Alexey bryntsalov son. Vladimir Bryntsalov: biography

Recipes 17.07.2019



USSR→ Russia


Bryntsalova Natalya Gennadievna

Vladimir Alekseevich Bryntsalov(born November 23) - Russian businessman and politician. Founder and owner of the pharmaceutical company ZAO Bryntsalov-A. In 1995-2003 he was a deputy of the State Duma of Russia of the second and third convocations. In 1996, he ran for the presidency of Russia, finishing last.


After graduating from the institute, he worked as a teacher of special technical disciplines at the Cherkasy Polytechnic School, then as a foreman at a construction site, head of the construction department, worker, foreman of the subsidiary farm.

A family

Married with a second marriage. Wife - Natalya Gennadievna Bryntsalova, born in 1967. He divorced her after a scandalous betrayal.

There is a daughter, Natalia, from her first marriage (born 1971). From her second marriage, she has two children - son Alexei (born 1992) and daughter Alena (born 1994).

Nephew - Igor Bryntsalov is the chairman of the Moscow Regional Duma. Elected to office on December 15, 2011.

Entrepreneurial activity

Being the head of the construction department in his native Cherkessk, Vladimir Bryntsalov built his own house in 1979. As a result, “for petty-bourgeois sentiments” he was expelled from the CPSU and from work. After that, he got a job at a bee farm as the head of an auxiliary farm.

In 1995, the entrepreneur's fortune was estimated at $ 2 million

In 1996, Ferein began making insulin under license from the Danish company Novo Nordisk. In 1998, the Danish company Novo Nordisk terminated the contract with FAO "Verein" due to "violation of the license agreement, expressed in the transfer of rights under it to a third party", as well as the debt of "Verein" in 6.5 million dollars. According to Novye Izvestia for 2001, Bryntsalov never repaid the debt. Subsequently, the entrepreneur began to produce insulin from untested raw materials, which led to complications in diabetic patients. A criminal case was opened on the fact of fraud.

In March 1997, Bryntsalov moved the legal address of his office to the village of New Karachay, KChR. According to the Moscow Registration Chamber, Ferein was later liquidated. The individual private enterprise "Firma" Bryntsalov "" and CJSC "Bryntsalov-A" (registered in the Russian "offshore" zone in Gorno-Altaisk) were born.

In 2004, Bryntsalov returned to the leadership of a pharmaceutical company. In 2006, according to Finance magazine, Bryntsalov's fortune was estimated at 1 billion rubles ($35 million), and his company occupied only 2 percent of the Russian drug market.

Currently, he is engaged in the reconstruction of the cultural monument of the Caucasian Riviera sanatorium, opened in Sochi in 1909. During the 2014 Olympics in Sochi, this complex of buildings is planned to accommodate important guests. The design of the object, its reconstruction and construction are carried out entirely at the expense of the entrepreneur. It should be noted that before the start of the “reconstruction”, the builders demolished two historical buildings on the territory of the complex - the Primorsky building and the hospital. The original view of the main building was also distorted - two extra floors were added to it. As of the beginning of 2012, there are no original buildings from the early 1910s left on the territory of the complex.

Political activity

In December 2003, he lost the election of deputies to the State Duma of the fourth convocation in the Orekhovo-Zuevsky constituency No. 112 of the Moscow Region to candidate from the Communist Party Sergei Sobko. Sobko received 27.58% of the vote, ahead of Bryntsalov with 26.93%. The difference was several hundred votes. After Bryntsalov's elections, in which Sobko was ticked.

In the 2004 elections, he was nominated for the President of the Russian Federation, but did not pass registration.



  • - Vladimir Bryntsalov in

Vladimir Bryntsalov in the 90s was known as successful businessman and a flamboyant politician, a scandalous personality who does not neglect obscene language, a lover of showing off the pretentious luxury of life. He comes from a poor peasant family, who went into commerce while still a student, for which he was expelled from the Komsomol. The leader, who in 1979 built a house with state funds, for which he was deprived of his party card. A businessman who in the 2000s did not disdain the production of fakes and numerous violations of the law. A politician who was not destined to take the post of President of the Russian Federation in 1996 and 2004. This did not stop him from amassing a fortune that was once $2.5 billion and is now valued at $400 million.

  • FULL NAME: Bryntsalov Vladimir Alekseevich
  • Date of Birth: November 23, 1946
  • Education: Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute (Mine Surveying and Geodesy)
  • Business Start Date/Age: 1987, 41 years old
  • Type of activity at the start: production of honey and medicines based on royal jelly
  • Current activity: pharmaceuticals
  • Current state(Forbes, presumably):$400 million

In the 1990s, Russia was going through a period of active formation of a market economy and a democratic political system. In these turbulent years, the stars of Russia's first millionaires began to appear in the firmament of Russian business - German Sterligov, Vladimir Bryntsalov, Artem Tarasov.

Vladimir Alekseevich Bryntsalov is a Russian billionaire entrepreneur and politician who became famous for a series of dubious business projects, scandalous actions and outrageous statements. He traded honey, vodka, insulin; founded a large pharmaceutical company "Bryntsalov-A".

The history of victories and revelations of one of the first Russian oligarchs

Currently, there is no exact information about his condition. According to Forbes experts, in 2016 it amounted to $ 400 million. There is no reliable information about where Bryntsalov is today: after a series of litigation the businessman had to go abroad.

Figure 1. With son Alexey, 2016.
Source: website "Gossip"

short biography Vladimir Bryntsalov reflects it vigorous activity in several directions at once:

  1. he is the creator of three pharmaceutical factories, an insurance company, a bank, porcelain, furniture, textile and liquor production complexes;
  2. he has three large businesses on his account - the Pchelka cooperative, Ferein JSC and Bryntsalov-A CJSC;
  3. he took part in the elections of the President of the Russian Federation in 1996 and served as a deputy of the State Duma of the III convocation;
  4. Vladimir owns real estate in the USA, Switzerland, Monaco, Russia, which does not allow an accurate assessment of the value of his current fortune.

“I don’t have a penny of money. It happens a million, two, three ... ".

In the 90s, when 90% of Russians were below the poverty line, the entrepreneur's fortune was estimated at $2.5 billion. a work of art.

The success story of Vladimir Bryntsalov is akin to a fascinating novel, whose plot fully reflects the conditions in which modern Russian business was born, grew and developed.

Difficult childhood - the basis of striving for success?

The beginning of the history of Vladimir Bryntsalov did not portend him success either in business or in politics. He was born on November 23, 1946 in a poor family:

  • father Alexei Evdokimovich - a teacher who was repressed at the age of 28, spent 9 months in prison, survived the blockade of Leningrad, and after the war worked as a stoker;
  • mother Elena Grigorievna - from the family of the Kuban ataman, shot by the Bolsheviks, who, as the daughter of an "enemy of the people", had no right to study at school.

Volodya with early years understood one simple truth: in life you should not rely on a miracle - you can get what you want only by using own forces and abilities.

The formation of the character of the future oligarch took place in difficult conditions, so at school he often behaved inappropriately, fought a lot, dared teachers, which made him expelled. high school he had to finish at the courses of working youth.

In 1969 he entered the Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute. The lack of money early discovered in him the talent of a businessman. Resale of washed jeans, card games, breeding nutria ... The payback for speculation was the exclusion from the Komsomol.

“Students did not have enough money - we started trading at the institute. Well, I bought and sold ... So they dragged me to the Komsomol meeting - expelled from the Komsomol, expelled from the institute. What was I to do? Where to get money? Unload wagons? Why should I unload the wagons?

In 1974, Vladimir received a diploma in mining engineering and for some time worked as a teacher of evening courses, then he was a foreman at a construction site, and after that he took the place of the head of the construction department in Cherkessk.

Reference! In 1979, Vladimir Bryntsalov built his own three-story house in Cherkessk. There were rumors that he took advantage of the illegal privileges of his office. The scam turned into an expulsion from the CPSU and dismissal from work "for the manifestation of petty-bourgeois sentiments."

Figure 2. Bryntsalov was known in the 1990s as a scandalous and unprincipled person.
Source: Kommersant

The failure did not bother Bryntsalov: a month later he was already working as the head of a beekeeping state farm in the Moscow region, where he would have stayed for a long time. However, in 1988, the law on cooperation saw the light (Law of the USSR of May 26, 1988 N 8998-XI "On cooperation in the USSR").

Vladimir Bryntsalov's business: ups and downs

Since 1988, Vladimir begins to try himself in various areas of entrepreneurial activity.

  • 1988 - the "Pchelka" cooperative, which was officially engaged in the production of honey and medicines based on bee milk, but in fact - the resale of a wide range of consumer goods.
  • 1989 - "Agro Bio Apis" company and confectionery shop.

Since 1989, the Pchelka cooperative has supplied raw materials for the creation medicines Moscow Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant. L. Ya. Karpova. During the period of its privatization, Vladimir manages to acquire 12% of its shares for 480 million rubles. Since he was the only shareholder who contributed cash for his share, the decision-making was in his hands.

Figure 3. “L.Ya. Karpov’s plant was taken under control by buying shares from employees.”
Source: Kont website

On the basis of the pharmaceutical giant, the businessman organizes Ferein JSC. In 1994, the company had about 100 shareholders, but 90% of its authorized capital belonged to Vladimir Bryntsalov. In 1995, his fortune was already estimated at $2 billion.

The main activity of Ferein JSC is the production and sale of medicines. In parallel, within its framework, the entrepreneur organized a line for the production of vodka, which he shockingly decorated with his own photograph.

Founder and owner of the pharmaceutical company ZAO Bryntsalov-A. In 1995-2003 he was a deputy of the State Duma of Russia of the second and third convocations. In 1996, he ran for the presidency of Russia, finishing last.


Vladimir Bryntsalov was born on November 23, 1946 in the city of Novocherkassk. By his own admission, in the eighth grade he was expelled from school "for fights and various other things", and then he received his secondary education at a working youth school. In 1969 he graduated with a degree in mine surveying and geodesy.

After graduating from the institute, he worked as a teacher of special technical disciplines at the Circassian Polytechnic School, then as a foreman at a construction site, head of the construction department, worker, foreman of the subsidiary farm.

A family

Bryntsalov's first wife is Lidia Tikhonovna Bryntsalova, from her first marriage there is a daughter, Natalya, born in 1971.

The second wife was Natalya Gennadievna Bryntsalova, born in 1967, originally from Uzbekistan, education - secondary technical. By profession - an accountant. In an interview with the Itogi program of the NTV television company (May 26, 1996), Natalya Bryntsalova stated that she was her husband's public relations adviser. Vladimir and Natalya divorced after a scandalous betrayal. From his second marriage, he has two children - son Alexei (born 1992) and daughter Alena (born 1994).

Entrepreneurial activity

Being the head of the construction department in his native Cherkessk, Vladimir Bryntsalov built his own house in 1979. As a result, "for petty-bourgeois sentiments" he was expelled from the CPSU and fired from his job. After that, he got a job at a bee farm as the head of an auxiliary farm.

In the early 1990s, he acquired a 12% stake in the Karpov Moscow Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant for 480 million cash rubles. After that, he became director of economics, controlled the finances of one of the largest pharmaceutical enterprises in the country. Pharmaceutical headquarters and manufacturing facilities joint-stock company(FAO) "Ferein" located on the premises of the former plant. Karpov on Varshavskoye shosse, near the Nagatinskaya metro station.

In 1995, the entrepreneur's fortune was estimated at $ 2 billion.

In 1996, Ferein began making insulin under license from the Danish company Novo Nordisk. In 1998, the Danish company Novo Nordisk terminated the contract with FAO "Verein" due to "violation of the license agreement, expressed in the transfer of rights under it to a third party", as well as the debt of "Verein" in 6.5 million dollars. According to Novye Izvestia for 2001, Bryntsalov never repaid the debt. Subsequently, the entrepreneur began to produce insulin from untested raw materials, which led to complications in diabetic patients. A criminal case was opened on the fact of fraud.

In March 1997, Bryntsalov moved the legal address of his office to the village of New Karachay, Karachay-Cherkess Republic. According to the Moscow Registration Chamber, Ferein was later liquidated. The individual private enterprise "Firma" Bryntsalov "" and CJSC "Bryntsalov-A" (registered in the Russian "offshore" zone in Gorno-Altaisk) were born.

In 2004, Bryntsalov returned to the leadership of a pharmaceutical company. In 2006, according to Finance magazine, Bryntsalov's fortune was estimated at 1 billion rubles ($35 million), and his company occupied only 2 percent of the Russian drug market.

Currently, he is engaged in the reconstruction of the cultural monument of the Caucasian Riviera sanatorium, opened in Sochi in 1909. During the 2014 Olympics in Sochi, this complex of buildings was planned to accommodate important guests. The design of the object, its reconstruction and construction are carried out entirely at the expense of the entrepreneur. It should be noted that before the start of the “reconstruction”, the builders demolished two historical buildings on the territory of the complex - the Primorsky building and the hospital. The original view of the main building was also distorted - two extra floors were added to it. As of the beginning of 2012, there are no original buildings from the early 1910s left on the territory of the complex.

Political activity

In December 2003, he lost the election of deputies to the State Duma of the fourth convocation in the Orekhovo-Zuevsky constituency No. 112 of the Moscow Region to candidate from the Communist Party Sergei Sobko. Sobko received 27.58% of the vote, ahead of Bryntsalov with 26.93%. The difference was several hundred votes. After the election, Bryntsalov tried to challenge the defeat in court. On June 5, 2005, a judge of the Pavlovo-Posad city court ruled to annul the election results at 8 polling stations based on evidence from Bryntsalov's lawyers. Sobko filed a cassation complaint with the Moscow Regional Court. On June 27, the court overturned the decision of the lower court, confirming Sobko's victory. Bryntsalov's evidence was called falsified. According to Sobko, unidentified persons broke into the premises where the used ballots were kept and ruined several hundred copies that had a check mark for Sobko.

In the 2004 elections, he was nominated for the President of the Russian Federation, but did not pass registration.


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  • - article in Lentapedia. year 2012.
  • - Vladimir Bryntsalov in

An excerpt characterizing Bryntsalov, Vladimir Alekseevich

“No, countess,” he said at last, “this is a European talent, she has nothing to learn, this gentleness, tenderness, strength ...
– Ah! how I fear for her, how I fear,” said the countess, not remembering to whom she was speaking. Her maternal instinct told her that there was too much in Natasha, and that she would not be happy from this. Natasha had not yet finished singing, when an enthusiastic fourteen-year-old Petya ran into the room with the news that mummers had come.
Natasha suddenly stopped.
- Fool! she shouted at her brother, ran up to a chair, fell on it and sobbed so that she could not stop for a long time afterwards.
“Nothing, mother, really nothing, so: Petya scared me,” she said, trying to smile, but tears kept flowing and sobs squeezed her throat.
Dressed-up servants, bears, Turks, innkeepers, ladies, terrible and funny, bringing with them cold and fun, at first timidly huddled in the hallway; then, hiding one behind the other, they were forced into the hall; and at first shyly, but then more and more cheerfully and amicably, songs, dances, choral and Christmas games began. The countess, recognizing the faces and laughing at the dressed up, went into the living room. Count Ilya Andreich sat in the hall with a beaming smile, approving the players. The youth has disappeared.
Half an hour later, in the hall, among the other mummers, another old lady in tanks appeared - it was Nikolai. The Turkish woman was Petya. Payas - it was Dimmler, the hussar - Natasha and the Circassian - Sonya, with a painted cork mustache and eyebrows.
After condescending surprise, misrecognition and praise from those who were not dressed up, the young people found that the costumes were so good that they had to be shown to someone else.
Nikolay, who wanted to give everyone a ride on his troika along an excellent road, suggested that, taking ten dressed-up people from the yard with him, go to his uncle.
- No, why are you upsetting him, the old man! - said the countess, - and there is nowhere to turn around with him. To go, so to the Melyukovs.
Melyukova was a widow with children of various ages, also with governesses and tutors, who lived four miles from the Rostovs.
“Here, ma chere, clever,” said the old count, who had begun to stir. “Now let me dress up and go with you.” I'll stir up Pasheta.
But the countess did not agree to let the count go: his leg hurt all these days. It was decided that Ilya Andreevich was not allowed to go, and that if Luiza Ivanovna (m me Schoss) went, the young ladies could go to Melyukova's. Sonya, always timid and shy, began to beg Louisa Ivanovna more insistently than anyone else not to refuse them.
Sonya's outfit was the best. Her mustache and eyebrows were unusually suited to her. Everyone told her that she was very good, and she was in a lively and energetic mood unusual for her. Some kind of inner voice told her that now or never her fate would be decided, and in her man's dress she seemed like a completely different person. Luiza Ivanovna agreed, and half an hour later four troikas with bells and bells, screeching and whistling in the frosty snow, drove up to the porch.
Natasha was the first to give the tone of Christmas merriment, and this merriment, reflected from one to the other, grew more and more intensified and reached the highest degree at a time when everyone went out into the cold, and talking, calling to each other, laughing and shouting, sat down in the sleigh.
Two troikas were accelerating, the third troika of the old count with an Oryol trotter in the bud; Nikolai's fourth own, with its low, black, shaggy root. Nikolay, in his old woman's attire, on which he put on a hussar, belted cloak, stood in the middle of his sleigh, picking up the reins.
It was so bright that he could see plaques gleaming in the moonlight and the eyes of the horses looking frightened at the riders rustling under the dark canopy of the entrance.
Natasha, Sonya, m me Schoss and two girls sat in Nikolai's sleigh. In the old count's sleigh sat Dimmler with his wife and Petya; dressed up courtyards sat in the rest.
- Go ahead, Zakhar! - Nikolai shouted to his father's coachman in order to have an opportunity to overtake him on the road.
The troika of the old count, in which Dimmler and other mummers sat, screeching with runners, as if freezing to the snow, and rattling with a thick bell, moved forward. The trailers clung to the shafts and bogged down, turning the strong and shiny snow like sugar.
Nikolai set off for the first three; the others rustled and squealed from behind. At first they rode at a small trot along a narrow road. While we were driving past the garden, the shadows from the bare trees often lay across the road and hid the bright light of the moon, but as soon as we drove beyond the fence, a diamond-shiny, with a bluish sheen, a snowy plain, all doused with moonlight and motionless, opened up on all sides. Once, once, pushed a bump in the front sleigh; the next sleigh and the following jogged in the same way, and, boldly breaking the chained silence, the sleigh began to stretch out one after the other.
- A hare's footprint, a lot of footprints! - Natasha's voice sounded in the frosty constrained air.
– As you can see, Nicolas! Sonya's voice said. - Nikolai looked back at Sonya and bent down to get a closer look at her face. Some kind of completely new, sweet face, with black eyebrows and mustaches, in the moonlight, close and far, peeped out of the sables.
"It used to be Sonya," Nikolai thought. He looked closer at her and smiled.
What are you, Nicholas?
“Nothing,” he said, and turned back to the horses.
Having ridden out onto the main road, greased with runners and all riddled with traces of thorns, visible in the light of the moon, the horses themselves began to tighten the reins and add speed. The left harness, bending its head, twitched its traces with jumps. Root swayed, moving his ears, as if asking: “Is it too early to start?” - Ahead, already far separated and ringing a receding thick bell, Zakhar's black troika was clearly visible on the white snow. Shouting and laughter and the voices of the dressed up were heard from his sleigh.
“Well, you, dear ones,” shouted Nikolai, tugging on the reins on one side and withdrawing his hand with a whip. And only by the wind, which seemed to have intensified against them, and by the twitching of the tie-downs, which were tightening and increasing their speed, it was noticeable how fast the troika flew. Nicholas looked back. With a shout and a squeal, waving their whips and forcing the natives to gallop, other troikas kept up. Root steadfastly swayed under the arc, not thinking of knocking down and promising to give more and more when needed.
Nikolai caught up with the top three. They drove off some mountain, drove onto a widely rutted road through a meadow near a river.
"Where are we going?" thought Nicholas. - “It should be on a slanting meadow. But no, it's something new that I've never seen before. This is not a slanting meadow and not Demkina Gora, but God knows what it is! This is something new and magical. Well, whatever it is!” And he, shouting at the horses, began to go around the first three.
Zakhar restrained his horses and turned his already frosted face up to the eyebrows.
Nicholas let his horses go; Zakhar, stretching his hands forward, smacked his lips and let his people go.
“Well, hold on, sir,” he said. - The troikas flew even faster nearby, and the legs of the galloping horses quickly changed. Nicholas began to take forward. Zakhar, without changing the position of his outstretched arms, raised one hand with the reins.
“You’re lying, master,” he shouted to Nikolai. Nikolai put all the horses into a gallop and overtook Zakhar. The horses covered the faces of the riders with fine, dry snow, next to them there was a sound of frequent enumerations and the fast-moving legs were confused, and the shadows of the overtaken troika. The whistle of skids in the snow and women's screams were heard from different directions.
Stopping the horses again, Nikolai looked around him. All around was the same magical plain soaked through with moonlight with stars scattered over it.
“Zakhar shouts for me to take the left; why to the left? Nikolay thought. Are we going to the Melyukovs, is this Melyukovka? We God knows where we are going, and God knows what is happening to us – and what is happening to us is very strange and good.” He looked back at the sleigh.
“Look, he has both a mustache and eyelashes, everything is white,” said one of the sitting strange, pretty and strange people with thin mustaches and eyebrows.
“This one, it seems, was Natasha,” Nikolai thought, and this one is m me Schoss; or maybe not, but this is a Circassian with a mustache, I don’t know who, but I love her.
- Aren't you cold? - he asked. They didn't answer and laughed. Dimmler was shouting something from the rear sleigh, probably funny, but it was impossible to hear what he was shouting.
“Yes, yes,” answered the voices, laughing.
- However, here is some kind of magical forest with iridescent black shadows and sparkles of diamonds and with some kind of enfilade of marble steps, and some sort of silver roofs of magical buildings, and the piercing screech of some kind of animals. “And if this is indeed Melyukovka, then it is even stranger that we drove God knows where, and arrived at Melyukovka,” thought Nikolai.
Indeed, it was Melyukovka, and girls and lackeys with candles and joyful faces ran out to the entrance.
- Who it? - they asked from the entrance.
“The counts are dressed up, I can see by the horses,” the voices answered.

Pelageya Danilovna Melyukova, a broad, energetic woman, in glasses and a swinging bonnet, sat in the living room, surrounded by her daughters, whom she tried not to let get bored. They quietly poured wax and looked at the shadows of the coming out figures, when steps and voices of visitors rustled in the front.
Hussars, ladies, witches, payas, bears, clearing their throats and wiping their frost-covered faces in the hall, entered the hall, where candles were hurriedly lit. Clown - Dimmler with the mistress - Nikolai opened the dance. Surrounded by screaming children, mummers, covering their faces and changing their voices, bowed to the hostess and moved around the room.
"Oh, you can't find out! And Natasha is! Look who she looks like! Right, it reminds me of someone. Eduard then Karlych how good! I didn't recognize. Yes, how she dances! Ah, fathers, and some kind of Circassian; right, how goes Sonyushka. Who else is this? Well, consoled! Take the tables, Nikita, Vanya. And we were so quiet!
- Ha ha ha! ... Hussar then, hussar then! Like a boy, and legs!… I can’t see… – voices were heard.
Natasha, the favorite of the young Melyukovs, disappeared together with them into the back rooms, where a cork was demanded and various dressing gowns and men's dresses, which, through the open door, received bare girlish hands from the footman. Ten minutes later, all the youth of the Melyukov family joined the mummers.
Pelageya Danilovna, having disposed of clearing the place for the guests and refreshments for the gentlemen and servants, without taking off her glasses, with a suppressed smile, walked among the mummers, looking closely into their faces and not recognizing anyone. She did not recognize not only the Rostovs and Dimmler, but she could not recognize either her daughters or those husband's dressing gowns and uniforms that were on them.
- And whose is this? she said, turning to her governess and looking into the face of her daughter, who represented the Kazan Tatar. - It seems that someone from the Rostovs. Well, you, mister hussar, in which regiment do you serve? she asked Natasha. “Give the Turk some marshmallows,” she said to the bartender who was scolding, “this is not forbidden by their law.
Sometimes, looking at the strange but funny steps performed by the dancers, who decided once and for all that they were dressed up, that no one would recognize them and therefore were not embarrassed, Pelageya Danilovna covered herself with a scarf, and her whole fat body was shaking from the irrepressible kind, old woman's laughter . - Sachinet is mine, Sachinet is mine! she said.
After Russian dances and round dances, Pelageya Danilovna united all the servants and gentlemen together, in one large circle; they brought a ring, a rope and a ruble, and general games were arranged.
After an hour, all the costumes were wrinkled and upset. Cork mustaches and eyebrows smeared over sweaty, flushed, and cheerful faces. Pelageya Danilovna began to recognize the mummers, admired how well the costumes were made, how they went especially to the young ladies, and thanked everyone for having so amused her. The guests were invited to dine in the living room, and in the hall they ordered refreshments for the courtyards.
- No, guessing in the bathhouse, that's scary! said the old girl who lived with the Melyukovs at dinner.
- From what? – asked eldest daughter Melyukovs.
- Don't go, it takes courage...
"I'll go," Sonya said.
- Tell me, how was it with the young lady? - said the second Melyukova.
- Yes, just like that, one young lady went, - said the old girl, - she took a rooster, two appliances - as it should, she sat down. She sat, only hears, suddenly rides ... with bells, with bells, a sleigh drove up; hears, goes. Enters completely in the form of a human, as an officer, he came and sat down with her at the device.
- BUT! Ah! ... - Natasha screamed, rolling her eyes in horror.
“But how does he say that?”
- Yes, like a man, everything is as it should be, and he began, and began to persuade, and she should have kept him talking to the roosters; and she made money; – only zarobela and closed hands. He grabbed her. It's good that the girls came running here ...
- Well, what to scare them! said Pelageya Danilovna.
“Mother, you yourself guessed ...” said the daughter.
- And how do they guess in the barn? Sonya asked.
- Yes, at least now, they will go to the barn, and they will listen. What do you hear: hammering, knocking - bad, but pouring bread - this is good; and then it happens...

March 31, 2015, 12:18

In the 90s, his name was not just heard, but thundered. Vladimir Bryntsalov made a huge fortune by selling alcohol and vodka, and then engaged in the production of medicines. Where did the once-famous businessman disappear, about whose golden toilet bowl the whole country knew thanks to the media?

He is one of the first post-Soviet billionaires. Was a member of the State Duma. He also ran for president twice. He is credited with the authorship of the phrase: “Architecture, painting, music, literature are all rubbish for the poor. It's nothing compared to money».

In the zero, the businessman was fatally unlucky. Like an evil fate hung.

He was framed by a competitor (I won't give his last name), who had great connections, - said the former assistant Nadezhda, who worked with the once outrageous oligarch and deputy in difficult times for him. – B ryntsalov just began to revive the pharmaceutical plant named after Karpov, destroyed before him in the 90s. I bought expensive equipment in Germany, invested almost everything I had. But it is a pity not only forces and means. There was a unique factory with a school of pharmaceuticals under it - people worked there for whole dynasties.

Nadezhda said that Bryntsalov's business was taken away:

Accused of tax evasion, then of selling "pacifiers" instead of medicines. He was indignant (since no one in Russia needs it!) Unmounted everything. I wanted to take it to Belarus, to establish business there. But something didn't work out. And the employees were not eager to move from Moscow to Minsk. Everything collapsed and died. Since then, he himself has not appeared in public for 7 years, he does not give an interview.

Disappointed in life?

Hard to say. He says he's not in the mood yet. He said more than once: “Through what I went through in the 90s! They shot at me. Looked death in the eyes. Yes, he is with his tricks. But a good uncle, decent. And certainly not a criminal character.

Who is he for now?

He definitely wouldn't want the 90s to come back.

When asked where the former boss is, my interlocutor let in a fog. About abroad, where he travels and recuperates.

The businessman still has two large companies. But there are no factories. Only areas that are rented to banks, restaurants, travel agencies.

There is also a residential mansion in the village of Saltykovka (this is the near Moscow region), very steep, similar to a castle. the former vodka king also rents him out. For filming.

Bryntsalov Palace

We filmed a multi-part film "The Taste of Pomegranate" there.- told us the director of the series Anna Lobanova. - They did not know who owns the house - they agreed through an intermediary. The owner was not seen. The setting is chic. On the ground floor there is a swimming pool and a sauna, a living room-hall, a huge hall with stucco. Gorgeous stairs with gilding, statues in antique style. On the second floor there are bedrooms and another living room. We filmed for five days. I don’t remember the amount of rent now, but it’s definitely not small. Sometimes I turn on the TV and in other series I see familiar luxurious interiors - apparently, film colleagues regularly rent this mansion.

Former friends, colleagues and even relatives do not know where Mr. Bryntsalov is now and what he is doing.

Nephew of the billionaire, chairman of the Moscow Regional Duma Igor Bryntsalov

I don't have my uncle's phone, we haven't talked for a long time, - said the billionaire's nephew, chairman of the Moscow Regional Duma Igor Bryntsalov.

Ivan Rybkin, once a major figure, from whose political bloc the oligarch ran for the State Duma, completely disowned his acquaintance.

Ivan Rybkin

I haven't seen him in over 10 years the politician told us. - How many of these "bright figures" are there in Russia! They would all be salted in one barrel and sent away, to a desert island - and any crisis in Russia would be nothing.


Vladimir Bryntsalov, a millionaire, founder of a pharmaceutical empire, whose drug "Noshbra" is still on everyone's lips. Vladimir Alekseevich went into the shadows after loud scandal when his sister Tatyana and several heads of departments of the company were accused of illegally issuing medicines. The court sentenced the merchant's sister to five years of probation. After that, Bryntsalov left the post of general director, leased the premises of the plant that he once owned to private individuals. The reporter of "Only the Stars" managed to talk with Svetlana (at the request of the woman, her name was changed), who for many years was a faithful assistant to the millionaire.

Svetlana surprises me right away, she says that she never wanted to work for Vladimir Bryntsalov. She smiles, remembering what they didn’t tell her about him: that he was both eccentric and a brawler, and, they say, shouting at his subordinates to him is a piece of cake.

I then worked on one of the television channels, Svetlana says. - We did a series of programs about famous people A: we had scientists, stars. The history of the businessman was missing. I suggested Bryntsalov, then his name was well known. They tried to dissuade me: “What are you, he is a disgraced, brawler - you are tormented!” And I didn't bother. When they came to him, he frankly spoke about his childhood, parents, wife, children. It bribed. Then he offered me a job. Understand, I did not work for him, for the brand, this is the first pharmaceutical plant in our country, I wanted to save it.

- And when you couldn’t save, did you decide to leave?

I was not paid a salary for a year and four months, because bank accounts were frozen. Vladimir Alekseevich said: “Well, let me pay you out of my own pocket,” I refused. He promised that he would pay everything, everything would be restored. To be honest, I believed him. And then I realized that everything would be the same as before, and left. We must give him his due: he did not fire people, he saw that many were worried about him. When I left, he told me: "I want to be forgotten about me."

You have been for many years right hand Vladimir Alekseevich, how did you work with such an authoritarian person?

- He is an entrepreneur from God, but he made a lot of mistakes. Bryntsalov, how to put it, remained in the 90s, he did not recognize innovation. We argued a lot about this, I told him: business must be socially active, otherwise it will die, and Alekseevich (as everyone called him) waved it off: let the state deal with all this. I really wanted to brainwash him. I tried to convince him that it is impossible to make money on drugs, because the development of one drug sometimes takes 700-800 million dollars and from 10 to 15 years! And of course, patience is needed. He didn't have it. This is what he paid.

- There were rumors that after the scandal in which his sister was involved, Vladimir Alekseevich's wallet became very poor.

- Well, it's unlikely! He leased the plant for the production of drugs for 49 years, now many of the premises are rented out, which, as far as I know, makes up the majority of his income. Have you heard about the "Caucasian Riviera" in Sochi? This is a sanatorium, which he once bought and began to restore, he wanted to build a hotel on its territory, but did not find investors who were ready to give money for this, but he had his own.

- They say Bryntsalov for a long time lived abroad, fearing disgrace...

- In 2006, after the scandal, Natasha and her children left for Monaco. When the Bryntsalovs realized that they would not see a peaceful life here, they immediately began to transport furniture. In addition, he rewrote part of his property in the name of Natasha. But it didn't help, she cuckolded him anyway! Yes, she lived with an Italian! He found out about this and offered to leave. Now they live in different houses. They didn’t get divorced, because then they would have to divide the property, and, believe me, there is something to share there. Natasha changed her phone, I don't know what she's doing now. Yes, and I have no particular desire to communicate with her. Natasha is an unpleasant person, they say about such people: from rags to riches, she became the wife of Bryntsalov, and now everyone should fall on their faces.

- Did Vladimir Alekseevich take the betrayal hard?

- And what do you think? Of course! Now he is occupied by his son Alyosha, who previously studied at a college in England. Alekseevich has a quirk: he wants the children to know languages. Our generation knows the language through a stump-deck. Bryntsalov himself is still trying to learn English, but he does not succeed. And Natasha had a talent for languages, she spoke English and French well. -

They said that Vladimir Bryntsalov made many decisions under the pressure of Natalia ...

I also heard that supposedly the last word was behind her. This is nonsense! There was no special love between them. Yes, he considered her an incredible beauty, although she had an elongated, slightly horse-like face, but he liked this type, and, of course, he fell in love with her very much.

The history of the acquaintance of the future pharmaceutical king with his second wife Natalia in the 90s was not known, it seems, only by the lazy one. Bryntsalov never hid that he fell in love with Natasha at first sight, began to court her, despite the fact that she was best friend his daughter.

He was far from ideal husband, Svetlana continues, he kept her in tight rein, but she, too, was always dissatisfied with something, although it seemed that she had something to complain about. They had some very strange relationship. You know, he was very fond of composing. Once we were sitting at a meeting, and as soon as he began to talk about Natasha, and very intimate details, then he would begin to share fantasies on free topics, talk about some non-existent mistresses. I listened to all this, and then said: “So, that's enough, now let's get down to business!”

What are his children doing now - Alexey and Alena?

Lyosha returned from college, now his father teaches him everything. They live, as Bryntsalov himself calls it, in a dacha in Saltykovka. Although for me it is a real palace. There he a little ... overdid it, swung like a merchant.

The interior decoration of Bryntsalov's country house in the village of Saltykovka at one time became the subject of heated debate, they say, is it possible to decorate the ceilings with gilded stucco, order famous artists portraits of yourself and your family, pave the floors with Italian wood, when ordinary people sit on bread and water!

In general, he has good taste., - as if justifying her already former boss, Svetlana says. - He, for example, came up with the interior in his bank. When I went there, I exclaimed: “Oh, how beautiful, and which of the designers worked for you?” And the manager says to me: “And this is Alekseevich, he invented it.” And how clean it was! He's a creepy bastard! When I first walked around the production, I asked the workers: “Girls, I can’t understand how you achieve such cleanliness!” - they smiled: "Yes, Alekseevich is chasing us".

“I can’t help but ask: if he has such good taste, then why didn’t he follow the outfits of his wife, over which everyone mocked?

- He could not dictate to her how to dress, he simply gave money, and she bought clothes herself - something that she could not even dream of before. But it is understandable. Her mother is a very simple woman. The father left the family. Mother often recalled how she gave milk to Natasha, what rosy cheeks she had, that they had a goat, a cow. She did not immediately give the green light to marriage with Bryntsalov, because Vladimir Alekseevich was then married to Lidia Tikhonovna. They divorced only when Natasha was already pregnant. Surprisingly, these are two completely different women. Both are beautiful though. But Lydia Tikhonovna is very unapproachable, she likes to be in solitude, she does not contact anyone.

- You say Natalya comes from a simple family, but Bryntsalov does too, doesn't it?

- Of all the oligarchs with whom I had to communicate and work, he is probably the most decent. There is still something human in him. He honestly said: “Oh, what a beggar I was! Mother smeared mud huts, there was nothing to eat. But I wanted to show my parents that I will achieve anything!” He spoke expressively about his father: “When our cow was bitten by a snake and she died, how they beat me!” Their family in Cherkessk lived near the market, the ataman told me: “Volodka, he grew up in the market. He has this “buy-sell” in his blood. AT Soviet time he was an excellent leader, especially a supplier. Under Gorbachev, he made a lot of money. He told me himself: "I had millions when no one had anything."

mansion more for those who could forget


Vladimir Bryntsalov was born on November 23, 1946 in the city of Cherkessk, Stavropol Territory. In the eighth grade he was expelled from school "for fighting", he received his secondary education at a school for working youth. In 1969 he graduated from the Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute. After graduating from the institute, he worked as a teacher of special technical disciplines at the Cherkasy Polytechnic School, then as a foreman at a construction site, head of the construction department, worker, foreman of the subsidiary farm.

In the late 1980s, Bryntsalov headed the Moscow Association of Drug Manufacturers, later renamed Ferein JSC. In 2006, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs confiscated counterfeit medicines from the Bryntsalov-A company. On June 16, 1996, in the presidential elections in Russia, Bryntsalov won 0.16 percent of the vote, finishing last. In the 2004 elections, he ran for president, but did not even pass registration.

Bryntsalov's first wife is Lidia Tikhonovna Bryntsalova, daughter Natalya. The second wife is Natalia. From this marriage, the businessman has two children - 20-year-old son Alexei and 22-year-old daughter Alena.

(1 block - 2015, 2 - 2012)

The pass was issued by the film crew of the TV series "The Taste of Pomegranate" (read more about the film in our previous article), which temporarily placed the embassy of the fictional Arab country Janzur. According to the scenario, important documents are signed within the walls of the embassy, ​​and official receptions are held immediately. And we have to witness the filming of both.

At the entrance to a truly royal mansion, a stern-looking man forces all newcomers to put on slippers. The only thing missing is a sign "Do not walk on carpets!". However, this is understandable: crowd scenes there are a lot of extras, several dozen extras, and there really are enough carpets and marble - given the size of the house, a whole army of cleaners is needed to eliminate the mess if it arises.

Both outside and inside, the mansion makes an indelible impression. Gold, marble, stucco, paintings, pools, antique statues, mirrors, gilded chairs, high chairs, sofas, pools, exercise equipment - and so on, and so on, and so on ... Everything glitters, there is a lot of everything - your eyes run wide. However, the small but proud country of Janzur in the embassy, ​​of course, should be "rich". So the atmosphere of Bryntsalov's house is the most suitable for creating an oriental flavor.

Above the central staircase of the mansion, leading to the second floor, the flag of Janzur proudly flies, men in strict suits, elders in arafats, young men in skullcaps, women in evening dresses, girls in costumes ... for belly dance scurry up the steps. All this is an extras, busy in the scene of a solemn reception at the embassy. In a small room on the second floor, converted into a dressing room, all the actors of the mass scenes are given outfits, their faces are powdered, they draw oriental mustaches or light unshaven hair, and make hairstyles. Actors in the main roles are also made up here.

Before our eyes, the Lithuanian Regimantas Adomaitis is turning into a real emir in flying clothes. Yuri Tsurilo is dressed up in an ordinary black suit, but then he is also given black eyes and an arafatka - and now we have a ready-made sheikh of a very sinister appearance, a real oriental intriguer. Aleksey Sheinin is dressed simply and tastefully - as befits the Soviet diplomat he plays. Natalia Nikolaeva, performer leading role, dressed up in a beautiful red dress: it is in it, according to the plot, that her heroine Asya wins a beauty contest and subsequently comes to the reception. And this dress was given to her by a young sheikh Umar (Valery Sekhposov), who was in love with Asya. By the way, he also wanders around and makes eyes at Natasha - the young actors really became friends on the set and are now ready to communicate with each other at any moment. They tell us, laughing and exchanging jokes, several stories that happened on the set.

Natalia Nikolaeva: "According to the script, Umar has Zain's horse. During the filming, it suddenly became clear that in fact it was not a horse, but a horse. And when Valera approached him and said:" Zainochka, my Zainochka, "we all laughed a lot "In addition, this horse turned out to be very passive, and Valera could not set it in motion, he rode it like a pony. I also had a horse Khodret. Once, while filming in the garden of pomegranates, he ... bit me. It didn't hurt, very gently, but the shirt was dirty, had to be changed.

But Natasha especially remembered the scene of childbirth, swimming in an icy pool and ... torture to which her heroine is subjected. Yes, it will be in the movie. But why, why is still a secret.

Meanwhile, in one of the halls, filming began on the scene of the signing of the contract between Soviet Union and Janzur. Actors playing Soviet diplomats and representatives Arab state, rehearse the scene several times, along the way finding out who should follow whom according to the protocol, who shakes hands with whom, who closes the doors, who bows. Among the Soviet dignitaries is the hero of Alexei Sheinin, who got into a tangled bind with smuggling precious stones- and all because of their "close" relations with the Dzhanzurs and the desire to quickly get rich.

Aleksey Sheinin: “I play the role of a normal Soviet functionary who, after MGIMO, works at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, deals with Arab countries and finds himself in a situation where you can earn money. they are cut and prepared for sale abroad. The stones are taken to Amsterdam, to Antwerp, until the FSB colonel catches the scammers."

According to the actor, he likes the story told in "The Taste of Pomegranate", because first of all it is a kind, "human" story: "So tired of trying to catch up with American cinema, films about prostitutes, about drugs, mafia, godfathers, gangsters, brothers - there is nothing new. And here is a human story: no special shooting, no prostitutes, and if there is cruelty, then it is done only on the territory of a small Arab country. And when there is a human theme, you can follow the characters' characters, the root causes of their actions - And that's always interesting."

“I don’t really like stories about Cinderella, but at least they are kind. And I really want to show something good,” the director of the film, Nonna Agadzhanova, echoes the actor. Yuri Tsurilo, in turn, joins her: "In recent times from the screen, all of Russia was covered with blood, one crime. Who are you educating, who are you showing it to? I would still like to see a positive example on the screen."

We can only hope that "The Taste of Pomegranate" will not only please the eye of the viewer with a beautiful picture, but also give someone that very good example. The story of Cinderella is good fairy tale, and a fairy tale, as you know, is a lie, but there is a hint in it ...



Vladimir Alekseevich Bryntsalov (born November 23, 1946) is a Russian businessman and politician. Founder and owner of the pharmaceutical company ZAO Bryntsalov-A. In 1995-2003 he was a deputy of the State Duma of Russia of the second and third convocations. In 1996, he ran for the presidency of Russia, finishing last.

Entrepreneurial activity

Being the head of the construction department in his native Cherkessk, Vladimir Bryntsalov built his own house in 1979. As a result, “for petty-bourgeois sentiments” he was expelled from the CPSU and from work. After that, he got a job at a bee farm - the head of the subsidiary farm. In 1987, he registered the Pchelka agricultural cooperative in Moscow. In the late 1980s, Bryntsalov headed the Moscow Association of Drug Manufacturers, later renamed Ferein JSC.
In the early 1990s, for 480 million rubles in cash, he acquired a 12% stake in the Moscow Chemical-Pharmaceutical Plant. Karpov. After that, he became director of economics, controlled the finances of one of the largest pharmaceutical enterprises in the country. The headquarters and production premises of the pharmaceutical joint stock company (FAO) "Ferein" are located on the premises of the former plant named after. Karpov on Varshavskoye Highway, near the Nagatinskaya metro station.
Since 1992 - President, since 1996 - Honorary President of AO (FAO) "Ferein". Starting from December 1995, the Moscow tax inspectorate had claims against the enterprise, debts to Moscow branches pension fund and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund amounted to about $3 million.
In 1995, the entrepreneur's fortune was estimated at $ 2 billion. In 1996, Ferein began making insulin under license from the Danish company Novo Nordisk. In 1998, the Danish company Novo Nordisk terminated the agreement with FAO Verein due to "violation of the license agreement, expressed in the transfer of rights under it to a third party", as well as the debt of "Verein" in 6.5 million dollars. According to Novye Izvestia for 2001, Bryntsalov never repaid the debt. Subsequently, the entrepreneur began to produce insulin from untested raw materials, which led to complications in diabetic patients. A criminal case was opened on the fact of fraud. In March 1997, Bryntsalov moved the legal address of his office to the village of New Karachay, KChR. According to the Moscow Registration Chamber, Ferein was later liquidated. The individual private enterprise "Firma" Bryntsalov "" and CJSC "Bryntsalov-A" (registered in the Russian "offshore" zone in Gorno-Altaisk) were born.

In 2004, Bryntsalov returned to the leadership of a pharmaceutical company. In 2006, according to Finance magazine, Bryntsalov's fortune was estimated at 1 billion rubles ($35 million), and his company occupied only 2 percent of the Russian drug market.
In 2006, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs confiscated counterfeit medicines from the Bryntsalov-A company. According to the investigators, the tablets produced at the Ferein plant were packaged in packages printed at the printing house of the same enterprise. As a result, sister Bryntsalova, CEO of the Bryntsalov-A company, Tatyana Bryntsalova and her managers were accused of illegal business and illegal use of a trademark. The businessman was in the case as a witness. Hearings in the case began in December 2007. The defendants were sentenced in April 2009: all of them, including Bryntsalova, were found guilty on all counts. Experts estimated the income from counterfeit medicines at least 80 million rubles, but the defendants received only suspended sentences. The businessman's sister was sentenced to five years of probation and a fine of 50 thousand rubles.

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