Dream interpretation drowning. Nightmares: what is the dream of a drowned man

diets 10.10.2019

Did you dream of a drowned man or a drowned woman, so you woke up broken and frightened? Then there is good news for you. In all dream books, a drowned man in a dream is, as a rule, a sign of imminent changes in life; either guidance on how to favorably address current or future problems; or a hint on how to find the cause of mental discomfort and inexplicable anxieties.

From our article, you will learn what drowned people dream of and how to properly use sleep information to the maximum benefit for yourself.

Every dream we have has a reason. They can be in the physical, that is, material, world, or in the mental, spiritual world.

Dreams of the physical world

In the material world, there are two main factors that largely determine the content of dreams:

  • level physical health the body of a sleeping person;
  • weather and environmental conditions.

Therefore, a dream in which you dreamed that you yourself were drowning, choking on water and suffocating, dream books often interpret how recommendation to visit a doctor(perhaps there are problems with the lungs or respiratory organs) or pay attention to the place of sleep (ventilate the room more often or use climate technology correctly: air conditioners and humidifiers). If you smoke, then the dream also indicates that it is time to quit a bad habit.

Dreams of the mental world

As follows from the dream books, correct interpretation dreams with drowned people is determined by an appropriate understanding of the meaning of one of the most important, meaningful and amazing symbols - water.

Water symbolizes t:

Wise men ancient civilizations, Greek and Chinese, considered water one of the primary elements of the universe. Indeed, where there is water, where life flourishes. Water is not only a symbol of life, but also its essence, as it nourishes everything without demanding anything in return. According to science, three-quarters of a person consists of water.

Now let's see how dream books interpret the main situations when drowning is dreamed of.

The drowned man himself is a dreamer

Such a dream occurs, as a rule, in cases where root cause of your problems and difficulties are you yourself.

  • If you have problems communicating with people, then most likely you are too harsh towards those who require tenderness and care from you, or, conversely, too soft and delicate with those with whom you should not stand on ceremony.
  • Perhaps you are too trusting in someone who shouldn't be.
  • If not everything is good at work, think about whether it's time for you to learn, that is, to raise your professional level, or change jobs.

In dream books, attention is also drawn to a few important points:

  • If you dream that you are drowning and at the same time calling for help, then this means that you yourself cannot solve your problems, outside participation is required. And it will be offered to you in the near future. Don't give it up!
  • If you dreamed that you managed to escape, then now you don’t have to worry about the tormenting hardships of life, since they have already disappeared by themselves.

A drowned man or a drowned woman

If a drowned man dreamed and his body was in the water, then dream books interpret this as a quick resolution of the issue that worries you in this moment. Please note that the closer the body is to the shore, the sooner the solution will be in time. If the body lies on the shore, then this speaks of upcoming changes in life, work and career, or in personal relationships.

Also, a drowned woman dreams of changes in personal relationships. In dream books, it means a favorable time to end the current relationship or, on the contrary, improve and strengthen them, move to a new level.

If in a dream a drowned man fell into a fishing net or on a hook, then perhaps you will take the place of your friend.

Drowned child

Dream books advise for such dreams take very seriously, because right now the moment has come when you need to do something or quickly give up something. Otherwise, further troubles and troubles will begin. For example, the consequences of bad habits and bad deeds begin to destroy your health and well-being.

Try to remember everything that happens in a dream and all the words spoken. This will be a hint that will help you make a turn in a favorable direction.

The drowning man was saved, the drowned man came to life, in a dream there is a real living person

If in a dream you dreamed that the drowning man managed to escape or the drowned man came to life, then this means that the problem that worries you is now for one reason or another no longer relevant. Feel free to turn the page of the book of your destiny and move on, start a new business.

If you dream of a person you meet in real life, then from the dream books it follows that this person has problems and you can help him get rid of them. Think about how you will assist him and in what you will take part. And if this person turns to you for help or with a request, be sure to support him. You will get it.


Now we know what the drowned man in the water is dreaming of, and we are convinced that, according to the dream books, the drowned man is in a dream not a bad sign at all. In almost all cases, you should not be afraid of such dreams. Their information can be understood and effectively used to your advantage. We hope that our article helped you with this.

Agree, it is unlikely that anyone will be pleased with a dream in which a drowned person was seen. Such a plot is more likely to cause negative emotions and even stress.

But dream books are reassuring: you should not immediately panic after waking up. A dreaming drowned man is not necessarily interpreted as a bad sign on the contrary - in some cases it is a harbinger of change for the better. To correctly determine what the appearance of this character in a particular dream means, the details of the vision will help.

We establish the identity of the drowned

Age and gender

Answering the question of why a drowned man dreams in water, dream books assure that this is a favorable sign. You are full of energy and ready to overcome everyday hardships.

If an unfamiliar man was drowning in dreams, the forecasts of dream books are encouraging. After waking up, tempting prospects will open before you, you will have the opportunity to return to postponed projects and complete them safely.

Long "buried" and forgotten ideas will remind you of themselves and lead to impressive results. An interesting detail: the closer to the shore of the reservoir in the dream was the place where the stranger went to the bottom, the sooner the dreamer will succeed.

Dream Interpretations associate the image of a drowned woman with upcoming changes in the love sphere. Whoever saw in a dream the victim of the water element will be captured by a flood of feelings, serious relationship may even end in marriage. So books of dreams answer the question of why a drowned woman dreams.

Drowned? This unpleasant plot does not bode well. Seeing an unfamiliar drowning baby will face a series of failures. The dreamer expects material damage, there may be trouble at work, up to dismissal, financial difficulties, etc.

If your child or one of your close relatives drowned in a dream, the family is in danger!

Degree of relationship or acquaintance

Did you dream that you drowned yourself? Do not rush to get upset: soon the problems will be solved, and the changes will eventually lead to the better. Almost drowned, but someone saved you in a dream? It's a good sign faithful friends always ready to help you.

The drowned man is your friend? Dream Interpretations warn: unexpected disappointment awaits you.

It seemed that a relative drowned? Interpreters warn: beware conflict situations, do not sort things out. There is a high probability that your intentions will be misinterpreted, and even a trifling offense will provoke a scandal.

If you recognize a friend or girlfriend in a drowned person, events will occur in his or her life that cause violent emotions. This person will soon fall in love or suddenly find out about receiving an inheritance.

Husband or wife drowned in water? Drowned spouses portend discord in the family. If the body floated to the surface of the water, conflicts would not subside soon.

Seeing in a dream as a drowned man means that the left "half" still means a lot to you, despite the break in relations. The subconscious signals the need to break with psychological addiction and close the topic of parting.

Where did the heroes of sleep drown?

A dream about a drowned man promises getting rid of what poisons your life and fills it with negativity.

Drowned in means regret about a recently committed rash act. Dream books offer the same interpretation when dreaming that someone was drowning in a well.

The tragedy happened in This is a good sign, foreshadowing that the dreamer's efforts will be rewarded according to their merits, not only financially, but also in terms of promotion at work. But if the drowned man lay at the bottom of the river, disappointment is inevitable.

The ridiculous death of a drowned man in a puddle symbolizes the need to analyze the state of affairs in more detail in order to determine the cause of your negative emotions. Be patient and try to figure things out calmly.

In a dream, a drowned man dreamed in? Interpreters warn: do not make risky decisions. Ahead is not best time for new beginnings.

To fall through the ice and drown there, according to dream books, is to expose yourself to unjustified risk in reality. If you were drowning in an ice hole, get ready for the betrayal of close relatives or colleagues.

Drowned in a swamp? Engage in introspection, deal with the "blockages" from the past, as well as with your own thoughts and feelings.

In what water did the drowning man dream?

If it happened in crystal clean water is a good omen. In reality, the dreamer expects positive changes and fulfillment of desires. Another interpretation - this plot portends recovery after a long illness.

Was the water cloudy in the dream? Detractors intrigue behind your back. Prepare for the fact that they will try to tarnish your reputation. Be careful, do not trust anyone with your secrets - and you will be able to bring out envious people "to clean water."

Dirty, foul-smelling water symbolizes the approach of disgusting things that have a detrimental effect on the dreamer's life: betrayal, debauchery, etc.

If in a dream you saw and recognized someone drowning in dirty water, try to warn this person about a bad omen.

If the water was stormy, with waves, whirlpools and a lot of splashes - this is evidence of the mental instability of the hero of the dream, a reason to turn to a psychologist.

Number of drowning

Remember how many people drowned in dreams. If there were a large number of them, this is rather a good sign. Fate favors you, serious changes for the better will occur in your life. So dream books answer the question of why many drowned people dream of.

Were there several who drowned? You will face financial difficulties. The more bodies you see in a dream, the more acute the need for money will be..

Did one person drown? The opinions of the interpreters differ. Some consider this image as a burden of responsibility, obligations, which the dreamer took upon himself. Now he prevents to live happily, and the subconscious signals about it. Others predict radical changes, the completion of a certain life stage and the beginning of a new one.

Circumstances of sleep and actions of the sleeper

Search, find, save

Search for the drowned man and find his body on the shore - after waking up, you can get rid of something unnecessary.

To sink in a dream to the bottom of a reservoir - to the onset of an unfavorable period in life.

To catch a drowned man fishing with a fishing rod or other tackle - to take the position of your friend in reality.

Had a dream about how you pull a drowned man out of the water? You have to rely only on own forces in the implementation of the plan. To pump out a drowned man after he managed to pull him ashore is to face strife in the family in reality.

In dreams, did they save drowning people from the water? If in the end you managed to do this, you can find a way out of difficult situation. If, despite all efforts, it was not possible to save the unfortunate person, misunderstandings and troubles will accompany your activities.

If the drowned man was pumped out, this is a favorable sign. Stormy joy after a choked person came to life is a symbol of future happiness. There are other interpretations of this plot: to bring the drowned man back to life - in reality you will return to cases that you previously considered unpromising.

watch the drowning

Did you see a drowned man from the side in a dream? Have you seen his body lying on the shore? Waking up waiting for a quick solution to problems, getting rid of the burden of unnecessary responsibility.

If a revived drowned man pursues his savior, in reality you will experience irritation from the fact that you have to waste energy and strength on those who do not appreciate it.

If a drowning man calls with him, drags you to the bottom, be careful. When trying to help a friend in trouble, make sure he doesn't hurt you. Did the drowning man say something to you? If it was a request for help, in reality your loved ones need support.

If you see a drowning man dying, but you cannot help him, this person is in real danger!


Drowning yourself in a dream - it depresses you that you can’t cope with things, you don’t have time to do everything planned on time. If, at the same time, there are people around you who are in no hurry to come to the rescue, you will experience betrayal in reality.

Did you dream that the drowned man was lying in a coffin? After awakening, you can easily overcome any obstacles.

If a person who drowned in reality dreamed of being alive, you will meet an old acquaintance who disappeared from sight many years ago.

Who dreamed of a drowned man?

A lonely girl dreamed that she was drowning, but at the last moment she managed to swim out? In reality, she will have many fans.

A girl in a relationship dreamed of her young man drowned? This is a bad omen: their feelings may not stand the test.

A drowned man in a dream of a pregnant woman symbolizes her anxiety about the child and the upcoming birth.

Did a married woman dream about her husband drowning in water? In reality, she will quarrel with her husband.

Did a lonely guy dream of a drowned woman? Soon he will meet his soul mate.

For a young man in a relationship, a drowned man lying on the shore portends the onset of a new stage in life. Perhaps a change in marital status.

For a married man, this dream plot promises a change in life. Changes await him at work and will be associated with career advancement.

No reason to panic

Let the dream in which the drowned man dreamed not be joyful, the interpreters are encouraging: often a dream does not portend anything terrible. A calm analysis based on details and circumstances will correctly interpret the meaning of the dream.

Many people say that seeing a drowning person in a dream is a disaster. Some people don't agree with this. Of course, you can argue endlessly, but it’s better to try to figure it out on your own with the help of many different dream books. It is advisable to look at several sources of information at once for the accuracy of interpretation.

Almost everyone now knows how to use the Internet. Therefore, if there is any problem, then the majority types their question in the search engine and the answer is immediately given there. But I would like to note the fact that the Internet is not always reliable and verified information. So, if you want to know the interpretation of a dream, it is better to look at it in the dream book.

Miller's dream book is very popular. It says that if the owner of the dream is drowning, then in the present tense he will face major losses. You need to be careful with signatures on documents. It is possible that someone will want to fraudulently get an apartment. Well, what if it sinks completely stranger someone will need help soon. It also happens that the child begins to drown. This means that all grandiose plans and goals will soon collapse. It is not advisable to think of something or dream about something, as this may not come true.

It is very important to pay attention in a dream to where a person drowned. If this is a bathroom at home, then the problems will be related to the family. Perhaps there will be some kind of quarrel. Well, if someone drowned in a river or sea, then troubles are expected with strangers.

You can also look into the gypsy dream book. It says that seeing yourself drowning in water is a shame. That is, an event will soon occur that will be completely unpleasant for a person. Most likely, the owner of the dream made stupid mistakes in the past and in reality, after a while, the moment will come when everyone will know about them. If a friend drowns in a dream, then in real life he will be drawn into some ridiculous situation. It is advisable not to agree with his words and not to help implement ideas, since the outcome can be tragic. It is also a bad sign when a baby drowned in a dream. This means that in reality there will be health problems, and serious ones. But if a pregnant woman sees herself drowning in a dream, then there is a high probability that her child will not be born completely healthy. It is also a bad sign for a sick person. If he dreamed that he was drowning, then in real life he would be sick for a long time.

Adelina Karaeva, a participant in the TV show "Battle of Psychics" says that if a person dreamed about how he was drowning, then in reality they expect him big problems. It is quite possible that he will be drawn into some kind of story that will ruin his whole life. In most cases, it has to do with finances. The psychic does not advise borrowing money, and it is also strictly forbidden to take a loan. It doesn't matter if it's a small amount or a large one. This could be a huge loss. It also happens that a person saw in a dream how a dog drowned. This means that in real life, the best friend will get sick soon. deadly disease. It is advisable to visit all your close friends, because it can be last meeting. However, if a person tries to drown himself in a dream, then in reality he will be haunted by problems that he cannot get rid of. If you believe the words of the clairvoyant, then this dream portends some trouble.

After they find out the answer to the question of why they dream that someone drowned in a dream, many do not want the dream prediction to come true at all. Therefore, it is necessary to learn the prayer "Our Father" and, after a bad dream, read it three times. It is said to protect a person from danger.

To believe or not to believe, of course, is up to the individual to decide. However, it is still worth remembering that dreams do not happen by chance. Magicians and healers are sure: this is a kind of sign from above, which suggests impending troubles and dangers. So, it is advisable to be attentive to your dreams. Perhaps these signs will help to avoid trouble.

Dream interpretation man drowning in a dream

Why dream that a person is drowning. Dream interpretation

A bad dream, which, as a rule, warns that care must be taken. It is possible that an accident could happen to you. In addition, there is a danger of losing property (for example, you may be robbed). True, the consequences of these events will not be critical if you dreamed that the drowning man managed to escape and swim ashore.

If you dreamed that a familiar person was drowning, you will probably soon be disappointed in him and for this reason refuse to lend a helping hand to him in Hard time. Such a dream can also predict an unpleasant conversation with superiors, which will change your attitude towards your own work.

In our dream book you can learn not only about what dreams about a person who is drowning dream about, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a person who is drowning in a dream online by Miller's dream book.

Dream Interpretation Man Drowning

What is the dream of a man Drowning in a dream according to a dream book?

A dream in which a person is drowning indicates impending difficulties. If a person unsuccessfully tries to swim out, then the dreamer is unlikely to succeed in implementing his plans in the near future. For a family man, such a plot portends debts, plan your budget more carefully.

If you dreamed about how you save a drowning person, most likely a happy period is approaching. There will be a series of joyful events and pleasant surprises. It is very likely that one of your friends will remember your help and will not be indebted.

What is the dream of the Drowned Man, the dream book of the Drowned Man to see in a dream, what does it mean?

Summer dream book

Why the Drowned Man dreams:

Drowned - Soon you will have to face hypocrisy.

Autumn dream book

If the Drowned Man is dreaming, what is it for:

Drowned - A drowned man means drunk money, this is how the dream book interprets the dream that you had.

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Drowned, which means sleep:

Seeing a Drowned Man in a Dream - If you dreamed of a drowned man, then in real life significant changes await you. Perhaps you are on the threshold of a new stage in your life. If you dreamed that you yourself drowned, then in reality you are afraid of not having time to complete your plan on time. If you see one of your friends drowned - you will receive unexpected news.

Spring dream book

According to the dream book Drowned:

Drowned man - you will have to express sympathy for the person who was fired from his job.

Dream Interpretation of Gypsy Seraphim

Interpretation of the dream book: Drowning - may mean a literal warning or may be related to a physical condition, for example, it may indicate lung disease, depending on the context. Emotional overstrain; the sleeper may feel that life is suppressing him, that he is "going to the bottom."

Old grandmother's dream book

Why is the Drowned Man dreaming what does it mean?

Seeing in a dream Drowning, but not drowning, crying out for help: for a woman - to surprise, to unexpected success; to see a drowning husband - to reveal his connection with another woman; to drown yourself - to improve your affairs.

Worldly dream book

What does it mean to see a Drowned Man in a dream? A drowned man in a dream necessarily predicts to the dreamer some changes in life, whether they will be favorable or not, depends on the course of sleep.

So, for example, if you dreamed of a drowned man who was not familiar to you in real life, then you should be open to changes and innovations - they will happen in the very near future, but they will be so unexpected that you will try to resist them. In fact, all these changes can radically change your life in better side even if it doesn't seem like it at first.

Seeing a drowned man in a dream, which you know in reality, predicts the dreamer to receive some important news. The news will come very soon.

If you dreamed of a drowned man in whom you recognize yourself, then such a dream means that in reality you are afraid of not having time to fulfill your plan in due time, these thoughts depress you.

Seeing in a dream a drowned man who was washed ashore by the current means that changes in life will happen so soon that you will only have time to state the facts that are happening to you. At the same time, you should not be afraid of innovations - you just enter into new stage your life, capable of making it not only more interesting, but really, better.

Dream Interpretation of Adaskin

Dream Interpretation Drowned Interpretation is as follows:

What does it mean to see a Drowned Man in a dream? The drowned man, whom you are trying unsuccessfully to revive, means cooling in family life (love will turn into a boring duty due to domestic troubles).

Lunar dream book

Why is the Drowned Man dreaming in a dream?

To see the Drowned Man from the dream book is the loss of something. Saturn.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

What is the dream of the Drowned Man in a dream book?

Seeing a drowned man in a dream - Seeing a drowned man in a dream is an omen of illness or suffering of one of your loved ones. Seeing yourself drowned in a dream means that you are under the influence of others and you need to free yourself from this.

Dream interpretation for girls

To see the Drowned Man in a dream:

Drowned Man - Seeing a drowned man in a dream is a disease. But don’t worry: the illness that the dream warns you about will be short and not severe, but you won’t see your friends and classmates for some time. However, this dream can have another interpretation: it is quite possible that you spend too much time in the water and risk catching a cold.

What is the dream of a drowned child?

If someone wondered why a drowned child is dreaming, then this is already a sign of great trouble. This is one of the most terrible and dangerous dreams that lead to big trouble. Initially, a drowned person is a person who left this life not by the will of God.

Why did the person die? Whether it was an accident or a deliberate murder, death was still not a natural process of the body.

The drowned man is the link between the world of the living and world of the dead. This is because the soul of a person who has not died a natural death cannot go to rest, neither to heaven nor to hell, it remains between these two hypostases. A part of the soul of this person always belongs to the place where the fact of death occurred, that is, in fact, a part of this soul will always remain on Earth, it can at any time come into contact with a person. However, it is not so easy for the dead to communicate with the living. The fact is that most people do not believe in the existence of souls and in their physical realization, so the consciousness simply will not see this soul.

And when a person falls asleep, his consciousness turns off, and the subconscious continues to work very well, then restless souls come to people in a dream.

Why the drowned child? A child is still a completely pure soul, he has not had time to commit any sins in his life, he has not had time to cross the road for anyone.

Little children should not die an unnatural death, and if they do, it is in most cases the retribution for the past sins of the parents. These are not even evil eye and not damage, most likely - these are generic curses that take away children of a certain gender, most often these are boys - they are the continuation of the family.

If a drowned child is dreaming, then this is a sign that someone sent a curse on the sleeping person, and for no reason - death was sent to a pure soul. It is necessary to get rid of such curses as a matter of urgency, and this should be done not from fortune tellers, who will return their husband for a couple of thousand rubles, and they will help win the house in the lottery, but from real professionals. You need to approach the choice of a person who will remove the negative with all responsibility, it depends further fate all cities.

If a drowned child is trying to say something in a dream, this is a sure sign that higher power suggest the best solution in the current life situation. It is worth taking these words seriously, otherwise there may be unpleasant consequences. But it is worth noting that if a child talks in a dream - this is not a curse or damage, it should be taken only as a sign, nothing more.

If in a dream someone finds the corpse of a child in the reeds, this is a sign of approaching, hidden troubles, but this is also not damage.

It is very bad if in a dream a person dives into the water to a depth and sees the body of a child there. This means that troubles surround this person from all sides, that you need to change your life completely, perhaps it makes sense to move to another city, change jobs or something like that.

Otherwise, such a continuation of life can turn into a nervous breakdown and serious psychiatric disorders.

Under no circumstances would a dead child dream, it is necessary to contact either a psychologist to solve your problems, or a psychic, depending on the person’s well-being and life beliefs.

In any case, a dream is a dream for a reason, the subconscious mind never sends signs senselessly. A drowned child is too strong sign to leave it unattended. You should not be skeptical about such a dream, because much in life can be prevented.

why dream of drowning?


Each person sees dreams, some are pleasant, some are not very, for example, they may have such a dream in which a person is drowning or sees how others are drowning. If you dream that someone drowned, it can mean a lot. Different dream books interpret such a dream in different ways. For example, this may mean that a person managed to successfully resolve some issue that has been tormenting him for a long time or managed to say goodbye to life that prevented him from moving forward and improving. The dream symbolizes the internal contradictions of a person, which he gives to the water element and thanks to this he is cleansed and freed from some problems. But, a long-standing question or getting rid of problems will not happen immediately, but slowly and gradually, and sometimes quite painfully. If a person sees a girl drowning in a dream, this may portend some kind of success in business, and if you see a drowned man , perhaps a person will have some period of loss and loss. If a woman sees her husband drowning, such a dream can be described as a betrayal of a loved one or various troubles in family life. Why dream of drowning: the most detailed interpretation , in reality, this may mean receiving some kind of profit, moral satisfaction and well-deserved happiness, or it may mean that a person will come to the aid of friends and successfully help solve problems that have arisen. If a person sees in a dream how one of the relatives is drowning, this may mean that the relative lacks attention from the person. If a child drowns in a dream, this means that the person wants to take care of someone. And if he saves him, then in real life a person will be accompanied by success in all his endeavors. And if it was not possible to save, then this means that questions and problems that have long tormented a person will cease to concern him. It is interesting that if in a dream a person dreams of drowning in dark, muddy water, especially in a swamp, most likely various troubles await him in the near future and troubles, it is possible that he will face a collapse in financial affairs. Drowning may portend various injuries, illnesses, accidents up to death. But if at the same time someone was able to save a person and pull him out, this symbolizes success in all matters, recovery and resolution of various problems. If a person drowns in clean and clear water, this means purification, the transition from one level of life to another, the completion of some or a life stage and the beginning of a new one. Sometimes this symbolizes a return to some business or idea that a person has long given up on. If a person dreams that someone pushed him or was thrown into the water, and because of this he began to drown, it may mean some kind of loss due to the cunning of others, and the emergence of various problems.

drowned cat

Dream Interpretation Drowned Cat had a dream about why a drowned cat dreams in a dream? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Drowned Cat in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cat

The cat is one of the most difficult symbols to deal with when deciphering dreams. The thing is that the image of a cat can arise in a dream for so many reasons, and it is almost never possible to determine exactly how our subconscious mind worked at the moment when we saw a small kitten, a Siamese cat or an affectionate cat. Perhaps in reality we encountered an amazing person who, despite all the difficulties, managed to avoid a seemingly imminent danger. After all, looking at just such people, we recall the folk wisdom: "He falls like a cat on his feet." The appearance of a cat in a dream can also be facilitated by a meeting with an independent, independent and slightly frivolous woman. And this is no coincidence, because in real life we ​​call such a woman "a cat that walks by itself." Or maybe the image of a cat in a dream arose as a result of the fact that memories of how the cat was washing were deposited in our subconscious: it is no secret to anyone folk omen"The cat washes to the guests." A cat can appear in a dream even when we are happy to watch a young guy caress and play with a cat: after all, rarely does another one come to mind at this moment. folk wisdom: "He who loves cats will love his wife." But what if we dreamed of a cat as a warning of impending danger (after all, in the afternoon we were very worried when a black cat crossed our path)? As for those human qualities that characterize a cat, they are, no doubt, known to everyone. This is cunning, deceit and malice. But at the same time, we must not forget that in ancient times cats were deified and considered special animals. And this means that any dream in which you saw a cat is prophetic. Most importantly, you need to be able to correctly decipher it. Watching a washing cat in a dream - to the guests. It is possible that you will meet old good friends with whom you will have a great time. Watching in a dream how a dog hunts a cat is a warning that you should in no case deceive your friends. Upon learning of your deceit, friends turn away from you forever. To dream of a little kitten hiding in a tree from angry dog, is a sign that in real life you should be very careful. If you dreamed of a kitten who, having noticed a dog in the distance, immediately runs to hide on the roof, then you should beware of the danger that you have already managed to avoid once. If in a dream you saw a cat hunting for mice, then in the near future your life will be restless and not entirely joyful. Various problems will arise on your way due to the deceit and evil machinations of your secret enemy. If in a dream a cat scratched you, then in reality you will face big problems, because of which you will be very worried. If you dreamed that the cat drove its claws right into your chest, then spiritual longing, sadness and grief await you. Watching a dead cat pretending to be lying next to a mouse hole means that in the near future someone close to you will attempt to deceive you. Watching in a dream how a cat caught a mouse and carried it to show its prey to other cats is a sign that in real life you are a very vain person. Perhaps such a dream suggests that there are conceited people in your environment who will bring you great misfortune. If in a dream a black cat crossed your path, then in reality you should beware of dangers. Such a dream also indicates that you overestimate your strength, and therefore you should not refuse the help of friends. To see a cat with kittens in a dream - to problems with children. Perhaps your child is lying to you. Stroking a cat sitting on your lap in a dream is a sign that in your environment there is a not entirely decent, frivolous woman who will let you down badly, taking advantage of your trust. Watching in a dream how a young guy or a single man strokes a cat means that, having married, he will love his wife very much. Feeding a cat in a dream is a sign that it's time to stop "soaring in the clouds" and go about your business. Watching several fighting cats in a dream is evidence that a streak of minor setbacks awaits you, so be patient and courageous. If in a dream an unfamiliar cat caresses you, it means that one of your new acquaintances decided to take advantage of your kindness and trust. Be careful. Seeing a dead cat in a dream is a bad omen. Most likely, you will learn about the illness of someone close to you.

Dream Interpretation - Cat

The cat is a symbol of evil forces, witches, home comfort, shrines, good luck. To see a tabby cat walking along the road to the city - this dream suggests that before the appearance of a great man who will bring wisdom from above, people will recognize a cat or other animal that will be sent as a sign. Seeing a cat the size of a lion lying on the doorstep means that well-being depends on a well-thought-out animal policy. Seeing a black cat with red eyes - this dream indicates evil intentions that can end in bloodshed, characterizing the year 2023. Seeing a cat in a mantle made of mouse skins is a symbol of the fact that the events of 2008 will entail retribution, which will take place in 2011. Accidentally killing a cat means that in 2045 a particularly dangerous international criminal will be caught in Egypt. Seeing a city filled with cats is a symbol that portends an ecological catastrophe, drought, famine. Seeing a basket with kittens, which is carried with honor to the palace, accompanied by a column of people, means that in ten years a very strong and unpredictable person in his actions will be in power, who will be revered to such an extent that it can be compared with deification . This period can be called the era of democracy and independence in everything. Seeing a gallery of stuffed cats is a harbinger of official reprisals against those who believe in higher or otherworldly powers. Seeing a pack of cats that attacked a huge dog means that in 2018 there will be a major clash between the forces of good and evil, which will primarily affect family life and housekeeping. Seeing a tabby cat that fell into a mousetrap - this dream portends death or deliberate reprisal against a person - a messenger from God who will not be recognized. Seeing a red and yellow cat with green eyes is a harbinger that an absurd event in which the traditions of Japan will be affected will lead to an aggravation of relations between this country and the states related to this event. Seeing a cat couple decorated with colored ribbons means that in 2047 an event will occur that will unite the rulers and peoples of states that have not previously cooperated. Seeing a cat pouring wine into silver bowls is a symbol of good luck and prosperity in 2011 as a result of hard work and a law-abiding lifestyle.

Dream Interpretation - Cat, kitten

A woman who sees in a dream a lovely, fluffy white kitten should be wary of a cleverly set trap. Only prudence and common sense will help her avoid ruin. A dirty and skinny kitten that appeared in a dream warns: do not buy into external tinsel, otherwise you will become a victim of someone's unseemly act. Remember: not all that glitters is gold. In general, dreams about little kittens promise minor troubles. According to Nostradamus, a cat is a symbol of home comfort, good luck. This is how he interprets dreams about cats. A tabby cat walking along the road to the city dreams of a wise person appearing in your environment. A dream about a huge cat lying on the threshold of a house means that well-being depends on a well-thought-out policy in relationships at work. Black a cat with red eyes dreams of someone's evil intentions. A city filled with cats dreams of ecological disaster, drought, hunger. Seeing a gallery of stuffed cats is a harbinger of persecution of those who believe in higher or otherworldly powers. And D. Loff says in his dream book: “This symbol has several easily interpreted meanings. According to tradition, cats are endowed with intuitive and magical abilities. First of all, the appearance of a cat indicates that you can rely on your intuition. In addition, the cat can symbolize your fantasies and desire to master the skills of witchcraft or learn the occult sciences. And your own cat may appear in a dream simply as a direct participant in your daily life.

Dream Interpretation - Cat

Cat, cat - cats - enemies. How a cat dreams is hell. Cat - there will be some kind of stupid woman near you. As a pussy dreams, this is a sign for a man that some young woman “shoots” after him, and for a woman it is a sign that she has a rival. The cat is a fatal accident. To beat a cat - they will repay with ingratitude. Black cat - you will fall into fornication; white - pretenders, deceivers are around you; wild - quarrel and brawl with neighbors; young - a friend will betray; many cats - relationships with crafty people. If the cat scratches and bites - treason in love, you will fall into the hands of the enemy. The cat meows - an inevitable process.

Dream Interpretation - Cats

Seeing cats in a dream means that people you trusted will deceive you. Cats portend a scandal in the family, provoked by deceitful and cunning friends. If cats attack you, scratch and bite, in reality you will resist the rapists from hooligan youths. Hissing cats with a rearing back and disheveled hair are a sign of theft and robbery. Seeing peacefully sleeping cats or cats portends incomplete success in business. Seeing yourself surrounded by many meowing cats means that you are surrounded by unfaithful people who are ready to go to any betrayal for the sake of profit. Feeding or stroking cats in a dream portends ingratitude for a good deed. If in a dream you beat a cat or a cat, in reality you will be held accountable for the offense. Killing cats means betraying a loved one. There is cat meat - to treachery and deceit. Seeing black cats in a dream is a harbinger of all sorts of misfortunes. White cats portend that they will try to lure you into the set networks, but common sense and prudence will help you avoid serious danger. A cat and a dog suddenly throwing themselves at each other portend failure in love relationships. Seeing a homeless kitten in a dream - your enemies, trying to do you some kind of dirty trick, will eventually harm themselves. Fluffy and frisky kittens are a sign of close luck and prosperity, thin and sickly ones - to minor troubles and irritability.

Dream Interpretation - Cat, cat, kitten

Cats in a dream mean petty thieves, envious people, slanderers, or illness and worries. Getting rid of a cat, killing it in a dream is a sign that you will catch a thief or defeat a disease. Fighting a cat in a dream is a disease. If she scratches you, then your illness will drag on longer than you think. Eating cat meat or skinning a cat is a sign that you will not miss the opportunity to profit at someone else's expense. To see a cat's skin in a dream means the return of the lost. If you dream that a lot of cats surrounded you, then beware of intrigue, slander and envious people. Kittens dream of illness and worldly squabbles. If you tear the kitten away from you and discard it, then everything will work out. If he scratches you, you will get sick or lose money. A white kitten cuddling up to you in a dream serves as a reminder of loved ones who are in dire need of your help. Especially if the animal was in the blood. If you refuse to support or help him at the moment, you can lose this person forever. A black cat in a dream, just like in life, does not bring good. See him in a dream - expect misfortune. A cat in a dream means seducers who encroach on the honor of your wife. Seeing in a dream how a wild animal tore a kitten to pieces means that your enemies will not share something among themselves, which will turn out to be very useful for you. Watching a cat fight with a dog in a dream is a sign of protection and help in a difficult situation. There are cats in a dream - a sign of betrayal. See interpretation: animals, blood, purr.

Dream Interpretation - Cat (cat)

"poured cat" laziness, idleness. "Like a cat with a mouse" conflict, hostility. "pig in a poke" deception. "The cat cried" very little. “Cats scratch at the soul” bad forebodings, anxiety. "pull the cat by the tail" slow down. "tattered cat" is a bad, untidy woman. "Kotovat" to mess around, lead a wild life. "kotovasia" chaos, confusion.

Dream Interpretation - Cats

This symbol has several easily interpreted meanings. According to tradition, cats are endowed with intuitive and magical abilities. First of all, the appearance of a cat suggests that you can rely on your intuition. In addition, the cat can symbolize your fantasies and desire to master the skills of witchcraft or learn the occult sciences. And your own cat may appear in a dream simply as a direct participant in your daily life.

Dream Interpretation - Cat

Cat - you are deceived - to be bitten or scratched by a cat - you must endure resistance - black - misfortune - to feed or caress - ingratitude awaits you - there is treachery - to see a lot of cats around you - you are surrounded by unfaithful people.

Dream Interpretation - Cat

Cat Bayun. According to popular belief, a cat is able to have a beneficial effect on sleep. Therefore, the image of a cat, like a hare, is often found in lullabies. Before putting a child in a cradle for the first time, a cat is placed there so that the child sleeps soundly. and a hare is noted among the Serbs, who believe that the hare is descended from Koshka.

what is the dream of a drowned man


The navel of the Earth, our - your mother.

to go to the bath


Perhaps something similar happened to someone you know.


we dream of our fears or our desires, most likely you are very afraid that one of your loved ones will drown, perhaps you have reason for this (for example close person- a sailor, or scuba diving, a swimming instructor) or you are just afraid of water and therefore you are afraid that someone will die in it in general, it also depends on the degree of your fear when you wake up if the dream seemed very clear to you and you woke up with a rapid heartbeat , then go the reason in yourself (see above), and if not, but it was simply not pleasant from such a dream, then you are consciously afraid of water or you are very afraid of dying yourself in this way ....


Miller's dream book Drowning - drowning in a dream - portends an accident or loss of property. But if at the same time you are safely saved, then noticeable success awaits you - promotion, good health, respect for others. If you dream of a drowning man whom you come to the aid of, this promises you well-deserved happiness; in addition, you will help a friend in time, contributing to his exaltation. If a young lady sees in a dream that her lover is drowning, this portends her sorrows.

Anna Gromova

your hopes have abandoned you. do not despair in life everything happens


I can try to sort out the details… I need a photo, if you are curious, write to the agent…

Gustav Hindman Miller, contrary to the general interpretation of this dream, claims that seeing a drowned man sleeping is the end of the most difficult period in his life. The main thing is to believe in your own strength and not give up. Dreams in which the sleeper is trying with all his might to revive the drowned man are a symbol of perseverance. It is possible that in reality the dreamer will be able to regain something that stupidly eluded him (for example, a leadership position).

Why dream that you are drowning yourself?

Dreams about drowned people can occur not only in the classical way. To some people in general, that they are either drowning themselves, or have already drowned and are watching themselves from the side. Gustav Miller in his dream book claims that this is a bad sign. What you see portends in reality some kind of accident or trouble in the housing sector (for example, the loss of real estate). If the dreamer does not become a drowned man, but is safely saved, then in reality he will experience prosperity and success in business, as well as genuine respect from the people around him.

According to the family dream book, if the dreamer sees how he is drowning in a river or pond, then he needs to prepare for the onset of a difficult financial future. If the sleeper was thrown Lifebuoy then in reality, true friends will help him overcome troubles. If the owner of dreams is drowning in some kind of swamp or quagmire, slowly and surely dragging him into the abyss, then in real life he will be forced to spend heavily on some kind of holiday, banquet or celebration.

What is the dream of a drowned man in Juno's dream book?

According to this dream book, to come to the aid of a drowning person in a dream is to take part in the fate of a well-known person or friend, for example, to put in a good word for him. This will allow the dreamer to earn loyalty and eternal gratitude. If girls dream that their beloved is drowning or drowned lovers have already dreamed, then troubles and sorrows are coming.

What is the dream of a drowned man? Dream Interpretation Hasse

Hasse believes that in some cases this dream warns of some kind of hypocrites surrounding the dreamer in reality. We urgently need to find out who is walking under the mask, and stop communicating with these people. If in a dream you watch how the body of a drowned woman is pulled out of the water, then in reality new trends should be expected. Quite unexpected life turns promise dreams in which the drowned man is a stranger.

In which the drowned man appears, varies depending on the source. In some dream books, a drowned person is a harbinger of unexpected events, in others it indicates the dreamer's spiritual guilt, longing for a deceased relative or friend, thirdly, it is a warning of impending disaster or danger. All dream books agree on one thing - such a vision should not be ignored. Let's take a closer look: what is the dream of a drowned man for?

Dream interpretation

Rescue of a drowned man

If it sinks and you yourself save it, this speaks of good luck, the successful completion of the case, that any undertaking will be greeted with rave reviews. In particular, this speaks of a breakthrough in the professional field, which will not go unrewarded. The dreamer's salvation is also a sign of imminent trials, after which the dreamer will finally reach his goal.

Rescue a child from clean, clear water means fantastic luck and making a significant profit from any enterprise. From a psychological point of view, such a dream speaks of a desire to show your love and sensuality, but not be able to show your feelings.

If a family man dreams about how he pulls a drowned person ashore and tries to give him artificial respiration, this indicates a cooling of relations between spouses, the daily routine of married life. Such a dream suggests that family life- this is not for everyone, and perhaps the dreamer just belongs to this type of people.

See someone else save a girl from the water signifies a change in personal life and not always for the better. As a rule, the reason for such changes is disappointment in your partner and in love in general.

Who is he?

In many ways, the interpretation of a dream depends on the number and gender of the drowned person. A drowned man portends iridescent changes in a person’s life, as well as an interesting, noisy celebration. As a rule, changes come as an unexpected event and at first can scare a person, but soon become a pleasant surprise.

I dreamed how a drowned man was washed ashore, means an easy solution to the problem over which the dreamer struggled for more than one day. Seeing a familiar drowned man in a dream indicates receiving news, any information that will make the dreamer look from the other side for his whole life.

If a drowned man dreamed of a young girl, this indicates that she needs to reconsider her choice about her betrothed how to think about your feelings.

Seeing a drowned woman in a dream speaks of changes in her personal life.. This may be parting with your partner (partner), or maybe the upcoming wedding. For a woman to see a drowned woman in a dream indicates the presence of a rival in love in real life.

If a person dreamed of a large number of drowning people, this portends an imminent reason for, as well as the fact that the planned celebration will take place strictly according to plan. Seeing how many drowned people swim along the river past the shore means the arrival of one of the relatives.

To see a large number of revived drowned people - it means that in the near future one of the members of the dreamer's family will fall ill.

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