Zalmanov baths in the treatment of blood vessels. Turpentine baths according to Zalmanov: what are they, how do they work and how to take them at home

Health 17.08.2020

The benefits of Dr. Zalmanov's turpentine baths have long been used both in professional medicine and for home treatment. Even our great-grandmothers treated bruises and rheumatism with turpentine.

And in the sanatoriums and dispensaries of our country, they began to be used in the middle of the last century. Why are turpentine baths named after this person? Because, based on many studies, Doctor of Medical Sciences Abram Solomonovich Zalmanov, one of the first to appreciate the benefits of turpentine baths, began to use them in the treatment of many diseases.

It was then that turpentine baths based on emulsions were widely used in various health resorts of the Soviet Union. And patients with diseases of the heart, blood vessels, lungs, excretory system, musculoskeletal system reached out, finding relief from pain, and getting rid of ailments.

Many then were convinced by their own experience of the healing properties of Zalmanov's turpentine baths, which, like diligent janitors, take out "garbage" from the human body, clean capillaries and blood vessels, bringing all our internal organs back to normal. You can make turpentine baths yourself at home by buying an emulsion of turpentine at a pharmacy.

… Capillary therapy cures 95% of diseases!
(Mazur Oleg Anatolyevich, naturopathic capillary therapist)

Since ancient times, people have known about the natural benefits of essential oils and have learned to take them from various plants. Because their benefits cannot be overestimated. Essential oil is a natural extract from a plant, its vital juice, its blood, it is a certain concentration of the life-giving forces of nature.

So turpentine was created on the basis of essential oils of coniferous plants, because resin (resin) is a “living force”, and is able to raise a person to his feet in literally. In natural treatment, nature itself takes part, helping the recovery of a person. Therefore, emulsion-based turpentine baths are so recommended for use, bringing undoubted benefits.


What are useful turpentine baths?

Baths with turpentine are a natural treasure, they are able to increase a person's immunity, remove toxins from the body, they regulate fat metabolism, rejuvenate the body, and prevent many diseases.

Gum turpentine, also known as medical turpentine, is able at home to treat complex, serious diseases, and replace chemotherapy, which is so harmful to metabolism and human physiology.

So, turpentine baths are an indispensable, natural and versatile method of treatment. Someone buys a course of treatment and does wellness procedures in a medical institution, and some successfully treat themselves with turpentine at home.

Indications and contraindications

Turpentine baths for diseases - indications for use:

  • heart:, hypertension, dystonia, hypotension, thrombophlebitis, etc.
  • musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, arthritis and arthrosis, Bechterew's disease, spondylosis, gonarthrosis, rheumatism, etc.
  • blood, red blood cells, and leukemia;
  • urinary system: (only not in the acute stage) urolithiasis, urethritis, pyelonephritis,;
  • respiratory organs: chronic pneumonia, bronchitis, pharyngitis, asthma, sinusitis;
  • : cholecystitis, cholelithiasis;
  • reproductive system: infertility, impotence;
  • eye: cataracts and glaucoma;
  • nervous system: stroke, sciatica, paralysis, sclerosis, poliomyelitis, neuritis;

Zalmanov's turpentine baths are also indispensable in the treatment of:

  • diabetes;
  • muscle atrophy;
  • cellulite and obesity;
  • disturbed metabolism, improves and promotes normalization;
  • varicose veins and edema (foot baths);
  • Perfectly unloads and cleanses the lymphatic system!


Turpentine baths are considered safe and equated to cosmetics, so almost everyone can take them at home. But there are still contraindications:

  1. hypertension stage 2 and 3, heart disease;
  2. arrhythmia
  3. tuberculosis in an open form
  4. eczema and skin diseases during exacerbations;
  5. tumors of unknown etiology and malignant
  6. turpentine baths are contraindicated for pregnant women from the second half
  7. pregnancy and lactation;
  8. allergic reactions.

Therefore, wellness procedures with the help of turpentine baths must begin with a consultation and recommendations from a specialist.


How to take Zalmanov's turpentine baths at home? There are several types of compositions for use: white turpentine baths (white emulsion), yellow turpentine baths (yellow solution), and mixed turpentine baths (mixture of white emulsion and yellow solution).

Each box with turpentine from any manufacturer has detailed instructions for use, which describes the scheme of administration. In general, all recommendations are the same. The following are general methods for each type of bath:

white emulsion

Mode of application:

Turpentine baths with white emulsion for people with normal pressure, or slightly reduced. They do not cause heavy sweating, and do not require raising the temperature of the bath water. Slightly irritate the skin with burning or stinging. A turpentine bath with a white emulsion slightly increases or stabilizes the pressure.

At home, strict adherence to the rules for taking turpentine baths is required. The water temperature is 37-39 degrees. Keep an eye on the thermometer, add hot water as soon as it starts to cool. The procedure time is 5 - 20 minutes.

The bath is usually taken 1-1.5 tablespoons of the emulsion. At the end of the course, bring up to 8 tablespoons of the emulsion. After leaving the bath, measure the pressure, this is an important point. If it exceeds 150 mm Hg. Art., go to mixed baths, diluting the white emulsion and yellow.

The components of the white emulsion are turpentine, camphor alcohol, baby soap and salicylic acid. This composition leads to an improvement in metabolic processes and blood circulation.

These baths do not increase perspiration and do not raise the general body temperature. When taking a bath with resin, a slight burning sensation is felt, if it is absent, then the amount of emulsion must be increased.

yellow solution

Mode of application:

Baths for those who suffer from high blood pressure. Yellow turpentine baths reduce pressure by expanding capillaries. They remove with perspiration, through the skin of a person, metabolic products. For the first procedure, 1 tablespoon of the emulsion is enough.

The water temperature is 37 degrees. The emulsion may clump on the surface of the water, this is acceptable. Every three minutes, add hot water, increasing the temperature by 1 degree, gradually bringing it to 42 degrees. The lumps of emulsion will disperse. Gradually, day by day, we increase the amount of emulsion, by the end of the course up to 8 tablespoons.

The components of the yellow emulsion are turpentine, caustic soda, oleic acid and castor oil. Composition reduces high pressure, causes increased sweating and raises the overall body temperature, this helps to remove toxins and cleanse the body.

Baths cleanse blood vessels, joints and tendons, remove excess uric acid and help with joint pain, help remove excess fluid and are used for weight loss.

Alternating yellow and white bathtubs

Here it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the organism and an individual approach is very important. It all depends on your blood pressure. You can alternately take white and yellow baths.

It is possible to mix emulsions in one bath. It is important to know the pressure threshold and the nature of the disease.

Dr. Zalmanov practiced alternating baths, two white, one yellow. In this case, blood pressure should be normal, familiar to you. If you feel an exacerbation of the disease, reduce the frequency of baths and the duration of the procedures, but do not stop.

The course of treatment at home (therapeutic), can be daily or every other day. Duration is usually from 10-12 days. Read the instructions carefully. Depending on the diagnosis, you need to choose the correct concentration of the solution and emulsion.

You must have the following items: a water thermometer, a watch, a measuring spoon or container, a blood pressure monitor, cream or petroleum jelly, in case of skin irritation, a bathrobe or towel.

After taking a turpentine bath, without drying yourself, wrap yourself in a warm bathrobe, and rest lying down for at least an hour, covered with a blanket. Favorable home conditions will allow you to do this. After that, rinse with warm water.

And for those who are overweight, you can safely advise baths with a yellow emulsion. After all, in the process of adopting the procedure, intensive fat burning occurs.

Turpentine literally dissolves subcutaneous fat and promotes its removal from the body with sweating. In addition, turpentine perfectly cares for your skin. Tightens it, acne and blurs scars.

But if you feel a strong burning sensation during the procedure, stop it, you have an increased sensitivity to essential oils. So, you need to reduce the concentration by two or three times. Re-read the instructions, you may have missed something.


In such baths, white and yellow emulsions are mixed or alternated. They have a milder effect, do not affect blood pressure, treat diseases of the blood and heart, organs of movement, urinary system, stimulate the work gastrointestinal tract and liver, are indicated in the treatment of gynecological, neurological and skin diseases.

The bath must be filled halfway, prepare the emulsion according to the instructions, mix it with a small amount of water and add to the water.

Initially, the recommended water temperature is from 37 degrees with a gradual increase to 40 degrees, the bath time is approximately 15-20 minutes and depends on one's own feelings. The temperature should be pleasant and not cause pain.

It is necessary to lie on your back, keep your head above the water. After the bath, without rinsing, blot the body and lie under the covers, keeping warm. After about an hour, you can take a shower without detergents. Thus, a turpentine film will remain on the skin.

It is advisable to enhance the effect of a yellow bath with tea with raspberries or honey.

At the very beginning of taking baths, the emulsion is added in a minimal amount, about 20 ml. The concentration of the emulsion should be increased gradually by only 1 spoon and up to a maximum of 8 spoons per bath. Taking baths should not be accompanied by unpleasant sensations, with a strong burning sensation, it is necessary to immediately interrupt the procedure and consult a doctor.

The frequency of taking baths is every day during the first week of admission, every other day during the second and third weeks, then twice a week, and subsequently as needed.

Try not to get the solution or emulsion into your eyes! Be sure to keep the emulsion away from children!

Zalmanov's turpentine baths, of course, first of all have a beneficial effect on a person's vitality. Dr. Zalmanov, taking into account the experience of our ancestors, found a unique remedy in the fight against ailments and diseases.

Thanks to magic power resin, the human body, as it were, wakes up, is renewed. No wonder in the old days, our great-grandmothers used pure turpentine to treat bruises, radiculitis and other ailments.

At home, the emulsion should be stored in a dark place, at natural temperature.

Recovery with turpentine baths

Recovery with the help of turpentine baths or baths according to Zalmanov involves taking baths with natural gum turpentine. The method of dissolving gum turpentine in water was developed by Dr. Abram Solomonovich Zalmanov, hence its name.
Therapeutic effect of turpentine baths

Turpentine used for medicinal purposes is not the one used in industry. This is a natural natural substance from the resin-resin of coniferous trees, which has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesic and antiseptic properties.

Turpentine baths according to Zalmanov at home contribute to the expansion of blood vessels, improve blood flow, enhance metabolic processes, lead to self-purification of the body, remove toxins, increase immunity and performance, relieve stress, tone the skin, promote weight loss and get rid of cellulite.

For the first time, the theory of human recovery by improving the functioning of capillaries was developed at the beginning of the 20th century by an outstanding doctor, our compatriot Abram Solomonovich Zalmanov.

In 1920, the Danish physiologist August Krogh discovered the mechanism of capillary blood circulation (and received the Nobel Prize), marking the right path to healing and rejuvenation of a person. Dr. Zalmanov was very passionate about the idea that, by rejuvenating capillaries, it is possible to treat the most complex diseases and successfully fight old age. As a universal remedy, he proposed healing baths, with the addition of a special emulsion made from gum turpentine.

Gum turpentine(turpentine oil, popularly - resin) is a resinous secretion of coniferous plants. Resin heals the wounds of trees, revives them. Heals. That's where it came from vernacular name.

Turpentine turpentine emulsion coniferous trees, stimulating millions of receptors, is able to open closed capillaries, restore blood supply to desiccated islets. Cells begin to receive enough oxygen again and nutrients.

The use of turpentine baths gave a striking therapeutic effect. Most of the diseases that were previously considered incurable began to recede! Two hundred patients of the first Zalmanov clinic opened in Paris, having undergone a course of treatment, testified to its high efficiency. Together with rheumatism, they also lost the stigma of old age ( we are talking about people over 75). Newspapers wrote enthusiastically about Dr. Zalmanov's turpentine baths. This method was called capillary therapy.

Here is the basis for prolonging youth and restoring health from Zalmanov's book "Secret Wisdom human body":

"Violations of the physiology of capillaries are so common and so often observed that they should not be considered a minor phenomenon, but, on the contrary, one of the main elements of organic disorders in a patient, whatever the disease ... Open the clogged capillaries in each patient. Restore the patency of the ducts - The body will take care of the rest."

How to prolong life?

Since ancient times, people have been trying to find a miracle cure that restores youth and prolongs life. With the development of the chemical industry, a new stage has begun in these searches. Now we are hungry for a pill that will restore our beauty and health. Stunned by the noisy advertising of chemicals, we completely forgot that the body is not a set of individual organs, but a complex self-regulating system! But real centenarians rarely resort to the help of drugs, confirming the rule "the living must be treated alive."

However, this is not a call to neglect the achievements of modern medicine!

The genetic age of a person is calculated at 130-180 years. Until very recently, we did not know the cause of old age and the development of disease. The latest discoveries of scientists show that the basis of most diseases is a violation of microcirculation, i.e. capillary blood flow, the formation of free radicals (NO *) in connection with this, which damage (oxidize) healthy cells, which leads to their death. A young body easily copes with this process, producing a sufficient amount of antioxidants, but with age they become much less and help from outside becomes vital. All our organs are made up of tissues, and they, in turn, are made up of cells.

A cell is the functional unit of an organism. It is on the health of each cell individually that the performance of our organs and our health depends. To ensure its own existence, the cell must breathe, eat and get rid of toxins. This triple role is performed by blood, which is connected to all tissues through a capillary network.

capillaries- these are the smallest vessels that fit every cell of the body, enveloping all organs in the form of a network. This network is so huge that if the capillaries of one person are figuratively built into one thread, then it will circle the globe 6 times! 80% of the body's blood is constantly in the capillaries. Violation of the capillaries is the main cause of any pathological process!

In the process of vital activity, the capillary network is clogged with "slags", the blood flow slows down sharply, and in some areas it stops altogether (stagnation occurs). Cells stop receiving oxygen and, accordingly, nutrients; they cannot give up carbon dioxide and products of toxic metabolites (slags). The cell self-poisons and it dies. With age, this process begins to take on a massive character, whole islands of dead cells and dried up (sleeping) capillaries appear in the tissues. The production of free radicals (which damage the capillaries even more), the processes of lipid peroxidation are sharply activated. Such processes occur in all organs - in the lungs, heart, kidneys, liver, brain, cartilage tissue, joints, etc. - this is aging, the main cause of disease. These same changes occur in skin cells, as a result, we see the aging process with our own eyes.

Accordingly, by improving the capillary blood flow, we can slow down the development of the disease, stop it, and even begin the restoration of all damaged tissues. In this case, the biological age will be of secondary importance if the functional capabilities of the organism are restored. And, again, all the processes occurring inside can be controlled by the condition of the skin. The right treatment will transform your appearance in an amazing way, and this will be the best control of its effectiveness.

Biography of A.S. Zalmanov

In Soviet publications, typos were deliberately introduced into Zalmanov's recipes.

Many politicians, show business stars and entire royal families are treated today according to the methods of Dr. Zalmanov. Abroad, he is called the great Russian doctor, who found a panacea for many diseases and defeated old age itself. But here's the paradox: in Russia, he is little known even among doctors. And this despite the fact that at one time he was the personal doctor of Lenin and Krupskaya.

He had a pass to the Kremlin at any time of the day or night. In the house of Lenin and Krupskaya, he was always a welcome guest. Almost a member of the family. “I don’t even know how I deserved such an attitude towards myself,” Zalmanov was perplexed. "I'm just an ordinary doctor." Of course, he was far from being an ordinary doctor.

A real doctor, according to the medieval scholar Avicenna, must have the eyes of a falcon, the wisdom of a snake and the heart of a lion. It was this doctor that contemporaries considered Zalmanov to be. He could make a diagnosis simply by carefully looking at the patient. As a rule, he was not mistaken. It is no coincidence that people were ready to cross the seas and oceans in order to get to see him.

At 30, Zalmanov had three medical degrees. One received in Moscow, the other two - in Germany and Italy. Zalmanov loved life in all its manifestations so much that in between medical practice he traveled and mastered other professions. He was a fisherman, a legal reporter for a newspaper, a foreman in the construction of the Siberian railway even worked as a shoe shiner. And always humorous. He composed parodies, dressed up as an Arab - a fortune teller and performed on city streets.

Once, on the Kuznetsk bridge, he gathered a crowd around his galoshes, - recalls Sergei Smolitsky, a descendant of Zalmanov. - I bet she would go. When passions ran high, with a deft movement he put on a galosh on his leg and left.

Zalmanov was also mischievous at medical consultations. With a caustic joke he tried to revive the gloomy patients. At one time he ran a hospital in Nervi (a resort on the shores of the Gulf of Genoa), where Plekhanov, Rosa Luxembourg, Clara Zetkin, surviving sailors from the Potemkin came to him for treatment ... During the First World War, he received the rank of General of the Medical Service and was appointed to the post of head of the sanitary trains. Well, immediately after the revolution, a number of high posts in the People's Commissariat of Health await him. Among other things, he is appointed director of all resorts and instructed to organize the fight against tuberculosis. Thanks to his efforts, a law was passed prohibiting the construction of factories closer than 15 km from cities. It was then that he became the personal doctor of "the most humane person."

“They didn’t have an elevator in the house,” Zalmanov wrote in his letters. - Nadezhda Konstantinovna suffered from Graves' disease. Her heart was enlarged, and it took a lot of effort for me to insist that a lift be built, since it was very difficult for her to go up to the third floor. With difficulty I succeeded in taking Krupskaya for a single month to a children's sanatorium in Sokolniki. Occasionally, after long reminders, I managed to persuade Lenin to drive in an open car. He was a remarkably disobedient patient. Both of them - both Lenin and Krupskaya - were not able to be treated for a long time ... ”

In 1921, Zalmanov shared with Lenin his awareness of the incompleteness of medical knowledge. He asked: “And if we give you the opportunity to go abroad?” The next day, Zalmanov received a passport, money for travel and a seat in a diplomatic carriage. The doctor was not destined to return (after Lenin's death it was dangerous). But until the end of his days, he did not change his passport and considered himself a citizen of the USSR.

capillary theory

The best doctor, according to Zalmanov's deep conviction, knows the futility of most medicines. He himself did not like the main direction in which medicine developed in the 20th century. He believed that chemicals, antibiotics interfere too roughly with the work of the body, preventing it from coping with the true cause of the disease on its own. The key to health is in the correct metabolic processes occurring in the capillaries that permeate the entire human body. That is why Zalmanov called his method capillary therapy.

In the process of vital activity, the capillary network becomes clogged with slags, microcirculation is disturbed, and the cells stop receiving oxygen and die. This is aging.

Zalmanov believed that by improving blood flow, it is possible to stop the development of the disease, to begin the restoration of all damaged organs and tissues. “If you increase the volume of breathing, the flow of oxygen to the brain and all organs,” he wrote, “if you open the gaps to tens of thousands of closed capillaries, then you will not meet a single disease that will not be eliminated by your treatment.” He advised opening the capillaries not by drugs, hypnosis, surgery or radiation, but by the most common natural means: proper breathing, daily exercise and turpentine baths. The latter, in his opinion, are the best enemy of disease and old age.

His book The Secret Wisdom of the Human Organism was first published in France in 1958 and has since been reprinted numerous times in various languages.

Feel free to plunge into the turpentine!

Zalmanov invariably offered his patients to plunge into the turpentine font (note: turpentine is a product of coniferous resin). After several such baths, people seemed to be born again: the work of the liver, kidneys, and respiratory organs was restored, pain in the joints disappeared, the heart stopped acting up, and even the nerves calmed down. Turpentine Zalmanov treated infertility, impotence, hepatitis, obesity, arthritis ... He developed a recipe for a special turpentine emulsion of two types: white and yellow.

A passionate promoter of turpentine baths and capillary therapy was at one time the Minister of Health of France (it was there that Zalmanov opened his first clinic). The resounding success of the bath had - and still has - in the sanatoriums of Switzerland, Germany, Italy. Wishing to rejuvenate blood vessels, they were accepted - and still are accepted - by thousands of Europeans. Even the leaders of the Third Reich plunged into turpentine fonts. And this is despite the fact that the author of the technique was called Abram Solomonovich ...

Of course, the Soviet Union also knew about the amazing properties of Zalmanov's baths. They even tried to introduce them in the elite Kremlin clinics, but unsuccessfully. One of the high-ranking officials during the "burning" procedure intimate parts without following the lubrication recommendations.

In the Soviet editions of Zalmanov's books, changes were made to the composition of the emulsion and the method of its application, experts in the field of balneology say. - Apparently, this was done specifically so that it was impossible to prepare baths at home. The then officials were terribly afraid that people would self-medicate.

Only today turpentine baths have become publicly available. In the Scientific Research Institute of Balneology, a number of experiments were carried out and proved that these baths reduce the content of cholesterol and sugar in the blood. But the most interesting: baths can be taken at home. True, only according to a special scheme approved by the Ministry of Health.

Zalmanov himself regularly took baths and remained true to his slogan “die young at 90”. Before last day he worked hard, cracked jokes, was interested in women and repeated that the power of the human body and its ability to heal itself is inexhaustible.

Turpentine baths at home

A.S. Zalmanov proposed a special formulation of yellow turpentine liquid and white turpentine emulsion. And accordingly, Zalmanov's turpentine baths are divided into three types: white, yellow and mixed.

white emulsion- this is an emulsified form of turpentine, therefore turpentine completely dissolves in the bath water, distributing throughout the mass of water. It causes the opening of soldered capillaries, produces "gymnastics" of blood vessels, helps to normalize low blood pressure, increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients to organs and tissues, causes an increase in capillary systoles (feels like tingling), improves tissue trophism and the development of collateral circulation.

yellow solution is a specially prepared solution in which turpentine is mixed with castor oil and oleic acid. The oleic acid used in the formulation of the yellow liquid belongs to the group of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Absorbed into the body through the skin, oleic acid actively binds free radicals (slows down the aging process in the cell and, accordingly, the aging of the body as a whole), normalizes redox reactions and metabolism. Causes in the capillary network rapid combustion of toxic metabolites - "slags", i.e. cleans the capillaries, promotes their excretion through the skin (by increasing perspiration) through the kidneys and liver, normalizes increased arterial pressure.

A very important property of yellow baths is profuse sweating, which causes patients both during the bath and during the rest period after the bath. During the bath and in the next 2 hours of rest, a person releases 2-4 liters of sweat! This fact in itself is important because various toxins and slags are removed from the body with sweat. In addition, excess fluid comes out with sweat, which is present in many patients suffering from hypertension and obesity.

Both types - both white turpentine baths and yellow ones - have a strong analgesic effect.

Mixed baths Thanks to various combinations of two liquids (white and yellow), a wide field of activity is created for adapting baths according to the condition of each patient.

Unfortunately, the Zalmanov method has many limitations and contraindications; it is advisable to take it under the supervision of a doctor, which is quite problematic, because The standard course of bath treatment takes about 2 months.

There is a technique for home use, which has a minimum list of contraindications and is much more accessible and convenient (the technique has been successfully clinically tested and approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation). Terpene balms "Pearl" (white), "Amber" (yellow), as well as the new items "Evening" and "Anti-cellulite", in addition to gum turpentine of the highest grade (GOST 1571-82), contain extracts medicinal herbs(chamomile, string, calendula flowers, celandine, St. John's wort), which makes them very effective despite the light mode of application.

Indications for use

According to the opinion of a well-known doctor, a student of Zalmanov - Dr. Mazur, patients with coronary heart disease, malignant tumors, angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmias, hypertension, chronic glomerulonephritis, nephrosis and some others need Zalmanov's baths, and these diseases respond very well to their treatment. .

Turpentine baths are a universal treatment. They have no age contraindications. With the breadth of their therapeutic spectrum, they cover a very large range of acute and chronic diseases.

List (incomplete) of specific diseases for which treatment with turpentine baths is indicated:
Cardiovascular diseases
Hypertension I, II stages; symptomatic arterial hypertension; hypotension; angina; cardialgia; myocardia; endocarditis; pericarditis.

Vascular diseases
Phlebeurysm; haemorrhoids; chronic thrombophlebitis; circulatory failure; vascular arteriosclerosis; obliterating arteriosclerosis; nodular periarteritis; obliterating endarteritis; Raynaud's syndrome and disease; Takayasu disease; thromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger's disease).

Diseases of the joints and the musculoskeletal system
Rheumatoid arthritis; rheumatism; osteocondritis of the spine; infectious polyarthritis; deforming osteoarthritis; arthritis and polyarthritis of various etiologies; gout; spondylosis; spodyloprothrosis; osteodystrophy (Page's disease); rickets; osteomalacia; muscular atrophy of various origins; bone fractures; ankylosis of the joints; osteoporosis; osteomyelitis; sciatica; sciatica lumbosacral and other diseases.

Diseases of the skin and soft tissues
scleroderma; psoriasis; neurodermatitis; dermatomilsitis; hydrodenitis; acute lymphadenitis; mastitis; frostbite; scars and adhesions postoperative and post-burn; consequences of various injuries and other diseases.

Diseases of the kidneys, urinary tract and genital organs in men
Balanitis; balanoposthitis; cavernite; urolithiasis disease; pyelonephritis; non-gonadal urethritis; cystitis; epididymitis; prostatitis; lymphagenitis of the penis; plastic hardening of the penis; impotence.
Turpentine baths - very effective remedy impotence treatment.

Diseases of the digestive system
Chronic gastritis; chronic gastroduodenitis; stomach ulcer; peptic ulcer of the duodenum; biliary dyskinesia; cholangitis; cholelithiasis; chronic cholecystitis; chronic hepatitis; chronic pancreatitis; chronic colitis; nonspecific ulcerative colitis.

Respiratory diseases
Bronchitis acute and chronic; pneumonia; bronchial asthma; pneumosclerosis; tracheitis.

Ear, nose and throat diseases
Deafness sudden; labyrinthopathy; acute and chronic laryngitis; laryngotracheobronchitis; cochlear neuritis (auditory nerve) acute and chronic; otitis externa; otitis media, acute and chronic; otomycosis; rhinitis acute and chronic; sinusitis acute and chronic; acute tonsillitis (tonsillitis) and chronic; pharyngitis acute and chronic; sinusitis; mastoiditis; hearing loss of various origins.

Eye diseases
Blepharitis; barley; acute dacryoadenitis; acute dacryocystitis; conjunctivitis; episcleritis; scleritis; keratitis; cataract; iritis; iridocyclitis; uveitis; thrombosis of the central retinal artery; sclerotic macular degeneration; optic neuritis; glaucoma; retinitis; decreased vision of various etiologies.

Diseases of the nervous system
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; amyotrophy neural Charcot-Marie; spinal amyotrophy of Verdnig-Hoffman; Bechterew's disease (ankylosing spondylitis); vegetative-vascular paroxysms; ganglionite; headache; hypothalamic syndrome; cerebral palsy; Parkinson's disease; stroke; sciatica; causalgia; lumbalgia; Meniere's syndrome; myasthenia gravis; migraine; myelitis; myopathy; myoplegia paroxysmal; myotonia; neuralgia and trigeminal neuritis; neurasthenia; neuritis of the facial nerve and other nerves; polyneuritis; insomnia; neuropathy (polyneuropathy) alcoholic; neurorheumatism; neurosyphilis; multiple sclerosis; paresis; plegia (paralysis) of various origins; sensitivity disorders of various origins; polio.

Diseases of the endocrine system
Obesity; menopause female and male; diabetes; hypothyroidism; autoimmune thyroiditis; Itsenko-Cushing's disease.

Gynecological diseases
Inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs (endometritis, salpingitis, adnexitis); menopause is pathological.

Diseases of childhood from 4 years
All diseases listed for adults

Other diseases, conditions and indications
Decreased performance; chronic fatigue; decline mental ability in children; mongolism (dementia); pain syndrome (pain in various organs) of unclear origin; periodontitis.

Special indications
External and internal physical rejuvenation of the body; maintaining the health of healthy people; prevention of all diseases; natural improvement of appearance (skin, eyes, hair); prolongation of youth; life extension.


In contrast to the use of Zalmanov's turpentine baths in a hospital, the home technique with terpene bath balms "Pearl" and "Amber" has very few contraindications:

Alcohol intoxication

General contraindications for taking warm baths (consult your doctor)

Acute conditions, incl. heat, very low or very high blood pressure, open tuberculosis, cirrhosis of the liver.

Instructions for use

Turpentine baths have a general effect on the entire body as a whole, restoring blood flow in exactly those organs where it is needed, therefore, the basis for the use of one or another type of bath is blood pressure.

Use of baths at normal blood pressure (110/70 - 140/80) - alternate yellow and white baths or take mixed baths.

The use of baths for high blood pressure (140/80 -160/90) - the course begins with yellow baths (5-7 procedures), by this time the blood pressure usually stabilizes or even comes to normal numbers, after that it is necessary to switch to alternating yellow and mixed baths. Mandatory blood pressure control before and after the procedure! If the blood pressure is higher than the indicated figures, then first it is necessary to reduce it with medications (up to 160/90), and only then proceed to taking general baths and, during treatment, reduce the dosage of antihypertensive drugs. Up to this point, it is possible to use only local baths only for the feet or hands. Pure white baths for hypertension are not used!

The use of baths with low blood pressure (90/60 and below - the course begins with white baths (3-5 procedures), after the normalization of blood pressure, go to the alternation of white and mixed baths.

Since the Evening and Anti-cellulite balms are based on a yellow turpentine solution, with normal blood pressure it is better to alternate or mix them with Pearl Balm, use it alone if it is high, and if it is low, start the course with white baths and then switch to alternating with white or mixed baths.

For treatment with Zalmanov baths at home, you must have:
bath, hot and cold water, water thermometer with a 50-degree scale, beaker with divisions,
blood pressure monitor and stethoscope, watch.

Unlike the use of baths in a hospital, at home, the dosage of the solution and the temperature of the water are fixed (the dosage may vary slightly depending on individual sensations).

The bath is filled with tap water of the desired temperature (36 C). Before use, the emulsion or solution is shaken (!), The right amount is measured and poured into the bath, where everything is thoroughly mixed. After the bath, blot the skin with a towel, perhaps taking a shower (without soap).

After taking a bath, intense sweating is possible (but not necessary), so you need to rest for 2-3 hours, taking an infusion of medicinal herbs. Then it is recommended to go to sleep.

The main criterion is your well-being and the duration of the tingling sensation after the procedure. In this case, you take into account your individual skin sensitivity to turpentine and other components of the emulsion. If the tingling sensation after the bath lasts more than 45 minutes, it is necessary to reduce the dosage of the emulsion. In the absence of tingling after 5-7 procedures, the amount of the drug should be slightly increased.

Strictly observe the temperature regime and dosage of the drug.

Don't go headlong into the bath. Avoid getting liquid in eyes and mouth. In order to avoid unpleasant sensations on sensitive areas of the skin, it is recommended to lubricate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe armpits, inguinal folds, perineum, and places of accidental scratches with Vaseline before the bath.

Procedures should be canceled if there is pain, even small, in the region of the heart. Do not use yellow (amber, evening and anti-cellulite) baths for hypotension, and white for hypertension - replace them with mixed ones.

(Increased pain in the joints, sometimes with a slight increase in body temperature and a moderate acceleration of ESR is not a reason to cancel the baths).

Use only a certified emulsion made in strict accordance with Zalmanov's recipe. The use of non-certified emulsions does not guarantee a cure and, unfortunately, can lead to loss of health!

Treatment of various diseases

Hypertonic disease
Arterial hypertension
In hypertension and arterial hypertension of renal etiology, which are accompanied by the release of urine with a lack of urea (less than 10-12 g / l), uric acid (less than 0.40 g / l), atrium chloride (below 7 g / l) A.S. .Zalmanov used a salt-free diet poor in proteins and did 39-40-degree yellow turpentine baths with 60 ml of solution every 3 days, lasting 15-20 minutes. And he got very good results.

Oleg Mazur in the practice of treating hypertension and other arterial hypertension used yellow turpentine baths every other day, starting with 20 ml of a yellow solution at a final bath temperature of 41-42 ° C, the Bircher-Binner diet and other diets, psychotherapy. The results were very good. For a course of treatment to obtain a stable result, an average of 15-25 turpentine baths were required. There were no negative side effects in any of the cases. A positive side effect was observed - physical rejuvenation of the body, especially in those patients who took baths in more than average amounts.

angina pectoris
Dr. Zalmanov advised using white turpentine baths for angina pectoris without high blood pressure, yellow baths for angina pectoris with high blood pressure, and mixed baths if blood pressure returns to normal. This modest therapy gave very satisfactory results. Angina attacks in patients stopped for a very long time.

myocardial infarction
A.S. Zalmanov began to apply his hydrotherapy 6 weeks after a heart attack. First, he prescribed 10 mixed turpentine baths to patients, then white ones, and if systolic blood pressure was above 170-180 mm Hg, then one yellow one was prescribed every two white or two mixed ones.

With a sufficiently long-term use of turpentine hydrotherapy in patients with coronary heart disease, blood circulation in the heart muscle improves so much that not only angina pectoris disappears, but also various cardiac arrhythmias. Persistent use of turpentine baths gradually restores the normal rhythm of the heart and strengthens the heart muscle so much that even signs of heart failure sometimes disappear.

Obliterating endarteritis
A.S. Zalmanov argued that it is useless for patients with obliterating endarteritis to expect improvement with the use of various drugs and injections, since this disease still continues to progress and spread further through the arteries of the whole body. He said that there is no isolated arteritis only of the lower extremities. If you very patiently measure the temperature of the skin not only on the feet and legs, but also on the hands and forearms, it will always turn out that it is very low there too. With obliterating endarteritis without high blood pressure, he prescribed white turpentine baths. If the disease was accompanied by an upper pressure above 180 mm, he prescribed yellow baths, and with a systolic pressure of 170-190 mm - mixed turpentine baths.

On the advice of Dr. Mazur, the cure is more successful and faster if hot chest wraps are additionally applied, fruit and vegetable diets with fasting days, herbs, cool wraps but for the whole night. It is necessary to give up smoking and alcohol.

Joint diseases
When people have joint pain, it is customary in orthodox medicine to take x-rays to sum up the damage caused by the disease. On the radiographic film, a typical picture of bone changes appears, which is well seen by doctors. But at the same time, they forget that in any joint there is not only bone tissue, but also cartilage, as well as ligaments, tendons, muscles, fascia, synovial fluid (lubrication), nerves, lymphatic and blood vessels, and skin around the joint. Total 11 constituent parts. In addition, it must be borne in mind that the intra-articular fluid is in constant communication with the interstitial fluid. If, thanks to rational hydrotherapy, it is possible to improve the condition of 8 of these 11 constituent elements of the joints, then significant improvements in the entire joint as a whole are achieved. By creating natural skin-muscular-nervous protection for a diseased joint with turpentine baths, it is possible to achieve a significantly more real and much longer improvement in work than with the help of surgical methods - arthrodesis and arthroplasty.

Zalman's turpentine baths with a healthy lifestyle and natural treatment of the whole organism - normalization of pulmonary respiration, blood circulation and all secretions - in the vast majority of cases help to restore the calcium content in the bones during osteoporosis (discharge of bone tissue), and with exostoses (growths on the bones) - normalize calcium metabolism and dissolve growths. Turpentine baths in case of hypocalcification (low calcium content) and osteomalacia (softening of the bones) help bring the amount of calcium back to normal. But with hypercalcification (increased calcium content), which is accompanied by the deposition of salts in different parts of the bone skeleton and the formation of various growths, they dissolve excess calcium, since only by increasing the blood circulation of the diseased joint can its normal mobility and flexibility be restored.

For the treatment of rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, deforming osteoarthritis and other arthrosis and arthritis, there are more than a hundred medications. But their number only says how effective they are in treating these diseases. A.S. Zalmanov prescribed white turpentine baths to patients with deforming arthritis, which was almost never accompanied by an increase in blood pressure.

Rheumatoid arthritis
For orthodox medicine, this is one of the most difficult diseases of the joints to treat, which progresses from year to year, disfigures, bends the hands and feet, torments with pain and leaves no hope for recovery for patients. Zalmanov's turpentine baths solve this most difficult task. In combination with proper nutrition, hot chest wraps, herbs, cleansing the body, a heating pad in the liver area and psychotherapy, turpentine baths can step by step restore good blood supply to the affected joints and internal organs that are involved in this disease. The number of Zalman's baths in one course of treatment depends on the degree of neglect of the disease. If the disease has just begun its journey and has not yet managed to distort the joints with deformation, it can be cured completely with 20-30 baths. If it has managed to develop, the number of baths increases and reaches severe cases up to 50-70. But even advanced rheumatoid arthritis remains potentially treatable. He cannot resist the healing heat of turpentine baths. It is necessary to use mixed turpentine baths with a predominant proportion of white emulsion, if blood pressure is within normal limits.

Radiculitis. Osteocondritis of the spine
With sciatica and cervicobrachial neuritis, Zalmanov first prescribed daily baths, alternating white with yellow: after every two white baths, one yellow bath (60 ml, 39-40 degrees C, 16 minutes). If the blood pressure was not higher than 150 mm Hg, persistent pain relief was achieved in sciatica after 14-18 turpentine baths, in cervical-brachial neuritis after 24-30 baths.

The same treatment can be used with great success in all types of sciatica, lumbalgia, and various symptoms of osteochondrosis of the spine. For a stable cessation of pain, an average of 15-20 turpentine baths was required, but often the pain in the spine disappeared already in the first ten baths.

Consequences of injuries and injuries of bones and joints
Consequences of wounds of bones and joints, as well as post-traumatic ankylosis of the joints A.S. Zalmanov treated with mixed turpentine baths if the upper blood pressure was in the range of 150-180 mm Hg. If it was below 150 mm, then he began treatment with white baths. He managed to achieve mobilization of the joints, that is, the restoration of their motor functions, even when the duration of ankylosis reached 30 years! He cured post-traumatic ankylosis in an average of 3-4 months.

Good news for patients suffering from spondylosis, a severe disease of the spinal column. A.S. Zalmanov called this disease terrible and wrote that the only way to cure it is to use hyperthermic baths every 2 days at an initial water temperature of 37 degrees C. gradually reaching 41-43 degrees C. After such a bath, a sick person is wrapped in several blankets and given a hot drink. He sweats profusely for 45 minutes. Then well covered, resting in bed for about 2 hours. During a hyperthermic bath, the temperature inside the patient's body rises by 0.8-3grC compared to the initial one. Zalmanov wrote that the results of such treatment were often striking. He considered this disease not curable by any other means.

In addition to hyperthermic baths, spondylosis, like other diseases of the spine, can be very successfully treated with courses of turpentine baths. At the same time, the results of the treatment appear earlier and are even more pronounced, especially if some good plant-based diet was additionally used.

With polyneuritis, patients complain of pain, numbness, impaired skin sensitivity, various unpleasant sensations in the form of tingling, goosebumps, etc., cramps in the arms and legs, especially at night. In addition, polyneuritis can cause dizziness, headaches, irritability, sweating, pain in the heart, hearing loss.

Turpentine baths reduce trophic, vasomotor, sensory disturbances; improve peripheral blood circulation, including in the upper and lower extremities; increase mobile skin receptors; restore the activity of thermoregulatory systems; improve the function of the neuromuscular apparatus. By clinical symptoms 92.5% of patients treated with these baths had a positive effect. Of these, a significant improvement in health status was noted in 30% of patients, improvement - in 62.5%. In 5% of patients, there was a slight improvement in the condition, in 2.5% the condition did not change.

A.S. Zalmanov treated people who had poliomyelitis, the use of turpentine baths gradually strengthened their muscles, while the ability to walk without orthopedic devices was restored after 15-18 months of persistent treatment.

Cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy is almost always accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure and tachycardia. A.S. Zalmanov with this disease regulated the pulse with infusion of adonis, and to improve the activity of the kidneys and liver, he used turpentine baths with 20-40 ml, up to 90-100 ml of a white emulsion. He did the first bath at a water temperature of 38 degrees, the second bath at a temperature aqueous solution 39 degrees C. The duration of each bath was 15 minutes. For several months of such treatment, Zalmanov managed to achieve muscle recovery and almost normal blood circulation in atrophied areas of the body in patients with cerebral palsy, both in childhood and older.

Chronic myelopathy
Chronic myelopathy is a very complex and intractable neurological disease associated with the loss of the nerve sheaths of their myelin sheaths, through which nerve impulses pass through them. This group includes such standards of incurability as multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, neural and spinal amyotrophy, encephalomyelitis, leukoencephalitis and other diseases. For chronic myelopathies accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, Dr. Zalmanov began treatment with a series of yellow turpentine baths with a diet poor in salt and proteins. When the systolic (upper) pressure dropped to 160 mm Hg. Art., he began to add white turpentine emulsion to the yellow solution in the amount of 15,20,25 and 30 ml, up to 60 ml of white emulsion added to 60 ml of yellow solution, that is, he switched to mixed turpentine baths and made them even with systolic pressure 180 mm Hg, alternating with yellow: two mixed baths, one yellow, according to the formula used for hypertension.

Multiple sclerosis
Dr. Mazur has treated several patients with multiple sclerosis with Zalman's baths. The treatment was complex, aimed at the whole body. And not just the nervous system. In addition to yellow and mixed turpentine baths, hot chest wraps, hyperthermic baths, therapeutic dosed fasting, diets, K. Nishi's health system, herbs, psychotherapy methods, massages, physiotherapy exercises, cleansing the intestines, liver, kidneys and other methods were used. The results were good, especially in those patients who were able to complete a long course of treatment. This is a disease that is a model of incurability for orthodox medicine, treatable and curable by naturopathic methods.

Gynecological diseases
With his method, A.S. Zalmanov successfully treated women's diseases. In particular, with adnexitis (inflammation of the ovaries), he first prescribed 6-8 mixed turpentine baths with a temperature of 39 degrees, then switched to yellow baths with a temperature of up to 42 degrees, for 15 minutes each. Zalmanov's turpentine baths can also be used for salpingitis (inflammation of the fallopian tubes) and endometritis (inflammation of the uterus).

Eye diseases
Turpentine baths of A.S. Zalmanov turned out to be a successful way to treat some eye diseases. With glaucoma (increased eye pressure) and retinitis (inflammation of the retina), yellow baths proved to be very effective, which gradually lowered intraocular pressure to normal and restored blood circulation in diseased eye tissues.

Zalmanov's baths also helped well with iridocyclitis. With thrombosis of the central artery of the retina and thrombosis of the temporal artery, Dr. Zalmanov used a course of yellow turpentine baths with 60 ml of solution, temperature from 37 degrees to 42 and duration 16-17 minutes. The reliability of the disappearance of thrombosis and restoration of vision was confirmed by ophthalmologists.

Scars and adhesions
Clinical observations of a team of doctors presented by Z.A. Vasilyeva proved that Zalmanov's turpentine baths contribute to the resorption of internal and external scars and adhesions, which are formed from connective tissue after various injuries, wounds, burns and as a result of diseases.

AIDS(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome)
According to the optimistic assumption of Dr. Mazur, treatment with turpentine baths and other methods of capillary therapy will be successful.

Step by step, turpentine baths and other naturopathic methods will cleanse the AIDS-sick organism, restore the functions of all organs, metabolism, and raise its protective, healing mechanisms. When the body is cleansed of everything that HIV and other microorganisms involved in the formation of the clinical picture of AIDS can interact with, then there is no need to neutralize, split, destroy something and all the symptoms of AIDS will disappear, the sick person will be cured, because he will cleanse his internal environment .

Acute forms of diseases
Turpentine baths are much easier and faster to cope with acute diseases than chronic ones. If a chronic form may require 45-50 turpentine baths, then in the acute form of the same disease, it is enough to take only a few, maximum a dozen, baths. They must be taken according to the same rules as indicated for chronic diseases. You can use the schemes for the use of turpentine baths presented in this material.

What acute diseases are suitable for treatment with Zalmanov's capillary baths?

Almost all are suitable, which are indicated in the section "Indications for the use of turpentine baths." All can be added to this list. colds that exist in nature, for example, influenza, SARS, herpes infection, parainfluenza. It is highly recommended to treat acute bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, rhinitis (runny nose), tonsillitis (tonsillitis), acute pneumonia with turpentine baths.

In addition, taking turpentine baths helps to rejuvenate the body, starting with the skin, which, under the influence of turpentine balms, becomes smooth, elastic and begins to be better supplied with blood.

Nutrition in the treatment of turpentine baths

Improper nutrition causes a significant increase in the content of toxic substances in the body, leads to a state of chronic autointoxication, which contributes to the emergence of various diseases, that is, causes the body to cleanse itself.

During treatment with turpentine baths, one of the types of vegetarianism, which is called a raw food diet, is first recommended. Combining the use of turpentine baths with a raw food diet is recommended primarily for those who suffer from cancer, overweight, as well as those with any liver disease.

People who, for a number of reasons, including psychologically, find it difficult to limit themselves to a raw food diet, can be recommended to combine treatment with capillary baths with the therapeutic diet of Dr. Bircher-Binner. Here are her top recommendations:
Give up alcohol and cigarettes - the whole point healthy eating nullified by their toxic effect.
Refrain from the constant use of tea, coffee, chocolate - replace them with fresh juices and fruits.
Limit the consumption of bread - replace it with cereals, cereals.
Eat fresh fruit or vegetables 30 minutes before your main meal.
Do not use salt for dressing salads - it retains water in the body, which makes it difficult for the heart and kidneys to work.
The last meal should take place at least 4 hours before going to bed.
Half of the food you eat should be raw. It should be consumed before cooked food (boiled or stewed).
As you know, capillary baths significantly increase the basal metabolism, and this is accompanied by an increase in the patient's need for vitamin B1, which is directly related to the metabolism of carbohydrates. A relative deficiency of this vitamin can contribute to the appearance of disorders of the cardiovascular system. Nuts, buckwheat and oatmeal are especially rich in vitamin B1.

Yellow turpentine baths lower the body's alkaline reserve. A diet containing vegetables, fruits and berries in large quantities favors the normalization of acid-base balance.

Treatment with turpentine baths is much more effective when combined with a diet that is dominated by fruits, vegetables and other plant products.

How to distinguish a real bath from fakes?

Nowadays, there are a huge variety of white and yellow turpentine emulsions on sale. They differ in color, consistency and even in composition (!), but they are all called - "according to Zalmanov"! How to understand where is a fake in front of you, where is a fake, and where is the real Zalman's emulsion, which really helps. Let's figure it out.

The main thing is composition.

There is no mystery here. Zalmanov himself never hid it, on the contrary, he urged everyone to use his invention more widely, he believed that his emulsion could help millions of patients in need of radical treatment. True, it is worth noting that in the Soviet editions of Zalmanov's books, some changes were made to the composition of emulsions and to the methodology for its application. Apparently, this was done on purpose so that it would be impossible to prepare a seemingly simple composition at home, the then medical officials were terribly afraid that people would self-medicate. Therefore, the present composition can only be prepared from original French editions of books and numerous articles.

Many manufacturers do not pay attention to this, moreover, they replace expensive components with cheap analogues that are similar in color and consistency, but not in terms of therapeutic effect!

The basis of each emulsion is gum turpentine.

What it is? A transparent volatile liquid with a characteristic odor, without sediment and water, is a product of processing coniferous resin - liquid resin. Gum is obtained by manual method - special notches are made on the pine and the released resin is collected in special containers for further thermal processing. Only such natural turpentine can be used for Zalmanov's baths. There is also a chemical method for obtaining turpentine - the stumps of coniferous trees are poured with gasoline, the turpentine is extracted, and then it is freed from gasoline. Such turpentine is technical, produced on an industrial scale and used as a solvent for paints in the paint and varnish industry. The use of such turpentine for use in baths is strictly prohibited, because. it can cause chemical burns, eczema and weeping dermatitis. You can distinguish one turpentine from another, first of all, by the price - real gum turpentine costs 7-10 times more than technical one. So, the most expensive is turpentine obtained from Siberian larch, back in the days of the Soviet Union, 1 kg of such an extract cost several thousand Soviet rubles! Nowadays, 1 liter of technical turpentine costs about 100 rubles, how much does real gum cost - consider for yourself. The first conclusion - do not buy cheap fakes, saving on your body always ends in failure.

The main active substance of turpentine is alpha foams, it is they that have the main effect, the effectiveness of treatment depends on their concentration in the solution.

The best domestic gum turpentine of the highest grade (GOST 1571-82) contains about 60% alpha-penenes and from 6 to 12% delta-3 carene - a substance that blocks the action of pinenes, already at this concentration causes burns on the skin and can lead to the development dermatitis.

Zalmanov himself used French turpentine obtained from maritime pine (90% pinenes and 0.5-0.7% delta-3 carene) to prepare the emulsion. Technical turpentine contains 10-15%, and delta-3 carene 42-55%.

The concentration of pinenes in our baths is 88-90%, and delta-3 carene is completely absent. In addition, oleic acid based on natural palm oil, salicylic acid and caustic alkali of the highest purity, natural camphor alcohol, water purified by reverse osmosis, special herbal supplements are used ...

By purchasing terpene balms "Amber" and "Pearl", you can be sure that:
To create them, only environmentally friendly raw materials are used, all components are of the highest quality.
Emulsions are made the latest equipment allowing you to follow the exact recipe.
The emulsions have been clinically tested.

If you have purchased just such an emulsion, then be sure that you have in your hands the legendary Zalmanov solution, which is able to restore your youth, beauty, health and prolong your life for very many years.

Balms prepared according to the recipe of Dr. A.S. Zalmanov. They strengthen and heal the body, normalize blood pressure, improve sleep, increase immunity, remove toxins from the body, and promote weight loss.

Order balms according to the prescription of Dr. A.S. Zalmanov


Turpentine baths according to Zalmanov are a universal, effective, harmless, useful and economical treatment available to everyone.

At present, Zalmanov's method has become widespread, publications have appeared devoted to the teachings of the doctor and his method of treatment. We will try to summarize everything that is known about turpentine baths, make the available information accessible to a wide range of readers, and also simple for practical use.

One of the reasons is the desire to make prescriptions Zalmanova, written in the first half of the 20th century, are more accessible to the modern reader. Another reason is that the author Yuri Yakovlevich Kamenev is rightfully considered a worthy student and follower of the Russian scientist and had a great practice of using turpentine baths. He has been studying and applying this technique for several decades, which makes this person a competent specialist, whose opinion can be relied upon without any doubt. Talking about what turpentine baths are, about the features of this therapy, we will adhere to the prescriptions of Zalmanov himself, as well as his follower - Yu. Ya. Kameneva.

What and how TURPENTINE BATHS are treated

A. S. Zalmanov wrote: “If a remedy is found for expanding the capillaries when they are compressed by spasm, a means for stopping the paralyzing atony when they are dilated, if a possibility is found to improve their insufficient permeability or curb their violent permeability, then the nutrition of tissues and cells will be improved, the supply of cells will be established. oxygen, facilitated tissue drainage, increased energy balance affected tissues; if improved, the nutrition of tissues is improved, cells in a state of bionecrosis (death) will be returned to life, and elimination (removal) of cellular waste products will be ensured in order to avoid slow but dangerous protein intoxication (infection)."

Baths of Zalmanov have become a method of treatment that does not violate the physiological functions of the human body, in other words, acting in the same direction as the mechanism of its internal healing forces. Baths do not upset the balance chemical substances in the body, have a beneficial effect on metabolism.

Indications for the use of turpentine baths

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system: hypertension, coronary heart disease (coronary insufficiency in the absence of heart failure), angina pectoris.
  • Vascular diseases: thrombophlebitis, obliterating endarteritis and atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, Raynaud's disease.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis, arthrosis, spinal osteochondrosis, spondylosis, humeroscapular hieriarthritis, rheumatism, ankylosing spondylitis.
  • Kidney diseases: glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis.
  • Liver diseases: chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, cholelithiasis.
  • Respiratory diseases: Chronical bronchitis, chronic pneumonia, bronchial asthma.
  • Gynecological diseases: chronic adnexitis, chronic oophoritis, infertility, chronic prostatitis in men, impotence.
  • Neurology: polyneuropathies, neuritis, consequences of strokes (paralysis, paresis), multiple sclerosis, sciatica, lumbodynia.
  • Diabetes, especially accompanied by impaired microcirculation (expression of small vessels) of the eyes, limbs.
  • Obesity, metabolic disorders, cellulite.
  • Consequences of a cerebral stroke, poliomyelitis.
  • Lag in the mental development of children.
  • Diseases of the blood, red blood cells, leukemia.
  • Systemic diseases of connective tissues.
  • Muscular atrophy of various origins.
  • Eye diseases: glaucoma, cataract.
  • Disturbances in the performance of athletes after intense training.
  • Prophylactic for colds.
  • Premature aging.
  • Consequences of injuries and wounds; postoperative adhesions and scars.

Many have heard about what turpentine baths are. The first who began to use them was the famous doctor Alexander Solomonovich Zalmanov - turpentine baths were named after him. They are often recommended in sanatoriums, as they help cleanse the body and treat a variety of diseases. In addition, it is known that turpentine baths according to Zalmanov help to effectively lose weight and fight cellulite.

Turpentine baths, the benefits and harms of which have been known for a long time, involve diluting turpentine in plain water, and taking a bath in this solution. What is the secret, and how does such a procedure differ from the most ordinary bath, because the mechanism, it would seem, is the same. The bottom line is the chemical composition of turpentine, which is the main active component of such procedures.

Turpentine is a liquid a mixture of essential oils obtained from the resins of coniferous plants. Hence the characteristic aroma that you will feel when taking baths. Chemical composition turpentine is a combination of hydrocarbons with certain properties. It is thanks to this that baths can be used both for treatment and for combating excess weight. A.S. Zalmanov conducted research on the effect of turpentine on the body, and recommended it for use in a wide range of indications.

Get first-hand information - study Zalmanov's book:

Types of turpentine baths

Turpentine baths are divided into several types.

White turpentine baths

They do not involve any additives and are considered the purest in terms of both composition and action. This is the most common dissolution of turpentine in water. Such baths improve metabolism, break down excess fats in the body. In the process of taking a bath, you may feel a slight tingling in the body or even a burning sensation in certain parts of it. These feelings are quite normal. They say that turpentine thus acts on the muscles, dilating the blood vessels.

White turpentine can only be taken by those whose pressure is normal or low, not more than 150/90. Usually they are sold in pharmacies under the name "Turpentine Bath No. 1".

Yellow turpentine baths

The effect of turpentine on the body can be enhanced by other products, which is why there is a yellow turpentine bath. In this case, in addition to turpentine, it dissolves in water castor oil and oleic acid. These baths help lose weight, as well as lower blood pressure, remove harmful salt deposits from the body. When taking them, tingling, as in the previous version, should not be felt.

Turpentine yellow baths are indicated for hypertensive patients with pressure over 150/90. In pharmacies, they can be found under the name "Turpentine bath No. 2".

Mixed turpentine baths

Appeared not so long ago. Combine the effectiveness of white and yellow baths. Helps relieve fatigue, restore muscle tone. Please note that you should not mix two baths yourself. The proportions and schedule of their intake should be made by a specialist.

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The benefits and harms of turpentine baths

Turpentine baths are very useful for the body as a whole, and for those who want to get rid of excess weight, their benefits are also obvious. So, turpentine baths from cellulite and for weight loss have the following effect:

  • They dissolve fats remarkably and together with toxins remove them from the body.
  • Eliminate toxins that clog capillaries and interfere with blood flow. Thanks to this, metabolism improves and effective weight loss occurs.
  • Gently act on the skin, cleanse the pores, have an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. This makes it possible to lose weight without stretch marks.
  • Restore blood circulation and lymph flow. The problems of the latter also often cause uncontrolled weight gain.
  • Turpentine, like everyone else essential oils, has a beneficial effect on emotional condition person. The bath allows you to improve mood, overcome sleep problems, irritation and nervousness.

As for the harm of turpentine baths, it is possible if you prepare and take them incorrectly, or if you ignore contraindications. Therefore, it is necessary be sure to consult a doctor and take into account all the points when taking such baths. Also keep in mind that there are many types of them, and it is important to choose the most correct one for yourself.

Turpentine baths: indications and contraindications

Zalmanov's turpentine baths are different a wide range actions and allow you to deal with many problems. A method such as turpentine baths, indications are as follows:

  • Joint diseases, varicose veins, spider veins on the legs.
  • cold allergy;
  • Stretch marks;
  • Excess weight;
  • arthrosis;
  • Spinal hernia;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Diabetes;
  • sinusitis;
  • Cold;

But in some cases, a bath with turpentine is prohibited. Contraindications are as follows:

  • Heart diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • hypertension;
  • eczema;
  • scabies;
  • psoriasis;
  • chronic liver diseases;
  • malignant tumors;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergic reactions to turpentine;
  • it is not recommended to do turpentine baths during menstruation.

Turpentine baths, indications and contraindications for which are discussed above, do not have any age restrictions. They can be used for both children and the elderly.

How to make and take turpentine baths?

Many beauty salons offer turpentine baths for weight loss. However, if you don’t have the time and opportunity to visit such institutions, you can try making turpentine baths according to Zalmanov at home. To do this, it is enough to purchase the necessary turpentine emulsion, as well as learn how to take turpentine baths at home, because only by doing everything right, you will benefit, not harm. Follow these guidelines:

It is desirable to test the purchased product. To do this, dilute a small amount of turpentine in a container, dip your hand into the resulting solution and hold it for about 15 minutes. Watch the reaction for half an hour. If there is no burning sensation and itching, redness, pain, then baths can be used.

  • Before making turpentine baths at home, it is advisable to seek expert advice. Turpentine is an active substance, and even aggressive, so in some cases it can be harmful. The specialist must confirm that you have no contraindications for such procedures.
  • An important point is water temperature. At the beginning of the procedure, it should be about 37 degrees- this is the most comfortable indicator for turpentine. Immersed in the bath, after three minutes, begin to gradually increase the temperature. Add hot water. For a white turpentine bath, the best temperature is 38-39 degrees, for yellow - 40-42 . To maintain the correct temperature, keep a special water thermometer in the bath. Seeing that the temperature on it drops, add hot water.
  • For cooking directly turpentine certain skills are also required. While the bath is being prepared, pour the turpentine into an enamel container and dilute it with hot water, mix well. Already then the solution can be poured into the bathroom.
  • Before you properly take a turpentine bath, pay attention to the dosage specified in the instructions. As a rule, it needs to be gradually increased. It all starts with two spoons per bath, and by the end of the course their number increases to 8. This applies to any kind of turpentine baths.
  • Duration of bathing - 5-20 minutes. Start with five minutes, and each time stay in the bath for 3-4 more minutes.
  • If you felt severe unbearable burning sensation, dizziness, darkening in the eyes finish the procedure. These signs indicate that baths are not for you. It is important to control the pulse. Its norm is about 150 beats per minute. If you notice deviations from this norm, you should also stop taking turpentine baths.
  • After completing the procedure, do not wash with clean water.
  • Get out of the bath carefully, since turpentine can make its bottom and walls slippery.
  • Taking Zalman's turpentine baths, do not wipe after them so that the active substances are better absorbed into the skin and continue to act actively. Just put on a bathrobe and wrap yourself in a warm sheet. It is important to sweat actively. You can drink hot tea. Also, within an hour after the procedure, it is recommended to just lie down and relax.

To obtain best result, do not rely only on slimming baths. Combine them with physical activity and proper nutrition.

When taking Dr. Zalmanov's turpentine baths, do not abuse them. The course of treatment includes 15-25 procedures with an interval of one day. If you want to repeat the course, this can be done no earlier than after 2-3 months, and after the permission of a specialist.

The bath mixture must be properly stored so as not to lose its beneficial properties. To prevent useful essential oils from evaporating, close the neck of the container with cellophane or a rubber stopper. Do not place the mixture in the refrigerator. It should be stored at a compact temperature in a dark place out of the reach of sun rays place.

Where to buy and how much do they cost?

Since Zalmanov baths are a popular procedure, it will not be difficult to buy turpentine for their preparation. You can buy turpentine baths in pharmacies or online stores. The cost will be determined by the type of turpentine, the volume of packaging, the place of purchase and the manufacturer. You should be careful not to buy a fake instead of a quality product. The average price for turpentine baths in pharmacies and other places of purchase is 250-300 rubles.

Experts recommend purchasing material for turpentine baths in pharmacies. So you will be sure that you have not purchased a low-quality fake. Also note that the emulsion has an expiration date, so pay attention to the date of manufacture on the package. You can also complement the effect by going to.

Zalmanov's turpentine baths, the price and where to buy which you already know, can be very useful both for losing weight and for healing the body. The main thing is to take into account contraindications and adhere to all the rules.

Gradually, people began to understand that the use of antibiotics and various chemicals does not contribute to the support of the protective properties of the body, lowering the immune system, which saves us from various diseases. You should not pay much attention to medical methods of rehabilitation of the body, but it is better to look for ways to strengthen the immune system. Dr. A. Zalmanov has developed a technology by which turpentine baths remove toxins from the body, increasing its protective functions. Immunity must be activated by any means. Find out how useful they are.

Indications for baths according to Dr. Zalmanov

Baths with the addition of turpentine according to Zalmanov are safe, harmless and effective method treatment for people of any age who have no contraindications. Dr. Zalmanov believed that most diseases are due to a deterioration in the state of tissues and blood supply organs. In his opinion, with the help of turpentine it is easy to completely restore the body and even rejuvenate it. Indications:

    Chronic degenerative, inflammatory diseases of the joints, gout.

  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Obesity.
  • Vegetovascular dystonia.
  • Vascular diseases.
  • Hypertonic disease.
  • Polyneuritis.

Zalmanov's baths help in the treatment of angina pectoris, nephrosis, joint pain and even malignant tumors. For healthy people, this is an opportunity to prevent many diseases, prolong youth and active life. Turpentine bath - an effective remedy for impotence, an ideal substitute for Viagra, but a longer effect. Zalmanov's emulsions, which are sold in pharmacies, are divided into white, yellow and mixed.


White turpentine is able to completely dissolve evenly in the bath. It promotes the restoration and opening of clogged capillaries, normalizes low blood pressure, improves oxygen access to tissues. White bathtubs are an excellent pain reliever, which is shown:

    With arthritis.

  1. In cases of infantile paralysis.
  2. To regulate the functioning of the kidneys and liver.
  3. With the consequences of poliomyelitis.
  4. With ankylosing spondylitis, sciatica, brachial neuritis, if the pressure is not increased.
  5. In cases of diagnosed varicose veins.

Healthy people use Zalmanov's white baths to affect the skin as a whole, because this emulsion has a tonic effect, restoring capillary blood flow. If you apply at least 15 procedures, then the white extract will remove toxins from the body, improve the functionality of blood vessels, relieve congestion, increase efficiency, and increase immunity.

The correct way to use white turpentine is to pour water at a temperature of 36 degrees into the bath and add 10 ml of the solution to it. The procedure lasts 15 minutes, and it should be taken every other day. If there is no tingling on the skin, then the dose of the drug should be slightly increased. While taking baths, lubricate the mucous membranes of the body with petroleum jelly. In the table, the scheme of application of the solution, in which its dose increases with each procedure.

Number of emulsion, (ml) Temperature regime
(where after is the temperature after 5 minutes)
Continued baths, (min)
1 20 36 - 38 15
2 25 36 - 38 15
3 30 36 - 38 15
4 35 36,5 - 38 15
5 40 36,5 - 38 15
6 45 36,5 - 38 16
7 50 37 - 39 16
8 55 37- 39 16
9 60 37 - 39 16
10 65 37 - 39 16
11 70 37- 39 17
12 75 37- 39,5 17
13 80 37 - 39,5 17
14 85 37 - 39,5 17
15 90 37 - 39,5 17
16 95 37 - 39,5 17
17 100 37 - 39,5 17
18 105 37 - 39,5 17
19 110 37 - 39,5 17
20 115 37 - 39,5 17
21 120 37 - 39,5 17


Yellow turpentine is a mixture of turpentine, castor oil and oleic acid. When oleic acid enters the body, the oxidation reactions are restored and normalized due to the binding of free radicals. Therefore, yellow baths are a wonderful natural therapy against aging. Yellow turpentine burns out toxins from the capillaries, removing them through the skin, liver or kidneys, normalizing high blood pressure.

An important factor in taking yellow baths is increased sweating. The body brings out during this period up to 4 liters of sweat along with toxic substances. This is a wonderful remedy for obesity, hypertension, because yellow turpentine removes excess water from the body. Yellow baths have the following properties:

    Dissolve calcium deposits in the tendons.

  1. Reduce blood pressure.
  2. Strengthen muscles.
  3. The angina pectoris is cured.
  4. Get rid of arthritis.


Mixed baths are a combination of white and yellow emulsion. White tubs increase pressure, while yellow tubs lower it. By combining these solutions, they achieve the ideal pressure for a particular patient. Indications for use:

  • state of alcoholic intoxication;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • skin rash;
  • pregnancy;
  • baby feeding.
  • How to prepare a slimming bath at home

    For those who want to lose weight, Zalmanov's turpentine is the perfect solution. The main reason for excess weight is a metabolic disorder, and with the help of turpentine, body weight decreases, moreover, you do not have to resort to exhausting diets and physical activity. Useful Zalman baths contribute to:

      blood supply to problem areas;

    • normalization of fat metabolism;
    • reduce "bad" cholesterol;
    • enhance metabolic processes.

    To normalize weight, three types of emulsion are accepted. The procedure at home should be carried out strictly according to the instructions indicated in the package for the solution, but it is advisable to first consult a doctor, because turpentine treatment has its own contraindications.

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