Combat Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation combat charter of the armed forces

diets 23.08.2019

Combat Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

General provisions

Build - the placement of military personnel, subunits and units established by the Charter for their joint actions on foot and in vehicles.

Rank - a system in which military personnel are placed one next to the other on the same line at established intervals. Line of cars - a system in which cars are placed one next to the other on the same line.

Flank - the right (left) end of the formation. When turning the formation, the name of the flanks does not change.

Front - the side of the formation in which the military personnel are facing (cars - by any part).

The back side of the formation is the side opposite the front.

Interval - the distance along the front between military personnel (vehicles), subunits and units.

Distance - the distance in depth between military personnel (vehicles), subunits and units.

The width of the formation is the distance between the fronts.

Depth of formation - the distance from the first line (in front of the standing soldier), to the last line (behind the standing soldier), and when operating on vehicles - the distance from the first line of vehicles (in front of the standing vehicle) to the last line of vehicles (behind the standing vehicle).

A two-rank formation is a formation in which the servicemen of one line are located in the back of the head of the servicemen of the other line at a distance of one step (outstretched arm, palm placed on the shoulder of the soldier in front). The ranks are called first and second. When you turn the formation, the name of the line does not change.

Row - two servicemen standing in a two-row row at the back of the head one to the other. If a soldier of the second rank does not stand in the back of the head behind the soldier of the first rank, such a row is called incomplete. When turning two-tier system all around, a soldier of an incomplete row passes into the front line.

Single-row and Double-row systems - can be closed or open.

AT close formation- servicemen in ranks are located along the front one from the other at intervals equal to the width of the palm between the elbows. AT open formation- military personnel in ranks are located along the front one from the other at intervals of one step or at intervals indicated by the commander.

A column is a formation in which servicemen are located at the back of each other's heads, and units (vehicles) are one after the other at distances established by the Charter or the commander. Columns can be one, two, three, four or more. Columns are used to build subunits and units in a deployed or marching formation.

Deployed formation - a formation in which subunits are built on the same line along the front in a single or double rank formation (in a line of vehicles) or in a line of columns at intervals established by the Charter or the commander. The deployed system is used for inspections, calculations, parades, and also in other necessary cases.

A marching formation is a formation in which a unit is built in a column or units in columns are built one after the other at distances established by the Charter or the commander. The marching formation is used for the movement of units during the march, the passage of a solemn march, with a song, as well as in other necessary cases.

The guide is a soldier (unit, vehicle) moving head in the indicated direction. The rest of the military personnel (subdivisions, vehicles) coordinate their movement along the guide.

Trailing - a soldier (unit, car), moving last in the column.

The formation is controlled by commands and orders, which are given by the commander by voice, signals and personal example, and also transmitted using technical and mobile means.

Commands and orders can be transmitted along the column through the commanders of subunits (senior vehicles) and designated observers.

Management in the car is carried out by commands and orders given by voice and by means of intercom.

In the ranks, the senior commander is located where it is more convenient for him to command. The rest of the commanders give commands, remaining in the places established by the Charter or the senior commander.

The commanders of subunits from a company and above in the march formation of a battalion and regiment are allowed to go out of action only to issue commands and check their execution.

The team is divided into preliminary and executive; commands can be and only executive.

The preliminary command is given clearly, loudly and lingeringly, so that those in the ranks understand what actions the commander requires of them.

At any preliminary command, servicemen in the ranks take a combat stance, move to a combat stance while on the move, and out of formation turn towards the commander and take a combat stance.

When performing tricks with weapons in the preliminary command, if necessary, the name of the weapon is indicated.

For example: “Machines on - CHEST”. “Machine guns on - re-MEN”, etc.

The executive command (printed in large print in the Charter) is given after a pause, loudly, abruptly and clearly. On the executive command, its immediate and exact execution is carried out.

In order to attract the attention of a unit or an individual soldier, the name of the unit or the rank and surname of the soldier is called in the preliminary command, if necessary.

For example: “Platoon (3rd platoon) - STOP”. "Private Petrov, round GOM."

Formation control signals and machine control signals are specified in appendices 3 and 4.

If necessary, the commander assigns additional signals to control the formation.

Commands relating to all units are accepted and immediately executed by all unit commanders and (senior) vehicle commanders.

When a command is transmitted by a signal, a signal is preliminarily given "Attention", and if the command belongs to one of the divisions, then a signal is given indicating the number of this division.

Readiness to accept a command by a signal is also indicated by the “attention” signal.

Receipt of a signal is confirmed by repeating it or by giving an appropriate signal to your unit.

To cancel or terminate the reception, the command “ STOP". This command accepts the position that was before the reception was performed.

During training, it is allowed to perform the drill techniques specified in the Charter and move through divisions, as well as with the help of prepared exercises.

For example: “Assault rifle on the chest, according to divisions: do - ONE, do - TWO, do - THREE”. "To the right, along the divisions: do - ONE, do - TWO."

When forming national teams, they are drilled into units. For calculation, military personnel line up in a single-rank or two-rank system and are calculated according to the general numbering, as indicated in Art. 85. After that, depending on the size of the team, a calculation is made sequentially for companies, platoons and squads, and the commanders of these units are appointed.

To participate in parades, as well as in other cases, a unit, by order of the commander, may form a common column of three, four or more. In this case, the construction is carried out, as a rule, by growth.

The construction of units is carried out by the command “STAND”, before which the order of construction is indicated.

For example: “Squad, in one line - STAND”.

At this command, the serviceman must quickly take his place in the ranks, dial the established interval and distance, take a combat stance.

When submitting commands for subdivisions of military branches and special forces, instead of the names “squad”, “platoon”, “company”, “battalion” and “regiment”, the names of subunits and units adopted in the military branches and special forces are indicated. troops of the Armed Forces.

Duties of commanders and military personnel before formation and in the ranks

The commander must:

Indicate the place, time, formation order, uniform and equipment, as well as what kind of weapons and military equipment to have; appoint an observer if necessary;

Check and know the presence in the ranks of subordinates of your unit (unit), as well as weapons, military equipment, ammunition, personal protective equipment and entrenching tools;

Verify appearance subordinates, as well as the availability of equipment and the correct fit;

Maintain the discipline of the formation and require the exact execution of commands and signals by the units, and the military personnel of their duties in the formation;

When giving commands on foot, take a combat stance on the spot;

When building units with weapons and military equipment, conduct an external inspection of them, as well as check the availability and serviceability of equipment for transportation personnel, correct fastening of the transported (towed) material part and stowage of property; remind personnel of safety requirements; in movement, observe the established distances, speed and traffic rules.

The soldier must:

Check the serviceability of their weapons, weapons and military equipment assigned to them, ammunition, personal protective equipment, entrenching tools, uniforms and equipment;

Carefully refuel uniforms, properly put on and fit equipment, help a friend eliminate noticed shortcomings;

Know your place in the ranks, be able to quickly, without fuss, take it; in motion, maintain alignment, established interval and distance; comply with safety requirements; not to break down (machines) without permission;

Do not talk or smoke in the ranks without permission; be attentive to the orders and commands of your commander, quickly and accurately carry them out without interfering with others;

Give orders, commands without distortion, loud and clear.

Combat techniques and movement without weapons and with weapons

drill stand

27. The combat stance (Fig. 1) is accepted by the command “STAND” or “QUIETLY”. At this command, stand straight, without tension, put the heels together, align the socks along the front line, placing them on the width of the foot; straighten the legs at the knees, but do not strain; lift the chest, and the whole body slightly forward; pick up the stomach; expand shoulders; lower your hands so that the hands, palms facing inward, are on the side and in the middle of the thighs, and the fingers are half-bent and touch the thigh; keep your head high and straight, without exposing your chin; look straight ahead; be ready for immediate action.

A combat stance on the spot is accepted even without a command: when giving and receiving an order, during a report, during execution national anthem Russian Federation, when performing a military salute, as well as when issuing commands.

28. On the command “FREE”, become free, loosen the right or left leg at the knee, but do not move, do not weaken your attention and do not talk.

At the command “REFUEL”, without leaving your place in the ranks, fix weapons, uniforms and equipment; if you need to get out of order, ask your immediate supervisor for permission.

Before the command “REFUEL”, the command “Fuel” is given.

29. To remove headgear, the command “Headwear (headwear) - REMOVE”, and for putting on - “Headwear (headwear) - PUT ON”. If necessary, single-soldiers take off their hats and put them on without a command.

The removed headdress is held in the left freely lowered hand with a star (cockade) forward (Fig. 2).

Without weapons or with weapons in the “behind the back” position, the headgear is removed and put on with the right hand, and with weapons in the “on the belt”, “on the chest” and “at the foot” positions, with the left. When removing a headgear with a carbine in the “shoulder” position, the carbine is first taken to the leg.

Turns in place

30. Turns on the spot are performed by the commands: “Direction-IN”, “Nale-IN”, “Kru-GOM”.

Turns around, to the left are made towards the left hand on the left heel and on the right toe; turns to the right - towards the right hand on the right heel and on the left toe.

Turns are performed in two steps:

the first technique is to turn around, maintaining the correct position of the body, and, without bending the legs at the knees, transfer the weight of the body to the front leg;

second take - the shortest way put the other foot on.

Rice. 1.Combat post Fig.2. The position of the removed headgear:

a - caps; b - field cotton caps;

in - hats with earflaps

31. Movement is done by walking or running.

Movement in steps is carried out at a pace of 100-120 steps per minute. Step size - 70-80 cm.

Running is carried out at a pace of 165-180 steps per minute. Step size - 85-90 cm.

The step is drill and marching.

The drill step is used when passing units in a solemn march; when they perform military salute in move; when a serviceman approaches the commander and when leaving him; upon failure and return to duty, as well as in drill training.

The marching step is applied in all other cases.

32. Movement with a marching step begins at the command "Commander - MARCH" (in the movement "Commander - MARCH"), and movement with a marching step - at the command "Step - MARCH".

On a preliminary command, move the body forward a little, transfer its weight more to the right leg, while maintaining stability; on the executive command, start moving with the left foot with a full step.

When moving with a drill step (Fig. 3), take the leg with the toe pulled forward to a height of 15-20 cm from the ground and place it firmly on the entire foot.

Hands, starting from the shoulder, make movements around the body:

forward - bending them at the elbows so that the brushes rise higher

Rice. 3. Marching

belt buckles to the width of the palm and at a distance of the palm from the body, and the elbow was at the level of the hand; back - to failure in the shoulder joint. The fingers are bent, keep the head straight, look in front of you.

When moving with a marching step, take the leg out freely, without pulling the toe, and put it on the ground, as in normal walking; hands to make free movements around the body.

When moving at a marching step, at the command “AT ATTENTION”, switch to a combat step. When moving with a marching step, on the command “FREE”, go at a marching step.

33. Running movement begins at the command “Running - MARCH”.

When moving from a place on a preliminary command, the body is slightly forward, the arms are half-bent, moving the elbows slightly back; on the executive command, start running with the left foot, make free movements with your hands back and forth in time with the run.

To move from step to run, on a preliminary command, half-bend your arms, pulling your elbows back a little. The executive command is given simultaneously with the setting of the left foot on the ground. On this command, take a step with your right foot and start running with your left foot.

To move from a run to a step, the command “Step - MARCH” is given. And" "an exciting command is given simultaneously with the setting of the right foot on the ground. On this command, take two more steps running and start walking with your left foot.

34. The designation of a step in place is made by the command “In place, step - MARCH” (in motion - “IN PLACE”).

According to this command, the step is indicated by raising and lowering the legs, while raising the leg 15-20 cm from the ground and placing it on the entire foot, starting from the toe; make movements with your hands to the beat of the step (Fig. 4). On the command "DIRECT" , served simultaneously with the setting of the left foot on the ground, take another step with the right foot in place and start moving with the left foot in full step. In this case, the first three steps should be drill.

35. A command is given to stop the movement.

For example: "Private Petrov - STOP."

According to the executive command, given simultaneously with the placement of the right or left foot on the ground, take one more step and, putting the foot down, take a combat stance.

Rice. 4. Step in place


37. To move single soldiers a few steps to the side, a command is given.

For example: “Private Petrov. Two steps to the right (left), one step MARCH.

On this command, take two steps to the right (left), placing a foot after each step.

A command is given to move forward or backward a few steps.

For example: “Two steps forward (backward), step - MARCH”.

At this command, take two steps forward (back) and put;, foot.

When moving to the right, to the left and back, the movement of the hands n." is performed.

Turns in motion

38. Turns in motion are carried out according to the commands: “Direction-IN”, “Nale-IN”, “Circle-MARCH”.

To turn right (left), the executive command is given simultaneously with the right (left) foot on the ground. On this command, take a step from the left (right) foot, turn on the toe of the left (right) foot, simultaneously with the turn, take the right (left) foot forward and continue moving in a new direction.

To turn around, the executive command is given simultaneously with the right foot on the ground. On this command, take one more step with your left foot (on a count of times), take your right foot half a step forward and slightly to the left and, turning sharply towards your left hand on the toes of both legs (on a count of two), continue to move from your left foot in a new direction (for a count of three).

When turning, the movement of the hands is made to the beat of the step.

Combat techniques and movement with weapons


39. The combat stance with weapons is the same as without weapons, while keeping the weapon in the “on the belt” position with the muzzle up, touching it with the right hand top edge waist belt, and a machine gun with a folding butt - muzzle down (Fig. 5, a, b, d).

Hold a light (company) machine gun at the foot with a freely lowered right hand so that the butt rests with the butt plate on the ground, touching the foot of the right foot (Fig. 5, c).

Hold the carbine at the foot in the same way as a light machine gun, while grabbing the barrel of the gas pipe with the freely lowered right hand (Fig. 5, i).

fig.5. Combat stand with weapons: a - with a machine gun with a wooden butt; b - c machine gun with a folding butt; in with a light (company) machine gun; g - with a hand grenade launcher; d - with a carbine (sniper rifle)

Performing techniques with weapons on the spot

40. The assault rifle from the position “on the belt” to the position “on the chest” is taken on the command “Automatic on - CHEST” in three steps:

first appointment - submit right hand slightly upwards along the belt, remove the machine gun from the shoulder and, grabbing it with the left hand by the handguard and handguard, hold it vertically in front of you with the magazine to the left, muzzle at the height of the chin (Fig. 6, a);

the second technique - with the right hand, take the belt to the right and intercept it with the palm from below so that the fingers are half-bent and facing you; simultaneously pass the elbow of the right hand under the belt (Fig. 6, b);

the third trick is to throw a belt over your head; take the machine gun with your right hand by the neck of the butt, and left hand quickly lower (Fig. 6, c).

An assault rifle with a folding butt from the “on the belt” position to the “on the chest” position is taken according to the same command in two steps:

the first technique is to remove the machine gun from the shoulder with the right hand, without removing the elbow of the right hand from under the belt, and, grabbing the machine gun with the left hand by the forearm and the handguard from below, hold it in front of you with the magazine down, muzzle to the left (Fig. 6, d) ;

the second technique is to throw the belt behind the head on the left shoulder with the right hand, take the machine gun by the receiver near the belt with it, and quickly lower the left hand (Fig. 6, e).

Fig.6. Performing techniques with a machine gun from the “on the belt” position to the “on the chest” position

41. The machine gun from the position “on the chest” to the position “on the belt” is taken on the command “On re-LESS” in three steps:

the first trick is to take the machine gun by the forearm and the handguard from below with your left hand and, at the same time, moving it slightly forward up, take your right hand out from under the belt, grab the neck of the butt with it and hold the machine gun, as shown in fig. 7a;

the second technique - lifting the machine up, throw the belt over your head and hold the machine in front of you vertically with the magazine to the left, muzzle at the height of the chin (Fig. 7, b);

the third trick is to take the belt with your right hand upper part and throw the machine over the right shoulder into the “on the belt” position, and quickly lower the left hand (Fig. 5, a).

An assault rifle with a folding buttstock from the position “on the chest” to the position “on the belt” is taken according to the same command in three steps:

the first trick is to take the machine gun from above by the barrel and gas pipe with your left hand and, lifting the machine gun slightly up, pull the elbow of your right hand out from under the belt, with your right hand, palm from below, take the belt from the receiver (Fig. 7, c);

the second trick - turning the machine with the receiver up, throw the belt over your head and keep the machine with the magazine to the right

the third trick is to throw the machine over the right shoulder into the “on the belt” position, and quickly lower the left hand (Fig. 5, b),

Fig. 7. Performing tricks with a machine gun from the position “on the chest” to the position “on the belt”

42. A carbine (light machine gun) from the “from the foot” position to the “on the belt” position is taken at the command “On belt" in three steps:

the first trick is to lift the carbine (light machine gun) with your right hand, without taking it away from the body, turn the magazine (light machine gun - pistol grip) to the left; with your left hand, take the carbine by the magazine (light machine gun - by the forearm) and hold it with the muzzle at eye level; press the elbow of the right hand (Fig. 8, a, b);

the second technique - take the belt with your right hand and pull it to the left (Fig. 8, c);

the third trick is to quickly throw a carbine (light machine gun) over the shoulder; lower your left hand; lower the right hand along the belt so that the forearm is in a horizontal position; slightly press the carbine (light machine gun) with the elbow to the body (Fig. 8, d, e).

43. From the position “on the belt” the carbine (light machine gun) to the position “to the leg” is taken on the command “K no-GE” in two steps;

the first trick is to move the right hand slightly up along the belt, remove the carbine (light machine gun) from the shoulder and, grabbing it with the left hand by the fore-end, with the right hand take the carbine (light machine gun) by the upper part of the barrel lining with the magazine (light machine gun - pistol grip) to the left, muzzle at eye level (Fig. 8, a, b);

the second technique is to quickly lower the left hand, and smoothly place the carbine (light machine gun) on the ground at the foot with the right hand (Fig. 5, c, e).

Fig.8. Performing a hold on the belt with a carbine and light machine gun

The company machine gun in the “on the belt” and “to the leg” positions is taken as convenient.

44. The carbine from the position from the foot to the position “on the shoulder” is taken only with the attached bayonet on command "On the shoulder" in two steps:

the first trick - with the right hand, raising and turning the carbine with the bolt forward, move it vertically near the body to the left side and at the same time grab the upper part of the forearm and handguard with the right hand, at the same time move the left hand a little forward and put the carbine with the butt on the palm of the left hand so that the recoil pad lies on the palm, the thumb is in front, and the remaining fingers are pressed to the left side of the butt; hold the carbine vertically in an outstretched hand against the left shoulder, with the butt touching the left leg; elbow of the right hand - at shoulder height (Fig. 9, a);

the second technique - quickly lower the right hand, at the same time raise the carbine with the left hand so that it lies in the shoulder recess with the trigger guard, and hold it without dumping to the side; hold the left hand slightly below the elbow, press the butt to the belt, and the forearm to the side (Fig. 9, b, c).

45. The carbine in the position “to the leg” from the position “on the shoulder” is taken on the command “K no-GE” in three steps:

the first trick is to quickly lower the left hand, at the same time grab the carbine by the upper part of the forearm and the handguard with the right hand and put it in the position shown in fig. 9a;

the second trick is to move the carbine down to the right leg with the right hand, turning it with the bolt towards you; supporting carabiner left

hand at the bayonet tube, hold it along the thigh of the right leg so that the butt touches the foot;

the third technique is to quickly lower the left hand, and with the right hand smoothly put the carbine on the ground.

46. ​​If it is necessary to release (tighten) the belt, the command “Belt - RELEASE (PULL)” is given.

At the command “Belt”, take machine guns and hand grenade launchers in the right hand, carbines and machine guns in the leg; for a machine with a folding butt, fold the butt, to do this, move your right hand along the belt slightly upwards, remove the machine from your shoulder and, grabbing it with your left hand by the forearm and handguard, hold it horizontally in front of you with the magazine down at chin level. Holding the machine gun with your left hand, pull the latch with your right hand and fold the butt. Take the machine gun in your right hand by the forearm and handguard. At the command “RELEASE (PULL)”, make half a turn to the right, at the same time put the left foot a step to the left and, leaning forward, rest the weapon with the butt on the foot of the left foot, and put the barrel on the bend of the right elbow; do not bend your knees; holding the belt buckle with your right hand, tighten (release) the belt with your left hand and independently take a combat stance.

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    Enacted by order

    Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation


    This Statute defines combat techniques and movement without weapons and with weapons; formation of divisions and military units on foot and in vehicles; the procedure for performing a military greeting, conducting a drill review; the position of the Battle Banner of the military unit in the ranks, the procedure for the joint removal and removal of the State Flag of the Russian Federation and the Battle Banner of the military unit; the duties of military personnel before formation and in the ranks and the requirements for their drill training, as well as the methods of movement of military personnel on the battlefield and actions in the event of a surprise attack by the enemy.

    All military personnel of military units, ships, military command and control bodies, enterprises, institutions, organizations and military educational institutions of vocational education of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as military units) are guided by the combat charter.

    The Charter applies to servicemen of other troops, military formations and bodies created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as to citizens called up for military training.

    Chapter 1 general provisions

    1. Build and manage them

    1. Build- the deployment of military personnel, subunits and military units established by the Charter for their joint actions on foot and in vehicles.

    2. Rank- a system in which military personnel are placed one next to the other on the same line at established intervals.

    Line of cars - a system in which cars are placed one next to the other on the same line.

    3. Wing- right (left) end of the system. When turning the formation, the names of the flanks do not change.

    4. Front- the side of the formation in which the military personnel are facing (cars - with the frontal part).

    5. Back of the tuning the side opposite the front.

    6. Interval- the distance along the front between military personnel (vehicles), subunits and military units.

    7. Distance- the distance in depth between military personnel (vehicles), subunits and military units.

    8. Tuning width- the distance between the flanks.

    9. Depth of tuning- the distance from the first line (in front of a standing soldier) to the last line (behind a standing soldier), and when operating on vehicles - the distance from the first line of vehicles (in front of a standing vehicle) to the last line of vehicles (behind a standing vehicle).

    10. Double row action- a formation in which the servicemen of one line are located in the back of the head of the servicemen of the other line at a distance of one step (outstretched hand, palm placed on the shoulder of the serviceman in front). The ranks are called first and second. When you turn the formation, the names of the ranks do not change.

    Row- two servicemen standing in a two-rank formation at the back of the head to one another. If a soldier of the second rank does not stand in the back of the head behind the soldier of the first rank, such a row is called incomplete.

    When turning the two-rank formation around, the serviceman of the incomplete row passes into the front standing rank.

    11. Single and double row action may be closed or open.

    In with closed military personnel in ranks are located along the front one from the other at intervals equal to the width of the palm between the elbows.

    AT open military personnel in ranks are located along the front one from the other at intervals of one step or at intervals indicated by the commander.

    12. Column- a system in which the military personnel are located at the back of the head to each other, and the units (vehicles) - one after the other at distances established by the Charter or the commander.

    Columns can be one, two, three, four or more.

    Columns are used to build subunits and military units in a deployed or marching formation.

    13. Expanded system- a system in which subunits are built on the same line along the front in a single-rank or two-tier system (in a line of vehicles) or in a line of columns at intervals established by the Charter or the commander.

    The deployed system, as a rule, is used for inspections, calculations, reviews, parades, and also in other necessary cases.

    14. Marching system- a formation in which the unit is built in a column or units in columns are built one after the other at distances established by the Charter or the commander.

    The marching formation is used for the movement of units during the march, the passage of a solemn march, with a song, as well as in other necessary cases.

    15. Guide- a serviceman (unit, vehicle) moving head in the indicated direction. The rest of the military personnel (subdivisions, vehicles) coordinate their movement along the guide.

    trailing- a soldier (unit, vehicle) moving last in the column.

    16. Tuning control is carried out by commands and orders, which are given by the commander by voice, signals and personal example, as well as transmitted using technical and mobile means.

    Commands and orders can be transmitted along the column through the commanders of subunits (senior vehicles) and designated observers.

    Controlincar is carried out by commands and orders given by voice and with the help of internal communications.

    In the ranks, the senior commander is located where it is more convenient for him to command. The rest of the commanders give commands, remaining in the places established by the Charter or the senior commander.

    The commanders of subunits from a company and above in the march formation of a battalion and regiment are allowed to go out of action only to issue commands and check their execution.

    17. The team is divided into preliminary and executive; commands can be and only executive.

    Preliminary command is served clearly, loudly and drawlingly, so that those in the ranks understand what actions the commander requires of them.

    At any preliminary command, servicemen in the ranks take a combat stance, move to a combat stance while on the move, and out of formation turn towards the commander and take a combat stance.

    When performing tricks with weapons in the preliminary command, if necessary, the name of the weapon is indicated.

    For example:"Automatic machines on - CHEST". "Machine guns on re-MEN" etc.

    Executive team(in the Charter it is printed in large print) is served after a pause, loudly, abruptly and clearly. On the executive command, its immediate and exact execution is carried out.

    In order to attract the attention of a unit or an individual serviceman, the name of the unit or the rank and surname of the serviceman is called in the preliminary command, if necessary.

    For example: "Platoon(3rd platoon) - STOP. "Private Petrov, Kru-GOM."

    18. Formation control signals and machine control signals are specified in applications 3 and 4 to this statute.

    If necessary, the commander can assign additional signals to control the formation.

    19. Commands relating to all units are accepted and immediately executed by all unit commanders and (senior) vehicle commanders.

    When a command is transmitted by a signal, a signal is preliminarily given "ATTENTION", and if the command refers to only one of the divisions, then a signal is given indicating the number of this division.

    Readiness to accept a command by a signal is also indicated by a signal "ATTENTION".

    Receipt of a signal is confirmed by repeating it or by giving an appropriate signal to your unit.

    20. To cancel or stop the execution of the reception, the command is given "STOP". This command accepts the position that was before the reception was performed.

    21. During training, it is allowed to perform the drill techniques specified in the Charter and move through divisions, as well as with the help of preparatory exercises.

    For example:“Assault rifle on the chest, by division: do-ONE, do it-TWO, do - THREE". "To the right, along the divisions: do-ONE, do it-TWO".

    22. When forming national teams, they are drilled into units. For calculation, military personnel line up in a single-rank or two-rank system and are calculated according to the general numbering, as indicated in Art. 85 of this Statute. After that, depending on the size of the team, a calculation is made sequentially for companies, platoons and squads, and the commanders of these subunits are appointed.

    To participate in parades, as well as in other cases, a unit, by order of the commander, may form a common column of three, four or more. In this case, the construction is carried out, as a rule, by growth.

    23. Units are built on command. "BECOMING", preceded by the construction order.

    For example:"Squad, in one line - STAND".

    On this command, the serviceman must quickly take his place in the ranks, dial the established interval and distance, and take a combat stance.

    24. When submitting commands for subdivisions of military branches and special forces, instead of the names “department”, “platoon”, “company”, “battalion” and “regiment”, the names of subunits and military units adopted in the branches of service and in special troops of the types of the Armed Force.

    General provisions

    Build - the placement of military personnel, subunits and units established by the Charter for their joint actions on foot and in vehicles.

    Rank - a system in which military personnel are placed one next to the other on the same line at established intervals. Line of cars - a system in which cars are placed one next to the other on the same line.

    Flank - the right (left) end of the formation. When turning the formation, the name of the flanks does not change.

    Front - the side of the formation in which the military personnel are facing (cars - by any part).

    The back side of the formation is the side opposite the front.

    Interval - the distance along the front between military personnel (vehicles), subunits and units.

    Distance - the distance in depth between military personnel (vehicles), subunits and units.

    The width of the formation is the distance between the fronts.

    Depth of formation - the distance from the first line (in front of the standing soldier), to the last line (behind the standing soldier), and when operating on vehicles - the distance from the first line of vehicles (in front of the standing vehicle) to the last line of vehicles (behind the standing vehicle).

    A two-rank formation is a formation in which the servicemen of one line are located in the back of the head of the servicemen of the other line at a distance of one step (outstretched arm, palm placed on the shoulder of the soldier in front). The ranks are called first and second. When you turn the formation, the name of the line does not change.

    Row - two servicemen standing in a two-row row at the back of the head one to the other. If a soldier of the second rank does not stand in the back of the head behind the soldier of the first rank, such a row is called incomplete. When turning the two-tier system around, the serviceman of the incomplete row passes into the front of the standing rank.

    Single-row and Double-row systems - can be closed or open.

    AT close formation- servicemen in ranks are located along the front one from the other at intervals equal to the width of the palm between the elbows. AT open formation- military personnel in ranks are located along the front one from the other at intervals of one step or at intervals indicated by the commander.

    A column is a formation in which servicemen are located at the back of each other's heads, and units (vehicles) are one after the other at distances established by the Charter or the commander. Columns can be one, two, three, four or more. Columns are used to build subunits and units in a deployed or marching formation.

    Deployed formation - a formation in which subunits are built on the same line along the front in a single or double rank formation (in a line of vehicles) or in a line of columns at intervals established by the Charter or the commander. The deployed system is used for inspections, calculations, parades, and also in other necessary cases.

    A marching formation is a formation in which a unit is built in a column or units in columns are built one after the other at distances established by the Charter or the commander. The marching formation is used for the movement of units during the march, the passage of a solemn march, with a song, as well as in other necessary cases.

    The guide is a soldier (unit, vehicle) moving head in the indicated direction. The rest of the military personnel (subdivisions, vehicles) coordinate their movement along the guide.

    Trailing - a soldier (unit, car), moving last in the column.

    The formation is controlled by commands and orders, which are given by the commander by voice, signals and personal example, and also transmitted using technical and mobile means.

    Commands and orders can be transmitted along the column through the commanders of subunits (senior vehicles) and designated observers.

    Management in the car is carried out by commands and orders given by voice and by means of intercom.

    In the ranks, the senior commander is located where it is more convenient for him to command. The rest of the commanders give commands, remaining in the places established by the Charter or the senior commander.

    The commanders of subunits from a company and above in the march formation of a battalion and regiment are allowed to go out of action only to issue commands and check their execution.

    The team is divided into preliminary and executive; commands can be and only executive.

    The preliminary command is given clearly, loudly and lingeringly, so that those in the ranks understand what actions the commander requires of them.

    At any preliminary command, servicemen in the ranks take a combat stance, move to a combat stance while on the move, and out of formation turn towards the commander and take a combat stance.

    When performing tricks with weapons in the preliminary command, if necessary, the name of the weapon is indicated.

    For example: “Machines on - CHEST”. “Machine guns on - re-MEN”, etc.

    The executive command (printed in large print in the Charter) is given after a pause, loudly, abruptly and clearly. On the executive command, its immediate and exact execution is carried out.

    In order to attract the attention of a unit or an individual soldier, the name of the unit or the rank and surname of the soldier is called in the preliminary command, if necessary.

    Performing techniques with weapons on the spot

    40. The assault rifle from the position “on the belt” to the position “on the chest” is taken on the command “Automatic on - CHEST” in three steps:

    the first trick is to move the right hand along the belt slightly upwards, remove the machine gun from the shoulder and, grabbing it with the left hand by the forearm and handguard, hold it vertically in front of you with the magazine to the left, with the muzzle at the height of the chin (Fig. 6, a);

    the second technique - with the right hand, take the belt to the right and intercept it with the palm from below so that the fingers are half-bent and facing you; simultaneously pass the elbow of the right hand under the belt (Fig. 6, b);

    the third trick is to throw a belt over your head; take the machine gun with the right hand by the neck of the butt, and quickly lower the left hand (Fig. 6, c).

    An assault rifle with a folding butt from the “on the belt” position to the “on the chest” position is taken according to the same command in two steps:

    the first technique is to remove the machine gun from the shoulder with the right hand, without removing the elbow of the right hand from under the belt, and, grabbing the machine gun with the left hand by the forearm and the handguard from below, hold it in front of you with the magazine down, muzzle to the left (Fig. 6, d) ;

    the second technique is to throw the belt behind the head on the left shoulder with the right hand, take the machine gun by the receiver near the belt with it, and quickly lower the left hand (Fig. 6, e).

    Fig.6. Performing techniques with a machine gun from the “on the belt” position to the “on the chest” position

    41. The machine gun from the position “on the chest” to the position “on the belt” is taken on the command “On re-LESS” in three steps:

    the first trick is to take the machine gun by the forearm and the handguard from below with your left hand and, at the same time, moving it slightly forward up, take your right hand out from under the belt, grab the neck of the butt with it and hold the machine gun, as shown in fig. 7a;

    the second technique - lifting the machine up, throw the belt over your head and hold the machine in front of you vertically with the magazine to the left, muzzle at the height of the chin (Fig. 7, b);

    the third trick is to take the belt by its upper part with the right hand and throw the machine over the right shoulder into the “on the belt” position, and quickly lower the left hand (Fig. 5, a).

    An assault rifle with a folding buttstock from the position “on the chest” to the position “on the belt” is taken according to the same command in three steps:

    the first trick is to take the machine gun from above by the barrel and gas pipe with your left hand and, lifting the machine gun slightly up, pull the elbow of your right hand out from under the belt, with your right hand, palm from below, take the belt from the receiver (Fig. 7, c);

    the second reception - turning the machine receiver up, throw the belt over your head and hold the machine with the magazine to the right

    the third trick is to throw the machine over the right shoulder into the “on the belt” position, and quickly lower the left hand (Fig. 5, b),

    Fig. 7. Performing tricks with a machine gun from the position “on the chest” to the position “on the belt”

    42. A carbine (light machine gun) from the “from the foot” position to the “on the belt” position is taken at the command “On belt" in three steps:

    the first trick is to lift the carbine (light machine gun) with your right hand, without taking it away from the body, turn the magazine (light machine gun - pistol grip) to the left; with your left hand, take the carbine by the magazine (light machine gun - by the forearm) and hold it with the muzzle at eye level; press the elbow of the right hand (Fig. 8, a, b);

    the second technique - take the belt with your right hand and pull it to the left (Fig. 8, c);

    the third trick is to quickly throw a carbine (light machine gun) over the shoulder; lower your left hand; lower the right hand along the belt so that the forearm is in a horizontal position; slightly press the carbine (light machine gun) with the elbow to the body (Fig. 8, d, e).

    43. From the position “on the belt” the carbine (light machine gun) to the position “to the leg” is taken on the command “K no-GE” in two steps;

    the first trick is to move the right hand slightly up along the belt, remove the carbine (light machine gun) from the shoulder and, grabbing it with the left hand by the fore-end, with the right hand take the carbine (light machine gun) by the upper part of the barrel lining with the magazine (light machine gun - pistol grip) to the left, muzzle at eye level (Fig. 8, a, b);

    the second technique is to quickly lower the left hand, and smoothly place the carbine (light machine gun) on the ground at the foot with the right hand (Fig. 5, c, e).

    Fig.8. Performing a hold on the belt with a carbine and light machine gun

    The company machine gun in the “on the belt” and “to the leg” positions is taken as convenient.

    44. The carbine from the position from the foot to the position “on the shoulder” is taken only with the attached bayonet on command "On the shoulder" in two steps:

    the first trick - with the right hand, raising and turning the carbine with the bolt forward, move it vertically near the body to the left side and at the same time grab the upper part of the forearm and handguard with the right hand, at the same time move the left hand a little forward and put the carbine with the butt on the palm of the left hand so that the recoil pad lies on the palm, the thumb is in front, and the remaining fingers are pressed to the left side of the butt; hold the carbine vertically in an outstretched hand against the left shoulder, with the butt touching the left leg; elbow of the right hand - at shoulder height (Fig. 9, a);

    the second technique - quickly lower the right hand, at the same time raise the carbine with the left hand so that it lies in the shoulder recess with the trigger guard, and hold it without dumping to the side; hold the left hand slightly below the elbow, press the butt to the belt, and the forearm to the side (Fig. 9, b, c).

    45. The carbine in the position “to the leg” from the position “on the shoulder” is taken on the command “K no-GE” in three steps:

    the first trick is to quickly lower the left hand, at the same time grab the carbine by the upper part of the forearm and the handguard with the right hand and put it in the position shown in fig. 9a;

    the second trick is to move the carbine down to the right leg with the right hand, turning it with the bolt towards you; supporting carabiner left

    hand at the bayonet tube, hold it along the thigh of the right leg so that the butt touches the foot;

    the third technique is to quickly lower the left hand, and with the right hand smoothly put the carbine on the ground.

    46. ​​If it is necessary to release (tighten) the belt, the command “Belt - RELEASE (PULL)” is given.

    At the command “Belt”, take machine guns and hand grenade launchers in the right hand, carbines and machine guns in the leg; for a machine with a folding butt, fold the butt, to do this, move your right hand along the belt slightly upwards, remove the machine from your shoulder and, grabbing it with your left hand by the forearm and handguard, hold it horizontally in front of you with the magazine down at chin level. Holding the machine gun with your left hand, pull the latch with your right hand and fold the butt. Take the machine gun in your right hand by the forearm and handguard. At the command “RELEASE (PULL)”, make half a turn to the right, at the same time put the left foot a step to the left and, leaning forward, rest the weapon with the butt on the foot of the left foot, and put the barrel on the bend of the right elbow; do not bend your knees; holding the belt buckle with your right hand, tighten (release) the belt with your left hand and independently take a combat stance.

    Fig.9. Performing tricks with a carabiner from a position from the foot to the “yes shoulder” position

    47. Before giving the commands “Behind the back”, “On the belt” and “On the chest”, the weapon is first put on the fuse by the command “Fuse - SET”.

    If it is necessary to unlock the bayonet-knife (fold the bayonet) or attach it, then the commands “Bayonet-knife - UNLOCK” (“Bayonet - LOCK OFF”) and “Bayonet-knife (bayonet) - JOIN” are given.

    48. The weapon from the position “on the belt” to the position “behind the back” is taken on the command “Weapon - BEHIND THE BACK” in two steps:

    the first trick - with your left hand, take the belt slightly below the right shoulder, and with your right hand at the same time grab the butt (an automatic machine with a folding butt and a hand grenade launcher - by the barrel at the lower swivel);

    the second technique is to lift the weapon up with the right hand, and with the left hand throw the belt over the head on the left shoulder; quickly lower the weapon and hands (Fig. 10).

    The machine gun in the “behind the back” position is taken without a bayonet-knife, and the carbine is taken with the bayonet thrown back.

    49. The weapon from the position “behind the back” is taken to the position “on the belt” by the command “Weapon - on re-MEN” in two steps:

    the first trick - with your left hand, take the belt slightly below the left shoulder, and with your right hand at the same time grab the butt (by the barrel, by the bell);

    the second technique - raise the weapon with the right hand, and throw the belt over the head on the right shoulder with the left hand, take the belt with the right

    Rice. 10. The position of the weapon “behind the back”:

    a - a machine gun with a wooden butt; b - machine with a folding butt; in - light machine gun; G - hand grenade launcher

    hand, as shown in Fig. 5, a. b, d and 8, g, d. Lower your left hand quickly.

    50. To transfer the machine gun from the position “on the chest” to the position “behind the back” and from the position “behind the back” to the position “on the chest”, as well as the carbine from the position “behind the back” to the position “to the leg”, the weapon is first taken by command to the “on the belt” position.

    To transfer an assault rifle with a folding butt to the “behind the back” position from the “on the chest” position, take the assault rifle by the muzzle of the barrel with your right hand and move it to the “back” position.

    To transfer the machine gun from the “behind the back” position to the “on the chest” position, take the machine gun by the muzzle of the barrel with the right hand and, pulling it with the muzzle to the left shoulder, transfer it to the “on the chest” position.

    light machine gun in the position “behind the back” is taken as convenient.

    51. On the general command “K no-GE”, carbines and machine guns are taken to the “to the foot” position, and the positions of machine guns and hand grenade launchers do not change.

    52. To correct the incorrect position of the weapon, the command “Correct - WEAPON” is given.

    Turns and movement with weapons

    53. Turns and movement with weapons are performed according to the same rules and commands as without weapons.

    54. When turning with the weapon in the position “at the foot” in place, on the preliminary command, slightly raise the weapon and at the same time move the bayonet (muzzle) towards yourself, and lightly press the right hand to the right thigh. Having made a turn, simultaneously with putting your foot down, smoothly lower the weapon to the ground.

    55. To move with a weapon in the position “at the foot”, on the preliminary command “Step”, raise the weapon somewhat, and on the preliminary command “Run”, in addition, the left arm is half-bent at the elbow.

    When running, hold the weapon in a slightly bent right hand so that the muzzle of the weapon is slightly forward. When running in close formation, remove the bayonet on yourself.

    56. When moving with a weapon in the position “at the foot” and in the positions “on the shoulder”, “on the belt” and “on the chest” with a hand not occupied by the weapon, and when moving with a weapon “behind the back” with both hands, make free movements about body to the beat of the step.

    57. When moving with a carbine in the “shoulder” position, on the executive command “STOP”, stop and, without a command, take the carbine to the leg according to the rules specified in Art. 45.

    58. In motion, the carbine is taken from the foot to the shoulder in two steps, as well as on the spot (Article 44), at the command “On the shoulder-CHO”, given simultaneously with the placement of the left foot on the ground. According to the executive

    command to take a step with the right foot and then sequentially with the setting of the left foot on the ground, perform each technique.

    59. In motion, the carbine in the “to the leg” position from the “shoulder” position is taken in three steps, as well as on the spot (Article 45), at the command “K no-GE”, given simultaneously with the placement of the left foot on the ground . On the executive command, take a step with the right foot and then sequentially with the setting of the left foot on the ground, perform each technique.

    Performing a military salute. Decommissioning and return to service.
    Approach to the boss and departure from him.

    Performing a military salute without weapons on the spot and on the move

    60. Military salute is performed clearly and valiantly, with strict observance of the rules of combat stance and movement.

    61. To perform a military greeting on the spot outside the formation without a headgear, three or four steps before the chief (senior) turn in his direction, take a military stance and look at his face, turning his head after him.

    If a headdress is worn, then; in addition, put the right hand to the headgear in the shortest way so that the fingers are together, the palm is straight, the middle finger touches the lower edge of the headgear (near the visor), and the elbow is at the line and height of the shoulder (Fig. 11). When turning the head towards the chief (senior), the position of the hand at the headgear remains unchanged (Fig. 12).

    When the chief (senior) passes the person performing the military greeting, put his head straight and at the same time lower his hand.

    62. To perform a military salute in movement out of formation without a headgear, three to four steps before the chief (senior), simultaneously with setting the foot, stop moving with your hands, turn your head in his direction and, continuing to move, look into his face. Having passed the chief (senior), put your head straight and continue to move with your hands.

    When wearing a headgear, simultaneously with placing the foot on the ground, turn your head and put your right hand on the headgear, keep your left hand motionless at the hip (Fig. 12); having passed the chief (senior), simultaneously with placing the left foot on the ground, put the head straight and lower the right hand.

    When overtaking a chief (senior), perform a military salute with the first step of overtaking. With the second step, put your head straight and lower your right hand.

    Rice. 11. Performing a military salute on the spot

    Rice. 12. Performing a military salute in motion

    63. If a soldier's hands are occupied with a burden, perform a military greeting by turning his head towards the head (senior).

    Performing a military salute with weapons in place and on the move

    64. The performance of a military salute with a weapon on the spot out of order is carried out in the same way as without a weapon (Article 61); at the same time, the position of the weapon, with the exception of the carbine in the “shoulder” position, does not change and the hand is not applied to the headgear. When performing a military salute with a carbine in the “shoulder” position, it is first taken to the leg.

    With the weapon in the “behind the back” position, perform the military salute by placing the right hand on the headgear.

    65. To perform a military salute in motion out of formation with a weapon at the leg, “on the belt” or “on the chest” three or four steps before the chief (senior), simultaneously with the setting of the leg, turn the head in his direction and stop moving with the free hand;

    with a weapon in the “behind the back” position, in addition, put a hand on the headgear.

    When performing a military salute with a carbine in the “shoulder” position with the right hand, continue to move.

    66. Performing a military salute on the command “To meet on the right (left, from the front), on the kra-UL” with a carbine from the “to the foot” position is carried out in two steps:

    the first trick is to raise the carbine with your right hand, hold it vertically, with the barrel against the middle of the chest, with the aiming bar towards you; at the same time, take the carbine by the forearm with your left hand (four fingers in front of the store, and the big one under the aiming bar), the left hand is at the height of the belt (Fig. 13, a);

    the second technique is to transfer the right hand to the neck of the stock and support the carbine with it so that the thumb is behind, and the remaining fingers, folded together and extended, lie obliquely in front of the neck of the stock (Fig. 13, b).

    Simultaneously with the execution of the second technique, turn your head to the right (left) and follow the boss with your eyes, turning your head after him.

    67. From the “on guard” position, the carbine is taken to the “to the foot” position at the command “K no-GE”.

    According to the preliminary command, put the head straight, and according to the executive, take the carbine to the leg in three steps:

    the first trick is to move your right hand up and take the carbine with it by the upper part of the forearm and the handguard;

    the second trick is to move the carbine to the right leg so that the butt touches the foot; hold the carabiner at the bayonet tube with your left hand;

    the third technique is to quickly lower the left hand, and with the right hand, smoothly put the carbine on the ground.

    Rice. 13. Performing a military salute with a carbine in the “on guard” position

    68. The performance of a military salute by performing the “on guard” technique with a carbine is carried out only by subunits and units while they are in the ranks on the spot.

    At the command “To meet on the right (left, from the front), on the kra-UL”, the carbines are taken to the “on guard” position; all military personnel in the ranks take a combat stance and at the same time turn their heads towards the chief, seeing him off with their eyes. If servicemen have machine guns, machine guns and hand grenade launchers in the ranks, their position does not change.




    Enacted by order

    Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation


    This Statute defines combat techniques and movement without weapons and with weapons; formation of divisions and military units on foot and in vehicles; the procedure for performing a military greeting, conducting a drill review; the position of the Battle Banner of the military unit in the ranks, the procedure for the joint removal and removal of the State Flag of the Russian Federation and the Battle Banner of the military unit; the duties of military personnel before formation and in the ranks and the requirements for their drill training, as well as the methods of movement of military personnel on the battlefield and actions in the event of a surprise attack by the enemy.

    All military personnel of military units, ships, military authorities, enterprises, institutions, organizations and military educational institutions are guided by the combat charter. vocational education Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - military units).

    The operation of the Charter applies to military personnel of other troops, military formations and bodies created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, but called for military training.

    Chapter 1



    1. Build- the deployment of military personnel, subunits and military units established by the Charter for their joint actions on foot and in vehicles.

    2. Rank- a system in which military personnel are placed one next to the other on the same line at established intervals.

    Line of cars - a system in which cars are placed one next to the other on the same line.

    3. Wing- right (left) end of the system. When turning the formation, the names of the flanks do not change.

    4. Front- the side of the formation in which the military personnel are facing (cars - with the frontal part).

    5. Back of the tuning the side opposite the front.

    6. Interval- the distance along the front between military personnel (vehicles), subunits and military units.

    7. Distance- the distance in depth between military personnel (vehicles), subunits and military units.

    8. Tuning width- the distance between the flanks.

    9. Depth of tuning- the distance from the first line (in front of a standing soldier) to the last line (behind a standing soldier), and when operating on vehicles - the distance from the first line of vehicles (in front of a standing vehicle) to the last line of vehicles (behind a standing vehicle).

    10. Double row action - a formation in which the servicemen of one line are located in the back of the head of the servicemen of the other line at a distance of one step (outstretched hand, palm placed on the shoulder of the serviceman in front). The ranks are called first and second. When you turn the formation, the names of the ranks do not change.

    Row- two servicemen standing in a two-rank formation at the back of the head to one another. If a soldier of the second rank does not stand in the back of the head behind the soldier of the first rank, such a row is called incomplete.

    When turning the two-rank formation around, the serviceman of the incomplete row passes into the front standing rank.

    11. Single and double row action may be closed or open.

    In with closed military personnel in ranks are located along the front one from the other at intervals equal to the width of the palm between the elbows.

    AT open military personnel in ranks are located along the front one from the other at intervals of one step or at intervals indicated by the commander.

    12. Column- a system in which the military personnel are located at the back of the head to each other, and the units (vehicles) - one after the other at distances established by the Charter or the commander.

    Columns can be one, two, three, four or more.

    Columns are used to build subunits and military units in a deployed or marching formation.

    13. Expanded system- a system in which subunits are built on the same line along the front in a single-rank or two-tier system (in a line of vehicles) or in a line of columns at intervals established by the Charter or the commander.

    The deployed system, as a rule, is used for inspections, calculations, reviews, parades, and also in other necessary cases.

    14. Marching system- a formation in which the unit is built in a column or units in columns are built one after the other at distances established by the Charter or the commander.

    The marching formation is used for the movement of units during the march, the passage of a solemn march, with a song, as well as in other necessary cases.

    15. Guide- a serviceman (unit, vehicle) moving head in the indicated direction. The rest of the military personnel (subdivisions, vehicles) coordinate their movement along the guide.

    trailing- a soldier (unit, vehicle) moving last in the column.

    16. Tuning control is carried out by commands and orders, which are given by the commander by voice, signals and personal example, as well as transmitted using technical and mobile means.

    Commands and orders can be transmitted along the column through the commanders of subunits (senior vehicles) and designated observers.

    Controlincar is carried out by commands and orders given by voice and with the help of internal communications.

    In the ranks, the senior commander is located where it is more convenient for him to command. The rest of the commanders give commands, remaining in the places established by the Charter or the senior commander.

    The commanders of subunits from a company and above in the march formation of a battalion and regiment are allowed to go out of action only to issue commands and check their execution.

    17. The team is divided into preliminary and executive; commands can be and only executive.

    Preliminary command is served clearly, loudly and drawlingly, so that those in the ranks understand what actions the commander requires of them.

    At any preliminary command, servicemen in the ranks take a combat stance, move to a combat stance while on the move, and out of formation turn towards the commander and take a combat stance.

    When performing tricks with weapons in the preliminary command, if necessary, the name of the weapon is indicated.

    For example:"Automatic machines on - CHEST". "Machine guns on re-MEN" etc.

    Executive team(in the Charter it is printed in large print) is served after a pause, loudly, abruptly and clearly. On the executive command, its immediate and exact execution is carried out.

    In order to attract the attention of a unit or an individual serviceman, the name of the unit or the rank and surname of the serviceman is called in the preliminary command, if necessary.

    For example:"Platoon(3rd platoon) - STOP. "Private Petrov, Kru-GOM."

    18. Formation control signals and machine control signals are specified in applications 3 and 4 to this statute.

    If necessary, the commander can assign additional signals to control the formation.

    19. Commands relating to all units are accepted and immediately executed by all unit commanders and (senior) vehicle commanders.

    When a command is transmitted by a signal, a signal is preliminarily given "ATTENTION", and if the command refers to only one of the divisions, then a signal is given indicating the number of this division.

    Readiness to accept a command by a signal is also indicated by a signal "ATTENTION".

    Receipt of a signal is confirmed by repeating it or by giving an appropriate signal to your unit.

    20. To cancel or stop the execution of the reception, the command is given "STOP". This command accepts the position that was before the reception was performed.

    21. During training, it is allowed to perform the drill techniques specified in the Charter and move through divisions, as well as with the help of preparatory exercises.

    For example:“Assault rifle on the chest, by division: do - ONE, do it- TWO, do - THREE". "To the right, along the divisions: do- ONE, do it- TWO".

    22. When forming national teams, they are drilled into units. For calculation, military personnel line up in a single-rank or two-rank system and are calculated according to the general numbering, as indicated in Art. 85 of this Statute. After that, depending on the size of the team, a calculation is made sequentially for companies, platoons and squads, and the commanders of these subunits are appointed.

    check the appearance of subordinates, as well as the availability of equipment and the correct fit;

    to maintain the discipline of the formation and require the exact execution of commands and signals by the subunits, and by the military personnel of their duties in the formation;

    when giving commands on foot, take a combat stance on the spot;

    when building units with weapons and military equipment, to carry out an external inspection of them, as well as to check the availability and serviceability of equipment for transporting personnel, the correct fastening of the transported (towed) weapons and military equipment and the stowage of military property; remind personnel of safety requirements; in movement, observe the established distances, speed and traffic rules.

    26. A soldier is obliged:

    check the serviceability of the weapons and ammunition assigned to him, weapons and military equipment, personal protective equipment and personal armor protection, entrenching tools, uniforms and equipment;

    carefully refuel the uniform, put on and adjust the equipment correctly, help a friend eliminate the noticed shortcomings;

    know your place in the ranks, be able to quickly, without fuss, take it; in motion, maintain alignment, established interval and distance; comply with safety requirements; not to break down (machines) without permission;

    in the ranks without permission, do not talk or smoke; be attentive to the orders and commands of your commander, quickly and accurately carry them out without interfering with others;

    transmit orders, commands without distortion, loudly and clearly.

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    2 2 MINISTRY OF DEFENSE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION COMMANDMENT CHARTER OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Put into effect by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated March 11, 2006 111 MOSCOW MILITARY PUBLISHING HOUSE 2006

    3 This Statute defines combat techniques and movement without weapons and with weapons; formation of divisions and military units on foot and in vehicles; the procedure for performing a military greeting, conducting a drill review; the position of the Battle Banner of the military unit in the ranks, the procedure for the joint removal and removal of the State Flag of the Russian Federation and the Battle Banner of the military unit; the duties of military personnel before formation and in the ranks and the requirements for their drill training, as well as the methods of movement of military personnel on the battlefield and actions in the event of a surprise attack by the enemy. All military personnel of military units, ships, military command and control bodies, enterprises, institutions, organizations and military educational institutions of vocational education of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as military units) are guided by the combat charter. The Charter applies to servicemen of other troops, military formations and bodies created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as to citizens called up for military training. 3

    4 4 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. STRUCTURES AND THEIR MANAGEMENT 1. Build - the placement of military personnel, subunits and military units established by the Charter for their joint actions on foot and in vehicles. 2. Rank - a system in which military personnel are placed one next to the other on the same line at established intervals. Line of cars - a system in which cars are placed one next to the other on the same line. 3. Flank - the right (left) end of the system. When turning the formation, the names of the flanks do not change. 4. Front - the side of the formation, in which the military personnel are facing (cars - with the frontal part). 5. The back side of the formation is the side opposite the front. 6. Interval - the distance along the front between military personnel (vehicles), subunits and military units. 7. Distance - the distance in depth between military personnel (vehicles), subunits and military units. 8. Width of formation - the distance between the flanks. 9. Depth of formation - the distance from the first line (a soldier standing in front) to the last line (behind a standing soldier), and when operating on vehicles - the distance from the first line of vehicles (a vehicle standing in front) to the last line of vehicles (behind a standing vehicle). 10. Two-rank formation - a formation in which servicemen of one rank are located in the back of the head of a serviceman of another rank at a distance of one step (outstretched arm, palm placed on the shoulder of a standing serviceman). The ranks are called the first and second. When you turn the formation, the names of the ranks do not change. A row - two servicemen standing in a two-rank formation at the back of the head one another. If a soldier of the second rank does not stand in the back of the head behind the soldier of the first rank, such a row is called incomplete. When turning the two-rank formation around, the serviceman of the incomplete row passes into the front standing rank. 11. One-rank and two-rank systems can be closed or open. In close formation, military personnel in ranks are located along the front from one another at intervals equal to the width of the palm between the elbows. In an open formation, servicemen in ranks are located along the front one from the other at intervals of one step or at intervals indicated by the commander. 12. Column - a system in which the military personnel are located at the back of the head to each other, and the units (vehicles) - one after the other at distances established by the Charter or the commander. Columns can be one, two, three, four or more. Columns are used to build subunits and military units in a deployed or marching formation. 13. Deployed formation - a formation in which subunits are built on the same line along the front in a single-rank or two-rank formation (in a line of vehicles) or in a line of columns at intervals established by the Charter or the commander. The deployed system, as a rule, is used for inspections, calculations, reviews, parades, and also in other necessary cases. 14. Marching formation - a formation in which a subunit is built in a column or subunits in columns are built one after the other at distances established by the Charter or the commander. The marching system is used for the movement of units during the march,

    5 walking in a solemn march, with a song, as well as in other necessary cases. 15. Guide - a serviceman (unit, vehicle) moving head in the indicated direction. The rest of the military personnel (subdivisions, vehicles) coordinate their movement along the guide. Trailing - a soldier (unit, car), moving last in the column. 16. The formation is controlled by commands and orders, which are given by the commander by voice, signals and personal example, and also transmitted using technical and mobile means. Commands and orders can be transmitted along the column through the commanders of subunits (senior vehicles) and designated observers. Management in the car is carried out by commands and orders given by voice and by means of intercom. In the ranks, the senior commander is located where it is more convenient for him to command. The rest of the commanders give commands, remaining in the places established by the Charter or the senior commander. The commanders of subunits from a company and above in the march formation of a battalion and regiment are allowed to go out of action only to issue commands and check their execution. 17. The team is divided into preliminary and executive; commands can be and only executive. The preliminary command is given clearly, loudly and lingeringly, so that those in the ranks understand what actions the commander requires of them. At any preliminary command, servicemen in the ranks take a combat stance, move to a combat stance while on the move, and out of formation turn towards the commander and take a combat stance. When performing tricks with weapons in the preliminary command, if necessary, the name of the weapon is indicated. For example: "Automatic machines on - CHEST". “Machine guns on the belt”, etc. The executive command (printed in large print in the Charter) is given after a pause, loudly, abruptly and clearly. On the executive command, its immediate and exact execution is carried out. In order to attract the attention of a unit or an individual serviceman, the name of the unit or the rank and surname of the serviceman is called in the preliminary command, if necessary. For example: "Platoon (3rd platoon) - STOP." "Private Petrov, all around." When giving commands, the voice should be commensurate with the width and depth of the system, and the report should be pronounced clearly, without a sharp increase in voice. 18. Signals for the control of the formation and signals for the control of the machine are specified in appendices 3 and 4 to this Charter. If necessary, the commander can assign additional signals to control the formation. 19. Commands relating to all units are accepted and immediately executed by all unit commanders and commanders (senior) of vehicles. When a command is transmitted by a signal, the “ATTENTION” signal is preliminarily given, and if the command refers to only one of the units, then a signal indicating the number of this unit is given. Readiness to accept a command by a signal is also indicated by the signal "ATTENTION". Receipt of a signal is confirmed by repeating it or by giving an appropriate signal to your unit. 20. To cancel or stop the execution of the reception, the command "STOP" is given. This command accepts the position that was before the reception was performed. 21. During training, it is allowed to perform the drill techniques specified in the Charter and move through divisions, as well as with the help of preparatory exercises. For example: "Assault rifle on the chest, according to the divisions: do - ONE, do - TWO, do - THREE." "To the right, along the divisions: do - ONE, do - TWO." 22. When forming national teams, they are drilled into units. 5

    6 For calculation, military personnel line up in a single-rank or two-rank system and are calculated according to the general numbering, as indicated in Art. 85 of this Charter. After that, depending on the size of the team, a calculation is made sequentially for companies, platoons and squads, and the commanders of these subunits are appointed. To participate in parades, as well as in other cases, a unit, by order of the commander, may form a common column of three, four or more. In this case, the construction is carried out, as a rule, by growth. 23. The construction of subdivisions is carried out by the command "STAND", before which the order of construction is indicated. For example: “Squad, in one line - STAND”. On this command, the serviceman must quickly take his place in the ranks, dial the established interval and distance, and take a combat stance. 24. When submitting commands for subdivisions of military branches and special forces, instead of the names “department”, “platoon”, “company”, “battalion” and “regiment”, the names of subunits and military units adopted in the branches of service and in special troops of the types of the Armed Forces DUTIES OF COMMANDERS AND MILITARY PERSONNEL BEFORE LEVELING AND IN ORDER 25. The commander must: indicate the place, time, order of formation, uniform and equipment, as well as what weapons and military equipment to have; appoint an observer if necessary; check and know the presence in the ranks of subordinates of their unit (military unit), as well as weapons, military equipment, ammunition, personal protective equipment and personal armor protection, entrenching tools; check the appearance of subordinates, as well as the availability of equipment and the correct fit; to maintain the discipline of the formation and require the exact execution of commands and signals by the subunits, and by the military personnel of their duties in the formation; when giving commands on foot, take a combat stance on the spot; when building units with weapons and military equipment, to carry out an external inspection of them, as well as to check the availability and serviceability of equipment for transporting personnel, the correct fastening of the transported (towed) weapons and military equipment and the stowage of military property; remind personnel of safety requirements; in movement, observe the established distances, speed and traffic rules. 26. A serviceman is obliged to: check the serviceability of the weapons and ammunition assigned to him, weapons and military equipment, personal protective equipment and personal armor protection, entrenching tools, uniforms and equipment; carefully refuel the uniform, put on and adjust the equipment correctly, help a friend eliminate the noticed shortcomings; know your place in the ranks, be able to quickly, without fuss, take it; in motion, maintain alignment, established interval and distance; comply with safety requirements; not to break down (machines) without permission; in the ranks without permission, do not talk or smoke; be attentive to the orders and commands of your commander, quickly and accurately carry them out without interfering with others; transmit orders, commands without distortion, loudly and clearly.

    7 7 CHAPTER 2 STROKE AND MOVEMENT WITHOUT WEAPON AND WITH WEAPON 1. STROKE AND MOVEMENT WITHOUT WEAPON Combat stance 27. Combat stance (Fig. 1) is accepted by the command “STAND” or “STAND UP”. At this command, stand straight, without tension, put the heels together, align the socks along the front line, placing them on the width of the foot; straighten the legs at the knees, but do not strain; lift the chest, and the whole body slightly forward; pick up the stomach; expand shoulders; lower your hands so that the hands, palms facing inward, are on the side and in the middle of the thighs, and the fingers are half-bent and touch the thigh; keep your head high and straight, without exposing your chin; look straight ahead; be ready for immediate action. A combat stance on the spot is also accepted without a command: when giving and receiving an order, during a report, during the performance of the National Anthem of the Russian Federation, when performing a military salute, as well as when giving commands. Rice. 1. Rack Fig. 2. The position of the removed headgear: a - caps; 6 - field caps made of cotton; c - hats with earflaps 28. On the command "FREE", become free, loosen the right or left leg at the knee, but do not move, do not weaken your attention and do not talk. On the command "REFUEL", without leaving your place in the ranks, fix your weapons, uniforms and equipment. If you need to get out of order, ask your immediate supervisor for permission. Before the command "REFUEL" the command "Fuel" is given. 29. To remove headgear, the command “Headwear (headwear) - REMOVE”, and for putting on - “Headwear (headwear) - PUT ON”. If necessary, single military personnel take off their hats and put them on without a command. The removed headdress is held in the left freely lowered hand with a cockade forward (Fig. 2). Without a weapon or with a weapon in the “behind the back” position, the headgear is removed and put on right

    8 howl with your hand, and with weapons in the positions “on the belt”, “on the chest” and “at the foot” - with the left. When removing a headgear with a carbine in the “shoulder” position, the carbine is first taken to the leg. Turns on the spot 30. Turns on the spot are performed according to the commands: “Direct-TO”, “Half-turn to the right”, “Nale-TO”, “Half-turn to the left”, “Kru-GOM”. Turns in a circle (for 1/2 circle), to the left (for 1/4 circle), half a turn to the left (for 1/8 circle) are made towards the left hand on the left heel and on the right toe; to the right and half a turn to the right - towards the right hand on the right heel and on the left toe. Turns are performed in two steps: the first step is to turn around, maintaining the correct position of the body, and, without bending the legs at the knees, transfer the weight of the body to the front leg; the second technique is to put the other leg in the shortest way. Movement 31. Movement is done by walking or running. The step movement is carried out at the pace of steps per minute. Step size, see. Running movement is carried out at a pace of steps per minute. Step size, see Step is drill and marching. The drill step is used when passing units in a solemn march; when they perform a military greeting on the move; when a serviceman approaches the commander and when leaving him; upon failure and return to duty, as well as in drill training. The marching step is applied in all other cases. 32. Movement with a marching step begins at the command "Commander - MARCH" (in the movement "Commander - MARCH"), and movement with a marching step - at the command "Step - MARCH". 8 Fig. 3. Movement with a marching step On a preliminary command, move the body forward a little, transfer its weight more to the right leg, while maintaining stability; on the executive command, start moving with the left foot with a full step. When moving with a drill step (Fig. 3), take the leg with the toe pulled forward to a height of cm from the ground and put it firmly on the entire foot. With hands, starting from the shoulder, make movements near the body: forward - bending them at the elbows so that the hands rise above the belt buckle to the width of the palm and at a distance of the palm from the body, and the elbow is at the level of the hand; back - to failure in the shoulder joint. The fingers are bent, keep the head straight, look in front of you. When moving with a marching step, take the leg out freely, without pulling the toe, and put it on the ground, as in normal walking; hands to make free movements around the body. When moving at a marching step, at the command "AT ATTENTION", go to a combat step. When moving with a marching step, on the command “FREE”, go at a marching step. 33. Running movement begins at the command "Running - MARCH". When moving from a place on a preliminary command, the body is slightly forward, the hands are half-

    9 bend, pulling your elbows back a little; on the executive command, start running with the left foot, make free movements with your hands back and forth in time with the run. To move from step to run, on a preliminary command, half-bend your arms, pulling your elbows back a little. The executive command is given simultaneously with the setting of the left foot on the ground. On this command, take a step with your right foot and start running with your left foot. To move from running to step, the command "Step - MARCH" is given. The executive command is given simultaneously with the right foot on the ground. On this command, take two more steps running and start walking with your left foot. 9 Fig. 4. Step on the spot 34. The designation of the step on the spot is made by the command "On the spot, step - MARCH" (in motion - "IN PLACE"). According to this command, the step is indicated by raising and lowering the legs, while raising the leg one cm from the ground and placing it on the entire foot, starting from the toe; make movements with your hands to the beat of the step (Fig. 4). On the command "STRAIGHT", given simultaneously with the placement of the left foot on the ground, take another step with the right foot in place and start moving with the left foot in full step. In this case, the first three steps should be drill. 35. A command is given to stop the movement. For example: "Private Petrov - STOP." According to the executive command, given simultaneously with the placement of the right or left foot on the ground, take one more step and, putting the foot down, take a combat stance. 36. To change the speed of movement, the following commands are given: “WIDER STEP”, “SHORT STEP”, “MORE STEP”, “LESSER STEP”, “HALF STEP”, “FULL STEP”. 37. To move single soldiers a few steps to the side, a command is given. For example: “Private Petrov. Two steps to the right (left), one step - MARCH. On this command, take two steps to the right (left), placing a foot after each step. A command is given to move forward or backward a few steps. For example: "Two steps forward (back), one step - MARCH." On this command, take two steps forward (back) and put your foot. When moving to the right, left and back, the movement of the hands is not performed. Turns on the move 38. Turns on the move are performed according to the commands: “To the right”, “Half-turn to the right”, “To the left-TO”, “Half-turn to the left”, “Around - MARCH”. To turn right, half a turn to the right (left, half a turn to the left), the executive command is given simultaneously with the right (left) foot on the ground. On this command, take a step from the left (right) foot, turn on the toe of the left (right) foot, simultaneously with the turn, take the right (left) foot forward and continue moving in a new direction. To turn around, the executive command is given simultaneously with the right foot on the ground. On this command, take one more step with the left foot (on a count of times), take the right foot half a step forward and slightly to the left and, turning sharply towards the left hand on the toes of both legs (on a count of two), continue to move from the left foot in a new direction (for a count of three). When turning, the movement of the hands is made to the beat of the step.

    10 10 2. MOVEMENT TECHNIQUES AND MOVEMENT WITH WEAPON Combat stance with weapons 39. Combat stance with weapons is the same as without weapons, while keeping the weapon in the “on the belt” position with the muzzle up, with the right hand touching the upper edge of the waist belt , and a machine gun with a folding butt (a shortened machine gun) - with the muzzle down (Fig. 5, a, b, d). Hold a light (company) machine gun at the foot with a freely lowered right hand so that the butt rests with the butt plate on the ground, touching the foot of the right foot (Fig. 5, c). Hold the carbine at the foot in the same way as a light machine gun, while with your right hand freely lowered, grab the barrel by the gas pipe (Fig. 5, e). Rice. 5. combat stand with weapons: a - with a machine gun with a wooden butt; b - with a machine gun with a folding butt; c - with a light (company) machine gun; g - with a hand grenade launcher; d - with a carbine ( sniper rifle) Performing techniques with weapons on the spot 40. The machine gun from the position “on the belt” to the position “on the chest” is taken at the command “Machine on - CHEST” in three steps: the first move is to move the right hand along the belt slightly upwards, remove the machine gun from the shoulder and, grabbing it with your left hand by the forearm and handguard, hold it vertically in front of you with the magazine to the left, muzzle at the height of the chin (Fig. 6, a); the second technique - with the right hand, take the belt to the right and intercept it with the palm from below so that the fingers are half-bent and facing you; simultaneously pass the elbow of the right hand under the belt (Fig. 6, b); the third trick is to throw a belt over your head; take the machine gun with the right hand by the neck of the butt, and quickly lower the left hand (Fig. 6, c). A submachine gun with a folding butt (a shortened submachine gun) from the position “on the belt” to the position “on the chest” is taken according to the same command in two steps: the first step is to remove the machine gun from the shoulder with the right hand without removing the elbow of the right hand from under the belt, and , picking up the machine gun with your left hand by the forearm and the handguard from below, hold it in front of you with the magazine down, muzzle to the left (Fig. 6, d);

    11 the second trick is to throw the belt behind the head on the left shoulder with the right hand, take the machine gun by the receiver near the belt with it, and quickly lower the left hand (Fig. 6, e). 11 Fig. 6. Performing tricks with the machine gun from the position “on the belt” to the position “on the chest” 41. The machine gun from the position “on the chest” to the position “on the belt” is taken on the command “On the belt” in three steps: the first step - with the left with your hand, take the machine gun by the fore-end and the handguard from below and, at the same time, moving it slightly forward upwards, take your right hand out from under the belt, grab the neck of the butt with it and hold the machine gun, as shown in fig. 7a; Rice. 7. Performing a hold with the machine gun from the “on the chest” position to the “on the belt” position; the second move is to lift the machine up, throw the strap over your head and hold the machine in front of you vertically with the magazine to the left, with the muzzle at the height of the chin (Fig. 7, b) ; the third trick is to take the belt by its upper part with the right hand and throw the machine over the right shoulder into the “on the belt” position, and quickly lower the left hand (Fig. 5, a). A machine gun with a folding butt (shortened machine gun) from the position “on the chest” to the position “on the belt” is taken according to the same command in three steps:

    12 first trick - with your left hand, take the machine gun from above by the barrel and gas pipe and, lifting the machine gun slightly up, pull the elbow of your right hand out from under the belt, with your right hand, palm from below, take the belt from the receiver (Fig. 7, c); the second trick - turning the machine with the receiver up, throw the belt over your head and hold the machine with the magazine to the right (Fig. 7, d); the third technique is to throw the machine over the right shoulder into the “on the belt” position, and quickly lower the left hand (Fig. 5, b). 42. The carbine (light machine gun) from the position “from the foot” to the position “on the belt” is taken at the command “On the belt” in three steps: the first step is to lift the carbine (light machine gun) with the right hand without taking it away from the body, turn the magazine (light machine gun - pistol grip) to the left; with your left hand, take the carbine by the magazine (light machine gun - by the forearm) and hold it with the muzzle at eye level; press the elbow of the right hand (Fig. 8, a, b); the second technique - take the belt with your right hand and pull it to the left (Fig. 8, c); the third trick is to quickly throw a carbine (light machine gun) over the shoulder; lower your left hand; lower the right hand along the belt so that the forearm is in a horizontal position; slightly press the carbine (light machine gun) with the elbow to the body (Fig. 8, d, e). 12 Fig. 8. Performing the reception "on the belt" with a carbine and light machine gun 43. From the position "on the belt" the carbine (light machine gun) to the position "to the leg" is taken at the command "To the leg" in two steps: the first reception - giving the right hand slightly up on the belt, remove the carbine (light machine gun) from the shoulder and, grabbing it with the left hand by the forearm, with the right hand take the carbine (light machine gun) by the upper part of the barrel lining with the magazine (light machine gun - pistol grip) to the left, muzzle at eye level (Fig. 8, a, b); the second technique is to quickly lower the left hand, and smoothly place the carbine (light machine gun) on the ground at the foot with the right hand (Fig. 5, c, e). The company machine gun in the “on the belt” and “to the leg” positions is taken as convenient. 44. The carbine from the position “from the foot” to the position “on the shoulder” is taken only with the bayonet attached at the command “On the shoulder” in two steps: the first step - with the right hand, raising and turning the carbine with the bolt forward, move it vertically near the body to the left side and at the same time grab the upper part of the forearm and the handguard with the right hand, at the same time move the left hand a little forward and put the carbine with the butt on the palm of the left hand so that the butt plate lies on the palm, the thumb is in front, and the rest of the fingers were pressed to the left side

    13 stock; hold the carbine vertically in an outstretched hand against the left shoulder, with the butt touching the left leg; elbow of the right hand - at shoulder height (Fig. 9, a); 13 Fig. 9. Performing techniques with a carbine from the “from the foot” position to the “shoulder” position; the second technique is to quickly lower the right hand, at the same time raise the carbine with the left hand so that it lies in the shoulder recess with the trigger guard, and hold it without dumping to the side ; hold the left hand slightly below the elbow, press the butt to the belt, and the forearm to the side (Fig. 9, b, c). 45. The carbine in the “to the leg” position from the “shoulder” position is taken on the command “To the foot” in three steps: the first step is to quickly lower the left hand, at the same time grab the carbine by the upper part of the forearm and the handguard with the right hand and put it to the position shown in Fig. 9a; the second trick is to move the carbine down to the right leg with the right hand, turning it with the bolt towards you; supporting the carbine with the left hand at the bayonet tube, hold it along the thigh of the right leg so that the butt touches the foot; the third technique is to quickly lower the left hand, and with the right hand smoothly put the carbine on the ground. 46. ​​If it is necessary to release (tighten) the belt, the command “Belt - RELEASE (PULL)” is given. At the command "Belt" take machine guns and hand grenade launchers in the right hand, carbines and machine guns - to the leg; for a machine with a folding butt, fold the butt, to do this, move your right hand along the belt slightly upwards, remove the machine from your shoulder and, grabbing it with your left hand by the forearm and handguard, hold it horizontally in front of you with the magazine down at chin level. Holding the machine gun with your left hand, pull the latch with your right hand and fold the butt. Take the machine gun in your right hand by the forearm and handguard. At the command "RELEASE (PULL)" make half a turn to the right, at the same time put the left foot a step to the left and, leaning forward, rest the weapon with the butt on the foot of the left foot, and put the barrel on the bend of the right elbow; do not bend your knees; holding the belt buckle with your right hand, tighten (release) the belt with your left hand and independently take a combat stance. 47. Before giving the commands: “Behind the back”, “On the belt” and “On the chest”, the weapon is first put on the fuse at the command “Fuse - PUT”. If it is necessary to unlock the bayonet-knife (fold the bayonet) or attach it, then the commands “Bayonet-knife - UNLOCK” (“Bayonet - LOCK OFF”) and “Bayonet-knife (bayonet) - APPLY” are given. 48. The weapon from the position “on the belt” to the position “behind the back” is taken at the command “Weapon - BEHIND THE BACK” in two steps: the first step is to take the belt with the left hand slightly below the right shoulder, and with the right hand at the same time grab the butt (automatic with a folding butt and a hand grenade launcher - behind the barrel at the lower swivel, and with a shortened barrel - behind the barrel from below); the second technique is to lift the weapon up with the right hand, and with the left hand throw the belt over the head on the left shoulder; quickly lower the weapon and hands (Fig. ten). The machine gun in the “behind the back” position is taken without a bayonet-knife, and the carbine is taken with the bayonet thrown back.

    14 14 Fig. 10. The position of the weapon "behind the back": a - a machine gun with a wooden butt; b - machine with a folding butt; c - light machine gun; d - hand grenade launcher 49. The weapon from the “behind the back” position is taken to the “on the belt” position at the command “Weapon on the belt” in two steps: the first step is to take the belt with the left hand slightly below the left shoulder, and simultaneously take it with the right hand for the butt (for the barrel, for the bell); the second technique is to raise the weapon with the right hand, and with the left hand throw the belt over the head onto the right shoulder, take the belt with the right hand, as shown in Fig. 5, a, b, d and 8, d, e, quickly lower the left hand. 50. To transfer the machine gun from the position “on the chest” to the position “behind the back” and from the position “behind the back” to the position “on the chest”, as well as the carbine from the position “behind the back” to the position “to the leg”, the weapon is first taken by command to the “on the belt” position. To transfer an assault rifle with a folding butt to the “behind the back” position from the “on the chest” position, take the assault rifle by the muzzle of the barrel with the right hand and move it to the “back” position. To transfer an assault rifle with a folding stock from the “behind the back” position to the “on the chest” position, take the assault rifle by the muzzle of the barrel with the right hand and, pulling it with the muzzle to the left shoulder, transfer it to the “on the chest” position. A light machine gun in the “behind the back” position is taken as convenient. 51. On the general command “To the foot”, carbines and machine guns are taken to the “to the foot” position, and the positions of machine guns and hand grenade launchers do not change. 52. To correct the incorrect position of the weapon, the command "Correct - WEAPON" is given. Turns and movement with weapons 53. Turns and movement with weapons are performed according to the same rules and commands as without weapons. 54. When turning with a weapon in the “at the foot” position, on the spot, upon a preliminary command, slightly raise the weapon and at the same time move the bayonet (muzzle) towards yourself, and press your right hand slightly against your right thigh. Having made a turn, simultaneously with putting your foot down, smoothly lower the weapon to the ground. 55. To move with a weapon in the “at the foot” position, after the preliminary command “Step”, raise the weapon somewhat, and according to the preliminary command “Run”, in addition, half-bend the left arm at the elbow.

    15 When running, hold the weapon in a slightly bent right hand so that the muzzle of the weapon is slightly forward. When running in close formation, remove the bayonet on yourself. 56. When moving with a weapon in the position “at the foot” and in the positions “on the shoulder”, “on the belt” and “on the chest” with a hand not occupied by the weapon, and when moving with a weapon “behind the back” with both hands, make free movements about body to the beat of the step. 57. When moving with a carbine in the “shoulder” position on the executive command “STOP”, stop and, without a command, take the carbine to the leg according to the rules specified in Art. 45 of this Charter. 58. In motion, the carbine is taken from the foot to the shoulder in two steps, as well as on the spot (Article 44), at the command “On the shoulder”, given simultaneously with the placement of the left foot on the ground. On the executive command, take a step with the right foot and then sequentially with the setting of the left foot on the ground, perform each technique. 59. On the move, the carbine is taken to the “to the foot” position from the “on the shoulder” position in three steps, as well as on the spot (Article 45), at the command “To the foot”, given simultaneously with the placement of the left foot on the ground . On the executive command, take a step with the right foot and then sequentially with the setting of the left foot on the ground, perform each technique. fifteen

    16 16 CHAPTER 3 PERFORMANCE OF THE MILITARY SALUTATION, FAILURE AND RETURN TO ORDER. APPROACH TO AND DEPARTURE FROM HIM 1. PERFORMANCE OF THE MILITARY GREETING WITHOUT WEAPON IN THE PLACE AND IN THE MOVEMENT 60. The military salute is performed clearly and valiantly, with strict observance of the rules of combat stance and movement. 61. To perform a military salute on the spot outside the formation without a headgear, three to four steps before the chief (senior) turn in his direction, take a military stance and look at his face, turning his head after him. If the headgear is worn, then, in addition, put the right hand to the headdress in the shortest way so that the fingers are together, the palm is straight, the middle finger touches the lower edge of the headdress (near the visor), and the elbow is at the line and height of the shoulder (Fig. . eleven). When turning the head towards the chief (senior), the position of the hand at the headgear remains unchanged (Fig. 12). When the chief (senior) passes the person performing the military greeting, put his head straight and at the same time lower his hand. Rice. Fig. 11. Performing a military salute on the spot 12. Performing a military salute on the move 62. To perform a military salute on the move out of formation without a headgear, three to four steps before the chief (senior), simultaneously with setting the foot, stop moving with your hands, turn your head in his direction and, continuing to move, look into his face . Having passed the chief (senior), put your head straight and continue to move with your hands. When wearing a headgear, simultaneously with placing the foot on the ground, turn your head and put your right hand on the headgear, keep your left hand motionless at the hip (Fig. 12); having passed the chief (senior), simultaneously with placing the left foot on the ground, put the head straight and lower the right hand. When overtaking a chief (senior), perform a military salute with the first step of overtaking. With the second step, put your head straight and lower your right hand.

    17 63. If a serviceman's hands are full of burden, perform a military salute by turning his head towards the chief (senior) PERFORMING A MILITARY GREETING WITH WEAPON IN PLACE AND IN MOTION 64. Performing a military salute with weapons in place out of formation is performed in the same way as without weapons (Art. 61); at the same time, the position of the weapon, with the exception of the carbine in the “shoulder” position, does not change and the hand is not applied to the headgear. When performing a military salute with a carbine in the “shoulder” position, it is first taken to the leg. With the weapon in the “behind the back” position, perform a military salute by placing the right hand on the headgear. 65. To perform a military salute in motion out of formation with a weapon at the foot, “on the belt” or “on the chest” three or four steps before the chief (senior), simultaneously with setting the foot, turn the head in his direction and stop moving with your free hand. With the weapon in the “behind the back” position, in addition, put your hand on the headgear. When performing a military salute with a carbine in the “on the shoulder” position with the right hand, continue to move. Rice. 13. Performing a military salute with a carbine in the “on guard” position 66. Performing a military salute at the command “To meet on the right (left, from the front), on the kra-ul” with a carbine from the “to the foot” position is carried out in two steps: the first reception - lifting the carbine with your right hand, hold it vertically, with the barrel against the middle of the chest, with the aiming bar towards you; at the same time, take the carbine by the forearm with your left hand (four fingers in front of the store, and the big one under the aiming bar), the left hand is at the height of the belt (Fig. 13, a); the second technique is to transfer the right hand to the neck of the stock and support the carabiner with it so that the thumb is behind, and the remaining fingers, folded together and extended, lie obliquely in front of the neck of the stock (Fig. 13, b). Simultaneously with the execution of the second technique, turn your head to the right (left) and follow the boss with your eyes, turning your head after him. 67. From the “on guard” position, the carbine is taken to the “to the leg” position at the command “To the no-ge”. According to the preliminary command, put the head straight, and according to the executive command, take the carbine to the leg in three steps: the first step is to move the right hand up and take the carbine with it by the upper part of the forend and the handguard; the second trick is to move the carbine to the right leg so that the butt touches the foot; hold the carabiner at the bayonet tube with your left hand; the third technique is to quickly lower the left hand, and with the right hand, smoothly put the carbine on the ground. 68. The performance of a military greeting by performing a “on guard” technique with a carbine is carried out only by subunits and military units while they are in the ranks on the spot. At the command “To meet on the right (left, from the front), on the kra-ul”, the carbines are taken to the “on guard” position; all military personnel in the ranks take a combat stance and

    18 simultaneously turn their heads towards the boss, following him with their eyes. If the servicemen have machine guns, machine guns and hand grenade launchers in the ranks, their position does not change EXIT AND RETURN TO SERVICE. APPROACH TO AND DEPARTURE FROM HIM 69. A command is given to disable a serviceman. For example: “Private Ivanov. FAILURE FOR SO MANY STEPS" or "Private Ivanov. TO ME (RUN TO ME)." The serviceman, having heard his last name, answers: “I am”, and on the command to leave (about the call) he answers: “Yes”. At the first command, the soldier goes out of action for the specified number of steps, counting from the first line, stops and turns to face the formation. On the second command, the serviceman, having taken one or two steps straight from the first line, turns towards the chief on the move, approaches (runs up) to him in the shortest way, and, stopping two or three steps away, reports on the arrival. For example: “Comrade Lieutenant. Private Ivanov has arrived on your orders” or “Comrade Colonel. Captain Petrov has arrived on your orders." When a serviceman exits the second rank, he slightly puts his left hand on the shoulder of the serviceman in front, who takes a step forward and, without placing his right foot, step to the right, lets the serviceman fail, then takes his place. When a serviceman leaves the first line, his place is taken by the second line serviceman standing behind him. When a serviceman leaves the column in twos, threes (fours), he goes out of action towards the nearest flank, making a preliminary turn to the right (left). If a serviceman is standing nearby, he takes a step with his right (left) foot to the side and, without placing his left (right) foot, step back, lets the serviceman fail and then takes his place. When a soldier goes out of action with a weapon, the position of the weapon does not change, with the exception of the carbine in the “shoulder” position, which, at the beginning of the movement, is taken to the “leg” position. 70. A command is given to return a serviceman to duty. For example: “Private Ivanov. BECOME IN ORDER" or only "BECOME IN ORDER". At the command “Private Ivanov”, a serviceman facing the ranks, having heard his last name, turns to face the chief and answers: “I”, and at the command “BECOME IN LINE”, if he is unarmed or with a weapon in the “behind his back” position , puts his hand to the headgear, answers: “Yes”, turns in the direction of movement, lowers his hand with the first step, moving with a drill step, takes the shortest path to his place in the ranks. If only the command "GET INTO SERVICE" is given, the serviceman returns to the ranks without first turning to the head. When acting with a weapon after returning to service, the weapon is taken to the position in which it is in the servicemen standing in the ranks. 71. When approaching a commander out of formation, a serviceman, five or six steps ahead of him, switches to a combat step, stops two or three steps in advance, and at the same time puts his foot on his head, puts his right hand on his headgear, after which he reports on arrival (Article 69). At the end of the report, he lowers his hand. When approaching the commander with a weapon, the position of the weapon does not change, with the exception of the carbine in the “shoulder” position, which is taken to the “leg” position after the serviceman stops in front of the commander. The hand is not applied to the headgear, except when the weapon is in the “behind the back” position. 72. When leaving the chief, having received permission to go, the serviceman puts his right hand to the headgear, answers: “Yes”, turns in the direction of movement, lowers his hand with the first step and, having taken three or four steps as a combatant, continues to move marching step

    19 hom. When moving away from the commander with a weapon, the position of the weapon does not change, with the exception of the carbine, which, if necessary, is taken by the serviceman from the “to the leg” position to another position after the answer “Yes”. 73. The chief, giving a command to return a serviceman to duty or giving him permission to go, puts his hand to the headgear and lowers it. 19

    20 20 CHAPTER 4 SQUAD, PLATOON, COMPANY, BATTALION AND REGIMENT LEVEL ON FOOT 1. Squad Formation Deployed formation 74. Deployed squad formation can be single-rank or double-rank. Rice. 14. Deployed formation of the squad - single-tier Fig. 15. Deployed formation of the squad - two-rank The construction of the squad in a single-rank (two-rank) system is carried out at the command "Squad, in one line (in two lines) - STAND". Having taken a combat stance and giving a command, the squad leader becomes facing the front of the formation; the squad is lined up according to the state to the left of the commander, as shown in Fig. 14, 15. With the beginning of the formation, the squad leader goes out of line and monitors the alignment of the squad. A squad of four or less is always lined up in one line. 75. If it is necessary to align the compartment on the spot, the command "LEVEL" or "Left - EQUAL" is given. At the command “EQUALIZE”, everyone, except for the right-flank soldier, turns his head to the right ( right ear above the left, chin raised) and aligned so that everyone sees the chest of the fourth person, considering himself the first. At the command "Left - EQUAL" everyone, except for the left-flank soldier, turns his head to the left (the left ear is higher than the right, the chin is raised). When leveling, military personnel may move forward, backward, or sideways somewhat. When leveling with carbines (machine guns) in the “at the foot” position, in addition, at the executive command, the bayonet (muzzle) is fed towards itself and pressed against the right side. At the end of the leveling, the command “Smirno” is given, according to which all the military personnel quickly put their heads straight, and the carbines (machine guns) are transferred to former position. When aligning the squad after turning it around, the command specifies the alignment side. For example: "To the right (to the left) - EQUAL". 76. At the command “ALERT” and at the command “REFUEL” on the spot, military personnel must act as indicated in Art. 28 of this Charter. At the command "Squad - DISCHARGE", the servicemen are out of order. To collect the squad, the command “Squad - TO ME” is given, according to which the servicemen run to the commander and, at his additional command, line up.

    21 77. Branch turns are carried out simultaneously by all servicemen in compliance with the alignment according to the commands and rules specified in Art. 30, 38 and 54 of this Charter. After turning the squad in a two-rank formation to the right (left), the squad leader takes half a step to the right (left), and when turning around, a step forward. 78. To open the compartment on the spot, the command "Separation, to the right (to the left, from the middle) for so many steps, at once-knee (run, at once-knee)" is given. On the executive command, all military personnel, with the exception of the one from which the opening is made, turn in the indicated direction, simultaneously with their legs put their heads in the direction of the front of the formation and walk at an accelerated half-step (run), looking over their shoulder at the person walking behind and not looking up from him; after the one walking behind stops, everyone takes as many more steps as indicated in the command, and turns left (right). When opening from the middle, it is indicated who is the middle one. The serviceman, called the middle one, having heard his last name, answers: “I”, stretches his left hand forward and lowers it. When leveling the compartment, the interval set when opening is retained. 79. To close the department on the spot, the command “Department, to the right (to the left, towards the middle), som-knee (run, som-knee)” is given. On the executive command, all military personnel, with the exception of the one to whom the closure is assigned, turn in the direction of the closure, after which they approach the interval established for the close formation with an accelerated half-step (run) and, as they approach, independently stop and turn left (right). 80. For the movement of the squad, commands are given: “Squad, on the re-men (on the shoulder)”; "Step (command step, run) - MARCH." If necessary, the direction of movement and side of alignment are indicated in the command. For example: "Department, on the re-men (on the shoulder)"; “On such and such an object, alignment to the right (left), step (combat step, run) - MARCH.” At the “MARCH” command, all servicemen simultaneously begin to move from the left foot, observing alignment and maintaining intervals and distances. If the alignment side is not specified, the alignment is made towards the right flank with a look without turning the head. To stop the squad, the command "Squad - STOP" is given. 81. If the servicemen have different types of weapons and, if necessary, transfer one of them to another position, the name of this weapon is indicated in the command. For example: “Machine guns on the chest”, “Machine guns on the belt”, “Carabiners on the shoulder”, etc. 82. To move a few steps to the side in the ranks, the command “Squad, to the right (to the left)” is given on the spot, and after turning the ranks - “So many steps forward, step - MARCH”. After the soldiers make required amount steps, the squad at the command "Nale-IN (to the right)" turns to its original position. Moving forward or backward a few steps is performed as indicated in Art. 37 of this Charter. 83. If it is necessary to go out of step, the command “TO GO OUT OF STEP” is given, and to move in step - “TO GO INTO STEP”. Movement in the foot is carried out according to the directing soldier or according to the calculation of the commander. 84. To change the direction of movement by stepping with the shoulder, the command “Separation, right (left) shoulder forward, step - MARCH” (on the go - “MARCH”) is given. At this command, the squad begins to enter with the right (left) shoulder forward: the flank soldier of the approaching flank, turning his head along the front, goes full step, adjusting his movement so as not to push the rest to a fixed flank; the flank soldier of the fixed flank indicates a step in place and gradually turns to the left (right), in accordance with the movement of the approaching flank; the rest of the servicemen, observing the alignment along the front with a glance towards the approaching flank (without turning their heads) and feeling their neighbor from the side of the fixed flank with their elbow, take a step the smaller, the closer they are to the fixed flank. When the squad has entered as far as necessary, the command “DIRECT” or “From-21” is given.

    22 division - STOP. 85. To rebuild a squad from one line into two, a calculation is first made for the first and second on the command “Squad, for the first and second - SET UP”. At this command, each soldier, starting from the right flank, quickly turns his head in turn to the soldier standing to his left, calls his number and quickly puts his head straight. The left-flank soldier does not turn his head. The calculation is also carried out according to the general numbering, for which the command “Department, in order - CALCULATE” is given. In a two-rank formation, the left-flank serviceman of the second rank, after completing the calculation of the formation according to the general numbering, reports: “Full” or “Incomplete”. 86. The rebuilding of the squad on the spot from one line to two is carried out at the command "Squad, in two lines - BUILD". On the executive command, the second numbers take a step back from the left foot, without putting the right foot, step to the right to stand in the back of the head of the first numbers, put the left foot. 87. To rebuild the squad on the spot from a closed two-rank system to a single-rank system, the squad is first opened by one step, after which the command “Squad, in one line - STROY” is given. On the executive command, the second numbers go to the line of the first, taking a step to the left from the left foot, without putting the right foot, step forward, and put the left foot. 88. The weapon is placed on the ground at the command "Squad, put - WEAPON". On the command "Put" machine guns and hand grenade launchers are taken in the right hand; carbines and machine guns - in the position "to the leg"; machine guns, in addition, recline bipods. At the command “WEAPON”, the first rank takes two steps forward and puts a leg, then both ranks simultaneously take a step forward with their left foot and put the weapon on the ground with the bolt handle (bolt frame) down, the butt plate at the toe of the right leg (the right leg is not bent at the knee ), and then put the left foot to the right. Hand grenade launchers are placed on the ground with the handle to the left, machine guns are placed on bipods. In a single-rank formation, only the last two actions are performed on the executive command. 89. To dismantle weapons from the ground, the commands “Squad - TO ARMS” and then “IN THE GUN” are given. On the first command, the squad lines up at the weapon. On the second command, the servicemen take a step forward with their left foot, take a weapon in their right hand and, straightening up, put their left foot to the right. The second rank takes two steps forward, after which both ranks simultaneously take their weapons to the “on the belt” position. Machine guns have pre-folded bipods. Marching formation 90. The marching formation of a squad may be in a column of one or in a column of two. The construction of the squad in a column one (by two) on the spot is carried out by the command "Squad, in a column one (by two) - STAND". Having taken a combat stance and given a command, the squad leader becomes facing in the direction of movement, and the squad lines up according to the state, as shown in Fig. 16 or 17. As the formation begins, the squad leader turns around and watches the squad line up. A squad of four people or less is built in a column one at a time. 91. The restructuring of the squad from the deployed formation into the column is carried out by turning the squad to the right at the command "Squad, to the right." When turning the two-tier formation, the squad leader takes half a step to the right. 92. The restructuring of the squad from the column to the deployed system is carried out by turning the squad to the left at the command "Squad, to the left". When turning a squad from a column of two, the squad leader takes half a step forward. 93. The restructuring of the squad from the column one by one to the column by two is carried out on command 22

    23 "Squad, in a column of two, step - MARCH" (on the move - "MARCH"). At the executive command, the squad leader (directing soldier) walks half a step, the second numbers, going to the right, take their places in the column in time with the step, as shown in Fig. 17; the squad moves half a step to the command "DIRECT" or "Squad - STOP". 94. The restructuring of a squad from a column of two to a column of one is carried out at the command “Squad, in a column one by one, step - MARCH” (on the go - “MARCH”). On the executive command, the squad leader (directing soldier) walks at full pace, and the rest - at half a step; as space becomes available, the second Fig. 16. Marching formation 17. The marching formation of the number in time with the step enters the squads in the column of the squad - in the back of the head column first and continues to move in full one by two steps. 95. To change the direction of movement of the column, commands are given: “Department, right (left) shoulder forward - MARCH”; the guiding soldier enters to the left (right) until the command "STRAIGHT", the rest follow him; “Squad, follow me - MARSH (running - MARSH)”; the squad follows the leader. Performing a military salute in the ranks on the spot and on the move 96. To perform a military salute in the ranks on the spot, when the chief approaches the steps, the squad leader commands: “Squad, at attention, alignment to the right (to the LEFT, to the middle)” . The servicemen of the department take a combat stance, at the same time turn their heads to the right (left) and follow the chief with their eyes, turning their heads after him. When the chief approaches from the back of the formation, the squad leader turns the squad around, and then gives the command to perform a military salute. 97. The squad leader, having given a command to perform a military salute (if he is unarmed or with a weapon in the “behind his back”, puts his hand to the headgear; if he is with a weapon in the position “on the shoulder”, “on the belt” or “on chest”, acts as indicated in Article 71 of this Charter, continuing to move with the hand not occupied by the weapon), approaches the commander with a marching step; two or three steps before him, he stops and reports. For example: “Comrade Lieutenant. The second department is doing something. Sergeant Petrov, Squad Leader. The chief who is being greeted puts his hand on the headgear after giving the command to perform a military salute. Having finished the report, the squad leader, without lowering his hand from the headgear, takes a step to the side with his left (right) foot with a simultaneous turn to the right (left) and, having missed the initial

    SECTION 6. BATTLE TRAINING. TRAINING OF A SOLDIER IN THE COMPOSITION OF THE SECTION (PLOT) TOPIC 6.4. Squad and platoon formations on foot 28. Squad and platoon formations on foot

    Enacted by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 111 dated March 11, 2006


    COMMANDMENT CHARTER OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION [in the electronic version of Appendix 7 8 are not given] Enacted by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated December 15, 1993 600 This


    APPROVED by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 5, 2007 N 364 COMMANDMENT CHARTER of the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations of the Republic of Kazakhstan This Charter determines the combat

    1 Annex 1 Combat Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (extract) 2 General provisions The Combat Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was put into effect by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated 11

    Registered in the National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus on August 21, 2008 N 8/19328 ORDER OF THE MINISTRY FOR EMERGENCY SITUATIONS OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS On August 5, 2008 N 106 ON APPROVAL

    EXTRACT FROM THE COMMISSIONING REGULATIONS OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Enacted by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated March 11, 2006 111 POCKET VERSION FOR SOLDIERS 2007 2 Ch a

    ORDER OF CARRYING OUT THE COMMANDER REVIEW 1. Formation of participants. 2. Meeting the judge conducting the review and performing a military salute. 3. Checking single combat training. 4. Checking combat coherence.

    DRILL Reference abstract SUBJECT: MOVEMENT TECHNIQUES AND MOVEMENT WITHOUT WEAPONS QUESTIONS OF THE LESSON: 1. Failure and approach to the chief, return to duty. 2. Combat step. Walking step. Running movement.

    Ministry of Education and Science of the Udmurt Republic educational institution Udmurt Republic "Izhevsk Motor Transport College" Approved by Deputy director-manager


    BRITTLE TRAINING Basic summary TOPIC: BRITTLE TECHNIQUES AND MOVEMENT WITH WEAPONS QUESTIONS OF THE LESSON: 1. Combat stand with weapons. 2. Performing techniques with weapons on the spot. Receptions with a machine gun (light machine gun).


    BRIEF TRAINING Basic abstract TOPIC: BRIEF TRAINING QUESTIONS OF THE LESSON: 1. drill techniques with weapon. 2 I. Methodology for preparing the leader for the lesson: 1. Clarification of the topic, lesson and their goals. 2. Study

    Basic concepts, terms, definitions. (Reference abstract). Combat training is one of the subjects in the general military training, for which the curriculum allocates 15 hours, 13 within the walls of the university and

    BRITTLE TRAINING Basic abstract Topic: Drill techniques and movement without weapons Questions: 1. The exit of a soldier from the ranks and approach to the head, return to duty. 2 I. Lesson preparation includes:

    BRITTLE TRAINING Basic summary TOPIC: BRITTLE TECHNIQUES AND MOVEMENT WITH WEAPONS QUESTIONS OF THE LESSON: 1. Turns and movement with weapons. 2. Performing a military salute with weapons. 2 I. Preparation Method

    Subgroups Criteria for evaluating the review of the system and the song action Errors in the performance of the action 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 A B C 5 A B C 6 A 7 A 8 A Refuel!”, “Attention!”,



    MUNICIPAL BUDGET GENERAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "SEVERAGE EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL 3" Approved Agreed Considered by the director of the school: Chairman of the NMS: at the meeting of the ShMO E.V. Malafeeva Sukhanova

    BRITTLE TRAINING Basic abstract TOPIC: BRITTLE TECHNIQUES AND MOVEMENT WITHOUT WEAPONS QUESTIONS OF THE LESSON: 1. Movement in drill step, turns in motion. Commands given when performing turns. 2. Execution

    Department of Education of the Administration of the Prokhorovsky District comprehensive school» Guidelines when conducting classes in the section "Combat

    BRITTLE TRAINING Basic summary Topic: Drill techniques and movement without weapons Questions: 1. Lines, commands and duties of a soldier before building and in the ranks. 2. Execution of commands: "Become",


    I approve (position) ( military rank, signature, surname) "" 20 year PLAN-SUMMARY OF CONDUCTION OF THE LESSONS ON THE DRILL TRAINING with the 1st DEPARTMENT OF THE TRAINING PLATOON RL-81 Topic 1: Lesson 9: Educational and educational

    BRITTLE TRAINING Basic summary TOPIC: BRITTLE TECHNIQUES AND MOVEMENT WITH WEAPONS QUESTIONS OF THE LESSON: 1. Turns and movement with weapons. 2. Movement with weapons in the position "at the foot." 3. Turns with weapons in position

    BRIEF TRAINING Basic abstract TOPIC: SECTION, PLATOON AND COMPANY STRUCTURES ON FOOT QUESTIONS OF THE LESSON: 1. Squad formations. Deployed and marching formation of the squad. 2. Branch turns, opening

    BRIEF TRAINING Questions: 1. Combat stance. 2. Turns in place. Supporting summary Topic: Striking techniques and movement without weapons I. Preparation of the lesson includes: personal training of the leader; training

    V.V. Vasiliev A.S. KOVALEVSKY Yu.A. MATVEEV Methodological manual on drill training for leaders of military-patriotic clubs and associations Part 1 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .... 3

    The program of the system and song review Before the beginning of the system and song review, a lottery is held to determine the order in which the teams will perform. Building in three ranks of each detachment in accordance with

    I approve (position) (military rank, signature, surname) "" 20 years PLAN-SUMMARY OF CARRYING OUT THE LESSON ON STRETCH TRAINING with the 1st DEPARTMENT OF THE TRAINING PLATOON RL-81 Topic 1: Lesson 6: Educational and educational

    ECA NATIONAL COUNCIL "APPROVED" at the ECA National Assembly on March 22, 2014 REGULATIONS "ON THE ECA SCOUT STRUCTURE" 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. This Regulation gives an indication of the scout system and its application in the life of the Organization.

    BRIEF TRAINING Basic summary LESSON QUESTIONS: 1. Movement in a marching step. TOPIC: STRIKES I. Methodology for preparing the leader for the lesson: 1. Clarification of the topic, lesson and their goals. 2. Study

    BRIEF EXERCISES Meaning, characteristics and classification Combat exercises are joint actions of those involved in a particular formation. Build is the placement of those involved for joint action. MEANING

    BRIEF TRAINING Basic summary TOPIC: BRIEF TRAINING QUESTIONS OF THE LESSON: 1. Performing a military salute on the spot and on the move. I. Methodology for preparing the leader for the lesson: 1. Understanding the topic,

    Federal State Treasury General Educational Institution "Nakhimov Naval School of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation" Outline of a lesson in drill training with personal

    RUSSIAN STATE HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL UNIVERSITY MILITARY DEPARTMENT Ex. Only for students I APPROVE Head of the military department of the Russian State Humanitarian University Colonel V. Akselevich 2006 METHODOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT (supporting

    MBOU DO "Children's and Youth Center, Civil, Patriotic and Spiritual and Moral Education named after the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky" of the city of Kirov Kirov (local) branch of the All-Russian

    BRIEF TRAINING Basic abstract TOPIC: SECTION, PLATOON AND COMPANY LOCATIONS ON FOOT QUESTIONS OF THE LESSON: 1. Platoon formations. Deployed and marching system. 2. Rebuilding a platoon from a single rank to a double rank,

    Department of Education of the city of Moscow State educational institution of secondary vocational education of the city of Moscow Technical Fire and Rescue College 7 Methodological guide "Recommendations

    BRIEF TRAINING Basic summary LESSON QUESTIONS: 1. Combat stand. 2. Turns on the spot TOPIC: BATTLE WORKOUTS I. Methodology for preparing the leader for the lesson: 1. Clarification of the topic, lesson and their goals.

    BRIEF TRAINING Basic summary Topic: Drill techniques and movement without weapons Questions: 1. Movement in a marching step. 2. Turns in motion. I. Preparation of the lesson includes: personal training of the leader;


    I approve (position) (military rank, signature, surname) "" 20 year PLAN FOR CONDUCTION OF THE LESSON IN BRITTLE TRAINING WITH TRAINING PLOT RL-81 Topic 1: Lesson 8: Educational and educational goals: Time: Place:

    I approve (position) (military rank, signature, surname) "" 20 years PLAN-SUMMARY OF CARRYING OUT THE LESSON ON STRETCH TRAINING with the 1st DEPARTMENT OF THE TRAINING PLATOON RL-81 Topic 1: Lesson 3: Educational and educational

    I approve (position) (military rank, signature, surname) "" 20 year PLAN FOR CONDUCTION OF THE LESSON IN BRITTLE TRAINING WITH EDUCATIONAL PLATOON RL-81 Topic 1: Lesson 5: Educational and educational goals: Time: Place:

    I APPROVE Deputy Director for the VFR Military foreman Koshelnik V.A.

    PHYSICAL TRAINING BASIC SUMMARY TOPIC: SKI TRAINING. QUESTIONS OF THE CLASS: 1. Familiarization and learning of combat techniques with skis and on skis 2. Familiarization and learning of the technique of skiing


    "SIBERIAN FEDERAL UNIVERSITY" MILITARY TRAINING INSTITUTE Military Training Center General Military Training Department PLAN - SUMMARY of training with cadets (students) on Physical training

    “I approve” Commander of military unit 6762, Colonel V.E. Lisyura “October 10, 2007 Plan for conducting classes on general military regulations Topic: Procedure for deploying personnel on armored personnel carriers and vehicles Objectives:


    Regulations on the school competition "Come on, guys!" on military-sports and fire topics at GBOU School 534 The purpose and objectives of the competition: To promote healthy lifestyle life, create conditions for

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