Crimea. Mysteries of Civilization

Career and finance 27.09.2019
Career and finance


form ideas about the native land, develop cognitive interest, observation;
instill love for the native land, its nature, respect for the peoples inhabiting it;
cultivate patriotic and aesthetic feelings.
Decoration and equipment:
map of Crimea;
illustrations: paintings by Aivazovsky; Nikitsky Botanical Garden;
landscapes of the Crimea;
photographs of Crimean cities;
costumes: Ukrainian, Tatar, Russian;
Children's drawings native land;
tape recorder, cassettes.

Event progress

1st leader.
– We live in an amazingly beautiful corner of our country called Crimea. Let's consider a map. What can be compared to Crimea on the map? (children's answers)
- The poet Gasprinsky saw in him a flying bird.
They call it "Green Island"
beautiful island,
Wonderful Crimea.
He is with a light-winged swift seagull,
Flying over a foamy wave, let's compare.
2nd leader.
- We invite you guys to go on a trip to the Crimea. We will sail on the ship, go by bus. On the way, we learn a lot of new and interesting things about Crimea.
1st leader.
- So, we are going on a boat to our nearest neighbor - to the city of Feodosia.
The Black Sea roars
Our region is famous for its sea.
Glorious by the southern sun
And friendly people.
2nd leader.
– What peoples inhabit the Crimea?
- What seas wash the Crimea?
Feodosia is a port city, a resort city. There are many in the city wonderful places. The Alexander Grin Museum and the Aivazovsky Art Gallery are of interest. The artist was very fond of painting the sea. In his paintings, it is calm and stormy, affectionate and formidable, but always beautiful.
1st leader.
– Listen to poems about the sea, which will be read by students of grade 3-A.
Who insists stubbornly in a dispute
As if our sea is gloomy?
You look at him -
It will surprise you with space.
And smooth out a little -
Reflects clouds.
The sea is soft blue
The sea breathes like a living thing.

On the waves of tired seagulls
The sea is gentle.
All the wealth of light waters
Giving generously to people.
And absorbing the heat of the sun,
Saves star gift.
Sea, we are with you forever

Strongly bound by fate
2nd leader.
- And now listen to the song "The Sea Laughs" lyrics by V. Viktorov, music by Z. Kolomiets performed by students of grade 3-A.
1st leader.
Our journey continues. We are going to the city of Sudak. Mountains are visible in the distance. What are their names? (Crimean Mountains) maybe you know what trees grow in the Crimean forests? What animals are found?
2nd leader.
- I suggest you admire the wonderful landscapes. (children look at the illustrations). I grow grapes in the valleys near the mountains. There are very favorable conditions for vineyards under pike perch.
1st leader.
- Let's have a rest and listen to the Russian folk song "Shadow-Shadow Sweat"
In the performance of 1-A class.
- We stayed in Sudak, we go further. Our path lies in Yalta. On the way we will read poems about the Crimea, solve riddles. Listen to a presentation by students in grade 2-A.
2nd grade students.
My land! My native Crimea!
From century to century always, you, glorious!
Living with its history
You, dear Ukraine, are equal.
The homeland is a special edge,
Valleys, mountains, bread and salt...
For everyone you are Crimea,
And to me, you, Motherland.
My home, my destiny and pain.
Bloom my land! And good!
Like life, my Crimea, people need you.
Wonderful piece of land
My peninsula is warm, southern.
1st leader.
Krymchaks have been living in Crimea since ancient times. Listen and guess the riddles of the Krymchaks.

In the black earth - a red jug. (Beet)
Appears in darkness, disappears in darkness, sets the earth on fire. (Lightning)
The black mule will suck out the blood, release its wings and fly away. (Mosquito)
2nd leader.
- We are approaching the beautiful Yalta. What do you know about Yalta?
– Yalta is a miracle of the Crimea. Yalta is located on the seashore, on high hills. Mountains protect Yalta from cold winds; sea ​​and forest air are good for human health. Therefore, Yalta is a world-famous resort. To the east we see Bear Mountain.
Look and really mountain-bear.
Frozen avalanche.
Can't get up, walk, sit
Rumble and eat raspberries.
Lies itself from century to century
By the sea clubfoot.
Artek is closed from all winds
With its huge paw.
1st leader.
- Guys, there are many wonderful places in Yalta, one of them is the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. It was created in 1812 by Christopher Steven. It presents plants from all continents of the planet - about seven thousand species, varieties and varieties. In the Nikitsky Botanical Garden there is a cork oak grove, the trees in it are 175 years old. And here is a yew berry. Its age is 500 years. The Nikitsky Garden contains collections of cannes, chrysanthemums and roses. You can walk in the park for a long time, admiring its beauty, but it's time for us to go.

2nd leader.
- We say goodbye to Yalta. We are heading to Sevastopol.

- Sevastopol in Greek means a high, sacred city. This is the city of military glory. More than once he repelled the onslaught of the enemy. Fierce battles went on in Sevastopol during the Great patriotic war. From the city there were rocks, the sea and the sun. But the city rose from the ashes and ruins and became even younger and more majestic. Located in Sevastopol Black Sea Fleet Ukraine.
1st leader.
- And now the game "Tug of war." Boys are welcome.
2nd leader.
- We are heading to Evpatoria. One girl wrote poems about her city.
On the Crimean land
Near the sea
My Evpatoria is standing on the sand.
And even though this city is quite small,
I love him with all my heart.
- Evpatoria is a well-known children's health resort. And why is it called that? Which of you rested in the sanatoriums of Evpatoria?
1st leader.
- In Evpatoria for a long time, many different peoples. At one time it was the center of the Karaites. Listen to the Karaites folk riddles:
He flung open the door with a running start, and he waved further. (wind)
No matter how cunning - the head is outside, and the body is inside. (nail)
Stacked in layers, full of ants. (book)
2nd presenter
– And now we get on the bus and continue our journey along the picturesque roads of Crimea. Guess the riddle and find out the name of the city we are going to.
1. What is the name of the field where melons and watermelons are grown? (melon)
2. Where do they put firewood, coal, household utensils? (barn)
- This is the city of Bakhchisarai.
Pupil. (in Tatar costume)
- Bakhchisarai is the former capital of the Crimean Khanate. Located in a picturesque place 15-20 km from the sea. Most famous monument city ​​of the former khan's palace. It was the residence of the Girey khans. The city is named after the palace: Bakhchi - a garden, barn - a palace.
A girl in the Tatar national costume reads a poem in the Tatar language. Lyrics by Cherkez Ali Almetov, translated by S. Lukyanov.
Kyrym menim anamdyr
Kyrym menim babamdyr
Kyrym degen bu ulke
Man'a dogmush Vatandyr.
Men anamny pek seven,
Babmny yes baking seven, vatanynymny bilseniz,
Zhdanymdan and baking seven.
My mother is my Crimea.
And my father is my Crimea.
And Crimea looks like the heart
With its outline.
I love my relatives
I do not have a soul in them.
I love you, my Crimea -
The happiness of my great-grandfathers.
The Tatar melody sounds, the girls dance.
1st leader.
– Ukrainian poetess Lesya Ukrainka, having visited Bakhchisarai, wrote the following poems:
How enchanted is Bakhchisarai,
The moon shines with golden light.
The walls turn white in this marvelous brilliance.
The whole city fell asleep, like a magical land.
2nd leader.
– We are heading to the capital of Crimea. What's the name of this town? What was its name in ancient times? (Neapolis).
Show this city on the map.
A student of grade 4-A shows the city on the map and reads poetry:
Southern City in the Salgir valley,
You are with us, Simferopol, always.
Heart of Crimea beautiful world
They call you for a reason.
1st leader.
- The government of Crimea, the Supreme Council of Crimea work in the capital. Consider the coat of arms and flag of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and listen to poems performed by students in grade 3-A.
The flag of Crimea rises
Under the national anthem.
Three colors develop
On a treetop above.
blue thin ribbon
Like a stripe of the sea
Like a girl's skirt
Like mother's eyes.
Underneath a gentle cloud
The purest white.
Spring reminds me
Snowdrops bouquet.
And below - like the sun,
Coloring the skies
Dawn lights up
The stripe on the flag
The flag of Crimea rises
To the sky blue
And the sun smiles
Over him to you and me.
2nd leader.
- People of many other nationalities live in Simferopol. Listen to a poem in Armenian by 3rd grade student Arman Karapetyan.
1st leader.
– Pupils of grade 4-A will tell about the people of what nationalities live in Crimea.
Children come out in national costumes.
Greeks, Russians, Armenians,
Krymchaks and Karaites
We have another name
We are also called Crimeans.
Ukrainians and Jews
Germans, Crimean Tatars,
Assyrians and Bulgarians,
Get out of the circle soon.
Khaitarma, hopak and freylax,
Syrba, mistress, sirtaki,
Like buttercups and poppies
So the field was lit up.
Not in the garden, not in the garden
We are in the family, in our people.
Give me your hand my friend
Let's dance together.

All students in grades 1-4 stand up and sing the round dance song “Wider Circle”.
2nd leader.
– We leave for the Simferopol railway station and continue the journey along railway to the city, which is the gate of the Crimea. This is a junction station, all trains going to and from Crimea pass through it. What's the name of this town? The city is located in the north of Crimea. (Junky)
1st leader.
- In Dzhankoy we will listen to Ukrainian folk ditties performed by students in grades 3-4.
Ukrainian ditties
1. I sat on an oak tree and sewed a blue sweater,
She sewed on bunty stitches, so they loved the musicians.
2. My cherevichki - wear lace.
I didn’t want to dance - they jumped out themselves.
3. Danced, danced, patted the gander.
“Stop waltzing, start hopak!”
4. Oh, who is pishov - garne gait!
One leg is clubfoot, and the other is short.
5. There is an accordion on the table - golden letters.
Priyshov is dear to me to woo, and I play with dolls!
2nd leader.
We continue our journey. It's coming to an end. We are heading to the east of Crimea to our hometown of Kerch. What was the name of our city in ancient times? (children's answers)
1st leader.
- On the road, listen to a song performed by Darya Pekarnikova.
Poetry music
2nd leader.
- Here we are at home. All of us guys live in the Crimea. How can we be called? (Crimeans). Listen to a song about our Crimea performed by students of grade 4-A to the verses of Gasprinsky.
They call it the green island
Beautiful island, wonderful Crimea.
He is with a light-winged, swift seagull
Flying over a foamy wave is comparable.
Everything here is like in a legend: rocks, caves,
Vine serpentine coil,
Rivers, lakes, steppe expanses,
Spring Yayla gold-woven shawl.
Crimea is our Motherland, remember this,
Do not spare your soul for her sake!
Let over our green island
Peaceful, kind sun rises!
1st leader.
We thank the participants and guests. Our journey is over.

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In 1921, on the instructions of Vladimir Bekhterev, head of the Institute of the Brain, Alexander Barchenko went to the Seydozero area to study the mysterious disease "measuring". The head of the Neuroenergetics Laboratory failed to deal with the disease. On the other hand, he discovered on the Kola Peninsula the remains of strange structures and the entrance to an underground labyrinth protected from uninvited guests some psychotropic fields.

A secret expedition to the Crimea was carried out by the Laboratory of Neuroenergetics on the personal order of the chairman of the Cheka, Felix Dzerzhinsky, in 1926. Judging by the scattered information preserved in the correspondence of A. Barchenko, the work was carried out in the areas of Bakhchisaray and the coast of the Southern Crimea, where the remains of the so-called "underground cities" have been preserved. The main goal of the second expedition of A. Barchenko was to continue the search for traces of an ancient civilization and its knowledge of controlling the human psyche, which would be useful to the head of the most secret Special Department of the Cheka, Gleb Bokiya, and the latter’s chief, Felix Dzerzhinsky, in their far-reaching plans to control the new Russia.

In the early 90s, a former nuclear submariner, retired captain of the first rank Vitaly Gokh made a discovery on the southern coast of Crimea, which showed that Iron Felix knowingly gave A. Barchenko money to search for traces of ancient civilizations here. A retired captain discovered in the Crimea ... pyramids reminiscent of Egyptian ones in size and geometric proportions. Their height ranged from 36 to 62 meters. For many centuries, these giants eluded the attention of both locals and scientists for a very simple reason. All 37 Crimean pyramids, located in the quadrangle Sevastopol - Cape Sarych - Yalta - Bakhchisaray, were completely covered by modern deposits. The retired captain was able to make his discovery using a device he created to track submarines. It turned out that with minor changes, the device can “see” what lies deep underground.
First, with the help of a unique device, V. Gokh searched for groundwater scarce for the south of Crimea for his neighbors. But it soon became clear that the device reacts both to underground voids and to metals hidden in the ground.

The first pyramid in the Crimea was discovered when they were looking for platinum in the Sevastopol region. There were rumors among archaeologists that in ancient times they carried out crucible smelting of precious metal here. V. Gokh did not find platinum, but unexpectedly the device showed the presence of underground voids, and quite large ones. We decided to punch a hole. At a depth of 10 meters, the first Crimean pyramid was discovered, completely, “to the very top”, covered with pebbles and rubble.

The Crimean pyramids were not "twins" of the Egyptian ones. In the latter, as you know, the base is a square. In the Crimea, the base of the pyramids had a triangular shape in plan. But the ratio of the base to the height was, as in Egypt, 1.6 - the famous "golden section".

What was the amazement of the researchers of the underground secrets of the Crimean peninsula, when near the excavated Sevastopol pyramid, from under the earth crumbling under the shovels, the stone head of the “sphinx” first appeared, strikingly resembling its Egyptian counterpart. In the parietal part of a huge sculpture, a hole was found leading to a spherical cavity with a diameter of about 10 meters. When the explorers of the pyramids unearthed a layer of rubble that had accumulated at the bottom of the cavity, they saw an entrance leading to the body of the sphinx, firmly sealed with limestone fragments.
During the excavations, Goh drew attention to the high spirits that took possession of people during the descent along the dug pit to the pyramid. Inside the figure, this feeling intensified. People who fell into the spherical cavity said that they literally "bathed" in the energy flows.


When the reality of the pyramids was confirmed by excavations, Gokh noticed that their location practically coincided with energetically active zones located in the depths of the earth near Yalta, Sevastopol, Bakhchisaray and the long abandoned city of Mangut.

The impact of the Crimean pyramids and the Sphinx on the psyche of people, probably, could be the reason for A. Barchenko's organization of his expedition to the Crimea. True, the existence of the pyramids at that time was not known. On the other hand, ancient legends have been preserved, indicating that near Sevastopol, in the area of ​​​​the ancient cave city of Eski-Kermen, which covers the large port of the Byzantine Empire, Khersones, from the sea, there were massive effects on the mental state of people.
Head of the Laboratory of Neuroenergetics Barchenko could not ignore these legends in his search. The legends told that when the city was in danger from the sea, then St. George the Victorious “came down” from the fresco of the underground temple and hit the crews of enemy ships sailing to the city with his spear. And then some sailors, terrified, turned away from the shore, others, as if drunk, sailed straight onto the rocks and found their death there.

The veracity of the legends about the death of ships was confirmed by a real inexplicable catastrophe that occurred in May 1909. One of the most advanced submarines of that time, the Kambala, perished under the stem of the squadron battleship Rostislav. An experienced naval officer, Lieutenant Akvilonov, who was standing on the bridge of the submarine, suddenly, like the sailors from ancient legends, fell into a blissful euphoric state, and recited poetry instead of changing the course of the submarine. A forensic medical examination showed that the captain of the submarine was sober at the time of the disaster, was not under the influence of drugs, and recognized him as sane.

The reason for the emergence of legends and the mystery of the death of the Kambala submarine became clear only after the end of World War II, when the famous German explorer of the unknown Eugen Siebert arrived in Crimea. Using devices that allow recording various types of natural and man-made impacts on humans, the scientist proved that the reason for the strange behavior of officer Akvilonov was ultra-low-frequency sounds that occur during certain atmospheric phenomena in the Eski-Kermen area.

Did Alexander Barchenko find pyramids in the Crimea in the 1920s? It is difficult to confirm this. But here's what's interesting. He carried out his work in the region of Sevastopol and Bakhchisaray. That is, in the very places where half a century later, retired captain V. Gokh discovered his pyramids underground and where, according to his data, there are energetically active zones. By the way, to detect them, you do not need to have unique geophysical instruments. Experienced operators will be able to spot them using a topographic map and dowsing frame. It is logical to assume that Alexander Barchenko chose objects for his research, relying primarily on legends.


There is a legend associated with the cave city of Chufut-Kale, towering in the mountains above Bakhchisaray. During the Golden Horde, the city of Kyrk-ora, as Chufut-Kale was then called, was ruled by the cruel Khan Tokhtamysh. Many treasures were kept in the deep cellars of the Khan's palace. But Khan Tokhtamysh considered the young beauty Dzhanyke, whom he hid in his harem, to be the most expensive.

But here comes the trouble. Kyrk-ork was surrounded by enemies who knew that there were no sources of water in the fortress, and without water there was no life. “Wait,” they decided. - We have a lot of time, we have water, bread too. Time passed, and people in Kirk-ore began to fall, as autumn leaves. Once a shepherd boy made his way to the harem to Dzhanyka. And he told about the suffering of ordinary people, how little children die without water. And then he says: “I know where there is water underground, but I can’t climb to it - I have broad shoulders. And you are thin, like a twig, you will crawl into a crevice and you will get water from there. All night the girl and the boy carried water in small waterskins to the city reservoir. When the sun rose, Janyke felt that “a small bird flew out of her chest”. The girl fell to the ground and died. Enemies never managed to capture Kyrk-or.
Many in the Crimea have heard a beautiful legend about a thin girl who saved the inhabitants of the city, but no one suspected that this legend could be true. In August 1998, archaeologists made an excavation to the south of the fortress wall and opened the mouth of a covered well. The total depth of the well, which once supplied water to the inhabitants of the fortress city, was 45 meters. A huge dungeon was opened with several halls connecting them with stairs and reservoirs in which underground water accumulated. According to hydrogeologists who studied the underground, it was not created for water supply.

Considering that the place near Bakhchisaray is, according to Vitaly Gokh, a geoactive place, another hypothesis has the right to exist. The dungeons under Kyrk-or are a remnant of more ancient structures that use the energy of the earth for sacred purposes, like the cavity inside the "sphinx" found near Sevastopol. The materials that Alexander Barchenko brought with him after the Crimean expedition were lost in the archives, first of the Cheka, then the NKVD and, finally, the KGB. But the fact that the head of the Laboratory of Neuroenergetics received large sums for another expedition to the Altai indicates that the results of his work in the Crimea satisfied his customer, Chairman of the Cheka F.E. Dzerzhinsky.

Despite the relatively small size of the Crimean peninsula, it has not been fully explored. The number of secrets and mysteries that the peninsula is filled with can only be compared with the number of unsolved mysteries of ancient Hellas. One of the most exciting and unknown is the mystery of the origin and purpose of the Crimean pyramids, which were discovered by the research group of the city of Sevastopol.

The researchers reported their find to the committee responsible for the protection of historical monuments under the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, but, unfortunately, they treated the message superficially and only took it into account. The story related to the discovery of the Crimean pyramids began several years ago, when a group of geologists led by Ph.D. , was looking for convenient places in the vicinity of the city to organize the drilling of artesian wells. When conducting research, the receiver device recorded the presence of a microwave field within a radius of 100 meters. Such readings of the device prompted geologists to think about the presence of some unknown object there. To determine the reason for the appearance of such strong microwave signals, the scientists decided to dig a pit manually and at a depth of just over nine meters found a stone building that looks like one of the faces of a pyramid with a high-strength dome, hollow from the inside and a melted quartz surface, as well as a gypsum-silicate layer on the outside. sides.

Continuing the work, the researchers found that deeper, to the right and to the left, there are four more structures similar in design, but somewhat smaller. Scientists were able to verify that various building materials were used for the construction of the discovered objects. Ancient craftsmen strengthened large and carefully fitted blocks, cut from limestone with a solution of egg yolks and whites, clay and a special putty based on blue vitriol. The researchers were able to break through the wall of the discovered object and go deep inside the pyramid. They descended to a depth of almost forty meters from the surface of the earth. The data obtained as a result of the research were processed and, based on their results, the scientists made the following conclusions: the discovered object has the shape of a regular geometric pyramid with even pointed protrusions on all faces; the height of the pyramid from the base is 45 meters; the length of each side of the base is 72 meters. The ratio of the established values ​​is 1:1.6, this indicator is standard for all pyramids known and studied to date in Egypt. In the future, scientists set a goal to establish the presence of other pyramids in the study area on the principle of detecting powerful microwave radiation. The dimensions of the blocks from which the pyramids were built were up to 2.5 meters long and 1.5 meters high. Scientists have found that in the final finishing of the faces of the pyramids, the ancient builders used: liquid glass, gypsum and lead.

One of the leading members of the research team, Viktor Taran, proposed not to stop searching, and soon six more of the same pyramids were discovered, which were located on the same straight line connecting Cape Sarych and the northwestern part of Kamyshovaya Bay, with a total length of more than 40 kilometers. It was also found that all the pyramids are in a certain sequence, which remains a mystery.

The first pyramid is located at the bottom of the Black Sea near Cape Foros, the second - on the territory of Balaklava, the third was built in the vicinity of Cape Fiolent, the fourth was discovered underground near the Sevastopol-Tovarnaya station, and the fifth, which scientists discovered first, is located in the Kamyshovoye Highway area . At a distance of several kilometers from the fifth pyramid, two more similar pyramids were found.

According to scientists, all these pyramids are part of the sacred center system, which is the same for the entire planet. The Crimean pyramids are built on a line that connects the pyramids built in the mountains of Tibet, the submerged pyramids of Easter Island and the English Stonehenge. The discovered Crimean pyramids during the summer of 2001 were carefully studied by scientists from many countries of the world, who agreed on one thing - all the structures found on the peninsula are unique. Underground pyramids were scanned using the most accurate modern equipment, the result of a thorough analysis was the discovery of new objects. To date, the location of 37 megalithic structures has been established, it has also been established that twenty-eight of them make up a regular rhombus of enormous size, in the middle of which, near the village of Red Poppy, there is a central pyramid more than fifty meters high. Another seven smaller pyramids make up an internal additional rhombus of a small size in the Yalta region, in which the central pyramid is also located.

In order to confirm the idea that all the pyramids of the planet are one whole, a comparison was made of the Crimean pyramids with the three Great Pyramids located in the Giza Valley. As a result of the analysis, it was found that similar building materials were used in the construction of the Egyptian and Crimean pyramids. As evidence, a chip was brought from Egypt from a block of one of the pyramids. Even with comparative analysis it was obvious that the nummulite limestone from which the blocks of the pyramids of Egypt were sawn out was identical to that mined in the mountain ranges of the Crimea. The only difference in building blocks is their size. The Egyptian pyramids were built from blocks, the length of which reached twenty meters.

The most interesting thing in conducting research on the pyramids was how the pyramids affect a person. So, when working inside the pyramids for a long time, it had a beneficial effect on the health of researchers. At the same time, during the work related to the destruction of the integrity of the pyramids, various negative phenomena. People who carried out destructive work experienced acute headaches and stomach discomfort. Various technical devices failed, but when the work was stopped, the state of health of people returned to normal, and the devices continued their useful work. Scientists have expressed a somewhat surprising and unprovable assumption: the Crimean pyramids were used by ancient people to control some important processes. This is also indicated by the fact that lead was used during construction, which resonates quite well, and a mixture of clay and aluminum oxide is an excellent semiconductor capable of converting incoming energy in frequency. If this is really so, it is worth recognizing that the builders of the pyramids were representatives of a highly developed civilization.

The Crimean pyramids are constituent part world system pyramids that form an energy-information frame around the planet. This frame has undoubtedly existed since the moment the Earth arose. And the pyramids are located at the nodal points of the world frame. The energy-informational field created in this way is a control process that affects all life processes that occur on Earth, including processes that occur inside the planet's core, biological systems and the biosphere.

Scientists have suggested that the builders of the Crimean pyramids could be ancient settlers from the lands of Hellas. The ancient Greeks used pyramids built upside down as giant moisture condensers. Their construction consisted in the fact that a large funnel was dug in the ground and its walls were laid out of stone. In continuation of the walls inside the pits, walls of a similar material were erected on the surface, on which moisture collected during the day, and with a decrease in temperature in the evening, the condensate flowed down and filled the funnels. This was due to the fact that on the Crimean peninsula, the availability of drinking water has always been a pressing problem due to the low level of groundwater.

If we take into account that the Crimean pyramids were erected to perform ritual rites, it must be remembered that, starting from the 8th and up to the 3rd millennium BC, the territory around the Black Sea was part of one religious complex known as the Black Sea mysteries. This complex was an exact analogue of the ancient Egyptian mysteries. Unlike the pyramids of Egypt, among the secrets of the Crimean pyramids there are also secrets related to the recent past. The first searches for the Crimean pyramids date back to 1926, and not only professional archaeologists, but also scientists from the secret laboratory for neural energy took part in them. Unfortunately, at that time the expedition was not successful, main reason The failure was that the search for pyramids was carried out on the surface of the earth, and, as is now known, all structures are located underground. Control over the search work was carried out by the country's top leaders. So the first secret expedition was sent to the Crimea directly at the direction of Felix Dzerzhinsky. The head of the expedition was the neurophysiologist Alexander Barchenko, who ran the secret laboratory of neural energy at the Special Department of the OGPU, and the main direction of the laboratory's work was the study of the heritage of ancient cultures. Alexander Barchenko argued that ancient civilizations could possess universal knowledge, the secret of splitting the atom, sources of invisible energy and the ability to influence a person at a psychotropic level.

During the occupation of the Crimean peninsula by the troops of Nazi Germany, the scientists of this country also searched for pyramids. For this, a group of esoteric scientists belonging to the Ahnenerbe organization arrived from Germany. But Crimea did not reveal its secrets to the invaders.

The centuries-old history of the peninsula has been sharing its secrets with us for a long time, but it is impossible to say that Crimea does not have white spots. Perhaps soon we will learn about new discoveries that will further comprehend the history and culture of ancient civilizations.

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Crimea has always been a cauldron of peoples, where the fate of peoples and entire states was decided. ancient and modern history The peninsula holds many mysteries, some of which we have yet to unravel.

Origin of Crimea

The first mystery of the history of Crimea is the very formation of the peninsula. In 1996, American geologists William Ryan and Walter Pitman from Columbia University formulated the theory of the so-called "Black Sea flood". According to it, until the sixth millennium BC, Crimea was not a peninsula, but was a fragment of a larger landmass, which included the territory of the modern Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov.

Around 5500 BC, as a result of an earthquake and a shift in the lithospheric plates, water broke out of mediterranean sea, the Bosphorus Strait was formed, the level of the Black Sea rose by 140 meters, its volume increased by one and a half times.

There is a version that it was this event that served as the basis for the myth of the Flood that exists in many cultures. Some historians also connect Plato's story of Atlantis with the flooding of the Black Sea.

The Ryan-Pitman theory has been criticized, but at the moment it has not been refuted. Having studied the shores of the Black Sea in 2000, having carried out a radiocarbon analysis of mollusks and changes sedimentary rocks in the reservoir, the famous marinologist Ballard came to the conclusion that even 7500 thousand years ago the Black Sea was absolutely fresh, which indirectly confirms the theory of the expansion of the Black Sea as a Flood.

Where did the Crimean Goths disappear to?

Since ancient times, Crimea has been a real ethnic cauldron in which tribes, peoples and even entire states have been melted down. Crimea has survived the Cimmerian period, the Scythian period, the Greek period, the Gothic period, the period of the invasion of the Mongol-Tatars, the period of Genoese rule.

For a long time the Goths ruled in the Crimea. The stronghold of the Crimean Gothia was the Doros fortress, after the conquest by the Khazars and until our times called Mangup-Kale - a huge cave city, which is still the tourist mecca of Crimea.

The isolated mountain plateau was supplied with drinking water from mountain springs, and therefore was a unique, half artificial and half natural fortification.

In 1475 the Ottomans defeated the Goths. The Turks took Kafa (the fortress is currently preserved), laid siege to Mangup. The region falls into decay, being on the outskirts of Turkish lands, and the Gothic princely family was preserved in the boyar family of the Golovins - Gothic emigrant princes who lived in Moscow.

Where did the Crimean Goths themselves disappear to? The question is not idle. At the end of the 16th century, the envoy of the Austrian Emperor Ferdinand, Baron Ogier Ghislain de Busbecq, mentioned in his letter that once during a diplomatic mission in the Ottoman Empire, he met a man in Istanbul who claimed that he was a Crimean Goth. He forgot his native language, but his companion, a Greek, allegedly spoke the Crimean-Gothic language, and after a brief conversation, Busbek compiled a small Crimean-Gothic dictionary, which is the only written monument of this language, similar to the Gothic of Wulfila's time.

In the 18th-19th centuries, among the Crimean Tatars, ethnographers discovered atypical-looking people, remotely resembling the Crimean Goths in anthropological terms, as a result of which the theory is born that the Goths continue to exist on the territory of Crimea. Nazi scientists are clinging to this theory, planning to annex the Crimea to the Reich and create “Gotenland” there, that is, the land is ready.

Megaliths of Crimea

The most mysterious ancient structures of the Crimea are megaliths. On the peninsula, they are represented by menhirs - vertical stone pillars, dolmens - stone crypts of five slabs and cromlechs - circles of stones, most likely connected with the solar cults of the ancient peoples who inhabited the peninsula.

The most famous menhir of Crimea is the Bakhchisaray menhir. Interest in it grew after Alexander Lagutin, an engineer of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, suggested at the end of the last century that the Bakhchisarai menhir was built as an astronomical observatory. Lagutin conducted observations for several years, determining the relationship of the menhir with solar cycles, and came to the conclusion that the orientation of the menhir was carried out on the basis of the vernal equinox.
It is not possible to establish the exact age of the menhir. Most likely, it dates back to the time of the Taurian rule of the Crimea.

Secret submarine base

Crimea has a truly heroic military history. And if a lot has been written about wars and battles on the territory of the peninsula, then about one strategic object on the territory of Crimea for a long time was unknown to the general public. It's about about the secret submarine base in Balaklava, also called "object 825 GTS".

This base was built after the war on the personal instructions of Stalin. Initially, the project was supervised by Lavrenty Beria.

The construction of the facility was carried out by a specially created construction department No. 528. The base was built for 8 years, from 1953 to 1961, during which time about 120 tons of rock were removed. To ensure secrecy, the export was carried out at night on barges to the open sea. First, the object was built by the military, then by the metro builders.

Object 825 GTS was erected as a structure of anti-nuclear protection of the first category (protection against a direct hit atomic bomb with a capacity of 100 kt). There was an underground water channel with a dry dock, workshops for repairs, fuel depots, a mine and torpedo section.

The secret submarine base was designed to shelter, repair and maintain submarines of the 613th and 633rd projects and store ammunition for these submarines. The channel (length 602 meters) of the facility could accommodate 7 submarines of these projects.

Why was Crimea handed over to Ukraine?

The main geopolitical mystery of the history of Crimea remains the question of its transfer to the Ukrainian SSR in 1954. Scientists are still arguing about the reasons for this historic decision. According to one version, in this way the USSR avoided the transfer of Crimea to the Jewish Republic on the basis of "credit history" with American bankers(Organization "Joint").

According to another version, it was a gift to Ukraine in honor of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Pereyaslav Rada. Unfavorable conditions for farming in the steppe regions of the peninsula and the territorial proximity of Crimea to Ukraine are also mentioned among the reasons. Many people support the version according to which the “Ukrainization” of Crimea was supposed to contribute to the restoration of the destroyed national economy.

Crimea has always been a cauldron of peoples, where the fate of peoples and entire states was decided. The ancient and modern history of the peninsula holds many mysteries, some of which we have yet to unravel.

Origin of Crimea

The first mystery of the history of Crimea is the very formation of the peninsula. In 1996, American geologists William Ryan and Walter Pitman from Columbia University formulated the theory of the so-called "Black Sea flood". According to it, until the sixth millennium BC, Crimea was not a peninsula, but was a fragment of a larger landmass, which included the territory of the modern Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov.

Around 5500 BC, as a result of an earthquake and a shift in the lithospheric plates, there was a breakthrough of water from the Mediterranean Sea, the Bosphorus Strait was formed, the level of the Black Sea rose by 140 meters, its volume increased by one and a half times.

There is a version that it was this event that served as the basis for the myth of the Flood that exists in many cultures. Some historians also connect Plato's story of Atlantis with the flooding of the Black Sea.

The Ryan-Pitman theory has been criticized, but at the moment it has not been refuted. Having explored the Black Sea coast in 2000, having carried out a radiocarbon analysis of mollusks and changes in sedimentary rocks in the reservoir, the famous marinologist Ballard came to the conclusion that even 7500 thousand years ago the Black Sea was absolutely fresh, which indirectly confirms the theory of the expansion of the Black Sea as a Flood .

Where did the Crimean Goths disappear to?

Since ancient times, Crimea has been a real ethnic cauldron in which tribes, peoples and even entire states have been melted down. Crimea has survived the Cimmerian period, the Scythian period, the Greek period, the Gothic period, the period of the invasion of the Mongol-Tatars, the period of Genoese rule.

For a long time the Goths ruled in the Crimea. The stronghold of the Crimean Gothia was the Doros fortress, after the conquest by the Khazars and until our times called Mangup-Kale - a huge cave city, which is still the tourist mecca of Crimea.

The isolated mountain plateau was supplied with drinking water from mountain springs, and therefore was a unique, half artificial and half natural fortification.

In 1475 the Ottomans defeated the Goths. The Turks took Kafa (the fortress is currently preserved), laid siege to Mangup. The region falls into decay, being on the outskirts of Turkish lands, and the Gothic princely family was preserved in the boyar family of the Golovins - Gothic emigrant princes who lived in Moscow.

Where did the Crimean Goths themselves disappear to? The question is not idle. At the end of the 16th century, the envoy of the Austrian Emperor Ferdinand, Baron Ogier Ghislain de Busbecq, mentioned in his letter that once during a diplomatic mission in the Ottoman Empire, he met a man in Istanbul who claimed that he was a Crimean Goth. He forgot his native language, but his companion, a Greek, allegedly spoke the Crimean-Gothic language, and after a brief conversation, Busbek compiled a small Crimean-Gothic dictionary, which is the only written monument of this language, similar to the Gothic of Wulfila's time.

In the 18th-19th centuries, among the Crimean Tatars, ethnographers discovered atypical-looking people, remotely resembling the Crimean Goths in anthropological terms, as a result of which the theory is born that the Goths continue to exist on the territory of Crimea. Nazi scientists are clinging to this theory, planning to annex the Crimea to the Reich and create “Gotenland” there, that is, the land is ready.

Megaliths of Crimea

The most mysterious ancient structures of the Crimea are megaliths. On the peninsula, they are represented by menhirs - vertical stone pillars, dolmens - stone crypts of five slabs and cromlechs - circles of stones, most likely connected with the solar cults of the ancient peoples who inhabited the peninsula.

The most famous menhir of Crimea is the Bakhchisaray menhir. Interest in it grew after Alexander Lagutin, an engineer of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, suggested at the end of the last century that the Bakhchisarai menhir was built as an astronomical observatory. Lagutin conducted observations for several years, determining the relationship of the menhir with solar cycles, and came to the conclusion that the orientation of the menhir was carried out on the basis of the vernal equinox.
It is not possible to establish the exact age of the menhir. Most likely, it dates back to the time of the Taurian rule of the Crimea.

Secret submarine base

Crimea has a truly heroic military history. And if a lot has been written about wars and battles on the territory of the peninsula, then for a long time the general public was not aware of one strategic object on the territory of Crimea. We are talking about a secret submarine base in Balaklava, also called "object 825 GTS".

This base was built after the war on the personal instructions of Stalin. Initially, the project was supervised by Lavrenty Beria.

The construction of the facility was carried out by a specially created construction department No. 528. The base was built for 8 years, from 1953 to 1961, during which time about 120 tons of rock were removed. To ensure secrecy, the export was carried out at night on barges to the open sea. First, the object was built by the military, then by the metro builders.

Object 825 GTS was erected as a construction of anti-nuclear protection of the first category (protection against a direct hit by an atomic bomb with a power of 100 kt). There was an underground water channel with a dry dock, workshops for repairs, fuel depots, a mine and torpedo unit.

The secret submarine base was designed to shelter, repair and maintain submarines of the 613th and 633rd projects and store ammunition for these submarines. The channel (length 602 meters) of the facility could accommodate 7 submarines of these projects.

Why was Crimea handed over to Ukraine?

The main geopolitical mystery of the history of Crimea remains the question of its transfer to the Ukrainian SSR in 1954. Scientists are still arguing about the reasons for this historic decision. According to one version, in this way the USSR avoided the transfer of Crimea to the Jewish Republic on the basis of "credit history" with American bankers (Joint organization).

According to another version, it was a gift to Ukraine in honor of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Pereyaslav Rada. Unfavorable conditions for farming in the steppe regions of the peninsula and the territorial proximity of Crimea to Ukraine are also mentioned among the reasons. Many people support the version according to which the “Ukrainization” of Crimea was supposed to contribute to the restoration of the destroyed national economy.

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