The most dangerous animals in Mexico. Habitats of the Mexican agouti

Diets 10.07.2019

Mexico - distant and amazing country, vegetable and animal world which strikes the imagination. It combines vast plateaus covered with sparse cacti and wetlands with rainforest, snow-covered Mountain peaks volcanoes and deep depressions with dry woodlands, steep slopes of ridges with oak-pine rocks and hot desert coasts. Here in many places preserved untouched nature, predatory animals live, Poisonous snakes and lots of insects. The flora and fauna of this country surprise and are remembered for a lifetime.

Flora of Mexico

The flora of Mexico is diverse, due to the great length of the country and the presence of different climatic zones. The north of the country is mostly occupied by deserts and steppes and is covered with cacti, of which there are about 500 species, yucca, agave and mesquite. The central humid region is covered with lush vegetation: mixed forests of hornbeams, plane trees, lindens, and American walnut. In hot regions, a tropical forest grows with a large number of rare and typical tropical plants. There are several types of palms, rubber and olive trees, bamboo, mahogany, cedar, logwood, as well as a large number of fruit trees: avocado, cherimoya, sapote, guava, mamey, etc.

In addition to trees, creepers and epiphytes are also found everywhere in Mexico. In the mountainous area you can see oaks, pines and spruces, firs, cypress, poplars and willows. In the state of Tabasco, in the south of Yucatan and on the open northern slopes of the Chiapas mountains, tropical rainforests grow, which are impenetrable and dangerous to humans. The highlands of Mexico, bordering the snow line, are covered with alpine meadows.

Also in Mexico, you can see the unique mangroves that grow along the banks right in the salt water. Mangrove trees there are several types here.

In the zone of humid regions of central Mesa, there is practically no natural vegetation left. There are fertile lands (red-brown, brown-red and reddish-black mountain soils) on which tomatoes, corn, peanuts, sesame, legumes and other crops are grown.

The natural forest area is best preserved in the mountains and in the Yucatan. Over the past decades, the area of ​​​​forests has significantly decreased, which was caused by deforestation valuable breeds, slash-and-burn agriculture and an increase in plantations.

On the Mexican plains locals grow oranges, bananas, pineapples, sugar cane, papaya and many other tropical crops. In some areas, coffee and coarse fiber plants are also grown.

Animal world of Mexico

The fauna is also diverse and varies depending on climate zone. The north is inhabited by wolves, wild cats, prairie dogs, coyotes, kangaroo rats, pronghorn antelope, bears, jaguars, lynxes, cougars and ocelots live in mountainous areas. In the south, there are monkeys, tapirs, anteaters, marsupial opossums, tree porcupines. On the coast you can meet seals. Also in Mexico there are a large number of turtles, snakes, lizards.

A large number of feathered inhabitants. Here you can see many exotic birds: pelicans, toucans, parrots, cormorants, flamingos, egrets, umbrella birds, vultures, and hummingbirds. Turquoise waters are home to a large number of fish, shrimps, crabs, lobsters, oysters, as well as dolphins and sea turtles. Of course, you can't do without a huge number of insects, including here you can find a lot of spiders, butterflies, beetles and mosquitoes. The wetlands are inhabited by crocodiles and snakes.

For the protection and protection of animals and flora nature protection zones and reserves have been built. So, on the Yucatan Peninsula there is a huge nature reserve Sian Kaan, which is under the protection of UNESCO and is a unique biosphere complex. The largest are: national park Bosencheve, Cumbre de Monterrey, La Mlinche and Pico de Orizaba, where the unique Mexican flora and fauna are preserved.

vegetation of mexico quite diverse due to the large abundance of temperatures in its territory.
The northwest and north of Mexico are predominantly the Sonoran and Chihuahua deserts, which is why agave, cacti, mesquite and yucca grow in large numbers there. Naturally, more wet places suitable for irrigated agriculture, because they have gray-brown soils. Various acacias grow in these places, more than 140 species of agaves, several hundred different types cacti, as well as dasilirion, yucca, sedum and other succulents. A characteristic form of vegetation is the chaparral. Coyotes and wolves are also common in these areas.

The southern regions of Central Mexico are considered to be more humid and have fertile brown-red, reddish-black and red-brown soils. Here, such traditional consumer crops as corn, sesame, peanuts, tomatoes, etc. can be grown on them. Among the animals, mainly neotropical species have been preserved here. These are, as a rule, anteaters, monkeys, jaguars, marsupial opossums, tapirs. But the world of birds in the southern forests and woodlands is especially rich: toucans, vultures, colorful parrots, hummingbirds and many other species. There are also reptiles such as turtles, iguanas, lizards and rattlesnakes.

Coniferous and mixed forests of the subtropical type grow around the plateau on the mountain ranges. Here, up to a height of 1200-1400 m, there are undersized oak forests, with a height of 1700 m, various types of pines grow. in the forests with coniferous trees cypress, fir grow - these trees reach an average height of 4000 m. known species longleaf Montezuma pine. And even higher than these forests, on the tops of volcanoes, alpine meadows bloom. Among the animals in the mountain forests, there are many animals. Among them there are ocelots, black bears, cougars, jaguars, lynxes and other animals.

The hot regions of the state have dense tropical forests with a huge variety of tropical plants. Among them are such species as vegetation such as rubber trees, palm trees and olive trees.

But over the past few decades, the number of endangered plant and animal species has doubled. Mexican ecologists have come to the conclusion that in this moment close to 40% of the entire fauna and flora of the country is in danger. The reason for this is pollution. environment and illegal animal trade.

What am I all about the beaches, but about the pyramids? Mexico is a diverse country, whatever one may say! There are many other interesting things in it. Sometimes readers ask if there are any terrible and terrible animals, insects and other creatures in Mexico.

From this article you will learn:

  • what kind of living creatures we met in six months
  • who in mexico should be afraid of
  • what surprised

I will tell you what kind of living creatures we encountered in six Mexican months. There will be a tale about wild ones, and about domestic ones, and about the dead, who could be alive. Since Andriusiks and I love all kinds of creatures of God, it turned out that almost all those we met were sealed. There are no photos, except perhaps mosquitoes, which, by the way, are practically absent in Mexico (or we are not very tasty).

So, from beginning to end, without concealing anything, I tell.

Meeting in Mexico - furry

While in Mexico City, we somehow ended up in Viveros Park in the cute district of Coyoacan, the one that the notorious Frida Kahlo once chose. A pleasant, pretty park, a walk through which ended with an acquaintance with its inhabitants. It turned out that there are a lot of squirrels here, and all sorts of different ones - gray, red and even black. For example, we saw blacks for the first time. Do you think the squirrels got scared of us and ran away? It wasn't there! These pussies turned out to be not only fearless, but even arrogant. They showed particular enthusiasm when they heard the rustle of a bag of nuts.

Andriusiks recently read somewhere that squirrels do not distinguish between nuts and fingertips, for them they look exactly the same. I’m thinking why a squirrel grabbed my finger in New York, I just wanted to tease her. She, you see, saw a delicious nut, and not a twisted frozen finger.

The meeting in Querétaro is dangerous

AT beautiful city Querétaro was waiting for a completely different meeting. Not cute or nice at all. One evening I went to the shower, upon returning from which I found Andryusiks in the room in an unusual position - sticking out from under the bed with a slipper in his hand. The thought immediately flashed through my head that someone had come to visit. To the question "Spider?", He replied "Worse!". I'm not a coward, but I'm afraid! What could be worse than a spider?

It turned out to be a scorpion! According to Andryusiks, he was sitting at the table with a laptop when a most unpleasant arthropod fell onto this very table from somewhere above. Slipper played his fatal role in this whole story and the scorpion died. But! After a couple of minutes, we saw another one under the ceiling. The second had to be sent after the first. What else was there to do? That evening we moved to another room.

They say that in Mexico during the dry season, a meeting with a scorpion is very likely. By the way, in Guanajuato we came across another one, right before we left. Concerning the danger, the testimony of the locals differs: the boy in Querétaro said that the ones we killed were “very dangerous”, the Guanajuatian friend said that “his scorpion” was non-poisonous, although they all looked the same. I heard that poisonous black. And in general, according to Wikipedia, there are very few species of scorpions that are dangerous to humans.

In any case, I can reassure those who are going to Mexico: there are unlikely to be scorpions in hotels, we have seen all of our own in private homes. AT wild nature not met at all.

Meeting in San Miguel - stubborn

San Miguel de Allende is the most pleasant city and the meetings here were the same! As soon as we went beyond the threshold to wander along the colorful cobbled streets, we immediately came across two donkeys. Oil painting! Obedient such, stand, do not move. Although, sometimes these stubborn people, with all the desire, cannot be moved. Maybe they just stand to create an entourage?

My friend, colleague and just a good girl Polina (she, by the way, is now in San Miguel), says that when they went for a walk with their family, they also met eared ones at the same place. It was necessary to at least check if they were alive, otherwise the Mexicans love to do all sorts of things from papier-mâché))

Meeting in San Miguel #2 - friendly

Once we came with Andryusiks, all in the same San Miguel, to the El Mirador observation deck to admire the city and the beautiful Parroquilla Church. We stand, turn our heads around, when suddenly a mustachioed face appeared under our feet. She belonged little animal, which looks very much like a squirrel. But no, not a squirrel: it doesn’t climb trees so briskly, it doesn’t know how to jump on branches at all, and the color is different. Later, with a hint knowing person found out that they were viscachas. Who are they? Almost like chinchillas. These animals (and a few more came running a few minutes later) are very friendly and, apparently, hungry. For a nut will love you forever. In general, continuous mi-mi-mi))

Meeting in San Miguel #3 - Pharmacy

It's not like a meeting, I just liked the picture: they were passing by a pharmacy, and there the dog lies right on the counter, thinking about something of his own. Are you talking about hygiene standards? The Mexicans are simple, without unnecessary troubles. Well, think about a dog, well, think about it, in a pharmacy.

Meeting in Guanajuato - limitless

They seemed to fall in love with us as soon as we approached the gates of the Mexican house, in which we were to live for seven unforgettable days. Free and Time are two of the friendliest dogs who, if it were their will, would not leave us for a minute. Mutual boundless love!

In general, I noticed that animals like Andryusiks and me, as, indeed, we like them))

Meeting in Puebla - family

In Puebla, a family of blue-eyed birds became our neighbors. Every morning, opening the window, the first thing we saw them - now chirping, now cooing. Soon they scattered about their business, but in the morning everything was repeated again: morning, curtains, a cooing company.

Meeting in Oaxaca - bosom

Our next favorite is the dog Bato or, as we called him, until we found out the nickname - Bearded Man. We met with him in Oaxaca, to which, by the way, we returned again after a trip to the States. Yes, they didn’t just return, but to the same apartment and, as you understand, with the same dog. So the dog can now be considered half ours. He has very expressive eyes, in which the phrase "I will love forever, just give me a cookie" is read. Although, they say, dogs love not for something, but just like that. To love with all sorts of reservations is the lot of people.

Meeting in Monte Alban - deafening

There are many around Oaxaca interesting places, for example, Monte Alban, where we went one morning. Arriving, they heard a strange sharp sound coming from all sides, as if someone was screaming in an inhuman voice. So we learned that in Mexico there are cicadas, which are locally called "cigarras". Then we saw another one. As it turned out, for the Mexicans, this is also a whole attraction. Only thanks to them, who surrounded the tree, on which one sleepy individual was attached, did we find out what these sonorous screamers are.

Meeting in Mitla - redhead

Take a look at the photo below and you will understand that it is almost like meeting a relative in the midst of black-haired and swarthy-as-one Mexicans. This goat from Mitla was exactly the same red as me. That's the meeting, ma'am!

Meeting in Puerto Escondido - elusive

Do you like all sorts of inhabitants of the deep sea? I am indifferent to them, but Andryusiks is a big fan of tracking down someone and taking pictures. So he hunted for about half an hour in Puerto Escondido for crabs, which constantly strove to escape as soon as they were in the field of view of the lens.

By the way, about meetings. I remember once someone was wondering if there was something to see in the sea at Mexican resorts. So, on the Pacific coast you can still see someone, for example, the same crabs or schools of fish. While in Cancun or Playa del Carmen, in this regard, there is perfect silence. You'll be lucky if a couple of colorless fish swim by. I heard that there are many in Akumal sea ​​turtles with which you can even swim, but there was no way to check.

Meeting in Sumidero - toothy

The state of Chiapas, according to the locals, is one of the most beautiful in Mexico. To check this, we went with Andryusiks to look at his pearl - Sumidero Canyon. To this end, they plunged into the boat and sailed along the river, which is at the bottom of the canyon. So, comrades, if you find yourself in the same place, hold on tight so as not to jump out of the ship, otherwise you risk meeting a crocodile. They say that a toothy tourist once nevertheless ate. After that, life jackets were issued before the tour.

Meeting in Misol-Ha - camouflage

One sunny day after a walk to the Misol-Kha waterfall, it was decided to settle down in some picturesque thickets to have lunch. As soon as we unfolded the self-assembly tablecloth, a rustle was heard. For some reason, it immediately seemed to me that the monkeys should jump out and take away our lunch, although we did not see a single monkey during the entire trip. Instead of monkeys, we saw a chameleon in a tree, which was trying hard to pick up color scheme to become invisible to us. So we met with another representative of the Mexican fauna.

Eh, friends, it’s somehow boring, everyone is not scary, no one bites ...

Meeting at Misol-Ha #2 - Elusive

Ever since Andryusiks learned that there are hummingbirds in Mexico, he had a dream - to photograph one of these restless birds. Those who have ever tried to pull off such a trick know how difficult it is. And although we met hummingbirds more than once during the trip, he never managed to clearly capture the fidgeting bird. Just imagine, they fly not only forward, but also backward, and even sideways!

Meeting in Etzne - hidden

Oh, it was a meeting of meetings! In Etzne we first encountered iguanas. Although no, I’m lying, before that they saw one in Palenque, but here they were apparently invisible. Iguanas are cool! They look very cool against the background of the Mayan ruins, I would even say that the ruins suit them. If someone thinks that these lizards are scary and dangerous - drop your fears, they are much more afraid of you! Despite all the apparent laziness, iguanas are very nimble: one has only to try to get closer to them, as they begin to flee at incredible speed. Except perhaps the most maddened in the sun.

Meeting in Etzne No. 2 - sham

So is there anything else scary in Mexico besides scorpions? There is! Spiders. To calm the insects-to-death-fear, I will say that the only huge spider that we were destined to meet in Mexico turned out to be dead. Maybe it was a fake at all? Suddenly, somewhere behind the pyramid in Etzne, a hidden camera hung, recording the reaction of tourists at the moment of finding a terrible and terrible spider with huge paws ... But it could have been alive! Then I would run with sparkling heels further than I could see))

Meeting in Uxmal - collective

If you go to Uxmal, you will again meet with crowds of iguanas, as it was with us. Well, we are already familiar with these. By the way, here they were not so shy, probably due to the increased number of tourists. Used to.

Meeting in Chichen Itza - happy

We called her the Bird of Happiness. Another target that Andryusiks hunted for a long time with his "photo-gun". This bird, whose name we do not know, was met many times, until finally one of them agreed to pose in

- country in North America. In the north and east it borders with the United States of America, in the south - with Belize and Guatemala. In the east it is washed by the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, in the west - Pacific Ocean. The state also owns several offshore islands.

The name of the country comes from the name of the capital, which originates from the name supreme god Aztecs - Mexitli.

Official name: United Mexican States

Capital: mexico city

The area of ​​the land: 1.95 million sq. km

Total population: 112.5 million people

Administrative division: The state is a federation of 31 states and the capital federal district.

Form of government: Republic with a federal state structure.

Head of State: President elected for a term of 5 years.

Composition of the population: 60% - mestizos, 30% - Indians, 10% - descendants of Europeans.

Official language: Spanish, English, French and German languages, in the province they are practically not used. In addition, local ethnic groups speak their native languages ​​(Nahuatl, Maya, Otomi, Zapotec, Mixteca, Totonac, Tarascos, Purepecha, and others - about 59 local dialects in total).

Religion: 89% are Catholics, 10% are Protestants.

Internet domain: .mx

Mains voltage: ~127 V, 60 Hz

Phone country code: +52

Country barcode: 750


In the north of Mexico the climate is subtropical, in the rest of the country - tropical. The coastal plains are humid and hot. In the Acapulco region on the Pacific coast, daytime temperatures throughout the year do not fall below +30 degrees, and nighttime temperatures range from 21 to 24 degrees Celsius. On the Caribbean coast - a little cooler. AT winter months during the day, the air warms up to +24 degrees, and in summer - up to +31, at night in winter it is about 19 degrees of heat, and in summer - 25 degrees of heat.

In the central highlands of Mexico, maximum temperatures are observed in April and May - +27 degrees, and at night in the same months the air cools down to +11..+13 degrees. In winter, daytime air temperatures rise to +21 degrees, at night there is about 7 degrees of heat.

Well expressed in Mexico altitudinal zonality- at heights in the northern part of the country in winter time temperatures can drop below 0 degrees. During the dry and humid periods, temperatures differ little, but the amount of precipitation and air humidity vary widely.

The rainy season lasts from May to October, at which time powerful tropical cyclones often occur. The north of the country is considered the driest region - about 250 mm of precipitation falls here per year. The highest amount of precipitation occurs in southern regions- up to 1,500 mm, and in the summer during the wet season, about 300-400 mm per month may fall.

The water temperature on the Pacific coast in the summer rises to +27 degrees, and on average for the year it is + 25 degrees. The waters of the Caribbean Sea are a little warmer - in summer the water temperature here is + 29 degrees.


Mexico is located in the south North America. It is washed by the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. The total area of ​​the country is 1.96 million square meters. km, which includes a number of islands. Most of it is occupied by the Mexican Highlands with average heights of about 2000 m. The highlands are surrounded by mountain ranges.

There are 350 active volcanoes in Mexico, among them - highest point country - Orizaba (5700 m). Near the capital of the country - Mexico City - there are 2 active volcanoes - Popocatepetl and Istaxihuatl. In the north of the country there is a desert zone, and in the south - wet rainforests. The coastal regions of the west and east are occupied by sandy plains.

The Yucatan Peninsula is also flat, with average heights of 30 m. major river Mexico - Rio Bravo del Norte, better known as the Rio Grande. It runs along the US-Mexico border. In the west of the country is the largest lake in the country - Napala.

Flora and fauna

Vegetable world

In the mountains in the north of the country grow coniferous forests, in the arid regions of the south - cacti, yucca, agave and mesquite, and in humid regions - tropical forests of palm trees, rubber trees and olive trees.

Animal world

Wild cats, prairie dog, kangaroo rat live in the northern regions, coyotes, puma, pronghorn antelope are found. AT mixed forests- black bear, lynx. The fauna of the southern part is rich: monkeys, jaguar, tapir, ocelots, peccaries, anteater, marsupial opossum, tree porcupine.

The world of birds is diverse - hummingbirds, parrots, toucans, umbrella birds, vultures. Reptiles are plentiful: iguanas, basilisk, poisonous gila, turtles, snakes, lizards.

In the seas washing Mexico, shrimp, lobsters, crabs and oysters are fished. There are seals on the coast. A large number of various kinds birds.


Magnificent nature, beautiful beaches and snowy volcanoes, richest history with archaeological sites of the Aztecs, Mayans, colonial palaces, many paradise, attracting tourists with the warmth of gentle waves and the hospitality of the inhabitants, and all this splendor at relatively low prices for goods and services, especially in the provinces - all this is modern Mexico.

The true monuments of antiquity in Mexico are the Mayan pyramids. There are a lot of them in the country, but only a few are available for visiting, since many pyramids are buried under a layer of earth or covered with dense tropical vegetation, so at first glance they are just green hills.

The most famous and most ancient structures are the pyramids of Teotihuacan, where the two largest pyramids are well preserved - the Sun (225 m at the base and 65 m in height) and the Moon (about 150 m at the base and 42 m in height), as well as the temple the most "popular" of the Mayan gods - Quetzalcoatl. The structures are located in the same way as the three stars in Orion's Belt, i.e., exactly the same as the three great pyramids in Giza).

The pyramid in Cholula is the largest in the world, it surpassed the pyramid of Cheops in volume (now most of the pyramid is destroyed).

Another impressive group of pyramids - Mitle and Monte Alban - is located near the city of Oaxaca, and the oldest pyramidal structures in the capital of the Toltecs - Tula, are surrounded by strange multi-ton stone heads of mysterious creatures.

And places like Chichen Itza, Palenque, Tahin, Tikal, Xcaret, Shel-Ha, Mayapan, Mitla and Uxmal are simply priceless monuments of ancient civilizations.

Tourists are also expected by first-class resorts of the country Cancun, Playa de Carmen, Acapulco, Puerto Vallarta, Cozumel, Mazatlán, Huatulco and others.

Banks and currency

New peso (international designation - MXP), equal to 100 centavos (cents). In 1993, the denomination of banknotes was carried out - 1000 "old" pesos corresponds to 1 "new" peso. In circulation there are banknotes of 500, 200, 100, 50, 20 and 10 pesos and coins of 50, 20, 10 and 5 centavos. New money differs from old money in size and appearance. Prices in new pesos are marked with NP$. The "$" sign is used for both the peso and the US dollar (US$ or USD only).

Currency exchange can be done at banks, large hotels, airports (usually the best rate) or specialized exchange offices "casas de cambio". Often there are difficulties with the exchange of shabby banknotes or banknotes of the old series.

Most hotels, restaurants, shops and travel agencies credit cards of the world's leading systems and travelers checks (preferably in US dollars) are accepted for payment. The resort areas have a well-developed network of ATMs.

US dollars are also accepted almost everywhere (the exchange rate is not the most profitable). When exchanging, care should be taken - there are attempts to shortchange.

Banks are open from 9.00 to 17.00 on weekdays (some bank branches are open even until 24.00 or 01.00), and from 9.00 to 14.00 on Saturday. Sunday is a day off. Some bank branches in resort areas are also open from 16.00 to 18.00, on Saturday - from 10.00 to 13.30 and from 16.00 to 18.00, and also on Sunday - from 10.00 to 13.30.

Useful information for tourists

We recommend light clothing made from natural fabrics, sportswear for excursions, a hat and dark glasses, as well as sunscreen. In most hotels, women prefer cocktail dresses, while men prefer trousers and a shirt. For tourists visiting Mexico City, a light jumper or jacket is required in case of chilly evenings.

Traditional souvenirs - a variety of silverware, carpets and fabrics self made, ponchos and capes "sarape", sombreros, leather products, masks and figures made of wood, ceramics, obsidian and onyx products.

Tips are usually 10% of the billed price. It is customary to tip in a restaurant (up to 15%), a porter (in the amount of 1-2 US dollars), a driver and a guide for the tour.

When it’s cold and dark outside, it’s nice to let a little warmth and sun into the apartment. Take a look at sunny Mexico, the Yucatan Peninsula. Look at the birds and animals that met with my camera in two weeks....

Iguana. When they meet someone and don't want to run away, they lift their heads in a very funny way, and begin to inflate their throats and shake their heads at the same time - up and down. They threaten ... But we are not afraid ...

Another handsome man. The first days everyone screams - oh, look, iguana, iguana - and let's take pictures. And somewhere in a week they pass by indifferently - well, yes, an iguana ... So quickly a person gets used to everything good, while getting used to bad things much more slowly ...

Iguanas are useful animals. They eat insects, including mosquitoes....

Whatever you say - well, yes, another iguana, so what ... - this brutal specimen will become the last iguana in this review .... Although it is difficult to keep this promise. After all, I still have so many magnificent samples of iguanas against the background of different beauty ... But - without giving a word - be strong, but after giving it - hold on ... I will hold on ...

The ubiquitous seagulls. And little birds that love to walk along the surf line. Something there for yourself, looking for delicious ...

This raccoon came right to the beach - suddenly someone will treat you to something tasty ... There are a lot of raccoons there. But iguanas are still more ....

These birds (something like jackdaws) willingly stole food from the plates, as soon as they left it for a while. To do this, they were on duty on the balcony ... And on the beach near the cafe ... See how a tastier piece looks out ....

Pelicans, unlike jackdaws and gulls, led a sedentary lifestyle. Almost all the time they dozed on such a rock. It was nice to swim and look at the pelicans. In the evening and before the rain, these rather large birds gathered in flocks and flew somewhere in a wedge, as cranes fly in autumn with us .. On different days, I counted from 8 to 25 pelicans in a wedge. The flight of a pelican wedge is beautiful .. But I never heard the cry of a pelican ... Silently they flew into the Mexican distance.

Local crows are small... But by nature they are as cheerful and impudent as ours. And they also love everything shiny... More than once they threw me ketchup wrappers from a tree... But I don't need a wrapper. It’s a pity that they didn’t throw any rings ... However, I’m sure they simply didn’t have them, otherwise they would have thrown them ...

We met this wonderful beast in Tulum, right after entering the museum-reserve of the only Mayan city on the coast (the rest are all located inland). Maybe it's coati...

a bird unknown to me ... Also Tulum.

In this picture, a flock of eagles is flying over Tulum... I saw a lot of eagles there, but they always fly high, and my camera is the simplest... And then it's so nice to admire them that I don't want to grab the camera...

But the cats were tough. There were no cats at all. They weren't even in the hotel. there were raccoons instead. Probably, raccoons and cats occupy the same food niche and cats cannot compete.
We managed to meet this single cat in a cafe near the Tulum Museum-Reserve.

We met these wild boars in the Akun-chen amusement park (swimming with a snorkel in illuminated caves, walking through caves with stalactites and stalagmites, riding aerial cable car on carabiners (zip-line), mini-zoo). They also saw monkeys on a leash, snakes and predatory cats in a mini-zoo, as well as a wild animal (possibly a coati on the top of a tree). But they will not be included in this review. After all, everyone has been to the zoo, hasn't it?

Seagulls again. Picturesquely they are located here ....

That's all for today! Goodbye Mexico, see you soon.
Next time I will show pictures of Mayan buildings from the cities of Tulum and Coba ....

Dear readers of my journal. If you have an interesting report about your last (!!!) trip - I suggest you post a link in the comments to this post. Be sure to write - when and where YOU went and what we will see and read if we follow your link ...

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