In Russia, they will create a wheeled tank on the Boomerang platform. In Russia will create a wheeled tank on the platform "Boomerang" Rifle "to combat drones

Recipes 18.07.2019

So it is customary for us to sum up the results at the end of the year. At the meeting of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin with the leadership of the Ministry of Defense and the military-industrial complex of the state, which took place in November this year at the Bocharov Ruchey residence, the results of the year were also summed up. We discussed what has happened and what is not yet in the field of creating new weapons. Due to these circumstances, let's try to remember what was new adopted by law enforcement agencies Russian Federation in 2017. "Terminator" Undoubtedly, the most significant event on this list was the entry into military operation of the BMPT Terminator fire support combat vehicle. Strange as it may sound, until this year the car was adopted by the army of Kazakhstan, and in Russia, due to bureaucratic delays, the BMPT did not go into the army. State tests of the Terminator were completed in 2010, at the same time the machine was recommended for adoption. The refusal to adopt the BMPT fire support combat vehicle was motivated by the fact that its performance characteristics do not meet modern requirements for advanced models of armored weapons and equipment.

And now, after the car was tested in battles against the terrorists of the "Islamic State" (IG, the group is officially banned in the Russian Federation), common sense prevailed. All the characteristics of the "Terminator" began to meet all the requirements. Moreover, as the head of the Main Armored Directorate of the Russian Defense Ministry, Lieutenant General Alexander Shevchenko, noted, Israel, Syria and many other countries have shown interest in the BMPT of the Terminator type.

Modernized T-72B3

This year, a modernized version of the T-72B3 main tank was adopted. The vehicle was first demonstrated at the Victory Parade on Red Square on May 9, 2017. And now these vehicles are already part of the tank units of the 1st Tank Army in the Western Military District.

The upgraded T-72B3 is equipped with a more powerful V-92S2F engine of 1130 horsepower, combined with an automated transmission. In addition, an automated control complex with a multifunctional LCD display is installed in the car at the driver’s workplace, which displays information about the malfunctions or damage to the chassis, the status of the main components and assemblies, and the picture from the rear view camera.

The difference between the upgraded version of the T-72B3 is the installation of a new dynamic protection (DZ) "Relikt" on it, which provides for the installation of DZ units on the side screens of the hull and aft part of the turret, which significantly increases the security of the tank, its combat characteristics. The stern of the updated T-72B3 is protected by lattice screens. Thanks to the installation of a new DZ "Relikt" on the vehicle, the protection of the tank has significantly increased not only from ammunition with a cumulative warhead, but also from armor-piercing sub-caliber projectiles of kinetic action.

Improved and automated system fire control of the modernized T-72B3.

Armored personnel carrier BTR-82V

After the completion of state tests in February 2017 for service Federal Service troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation (FSVNG RF) adopted the armored personnel carrier BTR-82V. The armored personnel carrier was developed in accordance with the terms of reference of the FSVNG of the Russian Federation and is intended in the future to replace the BTR-70 and BTR-80 armored personnel carriers in service with the Russian Guard.

The machine is, in fact, the BTR-82A armored personnel carrier, but with the BTR-80 weapon system, which is considered optimal for solving combat missions performed by the troops of the Russian Guard. At the same time, compared with the BTR-80 troops currently in service, the BTR-82V has improved mobility indicators due to the installation of a more powerful (300 hp) diesel engine, new transmission elements and reinforced suspension.

The security of the BTR-82V has been improved thanks to the use of additional anti-fragmentation protection, an energy-absorbing bottom structure and anti-mine mats. The use on the BTR-82V of modern digital communications, a topographic orientation system and a new combined commander's observation device made it possible to increase the command controllability of the vehicle.

Training and combat "Night hunter" Mi-28UB

This year, the range of rotorcraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces has been replenished. The first batch of Mi-28UB, a combat training version of the Mi-28N helicopter, has entered into experimental military operation.

The Mi-28UB helicopter has a second set of controls from the front cockpit, where the Mi-28 operator was located, who was not able to control the helicopter. In the Mi-28UB, a pilot-operator or an instructor can fly in the front cockpit. On the new modification of the Night Hunter, the cockpit glazing area has been increased and visibility from the pilot-operator’s seat has been improved, new shock-absorbing crew seats have been installed. Also, the new helicopter has an over-hub radar, which can significantly increase the helicopter's ability to detect objects in conditions of poor visibility day and night, as well as during helicopter operations from ambushes.

The arrival of the combat training version of the Mi-28 helicopter in the combat units will significantly reduce the time for training the flight crew.

Armored steel grade 44S-Sv Sh

The Ministry of Defense of Russia adopted a new ultra-high-strength bulletproof (sheet thickness 2-25 mm) armored steel 44S-Sv Sh developed by JSC "Scientific Research Institute of Steel". The new Russian armor, which has a strength of 2000-2250 MPa (20-22.5 thousand kg / cm²) and a hardness of 550-640 HB (54HRC), has reached the level of the best world standards and is comparable with the new American and French counterparts ARMOX-Advance and MARS 600 respectively. Scientists managed to obtain high quality of domestic armor thanks to the creation of an ultrafine-grained metal structure throughout the volume. This was achieved through the development new technology steel smelting management.

One of the most important features of the new armor is that, with the same ballistic resistance as the previous alloys, the new steel is 15-20% lighter. This allows designers with the same weight, for example, an armored vehicle to provide an increase in its ballistic protection by 20%.

Of course, not all new weapons adopted in 2017 are listed. And the year isn't over yet. For example, by the end of the year, the newest MiG-35 fighter may be put into service. In the history of our country, it often happened that the order of the Ministry of Defense or the order of the Government on the adoption of one or another model was dated December 31. So, let's wait.

In total, there are 78 foreign defense enterprises from 14 countries at the forum. National expositions were organized by Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, China, Pakistan, Slovakia and South Africa.

The demonstration program, which unfolded on the territory of three clusters, involved more than 190 weapons, military and special equipment. Aviation is represented at the airfield in Kubinka, ground equipment - at the Alabino training ground. Here, on Lake Komsomolsk, there is a water cluster, where one of the main novelties is underwater robots. Small arms are displayed in the area of ​​the Multifunctional Fire Center.

Many weapons exhibits were shown to the general public for the first time.

SHF sniper rifle

The latest development for high-precision shooting. semi-automatic sniper rifle Chukavina (MW) is available in two calibers - 7.62 x 54 mm and 7.62 x 51 mm (the latter is also known as .308 Win, very popular in the world market). At the same time, in caliber 7.62 × 54 mm, it is compatible with magazines from SVD. In the basic configuration, the microwave is equipped with a telescopic butt with an adjustable cheek.

According to the general director of the Kalashnikov concern (part of Rostec) Alexei Krivoruchko, this development has a very great future, the Ministry of Defense and the Russian Guard, as well as export partners, are interested. There are great prospects in the civilian market. “We are already conducting part of the tests related to the civilian direction this year and we hope to start testing these rifles for law enforcement agencies in the near future,” he said in an interview with TASS.

The microwave oven differs from the usual small arms primarily in its layout. The designers decided to get away from the traditional scheme with a receiver that closes with a lid. The new layout simplifies the mounting of optics, collimator sights, night and thermal imaging nozzles and other sighting systems.

BMD-4M with combat module "Sinitsa"

First presented at the exhibition. Airborne combat vehicle BMD-4M developed by the Tractor Plants concern. The combat module "Sinitsa" is an improved combat compartment of the infantry fighting vehicle - BMP-3, which has retained a powerful set of weapons consisting of a 100-mm cannon - a 2A70 launcher, a 30-mm automatic cannon 2A72 and a PKTM 7.62 mm machine gun.

BMD-4M with "Tit" is designed to transport units of the Airborne Forces, conduct combat from a vehicle and provide fire support. Its total combat weight does not exceed 14.3 tons. The crew consists of three people, four paratroopers are allowed to be transported. BMD-4M can be parachuted with combat crew inside.

As stated in an interview with TASS chief designer Sergey Abdulov of the Special Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering, "Tit" was created from scratch - the terms of reference of the Ministry of Defense were issued for it, and now the product is undergoing preliminary tests.

The previously developed version of the BMD-4M was equipped with the Bakhcha-U fighting compartment.

Medical armored car "Tiger"

The military-industrial company (VPK) created a medical version of the armored car BMA "Tiger". This machine is made on an initiative basis.

As the general director of the company Alexander Krasovitsky said in an interview with TASS at the forum, this car can be both armored and unarmored. "We plan to make it based on the VPK-233136 "Tiger" - this is the fifth class of protection, which keeps a bullet with a heat-strengthened core from a 7.62 mm Kalashnikov assault rifle from hitting," he said.

According to the general director, the car has become higher, it can accommodate four wounded soldiers in a horizontal position or four in a seated position, plus a driver, a doctor or paramedic and another medical worker.

Tank Support Fighting Vehicle "Terminator"

The machine was involved in demonstrations at the Alabino training ground. It became known at the forum that for the first time the Russian Ministry of Defense bought a tank support combat vehicle (BMPT) "Terminator" in the interests of the Ground Forces.

"Terminator-1" was created taking into account the military operations that were conducted back in Afghanistan. BMPT based on the T-90 tank is able to identify a hidden threat and destroy it before the main tank is hit. Crew - five people. firepower provide two 30-mm automatic cannons, one machine gun, two AGS-30 grenade launchers and four Ataka-T anti-tank guided missiles.

Armored personnel carrier BTR-87

First presented at the exhibition. The new armored personnel carrier, designated BTR-87, was developed by the Military Industrial Company. He received a layout with a front engine, in which the landing and landing of troops is carried out through the aft doors.

This is an initiative development work. There may be a stern exit for paratroopers with a hinged door, as shown in the sample at the exhibition, or we can make a very convenient folding ramp, again in the stern. This is the main difference between the BTR-87 and the BTR-82A, where the troops land through hatches located in the sides of the hull.

The new vehicle is equipped with the undercarriage of the BTR-82A armored personnel carrier. The BTR-87 is a four-axle all-wheel drive floating vehicle with an 8 x 8 wheel formula. The BTR-87 received a combat module, the armament of which includes a 30-mm automatic cannon, a 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun, and four anti-tank guided missiles.

According to the developers, the BTR-87 has already passed a series of tests and is now being submitted by the Ministry of Defense to open development work in the interests of the military department.

Motorcycle IZH for special forces

The presentation of a silent motorcycle designed for special forces was held as part of the forum. Alexei Krivoruchko, CEO of the Kalashnikov Concern, said that the Russian military department is already testing electric motorcycles.

According to the head of the company, the range of motorcycles produced by the concern will be very wide. "We will make different models, different classes, but the emphasis will be on electric motorcycles," he explained. The plans include the production of other electric vehicles.

As previously reported, the concern has developed an electric motorcycle for traffic police and police departments. The power reserve for charging such a machine is 150 km. Maximum power - 15 kW. The first samples will be handed over to the Metropolitan Police at the end of August.

Armored communications vehicle "Tigr-US"

First presented at the exhibition. This machine will be able to transform into a control and intelligence center, a secure communications node or a mobile data processing center.

According to Alexander Davydov, General Director of Voentelecom, the system has unprecedented characteristics and is capable of replacing up to 70% of bulky and diverse command and control vehicles and complex communications equipment, while providing much richer functionality and significantly improved tactical and technical characteristics with a multiple reduction in purchase costs. and service.

It also became known that at the concept level, Voentelecom considers this communication and control vehicle as an unmanned vehicle controlled by artificial intelligence, which independently determines the route based on the situation in the theater of operations.

Buggy "Chaborz" M-6

The new six-seat buggy "Chaborz" M-6 was presented by the training center of the special forces of Chechnya.

It is primarily designed for military needs and has ample opportunities for the transportation of goods and the installation of additional equipment. Serial production of all-terrain vehicles at the Chechenavto plant will begin after the presentation at the Army-2017 forum.

Today's volume series production is 30 cars per month. The car is universal and adapts to various military and civilian needs.

Combat module using neural network technologies

For the first time, a new combat module with the use of neural network technologies was presented in the pavilion of the Kalashnikov Concern, allowing it to recognize targets and make decisions.

A neural network is a fast learning system that is able to act not only in accordance with a given algorithm, but also on the basis of previously used experience. It also became known that this combat module can go into series in 2018. It can be installed on any equipment.

"Shotgun" to combat drones

Electromagnetic rifle "Stupor" was created by the Main Research and Testing Center for Robotics of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to suppress unmanned aerial vehicles.

As reported in the booklet of the complex, "Stupor" is designed to suppress drones, including drones, used on the ground and water surface, at a line-of-sight range. In addition, it can suppress the navigation and transmission channels of drones, as well as their photo and video cameras in the optoelectronic range.

"Shotgun" radiates electromagnetic impulses and is primarily intended to suppress the control channel of the drone, which, under the influence of radiation, loses contact with the operator, which leads to uncontrolled flight and a fall.

"Stupor" operates at a distance of 2 km in a 20-degree sector. It can be charged both from the mains and from a car battery.

Earlier, "Russian Dialogue" about the level of coverage of the forum "Army - 2017" in the media and the blogosphere.

Also at the exhibition, it became what kind of weapons the militants intimidate the civilian population in Syria.

In the room:

N. Balabaev.New "Tors" come to the troops.

March 24 at the training ground of the 726th Yeisk training center air defense during the single day of military acceptance, the transfer of the first regimental set of anti-aircraft missile system(SAM) short-range 9K331M "Tor-M2" in the 538th Tarnopol Guards Anti-Aircraft Missile Order of Alexander Nevsky Regiment of the 4th Guards Kantemirovskaya Tank Division of the Western Military District (ZVO). Kit includes four batteries self-propelled units, mobile simulator 9F331M, transport-charging and auxiliary vehicles, including a mobile power plant. Each battery includes four anti-aircraft installations and one unified battery command post "Ranjir-M".

S. Resurrection.Almighty "Iskander", or a long way to the perfect rocket.

By the beginning of the 1970s. the dead-end character of development became obvious nuclear weapons, which has turned from a real means of armed struggle into a convincing argument for deterring a potential enemy from using weapons mass destruction. The use of even the most low-powered charges by one of the parties would almost instantly lead to a planetary nuclear catastrophe. In the heat of the outbreak of war, no one would measure the parameters of an enemy blown up nuclear bomb or missile warheads. And in the course of conventional military conflicts, as well as in the so-called "initial non-nuclear period of hostilities" full scale war, operational-tactical missiles would be practically useless.

The first tactical exercise of the Airborne Forces using the BMD-4M and BTR-MDM battalion kit.

From 11 to 14 April 2017 at Ryazan region the first tactical exercise of the Tula Airborne Forces unit was held using a battalion set of combat vehicles BMD-4M and BTR-MDM "Rakushka". He was led by the commander of the 137th Airborne Regiment of the Airborne Forces, Colonel Alexander Kornev. The exercise was carried out as part of a control check of the military units of the Airborne Forces for winter period learning.

P. Gorokhov.Rifle anti-tank grenade GG/P 40.

In 2012, a curious exhibit came to the Chamber Museum of the Second World War (Omsk) - a GG / P 40 rifle anti-tank grenade (Gewehrgranate zur Panzerbekampfung 40). The peculiarity of this exhibit was that this is the first grenade of this type, adopted in the armed forces of Germany, but not the Wehrmacht, but ground forces Luftwaffe - parachute and air field units.

N. Chukhrai.Artillerymen of Primorye improve their skills.

In March 2017, in Primorye, at the Sergeyevsky combined-arms training ground, artillerymen of the 5th Army were training to practice the skills and knowledge gained during the winter training period. Almost the entire range of equipment of the combined arms formations of the Primorsky Territory was presented at them. Among them are self-propelled mortars 2S4 "Tulip", self-propelled guns 2S5 "Hyacinth-S", self-propelled howitzers 2S19 "Msta-S" and jet systems volley fire "Grad" and "Tornado".

A. Smirnov.T-34: so is it a legend or not?

Today, the shape of the hull and turret of the T-34 is also subject to serious criticism. It is stated that the installation of armor at high angles of inclination did not give any advantage to the "thirty-four" over other tanks, and all the efforts of its creators in this direction are just a waste of time and public money. Yes, and the use of armor plates placed at large angles of inclination began on tanks long before the advent of the T-34.

V. Morozov.Operation Danube.

Speaking of human losses during the Danube operation, it should be remembered that the Czechoslovak point of view has been adopted in the West, which, of course, puts our servicemen in a black light. Allegedly always drunk and illiterate soldiers Soviet army on the territory of Czechoslovakia, not only were they shot, crushed by caterpillars, beaten and thrown into prisons a lot of local residents, but along the way they broke their necks, falling along with tanks and armored vehicles into ditches and rivers, and even shot each other.

M. Pavlov, I. Pavlov.Domestic armored vehicles 1945-1965

The tank "Object 267" was a modernized version of the IS-5 ("Object 730") with a more advanced fire control system - PUOT. Its development began in 1950 at VNII-100 under the leadership of the chief designer Zh.Ya. Kotin and was carried out jointly with TsKB-393 MV and TsNII-173 MV on the basis of the research plan approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 4752-1832 of October 15, 1949, and also in accordance with the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. April 1950. The leading engineer of the machine from VNII-100 was G.Ya. Andadonsky, from TsKB-393 - I.B. Berlin, from TsNII-173 - V.I. Shchegolev.

A. Smirnov.Armor of our memory.

T-34 tanks mounted on pedestals can be seen today in almost every city. Of course, they are also in military museums. However, these are mostly "thirty-fours" with an 85-mm gun. In addition, most of them underwent post-war modernization. Unfortunately, not so many T-34s with a 76-mm cannon have been preserved, and it was these soldier tanks that bore the brunt of the Great Patriotic War. The bitterness of the failures of the initial period of the war, and the first victories and, of course, the achievement of a radical turning point during the fiercest battle of armor and engines near Kursk, fell to their lot, after which the enemy retreated back to the west. Well, the later T-34-85 was destined to victoriously end the war already in Berlin.

New models of small arms in Russia / Photo:

The outgoing year 2017 was for Russian army successful in terms of equipping with new types of weapons. military personnel different types and military branches received the most modern weapon, fighters and helicopters, new ships and submarines. Special project " Russian weapons prepared an overview of the most interesting novelties.

RPK-16 light machine gun

Photo: Krugolvik/

The combat module can be equipped as standard with a 12.7 mm Kord machine gun with an ammunition load of 450 rounds or a 7.62 mm PKTM machine gun with 750 rounds. In addition, the module has four launchers for shooting smoke grenades 3D6, 3D6M or 3D17. "Arbalet-DM" is also equipped with an automatic target acquisition system, it is able to determine a target the size of an armored personnel carrier at a distance of up to 2.5 kilometers. "Arbalet-DM" can be installed on various military equipment, including boats, tracked and wheeled armored personnel carriers and military off-road vehicles.

Rocket "Skif"

The newest ballistic missile "Skif" was developed by the Central design bureau"Rubin" from St. Petersburg and the State Rocket Center named after Academician Makeev by order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The missile is capable of being in standby mode at the bottom of the sea or ocean, and then, on command, switching to an active state, automatically launching and hitting the specified target. She can do this without the involvement of submarines. Tests ballistic missile took place using the B-90 Sarov diesel-electric submarine, which has already been modified to use such weapons. The ship is equipped with a torpedo tube, the diameter of which is about a meter, and additional ballast tanks, it is they who must maintain the stability and position of the submarine under water after the missile is dropped.

Fighting vehicle "Terminator"

The Russian tank fire support combat vehicle "Terminator" is designed to operate as part of tank formations in order to destroy anti-tank weapons enemy.

Photo: RIA Novosti, Grigory Sysoev

The crew consists of five people. The armament consists of two 30-mm cannons - 900 rounds, an Ataka-type anti-tank guided missile with a laser guidance system, two grenade launchers - 300 rounds in a single belt for each, a modernized Kalashnikov machine gun with 2,000 rounds. This weapon system is capable of attacking up to four targets simultaneously. In addition, the "Terminator" is equipped with an auxiliary diesel unit, which serves to power the machine's systems without turning on the main power plant.

Frigate "Admiral Makarov"

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