7th Missile Division of the Strategic Missile Forces Command. Varlamov Leonid

Recipes 03.07.2019

He visited the 7th Guards Rocket Rezhitskaya Red Banner Division (military unit No. 14245), which is located in the Tver region. Before the start of the trip, Comrade Major, accompanying the team of bloggers, handed everyone a printout with the text of articles on liability for espionage, disclosure state secret, participation in high treason and other pleasant events. Warning that in which case further communication with the violators will pass into the competence of a completely different department. Step to the right, step to the left - and specially trained people, they say, will definitely be interested. So come along as partners!

Looking ahead a little, I will inform you: the troops of the Strategic Missile Forces, of course, are special, secret, regime. There is no dispute here. But in connection with these epithets, almost nothing was shown to us in the missile division. I mean, unusual. The texture was frankly not enough for me personally, time - even less. The accompanying officers vigilantly watched every step, sincerely surprised at the interest shown. For the first time, this is, of course, normal, I hope that in the next “blogger tours” I will be able to learn more than anything interesting. Well, to the heap, I myself relaxed somewhat, because the pictures turned out to be some kind of “unimportant”, attempts to save everything by thermonuclear processing, it seems, only aggravated the situation. Well, okay, what is - then I'll show. Science will be for me :).

The Strategic Missile Forces division is deployed in ZATO "Ozerny". Entrance to the military camp - through the same checkpoint as. On shameful in all respects Moscow-Peter highway we raced for several hours before Vypolzovo, there was a turn and a checkpoint. After the checkpoint, we moved to the army PAZ-ik and went to refresh ourselves in a very nice-looking “Atelier-Dining Room”. Local communism reigns inside the institution - for 170 rubles they are fed heartily with soup-potatoes-patty-peach juice. All of the above are quite edible, even tasty. One of the rocket officers also explained about the prices: they are really lower in ZATO than outside the perimeter. The difference is especially noticeable in the restaurant hall :).

Satisfied - advanced to fighting positions. We entered through several gates. In front of the very positions there is a postern (from French poterne - an underground corridor (gallery) for communication between fortifications, fortress forts or strongholds of fortified areas. Usually the postern in front of the positions acts as a gateway: you entered, the door closed behind you, only then the next one opens. The door is opened and closed by a guard fighter with a special metal "steering wheel", as in the picture.This is a serious matter, such combat positions, in which case, will be a desirable target not only for missile and bomb strikes, but also for groups of all kinds of saboteurs of a potential enemy. Therefore, the entire perimeter will be covered with the usual "thorn", "rigid" and MZP. Guards with weapons, helmets and bulletproof vests. Everything is grown-up.

Support complex was shown directly at the positions combat duty. In such machines, it is possible to organize a command post or a resting place for a whole shift of rocket soldiers right “in the field”. They were not allowed to shoot inside the MOBD (combat duty support vehicles), although what could be secret in neatly tucked bunks, a shoe dryer and a machine gun turret? Anyway, arrived to visit - follow the instructions of the owners.

Hangars in which there are missile systems with missiles RT-2PM "Topol"(missile index - 15Zh58, START code - RS-12M, according to NATO classification - SS-25 Sickle), have sliding roofs. If necessary, you can carry out a rocket launch directly from the "parking lot". And so, in general, vehicles with missiles patrol the routes assigned to them, being in constant several-minute readiness for a missile launch. The launch itself is impossible without the physical participation of several responsible persons, so "accidents" are practically excluded. According to the rocket scientists, a potential adversary in this time period cannot reliably defend itself against our missile attack in any way. As, however, we are from their missiles.

Then the whole team moved to the barracks, where he lives personnel. The “composition” itself was in the leisure room, reading some books and constantly smiling. From the barracks we arrived at the training position. Position - "concrete" with a circle for a turn and a training rocket tractor. A built-in tank is installed on top of the tractor, imitating the dimensions of a combat missile. If necessary, water is poured into the layout, which allows increasing the mass of the complex to values ​​comparable to a combat copy. The training machine is used, which is typical, for teaching the driving skills of novice drivers. With a skillful approach and diligence, such training takes about six months. The car is huge, heavy, the dimensions are completely unusual. But it is easy to manage: an automatic transmission and a pair of pedals.

Everyone could get behind the wheel and try their hand at driving a training car. An experienced and very friendly senior mechanic-driver-instructor and at the same time senior warrant officer Sergey Oleinik acted as an instructor, skillfully avoiding any questions regarding the performance characteristics of the equipment entrusted to him :). Just flint. But he kept smiling. His training vehicle is designed for reconnaissance of combat patrol routes and can be used as an evacuation tractor. AT " Peaceful time» - tutorial for those preparing to intercede on combat duty. Driving a car, according to a comrade senior warrant officer, is not difficult. But you need to get used to the overall dimensions, master all the performance characteristics and just “get into it”. The passability of the car is very high, water barriers and soil are not a hindrance for it. For combat patrols - that's it.

By the way, similar machines are also used in parades. They come to Moscow on their own, 400 kilometers from Teikovo, which is in Ivanovo region. "Showy" vehicles do not participate in combat duty, so that the defense does not fall during the parades.

Separately, he took an interest in the attitude of rocket men to lovers of independent visits to various kinds of military "casts", in particular,. They say - it is better to inform about your desires in advance than to fall under the fire of the guard. Maybe times are changing?

Yesterday, all worthy citizens were shown the 7th Guards Rocket Rezhitsa Red Banner Division, which guards the dream of the Motherland with strategic mobile complexes with the Topol intercontinental ballistic missile.

Many thanks for the comments (in italics) to Dmitry Shchedrin d_schedrin - http://d-schedrin.livejournal.com/7286.html

As expected, a visit to the military unit begins with lunch. In the military town of Ozerny, our carnal needs were satisfied by this pretty dining room

Catering workers offered everyone to try a cutlet with potatoes, but for some reason they put rice with a chop

While the others were eating, I explored the town a little. As it should be in my journal, you will see only the dirtiest streets and shabby houses.
One of the first houses built in the early 60s, and also one of the most dilapidated. But the barracks, converted into officer dormitories, both for families and for bachelors, remained behind the scenes. They are located on the territory of the division itself, in order to get into them you need to go through one more checkpoint. For obvious reasons, journalists were not taken there. It is unsuitable for the whole country to show dilapidated barracks divided by plywood into rooms, in which families of officers are forced to exist. Russian army. Plywood partitions are not the most a big problem those hostels. The electrical wiring laid in the barracks at the same Khrushchev time was intended to ensure the operation of a maximum of one barracks TV, two irons and the burning of about 20 light bulbs. The electricians of that time did not think that in decades the barracks would be divided into rooms and officers and ensigns with their refrigerators, computers, irons, microwave ovens would live in each. The command of the unit decided to deal with the problem of a constant power outage in the dormitory due to network overload in an unexpected way, namely by issuing an order "to prohibit the use of irons, TVs, computers, microwave ovens in the dormitory", leaving only one refrigerator in the permit.
All this reminded me of one cadet anecdote:
Cadets to the officer: "Comrade lieutenant, would you mind watching TV after lights out? Look, just don't turn it on," came the officer's reply.


Local journalist girls from the local newspaper "Lake Dawns over the Lakes" (or something similar) confirmed that I was really lucky to find the oldest and most ragged part of the town.
In general, they said that they live much better in Ozerny than in any other neighboring cities (not military ones). There is nothing to do here, but calmly. The birth rate is much higher than in ordinary settlements. Few hooligans.
All living creatures periodically die on fences under voltage at strategic facilities, so there are no problems with fresh elk, wild boar, hare, etc.
Moskovskaya street, as well as Leningradskaya and Kyiv. Most of the shops are located in such cozy basements.
For those living in dormitories on the territory of the division itself, the chief of staff established truly draconian rules. More specifically, the passage through the checkpoint was allowed for 10 minutes without 10 every hour. Those. if the mother took the child to Kindergarten at 8.50 and did not have time to return back by 9.00, then she was asked to take a walk somewhere else for 50 minutes until 9.50. The severity of this order was offset by the courage of the checkpoint duty officers, who directly sabotaged such instructions.


The only thing that upsets them is the lack of fashion stores (for this you have to go to Moscow or St. Petersburg) and the impossibility of traveling abroad (due to secrecy)

Lunch came to an end and we were shocked on the army path towards the most closed and secret places.

Now I will tell you how to overcome the barriers and enter the Poplar parking lot.
In a straight line, the path will be closed with gates, barriers, barbed wire, live wire, sharp stakes and wolf pits. In general, it is necessary to bypass
Electrified barrier - grid "P-100" (please do not call names an electric fence!). Works in three modes: 765, 1500 and 3000 volts. In order to die, it is not necessary to touch it with your hand. Kills when a person is already at a distance of 1 meter from her. During the entire existence of the Strategic Missile Forces, not a single enemy has died on it, but cases of death of our military personnel and civilians regularly occur. Mostly conscripts who decided to "drive fast" into a self-propelled gun and hope that two pairs of OZK put on themselves will save them. In another division in the 90s, there was a case when a tractor driver from a neighboring village, who got drunk on the board, decided to plow the BSP with his tractor. Stumbling first on the grid, then he was shot with a burst from a turret machine gun. In the 7th division last case The death occurred in my opinion in 2000.

To avoid bypassing, you need to catch someone from the authorities and ask him to call on the phone to let them through

The soldiers will come out to the call and let them inside
The chief of the guard reports to the arrived chief. During my service in the division, there were about ten such helmets and unloadings for the entire division. So they were dragged from unit to unit for the period of verification. The last time I put on such uniforms was in 2007 during a combat readiness check after the explosion of the Nevsky Express, which occurred nearby. I would like to believe that such uniforms arrived in every regiment

Next, a formal check of documents, a turntable ...
Entrance to the terrace, checkpoint. The list of persons with the right of passage is strictly limited and strictly at a certain time. Some conscripts could serve for two years without ever getting to the BSP (cooks, for example, firefighters, doctors). During the passage, the usual pass for passage to the regiment, division is changed to a token that has the right to enter the BSP. There is no pass or the token is not issued, goodbye, go back to issue. They made an exception for bloggers. On the right side of the mesh chain-link there was a poster with a visual reminder (photo) of what mesh-100 can do to a person. Apparently, in order not to injure the psyche of bloggers, the poster was removed. There is also a rule to hand over smoking and incendiary accessories to the guard when entering the BSP. This is reminiscent of a sign on the window, which is now gone. But the personnel are at the BSP for at least 6 hours, or even several days, so the rule is violated everywhere ...

And we go underground

This tunnel runs exactly under all the fences and wires. There are no turns here, go straight all the time, but if something happens, the soldiers who are on duty here will always tell you the way

Poterna. Its disadvantage is the passage of water. Can be seen by drops on the ceiling and dew on the walls. In rain and spring, very solid puddles form in the rubble, which the fighters successfully dry periodically and especially before checking with rags.

That's it, we are warmly greeted at the exit, the security system has been overcome
On the background: Guardroom with a machine gun turret above it. Sometimes MTLB is enhanced.

Passage through the curtain is carried out by a lock method. If one door is open, the other must be closed at this time.

Now two steps to the garages where Poplars and other related cars live

MOBD lives in this garage - a combat duty support vehicle. Essentially a living quarters, a kitchen, an emergency power plant and a security machine gun nest
And here is my any MOBD (combat duty support vehicle) based on the MAZ 543M. Designed to provide electric power to the launcher in the field and for its own needs, as well as to accommodate personnel. Consists of two unconnected compartments. In the first (entrance on the right) there are two diesel generators of 50 kW each. From it are visible two exhaust sleeves stretching to the roof. Behind him is a fuel tank, if my memory serves me for 1960 liters. Behind it is a household compartment, this is where bloggers were allowed. Soviet-style air conditioning in front of the cab. Powerful and reliable thing, albeit bulky.
I will never forget how we washed it with FAIRY (it turns out it is used not only for washing dishes!) before checking. And then a thin layer of diesel fuel to make it shine like in this photo.


Inside, it's like in a railway car, only much closer. In the wall of the corridor there is a washbasin and a heated compartment for drying clothes
Actually household compartment from the inside. One quadruple coupe and one double. In this photo, the aisle, on the left is a wardrobe for drying clothes. According to the full staff, there are more than 30 people in the preparation and launch group. In the field, personnel are placed to sleep not only in the compartment, but also in the dining room and on this floor. The 7th division is a reduced strength division or, as they say, "castrated". In groups of 10-15 people.

Three compartments are used to accommodate people - a four-seat compartment for the rest of personnel and a two-seat compartment for the rest of the commander and his assistant
Mattresses and bed linen were never issued. Usually they sleep with an OZK under their heads and covered with a pea coat.

There is a compartment-dining room for meals by personnel - 4 people can eat at the same time. The compartment-dining room is equipped with one folding berth for the cook
Canteen. It's the first time I've seen such a display. Plus, during the march, plates and mugs must be removed to the kitchen and fixed there. Off-road, the body shakes strongly and all this window dressing will scatter around.

The kitchen compartment has a stove for cooking, food storage cells, a refrigerator, a place to store dishes and wash them.
Actually the kitchen. To the left is a large refrigerator. At the bottom right you can see a stove with a saucepan (aka a frying pan) and two water tanks. During the march, everything is fixed. It can be seen from the black plastic valves.


The rear combat compartment of the operator is designed to accommodate the shift on duty, it contains the operator's combat post and the gunner's post. The compartment is equipped with security system equipment, communication equipment, a safe for weapons. A turret-machine gun mount was mounted, including an NSVT-12.7 machine gun with a 1PN22M sight, a searchlight, an IR searchlight, a night vision device and a loud-speaking system
A shooter sits on this chair, rotates a machine gun and shoots at enemies

This is a communication vehicle based on the MAZ-543A. It is secret, but this angle, in my opinion, does not greatly undermine the state secret

In these garages there are cars so secret that it is better not to look even at the closed gates.

After visiting the secret strategic garage, it's time to relax in an informal barracks setting.
The position officer tells the bloggers that they need to go to the barracks specially prepared for them. To the right is the dining room, apparently unprepared. An officer on the site can be both on combat duty and on duty at the same time. May not change from outfit for several days. Although both are prohibited by law.

A crowd of journalists breaks into an ordinary barracks without warning and finds...
Guards barracks. On a typical day in the daytime, personnel rest here, having changed from their posts in the morning. Duty change of communication for example. During the inspection period, DSS rests in some closed garage box. I never understood the point of showing empty, neatly made beds, instead of soldiers resting quite legally. They have a legitimate rest time during the day, like a company on duty. But the command always decides otherwise.
Cellular communication is prohibited on the site, under beautifully tucked pillowcases, you can see neat cuts in the pillows where the soldiers hide their phones.


comment from sak2sak : "edging, bitch, stuffed, and the sheet sticks out. Refuel 50 times for training"

Drinking water tank.

Suddenly, I walk into the classroom and find out that my TV is worse at home.
There was no TV like this before. Maybe at least something has changed.

Honestly, I specifically looked into the book of each soldier - not a single one had an upside down
Great photo. In the army, even books (this is not a charter!) are read all synchronously on a certain page.

The crowd from Moscow that came to the barracks stuck their noses into all the cracks and behaved so unceremoniously that the soldier at the post called for the coat of arms Russian Federation so that we can get out as soon as possible. 10 minutes through the military desire came true

In search of dirt, I climbed into the chests with the sign "Rags", but found only clean rags there. Then I decided to try my luck in the bathroom

Here I had a new discovery - I used to think that shoes are cleaned on hemp, but now it turns out that for such purposes there are special corners with special bedside tables and special posters

Here I was thrown into the heat and I hurried into the fresh April air

On the street, a slightly oversized tank truck was waiting for us.
Tractor MAZ7917. "Poplar" based on such a tractor. According to the performance characteristics, I will not stop, whoever needs it will find it. This instance is most often used to train driver-mechanics before taking up combat duty. To simulate the weight of a rocket, water is poured into the tank or sand is poured into it.

Of course, I forgot the name of this car and what chassis it is made on. I only remember what is used for reconnaissance of the road and other household needs (for example, entertainment for guests of a military unit)
UPD is MAZ-7912/MAZ-7917

Everyone, including me, was given the opportunity to drive this hulk and feel like a driver of a real combat Poplar.
The controls are very simple - automatic transmission (lever on the right), toggle switch "back - neutral - forward" and two pedals. Brake applied with left foot

Parking brake.

Starting the engine with a button. You only need to hold the button for 10 seconds

The driver-fighter had to remind young drivers all the time to keep to the left - out of habit, you don’t feel the dimensions of such a car at all
Management is not difficult, but you need to get used to the dimensions. When driving on a narrow road, you may not get used to it as if you are already driving on the left side of the road. And if you drive like a regular car, observing the interval on the left, then you will definitely trudge through the bushes with your right side. Kochki swallows. Feeling like on a ship on the waves.

The steering wheel turns 4 pairs of huge wheels very easily at once
The launcher enters the turn as if sideways. You need to turn when it seems in the cockpit that the turn seems to have already slipped.

After the rides, we went to watch the secret command post, which is located underground in an artificial embankment

To get to the command post, you need to overcome the turntable with the attendant at the entrance to the HF headquarters, then we run into this door and call, asking us to open

We pass another sentry, a turntable "Present a pass!" and go down the stairs to the dungeon

Here we run into a huge door without handles. Please open again

There is a fuss inside and after a minute or two the door swings open and we are greeted friendly and invited further

Three huge steel airtight doors separate the secret part of the bunker from the not-so-secret part.

The equipment located between the doors led some to think that in addition to the bolts, the doors are also kept from opening by air pressure.

Sleep well, your safety is in good hands
The state of affairs in the division leaves much to be desired. Officers have at best 3-4 days off per month. This is with a salary of 15-20 thousand rubles. Therefore, every tenth graduate of a military institute tries to quit before the end of the first contract. Every second officer does not want to renew a new contract.
The apple of discord was also introduced by the so-called 400th order. According to which the best ones are allegedly rewarded (about 30%) and monthly bonuses of 30-50 thousand rubles are paid. There were rumors that cars were burned to such "premiumists".
The recruiting staff is also of great concern. With a two-year term of service, a soldier studied for six months in training, six months completed his studies in the army, and only in the second year of service could one feel the impact from him. Now, when he just gets into the exploited equipment, he already needs to be fired.


Bologovsky district of the Tver region of Russia.
7th Guards Rocket Rezhitsa Red Banner Division
7th Guards Division

Small emblem of the Rocket Forces strategic purpose Russian Armed Forces
Years of existence 1961 - present (present)
Country USSR USSR: -
Russia Russia: 1991 - present
Subordination division commander
Included in 27th Guards Rocket Army
Type of missile division
Includes control and parts
Function protection
population compound
Dislocation ZATO "Ozerny" (village settlement Vypolzovo)
Marks of Excellence honorary name:
« Rezhitskaya»

In accordance with the Directive of the Minister of Defense of the USSR, of May 25, 1960, in June 1960 on the basis of 19th Guards Cannon Artillery Rezhitsa Brigade, relocated from locality Gatchina, was formed 7th Missile Engineering Brigade with deployment in the village of Vypolzovo, Kalinin Region (Bologoe-4). The formation took place on the housing stock of the 25th mixed aviation division of the 6th separate air defense army. Colonel P. P. Uvarov was appointed commander of the missile brigade. The number of the brigade reached 9,000 people (soldiers and sergeants). Initially, the brigade was part of the 46th training artillery range, and on March 10, 1961, it became part of the 3rd separate guards missile corps.

The first missile regiment (military unit 14264) was formed from three divisions: two with ground launchers and one with a silo launcher. On November 30, 1960, the brigade commander reported to the commander-in-chief about the completion of the formation of the missile brigade - military unit 14245. From the beginning of 1961, planned training began with the R-5 missile.

On February 11, 1963, the first division (BSP-12) took up combat duty (BD) with two R-16s with ground launchers. In total, in 1963-1964, six divisions (BSP) entered the database: four with ground launchers and two with mine launchers.

Since 1965, the division began preparations for the construction of the BSP missile systems a new generation with silos of individual launches ("OS"). In pursuance of the directive of the General Staff of March 31, 1966, 6 OS missile regiments with UR-100 (8K84) missiles were formed. In 1967, the first "OS" regiment entered the DB (military unit 97688).

Since 1973, work has begun on removing the UR-100 from combat duty and placing new 15P015 complexes with the MR-UR-100 (15A15) missile on the DB (since 1977 it has been replaced by the 15P016 complex with the MR-UR-100U). The first regiment with the 15A15 missile entered the DB on May 6, 1975. During the period from October 15, 1975 to October 3, 1978, 8 more regiments took up duty, replacing the Chelomeevskaya UR-100 with the Yangelevskaya MR-UR-100.

Since 1982, according to the plan of the General Staff, part of the "OS" regiments with MR-UR-100 were taken off duty and disbanded, part was transferred to the improved complex 15P016.

In 1994, the last "OSovsky" missile regiment was removed from the database. In accordance with the decision of the Council of Ministers of Russia, on the basis of one of the combat launch positions (silos) of military unit 14264, Museum of the Rocket Forces, now disbanded for undisclosed reasons. On December 30, 1994, the first OSovsky regiment (military unit 14264) was transferred to the Topol PGRK with the RT-2PM (15Zh58) missile. On December 27, 1996, the second regiment (military unit 52642) of the Topols entered the database. In the fall of 1996, the combat crews of the missile regiments of the division at the Plesetsk training ground conducted two successful combat training launches.


Composition of the compound

The division included:

  • Control;
11 missile regiments:
  • 129th Missile Regiment (military unit 97688) - disbanded on 12/01/1989
  • 222nd Missile Regiment (military unit 95835) - disbanded on 07/01/1990
  • 319th missile regiment (military unit 52643) - disbanded on 12/01/1989
  • 320th Missile Regiment (military unit 52644) - disbanded on 12/01/1989
  • 509th missile regiment (military unit 52641) - disbanded on 01/30/1990
  • 510th missile regiment (military unit 52642) (site 3k)
  • 818th Missile Regiment (military unit 74201) (51st site), - disbanded on 12/01/1993
  • 272nd missile regiment (military unit 68528) (42nd site), - disbanded
  • 342nd Missile Regiment (military unit 57338) - disbanded 10/30/1990
  • 256?-th (526) missile regiment (military unit 07382) (11th site, 12th site), - disbanded on 01.10.1993
  • 41st missile regiment (military unit 14264) (site 1C)
other formations:
  • 281st communication center (military unit 03394) (since 2012 military unit 14245-V (US)
  • 212th separate group of funds regulation combat control and communications as part of the 1193rd Combat Control Center (military unit 49494) 606310, Nizhny Novgorod region, Dalnee Konstantinovo-5
  • 2423rd technical missile base (trb) (military unit 96778) (sites 5, 6)
  • 1501st repair and technical base (military unit 33787)
  • 509th separate engineer-sapper battalion (military unit 03071)
  • 41st operational and technical commandant's office (military unit 63627) Ozerny, st. Sovetskaya, 7
  • 29th separate helicopter squadron (military unit 65177) - disbanded in December 2001
  • Separate security and reconnaissance battalion (military unit 14245) (OBOR)
  • 61st station (FPS military unit 80253)
  • Separate operational and regulatory group (OERG) (military unit 14245-R) - disbanded
  • 3rd separate medical and sanitary battalion (military unit 46181)
  • 9th mobile automobile repair shop (military unit 14245-D)
  • 261st complex technical control unit (military unit 14245-R)

To show what is hidden - this is about today's report!) There are two ways to be in the Strategic Missile Forces division during combat duty. Either you serve in this division, or you are a blogger!) Surprisingly, the brain could not get used to the idea that you can shoot at a secret military facility, unlike the famous Moscow City, where the guards "shoot" photographers on their way ... But now is not about that.

The 7th Guards Rocket Rezhitskaya Red Banner Division is not at all exemplary, but simply the closest in location to Moscow. The division is located in ZATO Ozerny, Tver region, and our journey took about 5 hours one way. I wonder how long it takes the Topol-M system to get to the Moscow parade?)

Today's report will include barracks, bunkers, hermetic doors, communication and combat duty vehicles, and riding a 40-ton MAZ complex Topol-M!) Details under the cut...

And further thank you very much organizers for the opportunity to experience it all!)

Looking at all the fences, fences and fences again, you involuntarily calm down that nuclear shield countries protect...
And they guard many times better than the air defense unit, into which someone made his way last year, making a fuss all over the country.

You can't just walk in the door. Of course, these are not fingerprints, as they show in films, but voice communication, I am sure, is ten times more reliable.

Unloading, although not like Anatoly Wasserman, but there is no desire to ask unnecessary questions.)

The guys just finished their exercises, and here we are. You can read the joy on the faces

At first glance, the currency exchange office near the Leningradsky railway station is better protected. But it's not.

Underground passage. And above it is a whole system of security barriers, which they preferred not to tell us about.

They just said that it is impossible to go through them in principle. Only through the tunnel.

Combat duty support vehicle. Below are photos of the inside of the Hab.

Representatives of the unit evasively answered bloggers' questions. Everything we need to know is already on Wikipedia.

Unfortunately, we were not shown launcher. They explained it simply - a military secret.
Now the doubt creeps in that it is not the Poplars that are on combat duty that are dissecting on Red Square.

The communication vehicle was slightly disguised.) We were not allowed to photograph it. But they let me in. But no cameras.

In garages, cars are also connected to air ducts so that they can be started without driving them out into the street. Everything is thought out.

Actually inside. Everyone unanimously agreed that it was exactly like in a compartment car. They just didn't let me take a nap.)
Although, as we were explained, sleeping in the field while the complex is on duty is not as romantic as traveling by train to St. Petersburg... :D

The commanders have their own compartment, again reminiscent of a compartment for conductors.

I'm sure everyone here admired the obscenity.)) Made for people! and there is nothing more to add ... cool!)

Here you want porridge from an ax, but if you want, you can cook a goose

Have you forgotten that this is one of the machines of the mobile nuclear complex...? And don't say...

To the exit. In general, the passage is very tricky. Only one door can be open.
By the way, pay attention - on the right is the old form, on the left is the new one. The new one does not have epaulettes on the shoulders, instead of them there is now one epaulette on the chest.

Any spy would envy us)

I read somewhere that "deadly dangerous" sounds more convincing. In general, it’s a little creepy to be near the perimeter.

To go on an excursion in a military unit and not go to the barracks - this does not happen.

The most spacious barracks I have ever seen. We were honestly admitted that this is not a demonstration barracks, there are even better ones. Well, if so.

Lenin's leisure room. They say in recent times they try to make it more comfortable, reminiscent of a house.
You can immediately see who remembers the house)) On the opposite side of the room there are large sofas.

100 questions 100 answers

I don't think it's bad and comfortable.

Hard to learn, easy to fight. I recalled a moment from the DMB: the general distributed machine guns to everyone, and for those who did not have enough - sapper shovels.25

MIR and RIA Novosti covered the trip to the division. russo acted as a TV star.)

There were more soldiers in the windows. But almost everyone turned out to be modest and hid.
If they didn't know who bloggers were before, they now think they are photo maniacs with cameras the size of machine guns.

This is MAZ-7917. Used for driver training. They arranged a test drive especially for us.)

It turned out to be very easy to operate a 7-axle 40-ton machine under the strict guidance of Senior Warrant Officer Sergei Oleinik.
Watching him unfold the training chassis more than 20 meters long, I remembered that it would be much more difficult to park in the yard in the evening.

Compare scales with ZIL 130.

And with the bus

The sizes are amazing! And now there are 8-axes

aleshru the first blogger in Russia who happened to drive a MAZ 7917.


The car is simple, only the dimensions are not felt at all. And so two pedals, automatic transmission. Brakes the engine.

KAMAZ :) There is a first aid kit under the glass. By the way, climbing in and out of the cab is a very traumatic business.

It seems that he turned around, but did not see the end of the car ...

Turning circle ahead. For a turn, you need a radius of 27 meters.

Someone tried to leave a video camera on the road to film the passage, but this was immediately stopped.

The girls also rode and taxied. Their delight is indescribable.

Power. There are no other emotions.

Now let's go to headquarters.

This is the door to the underground command post. Opens only from the inside.

We were not told where this corridor leads. Oh, how many secrets we do not know ...

After driving a 40-ton colossus, these doors made an even greater impression. As they say - behind seven seals.
A vacuum is created between the hermetic doors and without normalizing the pressure they cannot be opened. That's it, yes!!!

Behind the barbed wire is a disguised command post. On this I will end the photo report.

Interesting fact:

In 1961, on the territory of the division, in the strictest secrecy, a meeting took place between Nikita Khrushchev and the Cuban leader Fidel Castro.
Khrushchev showed the commandant new rocket R-16, capable of reaching the territory of the United States.

video from RIA Novosti.

I can hardly be called a blogger in the sense that was needed for this press tour. My readers are colleagues from a previous job - 4 pieces, best friend- 1 piece and mom is the only one in the whole world. Sometimes Ovseychuk also comes in, whom, along the way, I just amuse.
In general, the number of my regular readers is minimal, and I do not write on military-patriotic topics either. So I was denied accreditation as a blogger, but not as a journalist. After all, not with a pen, but with a camera.

It all starts in the dining room. Is always. After 5 hours of the road there were no other desires. Well, there were, of course, but still I also wanted to go to the dining room.

While people were queuing...

I have talykova asking for a hero.

And here is the food. Tasteless, according to the assistant whose tray I photographed.

Part is located in ZATO "Ozerny". Consequently, we left our cars right behind the checkpoint, and moved to a military PAZik, on which we were transported through the territory of the town and the unit itself.

I will support the anger of other bloggers: we were promised to show "Topol". And they didn't show it. Although I, as a person in military area not very experienced, it was still interesting.

See the wire? It's 3000 volts.

There were, it seems, 17 bloggers. From Moscow, we were accompanied by a colonel from the press service of the Strategic Missile Forces and a major from the service for the protection of state secrets. A few more people joined in.

What they showed there was a missile division deployed in the field. But only in garages and under camouflage.

Since at the very beginning of the press tour we signed for knowledge and compliance with the laws on state secrets and the media, it was possible to shoot the proposed objects only from certain angles. It's a communication machine hiding.

But this is a combat duty support vehicle. In the garage.

All bloggers have photos inside the car. The camera was not allowed in. Therefore, I didn't climb.

And here is how we overcame the high-voltage line - a secret passage under the ground under vigilant guards.

And here is the way out. There is no security, because the door opens only from THAT side.

The second destination is the barracks.

In my opinion, of course, ascetic, but knowledgeable people they said: they saw it even more severely.

When I made plans with a sports corner in the story, the editor noticed: if we show this, PR will definitely not work.

We were allowed to talk to the privates. Well, more to me. Hardly anyone recorded them on a camera.

The private, who was given to me for an interview, said this: the Internet and television are what they are watching now. And the guys in civilian life will see how they are here, in the Strategic Missile Forces, and they will also join the army.

But it still seems to me that their boots have an uncomfortable last.

The most interesting part of the press tour is interactive. This is when the exhibits can be touched.

Before we were allowed to feel this - a training launch complex ...

We were explained in some detail how difficult and at the same time easy to operate this machine. Dimensions - about 20 meters long. How much it weighs, I'm even afraid to guess. They say 40 tons. Up to a hundred, it probably never accelerates at all. Yes, this is not necessary if you are carrying an intercontinental ballistic missile RT-2PM. The real, senior warrant officer, Sergey Oleinik, explained the most, whatever to eat.

Not a bad little wheel, considering that in this photo I'm 180 cm tall.

And now that very interactive part of the press tour. We were all allowed to drive this colossus ourselves. I understand it's hard to believe. I am a rather mushy young lady with driving license, implemented at most 10 times. But I had Senior Ensign Sergei Oleinik behind me ... and a cameraman, in front of whose camera it was impossible to disgrace.

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