Actor Alexei Shutov ("Return of Mukhtar"): biography, family and career. The last love of Natalia Yunnikova broke her heart Alexey Shutov personal life and Natalya Yunnikova

Technique and Internet 25.06.2019
Technique and Internet

For the theater and film actor Alexei Moiseev, who starred with Natalya Yunnikova in the film "The Return of Mukhtar", her death came as a complete surprise ..

"I haven't heard that she died yet..." Alexei said in a broken voice. Apparently, the news shocked Yunnikova's friend. After all, quite recently they talked, and nothing foreshadowed trouble.


"We saw each other. We had a good relationship. How did she live? .. Absolutely normal - with her son and mother, everything was in order with her," Moiseev said.

The actor confirmed that Natalia was not particularly in demand in the profession. However, according to him, this could not provoke severe stress and illness. “Naturally, this is inherent in our business – the factor of luck,” said Alexey.

Director Vladimir Zlatoustovsky, with whom the actress once collaborated, previously said that Yunnikova's loneliness and lack of demand in the profession could be the causes of the tragedy.

We will remind, the 37-year-old actress Natalia Yunnikova died on September 26 in the hospital. The star of the series "Return of Mukhtar" fell at home, hit his head and lost consciousness. She, according to doctors, had an extensive cerebral hemorrhage. For some time, the artist serious condition was in intensive care. Doctors put her in an artificial coma and connected her to a ventilator.

In September, the star of the series "Return of Mukhtar" Natalya Yunnikova died. However, it is only now last interview actress, in which she frankly spoke about the grief and misfortune that haunted her.


Natalia Yunnikova was born in Lipetsk. After school, she applied to several metropolitan theater universities, and three immediately approved her candidacy. Natalia chose the Mikhail Shchepkin Higher Theater School. There, trouble happened to the future actress - she was raped.

“I had to go to the police, but horror fettered me from the mere thought that I would have to discuss what had happened with outsiders. He continued to pursue me - he came to the institute, to the hostel, even broke on the door. And I told the guys everything. They talked to him ", intimidated. And he came off. But by and large, this man did not pay for his crime, he was not punished for what he did to me. He lives happily ever after, became a sought-after director, shoots a lot. But I could break him life, how he broke mine ... "- said Yunnikova.

Natalya admitted that she was in love, but she connected her life with Anton Fedotov. Soon they left for permanent residence in Israel. But there, Natalya, as an actress, did not become in demand, although she made many attempts to succeed. In 2006 she returned to Moscow. At home, she again began her career from scratch. After going through many castings, the actress still got the role of Elena Delagarde in the film "Yermolovs". But participation in the tape did not make her famous.

In addition, Yunnikova divorced her husband. “In total, the divorce lasted a year. We had already moved to Moscow, and it was impossible to drag Anton to the registry office - he “lost” his passport several times, he couldn’t find the keys to the apartment ... One day she just showed up to his house and literally took him by the collar to apply. Then I already agreed with the lawyer that the procedure would take place without our participation.Everything was done despite the fact that my husband and I common child. And although the initiative was mine, a year after that I came to my senses! ”- the actress admitted.

Her relationship with her father deteriorated, who often began to take a bottle, and once even attacked Yunnikova with his fists. “I turned to leave, and received a strong blow in the back! Such that I couldn’t breathe. And he turned around and pushed me in the chest, started shaking my shoulders. "I'll jump from the second floor. But my father had already calmed down. Then there was a huge hematoma on my back, for a month and a half I only slept on my side and breathed with difficulty. Since then, I haven't talked to him, I haven't even congratulated him on his birthday," Natalya said.

The finest hour for Yunnikova was the role in the TV series "The Return of Mukhtar". The actress played the investigator Vasilisa Mikhailova. Actors Oksana Stashenko, Konstantin Kostyshin, Alexei Moiseev, Alexei Shutov became Natalia's colleagues. A few years later, Yunnikova left the project. The actress admitted that her son Roland had to go to first grade and she could not rarely see him. And Natalia had a "sick love" on the set.

“For three years Lesha fooled me: he knelt down, begged to be with him, surrounded him with attention, called him his beloved and the only one. It’s hard to resist such pressure - he gave up. then he promised that he would leave his family ... "- quotes Natalya Yunnikova" Collection of Caravan stories ".

According to the actress, she fell in love so much that she lost her head. “He sends - I cry and whine, curled up on the bed, and beckons me with his finger - I run to him like a dog! He strokes, takes a nap - and bam, again a kick in the ass! something was needed, didn’t help, it was me who helped him with money - he never returned and didn’t even stutter about them anymore, ”said the actress.

And once Yunnikova even came up with the idea of ​​committing suicide. Only by a miracle did she overcome herself. “At that moment, the son’s voice came from the corridor: “Ma-am!” It was as if I was doused with a cold shower - I immediately went down to the floor. Roland saved me. Do not think about what pain I will cause to my loved ones ... "- Natalya scolded herself.

In conclusion, Yunnikova admitted that she had never dreamed of something unrealistic. “The worst thing for me is that now there is no love. Nobody believes that I am alone, not rich. It seems to everyone that Yunnikova is in chocolate: “You are too smart, you don’t need anything, self-sufficient.” And I am an ordinary woman who wants the usual I really want more children ... It would be so great to walk down the street with a real man and be proud that I have such a wonderful husband. But where can I get him? - Natalya Yunnikova asked a rhetorical question.

On September 27, 2017, information appeared on news sites that actress Natalya Yunnikova had died. This artist was notable for the fact that for many years she starred in the series "Return of Mukhtar". I don’t know where Mukhtar came from, but I think that many people watched the service dog and her companions for at least a couple of episodes, and, of course, they couldn’t help but notice the beautiful Natalya Yunnikova in this serial film. Since this artist starred in few places, not all viewers knew her by name and surname, but her face could be filled with a high degree of probability. So I, looking at all these photos of Natalia Yunnikova, remembered her. How I admired her in the frame, her beauty. Correct facial features, absolutely Slavic appearance, attractive energy. It's a pity that such beautiful people die so early. They write on the Internet that Natalya Yunnikova had a micro-stroke and, feeling unwell, she fell and smashed her head on the kitchen table, then Natalya fell into a coma without regaining consciousness, she died in the hospital after some time.

Natalya Yunnikova became a hostage to one role, filming for many years in the TV series "Return of Mukhtar".

Natalia Yunnikova has an eleven-year-old son, Roland. With her husband Anton Fedotov, the actress divorced shortly after the birth of the child.

I collected on the Internet the most the best photos Natalia Yunnikova, I suggest you look at how Natasha was still pretty!

Natalya Yunnikova was deeply unhappy in her personal life, and despite her beauty and youth, the future actress was abused at the age of eighteen, the villain turned out to be her first man. Natalya Yunnikova could only tell about what happened to her in her girlish diary, so the bastard who committed unlawful acts with her easily managed to escape punishment, only years later Natalya Yunnikova spoke in an interview about what happened to her in her student years. But the young actress nevertheless got married, gave birth to a child and was happy at first, but something did not grow together in the marital relationship and the couple broke up. After some time, on the set of the TV series “Return of Mukhtar”, Natalya Yunnikova had an affair with a certain Alexei, who, as it turned out, was married, but the unfaithful husband promised to leave his wife for the sake of his new hobby. Aleksey didn’t love Natalya, but he didn’t want to let her go either, she completely lost her head from passion, ran after Lesha, humiliated herself, was ready for anything for the sake of these painful relationships, which, by the way, exhausted her so much that one day Yunnikova decided in despair commit suicide by jumping out of a window. But then she was stopped by the thought that her mother and little son would be hard pressed by her death, Natasha even imagined all these obituaries about the stupidly deceased actress in the newspapers and decided that she would cope with the pain and would live on. And now, after some time, her fleeting desire was fulfilled, her mental anguish ended, she found peace, and the audience will remember her young and beautiful.

On the left, in my opinion, actress Evgenia Lapova.

In this photo you see in the middle the ex-husband Anton Fedotov, on the right Natalya Yunnikova.

Natalia with her son Roland.

Another photo with son Roland.

In the photo, the son of Roland and ex-husband Anton Fedotov.

Natalya Yunnikova attended music school and always dreamed of the stage. In her youth, she became interested in fencing. The future actress graduated from the theater institute, and then for a long time lived and worked in Israel. On local television, she was a host, tried herself as a screenwriter for one of the programs, starred in commercials, and even was the face of one of the most famous cosmetic companies.

The popularity of Yunnikova was brought by participation in the TV series "The Return of Mukhtar". Shutov Alexey is a fairly experienced actor who has behind him such theatrical works as “20 Minutes with an Angel”, “Ali Baba and 8 Thieves”, “Little Tragedies”, “Twelfth Night”, “Foam of Days”, “Great Chinese wall", "Swineherd" and many others.

Alexei has an excellent education, received at VGIK, participation in various productions by Dzhigarkhanyan and Kazantsev. In 2001, he collaborated with the theater "Man".

Natalya Yunnikova and Alexei Shutov met on the set of the movie "The Return of Mukhtar". This series is recognized as one of the best among the so-called family films.

The dog on the screen is always attractive for the domestic audience, it is not for nothing that the German film “Commissar Rex” and the Soviet, still black and white “Come, Mukhtar”, which was released in 1964, gained such popularity with us. However, the modern version of the detective with a four-legged friend differs significantly from foreign and old Soviet counterparts, primarily in the approach itself.

So, for example, the series was created for family viewing and therefore is devoid of unnecessarily violent scenes. In addition, it is distinguished by a well-thought-out scenario, where each character has his own unique character, which makes the picture fascinating. But, of course, the most important thing is the magnificent play of the actors, which gives the film a special flavor.

As Natalya Yunnikova herself said, “The Return of Mukhtar”, in which she played one of the main characters, was not the easiest job for the actress: when she was first brought a police uniform, the girl was worried, baggy and shapeless clothes look awkward on her, but when she I heard compliments from my colleagues, I was able to tune in to work.

In general, the role of Vasilisa Yunnikova was a success. Even at the auditions, she attracted attention with a rather eccentric act when, looking into the eyes of an actor who played the role of a criminal, she said: “You will go to jail! ', slamming his fist on the table. Her remark was so sincere and natural that everyone understood: this role should belong only to Yunnikova. Despite her natural modesty, she quickly joined the friendly film crew.

At the end of September, the 37-year-old star of the series "The Return of Mukhtar" Natalya Yunnikova died. The woman was in intensive care after a fall in her apartment. The actress hit her head and ended up in the hospital with a massive brain hemorrhage. The doctors put Natalia into an artificial coma. A few days later, the woman died without regaining consciousness.

Recently, journalists published the last interview of Natalya Yunnikova, which she gave a month before the tragic event. The actress admitted that she was experiencing financial difficulties, and complained of loneliness. According to Natalya, she had several reasons for leaving the TV series "Return of Mukhtar", among which was communication with her son. Yunnikova wanted to surround the boy with care.

“I could no longer see my child two days a month. She told the producers: “Kill me or shoot me, but I’m finalizing the season - and that’s it!” And left the project,” said the actress.

Natalya also admitted that while working on the series, she lost her head from a colleague named Alexei. But over time, it turned out that the beloved actress does not have the same strong feelings for her. Moreover, the man, according to Yunnikova, deliberately fooled her head. This went on for three years.

“Lesha was on his knees, begging to be with him, surrounded by attention, called his beloved and the only one. It is difficult to resist such pressure - I gave up. And then it turned out that this was just a game: at first he lied that he was divorced, then he promised that he would leave his family ... But I fell in love so that I lost control of myself: I send - I cry and whine, curled up on the bed, and beckon me with my finger - I run to he’s like a dog! .. And we work on the same site, and there’s nowhere to go from each other, ”the actress shared.

// Photo: Frame of the series "Return of Mukhtar"

The woman said that the chosen one asked her for a loan, but was in no hurry to return the money. “If I needed something, I didn’t help, it was I who helped him with money,” Natalya shared. At some point, Yunnikova became so desperate that she began to think about suicide.

“One day I sat on the windowsill, looked from my eleventh floor and thought: “Why live if he doesn’t need me?” And at that moment, the son’s voice came from the corridor: “Ma-am!” It felt like a cold shower hit me - she immediately went down to the floor. Roland saved me, ”said the actress.

Subsequently, Natalya reproached herself for her weakness. Yunnikova was afraid to offend her loved ones. About a year ago, the actress was admitted to the hospital, and news appeared in the press with headlines: "Actress Yunnikova died." Then the mother of the woman was frightened in earnest.

After leaving the popular series that made her famous throughout the country, Natalya Yunnikova was never able to find happiness in her personal life. The woman dreamed of remarrying and becoming a mother. “The worst thing for me is that now there is no love,” the deceased actress told the magazine "Collection of Caravan stories".

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