We bewitch love on the phone. How to bewitch a guy using an electronic or regular photo

the beauty 10.10.2019
the beauty

It is not uncommon for girls, vainly waiting for a call from a guy, to turn to magic for help. Indeed, sometimes there is simply no strength to wait for the cherished call from a loved one. The problem, when a young man suddenly ceased to make itself felt, still tormented our mothers. But do not be sad ahead of time, there are special conspiracies and rituals so that the guy calls and misses you a lot. Do not worry, there is nothing reprehensible in these magical rituals.

We present to your attention the most effective conspiracies that will make your sweetheart, miss you and call you.

Rules for the execution of love conspiracies

You need to understand that any conspiracy is not just words or a rhyme. A conspiracy is a magical door between the world of desires and possibilities. And only people who follow the strict rules for the implementation of conspiracies will be able to open this door, so:

  1. You can not perform magical rites, if there is no special need for it. Any magical action is performed only by great desire and need.
  2. The power of a conspiracy lies in its secrecy. In no case should you talk about what you have planned or already done, even to the closest people. Knowledgeable people argue that when disclosed, the conspiracy loses its force.
  3. Before a conspiracy, all doubts must be discarded. Say uncertainty in the fulfillment of the desired: “Shoot!”, And only then begin the ceremony.
  4. When imagining a beloved, draw his image in front of you as brightly as possible. Try to remember how he blinks, squints, smiles, laughs.
  5. Any magical action has its own rhythm of execution. Love conspiracies always begin calmly, by the middle of the rite there is a strong surge of emotions, followed by appeasement.
  6. Each phrase from the prayer is pronounced confidently, consonant with the word: “I know for sure!”.

The most effective conspiracies and rituals for a young man to miss and call

Conspiracy on paper

In order for a guy to miss you and start calling, first you need to arm yourself with a piece of paper. But it must certainly be a sheet from his personal use. For example, you can tear a page out of his notebook or notebook. Any card borrowed from him or given to him will also do. In general, anything, as long as the thing is in contact with its energy.

So, take a leaf with your left hand, press it to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart, and imagining your loved one in front of you, say the following words:

"My dear - be with me!
Sun and moon, sky and earth,
dove with dove
servant of God ... (name of a loved one)
calls on the third day!

If the whole ritual is carried out correctly, the guy will call you within three days.

Conspiracy for a glass of water

A conspiracy for a glass of water is read exactly at midnight. Take a glass in the palm of your hand clean water and say the following prayer:

“You are water, water, let me drink,
so that the servant of God (the name of the beloved) could fall in love with me.
He can't sleep on a dark night
In sadness, longing for him languishes.
Take the phone, call me (your name),
and find love!

After reading the prayer, you need to drink water and go to bed.

A conspiracy for a handkerchief

For a guy to call a girl as soon as possible, you can talk a handkerchief. The ceremony for a handkerchief is done only on the moon in the growing phase. Take a new handkerchief and have the young man touch it. It is not necessary to obsessively offer the guy to pick up a handkerchief. A light touch will suffice.

When the fabric has already come into contact with the energy of the sweetheart, a ritual can be performed. At midnight, looking at the growing month, tie two knots along the edges of the handkerchief, saying:

“I tied a knot on a handkerchief,
your name, my beloved guessed.
Only your heart aspires to me,
And let my face dream about you.
Pick up the phone in the morning and dial my number!

The handkerchief should be carried with you, not showing it to anyone until the young man calls. After the man calls, the knots can be untied.

Conspiracy on phone beeps

To complete this conspiracy, you need to know the guy's phone number. Dial the young man's mobile number, without the last digit. Further, before the beeps go, you need to quickly pronounce the words:

"Call - for you want to hear me,
Call - because you want to see me.
Call - because you want to love me.
Call - you can't live without me.

It is necessary to call, pronouncing the spell 3 days in a row.

Conspiracy on the phone

In order for the guy to call the girl sooner, there is another conspiracy on the phone. To perform it, you need to sit comfortably and take the communication device in the palm of your hand. Close your eyes and bright colors imagine the image of a loved one, at the same time say the following prayer:

“Servant of God (name of the beloved)!
You don't eat, you don't drink,
and you will find peace
When you don't call me
tell about yourself."

The brighter you imagine your lover, the faster the conspiracy will work.

Conspiracy in the photo

Making a conspiracy in the photo will be more convenient for girls who do not know how to mentally visualize a partner. To perform a magical action, you need a photo of your lover. Sitting comfortably in an armchair and looking at the guy’s photo, say the words of the prayer of the previous conspiracy.

SMS to make the guy miss you and call

In order for the object of dreams to be bored and to call soon, you need to write an SMS to your beloved with the following content:

“(Name of a loved one), please call me!”.

Then mentally dial the young man's mobile number and send SMS. You need to send such SMS within nine days, but most likely your lover will please you with his voice much earlier.

Phone Number Conspiracy

Take a blank piece of paper and write the guy's mobile number on it, write your mobile number next to it. From his number to yours, stretch the index arrow. Next, you need to put the paper in a secluded place, and after the beloved calls, burn it and scatter the ashes in the wind.

Conspiracy to make a guy call after a quarrel

Quarrels often occur between lovers, after which there is a pause in general. Such a period is especially painful for girls, but not every one of them can call the guy herself and find out the relationship. There is a conspiracy to ensure that the right person calls. It is implemented in stages:

  1. You need to take and divide the number of digits of the number by 2. If the number is not divisible without a remainder, you need to take a note of the larger number.
  2. You need to go to the entrance of your loved one and collect pebbles the size of a coin. The number of pebbles should correspond to half the number of digits of the phone number. The second half of the pebbles must be collected in your yard.
  3. At home, the stones need to be washed, but without mixing them. The washed stones are laid out from left to right, alternating them (a pebble of a girl, a pebble of a guy, and so on).
  4. In order, they write their phone number on the pebble.
  5. In the meantime, you need to sew a bag with ties from black fabric, and all the pebbles should fit in it.
  6. With the onset of twilight, you need to light 2 candles and read such a plot:

“Pebble on pebble. Number on a pebble.
Number from numbers. From a phone number.
From the phone voice. Pebbles knock-knock.
Knock-knock buttons. The number showed up
The voice appeared. his thoughts
About my heart my beloved
Take the phone! Amen"

Say the words of the prayer so many times until you yourself feel that enough is enough. Remember that this conspiracy is most suitable for people who are in a litter and are already in close relationships.

strong ritual

This ritual is quite effective and after the first reading of the prayer, the guy can call. To complete it, you need to arm yourself with the following items:

  • A pen;
  • A photo card of a loved one;
  • Blank sheet of paper.

Recall that you need to go to a magical rite only with pure thoughts and only out of great need. In addition, all ritual objects must be treated as things of high art. Emphasized respect for the objects used in the magical action will greatly enhance the effectiveness of the ritual. So let's get started:

  1. On the table, arrange the items in the following order: a photograph in the left hand, paper in the right, a writing instrument in front of you.
  2. Sit down, take a pen and say a prayer.
  3. Then place the paper in front of you and say a prayer.
  4. Next, write down your mobile number on a blank piece of paper and read the plot again.
  5. Take a photo card and put it so that the front side completely covers the phone number, and say the prayer again.
  6. Then turn the photo over with the paper, the paper should be on top of the photo card.

“My dove, (the name of the person you are addressing) is mine, my desired-long-awaited!
Remember, remember! How good we were.
Remember, remember! I opened my heart to you.
Soon soon! Remember my number.
Soon soon! Make an appointment.
Not in the week. Not one of these days. This minute!
I'll be waiting for your call!

After the ceremony, the guy should call on the third day. But this is not a reason to share your achievements with your girlfriends. Remember, you have higher powers agreement - to keep everything done in deep secrecy.

Rite to make a man miss

This rite is performed after a major quarrel and has great power. Therefore, it is worth thinking carefully, but do you really want to be with this person? And if you have clearly decided that you need a young man, this magical ritual will help you make peace and make the guy bored.

To perform the ceremony, you need to take a number of steps:

  1. Add up all the numbers on your mobile and divide them by two.
  2. Go to the guy's yard and collect pebbles equal to half the number of your phone number. Pebbles should be no more than a five-ruble coin.
  3. Collect the other half of the stones from your yard. It is advisable to collect pebbles as close to the entrance as possible.
  4. Rinse the stones at home and let them dry thoroughly. Do not mix stones from different yards yet.
  5. Sit down at the table and lay out the pebbles as follows: from his yard, from your street, etc.
  6. Next, take a marker and write down on the pebbles in order the numbers of your phone number.
  7. Then prepare a black bag (it is advisable to sew it yourself).
  8. As soon as the sun disappears behind the horizon, and the moon appears in the sky, light two candles and start putting the pebbles in a bag, saying the words of the prayer.
  9. Next, tie the bag of pebbles tightly with three knots of cord. On each of the nodes we also pronounce the words of a ritual prayer.

Ritual prayer:

“Navi! Reality! Rule! I hear your words.
Rule! Nav! Reality! They run to me.
Reality! Rule! Nav!
In thoughts they sound in order to appear in reality!
Phone call
Repeat words!

As mentioned above, the conspiracy is very effective and after it the man will feel a real dependence on the woman. Therefore, before the magical ritual, think carefully about everything.

Conspiracy for salt and water

If you want the guy to call the girl first, you can use an effective conspiracy for salt and water. For the ceremony, you will need the following items:

  • Salt;
  • A glass of clean water;
  • handkerchief;
  • scarlet lace,
  • Candle and matches.

Stages of the magical ritual:

  1. Place the candle on an empty table and light it.
  2. Place a handkerchief between the burning torch and you.
  3. From the red cord on the scarf, make a circle. The more rings you get, the better.
  4. Place a bowl of clean water in the center of the circle.
  5. Take a container of salt in the palm of your hand and imagine how cute dials your mobile number and dials. When your imagination draws the right picture, put the salt back on the table.
  6. Next, take a vessel with some water, and clasping it with your palms, imagine how a guy with great impatience and trembling makes you dial. Put water on the table.
  7. After that, take some salt from the salt shaker and immediately pour it back. Do these manipulations 2 times, and for the third time throw a pinch of salt into a container with water, saying:

"Like salt in water, the thought of me
Dissolves into you. high shores,
Among them is water, only I am alone
You need. The circle closes
Cute smiling phone in hand -
Calls me! Amen"

  • After the ritual, half of the charmed water needs to be watered with a plant male name, and the other part is a plant with a female name.

It has long been known that it is not always easy for women to take the first steps towards their beloved with the help of words. And not all ladies can openly talk about their feelings. So what now, all my life to sit in the girls because of their timidity and indecision? Not at all, even our great-grandmothers used the magic of white magic and did not see anything criminal in it. So why don't we use the knowledge of our ancestors to bring the desired man a little closer?

A simple conspiracy to call

There is a fairly simple conspiracy to call, the implementation of which does not require any attributes of magic. First, it is enough to visualize the image of a loved one and cast the following spell:

“My beloved, (name), why don’t you call me and don’t talk to me? I'm a stately, handsome girl, for everyone and everything is good, but for you - a favorite. Take your phone, call me soon. My voice will respond, your heart will beat faster with happiness. Amen".

A girl must sincerely believe that her wish will come true and a loved one will call.

There is another simple conspiracy to get a loved one to call. For the ceremony, they take a photo of a guy, a piece of paper on which the girl's phone number should be written. The sheet is placed on the photograph so that the written number is at the level of the young man's head. In this case, you need to read the following spell 3 times:

“My clear falcon, my long-awaited, my beautiful!
Remember how good it was for us, open my heart, open my soul.
Quickly remember my number, make an appointment soon!

The photo with the leaf is left for the whole night. In the morning, paper with a phone number is burned, and the ashes are blown in the wind. Throughout the entire time of the ritual, it is necessary to visualize the image of a loved one.

Night conspiracy to call the right person

What to do if a woman does not have a photo of her beloved man, but she is waiting for a call and does not dare to call first? In this case, a conspiracy that needs to be read at night is suitable. Here is the text of the spell:

“The city lies in the Russian land, in that city there is a stately house. In the house I love lives (the name of the young man), he calls himself.
One (the name of the young man) is bored, he does not know happiness with fun at all.
He will take his phone in his hand, dial my number by heart.
He will call me on a date, he will find happiness with me alone.

Simple magical rituals do not affect the fate of a person, but simply allow you to remind yourself, call and make a date, which can be the beginning of a happy relationship.

You can take note of another simple conspiracy. To call the bell, you need to go to the window and read the following plot 9 times through the open window:

I call (my name) you (man's name) right up to my porch. I put you (man's name) guide angels, two on the sides, one in front, the other behind, dear (man's name) you lead me, thoughts (man's name) to (your name) look, legs (man's name) to ( your name) carry, bring to my threshold. Remembering, come back to me not in a dream. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy to urgently call a loved one

There is another conspiracy for an urgent call from a loved one. For a magical ritual, you need to prepare a red tablecloth or sheet, a candle of the same color. You also need to take your phone. The table is covered with a tablecloth, a lit red candle is placed and the phone is placed upside down with the screen. Without taking her eyes off the phone, the girl imagines in detail the future conversation with her beloved, after which she reads the plot aloud:

If there was a family quarrel and the husband left home, you can call his call using a ritual, for which you will need joint photo. Above the photo you need to read the following plot:

“Remember our happiness, remember our joy,
remember how good I am, how desirable I am.
I am your joy, I am your happiness, I am your love.
Disperse your sadness, dial my number, our happiness is gated.

After a while, the spouse will want reconciliation and return home.

Gypsy ritual to call

Strong conspiracy to call a loved one

In order for a loved one to remember and immediately call, you can resort to an energetically strong magical ritual that will work immediately. But it must be taken into account that such a rite can have the most unpredictable consequences, since it involves interference in the fate of a person.

For a magical ritual, they take a beautiful red candle, a piece of paper and a pen with black paste. A candle is lit, the name of the lover is written on a piece of paper, after which the paper is burned with a candle flame. While the paper is burning, you need to read the following plot three times:

"Body and soul on fire until you call me!"

Under the influence of the rite, the young man will experience severe suffering until he allows the girl who decides on a magical ritual. Therefore, before applying this method, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons.

Prayer for the call of the necessary person

If a woman is a believing Orthodox Christian, then she can resort to prayer and ask God to receive news from a person of interest. Before reading the prayer, you need to visit Orthodox church, put a candle near the image of the Saint. First you need to cross yourself, bow and read mentally or aloud the following prayer:

“As the water moves, so the dear awakens, how the water is baptized, so the dear languishes for me. Like water spilling, so dear to meet me close. How can I go to the crossroads, so dear to me on the way. How can I think about him, so he will run to me. Honey, come, hurry to meet me.

I lie down - I pray, I get up - I am baptized.

Under the earth is a worm, above the earth is a beast.

Above the sun and the moon and I am alone.

As I think

As I think

So may the Lord God bless

The Mother of God helps.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

In reading a prayer, you need to invest maximum faith and gratitude for the onset of the desired result.


It is important to remember that the ritual of calling a call or message from a loved one can only help if the person has sympathy for the girl. If a man is completely indifferent to a woman dreaming of his call, then love magic is unlikely to help build strong relationships based on mutual feelings. In addition, the ceremony may be useless if the chosen man does not have the phone number of the lady who fell in love with him.

Love rituals for calling a person you like cannot be practiced out of pure curiosity or because of a desire to avenge broken heart, because in this case, magic can have devastating consequences.

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    How to make the person who loves (beloved) call her after 5 years or immediately (quickly)? For this, there is a quick, effective free conspiracy so that the right person writes or calls, including your dear (now, today, immediately) after a quarrel. All the details and reviews in this article. There is also a 100 plot for a guy to call you or there was a call from work after an interview, a lover and others called and yearned.

    To make a man miss a conspiracy and call

    In order for a man to remember you and want to call you, you need some thing that carries his energy. It can be a simple piece of paper that no one has touched except him.

    Take it in left hand, bring to your heart and mentally, as brightly as possible, imagine the image of your beloved, saying 3 times magic spell:
    "My dear - be with me!
    Sun and moon, sky and earth,
    dove with dove
    servant of God ... (name of a loved one)
    calls on the third day!

    If everything was done correctly, then within the next 3 days you should be called back.

    Conspiracies and prayers for the guy to call

    This plot must be read over a glass of water at 12 o'clock at night:

    “You are water, water, let me drink,
    so that the servant of God (the name of the beloved) could fall in love with me.
    He can't sleep on a dark night
    In sadness, longing for him languishes.
    Take the phone, call me (your name),
    and find love!

    Then you should drink water and go to bed.

    To call a conspiracy with a handkerchief

    This conspiracy must be done only on a growing moon.

    You need to take a new scarf and make sure that your loved one touches it.

    Then in the evening, looking at the young month, you need to tie 2 knots along the diagonal edges of the scarf, pronouncing the following words;

    “I tied a knot on a handkerchief,
    your name, my beloved guessed.
    Only your heart aspires to me,
    And let my face dream about you.
    Pick up the phone in the morning and dial my number!

    When you tie the knots, hide the scarf so that no one sees it and at the same time it is always with you.

    After the beloved calls, the knots can be untied.

    Effective very strong conspiracy to make the guy call

    You need to take the phone, dial the guy's number, except for the last digit, and have time to pronounce the plot until you hear beeps:

    "Call - for you want to hear me,
    Call - because you want to see me.
    Call - because you want to love me.
    Call - you can't live without me.

    This must be done three times. If after this conspiracy they don’t call you for 9 days, then either you don’t want to be called too much, or you don’t have the gift of suggesting thoughts at a distance, which means that magic is not your element.

    For a guy to call a plot with a phone

    For this magical rite, you need to sit back, pick up the phone, close your eyes and restore the image of your loved one from memory, uttering a spell in a whisper:

    “Servant of God (name of the beloved)!
    You don't eat, you don't drink,
    and you will find peace
    When you don't call me
    tell about yourself."

    The more vividly you imagine the expression of the eyes, facial expressions and habits of your loved one, the more likely it is that you will be able to make him call you back.

    A conspiracy to call the one who is needed, who loves, the former

    You should not get involved in magical rites in order to joke or take revenge.

    There is nothing wrong with calling the first person you need or even your ex-boyfriend if you have something to talk about with him and what to tell him.

    Conspiracies, if you can do without them, it is still better not to use them. Especially with regard to the "former". After all, fate has already once given you a chance to be together.

    Conspiracy to make the guy call in the photo

    A plot in a photo differs from a simple plot with a phone only in that you pronounce the right words, not mentally visualizing the image of your loved one, but looking at his photo.

    Conspiracy to call Stepanova

    Stepanova's conspiracies are black magic. They are effective, but you will have to pay for them with a loss vitality and health. So using them. you need to understand what you are getting into. and what will you sacrifice?

    White conspiracy to make the guy call and remember

    Write an SMS message with the following content:
    “(Name of a loved one), please call me!”. Dial the number of this person and mentally press the "Send" function.

    Put down your phone and wait. If there is no call, try again, but no more than 9 times.

    A conspiracy to call a girl, friend, girlfriend, son

    You need to perform the ritual alone so that nothing can distract you. Sit comfortably, take in your left hand the thing that belongs to the person from whom you want to receive news, and in your right hand - the phone. Mentally repeat to yourself the words: “(Name of the person who should call)! Call, call. Call." A conspiracy to a loved one is always effective. You should also mention "I want him to call back."

    Conspiracy on a phone number to call

    You need to take a sheet of paper and write on it the phone number of your loved one, who for some reason does not want to call, put an arrow and now write your phone number. By the way, some suggest to draw a butterfly, as the forum writes and shows the video, but this is ineffective.

    The proposed plot for a husband, wife or woman friend to call is also suitable for the employer to call on the phone and be invited to work.

    The article presents practical advice, which must be used judiciously, since all actions can have unpleasant consequences. Conspiracies...

    When a person is in love, he wants to hear and see the object of his adoration constantly. Sometimes a feeling of shyness or fear makes it difficult to call each other, while the other is very much looking forward to this call. With the help of magic, you can do all sorts of things, including making right person call. The conspiracy to call is quite simple, for this it is not at all necessary to seek help from psychics and magicians.

    Simple conspiracies

    There are many simple ones, but strong conspiracies, which do not require any additional attributes. When pronouncing the text, you must firmly believe that the rite will work and make your loved one call. Each prayer must be said three times, in a calm and confident voice. It is desirable that at this moment there was complete silence in the house. If all the conditions are met, the rite will work instantly, the right person will dial the phone number immediately after reading.

    Conspiracy examples:

    • "My beloved, (name of the callee), why don't you call and don't talk to me? I'm a stately girl, pretty, good for everyone, but for you - my favorite. Take your phone, call me soon. My voice will respond, your heart from happiness will beat faster. Amen."
    • "My light is sweet, my light is sweet, why did you forget me? Turn your eyes to me, dial my number."
    • "I, (name), call (name of the callee), call, remind me of myself. Know that I need your call, I need to hear your voice. Take the phone now, dial my number. Until you do this, you won’t be able to fall asleep. Amen ".
    • "Darling, anyone, (the name of the callee) is mine! Call me, tell me what's in your heart. Ether communication - mobile communication, connect us! dialing. I will answer - I will break into your heart! Amen. "

    Complex rituals

    Rites using additional attributes are considered more effective conspiracies. Absolutely any things can act as props, but the ritual will work more efficiently so that these are personal belongings of the right person or the one who performs the ceremony.

    This ritual is carried out according to the photo of the person from whom the call is expected. The spell works very fast. You need to read the text of the prayer, looking at the photo of a man or woman. Looking directly into the eyes, you need to pronounce the following text:

    "My beloved (name of the callee), remember how good it was for us, open your heart for me. Get the phone, dial my number. You will be happy when you hear my voice. I will agree on a date, just call and I will get ready. Amen." The rite will help only if the text is memorized, because the gaze should not leave the eyes of the person with the photo.

    Next rite done on the phone. Holding the pipe in your hand, you need to pronounce a whisper that has the following text:

    • "Call - because you want to hear me. Call - because you want to see me. Call - because you want to love me. Call - because you cannot live without me."

    Visualization is very important during this action. You need to clearly imagine the guy to whom the ceremony is dedicated, how he picks up the phone, dials a number, etc.

    This rite is slightly different from the previous ones. They resort to it if a call from a sweetheart is urgently required. It will not only affect loving husband, but also on ex boyfriend, who, it would seem, no longer remembers the girl. To carry out the ritual, it is necessary to prepare a glass of red wine, a thread and a ring (if this is a gift from a lover, even better). You need to thread a thread into the ring, making a pendulum in this way. Then you should pronounce the name of the desired person and hit the walls of the glass with a ring, as many times as there are letters in the name of the person called. At the same time, you need to mentally imagine how a number, a call, a proposed conversation, etc. light up on the phone’s display. On the same day, you can expect a call from the right person.

    Ritual for Christmas

    Conspiracies for the Christmas holidays are especially powerful. These days are filled with magical energy, and that is why they are the most favorable for fortune-telling and conspiracies.

    To conduct this ceremony, it is necessary to prepare a candle and a photograph of a loved one (it is possible in electronic form). The candle must be lit and taken in right hand, and the photo is on the left. Then you need to go to the open window and read the plot four times:

    • “In an open field, in expanse, there are four whirlwinds, four oak trees. You go, strong oak whirlwinds, find a servant of God (say the name) for me, put longing in his ardent heart, so that he would grieve for me, yearn for and know no peace. As cattle weeps for children: a cow for a calf, a sheep for a lamb, a horse for a foal.Looking, but not finding, calling, but not calling.So my dear will look for me, will call, wait, for me, God's slave (his name) yearn for! Be this!"

    All this time, the candle must burn, and after the ceremony it cannot be extinguished. But if the fire goes out on its own, and this can happen because of the wind from the window, it’s not scary, you don’t need to re-light the wick.

    Rite rules

    In order for the ritual to definitely help, certain conditions and rules must be observed. Rituals and reading conspiracies should be taken extremely seriously, you should not resort to them for fun:

    1. 1. All magical actions are best done in the evening, while all electrical appliances must be turned off. It is advisable to be completely alone during the rituals so that no one distracts.
    2. 2. While reading a prayer, you need to visually represent the person to whom the whispering is addressed. You can imagine that the call has already taken place, after or before the ceremony, you should think about what the conversation will be about, what pleasant words you can hear from the interlocutor, what to talk about, etc.
    3. 3. The words of prayers should be pronounced in a firm, confident voice, without hesitation and peeping into the text. Mispronunciation words, stress, etc. can reduce the effectiveness of a magical ritual.
    4. 4. You can’t tell anyone about the perfect ceremony, even your closest friend or relative. If you talk about the action, first of all, you definitely won’t like it yourself young man, secondly, will not have the expected result.

    Every girl can use these methods to get a call from her lover. It is important with all these actions to make sure that your feelings are sincere, that you like a man so much. You should not joke with magic, so you need to resort to it only in extreme cases.

    A love spell on the phone cannot be called antiquity and proven magic, because this means of communication has appeared recently. However, practice shows that such rituals work.. Why did these love spells take root?

    • The simplicity of the ceremony. It does not require complex manipulations, often you just need to cast a spell. And the phone is always there, at hand.
    • Efficiency. The voice is the conductor of the soul and body. By dialing a familiar number, we establish a connection with the person that is needed for the ceremony.
    • Availability. If a young man does not want to eat and drink from your hands, avoids communication, then phone call he must answer. In addition, sometimes the ritual requires only his phone number or photo. The picture can be discreetly taken on the camera mobile phone he won't even know about it.

    Love spell on voice

    Most often, they do not use the phone itself for a love spell, but the voice of a loved one, and the mobile phone is only a connecting link. To do such a ceremony, you just need to call the young man and say certain words. Let's talk about several options for this love spell.

    When you call a man, you need to ask him to tell you something, and, listening to how he speaks, repeat to yourself:

    Another version of this love spell, shorter:

    You also need to call the man, and, no matter what he answers into the phone, say these words to yourself. After that, you can’t talk to anyone until morning and it’s better not to hear anyone.

    Also call a man, and when he talks to you, on each exhale you need to say “I love you”, and on the inhale “love me”.

    Strong love spell on the phone

    For this love spell you will need a sponge, milk and a phone. It is best to use not pasteurized milk from the store, but natural. It needs to be warmed up a little, poured into a bowl and moistened with a new sponge in it, so that the milk does not flow from it, unless the sponge is pressed.

    When everything is ready, undress, there should not be any clothes on the body, not even underwear. Dial the phone number of a loved one and, when talking with him, try to make his answers be sincere and friendly. To do this, you should prepare in advance, find out the topic that worries him. The telephone conversation must be abruptly interrupted. Later it will be possible to say that the connection was broken.

    As soon as you finish speaking, press the sponge first to your lips, then to your heart, and finally to your genitals, saying the words of the conspiracy:

    “Without me, like a child without milk, you will wither and wither. Come back - you will find happiness. Amen".

    Love spell by photo

    You can take a photo of your loved one using your cell phone camera. For the ceremony, the quality of the photo or the angle is not so important, you can even shoot from the back. But it is desirable that the photo contains an image of the whole person, that is, he was filmed in full growth.

    When the picture is ready, you can use any love spell on the photo. But there is also a special ceremony that is performed on a photo from a mobile phone. If you want to use it, then remember that you can’t tell anyone about the ritual.

    You need to go to the church and buy the largest candle there, as well as collect a bottle of holy water.

    In the evening, the prepared candle should be sprinkled with holy water and lit from a match, placed directly in front of you. Take the phone with the photo in your left hand and say the words of the conspiracy three times:

    "You are the one who will come, You are the one who is waiting for me, Happiness will find us with you, It will be an eternal love spell."

    After that, you need to take a candle in your hands and cross the photo of your loved one three times with a flame, saying:

    “My word is strong from century to century molded. I burn it with fire, I close it with church wax. Amen".

    Then you need to put out the candle with your finger (you can’t blow it out) and hide it in a safe place.

    Love spell on a call

    You met a young man and really want him to call you back. Usually, after such a short communication, you don’t have a photo or any of the guy’s things that could be used to make a love spell. But if he gave you his phone number, then you can easily perform the ceremony with him.

    Write this number down on a piece of paper. Holding it in your hands, think about your meeting, remember his look and words. Then take a lit church candle, and pronounce the words of the conspiracy in open window. If you do everything right, you will speak with conviction, confidently, the man will remember you and dial your number, make an appointment.

    Copy the text of the spell on a white sheet and read from it, and not from a computer. You can learn these words. You need to pronounce the plot until your candle itself decides to go out, but the words must be repeated at least 3 times. At this time, it is desirable to imagine how the guy reaches for the phone and dials your number, to see his face.

    “My falcon you are clear, long-awaited and beautiful! How good it was for us to remember, you open your soul and heart for me. Remember my number and invite me on a date!”

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