The largest amphibian in the world. The largest amphibians

Helpful Hints 25.08.2019
Helpful Hints

Amphibians, or amphibians (lat. Amphibia) are vertebrates that spend part of their lives on land. These include the well-known tailless amphibians - frogs and toads (as well as garlic and toads), tailed amphibians - salamanders and ambistomes, newts, as well as legless amphibians - worms - tropical creatures that look like worms.

Amphibians are relatively small creatures; among them you will not find such giants as among reptiles or fish. But even among amphibians there are champions who are ready to declare themselves to the whole world. We will now tell about the most famous large amphibians.

Chinese giant salamander

The largest modern tailed aphibia and aphibia in general is the Chinese giant salamander (lat. Andrias Davidianus). Its length can be up to 1.83 meters, and weight - up to 64-70 kg. With such dimensions, it is just right for her to compete with the man himself. This amphibian lives on the territory of East China (from the southern part of Guangxi province to the northern part of Shanxi). Prefers to live in cold and exceptionally clean mountain waters.

Japanese giant salamander

Japanese (lat. Andrias japonicus) is almost 2 times smaller than its “relative”: its length is 1.53 meters, and its weight is 36 kg. It lives exclusively in Japan, distributed in the western part of about. Honshu, throughout the island of Shikoku and in some places on about. Kyushu.

Allegan cryptbranch

And the 3rd representative of this detachment is the Alleghenian cryptobranch (lat. Cryptobranchus alleganiensis). It weighs only 1.5 to 2.5 kg, however, it is considered the largest member of its family Cryptobranchidae living in the territory. North America. This small and squat amphibian spends its entire life at the bottom of streams and rivers.

goliath frog

Among tailless amphibians, the first place belongs to the goliath frog (lat. Conraua goliath), whose weight can reach up to 3.8 kg, body length without paws - 32 cm. This giant frog lives in Equatorial Guinea and southwestern Cameroon.

Cane toad, or

Cane toad, or aha (lat. Bufo marinus) - the second after the goliath frog. Inhabitant of the South Central America. It grows up to 24 cm in length, weight - up to 2.65 kg.

African bullfrog

And the third among the “relatives” is the African bullfrog (lat. Lithobates catesbeianus). It grows in length up to 17-20 cm, the weight of an adult is about 2 kg (on average up to 1 kg).

The largest frog once lived in Madagascar and weighed about 4 kg, i.e. she was not much larger than a goliath frog. The researchers called her an ominous name " Beelzebufo ampinga". Subsequently, the horned frog became its relative, and the largest among the horned frogs is the common slingshot, its weight is only 0.48 kg.

Spiny or ribbed newt

Ribbed newt, or spiny newt (lat. Pleurodeles waltl) is the most large view newts. The main habitats of this newt are Portugal, Spain and Morocco. Spiny newts are fairly large animals: their body length reaches 20-23 cm, body weight - up to 3 kg, and height - up to 15 cm. The life expectancy of a spiny newt is up to 7 years.

Okinawan newt

Okinawan newt (lat. Cynops ensicauda) - the largest species of the genus of East Asian newts (lat. Cynops). Do not confuse it with the Chinese (pygmy newt "cynops orientalis") or the Japanese (fire-bellied newt "cynops pyrrhogaster"), since all of these species have similar coloration.

The length of an adult is from 11 to 14 cm. The maximum (recorded) length for males is 12.7 cm, and for females - 18 cm. The life expectancy of Okinawan newts is about 20 years!


Records of the worm (lat. Caeciliidae) relate to the ratio of the thickness and length of their body. One of these amphibians living in Colombia has a body length of 1.5 m and this is with a diameter of only 3 cm. Thus, the length exceeds the thickness by 50 times (!). But this one can consider itself a real "fatty", since there are such graceful species in which the length of the body can exceed the thickness by 100 times!

Dread Leaf Climber

Terrible leaf climber (lat. Phyllobates terribilis) is a very small frog, its weight is only 28.3 g. But at the same time, it is the largest in its family of poison dart frogs. In addition, she is one of the most poisonous creatures on Earth.


Prionosuchus (lat. Prionosuchus). Nobu Tamura

And the largest amphibian that existed on Earth was prionosuchus (lat. Prionosuchus). It outwardly resembled a crocodile or a gharial, and it was 9 meters long!

People tend to experience inexplicable delight at the sight of everything huge. Animals are no exception: elephants, whales and other giants of the world of fauna invariably attract our attention and fascinate. But we will not talk about them here, but about the most prominent representatives of the animal world, belonging to species that are not usually associated with particularly impressive sizes. So outstanding that it is hard to believe in the real existence of some of them on our planet.

1. Spider-tarantula goliath. What do we know about spiders? These are small, sometimes poisonous creatures with 8 legs, weaving webs. They eat flies, which in turn are eaten by lizards and birds. But not always ... Before you is the goliath tarantula (or Terafoza Blonda) - the largest spider in the world. He lives in the Amazonian jungle and preys on frogs, toads, lizards, mice, and even small snakes. It can weigh 175 grams with a limb span of up to 28 cm. But, despite its name, it does not eat birds.

2. Zeus is the tallest dog in the world, according to the 2013 Guinness Book of Records. If Zeus stood up on his hind legs, his height was more than 2 meters. The owners of the dog called him a gentle giant and said that they were often asked if they were sure that this was a dog and not a horse. Zeus was a certified therapy dog ​​and liked to sit on his "patients" laps to make them smile. True, due to the weight of 70 kg, these smiles sometimes turned into grimaces. Unfortunately, Zeus is no longer with us, he did not live only 3 days before his sixth birthday.

3. Giant African snail. It is easy to assume that the giant African snail must be large. No wonder it is called giant. But so much? .. This palm-sized hulk lives not only in Africa and, distinguished by a sickly appetite and high reproduction rate, poses a serious threat to agriculture.

4. Darius is the biggest rabbit in the world. This, so to speak, bunny weighs 22.5 kg and exceeds 130 cm in length. By the way, he has a son named Jeff, who is still growing, but is already catching up with his dad in size. The maintenance of this couple costs their kind-hearted mistress, 63-year-old Annette Edwards, 5,000 pounds a year.

5. Chinese giant salamander. This thing is the largest modern amphibian, its length together with the tail can reach 180 cm. Despite its creepy appearance, the Chinese eat their gigantic salamanders with pleasure, so how much they still have left is unknown. But do not despair, because there is also a Japanese gigantic salamander, a little bit smaller.

6. Ludo is the longest cat in the world. Maine Coons are known for being quite large and fluffy cats. But Ludo is not your average Maine Coon. Already at 17 months, he weighed more than 11 kg and exceeded 110 cm in length. At the same time, according to his owners, who themselves are shocked by the size of their pet, he eats even less than their other cats. It is believed that Maine Coons are very friendly. Would you dare to pet a cat the size of a dog?

7 Goliath Frog If you are afraid of frogs, you better stay away from Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea - the habitats of this monster. Goliath is the largest of modern frogs. The length of her body can reach 30 cm, and even more with outstretched paws. Otherwise, it differs little from the most common frogs; its tadpoles at birth do not have outstanding sizes. They are just growing very fast.

8. Big Jake is the biggest horse in the world. Horses, in principle, can hardly be called small animals, but among them there are especially outstanding individuals. The official height of this Belgian gelding is 210.2 cm, and it weighs more than a ton. Already at birth, he weighed over 100 kg - much more than the average foals of his breed. Big Jake lives on a farm in Wisconsin, works in harness and has a lot of fans.

9. Liger Hercules. A liger is a hybrid of a male lion and a tigress. And it not only exists, but sometimes reaches colossal proportions. Hercules was registered in the 2006 Guinness Book of Records as the largest feline living on earth. The growth of Hercules standing on its hind legs is 3.7 meters, and its weight is more than 400 kg. He was born at the Institute for the Disappearing and rare species in Miami, Florida, lives in the Florida interactive theme park "Jungle Island" and participates in the performance "Tiger's Tale" every day.

10. Japanese spider crab. The place of this giant, reaching 19 kg in weight and 5.5 meters in claw span, is not on a gourmet plate, but on the set of a horror movie, you might think, and you will be wrong. In Japan, it is considered a delicacy and is actively fished, which leads to a sharp decline in the population. Currently, measures are already being taken to preserve the largest arthropod on earth.

11. Blossom is the tallest cow in the world. Blossom was lucky enough to get into the Guinness Book of Records twice. In 2015, she was recognized as the tallest living cow, but, unfortunately, did not live long after that. This sad event so upset the representatives of the Book of Records that the following year they decided to enter it again, already as the tallest cow in history. The growth of this beauty of the Holstein breed was 190 cm, and the weight was approaching a ton.

12. Stingray. This hulk was caught by the American star of the TV show about wild nature Jeff Corwin in the Mai Klong River in Thailand. The stingray, weighing over 360 kg, has been recognized as the largest stingray, and possibly the largest freshwater fish ever caught in the world.

13. Medusa is the longest snake in the world, another Guinness World Record holder. The length of the reticulated python named Madame Medusa is more than 7.5 meters. He lives in Kansas City, Missouri, is owned by show group Full Moon Productions and is a regular performer in performances for those who like to tickle their nerves. Madame's menu consists of rabbits and piglets, and every 2 weeks she is served a whole deer for dinner. When Medusa is in good mood She purrs like a cat. But if it starts to hiss - it's better to run away as soon as possible, Madame is angry.

14. Lolong is the world's largest saltwater crocodile. Unlike other good-natured giants on this list, Lolong possessed not only an impressive size, but also an aggressive disposition. In September 2011, a huge crocodile suspected of attacking people was caught near the city of Bunawan in the province of Agusan del Sur in the Philippines. This required the joint efforts of the authorities, the local population and crocodile hunters, three weeks of continuous hunting and 100 people to pull the animal ashore. What they eventually managed to catch was a 50-year-old combed crocodile, 6.17 meters long and weighing just over a ton. Lolong was settled in an eco-park 8 km from Bunawan, where he became a local celebrity and brought in a good income until he died two years later, according to one version - from pneumonia aggravated by stress.

15. Big Bill is the world's largest pig. Big Bill set his record back in 1933. But since then, not a single pig has been able to come close to the impressive performance of this giant from Tennessee - weight 1157.5 kg, height 150 cm and length 275 cm.

To the question The largest amphibian in the world, asked by the author Aamilya Musina the best answer is The Japanese giant salamander is the largest amphibian that can reach 160 cm in length, weigh up to 180 kg and can live up to 150 years, although the officially recorded maximum age of a giant salamander is 55 years.

The salamander has poor eyesight, which is compensated by an excellent sense of smell, with which it finds frogs, fish, crustaceans, insects, slowly moving along the bottom of the river. The salamander obtains food, hiding at the bottom of the river, with a sharp lunge of the head captures and holds the victim with jaws with small teeth. The salamander's metabolism is slow, allowing it to go weeks without food.

The meat of the gigantic salamander is quite tasty and edible, which led to a reduction in the animal's population and its inclusion in the Red Book as a species that is threatened with extinction. So, at present in Japan, the salamander practically does not occur in nature, but is bred in special nurseries.

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: The world's largest amphibian

Answer from Aiding[guru]
The largest amphibian of our time is the gigantic salamander, up to 1.6 m long (family of cryptogills), weighing up to 30 kg. This animal is found very rarely and only in fast mountain rivers and streams of hard-to-reach places in South China. The gigantic salamander, which once lived in Japan, is now bred there only in special nurseries.
The dark brown color of the back of the salamander and the folded skin on the sides make the contours of the animal invisible under water, well masking the salamander among the bottom stones and plants.
The giant salamander is nocturnal, rarely crawling out onto land. She finds prey with the help of smell. In August - September, the salamander lays eggs in burrows dug under the shore at a depth of 3 m in quiet backwaters. The male protects the eggs. After 11-12 months, the larvae emerging from the eggs turn into adult animals.
The giant salamander is listed as an endangered animal in the International Red Book.

Answer from catch a cold[guru]
Japanese salamander up to 165 cm long

Answer from Anastasia Taraskina[expert]
The gigantic salamander (giant) is a genus of tailed amphibians of the cryptobranch family and is represented by two species: the Japanese giant salamander (Andrias japonicus) and the giant Chinese salamander (Andrias davidianus), which differ in the location of the tubercles on the head and habitat. According to the name, the Chinese giant salamander lives in the mountain rivers of the central part of East China, and the Japanese salamander lives in the rivers of Japan.
To date, this is the largest amphibian that can reach 160 cm in length, weigh up to 180 kg and can live up to 150 years, although the officially registered maximum age of a giant salamander is 55 years.
This unique amphibian coexisted with dinosaurs millions of years ago and managed to survive and adapt to new living conditions. The giant salamander leads an aquatic life, is active at dusk and at night, prefers cold, fast-flowing mountain streams and rivers, damp caves and underground rivers.
Dark brown coloration with darker blurry spots makes the salamander invisible against the background of the rocky bottom of the rivers. The body and large head of the salamander are flattened, the tail, which is almost half of the entire length, is paddle-shaped, the front paws have 4 fingers each, and the hind legs have 5 fingers each, the eyes without eyelids are wide set, and the nostrils are very close together.
The salamander has poor eyesight, which is compensated by an excellent sense of smell, with which it finds frogs, fish, crustaceans, insects, slowly moving along the bottom of the river. The salamander obtains food, hiding at the bottom of the river, with a sharp lunge of the head captures and holds the victim with jaws with small teeth. The metabolism of the salamander is slow, which allows it to go without food for a long time.
In August-September, the salamanders begin the breeding season. The female lays several hundred eggs 6-7 mm in size, resembling long rosaries, in horizontal burrows under water at a depth of up to 3 meters, which is absolutely not typical for amphibians. Caviar matures for 60-70 days at a water temperature of 12 °C. In this case, as a rule, the male constantly provides aeration of the eggs, creating a stream of water with his tail. The larvae are about 30 mm long, have three pairs of external gills, limb rudiments and a long tail with a wide fin fold. Small salamanders are constantly in the water for up to a year and a half, until their lungs are finally formed and they can go to land. But salamanders can also breathe through their skin. At the same time, the puberty of the gigantic salamander begins.
The meat of the gigantic salamander is quite tasty and edible, which led to a reduction in the animal's population and its inclusion in the Red Book as a species that is threatened with extinction. So, at present in Japan, the salamander practically does not occur in nature, but is bred in special nurseries.
In China, in Zhangjiajie Park, a state base for breeding salamanders has been established, where a constant temperature of 16-20 ° C is maintained in a 600-meter tunnel, which is ideal conditions for the reproduction of salamanders.

Animals adapted to life both in water and on land evoke mixed feelings in people: amphibians are so different from other life forms that they often become heroes of science fiction or horror films. Their second name - amphibians - means " double life”, which perfectly illustrates their behavior and type of development. Amphibians have interesting features, unusual appearance, behavior, physiology, so you can learn something new and incredible about them almost endlessly.

60 million years ago, amphibians were the full owners of the Earth, being in a numerical advantage. Then among them were specimens of a size that would now cause modern man horror. The average length of an amphibian of those times was about 2 meters, and the largest representatives had bodies up to 15 meters in length. Despite their huge size, they were extremely vulnerable, so with the advent of the very first natural enemies, they began to disastrously disappear. Until now, they remain the class that disappears from the face of the Earth the fastest.

This species of amphibians - rheobatrachus or caring frogs - was discovered only in 1973. While observing them, zoologists had an amazing discovery: rheobatrachus hatch their offspring in the stomach. It is this amazing fact explains the name of the species.

The bearing of cubs lasts about 2 months, and this period for females becomes a difficult test: the amphibian completely stops feeding and lives off the available reserves nutrients. During such a "fast" in the stomach of the female, about 40 eggs develop, from which tadpoles appear. So that the babies do not dissolve in the gastric juice, the secretion of the glands completely stops, and instead of digestive enzymes, prostaglandin E2 is produced - a substance in which the young feel cozy and comfortable.

After the babies have skin, it also begins to produce prostaglandin, helping the mother. The restless offspring in the stomach behaves extremely actively, therefore, from the side, the rheobatrachus looks strange: its body is shaking, it protrudes into different sides. This picture is worthy of any horror movie.

When the tadpoles turn into fully formed frogs, the mother gently pushes them outside, where they finally become independent.

Incredible regeneration

The class of amphibians is known for its ability to renew lost organs and quickly restore tissues. But even against the background of all other representatives of the class, the crested newt stands out far ahead due to its amazing regeneration abilities.

AT nature he has many enemies, so injuries and body damage for this amphibian are not uncommon. Scientists have noticed that healing occurs at a speed that is simply amazing. After that, numerous laboratory studies began, during which it was possible to establish that the crested newt can grow anew almost any organ. After the complete loss of paws or tail, they are restored in 3-4 months. Even after both eyes were completely removed, they grew in 10 months and were in no way inferior to those that were before: the amphibian could see with them in the same way.

And even on this, the amazing properties of the crested newt did not end there. If in the reservoir where he lives, the water freezes and the animal turns into ice, then after thawing it continues to live, as if nothing had happened. If a severe drought occurs, the newt turns into a dried mummy, which, it would seem, will never come to life. But after the first rain, it restores all the tissues of the body and continues to live and multiply.

Honeycombs on the back

Pipa toad does not trust environment in the responsible business of raising offspring, preferring to ensure the safety of her children herself. While the male is spawning, the female puts her back under the stream of eggs, and the male carefully presses them directly into the skin of the female. A few hours later, her back outwardly resembles a honeycomb, in which from 40 to 144 eggs are securely hidden.

She bears the pipa of her children for 80 days. During this time, they manage to hatch from eggs, turn into tadpoles and become fully formed individuals. Mom's back swells more and more, and it becomes very difficult for her to move, as her weight increases by almost 3 times. Nutrition and oxygen to the cubs come from the mother's body, so during the months of gestation, the pipa is very depleted.

After the babies become sufficiently formed, they break through the film and actively get out, spreading in different directions. This is how their long independent life begins, in which they will be able to acquire their own offspring only after 6 years of age.

Spiked Behemoths

Crested newts living in China lead a predominantly aquatic lifestyle. Their females are no different from most newts, but the males look different: they have a spiked crest on their backs that grows to an impressive size during the mating season.

The body length of this amazing amphibian is from 11 to 20 cm, and the spiked crest reaches 2 cm. When these animals begin the mating season, they often crawl out onto the banks of water bodies, straightening their crest, which becomes brighter than usual.

It was during this period that these awesome appearance amphibians can be stumbled upon by people who often experience mystical horror, because crested newts resemble small dragons and look intimidating. Several centuries ago, for this reason, they were massively exterminated, mistaking them for manifestations of evil spirits, which affected their numbers.

Above and Beyond

The Javan flying frog is one of the few amphibians that can soar like a bird. Of course, this is not the full-fledged flight characteristic of birds, but with the help of its adaptations, an amphibian can perfectly plan.

With a size of only 10-12 cm, the Javanese flying frog can soar at a distance of as much as 12 m. To do this, during the jump, it spreads the membranes on the fingers of all four paws, catching air currents. The total area of ​​the interdigital membranes of this small amphibian is 19 cm2. Thanks to this amazing ability, she can catch up with any insect of interest to her, so the flying huntress is not in danger of starvation.

The beauty and the Beast

An amazing amphibian called the American Proteus is both a beauty and a beast. Among salamanders, it ranks second in size: the body of an amazing amphibian is about 40 cm. The salamander does not look very attractive, since it has very small eyes located on a large grayish head. But on the cheeks there are gill outgrowths, painted in bright red. It is these beautiful outgrowths that unmistakably indicate belonging to the species.

For a long time, scientists considered the American Proteus to be a larval form of another amphibian species, but then it was found that it was an independent biological unit. Unlike other salamanders, in the American Proteus, the surface of the skin does not contain toxic substances that help scare away predators, so it often has to hide from birds or predatory fish.

Another interesting fact is known about the American Proteus: it is the only salamander capable of making rather loud sounds. They resemble the barking of a small dog, for which in America this amphibian is called the "squealing puppy."

Blind worker

The purple frog was discovered as recently as 2003. The reason that she went unnoticed for so long was a special way of life in which the amphibian spends most of its life in burrows and pits.

The appearance and shape of the body does not particularly resemble ordinary frogs, since the head is very small with a pointed muzzle, and the body looks like a shapeless jelly mass. It looks like a very clumsy amphibian, but in reality it is not at all like that. With a body size of up to 9 cm, this amphibian is able to dig a hole 3.7 m deep in just a couple of minutes. To do this, it works very actively with its front and hind legs. The purple frog crawls out to the surface from holes and pits extremely rarely, since its small eyes see almost nothing. Only the need for reproduction can force her to leave her home, since the mating season takes place on the surface of the earth. After the breeding instinct is satisfied, the amazing animal again hides at a safe depth, where there is enough dampness and coolness.

Vanishing Giant

Most large creation among amphibians - a gigantic salamander. Its length can reach 160 cm, while its tail is not long, so most of this length falls on the body and head. Due to such huge size and weight, the amphibian is impressive - about 180 kg. His life expectancy most often lasts from 55 to 60 years.

It was these amazing amphibians that appeared many millions of years ago and were able to survive the heyday of the reptile era and the death of dinosaurs, successfully adapting to changing living conditions. But now a new threat looms over them, with which this species copes less successfully. The fact is that the meat of gigantic salamanders is very tender and soft, which was the reason mass destruction populations in Japan and China where these amphibians live. So far, the situation cannot be changed by the fact that the gigantic salamander was included in the international Red Book and taken under the protection of the law.

In addition to the barbaric attitude on the part of people, the deterioration of the state of natural reservoirs has seriously affected the number of the species, since these amphibians can only live in clean water no industrial pollutants. In order to somehow remedy the situation, a huge nursery for breeding giant salamanders has been created in China, where they are kept in ideal conditions and successfully breed.

dangerous kid

Zimmerman's poison dart frog is considered one of the most poisonous frogs on the planet. Its body size is only 2 cm, but it is easy to notice this amphibian in nature due to its bright colors. The beautiful blue and green color and the large spots on its back look like it's straight out of a children's coloring book, but the amphibian is by no means safe.

On the surface of her skin contains a strong poison batrachotoxin, which can cause a spasm of the heart muscles in humans and cause rapid respiratory arrest. This fact was discovered by the Indians of Peru, who learned to use it to their advantage: they passed an arrow through the body of a poison dart frog, after which it became deadly for enemies and capable of killing the enemy in a few seconds.

There are amphibians, which are known only to zoologists - caecilians. They are distinguished from the rest of the class by the complete absence of limbs, so in appearance they are more like something in between snakes and earthworms. The largest representative has a length of 1.55 m and looks creepy.

Such amphibians can live in the soil, inside anthills or termite mounds. Worm eyes almost do not see, but these animals have an excellent sense of smell, allowing them to find worms that serve as food for them.

In many species of caecilians, hatchlings first eat the mother's skin, which is the best food for them. At the same time, they do not harm their parent, as they eat only the top layer, rejuvenating her skin.

The study of amphibians does not stop, so every year scientists discover new amazing species that have survived to this day far from human eyes.

Our world is full of amazing animals, big and small, short and tall. In this article, we will look at the 15 largest animals in the world, classified into various categories such as mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians, etc.

The largest living animal is the Blue Whale.

The blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) is marine mammals. With 30 meters in length and 180 tons or more in weight, it is the largest known animal ever. The Blue Whale's tongue weighs approximately 2.7 tons, about the size of an average Indian elephant, and its heart weighs approximately 600 kg and is the largest known from any animal. Not only is the size of a heart blue whale comparable to a Mini Cooper, but also comparable in weight.

Heaviest land animal in the world: African elephant.

The African Elephant is the largest living animal on earth. With males reaching 6 - 7.5 meters in length and 3.3 meters in height, and weighing 6 tons. Females are much smaller, reaching 5.4 - 6.9 meters in length, 2.7 meters in height, weighing 3 tons. natural enemies because of him big size, but cubs (especially newborns) are vulnerable to lion and crocodile attacks, and (rarely) to leopard and hyena attacks.

Tallest land animal in the world: Giraffe.

Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) is an African artiodactyl mammals and the tallest terrestrial animal. It reaches 5-6 meters in height and has an average weight of 1,600 kg for males and 830 kg for females. It has an extremely elongated neck, reaching over 2 m in length, accounting for almost half of the animal's vertical height. The long neck results from a disproportionate lengthening of the cervical spine.

The largest carnivores in the world: the southern elephant seal.

The southern elephant seal is the largest carnivore living today. The size of these seals varies greatly between males and females, perhaps more than any other mammal. Males are usually five to six times heavier than females. While the average weight of females is 400 - 900 kilograms, and the length is from 2.6 to 3 meters, males usually weigh from 2,200 to 4,000 kilograms.

The largest land carnivores in the world: White polar bear and Kodiak bear.

The largest land carnivores - Polar bear(Ursus maritimus) and Kodiak bear, subspecies brown bear. Since their body sizes are approximately the same, it is not clear which bear is definitively larger. Their height exceeds 1.6 meters, and the total length reaches 3 meters. The heaviest polar and brown bears recorded weighed 1.003 kg and 1.135 kg, respectively.

The largest reptile in the world: Saltwater crocodile.

The saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) is the largest living reptile. It can be found in suitable habitats from Northern Australia to Southeast Asia and the east coast of India. The weight of an adult male saltwater crocodile is 409 - 1,000 kilograms, and the length usually ranges from 4.1 to 5.5 meters. However, mature males can exceed 6 meters and weigh more than 1,000 kilograms. This variety is the only one in existence that regularly reaches and exceeds 4.8 meters in length. The saltwater crocodile is exceptionally predatory, capable of attacking almost any animal that intrudes into its territory, whether in water or on land. In the selection of interesting facts about alligators you will also find a lot of interesting information.

The largest amphibian in the world: Chinese giant salamander.

The Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus) is the largest salamander in the world, reaching a length of 180 cm. Although they rarely reach that size today, as they are often eaten. Found in rocky mountain streams and lakes in China, the salamander is critically endangered by habitat loss, pollution and overexploitation as its meat is considered a delicacy and used in traditional Chinese medicine.

The biggest Rabbit/Hare in the world: Flemish Giant.

The Flemish Giant is an old breed of domesticated rabbit originating from the Flemish region. They were bred as early as the 16th century around the city of Ghent, Belgium. Rabbits can weigh up to 12.7 kg

The biggest bats in the world: Giant golden-crowned flying fox.

Most great view bats- Giant golden-crowned flying fox (Acerodon jubatus), an endangered fruit bat from rainforest Philippines, which is part of the megabat family. The maximum size is believed to be close to 1.5 kg. weight, and 55 cm in length, and the wingspan can be almost 1.8 meters. Simple big flying fox(Pteropus vampyrus) is smaller in body weight and length, but exceeds the golden-crowned varieties in wing span. Instances reached a span of up to two meters.

The largest rodent in the world: Capybara, or guinea pig.

The largest rodent is the capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris), inhabiting most of the tropical and temperate parts of the east. South America and the Andes, living near water. Adult capybaras can reach 1.5 meters in length and 0.9 meters in height when maximum weight at 105.4 kilograms. This is a very social variety and easily gets along with a person.

The biggest bony fish in the world: Ocean sunfish.

Osteichthyes, or bony fish, are a taxonomic group of fish that have a bony, as opposed to cartilaginous, skeleton. They are an extremely diverse and rich group of fish, with over 29,000 species, and the largest class of vertebrates in existence.

The largest bony fish is the widespread ocean sunfish (Mola mola). It resembles the head of a fish with a tail, and its main part is flattened from the side. A mature ocean sunfish has an average length of 1.8 meters, a fin-to-fin length of 2.5 meters, and an average weight of 1,000 kilograms. There were fish up to 3.3 meters in length, weighing up to 2,300 kg.

Largest snake: Green Anaconda.

The most massive reptile in the world is the Green Anaconda (Eunectes murinus). The maximum recorded size is 7.5 meters in length and 250 kg in weight, although rumors of larger anacondas are widespread. The python (Python reticulatus) of Southeast Asia is longer but much lighter, reaching as much as 9.7 meters in length.

The largest bird in the world: Ostrich.

The largest bird is (Struthio camelus), an inhabitant of the plains of Africa and Arabia. A large male ostrich can reach a height of 2.8m, weighing over 156kg. The eggs laid by an ostrich can weigh up to 1.4 kg and are the largest eggs in the world. They may also run maximum speeds at approximately 97.5 km/h, which makes the ostrich also the fastest bird on earth and the fastest bipedal animal in the world.

Heaviest flying bird in the world: Dalmatian pelican.

The Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus) is a member of the pelican family. Distributed from southeastern Europe to India and China in swamps and shallow lakes. It is the largest of the pelicans, averaging 160-180 cm in length, 11-15 kg in weight and just over 3 m in wingspan. Dalmatian pelicans are the world's heaviest flying bird species on average, although large male bustards and swans can exceed the pelican at maximum weight.

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