Maltese Shepherd. Everything about shepherd dogs: the nature of puppies, dog sizes, life expectancy, breed lines.

Family and relationships 07.03.2018
Family and relationships

Sheepdogs are a favorite breed of service dogs, which was originally used to guard sheep flocks. Later it turned out that these large and strong animals are smart and remarkably trainable, thanks to which they are still successfully used in search and rescue, guard and search services.

What does a shepherd look like? Surely you immediately remember the four-legged hero of the series "Rex". A graceful red-and-black creature with flexible thin paws, intelligent eyes and sharp, fervently sticking up ears is a classic representative of the breed.

But there are other types of sheepdogs. They differ not only in appearance and size, but also in character: each species has specific features.

These animals are smart, loyal, learn quickly, can be trained and meekly fulfill the requirements of a person. That is why they are widely used in security, protection, military and rescue activities.

German Shepherds are distinguished by coarse short black hair with yellowish or gray tan markings, slender paws, shiny dark eyes and erect, pointed ears.

These dogs make great pets. It is advisable to keep them in country houses, since such large and mobile animals can hardly endure confinement in a small space of an apartment. Do not forget that this is not a decorative dog: it must undergo training and participate in competitions without fail.

Devotion german shepherds boundless: in a dangerous situation, they fearlessly rush to help and even give their lives for the owner.

Such shepherd dogs have not very long hair, forming a thick mane and fluffy “pants” on their paws. Their color can vary from black to spotted marble with reddish or white speckles. To prevent the coat from spoiling, the dog owner must constantly brush his pet with a frequent brush.

These shepherd dogs are distinguished by their complaisant disposition, developed intelligence and endurance, thanks to which they perfectly cope with the duties of a service or shepherd dog. A kind nature and endless devotion to man make them excellent companions.

This large animal with long slender legs, a large head, floppy ears and a tail twisted into a ring is a descendant of Turkish dogs. The coat of the Anatolian Shepherd Dog is short and smooth. Their color is varied - from uniform black to brindle or spotted.

A sharp mind and a well-developed possessive instinct make them excellent watchmen: they will not allow anyone to touch the property entrusted to them.

Representatives of this breed get along well with children. In a family where there is a child, the Anatolian Shepherd Dog will become a real four-legged nanny and will not let anyone offend his little ward.

The birthplace of this dog is the Basque Country. There, shepherd dogs were used to guard sheep herds. Now they are brought in as watchmen or guides.

The animal is distinguished by a rectangular body, a tail lowered down and a small elongated muzzle. Its light and long body is ideal for fast running. Dogs have a fiery red or black coat, which, depending on the variety of the breed, can be coarse or silky.

Basque Sheepdogs are highly trainable. However, their character is not as good-natured as that of other shepherd dogs: in relation to strangers, the animal can behave wary and even harshly.

This breed includes 4 species - Groenendael, Tervueren, Laekenois and Malinois. The first two varieties are distinguished by a shiny length of black or red hair, which requires special care; the rest have a short and coarse coat of red color with black marks.

Such dogs are harder to train than other shepherd dogs: because of their impulsiveness and energy, they constantly violate discipline and do not follow commands. The owner of such an animal will have to be patient.

Dogs of this breed are easy to recognize: large and shaggy, they resemble good-natured bears. But looks are deceiving. The seeming harmlessness of these furry creatures should not be confusing: they are very aggressive and vicious. To socialize them, the owner should regularly engage in pet training.

This is one of the largest varieties of shepherd dogs - its representatives reach a weight of 50–110 kg and 75 cm at the withers. Their wool is distinguished by its special density, fluffiness and a beautiful red-gray-black color. Thanks to a luxurious fur coat, these animals can endure any climatic conditions.

Caucasian Shepherds are smart and loyal. But because of love of freedom and independence, they often get out of obedience. Before letting his pet go for a walk, the owner needs to make sure that his four-legged friend does not show aggression towards people and other pets.

Collie is another representative of the shepherd breed. These graceful graceful beauties were bred in Scotland and used to guard sheep or cow herds.

Collies are small red-black-and-white animals with tan and long or short hair. They are distinguished by their elongated snouts and small, soft ears, usually laid back. When the dog is anxious, the ears take up a vertical position. Their tail is usually long and carried down.

Collies are highly trainable and get along well with people. It is not suitable for keeping on a chain or in a small apartment: an energetic animal loves to run and frolic in the open.

The breed, bred in Greece, is distinguished by a wide forehead and a short muzzle. Her coat is hard, black, gray or white (sometimes spotted).

These dogs require strict training. Due to their suspiciousness and aggressiveness, they do not get along well with strangers and animals, so they need early socialization. Best of all, such a dog is suitable for guard duty, as it is sensitive to the entrusted territory.

Representatives of this breed were bred to protect the human dwelling from the raids of wolves in Ukraine. Them distinguishing feature- thick and long hair, which serves as an excellent defense in a fight with other animals.

Despite their funny appearance, these large dogs have a formidable and even ferocious disposition. They vigilantly guard the territory and owners, fearlessly rushing at any enemy.

The Komondor is a herding dog with a unique coat. Its wool grows throughout life and over time is woven into thin "cords", which is why the animal begins to resemble ... a sheep. It is no coincidence that breeders joke that the Komondor is the result of a “marriage” of a sheep and a wolf.

Due to the amazing thick wool, which weighs up to 7 kg, it is impossible to bite through the Komondor. This is not big dog can even compete with a wolf: a dangerous adversary will not be able to inflict serious injuries on the animal.

The Beauceron is a type of sheepdog bred in France. In proportion and appearance, this animal resembles a graceful wolf: it has a lean muscular body, slender thin paws, erect ears and a long tail lowered.

Beaucerons resemble Rottweilers in color: their black coat is colored with small brownish-red tan marks. They are extremely smart and learn commands well. However, the owner should take into account that such a pet does not respond well to rudeness. His love and devotion can only be won by a calm and benevolent attitude.

The Briard is a French long-haired dog with a coat that resembles goat fur. These animals have a calm disposition, get along well with kids and animals.

Since the most desirable thing for a Briard is to benefit the owner, during training he responds better not to rude words, but to praise and verbal approval. This dog needs increased attention, so if the owner is not ready to spend a lot of time with his pet, it is better to get another animal.

Romanian Shepherd

Dogs of this breed with grayish hair and protruding ears resemble wolves. They are perfect for home security. However, the owners should keep them on a leash: Romanian shepherds are distinguished by a vicious disposition and a sharp rejection of strangers.

Sheepdogs are dogs, as a rule, of herding origin. In ancient times, they were used to protect livestock. Today there are many varieties of this breed, not all of which have retained the "sheep" root.

Scottish Shepherd (Collie, Scotch Collie)

The other most popular name for this service dog is collie. Although it is Scottish, it was brought to the country from Iceland more than 400 years ago. The formation of the breed was influenced by canine greyhounds and Irish setters. The name comes from the type of sheep that this dog guarded.

Collies have a peaceful, kind nature. She is devoted to her master, but others may be ignored or disliked. She does not need special physical activity. Dog care is easy. The key is regular brushing. It is easy to train, it is smart and obedient.

Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai)

Its other name is Turkmen alabai. The breed is distributed in the territory between Siberia and Ukraine, as well as in Central Asia. Dogs are outstanding watchdogs. Due to their high endurance, guarding the herd, they do not need shelter.

Appearance: large head, broad forehead, strong jaws. Ears and tail are cropped short. Height - up to 71 cm, and weight - up to 50 kg. The coat is short, but with a thick undercoat. Any color, but the most common - white, gray, black, brindle.

The Belgian Shepherd is a smart, undemanding animal.

There are 4 types of this dog:

  • Grunendael with a long-haired, straight, smooth and jet-black coat.
  • malinois- a short-haired subspecies with a red or yellow-brown color. It is considered to be the most athletic and hardy of all 4 types.
  • Tervuren. Same as Groenendael. The main difference is the bright red or deer color.
  • Lakenois. A rough-haired dog, distinguished by its even and calm character.

Types of German Shepherds

It was originally bred for use in a wide range of activities: to protect livestock, protect property and family, search and rescue activities, etc. This breed is divided into several subspecies:

As close as possible to the standards. Samples of this family serve as companions and guides at various sports competitions, participate in exhibitions. They are usually red or black. The main disadvantages of the species: weak character, uneven back, disappearance of pigmentation.

This dog was bred for fast walking in North America in the 1970s. Therefore, the family is characterized by angular forms, poor health (especially the nervous system) and immoderate body length.

The species is known for heavy massive bones, beautiful shoulders, long body, unstable temperament and gentle nature. They were used as guide dogs and police dogs. Unfortunately, they were supplanted by exhibition and working German lines.

I. The family was bred in Czechoslovakia in the last century as a working line. It practically does not differ from the East German Shepherd, from which it actually originates.

The breed was created on the basis of dogs left in East Germany after World War II. They are distinguished by heavy bones, increased aggressiveness, large head, serious disposition. Breeders often cross them with other families.

Appeared before 1970. Since it did not differ in special results, it practically disappeared after the introduction of a new line.

This dog is the result of crossing Akita, Malamute and several other species. The result was a family with a massive physique and thick long hair. Due to its size, it is only suitable for the role of a pet.

They were bred in China in the 1950s for the purpose of military service in the province of Yangnan (the capital is Cuming). Differs in long legs and awkward proportions of the body. They are used as SAR working, military and police dogs. Features: mental stability and high learning ability.

The result of crossing a German breed and a European wolf. The result was an aggressive fighting dog with increased resistance to stress.

Types of Caucasian Shepherd

The growth of the Caucasian Shepherd can
reach 75 cm at the withers

In Transcaucasia, it is customary to distinguish several types of this breed:

  • Georgian. In fact, the standard of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog. They are distinguished by a massive skeleton, uniformity of color (gray color), long hair, large growth.
  • Azerbaijani. In turn, it is divided into two types:
    • steppe. Characterized by dark fawn and red color
    • Mountain.
  • Armenian. Smaller than Georgian ones, there is no massiveness in the backbone.

The main types of German Shepherd are listed above. Depending on the characteristics of the habitat, these most large families also start to break up. It is important to remember that this breed is not a pet, it is, first of all, a hard worker. Protection and protection is her calling.

There is no person who would remain indifferent to shepherd dogs. These intelligent creatures never cease to amaze us. What breeds of shepherd dogs are according to the description and how suitable for you, decide for yourself.

The most common sheep breeds

It is considered a universal breed of dogs, besides it is included in the rating of one of the smartest. Most often we are accustomed to seeing her in the role of a service dog. She has a calm and balanced character, perfectly amenable to training. Its best qualities are manifested if the dog has one owner. More easily than other types of breeds, the German Shepherd accepts the fact of a change of owner. That is why most often we see these dogs in the service in the army, police, security. The German Shepherd is excellent with children and is a devoted and fearless friend to a blind person.

One of the most large breeds consider . Sometimes its weight reaches 70 kg, and its height is 75 cm. Unpretentious in content, courageous and determined, this dog is used as a guard and watchman. Behind the powerful appearance lies a kind soul. She very rarely can afford to offend a dog smaller and weaker than herself, but, realizing her power, she achieves leadership among equals. Selflessly devoted to his master, only the shepherd dog will allow him to train himself, and only his commands are carried out. The most popular is the long-haired type of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog.

Breed East European Shepherd was bred from a German Shepherd and adopted in 1964. Usually these dogs with their owners mutual love and affection. They can be found in the service in the armed forces, in the protection, as guides.

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai) has been bred for centuries, selecting the best signs of dogs guarding the sheep. Hardy and unpretentious, intelligent and loyal, she is most valued for her protective qualities. The Asian Shepherd dog breed only attacks border trespassers or when it feels threatened by its owner. Outside the protected area, they are quite good-natured.

The Swiss Shepherd is distinguished by its cheerful and cheerful character. She is not aggressive, easy to train and gets along well both with other animals and with the whole family. A reliable guard who is very responsible for his work - this is how the Swiss Shepherd is characterized when describing its breed. The Swiss Shepherd feels more comfortable because of its large sizes when kept in a private home. And her unusual white color, like the whole breed, comes from a German shepherd.

There are four types of Belgian Shepherds, which differ in color and coat type. They are very energetic, large, have a muscular physique, have an excellent memory and are easy to train. These shepherds require constant physical activity, have an instant reaction, which allows them to serve in the police. The Belgian Shepherd dog breed does not tolerate rough treatment.

One of the most popular dog breeds in the world is the Scottish Shepherd (Collie). This is a very kind peace-loving animal, smart and beautiful. True friend, a nanny for children, is how the Scottish Sheepdog is characterized. She does an excellent job as a guard and guide. And the film "Lassie" made Collie famous.

The Australian Shepherd is a hardworking and agile dog breed. It has tremendous energy, so it requires space for maintenance. A good student, an excellent watchman, a shepherd and many others positive properties gave her nature. The Australian cannot stand loneliness and rudeness, and her intelligence will surprise and amaze you. Her abilities are appreciated by police officers when searching for drugs and during rescue work.

Everyone knows shepherd dogs, and yet, there are very few dog breeders who know how many species of this luxurious breed are. And there are a lot of them. All of them, often, are not similar to each other in appearance, in their working qualities, in character and temperament, and yet, they are shepherd dogs, because they were originally bred to guard flocks and shepherds.

Now, in addition to the shepherd's "specialization", shepherd dogs have perfectly mastered:

  • guard;
  • security;
  • search service.

Shepherd breeds

The most popular shepherd - german.

This dog is considered to be universal. She has a high intellect, she has amazing learning abilities, well-developed muscles, strong nervous system and boundless loyalty to the owner.

is also fairly well known.

This is the largest dog of all shepherd dogs. Its weight fluctuates around 70 kg. Thick coat is allowed in any color. A self-confident dog feels a sense of distrust towards unfamiliar people, has great strength and fearlessness.

Central asian shepherd dog (alabay) has already firmly entered not only into the houses of dog breeders, but also into their hearts.

A large, powerful dog, with a shorter coat than the Caucasian Shepherd, however, able to withstand severe frosts. They are unpretentious in content, do not require sophisticated training - the dog is self-sufficient and prefers to develop independently.

Have long been considered favorites Scottish Shepherds (Collies).

These handsome men with luxurious hair have an absolutely friendly character, they are affectionate, intelligent, with great pleasure they will support any proposal of the owner, whether it be agility, ordinary training or trips to exhibitions. An amazing companion for adult family members and a fun partner in games for little owners.

But in addition to these well-known species, there are also breeds:

  1. Australian Shepherd;
  2. Australian kelpie;
  3. Belgian Shepherd (Malinois);
  4. Bergamasco shepherd;
  5. bobtail;
  6. Border Collie;
  7. bearded collie;
  8. beauceron;
  9. welsh - corgi;
  10. Hungarian kuvasz;
  11. Dutch Shepherd;
  12. komondor;
  13. Mallorcan Shepherd;
  14. maremmo - Abruzzo sheepdog;
  15. mudi;
  16. Picardy Sheepdog;
  17. Pyrenean Shepherd;
  18. Podgalian Sheepdog;
  19. Polish Lowland Sheepdog;
  20. Portuguese Shepherd;
  21. bullets;
  22. pumi;
  23. sarluuz wolfhound
  24. Slovak dude;
  25. shapendus;
  26. Schipperke;
  27. Croatian Shepherd;
  28. Czech wolf dog;
  29. Czechoslovak Wolfdog;
  30. sheltie;
  31. South Russian Shepherd

And this is not a complete list of types of shepherd dogs. Each species is extremely interesting, has its own characteristics and advantages.

The need to breed a dog that will faithfully serve a person has always existed. This is not surprising: difficult living conditions, large amounts of field work and the dangerous proximity of predators dictated such a need. Today, the subject of our consideration will be representatives of official, shepherd dogs- Shepherd dogs and various types of this breed.

Overview of a large family of Sheepdogs

As mentioned above, all these breeds were originally shepherds. On the mountain plains, in the lush expanses of meadows, these dogs served best friends sheepdogs, helping them look after the herds. Over time, the popularity of these animals became so great that it gave rise to a huge variety of species that differed from each other. Next, we will talk in more detail about the classic representatives of the shepherd family.

One of the most popular types of herding dogs, in a short time managed to take center stage in the hearts of many people around the world. As the name implies, Germany is the birthplace of these animals. perhaps one of the most loyal dogs. These resolute, courageous animals are ready to give their lives without hesitation to save the owner. Excellent guards, very wary of any strangers.

When raising an animal, the owner must take this feature into account. They are very sociable, love the company of children and other animals. Their mind and character allow them to serve in the police, and in addition, to help blind and visually impaired people. German Shepherds are very beautiful and athletic animals. Distinctive erect ears and a memorable color make this dog one of the most famous in the world.

The shades of wool of these beauties are very diverse: from black to sable and liver. It is important to note that the weight of these animals fluctuates at the level of 50-60 kilograms. Owners are probably worried about what diseases can await shepherd dogs. Dogs of this breed often suffer from a number of diseases of the spine and joints, as well as diabetes and heart problems. But with good care and proper feeding these breeds can live happily and long life(from 12 to 14 years old).

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Origin:Caucasus mountain range
Dimensions:Height 70 cm, weight 80 kg
Character:Hard, serious, watchdog
Where is used:Security
Lives:10-11 years old
Color:Black, white, rusty, grey, cream

Another representative big family shepherd - Caucasian. A very serious and complex dog. It was first bred in the mountain range of the Caucasus and was intended to protect pastures from wolves. The innate instincts of the guard, which have been cultivated in her for centuries, can play a cruel joke with an inexperienced owner.

As you know, any dog ​​is dangerous in the absence of education. But the large mass of the animal should be an important signal for the owner. Caucasians treat their family extremely reverently. The love and even affection that these animals are able to show to members of their “pack” has nothing to do with harshness towards strangers.

These animals are very smart, obedience oriented. But at the same time, she will “check” any newly-made owner. These dogs have a thick, very dense coat of gray, brown or piebald colors. The average weight of a Caucasian ranges from 60 to 100 kilograms.

From the video "Caucasians: Myths and Reality" you will learn a lot of interesting things about this species.

What conditions are necessary for this variety of shepherd dogs? Dogs of this breed will not be able to live in an apartment. They need space and content in an aviary. In addition, animals of this breed suffer from joint and heart problems. The average life expectancy of Caucasians is 10-11 years.

Central asian shepherd dog

Representative of the shepherd dogs of the most ancient nomadic tribes of Asia. According to their protective data and devotion to the owner, these dogs are very similar to their Caucasian relatives. However, with regard to the level of aggression, there is a huge difference. The Central Asian variety is very calm. Animals can show their temper only in relation to other dogs. In addition, these animals are very playful, they can show interest in children, who are very loved and taken care of.

Quite smart animals, with one caveat: they need time to think about their actions. A very strong desire for dominance makes these dogs absolutely unsuitable for inexperienced owners. The coat of dogs of this breed is very hard and rough. It is usually plain, brindle or piebald.

The average weight of dogs is 80 kilograms. Animals of this breed do not require special care. In addition, Asians are very healthy animals. However, like many large breed dogs, they are prone to joint problems. Good care can give these dogs 12-15 years of happy life.


Dimensions:Height 55 cm, weight 20 kg
Character:Friendly, loyal, curious
Where is used:Shepherd work, dog sport
Lives:10-17 years old
Color:Red, black and tan, brown and tan, sable

Collie is another type of shepherd dog. Their natural qualities helped herd sheep on the fertile pastures of Scotland. While maintaining their magnificent appearance, these animals have gained love and recognition among breeders. Kindness, love of communication, a sharpened mind - all this allowed the collie to become the best companion for a person. They get along well in the family, suitable for living in an apartment.

The proud posture and aristocratic features are easily combined with the many color options of this breed. In comparison with their Asian relatives, the Scottish Lassie sisters are small: their weight is 20 - 25 kilograms. Caring for these beauties comes down to regular combing and increased attention to the ears of the animal. In addition, collies are excellent sports dogs. With a good upbringing, they will be happy to participate in exhibitions, agility championships.

The average life expectancy of a Collie is 15 years.

Greek Shepherd

A breed that appeared in the mountainous regions of modern Greece. Initially, she worked in the fields with shepherds. This is a very loyal dog breed. All their lives they strive to serve one, chosen master. At the same time, alertness and bright temperament make this animal complex, requiring increased attention and rigor. The animal is very unpretentious in care and maintenance.

The Greek variety is the owner of strong and very muscular bodies. Their color varies from black to beige. The coat is very dense, medium length, curly and with a dense undercoat. The weight of the Greek Shepherd can reach 30-50 kilograms, and the average life expectancy is 12-14 years.

swiss shepherd

One of the youngest varieties of this breed. White giants received official recognition only at the beginning of the 20th century and became one of the most beloved dogs in America and Canada. This smart and very agile dog is able to become a loving and devoted friend for any member of the family. They are especially attached to children. It is noteworthy that all animals of this breed have an exclusively white color.

There are two types of these animals: long-haired and short-haired. Regardless of the length of the coat, dogs need regular brushing. It should be especially careful during the molting period. What are the requirements for the content of this breed? It's kind large dogs who need long walks and large volumes of fresh air.

Like all representatives of this group of dogs, they suffer from joint diseases. In addition, they are subject to various types allergies. The Swiss have a relatively small body weight - 25-40 kilograms. Good care and an active lifestyle can give your pets 12 years of life.

Croatian Shepherd

One of the local representatives herding breeds. Appeared as a result of random selection on the territory of Croatia. Unfortunately, this variety is not widely used, but it remains popular with the local population. Relatively small body size and weight (up to 20 kg) did not prevent these dogs from becoming one of the best guard breeds.

Croatian shepherds are very sociable, they can become great friends for their owner. Pretty smart and trainable. They have a light, cheerful disposition. Always happy to keep company with their owner.

What are the colors of Croatians? Unlike white Swiss dogs, these "babies" are predominantly black in color. Small markings on the throat and chest are acceptable. The coat is dense, curly, but soft. Croatian dogs are quite unpretentious in content. The life expectancy of this breed is 14 years.

catalan sheepdog

Another type of rock. It originated on the territory of the modern Pyrenees. These animals are very independent and are able to make independent decisions. Faithful guards, like all members of the family. It is necessary to educate the Catalans strictly, demonstrating leadership.

These are very smart animals, able to easily memorize commands.
Appearance Catalans are very extravagant: a rather coarse, dense coat that requires careful care. Volumetric brushes decorating hair come in various densities and shades. The sizes of these representatives are also medium-sized - adult males weigh up to 18 kilograms. Beautiful unpretentious animals that can live in your family from 10 to 14 years.

Photo gallery

Photo 1. German Shepherd Photo 4.

Video "German Shepherd"

The video will tell you a little new about this breed.

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