Description in scientific style. Scientific style of speech

Health 27.09.2019


scientific style speech……………………………………………………………………..4




The scientific style of speech is a means of communication in the field of science and educational and scientific activities. Every member modern society in different time life and to a different extent encounters texts of this style, functioning in oral and written form, therefore mastering the norms of the scientific and scientific-educational style of speech is important integral part culture of Russian oral and written speech.

The scientific style is one of the book styles of the Russian literary language, which have general conditions functioning and similar language features, among which:

pre-contemplation of the statement,

monologic nature of speech,

strict selection of language means,

striving for standardized speech.


The main features of the scientific style both in written and oral form are:

  • Accuracy
  • Abstraction
  • Logic
  • Objectivity of presentation

The scientific style is characterized by the use of special scientific and terminological vocabulary, incl. and international.

The peculiarity of the lexicon is that polysemantic words are not used in all meanings, but only in one. This brings it closer to the vocabulary of the official business style. The volume of text in a scientific style is increased by repeated repetition of the same words. There is no colloquial vocabulary. Estimates are present, have a rational, not emotional character. Also used in the syntax are complex allied sentences, complicated simple sentences. The texts contain various formulas, tables and graphs.

sphere social activities in which the scientific style functions is science.

The sphere of scientific communication is distinguished by the fact that it pursues the goal of the most accurate, logical, unambiguous expression of thought. The main form of thinking in the field of science is the concept, the dynamics of thinking is expressed in judgments and conclusions that follow one after another in a strict logical sequence. The idea is strictly argued, the logic of reasoning is emphasized, analysis and synthesis are closely interconnected. Consequently, scientific thinking takes on a generalized and abstracted character. The final crystallization of scientific thought is carried out in external speech, in oral and written texts of various genres of scientific style, which, as was said, have common features. The general extralinguistic properties of the scientific style of speech, its style features, due to abstractness (conceptuality) and strict logic of thinking, are:

Scientific themes of texts. Generalization, abstractness, abstract presentation. Almost every word acts as a designation of a general concept or an abstract subject. The abstract generalized nature of speech is manifested in the selection of lexical material (nouns prevail over verbs, general scientific terms and words are used, verbs are used in certain temporary and personal forms) and special syntactic constructions (indefinitely personal sentences, passive constructions).

Logic of presentation. Between the parts of the statement there is an ordered system of connections, the presentation is consistent and consistent. This is achieved by using special syntactic constructions and typical means interphrase communication.

Presentation accuracy. It is achieved by using unambiguous expressions, terms, words with clear lexico-semantic compatibility.

Proof of presentation. Reasoning argues scientific hypotheses and provisions.

objectivity of presentation. Manifested in the presentation, analysis different points view of the problem, in the focus on the subject of the statement and the absence of subjectivity in the transfer of content, in the impersonality of the linguistic expression.

Saturation of factual information, which is necessary for evidence and objectivity of presentation.

The most important task of the scientific style of speech is to explain the causes of phenomena, to report, to describe the essential features, properties of the subject of scientific knowledge.

These features of the scientific style are expressed in its linguistic characteristics and determine the consistency of the actual linguistic means of this style. The scientific style of speech includes language units of three types.

Lexical units that have a functional and stylistic coloring of a given (that is, scientific) style. These are special lexical units, syntactic constructions, morphological forms.

Interstyle units, that is, language units that are stylistically neutral, are used equally in all styles.

Stylistically neutral language units, predominantly functioning in this particular style. Thus, their quantitative predominance in a given style becomes stylistically significant. Quantitatively marked units in the scientific style are, first of all, some morphological forms, as well as syntactic constructions.


The emergence and development of the scientific style is associated with the progress of scientific knowledge in various areas of life and activity of nature and man. Initially, scientific presentation was close to the style of artistic narrative (emotional perception of phenomena in the scientific works of Pythagoras, Plato and Lucretius). Creation in Greek, which spread its influence over the entire cultural world, stable scientific terminology led to the separation of the scientific style from the artistic one (Alexandrian period). In Russia, the scientific style of speech began to take shape in the first decades of the 18th century in connection with the creation by the authors of scientific books and translators of Russian scientific terminology. A significant role in the formation and improvement of the scientific style belonged to M.V. Lomonosov and his students (second half of the 18th century), the scientific style finally took shape only by the end of the 19th century.


  1. Berezina S.N. Russian language in diagrams and tables. -M.: Eksmo, 2006
  2. Gaikhman O.Ya. Russian language and culture of speech: study guide. -M., 2003
  3. Golub I.B. Russian language and culture of speech: study guide. -M.: Logos, 2002
  4. Chemko L.A. Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. -M., 1986
  5. Barkhudarova S.G. Spelling dictionary of the Russian language. -M.: Sov.encyclopedia, 1971

Sphere of communication- scientific activity.

Speech function- informative (message of objective generalized knowledge).

Specific features- consistency, evidence, dispassion, semantic accuracy (unambiguity), ugliness, hidden emotionality, objectivity of presentation, some dryness and rigor.

Typical genres:

    monograph a scientific work devoted to a deep and detailed study of one topic;

    thesis a research paper prepared for the public defense of its provisions;

    treatise a scientific genre in which a particular question or problem is considered;

    Research Article an article that is distinguished by a purely scientific presentation of information, lack of emotionality;

    dictionary and encyclopedic entries;

    review feedback on scientific work;

    annotation a brief description of the content of the scientific work;

    theses briefly expressed provisions of a scientific work;

    graduate work research work of a graduate student;

    course work - an educational scientific genre, similar to a thesis, but of a smaller volume and with a smaller coverage of the topic;

    lecture (academic, educational, popular science);

    scientific report.

Scientific style norms


The use of vocabulary with a clear meaning (single-valued words) in order to avoid ambiguous interpretation.

The use of abstract and concrete vocabulary to refer to general concepts.

The inadmissibility of the use of non-literary vocabulary.

Widespread use of technical terms.

Limited use of emotionally expressive vocabulary and phraseology.

Minimal use of lexical synonyms.

Intentional repetition of words as a result of the undesirability of using synonyms and pronouns instead of nouns.

Permission to repeat words.

Predominance of nominal vocabulary over verbal.


The preferred use of sentences that are complex in structure and semantics.

Activity among all types of complex sentences of complex syntactic constructions with cause-and-effect relationships.

Limited use of incomplete sentences.

The frequency of one-component generalized personal and indefinitely personal sentences, the limited use of impersonal sentences.

Wide use of introductory words, introductory sentences for greater consistency, accuracy, and reliability of speech.

The prevalence of participial and gerund phrases, passive constructions.

The inadmissibility of redundant language means and colloquial constructions.

Use of cliched syntactic constructions.

The predominance of a sequential (chain) connection of parts of the text through the use of personal and demonstrative pronouns, adverbs, introductory words, repetition of nouns.

The predominance of narrative sentences for the purpose of utterance.

Monologic form of presentation of scientific text.

The use of "intellectual expressiveness" (accurate and logical use of linguistic means to give the text credibility, emotional appraisal) as a means of imagery specific to scientific speech.

Limited use of figurative language means.

Way of presentation

Objectivity of presentation, some dryness and rigor, which does not exclude, however, a kind of expressiveness, which is achieved by the accuracy and conciseness of the presentation, its argumentation.

Dispassionate, persuasive presentation.

The generalized abstract nature of the presentation due to the use of verb forms and personal pronouns with a weakened grammatical meaning of the person.

Sample text scientific style:

INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM- a phenomenon in world politics associated with the spread of violence in the form of terrorist acts that threaten the normal course of international relations. This concept is more publicistic than legal in nature from the point of view of the possibility of developing a universal definition of international terrorism, and, consequently, to determine the political and legal framework of responsibility for committing terrorist acts.

Need for international cooperation arises when: the attempt, organization or participation in the commission of a terrorist act, as well as the form and method of its implementation are prohibited under international law or persecuted by virtue of a custom which acquired the meaning of "jus obtio" in international relations, or should be prohibited due to their contradiction with the basic norms and principles of international law; the object of violent action is protected under international law; the act of using force or the threat to use it is committed by a subject of international law and, therefore, is subject to consideration within the framework of this system, or committed by a natural or legal person, but the situation in which these actions are carried out predetermines the international consequences due to the danger of such actions for international peace and security or the presence of an international element in the composition of this tort.

(Political science. Encyclopedic Dictionary)

Formal business style

Sphere of communication- official (legislation, office work).

Speech function- informative.

Specific features- formality, accuracy, unambiguity, impersonality of presentation, standardization.

Typical genres:


    laws (codes);

    message of the President;






    various types of business letters (letter of order, cover letter, etc.);



    oral business negotiations;

    diplomatic letter;

    declaration of intent;


Norms of official businessspeech style


The conditionality of the choice of vocabulary by the need to express imperativeness and regulation (the use of infinitives, verbs with the meaning of duty, adverbs, short adjectives, amplifying particles, specific forms of tense of the verb, etc.).

The use of neutral vocabulary with a clear meaning, devoid of emotionally expressive coloring.

The use of stable turns of business speech with unexpressed emotionality and expressiveness.

Limited use of lexical synonyms.

Intentional repetition of words.

The greatest, in comparison with all other functional styles, the frequency of the use of nominal vocabulary (verbal nouns, denominative prepositions and conjunctions, short adjectives).


The greatest activity of complex syntactic constructions and simple complicated sentences.

The use of simple sentences of increased size due to the inclusion of means of “detailing”, clarifying the informative content of the sentence: homogeneous and isolated members, introductory words, chains of infinitives and nouns in gender. etc.

Wide use of one-part (often infinitive and impersonal) sentences.

The prevalence of sentences with passive constructions.

The use of cliched syntactic constructions.

The use of complex sentences.

Among the subordinate clauses, conditional clauses are the most active, while reasons are the least active.

The predominance of the allied connection over the non-union.

Direct word order in a sentence.

Use of figurative means

Lack of figurative means of language

Way of presentation

A special prescriptive-stating character of speech.

The impersonality of the presentation, excluding the use of the forms of the 1st and 2nd person and the corresponding personal pronouns.

Officiality, dryness and rigor of presentation.


Construction of the text according to a certain cliché.

Sample text official business style:


FULL NAME.: Orlov Igor Ivanovich

ADDRESS: 127322, Moscow, st. Leskova, d. 7, apt. 11

TELEPHONE: 2103318

CITIZENSHIP: Russian Federation


EDUCATION: 1977 - 1982 - Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys with a degree in ELECTRONIC COMPUTERS with the qualification of a SYSTEM ENGINEER. 1967 - 1977 - secondary school No. 27 (Moscow). Upon graduation, he received a certificate of qualification PROGRAMMER.

WORK EXPERIENCE: From 1992 to the present - Head of the Department of Informatics in the financial company "FIN-TRUST" (provided software support for the company's activities and the functioning of computer technology).

From 1982 to 1992 - engineer at the Research Institute of Instrument Engineering, since 1985 - head of the sector (developed computer systems).

From 1980 to 1982, he was a senior technician at the Moscow Statistical Office (he developed AWP algorithms).

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I have experience with spreadsheets, text and graphics editors in DOS and WINDOWS environments, as well as programming systems in PASKAL, C and DBMS, such as DBASE, FOX PRO, etc.

I have a number of publications in the special magazine "Home Computer". I speak English (I read and translate with a dictionary). Upon request, I can provide the necessary recommendations. Signature I.I. Orlov

Journalistic style

Scope of communication: 1) in a broad sense - mass communication: newspaper, radio, television, cinema, etc.;

2) in the narrow sense - diverse genres of newspaper speech.

Speech functions- informative, influencing, popularizing.

Specific features- information content, evidence, accuracy, open evaluation of speech, standardization, expressiveness.

Typical genres:

    feature article - a genre of presentation and analysis of various facts and phenomena social life with their direct interpretation by the author;

    article a short narrative in a newspaper or magazine, revealing a particular topic;

    the note a short report in the newspaper on a current topic;

    essay general or preliminary considerations on any occasion, which the author sets out in a colloquial style, showing his individual position;

    pamphlet a work with a topical socio-political denunciation with elements of satire;

    proclamation a printed appeal of an agitational nature, including in the form of a leaflet;

    manifesto appeal, declaration, appeal of a public organization, political party containing the program and principles of their activities;

    program a statement of the main provisions and goals of the activities of a political party, organization, government;

    feuilleton satirical or humorous depiction of a phenomenon or person;

    interview conversation between a journalist and one or more people hot topics broadcast on television, radio or printed in a newspaper, magazine;

    reportage prompt message about any event;

    address (welcome address) a written congratulation on the occasion of the anniversary, presented at a solemn meeting;

    resolution rally (meeting) - a summary of the final decision of the rally (meeting);

    speech on radio, television political scientist.

Norms of journalistic style of speech


The heterogeneity of the lexical composition, manifested in the combination of book vocabulary with colloquial and colloquial.

Use of special vocabulary and terminology from various fields of knowledge: politics, economics, culture, etc.

The use of common vocabulary with a new expansional meaning.

Widespread use of neologisms, occasionalisms.

The use of foreign language vocabulary, internationalisms. Great activity of evaluative vocabulary.

Use of winged words, proverbs and sayings.

The use of "gazetisms" (language means, distributed mainly in the newspaper-journalistic style) and standardized newspaper phraseology, both general language and newspaper proper).

Inadmissibility of unmotivated repetition of words, tautologies.

Wide use of own names, abbreviations. The general nominal character of newspaper vocabulary.


The admissibility of simple and complex sentences only with a clear structure.

Syntactic heterogeneity of journalistic speech: a combination of book syntax (use of complex sentences and simple ones complicated by isolated members, introductory words and sentences, plug-in constructions, etc.) with colloquial (use of incomplete sentences, parceled and connecting constructions, etc.).

Inadmissibility of using monotonous syntactic structures.

Widespread use of incentive and interrogative sentences.

Activity of passive syntactic constructions.

Use of direct speech, dialogue.

The use of a simple verbal predicate, expressed by stable verb combinations, a personal verb to denote a generalized action.

A peculiar use of homogeneous members: pairing, repetition, gradation.

The use of simple sentences specific in form and semantics as newspaper headlines.

The prevalence of nominative sentences (the use of chains of nominative sentences at the beginning and in the middle of the text).

The preferred use of a complex sentence over other types of complex sentences.

The infrequent use of a complex sentence with different types of connection.

Use of figurative means

Widespread use of figurative means with a pronounced emotional appraisal.

Using means of verbal figurativeness: tropes (metaphors, metonymy, personification, paraphrase, etc., constant for newspaper speech) and figures (antitheses, parallelism, inversion, anaphora, epiphora, etc.).

Intentional "collision" of book vocabulary with colloquial and vernacular in order to create expressiveness.

Way of presentation

The use of forms of the 1st and 3rd person in a generalized sense;

Generalization and conceptual presentation;

Generalization and open evaluation of the presentation.

Addressing speech to a wide range of readers, which requires simplicity, clarity and accuracy of presentation.

Argumentation of presentation.

Factual presentation.

Sample text journalistic style:

Unity - friendly guys

Young bears wear red and blue ties and don't know yet

who is Shoigu

In the Saratov regional center "Unity" - a big holiday. In the Petrovsky district, the ranks of the "bears" were replenished with three thousand schoolchildren at once. 90 percent of Petrovsk residents aged seven to fourteen swore allegiance to the cause of Shoigu's party.

This significant event was not at all the result of the great propaganda work of local activists-zainists. The Petrovsky party cell came, as they say, to the ready, taking under its wing an existing youth organization for two years, the largest in the region. It was founded by Oleg Tumkin, director of the House of Children's Creativity, who has been nurturing the younger generation for almost four decades. Oleg Nikolaevich says that initially he set not political, but purely educational goals.

- There are 30 schools in the region, each “sculpts” a child in its own way. And in educational work there should be an ideological core, similar to the pioneers, but taking into account modern features. We gathered head teachers and counselors and decided to unite all school organizations.

The schoolchildren themselves came up with the name for their club. It was in December 1999, and informed youth suggested that we call ourselves "Unity". Now it turns out that the guys did very far-sighted. However, it was difficult to expect anything else in the region, where the entire administrative resource worked for "bearish" agitation.

Almost all teenagers under 14 joined the organization, and in general, half of the schoolchildren of the district. Parents are not particularly interested in politics, but they are glad that the children are at least somehow attached<…>

(N. Andreeva Unity - friendly guys // General newspaper. No. 18, 24.10.2001)

Art style

Sphere of communication- aesthetic (fiction).

Speech function- aesthetic (creation of an artistic image).

Specific features- figurativeness, emotionality, expressiveness, dynamism, inadmissibility of the standard, pronounced author's individuality.

Typical genres- novel, story, short story, poem, lyric poem, etc.

Art style norms


Heterogeneity of the lexical composition (a combination of book vocabulary with colloquial, vernacular, dialectisms, jargon, etc.).

The use of all layers of Russian vocabulary in order to implement the aesthetic function.

The activity of polysemantic words of all stylistic varieties of speech.

Greater preference for the use of specific vocabulary and lesser - abstract.

Minimal use of generic terms.

Wide use of folk poetic words, emotional and expressive vocabulary, synonyms, antonyms.

The general verbal character of artistic speech and, in connection with this, the widespread use of personal verbs and personal pronouns.


Ability to use all types of simple and complex sentences.

Relevance of syntactic constructions with redundant linguistic means, inversion; conversational structures.

The wide use of dialogue, sentences with direct speech, improperly direct and indirect.

Activity of parceled structures.

Unmotivated use of cliched syntactic constructions.

Inadmissibility of syntactically monotonous speech.

Using the means of poetic syntax.

Use of figurative means

The widest, in comparison with other functional styles, the use of verbal figurative means: tropes and figures.

Achievement of figurativeness due to deliberate collision of different language means.

Use of all means of the language, including neutral ones, to create a system of images.

Way of presentation

Polysubjectivity of artistic speech: a combination of the speech of the author (author-narrator, author-creator) with the speech of the characters.

Sample text art style:

Beautiful - and especially in this winter - was the Baturin estate. Stone pillars at the entrance to the yard, a snow-and-sugar yard carved into snowdrifts by runners, silence, sunshine, in the sharp frosty air the sweet smell of children from the kitchens, something cozy, homely in the traces made from the cook's room to the house, from the human to the cooker, the stables and other services surrounding the courtyard ... Silence and brilliance, the whiteness of roofs thick with snow, winter-like low, drowned in snow, reddish blackening with bare boughs, a garden visible from two sides behind the house, our cherished century-old spruce, raising its sharp black-and-green top into the bright blue sky from behind the roof of the house, because of its steep slope, like a snowy mountain peak, between two calmly and highly smoking chimneys ... On the pediments of the porches warmed by the sun, nuns-jackdaws sit, pleasantly huddle, usually chatty, but now very quiet; affably, squinting from the blinding, cheerful light, from the icy semi-precious play in the snow, old windows with small squares of frames look ... Creaking with frozen boots on the snow hardened on the steps, you go up to the main, right porch, pass under its canopy, open the heavy and black from time through the oak door, you pass through the dark long vestibule...

(I. Bunin. Life of Arseniev)

Conversational style

Sphere of communication– interpersonal relations (everyday sphere).

Speech function- establishing interpersonal relationships.

Specific features- ease, unpreparedness, dependence on the situation.

Genres- dialogue when buying, talking on the phone, etc.

Language features of conversational style


The use of everyday, colloquial vocabulary ( son, window, telly).

Emotional vocabulary ( hands, plank, tiny etc.).

The use of emotionally colored phraseological units ( no skin, no faces, through the stump deck etc.).


incomplete sentences ( Are you home? Are you on the tram? I soon).

The predominance of structures with unionless connection.

specific word order ( She was sent to school in English. Raspberries, I know you don't like).

Use of interrogative and imperative sentences.

Interjection predicates ( The blouse is not ah).

Sample text conversational style:

Another impression was that... When I was with a bear for the first time... Once I spent the night in the forest. It’s scary, and it’s cold - the frost is tearing to the bone. That time I met a bear. In the evening he came to the current for overhearing - it means to listen. I hear - like someone sat there. That is, such a feeling - as if there is someone there. Then a shadow covered me - an owl flies three meters above my head, quietly flew up, only slightly turned its head. Well, I think I'll slap him now - I don't need helpers!

(From colloquial speech)

Questions for self-control

    What is functional speech style?

    Describe the system of functional styles of the modern Russian language.

    What is the difference between book style of speech and colloquial style?

The main features of the scientific style of speech

The most common a specific feature of this style of speech is the logical presentation .

Any coherent statement should have this quality. But the scientific text is distinguished by its emphasized, strict logic. All parts in it are rigidly connected in meaning and are arranged strictly sequentially; conclusions follow from the facts presented in the text. This is done by means typical of scientific speech: linking sentences with repeated nouns, often in combination with a demonstrative pronoun.

Adverbs also indicate the sequence of development of thought: first, first of all, then, then, next; as well as introductory words: firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally, so, therefore, vice versa; unions: because, because, in order to, therefore. The predominance of allied communication emphasizes the greater connection between sentences.

Another typical feature of the scientific style of speech is accuracy. .

Semantic accuracy (unambiguity) is achieved by careful selection of words, using words in their direct meaning, wide use of terms and special vocabulary. In the scientific style, the repetition of key words is considered the norm.

abstraction and generality certainly permeate every scientific text.

Therefore, it is widely used abstract concepts which are difficult to imagine, see, feel. In such texts, words with an abstract meaning are often found, for example: emptiness, speed, time, force, quantity, quality, law, number, limit; formulas, symbols, symbols, graphs, tables, diagrams, diagrams, drawings are often used.

It is characteristic that even specific vocabulary here stands for general concepts .

For example: The philologist must carefully, i.e., a philologist in general; Birch tolerates frost well, i.e., not a single object, but a tree species is a general concept. This is clearly manifested when comparing the features of the use of the same word in scientific and artistic speech. In artistic speech, the word is not a term, it contains not only a concept, but also a verbal artistic image (comparison, personification, etc.).

The word of science is unambiguous and terminological.



1) deciduous tree with white (rarely dark) bark and heart-shaped leaves. ( Dictionary Russian language.)

Genus of trees and shrubs of the birch family. About 120 species, in the temperate and cold zones of the North. hemisphere and in the mountains of the subtropics. Forest-forming and decorative breed. The largest farms, B. warty and B. fluffy are of importance.
(Big Encyclopedic Dictionary.)

White birch

under my window
covered with snow,
Exactly silver.
On fluffy branches
snow border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.
And there is a birch
In sleepy silence
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire

(S. Yesenin.)

The scientific style of speech is characterized by the plural of abstract and real nouns: length, magnitude, frequency; frequent use of neuter words: education, property, value.

Not only nouns, but also verbs are usually used in the context of scientific speech not in their basic and specific meanings, but in a generalized abstract meaning.

The words: go, follow, lead, compose, indicate b and others do not denote movement proper, etc., but something else, abstract:

In scientific literature, especially mathematical literature, the form of the future tense is often devoid of its grammatical meaning: instead of the word will be are used is, is.

Present tense verbs also do not always get the meaning of concreteness: used regularly; always indicate. Imperfect forms are widely used.

Scientific speech is characterized by: the predominance of pronouns of the 1st and 3rd person, while the meaning of the person is weakened; frequent use of short adjectives.

However, the generality and abstractness of the texts of the scientific style of speech do not mean that they lack emotionality and expressiveness. In this case, they would not have achieved their goal.

The expressiveness of scientific speech differs from the expressiveness of artistic speech in that it is associated primarily with the accuracy of the use of words, the logicality of presentation, and its persuasiveness. The most commonly used figurative means in popular science literature.

Do not mix the terms established in science, formed according to the type of metaphor (in biology - tongue, pistil, umbrella; in technology - clutch, paw, shoulder, trunk; in geography - sole (mountains), ridge) using terms for figurative and expressive purposes in a journalistic or artistic style of speech, when these words cease to be terms ( pulse of life, political barometer, negotiations stall etc.).

To enhance expressiveness in a scientific style of speech , especially in popular science literature, in works of a polemical nature, in discussion articles, are used :

1) amplifying particles, pronouns, adverbs: only, absolutely, only;

2) adjectives like: colossal, most advantageous, one of the greatest, most difficult;

3) "problem" questions: in fact, what kind of bodies does ... a cell in environment?, what is the reason for this?

Objectivity- Another sign of the scientific style of speech. Scientific theories and laws, scientific facts, phenomena, experiments and their results - all this is presented in texts related to the scientific style of speech.

And all this requires quantitative and qualitative characteristics, objective, reliable. Therefore, exclamatory sentences are used very rarely. In a scientific text, a personal, subjective opinion is unacceptable; it is not customary to use the pronoun I and verbs in the first person singular. Here, indefinitely personal sentences are used more often ( think that...), impersonal ( it is known that...), definitely-personal ( Let's look at the problem...).

In the scientific style of speech, several substyles, or varieties, can be distinguished:

a) actually scientific (academic) - the most strict, precise; they write dissertations, monographs, articles of scientific journals, instructions, GOSTs, encyclopedias;

b) popular science (scientific journalism) he writes scientific articles in newspapers, popular science magazines, popular science books; this includes public performance on radio, television on scientific topics, speeches of scientists, specialists to a mass audience;

c) scientific and educational (educational literature on various subjects for different types educational institutions; handbooks, manuals).

Destination target

Scientist, specialist
Identification and description of new facts, patterns

Scientific and educational

Teaching, description of the facts necessary to master the material

Popular science

Wide audience
Give a general idea of ​​​​science, interest

Selection of facts, terms

New facts are selected.
Common facts not explained
Only new terms proposed by the author are explained.

Scientific and educational
Typical facts are selected

All terms are explained

Popular science
Intriguing, entertaining facts are selected

Minimum terminology.
The meaning of the terms is explained through analogy.

Leading type of speech Title


Reflects the topic, research problem
Kozhina M.N.
"On the specifics of artistic and scientific speech"

Scientific and educational

reflects type educational material
Golub I.B. "Stylistics of the Russian language"

Popular science


Intriguing, interesting
Rosenthal D.E.
"Secrets of style"

Lexical features of the scientific style of speech

The main purpose of a scientific text, its vocabulary is to designate phenomena, objects, name them and explain, and for this, first of all, nouns are needed.

The most common features of scientific style vocabulary are:

a) the use of words in their direct meaning;

b) lack of figurative means: epithets, metaphors, artistic comparisons, poetic symbols, hyperbole;

c) wide use of abstract vocabulary and terms.

In scientific speech, there are three layers of words:

The words are stylistically neutral, i.e. common, used in different styles.

For example: he, five, ten; in, on, for; black, white, large; going, happening etc.;

General scientific words, i.e. occurring in the language of different sciences, and not of any one science.

For example: center, force, degree, magnitude, speed, detail, energy, analogy etc.

This can be confirmed by examples of phrases taken from texts of different sciences: administrative center, center of the European part of Russia, city center; center of gravity, center of movement; the center of the circle.

The terms of any science, i.e. specialized vocabulary. You already know that the main thing in the term is accuracy and its unambiguity.

Morphological features of the scientific style of speech

In a scientific text, verbs in the 1st and 2nd person singular are practically not used. They are often used in literary texts.

Verbs in the present tense with a "timeless" meaning are very close to verbal nouns: splashed down - splashed down, rewinds - rewind; and vice versa: fill - fills.

Verbal nouns convey objective processes and phenomena well, so they are often used in a scientific text.

There are few adjectives in a scientific text, and many of them are used as part of terms, have an exact, highly specialized meaning. In a literary text there are more adjectives in percentage terms, and epithets and artistic definitions predominate here.

In the scientific style, parts of speech and their grammatical forms are used differently than in other styles.

To identify these features, let's do a little research.

Syntactic features of the scientific style of speech

Typical for scientific speech are:

a) special turns of the type: according to Mendeleev, according to experience;

c) the use of words: given, known, suitable as a means of communication;

d) using a chain of genitive cases: Establishment of the dependence of the wavelength of x-rays of the atom.(Kapitsa.)

In scientific speech, more than in other styles, complex sentences are used, especially complex ones.

Complicated with subordinate explanatory clauses express a generalization, reveal a typical phenomenon, a particular pattern.

The words As you know, scientists believe it is understandable etc. indicate when referring to the source, to any facts, provisions.

Complicated sentences with subordinate causes are widely used in scientific speech, since science reveals the causal relationships of the phenomena of reality. In these sentences, they are used as common conjunctions ( because, since, since, since), and book ( due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, for).

In scientific speech, comparisons help to reveal the essence of the phenomenon more deeply, to discover its connections with other phenomena, while in a work of art their main purpose is to vividly and emotionally reveal the images, the picture depicted by the artist of the word.

Often the use of participial and adverbial phrases.

Using expressive means

Generalization and abstractness of scientific speech does not exclude expressiveness. Scientists use figurative means of language to highlight the most important semantic moments, to convince the audience.

Comparison is one of the forms of logical thinking.

Ugly (devoid of imagery), for example: Borofluorides are similar to chlorides.

Extended comparison

…In history new Russia we are met with an "excess" of factual material. It becomes impossible to include it in the entire research system, because then you get what is called “noise” in cybernetics. Imagine the following: several people are sitting in a room, and suddenly everyone starts talking about their family affairs at the same time. In the end, we won't know anything. The abundance of facts requires selectivity. And just as acousticians choose the sound they are interested in, we must select the facts that are needed to cover the chosen topic - the ethnic history of our country. (L.N. Gumilyov. From Russia to Russia).

figurative comparison

Human society is like a surging sea, in which individual people, like waves, surrounded by their own kind, constantly collide with each other, arise, grow and disappear, and the sea - society - is forever seething, agitated and does not stop ...

Problematic issues

The first question that confronts us is: What is the science of sociology? What is the subject of its study? Finally, what are the main divisions of this discipline?

(P. Sorokin. General sociology)

Limitations of the use of linguistic means in a scientific style

- Inadmissibility of non-literary vocabulary.

- There are practically no forms of the 2nd person of verbs and pronouns you, you.

– Incomplete sentences are used to a limited extent.

- The use of emotionally expressive vocabulary and phraseology is limited.

All of the above can be presented in the table

Features of the scientific style of speech

In vocabulary

a) terms;

b) the unambiguity of the word;

c) frequent repetition of keywords;

d) lack of figurative means;

As part of a word

a) international roots, prefixes, suffixes;

b) suffixes that give an abstract meaning;

In morphology

a) the predominance of nouns;

b) frequent use of abstract verbal nouns;

c) unused pronouns I, you and verbs of the 1st and 2nd person singular;

d) the uncommonness of exclamatory particles and interjections;

In syntax

a) direct word order (preferred);

b) widespread use of phrases

noun + n. in the genus P.;

c) the predominance of indefinitely personal and impersonal sentences;

d) rare use of incomplete sentences;

e) an abundance of complex sentences;

f) frequent use of participial and adverbial phrases;

Basic type of speech
Reasoning and description

scientific style pattern

1918 spelling reform brought writing closer to living speech (i.e., canceled a number of traditional, rather than phonemic spellings). Approximation of spelling to live speech usually causes a movement in another direction: the desire to bring pronunciation closer to spelling ...

However, the influence of writing was controlled by the development of internal phonetic trends. Only those spelling features had a strong influence on literary pronunciation. Which helped to develop the Russian phonetic system according to the law of I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay or contributed to the elimination of phraseological units in this system ...

At the same time, it must be emphasized that, firstly, these features were known at the end of the 19th century. and that, secondly, even now they cannot be considered completely victorious in modern Russian literary pronunciation. Old literary norms compete with them.

When writing scientific article, diploma or term paper, it is necessary to adhere to a certain style of speech - scientific. The scientific style of speech has its own characteristics and specifics. Authors of scientific papers need to adhere to certain rules and avoid certain language techniques.

The scientific style of speech is intended for one single purpose - the transfer of structured, logically built information with the argumentation of its truth. The scientific style implies the complete absence of the emotional color of the text. The ability to write in a scientific style will come in handy when writing a scientific article.

Subtypes of Scientific Speech Style

Based on discipline or topic, the following subtypes are distinguished:

  • scientific and technical
  • scientific-natural
  • scientific and humanitarian

Depending on the scope and form of presentation, subtypes are distinguished

  • proper scientific - used in monographs, articles, reports, etc.
  • scientific and informative - used in abstracts, textbooks, teaching aids etc.
  • popular science - used in essays, books, lectures, etc.

Features and aspects of the scientific style of speech

Despite the differences, the subtypes of the scientific style are united by one important property - the dominant. The dominant of the scientific style is logical speech, dry facts, accuracy of definitions.

The accuracy of scientific speech is understood as the use of linguistic means that are unambiguous and capable of in the best way convey the essence of a definition or concept (in other words, a logically complete thought about a phenomenon, object).

Examples of scientific style of speech

The scientific style avoids (but still sometimes uses) various figurative means, for example, metaphors. It is important to understand that metaphor terms do not fall into this category.


  • In physics, atomic mass
  • In biology, the pistil of a flower
  • Anatomy - auricle

The abstractness and abstractness of the scientific language is isolated by the specifics of scientific knowledge. Any field of science expresses a generalized idea that requires concretization and proof.

For example, in the definition: “Agreement is a method of communication in which the dependent word is put in the same forms as the main one,” any word in the definition can be decomposed into a separate definition.

By the way, not observing the scientific style of speech is one of the most.

What not to use in a scientific style of speech

Scientific work is carried out in a strict structure of presentation and requires compliance with the logic of the narrative. It is necessary to think over the general concept in advance and break it down into smaller definitions, building a complete chain.

Target scientific work– search for an existing problem and offer an actual solution with the necessary evidence base. The author's "I" and other pronouns are inappropriate here: "we", "you", "they". The presentation should be conducted in one tense (mostly "past tense" is used).

The emotional coloring of the text is also unacceptable. The text should be stated clearly, dryly, clearly, objectively. Agree, it is difficult to imagine such a text in a scientific work in the middle of formulas and proofs:

“I struggled for a long time to solve this difficult problem and finally found a solution”

Use neutral language expressions without any appeal to the reader. Before writing your own scientific work, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with other people's works and adopt their presentation style - this will greatly simplify the process of writing a text for you and, in addition, develop your vocabulary.

common data

Style-forming features of the scientific style

scientific style- this is a style that serves the scientific sphere of social activity. It is designed to convey scientific information to a trained and interested audience.

The scientific style has a number of common features, general conditions of functioning and linguistic features that manifest themselves regardless of the nature of the sciences (natural, exact, humanitarian) and genre differences (monograph, scientific article, report, textbook, etc.), which makes it possible to talk about style in general. These common features include: 1) preliminary consideration of the statement; 2) the monologic nature of the statement; 3) strict selection of language means; 4) attraction to normalized speech.

Stages of scientific activity. Forms of the existence of scientific speech

Science is one of the most effective ways of obtaining new knowledge about the world, one of the most advanced forms of accumulation and systematization of knowledge and experience.

In scientific activity, a person faces two main tasks: to obtain new knowledge about the world (ie, to make a discovery) and ‚ to make this knowledge public (ie, to communicate his discovery). Accordingly, two stages in human scientific activity should be distinguished: 1) stage making a discovery and 2) stage opening design.

The scientific style of speech refers to the second stage of scientific activity - the stage of speech processing of the acquired new knowledge.

The content side makes its own demands on the form of existence of scientific speech. Aboriginal the form the existence of scientific speech written, and this is no coincidence. Firstly, the written form fixes information for a long time (namely, this is what science requires, reflecting the stable connections of the world). Secondly, it is more convenient and reliable for detecting the slightest informative inaccuracies and logical violations (which are irrelevant in everyday communication, but in scientific communication can lead to the most serious distortions of the truth). Thirdly, the written form is economical, as it gives the addressee the opportunity to set his own pace of perception. So, for example, a scientific report that takes 40 minutes orally, a well-prepared addressee in this field can be perceived in writing in 5 minutes (reading "diagonally"). Finally, fourthly, the written form allows you to access information repeatedly and at any time, which is also very important in scientific work.

Of course, and oral form is also often used in scientific communication, but this form is secondary in scientific communication: a scientific work is often first written, working out an adequate form of transferring scientific information, and then in one form or another (in a report, lecture, speech) is reproduced in oral speech. The primacy of the written form leaves a noticeable imprint on the structure of scientific speech.

Terminology of each science

Every branch of science has its terminology. term (lat. terminus- "border, limit") is a word or phrase that is the name of the concept of any sphere of production, science, art). In the terminology of each science, several levels can be distinguished depending on the scope of use and on the nature of the content of the concept. To first level include the most general concepts that are equally relevant for all or for a significant number of sciences. For example: system, function, value, element, process, set, part, size, condition, movement, property, speed, result, quantity, quality. They constitute the general conceptual foundation of science as a whole.

Co. second level include concepts that are common to a number of related sciences that have common objects of study. For example: vacuum, vector, generator, integral, matrix, neuron, ordinate, radical, thermal, electrolyte etc. Such concepts usually serve as a link between the sciences of one more or less broad profile (natural, technical, physical and mathematical, biological, sociological, aesthetic, etc.), and they can be defined as profile-special.

To third level should include highly specialized concepts that are characteristic of one science (sometimes two or three close ones) and reflect the specificity of the subject of research, for example: phoneme, morpheme, inflection, lexeme, derivative and other linguistic terms.

Symbol language. scientific graphics

A specific property of the language of science is that scientific information can be presented not only in the form of text. She happens and graphic- these are the so-called artificial (auxiliary) languages: 1) graphics, drawings, drawings, 2) mathematical, physical symbols, 3) names of chemical elements, mathematical signs, etc. For example: ¥ - infinity, - integral, S - sum, Ö - root, etc.

Symbol language is one of the most informative languages ​​of science.

Text, on the one hand, and formulas and symbols, graphic illustrations and photographs, on the other hand, are in a certain relationship in different fields of science.

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