International Day for Tolerance. Class hour "international day of tolerance"

Technique and Internet 26.06.2019
Technique and Internet

International Day for Tolerance

November 16 is the International Day of Tolerance (Tolerance). It was declared by UNESCO in 1995 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of this organization.

In 1996, the UN General Assembly invited Member States to celebrate the International Day for Tolerance on November 16 every year, coinciding with it the relevant events focused both on educational establishments as well as to the general public.

Symbol of tolerance - rainbow flag

Tolerance Calendar

Celebrated by international organizations of the UN system:

November 16, 1995 - The UNESCO General Conference approved the Declaration of Principles on Tolerance

1995 - International Year of Tolerance

1999 - "Manifesto 2000 for a culture of peace and non-violence"

2000 - International Year for a Culture of Peace

2001-2010 - International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World

2004 - International Year of Remembrance for the Fight against Slavery and its Abolition

International Day for Tolerance

In 1996, the General Assembly invited Member States to celebrate the International Day for Tolerance on 16 November every year with appropriate activities aimed at both educational institutions and the general public (resolution 51/95 of 12 December).

This decision was taken in connection with the observance in 1995 of the United Nations Year for Tolerance, which was proclaimed by the Assembly in 1993 (resolution 48/126). This Year was announced at the initiative of the General Conference of UNESCO. On November 16, 1995, the Member States of UNESCO adopted the Declaration of Principles on Tolerance and the Program of Action to continue the activities of the Year.

The 2005 World Summit Outcome Document (A/RES/60/1) highlights the desire of Heads of State and Government to improve human well-being, freedom and progress anywhere, and to promote tolerance, respect, dialogue and interaction between different cultures, civilizations and peoples.

TOLERANCE, or tolerance, the desire and ability to establish and maintain community with people who differ in some respect from the prevailing type or who do not adhere to generally accepted opinions. Tolerance is a difficult and rare achievement for the simple reason that the foundation of the community is the tribal consciousness. We unite in the same community with those who share our beliefs, or with those who speak the same language or culture as we do, or with those who belong to the same ethnic group. In essence, a common language and a sense of ethnic affinity throughout human history act as the foundations of community. At the same time, we tend to be hostile or fearful of "others"—those who are different from us. The difference can take place at any level of biological, cultural or political reality.

International Day for Tolerance (on other official languages UN: eng. International Day for Tolerance, Spanish Dia Internacional para la Tolerancia is celebrated annually on November 16th. This International Day was solemnly proclaimed in the UNESCO Declaration of Principles on Tolerance. The Declaration was approved in 1995 at the 28th General Conference of UNESCO (Resolution No. 5.61).

Tolerance (tolerance) in the Declaration is understood as "respect, acceptance and correct understanding of the rich diversity of cultures of our world, our forms of self-expression and ways of manifestation of human individuality." The Declaration proclaims “the recognition that human beings by nature differ in appearance, position, speech, behavior and values ​​and have the right to live in the world and preserve their individuality.

The Declaration examines the threats to humanity posed by intolerance and proposes methods and programs to combat intolerance.

In 1997, the UN General Assembly (resolution No. A / RES / 51/95) also invited the UN member states to celebrate this International Day. The General Assembly in this resolution refers to its decisions to celebrate the United Nations Year for Tolerance; refers to the UN Charter, which establishes that the principle of tolerance must be applied in the prevention of wars; Takes note of UNESCO's decision to adopt the Declaration of Principles on Tolerance.

In his message in 2005 on the occasion of the International Day for Tolerance, the UN Secretary-General says that the fight against intolerance is one of the main activities of the UN. In the context of population growth and increasing migration, xenophobia and extremism are on the rise all over the world. Tolerance, the message says, means knowing more about each other, bringing out the best in each other's traditions and beliefs. We need to respect each other as individuals who independently determine their identity, religious and cultural affiliation, as individuals who understand that we can appreciate our own characteristics without hating the characteristics of others.

Vladislav Lentorsky offers 4 possible ways understanding of tolerance:

1) tolerance as indifference (the existence of opinions, the truth of which can never be proven) - religious views, values ​​of various cultures, ethical beliefs, beliefs, etc.

2) tolerance as the impossibility of mutual understanding (limits the manifestation of tolerance to respect for another, which at the same time is impossible to understand and with whom it is impossible to interact).

3) tolerance as indulgence (privileged in the mind of a person, the position of one's own culture, therefore all others are assessed as weaker: they can be tolerated, but at the same time despised).

4) tolerance as an extension of one's own experience and critical dialogue - allows not only to respect someone else's position, but also to change one's own as a critical dialogue. This approach is the most desirable in the current situation.

Basic principles of tolerance.

These principles include, first of all, the following:

Rejection of violence as an unacceptable means of introducing a person to any idea. Voluntary choice, "freedom of conscience", emphasis on the sincerity of beliefs.

The ability to force oneself without forcing others. Fear and coercion from the outside do not contribute to the formation of tolerance, although as an educational factor at a certain moment they discipline people, while forming certain mores;

· tolerance, in the European sense, sets an example of "law-abiding", obedience to laws, traditions and customs. Obedience to laws, and not to the will of the majority or one person, seems to be an important factor in social development;

Acceptance of the OTHER, which may differ on various grounds - national, racial, cultural, religious, etc.

Forming relationships according to the "golden" rule: "Do to others the way you would like them to do to you."

Slides captions:


Conversation - presentation on the topic:

International Day of Tolerance

The purpose of this event:

familiarization of children with the concept of "tolerance, tolerant attitude",

cultivating respect and kindness towards other people,

development of communication skills.

Lesson Plan

Guys, do you know what holiday is November 16? That's right, International Day for Tolerance! And today we will see short presentation dedicated to this holiday.

So what is this word - tolerance?

The Declaration of Principles of Tolerance reads“... Tolerance means respect, acceptance and a correct understanding of the rich diversity of cultures of our world, our forms of self-expression and ways of manifestation of human individuality. Tolerance is an obligation to promote human rights, ... democracy and the rule of law ... "

How to explain in your own words what tolerance is? Let's choose words that are close in meaning ...

What traits should a tolerant person have, and what personality traits prevent them from being such?

Tolerance is harmony in diversity, the path to peace and harmony. To be tolerant means to respect others regardless of differences. It means being considerate of others and paying attention to what brings us together.

How else can we call today's holiday? (Day of mutual understanding, mutual acceptance, mutual trust.)

We are all different, but we are all equal. People are born different: different, peculiar, so that you can understand others, you need to cultivate patience in yourself

How do you think you are tolerant people? (Well no.)

But it seems to me that you are all kind, understanding, tolerant.

Let's see if I'm tolerant, then I:-

Tolerant and patient

Considering other people's opinions and interests;

Able to resolve conflicts through persuasion and mutual understanding;

Friendly and caring, polite and delicate;

Respectful of others and respected by them;

Respecting the rights of one's own and others, able to listen and hear;

Caring, compassionate, supportive;

A patriot of his school, city, Russia, who cares about their prosperity

A person who protects nature and culture;

Hardworking, successful, independent, happy.

Good. What do you think a tolerant country means? Tolerant Russia?

In my Russia

The authorities are fair, professional, responsible, caring for their citizens;

The people are healthy, benevolent, hardworking, wealthy, caring about the prosperity of their country;

All citizens are patriots of their country, free, respecting the rights of their own and others, appreciating good neighborly relations, peace and harmony, the right of everyone to be themselves;

The country cooperates with other countries of the world, maintaining peace and friendship throughout the world.

And so guys, today we talked about tolerance and I would like you to pay attention to the last slide and remember:If everyone is tolerant of each other, then together we will make our world tolerant.

Thank you for your attention.


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Slides captions:

From the Declaration of Principles on Tolerance, approved by resolution 5.61 of the UNESCO General Conference of November 16, 1995 “... Tolerance means respect, acceptance and a correct understanding of the rich diversity of cultures of our world, our forms of self-expression and ways of manifesting human individuality. Tolerance is an obligation to promote human rights, ... democracy and the rule of law ... "

What features should a tolerant person have, and what personality traits prevent one from being one?

Tolerance is harmony in diversity.

Tolerance is the path to peace and harmony.

To be tolerant means to respect others regardless of differences. It means being considerate of others and paying attention to what brings us together.

We are all different, we are all equal!

People are born different: different, unique. In order for you to understand others, you need to cultivate patience in yourself.

Tolerant personality Me: tolerant and patient; reckoning with other people's opinions and interests; able to resolve conflicts through persuasion and mutual understanding; friendly and caring, polite and delicate; respectful of others and respected by them; respecting the rights of oneself and others, able to listen and hear; caring, compassionate, supportive; a patriot of his school, city, Russia, who cares about their prosperity; a person who protects nature and culture; hardworking, successful, independent, happy.

A tolerant country In my Russia, the authorities are fair, professional, responsible, caring for their citizens; the people are healthy, benevolent, industrious, secure, caring about the prosperity of their country; all citizens are patriots of their country, free, respecting the rights of their own and others, appreciating good neighborly relations, peace and harmony, the right of everyone to be themselves; the country cooperates with other countries of the world, maintaining peace and friendship throughout the world.

If everyone is tolerant of each other, Then together we will make our world tolerant.



multimedia presentation

The problem of discussion with parents is the question "How to raise a tolerant person?". The tolerance of a person entering a great life is a factor of socialization and largely determines the success life path person. That is why the most important task is to form in the younger generation the ability to build relationships in the process of interacting with others on the basis of cooperation and mutual understanding, readiness to accept other people and their views, habits as they are.

Meeting progress:

Dear parents! We're glad to welcome you. Thank you for postponing all the cases, you came to this meeting. We are holding a week on the prevention of extremism among youth and adolescents, dedicated to the International Day of Tolerance. The problem that will be the subject of our discussion is very relevant “How to educate a tolerant person?” The need to solve it is dictated by the fact that the tolerance of a person entering a great life is a factor of socialization and largely determines the success of a person's life path.

So, what is xenophobia, tolerance is a fairly new concept, it is:

- recognition, respect and observance of the rights and freedoms of all people without distinction of social, class, religious, ethnic and other characteristics.

- tolerance for other people's opinions, beliefs, behavior.

In other words, tolerance is...

Tolerance means respect for one's own inner world child, faith in the victory of a good beginning in interpersonal relationships, the rejection of methods of brute coercion and any form of authoritarianism, positive vocabulary.
To raise a child tolerant, it is necessary to take into account the fact that children are a mirror of the attitudes and characters of their parents. Therefore, for starters, you yourself need to treat your child tolerantly.

First, do not offend him.

Secondly listen to his opinion and take it into account.

Thirdly be able to forgive insults and ask for forgiveness from the child. This is the most difficult moment, but at the same time the most important, because children have a heightened sense of justice.

Fourth be able to negotiate without quarrels and destructive conflicts.

Fifth , you can not humiliate the dignity of the child - ignore him, show disrespect for his hobbies, etc.

At sixth , you should not force the child to do what you want with the help of force.
In order for parents to be able to raise children in the spirit of tolerance, they need to have the appropriate knowledge, namely, parents need to form a system of values ​​in adolescents, which is based on such general concepts as consent, compromise, mutual acceptance and tolerance, forgiveness, non-violence, sympathy , understanding, empathy, etc.
The first test of tolerance for parents is the adoption of the sex of the child, when instead of, say, the long-awaited heir, a daughter is born. This is especially important, because in the first year of a new person's life, his basic trust in the world is formed. And if the child does not receive enough love and attention, he may develop a hostile attitude towards the world, which will seriously complicate his life. In the first year of a child's life, the mother is of particular importance; in general, this period of time can be safely called the year of the mother. It is she who satisfies all the needs of the baby. But, meanwhile, the presence of the father also has importance. Firstly, it is he who ensures the safety of the mother and child, and it is on his behavior that the well-being of the mother depends. Secondly, the child looks at the relationship of the parents and what he sees affects his future family, future life and health. Everyone knows that a daughter should be brought up feminine and the values ​​​​of motherhood should be laid in her, and a sense of responsibility should be instilled in her son. But the most important thing is to teach the girl gratitude, and the boy caring. After all, if a boy is caring, then, having become a man, in order to achieve the well-being of his loved ones, he will make every effort, showing intelligence, strength, and other masculine qualities. And gratitude is the most important feminine quality. Because if a woman is grateful, then you want to do something more for her than has already been done and you want to please her.
When raising a child, one must also take into account that human brain remembers absolutely everything. The only question is whether it will be deposited in the consciousness or in the subconscious. Raising a child by personal example is the most difficult, but at the same time the most effective. In order for the daughter to grow up feminine, the mother must be such herself and teach her neatness and women's housework. The father also plays a big role in the girl's life, because how he communicates with her depends on what kind of relationship she will seek with men when she grows up. A teenage son should be brought up in calm severity. Of course, this does not mean that it should not be loved.
Children who learn by practice what respect and tolerance for others are, receive the foundations necessary for building peace and developing a community. The actions they take to serve the community of the family, class, school, strengthen their knowledge and make it possible to create a society of mutual consent, where they live in joy and harmony. Regardless of the position of the child, his worldview, a respectful attitude towards him is necessary principle educational process. When in the formation of tolerance, this principle acquires a double significance. Respecting and accepting the position and opinion of the child, correcting them if necessary, we show him an example of a tolerant attitude towards a person with a different view of the world.

The slide presents the symbolic rules of upbringing, which may help us raise tolerant and tolerant children.

If a child is constantly criticized, he learns hate.

If a child lives in enmity, he learns aggressiveness.

If a child is ridiculed, he becomes closed.

If a child grows up in reproach, he learns to live with guilt.

If a child grows up in tolerance, he learnsaccept others.

If a child is encouraged, he learns believe in yourself.

If a child grows up in honesty, he learnsto be fair.

If a child grows up in safety, he learns believe in yourself.

If a child lives in understanding and friendliness, he learnsfind love in this world.

For now, I suggest just looking at the slides I have prepared.

We will receive more than we give if we more often remember what unites us, about the fact that a person becomes a Human only thanks to another person.

We live because we are different.

This event is dedicated to mutual respect and tolerance, cooperation of different world cultures, drawing public attention to any problem. At its core, it has educational value and is widespread in many countries.

On November 16, 2019, Russia, as well as throughout the civilized world, will celebrate the Day of Tolerance.

The prerequisites for the emergence of the holiday were the conditions of modern reality, when against the backdrop of racial, class and religious contradictions, conflicts, facts of terrorism, and criminal incidents increasingly began to arise. In today's progressive time, discrimination and aggression are very clearly manifested. Therefore, humanity must find ways to eradicate intolerance and introduce the principles of universal humanism. This is one of the top priorities in the world, and the adoption of the Tolerance Day holiday is considered an important step towards its solution.

How did the holiday come about?

Long overdue issues relating to problems in society, recognition of foreign culture, understanding of individuality were first considered at the meeting international organization UNESCO in 1995. Then at the 28th session of the General Conference, held in Paris from October 25 to November 16, the "Declaration of the Principles of Tolerance" was established. The adopted document explains the essence of the term "tolerance", its principles and phenomena that accompany it:

  • problems of non-tolerant countries;
  • threats that provoke the denial of the characteristics of another culture;
  • ways to introduce tolerance into the minds of citizens;
  • methods of combating the manifestation of cruelty and intolerance among the population.

The adoption of the legislative framework is an attempt to return to people the culture of communication, the opportunity to learn to respect the tastes of others and stop dividing people by race, religion, age.

On the last day of the meeting, the intention to celebrate Tolerance Day every year was solemnly announced. After 2 years, the celebration of the day of tolerance was considered at the UN General Assembly and included in the list international holidays. November 16 was set as the date for the event. Since then, the day of tolerance has been held in Russia, in 2019 the holiday falls on Saturday. The program of the Day of Tolerance includes activities that will be held in children's institutions and in the community.

  • the term "tolerance" comes from the name of the French Minister of Foreign Affairs Talleyrand-Périgord, who held a post at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries and became famous for his ability to listen to others, reckon with other people's mores, and at the same time be dexterous and unscrupulous;
  • for the spread of the ideology of tolerance and the eradication of violence, the Manajit Singh Tolerance Prize is awarded;
  • the development of tolerance is based on the competent upbringing of children and skillful communication of information to adults;
  • in Russia, infringement of rights and freedoms is a criminal offense (Article 136 of the Criminal Code);
  • Azerbaijan, Australia, Argentina, Canada and Sweden are considered the most tolerant countries in the world.

How is Tolerance Day celebrated?

Russia joined the Declaration in 1997, but has been celebrating the event every year since 2006. The holiday is celebrated in all regions of the country. At the state level, it takes place in children's institutions and extra-curricular institutions. Special lectures and seminars are held in schools, competitions and interactive games are organized. Adults try to involve younger students in activities as much as possible. The flexible psyche of children makes it possible to positively relate to children with special needs, to adapt faster during outside world, understand the culture of other nationalities.

For the first time, the Day of Tolerance was massively celebrated in St. Petersburg. The holiday called "Tolerance" was accompanied by promotions, competitions, quizzes and open lessons. Large-scale events were aimed at developing the principles of tolerance among children and were widely covered in the regional media. In 2014, the Tolerance program was taken up by 16 Russian cities. In addition to the main events, mass races of youth and sports associations appeared in the celebration program.

In other countries, marches, political actions, and major summits are held on the day of tolerance. The participants of the holiday pursue socio-political goals aimed at non-violence, raise funds for refugees, defend certain concepts. Those who abstract from politics take part in themed parties and spend time at music concerts.

See video about what tolerance is, as well as about the International Day for Tolerance:

Date in 2019: November 16, Saturday.

“Now that we have learned to fly through the air like birds, to swim underwater like fish, we lack only one thing: to learn how to live on earth like people.” (B. Shaw) The Day of Tolerance, which is celebrated all over the world in November, is dedicated to this art - to live with people and among people.

"Tolerance is the art of living in a world of people and ideas."(AG Asmolov) Not every person on the planet can boast of tolerance and loyalty to phenomena that do not correspond to his life principles. And with the development of civilization, the issues of hatred, rejection, disgust for the excellent, for the other, unfortunately, came to the fore. new level, threatening not only well-being and tranquility, but also peace on the planet. Global community forced to raise issues of tolerance and tolerance every day. And in mid-November, there is even a special holiday dedicated to these qualities.

Who celebrates the holiday?

The beauty of our world lies in its diversity. It is thanks to the diversity of views, religions, thoughts of people that the development of civilization is multifaceted. Therefore, it is so important to respect someone else's point of view, originality. Discrimination leads to extremism, violence and even wars on this basis.

Everyone who understands the importance of tolerance, the meaning of tolerance, will celebrate Tolerance Day in 2019 in Russia. And these will not be just empty words about the importance of understanding and respect, but actions that will bring people together and avoid violence.

history of the holiday

"Tolerance means respect, acceptance and a correct understanding of the rich diversity of our world's cultures, forms of self-expression and manifestation of human individuality." Article 1 of the UNESCO Declaration of Principles on Tolerance. It is with this document that the history of the International Day for Tolerance begins, which has become a symbol of tolerance throughout the world. The proclamation of the principles and the holiday itself took place in 1995. Both events are associated with the 50th anniversary of the organization.

In 1997, the UN Assembly calls on the participating countries to join the celebration and announces the Year of Tolerance. Intolerance is seen as a threat to humanity. Therefore, within the framework of the holiday and the declaration, programs are being developed to combat intolerance, discrimination, and extremism.

Tolerance in modern realities

As part of the aggravation of conflicts on the planet that have arisen on the basis of different views on faith, on political decisions, on national assessments, the International Day for Tolerance 2019 is becoming especially relevant. After all, millions of adults and children suffer from the consequences of military conflicts and terrorist attacks due to the lack of mutual understanding between people.

And only at first glance, the course of history does not depend on the actions and actions of an ordinary person. If everyone contributes to the creation of the world, says aloud how important a loyal attitude towards their dissident brothers is, takes a step towards an imaginary enemy, the holiday will not be in vain.

Congratulations on the Day of Tolerance

Tolerance Day is the most understanding holiday. On this day, I would like to wish that life would be happy and calm, and the people who surround us always understand, respect and appreciate each other. I wish the world to be shrouded in an atmosphere of kindness and generosity. Therefore, I want to say to everyone - be kinder, more humane and calmer. And then you will see how brightly the sun shines around you!

The main thing that I want to wish on the Day of Tolerance is respect. After all, without it, it is impossible to build any relationship. May support, care and sympathy reign in the world not only on this holiday, but always. Let each of us respect and accept the nation, skin color and eye shape. We are all humans. Happy Tolerance Day!

Tolerance Day is not a joke,

He is wildly beautiful, like forget-me-nots.

He gives the world from century to century

For this, great respect to him.

Happy Tolerance Day, friends!

We are all a big happy family!

What is good about such an important holiday?

Respect, honor, kindness.

There is nothing more pleasant

Like the kindest people.

Tolerance is important

This is peace on earth

So let's go people

Do not succumb to the power of darkness!

I congratulate you on the holiday

Peace, I wish you all the best.

Be happier people

And then your path will not be difficult!

Larisa, October 16, 2016.

Continuously exercising in the art of enduring all kinds of neighbors, we unconsciously practice in the art of enduring ourselves, which, in fact, is the most incomprehensible achievement of man.
F. Nietzsche.

Day of Tolerance in Schools

On November 16, residents of many countries around the world celebrate International Day for Tolerance or Tolerance Day. On November 16, 1995, the Member States of UNESCO adopted the Declaration of Principles on Tolerance. Later, the holiday was established in 1996 by decision General Assembly UN. Day of Tolerance is celebrated on different countries in a similar scenario: held public events devoted to the education of tolerance among the inhabitants of the UN member states and other peoples of the world.

The word "tolerance" comes from the Latin "tolerantia" - patience.

Basic principles of tolerance:

  1. Respect for the human dignity of all people without exception.
  2. Respect for differences.
  3. Understanding individual uniqueness.
  4. Complementarity as the main feature of differences.
  5. Interdependence as a basis for joint action.
  6. Culture of the world.
  7. Memory saving.

Also among these principles should, first of all, include:

  1. rejection of violence as an unacceptable means of introducing a person to any idea. Voluntary choice, "freedom of conscience", emphasis on the sincerity of beliefs.
  2. the ability to force oneself without forcing others. Fear and coercion from the outside do not contribute to the formation of tolerance, although as an educational factor at a certain moment they discipline people, while forming certain mores;
  3. tolerance, in the European sense, sets an example of "law-abiding", obedience to laws, traditions and customs. Obedience to laws, and not to the will of the majority or one person, seems to be an important factor in social development;
  4. acceptance of the "other", which may differ on various grounds - national, racial, cultural, religious, etc.

Formation of relationships according to the "golden" rule: " Treat others the way you would like them to treat you."

Who celebrates the holiday?

The beauty of our world lies in its diversity. It is thanks to the diversity of views, religions, thoughts of people that the development of civilization is multifaceted. Therefore, it is so important to respect someone else's point of view, originality. Discrimination leads to extremism, violence and even wars on this basis.

Everyone who understands the importance of tolerance, the meaning of tolerance, will celebrate Tolerance Day in 2018 in Russia. And these will not be just empty words about the importance of understanding and respect, but actions that will bring people together and avoid violence.

history of the holiday

"Tolerance means respect, acceptance and a correct understanding of the rich diversity of cultures of our world, forms of self-expression and manifestation of human individuality". Article 1 of the UNESCO Declaration of Principles on Tolerance. It is with this document that the history of the International Day for Tolerance begins, which has become a symbol of tolerance throughout the world. The proclamation of the principles and the holiday itself took place in 1995. Both events are associated with the 50th anniversary of the organization.

In 1997, the UN Assembly calls on the participating countries to join the celebration and announces the Year of Tolerance. Intolerance is seen as a threat to humanity. Therefore, within the framework of the holiday and the declaration, programs are being developed to combat intolerance, discrimination, and extremism.

Most effective tool prevention of intolerance is, according to the declaration, education, which begins with teaching people what their common rights and freedoms are, in order to ensure the exercise of these rights, and with encouraging the desire to protect the rights of others.

The United Nations is committed to promoting tolerance by enhancing understanding among cultures and peoples. This urgent need is at the heart of the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is even more relevant in the current era of rising and violent extremism, the spread of radicalism and the expansion of conflicts, one of distinguishing features which is a complete disregard for human life.

The prize is awarded every two years, and its presentation is timed to coincide with international day tolerance. The prize may be awarded to institutions, organizations or individuals for significant contributions and effective activities in promoting tolerance and non-violence.

Definitions of tolerance:

  • Cooperation, spirit of partnership.
  • Willingness to put up with other people's opinions.
  • Respect for human dignity.
  • Respect for the rights of others.
  • Acceptance of the other for who he is.
  • The ability to put oneself in the place of another.
  • Respect for the right to be different.
  • Recognition of diversity.
  • Recognition of the equality of others.
  • Tolerance for other people's opinions, beliefs and behavior.
  • Renunciation of dominance, harm and violence

How can we become tolerant?

  • Be yourself, see your mistakes.
  • Accept people for who they are.
  • Respect the feelings and interests of others.
  • Be kind, merciful, sympathetic; help in trouble; show compassion.

Proverbs and sayings:

Poems for the Day of Tolerance

Tolerance. What it is? —
If someone asks me
I will answer: “This is all earthly.
That on which the whole planet stands.

Tolerance is people of light
Different nations, faith and fate
Open something, somewhere
They rejoice together. No need

Fear of being offended
People, colors, blood is not yours.
Fear of being humiliated
people on native earth yours.

After all, the planet is our dear
He loves us all: white and colored!
Let's live respecting each other!
Tolerance is a word for the living!

To the code of customs ... And never
Don't harm others!

They will be tolerant and very kind,

What is good about such an important holiday?
Respect, honor, kindness.
There is nothing more pleasant
Like the kindest people.

Tolerance is important
This is peace on earth
So let's go people
Do not succumb to the power of darkness!
We all live on a big planet,
Be tolerant of someone else's faith,
To the code of customs ... And never
Don't harm others!

Let others understand you too
Help a hand, if necessary, they will give,
They will be tolerant and very kind,
And not disgusting and not at all evil!
The words "please", "thank you", "do me a favor",
Let them become the main words in life
And tolerance, politeness, tolerance,
Let them always have power over you!

Do not quarrel, scold and swear,
Let's enjoy and love life!
We always need to remain human beings,
So that we can all live together in the world!
Happy tolerance day
Congratulations today from the bottom of my heart.
Let your thoughts be pure
Actions are only good.

I wish to show tolerance
Do not grieve, do not remember evil,
In response to all your efforts,
Trust me, life will be good.
On the day of tolerance - a holiday of kindness,
Let the heart be more important than the head.
Let other people's problems into your heart
And you can forgive other people's mistakes.

We need to be more tolerant and kinder,
Don't put yourself above others
I wish all people to become more responsive
And learn to give in to others.
Tolerance Day today.
He is very important to us.
You often regret
When you say sting.

Let it be warm in a hot heart
Give you more strength
To annoyance
All of a sudden you didn't get hit.

Be more tolerant
To close, distant and friends.
You spiritual harmony
On this day, I wish.
Diversity of cultures - oh, how wonderful it is,
So God created and we believe that it is not in vain.
So let's all understand each other
Today we will celebrate the Day of Tolerance.

Let's learn tolerance and respect too
And the world will become more beautiful, it will become kinder, maybe.
We are all individual, we are all special,
So we will all live together and peacefully on Earth!
Among the many talents
This is what I am endowed with:
I am very tolerant
And strong with nerves.
I will endure anyone
Nahala, fool
And even blue
I will suffer a little.
And I wish you
Don't lose patience
And so that the end and the edge
He can't see!
The world amazes us with diversity,
And it is difficult to understand and accept everything sometimes.
But it is very important not to destroy everything different,
Explore different depths.
And let on the day of tolerance,
We will become more tolerant
Everyone has their weaknesses
It only makes us more beautiful.

Congratulations on the International Day of Tolerance in verse

We will remind you on this day
For myself and for others
That we have one planet
And on it we are all equal.
Not to honor us, earthlings,
Divide, fight.
Strengthening friendship with the world,
Let's create better.
Everyone can be tolerant
To be aggressive is to become powerless.
Create peace and smile at people
We will be kinder and more restrained to each other!
Why do we need wars and strife,
Let's respect each other's opinions.
After all, the expanses of the Earth are so beautiful,
In love and harmony is our salvation!
Day of Tolerance - Day of Respect
Day of understanding and forgiveness.
There are thousands and millions of us in the world,
But laws are not broken for people.
About kindness and humanity
About kindness and kindness.
We will fight cruelty, malice
On the day of tolerance - a special holiday!
Let's perform on the holiday of national tolerance,
Against cruelty and obsession
Against anger and extremism,
More love, warmth, optimism!
We are all creatures of this planet
Let not the value of the coin deceive us,
Don't let rejection lead you astray -
More honesty, love, respect!
We are not all alike,
Eye slits and skin tones
Culture, habits and position,
Let's fight hatred and irritation!
After all, we were born on a wonderful planet,
For happiness and peace on it, everyone is responsible,
For friendship, for truth, for life without worries,
Let the day of tolerance last all year!
People of the planet! Down with insults!
Enough to live in a world of struggle, humiliation,
Enough to suffer from war, bitterness,
The population will not endure the pain of the Earth!
Let's get a little better
Kinder and friendlier, softer and more sensitive,
Let's be friends and put up with everyone -
Everyone on our planet can get along!
Here's how the problem came to be
That the Day of Tolerance has appeared!
And in a relationship, right, a dilemma!
How to call our society to equality?
How to stop discrimination
End genocide and racism
To respect each other nation,
And was patriotism peaceful?

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