Which diesel generator to choose? How to choose a diesel generator: selection of the right model Which diesel generator to choose.

Auto 28.07.2020

PSM has been designing and building power plants based on diesel engines since 2005. Diesel generators are our profession.

During the entire existence of the company, we have shared dozens of recommendations for choosing diesel generators and have accumulated several hundred solved cases.

Of course, there is no universal recipe for finding the necessary power plant. And no one can draw up a strict set of rules called "How to choose the right diesel generator." In this case, everything depends on many nuances and conditions: the place and mode of operation, weather conditions and the level of service in your area. Everything needs to be taken into account: from the tasks that the equipment has to solve, to your preferences in matters of design and environmental friendliness.

Nevertheless, we have put together a collection of materials that help you not to get lost in the world of DSU. This is a set of basic information that tells about the main elements of the process of organizing an autonomous power supply. It has been painstakingly assembled for several years and has already served as a stronghold for many who wondered how to choose a diesel power plant.

1. Power

The selection of a diesel generator usually begins with a study of its main characteristics. Leading and determining among them is power.

How to choose the power of a diesel power plant?

"How many kilowatts will I need?" - almost the first question that customers ask. We have considered popular cases of selecting the power of diesel generator sets on the example of several real applications. In the first task, the station was required for a country house, in the second - to run a drilling rig with high starting currents, in the third - for a boiler room, where the load varies depending on the season.

These stories will help you understand the fundamental principles of diesel generator power calculation. And they will tell you about the details that should not be missed if you want the diesel generator to serve long and smoothly.

2. Engine

The selection of a DGU, of course, is not complete without discussing the main component of any installation - a diesel engine.

Choosing diesel generators: which engine is better?

Design features and fuel regime, resource determined by the manufacturer and maintainability, adaptation to cold weather and low-quality fuel, prevalence and dimensions. Which of these factors should be considered decisive for the engine installed as part of a DGU? How to strike a balance between a good brand reputation and your real needs? We have highlighted the main aspects that must be taken into account when choosing a motor for an electrical installation. They also gave the parameters of some common brands that can often be seen as part of power plants. All strong and weak sides engines - in one material.

Expert rating of PSM diesel generators

The specific characteristics and features of the engines form the basis of the entire series of PSM diesel power plants. In our line - as many as 7 series. Each is based on its own engine: domestic YaMZ, South Korean Doosan, Swedish Volvo Penta, Japanese Mitsubishi, Chinese FAW, German MTU, British Perkins. If you are dizzy with choices, use the PSM Product Guide. We evaluated each diesel generator according to 6 parameters and compiled comparative tables. Based on these data, it is much easier to choose a diesel generator that is right for you.

Down with used: how not to run into a YaMZ repair engine

Be especially careful if you are inclined to buy a diesel generator assembled on the basis of a domestic engine. Very often, unscrupulous companies take engines that have already been under repair as the basis for their installations.

PSM specialists have analyzed point by point how to calculate counterfeit goods and avoid deception.

3. Generator

The next point that worries everyone who is wondering how to choose a diesel generator is the brand of a synchronous generator installed as part of the station.

Problem generators: why do some work and others break?

The quality of the generated energy and the durability of the entire installation directly depend on the generator. We conducted a mini-investigation and found out why some synchronous generators work out their original price, while others require regular repairs and become more expensive than a new one over time. Make no mistake with your choice!

4. Execution

How to prepare a room for installation of a diesel generator set?

Terribly economical: how reducing the price of a trailer reduces its life

Silence is more valuable than money: why does not every hood protect against noise?

The selection of a diesel power plant is usually not limited to considering the basic characteristics of the installation and the parameters of the components installed in the composition. Most often, customers are also interested in appearance equipment.

If the equipment will be installed in the utility room, then how to prepare the building for the placement of the DGU? If the power plant is planned to be moved, then how to evaluate the quality of the trailer on which the unit is mounted? If the installation is going to be placed on the street, then how to protect the inhabitants of nearby houses from the noise?

PSM specialists answered all these questions in several articles devoted to the most popular types of diesel generator sets: open, mobile and noise-proof.

5. Supplier

Your search for the perfect power source doesn't have to end with the question of which diesel generator to choose. It is also important to pay attention to who exactly offers you equipment: a dealer of a well-known brand, Russian manufacturer or the owner of a fictitious brand that exists only on paper?

How to choose a diesel generator set supplier

What makes up the price of a diesel generator (DGU)?

Does your supplier have its own production, is there a service, is it possible to modify the diesel generator for a specific task? Is the technique worth those suspiciously large or vice versa - too little money that you are asked for?

In three articles, PSM experts share a detailed list of signs of a truly reliable partner, advise how not to stumble on pseudo-European "Chinese" and analyze all the factors that form the cost of diesel generators.

A diesel generator is a technically complex product. A mistake in choosing such equipment can cost you unnecessary problems and wasted money. This collection of articles was prepared by PSM specialists, people who know the industry from the inside. They listed the main stages of choosing a diesel generator set, dwelled on the most important aspects and shared their own experience in solving non-standard tasks. We hope this collection of articles will help you answer the question "Which diesel generator to choose" and point the way to a successful purchase.

The diesel generator market is constantly growing, the number of brands is expanding, the geography of suppliers and manufacturers of diesel generators, the number and quality of offers are changing. But still the choice of diesel generator is specific and enough difficult topic for independent decision making.

Therefore, we want to give some advice and describe the main features and pitfalls for choosing a diesel generator.

Buying a diesel generator is a serious matter, quite expensive, so you need to be prepared to approach it. Usually, a diesel power plant is chosen for a long time and every buyer wants to buy a quality generator set for long-term use.

First of all, the choice of a diesel generator must begin with the calculation of the required power.

Calculation of diesel generator power in kW \ kVA.

To understand how big a diesel generator to buy, you must first determine the power consumption. To do this, you need to carry out some calculations, for this there are two simple ways. The first is to calculate the power of all consumers in the house (each device shows the power in kW or W. 1 kW = 1000 W). Usually this method gives the value of power consumption, but with a significant margin, since all devices do not turn on at once, respectively, the calculated value of power consumption is overestimated.

The second method, to determine the power of a diesel generator in kW, is to look at the rating of the introductory circuit breaker in the house, it is indicated in Amperes. If you have a single-phase input, then Power in W \u003d Amps X 220 V, for example, a 25A input machine corresponds to 5,500 W (5.5 kW) of power consumption. If you have a three-phase input machine, then Amperes for each phase (i.e. Amperes for one phase x3) X 220 V = give power in VA. However, it is not so easy to convert power from VA to kW, for this you need to know the nature of the load. But on the other hand, it is easier to choose a three-phase generator by power in VA (kVA) than by kW.

And the third, most accurate method of determining the power consumption is to turn on the required load and measure the current consumed in the network, convert it into power in kVA or kW. However, this method requires special equipment and a qualified specialist.

The power of any diesel generator is indicated in kW (kilowatts) or in kVA (kilovolt amperes). As a rule, the power of a single-phase generator in kW and kVA should be the same. If these figures differ, then you need to believe the power in kW, and kVA is just some calculated hypothetical power, you cannot rely on it when choosing a diesel generator.

For a three-phase generator, the power of the diesel generator in kW and kVA is different. The power of the diesel generator in kW is 20% less than the power in kVA.

Consider a couple simple examples calculation (selection) of diesel generator power:

Example one: Single-phase input to the house, introductory single-phase 40A. Accordingly, we have a maximum power consumption from the external network of 8.8 kW (40A x 220V = 8800 W = 8.8 kW). Thus, with some margin, you can choose a diesel generator 9..10 kW.

Example two: Three-phase input to the house, three-phase introductory machine 3x25A. Now the input power is 16.5 kVA (3x25Ax220V=16500 VA=16.5 kVA). The calculation of a diesel generator shows that it is necessary to choose a unit with a power of at least 16.5-20 kVA, depending on the type of prevailing loads in the house.

What value should be taken into account when choosing a kVA or kW diesel generator? If we are talking about choosing a relatively small diesel generator (up to 30 kW), we advise you to rely on the power indicated in kW. Why? Since it is in this class of diesel generators that a number of manufacturers try to confuse the buyer by overestimating the real power of the generator by any means, and the power of a diesel generator in kW is always less than in kVA. In addition, most loads are rated in kW (kilowatts).

For example, if you see on a single-phase diesel generator the power in kVA is indicated and it is more than the indicated power in kW, then read that you are being misled. If the generator is single-phase, then the power in kVA and kW should be the same.

What types of diesel generator power are indicated by manufacturers (kW / kVA):

1. Maximum power of a diesel generator (power plant) in kVA ( STANDBY POWER ) - this is the maximum that a diesel generator is capable of in a short period of time (up to 1 hour). It is strictly forbidden to exceed this power, at best, the circuit breaker will turn off, but the generator may also fail or the engine will be overloaded.

2. The maximum power of the diesel generator (power plant) in kW ( STANDBY POWER ) is an analogue of the maximum power to kVA, but expressed in kW. This value for single-phase diesel generators (output voltage 220 V) must match the power according to paragraph 1. For three-phase diesel generators (output voltage 380 V), the kVA power must be multiplied by 0.8 (for most loads) (i.e. 10 kVA = 8 kW).

3. Power of the main application ( PRIME POWER ) can be indicated in kVA or kW - this is practically the rated power of the diesel generator and it is it that must be taken into account when determining the required power of the diesel generator. As a rule, the power of the main application is 10% less than the maximum power of the diesel generator.

How to calculate the required power of a diesel generator.

In the first part of this article, we talked about how to determine the power you consume from the mains and thereby pre-select the power of a diesel generator. However, there are pitfalls to consider here. Almost every home has different types loads, active, reactive, capacitive. They affect the choice of a diesel generator in different ways and this must be taken into account.

You may ask, but when there is an electricity network, we do not take into account what loads we have connected in the house, but simply use electricity. The fact is that the power of the power grid is very large compared to your loads, and they cannot significantly affect the overall power grid. Now that you will be powered by a diesel generator, you need to take into account the nature of your loads, their starting currents, interference, etc.

Therefore, roughly the power of a diesel generator can be calculated as follows:

Add up all active loads (or determine their power in another way).

Add the power of loads with inrush currents (for most refrigerators, air conditioners, pumps, you can take the inrush current factor equal to 4).

Add 10-15% margin (for inaccuracies and subsequent increase in loads)

Add everything up, and here is a rough calculation of the power of a diesel generator.

Example : There is a country house with an area of ​​200 sq.m.

Characteristic loads:

Lighting - approximately 2 kW. (for incandescent lamps 0.1 kW per 10 sq.m. of the room, for energy-saving lamps 4 times less, but starting currents must be taken into account),

Storage boiler 50- 60 l - 1.5...2 kW

Kettle - 2 kW

TV, radio, etc. household appliances - 1 kW

Refrigerator - 0.25 kW x 4 \u003d 1 kW (since it has large starting currents)

Water pump - 1.2 kW x 4 (starting current ratio) = 4.8 kW.

We summarize everything, we get a power consumption of about 12 kW - you need to choose a diesel generator of about 12-13 kW (taking into account a small margin), on the other hand, you can usually take a load factor of 0.8 (since not all loads are turned on at the same time), then the minimum diesel generator power can be 10-11 kW.

Examples of diesel generators for 10-13 kW:

(10 \ 11 kW)

(12 \ 13 kW) (UK)

(16 \ 18 kW)

(15 \ 17 kW)

All diesel generators of similar power can be viewed.

Single phase or three phase diesel generator?

Enough important question when choosing a diesel generator, which type of diesel generator to choose - single-phase or three-phase. Here are a few simple tips on this subject:

· If you do not have three-phase consumers (380 V), and a single-phase voltage (220 V) is connected to the house, you need to choose a single-phase diesel generator.

· If the power of the diesel generator that you calculated is less than 10 kW, it is recommended to opt for a single-phase diesel generator, since a three-phase generator requires uniform loading in all phases, it is very difficult to do this when the load is less than 3 kW per phase.

· If the required power of the diesel generator is more than 20 kW and the input to the house is three-phase, then in most cases you need to choose a three-phase diesel generator, it will be cheaper and safer, however, you need to evenly distribute the load across the generator phases. In addition, it is quite difficult to find a single-phase diesel generator with a capacity of more than 25 kW, moreover, single-phase diesel generators are usually more expensive than three-phase generators.

· If you have three-phase loads and you cannot refuse them while the diesel generator is running, then you will have to choose a three-phase diesel generator. At the same time, our recommendations are to choose a diesel generator with a capacity of at least 10-12 kW, since you have one phase get about 3-4 kW, this is the minimum reasonable load per phase. Please note that a number of three-phase loads can be connected to a single-phase network without any problems. For example, three-phase electric boilers or three-phase electric stoves can usually be connected to a single-phase generator by combining three phases into one.

Quite often the question arises, the input to the house is three-phase, while there are no three-phase loads in the house and the load on the diesel generator is 10-15 kW. In this case, it is better to opt for a single-phase diesel generator with a three-phase ATS, this will allow the diesel generator to be connected to a three-phase network, so that when working from a diesel generator, all loads will be connected to a single-phase diesel generator network. Experts know how to do it. This is much easier than trying to equalize the load around the house in order to load the three phases of a diesel generator evenly.

Why are single-phase diesel generators over 10 kW more expensive than three-phase ones?

In the production of single-phase diesel generators, it is necessary to use high-capacity alternators than in the production of three-phase units, which increases the price.

We pay attention once again, single-phase diesel generators are much more convenient at low power up to 15-18 kW, since you don’t have to think about the load imbalance in phases, since a single-phase diesel generator has one phase.

(Description of the proposed models , and .)

With capacities over 15 kW, a three-phase diesel generator is a more correct solution. (Suggested models).

What diesel generators can be found on the market.

Today, the diesel generator market offers a wide range of completely different options. First of all, it is necessary to separate diesel generators of air and liquid cooling.

Air-cooled - diesel generators, usually small power up to 10-11 kW. The main advantages, low price and relatively low weight, minimal maintenance requirements.

The list of disadvantages is weighty - most models have high engine speeds of 3000 rpm, therefore a low resource (although significantly 2-3 times compared to gasoline), an increased noise level. So, air cooling is a dubious choice if you need a diesel generator over 12kW -13kW.

Liquid-cooled diesel generators are also high-speed 3000 rpm - they are used only as standby units, mainly in industrial applications. They have a high noise level and a limited engine life. This is not a very practical choice for a diesel generator for the home.

And the largest class, and it is on it that we recommend choosing - low-speed liquid-cooled diesel generators 1500 rpm - the main advantages, low noise level, long service life, any kind of application.

Today, about 80% of small (portable class) generators are made in China and this does not surprise anyone. In stationary diesel generators, the main market share still belongs to European brands, although the share of Chinese brands and their quality is constantly growing from year to year. Today it is already possible to find diesel generators from China on the market, which are superior in quality to European counterparts, however, it should be borne in mind that the price of such diesel generators is comparable to European counterparts. So when choosing a diesel generator, it is wise to consider all analogues.

Of course, the main part of the Russian market of high-quality diesel generators remains with European manufacturers with European and Japanese diesel engines - Mitsubishi, John Deere, Lister Petter.

However, last years Chinese diesel manufacturers have become quite popular (for example,, ), they significantly improved the quality of products, while the price remains 1.5-2 times lower than European counterparts. Today it is already difficult to say unequivocally which diesel generator is more reliable than European or Chinese. Every year more and more buyers opt for Chinese diesel generators with these engines.

It is difficult to suggest what is better to choose in this case, since each diesel generator has its own buyer, it is important that when choosing a diesel generator you understand where it can be serviced and how high-quality a diesel generator you are buying, and whether this quality corresponds to the price. But the time to be afraid of Chinese diesel generators has already passed, that's for sure. They should be afraid of pseudo-European brands, which are created and presented only in Russia, and are a low-quality assembly for Russia from low-quality and cheap components.

Our company presents a choice of premium class diesel generators from the UK -, and high-quality diesel generators from China -,. But the choice of diesel generator, of course, is yours. We can only recommend.

Additional information can be obtained by sending us a letter to the address: or by contacting us by contact numbers. You can order a free catalog of diesel generators from us, and.

Solution buy diesel generator usually accepted if an autonomous or backup power supply is vital. A diesel power plant is the choice that provides such advantages as reliability, small size, fire and electrical safety, with appropriate measures - the required noise level of the diesel generator set, the ability to automatically enter the operating mode of the diesel generator set in the event of a loss of high-quality mains power supply, followed by long-term operation without presence people, economy in fuel consumption (a diesel generator is much more economical than a gasoline generator). With all its advantages relative to gasoline counterparts, diesel generators are significantly more expensive, and your natural desire will be one that fully meets your needs. To make absolutely accurate diesel generator selection taking into account all the nuances and requirements, to protect yourself from future problems that can cause even small flaws, you will need the help of a specialist. However, in order to decide on some option on your own and be better prepared to communicate with representatives of the equipment supplier, it will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with our recommendations. So, How to choose a diesel generator (diesel power plant)?

Mode of application

Your first step in choice of diesel power plant there must be a decision as to whether your generator set should be a stand-alone or standby power source. This decision is important, since the power, model, and, consequently, the cost of equipment depend on the operating mode of the DGU. The choice in this case is quite simple. If you do not have any other power source than the purchased DGU, then you will need it as an independent source. If your equipment is already powered from a centralized network, but you want to avoid undesirable consequences from the disappearance or poor quality of power supply (which happens very often in our country), then you will need a backup power plant.

Power plant power

One of the most crucial moments when choosing a diesel generator is the right choice of power, since its cost largely depends on it. In addition, if the power plant power you have chosen is close to the calculated power of your power receivers, then in case of a further increase in load, the DGU may be overloaded. If the power of the diesel generator you have chosen is too high, then this may have a bad effect on its operation. Our recommendations - DGS should not work for a long time at a load that is less than 25% of its rated power. The optimal load range for long and efficient operation of the power plant is 35-75% of its nominal value. If you need a DGU in your country house, where you use a standard set of household appliances in the form of several light bulbs, an iron, a TV, a refrigerator, etc. , A low-power power plant is quite enough for you - 2-5 Kilowatts. If you are the owner of a country house, then to meet all your needs for high-quality power supply, you need to purchase a power plant with a capacity of 5 to 40 kilowatts. If it is necessary to use diesel generators in some areas of activity, such as manufacturing, construction, transport system, healthcare system, banking system, etc., then the presence of powerful diesel generators (power can reach 1600 kW or more) and the possibility of their parallel operation make the use of diesel power plants practically unlimited. So how do you calculate the power rating your diesel generator should have? To do this, it is necessary to determine the peak load, i.e. the total power of all consumers of electricity when they are used simultaneously. First of all, we calculate the total active load. It includes loads resulting from the operation of incandescent lamps, electrical appliances, heating equipment, i.e. anything in which, as a result of the action of an electric current, heat is released. Consumers of electricity, which have only an active component of power, are called active. The total active load is determined by adding the values ​​​​of the power consumed by various devices and is expressed in kilowatts. It should be added that if you opted for a power plant with a synchronous generator, then a 15-20 percent power reserve must be added to this amount. Next, we calculate the total inductive load. It includes loads resulting from the operation of inductive-type electrical equipment, which in principle uses an inrush current that is several times higher than the rated current. Such equipment includes refrigeration units, pumps, drills, saws, compressors, electric motors, etc. Such electrical engineering during startup needs more than the nominal power, and therefore, when calculating, it is necessary to increase its total rated power by 2.5-3 times. After you have calculated the total capacity of all existing electricity consumers, taking into account the necessary reserves, you should take into account the possible future increase in power consumption associated with the expansion of a country house, an increase in production capacity, etc. All the power reserves that you have made will ensure the long-term operation of your power plant, save it from overload and failure. If you, in the event of a centralized network failure, cannot provide power to all consumers from the diesel power plant, it is necessary to single out important (critical) consumers from them, whose disconnection can lead to serious consequences (for example, the heating system). For the rest, it is necessary to ensure mandatory shutdown during the operation of the diesel power plant. Otherwise, it may be overloaded. In conclusion, it should be said that some pantographs have a negative effect on the output voltage, and therefore on the power of the DGU, introducing linear and non-linear distortions. Therefore, for exact definition must be provided to the supplier full information about the load.

Number of phases

Depending on the purpose for which you are going to use the diesel power plant, you need to determine the number of its phases. When using single-phase pantographs (mainly in domestic networks), when there are almost no starting loads and the power consumption is low, you need a single-phase power plant (220 V). Three-phase power plants (380 V) are used mainly for industrial purposes, as well as for power supply of the private sector with a three-phase network wiring and provide consumers with both 220 V (between zero and phase) and 380 V (between two phases). One of the conditions for the normal operation of a three-phase diesel generator is the approximate equality of the powers consumed in different phases. The power difference in different phases should not exceed 20-25%. There are also three-phase power plants for 220 V (between zero and phase - 127 V, between two phases - 220 V). They are used only for lighting.

Generator type

According to their design, generators are divided into synchronous and asynchronous. Asynchronous generators are capable of maintaining the output voltage with high accuracy and, therefore, are used to power equipment sensitive to voltage changes (various electronic devices, medical equipment). They can also power electrical equipment with reactive power up to 30% of their rated power. Synchronous generators are not so accurate, but they are quite suitable for backup power supply of construction sites, refrigeration units, offices and country houses. In addition, they easily feed electrical equipment with reactive power up to 65% of its nominal value.

Generator neutral mode

If you have chosen a mobile power plant, then the neutral of its generator must be insulated. If, however, your pantographs are stationary, then the neutral mode of your diesel power plant and protective measures must comply with the norms of network stationary power receivers. Therefore, the neutral of such a power plant must be solidly grounded.

Engine selection

There are two types of engines for diesel generators: high speed (3000 rpm) and low speed (1500 rpm). When choosing a power plant with the engine you need, you must decide how intensively you will operate it. If this is in the region of 500 hours per year, you can choose a power plant with a shaft speed of 3000 rpm. If the number of engine hours per year is going to be much higher, you should opt for a 1500 rpm diesel generator. Although they are more expensive for the same power, they have a longer motor resource and a lower noise level. You also need to know that it is harmful for a diesel generator engine to run at idle and at low loads. Therefore, if such an operating mode is present, you need to start the diesel power plant for a period of no more than 2 hours with 100% load as a preventive measure for every 100 hours of operation to avoid undesirable consequences. You should also be aware of the tell-tale signs of engine overload - overheating, soot, reduced power, misfiring.

The need for automation.

Depending on the purpose of your diesel power plant and the presence or absence of service personnel, it is necessary to determine the mode of control and monitoring of the diesel generator. If the constant presence of maintenance personnel is ensured, the power plant operates in manual mode. Such a power plant is the easiest to operate and has the basic functions of control and monitoring. If necessary, the manual mode can be provided with a function of limited control and monitoring from a certain distance, or even a full monitoring function at an unlimited distance using a computer. If your power plant is a backup power source, there are no maintenance personnel, it should work in automatic mode. The automation of such a power plant provides control of the supply network, protection of current collectors from voltage output beyond the established norms, as well as programmable start-up of the power plant if the mains voltage is absent or has gone beyond the permissible limits. In addition, it stops the diesel generator when a high-quality mains power supply is restored and connects the load to it, tests the generator during checks, provides programming of various parameters of the diesel generator, indication of the parameters of the electrical network, operating modes and emergency situations. If necessary, the automatic mode of operation of the diesel power plant can be supplemented by computer remote monitoring. The automation system makes your power plant more expensive, but can meet the most stringent requirements for power reliability.

Operating conditions

Your next criterion when choosing a power plant is the conditions in which it will be operated. Depending on them, you will need to choose the desired version and installation method of the diesel generator. If you have a separate room equipped with ventilation, fuel pumping, heating, exhaust gas removal, fire safety and alarm systems, an open-type diesel generator set mounted on a steel frame is suitable for you. If you have problems with a separate room and location of the power plant, limited time for installation and dismantling, adverse climatic conditions, then your best option- containerized diesel power plant. It is a container that provides thermal and sound insulation, protection from unfavorable factors in which are built-in DGU and power plant operation systems. If it is enough for you to protect the diesel generator from the effects of low temperatures, precipitation and provide good sound insulation, then you will be satisfied with an intermediate option - a diesel power plant in a noise-protective casing. The casing is a rigid metal structure, lined with sound-absorbing material from the inside, and equipped with an exhaust system, doors and openings for convenient maintenance and ventilation. If you need a mobile power plant, then you need to choose a trailer-type diesel power plant (mobile diesel power plant), which is a DGU, installed and fixed on the chassis in accordance with all norms and rules.

Operating time of the power plant

Based on your needs for the duration of continuous operation of the diesel generator, you should pay attention to the volume of the fuel supply tank, the possibility of installing a larger fuel tank or additional tanks, the possibility of automated supply of fuel and oil through fuel lines from storage tanks.

Uninterrupted power supply

If you decide buy diesel generator for use as a backup power source for especially critical power receivers (electric receivers of the 1st category), it must be remembered that, in this case, a short-term interruption in power supply, due to some time of automatic switching on of the reserve, may not be allowed. Then, you need to use a diesel power plant in conjunction with an uninterruptible power supply UPS / UPS.


Your final choice is who buy diesel power plant and what manufacturer. Make it in favor of a manufacturer with a reputation proven over the years and a supplier who will provide competent advice, assistance in choosing the best technical and financial solution. STEN is such a supplier.

People depend on electricity. Power outage - annoying nuisance, which the backup power supply helps to avoid. The diesel generator is designed just for this. A good generator is reliable, quiet and safe. The question of how to choose a diesel generator sooner or later confronts the owners of private houses.

Let's analyze the main selection criteria.

Gasoline, diesel or gas?

The main element of any generator is internal combustion engine. It determines all the main parameters of the device - dimensions, weight, power and number of hours.

Generators are classified depending on the type of fuel consumed.

Among them are distinguished:

  • gasoline;
  • gas;
  • diesel.


AI-92 gasoline is used as fuel for gasoline generators. Their power is not more than 15 kVA. The devices are designed for continuous operation up to 8 hours. The electric motor can be two-stroke or four-stroke. The first are installed on small portable devices, the power of which does not exceed 1 kVA.

Aluminum cylinders. This reduces the weight of the unit, but its resource does not exceed 500 hours.

Four-stroke engines are used on powerful devices.

Their distinguishing features are a reduced noise level and a long resource of up to 4000 hours.


  • the ability to work in the cold season without heating;
  • low noise level;
  • ease of operation;
  • small dimensions;
  • low cost.
  • high cost of fuel;
  • short fuel storage life.


The unit can operate on both natural and liquefied gas.

The gas generator can work continuously up to 10 hours.


  • low fuel price, especially when operating on natural gas;
  • low noise level;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • the ability to work as a cogeneration plant. Several devices interconnected make it possible to obtain a station with a power of up to 10 mW.
  • low level of safety, since the gas can explode, so it must be stored and operated under special conditions;
  • to connect to the gas main, you must obtain a permit;
  • the generator storage room must be equipped with ventilation and a gas leak detector;
  • the gas generator must not be started at low temperatures.


Diesel generators can be used as emergency and standby power sources. The maximum period of continuous operation is up to 12 hours.

The scope of diesel generators is extensive, since the explosion hazard is lower than that of the analogues described above.


  • great resource;
  • minimum requirements for storage and use of fuel.
  • big weight;
  • inability to turn on at low temperatures - when working in winter in unheated rooms, heating of the fuel is required;
  • increased noise level;
  • high fuel consumption.

Equipment power

For a diesel generator to serve for a long time, it is necessary to correctly calculate the power. An incorrectly calculated parameter will lead to an overload of the device and high fuel consumption.

Read also: All about mobile diesel power plants

The power of the device should be enough to ensure the operation of many devices.

If you do not plan to turn on a washing or dishwasher, heating boiler and other energy-intensive appliances in the absence of electricity, then you can get by with a low-power emergency generator.

To determine the type of device, necessary:

  1. Determine the power of all devices. All equipment is divided into inductive and resistive devices. Resistive devices operate without an electric motor. They convert active power into heat and/or light. Inductive devices have an electric motor. Representatives of this type of equipment are drills, compressors, refrigerators. After turning on this equipment, an inrush current appears for a few seconds, which increases the power of the device several times. For the operation of such devices, a more powerful generator is needed. Information about the technical characteristics of the devices is available in the passport.
  2. Add up the power of all devices and multiply by the safety factor. To the value obtained, you need to add another 20%, which will give a supply of energy consumed.
  3. Check the optimality of calculations. For long operation of the generator, it is necessary to connect a load to it, which is from 40 to 80% of the power of the unit. If in the calculation you took into account many devices, but do not use them all all the time, the calculated value can be reduced by 10-15%.

Diesel generators work in three modes:

  • Continuous. Used for a long time, but the load should not exceed 75% of the device's capacity.
  • Basic. The generator is loaded by 90%, but it works no more than 8 hours a day.
  • Spare. The load is maximum, but the unit operates no more than 500 hours per year.
The passport of the unit indicates two power - nominal and maximum.

The first shows the load at which the device will work for a long time, but there will be no overload. The maximum power indicates the value at which the device will be able to work. limited time.

Additional functions

Like any modern device, diesel generators can be equipped with additional features:

  • To start the engine at low temperatures, an autonomous starting preheater is installed. A band heater is required for operation in cold rooms.
  • In the absence of voltage in the network, the unit can turn on automatically, for which it is equipped with an automatic reserve input.
  • Additional filters that remove dirt and water from the fuel;
  • To control the operating parameters of the device at a distance using the Internet or mobile communications, the generator is equipped with a GSM monitoring function.
  • Pneumatic starters are installed on powerful generators, which increase the safety of operation at facilities with explosion and fire safety requirements.

Which ones are bought more?

Most consumers when buying a generator are interested in two parameters - power and price. The cost of diesel generators depends on many parameters. Most often they buy inexpensive models that are not of high quality.

While a good generator has a corresponding price.

Generators can have 220 or 380 V output, i.e., be single or three-phase. For some reason, the owners of country houses are sure that it is better to acquire the latter look. But after all, three-phase devices are very rare in everyday life, and therefore it is better to purchase a single-phase generator.

Read also: Product overview for diesel generators

Devices with a power of 30 kVA or 50 kVA are very popular. Such power is optimal for working in a private house. But this parameter should be carefully calculated, since too low a load can lead to a malfunction of the device and a decrease in efficiency.

Rating of firms and models

How are ratings compiled and what is taken into account?

  • Value for money. This parameter reflects the correspondence of the cost of the device to its reliability and resources.
  • Maintainability. This criterion shows how easy it is to repair the device and the ability to find spare parts for it.
  • Parts and engine quality. Some manufacturers use a quality engine, but save on components.
  • Profitability. This parameter shows how much the fuel consumption corresponds to the energy produced by it. When choosing a generator, remember that its price directly depends on this parameter.

Overview of popular models

Depending on the purpose for which the diesel generator is purchased, its power and type are selected.

For giving, you can pick up an inexpensive device for lighting and powering several household appliances with a power of up to 5 kW.




Fuel consumption, l/hWeight, kglaunchNoise, dBNumber of phasesprice, rub.Reviews
SDMO DIESEL 4000C3.4 kW/4.25 kW0,9 70 Manual85 1 120000 Compact, convenient, economical, reliable
Robin-Subaru ED 6.0/230-S4.9 kW/5.5 kW1,7 102 Manual75 1 170000 Quiet, reliable, high-quality, availability of advanced models
PACIFIC SDMO T8K-IV5.5 kW/7 kW2,6 400 electric start59 3 550000 Quiet, high-quality, expensive, uneconomical
For permanent residence in country house suitable generators with a power of up to 50 kW, depending on the number of equipment. You should also pay attention to the presence of a garage and power tools.



Fuel consumption, l/hWeight, kglaunchNoise, dBNumber of phasesprice, rub.Reviews
SDMO DIESEL 10000 E XL C8.1 kW/10.2 kW2,1 162 electric start86 1 302000 Convenient, reliable, economical
Kubota J31512 kW/16.5 kW4,5 340 electric start76 3 428000 Quiet, reliable, high quality
EK-50-T40050 kW/62.5 kW10,1 960 electric start78 3 350000 Inexpensive, uneconomical
Industrial generators are characterized by high power - over 50 kW. In order for the institution not to become de-energized, high-quality models are needed.



Fuel consumption, l/hWeight, kglaunchNoise, dBNumber of phasesprice, rub.
A generator is a device that can become an autonomous source of energy and supply heating devices, lighting, etc. The capabilities of the device are well revealed when traveling to nature, construction and repair work, and in emergency situations this is an absolutely indispensable thing.

To date, manufacturers have provided a standard buyer with a wide selection of power generators. Navigating the variety of models is not easy, but knowing the basic principles, you can still do it. Here we will consider the main characteristics, without going into technical nuances and design features. The classification is carried out according to the main types: their characteristic shortcomings and advantages are considered.

8 rules for choosing a generator

  1. According to the type of fuel consumed, diesel, gasoline and gas-fired generators are distinguished. The most environmentally friendly are gas generators, but most of these models depend on the gas line, and hence on the pressure in it. For domestic use gasoline engines are recommended, but diesel generators demonstrate maximum reliability. They are indispensable at industrial facilities, and are successfully used in residential complexes.

  2. The choice of power is based on the following principle: the minimum power of the generator is the total power of all devices, plus 10%.

  3. Phases. There are three-phase and single-phase generators. The former are more often used in industry, although there are exceptions.

  4. The generated noise. It is recommended to install generators in separate rooms, but the model itself can be equipped with a soundproof casing.

  5. Traffic fumes. The gas exhaust system is an important part of the design, take an interest in this when choosing.

  6. Service. Buying a generator also involves installing it. Find out more about the availability of spare parts in stock and the quality of service.

  7. Support. Other things being equal, it is better to make a choice in favor of a company that has its own service center.

  8. Certificates. Look for confirmation of quality not in words, but with the help of relevant documents that any reputable company has.

How to choose a generator for a summer residence?

Before choosing, you need to determine exactly for what purposes you are going to use the generator. This is the point from which you need to start and build all further reasoning. First of all, the purposes of using the generator affect the required power indicators. For a summer residence, for example, a gasoline generator with a power of 0.6 to 3 kW is quite suitable. Such power will provide energy to the main household appliances, and gasoline is ideal for occasional short-term use.

To accurately calculate the power of the generator, you need to determine the starting power of all electrical appliances connected to home network. At the same time, do not forget that the rated power indicated in the device passport differs from the starting one. For most inductive devices, it is somewhat higher. An inductive load assumes a large current at the beginning of the device and a uniform one during operation. Starting and rated power differ for devices:

  • Ohmic consumers (electric stoves, incandescent lamps, soldering irons, toasters, irons). In such devices, the rated current is equal to the starting current.

  • Consumers with low inductance (hand drills and saws, electric jigsaws - all electric tools; household appliances: fluorescent lamps, refrigerators, televisions, computers, etc.). In them, the rated current is less than the starting current 1.5 2 times.

  • Devices with high inductance (any devices with powerful motors that use electricity: transformers, compressors, borehole pumps, welding machines). In such devices, the difference between the starting current and the rated current by several times is inevitable. For example, for a welding machine it is 300-500%, and for a medium power pump it will be 500-700%.

If your system of electrical appliances does not have units running on powerful engines, then you can simplify the calculation by adding a margin of about 50-100% to the total rated power. Of course, your generator won't need to produce that much power all the time - that's peak load when multiple appliances are connected at the same time.

Some manufacturers indicate the power not in the usual kW, but in kVA. The correlation of this value to the usual figures is made by multiplying by 0.8. Thus 10 kVA will equal 8 kW.

How to choose a generator by manufacturer?

Competition between manufacturers has led to the fact that at the moment the buyer has a huge selection of generators operating on any type of fuel, including gasoline. Which brand should you choose? The determining factor here is the standard rules of the market: the ratio of quality and price, service and popularity of the manufacturer.

You need to start by looking for information about which brands of gasoline generators are serviced in your area. Chat with the service center of the company you want to make a purchase from, with employees of repair centers. Such employees will always have information that will help you decide on the choice of a company. Reviews and discussions on special forums are no less useful.

Do not be surprised if by choosing products of a well-known brand, you will receive the corresponding price for the device itself and its maintenance. The quality offered by most trusted manufacturers meets high demands, but this is not always reflected correctly in the cost. Good feedback have such companies as Gesan, Elemax, Champion, Endress, Honda, GM,.SDMO.

If you are looking for the perfect balance of performance and cost, then the best way out is to turn to Russian companies that are closer to the needs of the domestic consumer. The Russian company VEPR assembles its products from imported parts, and its products are characterized by a good price balance.

As in other market segments, manufacturers from China offer low prices. Not all brands from this country have good recommendations, but Kipor can be singled out, although its products differ in price from the rest of the “Chinese” range by almost two times.

The author of this article has comparative analysis on the official websites of well-known brands, specialized forums and chose the gasoline inverter generator Defort DGI-1000. As the name implies, the power of this device is 1 kW.

The cost of the Defort DGI-1000 is around 5600 rubles, and for this price you can get compactness (the weight of the device is only 12 kg) and neat assembly.

The SBM Group from Germany is listed as the supplier of the generator - this international group was registered in 2007, and its main activity is the development of automatic networks, stations, devices, the sale of power tools, spare parts and consumables for them, etc. The country of manufacture was not specified, but the assumption that the device was made in China seems logical.
The main arguments in favor of buying the unit was an excellent warranty period - 5 years.

What generator to choose for the house?

Constant interruptions in power supply are not uncommon for our country, and this problem becomes the starting point for choosing and buying a generator. The need to have such a device is even more relevant for owners of private houses and summer cottages. The quality of power supply through the central communications will not improve soon, so you need to be prepared in case of emergency shutdowns, even if interruptions are planned only in theory.

As soon as you have data on fuel consumption, the desire to reduce the power of the unit will become even stronger. In most cases, the cost of 1 kW of energy generated by household generators is much higher than the price dictated by the state.

The minimum set of devices, in case of an accident, is lighting (2/3 of the lamp power is taken into account), a refrigerator and a TV. Let's consider an uninterruptible power supply unit for a computer as a sufficient condition for comfort.

After solving the problem with power, you need to move on to choosing an engine. They are classified according to the fuel consumed and the duty cycle (four- and two-stroke). When choosing, most often they are guided by the level of generated noise, the possibility of using fuel for other household needs (gas, gasoline, diesel fuel), and the expected duration of continuous use of the generator. The availability of fuel also plays an important role.

Gasoline-powered generators are best suited for emergencies. Such stations, with a power of up to 5 kW, are able to provide electricity to the main set of household appliances. The noise generated by gasoline generators is minimal, which distinguishes them from gas generators with forced ventilation. Most models have a casing that protects against sound. True, the use of a casing is not always beneficial, since it significantly reduces ventilation and disrupts the cooling of the unit. This affects the continuity of work.

If your house has gas reserves (cylinders with propane-butane), then you can organize a system powered by a gas generator drive. Liquefied gas is the fuel available today and this option can be quite effective. Gas prices vary, but generally lower than the cost of gasoline, and in terms of noise level, such generators do not differ much from each other. For a few hours of emergency, these generators may well provide energy to your home.

The period of use covered by the manufacturer's warranties depends on the engine block options. For example, an aluminum block can last 1000 hours, while a cast iron block can last 3-4 times longer. Guarantees are built on the basis of these figures.

If a generator is chosen as the main source of power, a different approach will be required, and the emphasis will have to be placed on other details. Since the power of such a generator will be much higher than the power of the emergency generator, and it will work constantly, a diesel-fueled unit is seen as an ideal option. Such a generator must have its own cooling system. Diesel generators have such elements, and their service life and reliability are an order of magnitude higher than gas and gasoline ones.

Which generator to choose for welding?

For a welding generator, an important factor is the type of fuel. It is always diesel or petrol. There is also a difference in the type of current received - direct or alternating. Gasoline-powered AC welders are the best value for money solution. In addition to low cost, they have the advantage of compactness. The problem is that the resource of such units is small. For serious, continuous loads, it is better to stop the choice on diesel generators.

The type of current generated by the machine directly affects the quality of welding. The best quality is given by direct current, and the generators that provide it are much more complicated than their counterparts with alternating current. However, the quality of the weld is much higher. The welder decides which machine configuration and manufacturer's brand to choose on his own.

Now you have all the necessary information for choosing a power generator, and you are not afraid of making mistakes when choosing.

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