Alexander Ustyugov is getting divorced. Alexander Ustyugov secretly married

Health 23.06.2019

The name of Anna Ozar is associated with the public, first of all, with her father Igor Ozar and ex-husband Alexander Ustyugov. Anna is a bright brunette, whose biography is of great interest to the Internet public. Anna Ozar was born on April 11, 1987 in Moscow. The girl grew up in a wealthy family.

Anna's father, Igor Yakovlevich Ozar, is the general director of the Sukhoi holding, vice president of the United Aircraft Corporation for military aviation. Anna dreamed of becoming a journalist since childhood. She studied at schools in Moscow and England. In 2008 she graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. She worked as a journalist in the newspapers Izvestia and The Moscow News, as well as a correspondent for the Rossiya TV channel.


After 8 years of work in journalism, Anna Ozar left the profession. She entered the department of directing and dramaturgy of VGIK. Studied in the workshop of Denis Rodimin and Vladimir Fenchenko. In 2013 she received a director's diploma. Anna Ozar's graduation work is a thirty-minute comedy film "Shubaduba in Peonies". The film was played by artists and.

The film in a humorous manner tells about the filming of rural life by urban residents. In the center of the plot of the picture is the love of the protagonist, an elderly man, and a villager participating in the filming of the film. After the premiere of Shubaduba, Anna said in an interview that she "dreams of making a blockbuster, not a soap opera." After the debut of the picture "Shubadub in Peonies", Ozar spoke in an interview about plans to shoot a full-length musical "Drum for the Beaver". But so far, nothing has been heard about the project.

Personal life

In 2015, the Network was blown up by information about the unexpected wedding of Anna Ozar and the favorite of the public, the star of the Cop Wars series, 38-year-old. The artist is known for his role as Mikhail Tabakov in the series "Plague". According to rumors, Anna and Alexander met while working on the painting "Viking". Ustyugov played Prince Yaropolk of Kyiv in the film.

They say that Anna Ozar became the reason for Alexander Ustyugov's divorce from his first wife. The actress, Ustyugov's first wife, is a former classmate of the artist at the Shchukin School. The couple got married while studying. In 2007, a daughter, Zhenya, was born. After Alexander and Yanina broke up, the actress returned maiden name.

Alexander Ustyugov and Anna Ozar got married on September 23, 2015. There were no invited guests. Friends learned about the wedding when they saw photos of wedding rings on the hands of the newlyweds on Instagram. After painting, the couple went to honeymoon trip To France. The newlyweds visited Paris, Rouen, Trouville, Saint-Malo, the island of Mont-Saint-Michel.

The marriage of Alexander and Anna did not last even two years. In December 2016, Anna changed Ustyugov's surname to her maiden name on Facebook and removed Alexander from her "friends". Ustyugov, in turn, changed his status to "free". The actor, according to him, met the New Year 2017 in St. Petersburg alone. Often comes to Moscow for work. His daughter also lives there, whom, as Yanina Sokolovskaya said in an interview, Ustyugov often visits.

Anna Ozar's daughter Kira is growing up. Rumor for a long time attributed paternity to the star of the film "Shadow Fight" and the TV series "Molodezhka". However, the artist has repeatedly stated that only friendship connects him with Anna. Denis Nikiforov is married. Married to former model Irina Temrezova, Denis has two children - a boy, Sasha, and a girl, Veronica. Irina, having married an actor, left her career and devoted herself entirely to her family. Only occasionally does a former model help her husband in his projects.

Anna Ozar now

Little is known about Anna Ozar's life today. The scriptwriter and director communicates with subscribers on social networks.

Anna Ozar is a successful journalist, screenwriter, actress, as well as the daughter of the CEO of the Sukhoi holding. The girl gained fame after a secret marriage with the loving artist Alexander Ustyugov.

Secure childhood

Anna was born in the spring of 1987 in one of the maternity hospitals in Moscow. The girl was brought up in an intelligent, rich family her father was CEO big company"Dry". Despite this, Ozar was not a spoiled, capricious child who did not know the boundaries of what was permitted.

Anna dreamed of becoming a journalist in order to realize her plan, she diligently studied foreign languages. elementary school the girl graduated in the capital, and then moved to England. However higher education Ozar decided to receive in her homeland, where she returned after receiving a matriculation certificate. In 2004, she entered the capital's MGI at the faculty of journalism, which she graduated in 2008.

The beginning of the creative path

After receiving a diploma, Anna became a correspondent for such publications as Izvestia and The Moscow News. In parallel with her main work, the petite brunette was her own correspondent for the Rossiya television channel in Spain. For eight years, Ozar devoted herself entirely to journalism with great pleasure and passion. Therefore, the decision to put an end to her career was a real surprise for many of her friends and relatives.

Actress Anna Ozar starred in the film "Shubaduba in uniform"

Ozar decided to try herself as an actress and screenwriter, for which she entered VGIK. The girl was enrolled in the faculty of directing and dramaturgy, where D. Rodimin and V. Fenchenko became her leaders. As a diploma work, she starred in the short comedy film "Shabaduba in Peonies", in company with V. Vetrov and O. Khokhlova. This tape showed rural life from the inside, through the eyes of an urban audience.

After filming ended, Anna repeatedly stated that she planned to shoot a full-length version of the comedy, changing only the name to "Beaver Drum". Enough time has passed since then, but the newly minted actress and screenwriter is in no hurry to fulfill the promise. In the future, Ozar dreams of making an action film.

relationship confusion

In an official marriage, Anna was only once. Her first civil union did not last long, the name of the girl's chosen one is unknown. The only valuable and pleasant memory after unsuccessful love is the daughter of Kira, who is very similar to her mother. The yellow press has repeatedly reported that the father of her child is Denis Nikiforov. However, the actor himself denied being related to the child of his ex-girlfriend.

Anna Ozer and actor Denis Nikiforov

In September 2015, information appeared in the media and social networks about the wedding of Ozar and the popular Russian artist Alexander Ustyugov. A few days later, Anna confirmed this information by posting on her personal Facebook page, attaching their happy photo to it.

Anna Ozar with her daughter

Ustyugov and Ozar legalized their marriage in one of the capital's registry offices, immediately after registration they flew away for a honeymoon to the capital of France. The newlyweds in festive attire walked through the streets of one of the most beautiful, magical cities on the planet. They took a lot of pictures, kissed and just enjoyed each other. Returning to Moscow, Anna became an exemplary wife, she even attended Alexander's amateur concerts, where she gave vent to emotions.

Anna Ozar and Alexander Ustyugov

At the end of 2016, Anna announced a divorce from Alexander Ustyugov, but did not voice the reason for this decision. Now Ozar is completely consumed creative ideas, is raising her daughter Kira.

Read biographies of famous Russian actors

Russian actor Alexander Ustyugov became widely known among Russian viewers after he played the role of the head of the homicide department Roman Shilov in the now famous TV series Cop Wars. Starting your acting career from the image of the killer Matvey Salakhov in the film "Code of Honor", he very quickly got used to the screen and managed to play more than one character before he approached star role noble ment. Now the actor’s creative baggage includes participation in almost 50 projects and not far from one notable role. In addition, he is an excellent theater actor and tried his hand as a director, enjoys music and photography. The wife of Alexander Ustyugov was his faithful companion in life and work, until the news of their divorce appeared in the media.

Alexander married his classmate at the Shchukin Theater School, Yanina Sokolovskaya, in 2005, before that they had met for several years. Yanina lived with her parents in a wealthy Moscow family, as a child she traveled half the world, being a member of a dance group at the Popov Big Children's Choir. The young husband, who grew up in a working Ekibastuz family, insisted that after 2 months of living in the apartment of her relatives on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, the newlyweds began an independent life. The Ustyugovs moved to a hostel with difficult living conditions, where Yana passed the test arranged by her beloved and became a good housewife. Only after that, Alexander agreed to settle in her usual separate apartment, at Mosfilm, in which he himself was engaged in repairs. In 2007, their daughter Evgenia was born.

Having become a popular demanded actor, Ustyugov simultaneously went into the construction business and began building a common country house with Yana's parents. The mansion turned out to be magnificent: beautiful, cozy and roomy. It had enough rooms for mother Yana with her stepfather, the older generation of the family and the young with the newborn Zhenya. The family life of the family was smooth and prosperous: Alexander and Yana served together in the RAMT youth theater, where she happened to play Zhenya Komelkova, in the play “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” staged by her husband. In the series "Cop Wars" they even played a family in which their little Zhenechka also grew up. It is not known when things fell apart between them, but in November 2015, after 10 years life together, Ustyugov filed for divorce.

Later there were rumors that since the summer of this year, 39-year-old Alexander began an affair with Anna Ozar, a charming resident of St. Petersburg, where he often went to shoot. Anna is 28 years old, she is a graduate of the journalism faculty of Moscow State University, the daughter of the general director of the Sukhoi aviation holding and has a free, independent character. As it turned out, Anna had known Ustyugov for several years, but only after a while did romantic feelings arise between them. Her first husband, however, a civilian, was a mutual friend - the actor Denis Nikiforov, their daughter Kira was born from their short cohabitation. The girl lives with her mother.

After Alexander's divorce from Yana, his marriage to Anna took place. The ceremony was a secret, no one knew about it, and even the closest relatives and friends of the newlyweds were not invited to it. Anna herself commented on this event on her Facebook page in the most original way: “A chamber wedding for two. Don't be offended!" The newlyweds went on their honeymoon to France, where together they enjoyed the beauties of Paris, Brittany and Normandy. In St. Petersburg, the apartment bought by Ustyugov was left to wait for the lovers, which was supposed to become the love nest of a happy couple.

Those who are interested in the news of modern cinema are interested in learning about the biography and personal life of Anna Ozar. This girl managed to mark herself as a director and has big creative plans for the future.

Anna Ozar was born in 1987. Her childhood can be called carefree and secure, since her father held a fairly significant position, he was CEO holding "Dry". Therefore, the girl could easily choose any profession for herself, her choice fell on journalism. The specialty was obtained at a prestigious university - Moscow State University, at the Faculty of Journalism.

After training, Anna worked in fairly well-known publications, which include Izvestia and The Moscow News. The girl worked as a journalist for 8 years, after which she decided to change her profession and become a director. To this end, Anna Ozar graduated from VGIK. This came as a real surprise to her entire family. However, as in the case of the choice of journalism, the girl received full support from loved ones in the implementation of her intentions.


As a director, Anna Ozar was remembered for her graduation work. She became the tape "Shubaduba in peonies" - a short film shot in the genre of comedy. The plot tells how city dwellers see rural life. The picture touches on a love line - a romantic relationship develops between an elderly man and a resident of the village. Vladislav Vetrov and Olga Khokhlova took part in the filming.

It should be noted that critics reacted very favorably to this debut work, and it deserved all kinds of praise. It was noted that the short film was shot in a special, inimitable style, characteristic of Anna Ozar.

After Anna Ozar made her debut as a director, she announced her intentions to make a feature film that would become a real blockbuster. In addition to the development of the storyline, the idea was that the picture was to become a musical. However, on this moment the project has not been implemented, and nothing is heard about its development.

Personal life

The biography and personal life of Anna Ozar is of constant interest, primarily due to her relationship with the famous actor Alexander Ustyugov. He is known to the audience for his vivid performance of roles in such series as "Cop Wars" and "Plague". According to rumors, the couple met during the filming of the film "Viking".

Alexander Ustyugov and Anna Ozar legalized their relationship in 2015. The wedding was held as a closed event, there were no invitees. Friends, acquaintances and fans learned about the solemn event after the corresponding photos appeared on Instagram, which depicted wedding rings. The newlyweds spent their honeymoon in France.

Unfortunately, her husband was not present for long in the biography and personal life of Anna Ozar. The marriage was not destined to last even a couple of years. Many believe that the increased attention of the press to the young family played a significant role in breaking off relations. Journalists literally pursued the couple in order to ask questions about former family Ustyugov, about the divorce from Yanina and the role of Anna Ozar in this.

Fans learned about the change in status in the couple's family life, as in the case of the wedding, from social networks. So, Anna changed Ustyugov's surname to her former one, and Alexander indicated that he was free.

At the moment, it is known that Ustyugov lives in St. Petersburg, but often comes to Moscow, where his ex-wife and daughter live. The media interviewed by Yanina indicate that Alexander often visits the child.

For many, Anna Ozar is associated mainly with her influential father and ex-husband Alexander Ustyugov. It is interesting that although the marriage did not last long, Anna recalls this relationship with gratitude. She believes that Alexander gave her a lot professionally, and communication with him contributed to her development.

It is known that Anna Ozar has a daughter, Kira. Who is the father of the child remains a mystery.

Many believe that this is the actor Denis Nikiforov. The audience knows him thanks to his role in the film "Shadow Fight" and participation in the TV series "Molodezhka".

The actor himself categorically denies these rumors and insists that he has exclusively friendly relations with Anna Ozar. Nikiforov is married, his wife is a former model. The marriage has children, a son and a daughter.

Anna Ozar now

At the moment, in 2019, about creative activity Anna Ozar and nothing is heard about the implementation of her projects. Anna Ozar often publishes her photos on social networks, where you can learn about her travels. In addition, she decided to develop further professionally, for this purpose she entered the Academy of Motion Picture Arts in New York.

From the photos that appear on social networks and introduce Anna Ozar's biography and personal life, one can judge that she is completely devoted to her hobbies and hobbies, in particular exciting trips around the world. Perhaps in the future, the girl will please with the realization of her creative projects.

Alexander Ustyugov is Russian actor, which fell in love with those who love domestic TV shows. Because this young man was remembered just because he played in the TV series "Cop Wars" where he amazingly played Roman Shilov, the head of the criminal department. So, for those who like to watch Russian heroes, to watch how they do justice, I really liked watching this series. Even in order to see a courageous law enforcement officer, principled and always ready to make any sacrifice to help others. But, this, of course, is not his only role in the movie. So let's take a closer look at how this wonderful actor started, why he decided to act in films and, most importantly, how he managed to succeed in this.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Ustyugov

The actor always looks very good, which can be evidenced by considering the height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Ustyugov. The guy looks more than good, which is not surprising, because he understands that when you are in sight, you must please the eyes of those who love and respect you. Today, Alexander is already 40 years old, his height is 180 centimeters, and his weight is 78 kilograms. As you can see, he looks really good, tries to take care of himself, and it's not about gyms or beauty salons. A man believes that the main thing in life is to develop, and he does it. After all, besides being an actor, he is also an amateur photographer, a motorcyclist, and a director. In general, his life is replete bright colors He doesn't stop for a minute.

Biography and personal life of Alexander Ustyugov

The biography and personal life of Alexander Ustyugov is very interesting and informative, because before becoming an actor, Sasha went a long way to this very success. His family was not tied in any way to the world of creativity, because they worked as carpenters, educators kindergarten. Initially, the guy also did not particularly strive to become famous. At first, he also entered the carpenter, but after a while he realized that this was not for him, that his soul strives to feel free and light. Therefore, he went to Moscow and entered the theater.

Filmography: films starring Alexander Ustyugov

The actor's filmography is quite interesting, his first role was in the film "Code of Honor" where he appeared in an episodic role, followed by other episodic roles in other films, for example, in such a famous film as "Turkish March". He also received a major role in the series "Peter the Magnificent", however, the series did not have much success. Still, the main achievement for him was participation in the series "Cop Wars", he loved his role there, although he was a little tired of the image attributed to him.

As for the personal life of the actor, they say the most different things here. Today, the guy seems to be free, although he was married twice, has a daughter. For many years he was married to his classmate, whom he met during his studies. This is enough famous actress Yanina Sokolovskaya, and for many years they were happily married. They also raised their own daughter Evgenia together, who was born in 2007. It would seem that nothing can disturb family happiness, but then Anna Ozar appeared in the life of the actor, who is the daughter of an oligarch and an actress. It is not known whether the romance with her really served as the collapse of his family life, but two months later the new lovers signed and went on their honeymoon to France. But after a while, they deleted each other from social networks, and the actor stopped wearing wedding ring. That is, we can say that this time family life the actor wasn't doing too well.

Family and children of Alexander Ustyugov

The family and children of Alexander Ustyugov today consists of himself and his own daughter Evgenia. True, news constantly appears on the Web Alexander Ustyugov and his new love, but so far this is nothing more than speculation, the actor is in no hurry to put a wedding ring on his finger again. Maybe this is because Alexander knows what family life is, how difficult and responsible it is, so he is in no hurry to repeat his experience. But he is happy anyway, because he has a bright, varied life active and interesting. So, the actor sees his daughter and at the same time does not forget that a new love is always ready to suddenly appear.

Daughter of Alexander Ustyugov - Evgenia

The daughter of Alexander Ustyugov, Evgenia, was born in the first marriage of Alexander Ustyugov and the wife of actress Yanina Sokolovskaya. The girl was born in 2007, now she is already a big girl, although, of course, it is still difficult to talk about her future, who she wants to become and who she will become in the end. Now she is a healthy, cheerful girl who goes to school, enjoys life, and simply enjoys life, like any other child. Maybe in the future she will want to follow in the footsteps of her parents, she will also become an actress, but this will all be known in the future. It is quite possible that we will hear about her as a talented heiress of her parents.

The ex-wife of Alexander Ustyugov - Yanina Sokolovskaya

Ex-wife Alexandra Ustyugova Yanina Sokolovskaya became his first chosen one, who married this famous actor. True, they met even when they could not boast of special popularity. For a long time they were together, they lived, soul to soul, raised a common daughter, Eugene. It is difficult to say what caused their collapse, but one way or another, Alexander left the family for another actress Anna Ozar, who is also the daughter of an oligarch. To date former spouses have maintained a good relationship, at least for the sake of their daughter, can communicate and see each other in free time.

The ex-wife of Alexander Ustyugov - Anna Ozar

The ex-wife of Alexander Ustyugov, Anna Ozar, became the second wife of Alexander Ustyugov, however, their marriage did not last very long. Rumor has it that it was Anna who caused the actor's divorce, however, one cannot say for sure. And although many did not believe that the actors would get married, nevertheless, they really did it and spent their honeymoon in France.

For a while they were really happy, but at the same time, soon they deleted each other from social networks, the actor again took off the wedding ring from his finger and spent New Year lonely. Who knows, maybe the actor still has everything ahead, a new love is still waiting for him.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Ustyugov

Alexander Ustyugov never hid either from the press or from his fans. Therefore, it is not surprising that there is a lot of information about him, both on the Web and in other sources of information. He actively maintains his own pages, talks about life, how he spends his free and working time. You can find a lot of information about him on his personal Wikipedia page (,_Alexander_Sergeevich), which contains general facts about life, childhood, work and much more that may be of interest to the public .

The Instagram page ( will also help you get acquainted with the life of the actor, his interests, personal life and plans for the future. Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Ustyugov will help you get as close as possible to your idol. This is very important, because for any actor it is necessary to understand that he is still interesting to other people, his fans and is in demand and necessary.

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