When and why are bears especially dangerous? The danger of a brown bear. Development of a lesson on the topic "J. Roni Sr.

Technique and Internet 09.08.2019
Technique and Internet

Scientists-ecologists "pleased" us with the discovery: due to the severe pollution of the northern part of mother Russia, polar bears (and they are still sometimes found in these places) began to change color and ... their sex. Scientists have found the presence of male genital organs in several she-bears. How does this threaten the Arctic clubfoot population? Complete extinction of the species? Or something scarier?

Environmental catastrophe has swept the Arctic. Although the Arctic Reserve was created almost 10 years ago, its creation did nothing for birds, fish, or animals. Uncontrolled intervention of people in nature, use in agriculture and other industries such hazardous and persistent organic substances as DDT and hexachlorobenzone lead to irreversible environmental consequences. Ecologists explain why this is especially dangerous for the Arctic. In these cold places, the natural decomposition of organic matter takes a very long time, and birds and animals have a lot of adipose tissue, in which persistent organic pollutants slowly but surely accumulate.

In addition, the Arctic was filled with gas and oil workers. And today the land of many drilling rigs is black from oil. Thousands of kilometers of rusted and leaky pipes are stretched across the region. Daily leaks amount to hundreds of thousands of tons. If you take air samples, you can detect not only the presence of sulfur dioxide, but also chlorine, phenol and formaldehyde. The white Arctic is gradually turning black. By the way, scientists note such a regrettable fact: wool polar bear It's not even cream anymore. Increasingly, he has either a dirty gray or brown color. All these are consequences of environmental pollution.

The polar bear has long been included in the International Red Book. The total number of the white giant is 18-20 thousand on the entire planet. In the USSR, by 1956, the shooting of bears was completely banned, but limited licensed capture of live cubs was allowed. On Wrangel Island - and it was one of the largest "houses" of polar bear breeding - in 1960 a reserve was opened. After 15 years, he transformed into state reserve. In 1975 came into force international agreement on the protection of polar bears, which was signed by the USSR, USA, Canada, Denmark and Norway. It provided for a complete ban on the extraction of a polar bear in the Arctic, both for commercial purposes and for sport hunting. But it allowed the extraction of the beast for scientific purposes, only without the use of helicopters, aircraft and ships. The agreement also discussed the conduct of scientific research and the exchange of their results. The international community also spoke out for the need to monitor pollution natural environment Arctic and implement the agreed international events for the protection of the species. But either they were late, or they didn’t see it ... The white bear was in trouble.

This predator, by the way, is the largest predatory animal on the planet, - says environmental scientist Dmitry Dolya from the Harmonious Development Environmental Foundation. - The length of his body is almost 3 meters, at the withers it can reach 1.5 meters. Males can weigh up to 1000 kg. The fangs of a polar bear are 5 cm long, and the claws are 6 cm long. In our country, it is found in the waters of the Kara and Barents Seas. The feeding area of ​​the polar bear coincides with drifting and landfast sea ​​ice where they hunt seals and sea hares. Usually the bear guards its prey right next to the hole. As soon as the seal emerges, the bear hits it on the head with its powerful paw and drags it onto the ice floe. Toptygin does not disdain carrion. And the polar bear is a noble fisherman. It enters the mouth of the river when salmonids are heading upstream from the sea for spawning, and with a blow of the front paw, it knocks out a fish that has turned up in an insensible state.

The polar bear had, in general, a low breeding potential even in more prosperous times. A female polar bear can give birth for the first time at the age of 5-8 years. She, if I may say so, is a lazy mother. She gives birth once every three years. And usually has one, less often two cubs in the litter. At birth, the bear cub weighs only half a kilogram. He is born blind. But after 60 days, he calmly gains 10-12 kg. Today, the mortality among cubs is very high - up to 40%. Ecologists attribute the fall in the number of polar bears primarily to pesticide poisoning and severe water pollution with oil, which is also mined on the shelves, and poachers actively "help".

But if poachers can be at least somehow fought, then what can be done with the poisoning of water and air remains unclear. And what surprises can humanity now expect from mutant bears? Why not put white bears all in the cages of city zoos? And there are less than 5,000 left in our country today.

Wildlife is not only beauty, but also numerous dangers awaiting inexperienced people. Since childhood, we have been accustomed to idealizing animals, including bears, having become accustomed to cartoon characters. However, in real life they are far from harmless and not as cute as we are used to seeing them on screens in popular science films. The article will focus on the man-eating bear - a dangerous animal, meetings with which any experienced hunter tries to avoid. But, unfortunately, this does not always work out.

dangerous animals

Bears in the wild are not at all the cute furries we imagine them to be. And they definitely know about it. experienced hunters. Bears are considered to be very large and incredibly formidable predators on the planet. They are much larger than tigers and lions. It is their incredible strength that has led to the veneration of animals in many cultures. Recall that on flags and coats of arms you can often see the figure of a bear. People have long feared and respected the animal. Not everyone manages to avoid death when meeting with such a predator.

Living away from wildlife, it is difficult to imagine the danger that comes from a cannibal bear. Until now, people living in forest villages or mountains around the world suffer from powerful predators, because a hungry animal is able to penetrate even human dwellings in search of prey.

Which bears are dangerous?

The bear is a desirable prey for any hunter. However, very often people themselves become its prey. In the forest, a harmless picker of mushrooms and berries can also encounter a predator. Such meetings are dangerous, because if a cannibal bear gets in the way, it is simply impossible for an unarmed person to get away from his strong paws.

She-bears with cubs pose a serious danger. During the period of motherhood, they are incredibly vigilant, therefore they are able to attack even those people who do not have any bad intentions.

Wounded animals are also dangerous - they themselves attack the hunters who wounded them.

The most dangerous cannibal is the connecting rod bear. Such an animal is a killing machine that sweeps away everything in its path for the sake of prey.

What do they eat

The food of a bear is directly related to its habitat. Predators live in forests, sometimes in the tundra, as well as in high mountain regions. As a rule, each individual is kept alone. Males occupy for themselves a territory from 70 to 400 square kilometers. Animals mark the boundaries of their territory with odorous marks on tree bark. An interesting fact is that bears eat a very diverse diet. Their diet includes: acorns, berries, roots, nuts, herbs, tubers, insects, lizards, worms, rodents, frogs.

Males of large sizes can also attack young ungulates. Brown bears, for example, are very fond of honey and fish, which are caught during spawning. But in search of food, bear attacks on livestock happen.

Animal dimensions

Bears are large animals. On average, the weight of one animal ranges from 80-120 kilograms. It is clear that such a huge creature needs to eat well in order to maintain its strength. In the summer, the animal accumulates subcutaneous fat, the mass of which can reach up to 180 kilograms. Under favorable conditions, having gained the desired weight, the bear hibernates in the fall. He needs fat reserves in order to safely winter in the den. However, in hungry years, the animal may not have time to accumulate subcutaneous fat. This is where the problems begin. Such a bear cannot hibernate or falls, but soon wakes up and begins to roam in search of prey. In the people, such animals are called connecting rods.

Dangerous Predators

Why is a rod bear dangerous? Such individuals become incredibly dangerous, because in search of food they stop at nothing. They can ruin poultry houses, bully domestic animals. And this is far from the worst harm from them. If the bear woke up in winter, he must eat, and then he does not have to choose. He does not disdain any food. At this time, the animal becomes very aggressive. Such a man-eating bear may well attack a person. And it is difficult for unarmed people to defend themselves against it.

What is the danger to humans?

At all times, a meeting with a clubfoot in the forest threatens with danger. It is unlikely that a person will be able to escape from a predator, since the animal develops a speed of up to 55 kilometers per hour. In addition, bears swim well and even in young age climb trees well. As we can see, there are few chances of salvation when meeting with an aggressive predator.

If we talk about brown bears, then they are serious predators. No wonder they got the nickname of the owners of the forest. With one blow of a powerful paw, the animal knocks a person down and even breaks bones. When meeting a bear in the forest, you must not frighten him and threaten him with sticks. But a wounded animal itself shows aggression, it is simply impossible to escape from it.

Often, hunters themselves are eager to get such a predator as prey. But dealing with a nimble creature is not so easy. History knows many cases when even the most experienced hunters died in the claws of animals. A wounded bear overtakes the offender in a split second and tears him to pieces. Strong paws with huge claws allow predators to easily cope with a person. A bear attack for a person very rarely has a successful outcome.

How to avoid encounters with a predator

Experienced hunters and specialists give a number of recommendations on how to properly behave when meeting with a predator. However, it should be understood that there are no universal tips, especially when we are talking about a representative of the wild, whose behavior is difficult to predict. As we mentioned earlier, the most dangerous are females with cubs and connecting rods, they are the ones who are able to attack a person.

Experienced hunters recommend never going into the forest alone, it is better to do it in a company. At the same time, it is worth shouting to each other, singing songs and making noise so that the predator hears you and does not dare to approach. But this recommendation does not work for a large man-eating bear.

In no case should landfills be created near villages, towns, camps, tent camps and other human habitats food waste, because it helps to attract bears to human dwellings. Moreover, it should be understood that even the burial of food waste at a decent depth does not save the situation. Firstly, the sense of smell of bears is very highly developed, and secondly, it is not difficult for them to tear the ground with powerful claws. In those regions where predators live, waste is recommended to be taken away from people's homes and burned. Yes, and you should not visit such places alone.

If you go to the forest, then you should take a good dog with you. Having a dog around you to some extent can protect you. Just don't take it with you. decorative rocks, which the bear considers as prey. But huskies and shepherds in this case the best companions.

In the wild, you should never approach the carrion or remains of animals, places where dead fish accumulate, and other natural baits of bears. A bear disturbed near its prey is incredibly aggressive and may attack.

Residents of the tundra and taiga say that bear trails should never be used. They differ from others in that they consist of a chain of parallel pits, which are located at a distance of 20 centimeters from each other. In addition, it is never necessary to move along rivers or fish spawning grounds at night or at dawn. In such places, you can stumble upon a bear.

Behavioral features of predators

The defensive behavior of the animal, as a rule, is associated with violation of the boundaries of its territory. A typical example is a female with babies.

However, bears may approach you out of interest. Simple curiosity drives animals to explore the unknown. Sometimes only your food can attract him.

If bears live near people's dwellings, then they are not afraid to come closer, but do not flatter yourself, they will not become tame animals. Any rapprochement with a wild beast is dangerous. The fact is that a predator may be interested in a person as a potential food. Stories about man-eating bears are full of examples of how animals first study with curiosity the chosen victim, checking whether he can fight back, and then attack.

Attack behavior

Of course, cases of bear attacks are not so frequent, but they do happen. As a rule, common people who are completely unprepared for a meeting and completely unarmed face predators in the forest. In such cases, you can not shout at the animal and wave your arms, threatening him. But pretending to be dead is also not worth it, because you do not know about the purpose for which the bear approached you. If he sees you as a victim, then you should be confident. There is no need to run, because the speed of the predator is much higher, you will not have time to overcome even a few meters, as he will overtake you. Sometimes the passive behavior works and the bear walks away. But that only applies to random encounters.

As for the connecting rod bears, they are obsessed with the desire to eat, so they themselves are looking for prey. And sometimes they even persistently visit villages in the taiga and tundra in search of food. Scary stories about man-eating bears, passed from mouth to mouth, may have been embellished local residents, but there is no doubt that predators are dangerous.


The grizzly is on the list of the most dangerous predators on our planet. In fact, this variety of brown individuals familiar to us. The peculiarity of grizzlies is that they have an incredible large sizes. Externally, these bears are very similar to our bears. But at the same time, they weigh up to 500 kilograms, and reach a length of three meters. In addition, predators have a very aggressive and ferocious character. Approaching them is tantamount to death. Man-eating grizzly bears are a fairly common occurrence in human history. Despite the huge size and big weight They are very agile when young. Predators are very fond of fish. They are not afraid of the cold streams of rivers and streams, they easily overcome them.

Grizzlies live in North America and in Kamchatka. They are listed in the Red Book and currently live mainly in nature reserves. But still horror stories with their participation are still taking place. The fact is that, according to zoologists, these animals are vegetarians. True, sometimes they also use small game, and even larger animals. People are not at all included in their diet, however, some individuals can easily attack a person, confusing him with some other animal. Grizzly, without much hesitation, will go on the attack if he decides that he is in danger. Wounded animals attack more often, but here their aggression can be justified by the desire to desperately defend themselves. Females and males behave just as aggressively when their cubs are in danger. In 1987, in the reserve of Canada, a grizzly killed 2 women who met a bear cub in the forest and decided to play with it.

The biggest grizzly

In 2007, the largest grizzly in history was recorded in Alaska. His weight was 726 kilograms, and his height was 4.3 meters. Such a giant, among other things, was a malicious cannibal. He was killed by one of the hunters, who was lucky enough to survive after meeting with such a giant. Currently, hunting for man-eating bears is not a regular occurrence, but rather a forced measure as a defense.

grizzly lifestyle

Grizzlies are very similar in behavior and lifestyle to our brown bears. They live in the forests of Canada, Colombia, Yukon. There aren't many left at the moment. Gradually growing. In the last century, the mass extermination of grizzlies was observed, since cases of their attacks on people even in houses were too frequent. In addition, predators destroyed livestock and poultry. All this led to their mass shooting. There was a time when a large bounty was offered for the head of every grizzly that was killed. Therefore, there were more and more bear hunters, and less and less bears themselves.

On the one hand, meat is not included in the diet of grizzlies, but on the other hand, their attacks on people were a frequent occurrence. According to experts, this type of bear has poorly developed vision and sensory organs. It is for this reason that they mistakenly attack people, confusing them with other prey. However, this assertion is highly controversial. But people definitely should beware of these predators. Particularly dangerous, as already mentioned, are wounded animals, which, in desperation, rush to defend themselves and behave very aggressively, without understanding who injured him, if several hunters are present. The reaction of the grizzly is just lightning fast. No wonder they are considered one of the most ferocious animals in the world.

Instead of an afterword

Surely every reader has been to the zoo. Bears in such institutions are kept in appropriate conditions, with all precautions. And it’s not for nothing that there are signs warning of danger everywhere. Predators are not toys. It must be remembered that the prototypes of cute cartoon characters in real life are very dangerous, like any wild creature. Therefore, it is better to watch them from afar, observing all safety rules.

5th grade

Lesson number 65.

Topic. J. Roni Sr. The story of the fight for the fire. humanistic image ancient man.


    to acquaint the children with some facts of the biography of J. Roni the Elder; reveal the humanistic idea of ​​an excerpt from the story "The Struggle for Fire";

    to form the skills of expressive reading, retelling; work with illustrations;

    to cultivate a humanistic worldview of students.

Equipment: multimedia presentation.


I. Organizing time.

II. Learning new material.

1. Reporting the topic of the lesson, setting goals and objectives.

2. Acquaintance with some facts of the biography of J. Roni the Elder.

2.1. Opening speech of the teacher.

The famous French writer Joseph Roni the Elder (1856-1940) was fond of the mysteries of the human psyche, wrote about interplanetary travel (it was he who had the priority in inventing the term "astronautics"). His main focus was science fiction. He stood at the origin of the novel of catastrophes. In addition, he wrote such fantastic works as "The Riddle precious stone"(1917)," Satellites of the Universe "(1934).

2.2. Retelling of the textbook article about Roni Sr.

2.3. Questions of students on the article (implementation homework).

3. Analysis of the chapters of the story, placed in the textbook.

3.1. Opening speech of the teacher.

From point of view modern science the story "The Struggle for the Fire" does not correspond to the ideas of that ancient era. But the writer in a work of art is free to shift some concepts in the name of the main idea. J. Roni the Elder, referring to a period so distant from us that it is difficult to establish the exact details of life, customs, the level of mental development of primitive man, simultaneously shows people of different tribes at different stages of development.

The writer sought to show the evolution of man in one period of time. The remoteness of the era gave vent to the artist's imagination. He endowed his primitive people with feelings modern man(only in a more primitive form), which allowed him to paint a fascinating picture of the distant past.

In the center of the story "The Struggle for Fire" is a dramatic story: the Ulamr tribe was left without fire. They do not know how to extract it - they could only store it. The enemy tribe has destroyed the fire, and in the name of saving the tribe, you need to get it anywhere. The young man Nao, the strongest in this tribe, volunteered to get the fire. As a reward, he was promised the daughter of the leader. Nao has a rival who also promises to make fire. They go to different sides. For the tribe, it does not matter which of them will bring fire, what is important in itself is the source of human life and strength, the protector from wild animals and scary world that surrounds them.

On his way, Nao meets tribes that are at different stages of development. Nature is described in an unusually poetic and at the same time dramatic and exciting way.

3.2. Retelling by students of chapter three "In the bear's lair" from part one according to the citation plan drawn up at home.

Why was the gray bear dangerous?

What visual means are used to draw the image of a gray bear?

Thanks to what the young men managed to defeat the strong and dangerous predator? What qualities of Nao is evidenced by a fight with a bear?

The author emphasizes that the main quality of people in those days was a sense of self-preservation. Primitive instincts dominated, which people did not know how and did not seek to curb. Strength is the only thing that gave an advantage over others. Against this background, the development of noble feelings and aspirations of Nao, who seeks to protect weaker comrades, is shown.

3.3. Retelling by students of the first chapter "Ashes" from part two according to the citation plan drawn up at home.

Which fragment of the chapter shows that for Nao the battle for the fire is the meaning of life?

3.4. Retelling by students of chapter five “The Battle for Fire” from part two according to a citation plan drawn up at home.

Consider the illustrations by L.P. Durasov in the textbook. What details, emphasized by the artist, testify to the intensity of passions in the episodes of the battle with the bear and Kzam for the fire?

The full dynamics of the poses of the heroes testify to the readiness to fight to the end, determination, fearlessness. There is a hard struggle for existence, in which the strongest will win. It requires mental effort and physical strength. The extreme intensity of passions is felt in the expression of the faces of the heroes, conveyed in the outlines of the figures.

III. Summing up the lesson.

Read aloud the passage from the words "Two of his enemies were dead..." to the words "He did not feel any hatred for his defeated enemies." How does the victorious young man characterize his attitude towards the defeated and defeated enemy? What is the most important phrase in this passage? Why?

“And suddenly some strange disgust, incomprehensible to him himself, seized the son of the Leopard at the thought that another life would now fade away.”

The phrase says that, despite the harsh laws of the struggle for existence, the human in a person wins. Nao is bold, determined, full of hatred for a strong enemy, but he cannot deal with the weak.

IV. Homework.

3. Make a quotation plan for the story.

4.Ind.tasks. Prepare reports about D. London:

- Passion for reading

- Jack London in Alaska.

New millennium for Putin and Russia

Continuation of the first, second parts

Putin and Russia entered the new millennium together. In his first speech, "Russia at the Turn of the Millennium," Putin said that Russia was going through one of the most difficult periods in its long history. In the last 200-300 years or so, Russia has become a minor power for the first time and even faced the danger of becoming a third-class country. This speech, Putin's open letter to his voters, as well as the message to the Federal Assembly became new concept Russia.

According to Putin, Russia needs to restore the ideological and political concept of centrism. He believes that the policy of repression, the ideas of a constitutional monarchy, and Western liberalism are not suitable for Russia. In the first year of his reign, Putin clearly formulated his position: “Russia was originally a centralized state, this has already become entrenched in the minds of the common people, has become part of our genetic code. Russia does not fit democratic reforms. The country needs limited government-led reforms.”

“These reforms concern only ours. In 20 years we will lay the foundation for a great Russia. Of course, this process will be accompanied by many obstacles, but no one will be able to stop this process.” In order to create the most stable international environment, Putin began to actively improve relations with Western countries.

After the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, Putin was the first to call and express support for Bush Jr. Putin also suppressed all supporters of a tough policy towards the United States. It did not retaliate against the US military presence in Central Asia and the Caucasus, which are considered Russia's traditional spheres of influence. Putin also supported the United States with all his might in the war against terrorism. Along with this, negotiations on the limitation of strategic arms between the United States and Russia were a tremendous success. Moreover, cooperation between NATO and Russia continued to develop. Despite the tragic memories of the breakup Soviet Union, Putin did not have any bad intentions towards other countries.

However, events took an unexpected turn. In 2003, US President Bush, ignoring Russia's UN veto, ordered the US military to launch a military operation in Iraq. Overnight, the situation changed dramatically, and Russia began to worry about its security, political realism began to prevail again. This was followed by the Orange Revolution in Ukraine, the Rose Revolution in Georgia, and the Tulip Revolution in Kyrgyzstan. And NATO continued its expansion to the East. The Russian people have not forgotten the words of the first Secretary General of NATO, Hastings Ismay: "Keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans in a subordinate position."

These terrible words haunt the Russians. At that time, Russia was recovering from the war, the country needed time and peace. However, they had only one way out - to return to their paradoxical behavior, namely, to protect by expanding their territory. Putin once said: “The bear is considered to be the owner of the taiga, and he is not going to move to other climatic zones He's uncomfortable there. He will not give his taiga to anyone, I think that this should be clear.”

During the Munich Security Conference in 2007, Putin delivered a speech in which he opposed Western pressure. Putin has harshly criticized US interference in the internal affairs of other countries, the expansion of NATO to the East, and the attempt to establish a unipolar system of international relations. During a session of the Valdai Discussion Club in 2014, Putin criticized the United States for legal nihilism and a unipolar world order.

Vladimir Putin took part in the final plenary session of the 11th meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club

At the signing ceremony for the annexation of Crimea to Russia, Putin pointed to the shortcomings of the West, saying that the notorious containment of Russia, which was carried out in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, continues today. Looking at these numbers, Putin has exaggerated containment of Kennan by 200 years. Putin decided to start the countdown from the moment when Peter the Great started the Northern War in 1710 in order to reach the Baltic Sea. Russia then decided to return its territories. Putin noted indignantly: "They are constantly trying to drive us into some kind of corner."

Putin believes that in the 21st century, the world should be supported by a multipolar system coordinated by the major powers. In his speeches, Putin has repeatedly stated that Russia does not threaten anyone. However, the unipolar system advocated by the US cannot allow the Russian people to feel secure. Since the reign of Catherine Great Russia plays a key role in international relations. An example of this is the Seven Years' War, the war with Napoleon, as well as World War I and World War II. World War.

After Russia intervened in the Syrian conflict in 2013, Putin made his position very clear: “Throughout its history, Russia has constantly played an important role in maintaining peace, examples of which are Russia’s participation in the Congress of Vienna in 1815 and in the Yalta Conference in 1945. However, Russia did not participate in the Paris Peace Conference, which did not contribute to its successful functioning and attracted to the outbreak of World War II. In the past few years, Putin has often stated that Western countries ignored Russia's attempts to take part in resolving the crisis in Ukraine, which greatly worsened the situation.

Putin's statements are not only aimed at protecting the strategic interests of Russia, but also this is one of the ways of dialogue with the United States. Putin's message is clear to everyone: "Americans may think they are promoting democracy, but in reality they are only wreaking havoc." The Americans have already screwed up in Kosovo, Ethiopia, Haiti, Egypt, Libya, Ukraine, Syria and many other countries of the world. Moreover, the results often diverge from the original plan. If the US wants to remove Bashar al-Assad, then who can take his place? If you are not ready for the consequences, then there is no need to destroy political power in a foreign country.

However, during the presidency of the glory-hungry Clinton, the aggressive Bush and the stubborn Obama, Putin's speeches were completely ignored. The Americans, apparently, fell into the hole they dug themselves. The United States tried to force Russia to spread its forces and attention.

Russia's military spending is only one-tenth that of the United States. For a long time, Putin has been careful about allocating his limited resources. However, Putin often had to resort to a policy of intimidation and demonstrate his tough stance. It was necessary to reach a consensus in order to enlist the support of the population and legally annex Crimea. At the same time, spending on advanced research programs in space and at the North Pole was imperceptibly reduced. Moreover, the issue of the crisis in Ukraine has not been raised in the President's annual address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for the past three years.

After finishing cold war relations between the United States and Russia are constantly undergoing changes: they are either improving or worsening, there are now more areas of cooperation, then fewer, trust is either growing or decreasing. Initially, from the moment of the first meeting between Putin and Bush, where Bush was able to "peer into Putin's soul" and until the joint struggle of the United States and Russia against the Ebola virus, relations between the two countries improved, but after that they returned to their previous course, never reaching the level expected by Putin. Everyone is trying to prove themselves as quickly as possible, no one wants to waste time on Putin’s hackneyed speeches about his fears for national security Russia. Therefore, one day Barack Obama confidently stated that the US no longer needed to apply the Kennan containment doctrine.

Such ignoring is the biggest insult for Russia. For a long time, Putin has been pushing for a multipolar world with equal rights. But if this cannot be achieved, then at least he demanded that other countries understand and respect Russia, in other words, he needed to be heard. In his annual address to the Federal Assembly, which took place before the presidential elections, Putin decided to demonstrate his new weapons to everyone, and in conclusion he fiercely declared: "No one listened to us, so listen now." Over the past 20 years, Putin has built up anger and resentment because Russia has not been given the respect it deserves. The three US presidents have all ignored Russia to varying degrees, and they must pay the price.

To be continued

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Presentation on the topic "The work of Joseph Roni the Elder" in literature in powerpoint format. The purpose of this presentation for schoolchildren of the 5th grade is to introduce students to the biography of J. Roni Sr., with the work of J. Roni Sr. “The Fight for Fire”. Presentation author: teacher Teterko Yu. A.

Fragments from the presentation

French writer Joseph Roni the Elder (1856-1940)

Joseph Henri Roni Sr. is a pseudonym French writer Joseph Henri Becks. The writer created his works together with his younger brother Serafen Justin François, who later took the pseudonym Roni Jr.

Writer's works:

  • 1887 - "Xipehuzy", "Manifesto of Five"
  • 1892 - "Vamirekh"
  • 1896 - "Eirimah"
  • 1908 - "Death of the Earth"
  • 1909 - "Fight for the fire"
  • 1920 - "Giant cat"
  • 1930 - "Helevor from the Blue River"
  • 1917 - "The Mystery of the Jewel"
  • 1922 - "The Amazing Journey of Girton Ironcastle"
  • 1924 - "Supernatural Killer"
  • 1927 - "Navigators of Infinity"
  • 1934 - "Satellites of the Universe"
  • 1935 - "The Vampire of Bethnal Green"

The main direction of the writer's work remained science fiction - a kind of fiction, reflecting the world of bizarre, unrealistic images, events, heroes

Joseph Roni Senior

  • awarded the Order of the Legion of Honor (1897), since 1926 he became president of the Goncourt Academy.
  • Since 1980, the Joseph Roni Sr. Prize has been awarded in France for best work in the genre science fiction in two categories - a novel and a short story.

"Fight for Fire"

  • What are your impressions of the story?
  • Brief summary of the story.
  • Why was the gray bear dangerous?
  • Thanks to what did the young men manage to defeat a strong and dangerous predator?
  • Describe the habits, movements of Nao. What qualities of a young man are they talking about?
  • Highlight the passage about the duel in the text and prepare for an expressive reading of the fragment

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