How old is Irina Romanova. Ilya Reznik - biography, information, personal life

Tourism and rest 21.06.2019
Tourism and rest

The Soviet songwriter was born in 1938 in a family of political emigrants who came to Soviet Union in the early thirties from Denmark. His early biography coincided with the war, and little Ilya had to go through a lot severe trials. whole year he lived in besieged Leningrad, and then the family was evacuated to the Urals. His father was seriously wounded in 1944 and died of wounds in the Sverdlovsk military hospital, and his mother soon married and left for Riga, leaving her son to the parents of her deceased husband, who soon officially adopted their grandson, and therefore Reznik bears a middle name not own father, and grandfather.

Already in school years Ilya began to dream about the theatrical stage, was engaged in dancing, was a participant in amateur performances, and, having received a diploma of secondary education, he applied to the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinema. However, an attempt to enter a university was unsuccessful neither from the first, nor from the second, nor from the third time, and only for the fourth time Reznik successfully passed the entrance exams and became a student of the acting department, and all the time between admissions, he not only prepared, but also worked either as an electrician, or as a laboratory assistant at a medical institute, or as a stage worker in a theater.

In the photo - Reznik with his second wife Munira Argumbaeva

After graduating from the institute, work biography Ilya Reznik - he joined the troupe of the Theater. Komissarzhevskaya and at the same time began to write poetry, compose reprises and songs for performances. The first great success came to the poet in 1969, when the young singer Lyudmila Senchina performed a song based on his poems "Cinderella", which instantly became super popular. In the same year, the first book of poems by Ilya Reznik for children was published.

Poetry began to occupy more and more space in the life of Ilya Rakhmielevich, and in 1972 he finally left the theater to devote himself to this form. literary activity. He very quickly found recognition, including among pop stars, for whom he began to write songs.

In the photo - Reznik and Irina Romanova

The beginning of Reznik's poetic biography coincided with changes in his personal life. He always enjoyed great success with women, and for the first time broke up with the status of a bachelor, marrying a nineteen-year-old student named Regina, who in 1969 gave birth to the poet's son Maxim, and seven years later, daughter Alice. However, the children did not become a guarantor of a long family life - Reznik divorced Regina, while the son remained to live with him.

The second wife of Ilya Reznik was the Uzbek dancer and choreographer Munira Argumbaeva. In 1989, she gave birth to Ilya Rakhmielevich's son Arthur, with whom they left for the United States when Reznik was offered to work there under a contract. The health of the child of Munira and Ilya Reznik required that he stay in the States, of course, with his mother, and Ilya Rakhmielevich returned to Russia.

In 2012, he decided to drastically change his personal life, and divorced Munira, with whom he had been married for almost a quarter of a century, though, for the most part, away from his wife, who lived with her son most of the time in the United States. He took this step for the sake of another woman - Irina Romanova, whom he met in the company of mutual friends. Irina is twenty-seven years younger than the maestro, and immediately captivated him not only with her beauty, but also with her indescribable charisma. Having met, they exchanged phone numbers, and after some time a stormy romance broke out between them.

When official wife Ilya Reznik found out that his husband had another woman, she immediately flew to Russia and arranged loud scandal, calling Reznik a polygamist. But, to Munira's great surprise, it turned out that she and Ilya Rakhmielevich were already divorced. She began a long lawsuit to annul the divorce, but apart from lengthy proceedings and mutual reproaches, the courts did not bring anything. One of the “Let them talk” programs was devoted to Reznik’s divorce, in which his second wife was a participant, and after this talk show, Reznik had a stroke due to strong feelings.

In the end, everything was resolved, and Ilya Reznik was left alone, and after fourteen years he civil marriage became the legal spouse of Irina Romanova. Irina is not only the wife of Ilya Rakhmielevich, but also works as the director of the theater named after him.

More than one generation of our fellow citizens grew up on songs written to the verses of Ilya Rakhmielevich Reznik. The most famous songwriter of our time was born on April 4, 1938 in St. Petersburg. The biography of Ilya Reznik begins just a few years before the start of the Great Patriotic War. Ilya Rakhmielevich survived the blockade of Leningrad while still a very young boy. Subsequently, he and his family were evacuated to the Urals. The parents of Ilya Reznik lived together for a very short time. His father was a front-line soldier, was seriously injured, from which he died. Ilya's mother quickly got married a second time and left for Riga. From her second marriage, she gave her eldest son a brother and twin sisters.

After the mother of Ilya Reznik remarried and left, the boy stayed in Leningrad with his grandparents, who were from Denmark. Grandfather was a shoemaker, he supported the whole family. They not only took custody of their grandson, but adopted him completely, so the famous songwriter has a patronymic Rakhmielevich, and not Leopoldovich, as his father was called.

In the photo: Ilya Reznik in his youth

While studying at school, Ilyusha dreamed of becoming an admiral and enrolling in the Nakhimov School. However, by the senior classes, his dreams were already redirected to the artillery school. By the time he graduated from school, the boy firmly decided to become an actor. He was just crazy about the theater. He applied to the theater university in Leningrad, but failed in the exams.
Reznik Ilya did not give up and annually tried to enter a theater university. In parallel with this, he worked as a laboratory assistant at a medical school, an electrician and a theater stage worker. Only in 1958 he was enrolled in the ranks of students. Young Ilya Reznik wrote several of his first songs just during his studies.

After graduating from high school, Ilya was hired by the Komissarzhevskaya Theater. He played quite a lot on the stage, nevertheless, he did not stop thinking about poetry for a minute, he constantly improved his skills. As a result, several of his collections were published, including children's. A huge number of livers were written to the words of Ilya Reznik, which became hits. To this day, songs based on his poems are very popular and in demand, they are simply adored by listeners.

In the photo: Ilya Reznik

Personal life of Ilya Reznik

The personal life of Ilya Reznik did not develop immediately. Although in his youth he enjoyed great success with women. Despite this, he was in no hurry to enter into a legal marriage. Women surrounded him always and everywhere, he enjoyed their company.

Ilya Reznik married for the first time only at the age of thirty. His chosen one was a girl named Regina, who was ten years younger. The couple met during the next tour of Ilya Rakhmielevich. The first wife of Ilya Reznik gave him two children: son Maxim and daughter Alice. At the same time, the girl was seven years younger. The family of Ilya Reznik in this composition broke up after some time, but the son remained to live with his father. He became professional journalist.

In the photo: the first wife of Ilya Reznik Regina Reznik

Ilya entered into a second official marriage with the Uzbek dancer and choreographer Munira Argumbaeva. The happy head of the family dedicated poems and songs to his beloved, they rejoiced at every moment spent together. Four years later they had a son, who was named Arthur. Over time, the family left for America, but Reznik returned two years later in 1992, and his wife and son remained on the other side of the ocean.

In the photo: Ilya Reznik with his second wife and son

The official divorce, which was preceded by several scandals, was issued only after 20 years. Ex-wife accused Reznik of leaving her in a foreign country without a livelihood, and for the first time she hears about the break in their relationship. As a result, the court recognized new marriage Ilya Reznik fictitious. It was only the second time that they finally managed to get a divorce.

Wife of Ilya Reznik

After the maestro divorced his second wife, Ilya Reznik immediately married for the third time. As soon as he received the divorce papers, the maestro again plunged into new novel and hastened to legitimize the relationship. Now the famous athlete Irina Romanova, and now the woman who holds the post of director of the Ilya Reznik Theater, has become his chosen one. The age difference between the lovers was 27 years, but this did not prevent them from starting a family. In fact, Ilya Reznik and Irina Romanova began to live together even before the formalization of the relationship, and they met even earlier.

In the photo: Ilya Reznik and Irina Romanova

Irina Reznik, the wife of Ilya Reznik, supported her husband in the most difficult life circumstances. Few people know that the world famous poet barely made ends meet. The fact is that the man kept his royalties on a savings book. The 1998 default destroyed everything. Naturally, this could not but affect the health of Ilya. Being a Jew by nationality, he reacted very receptively and painfully to the turning times. If it were not for the beloved wife of Ilya Reznik, at that moment, it is not known how the matter would have ended.

Children of Ilya Reznik

Children of Ilya Rakhmielevich appeared in the first two marriages. On the this moment they are already adults and famous poet grandchildren grow up from them. Ilya Reznik, whose children were born in different marriages, was completely independently engaged in raising only his eldest son. The first wife, Regina, gave her husband a son, Maxim, and a daughter, Alice. After the separation of his parents, Maxim decided that his father should raise him and stayed with him. He received the profession of a journalist and worked on the famous program "Shark Pen". Alice Reznik stayed with her mother, but her father kept in touch with her and took part in her upbringing. Now Maxim already has his own child. The boy was named after the famous grandfather - Ilya.

In the photo: Ilya Reznik with his son Maxim

In the second marriage with Munira Argumbaeva, a son, Arthur Reznik, was born. Mostly his mother was engaged in his upbringing, with whom the boy lived. Almost all of his childhood was spent in America.

The press has repeatedly mentioned that there is still an illegitimate son of Ilya Reznik, Evgeny, who was born in 1981. Now the guy lives in Odessa.

Ilya Reznik - news

Today, the personal life and work of Ilya Reznik still arouse great public interest. It is known that the famous poet has serious financial difficulties. Help was given to him old friend with which they for a long time were in a quarrel - Alla Pugacheva. Even despite the lack of funds, the Reznikov family keeps 3 dogs and 5 cats at home. Spouses do not have a soul in their pets.

In the photo: Ilya Reznik celebrates his 80th birthday

In the spring of 2018, Ilya Reznik celebrated his 80th birthday. A month before, a creative evening of the poet took place, in which the stars of domestic show business took part. Congratulated the hero of the day and Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. The poet confessed to his friends that in the same 2018 he plans to marry his beloved wife Irina Romanova in Lower Oreanda.

Ilya Rakhmielevich continues to collaborate with many Russian pop stars, writing songs for them. In addition, he was engaged in acting work, wrote a fairly large number of books. Sometimes it seems that his talents are limitless. After all, whatever he undertakes is doomed to success. I want to believe that in his personal life, too, everything will finally turn out well.

Over the years of his career, Ilya Reznik wrote more than two thousand songs, thanks to which many star performers appeared on the national stage. His lyrical heartfelt hits are still remembered and listened to by many music lovers who admire the talent of a songwriter. With age, Ilya Rakhmielevich did not lose interest in his beloved work, and now new compositions appear in his creative biography, attracting the attention of his fans. He still feels an unprecedented surge of strength, which allows him to easily spend his concert evening for four hours. Reznik manages not only to write poetry and songs, but also conducts master classes where he teaches the younger generation the basics of acting and writing.

He draws strength and inspiration from communication with family and friends, experiencing happiness and joy from every day he lives. For several years in personal life People's Artist strong family relationships. He is connected with his wife not only general work and hobbies, but also bright love.


The future songwriter was born in 1938 in Leningrad. His early childhood years fell on the harsh front-line battles. The boy's father went to fight the Germans and never returned home, dying in 1944. Little Ilya survived the deadly blockade, and then was evacuated to the Urals. After the end of the war, his mother remarried, and then gave birth to three children: his younger sisters Vera, Marina and brother Vladimir. His stepfather did not want to see someone else's child in his family, so the future poet was raised by his paternal grandparents, who then adopted him. Soon his mother and her family left for Riga, so their communication ceased for many years. But over time, Reznik forgave his parent and being famous person Communicated with his family and helped as much as possible.

In his school years, the boy did not even dream of a creative path, but dreamed of the seas and long voyages. He intended to enter the Nakhimov School, and then pursue a military career. However, already in high school, Ilya became interested in acting, thanks to which, after graduating from school, he came to the Institute of Theater, Music and Cinema.

young years...

He did not manage then to become a student of the chosen university, but in order not to waste time, he worked for some time as a laboratory assistant, and then got a job in the theater, where he performed various duties. Young Reznik did not forget his dream, but only at the age of 20 he managed to enter the acting department.

Songwriting and acting work

After graduation, the actor played on the stage of the V. F. Komissarzhevskaya Theater and at the same time was writing poetry, which he became interested in as a student. At first, Ilya Rakhmielevich wrote poems for children, thanks to which the song "Cinderella" was born, performed by Lyudmila Senchina. Realizing his destiny, the young poet left the theater and took up song poetry. In 1972, he met Alla Pugacheva, which became fateful for both. Having performed the poet's song "Let's sit and have a look", the singer became the laureate of the All-Union Song Contest, and then her career went uphill. His composition “Apple Trees in Bloom”, which was sung by Sofia Rotaru, also became successful.

Reznik always wrote poetry in different genres, finding demand for his patriotic, military and lyrical compositions. His songs brought many victories to both the poet himself and his performers, among whom are such stage stars as Edita Piekha, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Laima Vaikule, Irina Ponarovskaya, Irina Allegrova and many others.

Great recognition and love of the audience received such compositions of the poet as:

  • "Not yet evening";
  • "Little country";
  • "Three happy days";
  • "You take me with you";
  • "Edith Piaf" and many others.

His beautiful poems always found their composer, with whom he collaborated over many years of creativity: Raymond Pauls, Maxim Dunaevsky, Evgeny Martynov, Vladimir Feltsman, Igor Nikolaev and others. Ilya Rakhmielevich has always expanded his creative interests, taking part in the TV show "Two Stars", as well as acting in films.

Happiness and idyll in the third marriage

The poet, who has excellent external data (height - 187 cm; weight - about 80 kg), has always been successful with women, but despite this, he was in no hurry to start a family and for a long time had the status of a bachelor. Only at the age of 30 did he meet his future wife Regina, who was more than ten years younger than him. At that time, the spouses were connected by a common work, and soon children appeared in their family: son Maxim was born in 1968, daughter Alice - in 1976. A few years later, this union broke up, and after the separation of the parents, the son stayed with the star father.

Ilya Reznik with his second wife Munira Argumbaeva and son Artur

A few years later, Reznik decided to re-establish his personal life, and his new chosen one was the dancer and choreographer Munira Argumbaeva from Uzbekistan. After the birth of his son Arthur (1989), the whole family moved to America, but life in a foreign land did not attract the poet at all, and in 1992 he returned to his homeland. The wife did not want to leave the United States and stayed there to live with her son. Despite the fact that the couple had not even seen each other for many years, their official divorce took place only in 2012.

In the dashing 90s, all the poet's savings disappeared, and he had to start everything from scratch. In addition, Ilya Rakhmielevich had big problems with health: his blood pressure jumped and arthritis progressed. It was at this difficult time that fate brought him to his future wife, athlete Irina Romanova. Their acquaintance took place visiting mutual friends. Despite the age difference of more than 20 years, the future lovers immediately liked each other. The athlete struck the poet with her beauty, erudition, and also her ability to behave in society. They exchanged phone numbers, but their first meeting did not happen immediately. But then events developed rapidly, and soon the couple began to live as one family.

Ilya Reznik with his wife Irina Romanova. Photo

According to Reznik himself, his wife became his guardian angel, sent to him by God for all the many years of suffering. It was with her that he found the long-awaited happiness and did not lose interest in life. Irina took care of his health and taught him a healthy lifestyle. Now the 80-year-old poet can quite boast of his excellent shape, which he acquired thanks to good genetics, as well as maintaining healthy lifestyle life. Spouses have breakfast with cereals, do not drink alcohol and do not smoke. In addition, they swim in the outdoor pool every day. Irina is now the director of the musical theater of her star husband. But they not only cooperate together, but also have a rest, leaving every year on the Crimean coast.

Reznik does not have his own housing, so the couple lives in a rented house, owned by his longtime admirer. Together with them live three dogs and five cats, which compassionate owners picked up and sheltered at home. In 2018, the couple got married, holding this sacrament in the Yalta church.

Ilya Rakhmielevich is a father of many children, since in addition to children from his first and second marriages, he has two illegitimate children: son Evgeny and daughter Elena. Of all his offspring, the poet raised only his eldest son, who stayed with him after his divorce from his first wife. Like star father, Maxim chose creative way, becoming a journalist and playwright. He writes not only poetry, but also theatrical plays, which have already attracted the attention of many actors and directors. Son Eugene took up legal activities, and daughter Alice turned out to be an excellent photographer, whose work has already won many awards. international competitions. The poet also has grandchildren, but he rarely communicates with them. In addition, they have no interest in music and poetry. All these years, Reznik did not forget about his son Arthur, who lives with his second wife in America. He still takes care of the younger heir, sending him good money.

Recent events

Despite his advanced age, the artist is constantly working, finding time both for poetry and for the children's group "Little Country". His wards practice six times a week, learning vocals, hip-hop and choreography. Not so long ago, Ilya Rakhmielevich, in close collaboration with Eduard Khank, wrote the anthem of the National Guard, in addition, he continues to publish poetry and prose, among which is the autobiographical book “My Leningrad Childhood”. A large place in his work is devoted to works for children: fables, fairy tales and poems.

Now the poet is writing prayers for the Russian Orthodox Church. This was prompted by the fact that it is difficult for modern youth to understand the Church Slavonic language. For this important work Reznik was blessed by the Patriarch himself, thanks to which he has already published a book, which includes about a hundred prayers and psalms.

  1. His grandparents, who raised him in childhood, were not his blood relatives. As young adults, they adopted his father.
  2. Having received an acting education, the future poet served in the theater, but he himself did not consider himself a talented artist then. Once, in the play "Bolsheviks" he had to portray the editor-in-chief of the newspaper. He so entered the image of a writer that even then he noted to himself that he wanted to write poetry. After this incident, Ilya, without hesitation, left the theater and did what he loved.
  3. In the 90s, the poet organized his own theater, in which not only actors, but also famous gymnasts worked. Having created a production called "Nostalgia for Russia", he, along with the team, went on a long tour of the United States. Soon the producer left them, taking all the money of the troupe, after which many of the participants in the performance and the choreographer decided to stay to work in Las Vegas. Reznik himself also lived there for some time, during which time he wrote several songs for Lyubov Uspenskaya and Mikhail Shufutinsky.
  4. In the Soviet years, the poet received about 10 thousand rubles a month, which allowed him to put aside a large sum for the Savings Book. Then he dreamed of a comfortable old age, however, the 98th year crossed out all his plans, leaving the poor and without a penny of money.
  5. For a long time, Ilya Rakhmielevich was a colleague and friend of Alla Pugacheva. But soon a conflict occurred between them, which separated them for seven years. According to the poet himself, the money issue became the reason for such relations. For a long time he could not come to terms with the fact that he had almost nothing for his songs, and the artists earned decent money. When the poet fell seriously ill, Pugacheva not only showed attention to him, but also made a good gift. Since then, colleagues have always been in touch.
  6. The most beloved and strongest song for Reznik was the composition "Spant on Love", which he wrote in tandem with Primadona. But he does not remember unsuccessful songs. Many of his compositions never reached the audience, as they were commissioned by little-known performers.
  7. Often the poet gave his creations or wrote for free for many artists, the list of which includes Edita Piekha, Iosif Kobzon, Aziza, Soso Pavliashvili. And even for many of his hits he was given small amounts. So, for the "Cabriolet", written for Lyubov Uspenskaya, the artist received only 11 thousand rubles for the year.

On their official page in social network Facebook wife of Ilya Reznik Irina Romanova shared a fresh photo with subscribers. In the picture, the 50-year-old wife of the songwriter poses lying in a sun lounger on the beach, dressed in a colorful bikini. At the same time, a light breeze tousled Irina's hair, and they fell on her face.


"An unexpected surprise on the beach. A watermelon and a melon from a mysterious admirer. ❤💋 (hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved. - Approx. ed.)", Romanov coquettishly signed a photo of Romanov, filmed with a piece of sweet treat on a skewer in her hand. While some fans wondered which fan Irina had in mind, others showered Irina with compliments.

"GREEK GODDESS OF BEAUTY!", "Bon appetit! Beautiful legs", "Beauty😘🌹🌹" , - these were the enthusiastic comments of the subscribers, and someone, apparently, did not have enough words to express his admiration, and he left only the symbols: "😊👍". Someone suggested that the "mysterious admirer" is none other than Irina's husband. "Is the fan's name not Ilya?" asked Irina's subscriber.

However, there were also those who criticized Reznik's wife for being too frank. Internet users noted that Irina is still far from model parameters, and it would be worth combing her hair before taking pictures. Others praised Irina for her courage and lack of complexes. In general, the photo of Reznik's 50-year-old wife made a splash.

Someone suggested that with their trip to Sochi, the spouses were licking their wounds after the scandal that erupted after the words of the poet about the artists. RecallIlya Reznik called traitors all Russian artists who agreed to take part in the music festival in Jurmala, organized by Laima Vaikule. Sergey Mazaev, Lolita Milyavskaya and Laima Vaikule herself have already answered the harsh words of the songwriter.

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