Folk medicine for diabetes. Herbal medicine: recipes for infusions and decoctions. How to start the treatment process

Health 08.02.2018

Medicinal plants are the oldest folk remedies for diabetes, for lowering blood sugar. They were used even before our era by the ancient Hindus and Egyptians, which is reflected in the historical information about diabetes. The properties of plant extracts to normalize blood sugar are widely used in folk medicine. More than 100 wild plants growing on the territory former USSR, have a therapeutic effect in type I and type II diabetes.

How folk remedies help with diabetes

It is well known that in summer and autumn period year when there are many fruits, vegetables and other products plant origin, diabetic patients feel better. Often they manage to get by with smaller doses of insulin or diabetes pills during this time. The mechanism of action of various plants to lower blood glucose levels is diverse and not fully understood. A number of plants contain substances similar to insulin, guanidine derivatives, arginine, active levuloses, as well as substances that lower sugar, which include sulfur.

Plants enrich the patient's body with alkaline radicals. An increase in the alkaline reserve of the body contributes to an increased use of glucose by tissues and a decrease in blood sugar. Also, plants are rich in vitamins, which favorably affects metabolism. The therapeutic effect of some plants in diabetes is associated with changes in absorption processes, as well as with effects on vegetative-vascular excitability, liver function (in particular, glycogen production), gastrointestinal tract, kidney.

In this regard, it was recognized as expedient to use plant fees for folk treatment type I and II diabetes. Such complex herbal preparations include, in addition to plants that lower blood sugar, also choleretic, diuretic and soothing herbs. Has a curative effect on diabetes whole group tonic adaptogens - ginseng, eleutherococcus, golden root, Manchurian aralia, Chinese magnolia vine, leuzea, zamaniha. Some plants contain insulin- and hormone-like substances - dandelion, stinging nettle, elecampane, burdock and others. A number of plants affect the metabolism, having a rich spectrum of vitamins, biologically active substances. Their list includes wild rose, strawberries, blueberries, mountain ash, chicory, dogwood. Herbal remedies improve the function of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract in diabetes. These are knotweed, bearberry, St. John's wort, wheatgrass, marsh cudweed, plantain.

Benefits of treating diabetes with herbal remedies

Herbal remedies that lower blood sugar are non-toxic, do not accumulate in the body and, with rare exceptions, do not give side effects. They can be prescribed to patients with diabetes of any age, regardless of the severity of the disease and the severity of damage to blood vessels and internal organs. At the same time, the use of folk remedies for diabetes, on the background of a diet, without insulin and pills, can only be indicated for a mild form of the disease. For most patients, alternative treatment for type I and type II diabetes can be recommended as an additional remedy, along with insulin or tablet preparations that lower blood sugar. Such a combination of therapy in a number of patients contributes to the achievement of compensation for diabetes, its stabilization, and in some it allows to reduce the dose of insulin or tablets.

It is possible to reduce the dose of pharmaceuticals that lower blood glucose levels against the background of folk treatment of diabetes only under the control of sugar in the blood and in the urine, if these indicators are normalized. There are several proprietary herbal remedies for diabetes. These include tinctures of lure and eleutherococcus. Take them should be 30 drops 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. These herbal preparations not recommended for patients with high blood pressure. All diabetics will benefit from folk herbal collection for the treatment of diabetes. It consists of blueberry shoots, bean pods, Manchurian aralia root, rose hips, St. John's wort, chamomile flowers.

What plants lower blood sugar

Based on the experience of traditional traditional medicine and official data, the following herbal remedies for diabetes can be recommended:

  • Blueberry common. 1-2 teaspoons of leaves and berries are poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted and drunk in 3-4 doses per day. In the same way, wild strawberries and lingonberries are used.
  • Beans. 10-15 drops of a liquid extract from bean pods 3 times a day or a decoction of bean pods (100 g of pods per 1 liter of water).
  • Walnut. 50 g of dry leaves pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist and drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day.
  • Burdock. 1 tablespoon of fresh juice in 1 glass of water 3 times a day; a decoction of the crushed root (20 g of root per glass of water) in 3-4 doses.
  • Elecampane high. A decoction of the roots (1 tablespoon of crushed root per 1 glass of water), 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
  • Goat's rue medicinal. 1 tablespoon pour a glass of boiling water, insist and drink throughout the day.

In addition to these plants, the properties to lower blood sugar in diabetes have:

  • stems and leaves of horsetail;
  • stinging nettle and deaf;
  • dandelion leaves;
  • periwinkle;
  • marsh cudweed;
  • lettuce;
  • St. John's wort;
  • blueberry;
  • knotweed;
  • rowan berries, white and black mulberries;
  • blackberry;
  • corn silk;
  • Linden blossom;
  • astragalus, celery, peony roots;
  • onion and garlic.

In the diet of patients with diabetes mellitus type I and II, non-traditional wild plants should be widely included. They, with a low calorie content, contain important organic and inorganic components, as well as substances that lower blood sugar. In addition to Jerusalem artichoke, dandelion, nettle, you can use wild chicory, yellow thistle, mountaineer, medicinal lungwort. Salads are prepared from them with the addition of garlic, onions, sorrel.

Herbal preparations are a good help to compensate for diabetes. In the sanatorium, the patient can be convinced of the effectiveness of a particular plant and continue taking it at home. Having picked up components with a pleasant taste (strawberries, mint, linden flowers), patients are given infusions in the form of tea. The right combination of diet, pharmaceuticals for diabetes and traditional medicine allows you to maintain stable compensation for diabetes.

A person suffers from diabetes when the pancreas ceases to realize its functions of releasing a substance called insulin. It supports our body in the use of sugar. And as a result, an immense excretion of sugar occurs together with urine. The passage of the disease is being tested, but to date no effective cure has been invented.

Distinguish between diabetes and diabetes insipidus. In the second, the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus is affected, as a result of which the patient consistently excretes a lot of urine with sugar, the blood sugar level is increased. A serious form of the disease with rapid weight loss mainly affects younger people. A simple form and moderate severity of the disease is characteristic of the elderly. At the same time, the poor condition of people suffering from diabetes is often explained by complications.

General treatment of diabetes folk remedies should be carried out under the supervision of an endocrinologist. The main factor in the treatment of this disease, which directly affects the course of the entire disease, is the observance of the strictest therapeutic diet. So from the diet of the patient, first of all, carbohydrates should be excluded, or their consumption should be reduced as much as possible, for example, to 50-60% of the total caloric content of the food taken. And sugar can be replaced with sorbitol, xylitol, or starchy foods.

Traditional folk remedies for diabetes use natural fruits, vegetables, berries and medicinal plants which are often used in folk gatherings to maximize the therapeutic effect.

Folk recipes for the treatment of diabetes

Aspen bark tincture.

Aspen bark - supports at the initial stage. Take one tablespoon of crushed aspen bark, pour in half a liter of water and boil for thirty minutes over low heat. Wrap up, let it brew for two to three hours. After that, be sure to strain. You need to drink ¼ cup three times a day before meals. Continuation of treatment - at least three months.

Blueberry leaves.

Take one tablespoon of dried blueberry leaves, pour one glass of boiled water on top. Wrap well and leave to brew for about thirty to forty minutes, then strain. Ready infusion to take from diabetes in a cooled form, one glass three times throughout the day in small sips.

Collection number 1.

Take 3 tablespoons of the finished collection: one part of blueberry leaves, empty dry bean pods, flax seeds and oat straw. Dilute it with three glasses of cold water and boil for about 20-25 minutes. Wrap in a towel and leave to infuse for thirty to forty minutes, then strain. You need to drink ¼ cup a maximum of eight to nine times daily.

Collection number 2.

Take one part each (about 60 grams): fresh burdock roots, empty dried bean pods and fresh or dried blueberry leaves. This collection must be infused for twelve hours in one liter of boiled, but cold water. After that, boil it for five to seven minutes, wrap it up and leave it to brew for one hour, strain through cheesecloth. You can take ¾ cup several times a day, preferably an hour after eating.

Lilac bud tincture.

In the treatment of diabetes, an infusion of lilac buds is often used. One tablespoon of kidneys does not matter dry or fresh to brew with one liter of boiled water. Take one tablespoon at least three times a day.

Blueberry decoction for diabetes.

Prepare a decoction: boil one tablespoon of leaves with young shoots of blueberries for about ten minutes over low heat. After that, cool the broth a little and strain through a handkerchief. Take one tablespoon three times throughout the day.

Medical drug.

In the treatment of diabetes, you can use an excellent drug, which consists of: elderberry flowers, common blueberry leaves, barberry fruits and wild rose hips. Take ½ tablespoon of the collection of all components per half liter of boiled water. Bring to a boil, then remove from heat, leave to infuse until morning, and then strain. Use one tablespoon every day. Some patients often simply add to the compote.

Collection of herbs.

Take 20 grams of nettle, pansy, common blueberry leaves and freshly picked birch buds, 5 grams of St. John's wort, 10 grams of dandelion root. Mix thoroughly and grind all ingredients. Pour 4 tablespoons of the prepared collection with one glass of boiled water, do not forget to leave to infuse for twenty minutes, then you can strain. Take three times a day for 1/3 cup.

Tincture from the collection of herbs and plants.

Take two parts of blueberry leaves, linden blossom, St. John's wort, knotweed (goose grass), elder flowers and one part of fresh or dried nettle leaves. Pour one tablespoon of the collection with one glass of cold water and boil for two to three minutes. Leave to infuse for about two hours. Take two to three times a day.

Clover infusion for diabetes.

Pour boiling water over the clover grass collected during flowering (1: 1). Leave to infuse for 2-3 hours. It is necessary to take 1/3 cup half an hour before meals. A similar infusion can be prepared from flowers, stalks of clover grass.

Collection tincture.

The treatment of diabetes mellitus with folk remedies is very famous for the following recipe. Take in equal parts: corn stigmas, mulberry leaves, dry bean pods and blueberry leaves. Pour one tablespoon of this mixture with one glass of cold water, boil for one minute. Leave to infuse for two to three hours. Take two to three times every day.

Infusion of dried herb.

Finely chop one tablespoon of cudweed herb. Pour it with one glass of boiled water and leave to brew for about two hours, after which you can strain. Ready infusion to take no more than one tablespoon three to four times a day is recommended half an hour before meals.

A decoction of lingonberry leaves.

Boil a handful of lingonberry leaves for ten minutes in one liter of water. Cool and strain through a thick cloth. It is necessary to drink this decoction during the day, it does not have any restrictions.

Burdock roots.

A very effective folk remedy for diabetes. It is necessary to take dug out burdock root in autumn or early spring along with fried or boiled cheese. Use it instead of potatoes (can be added to cutlets, soup, or dough).

Leaves of nuts from diabetes.

Finely chop twenty green walnut leaves, if necessary, partitions (ten to twelve nuts). Put in a bowl and pour one glass of cold water on top, boil for about ten minutes. Take unlimited throughout the day.

Strong tincture of dry veronica.

For cooking, take one tablespoon
Veronica herbaceous plant pour one glass of boiling water. You should take one tablespoon of the finished tincture half an hour before meals.

Alcohol tinctures.

During the treatment of diabetes, use vodka or even alcohol tinctures from freshly picked cuff grass, onion(preferably not spicy) and walnut leaves. Each component must be filled with good vodka or 60% alcohol in a separate container. In such proportions, pour 1 part of the prepared raw material with 10 parts of vodka.

Leave to infuse at room temperature, preferably in a dark place for about 7 days. Then filter and mix the tinctures in proportions: 60 ml walnut leaf tincture, 150 ml onion tincture and 40 ml cuff herb tincture. Ready, thus, take the tincture in the early morning and evening, 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before meals.

Diabetes is a very serious and serious disease that requires immediate medical treatment. With this ailment, effective recipes that have a sugar-lowering effect are widely used as auxiliary folk remedies. The following recipes have an excellent sugar-lowering effect.

  1. Drink freshly squeezed red beet juice ¼ cup at least four times a day.
  2. It is helpful to take one teaspoon of mustard seeds three times a day.
  3. It is healthy to use a decoction of the root of ratania. It must be taken every day, one tablespoon.
  4. Brew ½ cup of oats with one liter of boiled milk. Take half a cup before meals.
  5. It is advised to use green and ripe garlic daily for the treatment of diabetes.
  6. Eat a lot of different vegetables every day (cucumbers, cabbage, spinach, lettuce) 3-4 times.
  7. It is useful to take chicory in diabetes.
  8. You can also use green beans. Pour fifteen grams of beans with one liter of water. Boil for two hours. Take chilled, ½ cup once a day.
  9. 8. Pour ten bay leaves with 3 cups of boiled water. Leave for two to three hours. Take ½ cup three times a day.


Type 2 and type 1 diabetes mellitus are serious diseases of the endocrine system. But this is not a sentence - desire, perseverance, patience - the main assistants in curing this disease. Treatment of diabetes mellitus with traditional medicine recipes at home, adherence to a certain lifestyle will have a positive effect on health. Treatment and prevention with folk remedies is an important link that will help defeat the disease.

Installation on health

Where to start and how to treat diabetes at home? Start with a health setting. Every day they will repeat like a mantra: - “I am healthy (healthy). My pancreas is working great. Every cell of my body lives and rejoices. Imagine yourself at that young age when you had no health problems. Find a photo in which your body and soul breathes happiness and peace, put it on the table, admire yourself. Ask forgiveness from your cells for the fact that they are not very comfortable right now. Don't blame yourself, blame is the enemy of health. Ask for forgiveness from everyone who voluntarily or involuntarily offended. Forgive yourself. Only positive thoughts, only the mood for health.

Three components of diabetic health

So far, medicine has not invented such drugs that would quickly and completely cure diabetes at home. But three "pillars of health" will allow you to live a happy, fulfilling life. for a long time: nutrition, physical education, healthy habits, supplemented by treatment.


In type 1 diabetes, people produce little insulin, so their blood glucose levels rise. A correctly calculated amount of carbohydrates eaten and an appropriate dose of insulin will keep the sugar level normal, slow down the development of complications, hypoglycemia. In order not to stray from the diet and calculation of carbohydrates in diabetes, it is advisable to have a kitchen scale, a measuring cup, a list of allowed foods at home and make a weekly low-carb diet. You can set aside the necessary portions of food for the day every morning or evening. Thus, overeating, snacking, incorrectly administered doses of insulin can be avoided.
Patients with diabetes have a different problem. They suffer from overweight, enough insulin is produced, but there is a violation of the flow of glucose into the cells, as a result of which glucose accumulates in the blood. Such patients are recommended less high-calorie food. Compliance with such a diet can return a person to a full life, help get rid of diabetes. When asked whether type 2 diabetes can be cured, how to treat type 2 diabetes at home, in a comfortable environment, the answer is unequivocal: diet, exercise, medication. AT severe cases The patient may be admitted to the hospital. Teaching at a diabetic school can take place at a day hospital.


Movement is life. A properly selected set of exercises for diabetes, which can be performed at home, will only benefit. The main thing is not to feel sorry for yourself and not to be lazy. At exercise the level of glucose in the blood decreases, blood circulation improves, the likelihood of the formation of cholesterol plaques decreases, which is so important for a diabetic. Main rules:

  • gradualness;
  • dosed loads;
  • optimal duration.

The doctor will help you choose exercises, determine the load and regularity of classes.

Traditional medicine recipes

How to treat diabetes at home? How to cure diabetes? ethnoscience has accumulated a lot of recipes telling how to deal with the disease. But a complete answer on how to cure diabetes does not yet exist. Treatment of diabetes at home is painstaking, lengthy.

succinic acid

succinic acid and diabetes - what do they have in common? Acid is formed in the human body during metabolism. Succinic acid during stress, physical overwork is consumed in large quantities, which leads to its shortage, therefore, to increased fatigue, a decrease in the body's defenses. Succinic acid cannot be used to fight diabetes, but it is used to prevent type 2 diabetes in the elderly. Succinic acid in diabetes activates the secretion of insulin. Succinic acid, upon entering the body, accelerates the metabolism in the cells of the islets of Langerhans, which are responsible for the production of insulin. It is read that the acid is harmless and therefore it can be used as a dietary supplement.

Bay leaf

Treatment of diabetes mellitus at home can be carried out with the help of an ordinary bay leaf, what the hostess always has in the kitchen. Bay leaf infusion lowers blood sugar levels.

Preparation of infusion: Pour 10 leaves with two cups of boiling water, leave for two hours, strain. Drink 10 days before meals, 35 ml three times a day. Then take a break for three days, drink a weekly course of infusion, take a three-day break again, repeat the course for another three days. After some time, recommended by the doctor, the treatment of diabetes with bay leaf decoctions can be repeated. The use of decoctions or infusions of bay leaves in severe diabetes is contraindicated.

Jerusalem artichoke or ground pear

In patients with type 1 diabetes, Jerusalem artichoke lowers blood sugar levels. The reason is that Jerusalem artichoke contains inulin, which is broken down in the body to fructose, which penetrates tissue cells without insulin.

In type 2 diabetes, blood sugar levels also normalize, but for a different reason - plant fiber slows down the absorption of glucose and ensures its rapid removal from the body.

It is better to eat Jerusalem artichoke raw, in the form of salads or mixes.

Cinnamon and ginger

Cinnamon normalizes metabolic processes, lowers glucose levels, reduces inflammatory processes normalizes overweight. It is useful to add cinnamon to various drinks, dishes that need to be eaten or drunk first - cinnamon retains hypoglycemic properties in
cooked food no more than five hours. Cinnamon is contraindicated in pregnancy, hypertension, it is undesirable to use in the presence of serious diseases digestive system.

Ginger root is a real pantry of usefulness:

  • takes part in all metabolic processes;
  • reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • reduces the content of sugar in the bloodstream;
  • exhibits tonic and antibacterial properties;
  • reduces weight.

Ginger root is added to tea, unsweetened candied fruits are prepared. Treatment of diabetes at home with ginger must be agreed with the doctor.

flaxseed and diabetes

Flax seed is a universal remedy:

  • lowers blood glucose levels;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • has a beneficial effect on all organs.

The broth is prepared as follows: 5 tablespoons of seeds, 5 glasses of water are mixed, boiled for 10 minutes, infused for an hour. The decoction is drunk half a cup three times a day for four weeks. You can not recommend flax seed to pregnant women, with intestinal diseases, some gynecological diseases.

White beans

How to treat type 2 diabetes? It can be treated with celandine, juices, white beans. Instead of insulin, white beans can be used quite successfully. Fifteen pieces of beans should be soaked in water, in the morning, before eating, eat. Patients with diabetes 2 can cook bean dishes, drink decoctions from bean leaves.

Lilac buds and onions for type 1 diabetics

Brew a tablespoon of lilac buds with a liter of boiling water. Take a tablespoon twice a day.

To prevent complications, you can cook from linden flowers or onions. A couple of onions need to be cut, pour two cups of boiling water, leave for nine hours. Drink one teaspoon before meals. Similarly, a decoction of linden is prepared.

Golden mustache

Golden mustache, or fragrant calissia. Golden mustache treatment of diabetes and diseases of the digestive system should be carried out under the supervision of physicians. Decoctions, tinctures, infusions are prepared from the leaves of the plant. For infusion, leaves are needed at least 15 cm long. Leaves need to be crushed, pour boiling water in a thermos, insist for a day. Take the infusion three times a day, 3-4 tablespoons. The infusion reduces the level of insulin to such a level that it is possible to reduce the dose of insulin. Treatment with a golden mustache is accompanied by a diet containing proteins necessary for a patient with diabetes mellitus.


In order not to harm health, treatment and prevention with folk remedies should be carried out under the supervision of endocrinologists and supported by drug treatment.

There are 2 types of diabetes: insulin dependent (type 1) and non-insulin dependent (type 2). These forms of pathology have different pathogenetic mechanisms. In type 1, there is a lack of pancreatic hormone (insulin) in inflammatory or destructive lesions of the organ. It is necessary for the uptake of glucose by cells, as it is involved in the mechanism of penetration of carbohydrates into the cell. Sugar is an energy substrate necessary for all biochemical reactions to take place. Without it, the process of respiration is impossible, since with its lack, cell death is noted.

In type 2 diabetes, insulin is produced in sufficient quantities. Violation of its uptake by cells occurs due to disruption of the functioning of the receptors responsible for the absorption of glucose. This condition is observed during inflammatory changes in cells, as well as against the background of fatty deposits on the surface of the cell membrane.

In terms of frequency of occurrence, the second form of the disease accounts for about 90% of cases. In only 10% of situations, doctors treat type 1 diabetes.

Can diabetes be cured

When answering the question of whether diabetes can be cured, one should dwell on integrated approach to the treatment of the disease. It involves the use of pharmaceuticals, diet, physical culture and the use of folk remedies. The patient must have a glucometer with which the patient will constantly measure the level of glucose in the blood. It is advisable to have a certified device and periodically monitor its readings in a specialized laboratory.

Treatment of diabetes must be carried out under the control of sugar. This is the only way to choose the right dosage of the drug and the concentration of insulin injections.

The disease can be cured by combining pharmaceuticals with diet and exercise therapy. Endocrinologists consider a low-carbohydrate diet the basis of basic therapy for pathology. In the initial stages of the disease, it is effective, so there is no need to use medicines. Over time, the disease progresses and it is necessary to add drugs and insulin to the regimen of its therapy.

With a dietary restriction, in most cases there is no need for the use of drugs that increase the sensitivity of nerve receptors. In the disease, most patients have a reduced tactile and pain threshold of the skin. They do not even feel the touch of a hot object.

As a result, in severe type 2 diabetes, the use of drugs that increase the sensitivity of cells to sugar and insulin is necessary.

What not to do in the treatment of impaired glucose absorption:

  • Take drugs that load the pancreas;
  • Smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • Eat foods with sugar
  • Lead a sedentary lifestyle;
  • Sleep less than 8 hours.

Therapeutic exercise in violation of the absorption of glucose

Physical activity in violation of the absorption of glucose or a low concentration of insulin in the blood helps to normalize sugar levels. Nutritionists have long established that muscle work leads to increased consumption of carbohydrates by skeletal muscles.

There is a whole branch of endocrinology that studies the effect of physical muscle tension on carbohydrate metabolism. It's called Diabetic Gymnastics. Practical experience shows that there are many effective gymnastic complexes, which, if performed regularly, allow you to completely abandon drugs.

A sample list of exercises to lower blood sugar:

  1. Stand upright and circle your arms up and down to the sides. The number of repetitions is 30-50;
  2. Lie on your back and alternate legs alternately. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times;
  3. Lift dumbbells weighing 5 kg with your hands. The number of repetitions is 5-10.

Excessive exercise is contraindicated for patients. With intense physical activity, lactic acid accumulates in the muscles. It impairs carbohydrate metabolism and increases the degree of hypoglycemia. This substance forms - the smell of acetone from the mouth and in the urine.

Therapeutic exercise helps with an increase in glucose levels of no more than 9 mmol / l. If the concentration of the substance is greater, gymnastics is contraindicated. In such a situation, the therapeutic effect of the procedure is excluded.

At a glucose concentration of more than 9 mmol / l, it is rational to use tablets to control hypoglycemia - metformin, glucophage, siofor. In type 2 diabetes, they help improve the process of glucose absorption into cells in the pathology of membrane carbohydrate receptors.

Natural remedies for diabetes

There are folk remedies for diabetes. They are used only in combination with pharmaceuticals and insulin therapy. As a monotherapy of the disease, the following methods are not effective. Moreover, they will be harmful if used incorrectly.

What you need to know to adjust your blood sugar yourself:

  • How to eliminate carbohydrates from food;
  • What are the numbers of blood glucose in different time days, after physical exertion or taking pills (determined by a glucometer);
  • What diet normalizes carbohydrate metabolism;
  • How many times do you need to take metformin.

Deciding whether diabetes is curable, scientists examined the state of the pancreas and its activity at different times of the day. It turned out that the level of glucose in the blood is minimal in the morning, and maximal in the afternoon after eating.

Therefore, if you do physical education in the morning, and take a metformin tablet in the afternoon, with a mild form of the disease, such treatment is sufficient. However, the drug has a pronounced side effect. Using folk methods you can refuse to use pills for type 2 diabetes.

What folk remedies are used in the treatment of diabetes

Treatment with folk remedies is carried out with the following plants:

  • Adaptogens - herbs that increase the body's resistance to infections and increase local immunity - lemongrass, eleutherococcus, rhodiola rosea, ginseng;
  • Diuretic plants - cranberries, horsetail, birch;
  • Stimulants of pancreatic regeneration - blueberries, flax, licorice, mulberry, burdock;
  • Herbs with chromium: sage, cinquefoil, fir, alder;
  • Zinc-containing plants: corn, goldenrod, bird's knotweed;
  • Biguanides: beans, galega, blueberries;
  • Insulin-containing - elecampane, Jerusalem artichoke, dandelion.

Inulin is a natural sugar substitute. Patients with diabetes should consume elecampane daily to help the body absorb glucose.

Treatment of diabetes with folk remedies is best done with collections, rather than individual herbs. So you can combine means to improve the absorption of glucose, strengthen the immune system and combat the destruction of the pancreas.

What fruits, berries and vegetables can diabetics take

“Can we cure diabetes with fruits and vegetables?” our patients often ask. Readers probably understood that the basis of the treatment of the disease is the use of combined regimens. Nevertheless, the diet is very important, so we recommend that you consider fruits useful for diabetics in the article.

Blueberries are a storehouse of useful minerals for diabetics. It can be eaten fresh. Infusions and teas with blueberries are used by diabetics instead of tea. Blueberries lower blood sugar levels and restore the pancreas.

Scientists have conducted many studies on the usefulness of eggplant for diabetics. They contain chromium and zinc, which is necessary for the formation of beta cells of the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas.

The Diabetic Diet (#6D) should include legumes. There are practically no carbohydrates in beans. This is its practical value in diabetes. It contains Excipients that improve the functioning of the body. Nevertheless, beans have a high energy value, so it is not recommended to consume them in large quantities.

Cinnamon has been famous for its anti-diabetic properties since ancient times. It is able to block free radicals - ionic forms of oxygen that are formed during inflammatory and allergic reactions in the body.

If you use Ayurvedic recipes, you can recommend Java plum, which reduces the concentration of blood glucose.

Folk recipes for the normalization of glycemia

Answering whether it is possible to cure diabetes mellitus with folk remedies, we suggest studying the following recipes:

  • Add a teaspoon of turmeric to a glass of boiling water. Drink the mixture 1 hour before meals. A day later, instead of cinnamon, we prepare a recipe based on sesame seeds in a similar way;
  • Soak the beans in 0.5 cups of boiling water. We drink water and eat the thick contents of the solution;
  • Grind rose hips and pour them with a glass of boiled water. Let the product brew for 5 minutes, and then strain and take 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month;
  • Chicken bile is a good medicine for normalizing blood sugar. It should be taken fresh. Manipulation is not pleasant, but it is useful;
  • Drink daily 0.5 cups of cabbage pickle;
  • Make an infusion of birch buds and take it 1/3 cup 3 times a day;
  • Take onion water for a week. To prepare it, place the circles obtained by cutting 1 onion in liter jar with water;
  • ripe walnuts pour 0.5 liter of boiling water and cook them over low heat. Take the medicine 15 ml daily 3 times. You can drink the remedy instead of tea;
  • Baked onions can be used to lower blood sugar. It is best taken on an empty stomach in the morning. To do this, take 1 onion in the husk and bake it in a pan. For frying, you can use not a frying pan, but an oven. Baked onions taste good and have a healing effect on the pancreas;
  • Reduces the concentration of glucose compote from mountain ash. To prepare it, you need to take 1 cup of dried pears and a similar amount of dry rowan fruits. After insisting, you should drink compote 4 times a day.

In conclusion, I would like to highlight once again the aspect that the treatment of diabetes with folk remedies is not effective. Combination only medicines, hormone therapy and medicinal herbs help to speed up the treatment of pathology.

Recipes for the treatment of diabetes

On the the globe There are a huge number of patients with diabetes mellitus, due to a number of reasons that led to this disease. In short, diabetes mellitus is a state of the human body in which metabolism is disturbed, mostly carbohydrate and water. As a result of this disorder, the cells of the body absorb carbohydrates in insufficient quantities, which leads to serious consequences. The main cause of diabetes mellitus is a dysfunction of the pancreas, which has become insufficient to produce the hormone insulin, which ensures the transfer of sugar into cells from the blood.

The disease is manifested by an excessive amount of glucose in the blood (hyperglycemia) due to insufficient production of insulin by the pancreas. In medicine, two types of diabetes are distinguished: insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent. In the first case, excess sugar is due not only to incoming food, but also to gluconeogenesis - the accumulation of sugar in the liver.

What are the symptoms of diabetes

1. Impaired vision

2. Dry mouth, thirst and frequent urination

3. Cravings for sweets, increased appetite and weight gain

4. Furunculosis

5. Fatigue

6. Untreated, indolent infections

7. Skin itching and itching in the perineum.

In most cases, diabetes mellitus begins imperceptibly, without obvious symptoms. clinical manifestations, and the consequences dangerous for the body are detected quite late. Therefore, it is recommended that all persons who have one, two or more of the symptoms listed above seek medical advice.

Since overweight contributes to the development of diabetes, this must be fought at the root and as early as possible. Many people think that you can lose weight if you eat less. This is not true! To lose weight, you need to eat. But you need to eat every three hours (six meals a day), in small portions - no more than 200 grams (glass volume). The daily ration for women should not exceed 1200 kcal, for men - 1500 kcal. In the morning, before breakfast, the patient should drink a glass of water, because in the morning the blood is thicker than in the afternoon. Extremely important exercise stress- diabetes prefers the lazy! You need to walk at least an hour a day. And in winter it's great to ski.

● Infusion of bay leaf well normalizes blood sugar levels: 10 leaves pour 600 ml. boiling water, leave for three hours, strain and drink 100 ml. three times a day.

● With the initial form of diabetes, we offer a Bulgarian recipe: 4 tbsp. l. chopped bean sash pour 400 ml. water and put on water bath covered for one hour. After straining, use two tbsp. l. 3r. day before meals. After 60 days, check the level of sugar in the blood - it will return to normal. If you do not have valves, you can make the same decoction of white beans and drink half a glass three times a day.

● You can reduce blood sugar with this recipe: Bake a peeled onion for five minutes in the microwave or in the oven a little longer. The onion will soften, it will not have bitterness and smell. When sugar drops to normal, eat baked onions every two months for a week.

● Dissolve a piece of mummy (about the size of a grain of rice) in half a glass of water and drink in the morning on an empty stomach, then before dinner. The course is 10 days, a break of 7 days and repeat again.

● A tablespoon of bearberry leaves pour a glass of boiling water, cook for five minutes and strain. One st. l.5 times a day for thirty days. The level of sugar in the blood will decrease, fatigue, thirst and frequent urination will disappear. Contraindications: gastric ulcer and gastritis!

● Patients with diabetes recommended radish, which contains inulin, vitamins and mineral salts. Contraindications: diseases of the heart, liver, peptic ulcer.

● For 10 days, drink in the morning on an empty stomach in the evening before going to bed a glass of fresh yogurt with 1 tsp. ground cinnamon (mix well).

● Recipe for the treatment of the initial stage of diabetes from the healer Vanga: drink a decoction from the tops of blackberry shoots.

● Reduces sugar ground pear and Jerusalem artichoke, they have a lot of inulin. Eat them raw in salads or roast and steam them.

● Diabetes mellitus can be cured completely with herbs collected in the month of May. Mix half a glass of fresh alder leaves, a tablespoon of fresh nettle, two tbsp. l. quinoa leaves and 200 ml. water, insist in the light for five days. Then add a pinch of soda and drink 1 tsp. twice a day half an hour before meals - in the morning and in the evening.

● Pour a glass of boiling water 30 gr. horsetail and cook for seven minutes, drain. Three st. l. four times a day for 20 minutes. Before meals. it treatment plant can be eaten as a salad with green onions, sorrel and dandelion leaves.

● Simple home recipe from diabetes: put half a glass of rice in each of two half-liter jars of kefir and leave for a day. Drink the first jar during the day, the second - the next day, the sugar will definitely decrease!

Effective prescriptions for the treatment of diabetes mellitus Zhidkova N.M. (village Schwartz, Tula region)

● Pour half a liter of boiling water over two tablespoons of flax seeds and cook for five minutes, leave for 15 minutes and drink the whole broth warm 30 minutes before meals. After a month of taking flax, there are positive changes in the function of the pancreas, often very significant - a diabetic can even reduce the dose of insulin. However, the seed must be drunk throughout the year.

● For the treatment of diabetes, you still need to use chicory extract, which reduces blood sugar and neutralizes toxins formed in the body due to the disease.

● Also useful are lettuce or leek - these medicinal herbs also reduce blood sugar levels.

Proven recipes for folk treatment of diabetes

● Do not throw away walnut shells - this is a healing remedy for diabetes. Put a handful of this shell in a kettle, pour a liter of water and boil for 5-7 minutes. Drink a decoction of half a liter three times a day. Your blood sugar levels will be back to normal soon!

● Put the whole root of the mulberry (mulberry) in a saucepan, pour a liter of water and boil for 10-15 minutes. Drink half a liter of decoction throughout the day. If you have trouble digging up the mulberry root, break off a branch of the tree and make the same decoction.

How I Treat Diabetes Mellitus (False Story)

● I have been suffering from type 2 diabetes for a long time. But I can successfully fight this disease. First of all, with diabetes, you need to follow a diet. Every morning I drink a glass of water on an empty stomach, then I eat oatmeal porridge or ground buckwheat on kefir for breakfast. On the evening of the previous day, I pour one tablespoon of ground buckwheat groats with one glass of kefir, mix and set aside until morning. In the morning I stir again and have breakfast. The food is very satisfying and useful for this ailment. I drink tea with lemon, but without sugar.

● I eat pumpkin and zucchini in season. In winter, instead of potatoes, I throw pieces of frozen pumpkin into the soup. And in the summer, dandelion occupies a special place in my diet. I wash the plant in several waters, soak it in a saline solution, then gently wring it out. I cut the leaves, add chopped parsley, onion, radish, add salt and a little vegetable oil, mix the resulting salad. Before that, you can crush the onion a little so that it gives juice, and add a few young radish leaves to the salad.

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