contains songs recorded in 2012-2013, in between which mixed excerpts from Myron's performance at the Versus rap battle, where Cripple was his opponent, were added. The confrontation between Oksimiron and Crip-A-Creep, which ended with Myron's victory, became the third release of Versus Battle, later becoming the first video on the official Versus YouTube channel, the number of views of which exceeded 4 million.

In 2014, on April 11, a battle took place against Dunya, better known as Alexander Parkhomenko. The battle itself took place in Moscow, at the open Main Event. The victory was won by Oxxxymiron.

In 2015, on April 12, season 3 of Versus Battle started. The first release was the battle Oxxxymiron vs. Johnyboy, in which Oxxxymiron won a confident victory, all the judges voted for Miron. The battle itself gained 1 million views on YouTube in a day, which became a record for battle views. With this, Oxxxymiron attracted the attention of the organizers of the Canadian battle KOTDru en and one of the best battle MCs in the world - Dizaster.

The premiere of the video for the song "Londongrad", written specifically for the series of the same name, took place on August 25, 2015. Then the premiere of the video for the song "City Under the Sole" took place, which until then had been performed only at concerts. In the same year, November 13 new album, called "Gorgorod", was posted on official page Vkontakte Miron for free download.

In 2016, on June 19, Oxxxymiron performed at a battle against rapper ST, the battle ended with a score of 3: 0 in favor of Miron. This is the only Russian-language battle that was blocked on YouTube. In the middle of the year, Oxxxymiron became the face of the Reebok Classic brand in Russia. In February of the following year, he headed the Booking Machine booking agency.

Member Name: Fedorov Miron Yanovich

City: St. Petersburg

Education: Oxford

Family: not married

Height and weight: 181 cm

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Miron was brought up in a wealthy, intelligent family. His father is a famous professor of physics, and his mother is a library worker. As a child, the boy was a calm child who was fond of reading books. When Fedorov was 11 years old, his family emigrated to Germany, settled in the small town of Ruttenscheid.

Frequent travel and study at Oxford

Miron attended a prestigious school where the children of wealthy parents studied. Therefore, acclimatization was difficult, not knowing the language, not having friends, the guy was an outcast in the new society.

It was during that period that he became interested in writing rap texts, in which he splashed out all the accumulated resentment and anger. The first creative pseudonym of the young rapper is MC Mif.

In 2000, Fedorov again changes his place of residence. Now this is England, the city of Slough, it is famous for its abundance of drugs, outcasts. AT new school Myron quickly found mutual language with classmates and teachers. Thanks to the history teacher, the guy will choose the University of Oxford in the future.

After leaving school, Fedorov entered Oxford at the Faculty of English Literature. Despite the imperfect command of the language, the German accent, learning was given to him with ease.

Unfortunately, in 2006, the future rapper was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, due to which he had to leave the university for a while. After undergoing treatment, Myron passed the exams and received a diploma from Oxford University, his specialty was medieval English literature.

Fedorov began a new life by renting a small apartment on the outskirts of London. For a long time he was looking for a job in his specialty, but an unclaimed profession and low grades prevented this. As a result, the guy got a job as a laborer at a construction site. Then he took up tutoring, conducted excursions for tourists.

Rise of rapper Oxxxymiron

In 2008, Miron began to upload his own tracks to the network under the pseudonym Oxxxymiron, which quickly found their audience. The following year, the aspiring rapper took part in the famous battle project -, where the tracks "In the Land of Women", "No Connection", "Magician's Box" became the best.

At this tournament, Oksimiron received nominations in such categories as "Best Sparring", "Battle Breakthrough", "Best Battle MC".

Although Miron lost to the eminent rapper Chest in the final, he was not upset, but continued to further improve his work. The talented guy was noticed by representatives of the German recording company Optik Russia and offered a profitable cooperation. But the joint work did not last long, as a result of personal disagreements, Oxxxymiron put an end to it.

In 2010, the rapper created his own project "Vagabund", which included his stage colleagues: Schokk and Vanya Lenin. Within the framework of this label, Miron recorded the first solo album "The Eternal Jew", which became mega-popular.

To promote the record, Oxxxymiron, together with Schokk, went on a tour of the cities of Russia. After returning, there was a split in a strong alliance, and the guys went to different countries.

In 2012, the rapper was named Person of the Year by GQ magazine.

Back in London, Miron plunged into writing new tracks. His "miXXXtape I", released in 2011, became a super success. The next "miXXXtape II: Long Way Home" came out a year later.

The rapper regularly participates in battles, each with him brings millions of views.

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Oksimiron is known for working on musical material for a long time, further fueling the interest of fans.

In 2016, Oxxxymiron presented the second solo album called Gorgorod, which included 11 tracks. This record tells the story of the literary genius Mark, in order to fully understand its meaning, the tracks must be listened to in strict sequence.

After Miron's summer Versus battle with ST, the rapper's fans were expecting his duel with an eccentric and unbalanced performer - Slava KPSS (Purulent).

They took place exactly one year later, but Oxxxymiron lost, with a score of 5:0. In the fall of 2017, Miron released another disc, Bipolarochka, which took him only a day to create.

The last battle of the eminent rapper took place with the American Dizaster in Los Angeles. An American of Arab origin, the best battle rapper abroad, has long sought a battle with Oksimiron.

As a result, Miron's first battle in English became unexpectedly powerful for his rival: the rapper not only showed off with excellent pronunciation and presentation, but also addressed current political issues, used slang expressions and read in four languages ​​(English, Arabic, German and, of course, in Russian).

There were no judges at the intercontinental duel, but Dizaster himself admitted that Oksimiron won.

It is also worth noting that Oksimiron is actively touring and gathers not only full clubs, but also stadiums in major cities of Russia. His personal pinnacle was sold-out in Moscow at the Olympiysky stadium.

In the fall of 2017, Oksimiron presented the second joint collection of clothes and sneakers with the Reebok brand.

Traveling rapper girls

Oxxxymiron does not like to talk about his personal life, you can only guess about his girls or draw information from texts. The network is flooded with many photos of Miron with Sonya Duk, a smiling and cheerful blonde. At one of the battles, her person was mentioned by the Riga rapper Joniiboy.

There is another version that during his life abroad, the rapper married a mysterious American. But a year later, Oksimiron filed for divorce, the marriage could not stand family life.

In a word, little is known about the rapper's personal life. He himself does not comment on rumors and gossip addressed to him.

Miron Photos

Oksimiron is one of the most famous Russian-speaking rappers of our time. The biography of Oksimiron is filled with constant difficulties and trials, which is reflected in his work. You can write a book on the life of an artist, it is so diverse.

His fans share on the forums a variety of assumptions about their idol. This is due to the fact that the biography of Oksimiron is described only in a few of his interviews.


Real name - Born in 1985 in St. Petersburg. His family represented a typical Soviet intelligentsia. His father was a scientist, engaged in developments in the field of theoretical physics. Mother worked in the library. Both were Jews. In 1994 the whole family moved to Germany. My father got a job there. But after a while it became clear that with the collapse of the GDR, former Soviet physicists were no longer in such demand.

Miron studied at the Wechtler school. Teaching was conducted in German, because at that time there were not enough immigrants in Germany to open Russian-language schools. Relations with classmates were very tense. German children did not like the Russian visitor, because of which conflict situations arose regularly. Later, Miron will reflect his hatred for classmates in the song "Last Call", which he wrote under the impression of the movie "Class".

According to the plot of the Estonian tape, two students who are tired of bullying arrange a massacre against classmates.

First experience

In his youth, Oksimiron tries to throw out his aggression through creativity. Music attracts him the most. Oksimiron gets his first experience in rap. He composes texts in German under the pseudonym Mif. Interest in music makes me try myself in different directions. But the lack of the necessary data returns Miron to rap. At the age of 15, he begins to read in Russian. The lack of communication with Russia gives Miron reason to believe that he is the only Russian-speaking rapper. But after a trip to St. Petersburg, he realizes that this is far from the case.

Moving to the UK

After the 9th grade, Oksimiron's family moved to England. There are no problems with classmates. Myron demonstrates excellent language skills. Having learned German, he is fluent in English by the age of 16. At school, he devotes himself entirely to his studies. In addition to school, he reads a lot. According to Miron himself, he spent almost all his free time reading books. Moreover, these were quite serious works like Lafcraft or Nietzsche. At school, he was taught by a teacher from Oxford, who saw the talent in the Russian emigrant.

She advised him to try to enter the philological faculty of a well-known university. Miron passed the interview largely due to his literary English, which he learned by reading the classics, which at that time was a rarity among young people.


Myron is studying to be a historian of the Middle Ages. But in 2006, doctors diagnose him, which leads to expulsion from the university. Oksimiron himself spoke about this. The songs also reflected this fact. For example, the track "Spontaneous spontaneous combustion" tells about the problems with the rapper's psyche. After a short break, Miron is restored at the university and receives a diploma.

After graduation, it turns out that the certificate of one of the most prestigious universities in the world does not at all guarantee getting a decent job. Here the biography of Oksimiron resembles the life path of such legends as Eminem or Dr. Dre. He works as a loader, seller, guide and many others. Gets acquainted with the extensive representation of Russian emigrants in Europe. It reminds him of his passion for rap. Miron combines his name with a literary term and begins to write songs under the pseudonym Oksimiron. Albums "Eminem show" and "Collapse" by Slim Shady leave a noticeable imprint on what Miron composes rap.

Oxxxymiron, can be described as a battle (combat). The texts are filled with hatred and witticisms about opponents. After Oksimiron participated in the famous online battle, he was invited to the label "Optic-Rush". There he records joint songs with Shock, Dandy, First Class and other immigrant rappers. It was on this label, which was produced by the German Kul Savash, that Oksimiron gets his first popularity. In 2010, he leaves Optika. But at the same time he continues to cooperate with Shock. Together with him they create the label "Vagabunt", which means "wanderer" in German.

Gaining Popularity

It was at this time that a wide Russian audience learns that there is such a rapper Oksimiron. Albums by Oxy and Shock are released in mid-September. The collection of tracks "Eternal Jew" is a real breakthrough in Russian rap. A complex combination of rhymes and punches does not leave fans of the genre indifferent. Oksimiron's style is different from all other Russian MCs.

Myron reads in the style of English grime. That is, a fast recitative is superimposed on the dub-step backing track. In the texts, along with obscene language, there are truly bookish definitions and archeology, which makes the rapper even more unusual.

In 2010, there was a conflict with Roma Zhigan during the Oxy and Shock tour in Russia. In his texts, Shock insulted Zhigan. To take revenge, the rapper broke into the apartment where Mirok, Shock and his girlfriend were. Together with several people in masks, they beat Shock and forced him to ask for forgiveness, while filming what was happening on camera. After this conflict, Oksimiron breaks ties with the Vagabund label and continues his solo career.

Oksimiron: songs

On the this moment One full album of Oksimiron was released under the name "Eternal Jew".

The next one is expected in November 2015. In addition, the rapper recorded a mixtape, which included verses of his best tracks. In 2014, Oksimiron takes part in the "Versus Battle" - a verbal duel for Russian-speaking rappers. The first time he competed with Kripl and won a landslide victory. The video of the battle has received over 3 million views on YouTube. After that, there were two more fights with and Johnny Boy, which Oksimiron also won.

On the eve of the new album, Miron released the single "City Under the Sole", after which he announced a tour of the same name and recorded a video for the song. The biography of Oksimiron is full of various events that, it would seem, cannot concern one person. He went from a graduate of a prestigious university to a loader, from to the most famous Russian-speaking rapper.

Great Britain Professions hip-hop performer, lyricist;
CEO - Booking Machine
Years of activity
- present. time Tools vocals [d] Genres hip-hop
alternative hip-hop
Aliases MC Mif (former) Labels Optik Russia (2008-2010)
Vagabund (2011)
Autograph Media at Wikimedia Commons

Oxxxymiron (Oksimiron; real name Miron Yanovich Fedorov; genus. January 31, Leningrad, USSR) is a Russian-language rap, grime, freestyle artist and executive director of the Booking Machine booking agency. One of the founders and former member label Vagabund.


Miron Fedorov was born on January 31, 1985 in Leningrad. His father, Yan Valerievich Fedorov, a theoretical physicist, defended his doctoral dissertation in 1994 on the topic "Statistical properties of eigenfunctions of random single-particle Hamiltonians." Mother is a librarian. He studied at St. Petersburg school No. 185. When Miron was 9 years old, his family moved to the city of Essen (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany), and Miron entered the Maria Wechtler Gymnasium (Maria-Wächtler-Gymnasium en de). According to him, he had a tense relationship with his German classmates; this theme was later reflected in his early song "Last Call". Miron made his first attempts to rap at the age of 13 under the pseudonym Mif (short for MIRON Fedorov).

We had a group, the name of which I forgot, consisted of Myth and Saga. Saga never wrote a single line and subsequently stumbled. And I came up with Russian rap. That is, I was naturally sure that I was the first person to rap in Russian (I didn’t have the Internet, and there were still quite a few Russian-speaking emigrants in Germany who could shake my confidence). Oksimiron for Keep It Real

After one of the trips to his homeland at the age of 14, Miron's confidence that he was the founder of rap in Russian disappeared.

At the age of 15, the family moved to the city of Slough (Berkshire, UK), and here, no longer having problems with classmates, he intensively took up his studies. Soon an English history teacher - a graduate of Oxford University - suggested that he try to enter Oxford after graduation. In 2004, having submitted documents and passed an interview, Miron entered the university at the faculty of English language and literature.

I spoke a mixture of so-called "royal" and bookish English with a German accent. I listened to American rap, so I used a lot of slang. I used words like "innit" during my interview at Oxford - I think that's one of the reasons they accepted me.

Original text (English)

My English was a mixture of Queen's English, bookish English and a German accent. I listened to American rap as well, so I was using a lot of slang words. I was saying thing like "innit" during my interview for Oxford - I think that's part of the reason they took me.

After studying at Oxford, Miron moved to live in the East End and began looking for work. Due to "over-qualification" he was unable to find a job in his profession. According to the rapper, he "worked as a cashier, translator, loader, guide, stallholder, tutor, entertainer, office plankton and consultant with a hoof." New circle communication, which consisted of Russian-speaking emigrants, prompted Miron to return to hip-hop. He began to study music under the pseudonym "Oxxxymiron", which appeared as a combination of the name with the literary term " oxymoron" (eng. oxymoron) and a triple "X", referring to a large amount of obscene vocabulary in songs [ ] .

In 2015, the Londongrad series was released, created by screenwriter Mikhail Idov based on Miron's adventures in London.

Creative activity

MC Mif / Myth (2001)

In 2001, Miron appeared on Hip-Hop.Ru and met many rappers, in September he released his first track "Demo-freestyle in the style of bardcore" (currently lost). Then, a little later, he recorded a track with VeTaL performer from the iSQUAD group called "Knights of verbiage". Then he recorded several more tracks called "Best MS" and KVRP (Stone Age of Russian Poetry). In the same year, he participated in the 1st independent battle, where he reached the 2nd round, but did not go further, because he did not pass the track for the 2nd round. At the end of the year, the last track "Al Ogon" was released. Myron took a break for 7 years.

Optik Russia (2008-2010)

In 2008, after a 7-year break, the track "London against everyone" was released. At this time, he was noticed by Optik Russia en de - German label for Russian-speaking immigrants. Due to the label, Miron earned the first wave of listeners, and also met Dmitry Hinter, better known as Schokk, who is in the same label. This year, Miron's first clip "I'm a hater" was released.

In 2009, Miron took part in the 14th independent battle, where he reached the semi-finals. At the end of the year, the portal held a public vote " Awards 2009", where Oxxxymiron became the winner in the categories "Best Battle MC", "Battle Breakthrough", "Best Battle Sparring", "Best Battle Track", and also became the winner in the nomination "Discovery of 2009" and the winner in the nomination "Best hip-hop artist of 2009".

In August 2010, he left Optik Russia under the pretext of a conflict of interests.

"Eternal Jew", Vagabund (2011)

In the summer of 2010, after leaving Optik Russia, Miron developed and hatched the idea of ​​​​creating a new independent label with the symbolic name Vagabund (with German- "Wanderer"). In the autumn of the same year, Miron and Schokk went on a short tour of the CIS countries, which was called "October Events". By the fall of 2011, Oxxxymiron, Schokk and Ivan "Vanya Lenin" Karoy (as a manager) created a label under which Schokk's albums "From the High Road" and Miron's "Eternal Zhid" were released, which received a large number of positive reviews. Both albums were released on the same day on September 15, 2011, and Vagabund went on a joint tour of the CIS countries. On October 30, he gives the last concert as part of the Vagabund team, with the participation of Cripple. On November 1, 2011, after the Vagabund Conflict with Roma Zhigan, Oksimiron announced his departure from the label, after which on November 6 he gave a free solo a cappella concert in Moscow, which completed his tour and went to London.

miXXXtape (2012-2014)

March 12, 2012 Internet release miXXXtape I, which contains the most successful verses from songs recorded between 2008 and 2011.

A year later, on October 18, miXXXtape II: Long Way Home was released. The second mixtape contains songs recorded in 2012-2013, in between which mixed excerpts from Myron's performance at the Versus rap battle, where his opponent was Cripple, were added. The confrontation between Oksimiron and Crip-A-Creep, which ended in Myron's victory, became the third edition of Versus Battle, which later became the first video on the official Versus YouTube channel, the number of views of which exceeded 4 million,.

On April 11, 2014, a battle took place against Dunya, better known as Alexander Parkhomenko. The battle itself took place in Moscow, at the open Main Event. The victory was won by Oxxxymiron.

On August 8, Miron announced that he was postponing the release of his second studio album indefinitely, although the release was previously scheduled for August 14, 2014.

"Gorgorod" (2015) - present time

On April 12, 2015 season 3 of Versus Battle started. The first release was the battle Oxxxymiron vs. Johnyboy, in which Oxxxymiron won a landslide victory, all the judges voted for Miron. The battle itself gained 1 million views on YouTube in a day, which became a record for battle views. With this, Oxxxymiron attracted the attention of the organizers of the Canadian battle King of the Dot and one of the best battle MCs in the world - Dizaster.

On August 25, 2015, the premiere of the video for the song "Londongrad", written specifically for the series of the same name, took place. On September 21, the premiere of the video for the song "City Under the Sole" took place, which until then had been performed only at concerts. On November 13, 2015, the new album, called "Gorgorod", was posted on Miron's official VKontakte page for free download.

On June 19, 2016, Oxxxymiron performed at the battle against the rapper, the battle ended with a score of 3: 0 in favor of Miron. This is the only Russian-language battle that was blocked on YouTube.

On June 28, 2017, it became known that Oxxxymiron became the face of the Reebok Classic brand in Russia. In February 2017, Miron Fedorov headed the Booking Machine booking agency, with whom he has been cooperating since 2012.

On August 6, 2017, as part of the 2nd season of Versus x #SlovoSPB, the most anticipated rap battle in 2017 took place - Oxxxymiron vs Slava KPSS (purulent)‎. For some time there were rumors that Purulent won the competition. The conflict between rappers began after Ernesto’s battle Shut up against Purulent in July 2016, where the latter devoted almost his entire second round to Oksimiron, accusing him of hypocrisy and calling him “a pig greedy for hype”. The next day, Miron Fedorov challenged Purulent to a battle in 2017. The day before the publication of the video, Vyacheslav, on behalf of his alter ego Valentin Dyadka, published a mocking track “Cool my ardor”, which is dedicated to Oksimiron, and also tweeted him on Twitter. After the publication of the issue on August 13, the rumors were confirmed: Miron's opponent defeated him with a score of 5:0. The video became resonant and gained more than 10 million views in the first day after publication.

Scandals and incidents

Conflict with the Casta group

During the October Events tour in 2010, the slogan “Fuck the Kast!” appeared, which would later personify the Vagabund. The main version of the appearance of this slogan is as follows: during the performance of Shokk and Oxy in one of the clubs of Ukraine, in the neighboring club of the city, the performance of the Kasta group was to take place. The Ukrainian monopoly organizer of Russian rap concerts, Nota, tried to prevent the performance of Oxy and Shokk out of fear that the latter would take part of the audience away from the Casta concerts. Just after that, Schokk and Oxxxymiron chanted the above slogan at all their joint concerts and even in the tracks. This was quickly picked up by their fans. On July 21, 2012, after leaving Vagabund, Oksimiron took part in the music festival "Picnic  "Posters"". At the same time, rapper Vladi from the Casta group participated in the Picnic. According to Shym, a member of the Caste, Miron apologized to the group for his statements in their direction and shook hands with everyone.

Conflict with Roma Zhigan

On October 20, 2011, taking advantage of the Vagabund's stay in Moscow during a tour of the CIS countries, rapper Roman Chumakov, better known as Roma Zhigan, burst into their rented apartment, accompanied by ten people. The purpose of the visit is to find out the reasons for Schokk's repeated attacks towards Zhigan in the tracks. Roman, at gunpoint (according to Hinter), forced the opponent to ask for forgiveness on his knees, while hitting him several times in the face. Shortly after the incident, Schokk left the country alone and made several video messages, to which Miron responded with a video in which he explained his point of view on what happened and announced his intention to leave Vagabund and cut off all ties with Schokk.

After the incident, Miron remained on good terms with Roma Zhigan and even starred in his film. After publicity, this event took first place under the slogan "Attack of a flock of bream on Vagabund" on the portal in the "Event of the Year - 2011" rating.

On October 20, 2011, at the height of the Vagabund tour in the CIS, Schokk and Oxxxymiron were invited to the transfer What's Up, aired on TV channel. The conversation as such did not take place, and relations between and the Vagabund members remained strained.

In March 2012, Oxxxymiron was invited to the Stadium RUMA (Russian Urban Music Awards) music ceremony, organized by the portal, with which Miron had previously had a tense relationship. During the performance, a double in a mask entered the stage, while the performer himself remained behind the scenes. While the double was gesticulating to the soundtrack on the stage, Miron wrote on his Twitter: "I'm sitting, re-reading Dostoevsky's Double ...".

Conflict with Bird

In January 2015, one of the members of the Centr group Ptakh gave an interview to, in which he spoke impartially about the work of Miron and his listeners

At the moment I can say that I am ashamed of Russian rap. Now there are a lot of incomprehensible rappers - they rhyme well, they have a technique, but there is no rap in them. They are not representatives of hip-hop culture, they are mainstreamers who make money on this. For them, it's a business and nothing more. They have never been in this culture, they did not cook in this, Russian. There are some newcomers, damn it, rappers from Europe, who used to humiliate Russian rap, and now they read rap in Russian, like Oxxxymiron. And people listen to them. I saw their listeners, God forbid that I had such

Bird for the city portal Chita.Ru.

In the track "Deja Vu" released in April, Oxxxymiron mentioned Bird: “Bird says I don’t have rap. / Okay, there is no Bird in my rap! In response, a member of the Centr group threatened to explain to Miron "who should not be touched in the verses."

Conflict with LSP

In the summer of 2015, LSP, signed a year earlier on Booking Machine with the assistance of Oksimiron, ceased cooperation with the concert agency, explaining that, in his opinion, after the signing, the few concerts that were earlier came to naught. On April 1, 2016, the song Porchy "Imperial" is released (translated from English- "Imperial"), which was originally planned to be included in the tracklist of his mixtape king midas and in which Oleg tells what he thinks about his former booking agency.

The song, originally a duet of LSP and Porchy, breaks off at the chorus performed by Oleg with the appeal of Porchy and - after it - a sharp introduction by an added guest in the person of Oksimiron, who gives out a response diss. "A whole drama, a clash of two heroes of a generation," - this is how The Flow described the song.

According to Miron in a video message that followed shortly after the song, he helped Oleg and Roma the Englishman in every possible way, persuaded Ilya Mamai to sign them on the Booking Machine and forgave them their antics. When they left the concert agency, in a personal conversation with Oleg after filming the Madness video, Miron asked not to advertise this event, but after some time he and Roma the Englishman, having touched on this topic in an interview with, covered it with noticeable disdain to his former agency. After a while, at the request of Porchy for a mixtape king midas LSP sent a snick diss verse to Booking Machine. Porchy and Oxxxymiron decided to “teach a lesson” to LSP, and Miron added the third verse, aimed at the offender “more than family”.


  • - "Eternal Jew"
  • - "Gorgorod"

Rap battles

Oxxxymiron participated in a number of battles at the Versus Battle site:

  • Versus #3: Creep A Creep vs Oxxxymiron (Season 1, September 14, 2013) (win - 0:3).
  • Versus #9: Dunya vs Oxxxymiron (Season 2, Main Event, April 15, 2014) (victory).
  • Versus #1: Oxxxymiron vs Johnyboy (Season 3, April 12, 2015) (win - 5:0).
  • Versus #5: Oxxxymiron vs (season 3, June 19, 2016) (win - 3:0).
  • Versus × #SlovoSPB - Oxxxymiron × Slava KPSS (Purulent) (lost - 0:5)

Awards and nominations

Concert tours

  • 2009 - Untitled(account Schokk)
  • 2010 - "October Events" (featuring Schokk)
  • 2011 - Vagabund Tour (feat. Schokk)
  • 2012 - Untitled
  • 2013 - "Tumbler VS Mordor Tour" (spring)
  • 2013 - "Long way home" (autumn)
  • 2014 - "archXXHeology Tour"
  • 2015 - "City Under the Sole Tour"
  • 2016 - Takeover Tour
  • 2016 - Back to Europe
  • 2016 - Takeover Tour 2
  • 2017 - IMPERIVM (Stadium Tour)



  1. Oxxxymiron headed the company Booking Machine
  3. Biography Oxxxymiron (Russian). Official site. Retrieved 9 October 2015.
  4. Andrey Mikheev. Oxxxymiron: “I spent a year looking from the window at the intersection ” (Russian). Keep It Real (August 19, 2011). Retrieved 4 March 2014.
  5. Rap sensation Oxxxymiron remembers his hometown roots(English) . Slough Observer, England (23 February 2013). Retrieved 4 March 2014.
  6. Oxxxymiron. “I worked as a cashier, translator, loader…” (neopr.) . twitter. (March 5, 2011). Retrieved March 11, 2014.
  7. Andrey Nikitin. “A series is being filmed according to my adventures”: Oxxxymiron and Mikhail Idov about Londongrad (Russian). The Flow (2015). Retrieved 5 October 2016.
  8. Myth - view profile Hip-Hop.Ru (indefinite)
  9. Demo freestyle. Style: bardcore. Primitive Beats meet Twisted Lyrics/ - Hip-Hop.Ru (indefinite) . Retrieved June 27, 2016.
  10. At Disa - threw theme "Earwig/Knights Verbalism" feat. vetal - Hip-Hop.Ru (indefinite) . Retrieved June 27, 2016.

Rapidly gaining in recent times popularity Russian-speaking rap artist Oxxxymiron, whose real name is Miron Fedorov, is successful not only among longtime connoisseurs of the genre. Being now devoted fans and even fans of the rapper, some listeners were not even close to the Russian-speaking segment of hip-hop culture before. Needless to say, the performer is attractive not only to music lovers as a producer of a high-quality musical product, but also to young girls as a bright, talented and charismatic young man. The personality and private life of the famous Oksimiron haunts female fans, but there is not much information about him in official sources. Who is Miron really, is there any next to him " fighting girlfriend or is he a lone wolf?

Brief before the start of a musical career

Miron Yanovich Fedorov was born on January 31, 1985 in Leningrad. Miron's family emigrated to Ruttenscheid, Germany, where the boy went to school. Relations with classmates initially did not work out, which served as the main incentive for the development of a creative streak. Young Miron Fedorov began to write rap on German under the pseudonym Mif. At the same time, the guy, being sure that there was no hip-hop culture in Russia then far from him, sets himself the task of creating rap music in Russian. Later, Miron admits that he was deeply disappointed when he first got to the Russian rap festival with his friends. In 2000, the rapper's family moved to the UK, and in 2004 the guy entered Oxford, from where he flies out in 2006 due to mental health problems (diagnosis - manic-depressive psychosis). True, Miron quickly recovered at the university and continued his studies and in 2008 received an Oxford diploma in Medieval English Literature.

Musical career of Oksimiron

Miron Fedorov made his way through hardships to the stars for a long time, writing rap songs in German, English and Russian, as well as participating in battles. The rapper composed the pseudonym using a play on words and symbols: the artist's name is Miron, three letters "x" as a hint at the amount of "adult" content in the songs and the distorted term "oxymoron" - a contradiction. In 2011, Oksimiron released his first solo album "Eternal Jew" under the Vagabund label. In 2012, Miron presented the miXXXtape collection on the Internet, which featured the most successful songs over the previous 4 years. Oksimiron's latest album, Gorgorod, was presented to the public in 2015. Despite mixed reviews from critics, the album became a landmark in the career of a rap artist.

Oksimiron's personal life

Many female fans who are interested in the personality of Oxxxymiron are interested in whether Miron Fedorov is married, and if not, does he have a girlfriend? According to unverified rumors, at the moment he is officially free. Miron Fedorov's wife, in his own words, really existed, but at the moment the rapper is divorced and prefers not to comment on married life.

Oksimiron's fans often create fan sites and fan groups of the performer, where discussions about the rapper's personal life and photographs appear, allegedly depicting young Miron Fedorov with his wife, but the performer himself did not confirm or deny this information. Recently, Miron often talks about a decline in activity on the personal front, which, nevertheless, according to him, only contributes to creative self-development. In his personal microblog on the social network Twitter, the rapper asked readers a rhetorical question about the adoption of celibacy during the recording of the Gorgorod album. However, the seriousness of such questions and statements will probably always be in doubt.

Oksimiron - a star or an ordinary person?

Miron carefully guards information about his personal life. Data on such things as Miron Fedorov's height and weight, as well as the presence or absence of children, cannot be found on the Internet. Probably, the singer himself is very cautious about the dissemination of information about his personal life, since he prioritizes creativity. Nevertheless, the rapper is happy to lead pages in in social networks and communicates with fans, and also does not mind taking pictures with fans at concerts and other gatherings. Many fans, who were initially afraid of a touch of snobbery and feigned intelligence, subsequently positively assessed Miron as a friendly and open person, devoid of prejudice and feigned rudeness.

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