Oak crest. Corydalis oak – Peridea (=Notodonta) anceps Goeze

Fashion & Style 16.06.2019

Butterflies are mostly medium in size. In males, the antennae are pectinate; in females, they are short-comb or bristle-shaped. A characteristic feature of many species is the presence of a tooth on the posterior margin of the forewings. In many species, the proboscis is reduced, and the butterflies do not feed. Active mainly at night. Caterpillars feed on the leaves of trees and shrubs. Some corydalis are very beautiful, unusual shape caterpillars. The last pair of legs in caterpillars of a number of species has turned into a "fork" sticking out at the end of the body.


Phalerabucephala L.

Mokrzhetsky (1893), "List of harmful insects..." (1932), Kozhanchikov, Danilevsky, Dyakonov (1955), Gornostaev (1970), Budashkin (1987).

Wingspan 50 - 60 mm.
The Russian name is associated with the characteristic pattern of the front wings of a butterfly: on a silvery background, yellowish "moon-shaped" spots at the top. Bucephala - Bukefala - a city founded in India by Alexander the Great in honor of one of his victories and named after his beloved horse buried in this place.
The butterfly is common in Western Europe, the Mediterranean. In the USSR - in the European part (except for the Far North), in the Caucasus, in the forest and forest-steppe zone of Siberia and the Far East.
In Crimea, it lives everywhere, except for yayla.
Gives one generation, flying in May - July. Normal.
The caterpillar feeds on the leaves of willows, poplars, aspen, linden, oak, birch, hazel, beech, walnut, alder, maple, apple, cherry, pear. Sometimes it hurts. The chrysalis hibernates.


Cerura vinula L.

Kosminsky (1905), Budashkin (1987).

Wingspan 55 - 75 mm.
Harpies are monsters mentioned in many ancient Greek myths. The Russian generic name is associated with an unusual, frightening appearance of a caterpillar, which, in a threatening position, draws its head into the first thoracic segment, painted red in front, raises a “fork” at the posterior end of the body, from which yellow odorous threads protrude, and splashes from the transverse slit under head with an acrid liquid with the smell of vinegar. This picture is completed by a pyramidal hump on the fourth segment of the body.
The species is widespread in Western Europe, Western Asia, Northern China. In the USSR - in the European part, in the Caucasus, in Siberia, in Altai.

The butterfly flies in March - July. Doesn't happen often. Comes into the light at night.
The caterpillar eats the leaves of poplars, aspens, willows. It pupates in a dense, bumpy brown cocoon on tree trunks. The chrysalis hibernates.


Stauropus fagi L.

Grumm Grzhimailo (1882), Budashkin (1987).

Wingspan 50 - 65 mm.
The name "forktail" reflects the presence of a fork at the rear end. The body of the caterpillar, which is no less bizarre than the previous species: the paws "of the second and third pairs of legs are very long, the middle segments of the back bear conical tubercles, in a threat position the head and rear end of the body with with a fork rise vertically.The caterpillar itself is brown.
The butterfly is common in Central Europe and Japan. In the USSR - in the European part (south of the forest and forest-steppe zones), in the Transcaucasus, in the Far East.
In Crimea, the species was recorded in mountain forests and on the southern coast.
The butterfly flies in April - June and July. Doesn't happen often. Comes into the light at night.
The caterpillar feeds on leaves of beech, oak, walnut, less often hazel, willow, linden, birch. It pupates between leaves in a loose cocoon. The chrysalis hibernates.


Dicranura ulmi Den. et Schiff.

Melioransky (1897), Kuznetsov (1926), Dyakonov (1958), Budashkin (1987).

Wingspan 35 - 39 mm.
The rear pair of legs of the caterpillar in the process of evolution turned into a small fork, hence the Russian generic name.
Distributed in Central and partly Southern Europe. Asia Minor. In the USSR - in the south of the European part, the Caucasus, Kopetdag.
In the Crimea, it is found everywhere, except for yail.
Gives one generation, flying in April - June. Doesn't happen often. Comes into the light at night.
The caterpillar feeds on elm leaves. It pupates in the ground. The chrysalis hibernates.

Corydalis Phoebe

Tritophia tritophus Den. et Schiff. (= phoebe Sieb.)

Wingspan 48 - 55 mm.
Phoebe in Roman mythology is one of the names of Diana (Phoebe's sister - Apollo), the goddess of the moon, hunting, the patroness of wild animals.
Distributed in Central Europe. In the USSR - in the forest and forest-steppe zone of the European part, in the Caucasus, in Western Siberia.
Single finds are known from the Crimea. In the Zoological Museum of Kyiv state university there is one copy (male) with a label: "Simferopol, Salgirka, 05/15/1930, born, V. Volkov". There are three specimens in our collections: male "Krasnolesye of the Simferopol region, 06/12/1979, K. Efetov"; male and female "Krasnolesie, 06/25/1979, K. Efetov".
In the European part of the USSR, it can give two generations: I - May - June, II - August.
The caterpillar feeds on the leaves of poplars, aspens, less often willows and birches. The chrysalis hibernates.


Harpyia milhauseri F.

Melioransky (1897), Budashkin (1987).

Wingspan 45 - 50 mm.
Distributed in Central and Southern Europe, the Eastern Mediterranean. In the USSR - in the forest-steppe and partly in the south of the European part, in the Caucasus.
In Crimea, it is known from all regions of the peninsula, except for yail. But it is rare.
The butterfly flies in April - July.
The caterpillar lives on oak, less often beech, poplar, elm, birch. It pupates in a cocoon covered with pieces of bark and moss on tree trunks. The chrysalis hibernates.

Corydalis aspen

Pheosia tremula Cl.

Budashkin (1987).

Wingspan 45 - 53 mm.
Distributed in Western Europe. In the USSR - in the middle lane and in the south of the European part, in Transcaucasia, Southern Siberia.
In Crimea it is found everywhere.
Gives two generations: I - April - June, II - August. Doesn't happen often. Comes into the light at night.
The caterpillar feeds on poplars, aspen, willows, less often - birch. It pupates in the ground. The chrysalis hibernates.

Corydalis pinnate

Ptilophora plumigera Den. et Schiff.

"Pests of agricultural crops..." (1974)

Wingspan 30 - 40 mm.
Males have feathery antennae.
Distributed in Central and Southern Europe, Japan. In the USSR - in the zone deciduous forests European part.
For the Crimea, it is indicated in the reference book "Pests of agricultural crops and forest plantations". Collection material is missing.
In the European part of the USSR flies in late autumn.
The caterpillar feeds on leaves of maple, beech, blackthorn, willow.

Corydalis sharp-headed

Pterostoma palpina Cl.

Budashkin (1987).

Wingspan 38 - 50 mm.
The palps of the butterfly are very long, which gives the head a pointed shape.
Distributed in Central Europe, the Mediterranean. In the USSR - in the forest-steppe and in the south of the European part, in the Caucasus, in Southern Siberia, in the Far East.
In the Crimea, it is found everywhere, except for yail.
Gives two generations: I - May - June, II - July - August. Normal. Flies into the light at night.
The caterpillar feeds on the leaves of willows, poplars, aspens, oak, hornbeam, birch, alder, mountain ash, linden. It pupates in the ground. The chrysalis hibernates.

Corydalis Humpbacked

Ptilodon capucina L. (= camelina L.)

Wingspan 38 - 44 mm.
The butterfly on the upper side of the chest has a high tuft of hair, hence the Russian name of the species. Distributed in Western Europe, China, Korea, Japan. In the USSR - in the European part, in the Caucasus, in the forest and forest-steppe zones of Siberia, in the Far East.
The Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Leningrad) has a single specimen (male) with the label "Crimea, Alupka".
In the European part of the USSR, the butterfly flies in May - June and August - September.
The caterpillar feeds on aspen, poplars, willows, mountain ash, alder, linden, oak. The chrysalis hibernates.

Corydalis MAPLE

Ptilodontella cucullina Den. et Schiff. (= cuculla Esp.)

"Pests of agricultural crops..." (1974), Budashkin (1987).

Wingspan 35 - 37 mm.
Distributed in Central Europe. In the USSR - in the zone of broad-leaved forests of the European part.
Indicated for the Crimea in the reference book "Pests of agricultural crops and forest plantations". In our collections there is one copy with the label "Karadag, 05/31/1986, Yu. Budashkin".
In the European part of the USSR, it flies from May to early August.
The caterpillar feeds on maple leaves, less often hazel and mountain ash. The chrysalis hibernates.

Corydalis Zigzag

Eligmodonta ziczac L.

Grumm Grzhimailo (1882).

Wingspan 40 - 45 mm.
The caterpillar, due to sharp tubercles on the fifth and sixth segments and an elevation on the eleventh segment, has a characteristic zigzag shape.
The species is distributed in Western Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean. In the USSR - in the European part, in the Caucasus, in Southern Siberia, in Yakutia.
In Crimea, the species is rare. All finds belong to the zone of mountain forests.
Gives two generations: I - in May, II - in July - August.
The caterpillar feeds on the leaves of poplars, aspens, willows, less often ash and birch. The chrysalis hibernates.

Tailed tassel

Clostera curtula L. (= anachoreta Esp.)

Budashkin (1987).

Wingspan 29 - 35 mm.
The Russian generic name is due to the fact that the tip of the butterfly's abdomen carries a brush of long hairs.
Distributed in Western Europe. In the USSR - in the European part, in the Caucasus, in Siberia, in the mountains Central Asia, in the Far East.
In Crimea, it is found everywhere, except for yayla.
Gives two generations: I - in April - June, II - in July I - August. Normal. Flies into the light at night.


Clostera anachoreta F. (= curtula Esp.)

Grumm Grzhimailo (1882), Melioransky (1897)

Butterfly in the wingspan reaches 36 - 39 mm.
Similar to the previous view. It differs from it in that dark color the apex of the forewing extends beyond the outer white transverse stripe, while in the caudate raceme the dark color is limited to this stripe.
The species is distributed in Western Europe, the Eastern Mediterranean, Northern India, China, and Japan. In the USSR - in the European part, in the Caucasus, in Siberia, in the Far East.
For Crimea, it is twice mentioned in the literature. Collection material is missing.
In the European part of the USSR, it gives two generations: I - in April - May, II - in July - August.
The caterpillar feeds on the leaves of poplars, aspens, willows. The chrysalis hibernates.

OAK Corydalis

Accent placement: OAK KHOKHLATKA

OAK Corydalis (Notodonta anceps), butterfly fam. corydalis. Distributed in Eurasia, in the USSR - in Europe. parts, Transcaucasia, South. Primorye. Wingspan 45-65 mm. Generation is usually one-year. Flight in May. Eggs (up to 300) are laid in one layer on thin twigs in the crown, less often on trunks and leaves. Caterpillars dl. up to 6 cm, naked, develop approx. 40 days and 5 instars pass, feed on oak leaves, which are destroyed almost completely, leaving only large veins. Pupation in early July in the forest litter at depths up to 5 cm. Pupae hibernate.

Sometimes part of the pupae falls into diapause, which can last up to 3 years. Local centers of mass reproduction D. x. noted in young and middle-aged oak forests. Control measures: loosening the litter, attracting insectivorous birds, from entomophages against caterpillars, a large green beetle can be effective; on large areas - aerial spraying with insecticides.


  1. Forest Encyclopedia: In 2 vols./Ch. ed. Vorobyov G.I.; Editorial staff: Anuchin N.A., Atrokhin V.G., Vinogradov V.N. and others - M.: Sov. encyclopedia, 1985.-563 p., ill.

Corydalis oak - Peridea (= Notodonta) anceps Goeze.

systematic position. Lepidoptera order Lepidoptera, Corydalis family Notodontidae.


It feeds on leaves of various oak species.


Outbreaks of mass breeding were observed in Ukraine (in Vinnitsa, Dnepropetrovsk, Zhytomyr, Kyiv, Lugansk Sumy and Kharkov regions) in Volgograd, Voronezh, Rostov, Samara, Saratov regions, in the Chechen Republic and in the Republic of Ingushetia. They can also be observed in adjacent regions and republics. The foci do not reach large sizes. Their areas are estimated in tens and not more than a few hundred hectares in one hearth.


The oak corydalis is distributed within the boundaries of oak growth in the European part of Russia, in the Transcaucasus and in southern regions Primorye.

Favorite stations

The centers of outbreaks occurred most often in temporary oak forests growing on light soils, sparse, young or middle-aged, of medium quality.



Diagnostic features


gray with an admixture of yellow or red; their wingspan is up to 6.5 cm. Forewings in the middle of the posterior margin with a tooth of scales; the outer margin is somewhat wavy, a row of rusty-brown spots runs along it, indistinct serrated lines pass across the wings, the anterior margin is darkened, the transverse vein is darkened and circled with a white stripe. The hindwings are yellowish-white; there is no dark spot on the transverse vein below.


spherical, 1.5X0.9 mm in size, milky white with a greenish tint, slightly depressed at the apex, with a dark dot, dull, with a slight sheen, cellular structure. They are deposited in irregular clusters on twigs, less often on trunks and leaves.


up to 5 cm long, thick, green, a dark green stripe runs along the back, bordered by two white stripes, lower along a thin yellowish longitudinal stripe, and even lower on the sides of each segment along a red stripe with yellow edges, going obliquely back and down. Above each strip are white spots.


up to 3.5 cm long, pitch-brown to black. Cremaster in the form of a small naked knob with three longitudinal hollows; its slopes, like the rest of the body, are clearly punctured. Abdominal tergites I and II have slight transverse semilunar impressions. They pupate in the litter, in places of its large accumulation, in particular near the trunk, in a cocoon of soil particles and pieces of semi-decomposed leaves.


First year of development: years of butterflies - May (1-3), June (1); eggs - May (1-3), June (1.2); caterpillars - May (3), June (1-3), July (1.2); pupae - June (3), July - March (1-3); Second year of development: pupae - April (1-3), May (1); years of butterflies - May (1-3), June (1). Note: Decades of the month are indicated in parentheses. The female can lay up to 300 eggs. During the day, butterflies sit motionless on the trunks, on which it is difficult to see them due to their gray color.


willingly eaten by birds and often die from epizootics.

Duration of outbreak

The duration of outbreaks is probably 8 years with a 3 year second phase. However, pupae often enter a state of diapause, which can last up to 3 years. Diapause is more often partial, in which part of the butterflies fly out annually and the outbreak takes on a protracted character. Because of this, it is sometimes necessary to fight for several years in a row in the same plantations.

Reconnaissance supervision

it is better to produce at the end of caterpillar feeding (in June - July) for caterpillars, feces and damage. The presence of 5 - 10% overeating of foliage indicates the need for control counts or a detailed examination of pupae in the fall. The collected pupae are weighed and analyzed. The degree of threat to plantings is calculated according to Appendix 2 from A.I. Ilyinsky’s book “Surveillance, Accounting and Forecast ...” The use of light traps, sexual traps and the chemical method of accounting should be tested during supervision, which should give successful results.

Control measures

Spraying plantings with insecticides for caterpillars of younger ages.

  • Specialty HAC RF11.00.11
  • Number of pages 135



2.1. Study area.

2.2. Climatic conditions.

2.3. Methodology and scope of work.

2.3.1. Methods of mathematical analysis (modeling)

3. BIOCENOTIC ROLE OF OAK Corydalis in Oak Forests of the Central Forest-Steppe.

3.1. Characteristics of plantings and features of the formation of centers of mass reproduction.

3.2. Analysis of the viability of oak forests in the centers of mass reproduction of oak Corydalis.

3.3. Dendrochronological analysis of the influence of oak corydalis on the radial growth of English oak.

3.3.1. Long-term dynamics and variability of oak growth.

3.3.2. Influence of climatic factors and invasion of oak Corydalis on the radial growth of oak. Influence of climatic factors on oak growth. Influence of solar activity on the dynamics of centers of mass reproduction of the oak corydalis. Influence of oak corydalis invasions on the radial growth of oak.


4.1. Isolation and selection of highly virulent cultures of crystal-forming bacilli.

4.2 Identification of crops.

4.3. Evaluation of the activity of isolated isolates of entomopathogenic bacteria.



Recommended list of dissertations

  • Leaf-eating Lepidoptera pests of oak in upland oak forests of Kharkiv region: Ecology, forecast, harmfulness 2001, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Dunaev, Alexander Vladimirovich

  • Degradation of coppice oak forests and their rehabilitation with the help of sanitary cuttings 2005, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Tsaralunga, Vladimir Vladimirovich

  • Ecological bases for improving the system of protection of woody plants from the main leaf-eating insects in the forest-steppe and steppe zones of the Russian Federation 2005, Doctor of Biological Sciences Dubrovin, Vladimir Viktorovich

  • Condition, growth and biological productivity of standard oak plantations of the steppe zone 2009, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Esipov, Nikolai Viktorovich

  • Carbon Sequestration by Oak Plantations in the Central Chernozem Region 2007, candidate of biological sciences Sviridov, Dmitry Gennadievich

Introduction to the thesis (part of the abstract) on the topic "The biocenotic role and forest pathological significance of the oak corydalis (Notodonta anceps Goeze) in the conditions of the Central forest-steppe"

Relevance of the topic. Questions of preservation and augmentation natural resources, improving the state of the environment are becoming one of the most pressing problems of our time. An important place in their solution is given to the preservation and enhancement of forest resources, the maintenance of sustainable forest biocenoses, primarily due to the balance of all components included in this biological system. In this regard, the question of the role of phytophages in complex processes occurring in biogeocenoses becomes great value, against the background of periodic outbreaks of mass reproduction.

Purpose and objectives of research. The study of the biocenotic role and forest-pathological significance of oak corydalis will make it possible to decide on the advisability of taking active control measures aimed at maintaining and preserving valuable oak forest biocenoses.

The research program included the following stages:

1. Studying the features of the formation of foci of mass reproduction and the distribution of oak corydalis in plantations;

2. Revealing the role of oak Corydalis in the dynamics of viability and loss of growth of damaged oak forests;

3. Identification of the relationship between the growth of late-blooming oak and the main meteorological factors.

4. Isolation of isolates of entomopathogenic bacteria from objects of forest biocenoses;

5. Identification of the isolated strains and their evaluation by insecticidality.

6. Study of the effect of a biological product on the population of oak corydalis.

Scientific novelty. A detailed assessment of the effect of oak corydalis on the viability and growth of oak trees is given. Based on the dendro-climatic analysis, the degree of influence and the form of the relationship between the radial growth of a late-blooming oak and meteorological factors were established. The established diagnostic signs of radial growth make it possible to reconstruct the time and intensity of the impact of outbreaks of mass reproduction of oak Corydalis. On the basis of microbiological analysis, pathogens causing epizootics of oak corydalis were identified.

The validity and reliability of the conclusions is confirmed by significant factual material obtained as a result of a long period of research using modern methods. The experimental material obtained as a result of the research was processed using the methods of mathematical statistics, and the calculations were performed on a computer (IBM PC) using specialized statistical packages.

The practical value of the work. The results have practical value for forestry in the oak forests of the central forest-steppe. The developed recommendations will make it possible to make a more reasonable decision on the advisability of taking active measures to combat oak corydalis. The established reasons for the localization of centers of mass reproduction of the oak corydalis should be taken into account when organizing a surveillance system for this species in oak forests. The isolated new isolates of entomopathogenic bacteria with high biological activity can be used to combat oak corydalis.

Approbation of work and publication. The main results of the research were reported, discussed and approved at the meetings of the department, at the All-Russian conference "Scientific foundations of forest management in oak forests" (Voronezh, June 5-7, 1991), at the All-Russian scientific and technical conference "Protection of forest ecosystems and rational use forest resources" (Moscow, 1994), at the All-Russian conference "Integrated productivity of forests and the organization of multi-purpose (multi-productive) forest management" (Voronezh, December 13-14, 1995), at the All-Russian scientific and technical conference "Rational use of resource potential in agro-industrial complex" (Voronezh, 1998), at the international symposium "Biological and integrated forest protection" (Moscow, September 7-11, 1998).

This dissertation work is part of a long-term research work of the department on the topic "Restoration of homeostasis for forest biogeocenoses and environmental protection." The results obtained were reported and approved at the annual conferences of the faculty of VGLTA based on the results of research for 1990,1991,1992, 1993,1994,1995,1996,1997.

The dissertation work is presented on 135 pages of typewritten text, illustrated with 12 tables and 31 figures, it has 12 appendices and a list of 108 literary sources used, including 6 foreign ones.

In conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude for the help of the supervisor, Honored Forester of Russia, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Kharchenko N.A., Leading Researcher of the Forest Protection Laboratory of VNIILM Kuteev F.S. assistance during the work on the dissertation.

The preservation of valuable oak biocenoses under conditions of strong anthropogenic impact, which causes the degradation of forest biosystems, is one of the fundamental tasks of the present. This question is especially acute against the background of periodic waves of oak forests drying up, noted by many researchers since 1901 (Enkova, Verchenko, 1975; Lukyanets, Ashcheulov, 1976, etc.). At the same time, four waves of the most intensive oak extinction are recorded: 1901-1906; 19271930; 1941-1944; 1964-1980. Drying was also observed in other years, but in relatively small areas and in smaller volumes.

The reasons for the drying of oak forests are not fully understood, however, many researchers suggest that a complex of factors influences the sanitary condition of oak forests. Among which are primarily atmospheric and soil droughts, snowless winters, falling groundwater levels and other environmental factors. Moreover, the onset of drying is associated with climatic anomalies and, above all, with the emerging climate warming, starting from the mid-30s, the frequent recurrence of dry years in the period from 1950-1980 - 1951, 1954, 1961-1965, 1967, 1969, 1971, 1972, 1975, 1979, 1981 (Kostin, 1972; Lobanov, 1975; etc.).

Research by S.I. Kostina (1972), A.I. Vorontsov (1962) and other authors have shown the dependence of the weather on the types of atmospheric circulation, which, in turn, is determined by the nature of solar activity. Frequent droughts occur during the eastern and meridional (from north to south) circulations of the atmosphere, carrying dry air. This type of circulation prevailed at the beginning of the century until 1907 and from 1935 to 1970. During the period of manifestation of latitudinal (western) circulations, carrying wet air(With

1907 to 1935), a sufficient amount of precipitation falls (Kostin, 1972; Vorontsov, 1962, etc.).

The manifestation of meridional circulation in the 1930s and its increase in the 1960s-1970s is associated with increased solar activity. In the current century, this process, in addition to the drying up of forests, was accompanied by a warming of the Arctic, a decrease in ice in polar latitudes, an increase in the Caspian Sea due to a decrease in precipitation in the Volga basin, and an increase in the number of droughts (Kostin, 1972). Long-term fluctuations in precipitation depend on the intensity and nature of atmospheric circulation, relative humidity air, evaporation from the soil and other processes.

Oak forests, weakened as a result of improper economic activity. To a greater extent, oak forest phytocenoses of coppice origin were subject to drying out, as well as sparse ones, disturbed by immoderate grazing of livestock. Incorrect forest management, according to many authors, negatively affects the stability of oak forests and activates the processes of drying out (Flerov, 1975; Gorokhov, 1975, etc.).

Many researchers, along with other factors, consider outbreaks of mass reproduction of leaf-eating insects as one of the main reasons for the drying up and death of oak forests (Turchinskaya, 1963; Vorontsov, Jerusalimov, Mozolevskaya, 1967, etc.). The stability of forest biocenoses is primarily ensured by the balance of all components included in this biological system. Violations resulting from the impact of external factors sometimes cause irreversible consequences, leading to outbreaks of mass reproduction of phytophage insects. The destruction of foliage by leaf-eating insects leads to various changes in the life of forest ecosystems, including the loss of growth and the weakening of the plantation as a whole (Vorontsov, Jerusalimov, Mozolevskaya, 1967). This fully applies to the oak corydalis.

Corydalis (Notodonta anceps Goeze, or N. trepida Esp., or N. trémula Hb.) belongs to the group of mass leaf-eating pests, distributed in the south of the European part former USSR, in its middle lane, in Transcaucasia, southern Primorye(Ilyinsky, 1958). The first indications of the severity of damage to oak forests by this phytophage began to appear only at the beginning of our century (Konakov, Onisimova, 1928; Kerzina, 1949; Nashivanko, 1953, etc.). In subsequent years, Lozinsky V.A., Zagaykevich I.K. paid attention to the study of the biology of the oak corydalis. (1955), Kravchenko R.V. (1955), Ilyinsky A.I. (1958), Egorov H.H., Solozhenikina T.N. (1960), Maly L.P., Solonovich D.I. (1982), Tudor I.P. (1963, 1964), Korolkova G.E. (1963), Mozolevskaya E.G., Tudor I.P. (1967), Prokopenko N.I. (1969), Ierusalimov E.H. (1965,1990), etc.

According to the literature data, the biology of the oak corydalis can be briefly presented as follows.

Years in May, when the average daily air temperature reaches 17°C, and the sum of effective temperatures is 360-370°C. Females lay their eggs on thin twigs in crowns and on tree trunks in a single layer. The fertility of one female is on average up to 300 eggs.

The egg phase lasts about 10 days. Caterpillars emerging from eggs skeletonize oak leaves, at the second age they begin to eat them from the edges, and then eat them whole, leaving thick veins. Caterpillars feed only on oak leaves. They molt four times and have five instars. The total duration of development is 36-43 days.

Pupation takes place in early July under crowns in the forest floor at a depth of up to 5 cm. The pupa hibernates. The generation is one-year, however, in the pupal phase, a partial diapause is observed, which can last several years.

Oak corydalis foci usually occur in young and middle-aged oak plantations of predominantly coppice origin, growing on sandy loamy and gravelly poor soils in the forest-steppe and steppe. The foci are local in nature.

For population fluctuations big influence have epizootics in caterpillars, as well as birds that actively exterminate caterpillars and pupae.

For the most part, the works devoted to the oak corydalis are in the nature of special articles that affect the biological features of the development of this species. Basically, these are observations with a duration of 2–3 years and do not affect the period after the flare fades.

A small number of publications devoted to the oak corydalis cannot cover all the features of the ecology of this species; therefore, some issues remain insufficiently studied.

First of all, these are issues related to the impact of outbreaks of mass reproduction of oak corydalis on the sanitary condition of oak forests. Damage to leaves disrupts the normal processes of water exchange and assimilation in them, leads to loss of wood growth and weakening of trees. Data on the consequences of leaf damage are of great theoretical and practical interest, since they are the basis for determining the degree of harmfulness of phytophages and planning active forest protection measures.

Wood growth by its nature is a complex indicator, the value of which depends on many regular and random processes occurring in the forest biogeocenosis. Significantly affects the amount of growth and the dynamics of abiotic factors.

So by now there are a large number of publications on the determination of growth losses in damaged stands, but a single generally accepted methodology has not yet been developed. Difficulties arising in determining this indicator are due to the fact that it is impossible to determine the growth of a tree, which could be in the absence of damage to the foliage (Vorontsov, 1963).

Usually, the degree of decrease in growth is calculated by comparison with an undamaged plantation (Lyapchenkov, 1966; Ierusalimov, 1967, etc.); comparison of growth in the same plantation in years with and without damage to foliage (Berezina, 1960; Turchinskaya, 1963; Mozolevskaya and Tudor, 1967; Duncan and Hodson, 1958, etc.); comparison of the actual growth of the plantation with the theoretical expected growth according to the regression equation, where weather data are used as an independent variable (Vorontsov et al., 1966; Rubtsov, 1984, etc.).

The difficulty of applying these methods lies in the impossibility of finding identical areas of intact plantations in the immediate vicinity of the outbreaks (Jerusalemov, 1966). Since all even unsuitable stations for the life of this species turn out to be populated. It is impossible to use for comparison of planting increments of various oak phenoforms damaged and not damaged by phytophages (Juttner, 1959), since different oak phenoforms in the same year can have significant deviations in growth. This was proved by the example of the early-blooming and late-blooming summer oak V.E. Vikhrov (1954).

The use of the method of comparing the actual growth with the average for 5-7 years preceding the damage gives a obviously large error in calculating the loss of growth (Turchinskaya, 1963; Mozolevskaya, Tudor, 1967, etc.). In this case, the cyclicity of fluctuations in tree growth, which is typical for all tree species, is not taken into account (Kostin, 1965; Bitvinskas, 1974, etc.).

It is always required to take into account past, and, if necessary, future (forecast) fluctuations of climatic factors, one way or another influencing change. natural course ecosystem development. There are cases when an increase in the current growth of plantations caused by natural fluctuations in climatic factors was interpreted by some researchers as a result of the impact on the forest of certain economic activities (Komin, 1968). Therefore, it is always necessary to take into account which sections (ascending, descending, maximum, minimum) of the pulsating long-term curve of annual growth will have biotic impacts. (Buzykin, 1978).

Any research aimed at studying the life of long-lived organisms and their communities should study with the utmost care the history of the environment in which the development of organisms proceeded (Rutkovsky, 1950). Row adverse factors, including long-term droughts, which often coincide with phytophage invasions, complicate the isolation of growth losses from leaf-eating insects. Such impacts lead to chronic weakening of trees and a general decrease in growth over a long period. Thus, mathematical models of growth, as a function of environmental factors, must be multifactorial. In most publications, the effect of any one of the factors on growth is considered (Belov, 1986; Vorontsov, Jerusalimov, Mozolevskaya, 1967; Khashes, Mikhlina, 1978, etc.).

The use of criteria and methods of dendrochronology in determining the time and extent of the impact of outbreaks of mass reproduction of phytophages on the dynamics of annual growth and the state of the forest stand is recognized by many authors as the most promising (Bitvinskas, 1974; Rubtsov, 1984; Belov, 1984; Komin, 1990; Kucherov, 1990, etc.). ).

Numerous studies show that the loss of wood growth in the centers of mass reproduction of leaf-eating insects is the greater, the more severely the assimilation apparatus is damaged. However, there is no unequivocal relationship between these indicators: estimates of the decrease in growth with the same degree of leaf grazing can vary significantly.

During dendrochronological studies in the oak forests of the Southern Urals (Kucherov, 1987), it was noted that in the year when the gypsy moth ate trees, late wood was practically not formed and its width did not exceed 0.1 mm. In addition, in the year following the defoliation, the growth, as a rule, still decreases. It is possible to reconstruct outbreaks of mass development of insects using dendrochronology methods using a set of features: the absolute and relative width of latewood, the nature of growth recovery after a critical minimum, and comparison of series of growth indices of different tree species.

In Switzerland, in larch forests, needles are often damaged by a larch leaf roller, which affects the structure of the annual ring in the year of damage. The width of the ring and its density are reduced. The number of cells in early and late wood is reduced, the cell membranes become thinner, and the proportion of late wood decreases (Schlöckler, 1979).

In the conditions of the forest-steppe of the Middle Volga region in oak plantations, as a result of the spread of leaf-eating insects, the decrease in growth in diameter was 54% and in height 49% compared to the previous five-year period. In plantations where chemical control was carried out against pests, growth decreased by only 14% (Mikhailov, 1972). AT coniferous forests Tuva ASSR mass outbreaks Siberian silkworms lead to a loss of growth of up to 80% (Litvinenko, 1972).

The impact of various ecological groups of insect pests is specifically reflected in the structure of the annual layer of wood (Vaganov, Isaev, Kondakov, 1972).

Anatomical and morphological analysis of the features of the seasonal formation of growth of the growth of the annual ring in English oak in the Kharkiv region in connection with damage to the forest by leaf-eating insects showed that the intensity of the formation of early wood was reduced in damaged trees, and the addition of the annual ring practically did not end with the formation of a normal layer of late wood (Khashes, Mikhlina, 1978).

The timing of outbreaks of mass reproduction of insects in dry years leads to a decrease in the annual growth of trees and stands under the influence of not one, but already several reasons, thereby complicating the dendrochronological analysis and interpretation of the data obtained (Davydenko, 1978).

Thus, using the criteria and methodological approaches discussed above in determining the time and degree of impact of various types of phytophage insects, in our work we assessed the influence of oak Corydalis on the state of oak forests in the Central forest-steppe.

The next important issue is the development of methods and the search for funds for carrying out active measures to combat oak corydalis. Insect diseases are known to play an important role in suppressing the mass reproduction of leaf-eating insects.

Here it should be noted that the time interval of the impact of outbreaks of mass reproduction of the oak Corydalis on the viability and growth of oak forests is limited by insect epizootics, in which the death of caterpillars reaches up to 100%. Such epizootics that cause a fading outbreak are described by: H.H. Konakov, Z.G. Onisimova (1928), M.S. Nashi-vanko (1953), V.A. Lozinsky, I.K. Zagaikevich, R.V. Kravchenko (1955), H.H. Egorov, T.N. Solozhenikina (1960), I.P. Tudor (1967), H.A. Kharchenko, N.M. Kireev (1991) and others.

Moreover, each author has his own special opinion on the reasons causing the mass death of the oak Corydalis. So H.H. Konakov, Z.G. Onisimova indicate that this is either a new bacterial disease, or the result of a combination of infectious diseases arising from a lack of food for caterpillars after completely eating oak. R.V. Kravchenko claims that due to the onset of rainy weather, the caterpillars were infected with bacterial diseases. The description of the Corydalis epizootic is basically reduced to stating the fact of the mass death of the insect. Only in the work of H.H. Konakova, Z.G. Onisimova (1928) is cited short description the development of epizootics, while the authors indicate that the nature of the disease of oak corydalis can only be determined by conducting a microbiological analysis. The nature of the course and pathogens that cause corydalis epizootics have not been previously studied.

Diseases have their own characteristics associated with the biology of the insect, the nature of the microorganism and environmental conditions. A generalized description of the symptoms of a bacterial disease caused by a pathogen of the Bacillus nichilosii group can be presented as follows.

Spores and crystals cause poisoning, as a result of which insects almost completely stop feeding. The spores germinate in the alkaline environment of the intestine, and the bacteria, multiplying, cause the disease septicemia. In this case, a huge number of spores and crystals are formed. The body of the insect is filled with a brown, foul-smelling liquid. The integument of the body becomes thin, easily torn. Death occurs in 5-10 days. The dead individuals are usually dehydrated, quickly dry out, tissues do not decompose (Evlakhova, Shvetsova, 1963; Kolchevsky, Rybina, Kolomiets, 1987; Sternshis, Ermakova, 1990, etc.).

The use of insect diseases for forecasting and combating oak phytophages is possible only if the patterns of development of epizootics are known and the disease is correctly diagnosed.

Another important task in the study of diseases is to obtain active pathogens. The epizootics observed by us in the centers of mass reproduction of the oak corydalis can be a source of virulent microorganisms, which will later be used in biological control. This issue has not been studied before.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the study of the above aspects of the biocenotic role and forest pathological significance of oak Corydalis will allow developing a system of measures to preserve and maintain the sustainability of valuable oak forest biocenoses.

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Dissertation conclusion on the topic "Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources", Kireev, Nikolai Mikhailovich

1. Oak Corydalis invasions are repeated periodically on average every 10-11 years, and outbreaks of mass reproduction of gypsy moth and green oak leafworm occur in the same years as for oak Corydalis.

2. In the oak forests of the Central forest-steppe, a pronounced confinement of the centers of mass reproduction of oak Corydalis to certain types of forest is clearly visible. Basically, these are temporary oak forests, which are derived forest types from pine forests and native oak forests in the upland part of the plantations.

3. Placement of centers of mass reproduction in the oak forests of the Central forest-steppe has a local character. The locality of the foci is due to:

The presence of forest stands with a late variety of oak, which makes it possible for these plantations to avoid intensive defoliation of the early-spring complex of phytophages.

Predominantly pure oak stands with a single admixture of related species, since the oak Corydalis is a pronounced monophagous.

Fresh types of growing conditions on light soils, which creates favorable conditions for the development and pupation of oak corydalis - a typical mesophyll.

The action of the above factors is complex.

4. As a result of human economic activity, the late pheno-form of oak in simple and complex suboria was freed from the shading upper canopy and exposed to conditions of moisture and illumination unusual for it. And in the conditions of the upland part of the oak forests, the late-blooming oak, growing on elevations, experiences a moisture deficit in the arid climate of the forest-steppe. Thus, in the foci of mass reproduction, the late form of the oak is weakened to a certain extent, which is the root cause of the occurrence here of periodic foci of oak Corydalis.

5. The oak corydalis belongs to the summer complex of phytophages, and at the moment of leaving the oviposition, the caterpillars from the second half of May fall on the newly blossomed leaves of the late oak form. Obviously, feeding on young oak leaves, as the most nutritious food, is the determining condition for the outbreak in plantations represented by the late form.

6. The resistance of oak forests to the impact of oak corydalis persists during the first two years from the start of the outbreak of mass reproduction. In the future, damage to oak forests leads to a strong digression of oak forest biocenoses. As soon as the impact of oak corydalis ceases, after a year in the plantation, the processes of weakening the viability of oak slow down sharply.

7. Restoration of oak growth in plantations damaged by oak corydalis occurs only 2-3 years after the outbreak of mass reproduction has faded.

8. After two or three years of damage to oak forests by oak corydalis, there is a threat of complete destruction of the plantation, since the number of viable and limited viable trees is slightly more than half of the total number on the trial plot.

9. During the considered period of the outbreak of mass reproduction, the accumulation of forest waste occurs, i.e. sanitary cuttings lag behind the rate of plantation drying. The selective sanitary felling carried out in 1993 with the aim of improving the health of the plantation did not achieve its goal. The reason for this state is due to the wrong approach when removing trees for felling.

10. For the entire dendrochronological series for planting a late form of oak in the Somovskiy forestry (forest conditions of the SgD type), 10 cycles were allocated with an average long wave of 4.7 + 0.37 years - for the growth of the entire ring and 4.4 ± 0.36 years - for the growth of late wood.

11. For the entire dendrochronological series for planting a late form of oak in the Semiluksky forestry enterprise (such as SgD forest conditions), 10 cycles were allocated with an average long wave of 4.9 ± 0.61 years - for the growth of the entire ring and 4.7 ± 0.49 years - for the growth of late wood.

12. For the entire dendrochronological series for planting the late form of oak of the Tellerman forestry (forest conditions type Dg), 10 cycles were allocated with an average long wave of 4.7 ± 0.52 years - for the growth of the entire ring and 4.6 ± 0.41 years - for the growth of late wood.

13. An increase in the total oak growth is observed on the ascending branch, 1–2 years before the epoch of maximum solar activity, and a decrease in growth is observed on the decline branch, 2–3 years after the epoch of maximum solar activity. The same pattern is typical for the growth of late wood.

14. Within the 11-year cycle, there is a very close direct relationship between growth and HTC (r = 0.79). There is a very close direct relationship between growth and precipitation during the summer period on the ascending branch of the 11-year cycle (r = 0.97), on the decline branch this relationship is less close (r = 0.55). Between the increase and solar activity, in general, a direct relationship is expressed both on the rise (r = 0.75) and on the decline (r = 0.51) branches of solar activity. For other climatic factors, a weak dependence is traced with the growth of the entire ring and the late zone within the 11-year cycle (r = 0.25 - 0.32), although on the branches of the rise in solar activity, these same factors are characterized by a rather close relationship with the growth (r = 0.55 - 0.76).

15. Geophysical indicators and increase in radius, averaged over the last 2 11-year cycles of solar activity using the method of superimposed epochs, have great importance for making forecasts. So stably for 2-3 years, there is a depression of growth on the ascending branch of solar activity. This pattern indicates that the oak of the late form, growing on the hills with the growth of solar insolation, experiences an adverse effect, which is primarily due to a lack of moisture.

16. The implementation of outbreaks of mass reproduction of the oak corydalis takes place during the rise in solar activity. In all cases, the peaks of outbreaks of mass reproduction are confined to the rise branches 1–2 years before the epoch of maximum solar activity. The correlation coefficient between these two indicators, subject to a shift of 2 years, is 0.562 and indicates a fairly close relationship.

17. As a result of determining the biological activity of the isolated isolates by the death of the test object (large bee moth), strain 2 showed low virulent activity - 36.3%, and strain 2-1 showed high virulent activity - 97%. The remaining strains showed virulent activity from 0% to 6.6%.

18. Aerial spraying of plantations with bitoxibacillin gave good results and the treatment efficiency (on day 15) was 90.3%.

19. The following diagnostic signs of radial growth were obtained under the influence of such an extreme factor as the invasion of oak corydalis:

A sharp drop in oak growth on a wave on a wave of rising solar activity;

A sharp decrease in the growth of the late zone of the ring compared to the growth of early wood due to the fact that the loss of early wood growth (16.7%) is significantly less than the loss of late growth (30.9%). Consequently, during the period of the outbreak of mass reproduction, the share of growth in late oak wood will be less than the share of growth in the early zone of the ring;

Restoration of oak growth in plantations damaged by oak corydalis occurs only 2-3 years after the outbreak has faded.

20. Outbreaks of mass reproduction of the oak Corydalis are realized on the branch of the rise in solar activity. They reach their maximum value 1-2 years before the maximum solar activity;

21. Ultimately, it follows from the above that the oak corydalis is one of the most dangerous phytophages, leading to a strong weakening and a decrease in the proportion of oak in the plantations.


1. Surveillance of oak corydalis should be carried out in plantations of late-blooming oak. In this regard, it is necessary to draw up a plan for forest plantations with the allocation of oak phenoforms during forest management work.

2. In order to prevent the weakening of oak forests in the centers of mass reproduction of oak corydalis, it is necessary, starting from the first years of the outbreak, to plan active control measures.

3. It is recommended to carry out sanitary cuttings with a selection of all weakened categories of oak trees. Trees of limited viability, non-viability and forest waste should be allocated to felling. This measure should only be carried out if the outbreak has subsided or active control has been carried out using biological agents. The implementation of the recommended measure, in addition to increasing the viability of the plantation, will also make it possible to obtain an economic effect due to the timely felling of better quality wood.

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Corydalis oak Drymonia ruficornis (Hufnagel, 1766) Order Lepidoptera - Corydalis family - Notodontidae


Central zone and south of Europe, North Africa, Asia Minor, Transcaucasia; from the regions adjacent to the Moscow region, it was found in the Kaluga, Ryazan, Tula regions, in the city of Moscow (1-6). Known in the Moscow region since the 19th century. (7), located on the northern border of the range, distributed locally. Over the past 40 years, it has been noted in the Balashikha district near the railway. station Saltykovskaya in 1967, in Voskresensky district near the village of Phosphoritny in 1986, in the Istra district near Pavlovskaya Sloboda in 1990, in the Odintsovo district at the Zvenigorod biological station of Moscow State University in 1974 and near the railway. Trekhgorka station in 1990, in the Serpukhov district on the territory of the PTZ in the late 1980s; habitation is possible on the territory of Pushkinsky district and the city of Khimki (6, 8, 9).

Number and trends of its change

The population is at a consistently low level. The existence of the Saltykovo and Zvenigorod populations has not been confirmed for more than 30 years, and therefore they should be recognized as possibly lost.

Features of biology and ecology

Wingspan 36-40 mm. Found in oak forests and mixed forests, on the edges. Butterflies fly from late April to mid-May. Caterpillars develop from late May to late June on oak. The pupa hibernates, sometimes repeatedly (3, 10).

Limiting factors

Destruction or degradation of broad-leaved forests as a result of felling, trampling of the ground cover, violation of natural succession processes. The use of non-species-specific means of controlling the number of insect pests.

Accepted measures of protection

Habitats are protected in the PTZ, located in the reserve in the Istra district.

additional verification famous places a habitat. Establishment of specially protected natural areas to preserve the oak forest entomological complex, including the organization of the former quarry and forest in the valley of the Medvedka river (Voskresensky and Egorevsky districts). Waiver chemicals protection of forest habitats.

There is no need for breeding.

Sources of information

1. Ignatov Sirotkin, 1976; 2. Sirotkin, 1986; 3. Rougeot and Viette, 1983; 4. Sviridov, Bolshakov, 1997b; 5. Kumakov and Korshunov, 1979; 6. Sviridov, 1975; 7. Dvi Gubsky, 1892; 8. Osipov, Osipova, 1994; 9. Materials of V.G. Sibanova, I.V. Kuznetsova; 10. Koch, 1984. Compiled by A.V. Sviridov.

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