Bedtime story for children about the sea. Marine life adventure (fear has big eyes)

Helpful Hints 13.08.2019
Helpful Hints

At the bottom of the vast ocean lived a large emerald turtle. She was so old that she didn't even remember how old she was. On his head, the Turtle wore a crown of precious stones and considered herself a queen. Who knows, maybe she was actually born in royal family and was heir to the throne. One way or another, now no one knew who ruled the kingdom at the bottom of the ocean before her. After all, there was no one older than the emerald Turtle for many miles around in the ocean.
All the children of the Turtle have long moved to live in other seas and oceans, and only the young Turtle, still a baby, lived next to her in her royal house. This house was truly magnificent. Everything around was shining and sparkling. Jewelry made from colored coral and ocean algae, mother-of-pearl shells and pearl necklaces were hung throughout the palace. The queen slept on a bed of the softest algae, and even the sand at the bottom of the ocean here was not simple, but collected from the smallest grains of sand.
Old Turtle slept most of the time. But the palace was not empty. Hundreds of royal servants were ready to follow her any instructions. Hordes of sea spiders and crabs, armed with hard impenetrable shells, protected the royal palace from all sides. Giant octopuses stood guard at the gates of the palace and were ready to repulse any attack of enemies. And there were many servants in the palace itself. Multi-colored cuttlefish instantly adjusted to the mood of their mistress. Changing color like real chameleons, they were ready to fulfill any order of Her Majesty the Queen. Squids helped them, because with their strong tentacles they could do anything. A dance ensemble of small king prawns staged performances to the music of long-whiskered prawns, and beautiful mother-of-pearl shells served as musical instruments.
In the evenings, the Queen herself put the little Turtle to bed and read fairy tales to him. But the Turtle had already heard all the tales of his grandmother, he wanted to learn something new. And then the old Turtle ordered the largest giant Octopus to catch someone in the ocean and bring them to her kingdom. So the queen hoped to get new fairy tales, which, of course, the ocean inhabitants know and tell their children.
– by the most smart people count dolphins. These marine animals, for sure, keep many fabulous stories about the ocean in their memory, - said the Turtle and sent the octopus to hunt.
Soon the octopus dragged the Dolphin and put him in a cage.
– Do you know ancient ocean legends and epics? Has anyone told you about them? Turtle asked. “If you remember five such stories and tell me, I will let you go.”
Poor Dolphin did not know five stories, he remembered only three tales about the ocean. And the Turtle got angry and did not want to let him go. The octopus, knowing that the Dolphin could not stay at the bottom of the ocean for a long time without air, that he could die, told the queen about this.
“Let him think and remember two more stories, then you will let him go,” the old Turtle yawned and went to sleep.
Baby Turtle heard all this, and as soon as Grandma Turtle fell asleep, he said to the octopus:
Let go Dolphin. I don't want him to die. I'll make up two stories myself and tell them to the Queen.
That's how the little turtle saved the dolphin from death. In parting, he said to the dolphin:
Please forgive my grandmother for her evil deed. Live long, long. I love you. Goodbye!
Thanks, my young friend! Dolphin replied. - I owe you. If you need help call me and I will come.
And he swam away.
Since then, Turtle no longer listened to grandmother's bedtime stories. The kid grew up and became independent. Often he would sail away from Granny Turtle's underwater kingdom to get to know the big ocean house better. Once, after a tiring swim, the Turtle became very cold and fell ill. The whole kingdom treated him with herbal tinctures, but the Turtle could not get better. Then the Octopus said:
- I know where your friend Dolphin lives, and I will sail to him for advice. Maybe he can help you get better.
The octopus found the Dolphin, and he, having learned about the misfortune of the Turtle, brought him the best medicine of his family. Even the grandmother of the dolphin treated him with this medicine when he was small.
Soon the Turtle recovered. And now not only he, but also the Turtle Queen was very grateful to Dolphin and his family for their help. She apologized to the dolphin for a long time for her evil and thoughtless act.
This is how, it would seem, completely different families - the Queens of the Turtle and the Dolphin - were able to make friends. This often happens in life. We find ourselves new very kind and devoted friends where we do not expect to find them at all.

Autumn is a magical time. Nature is changing so quickly that it seems as if it does not happen by itself, but at the wave of some magic brush, which instantly painted everything around with multi-colored paints. The hedgehog loved autumn. He loved to watch how nature changes, how plants and animals change.

And these changes were not only external. The squirrel, for example, every autumn became more strict with its children, constantly angry with the kids, who still frolicked and walked, as if ahead of them was waiting for eternal summer, but not harsh winter. The hare became very anxious. He was constantly counting supplies, wondering if he would have enough for the winter. He ran all day through the forest, picking up the last mushrooms, berries and apples. For the Hedgehog, autumn was a time of old acquaintances and pleasant memories.
Once the Hedgehog met the Starling. They became friends and since then every autumn Starling flew to his friend on the way to warmer climes, if, of course, the weather allowed. This year the weather was warm, and the Starling stayed with the Hedgehog for the whole day. The hedgehog was happy with the guest, he pulled out the most delicious supplies from the pantry, which he himself loved, and even a specially prepared treat for the guest, began to regale his friend. They sat all day telling each other interesting stories that happened to them in a year. They were so good together that time flew by quite imperceptibly. Evening came.
- It's good here, - said the Starling, sipping tea, - it's warm, cozy.
- Yes, - agreed the Hedgehog, - good. Stay for one more day.
The starling thought.
- No I can not. It's time. Tomorrow the wind will change and it will be much harder to fly. And the way to the sea is already not easy.
- To the sea? - I did not understand the Hedgehog. - And what is it?
- Sea? - The starling thought. - You can't explain it right away. The sea is a lot of water.
- How's the river? There is also a lot of water in the river! - Hedgehog guessed.
- No, - the Starling smiled, - There is more water in the sea. So much so that nothing but water is visible from horizon to horizon. And the sea, it seems to be alive.
- Alive? - the Hedgehog was surprised.
- Yes, it is huge and alive.
- How is it alive?
- How would you explain it? Many creatures live in the sea, and from this it itself seems alive. This is especially noticeable in the morning, at dawn. At first the sea sleeps, its surface is even and smooth. Then the breeze begins to blow - this is the breath of the awakening sea. It has not woken up yet, but its sleep is no longer sound. Here and there, waves begin to run across the surface, sometimes a jellyfish or a bunch of algae will swim by. And here comes the sun. It rises straight out of the sea, big and red. And the sea immediately wakes up, begins to breathe in waves, to seethe with foam. And everything in the sea wakes up: fish begin to dart near the surface, birds scream, giant sea ​​creatures. And it becomes audible how loudly the heart of the sea beats like a sea surf.
The hedgehog sat at the table, leaning on his paw, and dreamily listened to his friend. The bird talked about such unusual things that it all seemed like a fairy tale.
- What color is the sea? - Asked the Hedgehog.
- It is different. When it is angry, it is even black, but most often it is blue-green.
- Green. Eh, - the Hedgehog sighed dreamily, - if only with one eye to look at the sea.
- It's very far from here. You can only fly there. Don't reach. - The Starling remarked a little sadly.
He was suddenly alert.
- It's time for me to fly, the weather is changing.
The hedgehog looked out the window. The sun was setting on the horizon, a light breeze was blowing, the sky was clear and cloudless.
- Sit a little longer, see how good it is outside.
- I would be glad, - the Starling sighed, - but I have to go. As migratory birds, we are very sensitive to weather changes. I feel like there's going to be a storm soon.
- Then fly, of course. The path is not close. – Hedgehog agreed.
He took his friend outside. There the Starling fluttered, made a circle around the spruce and, chirping goodbye, turned south.
The rest of the evening Hedgehog spent as if half asleep. He couldn't get the bird's words out of his head. He really wanted to see the sea. But he knew perfectly well that he would never reach the sea.
So he sat until late in the evening, sighing softly and a little sad.
In the evening Belka ran to him.
- Hi, Hedgehog, - she greeted, - you haven't been seen all day. Didn't you get sick?
- No, - the Hedgehog smiled at her, - I'm healthy.
- Why so sad then?
- Yes, here the Starling flew to me, he told me about the sea. It is very beautiful and big. I would like to see the sea, but it is far away.
Belka just chuckled.
- Found someone to listen to, Starling. He doesn’t sing about anything, everything comes out big and beautiful.
- Yes, yes, - reluctantly agreed the Hedgehog, without being distracted from his thoughts.
- I came in, - Belka thought, - can I borrow a large basket for nuts from you?
- Yes, of course, - the Hedgehog went into the pantry and took out a large basket from there.
- Thank you, - Belka thanked, - you always help me out.
She walked to the door, but stopped at the threshold.
- So what, you say, is the sea?
- Huge, to the horizon. And there are waves. It makes noise, especially at dawn, and many, many different creatures live in it.
The hedgehog spoke quickly and inconsistently and, of course, not as beautifully as the Starling.
The squirrel left, and the Hedgehog began to get ready for bed. In bed, he could not sleep for a long time. He lay and thought about the sea. And then, when he finally dozed off, a soft knock was heard.
The hedgehog was worried. The knock was repeated again. The hedgehog opened his eyes and sat up in bed. Someone knocked softly but persistently.
The hedgehog went to the door.
- Who's there? - He asked.
In response, there was a knock again, and then the Hedgehog realized that they were knocking not on the door, but from the side of the entrance leading to the lower branch of the spruce.
The hedgehog climbed the stairs to the entrance.
- Who's there? - He asked.
- This is us, squirrels, - a familiar voice was heard from behind the door.
The hedgehog opened the door.
- Why are you so late?
- Rather early, soon morning already, answered the squirrels. Mom sent us. Go with us.
- Where? - Surprised Hedgehog.
- Upstairs, let's go. Mom told me not to speak, there will be a surprise.
The hedgehog was surprised, but went after the squirrels. Two squirrels jumped in front of him along the branches, pointing out a safe path. It was easy to walk: ropes were stretched along the branches, and in some places, in the most difficult places, rope ladders were attached, which were not there before.
Where are the stairs from? - Asked the Hedgehog.
- We did this, - the squirrels noticed with pride, - so that it would be easier to climb to the very top.
- To the top!? - The Hedgehog was horrified. “I never got that far.
- Nothing, we prepared the road well. Let's go!
Indeed, they soon passed Belka's hollow and the hollow where supplies were kept. They climbed higher and higher. The further they climbed, the more ladders and transitions made by the squirrels became, so that soon the Hedgehog climbed almost to the very top.
There, at the top, Belka was already waiting for him.
"I'm glad you found the courage to get here," she said, smiling enigmatically, "here, sit back."
The squirrel pointed to a large fork that looked like a comfortable chair. The hedgehog sat down and only now could look around. He was high, very high in the tree. The spruce was taller than other trees, so the Hedgehog saw the forest the way the birds see it.
True, at first it was not very visible, it was still dark. But now the sun began to rise, raising its huge body over the horizon. And the Hedgehog saw a forest, green and endless, to the very horizon. And then the wind blew, cold and gusty. And the waves ran over the tops of the trees. The leaves rustled with displeasure, flew up in whitish armfuls. Several birds first emerged from the forest, but then, frightened by the wind, again dived into the depths. The sun rose higher and the wind got stronger. And the forest roared, began to seethe, throwing up the branches of trees. Clouds were moving in from the horizon.
The hedgehog looked fascinated and suddenly it dawned on him:
- It's the sea! Like a real sea! I did not know that our forest is the same as the sea!
The squirrel just laughed. They stood a little longer, and then the squirrels led the Hedgehog down. He did not want to go down, but the squirrels insisted. The wind picked up and it became dangerous at the top. Even the squirrels decided to stay at the Hedgehog's house for the time being and wait out the beginning storm. And the storm was not long in coming. blew hurricane wind, Rain is coming. But in the Hedgehog's hole it was warm and cozy. The animals sat at the samovar, drank tea with jam and listened to how outside the window, somewhere above, the green forest “sea” was raging.

V. G. Kvashin

At first the sea was empty. Only the Master of the Sea and his wife lived at the bottom. The owner of the sea equipped the whole sea: he would make some kind of strand, then an island, then he would invent a current. And the wife sits and sits. One day the wife says:
- I'm bored. You keep doing something, inventing, but I have nothing to do.
The Master of the Sea thought and decided to make a gift to his wife. Created fish.
- Here's some fish. You will be the owner of the fish. Feed them, take care of them, breed them as you like. Everything will be more fun.

The wife was delighted, she began to fish. Three days later he says:
- You invented the fish. And how will I breed them if they have nothing to eat.
- Indeed, I forgot about it, - the Master of the Sea answers.
I thought and created small crustaceans, crabs, shells, various algae planted on the bottom.
Let the fish feed on it.

The wife was satisfied, she went to breed fish. A little time passed, the wife again asks her husband:
- You made different crustaceans, but what will they eat?
The Master of the Sea thought - and the truth is, the bobble came out. I looked - crustaceans at the bottom are apparently invisible. I decided to immediately feed everyone, came up with whales and seals.
- Let the crustaceans of whales and seals eat when they die and fall to the bottom. These animals are big, enough for all crustaceans!

After some time, the Mistress of the Fishes again came to her husband.
- Why are you unhappy again? - asks the Master of the Sea. - I created fish for you, food for them - I made all kinds of crustaceans, I came up with food for crustaceans - let them eat dead whales. What are you still missing?
“You thought of everything well,” says the wife. - But what will these huge whales and seals eat?
The Master of the Sea thought. Indeed, whales and seals have nothing to eat. It is impossible to create other animals - there is nowhere to settle, and so the sea is already full of all kinds of living creatures. He thought and thought and thought.
- Let whales eat crustaceans, seals - fish, fish - crustaceans, algae and shells, and let different crustaceans eat dead whales, seals and fish. So everyone will be full.
- You're so smart! said the Master of the Fishes. - No wonder you are the Master of the Sea! Now there is food for everyone in the sea.

Sea, ships, pirates, sea ​​monsters and other inhabitants of the reservoirs have always attracted children. We have selected nine books about big water for children of all ages.

Loud scandal in the Pacific

Pronto, trans. Natalia Morozova

An excellent book from a series of detective books-searchers "School of Detectives". You will have to work hard and think hard to solve all the riddles and puzzles collected in these books, but the secrets are worth it!

Actions take place on board the liner, which plows the open spaces Pacific Ocean. Three mysterious crimes are taking place on the ship: gourmet delicacies have disappeared from the ship's kitchen, someone has smashed the cabin of the capricious princess Nesmeyana, and a certain robber has stolen the passengers' jewelry. Only the most observant detective can solve crimes.

They are not at all scary here, and spy puzzles will be solved much more fun if your suspects are characters with unusual names- Phil O "log, Nikola Nidvora, Beck Vmeshkah, Emil Pardon and others.

For whom. For children from 10 years old

Emil. good octopus

Tomi Ungerer

Half a century ago, this book was given to children by the famous artist, Anderson Prize winner, creator of the well-known boa constrictor Crictor and the no less popular Hryullops pigs, Tomi Ungerer. His work leaves no one indifferent. They inspire both adults and children, excite the imagination.

The protagonist of this story is a very kind and cute octopus, who saves drowning people and those in trouble in the depths of the sea, loves children very much, can turn into different animals and play chess with a diver at the bottom of the sea. Children will definitely love these plain-looking marine reptiles, but they are unlikely to be able to eat them after this book.

For whom. For children from 2 to 5 years old

Julia Donaldson

A book about the underwater world from the British creators of the world bestseller about the Gruffalo tells the incredible stories of the sprat dreamer (it turns out there is such a fish - sprat!) in verse. An excellent translation by Maria Boroditskaya, as well as drawings by Axel Scheffler with his signature, perfectly recognizable colorful style, will make you and your children open this book again and again, and maybe even learn it by heart.

There are many different inhabitants studying at the sea school, and only one of them is always late because of some adventures that only she herself believes in. But suddenly she really gets into trouble, and for some reason, fish and animals completely unfamiliar to her come to her aid. Why? The sea is also full of rumors. No less a sea book by the same authors - "The Snail and the Whale" - can serve as an excellent addition to reading with children at sea.

For whom. For children from 2 years old

The Adventures of a Little Cod

Olaf Kusheron

For some reason, children's writers and artists are very fond of devoting their books and cartoons to marine life. Probably because this world is almost unknown to us, and also because they are mysterious and silent.

Some time ago, the Compass Guide publishing house, for the first time in the last half century, republished a book by a Norwegian writer about the adventures of an inquisitive, like all children, cod fry named Trond. This small encyclopedia, in addition to an interesting fairy tale plot, contains a lot of popular science facts about the underwater world. It will help adults answer many children's "why" that arise when a child enters an unfamiliar environment - the sea. How the gills and swim bladder of fish are arranged, why they do not drown, but a dolphin or a whale can drown, what a starfish or stingray eats, how different fish breed, seahorses and corals - everything is here.

For whom. For children 3-4 years old.

How I Became a Traveler

Fedor Konyukhov

The sea for children is associated not only with fish and underwater world but also with ships. And that means - with travel, pirates and exciting adventures. In this small, but very interesting and instructive book, the famous traveler, conqueror of the seas and oceans, as well as mountain peaks and ice, Fedor Konyukhov tells children about his incredible travels and why he chose this path. At the age of 15, he single-handedly crossed the Sea of ​​Azov on oars, and a little later, at 50, already the whole Atlantic Ocean, conquered all the highest Mountain peaks. He encountered whales, pirates and polar bears. And the most interesting thing is that all this is not fiction of writers and not fairy tales at all, but pure truth!

“The traveler must carefully and lovingly keep all our beautiful Earth in his heart,” he instructs future sailors and rock climbers.

For whom. For children from 4 to 10 years old

Above water, on water, under water

Nikolai Vatagin

Excellent mini-encyclopedia in pictures of all Vehicle associated with water space. A concise but informative text and, most importantly, wonderful illustrations by Nikolai Vatagin, tell children and adults in great detail all the most interesting things about the construction of ships, water planes or submarines without words.

For whom. For children from 3 to 6 years old.

A picture book, without a single word conveying all the shades of emotions and experiences of a child playing with the sea. The author of the illustrations, a young Korean artist Susie Lee, received more than one honorary international award for this book.

The masterful combination of black and white drawings of a girl and seagulls on one page and the azure blue sea opposite is mesmerizing. Children, as in a mirror, look at the reflection in the sea wave of the emotions of a girl who either teases, or frolics, or gets scared, or gently plays with her.

For whom. For all ages

Hello, my brother Bzou!

Evgeny Rudashevsky

The debut story of the writer and journalist Yevgeny Rudashevsky, still in manuscript, was awarded the Kniguru prize and brought the author the main prize. it documentary history about the friendship of a boy and a dolphin on the eve of the war. The year is 1980, 17-year-old Amza, together with his older brother, rescues a dolphin that has washed ashore and gradually becomes his friend.

Against the background - the rough life and customs of the Abkhazian village, whose inhabitants, century after century, plow the land, go to the sea and, to be honest, do not quite understand the unusual friendship of a boy with a dolphin. Soon Amze should turn 18, which means that he will be called up for military service, which promises the hero something worse than separation from a friend that occupies all his thoughts. The most interesting thing is that there is practically no war in the book. The heroes of Rudashevsky generally do not really imagine what it is, but because of this, their confusion and timidity look even more piercing. The feeling of the senselessness of the impending catastrophe and the premonition of separation from the usual way of life is perhaps the main motive that Rudashevsky managed to convey.

For whom. For children from 12 years old

"Vasa" goes to sea!

Mats Wahl

If you have been to Stockholm, then you must have visited the Vasa Museum - a ship of the early seventeenth century from the time of the Swedish king Gustav II Adolf, which was supposed to be the largest warship in the world, but sank in less than 20 minutes. It did not sink forever, but it was discovered and raised to the surface only in 1961.

"Vasa" is not just a historical Swedish attraction, but also an important witness of the era, because it has almost completely preserved all the decoration and equipment. Therefore, the writer Mats Val has two stories: first, a fictional story about how Vasa was built, and then a documentary one - a detailed story about her decks, holds that adorned her with magnificent wooden sculptures. Of particular value here are the drawings by Sven Nurdqvist, an artist familiar to everyone from the stories of Pettson and Findus and known for his attention to detail: not a single trifle escapes his gaze.

For whom. For children from 6 years old.

"to children about marine life" - as the value of the property

Unique designation: children about marine life (story)
Designation: children about marine life
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Here is a doodle shark
Opened her evil mouth.
You to the doodle shark
Don't you want to get in?
Right into the mouth.
(K. Chukovsky)
Sharks are strong predators, they are often called "sea wolves". The body of sharks is ideally adapted for fast swimming. When creating high-speed torpedoes and submarines, shipbuilders strive to give them the shape of a shark.
Shark got sick
Several teeth.
Help her soon
Call the doctors!
(N. Migunova)
Sharks have many sharp teeth. They grow in several rows, have a triangular shape, are bent back and serrated at the edges. In sharpness, they can be compared with a surgical scalpel. Sharks do not have scales, and their skin is so tough that the inhabitants of tropical countries use the shark skin as a grater or sandpaper.
Many people are sure that sharks are very brave animals, so they fearlessly rush to their prey. In fact, sharks are cowardly and attack only when they are convinced of the defenselessness of the victim. But, smelling the smell of blood, the shark forgets about the danger. Sharks have such a keen sense of smell that they can smell blood from miles away. The shark feeds on fish, but also attacks dolphins, seals, turtles, other sharks, and even whales. Don't look what the shark has
Cheekbones invisible from the side
In grazing teeth in three rows -
Eat anyone without difficulty.
(Yu. Parfenov)
A hungry shark can pounce on anything it sees nearby. Various garbage was often found in the stomachs of the caught sharks: tin cans, rags, wrecks of boats, and once even a depth bomb was found.
Many sharks are dangerous to humans. It's white and tiger shark, mocha and hammerhead sharks. They are large and can easily bite a person in half.
But the largest of the sharks - whale, reaching a length of 19 meters, is quite peaceful. Unlike its predatory relatives, it feeds on plankton and small fish.


The crab played sea football,
He scored a goal with a claw.
Everyone was so happy
That the team won.
(N. Migunova)
Along the bottom warm seas and oceans run crabs. They have a wide and short body, covered with a strong shell. Crabs have five pairs of legs. The front legs are transformed into powerful claws. With the help of claws, crabs cut their food into pieces and put it in their mouths.
Crabs, like other inhabitants of the seabed, are good scavengers. They eat the rotting remains marine organisms cleaning the ocean of harmful substances. But sometimes crabs attack underwater plantations where oysters and mussels are bred.
Traveling along the bottom, crabs are forced to hide from predators and disguise themselves. They plant pieces of algae on spikes on their legs. And the junk crab, which lives in the Mediterranean Sea, collects everything that gets into its claws - empty shells, shards of glass, fish heads - and puts it on its back. Such "decorations" perfectly mask the crab. When the junk crab is in danger, it exposes its back to the predator with trash.
The wandering crab once misled even Christopher Columbus himself. This type of crab does not live at the bottom, but travels along the surface of the ocean, sitting on a detached algae or a tree branch. When Columbus was approaching the shores of America, sailors noticed a wandering crab in the Sargasso Sea.
They decided that land was somewhere close, but in fact it was still very far to the nearest shore.
king crab appearance looks like a real crab, but is actually a relative of the hermit crab. He has not five, but four pairs of legs. King crab is a real giant! Its shell width reaches 25 centimeters, the distance between the ends of the legs is up to 1.5 meters. Kamchatka crabs live in the Sea of ​​Japan, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Bering Sea. Most of them are off the coast of Kamchatka.
The crab made the rake to the crab,
Crab served the rake to the crab.
Hay rake, crab, rob.
Cleverly collects garbage
The bottom of the sea cleans.


Cancer climbed the mountain
And learned to whistle.
It turned out only BRYAK!
Cancer fell off the mountain.
(I. Zhukov)
In a hermit crab, only the front part of the body is covered with a hard shell, and the abdomen is soft and defenseless. To protect themselves from marine predators, these animals hide in the empty shells of sea snails, like hermits in caves. The soft abdomen can twist in the whorls of the shell, and the abdominal legs quickly draw the body inward.
When moving, crayfish carry the shell with them all the time. When they are in danger, hermit crabs climb into the shell entirely, closing the entrance with a large claw.
When the hermit crab grows up, the old shell becomes cramped for him. He gets out of it and looks for a more spacious sink. At this time, he needs to be especially careful not to get predatory fish for dinner.
To enhance protection, the hermit crab often plants a sea anemone on its shell. This beautiful inhabitant of the ocean, similar to a bright flower, has very burning tentacles. If you touch them, you can seriously burn yourself. The hermit crab, having met the sea anemone that it likes at the bottom, “tears” it from the stone with a claw and transplants it onto its shell. Anemone is not at all against such a neighborhood - after all, she always gets crumbs from the hermit crab's dining table. When a cancer changes an old shell for another, it transplants new house and my stinging neighbor.
Very often, hermit crabs arrange real battles with relatives for the possession of a shell or a beautiful sea anemone. The defeated cancer lies on its side or back, and the winner does not touch it anymore.
People live under water
Walks backwards.
Not a blacksmith
And with ticks.
(Cancer hermit)


He lives at the bottom
At a terrible depth -
Walks in the sea without boots
Octopus Kalmarych Octopus!
(G. Kruzhkov)
Octopuses do not have a hard skeleton. Its soft body has no bones and can bend freely into different sides. The octopus was named so because eight limbs extend from its short body. They have two rows of large suction cups, with which the octopus can hold prey or attach to the stones at the bottom.
Octopuses live at the bottom, hiding in crevices between stones or in underwater caves. They have the ability to change color very quickly and become the same color as the ground.
The only hard part of the body of octopuses is the horny beak-like jaws. Octopuses are real predators. At night, they get out of their hiding places and go hunting. Octopuses can not only swim, but also, by rearranging their tentacles, walk along the bottom. The usual prey of octopuses are shrimp, lobsters, crabs and fish, which they paralyze with poison from the salivary glands. With their beak, they can even break the strong shells of crabs and crayfish or mollusk shells. The octopus takes the prey to the shelter, where they slowly eat it. Among the octopuses there are very poisonous ones, the bite of which can be fatal even for humans.
Often, octopuses build shelters from stones or shells, while wielding their tentacles as if they were hands. Octopuses guard their home and can easily find it even if they are far away.
Since ancient times, people have been afraid of octopuses (octopuses - as they called them), writing terrible legends about them. The ancient Roman scientist Pliny the Elder spoke about a giant octopus - a polypus that stole fishing catches. Every night the octopus got out on the shore and ate the fish lying in the baskets. The dogs, smelling the octopus, started barking. The fishermen who came running saw how the octopus defended itself from the dogs with its huge tentacles. The fishermen struggled with the octopus. When the giant was measured, it turned out that its tentacles reached a length of 10 meters, and its weight was about 300 kilograms.
Are you not familiar with me?
I live at the bottom of the sea
Head and eight legs -
That's all I am ... (octopus).


A star fell from the sky
She got into the ocean.
And now it's there all year round
Slowly crawling along the bottom.
(V. Moroz)
The starfish is a predator that lives at the bottom of the ocean. Usually these animals are shaped like an asterisk with five rays. brightly colored sea ​​stars slowly crawl along the bottom or burrow into the silt. They feed on molluscs, holothurians, brittle stars and sea urchins. The mouth of a starfish is located on the underside of the body, therefore, in order to eat prey, a starfish crawls on top of it.
Starfish have an amazing ability to open the shells of oysters or mussels with their strong rays. Some stars don't even need to fully open their shells. They turn their stomach inside out through their mouths and push it into the hole in the shell. The mollusk is digested right in the shell. Having digested the prey, the star draws the stomach back.
In case of danger, starfish, like lizards, can throw off part of their body. But from the discarded tail new lizard won't grow. In a starfish, on the contrary, a new animal grows from any part of the body. Scientists conducted experiments - they cut a starfish into several parts. Each part after a while turned into a starfish.
Sea stars are relatives sea ​​urchins. The starfish asterias even has a calcareous skeleton, and small needles stick out from under the skin. Another variety of starfish, acancasters, are similar to sea urchins - their rays and backs are covered with long and poisonous spines. Acancasters cause great damage to coral colonies by eating them.
Some starfish feed on their relatives. For example, crossovers. These huge starfish have 12 rays and grow to almost half a meter in diameter. They are able to move quickly along the bottom and catch up with slower starfish. Crossasters themselves may feel safe because they have poisonous bodies.


Like a cactus on the window
The sea urchin grows at the bottom.
The flounder swam
Poured him with water.
(Yu. Parfenov)
It turns out that hedgehogs live not only on land. There are also sea urchins. They are not related land urchins, but belong to the class of invertebrates such as echinoderms.
Outside, the body of the sea urchin is covered with a shell, from which numerous needles protrude. The needles are very thin and sharp, with notches at their ends. If such a needle sticks into the skin of a person, it is very difficult to remove it. Sea urchins are poisonous, and, having pricked, a person will feel a burning pain.
With the help of needles, sea urchins not only protect themselves from enemies, but also move, like on stilts, along the seabed. The spear-bearing sea urchin moves at great speed, one might even say that it does not walk, but runs.
Small fishes use sea urchin spines for protection. They make a safe hiding place between the needles. In gratitude for the fact that the hedgehog protects them, the fish clean its shell. These fish acquire the same color as the color of their "master" - the sea urchin. At night, the fish briefly leave their shelter, and in case of danger they again hide between the needles.
Despite their intimidating appearance, sea urchins are often defenseless. Their main enemy is starfish. They can stick their stomach between the needles and digest the hedgehog from the outside.
Large snails living in the Mediterranean have invented unusual way hunting for sea urchins. They spit on their prey! The saliva of these snails contains hydrochloric acid, which paralyzes the hedgehog and corrodes its shell.
Some predatory fish release a strong jet of water into the hedgehog from their mouths. The sea urchin rolls over with its unprotected belly up and becomes easy prey.
Looks like a spiny ball
Lives deep at the bottom.
(Sea urchin)


transparent jellyfish
Floats a little.
Touch the jellyfish -
How electric it will burn!
(N. Migunova)
Jellyfish are close relatives of sea anemones and corals. Unlike these animals, they do not spend their whole lives attached to stones, but swim freely in the open sea.
Jellyfish have a translucent body in the shape of an umbrella or a bell, similar to jelly. These animals swim by rhythmically contracting the umbrella and pushing water out from under it. They capture prey with the help of tentacles.
On the tentacles of jellyfish are stinging cells that can burn the enemy or even paralyze him. The poison contained in the stinging cells of a small cross jellyfish can cause fatal burns in humans.
Dangerous for humans and other jellyfish, sea ​​wasp. It looks like an inverted deep bowl, from which twenty tentacles 10 meters long stretch down. They contain a large amount of poison.
Jellyfish feed on plankton, small crustaceans and fish.
Jellyfish come in different sizes, from a few millimeters to several meters. The largest polar jellyfish lives in the northern seas. Its tentacles are up to 30 meters long and 2 meters in diameter.
Jellyfish about the sea
Poems composes,
But only about this
Nobody will know
She has no hands
To hold a pen
She doesn't have a mouth
To read aloud.
The jellyfish composes for itself,
Her silent muse is sad.
(I. Zhukov)
Jellyfish live not only on the surface of the ocean, but also in sea ​​depths. Deep-sea jellyfish are able to glow in the dark. In the light of this living lantern, small crustaceans swim, right into the tentacles of the insidious jellyfish.
Other jellyfish also glow. The umbrella and tentacles of the pelagia jellyfish burn with a yellow-orange light. If many equioria jellyfish living off the Pacific coast of America rise to the surface, it seems that the whole sea is blazing with red fire.


In tropical seas live fish that have learned to "fly". They are members of the flying fish family. The front fins of these fish have developed into true wings. Before flying, flying fish first accelerate in the sea to a speed of 40 kilometers per hour, tightly pressing the fins to the body. Then the fish spread their fins wide and abruptly jump out of the water. They hit the water with their tail to increase their speed. Taking off above the water, flying fish move away from the predators chasing them.
Coloring also helps flying fish hide from enemies. Their backs are dark blue, and birds of prey cannot see them from above. The lower part of the body of flying fish is silvery, other fish, swimming from below, also do not see them.
In flight, fish do not flap their fins like birds, but simply glide over the water. Thus, flying fish fly a distance of 10 to 300 meters.
There were cases when flying fish even flew onto the decks of ocean-going ships. At night, they did not notice the high side of the ship, and the air current carried them directly to the deck.
AT South America small fish from the characin family live, which also fly over the water surface. But at the same time, they also wave their fins! Even the sabrefish living in the waters of Russia can jump out of the water, flapping its front fins like wings. These are such amazing fish that it’s not enough to move in the water - they want to master the air ocean as well. PUZZLES
She lives in the water
There is no beak, but it pecks.
For parents and children
All clothing made from coins.
Shines in the clean river
The back is silver.


Gold plays with gloss
Shell sticking out of the water.
What kind of animal or bird is this?
Without a doubt, a turtle.
(N. Kindness)
In the waters of tropical seas live sea ​​turtles. They are fully adapted to life in aquatic environment. Their paws turned into flippers, and the shell became streamlined and flattened. Unlike land turtles marines cannot hide their heads under their shells. The largest sea turtles are leatherback. Their length reaches two meters, and weight - 600 kilograms.
Among sea turtles there are predators that feed on molluscs and crustaceans, and peaceful herbivores that eat aquatic plants, mainly seaweed.
Sea turtles breed on land. They lay large eggs on the sandy shores of islands and mainland coasts in the tropics. Helping itself with flippers and even with its tail, the turtle crawls a few meters from the water. With her hind legs, she diligently digs a deep hole in which she lays her eggs. Then the turtle fills the hole and carefully levels it so that predatory animals and birds do not find the laying of eggs.
The turtles, having hatched from eggs, obeying instinct, crawl to the water's edge. For their first journey, they choose night time, when it is safer to crawl. And yet, out of every ten newborn turtles, only one will be able to reach the sea. Birds with sharp beaks and large crabs with strong claws lie in wait for them.
The turtle is in no hurry
On the waves of the sea lies.
Quietly flippers rowing
And floats to itself, floats.
Sea turtles travel long distances in search of food. And in order to lay their eggs, they always return to the same beaches. Sometimes these beaches are located many thousands of kilometers from their feeding grounds. Scientists believe that turtles can navigate by smell and by the sun. MYSTERY
Who is in the sea
In a stone shirt?
In a stone shirt
In the sea ... (turtles)


A whale spends its whole life in the water,
Even if it's not a fish.
He eats in the sea and sleeps in the sea,
For which he - thanks:
It would be crowded on land from a huge carcass!
(B. Zakhoder)
The largest animals on our planet are whales. The largest of them - blue whales - reach a length of 30 meters and a weight of 150 tons.
The ancestors of whales once lived on land, but then returned to the sea again. The body of animals has acquired a streamlined shape, the hair has disappeared.
Fountains in the ocean
A whale swims towards us.
How big is he?
Like a house or a steamship.
(N. Migunova)
Whales look like huge fish, but they are not fish, but mammals, and internal structure they are almost the same as humans. And whales, like other mammals, feed their young with milk. Whales are warm-blooded animals, and a thick layer of subcutaneous fat protects them from hypothermia.
The nostrils of whales are located on the top of their heads. They open only for a short moment of inhalation-exhalation, when the whale floats to the surface of the water. The lungs of whales have a large volume, and whales can stay under water for a long time without breathing, and even dive to a depth of more than 500 meters, and sperm whales to a depth of more than one kilometer.
Adults and children know
I am the biggest in the world!
Two miles from the ship
You can see me!
For orientation in the water, whales make sounds that the human ear is not able to catch. The whale's brain is a real sonar that picks up sound signals reflected from various objects in the water and determines the distance to them.
Whales feed mainly on fish or small crustaceans. They swim with their mouths open, filtering water through special plates - whalebone.
Some whales, they are called toothed, do not have a whalebone, but they do have teeth. Toothed whales sperm whales feed on huge squid, in search of which they dive to great depths.
People have hunted whales for a long time. Today, there are few of these giants left, and they are taken under protection.
Across the sea-ocean
The miracle giant floats,
And he hides his mustache in his mouth.


Dolphins from sea water
We are shown back.
How they swim beautifully -
Very fast and playful!
(N. Migunova)
One beautiful legend tells that dolphins are people who once went to the sea, and therefore there is a lot in common between people and dolphins. Indeed, dolphins are the most intelligent inhabitants of the ocean. They treat people differently. Dolphins often rescued drowning sailors by holding them to the surface of the water with their bodies.
Once, when the ship was wrecked, there were many people in the water. Dolphins quickly came to their rescue. They swam around and drove away hungry sharks from people until a rescue ship arrived.
Often dolphins swim up to the very shore to play with people. And one Scottish girl even made friends with a dolphin, and every day he sailed to her house on the ocean.
Forgetting about their own safety, dolphins are ready to help other animals. It happened that dolphins even helped injured sharks, and sharks are the worst enemies of dolphins.
Dolphins are easily tamed by humans. Numerous dolphinariums have been created, where trainers teach them various circus tricks. There are such dolphinariums in our country.
Bottlenose dolphins are considered the most capable. Sometimes they show even more intelligence than trained monkeys. Dolphins are good at imitating sounds made by humans, such as laughing or crying. They can even repeat single words and entire sentences.
Wanders over the sea
Sweet mist.
Comes out in the morning
Little boy to the sea.
The boy whistles loudly
From the depths of the sea
Swims up fast
Blue dolphin.
sparkling splashes,
Jump up to him
Substituting your back
To my friend.
(S. Baranov) Dolphins have their own language of communication. They “talk” to each other, making whistles and clicks. When chasing prey, dolphins make sounds similar to dog barking, when they are fed, they “meow”, and when unfamiliar objects appear nearby, the dolphin’s voice is like the creak of rusty door hinges.


In the tropical waters of the ocean, where the temperature never drops below +20 degrees, corals live. Even in ancient times, people appreciated the beauty of corals and made necklaces, earrings and other jewelry from them. Entire islands are made up of coral skeletons - coral atolls. They come in many different and incredible colors and seem to be delightful underwater flowers. In fact, these are animals that spend their entire lives attached to the seabed.
Body coral polyp resembles an empty bag, on one side of which there is a mouth surrounded by tentacles, and on the other, a flat disk with which the animal is attached to underwater objects.
The coral skeleton eventually dies off from below, while the coral continues to grow upwards. Other corals depart from it, forming a branched "tree". Corals grow very slowly. One and a half thousand corals during the year form only one gram of the skeleton. But corals have been growing continuously for millions of years. Scientists have calculated that during this time, all the corals on Earth have created land, the area equal to Europe.
Corals need pure water; therefore, they grow best in the straits between reefs in the foamy surf. Corals are dying where in sea ​​water hits fresh water or effluents from industrial plants. Corals have a lot of enemies: stone borers, mollusks, worms that destroy coral trunks, starfish, fish, holothurians and crustaceans.
The largest structure on Earth built by corals - Big barrier reef off the coast of Australia. It stretches from north to south for several thousand kilometers and consists of a huge number of reefs and islets.
Carl stole corals from Clara,
and Clara stole the clarinet from Karl.

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