System of promotions and discounts. Discount for cash payment

the beauty 24.09.2019
the beauty

Hello, friends!

Do you know what an "offer" is? The offer is the heart of any selling text.

If he does not have an offer, consider that you doomed your efforts to death. Because without an offer, it makes no sense to send anything.

Speaking in "more Russian" and accessible language, the offer is the offer itself. Not an expression of interest and readiness, but a specific business proposal.

Not a standard praise with basic conditions, but the "backbone" of your interest in cooperation.

The offer is the answer to the question: “What would interest this client in such a way?”

In search of an answer, you are already starting to move away from the stereotyped banality and look for ways.

The oldest type of "offer" (and still works great) is the discount.

Yes, everyone knows the discount.

But very often it is used everywhere and in a row without an absolute understanding of the meaning and rationality.

Although a discount is an “offer”, it should still make sense, and even better, be unique.

In this article, I will show you what discounts are and how they are used in sales.

All of you guys are quick-witted, so I will not chew on what has been swallowed for a long time, and will limit myself to a clear structural annotation for each item.

I say right away - this is not an encyclopedic classification, but a folk one - a field one.

1. Discount for a period - such a discount is established for a certain period. The term limit is an incentive for buyers - they understand that after a certain time, preferential terms will end. I somehow took advantage of this discount when buying furniture for the kitchen. 30% is 30%. Especially when in money such a discount is equated to the cost of a good gas stove.

2. One day discount - let it be a discount for a period, but, nevertheless, I want to highlight it separately. A one-day discount is generally a great “stimulator” of sales. "Only today…"

3. Discount for one item - the meaning is clear: the preferential price applies only to a specific product. Very often, such a discount is accompanied by a time limit. That is, we have a combined discount. Supermarkets often resort to this technique - every week they sell some new product at a discount.

4. Advance Discount- This discount is applied in case of pre-ordering a new product. There is a release date, and there is an offer to pre-order goods on preferential terms, without waiting for the release itself. You probably remember when the online store of the publishing house "Piter" accepted a pre-order for my book "Copywriting mass destruction at a more attractive price.

5. Discount upon reaching a certain amount- a classic retail technique. Do you want a discount? Then buy the goods for some minimum amount.

6.wholesale discount- this is already from the distribution opera. There is a supplier or manufacturer, and there are distributors or large consumers. Discount applies to large orders. The whole scale is often used here. Who orders more goods - receives a more pleasant discount.

7. Accumulative discount- combined view, includes several elements. The meaning is simple and clear: you accumulate purchases for a specific amount - you get a new discount, and so on according to the scale.

8.Cash Discount- I often met abroad, although I see it periodically here, for example: in small stores where they sell Cell phones(market format). Abroad, where cashless payments (plastic cards) reign, you can buy goods at a discount if you pay for it in cash. On the contrary, we can add some percentage to the price (equivalent to the percentage for withdrawing cash from a bank account or card).

9. Personal discount- the most famous format: discount coupon or discount flyer. They can be sent to you by mail, asked to be cut out in a newspaper, or even simply handed out on the street.

10. holiday discount- Have you often received SMS on your phone from some restaurant inviting you to a birthday party with a tempting discount? This is the holiday discount.

11. Discounts when buying online- if you live in Ukraine - go to the Citrus Discount store, look at the prices, and then visit the Citrus Discount online store. You will see that the prices in the online store can be more pleasant. I think it is not necessary to explain the reason for such a move.

12. Melting Discount- the principle of operation of such a discount can be explained as follows: not a fixed discount is applied, but a whole jackal of discounts, the size of which decreases as the deadline approaches. 20%, 10%, 5%...

13. Situational Discount- when I bought myself a winter jacket in the store, I asked the seller for a discount. He answered me: “Good, but only if you buy right now”. A very fair move.

14. Discounts for specific groups- noticed in pharmacies "discounts for pensioners" and in cinemas "discounts for students"?

15. Partner discount- "chip" is often used in network sales. You attract a partner who will recommend you or distribute your products, and in return you offer him to become a buyer on preferential terms.

16. Collective (group) discount boom of 2011. Although I still saw her in London in 2001 when buying tickets to the Madame Tussauds Wax Museum. Gather a group of buyers - and get a discount.

17. Cross Discount- you offer the customer to purchase one (or several) products at a basic price, and an additional product at a discount.

18. Fast payment discount- occurs periodically in b2b sales: the faster you pay the debt, the greater the discount you get.

19. First Purchase Discount- often used by foreign online stores, which send a discount on the first purchase to each new registered user in a welcome letter.

20. Discount-subscription- Relevant for services. The most striking example: fitness clubs and swimming pools. A one-time visit is one price, but you can buy a subscription and visit establishments on more pleasant terms.

21. Additional (bonus) discount- noticed in the stores of children's goods "Chicco". You have a discount card, but the store still offers an additional discount for it. Here, however, there are restrictions on product groups.

22. off-season discount- used in the sale of seasonal goods, for example: outerwear. Have you noticed that fur coats are cheaper in summer? Often, according to such a system, unsold goods in the season come true.

23. Club discount- discount club system: you purchase a club card and can use discounts in various establishments that are included in the club program.

24. Trade-In discount- you return the old version of the product to the seller and buy a new one with a good discount. An example is car dealerships.

25. confidential discount- there is no need to decipher, we all live, as it were, in one country. There is a contract price on paper, and there is… let's say… another price.

Well, the last discount (for a positive final feature) sounds like this - "discount for beautiful eyes".

Write in the comments what other discounts you would add here.

Promotions and sales: 33 ideas on how to attract a buyer

You will be surprised: sometimes the buyer is even ready to ... undress in order to receive the desired product. But seriously - you should not be limited to the typical "let's make a discount and let's distribute flyers." There are many options for promotions, even with discounts you can come up with something unusual - and effective.



13. "Now or Never"

14. "Motivated" discount

Promotion in the Calipso store.


Promotion in the jewelry store

19. For the future


Half a liter of blood for the iPhone.

"Silpo" and monsters Stikeez

Promotion at the Olvi gas station.

33. Original promotions

There are many ways to attract the attention of buyers - discounts, gifts, free samples and much more, but marketers do not stop generating new ideas and surprising consumers. We studied the experience of retailers from different areas and compiled a list of trade marketing promotions that work.

Discounts in online and offline retail

In mid-2016, marketing firm Nielsen investigated the impact of promotions on shopper choice in grocery stores. The results are impressive. Thus, 51% of 1,000 respondents confirmed that their interest in discounted goods increased over the year. Price reduction is the most common way to attract the attention of store visitors to specific products. However, discounts are different. Along with traditional seasonal sales in Russian and foreign retail there are quite creative promotional solutions.

The action is often found in fashion retail. It allows not only to increase sales, but also to sell stale goods, receive funds and free up space in the warehouse for new arrivals. Larger events are also referred to as "warehouse liquidation". The mechanism works well - people are ready to buy things from last year's collections at a discount.

Liquidation in the baby store.

This model is used not only by retailers, but also by representatives restaurant business. On certain days and times, the store has big discounts on a specific product or category. Hours are usually known in advance.

However, Simteks, a St. Petersburg home appliances store, took a different path. The fact that on Friday there will be "happy hours" and a 30% discount on Italian household appliances, buyers were informed in advance. But the times change every week. Already for the third time the shops were in a rush from early morning. Marketers coped with the task of attracting customers to inconveniently located retail outlets.

This model is used when you need to attract the attention of a specific audience segment. There are a lot of options - discounts for mothers with children, owners maltese shepherds, pensioners, etc. There are also more creative options - a promotion for visitors in white or customers with green handbags.

"Family" action in "Pyaterochka".

This mechanism is often used by fashion retailers. Girls love to go shopping in companies, so the “bring a friend and get a discount” marketing campaign is in demand, and the discount depends on the number of attracted customers - 5% for one, 10% for two, 15% for three, and so on. Another kind of such promotions is discounts for new visitors - a regular customer passes a coupon to a friend.

Multi-move "Refer a friend" promotion - perhaps too difficult to complete

This is how Alfa-Bank in Belarus attracts customers.

The store makes profitable offers to specific customers. For example, birthday people get a discount on a cake or other holiday products. The large Lenta hypermarket went even further. Personal offers are formed based on the analysis of the purchase history. The client receives information about discounts on goods of interest to him by mail or in an email newsletter.

50% discount on your favorite products in the "Lenta".

The promotion is more typical for online retail. Orders begin to be accepted when the goods are not yet in stock. To encourage buyers to pay in advance, the store reduces the price of pre-order.

Discount for pre-ordering RRD equipment.

The buyer is active - puts likes, subscribes to groups in social networks or e-mail newsletters, writes reviews - and receives a profitable offer. Such actions pursue several goals at once. They stimulate sales, increase loyalty target audience, increase the subscriber base or community in in social networks.

200 rub. to buy underwear in a couple of clicks on the social network.

One of the options is special offers for those who have spent a certain amount in the store one-time or gradually. AT last case the buyer is offered to keep receipts or is given a special card on which the seller puts marks with each purchase. The client receives a large one-time discount or bonus card. The percentage on it can increase as you pass the milestones - 5% for purchases of 5,000 rubles, 7% - for 10,000 rubles. and so on.

More shopping - more discount.

The purpose of the event is to increase loyalty and increase the amount of the average check. Also used to sell slow-moving goods. An example of such an advertising campaign in footwear and accessories stores is a discount on a handbag when buying a pair of shoes from the same collection, in a supermarket - a discount on nuts when buying a package of beer.

Discounted accessories for smartphones and tablets.

This model is often used by grocery retailers. Every day in the store there is a discount on a certain category of goods. To attract the attention of the audience, they come up with creative names - “Fruit Tuesday” or “Meat Friday”.

Discounts on meat in the BIGZZ chain, Minsk.

Such an action good way get rid of stale goods or draw attention to a new one. In order for buyers to better navigate, promotional products are marked. You can use bright stickers or price tags of the appropriate color.

Minus 30% for goods with a "red" price tag.

13. "Now or Never"

This technique is used by online retailers to combat abandoned carts. The visitor walks through the pages, selects products, but never reaches the checkout. After a while, an email arrives with a discount on the models added to the cart.

The buyer will receive a 5% discount and free shipping if they return and checkout.

But the MYTH does not reduce prices, but “squeezes” the buyer with a fragment of the book:

An extra free chapter is a good incentive to buy the whole book.

14. "Motivated" discount

To earn a bonus, the buyer must complete certain actions. What kind of madness people do not go for the sake of profit. For example, in the Moscow diving equipment store Diskus, customers were offered to put their heads in the aquarium. The size of the discount depended on the time that a person could spend under water holding his breath. There were always those who wanted to test their strength - people appreciate more what they get for a reason. And discounts, for which you had to try, are used more willingly.

People are gambling, they like to play and win. Buyers perceive positively promotions in supermarkets with elements of a lottery. For example, when making a purchase, an arbitrary discount breaks through on the receipt. The size can vary from 5% to 50%.

Random discounts on embroidery kits.

An original solution was found in a shoe store - the amount of the discount was tied to the size of the customers' feet. Another example is a marketing campaign in a sports equipment store. The buyer had to bring an old bike. It was weighed on the spot, the percentage discount on the new inventory was equal to the weight of the old one in kilograms.

Promotion in the Calipso store.

And here is another solution: “Turn in old clothes and get a discount”:

Price reduction is the most common, but far from the only way to attract visitors to the store and motivate them to buy more. This mechanism is good to use when, along with increasing sales, the goal is to get rid of individual products. However, you can increase the average check and audience loyalty without lowering prices.


Even more than buying at a bargain, people love getting something for free. This is actively used by retailers, who come up with different mechanics with gifts. The attention of consumers is attracted by both really valuable goods and pleasant little things. The effectiveness of marketing campaigns can also be affected by the original presentation.

One of the most common mechanics. By purchasing a product of a certain category, the client receives the second one as a gift. These can be the same products - a common "two for the price of one" promotion. Also, as a gift to the main one, they often offer related products or consumables. There are also quite original combinations - vodka and Borjomi, Raffaello and condoms, etc.

Action in the salon of home textiles.

This option is not suitable for every store. But it works great in jewelry stores, where sales directly depend on the number of fittings. One of the stores managed to survive the crisis and increase sales by offering pearl jewelry for each fitting. Their prime cost is low, due to the increased sales, the action has more than paid for itself.

Promotion in the jewelry store

19. For the future

Sometimes a gift to a random visitor can increase sales if you need to take care of the free product and buy consumables. They decided to carry out an unusual marketing campaign in a pet store. The owner invited students from a nearby school on a tour. At the end everyone got a small fish for free. After a while, the parents came for aquariums, equipment and food. The cost of this living creature is low, but related products are decent.

We are talking about joint actions of companies from different fields. A good example is the Seventh Continent supermarket and the Sunlight jewelry store. When buying products for a certain amount, the client receives a certificate for jewelry. The action usually involves cute trinkets - pendants or beads for Pandora bracelets.

Joint action of Pyaterochka and Sunlight.

Such promotions are usually carried out by manufacturers, but retailers also often use this mechanic. So, in one jewelry salon, expensive gifts were raffled among buyers - cars, apartments and travel. Even more creative idea came to the mind of marketers of the Ukrainian store "Citrus". They gave away a limited edition red iPhone 7 to blood donors. During the action period, in several centers, each donor was given something like a lottery ticket.

Half a liter of blood for the iPhone.

It is good to launch gift marketing activities at the opening of a new outlet in order to attract customers. A good example of a promotion was shown by the marketers of the Svyaznoy salon. Employees scattered "lost" wallets with an invitation to come to the opening of a new store and exchange the find for a gift - a T-shirt with the inscription "The most honest resident of the city."

In honor of the opening, Bukvoed exchanges balloons for books.

Marketers actively use tricks from computer games - achievements, awards, leaderboards, statuses, and others. In grocery chain retail, customers are offered to collect toys. A collection of characters is created, an album or a box with slots for each figure is sold separately. There are a lot of examples from real practice - the Ukrainian network "Silpo" and monsters Stikeez, Russian "Dixie" with their "stuck" and "Magnet" with toys and tokens from Star Wars. The bottom line is always the same - in order to get or buy a figurine for a pittance for a collection, you must first purchase for a certain amount - 500-1000 rubles. Thus, the promotion increases the average check quite well, and at the same time increases the loyalty of the target audience - people like to play and share their successes in social networks.

Star Wars on the Magnit network.

Buyers are offered to collect a certain number of items and exchange them for valuable prizes. Network hypermarkets donate sets of knives, frying pans and other household items of good quality. A sticker is issued for a purchase for every 50, 100 or 200 rubles. Thanks to the promotion, collectors come to purchase in specific stores and pick up more items in order to get a prize faster.

Coupon for chips in the cosmetics store "Professional's Choice".

Action scenarios are limited only by the imagination of marketers and business owners. The main thing is to offer buyers what they need, or engage in interesting game with elements of competition.

Marketing activities have different goals - to increase sales, attract buyers to new shop or attention to a new product, increase reach or loyalty. All previous examples directly or indirectly help to solve all problems. In this section, we will talk about promotions that are mainly aimed at increasing the average check.

This is how they motivate to spend more in the “At the same time” network.

This model is most typical for online stores. The promotion is limited by the amount of the order - at least 1000-3000 rubles. Many people prefer to put an extra and not very necessary product in the basket than to throw away 300-500 rubles. to the wind.

Having tried a new product or drink, the visitor can buy something that he did not originally plan. The mechanics are used by market traders and sellers of watermelons - after tasting a refreshing treat on a hot day, it is impossible to pass by and not buy it.

Honey tasting at BeeHappy store

People like to feel that they are part of a big and useful cause, so the inscriptions “By buying this product, you help children” or “I love nature” work. Of course, a charity project should exist not only in promotional materials.

"Panda-karta" in the "M-video" store.

In grocery retail, you can often find products that sell no more than 2-4 pieces per person. Miraculously, a queue grows at the counter, where it used to be empty. The fear of not being on time, of missing out on something important, works into the hands of marketers. Even those who do not need the goods at all are in a hurry to pick up their portion of "exclusive".

Action in the Novosibirsk store "Holiday".

This model is used to increase the average check. Shoppers are offered a set of related items, such as tea and sugar or gin and tonic. The point is that buying a set is more profitable than buying each product separately. However, kits are chosen even by those who need one thing, thereby leaving more money at the register.

In a set, each item is cheaper.

There are other strategies to increase the average check, the simplest of which is to increase prices. However, in this case, some buyers may go to competitors to save money.

Promotions to attract attention to the brand and increase loyalty

Creating a buzz around the store means attracting customers and almost guaranteed to increase sales. In the struggle for the attention of the audience, companies take risky steps, sometimes on the verge of a foul. But such events always bring results, and the winners are not judged.

Some stores encourage customers to do crazy things for gifts and discounts. One of the varieties of such promotions is the strip game. The pioneer in this business was Euroset, which 10 years ago gave phones to those who came to the salon naked. However, most retailers do not resort to such drastic options. So, in 2016, at the OLVI gas station, they gave a full tank of gasoline to everyone who came to refuel in a bikini and in heels. The conditions were the same for everyone without exception.

Promotion at the Olvi gas station.

Similar actions were carried out by fashion retailers in different cities and countries. As for loyalty, of course, one can argue here, but the marketers of these companies definitely coped with the task of attracting attention and creating a stir.

Action in one of the shoe stores in Grodno.

This mechanism is often used by home appliance stores. In exchange for an old washing machine or refrigerator, the buyer receives a new one with a surcharge. The surcharge is usually 10-30% less than the usual cost of equipment, and the store increases sales and receives working parts. HM also carried out a similar action - in exchange for a package old clothes the visitor received a small discount on a new one.

Exchange old for new in MediaMarkt.

A prize received in a fair fight brings more joy than an ordinary gift. People are ready to compete for the sake of simple titles and ratings, and they are capable of much for a discount or a prize. Social networks provide great opportunities for draws. Repost contests draw attention to the brand, increase the reach of the target audience and increase loyalty.

Another common model is pranks using special hashtags, including creative ones. You can also use this tool offline. So, a grocery supermarket arranged a competition for speed - the winner was the one who, at the set time, scored more purchases in the basket and ran to the checkout. The lucky one took everything for free, the rest of the participants received a discount. Another example of gift chasing is a promotion at a sports equipment store. Customers had to choose any product and run to the checkout in a minute. A wet t-shirt photo contest was organized by a plumbing store for its customers. Photographed on the spot, the winner got a shower.

Creative competition in the fabric store.

33. Original promotions

Unusually designed advertising campaigns attract attention and are remembered, and the coupon for the next purchase becomes a reason to look into the store again. Under New Year the children's supermarket launched the "Compliments and Wishes" campaign. At the checkout, customers pulled out a beautifully designed scroll with wishes and a coupon for a gift or discount. Customers liked the event so much that the store began to repeat it before every holiday.

This is far from full list ideas that will attract visitors to the store and increase sales. In each area of ​​retail, you can come up with a dozen more creative promotions. To increase response, reach and reach best result, it is worth combining offline and online tools, constantly analyzing the reaction and needs of the target audience. A careful calculation of marketing promotions will help not to go into the red.

trade marketing, marketing campaign Promotions and sales: 33 ideas on how to attract a buyer 2019-02-18 2019-02-18

Discounts represent a reduction in the standard price of a product depending on certain positive or negative purchase conditions for the seller. The discount functions are shown in fig.

Rice. Discount functions

In world practice, there are about one and a half dozen varieties of discounts. The most common of them are shown in Fig.

Rice. The main types of discounts

progressive discount provided to the buyer for the amount of purchase (in value or in kind), the number or series of purchases. There are different mechanisms for the formation of discounts for the volume of purchases of goods (Fig.).

Rice. Mechanisms for the formation of a progressive discount

seasonal discount provided for the purchase of goods outside the season of its active sale.

Discount for faster payment provided when paying for goods earlier than the term established by the contract.

Discount on trial lots of goods is given by the manufacturer to the buyer in order to interest him in a new product.

Special Discounts provided on special occasions (holidays, anniversaries, etc.).

Functional discounts provided by manufacturers to the trade sector for the performance of certain works (layout, pre-sale preparation, storage, etc.).

Trade credit- a discount for the return of an old product purchased from this company earlier, going towards the purchase of a new product.

Complex discounts are a combination of two or more types of discounts.

Hidden discounts given to the buyer in the form of free services, free samples, etc.

markups represent an increase in the standard price of the goods due to the fulfillment of additional requirements of the buyer in relation to the goods (services).

Rates can be set:

for improved quality (in stock trading);

for the urgency of the service;

for the delivery of goods directly to the place of use, etc.

The table below shows the most common types of discounts from the established price, recommended for use in spa practice.


Sales(distribution, product distribution, bringing the product to the consumer) - an element of the marketing mix that characterizes the activity of a commodity producer aimed at ensuring the physical availability of its products to target consumers. Sales includes the following activities:

Formation of a sales network (selection of distribution channels and resellers);

Warehousing of goods;

Transportation of goods;

commercial operations.

The main tasks of the company's marketing policy are shown in Fig.

Rice. The objectives of the company's marketing policy

When formulating a marketing policy, a firm must answer the following basic questions:

Where and when is it more convenient for the consumer to purchase goods?

What level of service does the consumer expect?

How to interest intermediaries in cooperation?

What will be the marketing costs?

The most likely expectations of consumers regarding the sale of goods:

Finding a product for sale in the right place at the right time in required quantity;

Timeliness of delivery;

Safety of goods in the process of distribution;

Willingness of sellers to quickly replace defective goods;

The readiness of suppliers to meet the individual needs of buyers.

Sales promotion(sales) - incentive measures, as a rule, short-term nature, facilitating the sale of goods (services). Sales promotion is based on the call: “Buy our product immediately." In fact, sales promotion is a complex marketing microprograms created to solve tactical problems (Fig.).

Rice. The main objectives of sales promotion

There are two forms of sales promotion - price and non-price(rice.).

Rice. Forms of sales promotion

Coupons- certificates issued to customers, giving the right to receive a certain discount when purchasing a particular product. There are the following types of coupons:

Included in the packaging of goods;

Distributed by sales agents;

sent by mail;

printed in newspapers;

Distributed through magazines and supplements to them.

The advantages and disadvantages of the main non-price methods of sales promotion are shown in the table.

There are various types of discounts used in marketing.

simple discount provided when purchasing goods for cash. It is valid not only for the sale of goods by the manufacturer, but also at intermediate stages of its promotion on the market. Abroad is 2-3 percent, or equal to the loan interest. With us, when buying a batch, for example, cars, the discount can reach up to 10%.

Discounts for increasing sales volumes- provided to a retailer or wholesaler with an increase in the existing or estimated sales volumes of goods. Usually this increase occurs in connection with the conduct of any sales promotion activities by the merchant. One of the main factors influencing the expediency of this discount is the reduction in inventory, which automatically leads to a reduction in storage costs. Another reason is the acceleration of the turnover rate, which is always beneficial for the seller (both the manufacturer and the trader). Empirically (experimentally) the size of this discount was formed - 2-3 percent of the cost of the sold volume of goods: it is this size of the discount that turns out to be optimal for the mutual observance of the interests of the manufacturer and the trader. The specific amount of the discount is calculated based on the effect obtained as a result of accelerating sales.

Discounts for volume sold(per month) - provided by the manufacturer to a retailer (less often - to a wholesaler). This discount is valid in the presence of long-term contracts for the sale of goods between the manufacturer and the trader. With its help, the manufacturer stimulates the merchant to intensify sales (a lot depends on the merchant: on his recommendations to the buyer, on the methods of laying out and placing goods, etc., the sale of goods can increase or decrease sharply). The size of this discount is usually 6-8 percent, which the manufacturer provides to the merchant from the amount of goods sold during the month. Usually this discount is provided in cases where the trader does not purchase goods for sale, but receives them under contracts with the manufacturer, paying the amounts received from the sale at a specified frequency (day, week, month ...).

Discounts for large volumes of sales and cooperation with the manufacturer- was originally introduced in Japan, and is now spreading to other countries. This is an additional discount for those merchants (wholesalers and retailers) who actively sell the goods of this manufacturer. It is usually up to 2 percent.

Assortment discount- provided for the purchase by the store of the fullest range, for the guarantee of purchases of new brands of the manufacturer. Support for the weakest brands in the manufacturer's portfolio.

Liquidity Discount- similar to the previous two and is provided in the amount of 2-2.5% for operational trading and payment for goods. The merchant can keep the funds received from the sale of goods, using them at his own discretion for some time (from 1 day to a month, and sometimes longer). In order to stimulate the prompt return of its working capital in the goods, the manufacturer provides this discount, stimulating the merchant to quickly pay out the amounts received from the sale.

Discount for joint promotions- are provided to stimulate trade in conducting joint campaigns with the manufacturer (dealer) to promote a particular brand and help save money for both parties on advertising.

Merchandising Discount is provided to the store for the optimal display of the manufacturer's (dealer's) goods on the shelves. It is set to save the manufacturer on their own merchandisers or when the merchant refuses the services of third-party merchandisers.

Dealer discounts- are set by the manufacturer for permanent representatives or sales intermediaries in order to create their interest in cooperation, repay their costs, ensure stable profits for them. The discount is calculated from the price set for the market in which the intermediary operates. Usually its value is 10-20 percent, and for large intermediaries - and more.

Logistic discounts- are provided to shops for delivery to the central warehouse, homogeneous pallets are full. It serves to optimize shipping methods and all logistics in general, to organize an increase in the number of goods in storage and sale.

Discounts for control are provided to those stores that follow the manufacturer's recommended retail price and are needed to control the price level and the market situation.

Volume Guarantee Discounts for a Specific Brand are set for a trader who undertakes to sell agreed volumes of goods of a certain brand.

Export discounts- provided in addition to the usual domestic market discounts when selling goods abroad. Its purpose is to increase the competitiveness of the product in the foreign market, and the value depends on the level of competition in the foreign market, the level of prestige of the product of this company or its country in the foreign market, etc.

Discounts for offline supply of equipment for kits are provided for piece-by-piece delivery and cooperation in the amount of up to 30 percent.

Discounts on trial lots of goods- are established in the study of a new market or a new product in a familiar market. Sometimes these discounts reach up to 100%, that is, the goods are provided to the merchant free of charge or at a very reduced price. The purpose of this discount is to enable the sales agent or independent trader to determine the main indicators of market capacity for this product, at the optimal (marginal) price of the product, and also to enable the trader to conduct other research and carry out promotional activities.

Seasonal capes are made for early receipt of seasonal goods. Most often, this cape is found in the trade in vegetables and other goods that have a pronounced seasonal nature of production. The minimum price for such goods exists during periods of mass harvesting, in all other periods it is overestimated by the value of the cape. The size of the cape depends on the type of product, the level of demand for the product, competition, the period moving away from the peak of the harvest, etc.

Discounts by dates and periods serve to stimulate trade during the pre- and post-holiday periods.

Forced discounts are installed on goods with an expiring sale date or packaging defects to release working capital, minimizing manufacturer's losses. Reach 100% when the goods are self-pickup by the merchant.

Personal discounts provided to strategically important sales partners (e.g. chain stores).

Types of discounts and conditions for their application

The prices published in the press are mainly of a reference nature and quite often deviate significantly from the prices actually paid by the buyer due to the widespread use of the system of special discounts.

The amount of discounts depends on the nature of the transaction, the terms of delivery and payment, the relationship with the buyer and the market conditions at the time of the transaction. In practice, especially in international trade, about 20 different types of discounts are used.

Discount - the amount by which the sale price of the goods sold to the buyer is reduced if certain conditions are met by him.

Historically, discounts appeared and began to be used in the conditions of street trading in goods, when the seller, as a result of bargaining, provided a discount to the buyer who purchases more goods.

When setting discounts, you must be guided by the following principles:

The use of a discount should provide a positive effect, which can be expressed both in an increase in the customer base and in the achievement of positive economic indicators.

The amount of the discount provided should take into account both the interests of the buyer and the interests of the seller

When developing a discount system, the size of the initially set (base) price, which is initially recommended to be set as high as possible, should be taken into account.

When setting discounts, the nature of the elasticity of demand for products sold should be taken into account, since price reductions may not always lead to an increase in sales volumes, since many goods belong to the inelastic group.

Currently, the practice of providing discounts is used by large and medium-sized companies, small businesses and individual entrepreneurs. Discounts are general and special.

Consider general discounts:

Cash discount – a price reduction for customers who pay their bills promptly in cash. A buyer who pays within 10 days receives, for example, a two or three percent reduction from the payment amount. This discount can also be applied partially, for example, only for a percentage of the total amount received within 30 days. With a larger volume of delivery or more expensive equipment, this type of discount can greatly activate the local counterparty, who is interested in selling faster and getting his considerable income.

Such discounts are widely used to improve the liquidity of the supplier / seller, the rhythm of his cash receipts and reduce costs in connection with the collection of receivables.

A volume discount is a proportionate price reduction for buyers who purchase large quantities of a similar product. Usually the discount is set as a percentage of the total cost or unit price of the set scope of delivery, for example, 10% discount for orders over 1000 pieces. Discounts may be offered on a non-cumulative basis (per order placed) or on a cumulative basis (on the number of items ordered in a given period).

Quantity discounts should be offered to all buyers, but in this case the supplier/seller must ensure that the amount of the discounts does not exceed his cost savings due to the increase in the volume of goods sold. These savings can be formed by reducing the costs of selling (trade processing), warehousing, maintaining inventory and transporting goods. Discounts of this kind can also serve as an incentive for the consumer to buy from one seller.

The general (simple) discount (simple discount) is provided from the list price or from the reference price and usually amounts to 20 - 30%, and in some cases - up to 40%. Such discounts are widely practiced when concluding transactions on machinery and equipment, in particular, on standard types of equipment. Discounts from the reference price are also used for the supply of industrial raw materials and average 2 - 5%. A simple discount can be attributed to a discount provided when purchasing goods for cash - "cash discount". It is given to sellers when the reference price includes a short-term loan and the buyer agrees to pay in cash. This discount is usually 2-3% of the reference price or corresponds to the loan interest in the financial market.

A turnover discount, a bonus discount (bonus), is provided to regular customers on the basis of a special power of attorney. The contract in this case establishes a scale of discounts, depending on the turnover achieved within a certain period (usually one year), as well as the procedure for paying amounts based on these discounts. For some types of equipment, bonus discounts reach 15-30% of turnover, and for raw materials and agricultural products, they usually amount to several percent.

functional discount. Manufacturers offer functional discounts (also known as retailer discounts) to those participants in the distribution process who perform certain functions of selling the product, storing it, and keeping records. Manufacturers can provide different functional discounts to different sales channels as they give them different types services, but manufacturers are required by law to offer the same functional discount to all members of a particular channel.

Progressive discount - a discount for a quantity or series is provided to the buyer on the condition that he purchases a predetermined and increasing in quantity product. Serial orders are of interest to manufacturers, since production costs are reduced in the manufacture of the same type of product.

Dealer discounts are provided by manufacturers to their permanent representatives or sales intermediaries, including foreign ones. These discounts are common on cars, tractors and some standard equipment. Dealer discounts for cars vary depending on the brand of the car and average 15 - 20% of the retail price.

Special discounts - (extra discount) are provided to privileged buyers, in whose orders sellers are especially interested. Also included in the category of special discounts are discounts on trial lots and orders designed to interest the buyer, and discounts for the regularity or stability of orders, with the help of which manufacturers seek to retain a regular customer base.

Export discounts - provided by sellers when selling goods to foreign buyers in excess of those discounts that apply to domestic buyers. Their goal is to increase the competitiveness of a product in the foreign market.

Discount system as a sales promotion tool.

Companies, as a rule, do not set any single price, but create a whole pricing system that reflects differences in demand and costs by geography, the requirements of specific market segments, the distribution of purchases over time, order volumes, delivery schedules, guarantees, contracts for service. The use of discounts and advertising support for the product leads to a difference in the rate of return of products.

An extremely useful and flexible tool of the company's marketing policy is the system of price discounts. Born from the custom of lowering the asking price for a buyer who takes more goods, traditional for any bazaar, now the practice of setting discounts has become extremely sophisticated, and the set of top discounts is very diverse.

As a reward to consumers for certain actions, such as paying bills early, buying in bulk, or buying out of season, many companies are willing to change their reference prices. Published prices are primarily for reference and quite often deviate significantly from the prices actually paid by the buyer due to the widespread use of the system of special discounts (discount). There are also Russian-language versions of the term - deduction from the price and discount.

The amount of discounts depends on the nature of the transaction, the terms of delivery and payment, relationships with buyers and the market conditions at the time of the transaction. Currently, about 20 different types of discounts are used in the practice of international trade.

By its commercial nature, the discount can be of one of two types:

1) planned discount;

2) tactical discount.

Planned discounts are formed from the total amount of overheads and are usually so disguised that they are sometimes called "disguised". It is this kind of discounts that can be attributed to the organization by the manufacturer of advertising its products with a list of trading companies that sell these products. Thus, the manufacturer actually saves the money of its dealers for advertising their trade names, which, by its economic nature, is tantamount to providing them with an additional discount.

Other types of discounts can be classified as tactical. They are united by an economic source - profit, as well as a common task - the creation of additional incentives for the buyer to make a purchase. The use of tactical discounts leads to a decrease in the real purchase price of the goods and, accordingly, to an increase in the buyer's premium. This premium is the difference between the economic value of the product for the buyer and the price at which he was able to buy this product.

Discounts to encourage new product sales

Such discounts can be seen as an addition to the planned discounts that promote the promotion of a new product to the market. As a rule, such discounts in the form of financing a national advertising campaign with the names of trade companies selling this product are not enough. For example, such advertising does not really give consumers information about where they can actually buy the mentioned product in their city (district).

Therefore, dealers and end-sellers have to run their own advertising campaigns using local media outlets (which usually charge less than those in the national press or on national television). This gives them the opportunity to indicate the addresses of their stores in such advertising, which really provides an increase in sales.

Sales promotion discount is a measure of reduction in the standard selling price that is guaranteed to resellers if they take on new products for sale, the promotion of which requires increased advertising and sales agent costs.

Discounts for complex purchases of goods. Many firms that sell complementary product lines use a special type of discount to encourage customers to purchase several products from such a line, i.e., to buy in bulk.

Discount for complex purchase of goods - a measure of reduction in the standard selling price, which is guaranteed to the buyer if he purchases this product together with other complementary products of this company.

The logic of such a discount is that the price of each of the goods in the set is lower than in an isolated purchase, even if in the same company.

Discounts for "loyal" or prestigious buyers

A special type of discount that is found in commercial practice is discounts for "loyal" or prestigious buyers. Such discounts, as their name implies, are provided to buyers who:

1) either regularly make purchases in this firm over a long period of time;

These discounts are granted on a purely individual basis and can be issued, for example, in the form of personalized customer cards. Such cards are now issued by many European food supermarkets.

As for discounts for "prestigious" buyers, they are most often not advertised and remain a secret of bargaining between the seller and such a buyer. The reason for this secrecy is the fact that this type of discount is the most blatant manifestation of price discrimination, which is generally inherent in the discount mechanism.

Meanwhile, the legislation of many countries categorically prohibits price discrimination. This forces firms to mask the discounts they use and to come up with economic reasons why such discounts should not be considered price discrimination.

Discounts for quality. Unfortunately, quite often manufacturers do not show sufficient flexibility in meeting the requirements and offers of the market in terms of packaging, packaging, labeling, technical and operational characteristics of individual components, parts, etc. This negatively affects both sales volume and price.

once established low price change is difficult, especially in the minds of end users. A suitable marketing technique is to provide a discount for the final work to adapt the product to the requirements of the market. In practice, this is a fairly common case of industrial cooperation. It is important to understand that with the provision of such a discount, the supplier achieves only a temporary result (lower export price - net), but fixes the position for its real increase after solving his production problems.

Discounts for the return of previously purchased goods from this company (in the amount of 25 - 30% of the list price) are provided to the buyer when he returns the goods of an outdated model previously purchased from this company. Such discounts apply to the sale of vehicles, electrical equipment, rolling stock, standard industrial equipment, etc.

Discounts on the sale of used equipment. AT different countries there are opportunities to profitably purchase used machines, mechanisms and other equipment. If, in addition, the service is well organized, then such an acquisition is a reasonable alternative to buying new equipment. On not new equipment, you can work for a long time, while operating costs are low. The prices of used equipment are sometimes up to 50% or more of the original price of the goods.

Service discounts. A significant part of industrial products needs maintenance during the period of operation. Unfortunately, many manufacturers underestimate the importance of this factor in the struggle for markets. Creating and maintaining an efficient service network, which requires significant investment and effort, is preferred to provide a service discount. This approach to solving the problem would be acceptable if it were possible to monitor the implementation of additional functions by the recipient and a way to evaluate the effectiveness of such a discount. Often, the provision of a service discount reflects, rather, the manufacturer's neglect of its own economic interests.

Discount for off-season purchase

A measure of reduction in the standard selling price which is guaranteed to the buyer if he purchases seasonal goods outside the period of the year for which they are intended. The purpose of using discounts for out-of-season purchases is to encourage buyers to purchase these products before the start of the next season, at the very beginning, or even out of season. This provides faster asset turnover and allows seasonal manufacturers to reduce seasonal fluctuations in their capacity utilization.

With a well-established system of seasonal discounts, manufacturers get the opportunity to organize and complete the production of goods for the next season long before it starts and start preparing for the production of products for the next season in a timely manner.

The amount of seasonal discounts is usually quite small and is determined by:

1) on the part of the buyer - the amount of costs for storing the goods purchased in advance before the start of the season of its sales (including payment for loans attracted for this);

2) on the part of the manufacturer - the amount of costs and losses that he would have to incur if the manufactured goods were stored before the start of the season in his own warehouses, and production was either stopped due to the deadening of working capital in stocks of finished products, or was maintained at the expense of additionally raised loans for replenishment of working capital.

Therefore, the amount of discounts should provide the buyer with savings greater than the increase in his costs of storing goods before the period of seasonal demand rise. On the other hand, the manufacturer can provide such discounts - for an amount no greater than the amount of his losses due to a slowdown in capital turnover as a result of storing goods before the start of the season in his own warehouses and not receiving sales proceeds.

The logic of discounts for out-of-season purchases requires their differentiation in time: the earlier the product is purchased before the start of the season, the greater the discount should be.

Discount for faster payment

The main task of discounts for accelerating payment is to reduce the maturity of receivables and accelerate the turnover of the firm's working capital. Therefore, this commercial tool can be more attributed to the field of management than the actual pricing. But since such discounts are set in relation to prices, they are traditionally determined by price makers together with financiers and accountants.

Discount for expediting payment - a measure to reduce the standard selling price, which is guaranteed to the buyer if he makes payment for the purchased consignment of goods earlier than the period established by the contract.

The Fast Payment Discount Scheme has three elements:

1) the actual quantitative value of the discount

2) the period during which the buyer has the opportunity to use such a discount;

3) the period during which the entire amount of the debt for the delivered consignment of goods must be paid, if the buyer does not exercise the right to receive a discount for accelerated payment.

Accordingly, in contracts for the supply of goods, such a discount can be written in the following form: "2/10, net 30" (or in the English version - "2/10, n/30"). And this will mean that the buyer is obliged to make full payment for the goods delivered to him within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt. But if he makes the payment within the first 10 days of this period, he has the right to automatically reduce the payment amount by 2%, i.e., use the discount for expediting payment.

The amount of the rate for expediting payment is usually determined by two factors:

1) the level of such rates traditionally prevailing in this market;

2) the level of banking interest rates for loans to replenish working capital.

The connection of the discount for the acceleration of payment with the price of credit resources is quite logical. If the manufacturer cannot accelerate the repayment of receivables, then he has to replenish his working capital mainly at the expense of the loan. Faster payment for shipped goods reduces the need to raise funds and generates savings through lower interest payments.

At the same time, the level of discounts for expediting payment is usually significantly higher than the price of credit resources. Let's say the above rate under the scheme "2/10, net 30", which is quite typical for world trade practice, is actually equivalent to an effective annual interest rate of 36%. And this is significantly higher than the cost of a loan in most developed countries of the world, where the annual inflation rate does not exceed 10% (for example, in 1996, interest rates on loans in European countries were about 7–8%).

Such an excess of the discount level over the price of credits is justified by a large positive effect. This effect arises due to the fact that early payments:

1) accelerate the flow of funds to the seller's account and improve the structure of his balance sheet, which is essential for obtaining loans by him, and also affects the assessment of the position of the company by investors (including the price of its shares on stock exchanges);

2) reduce credit risks associated with receivables and increase the reliability of financial planning;

3) reduce the company's costs for organizing the collection. accounts receivable.

List of used literature:

1. Godin A. M. Marketing: tutorial/ A. M. Godin. – M. : Dashkov i K., 2007. – 728 p.

2. Kotler F. Marketing management / Philip Kotler; per. from English. ; ed. L. A. Volkova, Yu. N. Kapturevsky. - St. Petersburg. : Peter, 2006. - 800 p.

3. Pankrukhin A.P. Marketing: textbook / A.P. Pankrukhin. - M. : Omega L, 2006. - 656 p.

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