Kirill Sharapov dead world settler read online. A dead world

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Kirill Sharapov

A dead world. Settler

© Kirill Sharapov, 2016

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2016

There is no possibility that everything that exists will exist forever. Powerful civilizations turned to dust, leaving behind a dozen ancient monuments and obscure records. So we will someday sink into oblivion, and marauders, proudly calling themselves archaeologists, will roam the crumbling cities overgrown with grass and trees. Or maybe they won’t, because wandering around a nuclear dump even in suits with the highest protection is impractical. But humanity is looking for new horizons. Desperate loners make breakthroughs, trying to open the door for millions. This is how the Internet was invented: they did it for themselves, but it turned out - for everyone. This is how the airplane and electricity appeared. And just like that, one physicist opened a passage to another world...

Chapter first


What is it, Valera?

“I don’t know,” a frail, short man with the appearance of a “nerd” replied, perplexedly adjusting his horn-rimmed glasses. - This is a “door”, for sure, but where it leads, and what awaits you there ... I can’t even imagine.

The man standing in front of the small energy arch grimaced. "Go there, I don't know where." Voltage has not yet been applied. Yes, the cost of this channel was gigantic: in order for the “door” (or gate, as it was called in official documents) to work for one hour, it takes the same amount of energy as lighting up Moscow for ten hours.

“We dropped a small research droid in there, the video signal is solid, but we couldn't capture much. We know that the atmosphere is breathable and the gates open in the forest. And then something fast attacked the droid, and the signal was lost.

Vilen Ulyanov, whom everyone simply called Ilyich because of his first and last name, grimaced. Everything is as usual. They gave me a machine gun and sent me ahead, without really explaining anything. Go and take a breath. Vilen straightened a brand new one hanging from his shoulder, just out of AEK-973S grease for caliber 7.62. During the initial development of the weapon, they made a standard store for thirty rounds, but then they thought about it and added a couple more options for forty-five, and, absolutely for perverts, seventy-round “cans” were made to order. Vilen turned out to be just such a pervert. One "bank" in the machine and four in a special unloading. AEK was assembled according to the now very popular balanced automation scheme, which gave minimal recoil, excellent accuracy, the ability to install optics and an underbarrel grenade launcher, which were still in the backpack. Now there was a collimator sight on the weapon. In the backpack, in addition to equipment for the machine gun, a coil of rope, two liters of water, a first aid kit, a small sapper shovel, three daily rations, a machete and a hunting knife were neatly packed. That's the whole set of the explorer of the New World.

- Well, Vilen, are you ready? the nerd asked.

Vilen shook his head.

“Then we started,” Valera smiled and shouted loudly: “Vanya, come on!”

A small vibration passed along the contours of the “door”, and everything was slowly covered with a film, very similar to the one that happens when soap bubbles are blown. She shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow, attracting the eye.

“Let’s go,” Ryabov yelled at Vilen, “or do you need a kick to speed up?”

Vilen stepped forward, his breath stopped for a moment, his heart stopped, skipping a couple of beats, a second and ... There is no laboratory. Ordinary forest, tall grass, giant pines and cedars.

The reflex worked on its own: Vilen raised his machine gun, clanged the bolt, sending a cartridge. The soldier's instinct suggested that there was nothing dangerous around, only this instinct was tuned to ordinary world and on a conventional war with a conventional enemy.

Vilen listened to the silence of the forest for several minutes. He lived his own life, birds sang somewhere in the height, some small insect chirped in the grass.

Ilyich unhooked a small pin with a cone at the end from his belt and stuck it hard into the ground. Outwardly, this device was very reminiscent of a Chinese firecracker, but it only cost as much as a car of firecrackers, or even as a train. The anchor of return is something without which he will never return home. The anchor blinked its LED several times, indicating that it was on and working, and “fell asleep” before the gate opened.

Vilen took out a tablet and consulted the search system. Marked the first point. Looked around again. He stood on the edge of a slightly elongated clearing surrounded by dense forest. It only remained to decide where to go. Vilen remembered an old joke.

A dead world. Settler

The border

There is no possibility that everything that exists will exist forever. Powerful civilizations turned to dust, leaving behind a dozen ancient monuments and obscure records. So we will someday sink into oblivion, and marauders, proudly calling themselves archaeologists, will roam the crumbling cities overgrown with grass and trees. Or maybe they won’t, because wandering around a nuclear dump even in suits with the highest protection is impractical. But humanity is looking for new horizons. Desperate loners make breakthroughs, trying to open the door for millions. This is how the Internet was invented: they did it for themselves, but it turned out - for everyone. This is how the airplane and electricity appeared. And just like that, one physicist opened a passage to another world...

Chapter first


What is it, Valera?

“I don’t know,” a frail, short man with the appearance of a “nerd” replied, perplexedly adjusting his horn-rimmed glasses. - This is a “door”, for sure, but where it leads, and what awaits you there ... I can’t even imagine.

The man standing in front of the small energy arch grimaced. "Go there, I don't know where." Voltage has not yet been applied. Yes, the cost of this channel was gigantic: in order for the “door” (or gate, as it was called in official documents) to work for one hour, it takes the same amount of energy as lighting up Moscow for ten hours.

“We dropped a small research droid in there, the video signal is solid, but we couldn't capture much. We know that the atmosphere is breathable and the gates open in the forest. And then something fast attacked the droid, and the signal was lost....

Vilen Ulyanov, whom everyone simply called Ilyich because of his first and last name, grimaced. Everything is as usual. They gave me a machine gun and sent me ahead, without really explaining anything. Go and take a breath. Vilen straightened a brand new one hanging from his shoulder, fresh from AEK-973S grease for caliber 7.62. During the initial development of the weapon, they made a standard store for thirty rounds, but then they thought about it and added a couple more options for forty-five, and, absolutely for perverts, seventy-round “cans” were made to order. Vilen turned out to be just such a pervert. One "bank" in the machine and four in a special unloading. AEK was assembled according to the now very popular balanced automation scheme, which gave minimal recoil, excellent accuracy, the ability to install optics and an underbarrel grenade launcher, which were still in the backpack. Now there was a collimator sight on the weapon. In the backpack, in addition to equipment for the machine gun, a coil of rope, two liters of water, a first aid kit, a small sapper shovel, three daily rations, a machete and a hunting knife were neatly packed. That's the whole set of the explorer of the New World.

- Well, Vilen, are you ready? the nerd asked.

Vilen shook his head.

“Then we started,” Valera smiled and shouted loudly: “Vanya, come on!”

A small vibration passed along the contours of the “door”, and everything was slowly covered with a film, very similar to the one that happens when soap bubbles are blown. She shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow, attracting the eye.

“Let’s go,” Ryabov yelled at Vilen, “or do you need a kick to speed up?”

Vilen stepped forward, his breath stopped for a moment, his heart stopped, skipping a couple of beats, a second and ... There is no laboratory. Ordinary forest, tall grass, giant pines and cedars.

Kirill Sharapov

A dead world. Settler

© Kirill Sharapov, 2016

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2016

There is no possibility that everything that exists will exist forever. Powerful civilizations turned to dust, leaving behind a dozen ancient monuments and obscure records. So we will someday sink into oblivion, and marauders, proudly calling themselves archaeologists, will roam the crumbling cities overgrown with grass and trees. Or maybe they won’t, because wandering around a nuclear dump even in suits with the highest protection is impractical. But humanity is looking for new horizons. Desperate loners make breakthroughs, trying to open the door for millions. This is how the Internet was invented: they did it for themselves, but it turned out - for everyone. This is how the airplane and electricity appeared. And just like that, one physicist opened a passage to another world...

Chapter first


What is it, Valera?

“I don’t know,” a frail, short man with the appearance of a “nerd” replied, perplexedly adjusting his horn-rimmed glasses. - This is a “door”, for sure, but where it leads, and what awaits you there ... I can’t even imagine.

The man standing in front of the small energy arch grimaced. "Go there, I don't know where." Voltage has not yet been applied. Yes, the cost of this channel was gigantic: in order for the “door” (or gate, as it was called in official documents) to work for one hour, it takes the same amount of energy as lighting up Moscow for ten hours.

“We dropped a small research droid in there, the video signal is solid, but we couldn't capture much. We know that the atmosphere is breathable and the gates open in the forest. And then something fast attacked the droid, and the signal was lost.

Vilen Ulyanov, whom everyone simply called Ilyich because of his first and last name, grimaced. Everything is as usual. They gave me a machine gun and sent me ahead, without really explaining anything. Go and take a breath. Vilen straightened a brand new one hanging from his shoulder, just out of AEK-973S grease for caliber 7.62. During the initial development of the weapon, they made a standard store for thirty rounds, but then they thought about it and added a couple more options for forty-five, and, absolutely for perverts, seventy-round “cans” were made to order. Vilen turned out to be just such a pervert. One "bank" in the machine and four in a special unloading. AEK was assembled according to the now very popular balanced automation scheme, which gave minimal recoil, excellent accuracy, the ability to install optics and an underbarrel grenade launcher, which were still in the backpack. Now there was a collimator sight on the weapon. In the backpack, in addition to equipment for the machine gun, a coil of rope, two liters of water, a first aid kit, a small sapper shovel, three daily rations, a machete and a hunting knife were neatly packed. That's the whole set of the explorer of the New World.

- Well, Vilen, are you ready? the nerd asked.

Vilen shook his head.

“Then we started,” Valera smiled and shouted loudly: “Vanya, come on!”

A small vibration passed along the contours of the “door”, and everything was slowly covered with a film, very similar to the one that happens when soap bubbles are blown. She shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow, attracting the eye.

“Let’s go,” Ryabov yelled at Vilen, “or do you need a kick to speed up?”

Vilen stepped forward, his breath stopped for a moment, his heart stopped, skipping a couple of beats, a second and ... There is no laboratory. Ordinary forest, tall grass, giant pines and cedars.

The reflex worked on its own: Vilen raised his machine gun, clanged the bolt, sending a cartridge. The soldier's instinct suggested that there was nothing dangerous around, only this instinct was tuned to the ordinary world and to the ordinary war with an ordinary enemy.

Vilen listened to the silence of the forest for several minutes. He lived his own life, birds sang somewhere in the height, some small insect chirped in the grass.

Ilyich unhooked a small pin with a cone at the end from his belt and stuck it hard into the ground. Outwardly, this device was very reminiscent of a Chinese firecracker, but it only cost as much as a car of firecrackers, or even as a train. The anchor of return is something without which he will never return home. The anchor blinked its LED several times, indicating that it was on and working, and “fell asleep” before the gate opened.

Vilen took out a tablet and consulted the search system. Marked the first point. Looked around again. He stood on the edge of a slightly elongated clearing surrounded by dense forest. It only remained to decide where to go. Vilen remembered an old joke:

“The elephants are heading north.

- Elephants go to hell, and your Stirlitz lives on the floor above!

Chapter first . Messengers of profit

There were enough bodies in the cell, stale air from unwashed clothes, the smell of a bucket in which six people went. Even the privileged bunk by the window did not make this life more beautiful. Dmitry Krutov - the leader of a gang of extortionists from St. Petersburg, an authoritative person in the underworld, leaning on his elbow, was watching TV. I must say, he was very glad that he was already sitting. After coming to power new president, the Stalinist terror began in the country. The ringleader of the extortionists, who hunted for the kidnapping of the children of large businessmen, followed the events in the wild with interest. The whole world has already seen footage taken at the Government House and in the Federal Assembly, when the doors of the conference rooms were flung open, and masked fighters shouting: “Everyone on the floor, lie down, hands behind your head”, dropped the people who had been driving a few minutes ago country. After that, they were handcuffed and kicked to the exit, where they were stuffed into paddy wagons and taken to Matrosskaya Tishina. The new president began a purge from the top, taking care of those who plundered the country for many years, having immunity.

I must say, Krut liked this approach. Why is he, a bandit, rotting in the zone, and these are sitting in the Duma, although they steal in echelons. The lads whispered, they say, "Matrosskaya Tishina" is packed to capacity with deputies, ex-ministers, senators, generals from the army and police. The news on the federal channels now went on almost twenty-four hours a day, the announcers read articles presented to one or another famous people, sometimes they even showed recordings of interrogations. Now these "gentlemen" did not look like celestials, they were broken, depressed, frightened. The lads already understood where everything was going, and was looking forward to them in the zone.

A day after the arrests, they announced the return to the state of enterprises included in the strategic list. Owners who honestly or not honestly took control of the shares were asked to leave the country or stay, but forget about claims to property.

- Interestingly, our new president imagines what will happen in the zone with these bureaucrats? said Marlboro from the next bunk.

“You think he cares,” Root replied. “Yesterday, a baby came from outside, not everything is as simple as it seems. No one knows where the noise comes from, but there are rumors that these people will be sent to some special place.

- In which? Marlboro was instantly interested. - I really want to hold these moneybags by the udder. I don't believe the presidential sleuths can find everything they stole.

“No idea,” said Root.

At that moment, the "Breaking News" splash screen flashed on the screen. The men looked at each other in surprise, something quite extraordinary had to happen for these words to appear. All the inhabitants of the cell greedily fixed their eyes on the screen of an old TV. What the President of the country said turned out to be something truly transcendent.

As I have promised,pronunciationyowith Bykov, looking confidently into the camera lens,I will cleanse the country with an iron fist. When pconducting a scientific experimenta completely empty world was discovered, which died as a result of a global catastrophe. There are no people there, there are huge abandoned territories that I plan to populate with asocial elements. Now the prosecutor's office and the judiciary are investigating criminal cases. All the unreliable who have committed serious crimes,leave the Earth forever, there is no turning back, the channel is one-way...

The brothers looked at each other in disbelief.

Dima continued to stare at the TV, where journalists bombarded the president with questions.

“Cool,” called Marlboro, “what kind of fairy tale about another world is this?”

Krutov woke up and looked at the faces of his cellmates.

- Brothers, it looks like we will change our registration soon.

It was at this moment that a peephole in the cell door opened, after which the guard's voice rang out:

- Krutov, get out.

Root jumped down from the bunk and went to the door, the lock clattered. The escort led the prisoner into a small cell with no windows, bare concrete walls, two chairs and a table bolted to the floor. Root was pushed inside and the door was locked behind him. Inside, a tall man was waiting for him, a former military man by habits, he looked at a rather strong criminal, as if choosing a horse for himself, except that he did not look into his mouth.

“Long story short,” he began, “Cool, you can get out of here tomorrow. Your sentence is twenty years, that's not counting what you did. If you refuse, we will send you to the uranium mines, where in six months they will wrap you in a sheet and burn you. Is the perspective clear?

Root thought quickly. His path to the brigade commander was very short: an ordinary bull-foreman. Having bought someone, substituting someone, he cleared his way to the top. And when suddenly Kolya, nicknamed Soldier, extortionist foreman, was ambushed along with his deputy, Krut only grinned and quickly held democratic elections. Having taken out two TTs, he simply circled the assembled militants with their barrels and asked: "Who is against it?" No one objected, except for the brother of the late Soldier, the full-time executioner of the gang. He was a contract soldier, fought a lot until he lost his left hand. Root then raised his pistol and put a bullet in his forehead, after which he repeated the question. Those wishing to download the rights ran out, and peace and order came to the brigade.

What do you want from me, chief? Root responded instantly.

- So you agree?

Kroot was never slow, he made any decision quickly, regardless of the consequences, it is better to make a mistake than to think for a long time, and in the end not decide on anything.

- What do you need? he repeated calmly.

The Suit paused.

– Scientists have found the world, he died. Tomorrow you and a dozen of your sixes will go there. There is no way back, it's forever. Your task is to collect all sorts of useful things, precious metals, stones, jewelry, demolish everything in one place, from which we will pick it up. For this work you will receive some bonuses. The list is attached.

“Ah, I’ve already seen the news,” the recruiter grinned, “it makes my task easier.

What will we get from these trophies? the criminal asked, he had already made a decision.

“Fair enough,” agreed the interlocutor. - Specifically, you can get weapons, ammunition, fuel, food, transport and much more, and, of course, women - but you have to pay for it. For example, for a kilogram of gold you can get diesel generator. Add a ton of copper on top, you get a ton of diesel fuel. Decide, Krut, time is short, I'm not only talking to you. But I'll tell you straight, who gets there first, will get more. Several boxes of weapons and ammunition have already been packed for you. They will move along with you, only they will fold them a little to the side so that you do not have the desire to shoot. Did you understand everything? You have ten seconds.

I agree, boss. But my people will go with me.

- Good. Here is a list of those we offer, choose for yourself.

Krut quickly underlined with a pencil the names of the fighters of his brigade, winding up the term in the same zone, added four homies.

“That's it, Krut,” the recruiter summed up the meeting, heading for the door, “now you are an official seeker. Now you will be transported to a special zone, from where tomorrow at dawn they will be thrown out of this reality. It's time to get rid of your scum, and fuck with you at least some benefit.

“It would be good for you to fuck,” Kroot muttered after the departing “suit”, but he heard.

- From me? he asked in surprise, turning around. - Yes, I just rid the country of a dozen scumbags, on which I am going to make money. Not only will the country stop feeding a dozen bastards, but you will also bring me a bunch of useful things. That's it, Cool, I have to go, and the distant one is waiting for you. new house. If you survive in the first days, it's good, you'll die, and that's where you're going.

The door behind the suit slammed shut.

Everything was as the fraer in an expensive jacket said. Dead city, boxes of weapons ten meters away. Krut, a former foreman of a violent gang who is kidnapping in St. Petersburg, breathed in the air of freedom. Next to him, five of his fighters and four more who were friends with Krutov turned their heads in surprise. Five years ago, Colonel Malinin, a great specialist, respected even among criminals, hid half of the brigade for life hard labor, “in the fresh air and physical exercises in the forest", the second part of the brigade died while trying to escape. Nobody stood on ceremony with them, they shot in the back, however, the bodies were still given to the lads for burial. The lads promised to take revenge on the cops. Colonel Malinin, having learned this news, grinned:

- Well, we can always find extra space in the cemetery and on the bunk.

On the same evening, the colonel's car was riddled with three machine guns, his wife and daughter were killed. That's when the terror began. The OBEP went completely off the rails, seven brigades were defeated in two days, two were completely destroyed. In a month, the cops who broke free of the chain actually destroyed the organized crime of St. Petersburg. Who hid, who fled, but most were arrested, many were liquidated. And yesterday, in a small room with a table and two chairs bolted to the floor, he was told how to go free.

Root looked at new world. The stunned fighters froze nearby. Boxes with weapons, as Ilyin promised, were located side by side. Everything around was dead and lifeless. Root had no idea where they were.

“Let’s arm ourselves,” Root growled, “and faster, faster!” It seems to me that this is not paradise, otherwise they themselves would have dumped here, and not sent us. Get moving! - And the first to run to the familiar green boxes.

The set that lay inside was not too impressive. The first models of Kalashnikovs, known to the common people as AK47, although the only machine gun with this number is kept in the museum, a sample made for the 1947 competition. Three SKS carbines in cannon fat and five PPSh. Three ammo boxes, old, retired Afghan bras and an Afghan gerbil. Two boxes of stew, a bag of pasta, two pots, old cider. That's all that their "benefactors" were generous with.

Young criminals were surprised to turn carbines and PPSh in their hands, not knowing how to handle them. Fortunately, inside each box there was a maintenance manual.

Krut figured it out quickly: for himself, the best shooters - machine guns, only three pieces, three more SKS, four with PPSh. Those who got carbines and old submachine guns, he sat down to study the mat part, and he himself took up security with his henchmen. Although it had been almost ten years since he served in the army, he remembered something. And now he sat and equipped magazines for machine guns, simultaneously carefully looking around. He served in the construction battalion near Nizhny, but he learned something there, in any case, he did not build a dacha for the general. But he knew how to build bridges and even took part in large exercises, where the bridge had to be not only built, but also guarded, and he even neutralized the saboteur, converging with him in hand-to-hand combat. However, it turned out that that victory was worth a little, the special forces were exhausted by the forced march, with a knocked out arm and a sprained leg. At the same time, he managed to pile on two sentinels, and if it weren’t for a too honest blow with a butt on the back of the head, then, most likely, he would have piled on Kruta.

Krut's fighters overslept the attack. The sentinels regularly stared around, peering into the ruins of houses. Moreover, the fact that there is prey here became clear after the first step. Root twirled in his hands two massive gold rings, one of which was inserted into a sickly stone. The criminal didn’t know a damn thing about stones, but he decided that if such a cobblestone was inserted into such a nut, then it costs a lot. Thinking about how to exchange it for various goodies from the other side was interrupted by a panicked cry and the flapping of leathery wings. The bird dived from above at the speed of a racing car. With her wing, she hit Timokha, who was sitting on the edge, and with one click of her beak bit off Rotten’s head, after which she grabbed Timokha with huge claws and easily soared into the air, taking with her seventy kilograms of meat, which even stopped kicking from fear, only screamed. One of the fighters threw up a machine gun, but Krut put his hand on the forearm, forcing him to lower his weapon.

“Don’t shoot, you can’t help him anymore,” the brigadier shouted the order. "We're arming ourselves quickly!"

Everyone fussed. The rotten one, who had received a chase for the fact that he had a vile smell from his mouth, was simply dragged aside. To the stupid question why, Root looked at the others as if they were idiots.

“For the fact that a dozen more creatures will come running here to the ownerless hawk, and since they don’t have enough Rotten, they will decide to have a bite to eat with us. We grab all the good and bring down, quickly bring down. You drag, we cover, we run to that house over there, - he pointed to a store with miraculously preserved windows.

Six criminals grabbed the boxes, leaving two empty ones, and rushed away, taking with them weapons and ammunition, uniforms, and a supply of food. Krut picked up SKS Rotten, PPSh Timokha and, backing away and turning his head, moved after the lads. His right hand- a tall and skinny man named Scar, was next to the barefoot, like a faithful dog.

- Pahan, what was that? he asked in a whisper.

“Scar, don’t piss me off, it was a pterodactyl.” Bitch, “suit”, I asked him what to eat, and he told me - the world is abandoned, there are no people, only I forgot to tell about the creature!

“Now it’s clear,” Scar grinned, moving his barrel through the ruins and occasionally looking back, “there are no people because they were devoured by such pterodactyls.”

"There's something more here," Root replied without turning his head. - The creatures are not a problem - the line in the belly, and she is on the ground. People were killed, something else, but that was a long time ago. Okay, we'll figure it out later. Did the guys break into the store?

Scar glanced back quickly.

- Yes, and even the property was dragged inside.

“Let’s turn around and brainstorm here, it seems that it’s not so simple,” Krut ordered.

What the fuck is simple? The setup is naked, five minutes in the world, and Krut has already lost two. So by the end of the day, he and Scar would remain. Already closing the doors, the godfather heard how a fierce shooting broke out somewhere in a couple of blocks from them, it was completely unclear who and who was nagging. But the fact that they are not alone here with a firearm rummaging around is a fact.

- Pahan, what was it? - asked Black, who received a chase for the color of his skin, he had too dark a mug.

- What are you talking about? - sitting on the box and looking around the room, asked Krut.

- I didn’t understand what happened to Rotten and Timokha? What kind of bird is this, which carried away a hefty guy like a puppy?

“Eagles can carry a man away,” a criminal nicknamed Bomba, who got chased for bombing night stalls, got into the conversation.

Have you seen an eagle at least once in your life? Scar asked.

The bomb shook his head.

– And I saw, so this creature is twice as large as an eagle. She has a beak slightly smaller than the bucket of a small excavator. Once, and Rotten without a head. We hit, sidekick, and hit hard. Pakhan, let's tell you what kind of ass, and how did we get here?

- I know no more than you, you watched the president's press conference with me. The guard came, took us to the office, there was a man in a suit, said that we would be thrown into another world, we would drag everything of value from it and exchange it for all sorts of useful things from the other side, gave a price list. He said that the world is dead, there are no people.

“Only I forgot about the birds,” Black muttered, “I should have sent this fraer to hell.” Bastard, infiltrated into a whore.

"You won't send him," said Root. - A bullet in the back of the head, a uranium mine or here, there is not much to choose from.

“Hmm, they stuck it,” the brothers boomed in agreement.

- And what to do, godfather? Scar asked, stroking the Kalash handguard. “Maybe get back?” They gave us some kind of bullshit with instructions, like we activate it, and the gates open.

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