Andrei Panin's father: my wife and I would be glad if Andryushin's wife became happy again. Natalya Rogozhkina: “Andrey Panin left me no choice Filmography: films starring Andrey Panin

Auto 25.06.2019

But for us and for millions of our readers, he remains alive: in his work, in his films, in his family, in his children. And so we decided to publish this interview exactly as it sounded when we talked with Andrey Panin's wife, actress Natalya Rogozhkina.

Andrew and I have been together for 18 years. And our relationship is a real roller coaster.

We are completely with him. different people! Polar opposites with diametrical views on family life. It's good that we have such a happy profession that we have the opportunity to rest from each other. I cannot imagine without horror how we would meet for 18 years without a break after working at home - without having time to get bored, without having time to analyze everything and come to the conclusion that we cannot replace each other with someone on the side.

- But if thoughts on this matter arise at all, it means that it is difficult for you to put up with some shortcomings of your husband ...

It was only at first that Andrei seemed to me a man without flaws. Not in the sense that I did not notice them, just at that time it would even be strange for me to call some features of his character flaws.

I saw in them only a manifestation of his eccentricity. Which is not surprising: at the time of our acquaintance I was 19 years old, Andrei was 32. That is, I am just a girl and he is a mature man. Of course, I accepted him for who he is. It suited me that he was an absolutely self-sufficient planet. You can only rotate around it as a kind of satellite. And that he is a chaos man. Andrei burst into my life and disappeared, then reappeared and again disappeared for a long time, and then reappeared. Until people live together, such fragmentary appearances seem to be the norm. A person brings a holiday into your life, gives you communication with yourself - and you perceive it as a kind of gift. But when you start living with this person as a family, and the fragmentation of his appearances does not change, this affects family life.

You suddenly discover that other people also have the same greedy need for it. And now you are on the other side of the barricades...

- And how did you meet Andrei Panin?

He appeared on our course at the Moscow Art Theater School as an assistant teacher at the invitation of Dmitry Vladimirovich Brusnikin - to stage the play Balzaminov's Marriage. Although, in my opinion, people like Panin should not be allowed to visit students. This is a mad man, with insane charm. I remember that he was constantly saying something, running around the audience, in general he was a clot of some unthinkable energy. I did not feel love at first sight for him, but it was impossible not to pay attention to such a person. I don’t know what kind of emotions Andrei felt towards me at that moment, but I fell under his close male attention.

Perhaps due to the magical action of his redhead. I just didn't have time to hide behind someone, and bright color my hair rushed into Andrei Vladimirovich's eyes ...

And at the end of the third year I was offered to play the main role in the play "Ondine" at the Moscow Art Theater. Andrei participated in it and undertook to help me at the introductory rehearsals. We touched again. Now already in the theater, that is, on its territory. And I looked at him with great interest. After all, the charm of talent is fascinating! And then I saw Andrei in the play "Death Number". And for me it really became a “death number” - I “died” completely and irrevocably. (With a smile.) True, over time I realized that I was dying under the very clear sight of Panin's optical rifle, which fired the final shot.

- Did Andrei captivate you exclusively from the stage and there was no flirting on his part, no special male lures?

It's just that Andrey, in some miraculous way, began to constantly appear near me - backstage, in the dining room, at rehearsals and banquets.

Now I understand that it was no accident. It literally filled the space! And I got indescribable pleasure from communicating with him. This went on for the entire fourth year. Andrei was not a teacher in the classical sense. He went to our student groups, all my friends knew him, he easily communicated with us, joked a lot, even drank with us.

And every time he gave an incredible amount of fun, joy, laughter. How much I laughed then! .. In general, he left me no choice at all. I fell in love. To death, to shiver.

- Well, were there any grand gestures, unusual surprises, bouquets? Panin is a non-trivial person and looked after, probably with imagination ...

Panin is a completely non-trivial person! And, of course, there were flowers. For my birthday, for example, Andrei brought me some completely unfortunate fragile rose, but he accompanied his offering with such words that for a whole month I then tried to save this rose, to reanimate it so that it would remind me of his words for as long as possible. And Andrey also drew, but how!

Of course, God kissed him not only in the place that is responsible for acting talent, and if Panin had not become an actor, he would have been a brilliant artist. He manages to transfer his extraordinary vision of the world to paper. And he drew me little semantic drawings about love. It is difficult to describe them in words, it must be seen. Because if I say that he painted a face that has hearts instead of eyes, it will convey the essence of the drawing very little. In general, I died quietly and peacefully as a woman... I did not fall in love quickly, but this slow filling of the vessel eventually led to the realization: I should be next to this person. In any capacity! Otherwise, I just can't live. And then the moment came when it became obvious to both of us: it was already impossible to resist what was happening between us.

- At what stage did you become a couple?

When did you still study at the institute or later?

- (Thinking.) When did we become a couple? .. Can you imagine, I can’t even remember this! I feel like we've been a couple since birth. Andrey's influence on me was enormous - in all positions: as a man, as an actor, as an authority, in general, as a phenomenon. My life was divided into two periods: before meeting Panin and after. And what happened "before" is hard for me to remember, as if it was not with me, but with some other person. Andrey eclipsed everything!

- Let's check now. Do you remember your first high school love?

AT school years I was constantly in a state of being in love with someone.

But had no success with the boys. All my friends were very beautiful, tender girls, and I completely lost against their background. Long, bright red, freckled, and even an excellent student - the set is completely unattractive for boys. In truth, they didn’t leave me completely unattended: they constantly bullied me, teased me with a “redhead”, mocked me, but, alas, this was absolutely not the interest that I dreamed of ... Did I suffer greatly from this? Perhaps not yet. But I have thought about this a lot. And I came to the conclusion that red-haired people are special. Throughout their lives, they have to get used to constant teasing, humorous comments, teasers. A person himself does not notice his redness and for some time naively perceives himself as absolutely normal, but by the reaction of others he gradually realizes that he does not belong to normal people.

My mother told me that the problems began in kindergarten. If one of the children fell into aggression, then they grabbed me by the hair, since the bright red color is always the first to catch the eye. And at school, for the same reason, I was called to the blackboard more often than others. Sometimes I really wanted to hide, dissolve, become as invisible as possible ...

- You have chosen a strange profession for yourself, however, with such desires ...

My parents encouraged me to go to medical school. But I graduated from the eleventh grade in Bulgaria, where my dad (he worked for many years as secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, and my mother was a drawing teacher) was sent to work in the House of Soviet Science and Culture.

Being away from Russia, I did not have the opportunity to study with tutors, nor to find any guarantors of admission to the institute. But it was a time of very high competition in universities and widespread bribes for admission. I understood that, despite the fact that I had always studied well, I was in a very disadvantageous situation, I was afraid that I would not enter. And so I decided that it was necessary to find such an institute where the exams would require me not so much knowledge as myself - the way I am. Thus, my choice fell on the theatrical.

- Where is the competition - several hundred people per place ...

Yes, it was, of course, arrogance on my part. Or rather, ignorance of the situation due to the same remoteness from Moscow.

Maybe if I had finished school in the capital, I would not have dared to go to the theater. However, I had a tiny acting experience. When my parents and I lived in Nizhny Novgorod, in one dramatization, I sang several children's songs, from which a program was subsequently made on local television.

- What did your parents say when they found out about your intention?

Mom said, “Okay. Try. You will quickly realize that you did not succeed, and you will do where we planned. And dad, no less, arranged a meeting for me with Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov - he asked me to see the girl and evaluate the acting prospects. Oleg Pavlovich graciously agreed, and they brought me to him in the "Snuffbox" - I would say, "by the tail" they brought me.

I remember that at first we got to the reception room, then I was asked to go to the office ... And that’s it, I don’t remember anything further, then there was one big faint. Oleg Pavlovich asked me to read something in order to understand what I am like. It soon became clear that I was nothing. I was shaking and shaking with fear. I turned pale, blushed, held on to all the chairs and tables that were nearby, and read fables in some completely goatish voice. At some point, Tabakov, apparently trying to somehow calm and liberate me, asked the question: “Well, well, what role do you see yourself in? Characteristic actress or heroine? And this role weighed 48 kilograms with 170 centimeters of growth and could not pronounce anything intelligible. I was 16 years old, and I did not understand the difference between a character actress and a heroine at all.

But, somehow grasping the roots of these words, I began to think: a characteristic one is still a person with some kind of character, and a heroine is one who has a heroic character. Since at that moment I obviously didn’t pull on a heroic personality, I mumbled: “Of course, I’m characteristic.” This was a bold point. Oleg Pavlovich very correctly told his father that he did not advise me to enter the theater institute, at least this year. After that, dad went home in a great mood, believing that the matter had been decided by the highest authority, and, therefore, finally decided. That's how I learned that meeting someone powerful is a very dangerous thing. Indeed, as a result of the meeting with Tabakov, the door to the Moscow Art Theater School was closed to me. So I thought, anyway. But, thank God, there are many theater institutes in Moscow.

And thanks to Oleg Pavlovich, I realized in time that I was badly prepared, and managed to correct the situation. All the time left before the exams, I was engaged in my repertoire. As a result, both in GITIS and in Pike it became easy to move from tour to tour. Success inspired me so much that I nevertheless dared to poke my head into the Moscow Art Theater School, thinking: what the hell is not joking? As a result, it was there that I began to study, although they also took me to GITIS. And Oleg Pavlovich next saw me when I was already firmly standing on the stage of the educational theater. But I'm not sure I did...

I would venture to suggest that by the time you were studying at the institute, men had revised their attitude towards your redhead and began to consider it more of an advantage than a disadvantage. Surely there was no shortage of fans already ...

Being myopic, I did not look into the distance in my search, so I immediately saw a classmate next to me, with whom we had an affair that lasted about three years.

We made plans for the future, we had a wonderful relationship, and I had no doubt that it would be forever. Following the example of her parents, she believed that the choice should be made once, and, having made it, she existed exceptionally comfortably. Until Andrey Vladimirovich Panin appeared in my life.

Was it difficult for you to explain the situation to your former friend?

To me - no. The situation was favorable - by this time I just had the right to make a different choice. Worse, Andrei was not free.

It is because of this that our relationship developed for a long time before we ...

- Have you become a family?

Our relationship categorically did not fit the model of family life that I considered the norm from childhood. The image of a man that filled my imagination before meeting Panin was associated with my father. And dad is an intelligent, delicate, balanced person, very respectful, gentle and gentle towards a woman. And everything that I received in Andrey did not in any way intersect with such a type. Insanely impulsive, he behaved as he usually did, spoke in the language that was convenient for him, without looking back once again, whether a woman was sitting at the table or not. And at first I was afraid that he did not perceive me as a woman, since he did not consider it necessary to be somehow more careful in expressing his emotions with me.

Tried to be careful. However, Andryusha belongs to the category of people who do not even think about the possibility of changing under someone's influence.

You said you were the complete opposite...

Andrey is a man of very sharp energy. He is quite cynical, quick-tempered, categorical. He easily draws energy from various kinds of negativity, from his own discontent. Andrei himself said: in order for him to give the maximum result, you need to drive him into a corner. And I grew up in greenhouse conditions, I weaken under the blows. And you can’t drive me into a corner, otherwise I’ll stay there forever. Place me in the cold of malevolence and my reserves will immediately run out.

And vice versa: when I see a disposition towards myself, when I feel comfortable, I am able to give out something that I myself did not suspect. Andrei always blames me for not listening to him about professional matters. He believes that I deliberately reject his advice and specifically do the opposite. But, unfortunately, I almost never can use his advice. What to do: what is good for him is not good for me at all. And so in many ways! Take at least the habit of Andrei - to scare. He himself was frightened by his father in childhood, and Andrei, apparently, received some kind of pleasure from this, incomprehensible to me. It's like a tickle - someone loves, someone can not stand ... Here I am from those who cannot stand such things. And if you scare me, then I hardly come to my senses. I remember once I was at home alone, and Andrei quietly entered the apartment and crawled up behind me on his knees.

When I turned around, he appeared somewhere at the level of my legs - where a person does not expect an attack at all. I couldn't calm down for a very long time. Fortunately, Andrei realized that I was not joking and that such surprises could really have serious, and perhaps even irreversible consequences for me. And for some time now I stopped doing that. I remember we were vacationing with children in France. Andrei was not expected - he was busy, but somehow escaped to us. And so he first wanted to arrange a surprise, hiding in a closet, so that when we return from the beach, we will suddenly come out of there. But he realized in time that the impression he would make would be too strong. And changed the plan. He just walked in after the electrician, whom we had just called, and said: “Well, what do you need to fix here?”

- So, after all, your relationship did not stand still, but developed, as it should be ...

Of course, we have gone through different stages.

For example, at the first stage of our family life, everything rested on passions, on feelings, and the signals of the mind were overshadowed by puppy delight. I was happy with everything that is in Andrey. Didn't irritate or offend anything. Take, for example, a bullshit banal example. The man never makes the bed. At the first stage, I really like it. Because even neat girls like me, deep down, they dream of allowing themselves to live in chaos. But sooner or later there comes a moment when the eternally unmade bed is already annoying. At the same time, Andrey's position is simple: do you want to live in a tidy, clean apartment?

Clean up, for God's sake, no one bothers you, but this does not oblige me to anything. Do you think that if people live together, they should warn each other when they are delayed somewhere? Please be warned. But don't force me to. I tried to express some claims to my husband, to explain what was in my soul. But I ran into a wall of misunderstanding. And then I just … abstracted from the problem. From all problems! Fortunately, by this point I already had my own bedroom with my own bed, which I always have in the form in which I want it to be. In a word, the third stage of the relationship has come - when you live the way you feel comfortable, and you don’t demand anything from a man ...

- Yes, great talents in everyday life unbearable.

And wives are forced to show sacrifice towards them all their lives ...

This is not a sacrifice. You put up with some human shortcomings as long as you find the strength to do so. As long as you enjoy it. As long as your love for him is alive. And while the need for a person is greater than any grief because of him. I think that talent and profession must be taken into account. Because the acting profession gives a man some very feminine traits. After all, he always has to like it! The male actor needs a lot of care, a lot of support, great attention to himself, and sometimes resuscitation. You need to be able to help him cope with all his depressions, with flaring nerves. You need to become a strong shoulder for him from time to time ... - Does Andrei Panin really need a strong shoulder despite his outward brutality?

Well, he is in some ways an absolute child!

My third, heaviest child...

- But you are also a creative unit! You are an actress and also have the right to your own depressions ... And about your husband, another will say: if not an egoist, then, in any case, an egocentrist ... Lives as he pleases, not wondering if it is convenient for loved ones ...

I think it is completely wrong to call Andrey an egoist or an egocentrist! I personally feel his love. Family for Andrey is the only thing he really has and where his efforts are made. With all his features, everything he does is for us. And everything we have is created by Andrey.

Our life is completely organized by him - from the house where we live to the choice of a place of rest. In his view, children should go to the sea in the summer. This is a constant. He insists on this idea. Andrei constantly makes sure that we have everything to the maximum. Another thing is how he understands this concern ... Take the same rest: he will find out where it is better to go, create conditions. Well, let alone buying tickets, calling, negotiating, running around with suitcases - he will never do this. Or, for example, he admits that we with small children need a car. Says: “Please! Whatever car you want, you will have one.” But he will never drive himself! Or he says that we are buying an apartment. And he makes money from it. But then all the stages of purchase, repair are provided to me.

Like, do it as you want, it's on your own, on your own, on your own. And he has some other areas of interest.

- Does Andrey work with children?

Yes, he is an amazing dad! (Laughs.) I sometimes tell him: “Andrey, as a husband, you are a rather dubious figure. But he's great as a father!" This father is happiness. And from communicating with him, children receive a colossal amount of puppy delight. Because dad is a child himself, a bully. He does not make the bed himself, he is ready to run around as much as he wants, scare everyone from around the corner, ride a horse, scream and fight with pillows. Another conversation is that he does not always have all this time - simply because of his employment.

- Natalya, didn’t it bother you that Andrey didn’t want you for a very long time officially marry?

I have already said that he influenced me in many ways.

Including my attitude to the stamp in the passport was formed under the influence of Andrei Panin. It didn't matter to him, and I shared his position. Because I understood: a stamp in our life will not change anything - not even in better side, not for the worse. So it's just a formality. Without this, we are quite capable of trusting each other.

- Well, what can you say about jealousy? Does jealousy exist in your family?

Jealousy is just distrust of a person! But if you ask me, do I think that all Andrey's thoughts and feelings are concentrated only on me? .. No, I don't think so. I am well aware that Andrei has a great life: endless meetings, constant trips on business trips.

And, therefore, I am just a part of this life, not even the largest part of it - simply because of the number of people around him and the time he spends with them. Let's say that Andrei lived in St. Petersburg for almost the entire nine months of filming in Sherlock Holmes. You have to be too naive, too self-confident, or even just stupid to believe that under such circumstances a person completely belongs to me. Or that Andrei, in principle, is able to breathe only me for 18 years, remaining all this time at the same intensity of emotions, and not noticing that there are other people in the world. But I also know something else: every weekend, even without the opportunity to spend the night at home, Andrey came from filming to Moscow in order to stay with me and with the children.

And all the time he was waiting for us in St. Petersburg, constantly calling to come. And I don’t doubt for a second: he would be very pleased if I had the opportunity to spend more time with him. And this knowledge is enough for me.

- It highest degree wisdom! Well, what could you ask fate for yourself?

Now that I've grown up youngest child- and Peter is five years old, that is, he has reached the age when his mother is no longer needed around the clock - I have matured to ask life a little more in terms of the profession. And she began to accept offers to act in films. Actually, it’s a sin for me to complain about my career: in the theater I have always had many good roles, and in the cinema I have never gone through this terrible, humiliating job search, offering myself to anyone, if only they would take it.

But I never had any monstrous ambitions, which may be necessary in my profession. I have always treated the role of a wife with pleasure and with fanaticism - the role of a mother. And she did not put her own professional viability in the foreground. Apparently, I just have a happy character - I adapt very easily and accept the situation in which I am. There is one wisdom that I would make my motto: happy is not the one who has a lot, but the one who has enough.

- And yet right now you want a little more than you have. So it wasn't enough?

I just realized that the usual story happened to me!

Most women from the moment of the emergence of the family perceive life from the position of the pronoun "we". Unlike most men who identify themselves with the pronoun "I". In this regard, Andrey's successes, his recognition as a serious, great actor, were quite enough for me. It seemed to me that there is a certain common piggy bank where we put our successes, and it doesn’t matter whose successes these are. But, perhaps, this eternal “we” is a big female mistake! Honestly, now I regret that I allowed myself to swim in someone else's boat for so long. I asked myself, “What am I? What can I do?.. ”In contrast to the time when all my interests were focused only on Andrey, I wanted to be interesting for myself.

- Andrey does not prevent you from desire for self-actualization?

The freedom he gives himself, he gives me as well.

Andrew does not treat me like his property.

- Is it a plus or a minus?

Of course, a plus! Definitely! But now I thought: I wonder what answers Andrei would give to all these questions? Probably completely different...

P. S. The editors express their deep and sincere condolences to Natalya Sergeevna and their sons, Alexander and Peter, with Andrey Vladimirovich.

01 June 2015

On the eve of the actor’s birthday, the TV program magazine found out how his children and widow live, why mother and father don’t go to their son’s grave, and what memories make them cry every day

On the eve of the actor’s birthday, the TV program magazine found out how his children and widow live, why mother and father don’t go to their son’s grave, and what memories make them cry every day.

On May 28, Andrei Panin would have turned 53 years old. The actor died 2 years ago, but his loved ones are experiencing the tragedy as if everything happened a couple of months ago. “We can’t put up with it, because nothing is worse in life than surviving your own child!” - Panin's mother admitted at the meeting.


The Teleprogramma magazine visited the actor's parents in Bronnitsy near Moscow. Two-storey house with a low fence, a plot of 15 acres. 79-year-old Anna Georgievna and 77-year-old Vladimir Alekseevich maintain perfect order in the garden. “Andrey loved to fry kebabs here and always, when he visited, helped with the housework. This bathhouse was put together with him, ”Vladimir Alekseevich meets us in the yard.

We pass into the house, and there everywhere - on the walls, behind the glass in the sideboard, framed on the table - Andrey's photo. The elder Panins moved to the Moscow region, closer to their son, 15 years ago: they retired, sold a four-room apartment in Kemerovo and acquired this plot in Bronnitsy. The actor added the missing funds. According to Anna Georgievna and Vladimir Alekseevich, their Andrei was a kind, caring son, husband and father.

"We abandoned our legacy"

On May 28, according to tradition, parents will fry their son's favorite cutlets, sit down at the table and commemorate Andrey with a glass of homemade tincture. Then they will get a folder where clippings from newspapers and magazines about the actor Panin are stored, and they will re-read them for the umpteenth time. Andrei did not like to celebrate his birthday and usually at the end of May he left with his wife and children for a vacation abroad.

Vladimir Alekseevich:- On May 28, we sat by the phone in the morning. Every year on this day, the son, wherever he was, called and said: “Come on, congratulate me!”

Anna Georgievna:- In Moscow, he did not arrange feasts on the occasion of his birthday. Didn't like this thing. But in our school years, we organized holidays for him: we will set the table, put a cake with candles, and we ourselves and our father will go to the yard on a bench. Once I meet a neighbor on May 29, and she reports to me: “My daughter said that the Panins better days births from the entire school. She liked it so much: they played spin the bottle and danced.” The guys in the yard were reaching out for Andryushka, everyone was friends with him, and the girls from our entrance even fell in love. Therefore, he always had many guests.

Andrei Panin's parents often re-read their son's interviews in the evenings. (PHOTO: Lilya SADIKOVA)

V.A.:- Do you remember how I brought you "lights" for Andrey's birth?

A.G.:- Of course! Didn't forget anything. I remember how it rained outside the large window of the delivery room on the morning of May 28, 1962. Exactly at 5.10 Andryusha appeared. At first I did not scream for a long time, but then nothing, I cried. They announced to me: weight - 3 kilos 650 grams, height - 51 centimeters. They transferred me to the general ward, and in the evening the nurse handed over a small bundle from her husband: I unfolded a handkerchief, and there were forest flowers - yellow lights. But while Volodya was carrying them out of the forest, they wilted. I didn't throw it out, put it in the water. I wake up in the morning, and they come to life, stand, as if they had just been plucked. It seemed like a sign that Andryusha was destined to live long. And here's how it turned out. I think he was killed. Probably someone crossed the road in something. And they couldn't figure it out. Natasha called us this winter and said that the case was closed due to the lack of corpus delicti.

V.A.:- The investigators tried to figure it out, but, probably, it didn’t work out, that’s all. Eh ... (Crying.) We no longer live, but live without him. There is not a day that we do not remember our son.

A.G.:- It's hard for us without Andryusha, we miss him. In material terms, we do not need anything. We receive a pension of almost 16 thousand rubles each, we grow everything we need in the garden. In the store we buy only meat, butter, tea, coffee and sweets when the grandchildren come. We renounced Andryushka's inheritance in favor of the widow Natasha - she is a mother and knows better how to manage money and property in favor of her sons. The main thing is that Andrei's children have what they need.

Realizing that dad is no more, Sasha has matured: he has become serious. In the photo: father and son at the premiere of the film "Key of the Salamander". (PHOTO:

“Grandson matured after the death of his father”

Andrei Panin has three children from two marriages. The first wife, Tatyana Frantsuzova, is the mother of their already 22-year-old daughter, Nadezhda. The artist's widow, actress Natalya Rogozhkina, has two sons: 13-year-old Sasha and 7-year-old Petya. The boys and their mothers come from Moscow to visit Bronnitsy.

A.G.:- Recently, quite the guys visited us. Sasha used to be closed, silent. Natasha consoled Volodya and me: “Do not be offended, this is his age, it will pass.” Indeed, this time he communicated with me better, became affectionate, so close, so close: he hugged me and even kissed me. I told him: “Sasha, you are becoming a different boy, good, flexible.” And Natasha’s eldest grandson once said: “Mom, don’t worry, I love you too. But I loved my dad more!

V.A.:- The elder, when he realized that his father was no more, immediately matured. Already at the age of 13, some became serious and does not play pranks much.

A.G.: And the younger one remembers his dad! Andrei, after all, was an artist, he could transform into a cat, a dog, and a snake - portray anyone you want to children. The guys always played with him with pleasure, laughed. I remember that they put Petenka to bed, we were sitting with Andryusha, talking, and the grandson was shouting from the bedroom that he would not fall asleep until dad came to him. The son was kind with children, but he also taught men's activities: he taught boxing. He will show the reception to Sasha, he will fly off onto the sofa, but he does not whimper, he gets up and continues to train with his father. Now the grandfather can drive his grandchildren, no, no, and shout: “Why didn’t you finish it?” Or: “Why are you dangling your legs at the table, now I’ll put it in a corner!” Educates, but loving. Sasha and Petya go to the same school, where their grandmother, Natasha's mother, teaches. Although she is retired, she works. And she drives a car herself: she takes the boys to classes and back home. The eldest grandson goes to the football section, he recently got injured in training. The younger one likes to watch films with his father. The grandchildren have a nanny who stays with them when Natasha is at rehearsals or performances at the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater. On weekends they go to the dacha in Naro-Fominsk: Natasha bought it with Andryusha. In general, children grow up under supervision, and they have everything. Both turned red! Natasha says that they look like Andryushka.

V.A.: She says that to please us. Outwardly, the guys are more similar to Natasha. But the granddaughter Nadia looks more like Andrey in her face. But we have not seen our granddaughter since childhood. She was born in 1993, shortly after Andrei divorced his first wife. Her parents were against their marriage; they did not need a son-in-law, an actor. Nadia was brought up so that she did not communicate with us.

A.G.:- Andrey did not work out with his first wife family life. In the birth certificate of the child, Tatyana put a dash in the column "father". Although everyone knew who Nadia's dad was. Earlier, on my granddaughter's birthday, I called Tatyana's phone, she gave her the phone, and Volodya and I congratulated our granddaughter. And now for a year we have neither Nadia's phone nor communication with her. She was a student of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, and in her 2nd year she decided to study as an art critic in America. Passed the tests and exams and left for New York. My second cousin's son lives in this city, so we get information about our granddaughter from him. The last time he said that he met with Nadia in a cafe, she was with her boyfriend, they live together. 22 years old - already grown up! Volodya and I saw her when the girl was 8 years old. True, then I once again briefly met Nadia, who had already matured. It was like this: Andrei calls the day before and says: Mom, tomorrow you will come to Moscow to Pushkin Square, at such and such a time Nadya will be there. The son explained how to get there, and I was there on time. And now, across the entire square, the granddaughter shouts: “Baba Anya!” - and waves his hand to me. Here we saw. I don’t know how Andrei communicated with her, but I think that they were rarely allowed to see each other.

Andrei Panin and Natalia Rogozhkina have been together for 18 years. (PHOTO: Yury SAMOLYGO/

"The son was a non-conflict person"

In April 2015, Anna Georgievna and Vladimir Alekseevich celebrated the 54th anniversary of life together. In addition to Andrei's widow and her sons, they are often visited by their daughter Nina and their children, 12-year-old Sasha and 6-year-old Kolya. The old people are distracted by caring for their grandchildren, household chores, but thoughts constantly return to Andrei. And if the actor’s mother, talking about her son, holds back tears, then the father cannot cope with emotions. Vladimir Alekseevich cries, sorting through the photo of his son and remembering stories about him.

A.G.:- Our grandson Sasha, Nina's son, promises that we will watch Andrei's latest series "Major Sokolov's Getters" in the recording. Volodya didn't let me watch this film on TV.

V.A.:“I can’t, my heart isn’t made of iron!”

A.G.:- In general, Andrei did not like it when I watched TV shows. I run to turn on the TV, and he grabs me, jokingly, does not let me in: “Mom, what do you find in them!” He himself constantly acted in films, worked hard, lived to wear out. Sometimes, he would lie down to rest, and around him were several cell phones. I want to take them to another room so that they don’t wake up with a call, but Andrey does not allow it.

V.A.:- Andrei has been involved in sports since childhood, I taught him. I went to competitions in freestyle wrestling, in karate. And until the last days of his life, he maintained a sports form. He was a diversified person, liked to call himself a humanitarian. AT kindergarten, at school he always read fables best of all in roles, he was even invited to parent meetings protrude. He was not an excellent student, but everyone loved him. My son was decent person, non-conflict. Even with me refused to argue! We watch the news, I will comment on something and I know that he does not agree. I'm trying to argue, but he doesn't want to, that's all!

A.G.:- He was a good guy. I dream of my son. In the summer we went to my relatives in the Volgograd region: we swam a lot, sunbathed. And now I see him in a dream on this vacation - small, happy. As if that terrible day never happened.
On March 7, two years ago, I went to the store in the morning. While walking, Volodya got a call from my friend from Togliatti, who saw a message on the news about the death of Panin. I returned, and he said to me: “We are in great grief. Andrew is no more. I fainted. And that's it. After that, there is nothing else for me ...

V.A.:- I was at Andrei's cemetery once: at a funeral. I won't be able to see my son's grave again. I can't take it, it's hard...

A.G.:“But I don’t want to go without Volodya. But, apparently, it will be necessary, since it is impossible to persuade him. I will go with my daughter or with Natasha. I feel sorry for her, she was left alone at the age of 40 without a husband with two children. We were all left alone, without Andrey. ?

A shot of the last filming of the actor in the TV series Major Sokolov's Getters.

Private bussiness

Andrei Panin was born on May 28, 1962 in Novosibirsk. He graduated from the Kemerovo Institute of Culture, the fourth time he entered the Moscow Art Theater School. Served in the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, starred in more than 70 films and TV series. He died March 6, 2013. The actor was found on the morning of March 7 lying dead on the floor in his apartment. It was assumed that Panin fell and hit his head, and death was due to blood loss. Then there were versions that the artist was beaten before his death. The criminal case on causing grievous bodily harm, negligently resulting in the death of the victim, was closed. The investigation concluded that Panin fell and his death was an accident. Andrei Panin has three children: daughter Nadezhda, sons Alexander and Peter. He was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow.

5 best films of Andrey PANIN:

? "Mom, don't cry" (1998)
? "Wedding" (2000)
? "Brigade" (2002)
? "Zhmurki" (2005)
? "Kandahar" (2010)

Andrei Panin is one of those actors who have achieved their success already in adulthood. But, despite this, during his life he managed to achieve audience love and real fame. He first became known to us after the film "Brigade", and then he repeatedly reincarnated as various bandits and police officers, showing master classes in acting. His merits are still equaled by his contemporaries. His work is honored and not forgotten to this day, and entire museums are opened in his honor.

Height, weight, age. Years of life of Andrei Panin

Andrey never had a particularly attractive appearance, he was always just “ordinary”. Even when the guy decided to enter the Moscow Art Theater, he succeeded only on the fourth attempt due to the fact that his appearance was not for films, as the commission believed. The rough and rounded shape of the face, the rustic look, all this did not promise much glory to the actor.

The height of the actor is 177, and in terms of figure he is slightly overweight. But everything changed when there was a person who believed in him and gave him a chance. And Alexander Kalyagin became such a person, who accepted Panin on the fourth attempt at the Moscow Art Theater. Now the biography of the actor is interesting to everyone, and even information about his height, weight, age. The years of life of Andrei Panin from May 28, 1962 to June 3, 2003. The actor lived 50 years.

Biography and personal life of Andrei Panin

Andrei is not one of those actors who, from childhood, dreamed of becoming famous and shining on the theater stage. His parents were ordinary physicists. He was born in Novosibirsk, but two years after the birth of his son, the family moved to Chelyabinsk, and when Andrei was 6 years old, they began to live in Kemerovo. It was in Kemerovo that the actor spent his childhood and youth. Here he graduated from high school and went to study first at the institute Food Industry, from which he was expelled, and then to the Institute of Culture.

After he graduated from the institute and worked a little in the local drama theater, the guy decided to go to conquer Moscow and decided to enter the Moscow Art Theater. But they accepted it only from the fourth time.

Filmography: films starring Andrey Panin

Then he managed to get a job at the Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov and the Moscow Theater Studio. And since 1992, the actor has already begun acting in films. His premiere role was the role in the film "In a straight line." During his career, Andrei managed to act in 70 films. The filmography of the actor is known for such films as: "Border: Taiga Romance", " family secrets”, “Brigade”, “The Last Armored Train”, “Sherlock Holmes” and others.

The biography and personal life of Andrei Panin has always been quite calm and measured. He got what he wanted. During his life, Andrei was married twice and left behind three children.

Family and children of Andrei Panin

The family and children of Andrei Panin is another important page in the quiet life of the actor. He was married twice and both times he truly loved. Many are wondering who Andrei Panin and Alexei Panin are to each other, but it’s worth knowing that the actors, apart from their surnames, have nothing in common, they are not relatives or even friends. Although, Alexei Panin was noticed at Andrei's funeral, but that was only because Alexei was a fan of Andrei's work. Now his children are growing up and trying to arrange their lives. A family for a long time could not come to terms with the loss of her beloved father and husband.

The son of Andrei Panin - Alexander Panin

The eldest son of Andrei Panin, Alexander Panin, has already grown up and even managed to fall in love. Not so long ago in in social networks the guy had a photo with his lover and a signature that he was very in love. The photo was taken at the girl's birthday party against the backdrop of Moscow skyscrapers. It is interesting that in general the couple tries not to advertise their relationship, only occasionally leaving captions under each other's photos. Well, such an adult and independent son grew up with Andrei, and if he were alive, he could be proud of such a serious young guy.

The son of Andrei Panin - Pyotr Panin

But almost nothing is known about the second son of the actor. The son of Andrei Panin - Pyotr Panin was born on January 30, 2008, now he is 9 years old. Both boys are red, like their mother. After the death of the actor, as well as during his life, his family remained under the ban of discussion. He did not like to put his life on display, and he did not want to tell reporters about what was happening at his house. And now, his children also remain closed to the public and do not try in any way to play on the fact that their father was famous.

Daughter of Andrei Panin - Nadezhda Panina

There is also no information about Andrei Panin's daughter, Nadezhda Panina. It was the daughter of his first marriage. There are only rumors that Nadezhda followed in the footsteps of her mother and studied at the Faculty of Finance. Almost nothing is known about the actor's first marriage. Yes, and Andrei himself was very secretive, he did not like to talk about his family and especially about the past. It is only known that he left his first family a long time ago and did not seem to maintain a relationship. Although, it is difficult to imagine that such a kind person as Panin can simply abandon his children. We hope they keep in touch.

The ex-wife of Andrei Panin - Tatyana Frantsuzova

A beautiful girl with such a surname as Frantsuzova worked as a simple economist and won the heart of Andrei Panin. The ex-wife of Andrei Panin, Tatyana Frantsuzova, gave birth to his beautiful daughter Nadezhda, but the couple's relationship did not work out after moving to Moscow. The couple met in Kemerovo, and she was from a fairly wealthy family, by the standards of Kemerovo, but literally immediately after the move, family ties were severed. Now nothing is known about the fate of Tatyana.

Andrey Panin's wife - Natalya Rogozhkina

Andrei Panin's wife, Natalya Rogozhkina, is also a Russian film and theater actress. Natalya spent her entire childhood in Bulgaria, because her father was public figure and he had to live in that country. Interestingly, before last Natalia was going to go to medical school and spontaneously, in last days I decided to apply to the theater university. She studied, like Andrei, at the Moscow Art Theater, and after studying she worked at the Moscow Art Theater. Since 1998, she began to actively act in films and TV shows. The woman painfully experienced the death of her husband and for a long time coped with the surging grief.

Cause of death of Andrei Panin

A very discussed topic from the day of Panin's death to this day is: "the cause of death of Andrei Panin." Someone says that this is a premeditated murder, someone believes that it was an accident, but so far no one has been able to figure this situation out. The actor was found in his apartment in a pool of blood. He died due to a head injury. It is difficult to say that it was an accident, because many abrasions, bruises and clearly signs of a struggle were found on the actor's body. But they also found several empty vodka bottles in the apartment. It is known that Panin had problems with alcohol for some time, but friends assure that he had not drunk for a long time and even refused to drink on his birthday.

4 days before his death, Panin stopped communicating. Friends did not know what was happening to him, and after 4 days they found his lifeless body. According to one version, Panin got drunk, there were some other drinkers with him in the apartment, after drinking alcohol, a quarrel ensued between them, after which a fight broke out, and then the “drinking buddies” fled the scene of the crime. But there are a lot of such versions, and so far there is no exact answer about Panin's death. The funeral took place at the Troekurovsky cemetery, where Panin's grave is now located.

Wikipedia Andrey Panin

Andrey Panin's Wikipedia is full interesting information from the life of an actor, and also there you will find full list films and performances in which Andrey took part. He made a great contribution to the history of cinema and will forever remain in the hearts of grateful fans. 4 documentaries have already been shot about him about his life and creative way. Three films were shot in 2013 and one in 2017. In addition, in Kemerovo, his hometown, they now want to make a museum dedicated to Andrei Panin.

They want to place the museum at the Institute of Arts, where Panin studied, and it will be located on the third floor of the building. There will be hung photographs of young and already adult Andrei, newspaper extracts about him, as well as photographs and posters from the performances in which he took part. Such a gesture shows how much people appreciate his work. Among other things, this institute even wants to introduce the annual Andrei Panin Prize. Well, his work is appreciated even after death, and his soul can be calm, because he has already done everything he could in this world.

Today we present to you a talented Russian theater and film actor - Andrei Vladimirovich Panin. The years of the actor's life 05/23/1962-06/03/2013.

He was a multi-talented man. He has appeared in over seventy films. He also has documentaries to his credit. Andrey Panin also has his directorial work. Plus, he often played theatrical performances. Rightfully deserved awards, some of them were awarded to him posthumously.

Andrei Panin had incredible charisma. He also had his own acting style. His roles were played with talent. He still has fans.

Height, weight, age. Years of life of Andrei Panin

Our hero outwardly was not particularly attractive. Many even considered him “rustic. Nevertheless, talent and brilliant acting allowed him to become a popular and sought-after actor. He has many fans who are still interested in all the information about his idol, as well as his height, weight, age. The years of Andrei Panin's life are full of various events. He lived a little, but was remembered by many as a brilliant actor.

Andrei Panin lived a little over a century. As stated earlier, his appearance was not attractive. Height is about 177 cm, and at the same time he weighed about 80 kg.

According to the Sign of the Zodiac, the actor belonged to the bright, creative and able to transform Gemini. And the year of the Tiger endowed him with determination, fortitude and self-confidence.

Biography and personal life of Andrei Panin

The life path of our hero began in Novosibirsk, but he still considered Kemerovo to be his hometown. They moved there with their family six years after their birth. Andrei Panin also had a younger sister, Nina.

Andrei's parents had nothing to do with creativity and art. They were men of science. His father is a radio physicist, and his mother taught physics at school.

From childhood, Andrei was distinguished by a complex character. Many noted his uncontrollability in behavior. The boy grew up quite frail, but later decided to go in for sports, namely karate and boxing. Went to a dance class for a while.

He studied a little at the Food Institute, but was expelled, since here he became famous for his uncontrollability.

A little later, I realized what I wanted to do in life - to become an actor. But he did not enter the acting studio of the Moscow Art Theater on the first attempt. The reason for this was the speech defect of the artist, as well as the "rustic" appearance.

But over time, everyone recognized Panin's acting talent. He has many followers. The biography and personal life of Andrei Panin is still interesting to his fans, who are not few. And also in his hometown there is a museum dedicated to his work.

Filmography: films starring Andrey Panin

The "cinema" career of our hero originates from the nineties of the twentieth century. He received his first role in the film "In a straight line." Here Panin played a small role as a guard in the zone, whose name was Dima.

After that, his filmography only expanded. Films with the participation of Andrei Panin in leading role have always been original, interesting and popular. "Brigade" (all parts), "Taiga Romance", "Shadow Boxing", "Don't Even Think" and others are his most popular works. In general, there are more than seventy films.

Panin also starred in documentaries(they were mostly so-called "movies about the movie"). There were also directorial works - "Full speed ahead" and "Grandson of the astronaut."

Family and children of Andrei Panin

The parents of our hero were in no way connected with creativity. Nevertheless, Andrei Panin from his youth dreamed of conquering the stage. And there were some problems. Nevertheless, he showed his perseverance and began to engage in the work of his life.

It is known that over the years of his life, the actor was married twice. In total, he had three children. Daughter from the first tank and two sons from the second. They were the actor's pride. He always treated all his relatives with care and love.

After the death of the artist, the family and children of Andrei Panin worried for a long time, could not accept that he was no more.

Due to the similarity of the surname, many are wondering: “Andrey Panin and Alexei Panin - who are they to each other?” But it is worth noting that both of these actors are not related to each other.

The son of Andrei Panin - Alexander Panin

Our hero has only three children. The eldest son of Andrei Panin, Alexander Panin, was born in the early 2000s. From childhood he loved sport games and was quite sociable.

The boy's father died when Sasha was only twelve years old. It was a big blow for the boy.

Now Alexander has already matured. He still goes in for sports, a rather sociable and pleasant guy. Have a girlfriend.

The son of Andrei Panin - Pyotr Panin

Seven years after Sasha, our hero becomes a father for the third time. The son of Andrei Panin, Pyotr Panin, Jr., was born in marriage to actress Natalya Rogozhkina.

From childhood, the boy was distinguished by curiosity. On the this moment Peter is about nine, he studies well and goes in for sports.

There is generally little information about the children of the actor, since he himself practically did not say anything about them. It is known that the sons born in the marriage of Andrei and Natalya Rogozhkina are red-haired. With this they went to their mother.

Daughter of Andrei Panin - Nadezhda Panina

For the first time, the hero of our article became a father in the early nineties. Eldest daughter Andrey Panin - Nadezhda Panina. Then the actor was in his first marriage, and his wife was actress Tatyana Frantsuzova.

It is known that the actor himself did not come to the birth of his first child. The thing is that Andrei Panin was then going through a very difficult time. From hopelessness, the actor took to drink for the first time. At that time, he served in the capital's art theater, but was only as a reserve actor. There was not enough money in the family and his wife moved to give birth and live in the city of childhood. It is worth saying that the artist never showed up in his daughter's life later.

The ex-wife of Andrei Panin - Tatyana Frantsuzova

For the first time, our hero tied the knot when he was young. Then he was twenty years old. Tatyana Frantsuzova became his first chosen one. They were both students. The girl studied at the Faculty of Economics.

It is worth noting, ex-wife Andrey Panin - Tatyana Frantsuzova was from a family that did not live in poverty. Therefore, her parents did not approve of Panin's choice as her future husband. The actor seemed to them not a suitable couple. Nevertheless, Tanya did not betray her feelings, but married the artist. Not a hindrance was not the comfort of living and even possible betrayals.

They divorced to get housing, but as it later became clear that they were not destined to be. Having become pregnant, Tanya went home to Kemerovo and never returned.

Andrey Panin's wife - Natalya Rogozhkina

Already in adulthood, our hero met his fate. His chosen one was an actress - Natalia Rogozhkina. They met when Andrei was 32 years old, and the girl was only 20. But the age difference did not bother anyone.

Our hero sincerely loved his wife. She, in turn, also supported her husband in everything. She was amazed at his talent as an actor and artist. It was Natalia who took the initiative and organized an exhibition of Panin's paintings.

Andrei Panin's wife, Natalia Rogozhkina, gave her husband two sons, Alexander and Peter.

The first years of marriage were filled with idyll and harmony. But a little later, as they say, their relationship went a little wrong. Some even said that the couple had separated a few years before the death of the actor. But there are no reliable facts about this. Although, Panin did have another residential property. But she was bought to work there away from the hustle and bustle.

Cause of death of Andrei Panin

Our hero died when he was 50 years old. He died on March 6, 2013. The body of the actor was found in his own apartment the next day. The official cause of death of Andrei Panin was issued - she wrote in the papers that he died from an accident.

In reality, the actor's body was found lying in a pool of blood. As the forensic experts established, Panin was beaten before his death. Housemates said that on the eve of his death they heard the actor's groans, but still they did not attach any importance to this. Empty vodka bottles were found at the place of death. Although the actor's friends said that the artist had not accepted the actor for a long time.

The funeral took place at the Troekurovsky cemetery. There is now the grave of the actor.

Wikipedia Andrey Panin

Our hero was a fairly famous actor. Therefore, it is not surprising that Andrey Panin's Wikipedia is a fairly popular request among Internet users.

Here you can find biographical data about the artist, his formation as a person, his career is described.

Also here you can find creative life Andrey Panin, his filmography and other works. The actor's awards are also presented here. It should be noted that all information is reliable, written in an understandable language and is publicly available.

Andrey Vladimirovich Panin - brilliant Russian actor theater and cinema. He rightfully received in 1999 the title of Honored Artist Russian Federation. In 2001 he became a laureate of the State Prize of Russia, and in 2003 and 2013 (posthumously) the Nika Prize. He was also repeatedly nominated for the Golden Eagle award.

All awards and prizes speak of the undeniable acting talent Andrey Panin. He was an outstanding artist. During his life, he managed to achieve public recognition, earn the love of the audience and become famous. Andrey Panin's merits are still equaled by his contemporaries.

“He is not an artist. He is a person. And this is very important, ”the film director Alexei Balabanov once described Andrei Panin.

And, indeed, the actor cannot be attributed to one specific niche: he is not a comedian, and not a hero-lover, and not a social worker. He is very talented actor. He played his characters perfectly. For the first time, it became known about him after the release of the film "Brigada" on television.

Andrei Panin has a large number of fans. The biography and creative path of the actor is quite rich and unpredictable, and therefore interesting to everyone.

Andrei Panin was not handsome, he was never attractive. The actor was "ordinary", rustic in appearance. Skeptics did not believe in his acting future, believing that they did not act in films with such an appearance. But Andrei Panin managed to achieve a lot and become famous. Admirers of his work are interested in the biography and creative path of the actor, as well as his physical parameters, including his height, weight, age. The years of life of Andrei Panin - 05/23/1962 to 06/03/2013. It turns out that Andrei Panin died at the age of fifty. Photo in his youth and now remains a popular request on the Internet.

The growth of the Actor was 177 centimeters, weighed 81 kilograms. According to the sign of the Zodiac, the actor is Gemini. Perhaps it was precisely this arrangement of stars at his birth that endowed him with some kind of duplicity, not in the bad sense of the word: either the actor was open, became the soul of the company, or closed in on himself, considered himself lonely.

Biography and personal life of Andrei Panin

The biography and personal life of Andrei Panin began in Novosibirsk. The actor was born on May 28, 1962 in a family of scientists. Father - Vladimir Panin, was a radio physicist. Mother - Anna Panina, taught physics at school. Two years after the birth of the future actor, the family moved to Chelyabinsk. And already, when Andrei Panin was 6 years old - in Kemerovo. It is this city that the actor considers his native. Immediately his younger sister, Nina Panina, was born.

As a child, Andrei Panin was engaged in boxing, karate and dancing. After graduation, the actor, on the recommendation of his parents, entered the Kemerovo Food Institute, but was later expelled for his behavior. Soon he entered the Kemerovo Institute of Culture.

He entered the Moscow Art Theater School only the fourth time. He was not taken because of a speech defect and a "rustic" appearance. After graduation, he worked at the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov.

Filmography: films starring Andrey Panin

Since 1992, the actor began acting in films. His debut took place in the film "In a straight line."

His filmography includes more than 70 films: "The Brigade", "Mother, Do not Cry", "Taiga Romance", etc.

Family and children of Andrei Panin

The family and children of Andrei Panin are the property of the actor. The actor was married twice. He loved his wives sincerely and truly.

Andrei Panin has three children - two sons Alexander and Peter, and one daughter - Nadezhda. Now they are growing up, arranging their lives. The sons are proud of their talented and outstanding father and miss him very much. The family could not come to terms with his loss for a long time.

Many are interested in the question "Andrey Panin and Alexei Panin - who are they to each other?". Note that in addition to the surname and creative activity there is nothing to connect them. They are not relatives or even friends. Note that Alexey Panin is an admirer of the work of Andrei Panin.

The son of Andrei Panin - Alexander

The son of Andrei Panin is Alexander, the eldest son of the actor. The boy was born in 2001 in the second marriage of the artist. Then Andrei Panin was married to actress Natalya Rogozhkina. When Alexander was 12 years old, his father died. Now he is already 17 years old. During this time, he noticeably matured and even managed to fall in love. It is noteworthy that young people try not to advertise their relationship, only occasionally leaving comments under the photo, where the couple looks very happy.

All free time Alexander dedicates to sports, music and friends. It is known that the guy is also interested in theater. Sometimes he sees his colleagues in the workshop. Shows interest in operatorship. Perhaps Alexander will follow in his father's footsteps.

The son of Andrei Panin - Peter

The son of Andrei Panin is Peter, the youngest and third child of the actor. The boy was born on January 30, 2008 in the second marriage of the artist. His mother is also an actress - Natalya Rogozhkina. Now the boy is 9 years old. He studies well and goes in for sports.

Note that both sons are red-haired, like their mother. Andrei Panin called them with love Neanderthals, a rarity.

There is very little information about Peter. Andrei Panin did not talk about his family, did not like to make public what was happening at his house. And after the death of the actor, his family remained a taboo topic for discussion. His sons and now do not try to play on the celebrity of their father.

Andrey Panin's daughter - Nadezhda

The daughter of Andrei Panin is Nadezhda, the first child of the actor. Born in 1993. Then the artist was first married to Tatyana Frantsuzova. Hope appeared when Andrei Panin served in the Moscow Art Theater, but among the spares. Due to lack of money, his wife went to give birth at home in Kemerovo. It is known that then Andrey Panin started drinking for the first time. The young father did not come to the birth of his daughter, and later also did not appear. Hope was brought up by the wife's parents.

Nadezhda is now 25 years old. Together with her mother, she lives in the United States and receives her education in New York. The ex-wife and daughter are trying to forget about the presence of actor Andrei Panin. Nadezhda even took her mother's surname. But outwardly she is very similar to her father.

The ex-wife of Andrei Panin - Tatyana Frantsuzova

The ex-wife of Andrei Panin is Tatyana Frantsuzova, the first chosen one of the actor. The girl was from a fairly wealthy family. For her parents, the actor was a rather rustic guy. They did not approve of their daughter's choice. Tatyana Frantsuzova herself was madly in love with the actor. She forgave him a lot: insults, living conditions, possible betrayals.

The young met as students. It was then, at the age of twenty, that Andrei Panin entered the theater institute on his fourth attempt. Tatyana Frantsuzova also studied economics.

After the wedding, Andrei Panin and Tatyana Frantsuzova huddled in an ordinary communal apartment. There was not enough money for living. Soon, in order to obtain housing, the couple divorced fictitiously.

Having become pregnant, Tatyana Frantsuzova decided to give birth to a child at home, in Kemerovo. It is known that Andrei Panin did not come to the birth of his daughter, and later also did not appear.

Now Tatyana Farntsuzova and her daughter live in the United States.

Andrey Panin's wife - Natalya Rogozhikna

Andrey Panin's wife - Natalya Rogozhkina, Russian actress theater and cinema. Young people met in 2000. Then the actress was 20 years old, and Andrei Panin was 32 years old.

Natalya Rogozhkina admired her husband. She noted his directorial talent and artistic abilities. It was she who became the organizer of the exhibition of the actor's paintings.

Two sons were born in the marriage - Alexander and Peter. When the first son appeared, Andrei Panin experienced two feelings - joy and fear.

Andrei Panin was very careful about his family, he loved his wife and children. The family often vacationed together. But then the relationship deteriorated. Rumor has it that the last two years of their lives, the couple lived separately. Perhaps this is just a rumor. But Andrei Panin still had a second apartment. He bought it in order to work quietly, without being distracted by fuss.

Natalya Rogozhkina and the sons of Andrei Panin for a long time could not come to terms with the death of their husband and father.

Cause of death of Andrei Panin

Andrey Panin died on March 6, 2013. His body was found on March 7 in an apartment building on Balaklavsky Prospekt in Moscow. The main cause of death of Andrei Panin is an accident.

A few days before his death, Andrei Panin did not get in touch. They found him in a pool of blood. A little later, forensic experts came to the conclusion that before his death, the actor was severely beaten: many bruises and abrasions were found on his body. Neighbors noted that they heard groans from the apartment of the deceased, but no one paid due attention. A large number of empty vodka bottles were also found in the apartment. But Andrei Panin's friends assure that the actor stopped drinking a long time ago.

The funeral took place at the Troekurovsky cemetery, where Panin's grave is now located.

Wikipedia Andrey Panin

There is a lot of different information about the actor Andrei Panin on the Internet. A good source is Andrey Panin's Wikipedia. Here are the main facts from the biography of the actor, his personal life, creative path, the formation of the personality and career growth of the artist. You can also get acquainted with the filmography of Andrei Panin, his prizes and awards.

It should be noted that Wikipedia provides reliable information, it is written in an understandable language, without frills and is available to every Internet user.

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