Who are flying foxes? Australian flying fox Photos of flying foxes.

the beauty 12.08.2019
the beauty
International scientific name

Pteropus giganteus Brunnich ,

area Security status

Like many other bats, this biospecies is active at night and forms colonies. Life expectancy reaches 15 years.


The head of the Indian flying fox resembles that of a dog, and the body is covered with reddish hair. The body length is about 30 cm. The wingspan reaches 130 cm. The body weight in males is 1300-1600 g, in females about 900 g.

They have relatively big eyes resembling the eyes of monkeys leading a nocturnal lifestyle. These foxes fly mainly at night, but the echolocation system is used only in exceptional cases, relying mainly on sight. Hearing is very well developed. The female Indian flying fox recognizes her cub by its voice.

The wings are much larger and wider than those of insectivorous relatives, adapted for fast flight. Foxes wrap their bodies in leathery membranes like a blanket.

On the hind feet are 5 toes with long claws, well adapted for clinging to branches and offering large fruits while eating. The Indian flying fox can hang both on both, and on only one paw. In flight, the paws are straightened to stretch the leathery membranes.

Indian flying foxes are good swimmers. They can often be seen swimming across the river. At an air temperature of 37 ° C, they lick their chest, belly and membranes in order to cool themselves, as the heat transfer of the body moistened with saliva increases.


The range of Indian flying foxes covers the entire Hindustan Peninsula: from the Maldives in the Indian Ocean through Pakistan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka to Burma. They live in tropical rain forests and swamps, preferring the coast. In the interior of the continent, they settle near large bodies of water.

During the day, flying foxes hang upside down in the crowns of old trees. They live on the same tree for many years. Their resting places are distinguished by a characteristic musky smell, as well as the continuous noise of an actively communicating colony. In large colonies, there can be up to a thousand individuals. In the distribution of places for spending the night, animals adhere strictly established order, adult males who choose best places. Typically, flying foxes occupy the lower branches of ceiba and durian.

Foxes pollinate plants and spread their seeds.


With the onset of dusk, flying foxes begin to show concern, then at the same time the whole flock rises into the air and moves to the feeding place. From the place of the day it is often removed more than 50 km. In the dark, flying foxes do not use echolocation, but rely on their sense of smell and sight.

After about 5 months (about 150 days), one cub is born. The little flying fox is usually born during the day. Newborns are extremely mobile. They are born without teeth, with thick hair on the back, a bare tummy and developed claws. Their mass is about 250 g. The mother herself feeds the cub and takes care of it. The male does not participate in the upbringing of offspring. A small flying fox climbs on its mother's chest and flies with her to the feeding grounds for the first week of life. However, the cub very soon becomes too heavy, and the mother, flying away in search of food, leaves him alone. The female feeds the cub with milk for 5 months. However, he stays with his mother until he is eight months old. In a year, the cub is already completely independent, but it usually becomes sexually mature only at the age of 2 years.

flying fox and man

Previously, Indian flying foxes ate only wild fruits, but now they are increasingly visiting cultivated plantations, while coming into conflict with humans. The owners of the fields often spray fruits with toxic substances in order to protect the crop. In some parts of Pakistan, the oil of this flying fox is used in folk medicine, so there is an intensive hunt for it. The species living on the islands are in greater danger. During the past 50 years, many small islands have been almost completely cut down trees, which caused the extinction of flying foxes. In some places, the meat of flying foxes is considered a delicacy, so they are constantly hunted.

Who are flying foxes? Where do they live, what do they eat, what family do they belong to? In this article, we will answer the questions posed. Animal world very interesting to people, they constantly watch him.


Flying foxes are huge flying foxes belonging to the family of fruit bats. These animals love to eat flowers and fruits, more precisely, their juice and pulp. Flying foxes grow up to forty centimeters - for mice, these are very large sizes. The span of one wing reaches one and a half meters. Javanese kalong (as flying foxes are also called) is pretty awesome. They have a small pointed muzzle, the tail and ears of the animal are small.

In nature, there are more than fifty-five types of kalongs. Flying foxes, or rather their muzzle, are very similar to a fox or a dog. These animals live in Oceania and Madagascar, in South and East Asia, Australia and New Guinea. In Latin, the name of flying foxes also sounds a little intimidating - pteropus. But in fact, these are cute creatures that do not eat meat.

Similarity to other animals

Kalong (or large flying fox) is the largest among all other types of fruit bats. The color of the body is black, the head and neck are reddish. Sparse slippery fur grows over the body.

Kalong and red cheat very similar not only muzzles. These animals have well developed hearing. It is he who helps them find the right food. Also, flying foxes bear some resemblance to bats: leathery wings and an active lifestyle at night.

Kalongs do not eat meat, but only fruit juice and pulp. This is their main difference from bats. This seemingly intimidating animal is a vegetarian. Also, flying foxes do not have echolocation devices. The ancestors of the Kalongs had something similar, they made sounds so that they could easily navigate at night.

flying foxes live big flocks in the same place. If no one bothers the animals, they will stay there for many years. Usually kalongs like to live in dense forests, but they can still be found in the mountains, at an altitude of up to a thousand meters above sea level.

Animal Agility

The giant flying fox usually rests during daylight hours. She clings to the branches of trees with her paws and sleeps or simply is without movement. Kalong can also settle in a hollow or cave, grabbing onto uneven walls. He clasps his body with large wings, as if hiding himself with a blanket. Sometimes flying foxes get very hot (during the summer). But smart animals fan themselves with their huge wings, creating a breeze for themselves.

During the night "hunt" flying foxes also show all their agility and agility. Right on the fly, the animal tries to pluck the fruit seen from afar. But usually fruit bats simply cling to a tree branch with one paw, and pick the fruit with the other. First, the foxes put it in their mouths, then crush it, suck out the juice and eat away part of the pulp. Whatever is left of the kalong fruit will spit down to the ground.

Fruit bats can be called both helpers and pests of nature. On the positive side, flying foxes disperse seeds. But the negative can be called damage to fruit trees, and even entire plantations.

The benefits of flying foxes

Kalongs breed in early spring (March-April). The female carries the cub for about seven months. When a flying fox gives birth to a small fruit bat, it immediately takes it with it for the first time. Only when the cub becomes independent (about two or three months old), the mother leaves him on a branch, and she flies away for food.

Since recently, the giant flying fox has been listed on the IUCN Red List. At the moment, the fruit bat is not an endangered species, but a stable one. "Flying fox", "fruit mouse", "flying Zorro" - these are all the names of these vegetarian animals.

Fruit bats have very interesting teeth by nature, they are specially sharpened for eating fruits and leaves. Local farmers really appreciate flying foxes, they help people. Mice pollinate wild and cultivated plants, and the people live by selling fruits, therefore they are happy to meet these in their gardens.

Exotic animal in Russia

Recently, the Russian population has the opportunity to look at a huge fruit bat at the exhibition of the Nizhny Novgorod Exotarium. Many people want to look at an unusual exotic animal. After all, this exhibition is the only one where you can get acquainted with the flying fox.

In the exotarium for kalong, they try to create the most comfortable conditions for their stay. A spacious room for the first time should be of such a size that the animal could not fly. This makes it easier for the employees of the exotarium to accustom the flying fox to people, and simply take care of it. So far, only a female named Tanakha can be seen at the Nizhny Novgorod exhibition, but soon she will not be alone.

flying foxes(lat. Pteropus) is a genus of bats of the fruit bat family. They feed on the juice and pulp of fruits and flowers. They live in South and Southeast Asia, New Guinea, Oceania, Australia and Madagascar. Large size, up to 40 cm long, wingspan up to 1.5 m (Javanese kalong), small tail. The muzzle is pointed, the ears are small, in general, the head resembles a dog or fox. There are about 58 species in total.

Despite the dubious "notes" in Latin name this representative of the winged family, big flying fox or kalong(lat. Pteropus vampyrus) is a very cute animal that feeds exclusively on the pulp of fruits and flowers.

Depending on the habitat, fruit bats vary in size and color. The largest of them is the large flying fox or kalong, which lives in the territories of the Malay Peninsula, Indochina, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines and nearby islands.

The size of her body can reach 40 centimeters in length, and the wingspan - up to 1.5-1.7 meters, which is a record among other fruit bats. The body is covered with black sparse fur, the head and neck cast a reddish or reddish tint.

These animals got their fox name for two reasons: firstly, their muzzles are very similar to the muzzles of these cheats, and, secondly, they, like foxes, completely trust their sensitive hearing when searching for food.

Fruit bats have similar features to bats: they are nocturnal and have wide leathery membranous wings. Perhaps this is where all the coincidences end. Unlike mice, flying foxes, including the hero of our article, are vegetarians, and, most importantly, do not have echolocation devices. Although cave representatives still have the simplest devices for creating sound signals for orientation in the dark.

Their natural habitat is dense forests. Sometimes kalongs can also be found in the mountains, at an altitude of no more than 1300 meters above sea level. They live large groups and if not disturbed, they can live in one place for many years.

Their main activity occurs at night, during the day they peacefully settle down for an "overnight" or rest, hanging on branches, in hollows or on uneven walls in caves and wrap themselves in wide wings, like in a blanket. During hot periods, they periodically use their wings as fans, fanning their body with them.

During the "hunt", flying foxes have to use all their dexterity and dexterity. Seeing an appetizing fruit in the distance, the fox flies headlong to it and tries to pluck it right on the fly. But most often, a less extreme option is used - the fox hangs on one leg on a branch, and the other plucks the fruit and sends it to its mouth. Then he crushes it, sucks out all the juice and part of the pulp, and spits out the rest.

The breeding season for kalongs begins in March-April. The duration of pregnancy is from 4.5 to 7 months. The first time after birth, the females carry the cubs with them, but when they grow up a little, they leave them on a branch, and they themselves go in search of food. After 2-3 months, the cubs become more or less independent.

Flying foxes bring both benefit and harm. The first is the spread of plant seeds, and the second is damage to fruit plantations.

Not so long ago, the great flying fox was listed in the IUCN Red List, but now it is already considered a stable species and the threat of extinction for this moment she is not threatened.

See also Unusual "pet" - a flying dog - 20 photos

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Flying foxes and flying dogs belong to the order of fruit bats. And although fruit bats are representatives of the order of bats, they differ quite strongly from bats.
First of all, the fact that they lack the very ability to echolocation that mice have. Almost all types of fruit bats orient themselves in space with the help of sight and touch.
In the daytime, fruit bats, like bats, spend on trees, under roofs, in caves and other places where no one will disturb them during daytime sleep.
Flying foxes got their name due to their great resemblance to their terrestrial "brothers". In addition to external similarities, both types of foxes are quite cunning and able to be smart. BUT locals even learned how to tame them and keep them in their homes instead of dogs, for protection.

Interesting facts about these unusual animals

  • The hind legs are very developed: each has 5 toes with long claws; well adapted for clinging to branches and offering large fruits while eating. It can hang on one or both legs.
  • The body length is about 30 cm. The wingspan reaches 130 cm. The body weight for males is 1300-1600 g, for females about 900 g.
  • The smallest representative pygmy fruit bat- reaches a length of only 6-7 centimeters. And lives in Burma, Indochina and the Greater Sunda Islands. And the largest - Kalong - reaches as much as 40 centimeters. Such giants live mainly in the Philippine Islands.
  • They are not predators, unlike their terrestrial counterparts. They feed exclusively on fruits and pollen from flowers.
  • They love to misbehave and, for the sake of pleasure, throw bones from trees at tourists passing by (not a proven fact).
  • Live long enough. The animal was registered at the age of 15 years.
  • Main Habitat: from the Maldives in the Indian Ocean through Pakistan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka to Burma, that is, the entire Hindustan peninsula. Including on

  • The Indian flying fox lives in tropical rainforests and swamps, preferring the coast. In the inner part of the continent, it settles near large bodies of water.

  • They can live on the same tree for many years.
  • Finding their nests and resting places is very easy: they have a characteristic musky smell.
  • During the day, Flying Foxes can be very noisy, especially during mating seasons.
  • They live in large colonies that can reach up to 1000 individuals.
  • The Fox caste has a rigid hierarchy and patriarchy. Adult males have an advantage over young ones. They get the best food and places to rest.
  • Ceiba and durian branches are preferred as habitats.
  • In one night, in search of food, they can fly as much as 50 km.
  • In food-poor places, the colony divides and completely eats even those trees that are in hard-to-reach areas.
  • Flying foxes cause great damage to gardens and orchards. They often visit the vineyards, choosing sweet, ripe berries. Having sated, they rest for a while, digesting food, then return to their tree.
  • Pregnancy in foxes lasts about 150 days. And at a time, the female can bear only one cub.
  • The mating season is from July to October.
  • Little flying fox cubs climb on their mother's chest and fly with her to the feeding grounds for the first week of life.
  • Relations with a person do not always develop in a peaceful way. Foxes devour human lands, and man has learned to use their meat for food. And in some parts of Pakistan, flying fox oil is used in folk medicine, so there is a very intensive hunt for it.
  • During the past 50 years, many small islands have been almost completely cut down trees, which caused the extinction of flying foxes.

    Flying foxes straighten their legs in flight to stretch their leathery membranes.

    Flying foxes are known to drink sea ​​water. In this way they receive minerals.

    The flying fox swims well. You can often watch her swim across the river.

    At an air temperature of 37 ° C, they lick the chest, belly and membranes. The heat transfer of the body moistened with saliva increases.

foxes pollinate and spread their seeds. Here is such an interesting animal in the world. If you don't believe me, come to Seychelles and see for yourself!

The giant flying fox or kalong is a species from the genus of flying foxes of the fruit bat family.
The title of the article sounds a little strange, but the fact remains - in addition to bats, there is a species Giant flying fox), which outwardly can be mistaken for the world's largest bats. These creepy creatures got this name because of their large muzzle, which is very similar to the muzzle of a dog or a fox. The species is endangered and may become completely extinct in the next decade due to poaching and forest destruction. The weight flying fox can reach up to 1.2 kilograms, and the wingspan - up to 1.7 meters in length.

Giant flying fox or kalong- a species from the genus of flying foxes of the family fruit bats. They are common in tropical forests Indochina, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. Fortunately for humans, kalongs are vegetarians and feed on the fruits of trees. They always fly in large groups, sometimes exceeding 100 individuals, which is an impressive sight for an unprepared person. Individuals of this species are not aggressive towards humans and are frugivorous. But at the same time, it is better not to touch them without prior vaccination, as some of them can carry diseases that are fatal to humans.

The female flying fox gives birth to only one cub, while the gestation period is 150-190 days. The cub becomes independent at the age of 3 months. People hunt fruit bats for their edible meat.

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