Waves in Goa in May. Goa in March: weather, rest, tourist reviews

Technique and Internet 14.08.2019
Technique and Internet

Beaches and the ocean are the treasure of Goa, for which hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the world come here every year. Indeed, no matter how much you search best beaches and the ocean for swimming on our planet, but the best combination many factors for beach holiday than in Goa, it is very difficult to find.

Let's start from the sea. By the way, whether to call the body of water near Goa an ocean or a sea is a mere convention. On the one hand, on the map, the body of water near Goa is called the Arabian Sea; on the other hand, it is the open sea, which is part of the Indian Ocean. Therefore, I prefer to consider the body of water near Goa as an ocean, but calling it a sea is also absolutely correct.

The sea is the most important thing for which most tourists from Russia go on vacation. Who and how well rested is primarily judged by the quantity and quality of sea bathing, and only after that by the intricacy of excursions, the beauties of architecture, low prices, frills national cuisine or quality of service. For a tourist from Russia, tired of the cold and gloomy skies for most of the year, the main thing is the sun, the sea and the beach. It is with this that everything is in the best way in Goa. All European seas pale in comparison with the ocean near Goa. And the point here is not at all about beauty, there are many much more colorful water surfaces. The most important thing is the water temperature in Goa, which never drops below +28, and for most of the year it is around +30 degrees. Anyone who has ever rested in the Crimea or on Black Sea coast Caucasus, it is well known that even in the hottest months - July and August, the water in the sea always remains cool, not rising above 25 degrees. As for the other resort months, in May it is still very cold in the Black Sea, in June it is just cold, in September it is still tolerable, and from October it is only for "walruses".

// maharaja-house.livejournal.com

The same applies to all European seas, even in the countries most visited by Russian tourists. Whether you are in the Canary Islands, on the coast of Spain, Greece, Cyprus or Turkey - the water in the seas near these countries is never really warm, staying in it for longer than 5-10 minutes is fraught with colds especially for children. If you think otherwise, then most likely you just haven't bathed in a real warm seas, which are found only in the tropics. I loved swimming in the sea since childhood, a trip to the south with my parents was the main event of the year. But there was not a single trip during which, in the very first days of rest, I would not have had a cold due to being in cold sea water. I thought that with age, the immune system will get stronger. But nothing has changed either at 20 years old when I was vacationing in the Crimea, or at 25 years old when I was vacationing in Sochi, or at 30 years old when I was vacationing in Turkey and swimming in the Mediterranean Sea, or at 40 years old when I was vacationing in Montenegro and swam in the Adriatic Sea. The cold sea has always been the cause of my colds, which poisoned my vacation. Everything changed when I first visited Goa at the age of 35. From the very first swim, the ocean in Goa shocked me. He was so warm and tender that he did not want to get out of it at all. It was January 20th - during the period when the water temperature in Goa reaches its minimum, dropping to +28 degrees. When they told me that it was winter in Goa, I realized that people here simply do not understand what winter is, because they live in paradise. Subsequently, my conclusions were fully confirmed.

We should especially talk about the waves in Goa, because there are a lot of rumors on this topic. The water area off the coast of Goa is the open sea, part of the ocean, so there is almost no complete calm here, there are almost always waves. At the same time, there are never big waves in Goa. That is why, unlike, say, Bali, there are no surfers in Goa. There is simply nowhere to go surfing in Goa, because there are no waves suitable for surfers. Goa and surfing are two mutually exclusive concepts. The maximum that you can find in Goa is a school for beginner surfers who need small, safe waves. These are the small and safe waves in Goa. In some months they are a little more, in others - less, sometimes there are no waves at all.

// maharaja-house.livejournal.com

The absence of big waves off the coast in Goa has its own reason. In Goa, by the way, in principle, the collapse of a tsunami is impossible. The fact is that a large wave needs depth to disperse, while the Arabian Sea off the coast of Goa is shallow for many kilometers away from the coast. There is no space to disperse the waves, which would allow them to gain real power. Therefore, the waves off the coast of Goa, even in the windiest weather, almost never reach dangerous sizes for humans. Most of the time, the waves in Goa are completely harmless. It is important to note that the seabed in Goa is sandy. The ocean is easy to enter, the sandy bottom is pleasant to feel with your feet. There are no cliffs and depressions, the entrance to the water is smooth, gradual. You can clearly control the depth at which you are comfortable swimming. Children in Goa can splash 5-10 meters from the shore, where the water, even for adults, only reaches the knee. Adults will be comfortable 50-100 meters from the shore, where the water reaches the chest or neck. More experienced swimmers can easily swim in Goa 300-500 meters away from the coast, where there are no waves at all, and the silent expanse of water gives absolute bliss.

// maharaja-house.livejournal.com

The combination of shallow water, small waves and sandy bottom off the coast of Goa provides another very important advantage for bathers. AT sea ​​depths Goa is not found dangerous predators for people, this is not their habitat. Of course, there are sharks, stingrays and large fish in the ocean further away. But all of them need depth and an environment rich in food to live. There is nothing of this off the coast of Goa. Even a kilometer from the coast of Goa, the depth rarely exceeds 15 meters, which is not suitable for the habitat of large marine predators. Many tourists in Goa paid attention to the catch with which fishing boats return to shore. As a rule, fishermen's nets contain only small mackerel, which would be enough for one family's dinner, and nothing else. The sandy bottom, the absence of corals and plankton creates unsuitable conditions for the existence of even small fish, not to mention those who hunt them. Therefore, swimming is safe off the coast of Goa, unlike most other warm, tropical seas. The ocean in Goa is comfortable for swimming six months a year: from mid-October to mid-April. It is at this time that the tourist season in Goa lasts. But even within these six heavenly months there are some nuances, and I will tell you about them. In October, the ocean in Goa is very warm, the water temperature is stable + 30 + 32 degrees. A more comfortable temperature for swimming is impossible to imagine. Water in October in Goa is associated with fresh milk - the same warm, tender and velvety.

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But in October you can't be sure about the consistency of the weather in Goa. In October, the rainy season, called "munsun", is just ending in Goa. At this time, cyclones are not uncommon, which bring with them heavy rains and rough seas. Waves can break the idyll of swimming in October in Goa. In November, the cyclones leave, the ocean calms down off the coast of Goa, and the conditions for swimming become ideal. The water temperature in November in Goa is still +30. But it should be borne in mind that in the first half of November the air in Goa is hotter and more humid, at this time you should not forget to use sunscreen. The most comfortable atmosphere in Goa begins in the second half of November. November in Goa smoothly turns into a fertile December. The ocean in Goa at this time becomes more refreshing. The water temperature in Goa in December drops slightly below +30, the waves become very small or disappear altogether. Bathing turns into sheer bliss.

// maharaja-house.livejournal.com

In January, the water temperature in Goa drops to its minimum of +28 degrees, i.e. approximately the same as in Russian pools with heated water. Only unlike the pools, the water in the ocean without bleach and other poisons, rich in all natural elements. Swimming in the ocean near Goa fills you with a feeling of joy and happiness so much that it can be compared to swimming in the "living water" from fairy tales. By the way, boys and girls experience the best moments of their childhood in Goa. About such beaches and such a sea as in Goa, children in Russia can only dream of. Beaches of fine sand, from which it is so convenient to build castles. A smooth entry into the shallow ocean, where you can splash around for hours. Warm sea ​​water, from which you can not get out at all from morning to evening, without any risk of catching a cold. It is the ocean in Goa that is the main holiday for children, which is then impossible to forget for a lifetime.

Ideal weather in Goa lasts until February 6th. On this day in Goa, as a rule, they come strong winds. The winds bring with them a wave of the surface of the ocean. The waves are small and not dangerous, but disturbing, which makes it difficult for some to relax in the water. For others, on the contrary, the waves in February in Goa give one more reason to enjoy swimming in the ocean, because it is more interesting to swing on the waves, and overcoming them, it is more interesting to swim. To each his own. In February, the atmosphere in Goa is still beautiful, but not so stable. If from mid-November to early February, the heavenly weather in Goa is unchanged almost every day, then in February the climate can change much more often. windy and cloudy days alternate with calm and clear. Due to the changeability of celestial patterns in Goa in February, you can watch some of the most beautiful sunsets over the ocean, when the sun's rays pierce tunnels through the clouds and illuminate the surface of the ocean with bizarre "laser shows".

// maharaja-house.livejournal.com

In March, Indian summer comes to Goa. In India summer months is March, April, May. It is during the Russian spring in Goa that the hottest weather sets in, which not everyone can comfortably endure. True, it should be clarified that in Goa there is no +40, as in the summer in Turkey or Greece, and there is no +50, as in the summer in Egypt or United Arab Emirates. The climate in Goa is much milder. Even during the hottest period in Goa, in May the temperature rarely rises above +35. But if we take into account the humidity that is still rising to 80% during this period, not everyone can comfortably endure such weather. In March, the Indian summer in Goa is just beginning. Many Russians who came on vacation to Goa at this time do not notice at all that the sun has become very active. And yet it is exactly so. Let's say, if in January you can get a tan in two weeks, at best, to the "Moscow Region" level, then in March, a few days will be enough to reach the skin color of a shade of dark bronze. The main thing in March and April in Goa is not to forget to use sunscreen.

// maharaja-house.livejournal.com

The water in the ocean in March in Goa heats up to the October level: the temperature of +32 becomes the norm. You don’t want to get out of the water in March in Goa at all. But sometimes you still have to do this, because in March, as in October, the ocean in Goa is not stable: calm days alternate with windy ones, calm is replaced by disturbing waves. It is almost impossible to predict such changes in advance. In April, the season in Goa ends. The heat in April, especially in the second half of the month, increases to +34 in the shade, the humidity of the air rises. The ocean in Goa at this time becomes even too warm, its temperature reaches +34 degrees. On calm days, swimming in Goa in April is a delight. But in April, the ocean in Goa is rarely calm, at this time the waves intensify, which sometimes do not even allow you to enter the water, knocking you down. In May, the heat and excitement of the ocean in Goa intensify even more. In May, there are not so many favorable days for swimming in Goa, big waves roll in most of the time, and the water becomes so warm (about +36) that swimming in it is not very refreshing after being in the same hot air. However, I know people who claim that May is their favorite time in Goa, because there are very few tourists and you can fully feel like a serene native in a tropical Goan paradise. In June, the munsun begins in Goa, that is, the rainy season. The sun at this time hides behind a dense cover of clouds, waterfalls of moisture fall from the sky. streams heavenly water go down the Goan hills into the sea, flooding the beaches. The ocean during moonsun turns into a seething, dark brown mess with white crests of raging waves. Entering the ocean at this time is life-threatening, you can never get back.

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If you have booked a vacation Russian summer, then there is no point in going to Goa at this time, most likely, you will only get disappointed. Goa is a winter resort. Moreover, one should not think that the weather in Goa during the munsun, from June to the end of September, changes by analogy with the Russian one. In Goa, everything happens in a completely different way. The downpour falls on Goa, as a rule, on June 6-7 and then lasts for four months, almost without interruption, flooding everything and everyone. AT last years, however, this tradition began to be violated global change climate on earth: rains in Goa during the munsun period are becoming less and more sun. But be that as it may, munsun is an unfavorable period for relaxing in Goa: the air humidity is too high, and it is impossible to swim in the ocean.

// maharaja-house.livejournal.com

There are very few tourists in Goa during the Moonsun period. Almost all restaurants and shops in Goa are closed for the munsun period, their owners go home in different states India and abroad, turning from those who provide tourism services to those who receive them. Goa rests during the moon period. Turbulent streams of water from heaven cleanse the space of paradise in order to reopen their doors in October to suffering vacationers from all over the world. In October, the sun peeps out of the clouds in the sky over Goa, and with it the first restaurants open and the first tourists arrive. The new season begins in the Goan paradise.

That's all I wanted to tell you about the seasons in Goa.

29/01/2016 16:00

The opinion of tourists may not coincide with the opinion of the editors.

In March, the tourist season is already ending, but the rest in Goa at this time of the year is still wonderful! Of course, the air begins to warm up, but still not as hot as, say, in April or May. If you avoid direct sunlight between 11 am and 3 pm, the weather is still fine. The evenings are cool and pleasant. The average daily high in March is between 32°C and 33°C, while the average night temperature is between 21°C and 24°C. March is also a very dry month, so it is unlikely that there will be sudden rain. Spend your March evening relaxing by the pool at a private villa in Goa.

There are fewer tourists in March, so almost everything gets cheaper. The beaches are relatively empty and you will have more privacy as a result. Also the streets and beaches of Goa are becoming much cleaner.

Most shacks (beach cafes), bars, pubs and restaurants are still open. The best villas in Goa are located close to the main attractions. In restaurants and bars there are no longer such crazy queues as in winter, most likely you will be able to find a table without prior reservation. The Arabian Sea is much cleaner. March is a dry month. Very little rain and no storm clouds. Also you can still swim without fear of big waves.

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March is the first month of the hot Indian summer. But the mornings and evenings are still very pleasant. The temperature drops noticeably after sunset and a pleasant sea breeze can also be felt. Rain is unlikely as March is one of the driest months of the year.


There are very few tourists in March, so the beaches are clean and not crowded - even the most popular beaches of South and North Goa. On many beaches, you can be the only visitor, which is ideal for people who love solitude.


Still calm sea, safe for swimming, snorkeling and snorkeling. The absence of rain and clouds is conducive to a long stay in the water.


The main crowd of party-goers leave after the Carnival in February. Most nightclubs are closed. But the most popular of them are still open and waiting for their guests.

Water sports

Some companies still take guests on speed boats and bananas, parasailing, water scooters, and you can also take a cruise on the rivers. March - good time for bird and dolphin watching.

beach cafes

Only some Shacks are open. They serve delicious seafood delicacies and various drinks. Sun loungers are also available on the beaches.


Shigmo Festival, Rider Mania, Holi (festival of colors).


Bananas, coconuts, oranges, tangerines, sweet limes.


Expect good discounts in March.

March weather

The weather in March is getting hotter, where the average temperature starts from 26.5°C at the beginning of the month. The daytime average is 32°C. The average night temperature this month is 23.2°C. The first week of the month is always the most pleasant.

average temperature in March

11 hours a day

1.2 mm precipitation


63% avg.

9.6 km/s avg.

March is the dry month of the year with a small chance of rain. On average, it can rain only once a month, with only 1.2 mm of precipitation. But this is more than 0.1 mm of precipitation in February. In March, the amount of precipitation is higher. In the first week it is 1.1%, but by the end of the month it drops to 0.9%. There is also an increased chance of thunderstorms this month. If the days get too hot, it may rain in the evening.

On average, the sun shines 11 hours a day, which is 1 hour more than in February. The average sea temperature is 28°C, which is the same as last month. The warm sea and the sun are ideal conditions for long hours on the beach. But stay out of direct sunlight when the sun is at its zenith (11 am to 3 pm).

Weather in Goa
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec Year
Day, °C 31,6 31,5 32,0 33,0 33,0 30,3 28,9 28,8 29,5 31,6 32,8 32,4 31,3
Night, °C 19,6 20,5 23,2 25,6 26,3 24,7 24,1 24,0 23,8 23,8 22,3 20,6 23,2
Precipitation, mm 0,2 0,1 1,2 11,8 112,7 868,2 994,8 512,7 251,9 124,8 30,9 16,7 2926

It is highly likely that cloud cover will increase during the month. It is 5% in the first week of March, but by the end of March it can reach 13%. There is a 73% chance that the sky will be clear. And on the other hand, the chances of an overcast sky are only 2%.

Relative humidity ranges from 34% to 89%. It rarely drops below 20% or reaches 100% in March.

Pros and cons of holidays in Goa in March

pros Minuses


The high season in Goa is already over. In fact, the number of tourists starts to decline after the carnival in February. With a decrease in the tourist flow, there is a sharp drop in prices. Shakes, restaurants, bars, shops and bike/car rentals will be cheaper.


March is definitely hotter than February. The average daily temperature is 32°C, but during 2-3 days in a month it can reach 36°C. Evenings can be humid. However, March is still more comfortable than, say, April and May, the summer months in Goa.

Great service

All shacks and important tourist attractions in Goa are open, although March is not the peak season. The quality of service you will receive is much better as there are fewer guests. You will receive the individual attention you deserve.

less party

Many tourists come to Goa because of the parties. March is not a typical month for them. Not as many parties as in high season. Many of the ones that still happen are private. Therefore, you will not be able to enjoy all the variety nightlife Goa if you come this month.


March is not a party month in Goa. Those who love the nightlife have left. You will love the state if you prefer peace and quiet. The travelers you meet are in Goa more for a relaxing holiday. There are some parties, but they are mostly private and there are very few of them.

Sheki (beach cafes)

Many shacks will already close after March 20th. Those on the main beaches of the North are likely to remain open. If you're staying in South Goa, check out the cafe before you go.

More accommodation options

In the high season, there is a need to pre-book the villa you like. The best of them are already booked six months or even a year in advance. In March, the availability of a particular villa increases, and you can book it upon arrival.

Water sports

In Goa, there are many water sports activities in almost the entire state. But after March 20, many of them will stop working. Scuba diving and snorkelling may be canceled if it's raining or there is a chance of a thunderstorm.

road traffic

In March road traffic not strong, so you won't be stuck in traffic and you can cover more sights and beaches in one day.

street shops

Many shops selling souvenirs, as well as tattoo parlors, close, especially in the last week of March.

Top 5 reasons to visit Goa in March

holi festival— the festival of the beginning of summer and colors. There is also the Shigmo festival, which is Goa's unique version of Holi. Both are very funny.

Prices- low. You can get big discounts even at the best hotels, villas and restaurants. Most accommodations are also available, so you can spontaneously escape to Goa even on weekends. Car, bike and scooter rentals are also cheaper.

Better service- some shacks are open all year round and offer better service as there are fewer people around. The quality of products will also improve.

wildlife- March is one of the best times of the year to see the wildlife of Goa - dolphins, crocodiles, turtles and lots of birds. Visit the reserve wildlife Netravali and Mkhadey Wildlife Sanctuary where you can see black bears, leopard, four horned antelope, black panther, Indian gaur, barking deer, kanchil (mouse deer), giant squirrel, wild boar, wild dogs and many other animals.

Calm atmosphere- Most of the party-goers are leaving. Schoolchildren and college students mostly stay at home and study for exams. The people you will meet in Goa at this time of year are most likely seekers of loneliness, interested in the history and culture of Goa, as well as true nature lovers.

What to do in March

Long, quiet walks along the beach. In March, there are much fewer people, so the beaches will be relatively empty and clean. March is the time for exams in India, there will also be fewer children on the streets. You will be able to enjoy walking along the beaches to appreciate nature. Nobody will disturb you. And for this, there are many beaches in North and South Goa.

Water sports. There is very little rainfall in March. The sea is calm, therefore, this is the ideal time of year for water sports. March is not as hot as April or May so you can spend for a long time in the water or on the beach. Enjoy scuba diving or snorkeling close to Grand Island. Parasailing and boat trips are available. Enjoy kayaking or even take a river cruise.

Camping. If the temperature rises, you can always escape to hike through the forests and hills. Visit waterfalls and learn to identify trees. Take a dip in the cool waters of the rivers. This is the perfect getaway from the heat in March. Stay overnight in a tent and enjoy a barbecue.

Visit the Forts. There are quite a few ancient forts in and around Goa such as Chapora Fort, Aguada Fort, Koryuem Fort or Teracol Fort. You will enjoy breathtaking views from these places.

Old Goa (former state capital). There are many interesting sights in Old Goa from the time of Portuguese rule that you will want to visit. For example, an object world heritage UNESCO Basilica de Baum-Jesus, Church of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, Church of Saint Cajetan and Church of Saint Francis of Assisi.

Museums. History buffs can do a lot in Goa. View Bronze statues and Hindu relics at the Archaeological Museum of Old Goa. There is also a Museum naval aviation where you can see exhibits showing the evolution of the Indian Navy. Or visit also the Menese Braganza Institute.

March checklist in Goa - bring plenty of breathable and lightweight clothing so you don't get so hot in March. This month is more likely to rain than in February, so you might want to bring an umbrella with you as well. Don't forget suntan lotion, hats and sunglasses. And of course, don't forget your swimwear.


  • Holi - The festival of colors, Holi, is celebrated on a large scale throughout India, and even more so in Goa. Everyone takes part in the fun, throws colors and enjoys the festival. Holi is celebrated in Goa even more vividly than in the whole country, as day and night parties are held with music and dance in hotels, restaurants and shacks.
  • Shigmo Festival - Also referred to as Shigmotsav, this is Goa's answer to Holi, but much more colorful in many ways. People play with colors, dress in bright traditional clothes. Parades are held in Vasco, Panjim, Margao, Mapusa and other cities of the state. There are also cultural performances including Goan folk dances such as Modni, Mando, Fugdi and others.
  • Kalas Utsav - This festival celebrating the advent of the month of Falgun is held every year at the Morjai temple in Morjim. Various social and cultural events are held throughout the month.

mango season

By the end of March, the mango season, the national fruit of India, begins. Strange as it may seem to some, for many tourists the opportunity to taste the "real mango" is a strong argument when choosing a holiday season.

Mango in Goa: Alfonso variety

holi festival

In March, India hosts the famous Holi spring festival, one of the largest Hindu festivals in the country. In Goa, this festival is called Shigmo. Colorful, even in the most literal sense, the tradition of flooding each other with colors produces a lot of fun situations on the streets and increases the general degree of mood.


Taj Exotica Hotel

March is no longer high tourist season in Goa, so all hotels, resorts and villas are getting cheaper. You have huge chances for attractive discounts. In fact, sometimes you can get a room with a 20% to 30% discount off December or January prices. But they still offer the same luxury and convenience. Rates may be lower if you book on arrival. It is better, however, to book in advance for the weekend as there is still a strong influx of tourists from Mumbai, Bangalore and other parts of India. Demand for numbers picks up a bit after school and college exams end, around the middle or end of March.

Rent a villa in Goa

March is a great time of the year to spend a vacation in Goa in a private luxury villa. Villas in Goa will cost a little less in March than in winter months of the year. But the cost of accommodation will depend on the location. As a rule, villas near the water will cost more. Many villas have a private pool where you can take a dip on a hot day. You will have complete privacy as the whole villa will be at your complete disposal for the duration of your stay and you will not have to share the pool with people you don't know.

Many of the villas are modern builds, while others may be traditional Portuguese heritage buildings that have been restored and modernized. All of them are secluded and luxurious - a private pool, large rooms with comfortable beds, a balcony, modern bathrooms, a fully equipped kitchen, security, parking, DVD player, coffee maker, juicer and much more. Many rooms are equipped with a bathroom.

There are hundreds of villas on our website in March. Check each one. See the location, amenities and luxuries. Enjoy more low prices. However, the price in March will depend on your arrival date and length of stay. Weekends may be more expensive, but will still be cheaper than the peak tourist season.

In Russia, March is the official beginning of spring. But in reality, this is just her harbinger. It is still cold on the streets, there are hopeless rains, and in some places even blizzards are raging. If the vacation fell on this particular month, and you prefer ski resorts hot sun and warm sea, then a trip to Goa is what you need! Find out on the Tour-Calendar what this Indian pearl has prepared for its guests in a given period of time.

Weather in Goa in March

Traveling to Goa is always a dramatic change. First of all, they concern new climatic conditions in which tourists find themselves. While in the distant homeland "our brother" wraps himself in a coat and wears boots, here in the southern Indian state, walk around in summer outfits and bathe in generous sunshine. The weather in this resort is dictated by the subtropical climate, which is characterized by the dominance of monsoons. March refers to the winter season, characterized by a minimum amount of precipitation and moderate air temperatures. This month marks the start of a merciless hot season, when annual heat records are set. In the first third of the calendar spring, such peaks are not typical, however, the daily readings of the thermometer, compared with February, have slightly increased - about +27°C. During the day weather forecasters register at least +32°C, and in the period from 12.00 to 01.00 - all +33..+34°C (in March 2014 environment heated up to +37°C). Fortunately, fresh breezes save the situation a little on the coast. As the temperature rises, so does the level relative humidity air. True, not much - up to about 71%, which is not so much for the tropics. So there is no clear “steam room” effect. Be that as it may, the presence of air conditioning in a hotel room is a matter of principle.

Without it, it will simply be difficult for you to fall asleep, despite the fact that after sunset the mercury column drops to +23..+24°C. For evening walks, we recommend taking some kind of long-sleeved sweater with you, as a breeze can blow, which makes you want to warm up a little. The duration of sunshine is very high, as is the intensity of ultraviolet radiation, which only increases with the onset of March. If elementary precautions are not observed, the latter “gives” the delicate skin of a European who suffers from a lack of vitamin D for most of the year with serious burns. In order to avoid health problems, it is better to limit exposure to the open air during the midday hours. It is also necessary to take care of the acquisition of high-quality cosmetics with photoprotective properties. The SPF factor should be as high as possible. As we have already said, rains for this time are a very rare phenomenon. Therefore, we see no point in taking an umbrella on vacation. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule. As, for example, on one of the March days of 2008, distinguished by a heavy downpour and a storm. But such "metamorphoses" occur every few years.

What to do in Goa in March?

Gentle turquoise sea, powdery sand, peacefully swaying palm trees - this piece of colorful India is a real corner of summer mood, saturated with exotic, full of joy and fun. Each tourist will be able to diversify the mango peace of relaxation in this freedom-loving resort by participating in exciting excursions to interesting sights and adventurous adventures on a rented bike. Students of religion will be happy to visit the majestic Catholic cathedrals and temples inherited from the Goan land by the Portuguese. And gourmets will taste delicious food prepared from the freshest seafood.

beach holiday

AT March Goa allows you to enjoy the dignity of early spring weather, taking a horizontal position on its luxurious beaches, of which there are about 40. In the southern part of the state coastline covered with sand with a silvery sheen. It is very well-groomed, and the cleanliness of the surrounding waters here also does not cause any criticism. The beaches located here are chosen, as a rule, by families with children who prefer a calm, measured rest with impeccable service. North Goa is dark sand of volcanic origin, rather muddy water.

A budget option for unspoiled youth and all those who love incendiary parties. The water in the Arabian Sea warms up to comfortable +28..+29°C. There are no storm waves at this time, but there is always a steady surf, so you should not count on complete calm.

Continuation of the text after the video 1Active vacationers are happy to "test" the presented aqua entertainment. Among them are water skiing, jet skiing, parasailing, wakeboarding, motor boats, banana riding, etc. In addition, the Goan coast is perfect for taming the sea elements on the surf. March - penultimate month best season for this sport. Pros live mainly on such spots as Twin peaks and Ashwem rock. And beginners cut through the water surface in Arambol, Kivis, Shanti, where not high, but long waves are born.

Entertainment and excursions

People go to Goa for a certain atmosphere, for a special state of mind and a high degree freedom. It is the most non-Indian state in India. He does not know outright poverty. North Goa is a minimum of amenities and trans open-air parties. south goa- European gloss, expensive restaurants and luxury hotels. In which part of the resort to settle - it's up to you. And if you are driven by a thirst for travel, you can rent a moped and go around its entire territory in a few days.

For those who do not like this idea, the response to the numerous offers of tour agencies will help replenish the “money of impressions”. educational programs have different themes: architectural (ancient churches, dilapidated forts and buildings in the style of medieval Southern Europe), environmental (bewitching waterfalls, mysterious caves, rainforests, amazing birds and animals), educational (yoga sessions and mastering meditative techniques), as well as club (tours to the coolest parties and nightlife). In addition, Goa is a great place to relieve fatigue, restore emotional and physical condition in the centers of Ayurveda.

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We rested in North Goa from March 4 to March 14, 2019. It was hot, the air warmed up to +32, the water was warm +26+28, wind and waves, no calm days. On the last day, the waves intensified, they could not swim. We went on an excursion to Palolem, there were almost no waves, swimming is comfortable.

Goa is good in March. The weather is stable, almost unchanging, there is no rain at this time. It's around 32 degrees during the day. By evening, the degree drops and on the street for a walk, it can even become cool. There is no special stuffiness on the street. But despite the comfortable weather, you must definitely use a good sunscreen, and avoid sun exposure at lunchtime. The sea is warm, without big waves.

We went to Goa for the first time in March. We chose this month as one of the warmest in this region of India. During the day, the temperature was within 30-32 degrees, and in the evening it was about 25. The sun warmed well, but due to the fresh breeze from the sea, there was no exhausting heat. Humidity and coolness were felt more in the evening and at night, even a windbreaker was sometimes worn. But the water in the sea is amazing, warm and clean, warmed up to 28 degrees. During the rest period there were no winds, rains and clouds. March is perfect for a comfortable beach holiday in Goa.

Last year, in mid-March, I was vacationing in Goa. This is where I felt the real summer in the Russian spring. For those who tolerate the heat well, the rest will be great! During the day, of course, it was hot, the temperature reached 33 degrees, the increase starts from 12 noon. But salvation is on the seashore, fresh breezes bring to life. In the sea, the water temperature is comfortable, warm. I didn't want to get out of the water. Despite the heat, it was easy to breathe, since the air was not dry, there was humidity due to the proximity of the sea. There was no precipitation during my vacation, and they are rare in March. In the evening, the heat subsides, the temperature was about 28 degrees, a great time for walks. Nights also delight with summer coolness. Two weeks of the March summer were unforgettable For those who are looking for a hot summer in the spring weather conditions March is a great choice.

Rested with her husband in March of this year in India, Goa. The weather was good, I would even say hot. And I got a hotel room with a broken air conditioner, we suffered for a couple of days and went to the reception to "negotiate", paying "thank you" and got a more comfortable room with all the conditions. But during these couple of days we have suffered, the humidity is quite high, and there is nothing to breathe because of the heat. Saved only a permanent stay on the beach, but at night you will not stay overnight there. By the way, the sea is pleasant and warm + 27 on average. The daytime temperature reached + 35 degrees, by night, due to the long daylight hours, the air cooled slowly. Aside from the misunderstanding with the air conditioning, the holiday was a success and the two weeks flew by quickly.

The trip to India was motivational for the best employees of our company. And in the month of March, when it is still cold here, slush after several hours of flight, I went out at another time of the year ...

The air temperature here resembles a Russian wet steam room heated to 36 degrees. It was a little scary

because I can’t stand extreme heat badly, but the place to which we were heading met us with a gentle breeze and the heat was not felt at all day or evening.

This place, the island of Goa - famous resort. Its azure shores with overflowing foamy waves washed by the Arabian Sea of ​​the Indian Ocean, the sand on the beach acquires a snow-white hue, and an unforgettable sunset calls somewhere beyond the horizon to new dreams.

The trip to India was motivational for the best employees of our company. And in the month of March, when it is still cold and slushy here, after a few hours of flight, I left at another time of the year.

The air temperature here resembles a Russian humid steam room heated to 36 degrees. It was a little scary, because I don’t tolerate extreme heat, but the place we were heading to met us with a gentle breeze and the heat was not felt at all day or evening.

This place, the island of Goa, is a famous resort, its azure shores with an overflow of foamy waves washed by the Arabian Sea of ​​the Indian Ocean. The sun pleased all 10 days, the sand on the beach acquires a snow-white hue, and an unforgettable sunset calls somewhere beyond the horizon to new dreams. beautiful place for relax!

Now in Goa


Water temperature 30 degrees

The temperature during the day is 31 degrees, it feels like 33.

The temperature at night is 29 degrees, feels like 28.


March is the third and most recent dry month, after December, January and February, of course, and also the most stable month in terms of rainfall in Goa. According to statistics, 1.2 mm of precipitation falls in March. The possibility of rain is almost completely excluded. Air humidity averages approximately 72%.


In March, the wind blows mainly from the south, about 3-5 m/s.


Atmospheric pressure is within normal limits, is 751-755 mm Hg. Art.


There are an average of 291.4 hours of sunshine per month. This is about 9-10 hours a day.

Cloud cover is quite low.

Advantages and features of a holiday in Goa in March.

March in Goa is the real beginning of the end of the season. The weather in Goa in March is moderately hot. But on average, March does not feel so comfortable compared to February, and for some it may already seem even more than just hot in the resort. Since the humidity is much higher and the temperature gets higher at night, at the end of March it will already be quite hot, and not everyone will be comfortable in a room where there is no air conditioning. Unlike cooler months such as December, January and February.

You should properly use your vacation in Goa in March. After our rather long winter, it would be good to replenish your body with vitamins that it simply needs. Go to the bazaar and buy fruits there that will provide you with enough vitamins.

Goan pineapple, papaya, passion fruit and grapes are just a delight. And most importantly, at ridiculous prices. Mango is the national fruit, the king of tropical fruits, and its season starts at the end of March, so don't forget to take advantage of it.

Holidays in March in Goa.

Summer starts in Goa this month. The weather in Goa in March is mild, warm, and the evenings are very pleasant and will help restore strength so that later work will be very pleasant and without difficulty. You can also enjoy the beach to the fullest or explore interesting things like colonial monuments and a variety of water sports during this month. Those who are very fond of beach parties can also count on the fact that they can become participants in interesting evenings that will be held on the beaches, as well as in hotels. At the same time, do not forget that it is more expedient during the rush hour of the sun, which happens from 12-00 to 16-00, not to be on the beach under the open sun.

Between March and April, the people of Goa celebrate the birth of the legendary hero Rama (the incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu) and the founder of Jainism, Mahavir.

Puram is an interesting rite at Trichur in Kerala. During the golden rain, gulmohar and cassia trees, temple elephants, which are decorated with various garlands, take part in the action, which is accompanied by music, dances, and fireworks.

There are two other holidays that are held in early spring: Bassant Panchami, which is celebrated in honor of the Basanta, or in translation - spring, and the Saraswati festival, which is held in honor of the goddess of wisdom and knowledge. The big festival that marks the end of winter is Holi, which takes place during spring equinox. Children and adults sprinkle each other with colored water and powder of different colors.

India attracts a large number of tourists from all over the world precisely with its nature, as well as its culture and its ancient wisdom. Holidays in India can be the most diverse - this is an ordinary beach holiday, and it can also be an immersion in the secrets of ancient times. You just need to realize exactly what you want!

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