Cheating and the double life of Christina Orbakaite. Christina Orbakaite's house, where she lives Mikhail Zemtsov wedding

Auto 17.07.2019

Singer, actress, mother of many children, beloved wife, attentive daughter - all of her. On May 25, Orbakaite celebrates his birthday. “This year, Christina wanted to escape from the bustle of Moscow and changeable weather, so we flew to Los Angeles, ”says her husband Mikhail Zemtsov. – Let's celebrate in our favorite restaurant overlooking the city with our closest friends. My daughter had to be left in Moscow, so as not to be distracted from the educational process, she goes to a preparatory school.

If the singer is no stranger to giving interviews on the eve of personal dates, then Mikhail is reluctant to communicate with the press. But for StarHit, he made an exception. The artist's husband spoke about such a Christina that no one knows.

If we fight, it won't last long

Usually I give my beloved woman useful gifts - theater tickets for rare performances, a massage chair ... So, in principle, it is customary in our family. Christina says in advance what she needs. And if he doesn’t order, then it’s jewelry, for example. You can no longer surprise your spouse with material things, high cost: it is important that from the heart. I know that my wife loves irises, so I try to find these flowers in any city in the world on my birthday or other holiday.

The secret of our marriage is quite simple - not to dwell on petty grievances, and indeed not to be offended at all. Like everything else, it happens that we swear, but it is always not for long. Christina is generally outgoing. She can get angry and after 30 minutes call and talk as if nothing had happened - everything is forgotten. In addition, we try not to interfere in each other's affairs. I don't ask every day: “Where are you? When will you be back?" So is she.

When we are at home, it happens that Christina retires to the bedroom or dressing room, where she can be in silence, think, solve some creative moments. We love watching movies together. My wife loves retro films, I honestly can't take in so many of them. Other than that, tastes match. Recently included the series "The Crown" on English language. 12 episodes of the first season flew by unnoticed. We also try to get out to cinemas, but it rarely happens. We sometimes go to Pioneer - there are screenings in English, and I want to watch Hollywood films in their original language. Kristina can sometimes be moved to tears by films with already elderly artists or programs that show how forgotten and lonely Soviet stars live now.

Like any normal person, the wife also has moments of weakness. A lot of work without respite, fatigue and stress accumulate ... Communication with loved ones helps to remove them - she does not like loneliness. Go somewhere, talk, replenish energy - what she needs.

Daughter complains about mom

// Photo: Roman Rodin/

Christina is the organizer of our family. She is one of the most collected people I know. The wife always packs her own suitcases - both hers and mine. And understands too. There is no need to even say anything. She will never forget anything: she will take my toothbrush and razor when we go somewhere together, if I didn’t fold it up. And we travel often.

For my part, I am responsible for serviceability - I love it when everything in our house is in place, working, repaired. If the light bulb burns out, then it just annoys me. I always go myself, find a ladder, replace it. The rest of the housekeeper helps - cleaning, cooking. She has been with us for six years. In the mood of Christina, of course, she can make breakfast and lunch. We love simple but healthy meals: cold soups, light salads.

I recently put forward my candidacy for the HOA, the neighbors supported me. I think that our house should be in decent condition. I have something to compare with: I know how they follow this abroad - in America; I understand that you need to invest, spare no money for infrastructure, pay monthly fees. Now we will build a playground in the yard. Christina, of course, has little time to participate in anything, but periodically gives advice, and then evaluates the results.

We are raising our daughter together. Christina has a lot of experience, I can only learn. Her older children turned out to be such good guys. The wife knows how to raise a child so that he is both modest and talented. Recently, together with his wife, they chose a school for Klava, and eventually settled on a private one in the center of Moscow.

For Christina, the most important thing is that her daughter is busy all the time. When she is idle, she immediately starts looking at the iPad. And she understands all these devices even better than some adults. We do not limit her in gadgets, but we try to distract her if she sits down. It can be seen from the child, especially during the holidays, that she becomes more capricious due to an excess of free time. And so she has a schedule - school, ballet, singing, music lessons, and on weekends - to her grandmother's cottage.

When we can, we make crafts with our daughter, help with homework. Christina is a loving mother, she understands that she is often absent, she is on tour, and therefore she does not want to be very strict with Klava. But he can speak. It happens that the daughter does not want to study music, do homework - Christina switches to a strict tone. Klavusya, dissatisfied, then walks. Runs to me: “She scolded me, dad!” I pity her. Even sometimes, when I agree with my mother, I still regret it. You can’t have both mom scolding and dad at the same time.

The child has already decided that he wants to become either a teacher or, like a mother, a singer. If everything is clear with the second, then the first is a consequence of the fact that in kindergarten Klava likes to study and play school. The daughter believes that she is also a teacher, and she likes it.

In character, she is more like grandmother Alla Borisovna than mom and dad. Klava is strong-willed, strong, sometimes she can say such things - it won’t seem enough. A very smart girl, like all Christina's children. I have never met anyone like Denis. He loves his mother very much, calls constantly, is interested in everything. He has an incredible personality. If Kristina can still argue with Nikita, then never with Denis. He won’t put a word across: as mom says, so be it, only so that she never gets upset, so that she doesn’t get nervous, so she smiles.

Wife loves control

Our whole family loves sports. I go skiing with my daughter - we recently went to Austria. And Christina does not favor this sport. She is scared. My wife has such a job that if, God forbid, something happens, she will let the people down - she has a huge team. But he loves to go to the gym, do boxing, ride a bike, loves Pilates, yoga. Recently, a cycling studio was opened near our house in Moscow, we have been going to it in the States for seven years now.

In America, sport is like a religion, people are much more active. When we are there, in the morning Christina calls up her friends, and they go to the gym. It happens that we go to a bootcamp together - this is a set of exercises where all muscle groups are affected: running, squatting, and cardio.

At home, the wife does not like to study - the atmosphere is not the same. We wanted to buy an exercise bike, but we thought that it would stand idle. We hardly go to our gym in our house in Miami. Kristina likes when there is a coach nearby who controls everything, the music plays loudly. One cannot do the right thing: correctly, effectively. And for Christina, the result is important in everything.

The daughter of the Russian prima donna Kristina Orbakaite finally got married. Her official husband was businessman Mikhail Zemtsov, whom the singer met in Miami. Despite the fact that the lovers lived on different sides Atlantic Ocean, they constantly met. Mikhail accompanied Christina on tour, never left her for a minute. In the press, he was called Orbakaite's "civil husband" for a long time, until the singer finally announced that they formalized their relationship. The exact date and details of the event are not known, since the marriage took place in secret. Journalists only managed to find out what took place in the USA.

Despite the fact that Christina has two sons, she did not dress with her husbands. From the age of 17, the singer lived in a civil marriage with Vladimir Presnyakov Jr., from whom she gave birth to a son, Nikita. Despite the separation, they still maintain warm friendly relations, and Alla Borisovna still calls Presnyakov "her son."

After that, Christina had serious relationship with Ruslan Baysarov, from whom she gave birth to her second son Dani. However, Orbakaite did not agree to marry Ruslan, apparently anticipating an imminent separation.

Only Mikhail Christina entrusted her hand and heart. So, she is one hundred percent sure of him.

Kristina Orbakaite is a wonderful actress, talented, successful singer, a hardworking horse: concerts, tours, clips, new songs, husbands, children - this woman sleeps only six hours a day, otherwise how to manage to do everything in order to always be afloat, in a stream, in a subject?

On forums, in news feeds, not very personal things are often written about Kristina Orbakaite, but it seems to me that all this is from envy of her success. People cannot come to terms with the fact that a girl not with the strongest vocal abilities is so successful in show business.

In fact, the fact that her mother Alla Pugacheva gave her a start, but not this fact helped her stay on stage for so long, become more and more popular, and gather huge halls of fans. What were the advantages of having her mother famous singer? Well, first of all, this is an opportunity to collaborate with excellent composers and songwriters, because a good musical composition- this is probably 80% success. Secondly, this is air time, advertising, the opportunity to be in the public eye. But Kristina Orbakaite put a lot of effort into making her songs popular and loved by the people, nothing went into her hands, she plowed as far as few could, few of her relatives believed in her success, nor Alla Borsovna , neither husband Volodya Presnyakov was serious about the attempts of our heroine, how hard it was for Christina in those days! Many thought that the girl would play song and give up this ridiculous idea, return to dancing or just sit at home, wait for her husband to cook cabbage soup from the tour and go to beauty salons. But Kristina Orbakaite developed by leaps and bounds, she is a creative person and her energy accumulated over the years asked for an outlet. Her voice, of course, is not as strong as that of her mother, but he is also beautiful, this singer cannot be called voiceless, so only spiteful critics who know nothing about singing can tease Christina.

After I found photos of Alla Pugacheva, Philip Kirkorov, Maxim Galkin, I wanted to find as many photos of Christina Orbakaite as possible. Photos are frozen moments from a past life, most often they capture moments of happiness. Here I have a photo where Christina is a very small, pretty, sweet girl. Many remember her from the movie Scarecrow. How impressed I was with this drama! How heartfelt little Kristina Orbakaite played. She was 10 years old at the time.

The film "Scarecrow" is close to me, since I myself was once a newcomer in the class. Kristina Orbakaite played brilliantly, soulfully. I understand how it is - when almost everything is against you - even a guy who really likes you.

The next role of Kristina Orbakaite, which impressed me, was the role of Princess Fike in Svetlana Druzhinina's film “Vivat, midshipmen!”. At that time, Christina was twenty years old. Young, tender, flirtatious - the very charm. For you, readers, I made screenshots from the film “Vivat, midshipmen!”.

I remember very well the moment when Kristina Orbakaite began to perform on the stage, because initially she positioned herself as a dancer. Well, the audience began to lament, saying that Christina is not a singer, there is no such voice range as her mother, and it would be better if she didn’t sing at all, but would dance further. The most interesting thing is thatVladimir Presnyakov, at that time her husband, did not believe in his wife. In fact, he advised her to take care of her home and family more, and not dream of a singing career. But Kristina Orbaikaite is a hardworking and stubborn girl. She, like a tank, went to her goal, the dogs bark, and the caravan moves on. Correctly chosen repertoire, every song is a hit. She approached her question very well. musical career, did everything the best way, laid out and laid out so far one hundred percent. Well, yes, she does not have the talent of a mother, she is just a singer, giving out a high-quality repertoire, working with great dedication at her concerts. Kristina Orbakaite has an individuality, she is not like the others, her voice and manner of performance cannot be confused with anyone else.

In general, Kristina Orbakaite did not think that something might not work out for her, she just did what she liked and received from it not only money, but also tremendous pleasure. Result on the face. By the age of 46, Kristina Orbakaite is popular, recognized by the public, loved by fans. Kristina Orbakaite is the mother of three wonderful children, all of them were born from different husbands, each of them has his own religion.

Nikita Presnyakov was born from her first husband, Vladimir Presnyakov. When Christina met Volodya, she was fifteen years old, she was in the ninth grade, Presnyakov was a little older - he was eighteen, they did not come together right away, probably six months after the first meeting. Alla Borisovna did not mind, as she knew the parents of her newly-minted son-in-law well. Better let the daughter be next to good boy than will hide in the doorways with just anyone, besides, there is no cure for love. At the age of twenty, Kristina Orbakaite gave birth to a son, Nikita.

Christina and Volodya were together for about ten years, then mutual reproaches and betrayals began, in addition, Presnyakov began to abuse alcohol. Christina herself put an end to their relationship, it was she who told her civil husband that she was leaving him. Presnyakov was very upset by the gap, he compared his condition with a wound in the stomach, saying that a bullet is better than surviving this. Nevertheless, although love and passion had gone, friendship remained, and later mutual respect also came.

In this photo, Kristina Orbakaite with her first husband Vladimir Presnyakov, as well as with her father-in-law and mother.

The next civil husband of Christina Orbakaite was the Chechen businessman Ruslan Baysarov. When they met, he was 29, and she was 26. Kristina Orbakaite told the press that this man courted her for a long time, but she still did not give consent, but in the end, under the onslaught of a hot Muslim, she gave up, these two did not register their relationship in the registry office, but they became husband and wife according to the laws of Islam. Family happiness did not last long, once Ruslan Baysarov was very jealous of his beloved and managed to break her nose in a fit of jealousy. To date, all squabbles and contradictions have subsided, and Kristina Orbakaite and Ruslan Baysarov maintain friendly relations. Ruslan Baysarov at one time helped Christina's career develop, he invested a lot of money in her, Alla Pugacheva was also helped, Ruslan Baysarov not only gave her money, but also bought a luxurious apartment in the center of Moscow.

In alliance with Ruslan Baysarov, Christina Orbakaite had a son, Denis. After parting with the father of the child, Christina could not dictate to her son what life path him to go, where to live and what to do. According to Muslim customs, the son obeys his father, and therefore, from the age of eleven, Deni Baysarov spent more time with his father than with his mother, followed in his father's footsteps, and is preparing to become a businessman.

In this photo Ruslan Baisarov.

At 34, Kristina Orbakaite meets 27-year-old Mikhail Zemtsov. This guy did not have such money and power as the previous boyfriend, his fortune was much more modest. By education, Mikhail Zemtsov is a dentist, he had his own dental clinic in the United States. But since Christina and Mikhail could not live in two countries, Zemtsov's business gradually came to naught, the man decided not to tempt fate and devoted himself to the family, especially since his wife gave birth to his daughter Claudia. Kristina Orbakaite was 41 years old when she gave birth his third child.

This is a photo from the wedding of the eldest son of Christina Orbakaite, Nikita. The guy married the beautiful Alena Krasnova.

In this photo, Kristina Orbaikaite with her son Denis Baysarov.

In this photo, Kristina Orbakaite with her sons Denis and Nikita, as well as with her third husband Mikhail Zemtsov.

Daughter of Christina and Mikhail Klava Zemtsov.

Pictured is Denis Baysarov.

Orbakaite Kristina is a famous actress and popular singer. She played roles in three dozen films. Among them: "Scarecrow", "Vivat, midshipmen!", the trilogy "Love-carrot".

Her songs have been at the top of the charts for many years. Her song repertoire includes about 150 works.

In 2013, she received the title of Honored Artist in Russia.

Today Kristina Orbakaite is not only a famous singer, but also happy mom three children.

At the end of spring, on May 25, 1971, a girl was born in the family of a singer and artist in Moscow, who was named Christina.

Her mother, Alla Pugacheva, toured a lot, so Christina spent her early childhood in her father's native village, Edmuntas Orbakas.

He took her to the town of Sventoji, which is located on the coast Baltic Sea. Also, Alla Pugacheva's mother, who lives in Moscow on the street, often took her to her place. Academician Scriabin, in the house number 18.

Later, her grandmother brought her to her capital for good. Little Christina studied at kindergarten No. 779. In Moscow, she graduated from both general education and music school.

When her grandmother's health deteriorated, the girl began to live with her mother. Before finishing school, she met her first love - Vladimir Presnyakov.

Where did Christina live with Vladimir Presnyakov

The parents of the lovers approved of their union, and the young couple lived either with Volodya's parents or with Christina's mother. Officially, they did not register their marriage, considering the stamp in the passport a mere formality.

In 1991, Vladimir and Christina had a son, Nikita, and 3 years later, the family bought a three-room apartment on Begovaya Street, where the star couple lived until parting.

The second civil marriage of the singer

1997 was a turning point in the fate of Christina. She caught civil husband in treason and broke up with him.
She later met new love- businessman Ruslan Baysarov. A year later, the young couple had a son, Denis.

Second civil marriage lasted about 5 years and ended loud scandal. In 2003, after the couple broke up, Kristina Orbakaite had to defend the right to her son through the courts.

As a result, the place of residence of the child was determined as follows: during the tour of the singer, the son will live with his father, the rest of the time he lives with his mother.

Where did she live after the wedding with Mikhail Zemtsov

A year after the divorce, in 2004, fate gave Kristina Orbakaite a happy meeting with her future husband, Mikhail Zemtsov. A few months later, on March 9, 2005, this a beautiful couple officially registered her marriage.

In Miami, the family purchased real estate in an elite house, where they still live. The cost of their apartments is about 4 million dollars.

The house also has 12 restaurants, a tennis court and many shops. From the windows of their apartment you can admire the Atlantic Ocean, as well as beautiful private beaches. The interior of the apartment is decorated in classical style and the luxurious living room has marble columns.

After the birth of her daughter Claudia Zemtsova, Christina gave her an apartment in Moscow, in which the singer now lives on her own during the tour.

And for the arrival of the long-awaited granddaughter in 2012, Alla Pugacheva prepared a room for her at her luxurious dacha. The Zemtsov family spent the whole summer in a mansion on Istra.

Alla's dacha covers an area of ​​about 1000 sq.m. On its territory is located:

  • professional tennis court;
  • open pool;
  • bungalows for guests;
  • bathhouse.

The mansion has several bedrooms, a hall with a fireplace and a prayer room. The house is surrounded by greenery.

Now lives in Miami

The daughter of Alla Borisovna, Kristina Orbakaite, was always called whatever she wanted - a modest and purposeful girl, a great talent and a smart girl, she was constantly compared with her mother, but almost no one noticed that the love of love had also passed from the parent to the daughter, because of which Pugacheva only officially married for the fifth time.

After parting with her, Volodya took a deep drink
Having played leading role in the film "Scarecrow", Christina literally bathed in rave reviews from critics - both ours and Western ones. The Americans called her game unforgettable, and the girl, who did not consider herself such a beauty, cheered up. And the first thing she fell in love with, and not like it was with her in kindergarten or the first grades of school, but in a serious way, with tears and confessions of feelings to the grave.
According to the memoirs of Alla Pugacheva, her 12-year-old blood girl had such a crush on Igor Nikolaev, who sang a song about Christina, as if emerging from the foam of the Baltic Sea, that her mother simply grabbed her head. The young actress wanted to get married, and urgently, but Alla Borisovna came up with a move on how to discourage this desire from her. She invited the mustachioed heartthrob to visit with his daughter Yulia, wanting to show that the man was already busy. As the Primadonna said, Christina did not reconcile immediately, but, after crying out a couple more waterfalls of tears, she still gave up.
At 15, the girl exchanged her first French kiss with a classmate, and this skill very soon helped her find her first true great love. It was at 15 that our heroine began dating Vova Presnyakov, and soon Alla Borisovna found the doves in bed. The 19-year-old guy was already singing with might and main in falsetto about roadside grass and dancing new dances for the Union, and besides, he was one of Pugacheva's favorites, thanks to which he instantly became popular and desired at all concert venues. Christina had not yet finished the tenth grade when she moved out to the man of her dreams, for the sake of such a thing, without hesitation, she exchanged her mother's luxurious apartments in the very center of Moscow, on Tverskaya, for a small apartment in the Moscow Medvedkovo district.
Everything went to the wedding, but Orbakaite did not force events. Perhaps because she was still too young. Perhaps because before her eyes there was always an example of a mother who at that time, although she was experiencing a passionate affair with Vladimir Kuzmin, was somehow in no hurry to marry him. Be that as it may, the girl was not even twenty when she, having flown to London, gave birth to her first child Nikita there. But it was not even four years old when Volodya moved out from his common-law wife. His mother recalled how the guy at that time drank heavily, but did not tell his relatives about the reasons for the divorce.

It was at 15 that our heroine began dating Vova Presnyakov, and soon Alla Borisovna found the doves in bed.

Igor Nikolaev brought Zemtsov together
Almost immediately after the breakup, Christina appeared with businessman Ruslan Baysarov - the very reason why the girl left Presnyakov. As the artist herself later admitted, she could not live a double life and decided to leave, starting life from scratch, without even consulting the future chosen one herself. But according to Russian laws, Christina never married him either: the couple was married only by the imam of the capital's cathedral mosque, Rais Khazrat. The actress quickly gave birth to her son Denis, but two years later she ran away from her husband after a furious horseman broke her nose at the presentation of her own album in one of the capital's casinos. They chatted that Baisarov did it simply because it seemed to him that his wife was behaving too defiantly. But in reality, everything was different.

Almost immediately after the breakup, Christina appeared with businessman Ruslan Baysarov - the very reason why the girl left Presnyakov.

It turned out that at that time the loving girl had an affair with the dancer of the Todes group Vasily Rutka. And it was Ruslan who caught him at the dressing room, when, having bought a large bouquet of white roses, he looked at the holiday without warning, wanting to please his beloved. Rutka was quickly fired, later became interested in religion and said that he did not intend to return to his former life. On the same ill-fated evening, he drank whiskey and cola with Christina, they were sitting next to the dressing room, and the singer was already tipsy when Baysarov suddenly appeared, after meeting with whom the girl collapsed, as if knocked down. Whether she was right or not is no reason to break a person’s nose, and who has become ex-son-in-law I had to make a lot of efforts to achieve the forgiveness of the Primadonna. By the way, AB was given an apartment in the center of Moscow as compensation.
After a relationship with a dancer, as they talked, Christina met with a famous producer, who was replaced by Abraham Russo, but another hot oriental guy never became her life partner.

Christina with Abraham Russo

Moreover, Chris herself did not even admit that she had any kind of relationship with her protege at all, so it may well be that this really was only a successful commercial project, because it was after the duet with the daughter of Primadonna Russo became known throughout the country. In any case, in 2004, their paths finally diverged - so that the mother of two sons could meet businessman Mikhail Zemtsov, who was taken to the States at the age of 12. As the singer recalled, everything happened after the celebration of the birthday of Igor Nikolaev - the very one with whom she was so in love as a child. Warmed up stars went to continue the fun in a nightclub, where she met her future first husband. Is it a secret that Zemtsov, unlike all the previous ones, though not immediately, nevertheless called a celebrity to marry, or in something else, but in March they already celebrated their 10th anniversary life together, which is an absolute record for Orbakaite.

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