Photos of the largest bat. Bat

Fashion & Style 30.07.2019
Fashion & Style

Bats belong to the order of bats and are the largest bats. Their detachment is very extensive - it includes many animals, whose size varies greatly. So, some individuals are very small, with a body length of only 5-6 centimeters, and there are real mastodons, whose body length approaches half a meter, and the wingspan is 1.7 meters!

This is the so-called giant flying fox (Pteropus vampyrus), the largest representative of the order of bats. Despite the seemingly large dimensions, the animal weighs from 600 to 1100 grams. With its muzzle, it pretty much resembles a fox or a dog. The eyes are large, the head is reddish, and the back is black with occasional white stripes. You can meet her in Thailand, Indonesia, Myanmar, Malaysia, Indochina, the Philippines and some small islands. Lives in the forests.

They feed only on the fruits of fruit trees, because of which they can cause serious damage to plantations. They fly in large flocks, they also sleep in colonies, the number of foxes in which sometimes totals more than a hundred. They go to eat at sunset, and sleep during the day. Local residents often eat the meat of these large bats.

As for the offspring, the female brings no more than one cub annually. This usually happens in the middle of spring. The gestation period is about 5-6 months. First, the mother carries the cub with her, then leaves it on a branch, and after a couple of months it already flies with the whole flock.

At one time, the flying fox was listed in the Red Book, but has recently been excluded from there, since it is a stable species today.

Domestic mice are charming, attractive, cute in their own way. The more the pet grows, the funnier the owners. No one wants to meet a giant creature in a dark alley. Remains interesting question, to what size can a familiar gray animal grow and how much does the most big mouse.

Information from the Guinness Book of Records

The mouse family is the most numerous species mammals. More than 70 that run on the ground and several dozen volatile ones. A photo of the largest mouse in the world with wings was presented for public viewing on the Internet. The giant fruit bat is listed in the Guinness Book, striking in size, unusual appearance.

The animal belongs to the species of flying foxes. It differs not only in its huge wingspan, but also in its golden hue, which resembles a fox fur coat.

An amazing mammal with the ability to fly leads a vegetarian lifestyle, found in tropical areas on the islands of Oceania. You can meet an unusual "bird" in Australia, Africa.

The length of the body is about 50 cm, the wingspan is 180 cm. The wings of the record holder from the Guinness Book swing open by 2 m in length. The largest mouse weighs about 1.5 kg. Accurately weigh, for some reason it was not possible.


An ordinary bat grows to a length of 7 cm, the wingspan is only 20 cm. The giant relative significantly exceeds these dimensions.

The largest mouse in the world of land creatures is found in the mountains, received the appropriate name. In appearance, it looks more like an elegant, sophisticated one. The body reaches a length of 17 cm, the same is the tail itself. A large animal weighs about 60 g. Height within 7 cm.

Another major representative is Asian. It differs from the mountain structure of the teeth, jaw, from and - the absence of a dark stripe on the back, a gray abdomen. The color is red, ocher, brown. The body length of the female is 12 cm. The tail is 90% of the body length. Weight exceeds 50 g.

Since such rodents are not found in our area, it remains an interesting question how much an ordinary gray pest can grow that lives in gardens, kitchen gardens, houses, apartments.

The size of the gray rodent

The house mouse is the most numerous type of rodent. It lives everywhere, is known all over the world, except for the territory covered with ice. There is no animal high in the mountains, but lives quietly at the foot. With the onset of cold weather, it moves closer to human homes, successfully winters, and in the spring goes back to its natural environment.

The body is only 10 cm. The animal does not grow anymore, genetics does not allow. Even under laboratory conditions it was not possible to overcome this limit. Tail 60% of body length. Maximum weight– 30 g. The color is predominantly gray, but there are regional differences. There is sandy, black, dark brown. Among domesticated pets - white, blue.

On a note!

AT wild nature the average size an ordinary mouse is 8 cm long, 5 cm tail, weight 25 g. Even the largest local rodent cannot be called a giant.

The largest mouse in the world can be seen in a photo on the Internet or while traveling around warm countries. In our area, rodents are not impressive with their size. Stories about huge creatures in underground tunnels, mines are a play of the imagination.

In our latitudes, bats are not at all large - they are about 7 cm tall, and their wingspan is 15-20 cm, but in nature there are real giants - also known as flying foxes and flying dogs. They got this name due to the elongated muzzle like that of foxes.

The size of fruit bats is simply impressive - the body length is more than 40 cm, and the wingspan reaches 180 cm.

Unlike other representatives of bats, fruit bats (except for flying dogs) do not use echolocation for orientation, but rely on sight and smell. Basically fruit bats are vegetarians - they eat only fruits: bananas, mangoes, avocados, papaya and other vegetation, smaller species feed on pollen and flower nectar. Insectivores are also rare.

Like all bats, fruit bats are nocturnal. During the day they sit in the crowns of trees, in caves, wrapped in wings. Clinging with long claws to a tree branch or an uneven ledge in a cave, the flying fox hangs upside down and waits for the coming of twilight. During the day, they can gather in large and noisy flocks of up to 10,000 individuals.

Unlike bats, which are distributed almost everywhere the globe, fruit bats live only in tropical and subtropical latitudes - the territory of South Asia, America, Africa. Some tribes eat the meat of flying dogs for food.

Bats have importance for various ecosystems around the world. Often people treat them with prejudice and fear them. Let's take a moment and appreciate the charming side of these little animals. And 25 of the cutest types of bats will help us with this.

Bats are mysterious and misunderstood creatures. They are frequent heroes of the dark and scary stories and myths. They have accumulated a bad reputation for centuries. But in fact, bats are vital members of ecosystems around the world, acting as natural methods pest control, and also help pollinate plants and distribute seeds. While some species may look a bit creepy, other types of bats are downright adorable. We've rounded up 25 of the cutest types of bats here to show you just how cute they can be.

This is a photo of a tiny baby Egyptian flying dog, the species is found throughout Africa and the Middle East.

California leaf-nosed bat

The species lives in Mexico and the USA, loves the warmth of the deserts. This bat can be found in the Sonoran and Mojave deserts where they feed on things like crickets, grasshoppers and moths. The California leaf-nosed bat is an expert in flight and maneuver.

White leaf-bearing

The species is distinguished from most bats by its charming white color and yellow ears and nose. The white leaf-bearer is only 5 cm long. During roosting, they are located along the edges of large leaves, where they make structures in the form of a tent. This technique protects them from bad weather and predators while they are resting.

Indian flying fox

This species is one of the largest among bats, with a wingspan of 120-150 cm. In a day, the Indian flying fox can fly from 14 to 65 km, so its importance for the wide distribution of seeds and pollination should not be underestimated.

Large brown leather

A cute leather man with a wonderful name. This species is found in North America, Central America and northernmost South America. They are of great benefit to people, destroying pests such as moths, beetles and.

Pygmy epaulette fruit bat

This funny and cute species reaches only 7-9 cm in length. Living in Africa, they feed on small fruits, nectar and pollen.

horseshoe bats

This is a family of bats with amazingly shaped skin around their noses and pretty big ears. They are insect eaters. Horseshoes use their ears for echolocation and their wide wings for extra agile flight while chasing prey.

brown earflaps

This species of European bat also has a particularly long ears with characteristic folds at the bottom. But even with those ears, this species relies more on its eyesight. The brown earflap mainly feeds on moths, which it finds among the leaves and bark of trees.

Striped yellow-eared leaf-bearer

This delightful specimen lives in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Nicaragua and Panama in mature evergreen forests. The number of individuals of this species of leaf-bearers has sharply decreased due to human intrusion into its habitat.

mediterranean horseshoe bat

The Mediterranean horseshoe bat, which is listed in the IUCN Red List, continues the list of the 25 cutest bat species. They live in warm, wooded areas, especially with a lot of caves and water sources. There they hunt butterflies and insects.

White-bellied arrowhead

The white-bellied arrowhead lives in the desert regions of Morocco through all of Egypt and the Arabian Peninsula. It has adapted well to arid and inhospitable regions. The white-bellied arrowhead is the first enemy for scorpions, on which it usually feeds. He is immune to their poisons.

small bat

This European species is one of those that love to live near rivers and streams. The lesser bat hunts in forests and wetlands for water midges and other insects.

Big false vampire

The species is found in South Asia and Southeast Asia in humid tropical forests. Behind the charming appearance of this bat hides an exceptional predator. A large false vampire can eat anything from large insects to lizards, frogs, rats, small birds, and even other types of small bats. Surprisingly, he can detect and catch prey, a mouse or a frog in total darkness and without the use of echolocation.

Small false vampire

Mini versions of the larger false vampires. Instead of big booty they eat insects. Lesser false vampires live in groups of 3-30 individuals in crevices, caves, and hollow trees.

Large fruit-eating leaf-bearer

This is a fairly common type of southern and Central America. On the IUCN Red List, this species is considered one of those that are at minimal risk of extinction.

Red hairytail

This proud female red hairytail guards her three tiny babies. Such hugs keep the right amount of warmth. Very often, females of this species give birth to twins or even two pairs of twins (fours).

Pig-nosed bat

Another tiny species on our list of the 25 cutest bat species, which is only 2.5-3.3 cm long. The pig-nosed bat is the smallest of its kindred species, and perhaps also the most small mammal in the world.

Malayan short-nosed fruit bat

Native to South and Southeast Asia and Indonesia, this bat loves mango dishes. She also eats other fruits, but prefers mangoes. They also eat nectar and pollen like other fruit bats and are essential for plant pollination.

spotted earflap

Very cute tiny bats with spots. The spotted ear bat has the largest ears compared to its body size. It primarily preys on grasshoppers and butterflies.

gray hairytail

This species can be found throughout North and South America. It got its name from the gray color of its coat. The gray hairytail is a loner, sleeps in trees and preys primarily on moths.

Spectacled flying fox

These bats live in the forested and tropical regions of Northern Australia. Their diet consists of tropical fruits and flowers. Babies stay close to their mother for up to 5 months. They then join other juveniles in "baby trees" where they continue to learn how to fly.

Southern Lesser Yellow-eared Broadnosed

This species lives in the Atlantic Forest in southern Brazil and eastern Paraguay. Apart from being a very cute species, very little is known about it.

Sulawe fruit bat

The Sulawesi fruit bat is a well-known lowland species of the Sulawesi sub-region. Locals consider this little one a carrier of good luck. Like other species that feed on fruits, this one also makes a significant contribution to the ecosystem.

Pale spear

This species of Central and South America feeds primarily on nectar, pollen, and flowers, but they are omnivores and can also catch insects. In some areas, their diet may shift from plants to insects depending on the season.

Gambian epaulette fruit bat

The Gambian epaulette fruit bat ends the list of the 25 cutest bat species. Living mainly in Africa, they feed on figs, guava, mangoes and banana trees. They also use sight and smell, rather than echolocation, to search for food.

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Have you ever heard of the biggest bat in the world? It sounds pretty intimidating, but for those who are not afraid of these very unsympathetic mammals, this article has been created. We will give only real facts about the largest bats ever found and tell you more about their lifestyle.

Bat, mouse or fox?

Usually in our regions there are small representatives of these mammals - no more than seven to eight centimeters in length and a wingspan of about twenty centimeters. But there are also known cases of meeting with truly giant bats. The body length of such animals is slightly less than half a meter, and their wingspan is almost two meters. Fruit bat or flying fox are the most popular names for the largest bats. They began to be called foxes because of the muzzle very similar to a fox, as can be seen in the photo of the largest bat. Obvious resemblance, right?

The color of the fur on the head is reddish, and on the back it is dark ash, with slightly noticeable stripes of white. The eyes are large, round in shape and have a rich black color.


We all know that ordinary ones use echolocation for orientation. But fruit bats, although they are representatives of the same bats, orient themselves in space with the help of sight and smell. The largest bats, despite their formidable appearance, are not predators at all. Their diet consists of fruits, vegetables and herbaceous plants- which is sometimes a headache for many farmers. After all, these animals sometimes become a serious threat to the entire fruit crop. It is very rare to find fruit bats that feed on insects.

There is also a similarity of fruit bats with ordinary bats - a nocturnal lifestyle. During the day, they hide in the shade of trees or in caves, hanging upside down and holding on. tenacious claws for branches. The largest bats, just like ordinary ones, gather in large flocks and rarely exist alone. They even sleep, tightly pressed against each other, and sometimes on top of each other.

More recently, fruit bats have been endangered. This is not surprising. After all, to endure and raise offspring for these animals is not an easy task. During the year, a flying fox can give birth to only one cub, which it bears for about six months. The first two months of life, the little fruit bat spends time without interruption with his mother, who gradually teaches him to fly and prepares him for adulthood.

And people, once having tasted their meat, began to actively hunt them. But not so long ago it was possible to restore the population of these animals. Now their only threat is snakes and birds of prey.

The largest bat (Peru)

In 2012, the Peruvian military managed not only to track down, but also to catch a giant animal that locals considered a chupacabra. There is an opinion that it was not the largest bat, but a flying fox from the bat family common in these places. For several years, there have been terrible attacks on pets and even people. In 2010, for example, an outbreak of rabies caused more than twenty people to be bitten by bats. And for the whole year, about four thousand complaints about the bites of these bloodsuckers were recorded. It remains only a mystery what brought this terrible animal to Peru, whose habitat is the subtropical zone. Namely - Asia, Africa and Oceania.

false vampire

If with wings and flying foxes everything is clear, then how to figure out that a few more mammals are considered a giant bat? A false vampire, she is also an Australian megaderma - all this is about a chiropteran animal, whose height is about thirteen centimeters, and its wingspan is at least half a meter. It is this mammal that is today considered the largest bat in the New World. Its weight is quite small - only one hundred and ninety grams.

But the Americans have their own mouse record holder. Its length is exactly thirteen and a half centimeters, of which eight are only the body, excluding the tail. The wingspan of the eumops (as they call this amazing animal) is almost sixty centimeters, and the weight is no more than seventy grams. Euops is also called the mustachioed bulldog mouse from the bat family. A rather funny name is justified by the appearance of this bat.

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