Lukyanova, parakhin and great. How billions of dollars are being withdrawn from Russia

Family and relationships 18.07.2019
Family and relationships

ukyanova Kira Aleksandrovna, deputy of the State Duma of the fifth convocation (2007-2011).

Education In 1985 she graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Speaks English, French and German.

Professional activity In 1985, he was a correspondent for the newspapers Air Transport and Moskovsky Komsomolets. From 1986 to 1989 - engineer of the Department of Scientific and Technical Information for Propaganda and Exhibitions of the Central Library for Science and Technology of the Ministry of Water Resources of the USSR. From 1992 to 1997 - Vice-President of the International Technology Concern "BINITECH". The main profile of activity is the search for investors for high-tech projects of the military-industrial complex of Russia. Since 1999 - assistant to the deputy of the State Duma A.V. Chuev. Since 2005 - member of the RODINA party. In December 2005, she was elected to the Moscow City Duma in the 4th single-mandate constituency and on the list of the Rodina party. Member of the Moscow Central District Council of the Party. In October 2006 - a delegate to the congress of the party "Fair Russia: "Motherland / Pensioners / Life" from the city of Saratov. She was an entrepreneur, specialized in investment, corporate finance. She headed the investment and financial group Glenik M. In December 2007, she was elected to the State Duma from the Just Russia party (regional group No. 68, Saratov region).

Leader of the social movement "Ray of Hope".

Engaged in charitable activities. Provides assistance music schools, theaters, sports schools, kindergartens and hospitals.

Married, has two daughters.

Strokes for a portrait 2011 | Kira Lukyanova, a member of the State Duma from A Just Russia, left the party, sending a letter of resignation to the Presidium of the party on September 9. She became the sixth deputy who left the ranks of the Socialist-Revolutionaries. She explained the reasons for her departure as follows: “Several factors came together that influenced my decision. First, the lack of transparency in the processes of formation of the lists and behind-the-scenes decision-making. AT recent times"Fair Russia" has become too "personalized". I realized that neither my ideas nor my initiatives were needed in the party. I put a lot of effort into development regional office in Saratov region, but this was not required. Such a casual attitude towards people does not add supporters to the party. Secondly, now there has been liberalization in the political space, new political forces have appeared in which one can take place as a politician. These political forces have a chance to win the voters' trust, their ideas and proposals are in demand by the society. I believe that at this stage we disagreed with the party leadership, and I decided to leave the ranks of the party.”

Scandals 2011 | On September 30, 2011, the Moscow Arbitration Court ruled in the tax case of the investment and financial group (IFG) Glenik-M (the main co-owners are State Duma deputy Kira Lukyanova and her husband Andrey Shmakov). The court acknowledged that Glenik-M, which tried to challenge the decision of the tax inspectorate, still has to pay extra taxes for an astronomical amount of 43.2 billion rubles for an investment company. The tax authorities filed claims against Glenik-M based on the results of an audit of the company's activities for 2006-2007. The inspectors recognized Glenik-M's expenses in the amount of 135 billion rubles as unfounded. During the audit, it turned out that the founders of the IFG, who were Kira Lukyanova and her Andrei Shmakov, twice increased the company's charter capital in non-monetary form.In 2006, this was done by contributing to the capital of Global Energy Invest Company S.A. Luxembourg (Glenic) promissory notes for 55 billion rubles.In the same year, the promissory notes were sold to several LLCs at par value Then, in 2007, bonds of five foreign companies worth 80 billion rubles were contributed to the authorized capital of Glenik-M. Subsequently, all bonds were sold to Denatock Finance Inc. also at face value.(Kommersant dated October 21, 2011) rose to prominence during the crisis: her Glenik brokerage house became the most capitalized investment company at the time. Tried the additional issue of the company for 150 billion rubles. (the minimum capital requirement for investment companies was 35 million rubles). In 2009, Glenik was one of the top 20 leading operators in the main trading mode for shares on the MICEX Stock Exchange. In March 2010, the FFMS imposed a ban on all operations of the Glenik brokerage house, and in May it canceled the company's licenses for brokerage and dealer activities , as well as securities management activities.The FFMS report then indicated 15 types of violations of the valuable papers ah, admitted by Glenick. Thus, the company did not provide information on transactions subject to mandatory control with in cash, did not reflect all transactions related to the movement of securities, and also made transactions with securities without instructions from clients. The main claim was the fact of inflating capital: Glenik took into account in its own funds the receivables that arose when transferring its securities to other persons. (LifeNews.Ru dated 05/10/2011) According to investigators, being the general director of the Glenik brokerage house, the husband of a high-ranking official, together with like-minded people, figured out how to make money quickly. “They developed a scheme according to which everyone was offered to transfer their money abroad through Russian fictitious firms,” a source close to the investigation explained, “as a rule, the same one-day firms existed abroad - in offshore zones.” When a client turned to partners with a request to withdraw billions abroad, Shmakin's company created a one-day company somewhere in the Seychelles and bought its shares for the client's money. At the same time, according to documents, securities cost a lot of money - depending on what amounts needed to be withdrawn abroad. In fact, the shares were purchased for a symbolic price - 1-2 thousand dollars. Until 2007, Glenik Brokerage House was managed by Kira Lukyanova herself. Then the business passed to her husband - already after Kira Aleksandrovna took the chair of the State Duma deputy. “Currently, a criminal case has been initiated against CEO brokerage house "Glenik" - the husband of an official and the chief accountant of the company by the name of Sidorov, "said a source familiar with the investigation. [...] Kira Lukyanova believes that the criminal case against her husband is just a means of pressure: “The Glenik company became a victim of the system that we have in Russia,” explained Kira Aleksandrovna. - Initially, there were claims against the Glenik company because of two counterparties - Orion and Junior, with whom Glenik had relations in 2006. And now there are claims from the tax authorities against the successful figure in the brokerage market.” (Marker dated 04/22/2011) The tax authorities who won in court have several opportunities to receive the amounts accrued by Glenik-M. A small part of the debt is likely to be collected through bankruptcy - from the proceeds from the sale of the company's property at auction. According to Anton Babenko, executive director of the Padva & Epshtein legal bureau, the tax authorities may sue the heads and founders of the IFG for subsidiary liability for the company's debts, and evidence from the criminal case may strengthen the inspectorate's position. Another option, according to Mr. Babenko, could be a civil suit to recover damages from Andrei Shmakov directly within the framework of a criminal case. (LifeNews.Ru dated 05/10/2011)

For the first time in the Russian market, an investment company managed to reach the level of the oil industry in terms of tax claims. The court recognized legitimate requirements tax officials to "Glenik-M" for more than 43 billion rubles - in a loud Russneft case was twice the amount. Glenik-M, like its brokerage subsidiary a year earlier, was let down by the craze for inflating its own capital using dubious schemes.

As it became known to Kommersant, on September 30, the Moscow Arbitration Court ruled on the tax case of the Glenik-M investment and financial group (IFG), owned by the family of State Duma deputy Kira Lukyanova. The court recognized that Glenik-M, which tried to challenge the decision of the tax inspectorate, still had to pay extra taxes for an astronomical amount of 43.2 billion rubles for an investment company. For comparison: according to the results of 2003-2005, the tax authorities charged Russneft half as much - 20.4 billion rubles, and in October 2008 the company managed to reduce the amount of claims to 8.24 billion rubles.

The tax authorities filed claims against Glenik-M based on the results of an audit of the company's activities for 2006-2007. The inspectors recognized the expenses of Glenik-M in the amount of 135 billion rubles as unreasonable. During the audit, it turned out that the founders of the IFG, who were Kira Lukyanova and her husband Andrey Shmakov, doubled the company's authorized capital in non-monetary form. In 2006, this was done by investing in the capital promissory notes of Global Energy Invest Company S.A. Luxembourg (Glenic) for 55 billion rubles. In the same year, the bills were sold to several LLCs at face value. Then, in 2007, bonds of five foreign companies worth 80 billion rubles were contributed to the authorized capital of Glenik-M. Subsequently, all bonds were sold to Denatock Finance Inc. also at face value.

The tax authorities came to the conclusion that Glenik-M did not confirm the existence of expenses for the purchase of securities, and since the company did not dispute the receipt of income, therefore, it must pay additional tax on it. IFG, in turn, recognized the receipt of 135 billion rubles. income from the sale of bills and bonds, but stated that she spent the same amount on their purchase. To confirm the fact of payment of promissory notes and bonds, the tax authorities requested documents from the IFG, to which the company replied that they did not have them available. In addition, for all foreign companies whose securities were acquired by Glenik-M, the only source of future income was the introduction into commercial operation of the useful model "System for displaying the results of the purchase / sale of shares of mutual investment funds on the stock exchange." At the time of the purchase of the bills, the patent for this model was not even registered, and IFG itself had priority rights to it. The tax authorities doubted the profitability of the implementation of the model, given that the book value of a similar program of the RTS exchange (Plaza) is 1.7 million rubles.

One of the main pieces of evidence in the case was the results of a search conducted by the Federal Security Service for Moscow and the Moscow Region on March 12, 2010: the seals of almost all the companies participating in the scheme, both foreign sellers of securities and Russian buyers, were found and seized in the Glenik-M office. . Having established the interdependence of the persons involved in transactions with securities, as well as the signs of a one-day firm with the securities appraiser - Yuston LLC, the tax authorities concluded that Glenik-M did not incur any expenses for the purchase of bills and bonds. The court upheld the position of the tax authority. Interestingly, when in May last year the FFMS canceled the license of the brokerage "daughter" of Glenik-M, among the grounds was just "unreasonable inflation of its own funds" (see).

“Based on the general logic, if the company had no expenses on securities, then there should not be any income from them,” says Ivan Chemichev, head of the legal department at MEF-audit. “However, Russian tax legislation has a different principle for recognizing income and expenses." According to Mr. Chemichev, expenses must be documented and they must be economically justified. “As a rule, the tax authorities have no claims to income if the company recognizes their receipt. After all, if the tax authorities in this situation agree that the company has not received income, then there will be no additional taxes on it,” the lawyer adds.

In May, the Federal Tax Service initiated the bankruptcy of IFG Glenik-M (now the company has introduced a monitoring procedure). At the same time, a criminal case was initiated against Andrei Shmakov. According to investigators, he was engaged in illegal business and withdrew money abroad. Yesterday it was not possible to contact Andrei Shmakov and Kira Lukyanova - both phones were turned off.

Andrey Shmakov
[LifeNews.Ru, 05/10/2011, "A case for 19 billion was opened against the husband of a State Duma deputy": According to investigators, being the general director of the Glenik brokerage house, the husband of a high-ranking official, together with like-minded people, figured out how to make money quickly.
“They developed a scheme according to which everyone was offered to transfer their money abroad through Russian fictitious firms,” a source close to the investigation explained to Life News. “As a rule, the same one-day firms existed abroad, in offshore zones.
When a client turned to partners with a request to withdraw billions abroad, Shmakin's company created a one-day company somewhere in the Seychelles and bought its shares for the client's money.
At the same time, according to documents, securities cost a lot of money - depending on what amounts needed to be withdrawn abroad. In fact, the shares were purchased for a symbolic price - 1 - 2 thousand dollars.
Until 2007, Glenik Brokerage House was managed by Kira Lukyanova herself. Then the business passed to her husband - already after Kira Alexandrovna took the chair of the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
“Now a criminal case has been initiated against the general director of the Glenik brokerage house, the husband of an official and the chief accountant of the company named Sidorov,” a source familiar with the investigation told Life News. [...]
Kira Lukyanova believes that the criminal case against her husband is just a way of pressure.
- The Glenik company became a victim of the system that we have in Russia, - Kira Alexandrovna explained to Life News. - Initially, there were claims against the Glenik company because of two counterparties - Orion and Junior, with whom Glenik had relations in 2006. And now there are claims from the tax authorities against the successful figure in the brokerage market. - Inset]

The tax authorities who have won in court have several opportunities to receive the amounts accrued by Glenik-M. A small part of the debt is likely to be collected through bankruptcy - from the proceeds from the sale of the company's property at auction. According to Anton Babenko, executive director of the Padva & Epshtein legal bureau, the tax authorities may sue the heads and founders of the IFG for subsidiary liability for the company's debts, and evidence from the criminal case may strengthen the inspectorate's position. Another option, according to Mr. Babenko, could be a civil suit to recover damages from Andrei Shmakov directly within the framework of a criminal case. The original of this material
© "Kommersant", 10/18/2011

How "Glenik" swelled

Alexander Mazunin

The Glenik M company (the main co-owners are State Duma deputy Kira Lukyanova and her husband Andrei Shmakov) became famous during the crisis: the Glenik brokerage house owned by her became then the most capitalized investment company. In October 2009, the FFMS registered an additional issue of the company for 150 billion rubles. (the minimum capital requirement for investment companies was 35 million rubles). In 2009, Glenik was one of the top 20 leading operators in the main share trading mode on the MICEX Stock Exchange. In March 2010, the FFMS imposed a ban on all operations of the Glenik brokerage house, and in May it canceled the company's licenses for brokerage, dealer and securities management activities. The report of the Federal Financial Markets Service then indicated 15 types of violations of the securities legislation committed by Glenik. Thus, the company did not provide information on transactions with funds subject to mandatory control, did not reflect all transactions related to the movement of securities, and also made transactions with securities without instructions from clients. The main claim was the fact of inflating capital: "Glenik" took into account in its own funds the receivables that arose when transferring its securities to other persons.

["Marker", 04/22/2011, "The investment company hid 135 billion rubles from taxes." : Externally, the Glenik-M investment company looked solid: its board of directors included ex-Chairman of the Central Bank Viktor Gerashchenko. The founders were a member of the State Duma from the "Fair Russia" Kira Lukyanova and her husband, businessman Andrey Shmakov. [...]
According to the lawyer of ACG "MEF-Audit" Ivan Belov, "Glenik-M" has almost no chance to avoid payments, and officials companies - to avoid criminal prosecution. The discovery of seals and documents of unscrupulous organizations (issuers of securities in the taxpayer's office) is almost one hundred percent proof of the guilt of its officials or founders in implementing an illegal scheme.
However, the purpose of the scheme was not to hold the tax service, but the FFMS, says Taxadvisor partner Dmitry Kostalgin. “In a good way, all these transactions should have been recognized as imaginary and canceled. And since there is no deal, there are no taxes,” he says. According to Kostalgin, the Glenik-M case is reminiscent of the story of Al Capone: everyone knew that he was a criminal, but they managed to put him in prison only for non-payment of taxes. Andrey Shmakov is not new to the financial market. In 1994, he headed the Binitek concern, which was unable to pay off its depositors. And in 2005, Almazzolotobank, which belonged to Shmakov, went bankrupt. - Inset]

Deputy of the State Duma of the fifth convocation (2007-2011), Leader of the social movement "Ray of Hope".



In 1985 she graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Speaks English, French and German.


Billion dollar verdict

Businessman Andrey Shmakov was sentenced to 2.5 years in prison for non-payment of taxes in the amount of about $1 billion. This is a record for the financial sector. It is noteworthy that the article under which Shmakov was sentenced is part 2 of Art. 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - appears both in the verdict in the first "YUKOS case", and in the case of Sergei Magnitsky and William Browder. At the same time, Shmakov retains a chance to evade criminal punishment.

How billions of dollars are being withdrawn from Russia

The advantage of this scheme was the absence of the need to pay taxes. In 2008 alone, more than 147 billion rubles passed through Glenik's accounts, the media wrote. The head of the company, Andrei Shmakov, was sentenced to 2.5 years in prison, but not in the case of the withdrawal of funds, but because of tax evasion. As the investigators explained to the Russian media, while the development of Shmakov was underway, Medvedev's amendments to the criminal code came into force, mitigating punishment under economic articles. Therefore, a businessman could be attracted only for non-payment of taxes.

“What did the spouses Andrey Shmakov and Kira Lukyanova earn before the advent of the Glenik group”

Andrey Shmakov, a graduate of the MEPhI Faculty of Technical Physics, was the President of the Binitek concern. He created the International Exchange of Science-Intensive and information technologies- "Binitek" in 1992 and announced that with its help it intends to "suspend the outflow of Russian brains to the West." It was assumed that the clients of the exchange would be inventors who would start selling their developments to foreign buyers for foreign currency, which had been examined and certified with the participation of the American company Wistex Imports.


The Moscow City Court will exact from Andrey Shmakov, the head of JSC IFG Glenik-M, the husband of ex-deputy of the State Duma Kira Lukyanova, founder of the Ray of Hope Foundation.

According to RBC with reference to Izvestia, taxes were not paid for the period 2006-2007. Consideration of the criminal case under paragraph "b" part 2 of article 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in court began in 2012. In 2013, the court found Andrey Shmakov guilty of tax evasion in the amount of more than $1 billion and sentenced him to 2.5 years in a penal colony. Shmakov did not admit his guilt, the Federal Tax Service was also dissatisfied with the verdict, which demanded to recover from Shmakov the amount of unpaid taxes, as well as penalties of 15.5 billion rubles. As a result, the tax authorities filed a civil lawsuit with the Moscow City Court.

Kira Lukyanova and Shmakov, a bankrupt recidivist, were issued a public account

As it became known to Kommersant, on September 30, the Moscow Arbitration Court ruled on the tax case of the investment and financial group (IFG) Glenik-M, owned by the family of State Duma deputy Kira Lukyanova. The court acknowledged that Glenik-M, which tried to challenge the decision of the tax inspectorate, still has to pay extra taxes for an astronomical amount of 43.2 billion rubles for an investment company. For comparison: according to the results of 2003-2005, the tax authorities charged Russneft half as much - 20.4 billion rubles, and in October 2008 the company managed to reduce the amount of claims to 8.24 billion rubles.

For $1 billion evasion - 2.5 years in a penal colony

In the Presnensky District Court, the trial of the former CEO of the Glenik-M investment financial group Andrei Shmakov has been completed. The husband of ex-State Duma deputy Kira Lukyanova was found guilty of the largest tax evasion for financial companies - more than $1 billion. According to the court verdict, he will spend only two and a half years in the colony. At the same time, the seized assets of the company are barely enough to cover a tenth of the damage.

The court considered the materials of this high-profile case for six months and on July 26 found Andrey Shmakov guilty of committing a crime under paragraph “b” of Part 2 of Art. 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (tax evasion from an organization committed in a special large size). According to the court verdict, the 51-year-old co-owner and general director of Glenik-M, having submitted “knowingly false income tax returns for 2006-2007” to the IFTS N3 in Moscow, caused damage in the amount of 32.4 billion rubles. At the same time, the court did not strictly punish the businessman, appointing him two and a half years in a general regime colony.

How Andrey Shmakov's Glenik-M scheme worked to withdraw billions abroad

On the morning of August 20, 2013, MIA operatives appeared in the offices of several Russian banks and brokers. Investigative actions were carried out in a criminal case on illegal banking activities (Article 172 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation): in July, the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced that it had uncovered a scheme to steal 36 billion rubles into the shadows. - through cash withdrawal in Russia and non-cash transfer from Russia. According to the investigation, the scheme was organized by Sergei Magin, several banks and more than 100 Russian and foreign firms participated in it.

But what about brokers? It turns out that one of the most popular ways to withdraw capital from Russia is through the purchase and sale of securities. How this is done can be seen in the example of the Glenik-M investment and financial group, whose CEO and co-owner Andrei Shmakov was sentenced to 2.5 years in prison a month ago. Oddly enough, for tax evasion.

The court ordered the "Russian Soros" to pay 47.9 billion rubles to the treasury

The Moscow City Court granted the unprecedented demands of the tax authorities to the convicted financier Andrey Shmakov

Shmakova "sweetened" the prison term with a fine of 47.9 billion

The husband of the ex-deputy Kira Lukyanova lost the last "ray of hope"

An unprecedented fine was imposed by the Moscow City Court in a case filed by the Federal Tax Service (FTS) against Andrey Shmakov, head of IFG Glenik-M, which at one time was considered one of the largest financial groups operating in the securities market. The amount of 47.9 billion rubles, equal to the budget of the Moscow region, the judges decided to collect, considering that it was this amount of taxes that JSC IFG Glenik-M did not pay in addition to the budget for 2006-2007. The imprisoned businessman himself assures that if he had such a sum, he would have fled abroad long ago.

Andrei Kostin helped rogue Andrei Shmakov and his wife, MP Kira Lukyanova, launder a billion dollars

The largest financial laundry in Russia worked only thanks to the structures of VTB

One gets the impression that if it were not for the careless words of the head of A Just Russia in relation to United Russia, then the shadow activities of the Glenik group, associated with the deputy from the SR Kira Lukyanova, would never have interested law enforcement. However, the arrested husband of the right-wing Russian, who withdrew money from Russia under the guise of operations with securities, assures exactly this, trying not to advertise his muddy past associated with scams and financial pyramids. It is interesting that no one has any complaints about the ex-head of the Central Bank Gerashchenko, who was involved in the Glenika scams. It is believed that he was snared by a guard. Also, VTB Bank, through which money was withdrawn from the country, turned out to be nothing.

The largest "tax evader" Shmakov received only 2.5 years

The director of "Glenik-M" sat down for a ridiculous term

The activities of the investment and financial group Glenik-M turned into a record fraud. As proved by the court, this structure wrote off huge funds for the purchase of "securities" of firms registered to the company's management. In addition, large sums of money were withdrawn abroad through shell companies under fictitious contracts. The appraiser, who inflated the value of securities hundreds of times, also has all the signs of a fictitious structure. Interestingly, fictitious contracts were once signed by the general director of Glenika, and now a State Duma deputy, Kira Lukyanova, but her husband will have to serve time.

According to Kommersant, the trial of the former CEO of the Glenik-M investment financial group Andrei Shmakov (pictured) has been completed in the Presnensky District Court. The husband of ex-State Duma deputy Kira Lukyanova was found guilty of the largest tax evasion for financial companies - more than $1 billion. According to the court verdict, he will spend only two and a half years in the colony. At the same time, the seized assets of the company are barely enough to cover a tenth of the damage.

40 shadow billions of deputy Kira Lukyanova

Husband of associate of Sergei Mironov accused of tax evasion

The Main Investigation Department of the TFR in Moscow issued a decree to Andrei Shmakov, the former CEO of the Glenik-M investment and financial group, the husband of Kira Lukyanova, ex-State Duma deputy from A Just Russia, to be charged as a defendant in the case of tax evasion. He is charged with tax evasion in the amount of more than 40 billion rubles - this is a record arrears for investment companies. At the same time, it is impossible to repay the damage: the company is bankrupt, and its assets are not enough even to cover 10% of the required amount.

VAT wrapped in securities of Roman Nedyalkov

The largest company in respect of which the FFMS introduced such restrictions was the Glenik brokerage house, its license was canceled in May 2010. The company was owned by State Duma deputy Kira Lukyanova and her husband Andrey Shmakov, who had a craving for gigantomania: two years ago they carried out an additional issue of a broker for 150 billion rubles. The company became the largest in terms of capitalization and at one time was one of the twenty largest operators in terms of turnover with shares on the MICEX. The Moscow Arbitration Court two months ago assessed additional taxes to the parent company in the amount of 43 billion rubles. A criminal case has been initiated against Shmakov, he is suspected of illegally withdrawing money abroad.

Account for Kira Lukyanova

The capital of an investment company owned by the family of a State Duma deputy swelled to record tax claims

For the first time in the Russian market, an investment company managed to reach the level of the oil industry in terms of tax claims. The court recognized as legitimate the demands of the tax authorities to "Glenik-M" for more than 43 billion rubles - in high-profile case"Russneft" figured half the amount. Glenik-M, like its brokerage subsidiary a year earlier, was let down by the craze for inflating its own capital using dubious schemes.

"Fair Russia" left the sixth State Duma deputy

Another State Duma deputy is leaving A Just Russia - Kira Lukyanova, a member of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy and co-owner of the Glenik brokerage house, has filed a resignation letter with the party's presidium. She has already become the sixth deputy who has left the ranks of the Socialist-Revolutionaries in recent times. “Several factors came together that influenced my decision. First, the lack of transparency in the processes of formation of the lists and behind-the-scenes decision-making. Recently, A Just Russia has become too "personalised," the parliamentarian told reporters on Monday.

Lukyanova believes that the party of Sergei Mironov does not need her ideas and initiatives. “I put a lot of effort into the development of the regional branch in the Saratov region, but it turned out to be not in demand. Such a casual attitude towards people does not add supporters to the party,” she said.

According to the deputy, there has been a liberalization of the political space, new political forces have appeared. “These political forces have a chance to win the trust of voters, their ideas and proposals are in demand by the society. I believe that at this stage, we disagreed with the party leadership, and I decided to leave the ranks of the party, ”concluded Lukyanova.

Disturbing news came from the experts of the political technologies committee of the RASO (Russian Association for Public Relations), they suggest that only three parties can count on victory in the upcoming September 2016 State Duma elections. After interviewing 60 political scientists, RASO experts assessed the chances of " United Russia”, the Liberal Democratic Party and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation for passage to the Duma according to the lists as one hundred percent. We had previously assumed that in the current political configuration the chances of opposition parties to enter the lower house of parliament were minimal, but we did not expect that the fourth parliamentary party, A Just Russia, might be left out. What happened to this wonderful party?

More than half (45%) of the polled experts are not sure that the Social Revolutionaries will overcome the 5% threshold required to get into the lower house of parliament. Previously, the low chances of this organization in comparison with other Duma parties were also recorded by sociologists.

Of all parliamentary parties, A Just Russia has the worst basic resources, experts say. To weaknesses parties include a small base electorate that will have to be fought for with other left-wing parties and former party members who have switched to other projects (such as Oksana Dmitrieva and Dmitry Gudkov), a blurred ideology and the absence of bright, charismatic leaders (RBC).

This opinion of the experts could be treated with irony, as, for example, did the first deputy head of the Duma faction of A Just Russia, Mikhail Yemelyanov, who believes that political scientists are playing out the old scenarios: in 2011, the Socialist-Revolutionaries “drawn” low ratings of 2-3 %, and the party received as a result 14% of the vote. But the facts say otherwise, these facts can be especially clearly noted on the example of the two past election campaigns that the Socialist-Revolutionaries carried out on the territory of the Saratov region.

It should be noted right away that the central leadership of the “SR” treats candidates from among the locals with extreme prejudice. We will talk about the reasons for this prejudice a little later, and now we will make a brief digression into recent history.

In September of the now distant 2007, on the horizon of the Saratov region, it blinked slightly, and then a certain “ray of light” began to shine brighter and brighter. In those years, the Saratov region was ruled by the sovereign governor - Pavel Ipatov. Probably, the leadership of the "SR" considered that the Saratov region under such a leader is a dark kingdom and cannot do without a ray of light. To this end, as their shock candidate, the Socialist-Revolutionaries put forward the now forgotten (or rather, sunk into the maelstrom of political non-existence) Kira Lukyanova.

It was Kira Alexandrovna who was to become a "beam of light" in the dark Saratov kingdom. In the fall of 2007, Kira Lukyanova headed the Saratov regional list of candidates for deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the 5th convocation.

The only thing that connected her with the region was the fact that she was once born in Saratov in a family of civil engineers. On this, “all local specifics” of Kira Alexandrovna ended. She went to Moscow, where she studied at Moscow State University, and soon successfully married Andrei Shmakov, a well-known entrepreneur in the past.

Not without his participation, Kira Lukyanova in 2005 becomes the founder, and at the same time the leader of the Interregional Public Movement in Support of the Family, Motherhood and Childhood "Ray of Hope".

This couple, as reported in the media, began their business back in the dashing 90s. In 1992, Andrey Shmakov created the International Exchange of Science-Intensive and Information Technologies - Binitek. At the first auction, "know-how in the production of products from composite materials, lithium batteries", and in addition, "neutralizer of harmful effects - the evil eye, vampirism" were exhibited. Another project of Binitek was a "diamond bill" with a yield of up to 2000%.

Whatever it was with "vampirism" and "diamond bill", but soon Shmakov became one of the wealthy people new Russia. Apparently, this fact could not be overlooked in the leadership of the party, which was attracted not so much by the “ray of hope” as by the capital of the sponsor of the “ray”.

Kira Lukyanova made frequent visits to Saratov, where she actively covered the local natives with a "ray of hope." But it didn't last very long. The fact is that her husband soon fell under a criminal case. The court recognized the spouse in tax evasion in the amount of more than $ 1 billion and sentenced him to 2.5 years in a penal colony.

It is worth noting that Kira Lukyanova was related to the Glenik-M investment company, which was established in 2003 and was part of the group of the same name founded by Andrei Shmakov. Until 2008, the General Director of Glenik-M LLC was Kira Lukyanova, she and Shmakov were the main shareholders. "Glenik-M" even then enjoyed the dubious reputation of the largest financial laundry in Russia, allegedly withdrawing money from the country under the guise of securities transactions. Interestingly, the authorized capital of OJSC, formed from unsecured securities, nominally amounted to 150 billion rubles, overtaking Gazprom from 100 billion rubles.

After the financial collapse of the wife of Kira Lukyanova, "SR" probably lost interest in the "ray of hope." As the saying goes, "no money, no cartoons." Kira Lukyanova started having problems in the party and faction.

In September 2011, Lukyanova left A Just Russia and moved to Right Cause, going to the next elections to the State Duma. But already in October she told reporters that she would not participate in the elections, since she was leaving “for a state structure for diplomatic work.” Since then, nothing has been known about her Ray of Hope Foundation.

The "ray of light" in the form of Kira Lukyanova's smile gave the voters of the Saratov region only a "ray of hope", the hope that she would at least do something for her electorate. But Lukyanova soon disappeared somewhere, and the ray disappeared with her.

However, this did not stop the party functionaries at all, and with the same persistence they decided to step on the same rake.

In the elections in 2011 in the Saratov region, passions began to flare up again. The fact is that Aleksey Poleshchikov, who has now sunk into political oblivion, was going to go to the polls from the party. His chances were not bad, considering that he had previously been able to get into the deputies of the regional parliament. But soon Poleshchikov, in fact, signed under the complete and unconditional surrender, giving way to no relation to the Saratov region, not having a certain Sergei Parakhin.

Local observers wondered for a long time what caused the change of horses at the crossing, but when they got to know Parakhin a little, they came to the conclusion: the party functionaries made this decision solely in the name of the golden calf, i.e. Parakhin's money.

The fact is that Sergei Parakhin at the time of his nomination from the "SR" positioned himself as a wealthy banker. Before becoming a deputy, Sergei Parakhin was the chairman of the board of directors of Okhotny Ryad Bank. However, soon after Parakhin became a deputy of the State Duma from the "SR" and the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Land Relations and Construction, he found himself at the epicenter of an international scandal.

The fact is that US citizen Mark Kogan turned to law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation, who claimed that the $ 300 thousand he sent through Okhotny Ryad disappeared without a trace. Shortly before this event, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation revoked the license from Okhotny Ryad Bank. Mr. Kogan tried long and hard to return his 300 thousand dollars, turned to Parakhin, but he answered him that he was running for the State Duma from the Saratov region and was constantly in the region, so he could not meet with him.

O strange coincidence missing $ 300 thousand and the election of Parakhin was already written in the media. However, the party, which at one time made a bet on Parakhin, after a series of scandals hastened to distance itself from the banker. Now, on the website of Just Russia, a laconic inscription flaunts about Parakhin: “I have lost contact with the party” (“Fair Russia”).

Parakhin himself is by no means discouraged and continues to work in the State Duma, however, in his report on the work in parliament, they did not say a word either about where he was elected from or about whose interests, so to speak, he represented in the State Duma. Moreover, in the upcoming elections to the State Duma, he intends to run in one of the single-mandate constituencies in his small homeland, i.е. in the Tula region.

Why the leadership of the “SR” did not expel the leader of the “SR” who had lost contact with the party from the walls of parliament is not clear. Although it can be assumed that the exception for Parakhin (unlike, say, Gudkov and Ponomarev - previously expelled from the ranks of the Socialist-Revolutionaries and from the State Duma) became possible due to the fact that he "knows too much" about the history of his election from the Saratov region. And this knowledge will not benefit the already heavily tarnished reputation of this party.

As expected, the extreme ones were the residents of the Saratov region, who gave their votes to Sergei Parakhin, believing that he would actively defend their interests in parliament. It is unlikely that anyone today guesses that the interests of this very electorate for the “SR” have never been in the first place. As the saying goes, they “were beaten up and left,” because the party hoped to get from Parakhin not love and care for the Saratov voters, but something much more and, probably, they got it, and here it sits, keeping quiet.

Well, nothing, as the poet said in relation to the Russian people: “It will withstand everything ...” However, the scenario once used with Lukyanova and Parakhin is again played out in the Saratov region. Only the main ones change. characters, and the series is all about the same thing: how to fool the voters' brains so that they give their votes to a cat in a poke, which you then remember what your name was!

This time, a certain Natalya Velikaya acts as a “ray of hope”, and concurrently, probably, a “ray of light in a dark kingdom”, as well as a wealthy banker.

Natalya Velikaya, like Kira Lukyanova, was born in Saratov, where she graduated from SSU history. On this, the real connection between Natalya Mikhailovna and her small homeland is interrupted. AT different years she worked in St. Petersburg state university, at the North-Western Academy of Public Administration, headed the Department of Political Sociology of the Russian State Humanitarian University and soon became close to the leaders of the “SR”. In her official biography It is reported that she was from 2007 to 2011. was first an adviser to the head of the Just Russia faction in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Sergey Mironov, and then from 2011 to 2016. was an adviser to the Vice-Speaker of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Nikolai Levichev.

Even for us, this "transition" remains a mystery. Why did Sergei Mikhailovich dislike Natalya Mikhailovna so much that he decided to hand her over to Nikolai Levichev? But on the other hand, we understand the motives for the nomination of Natalia Velikaya as the leader of the regional list of candidates from A Just Russia in the Saratov region. This is her closeness to the leadership of the party. We see no other motives.

So it turns out that the same Parakhin, having lost contact with the party, even earlier lost all contact with the inhabitants of the Saratov region, but Natalia Velikaya did not lose contact with the party, but now she seeks to establish contact with the inhabitants of the Saratov region. How strong this connection will be, we can observe on the examples of Kira Lukyanova and Sergey Parakhin. Very soon after they were elected to the State Duma, this connection was lost, as it turned out, once and for all.

Why be surprised now at the disappointing conclusions made by experts about the chances of “SR” in the upcoming elections, if, as we showed on the example of the elections from this party in the Saratov region, in our opinion, there is a real abuse of voters who are offered to vote for the next a cat in a poke, so that this cat would never appear again, not only from a poke, but also in the Saratov region. With this approach, not only the 5% barrier can not be overcome, but even up to 3% can not be reached.

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