Schedule how to download at home. Never forget three simple truths. Pay attention to strength training

Health 27.10.2017

Hello, sports readers of the Mensclubonline men's site!

Today we will talk about what will interest every young person sooner or later. There are many reasons not to go to the gym: lack of time or study, but we come to their aid! Meet our new article:

Your home is equipped gym? Great! But this text is for those who have only a table, a chair and a couple of meters of empty space in the house ... But even these conditions can help support physical form. Of course, support and nothing more! To believe that you will be able to become an athlete at home is at least naive ... First, the climate is not right at home, second, the lack of exercise equipment, third, work only with your body weight and, tenth, trust our words.

Is it necessary to train at home then? It may happen that you will not be able to go to a fitness club. Suppose: you were ill and are recovering - you can’t physically exert yourself strongly, but the body asks for it; you need to go to your aunt who lives in a small town where you can't find a fitness club; this week you will be busy and you won’t be able to train (things at work, at home, kids, etc.); there is no money for a subscription to your favorite fitness club, and you are not interested in others. But there is no need for grief and postponing training for a long time! There are other possibilities as well! So right?

Hand exercises

Everyone is familiar with push-ups from the floor since school physical education classes. It has long been known that it is very useful. The main working muscles in this case are triceps and pectorals. But other muscle groups are also loaded, because when pushing up, the torso must be supported horizontally to the floor. So, when your abdominal muscles are weak, you will not be able to push up a lot.

We start with two sets of push-ups ten to twenty times with a 1-2 minute rest. We carry out the third series (working) as long as there is enough strength. With excess strength, load with additional weight. Finishing the exercise, you should be left without strength. This is an indispensable condition for the training effect.

Leg exercises

If we squat without using additional weight, we give a load only to the leg muscles. Additional weight will load the dorsal muscle groups. It is useful to hold the weight while resting on the heels while controlling the posture. Deep squats are not needed, it is enough for the thigh to be parallel to the floor.

If you do not use extra weight when squatting, then you need a large dosage, which is not so fun. It is more useful to squat with one leg or with a load on your shoulders. The first two series are warm-ups, and the third main series is until you lose strength. Attention! It is never possible to start working approaches without warm-up approaches that are needed to warm up the muscles.

Downloading the press

Some divide the press muscle into upper, lower and middle. But she is alone! Deceptiveness is created by the fact that different positions strain to a greater extent, then the upper, then the lower parts of it.

Exercises for the press muscles are numerous. You can "load" them by raising the torso, or you can - legs in a horizontal position, vertical or using a bench, etc.

In the house, it is possible to perform twisting exercises in a supine position, as well as to raise straight legs. The degree of dosage of exercises for approaches and repetitions, everyone chooses for himself. There is only one criterion here: the feeling that the press muscle is very tired and stretched.
Having some things (in the form of dumbbells, skipping ropes, wall bars, etc.), you can arrange workouts almost like in gyms.

Rest assured, exercising at home can help too! Especially if you are a beginner. But at the first opportunity, try to do professional training in a fitness club. Training is important!

Shared experience and motivation Mensclubonline!

Many people are interested in how to build muscle at home. Proper training helps to achieve good results. If you are just starting to swing, decide on the main goal of the classes. Beginning athletes make many mistakes. They strive to develop strength and build muscle, but training does not bring results.

A typical mistake is a huge amount of exercises, while training involves small weights. The essence of the error is that this approach does not pump up muscles. Growth is not due to the amount of exercise, but to increasing weights.

  • Constant lifting of heavy loads causes the body to build up muscle mass which allows it to cope with increasing workloads.
  • You can use light weight and do a lot of exercises. This approach builds resilience. Muscles in volume increase insignificantly.
  • Increase the working weight correctly. Do not change the technique of exercises and do not train without first warming up.
  • For proper growth muscle mass per muscle group, do several exercises. Perform the first basic exercise with a barbell, doing several sets of 5 repetitions.
  • The second exercise is focused on a versatile and deep study of muscle fibers and training of muscle energy resources. Perform with dumbbells, no more than 4 sets of 10 reps.

The right amount of exercise will help to make the body beautiful, along with an increase in working weight, adherence to technique and a good warm-up.

List of exercises for training at home

Beginning athletes pump muscles at home. Who reached good results, realizes that it is impossible to stop and go to the gym, because homework is not enough.

  1. chest exercises. Push-ups from the floor - best exercise for pectoral muscles. Perform with arms wide apart. If you do fifteen repetitions in one set, increase the load. On the back, you can wear a backpack filled with heavy things.
  2. Bars are great for chest muscles. If strength performance deserves better, do push-ups on stools with your legs forward. So it will turn out to lose weight and undergo preliminary training.
  3. Back and shoulder exercises. You will need a horizontal bar. Pull up with a wide and reverse grip. Pull-ups work the deltoids and biceps.
  4. You can train your shoulders at home with two 20-liter water bottles. Raise them in front of you or spread your arms to the sides. The main advantage of such sports equipment is changing the load level by adding or reducing water.
  5. Such bottles will also help in swinging the biceps. In a standing or sitting position, bend your arms, simulating an exercise using dumbbells.
  6. Triceps and abs exercises. Triceps are trained with regular push-ups with a narrow grip. If the number of repetitions has reached 15 pieces, be sure to increase the load.
  7. Press is easy. Lie on your back and in a supine position raise your legs up. Exercise to perform until the burning of the abdomen.
  8. It is more difficult to pump up legs at home. I offer exercises from the school curriculum - squats and a pistol.

Do hard workouts twice a month. With each subsequent workout, increase the load.

Back exercises

The inflated back looks amazing, protects the spine, makes it easier everyday life maintains correct posture.

  • It is better to train the back separately from the chest. As a result, all the energy will go to the study of the spinal muscles. Such training is more effective.
  • The biceps are actively involved in exercises focused on the back. Download them after the back. Forearms can also be included in the workout. The forearms are characterized by enviable endurance and are involved in all exercises. Therefore, subject them to hard study no more than once a week.
  • Learn to feel the effect of training. Before going to the gym, make sure that the muscles have recovered.
  • If you want to increase strength, pay attention to special sports supplements - arginine, creatine and amino acids. Sports nutrition is enough to include in the diet.

Be sure to set a goal before the start of the training season. It plays the role of a kind of beacon, to which you are getting closer every day.

Video tips

The human hand consists of their forearm, biceps, triceps and many small muscles, each of which is actively involved in the work of the hand.

  1. By doing exercises that involve bending your arms, you train your biceps. It's about about curls with dumbbells or barbells, pull-ups on the horizontal bar and pull-ups focused on the spinal muscles.
  2. If during the training the arms are unbent, the triceps are trained. This effect is achieved by bench press, parallel bars, push-ups from the floor.
  3. Exercises in which you have to hold sports equipment with your hands are focused on the forearms.

Important Rules

  • I have never seen an athlete weighing 70 kg, whose arm circumference exceeds 37 cm. Only big people. Therefore, it is necessary to pump the whole body, giving Special attention legs.
  • Pull-ups, deadlifts and bench presses put a titanic load on the hands. Do not overdo it with the number of approaches and the weight of sports equipment. Otherwise, the ligaments will be damaged, which heal for a very long time.
  • If your goal is to make your hands big, achieve decent results in basic exercises. We are talking about push-ups, pull-ups, barbell rows and deadlifts.
  • Big hands are an attribute of people with strong forearms.
  • A boxing bag will help strengthen and strengthen your arms. By striking this heavy sports equipment, you will make your hands confident, strong, and dexterous. Working with this projectile involves the use of elastic bandages and projectile gloves. Otherwise, you can damage your joints or dislocate your fingers.
  • Shaking your arms, be guided by the physiology of the muscles. Triceps differs from biceps in a large number of white fibers. Therefore, he is trained with large weights that develop strength.
  • When working with a barbell or other projectile, mentally imagine how the biceps increase in size. Thanks to this training secret, some athletes manage to go beyond the average achievement.
  • If during training in the area of ​​​​the carpal joints there are unpleasant sensations, it should be stopped.
  • Perform exercises clearly and accurately. If you work with a barbell, it is your hands that should receive the main load. You can't help them with your body.

Make a program and train according to it. Develop the habit of keeping a diary to record results and keep track of achievements.

Leg exercises

The strongest and big muscles body - the muscles of the legs. Regardless of the place of training, you need to eat right and balanced. Otherwise, all exercises will be ineffective and meaningless.

  1. Daily squats will help to make your legs muscular. At first, squat on two legs, after a month or more, switch to more complex exercises.
  2. When performing the exercise, keep your back straight, do not tear your heels off the floor. For the sake of maintaining balance, it is recommended to hold on to the support with your hand.
  3. After squats, switch to jump rope. This simple projectile develops leg muscles and increases endurance.
  4. The leg press will help to pump up the internal muscles of the legs. Sit on the simulator, put your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly spread your socks to the sides. During the exercise, the back should be completely adjacent to the back of the seat.
  5. spine from injury.

    If you sign up for a gym, an experienced trainer will suggest competent exercises for the neck, offer a wide range of exercise equipment and many effective techniques.

    According to experts, constant exercises with a small load are much more effective than non-systematic exercises with a full calculation. Working with light weight does not exempt from the obligatory warm-up before the main workout.

    Eliminate jerks from classes, and the desire to accelerate is not welcome. Perform each exercise accurately and smoothly. The complex consists of 5 exercises, 15 sets each. Calculate the load so that you have enough strength for everything. Be prepared that the first workouts will seem difficult.

    2 groups of exercises for the neck

  • The first group: exercises on the use of force resistance. Sports equipment and attributes are not needed. A simple exercise: interlace your fingers in the lock and grab the back of your head. Pull your head to the ground, and create resistance with your neck muscles.
  • The second group: exercises using sports equipment. Expanders, kettlebells, pancakes. You will need a special device for placing loads.


I will describe some popular exercises. You can choose some of the most convenient options.

  1. Tilts the head against the resistance created by the palms. Tilt forward and backward.
  2. Rest your hands on the jaw and create resistance to the turns carried out by the head.
  3. Perform the exercise in a supine position with a device made of belts and weights. Put it on and make head movements. Select the optimal load by changing the load.
  4. Fix a string bag with a load on your head, sit on a chair or chair with a back. Fasten the belt on the forehead. Tilt your head back and swing it up and down.

The neck is a fragile part of the body. Train the muscles in this area very carefully.

It is necessary to keep yourself in good sports shape all the time, but before the summer period this problem becomes especially relevant. Therefore, it is not surprising that the question arises of how to quickly pump up to beach season? In order to become stronger and look better, there are a large number of different methods, but in fact, effective programs can be literally counted on the fingers. Be that as it may, it is necessary to adhere to several mandatory rules, thanks to which you can learn how to quickly pump up at home, using any means at hand and classic exercises.

Concentration, purpose, technique

If you don’t know where to start and how to pump up quickly, then the first thing you need to do is set a specific goal for yourself and concentrate on it. In order to get a good physique, you can use several classic exercises:

  • bench press;
  • weight lifting for biceps;
  • deadlift;
  • french press;
  • pull-ups on the horizontal bar;
  • squats.

Almost all of the above exercises can be performed both at home and in the gym.

After you have identified the training and the choice of muscles to which it will be directed, you need to group them correctly, according to the muscles. Exercises must be done systematically and combine the work of arms with legs, etc.

Most people have some doubts about effective workouts at home, but it's really just as easy as going to an expensive gym. In order for the result to appear, it is worth noting two rules, thanks to which you can make your body perfect:

  • well-designed power supply scheme;
  • systematic implementation of a specially prepared set of exercises.

uniform activity

It should be understood that the main thing is to learn not specific exercises to improve your appearance and skillfully apply them. That is, you need to know how to properly and quickly pump up not to the detriment of your body, and eventually get a high-quality result. For example, if you just start squatting, then most likely the amount of muscle mass will remain the same, despite the fact that the legs become stronger. This is due to the small number of muscle fibers.

The effectiveness of the exercises will be visible only if you skillfully use different principles and methods for their implementation. Especially when training at home, it is necessary to understand that only during regular and long-term exercise, the muscles will work in the maximum possible range.

The only one side effect, which will occur during intensive work - pain that is caused by krepatura, but they disappear within a few days.

Half a minute of load

Many scientists have proven that muscle fibers are activated and begin their active work only after 30 seconds of tension. In this case, it is necessary to understand that different muscle groups have different on-times from each other. This is due to their structure - the more complex it is, the longer the activation will be, respectively. In this case, the leg muscles are the longest.

In order to find out how to pump up very quickly, you need to understand that in any training complex, 3 components must be present:

  • systematic repetition of exercises without respite and stops;
  • active weight loss;
  • high intensity training.

The value of basic exercises

In order to find out how you can quickly pump up, you need to get acquainted with a set of basic exercises. So, to increase muscle mass, it is recommended to pay attention large groups muscles: glutes, quadriceps, hips, biceps. As for the back, it is a round, large and small muscle. The latissimus dorsi, extensors, trapezius and of course the pectoral.

Of course, this list is far from complete, because other muscle groups should not be forgotten. Only complex loads on large and small muscles will give a positive result. You can start following the next plan.

On the first day we train the legs. Weighted squats.

On the second day, we train the chest and pull ourselves up. Bars, crossbar, barbell.

On the third day deadlift. Soldier's press.

How many times and what to do?

How can you pump up quickly? Very simple if you know that the number of exercises should be directly proportional to the weight of the athlete.

  • full - by 5-6 sets for 10-12 repetitions;
  • people of normal build - 3-4 sets of 8-10 repetitions;
  • thin men - 2-3 sets of 6-8 reps.

Remember that in order to achieve an effective result, you should not skip a single workout.

How to quickly build muscle in the gym

If you are interested in the question of how to quickly pump up in the gym, then there are several nuances that are fundamentally different from classes at home.

It is worth noting right away that you need to forget about working with your weight and focus more on the barbell, bench press, deadlift, biceps and squats. Due to the fact that the body has a protective effect on such loads, rapid muscle growth occurs.

In order to create a completely adequate load on all muscle groups, it is necessary to train no more than 1-2 hours 4-5 times a week.
During training, the athlete must firmly believe in the final result, without any doubt.

You can not abruptly end the workout, as this will adversely affect muscle growth. It is best to finish gradually, with weight reduction over 10 minutes.

In the event that an athlete suddenly has an irresistible desire to refuse training, the reason is most likely busting with the load. Therefore, it is recommended to reduce it by a third, but in no case should you skip classes.

How to quickly lose weight and pump up?

Before you quickly pump up in the "pitching" (gym), you need to take care of your diet, because otherwise there will be no result. The diet should be balanced and maximally aimed at ensuring that the muscles consume the necessary elements, among which protein is the main one. If you increase its content in the diet several times, then prolonged and systematic weight loads will increase the growth of muscle mass by an average of 2 kilograms per week.

Also, do not forget about the complex carbohydrates that are present in various cereals and cereals.

To saturate your body with all the necessary microelements and substances, you need to break up your usual food intake by 5-6 times and eat more often, but in smaller portions.

Proper nutrition to the mass

If you are wondering how to pump up quickly in a month, then you should understand that without proper nutrition nothing will work. There should be only easily digestible food and the most diverse.

As for the good absorption of protein, it is best to do this in the morning or in the first 2 hours after the end of the workout.
In no case should you go on a diet abruptly, because stopping the consumption of food in the amount necessary for the muscles provokes stress, because of which the body begins to store fat and stops the growth of muscles.
A long break between meals is also dangerous. Any feeling of hunger must be immediately quenched, but it is necessary to be extremely careful with confectionery and animal fats.
Naturally, you can’t have a tight dinner before going to bed, and an apple or another fruit, maybe low-fat yogurt or kefir, will be the best choice.
In the event that an athlete adds protein to his meal, it is necessary to take no more than 2 grams per 1 kilogram of his weight. Almost all dairy products, fish, chicken, veal and eggs can be made from proteins.

How to pump up muscles on the horizontal bar

How to quickly pump up on the horizontal bar? Everything is very simple, and such a projectile can be found in almost any yard. The horizontal bar is one of the unique equipment for sports, which can help develop almost all existing muscle groups. Naturally, provided that you know the necessary exercises and the technique for their implementation. Even simple pull-ups with different grips (parallel, forward, reverse) with a wide or narrow arrangement of hands can regulate different muscle groups.

Gore muscles

For such a muscle training, classic pull-ups are enough, only this must be done as smoothly as possible, without sharp jerks, and then lowered to the starting position in exactly the same way.

Hpump your shoulders

In order to engage the shoulder muscles, a narrow grip is used, and the exercise is considered correct if the athlete brings the lower part as close as possible. chest to the projectile.

Biceps on the horizontal bar

These muscles are developed by pulling up with a reverse grip. There are options when it is necessary to rise only until the moment when the arms create an angle of 45 degrees, and then return to the starting position.


Direct grip, hands are moderately distant from each other, the exercise should be performed with the maximum possible amplitude.

Especially effective exercise on the horizontal bar is the development of the abdominal muscles (abs). Hanging on the horizontal bar, you need to pull your knees up to your chin or raise your straight legs without bending and lift your socks up.

If you want to know how to pump up quickly, then the horizontal bar will be one of those shells that can help with this.


After any training, an important stage is recovery, both physical and psychological, namely:

  • healthy sleep;
  • bath, walks in the forest;
  • permanent mobile lifestyle with minimal load;
  • good mood.

In order to achieve results, you only need to want and follow all the rules. Now you know how to pump up quickly, and you can start not from Monday or New Year, but right now.

Training at home has a number of disadvantages, such as, for example, the absence of a trainer nearby who can help with advice to control the process, lack of space and lack of motivation. However, in recent times More and more athletes are choosing to train at home. Why?

And all because exercises at home for men, as well as for women, allow you to work out all muscle groups with no less efficiency than workouts done in the gym, but at the same time they require less time and money.

The sporting goods market now provides a huge selection of equipment for home workouts, and there is more free time due to the disappearance of the need to spend it on the road to the gym.

The main rule of successful training at home is to find a suitable training program.

Exercises for practicing at home:


Everyone is interested in the question - how to pump up at home without iron? The answer is simple - sit down. Squats engage large muscle groups such as the thighs and buttocks, and their work provides a significant calorie expenditure, which is important if you want to lose weight. They give mobility to the hip joints, and knee - stability.

Squats can be of several types. In addition to the usual ones, there are goblet ones - it is necessary to hold a small weight on bent arms; squats on one leg - develop not only strength indicators, but also balance with flexibility; squats "sumo" - during the squat, a wide setting of the legs is used.

Squats require a stable back position, so a decent load is given to the core muscles, contributing to their strengthening. Squats not only stimulate the growth of strength indicators, but also carry out the prevention of varicose veins.

This type of exercise has so many different variations that only one of them can make a complete workout at home.

An evenly distributed load between the pectoral muscles, deltoids and triceps is achieved using regular push-ups. The load, which is mainly subject to the pectoral muscles or triceps, is achieved by changing the width of the arms.

Standing dumbbell or barbell presses are analogous to vertical push-ups. There are also reverse push-ups on the triceps (you need to be in the position of the back to the support) and push-ups on the uneven bars or horizontal bar, with a wide setting of the hands.

Despite the fact that push-up exercises force almost all muscle groups to work, the emphasis is still on upper part body. If push-ups are combined with pull-ups, then it is easy to get necessary set exercises for the harmonious development of the upper body.

Unlike push-ups, pull-ups are an order of magnitude more difficult, mainly due to the fact that weights are a larger percentage of body weight.

Pull-ups target the chest, delts, triceps, and biceps muscles. Different widths and types of grip (forward and reverse, neutral and parallel, narrow, wide and medium) form different types loads, focusing on a specific muscle group.

An exercise to maintain a stable body position in a lying position, that is, a plank, can be either side or straight, and is the main exercise for training the core.

The main function of the core muscles is stabilization, it is on their condition that the health of the spine and the safety of almost all strength exercises depend.

Even a short time, carried out in the plank, will allow you to feel the work of the muscle groups of the back, shoulders, abdominals, hips and buttocks. At home, the bar is recommended to be performed without the use of various weight devices.

This exercise is an important element in the complex of home workouts. The bridge allows you to stretch and strengthen the muscles of the back, buttocks and arms, and is also an excellent prevention various diseases associated with the spine.

Regular performance of this exercise will allow the muscles to be elastic, and the spine - mobile and flexible. It is believed that the regular performance of this element of training contributes to the expansion of the chest and an increase in lung capacity.

The bridge exercise can be performed in several ways: lying on the floor, standing with support against a wall, standing without support, or from a vertical handstand.

The main rule, which must always be strictly adhered to, is to do the bridge with preheated muscles.

The burpee is considered one of the coolest exercises in CrossFit. It can be done with or without weights.

The whole exercise consists of the following steps in sequence: you need to sit down, resting your hands on the floor so that your legs touch your chest. Then, throwing your legs back, we perform an emphasis while lying down and return to the starting position. After that, we try to jump up as much as possible and return to the starting position again.

This exercise engages all muscle groups and joints. The muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, that is, the deltoid, trapezius and triceps, as well as the muscle groups of the abdominals, thighs, gluteal and calf muscles, are subjected to the maximum load.

Burpee not only increases the stamina of the body, but also very effectively burns excess fat reserves. According to research, burpees also increase metabolic rate, which is important in the fight against calories.

Mahi kettlebell

Exercises with this projectile are an extremely effective tool for the formation of a toned sports figure. Kettlebell swings give an intense load on the oblique muscles of the press, abdominal muscles, back muscles and hip flexors.

Training with weights contributes to the synchronization of the whole body, because when the center of gravity of the projectile is outside the handle, the athlete needs to coordinate all his actions with biomechanics and thus the athlete, activating various muscle groups, forces the body to work as a whole.

Among other things, kettlebell exercises are very effective in increasing strength and anaerobic endurance, burning calories, and developing core strength.

How to pump up at home: a program from StyleFitness.


You can perform pull-ups with a wide grip, both behind the head and to the chest, or even a combination of them. The width of the grip should be such that the forearms at their highest point are parallel to each other, in other words, perpendicular to the floor.

It is very important to keep the shoulder blades together and the head straight so as not to hunch over at the top. We perform 3 sets to the maximum, without weight, the rest time between sets is 3 minutes.

  • Squats

We put our feet shoulder-width apart or narrower. The slope of the back should be approximately 45 degrees, but not lower. The lowest point of the thigh during the squat should be parallel to the floor or even lower. Squats are recommended to be done with light weight dumbbells.

We perform 25 repetitions of 8 sets, every week increasing the repetitions by another 2 times.

When doing push-ups, try to keep your legs and back straight so that they form a straight line. With arms wide apart and elbows as wide as possible, the chest muscles work best. That is why the maximum load also falls on the shoulder joints. Please be careful.

Wide grip push-ups should be performed 20 times for 5 sets, and every week increase the number of repetitions by 2 times.

This exercise should be performed for the maximum number of repetitions in 5 minutes.

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet about 20 cm from your hips. Feet should be shoulder-width apart and arms slightly bent at the elbow. Pushing off with both arms and legs, with a tense abs, gently lift your hips up so that your back is arched in an arc.

Perform the bridge 10 times, trying to keep your arms and legs as straight as possible.

The whole body turns into one straight line. Try to stay in this position for 20 seconds. Do 8 sets with no more than 10 seconds rest between each set.


  • Tabata "Push-ups".

We take a position with emphasis on the knees and do push-ups with a large amplitude for 20 seconds. Rest for the next 10 seconds. We perform 8 approaches.

  • Tabata "Squats".

At a fast pace, with arms extended forward and pulling the pelvis back, we squat for 20 seconds. We do 8 sets, rest time - 10 seconds between sets.

  • Plank.

The body position should be like for push-ups and with an emphasis on socks. We perform 3 approaches, to the maximum.

  • Tabata "Burpee".

Performed at a fast pace, 8 sets of 20 seconds each, rest time - 10 seconds.

  • Pull-ups.

We perform 5 sets of 10 repetitions, trying to catch up at least 60% of the maximum repetitions every minute.


  • Mahi kettlebell.

We perform kettlebell swings (1-24kg), trying to reach at least 60% of the maximum reps. We do 4 sets with a 2-minute rest interval.

  • Tabata "Push-ups"

Focusing on the knees, we do push-ups with a large amplitude. We perform 8 sets of 20 seconds, with a 10-second break.

  • Tabata "Squats".

At a fast pace, we squat for 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds of rest. We do 8 approaches.

  • Bridge.

With arms and legs as straight as possible, we perform this exercise 10 times, trying to stay in position for a while.

  • Tabata "Plank".

We try to stay in this position for at least 20 seconds. It is necessary to perform 8 repetitions with a 10-second interval.

Style Outcome

Exercising at home is one of the main components of a good physical shape for life. Having become a habit, they will become an integral part of your life, a good habit that neither lack of time nor financial situation can take away from you.

It is possible to pump up without simulators at home, but only subject to certain rules, which we will discuss below.

The main difference between home workouts and workouts in the gym is the presence / absence of certain training equipment (dumbbells, barbells, exercise equipment). If you plan to build muscle at home, then the choice of exercise equipment, collapsible dumbbells and barbells will not be great, so you need to prepare a room at home in order to be comfortable in it, and most importantly, to train correctly.

First of all, remove everything unnecessary from the room that you want to equip as a gym, especially things that can be easily broken / broken, the room should be spacious and light, put a fan / air conditioner, turn on the speakers with your favorite music, that is, your the task is to create favorable, comfortable conditions for training.

Muscles begin to grow only when an adequate, progressive power load is placed on them, and of course at and .

Pumping up at home without using any simulators at all is possible (easy!), But it’s practically impossible to pump up without weights (barbells, dumbbells), that is, you can, without anything (with your weight on the horizontal bars at home), lose weight, dry out muscles, but you won’t be able to significantly increase muscle mass with pull-ups or push-ups from the floor alone. In this regard, we equip our room at home with the most minimal equipment (barbells and dumbbells) in order to fully train with iron.

Once again, we pay attention, dispel all myths and doubts: you will not be able to build muscle at home without using "iron"

Workout with iron at home (at home)

Before moving on to the workouts themselves at home, you need to determine your level of fitness. So, for example, a physically developed athlete who has no health contraindications to exercise on simulators, with a barbell, can completely use the typical training scheme described in this one, the only difference is that you will be surrounded by four walls, and not gyms.

A person who, for some reason, cannot visit the gym, and wants to pump up at home without exercise equipment, can get by with a quite modest set of “iron”: squat racks with a barbell, a bench for bench press, well, you can add a horizontal bar, and mat (for performing a hitch after a workout).

No matter what level of training you have, your muscles should always be warmed up before exercise., in order to protect yourself from unnecessary injuries (sprains, torn ligaments and muscles).

The main emphasis of training without simulators is on performing basic exercises (squats with a barbell, deadlift, bench press), they are able to build significant muscle mass. The range of repetitions varies from 6 to 8-12 per approach, the number of approaches is no more (at least) 3-4.

There are no secrets in pumping up muscles without simulators, you need to work, plow with heavy basic exercises in the gym (at home), they will make your muscles grow.

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