List of deciduous trees and their names, examples. Trash tree, parasitic tree

Design and interior 19.06.2019
Design and interior

Trees are a form of woody plants consisting of a root, trunk and crown. In 2015, there were three trillion trees on our planet. Russia ranks first in their number - 640 billion. But every year, due to climate change and deforestation, their number is decreasing.

Tree classification


1. Coniferous (evergreen) - these trees belong to the domain - eukaryotes, the kingdom - plants, the department - conifers. They grow in moderate climate zone, as they like a moderately warm climate and sufficient moisture. Largest number species found in the northern hemisphere. Their sizes can range from dwarf to giant.

AT modern world conifers include woody plants with one trunk and lateral branches located on it. These are araucaria, pine and cypress trees such as spruce, cypress, juniper, sequoia, yew, kauri, fir, cedar, pine and larch. If a plant has cones in which seeds develop, and the leaves look like long needles, then it can be safely called coniferous.





It is to coniferous plants that the oldest and tallest trees belong.

The oldest Methuselah tree

This spiny intermountain pine was discovered in 1953 by botanist Edmund Shulman. The approximate age of the tree is 4846 years. It was planted in 2831 BC. To date, this tree is considered alive and it grows in national forest Inio in California (USA) at an altitude of 3000 meters above sea level.

The tallest tree is Hyperion

The height of this tree is 115m. The trunk diameter is 4.84 m. It grows in the US state of California. Approximate age 700 - 800 years. This tree was discovered in 2006 by Chris Atkins and Michael Taylor.


2. Deciduous (small-leaved and broad-leaved) differ in the shape of the crown, the color of the leaves and the presence of fruits. These include trees such as maple, aspen, linden, ash. Trees are also divided according to the life of the leaves into evergreen and deciduous. Deciduous ones shed their leafy cover closer to winter, and in the spring they again release buds, from which green leaves grow again. Evergreen trees change their leaves gradually at any time of the year.

Types of trees (photos and pictures).





Among deciduous trees there are also famous trees.

The largest tree is the Hundreds of Horses Chestnut.

One of the oldest chestnut trees in the world is known as Castagno dei cento cavalli. It grows on the east coast of Sicily, eight kilometers from the active crater of Mount Etna. The chestnut entered the Guinness Book of Records as the tree with the largest trunk coverage (in 1780, its circumference was 57.9 m). This tree has one root and several trunks above the ground. If you believe the legend, then Giovanna of Aragon, the Queen of Naples, along with a hundred knights, fell into a thunderstorm. All 100 travelers were then able to hide under this tree. Since then, it has been called Chestnut "hundreds of horses".

Chestnut "hundreds of horses". Collection of the Hermitage in St. Petersburg.

Jean Pierre Huel - French painter and engraver (1735 - 1813)

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The task of plants is to saturate the air with oxygen and clean it from harmful impurities and carbon dioxide. There are about 3 trillion trees on the planet. Their names make it possible to distinguish species and give them a characteristic depending on the shape of the leaves, crown and other parameters. Russia leads in the number of green spaces, both natural and artificial plantations - 640 billion units of coniferous and hardwood cover the country.


Evergreen trees grow in temperate climates and medium humidity. Most common in the northern hemisphere. Among the coniferous plants, the oldest and tallest specimens were recorded. They are classified according to the following criteria:

  • one trunk with side branches;
  • the leaves are like needles;
  • fruit - cones in which seeds are formed.

The oldest representative recorded by man is located on the territory of a protected forest in the state of California. The age of the pine is about 4900 years. Most tall tree grows in the same area, its height is 115 m, and the diameter of the trunk is 4.84 m.

In Russia, the first white acacia trees appeared in the 18th century. At the beginning of the XIX century. the rector of Kharkov University Karazin contributed to the spread of this breed in Ukraine. In the 1940s, it was introduced into the steppe cultures. Since then, the attitude towards this breed has changed: from the greatest enthusiasm for it in the 70s, some in the 80s and 90s reached complete denial. However, the latter conclusion was not accepted by practice as final. The error lies in the fact that poor forestry technique was identified with the shortcomings of the breed itself. The white locust was often planted on the southern slopes and in depressions, where it suffered greatly from frost. Pure plantations of white acacia, like rocks with an openwork crown, were often clogged with steppe weeds, the soil became sodden and the plantations gradually died off, not allowing renewal. In these cases, it was necessary to “plant on a stump” and introduce undergrowth, which was usually not done.[ ...]

Even the ringing of trees of the so-called weed species that do not have this moment marketing, without felling trunks often causes nitrification.[ ...]

Even a thorough cleaning of the trunks of the main rock from branches can be achieved by reducing their number per unit area. To do this, the best in shape and most valuable trees of the main species can be “enveloped” with lower trees of other species or even of the same main species, forming a second tier or so-called performing canopy from these trees, the service tasks of which will be: a) accelerating the delimbing trees of the upper canopy, b) promoting the laying of annual rings of more or less uniform width and c) protecting the soil from being captured by undesirable light-loving weeds.[ ...]

Under the purity of seeds understand the content of pure seeds of the investigated breed in the party. It is determined by the ratio of the mass of pure seeds to the initial mass taken for the analysis of a sample (a sample is a part of the seeds of an average sample, isolated from it to determine individual indicators of seed quality), expressed as a percentage (GOST 13056.2-89). When analyzing a sample of seeds for purity, pure seeds of the studied breed are isolated (whole, normally developed, healthy according to outward signs, species, etc.), their waste (sprouted, rotten, small, empty, broken, affected by diseases, damaged by pests) and impurities (seeds of agricultural crops, weeds herbaceous plants, other trees and shrubs, living and dead pests, lumps of earth, pebbles, fragments of leaves, needles, scales, etc.). Seed purity has great importance during their storage and is the basis for determining their condition, i.e. standard.[ ...]

The number of pollen grains is quite significant, as in the previous sample, but the pollen composition is different. Grains disappear among the wood dust broad-leaved species trees and alders. This testifies both to deforestation in the district, and to the drainage of this place, the disappearance of areas with HUMIDITY. In addition, pollen of the Plantaginaceae family appears, that is, plantains characteristic of roads, settlements, and the proportion of pollen from plants of ruderal and garbage habitats increases. Pollen analysis clearly shows the growth of anthropogenic activity, which is expressed in the further destruction of forests, an increase in dryness, an increase in the proportion of weeds and garbage vegetation in the district. Pollen from roadside plants suggests that this place or a road appeared nearby.[ ...]

Herbicides produced by the industry are intended mainly for agriculture and are very diverse. The use of certain herbicides in agriculture and their dosage are also very diverse and depend on the type of crops that require chemical weeding, and on the botanical composition of weeds. In forestry, the range of herbicides used is much narrower - there is no such variety, and their dosage depends mainly on the age and species of trees and shrubs, i.e. their sensitivity or resistance to certain herbicides.[ ...]

However, the increase in late wood with the expansion of the annual ring is not unlimited, and there is no reason to expect an improvement in the quality of wood with high-intensity thinning. To mitigate the negative impact of strong thinning on the quality of wood in forestry, there is a method of lateral cover or a kind of “enveloping” the trunks of the most valuable trees of the main species with accompanying tree and shrub species or trees of the main species, but with a lower height. From the lower trees, a second tier or canopy is created, which helps to clear the trunks of branches, protects the soil from overgrowing with light-loving weeds and has a beneficial effect on the formation of the growth of upper canopy trees. This method can be used in forest conditions suitable for the formation of complex plantations.[ ...]

Spore-pollen analysis revealed a small amount of pollen, with many torn, deformed, flattened, and therefore undetectable grains. Among woody forms, apart from birch pollen and s[ ...]

The succession of biogeocenosis is actually the succession of food chains and fundamental ecological niches, i.e., regimes and composition of linked factors. Therefore, the above examples are simplified. In real conditions, everything is much more complicated, and when managing biogeocenoses, this linkage of factors should be taken into account. A characteristic example of the neglect of the doctrine of a fundamental ecological niche is the use of arboricides in forests, carried out on a large scale in order to eliminate "weedy" hardwoods that "compete" with valuable conifers for light and mineral nutrition. Now the use of arboricides in forests on a massive scale has been discontinued. However, in a number of cases, after the destruction of hardwoods, pine and spruce not only do not grow, but even those trees that were before processing die from pests and diseases (new limiting factors). The reason is clear: light and mineral nutrition are just a few of the countless environmental factors that form a fundamental niche. Clarification turns out to be favorable for many insects; the disappearance of the deciduous canopy contributes to the unimpeded spread of fungal infections among the remaining conifers. The flow of organic matter into the soil stops, and in addition, the soil is not protected by the canopy of hardwood from water erosion, and its still weak humus horizon is washed away.

In cities with a large population, dense residential, industrial and public buildings, a dense network of roads, there is a progressive deterioration environment: dusty, high concentration of toxic emissions from industrial enterprises, noise level exceeding the maximum permissible medical standards.

In addressing issues of improving and protecting the external environment, an important role is played by green spaces cities, industrial areas, recreation areas. Green spaces play an important architectural and compositional role in the landscape of a modern city, soften the severity of architecture; reducing wind speed, noise level, humidifying and purifying the air, regulating the air temperature, sterilizing the air with phytoncides, create comfortable conditions for work and rest.

The main material for green building are trees and shrubs. Species composition (range) woody and shrubby plants determines the architectural qualities of plantings, their sanitary and hygienic properties, durability and economic efficiency of use. According to the sum of indicators - the stability and durability of the species in the data natural conditions and conditions of a particular object landscaping(streets, parks, industrial zones, etc.), according to their decorative qualities - the breeds grown for landscaping are divided into the main, additional and limited assortment.

Main range make up the types trees and shrubs, which have been growing in urban plantations for a long time and do not lose their decorative qualities. These are breeds such as:

deciduous trees

    birch fluffy

    Rough elm

    Norway maple

    Linden small-leaved

    Poplar white, silver

    common ash

    Mountain ash

coniferous trees:

  • Prickly spruce, Canadian, Serbian
  • European larch, common

deciduous shrubs

    Derain white

    Viburnum ordinary, pride

    Cotoneaster brilliant

    Alpine currant, golden

    Snowberry white

    Rosehip (rose) wrinkled

    Vesicle viburnum

    Common lilac, Hungarian

    Ginnala Maple

    Barberry ordinary (f. by color)

Additional assortment are species that have high decorative qualities, but are less biologically durable or stable in given environmental conditions. The additional assortment is much wider than the main one and includes most of the most decorative types; it is used for landscaping parks, squares or closed areas of various institutions, i.e. where growing conditions are less severe. Additional range includes:

deciduous trees

    Bird cherry virgin

    Hawthorn softish, common

    cherry pennsylvania

    Ussuri pear

    Norway maple (forms), field, Tatar

    Large-leaved linden, felted

    Apple tree of Nedzvedsky, berry

    horse chestnut

coniferous trees:

    Norway spruce (forms)

    Siberian cedar

    Scotch pine, black, mountain

    Balsam fir, single color

deciduous shrubs

    Barberry Thunberg (f. by color)

    Hawthorn cockspur, Almaty,

    Black elderberry (forms)

    Jasmine (mock orange) crown

    Irga canadian

    Kalina Buldenezh

    Potentilla (Kuril tea)

    Mahonia holly

    Spiraea arguta, Vangutta, Japanese, rowan



    Action Amur, rough

coniferous shrubs

    Juniper Cossack, horizontal

    Thuja western


    Grapes girlish, Amur

    Honeysuckle honeysuckle, curly

    tree plier

    Clematis (clematis, varieties)

    Climbing roses, varieties


    Actinidia kolomikta

    Dahurian moonseed

Limited range
make up flowering shrubs and plants with an architectural crown shape, as well as species that require additional care and protection from adverse conditions, and it is intended mainly for collection plantings:

    Poplar pyramidal (Omsk, Soviet, Italian)

    Weeping form on the trunk: apple tree, yellow acacia, mountain ash, willow, elm, etc.

    Thuja western (spherical, columnar, pyramidal shape)

    Common lilac, hybrids

    Roses hybrid tea, park


When establishing a list of plants for a specific object, it is necessary that it meets the intended purpose and architectural design of the object and take into account:

1. the specifics of the object, environmental factors and the functions of plantings that they will perform;
2. biological features and architectural qualities of plants, their relation to the environment where they will grow.

The growth and development of plants depend on the condition of the soil, its fertility, humidity and solar illumination of the area.

Particular attention should be paid to coniferous species, on which the decorative effect of objects in winter time. When placing trees and shrubs on the site, it is necessary to take into account the main biometric indicators - plant height, width, height, density of their crowns.

The height of the plant is taken as its height in adulthood at best conditions places of growth.

In total, six classes of woody plants are distinguished in height: plants of the first size - more than 20 m, the second - 10-20, the third - 5-10, the fourth - 2.5, the fifth - 1-2, the sixth - up to 1 m. The width of the tree crown is determined by the span of the branches in meters: wide - more than 10, medium - 5-10, narrow - less than 5. The height of the crown is taken into account as a percentage of the total height of the tree. For shrubs, an important indicator is the width of their above-ground part: wide - more than 2 m, medium - 1-2, narrow - less than 1 m. When designing, the density (openwork) of the tree crown should be taken into account. Density is determined by the number of gaps in the crown, expressed as a percentage. There are trees with a dense crown - less than 10%, medium-density - 20-40 and openwork - more than 40%.

Attention should also be paid to the growth rate of trees. Trees are divided into fast-growing - the average annual growth is 50-70 cm, moderately growing - 20-50 cm and slow-growing - less than 20 cm. Light-loving and shade-tolerant plants, their exactingness to soils, drought resistance and frost resistance should also be taken into account.

The ratio of rocks to light:

1. Light-loving species are Siberian larch, Scotch pine, Common ash, Cossack juniper.
2. Shade-tolerant breeds are: yews, different kinds firs, Siberian fir, lindens.

The ratio of rocks to heat:

1. Heat-loving species are considered: honey locust, white acacia, hornbeam elm.
2. Medium heat-loving species are: pedunculate oak, Norway maple, common ash, Amur velvet.
3. Cold-resistant species - balsam poplar, birch, mountain ash, Siberian and European spruce, Siberian fir, Scots pine and cedar.

Relation to gases and smoke:

1. Relatively smoke and gas resistant - prickly spruce, western thuja, Siberian larch, Tatar maple, Hungarian lilac, linden, elm, poplar.
2. Non-gas-resistant - fir, spruce, Siberian, Scotch pine, Weymouth, drooping birch, common ash.

For urban landscaping middle lane Russia is priority activities of the nursery "Firm" Green City ". We grow and sell planting material with a closed root system, grown in Nizhny Novgorod region, resistant to adverse urban conditions and unpretentious to the soil.

The function that trees perform cannot be overestimated. A huge number of their species pass through incredible volumes of air every second, purifying it from carbon dioxide and other harmful impurities, being the lungs of our planet. From each other different types trees are quite easy to distinguish if you know what shape the foliage and crown of a particular type of tree.

As of 2015, there were over three trillion trees worldwide. At the same time, Russia occupies the first place in terms of their number. However, due to cutting and forest fires the number of trees is steadily declining.

Plant taxonomy

A species in botany is a collection of individuals that have similar characteristics and originated from the seeds of a single plant, the properties of which are inherited. Tree species, in turn, are divided into subspecies, forms and varieties.

Any plant has a name consisting of two words. The first designates its genus, and the second defines its specific name. For example, Norway spruce or European larch.

All plant names have Latin names and are also double. Such names are accepted in all countries and are international. In the first Latin word, which always begins with a capital letter, the plant belongs to a particular genus, and in the second, it belongs to a species. For example, Larix decidua (European larch).

In turn, plant varieties can be divided into groups or breeds. The largest of them:

  1. Deciduous;
  2. Coniferous.

Types of trees in Russia

The abundance and diversity of forests, in addition to Russia, can not boast of all countries. Perhaps only Brazil and Canada are the only closest competitors.

The most famous trees of central Russia have long been sung in songs, poems have been written about them and prose has been written. Birch, aspen, pine, oak, willow and other species have entered folklore since ancient times. It is worth noting that conifers are the most numerous of their species in Russia.

Basic tree names conifers on Russian territory:

  • Fir ordinary;
  • Norway spruce;
  • Cedar pine;
  • European larch.


Fir mainly grows in the European part of Russia. However, it is found in Siberia and the Caucasus. The height of the plant can reach up to 50 meters, with a meter-thick trunk. The lifespan of this powerful evergreen tree ranges from 500 to 700 years.

The common fir has a sharp and well-defined crown cone, and the shiny needles with a dark shade are decorated with white stripes in the stomata with reverse side. The color of the bark of this plant is light gray, but you can find trunks with a reddish tint.

At the age of about 40-50 years, fir begins to bear fruit. Fir cones, bark and needles are widely used in folk medicine for the preparation of various infusions and decoctions.

Norway spruce

In Russia, spruce is a forest-forming species and grows throughout the country. The height of this plant reaches 35 meters, but there are giants up to 50 meters.

The crown of the spruce is in the form of a regular cone, which descends to the very ground. Top part the crown is always sharp and never changes its shape.

The needles of spruce are four-sided, flattened, shiny and with a dark green tint, having a needle-like shape. The length of such needles reaches 2-3 centimeters or more.. Near the ground, the trunk diameter of an adult spruce ranges from 80 to 120 cm. Spruce grows throughout its life, sometimes reaching 300 years of age.

Cedar pine

Siberian cedar, or cedar pine, is a plant with a trunk width of up to one and a half meters and a height of up to 45 m. The needles of the cedar pine are trihedral, growing in small bunches. Among the pine family, cedar is one of its most ancient representatives. A tree lives up to 500 - 600 years, and under favorable conditions - up to 800.

In the Urals in the last century, according to some reports, it was possible to meet cedar pines with a trunk up to two meters wide. Now it is unrealistic to meet such giants. They have long been gone, not only in the Urals, but even in Siberia.

The trunk is slender, begins to branch at a height of 1.5-2 meters. The bark is in small cracks of a gray or brownish-red hue. The needles are trihedral, collected in bunches of 5 needles. The crown of the cedar has a pyramidal shape of dark green color with a gray tint.

European larch

European larch is the most common species among all the rest of its family. Its height can reach 50 meters, but most often - 25-40 m. The crown of a larch does not always have the shape of a regular cone. The bark is scaly and thin, and in adult trees - with cracks.

The needles of the larch are light green in color, sometimes you can see the colors with a bluish coating. On short shoots, the needles grow in bunches.

The tree grows in the European part of the country and in the Urals, and the maximum age of life reaches 500 years.

The most numerous representatives of hardwoods in Russia:

  • Birch ordinary;
  • Linden small-leaved;
  • Pedunculate oak;
  • Aspen ordinary;
  • Norway maple.

common birch

The famous birch grows in central Russia, and its habitat ranges from hot subtropics to areas with a very harsh climate. An adult tree reaches 40 meters in height and up to one and a half meters in width.

The color of the tree bark is white or pink with a brown tint, sometimes you can find birches with a yellowish-white trunk. Young birch branches are red-brown in color with characteristic dark warts.

Linden small-leaved

This tree grows from the west of Russia to the Urals. The height of the trunk ranges from 20 to 30 meters, and the crown, which has a spherical shape, gives it a majestic appearance. The diameter of the crown can reach from 15 to 20 meters. The tree lives up to 600 years.

Linden is known for its useful properties thanks to which its leaves are actively used in cooking. Many recipes traditional medicine based on leaves, bark and even roots of small-leaved linden.

The tree is an excellent honey plant. Its persistent aroma actively attracts bees, and honey is viscous, healing and tasty, with the highest quality.

Pedunculate oak

Tree of the beech family. Another name is common oak. The crown of the tree is broad-pyramidal or spherical with large massive branches.

Young trees have a gray bark, while mature trees have a dark bark with large cracks. The height of the tree reaches 50 meters, and the width is up to 2 m. The average life expectancy of this plant is 500 years.

Oak leaves are lobed with a characteristic serrated-rounded the edge of a simple shape. By mid-autumn, fruits begin to ripen at the oak - acorns.

Common aspen

The habitat of this plant is places with a cold and temperate climate throughout Russia. The aspen trunk, which has a wedge-shaped shape, reaches a height of up to 35 meters, with a diameter of 1 meter.

The tree lives only up to 90 years and only in rare cases up to 150. Young trees are distinguished by a greenish-gray smooth bark, while in adults it becomes darker and cracks.

Aspen is very rich in useful properties. Since ancient times, the bark of this tree has been added to food, after being dried and crushed. She relieved fatigue, which was especially important for the taiga residents.

Norway maple

Known for the peculiar shape of the leaves, the plant, reaching 30 meters in height. AT good conditions maple can live up to 200 years. The reddish-gray hue and smooth bark distinguishes young trees from older trees, whose bark has more dark color and cracks.

Maple leaves up to 20 cm in diameter with pronounced veins and five lobes, the two lower ones are small and the upper three are large. In autumn, maple becomes especially beautiful when its leaves begin to turn brown, red, yellow.

Maple is most common in the European part of Russia and the Caucasus, in broad-leaved and mixed forests. Maple juice, leaves and shoots are widely used in folk medicine.

Moscow trees

In the parks of the capital, you can even find species that are not typical for the area, some of which were planted and grown on purpose.

The main botanical garden of Moscow and the arboretum literally abound with many varieties of trees. Among them, the most common are: mountain ash, poplar, chestnut, aspen, pear, apple tree, oak, elm, ash, willow, willow, lilac, yellow locust, white locust, viburnum, wild rose.

While exotic species of plants can be found in the parks of Moscow, species that usually grow in the European part of Russia are planted in the yards and streets of the city. Every year, planned events are held to plant new young seedlings throughout Moscow and the region.

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